The Lost Pikmin Second World Movie Edition

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[Music] here's your dinner sir thank you hey i have some friends coming do you think you could get some food for them too yeah what do you think they want uh we'll get a sunset berry for the both of them all right i'll bring it out shortly thank you [Music] there they are i'm going to go get them [Music] hey raspberry watermelon over here oh hi mango i'm really glad to see you hey mango since you guys have been gone all day i got some food for us all right all right mango you got a sunset berries thanks mango this looks really good [Music] i've been really worried about you guys since you were gone all day did you at least find anything about the missing pikmin no sadly we have not found anything about the missing pikmin around twilight village yeah it's really weird the pikmin are disappearing at different areas and during the day so it's not bulb warbs because they sleep during the day and it's not blow hogs because they're easily avoidable and definitely not snaggers because it's different areas this is one big mystery [Music] i really don't feel safe going outside the village right now i'm glad you guys made it back [Music] oh hey rock pikmin how can i help you hi my name's flint i'm from pictopia we've heard rumors about the disappearing pikmin of twilight village so they sent me here to help oh well you're actually in luck the red pikmin over there his name is raspberry and he's been brave enough to scout out the area looking for any clues to the missing pikmin i'm sure he can help thanks i'll go say hi to him now hey raspberry oh hey do you need something yes my name is flint i come from pictopia we've heard rumors of pikmin disappearing in this area and well let's just say we had some mysterious activity near pictopia so we have some knowledge and experience that may be able to help well he came to the right guys since i'm the only other pikmin in twilight village that stood up to this challenge of figuring out what's going on so far all the pikmin have disappeared in different places and in the daytime so it's been a giant mystery so far okay do you care if i set up shop in you know one of the buildings near here while i do my research sure it'll be nice to have someone else helping out with this mystery pictopia i don't think i've ever heard of that place what's it like oh pictopia that's a great place for pikmin to live it's a village that was created by a hocketation captain and well he's no longer there but we still have a lot of the technology and it's run completely by pikmin we have strong walls lots of guards so it's very safe and every pikmin has a role and a job in the society it's really a great place you should check it out sometime oh wow that place sounds amazing yeah i know do you think that we could visit there while all this crazy missing pikmin stuff is happening until it's all solved well since flint will be on duty on discovering this mystery i think we could take a visit oh yeah yeah i'm pretty strong i can hold my own against you know most of the daytime creatures on this planet so i'll definitely keep these pikmin protected and my main job here is to research the mystery so yeah definitely go visit piktopia and we'll see you in a couple weeks wow this sounds like it's gonna be an amazing adventure yay well let's get packed [Music] uh that's a lot of bulb orbs are you sure it's a safe raspberry oh yeah we'll be fine as long as we stay quiet [Music] these barbers are keeping me out i see the way out i'm gonna run quietly ahead [Music] ah some grab me oh no we're gonna save watermelon mango you can get the stitch bug i need to drop the stuff all right [Music] thanks mango [Music] oh no the ball boards woke up i'm gonna hold the ball wars you two get to safety i didn't think the ship was gonna be this dangerous [Music] whoa that was my chance ah got me let me go [Music] oh no raspberry's in trouble now what do we do [Music] ah another ball worm we're trapped i don't wanna die [Music] uh watermelon raspberry watermelon hey watermelon watermelon wake up mango okay good where's raspberry okay uh i i actually don't know where raspberry is we should go look for him [Music] that's barry [Music] that's right these are the bobworks hopefully he's still alive raspberry raspberry uh watermelon i found raspberry scarf oh no surely he's not dead now let's search around a little more maybe he's hiding somewhere wait look there's a little hole in the wall oh i see it it looks like a little cave actually i'm sure raspberry is hiding in there let's see if i can fit yeah i can fit nice i'm gonna head in [Music] oh wow this is much bigger on the inside [Music] well let's see where this cave leads all right [Music] there's still no sign of raspberry anywhere [Music] what is that i don't know but i really don't think that's supposed to be here do you think raspberry went in that thing i don't know but if we're gonna find him i think we're gonna have to go in that's very creepy but i care about my friend so we must we must try well let's see what's in there do you think we can just walk in it i don't know but it looks like we can raspberry must have come through here so he probably walked through it too [Music] all right let's try [Music] whoa what is this place wow this is like a whole other world [Music] [Music] this place is so big how are we ever gonna find raspberry [Music] wow this place is so desolate and empty there's like nothing living here yes nothing like our world [Music] but there are ruins so it looks like something was built here but has been destroyed that means something else has been here we need to be careful yeah i