Distant Island Movie Edition [Pikmin Plush Series]

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hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] where am I oh wow I'm yellow [Music] what are those things [Music] for some reason they look kind of dangerous ah hi oh hi you look kind of like me but blue I am blue and you're yellow oh and look there's a red one over there I don't know if that's a good idea hmm if that yellow one's right we're gonna be in trouble because we're in this corner I'm gonna look for a way out [Music] hi [Music] oh my gosh did you just see that hey one of us ah this is not safe huh uh what do I do I want to go back in the ground now the creature's out of the way looks like there's a way out and you'll get the others another one I'm out of here please don't see me please don't see me [Music] get away from me [Music] rescue that yellow one [Music] no please you can't end like this foreign wow that was incredible thanks for saving me no problem [Music] we need to get a safe distance from this red thing and we need to watch out there could be other dangerous creatures hey this looks like a good spot to hide [Music] do you have any idea what's going on it seems all of us creatures woke up from the ground shaking you and I appear to be variations of the same species we look similar and are able to communicate then what about those red things and why did they try to eat us well our species seems to be a food source for them there's a good chance that most of the creatures that we meet are going to be dangerous it is best that we stick together because by ourselves we don't have much chance of surviving I like that plan I don't like being alone in this world huh why is that bush moving [Music] ah run [Music] seems like that small thing didn't follow us I'm glad we got away from it Hmm this Force seems dangerous we gotta find a safe place to stay I'm gonna look around [Music] there we go hey you gotta check this out what did you see up there [Music] what are that 10 is that place looks pretty safe all right now let's head there [Music] oh no it's another of those big red things it looks like there's a bush we can hide behind so we can get a closer look [Music] it looks like it's sleeping I bet you we can sneak around it [Music] go my friend [Music] don't worry about me meet me at the antenna no [Music] laughs [Music] my friend is still in danger he's still being chased and here go help him but I can't fight that red thing ah what do I do what do I do my friend told me and not worry about him but I can't help it those creatures are chasing him and they might eat him or something he told me to keep going I that's the only thing I can do right now [Music] oh what is that [Music] oh no it's looking at me [Music] how many terrifying creatures are in this Forest are there any safe spaces here I don't know if I can do this alone [Music] I don't see any creatures so I think I'll be safe for now it's getting dark if it keeps getting darker it'll be very hard to see I need to find somewhere to hide [Music] I really need to find a place to hide yeah [Music] I'm gonna have to hide here until the light comes back I really hope my friend is okay [Music] thank you [Music] seems like all the creatures that came out when it was dark or gone now I should be able to make my way to the antenna I need to go and find my friend [Music] my belly is feeling kind of weird and empty and I also feel weak I guess I need to eat something but I don't even know what I eat is there anything I can eat in this Forest [Music] I wonder if I can eat those [Music] I mean they look kind of good maybe not I'm gonna go find something else to eat foreign [Music] that was scary I'm really glad that red thing went to sleep I'm gonna try to sneak around it [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that [Music] that creature is blocking the path to the antenna I'm gonna need to find a way to get past I do I wish my friend was here he wouldn't know what to do [Music] maybe if I could find a way to distract it foreign [Music] [Music] what do I do [Music] I think I can make it [Music] I don't think that thing's following me anymore I'm getting really tired of Ronnie all the time and I'm still hungry I really need to find some food wait those look really good for those creatures are on them what should I do maybe I could scare them away I hope they don't attack me well uh and get away get away wow I'm kind of surprised that actually worked now I have these berries they look really good [Music] yeah okay that was really good [Music] these are definitely a food source and it should hold me over till I can find some more food [Music] I think I'm finally getting close to the antenna I'll be able to see my friend again I can't wait I want to put together it'll be a lot easier to survive it has been really dangerous lately huh all right [Music] it's been really crazy I just gotta keep moving it looks like I made it to a dead end unless I go in that dark cave which looks scary I don't want to go in there but it's the only choice I have [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] I see some light up ahead I think that's the way out oh no that looks pretty high I don't know if I'll be able to make it ah I can't jump high enough I would need something to get me higher if I'm gonna get up I don't know what am I supposed to do now maybe if I can get something let's let me jump on I might have saw some things outside that could help let's see what can I use here this Branch should work [Music] huh hey what are you doing give