The Lost Ark Wizard Quits Forever

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wizard Lost Ark Adventure is over this is a guy we've been watching this guy ever since I came back to came back to streaming uh earlier this year this is the Russian wizard today is fateful day officially this wizard Adventure is over you can unsubscribe dislike and move forward with your life as for my guild members well I should do separate movie for you to thank you for all your sacrifices commitment but yeah guys I'm too lazy so you gonna tag along so as you probably know uh members core members of my guild that we create the guild no longer playing the games warn them of their [ __ ] okay they got old and then they just survived two thousand dollars what a [ __ ] but it is what it is so we have no longer have a team and I give the game like a six to eight weeks break and I think that's probably the biggest reason like if he's playing with his friends every week and then all of his friends quit of course he's gonna quit I think that's normal I feel like that's what happens with a lot of people it's like regardless of like the state of the game like bro people quit the game during old war people quit the game during Legion and like nighthold it's because their friends stop playing that's the biggest reason I think how I feel about recovering from This Disaster and playing the continuing playing the game so to bring or give back to the shine it will take six months to a year to rear all the classes a little ancient your equipment you know that's a lot telling new people and I ask myself do I want to do it do I want yeah do you wanna I want to spend another six months to a year in this game well it's not even that it's in the game it's in the game just redoing everything you already did that doesn't sound like a good time and it doesn't take six months it just takes six thousand dollars so let's keep that in mind too and the question is no to make it more in Wizard language I would say the balls the touch from the [ __ ] and we are no longer able to produce The Offspring yeah so thank you very much everyone for all your support and commitment but I have enough of this BS that makes sense I'm going into vacation from MMO and see ya goodbye that's smart no oh you guys are still here well you probably won't like longer run so yeah let's go what we drink we need something for drink oh oh it's piss great it may be dangerous two bottles of piss let's go over there with some classic Wow El Clasico [Music] what a mistake you guys see that like you see people like you you cannot where the hell was it you okay you can't use a uh a glass drink because if you do that then you have to wash it so now you just created another problem for yourself no wonder this guy doesn't have any time to [ __ ] play MMOs he's sitting there doing dishes all [ __ ] day because he's getting everything dirty wizard not man Max on the back for more visual fidelity so we need to begin with mindset with mine oh my God there it is boys it's only like two weeks oh my god there it is right there I think I'll have it again I need to explain what is in my head so everyone will understand everyone's gonna be on the same page when I'm coming to this old man so that is like the five to ten hour window what can you do in 5 to 10 hours you can complete some Assassin Creed or God of War and restarted to try another ending you can complete your shift in your work and earn like 150 200 dollars what can you do in 15 hours pretty much a lot of things in terms of gaming but what happened after 5 to 10 hours in your MMO game you leave probably have like uh if you had a skill that was like level like 35 my maybe it might be like level 37 and the max level is 200. yeah so yeah yeah that all right yeah yeah you farm you farm all the guardian raids chaos dungeons Abyss dungeons challenge Abyss dungeons uh get the Unis tasks out of the way on four characters you do two honings and they both fail and that's it the queue you made your character and you just like complete first starting Village a newer trash yep basically so this kind of game required from me enormous amount of time and energy put into it yeah because I can spend this 10 000 hours on you know drawing playing guitar and another funny thing can I be quite decent on it and instead of that I'm spending it on this game so I want to be good at it I want to yeah exactly perform well I don't want to be trash I come with and to survive or enjoy Holland all of these hours that you're gonna put in to enjoy all of the game content you need to be hooked for the game you do feel hype every time you log in entering my driving factors for me to invest time in mmor are Flex Unga Bunga and sunflowers I will explain every one of them in individual so good raids cool looking gear that you can show off and a good Gathering system no that makes sense absolutely Unga Bunga could just mean characters with big tits in the game too which either way I agree with okay so let's start with the flex easy I have spent million hours in this game thousand achievements I want to show someone I want to be different than other players I want to feel that I achieve something I want to say my mom look mom my armor is so good that I can one shoot all the Heretics yeah I remember I tried to explain to my dad like I remember whenever