really hope raspberry's okay so [Music] well what does that say hide is that a pikmin and what is it grabbing looks like something shiny [Music] that looks like some sort of crystal that it's holding hey he's dropping the crystal what's he doing wait there's two of them and they don't look friendly [Music] those don't look like any ordinary pikmin yeah and they seem really strong too i don't want to get in our path [Music] quick hide i think it's all us whatever this world is it's too dangerous for us we should go back and get some help agreed once the coast is clear let's go back to twilight village [Music] i think he's gone we're good to go quick over here [Music] we gotta get out of here [Music] i don't think we're being followed anymore let's get out of here yeah quick through the portal i think we got away from that thing i'm glad we got out that place was really dangerous the creatures there were stronger than anything i've ever seen around twilight river who can we get to actually help us how can raspberry survive in that world i hope he's still okay we definitely need to find help oh wait what about that rock pikmin flint yeah he said that there was weird stuff happening around pictopia and that's why he came here maybe that's what he was looking for well let's go talk to him see if there's anything that he can help out with this definitely [Music] oh there's flint let's go talk to him mango watermelon you guys are back already where's raspberry we need your help flynn raspberry's in trouble when we were on our journey to picktopia we got into a fight with some ball warbs and i don't know exactly what happened since i got knocked out and when i woke up and found watermelon all the ball wars were dead and the ones that were attacking raspberry were dead too and [Music] there was a small hole in the wall that we think raspberry escaped through and in there i found something he he won't believe this but like we found some sort of world swirling portal-like thing in the cave [Music] we think raspberry went through interesting there is a portal to the dimension of the wraith opened here the raspberry is in there that is very dangerous what's the dimension of the wraith [Music] well olimar encountered creatures like the ghoulix and the watery and he suspected that they were from another dimension and the pikmin in the area of pictopia they also encountered powerful and deadly creatures like the plasma and the distortion rate fortunately there's a race of pikmin which we call the elemental pikmin they are powerful and they come from that dimension as well and is their mission to protect us against the rates as far as we know that there's four of them but there could be more so i came here to twilight village because there's rumors of missing pikmin and powerful creatures and that was a clue that there was a portal opened here and either there's a wraith or elemental pikmin or maybe even both which now you confirm that with all these powerful creatures how are you ever going to be able to save raspberry wait you said that you got knocked out and when you woke up the ball boards were dead [Music] yes it was very strange it sounds like somebody may have actually saved you i wonder if it might have been one of the elementals if we can find him we would have a much better chance at rescuing raspberry [Music] so how about you guys stay here for a few hours and rest up you've been through a lot and then meet me at where the volvos were uh where were they by the way they were in the clearing on the road to pictopia okay i'm gonna check that area out and then we'll meet up there sure thing see you then we're gonna do everything we can to rescue raspberry [Music] [Music] what is that [Music] i heard something i don't know what it is but it's not good i'm gonna hide [Music] [Music] [Music] interesting very interesting i think i found enough clues about where we can head next i just need mango watermelon to get here this ball work creeps me out even though it's already dead at least they aren't going to hurt you anymore that's true [Music] hey flint oh hi guys glad to see you yeah i'm really glad to see you too flint so did you find anything yes i did find evidence that there was an elemental pikmin here each of the ball boards had burn marks on them that looked like it came from lightning so each of the elemental pikmin do have special abilities based on an element like fire water rock so there's a good chance this was either an electric or like a lightning elemental and from looking at the bush over here and some footprints it appears that he went up this wall so that's where i think we should head so how are we gonna get up that wall i'm not very good at climbing well i might not be that good at climbing but since i'm a yellow pikmin i could be thrown up there since i'm lighter but then i don't know how everyone else would get up well me and watermelon can definitely toss you up and i don't just carry around this backpack for nothing it has great equipment in i have some rope oh really yeah so yeah grab the rope from the back and we'll toss you up great i got it i'm ready to be tossed up all right here you go whoa i'm gonna toss the rope down all right i'm going to climb up i'll be right after you [Music] um almost there oh this is a lot of work why do you think the elemental pikmin is so far off the main path [Music] well elemental pikmin they like to stay secretive so typically they stay off the main path [Music] hey look the surecross left the sun sea berry for us ew that has a bunch of sugar slobber all over it [Music] from what i can tell there's two paths there's one by that sleeping bulb orb might lead to a cave but more interestingly top