Pikmin 4 Has No Morals...

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Pikmin 4 the game about the heroic Deeds of nerdface and Otis as they search the world for bodies that can be cremated later as soon as our heroes find Olimar they decide to make a break for it and leave all the Castaways on the planet defend for themselves but as soon as our dog gets sick we now have the optional task to save everyone we are back in Pikmin 4 again and I'm running out of funny stuff to say last video we did the night Expeditions it's a very short video and that gives me more time to make this video you got these annoying guys but right now I don't want to really redo the dandori battles yet so we're gonna explore and we're gonna go into the house I believe right the house is what we go into right now oh no I know that guy though I've seen him before he's in Pikmin too the armored Cannon Beetle this enemy is not to be confused with the horn Cannon Beetle and is a boss in Pikmin and only appears in Pikmin two and three in the larva stage so hi you're wrong Noob can't you encounter tops nice this is where I wanted to go for so long ever since the demo I wanted to be in a house and finally I'm inside of a house they did some Renovations from last time I'm here I'm pretty sure is Some Humans still alive of course what I want to do survey drone around here let's see there's a cave up there so we go into the desk oh a picture of real dogs a bunch of flea maggots it's funny they're on a carpet Pandora you bet wait hold on how does that work I don't think anybody knows that you can't go inside of a desk like that um okay anyways the ice Pikmin onion okay finally a new onion we got some freeze orbs I'll call them more of these well if it's safe okay uh okay my exploration is complete I forgot I need to get my Pikmin Rock Pikmin okay we need to knock this down oh easy what is this oh it's the hall to drop oh whoops I didn't mean to actually go down but Moss is here but olimar's not Moss the guard dog he's good for Gathering Pikmin and all of that stuff the leafling is olamar wow we figured this out I'm going to kill you Moss wait oh no wait no no I don't want to attack your mouse I've made jokes about killing you but it didn't come to this I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I'm sorry I've got to go now forgive me Moss I didn't mean it I didn't mean it I didn't want to kill you I mean I killed you once but I can do it again but I don't want to do it I don't want to kill him and make jokes about killing him but I'm not doing it I can go around here without killing Moss I despise the killing of moss so I will not do it [Applause] so where did Moscow he's doing like a patrol around right oh wow he's all the way up there that dog travels so right now we can probably expect our hero is kidnapping people as we speak and let's do this oh no no no Moss we don't need to fight I'm sorry Moss but it came to this I don't want to fight you but it looks like we're gonna have to and I'm gonna take you on ow Moss cut it out be careful it never had to come to killing Moss but we might have to do it if he attempts to stunt like that again let's kill these Shaggy rats I hate him I have full confidence in myself being able to do this wow oh Otis can travel in here what is that oh that guy what are you doing dang it what are you doing stop going after the top you're choking come on Die rock Pikmin couldn't figure out how to go on top sorry Rock Pikmin but we lost a couple of you due to your kind being dumb can I throw oh wait oh everything in me says it's possible I give up uh uh so we know that one is two let's try this I could crack the code by doing this what I did it I definitely did that you have done well to find this place now the final test awaits come where's Moss oh there's Moss we gotta go save Captain Malamar says it's an iced Weevil they're really not that powerful what are they Phil what about these ice orbs well they just died excuse me man rock paper and kinda aren't the brightest one percent that's even better than what the other time was I know I always skip the dialogue in the story I'm not really much of a story person I'm more of an action person olimar's family must be so worried yeah I bet they actually are or they've moved on already fine I guess we'll save him a level four one okay and we're Rock Pikmin this sucks I absolutely despise Rock Pikmin bonus finds his strawberries I think they have strawberries [Music] wow okay I need to travel more oh this actually might not be that good because it is Rock Pikmin plus Pikmin oh glow Pikmin well that's gonna be good the power of Otis we can do this fast I collected a bonus find my army's coming here let them all get that whoops a bonus buying can help you a lot I don't care whoops oh what's this this is a sneak bomb oh oh that's kind of not good for me everyone come here you 've been true get up oh this is actually absolutely not good moss moss get out of here Moss good job it's fine let's not get carried away with all this I'm doing my worst on this round ow hey take it still oh no ah go get it yes yes here we go you have to deal with that first I'm just gonna send them out to kill you know okay we got that that's five that was only five We're not gonna get that it's gonna be a gold medal but not