I got invincible and I tried to explain to my dad like like I'm not pop I got Invincible like no no no you don't understand like so no no it's not a job no but but no I I didn't no I didn't call that one place to get a job no no like but look so it's the Lich King's Mount like nobody had to and it dropped right but no no I mean like no I I no I stayed up late to do it well no I didn't wake up early today either but like I have this Mount like death and I'm trying to explain and he did not give a [ __ ] I remember this yeah he was so pissed I didn't have a job back this like 10 years ago that's I'm working for and when you look in this game yeah you started analyzing all right let's start with your equipment armor item level every schmuck can have every armor he wants there is no difficulty to obtain armor type or craft something there is that is generally true I think the only exception of that is that you have the glows and if you and it's not like any [ __ ] can get a level 23 or level 20 glow it's just a dip [ __ ] with a lot of money so like you do have the weapon glows that's that's a unique thing not existing every Shima Kevin it's easy and upgrade you can buy it true you can buy and someone that started last week can be better than me who plays for a year because he Visa in terms of equipment he's better than me so swiper knows do not exist in this game okay so maybe some achievements like PVP solo PVP okay YouTube solo PVP you win uh I feel like why would you care about like solo PVP and lost ark whenever you could just do League of Legends or a MOBA that's better designed like I couldn't imagine myself like wanting to do that it just doesn't it doesn't make sense and the skins look so poor that compare that compared to the costumes and you're not gonna even use them and even even use them the people are not even gonna know what the [ __ ] is this you know rope that you stole from your mom yeah nobody knows what it is I feel like Lost Ark has a couple of flex titles and flex items right so the golden terpion is pretty hard to get there's a couple of PVP mounts that are pretty hard to get uh you have titles that are kind of hard to get you have demons Roar Like Hell mode Vault and that kind of stuff like you do have some like uh some visual indicators of skill there are yeah they're they're they are in Lost Ark it's not that they aren't there but there's not that many of them I'll be right back I took a piss what a shitty skin so individual Flex not really existing maybe Guild Flex okay so that is Guild PVP that almost no one plays I I win isn't the gold PVP just pay to win though the most hard PVP guilt place I keep it for three months and people don't even know what is it yeah because it's paid to win and no contact creators don't tell people to be hyped so no one is hyped there is like small icon next to your name if you win the PVP as a guild but whatever no one cares so in this I feel like these guys made El Geisha right after they got done playing Final Fantasy 14. you have like the susano and like the Bismarck right there after each other two of like the main uh you know main things in the whole trailer that look cool is like two Final Fantasy things I do not feel that they achieved something maybe these helmet title but you know the amount of work that you need to put in you need to have specific class you need to like you know prepare and that's cool the wall Bang Your Head wall with the head for 10 20 hours and you need to have team I'm not so hyped about it you know I know only the title and probably people don't even gonna know what the title is next one is Unga Bunga what is Unga Bunga it s possibility to build your character and there is many different ways like patch of Exile skill tree new build exciting possibilities exploring new Uncharted lands so many sets but in reality is very limited you use like 14 Engravings in the game and you have like you use your class engraving Grudge cars doll kin Bland this is Fort it's a great Captain for a lot of people too and on top of that maybe a Precision dagger Massacre or adrenaline that's a 10 Engravings other 40 or 30 whatever I think this is a bad thing too the fact that a lot of the Engravings are just so bad nobody uses them I I don't find this to be good at all I think the reason why it happens too is because there aren't really that many things in the game that require you to be at like a very high level of of play there's not that many of them whenever you think about it so for most people it doesn't really matter and they just go with the exact same thing it's not like you want to have different Engravings for different situations like maybe somebody has a chaos dungeon set but probably not no one use it so you have like multiple classes but every class use basically same build same with the stats you have agility suppression the specialty critical yeah yeah endurance uh what else is there the other statistic that we remember from my top of my head specialization credit what is two two builds only are in-game critical agility or critical specialty that's it no news yeah I think that one's stupid too the fact the domination and endurance are really unused and I've heard that they're useful in PvP but whenever PVP is only an activity that three to five percent of the power like five to ten percent of the population