that back ah he's so strong yeah he's getting away he's Thief [Music] oh no he got away into that hole what do I do now [Music] hey what did you do with my branch [Music] this is that creature seems to be leaving maybe I could sneak in and get my brain I got it I need to make sure that creature doesn't see me and steal the branch [Music] [Music] I need to do this quick to that creature doesn't see me [Music] thank you [Music] oh no it's getting dark again I'm gonna need to find somewhere to hide and fast but I still need to find my friend he should be at the top of this mountain [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh no that's a lot of red things at least it seems they're all asleep I don't see my friend anywhere maybe he's on top of the mountain or maybe he hasn't got here yet I should go up there and wait for him [Music] ah it's awake no no no no no wait what's this what who are you and what are you doing in my cave I was about to get eaten by a bunch of these big scary red things and I fell into this cave well this is my place and you can't stay here but but if I go back out there those red things will eat me please just let me stay in here and even if it's just until the light comes back ugh I don't want your death on my conscience if you get eaten by the ball worms volvoirs is that what they're called yes the red things are ball orbs they showed up here earlier today you can stay here but first thing in the morning you gotta leave uh okay thank you very much all right you can sleep over here [Music] oh hey wake up ah it's morning time for you to get out of here oh yeah okay thanks for letting me stay [Music] hey can I ask you a question before I go sure I have this friend I'm looking for he's a pink he has big blue eyes and Wing did he see him anywhere around here yeah that's one of those Wing Pikmin he was hearing before the ball warp showed up do you know where he went yeah I think he got scared away he went straight out of this cave down the mountain I think it was heading towards the beach thanks a lot all right be careful [Music] hey uh those are red things they're still out there what unbelievable those ball worms are left in the night [Music] uh this place is not safe anymore I may need to actually leave too I wonder where I can go well you could come with me [Music] yeah I suppose I could head down to the beach with you there might be some nice places there well let's grab some breakfast and then we'll head out [Music] please foreign [Music] like walk through the ball Wars I think it's really dangerous can't we just go around you just need to be quiet don't be such a pansy follow me all right [Music] police [Music] please [Music] hey since we're traveling together which at least get to know each other's names my name's Scorch what's yours oh well I guess I don't think I actually have a name right now but you call me pansy so maybe that could be My Name all right pansy what's so funny the fastest path down is this way [Music] Where Do We Go From Here down of course [Music] are you sure that's safe yeah hurry up [Music] there's more creatures in the forest so we got to be careful [Music] I saw those guys earlier I think they're harmless [Music] watch out oh you stupid snitch bug [Music] hey can you put me down now [Music] foreign [Music] looks like it's gone wow ah that felt weird thanks a lot we got to move that snitch bug could be back any minute okay [Music] pansy you really got to keep your eyes open in this world these creatures they'll attack you from any angle and when I say watch out you gotta react fast okay okay I get it I'll try to be more careful next time wait are those berries this area does seem to be secluded so yeah let's take a quick break thank you hey Scorch do you know why me and a whole bunch of Pikmin were buried in the ground two days ago of course silly you're asking me how Pikmin are born you see there's an onion that flies around and plants seedlings around the area and then once the seedlings are buried for so long Pikmin come along and pluck them out wait but I wasn't plucked out of the ground by a Pikmin neither are any of the others we just kind of popped out of the ground hmm all right that's when the earthquake was there must have been something in the vibrations that made you guys get plucked I also think that's what made those ballboards move in my area that's what my friend said too he really seemed to have an idea what he was doing I wish we could be back together once I find him again life is gonna be a whole lot better if I were you I won't get your hopes up in my opinion friends aren't worth the trouble I'm better off being alone it's really my friend's not like that he's amazing [Music] hey pansy I'm not as familiar with this area so we gotta be extra careful all right [Music] [Music] [Music] whoa [Music] ah you can't stomp on me when I'm under here Scorch are you okay yes it's safe if you stay underneath the hairy Parts quick get over here while trusting [Music] ah that was really close all right let's make a run for it now [Music] foreign s were big I have no idea that was one of the largest creatures I've ever seen well let's keep moving okay [Music] it's starting to get Nightfall We're not gonna make it to the beach today we're gonna have to build some shelter build shelter yeah here I'll teach you [Music] all right go grab one of those pellets [Music] don't worry it was kind of harmless too [Music] huh oh no there's a ballboard let's sneak around this way [Music] police this Branch looks good for the shelter [Music] foreign [Music] do you get