dang it that would have been good though I won I don't care it's not oh we got it we got all of our Moss it's okay Moss wasn't that hard to figure out that it's Olimar bye hold up did Monsters abandon Olimar excuse me Moss that's you have a job to do you can either join our side or you could protect all of our that's kind of messed up hey we got Olimar though we can heal him because I went to the night missions defeated Oliver why is there a bunch of question marks am I gonna get jumped by some what's gonna happen I save all of our stuff what's gonna happen huh rescued Allama okay well now we let Yoni take it from here if it's not Olimar then I'm gonna be tripping I keep forgetting that I still have a job to do here but I'm kind of not doing it so get all of them at it it's an action figure arm oh hi yeah whoa oh go freeze them we have more time because of that look at all that go get him got him okay yeah yeah yeah yeah got him oh he's dead he's dead for sure yeah okay we just killed a giant beetle it's okay bud everybody always misses their chance it's not encouraging at all I get to turn on the fans hot in here why so many fans did they like run out of AC in the end of world times let's see what other Abominations we have here flea infested area have not lost any whoa whoa frizzy blow hog oh Breezy blow hog you will die there you go okay we got all 80 of them I'm stuck on the corpse so these are like frostbitten yeah they got red nose wait freeze frame on a terrible situation hey why don't we all just come over here for a second no stop I want to get that one oh you know what I never did look at the map would have been very helpful if I did that so we find that oh there's an area there I kind of want to go there actually no there's an area also up here so I'm gonna go here we don't want the photos of the dogs yet I want to enter here plunder Palace I said oh it's a bread bug there's 29 Treasures sheesh and there's an onion well this is exactly why I wanted to come here what are you doing bread bug stop burying our items you're gonna die bread bug how can you deal against a group of a hundred huh oh we we killed it oh good catch your breath oh you find something I found you you can't win a tug of war against 252. this is a pretty nice cave area I like cave areas where they're actually not a cave and it's just a toy set gimme gimme series that's called the gambling Series so there's um five levels I forgot there's also bosses uh I just got myself in a boss situation no leave them alone you're gonna pay for your war crimes die that's what we call a death sentence average death sentence probably something in this egg yeah as I expected we're gonna build this action figure assembled courage series oh a spiky qualagog okay so they're having us do this by just this okay there we go and that was simple all that was needed was purple Pikmin and who is this I might ask this is Twyla a young geologist uh he sounds like a creep now why did he have to commentate about her two more places to go now this place will have the onion if it doesn't then what am I doing can you compete with 20 probably not because that's simple math 10 is more than 20 I mean oh you guys are on your own I guess where am I even throwing them no no no okay no no no no no attack and do the damage well I lost the Pikmin okay maybe I'm just dumb there's gotta be a better way to get up there than that I can't wait to see how stupid I am yeah all you had to do is leave Otis there and turn on the other fan and this is a boss area master bread bug okay so I kind of want to take on the master bread bug I'm gonna lose Pikmin to this I'm majorly losing Pikmin which Pikmin was it I believe it was Rock Pikmin what did the big bread bug go there are two aren't there oh he's going around here now hey you that's not yours oh it's not walking away with anything oh there's the other one hi so uh how's your day going oh that's fine he just got bonked on the head and just killed oh we completed the gambling series Otis are you stuck ah okay actually please leave it he wants it you're not gonna get it that easily 250 get bumped on the head uh what a way to go out okay that's it we can go out now now we can have 90 Pikmin on our team let's not take anybody because of the situation we are currently in yep and it's that situation Day 26 they are waiting here they can get that cure right now and wow from the first day in one percent we had 38 can you heal this disease yes it's all of our yes he's back yeah yeah we're not doing this do you know how many people we left we're not going right hey hey no no no no no no we're not ending it here hey no no no no somebody crash no you can't are you kidding me how are we calling it a day why how is that a day called there's more there's not even a final boss there's more What's it gonna say after the credits something's wrong with Ochi oh she can't survive off the planet anymore we need to head to the planet right away okay somebody rewind the quest the credits somebody rewind the credits oh she's been on this planet for too long that he's been so used to the environment so he can't live off of the planet anymore I'm guessing perfectly fine now before the rescue Court received the call for help I did attempt to escape from the planet on my own Pikmin One MA said snuck