participates in uh I mean like I think the value of these items on the auction now speaks for itself they're worth nothing because nobody gives a [ __ ] depression no one use endurance or the last one I don't even remember the name where is the and oh yeah and this is not the most important part most important part is okay you discover something because sometimes you discover something in this game and you make your build and what happened it's nerfed and it's crazy good or too good nerfed let me give you some examples green back in the day Mayhem berserk the class that have town if you town the monster the boss the game sees the monster for this short period of time it was seeing the monster as the it's stunned okay so that allowed to you think of suppression statistic okay so warlord you have one of the Discord he calls on gun Lancer whatever he he used the town calls it everyone do massive damage boom boss is deleted in two seconds if the boss is in uh CC State you do extra bonus Giga damage if they're staggered yeah removed from the game on the first hit you do you do 300 percent then holy [ __ ] if the boss have full HP or targeted HP not only did it work on PVP and the whales cry on the forums because the guy spent ten thousand Euro on his set and you were with preemptive strike you were able to kill yeah I mean you can't have a situation where somebody spends ten thousand dollars and they lose yeah we can't have this happen this is this is outrageous at that point it's basically stealing yeah I mean really came through the wall on the respawn one shot you were also able to kill one shot bosses with the ultimate fantastic kabunga damage too strong yeah this game there was also elemental weapons the weapons have like water fire ice attribute into him right and they can do more damage to this kind of monster less damage this kind of monster removed there was also jewelry the jewelry that allow you to use the skill of the Guardian so for example you farm a shotus or egression and you can drop you were able to drop a shot as jewelry or egression jewelry and when you attack there was like chance this set of jewelry have chance to trigger the boss skill I don't that's really cool that's too bad they took that out of the game that's [ __ ] erection yeah erection is a boss he is a uh tier three uh Guardian he's the uh he's the black verdas and you know he goes through the three phases and uh yeah yeah you guys know erection yeah is 1340 item level yeah remember what was for the ashata's one but for the aggression set there was like this pulsating orb that do damage that was fun that was something badass no that's too bad they took that out and she removed that [ __ ] from the game another thing that was that did they discover on Destroyer that there is you know there is when you knock down the boss with the broken bone engraving or neutralization you do massive damage if you like combine something oh that's the big box the one yeah destroyers were able to hit for one billion like I'm not even kidding you guys look at this as far as I know this guy takes more damage uh I'm not 100 sure but like yeah apparently this guy takes more damage it's like a damage increase phase but it's probably nothing like this look at this what the [ __ ] just no big deal just uh you know a casual 700 000 uh big Bonk oh there we go look at that look at that oh let's let's go back and see how big that number was again there we go one billion 700 million guess what he died so yeah uh that's that's what they can do it's nuts [Music] removed to that garbage can I think to myself okay I'm gonna dedicate myself to the build first I cannot buy the jewelry for it because no one sell it so you I spend months and the reason why nobody sells it is because nobody's gonna buy it because of the fion cost it's not because the jewelry doesn't exist it's because the fion cost makes people unwilling to try to buy anything else except for you know 95 percent uh matches on best in slot with the proper jewelry set because no one salad this bill because everyone play five Engravings and one set or two sets and five Engravings that's the meta on every class so I'm spending like month or two on this to get the jewelry then you spend another month or two to get for your uh for your build to get the tripods entrance because there are also not popular you know yeah go in another manager to go in so we are four months in doing shitty builds okay you make your build it's amazing vomit nerfed so why bother I feel like that's the way that Poe always goes right is it like you invest a lot of time into a build and then you build it and it's really good then the next League comes out and it's deleted like this has happened many times with me uh like you know I played carrying Golems whenever they were like the peak of their Brokenness I played skeleton Mages like one step after they were super broken before they just got completely deleted and yes that's just what happens but I think the difference with Lost Ark is that like people spend a lot of money in the game and also everybody effectively gets reset so it's not like you're getting reset it's not like you have to restart the league everybody restarts the league Mark which yeah that got nerfed well I bought that like three times developing something special in this game and in the end the