the branch I'm gonna get the pallet [Music] [Music] the nocturnal creatures are waking up let the setup shelter here with what we got [Music] all right pansy you can grab some leaves all right [Music] [Music] all right now put the leaves on top for camouflage oh I get it [Music] the coast is clear but we should still be cautious hey Scorch well how far from the beach do you think we are now we should be getting close now hopefully I'll be able to find a place to build a new home and maybe you can find your friend [Music] oh come on on another ball War can we just be done with these things already well it's already sleeping so we can just walk around it follow me [Music] please [Music] oh no this looks like it's a dead end we are gonna have to get close to the ball warp what oh come on follow me very quietly okay [Music] three [Music] police [Music] wait is that sand but I'm over at the beach of course that's where you find sand [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa this is so cool there's so much water I guess this is where the island ends though yes and I don't see anybody right here so I think we'll have to walk along the beach to see if we can find a friend yeah I need to find them surely they're somewhere around here [Music] Hey look it's one of those blue Pikmin well we should go talk to him oh hey bro did you see that Majestic creature in the water over there isn't it amazing it even has a stem and a butt just like us Pikmin no I haven't really seen that before by the way my name is Court this is pansy well I'm Riptide nice to meet you too hey Riptide I'm looking for my friend link Pikmin and the source song come down to the beach earlier so we are wondering if you knew where he was oh yeah I've seen those Wing Pikmin they're so cool they can fly all over the place Mike's getting around the island a lot easier I saw a few of them flying across the beach yesterday they went down that way into the mountain this area is a little too open for me to make a house and your friends further down on the beach so I guess we'll be sticking together a little bit longer alright thanks a lot for your help Riptide oh well if you're going for a walk down the beach I love doing that so could I join you bro oh yeah you can come with us I guess so yay we didn't have breakfast this morning now I'm starting to get pretty hungry oh come on don't worry dude we'll find some food soon we might have been able to find something in the forest but fruit doesn't grow in the sand [Music] that's a Scorch you said you're looking to make a house on the beach right yeah a bunch of annoying ball Wars moved next to the cave I was living at well there's plenty of creatures on the beach but I don't mind them I don't want to be a ballboard breakfast when I walk outside [Music] whoa [Music] whoa hey bro don't hurt the creatures what are you doing what do you mean it's trying to kill us [Music] at Kansas run towards me [Music] [Music] you know score she really shouldn't be hurting those creatures they're living beings just like us Pikmin you should treat them like they're Pikmin well the creature's gonna attack me then I'm gonna attack it back but solving violence with more violence isn't going to help anyone well it prevents me from being dead now let's keep moving [Music] uh more creatures remember to not attack those creatures bro they have feelings too well yeah we'll avoid them if possible but how are we supposed to get around though this looks really dangerous hmm well Riptide you're immune to the attacks from the watery blowhog won't you distract it and me and pansy can slip by hey bro I have another idea and it won't involve disturbing the creatures alright what's your plan I'm Gonna Make You to a safe path [Music] foreign don't mind me bro [Music] hey bro follow me over here to The Rock what we're gonna have to jump over the water [Music] thank you [Music] this has been a lot of work a lot of creatures on the beach and I'm still starving told you there won't be a lot of food on the beach hell maybe those dudes can help what oh hey it's more of a Pikmin Brothers hey bro we're starving have you found any food oh yeah of course we always have food to share with our brothers follow me thank you [Music] wait do you know these guys well sort of foreign [Music] blue can you take it from here of course whoa what is that wow you've never seen the onion before well I know that you're starving so I'm gonna get you some food oh so that's what the onion looks like wait that's where I was born yeah let's not stay here too long why this place is great here you go so what exactly is this place this place is my family we live and work together to spread Pikmin across the land each day we come out of the onion wait you come out of the onion does that mean you're born again every day no no the onion is a shelter we can enter that keeps us safe through the night and takes us on a new adventure each day as a family we work together to collect food and to search for pellets to feed the onion to make more pigment we strive to live in harmony with all the creatures of the land at the end of the day we leave leftover food for creatures of the night so they don't go hungry that actually sounds kind of nice sure sounds nice I bet you these guys won't help out if you run into a hostile creature like a ball war no of course we would help as long as it doesn't involve harming the creature yeah all living things deserve respect well anyway thanks for the food but we gotta get going oh before we go I'm looking for my friend Wing Pikmin have you seen any Wing