Pikmin Plush Adventures: Saving Olimar Episode 1- The Adventure Begins

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] am i what is this place my ship it's destroyed we're all the pieces oh gosh oh jeez this is not good I gotta check my vitals ah oh my gosh I'm gonna have 30 days left of oxygen I'm never gonna be able to repair my ship in that time with no recent I have on my maps I need to find something maybe there's people here that can help me I wonder where this leads maybe to civilization I guys have to try [Music] I'm definitely lost and there's definitely no civilization around here I think this is it for me [Music] civilization is that you what was the noise would it come from please somebody be here Oh what's all the screaming about that's wrong it was screaming Oh find it I'll fight it for you is it gone show yourself uh who's that a scare my brother will you have another thing coming brother what who said that her brothers with that thing yeah who are you are you guys scared him he's scared of me Kevin get over here get him Kevin this thing couldn't kill you even if I tried who are you what are you doing here Ami's captain olimar I'm from the SS Dolphin and I really don't know what happened my ship crash-landing on this random planet I don't know where I am what the pinball's is a ship no like something that carries you around makes you transfer places you've never seen a ship before the only thing I've ever seen fly around is like a butterfly I don't even know what you're talking about man bring you to my ship and show you but maybe you guys can help me find on my part since you are on this planet not exactly sure what you things are but like you can help me things things I'll have you know I'm a Pikmin a plant-like creature and I do not wanna be call a thing and he is a bull board one of the most ferocious creatures who eats Pikmin on this planet then why why he hasn't he knew yet we were both abandoned by our families at birth or so around birth and we met each other a while back and now we work together okay stop making fun of us making fun of yours just curious well let me bring you guys back to my ship so I can show you what's going on should we trust the sky road not for a minute Kevin keep your eyes sharp okay I mean I can't they're not knives or anything 80 it's a figure of speech guys this is my ship how do you like it okay well still know what a ship is and this looks pretty flimsy to be honest I expected much better I'm literally jumping on it it's a lot cooler on the inside you should come in yeah I guess I mean remember keep your eyes up make sure he doesn't kill you you're in this trust me it's a lot bigger on the inside than you think all right guys this isn't the inside of my ship I told you it's much bigger whoa those place is really roomy I all right guys this is my ship I told you it's much bigger on the inside I don't know what an inside is there's like things that are like blocking out the outside that's called it's called the walls whimsical man come on Kevin he's right it's way bigger in here whoa this is crazy what is this thing those are pic pic carrots that's what my plan is pretty much known for and the that's my computer where I check my vitals and you know there's my bed pretty nice in here what's that smell what is this thing smells really good I want it I want it give me some give me some that is a hog tanning desert but I got thinking gave you a little this stuff is amazing Kevin you gotta try what kind of berries is that thing made out of it's so good oh my love there's no berries in it it's called sugar it makes you really hyper especially the first time you've ever had it it is just basic stuff for us Octavian's I really like it in here this place is awesome more okay I've settled down don't eat that much and remember it's just in here to show you my ship we started I still gotta go find my part so please help me oh no man I don't really know you I don't know if you're gonna kill me oh how am I supposed to trust you who just gave us that oh it's just food I say we trust them just please come on let's go inside all right I have to admit that was pretty nice so you know what yeah really euro will help you out thanks for that but on one condition anything can we sleep in there sure of course sweet okay what do these things look like um it's kinda hard to explain but the first thing I want to look for is definitely my gears I can't keep the heat on or anything I don't know how the one that hates our out here so for there's a gear right there in that plant this place has an amazing ecosystem of a plant this big can be living on rocks but I need my gear didn't know any better if you were to open that plant that looking a lot like an eel al and eel I think oh there's a Landy oh wait what [Music] well don't scream why I just need to get my gear why whispering I can barely hear you what do you mean it's not Planet Forces oh dear I'm sorry mister you look in the thingy but I feel I'm gonna have to take this okay ah nice I'm surrounded I need your help now more than ever oh sorry that's out of my jurisdiction um I'm gonna take her ship thanks bro no do that why you do anything Russ and keep us on those delicious treats I'm gonna help them I will yet yes go Kevin nobody hurts Kevin except for me I'm sorry good good someone your own sauce whoa you guys beat that thing so easily how powerful are you guys I'm coming that was cruel that was amazing amazing and crazy at the same time yeah we don't need wordplay yeah well that was awesome thank you guys so much if we ever run into anything else I swear I'll help next time but come on let's go celebrate dinner food yeah all right finally something I like starting to get dark in here I think it's nighttime I think gosh we're finally inside we don't have to worry about nocturnal creatures hey there's another bed in here yeah it's for us for Kevin well I didn't get a bed well I mean you're kind of small so I guess you'd have to share with me if that's okay then oh it's fine dude don't worry man I'm really tired thanks guys for saving me again I got got one of the gears I do need 29 more ship parts don't worry dude after everything you've given us today I'm here to help and I'm not gonna go anywhere until you're safe really dude Thanks what about Kevin dude um here I'm gonna be here I'm not going anywhere except for bad oh good night I wonder what else I could find out on this planet look morning already whoa man I love this place another shiny thing that's like - in the past like six times I love this - shiny things in one day how must be on a roll I must find more [Music]
Channel: Pikmin Plush Adventures
Views: 257,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pikmin plush, pikmin, olimar, pikmin plush adventures
Id: xD29XEON1Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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