beaches got my right click scan you and copy your bill and kill you with your own build true Smart Guy this is absolutely whack this is whack so sunflowers now every player have a unique skill my unique skill is I can talk with viewers watch you for 30 minutes to one hour and I can tell if you're gonna be good player or you're gonna be trash I'm enjoying Rising the players in my guild yeah I think you can tell if somebody's good or not too like sometimes you just read their name and you know if they're stupid or not like if their name is the name of like a rapper from like you know three years ago or something these people are probably [ __ ] garbage like they have no idea what they're doing but if they have some like stupid anime name and like you look at their character and they're like 200 roster level it's like yeah this guy's gonna be fine like sunflowers in Greenhouse and in this game if you want to help someone rise the player on me like you know cream let's go rise The Guild and destroy the enemy green them to dust ah yes they die I feel accomplishment and in this game you help someone and you harm yourself why because you want to you don't want to wipe with him seven eight hours explain him mechanic you know because you are stressed or I have been back on your head that's one of the issues with bosses like vikas and bosses like uh the clown like obviously cockle sedon isn't as bad because you only need three other people but whenever there are bosses that punish the entire raid whenever one player makes a mistake and the boss effectively becomes impossible people will become a lot more stringent with who they're going to invite whereas with vulton if you invite somebody who is that their monitor isn't even on that doesn't matter like you get knocked off the edge in the first phase who gives a [ __ ] like you know we'll be able to clear it anyway it's not a big deal uh and yeah maybe you might hit the DPS check at the end and you might die there but there's like a way for you to overcome that you can overcome another player's mistake on a boss like vulton whereas you really just can't overcome another player's mistake on on vicus or on on Cockle sedon you just can't do it they have to do it right and if they don't do it right everybody dies I have the six seven art characters to do so many clowns so nobody wants to play with a new player in that circumstance you know and you don't want to use your character to help your guilty or your friend uh because you know you can sell the carry you can you know sell the carry get gold from randoms and be stronger yourself right why help someone why play with some of your mates if it's harming you it's allowed slowing down your progress every of your character is caring you also buy carry cell carry gold gold and you don't want to waste time so many hours to do so oh my I think that people do that because again it's just really punishing to have somebody who doesn't know what they're doing and also the other reason why you have a lot of carries is that there's not a lot of new players so like you don't have like a massive new player group of people that are willing to like learn things like I remember for example in Final Fantasy whenever like it got really popular last year and like I was playing it like a lot of other wow players were playing it and like everybody was talking about the game again uh whenever that happened there were a lot of groups that were probably more accepting of like new players because there was a large amount of new players into the game at that point so if you don't have a large enough pool of that you do get the uh the elitism and it's not really even elitism it's just people wanting to play with other people that have the equivalent skill level it's common sense now Final Fantasy 14 is dead uh it's not dead I actually looked at the uh the twitch uh not twitch uh the steam charts and I was really surprised to see how many players it retained ever since the recent 6.2 patch I think that went really well but uh obviously it might not be as popular on Twitch sure but that's not the only measurement that you have got so many dailies 50 argoses this week you do you have time to speak somewhere exactly we have time you know to play with your mates no no it's us I don't like it everyone is like stressed yeah I must I also myself you can watch my stream back then when we play the Valentine's Day I was a little stressed oh my God these noobs you know this game make me stress that we do the dungeon slowly I should well the reason why also is that you have to do it a bunch of times so people are itemizing their time in us in a capacity that makes them want to do it as quickly as possible like they want to do it as quickly as possible because they have so many other things to do so if you have to clear if you have six characters and you're doing Legion raids on six characters that's 18 Legion raids you have to do so a Falton takes three hours you just do the math that everything took three hours then you'd never be able to finish it enjoy making dungeon and the failure we should like laugh enjoy our time and instead of that I'm stressed that I'm not gonna complete the rotation this week and I'm gonna fall behind now and it's not for me I kind of felt that way with Tower of fantasy actually because I felt like I had to log