Pikmin heading up towards the mountain recently no I haven't seen Pikmin outside the family except you oh but you're going up the mountain that is very dangerous you know what it's getting close to Sunset why don't you join us in the onion for the night but where will we end up in the morning only the onion knows oh I've had enough of this come on pansy let's get out of here uh okay well be careful we hope to see you again so are you gonna stay with us oh no it would be really nice to stay here with you bro but I really like it here on the beach so I'm gonna have to stay well it was nice having you here for dinner of course I hope to see you again all right bye [Music] thank you [Music] so why do you want to get out of there so quickly you seem to dislike being around those guys even more than usual let's just say I've had a bad experience with the family they'll leave you behind when you need them the most wait you've had experiences with those guys before yeah but let's focus on finding shelter it's gonna get dark soon [Music] watch out come on [Music] all right let's go [Music] you feel good for shelter let's grab them [Music] hmm that looks like a possibility I'm gonna go check it out it looks like it's collapsed in here it's safe thank goodness I really don't like staying out this late [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] varies I've had those before they were really good yeah those things are called sunseed berries find a place to stay I really hope it's near one of these sunseed Berry plants these are delicious overall this place doesn't look half bad it's out of the forest it's got berries and it's not a ball warm in sight [Music] I can't wait to peacefully settle down in my new home and I can't wait to find my friend we've been searching for a while so I hope we can find him today and though I remember Riptide saying something about there being other Pikmin with my friend I wonder who they were well if I were you I'd keep your expectations in check you don't want to get hurt of course my friend wouldn't hurt me [Music] oh there's another one of those holes what do you think that means I don't know it's also odd that we haven't seen any creatures I'm starting to get kind of scared yes we need to be cautious going forward [Music] we're gonna have to climb that aren't we [Music] thank you [Music] have an idea how to get up there all right [Music] pansy do you think you can make the jump off the pellet huh I'll give it a try foreign help me out wait [Music] all right let's keep moving [Music] I have a really bad feeling about this yeah if things go wrong let's run back the way that we came come this way quietly [Music] [Music] [Music] oh no down here all right [Music] seems like we're safe down here for now I've seen you got bit by the snagger are you okay uh I think I'm okay and it got me pretty good but it didn't eat me though my stem still kind of hurts I think we should just stay down here for a little bit longer to make sure that the coast is clear okay you call that thing a snagger it what exactly is it from what I know my past experience snaggers are the most deadly things on this island they burrow underground and hide to sneak up on their victims seems like they have a underground tunnel Network to get around without being detected and as you can see they can easily sense where we are at almost all times so we need to be very careful going forward make sure that we don't get attacked by them again I do still really want to find my friend but if I knew it was going to be this dangerous going up this mountain I don't know if I would have low at this point I don't think it's even worth going back at this point it's just as dangerous to go back as this go forward so we're gonna go forward and find your friend and now that we know we're up against that puts odds slightly better in our favor [Music] do you think it would be safe to start moving again we have been sitting here for a bit yeah it should be good now let's keep moving foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] uh [Music] well where are we supposed to go from here hmm I think I see a cave over there pansy come this way foreign [Music] [Music] thank you quick let's make a run for it [Music] [Music] this cave seems safe let's catch our breath for a moment [Music] this whole truck up the Mountain's been really scary hopefully it'll be worth it once we find my friend how far do you think we are from the top it looked like we were pretty high up I think we're getting close to the top we should be there shortly and usually mountain tops have less enemies and definitely with all these snaggards there's probably a few to no enemies at the top of this mountain [Music] do you think you're ready to go um I think so [Music] okay you go and then help me out all right [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] scorch one of those appear to be baby snaggarts usually creatures are extremely protective as they're young so we don't want to disturb them because that might disturb the larger ones [Music] [Applause] [Music] get on the ground [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] was it oh um no no that wasn't my friend but Riptide did say that my friend was traveling with other Wing Pikmin I wonder if that was one of them yeah it's likely that Pikmin was caught today it's me and set we're actually catching up with the group let's keep moving all right [Music] all right [Music] it's starting to get dark do you think we'll be safe yeah we should get to the top of the mountain before Sundown and it should