into my ship's car cargo he started exhibiting symptoms much like oh she's I rushed back to this planet and that's when I Shipwrecked again okay a little bit different from Pikmin one but I don't know why but organisms growing these leaves are seemingly unable to leave this planet this can't be we have to leave the dog we received a message from the headquarters it's a request to rescue all Castaways currently stranded on the planet um like why were we gonna leave them hope I we know copai imagine if Charlie and them are here this game scared me I was like we got a little Lamar let's go home and I was like mission is cure Ochi how about we save everybody and then we cure Ochi I feel like that's more of a better moral Mission you know where's Oliver I want to talk to him all of them are if you'd ever like to hear more about my shipwreck experience I'd be happy to share given OG's strength I believe he's a prime candidate to learn Moss's special technique I name it swallow would you like me to teach this skill oh oh oh he brought the treat back no I can't believe it excuse me you teach my dog to eat unknown objects how dare you you're my favorite character and I look up to you and you teach my dog to eat random household items like what's your problem man like what's going on huh anyways kill a thousand innocent creatures I can do that I can do that in an instant oh we're playing Pikmin one I don't want to do that yet and we have the other area Giants hurt there oh this is just gonna be able to eat things now oh wait unclog the sink there we go oh no no no okay I got that oh well that's nice we have to enter a flame grill go of course it wouldn't work they did some serious work last time we came here where did they get all this stuff okay anyways let's go here please don't kill him again oh good I'm honestly tired of losing Pikmin to those guys luckily they got them out though I now have a respect for blue Pikmin blue Pikmin you're awesome white Pikmin are cute I love them save them save them at all I hate that puffer thing it'd be easier just to go in the water and charge oh hey wait no oh shoot one two three oh wait hey kill him all of them well there we go if something like that happens I can just do this oh hey wait I can make Otis stay here he can be the button Pusher uh never mind I'm gonna push the button we're gonna throw one Pikmin here and then I'm gonna Dismount everybody's gone here except for you you're coming with me whoops at least now they're oh come on at least now they're hyper charged yep okay now we go down oh now we're getting into advanced stuff no wait yes it did do not ask how we're faster I didn't think of this huh oh Molly spog we're gonna go out of the back yeah there we go get them over here wait where was that oh not nice push the button [Music] that hasn't happened before wait I don't take damage why I lost nothing to that now we continue oh you hear that sound oh wow that's the treasure Gage being weird okay maybe I can figure out how to do this so you take off the treasure and they are part of it okay they're gonna take on that I see but he's only gonna take some of those deny oh why don't we just kill him yeah we'll just kill him oh boy freeze him and then he's not gonna have any chance oh no oh he got poisons that first White Pikmin that was attacked get the back back back back back go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go now's the chance break him wow I lost a white Pikmin but we got the taste of poisonous white pickness white Pikmin please ignore what I just said now I can go back out here into the house three I get it yeah there we go oh no that might have endangered some quick come here okay end date and we're already 61 done with that area with strategy meeting wait what's going on we need to find Nelly I don't want to find them and I won't find them personal choice how do I turn off that what do I do that button turns it off doesn't it oh without a Scorch guard this isn't gonna work I need flame which is oh dang it double dang it wimpus can't deal with us it's like dealing with a crystal isn't it someone get that there we go that's the last part okay oh 100 Pikmin on our team we got all of them pick up this photo they kind of look like Ochi wow what a theory oh that's it that's the one thing I have to do left okay let's go get the Damned already then maybe I'll do slightly better I highly doubt that Hefty Holloway wait hallway another cat eyes um we'll deal with this and boom oh wow there wait no come here wait what are you doing oh my gosh this sucks I'm doing my worst stop I'll just get it Otis no get hit Otis stop oh that's why I want to give up on this one uh what are you doing the purple Pikmin oh this sucks yeah I'm gonna restart this he's gonna break and I freeze there there are 15 um Otis you get that how many for that 12. I'm gonna get that and then boom one's over here five six seven everybody you get that can three get all this oh they have to go 10 times we got all that area done one oh two minutes left we got a watermelon to take get it okay we can at least do the something with that oh no nope nope nope nope dang it oh why do I suck at Dan Dory issue 75 of the area explored Otis look for Treasure it better not be to the area over there don't do it don't you dare do it Otis I know