on every day to like burn down my uh what do you call it the the rest of the the the the resource that you use to like open Chess I forgot what it was called there's like 75 different currencies in that game and it's like I felt like once I stopped doing it that if I came back everybody else would have said Vitality I was Vitality uh everybody else would have like way better stuff than me and they did as soon as I stopped doing it all the time then other people started getting better stuff they started getting better itemized off pieces things with like crit that upgraded crit uh you know and like now I bet there's people like what's the level cap now in in Tower of fantasy I bet it's probably like level 80 right I'm kind of assuming that it's 74. oh really well that would take me like probably two days to get to that's actually not so bad but uh either way like I'm only like 64 or 65 or 66 or something like I'm much lower and it would take me a good amount to uh catch up to those people I don't fulfill these three conditions yeah that are talking about before and as you can see the people enjoyed the game the online didn't lie yeah I mean look at all these new players look at them all there's hundreds of them there just doing that one Quest bro like this quest line was lit oh my God no wonder everybody was there to play yeah [ __ ] yeah bro this [ __ ] was awesome this is and that's only on one channel and this want this is what the player wants this day and there is na no place for old fat facts like me to complain this is what they want this is what they pay let them play but this game is no longer for me I'm not enjoying it it's it's wearing me out I feel like anybody would wear themselves out if they had to do Legion raids on four characters like I do cockle sedon and I'm gonna be honest guys whenever I get my six piece I'm done I'm [ __ ] done like after I get my six piece I already have the [ __ ] emotes I already have a number of other things I've got two weeks left two weeks left and then I might do it for content on my stream or something like that and until bro shaza well what do I get what do I get there I mean yeah I guess you could get the the fused leapstones but you could just like spend money and get the equip the equivalent of that yeah I do six cockles for my first week and I enjoy the [ __ ] out of it yeah I don't you get Ester material weapons out of it later oh [ __ ] so I gotta I gotta keep doing it oh [ __ ] okay all right never mind oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah forever so what next my friend I don't think you should ever write a blank check like if if the game comes out and it's fun again and you're enjoying it or you have like the right mindset to to play it again I don't think you should think to yourself oh man like I said I was gonna quit the game so now I can't play it anymore nah bro like if you if you feel like playing the game again just log on play the game again it's for fun you don't have to like make a statement you don't have to you know stay true to your word it's a video game nobody gives a [ __ ] just if you feel like playing the game play the game if you don't feel like playing the game don't [ __ ] play the game it's that simple for now I have decided to quit well I'll start no fun now sad I really have fun doing what I do in Lost Ark I I actually enjoy doing the rates whenever I know what I'm doing like I will say this this was the first week that I did cockle said on and I didn't die the first and probably last week that I did it correctly and I didn't make any mistakes and that felt pretty good I'm gonna be honest it genuinely felt good that we killed the boss I was like 58 of the [ __ ] damage I didn't get knocked off the platform I didn't fail Mario seven times in a row I didn't get turned into a clown three times during phase one like I actually [ __ ] did it and so yeah I think that's fair yeah I I really had fun doing it but I can guarantee you if I had to do it seven times a week six times a week three times a week twice a week even I probably wouldn't like it as much I I I only like it whenever I only have to do it like once or twice it's kind of like what I said with the Guardians the guardian raids is I think they should make Guardian raids just double the rewards and make it once a day straight up just make it once a day double the rewards and the MMO and they focus on fighting games for now as they want to get better rise ranks Tekken 8 coming Riot fighting game coming I want to be whenever a New Soul Calibur comes out up with that Kai rank in one of these games so I can voice my opinion and no schmuck come like oh did you know you were drunk true and these games are so fulfilled two of my desires Flex because there are some tricks or moves that are hard to perform and you need to like dedicate 200 300 hours to make them fluently with your wooden hands and you can you know you can Flex on someone and show them the way and the second thing these games have various amounts of moves and possibilities so Unga Bunga is there you play as you want there is no set path in a stone you play as you want and you design your own style and your own shitty combos I think that's the same thing with something like OverWatch right you can Flex a lot in OverWatch just by playing Widowmaker if you're really good at the game