of the hill something that might be a structure it's kind of hard to tell from here i think i'm gonna go check it out just make sure you don't wake up that sleeping ball bored [Music] oh no there's another bulb or been it's a dead end over i'm there i have to jump this looks dangerous guys come over here [Music] what did you see mango i see some sort of structure over there but to get to it we're going to jump over the ball board pit i have an idea mangle and i can throw watermelon across the pit what and then i can throw mango across the pit you guys can drop the rope down to me because there's no way i'm making that jump sounds good i'm ready to go that sounds dangerous well i got the rope but i don't know if i'm ready don't worry we got you ah that was a good toss guys all right it's your turn mango hey flynn i dropped the rope [Music] that definitely looks like a pikmin house i wonder if this is the elemental pikmin's hideout [Music] that looks like some sort of map of the area there's a couple areas crossed off almost like they're looking for something well if this is the elemental pikmin maybe they're looking for that portal it could be hey look there's one that's not crossed off that must be where he's heading next i think that's our best bet of finding him all right let's go come on watermelon we're heading this way all right [Music] we're almost to the area that was shown on the map [Music] it's getting late i hope we don't run out of time don't worry i know the way back [Music] what is that thing i think that the joust might but that blue color is not familiar to me yeah normally that kind of joust light is not in this area they're usually from distant tundra that big yellow eye is bugging me out that's not the eye that's actually just part of the shell oh no [Music] that thing is blocking the path don't worry i got a plan i'll go over and distract it and you guys can just walk on by wait isn't that dangerous not for a rock pikmin jazz place can't hurt us all right bug eye come over here is that all you got bring it on [Music] come on just a little further [Music] okay another chance no over here over here wrong move joust might [Music] yeah that's right you come over here quick let's run come on flint let's get out of here see you later smite [Music] [Music] oh wow there's a cape you think that's where the elemental pigment is well that's where he had marked off on the map hopefully he hasn't left already [Music] only one way to find out let's go in [Music] what's that coming out of the cave is that a creature from the other dimension [Music] no guys that is definitely an elemental pikmin wait what you know about the elemental pikmin yes the area that i'm from has had contact with some of the other elemental pikmin and we also have knowledge of the dimension of the wraith well in that case then nice to meet you i'm the electric elemental my name is flint this is my friend mango and watermelon we came here seeking your help their friend raspberry has gone through a portal and is trapped in the other dimension wait you know where a portal is take me to it i need to find out what's going on yes follow me here's the portal wow i'm surprised the portal has been open for so long using the data we know about the missing pikmin it should have been open for at least a week by now and usually portals close within a day or two it's rare they stay open this long but if the conditions are right they can so we're pretty lucky so do we just go in there like just walk through yep there's nothing to wait for feet [Music] wow i never knew that i would ever be to the dimension of the rate well we got no time to waste let's go find raspberry yeah and get back to our home let's just make sure we don't get into conflict with other rays [Music] [Music] ah i fell asleep the market didn't get me actually it looks like it's gone [Music] those crystals are still here he'll probably be back soon i really need a safer place to hide [Music] i wonder how i'm gonna get home oh no it's already back i guess i'm gonna be hiding out here a little longer [Music] [Music] [Music] guys yeah we have a problem what is it the portal closed behind us we're trapped how are we gonna get back home we will probably have to find a new portal but they're pretty rare to come across i say we should look for raspberry and regroup after that we'll look for a way out all right which way should we go well we've gone this way so let's try this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow i thought this dimension was pretty empty but this looks like ruins of a village i wonder he used to live here we do actually know who used to live here it was a race of pikmin it was made up of us elementals they had elemental powers like us but sadly they were wiped out most of the creatures of this dimension take join death and destruction so our race was quickly destroyed leaving none of them left but me and the other elementals wait we saw a colorful pikmin the one that was fiery are they elemental pikmin too not quite we believe that they are a mix of the rays and us pikmin i usually refer to him as pikmin rays but we actually don't know exactly what happened because most of our history was lost in all the war oh i'm sorry to hear that that's awful that your species was mostly wiped out this looks like a good hiding spot let's look for any signs of raspberry good idea [Music] whoa sorry about that well we didn't find anything let's go yeah i didn't find anything wait that's kind of shiny what is that that looks like some kind of crystal i'm gonna get it wait a crystal can i see it this may come in handy later let's keep it in your backpack for now let's continue our search [Music] [Music] oh