be safe up there oh yeah you said that you don't think there's gonna be many creatures up there and I think we're leaving snagger territory yeah not too many creatures will get past all those snaggers [Music] hey you guys down there a wing pick fin wow I didn't think I'd find any other Pikmin up here anyways it's getting late me and my group scout out this area and it's safe follow me see told you we'd make it I think we're finally gonna find my friend [Music] campus just have a head I'm gonna go see if it's ready wait before you go I've been looking for my friend Wing Pikmin and we think he's with your group oh my gosh you're alive I never thought I'd see you again I finally found you we've been searching for days is this the friend you've been talking about yeah I really don't know what to say well I know we never actually got to introduce ourselves because when we first met we were running for our lives oh yeah my name is pansy what's yours they call me Buzz well since you found your friend I'm gonna go set up my shelter for the night you do know you can stay with us right yeah I prefer to stay alone all right just come get us if you need anything all right I will thanks ah glad pansy finally found this friend now I can work on finding a new home settling down peacefully all by myself so what happened to you buzz you weren't there when I got to the antenna well after we got separated I escaped the snitch bug and went to Nintendo to wait for you and it got dark so I had to find a safe place to sleep the next day I stayed around for a while put some ballboard showed up and it got dangerous also I was getting hungry so I left that area and made my way down to the beach this is where I met this group of wing Pikmin and I've been traveling with them ever since well at least we found each other now and we can finally start traveling together again well I'm happy that we found each other again and I wish you well but I think I found my place with the wing typing group well can't I just join your group I'd love you to join but I don't know how that's actually going to work out well normally we would let you join but without the ability to fly you wouldn't be able to keep up with us and it'll be too much of a hassle trying to carry you around but that means we can't travel together [Music] oh I'm sorry pansy but I really think I found a place that I belong but I I finally found you we were meant to travel and we went to explore together oh I'm I'm so sorry pansy maybe our paths will cost again in the future you can stay with us for the night we're not leaving till tomorrow morning well we're gonna give you a few minutes to process all this we need to give a check on the camp anyway [Applause] [Music] I don't know what to do I don't know what to why am I all alone now why am I all alone what I just don't want to be with me it was meant to go where the hell was meant to be [Music] ah I feel bad for him but I did wonder this might happen [Music] that's not a great way to treat a friend and that's why I don't get close to anyone I don't even know where to go from here I don't know where to go I can't go with Buzz I can't go with scorch I can't go with any of my friends [Music] at least have somewhere to stay until the morning but what then I don't think I can survive on my own [Music] Maybe maybe I can look for the onion at least I'll have somewhere safe then [Music] hey how are you doing I didn't realize that joining this group would have so much trouble it's okay I guess it might have been unfair to assume that we would always be together I don't know what to do I guess I'll figure it out tomorrow morning well I hope that you figured things out I'm pretty tired I'm gonna be heading back to camp there is a spot for you when you're ready and I'll see you off in the morning okay good night [Music] I've done everything that pansy asked me to I should be able to move on [Music] I can't abandon him now but he won scorched look I saw what happened and it seems like you won't be able to travel with your friends yeah one about it well I've gone through similar things and I know how you feel and I made a promise to myself that I would never treat my friends that way so if you would like do you want to join me for search for my new home What but I thought you wanted to travel alone you know what after all the mess that we've been through the last few days I've kind of grown to like having you around but you you've always said you didn't want to get close to anyone and if you didn't want to make new friends it's a little late for that now dude do you really mean that yeah you're you're actually turning out to be better than most the friends that I've ever had you're the best friend I've ever had Scorch all right I've had enough of this emotional talk let's go back to my camp tomorrow morning we're gonna explore this island to build our new home together [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Yellow Pikmin
Views: 98,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost pikmin, the lost pikmin, yellow pikmin, olimar, bulburb, plush bulborb, pikmin 2, pikmin, pikmin plush, plush pikmin, plush tuber, plush shorts, plush movie, plush video, pikmin plush videos, ss dolphin, pikmin 3, pikmin 4, red pikmin, blue pikmin, winged pikmin, pink pikmin, wollywog, wollywog pikmin, snagret, puffstool, puffmin, mushroom pikmin, water wraith, plasm wraith, swooping snitchbug, snitchbug, sheargrub, fiery blowhog, ピクミン
Id: llw66HluP4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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