or Ash or uh McCree or something like that because those characters are like super high skill characters and it's like you even have like uh uh like kind of like just really smart like you have to be like good at the game at like planning to play something like symmetra for example uh like I think that yeah if you play a character like that that's definitely almost like a flex even in itself yeah kiriko dagger kills Etc and like there's a lot of ways you can Flex in that game yeah Genji Tracer that's another one that's what I like about it people also ask me about the new world well I will be honest with you only morons play new world right the game is not that bad but you need to remember this team that designed the game changed so many times that the engine that they develop yeah the coach is like made by people that are no longer in the company and it's shaped so the foundation of the games are rotten okay this is it's it's swiss cheese if you have any cold coding you know experience programming experience I have some of it at least so you know if there is like 50 million lines of the code you cannot just fix it if it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] you need to rewrite it did they rewrite the code for the Newark no they just fixed the holes but some there deep down in the code that are [ __ ] Minefield that are bombs there I think that what he's saying is like there is a part of that that's true with like Collision I think like character and like player model collision and like player and NPC Collision object Collision that's not environment Collision it can be really [ __ ] other than that I feel like new world code is fine that's the only thing I think is uh is is not good and sooner or later that is going to be discovered so I'm gonna invest again like I uh I play World of Warcraft and anything that you can say about spaghetti code with new world I play WoW thousand dollars in MMO and boom new dupe method new invincibility hacks and all my farming Go flash into the toilet that's why people wanted to play the fresh servers I think is to just kind of get away from that kind of stuff that happened on release to be fair I feel like they haven't had a um you know like Days Gone without massive duping accident I feel like that number is kind of high at this point things have improved a lot I don't want to waste time you know when the gray hairs start to appear on my head I realized that I'm no longer Immortal I'm gonna die so I start to value my time way more and more just do like me just cut them out and pretend like they're not there problem solved but it's not back at these stands now but this is like Pandora box or some you know bump with the timer set on it it gonna explode it may explode tomorrow or it will explode in five years no one knows but I don't want to put game my time into the game that can disintegrate any second some late uh an ashes of creation okay ashes of creation oh before I pause yeah I think that it's important to like having the accomplishments that you you've done matter in like the grand scheme of things I feel like I'm at the point in my life where it is very hard for me to feel any sort of satisfaction for an accomplishment in a video game and I think it's just a mix of age a mix of kind of like I've already kind of been there in my life I I felt that way before it's and and that's not a bad thing either I'm not saying like oh well this is bad about video games no I think it's actually a good thing I'm I'm glad that I'm past that point in my life and that's why I play like for example I play on a new world fresh server I play on The Wrath of the Lich King fresh server because my old character that I have tier three and uh you know Thunder fury on and everything that's great but like I did that it was awesome like now let's what's next like I've I've tried to like stop holding on to what I've had and just valuing the adventure and the excitement of the day-to-day and if that's enjoyable then that's all that matters the latest debate get me a bit hyped because they talking about the PVP and I am open the world PVP Enthusiast so it will get me a bit ticket what's make me sad about ushers of creation that is not Kumar MMO it's like the no that's not true uh they said I think that they no that's Tower fantasy that has two boob sliders uh I think Steven confirmed that there'll be at least one and I think there's also going to be an ass slider too now what does you know the full right side of the spectrum mean does that mean like [ __ ] larger than average or like ridiculously huge well we'll have to wait and see but either way I don't think you should write it off and I also think that uh you know if Steven and Ashley the creation team is around uh they ever see this I think that they should definitely invite our friend here divian fur like it's a hundred [ __ ] percent of vitamin because they need the opinions of people like him so many people yeah absolutely foreign settings you know nothing to fap to and I played this Korean memo for so long that's become part of me that I need to be no big Yankees big Titi sets need to be in the game if they are not there I'm not hype so I'm half hype what hyped about the game how the game looks but I'm hyped about the PVP I'm gonna play Final Fantasy about that hey how about that yeah there we go boys