it's the Otis we need something new there is nothing new I've done everything oh fine I'm gonna make this easier on myself and just end the day now we need this gear Scorch guards both of us get it what else should I get thermal boots yeah let's get that and for Otis too um rescue 10 leaflings I didn't know they asked me to do that wait a brand new look I can look like a muppet it's a good thing I'll never do that nerd face forever finally let's get burned let's go we're gonna get absolutely burned um maybe I can break through this nope oh okay yeah you come here can't get them behind you kill it oh yeah we get to carry a pine cone oh and we get the burn stuff oh that's so cool that's it okay throwing back in the fire you having fun in there Frozen Inferno and that's that's an oxymoron Rock Pikmin get it there we go now it's nice and warm nice okay that worked yeah there we go here's my problem though how do we get past him there you go die this is this boring come on stay without us right now because he's warm get him okay get that oh oh come here I forgot we have ice Pikmin to take care of that so now that I just remembered we have ice figment um I can come around here take that on not take that on there we go ah everyone save yourselves okay you all got it pretty well okay that's all of it and here's the boss someone's gonna drop down oh Mothra mothra's mad whoa no oh no oh wait oh there get it okay now I know what to do die ow you're gonna die whether you like it or not which you probably oh you probably don't like it but too bad die okay there we go you can't get us you're dead yeah very easy fight no Pikmin lost I can just cut that out why are they all leaflings well done we've got error now there should be one last treasure that we need to get on the surface grab oh never mind here we're gonna get a cut scene before we grab it wonderful yes yes ah finally an onion it's been so long it's gonna get a lot colder now you got air conditioning we did it now I can collect all of these corpses and I've 100 completed this area wait what's this they're doing a boss theme Wait no that's the uh a water rape I did it I just want to get one last look of this nice house you know I wish my house would look like this when I'm older would be very nice two stories couch and not a cardboard box that'd be a nice future end the day now we got the pup drive to nine that should be pretty good investigation complete we have taken over that area now I just gotta do three nights at it oh we're going there that's our area why would we go all the way up there oh we we just teleport here okay oh wait two where's the other one it's over here you gotta kill him okay okay they're coming up there they're coming get him kill him oh oh my gosh take that come here get him okay this area is completely fine not or long can't get this got him you guys are in the straight line you make it easier for me oh boy I take back what I said untouched or good fantastic and let's take this medicine and go and we can heal the two people now we got kit and Como air armor plus plus well now I'm broke and now I'm gonna go on more right no oh just come back oh right there think about this one is we're gonna have to keep an eye on both sides get his eyes his eyes are the weakness okay here we go wait wait wait here create glow mob well big egg uh-oh get him yeah you got it you gotta modus I'm just running on my skates looking up my biscuits [Music] Smokey what he's here no okay she's a smoky frog kill him ah we got it get him he's dead he's dead now we killed him I can't believe Smokey Prague was here that makes sense because he used to attack the onions so now he's just attacking that that makes sense I noticed that egg but I didn't even know day 31 a whole month has passed actually I forgot I need the train Otis there we go okay now we're gonna go on our final night Expedition today the foot of the stairs we already had a place that was near there but [Music] oh he's already coming out I can't believe he's already coming out gosh he's terrifying there's not more right we're running back fall back get him oh we got a giant one coming for us go get him go for the eyes the eyes the eyes okay he's the last 59 against Smokey Prague yeah kill him wow you got it it's fine we got beware because Smokey frog is dead that was good that was good yeah then all of ours here at the greatest too yeah that's well oh gosh I hit my elbow now I don't normally ask this but if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing it tremendously helps a small Channel out wait Otis you can't say it like that you'll scare them do it [Music]
Channel: PugPilot Gaming
Views: 205,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pugpilot, memes, funny, pugpilot gaming, pikmin, pikmin 2, pikmin 3, pikmin 4 demo, pikmin onions, pikmin 4 gameplay, pikmin funny moments, gameplay, nintendo, video game, nintendo switch, pikmin4, video games, Pikmin 4 100 percent, Pikmin 4 walkthrough, Pikmin 4 playthrough, Pikmin 4, pikmin 4 bosses, pikmin 4 onions, lumiknoll, night missions, pikmin 4 night mission, night missions pikmin 4, glow pikmin, pikmin 4 glow pikmin, heroes hideaway, olimar, breadbug, smoky progg
Id: p2IKK_jbUuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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