These Things Look Harmless But… ( Pikmin Rewritten ) | Garry's Mod

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you know what i'm glad i picked up gardening this is way better than doing mod show cases odessa what do you want can't you see i'm trying to garden here [Music] i'm not doing a mod showcase today i'm doing something new for once you know maybe you should pick up a new hobby all right i'm not digging the face you're making what are you thinking [Music] well it was nice while it lasted strange i don't remember placing down a blue plant now hold up odessa we have no idea what this thing does well i guess there's only one thing we can do oh look at him oh yeah and about destroying my garden [Music] how's it going guys welcome back and today we're going to be taking a look at the pickman or pickmen because there's going to be many of them i guess the pikmin mod also known as the olimar glove mod this is a classic classic mod in fact i think it was the second video i did on the channel in terms of gary's mod content um back when me and my good old friend matt used to do the video unfortunately me and matt are not friends anymore but i hope they're doing good let's go over the basic things of what you can do with this mod first things first left click is going to allow you to throw your pikmin but first we need pikmin to pick and throw them at people and to do that simply go into the entities tab and you can summon these sprouts now the cool thing about the sprouts is the longer they stay in the ground the more developed they become we're going to go ahead though and actually start off from scratch by using the pikmin selector this allows you to pick from each different pikmin we got red yellow blue purple and white so this is one of each pikmin that we can get and you can see they are adorable they have their own little personality almost they follow you around like little dogs and honestly i love these guys especially the yellow one with the ears something about him just hits different but of course my favorite is the blue one something about that face man that is a vibe now of course with these pikmin you can throw them with left click and if you hold down the left click you'll hear a sound charge up and you'll release some and if you notice you shoot them way further than you normally would now you're also going to notice a few things some of the pikmin have different traits with them also if they get lost like this one is he'll have a little glow above his leaf simply press the r key and you'll whistle them back to you so the white ones i believe apply poison now i have not played the game where the white one is in i think that's pikmin 2 if not pikmin 3 definitely i've only played the first pikmin back when i was a child um the blue one though the cool thing about the blue one is they can go into water and not die so normally pikmin they die when they go into water but of course what if you throw the accidental pikmin like whoops the red one they drown in water and if you don't save them they die but you'll notice the blue one well he doesn't really mind the water in fact he probably kind of likes it and yes it's kind of morbid that they die like that i kind of feel bad now but hey at least me and the blue guy can hang out in the water ain't that right buddy all right so we know the blue one can go into water that's his special ability but what about the red one well you couldn't guess by the color the red one is immune to fire now there is a fire geyser right here even though it doesn't quite look like it simply pressing left click you'll see he gets set on fire and that is so cruel man the poor blue one goes out but the red one doesn't mind the fire even though you don't see anything there we obviously know there is fire since the blue one was lit but the red one well he's fine with it next up we have yellow now yellow if you could probably imagine well it's electricity now unfortunately i don't know if there's any electricity based thing in gary's mod that i could spawn in i mean there are things that act like electricity but i don't know if like it's a mechanic that this mod is going to detect because i think most things that use electricity just have some kind of damage that they apply and that happens regardless of what element it is while say water for instance is something vastly different and then fire you know being burned is a whole different mechanic in the game itself so again don't think that's going to really work and i can't even think of what i would even test to have that happen but he's immune to electricity just know that all right the next if we have white which like i said i'm pretty sure they're immune to poison and i think they even apply poison plus i think they are the ones you throw the farthest because they are the smallest and then last up we got purple also known as beefy boy and this is the one that does the most damage when you throw them they i believe can also lift the most things normally with pikmin you have like say this pellet here you know this requires like one pikmin you throw a pikmin at it and they will start to carry now by one i think you need actually three if i remember correctly um they will take this to their base now what is their base well obviously it's the onions now what happens when they take these pills to the onions well simply hold the e and press right click they will then pick that up we're having errors there ignore that we're gonna go ahead and take this to the red onion here and you'll see it gets sucked up and what do you know we get a pikmin shot out now the longer the pikmin stays in the ground the more developed they become soon they turn into a bud and then they sprout into a beautiful flower the ones with the flowers are faster than the ones with the buds and the ones with the buds are faster than the ones with the leaves so now that we know everything that the pikmin can do let's go ahead and throw them at some of the obstacles like for instance this wall and you'll notice it it actually doesn't do anything i think this is just a prop all right so what if you wanted to separate the pikmin individually press e and r and you will cancel them out this will split them into small groups and the groups are going to be determined by their color so yeah that totally doesn't sound controversial at all let's go ahead and pick up the white here and then we're going to pick up the purple and you'll see that we can just leave the rest just be careful of the fire also by the way when the white pikmin die i believe they release this noxious gas that hurts people around them by people of course i mean the monsters that you fight on the planet of course there is enemies in this mod but you can not have any of them fight them because well the bull borbs are invincible apparently you can charge them to attack but they don't do anything they just get devoured now what if you want to transform your pikmin maybe you're sick of the leaves simply aim them at the nectar hold e and right click and they will eat the nectar whoa that's not appropriate fellas and you can see now they have flowers on their heads which again means that they are now faster by the way guys just figured out you do not need to press e and right click you just have to press right click and aim at something and the pikmin will charge and they will attack anything they see sometimes when you uh do attack some people they will drop these pellets which you can then take to the onions and then make even more pikmin with okay guys we don't need that many goddamn but as you guys can see they don't even need my help they know what to do they're gonna take it to their base and we can make more pikmin which is bad for odessa now unfortunately you can only make them attack one person at a time i wish you could make them attack multiple but these little specimens are murderous indeed sometimes they do drop nectar in which case you can then upgrade your pikmin [Music] oh my god it was like rolling all over the place all right charge fellas so overall this is just a very fun and goofy mod and if you guys love the pikmin series you are going to absolutely adore this mod it was one of the mods that made me feel like you could really do anything in this game so i'd love to hear what you guys think down below let me know some of your favorite mods in the comment section down below as always check out the discord in the description links are down below leave a like and subscribe and until next time thanks for watching and farewell [Music] you
Channel: NecrosVideos
Views: 401,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Garry's, Mod, gmod, lets, play, gaming, awesome, hd, 1080p, 60, fps, necrosvideos, commentary, mod, showcase, modding, mods, valve, source, guns, addon, funny, tf2, hl2, drugs, strange, wacky, will, it, survive?, living, science, testing, overpowered, snpcs, npcs, nextbot, scary, horror, sweps, pikmin, throw, red, yellow, blue, fire, water, electric, purple, white, bulb, olimar, small, plant, grow, evolve, old, re review
Id: d7IEDo2t0mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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