there we [ __ ] go yeah look I mean the guy's treasure yeah exactly there you [ __ ] go pre-watched uh bro I watch videos before they even get released on YouTube yeah they send me the raw copy that way I can formulate my reaction whenever they Premiere that's the way it goes so yeah I think that um I I feel like the booba stuff in ashes of creation like all that stuff is uh is good I feel like all the like the sexualization stuff I don't think that you should force sexualization on the players like I think that lost ark should have conservative outfits and conservative characters too but in the same way that like I hate how there are these like these [ __ ] weird these weird [ __ ] on the internet that get in there they get in their feelings every single time there's a girl in a video game that's larger than a d cup like in the same way that they are like stupid I also think the people that want to make everything porn are also stupid I feel like you should be able to choose what you want to do give players a choice not seriously just to appreciate the game and what the Legacy it brings because it's the last non-payed away game on the market so just to appreciate the Legacy in my opinion what I see the combat is his trash game this is PVE game I'm more into PVP so I will probably not like it but to appreciate its Legacy and what it do for all of us MMO fans I want to play juice complete msq and that's it we will see you will see what come forward and yeah I think he should try to do the uh the raids I think the raids in Final Fantasy are really good at least the ones that I've done so far Mike doing the msq is nice and the quest lines are good and you know sure I think it's good but that's not really as big of a deal in my opinion as the raids like I feel like the coils of Bahamut was probably one of the best runs best raids I've ever done now I will absolutely say that coils of Bahamut had a number of bosses that didn't really need to be there like it like there was like I think there's 13 levels to it or something like that I feel like there's 13 there's a second first and third coil Obama there's like a three four five I don't remember uh anyway uh I feel like there's some of them that don't really need to be there but the ones that are there yeah it's 13 I thought so yeah you have like a nail which was [ __ ] badass twin Tanya which was badass even like there's a handful of other ones that were really good like that one guy that we wiped on like point one percent I thought that boss was really cool uh there was the Medusa boss which was really cool uh let's see oh [ __ ] cockatus the first one was kind of interesting as like a uh you know an intro into it yeah cockatus yeah there you go and uh Knights of the Round no that's not uh that's that's [ __ ] that's Heaven's word I'm pretty sure but yeah I really really like the final one where you actually fight uh Bahamut and you know he's like in that Circle and like the [ __ ] cinematic is like you know like you have to use like all the shields to avoid all the damage with like the limit break three that was so [ __ ] cool yeah the Phoenix was cool too like it was one of my favorite raids I've ever done in any game before it was incredible like in my opinion I thought it was a lot better than Alexander uh in terms of like its impact on the story and everything like that Alexander had some really cool fights though let me know in the comments below which play Final Fantasy server the Boldman Xeno is playing cactar cactar server cactar server on I forgot what data center I'm on uh Aether Data Center yeah join and play on cactar because I don't care about the pink I will join his servant maybe he's gonna tell me something funny or teach me about the game you know guys so let me know in the comment below which any server he's playing and the last thing I want to do I just waste like four years or three years in Lost Ark and I missed a lot of you now reworks of my childhood games a scratch Bandy could get reworked Spyro crash team racing that's the game that they grow up yeah I've kind of wanted to go back and play all the Mario games the last Mario game that I really played seriously was Super Mario Sunshine and and like as somebody who like my favorite game of all time whenever I grew up like my like the iconic game that whenever I think of like what game did you play Whenever you were growing up it was Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island and a little bit a little bit farther out would be Legend of Zelda Link to the Past like that was my [ __ ] and I I feel like I haven't played the last Legend of Zelda game that I played was Wind Waker I never did Twilight Princess I didn't do uh Min any of the Game Boy games I never beat Link's Awakening on the Game Boy I saw that it got remade I I haven't done any of these so like if I actually went back and played all these old games I'd love to do that and one of these days I will and even some of like the Castlevania games like I had Castlevania and Super Nintendo I never beat it like there's so many old games that I wish I could go back and play and it's not that I can't go back and play them I just haven't done it yet during the time of Majora's Mask I beat Ocarina of Time I remember my mom and I stayed up really late I was in like fourth or fifth grade and we sit up really