wow there's more ruins here [Music] let's take a minute to check the ruins for raspberry we'll check over here yeah we'll search this building [Music] i gotta save my friends [Music] ah [Music] oh now who's coming over here ron wallace focused on me i'm gonna hide over the hill [Music] uh that hurt [Music] quick electric let's get out of here [Music] [Music] let me go [Music] whoa ah [Music] mango what what what is that [Music] it sees us and i don't see a place to hide this one looks even more dangerous than the last one hey guys we gotta keep moving the electric elemental is on his way uh we have a problem [Music] thank goodness you're here i don't want to die by that thing oh don't worry guys this race is harmless unless you provoke it we can just walk around i don't know that looks big and scary just because it's big doesn't mean it's aggressive now follow me [Music] we may actually be in luck what do you mean well those types of rays are known as portal rays due to their ability to create portals when fed crystals in fact the elemental pikmin actually use those rays to get to your world really i thought you needed a powerful machine with interdimensional crystals well how do you think all the other creatures from this world will get over they sure don't have machines good point well we should get moving agreed [Music] i think i heard footsteps i hope it's not that weird green pikmin [Music] that building looks like a good place to hide let's check over there [Music] wait are those pikmin voices [Music] mango raspberry i can't believe we found you i didn't think i'd ever see you guys again wait how did you even find me out here well after the board fight we found your scarf at the cave which led us to the portal and then to this dimension and with the help of our new friend the electric elemental we are able to find you that's amazing but this area is actually very dangerous there's this powerful green pikmin which has been guarding some crystals around here and he could be back at any minute those are probably inter-dimensional crystals we should grab them and head out you mean these yeah put those in flynn's backpack by the way raspberry here's your scarf back oh thanks [Music] all right i got him in the backpack now that we found raspberry how are we going to get out of here well now that we've found three crystals we should be able to feed them to the portal rate to make an unstable portal to get out uh i don't like this place let's leave oh no everyone run get to the portal ray i'll try to hold him off [Music] i think the porter races this way i can't run any faster oh no raspberry oh no it's chasing us [Music] are you guys all right i think so yep i'm fine quick let's ride [Music] uh i gotta catch up with them [Music] hey guys yeah flint here take the backpack with the crystals i'm going to try and slow that thing down won't that be dangerous eh rock pikmin are pretty sturdy here you go all right i got the backpack let's get out of here [Music] stay away from my friends hey whoa [Music] [Music] ah [Music] look there's the portery [Music] oh we gotta get the crystals on my backpack i'll get them [Music] so [Music] uh that thing's scary i'm gonna watch them from over here portal wraith i think you're meant to eat these now [Music] wow he's eating that really fast well i ate all the crystals now what well it's supposed to make a portal somehow oh wow the portal's open already let's get out of here agreed yeah let's get out of here [Music] see you guys on the other side we're right behind you [Music] true [Music] i'm glad we finally made it out of that weird dimension yeah i never thought i'd see this place again i never want to go back there that place was way too scary [Music] i agree [Music] uh that wasn't supposed to happen [Music] [Applause] [Music] watermelon mango stand back me and flint got this [Music] whoa oh no that wraith already made it through the portal [Music] that that one's looking at me hey oh no what do i do what'd i do he knocked out all my friends and now he's coming for me [Music] i'm not done with you [Music] yep [Music] you don't belong here get out [Music] ah [Music] you'll never leave this place i'm not gonna let you destroy their world like you did the hours [Music] oh no it's electric elemental i hope he's okay i don't know if he would have survived something like that elemental pikmin are pretty strong so i have hoped that somehow someway he was able to survive at least the elemental was able to close the portal and we should be safe now i'm very thankful for that electric elemental pikmin he gave everything in his power to protect us in our world yeah i would have never been able to get out of there if it wasn't for the elemental pikmin well let's head back to twilight village wow i'm glad this thing is over things can go back to normal wait something still unsolved we never figure out the mystery of the missing pikmin and something is still here oh no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Yellow Pikmin
Views: 80,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost pikmin, the lost pikmin, yellow pikmin, olimar, bulburb, plush bulborb, pikmin 2, pikmin, pikmin plush, plush pikmin, plush tuber, plush shorts, plush movie, plush video, pikmin plush videos, ss dolphin, pikmin 3, pikmin 4, red pikmin, blue pikmin, winged pikmin, pink pikmin, wollywog, wollywog pikmin, snagret, puffstool, puffmin, mushroom pikmin, water wraith, plasm wraith, swooping snitchbug, snitchbug, sheargrub, fiery blowhog, ピクミン
Id: rLEtdKg_CfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 10sec (3190 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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