late and we beat Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask I didn't like the time mechanics but I would uh I would play that just to just to play it it was such a good [ __ ] time man well I remember whenever I beat Bowser in Super Mario World I [ __ ] went and I woke my mom up I was like yo I [ __ ] beat him and she's like oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] are you talking about I beat Bowser get your ass out there we're gonna watch the in cinematic right now because like you gotta remember back then like no there wasn't like a YouTube where you could just watch what happens after you kill Bowser I didn't know it was gonna happen like what the [ __ ] is it gonna be she had no idea nobody has any idea so I remember that so [ __ ] clearly man oh my God uh and like yeah it was like the old TV and you know sitting there looking up at it it was the the [ __ ] quintessential 90s experience man yeah but I will stream them probably and I want to catch up with all these you know single players games Resident Evil that I grow up I always thought Resident Evil sucked the only Resident Evil I thought about playing was Resident Evil Village had nothing to do with the gameplay on them and they now reworked them so maybe I will I will experience my second youth anyway that's all I have for you today thank you very much for your watching and your likes and your support I know I was not there for three months what I hope this month I will catch up with everything see you next time that was a nice video this is a nice video it's explained everything pretty well but oh I just don't listen why do I want to live in something give me a second why do I want to live in a world where I have to count my bullets whenever I can just go play Doom why the [ __ ] would I want to do that like I'm gonna be honest I am [ __ ] I I just I no no no no no and it's like yeah that's completely different games I don't care that's the kind of game I like that's what I enjoy people love Resident Evil I'm so happy for them maybe I'll play a new one whenever it comes out but the fact is I [ __ ] like games like Doom I like games like Doom [ __ ] Halo Modern Warfare like Run and Gun like the last like a dead right remember that game Dead Rising like you're just driving through like cutting down hordes of zombies oh it's just [ __ ] fun man it's awesome yeah gear yeah Gears of War holy [ __ ] I played the campaign of Gears War like four times over it was so good holy [ __ ] try Resident Evil 6 yeah Quake yeah [ __ ] do I I used to play Quake I mean anybody who grew up and is 32 years old now and played video games growing up probably played Quake let's be honest same with Unreal Tournament well I'm really glad to see this guy trying Final Fantasy out I I think it's good and you know it's like you can play Final Fantasy like a single player game and really kind of get something out of it I think you I hope he joins uh my server he could also join uh the midgard Selmer uh that's rich a server and his Guild is like super involved and they're like really really into doing stuff I wish we were all on the same server but it just kind of happened that one day where I ended up going to cactar and not midgard Stormer I feel like you weren't able to make characters there or something I don't remember exactly why I wasn't able to do that yeah but I I you can server transfer yeah but I have friends that make characters on cactar because of me like iron Mouse plays on cactar actually so there's a number of other people that are on cactuar that I'd want to play with too but at least now like you have uh you know we're all in the same data center so it doesn't really matter that much it's okay so yeah we'll see anyway let's see here Baldo is on statigonis Aether if I can recall no I'm not um stop playing lost dark ages ago uh but I'm here because you're entertaining yeah I mean just just watch dreams like the thing is it's hard to like transition away from doing content for one game but as long as the content is good you always regrow back to where you were at uh at least on YouTube he was talking about Xeno not you oh really um I don't know what yeah I don't know what server Zeno is on because he's probably on Eighth Aether data center as well right sargatanas I don't even know what the [ __ ] that is I guess that's somewhere later on in the uh in the story all hail the almighty Grand was oh that's probably not what you'd say uh let's see here look mom my Armor's so good I can one shot all the Heretics yeah Warhammer mindset dude I really wish that they had a um a Warhammer 40K MMO that was really fun I would love that man could catch I mean the thing is like you just think of it and I remember like I don't know who it was but like somebody tried to put Grand wizard in like their title for uh uh for twitch they weren't able to do it and they're like why not they're like okay let me tell you a bit of a story about some ghosts was xqc yeah and like he had no [ __ ] idea right the guy didn't he grow up in Canada yeah he has no [ __ ] idea and so he's like well I just yeah it's like people probably freaked out about that but yeah it's just what happens [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 296,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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