The Lore of the Stalkers in Lies of P Explained!

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the stalkers were the most talented group of Fighters appointed to defend the upper class of crot Highly skilled militia working as hired muscle for whatever was asked of them but after the catastrophic disasters of the puppet frenzy and the petrification disease the stalkers were all but wiped out and the ones who survived were just Shadows of their former glory some turned to Crime some went into hiding and others just wanted to find a way out unfortunately for the few remaining stalkers that we run into their stories don't end up happily ever after when Pinocchio is first awakened in the train car he's given the option to pursue one of three different combat Styles each belonging to a different faction of the stalkers the bastards and the sweepers were two stalker divisions that had Arisen from disputes over who it was they pledged allegiance to the bastards were stalkers that came from the wealthy old families of crot ousted from Noble succession for not conforming to the beliefs held by their predecessors feeling displaced from being disowned from their aristocratic bloodline the bastards aligned with the Alchemists and the technicians believing that their Rising power in the city would bring about a promising future for them the sweepers were stalkers that came from impoverished backgrounds their nickname of reference to the rough and ruthless combat style influenced by their life growing up in the slums and Alleyways feeling envious and alienated from cot's new Prosperity achieved by the puppet industry the sweepers joined forces with the old families after witnessing so many people left behind and forgotten by the new ruling class stalkers were hired to complete a number of jobs most often at the expense of their own safety in the early days of the petrification disease they were given a unique task installing Stargazer machines that would capture air GH Force to prevent the further spread of disease this collaboration with the workshop ensured that the areas around the stargazers would be safe for residents to live when the puppet frenzy first occurred the stalkers were sent in to clean house house and although they excelled in their role in protecting crot from all the berserk puppets thanks to the new weapons and tools created for them by the workshop there would be one mission that proved fatal for nearly all of them the collapse of the workshop Tower the workshop Tower was where technicians researched and developed crotz new technologies founded by jepetto this building was the central Hub of new workshop Union Creations as the puppet frenzy began to spread throughout other parts of the city and eventually reach the workshop Tower the stalkers were sent in to squash the uprising but maniacal puppets weren't the only thing they'd have to worry about an ancient and destructive rock formation called crowd had erupted from deep below the city causing the streets and buildings to collapse into the ground many of the residents and workshop technicians were trapped inside the crumbling structures unable to escape between the chaos of the puppet Siege and the collapsing streets many people perished and almost all of the stalkers died their ranks were reduced to just a handful and the few that escaped were forever changed for the worse without the stalkers to fight off the frenzy puppets and another Resurgence of the petrification disease crot was in shambles some of the surviving stalkers saw this as an opportunity to exploit the city's vulnerable residents While others retreated inward going mad from having lost everyone near to them the first of the last remaining stalkers you meet is the Mad donkey he was one of the survivors of the workshop Tower collapse that went mad into his search for the truth behind the puppet frzy and the petrification disease I'm here for the old man get lost wait I know you om like I know what you are after witnessing the slaughter of all his comrades he tracked down and cornered japeto demanding an answer for why this catastrophe had happened the description of his bone cutting saw has a very peculiar line about how he had been awakened and had repeating visions of a puppet during his his fight on alian Boulevard he tells you to stop showing up confirming that Pinocchio is the one that he keeps seeing in his dreams stop showing up already it's possible that he had somehow seen the truth about jepetto's involvement with the puppet frenzy but unfortunately he doesn't live long enough to find out that he was right my the next surviving stalker is hold up in venini Works a young rookie plugged with guilt over a abandoning his brother Leo in the workshop Tower collapse if you wear the blue bloods tail coat he'll mistake you for the ghost of his dead brother Leo you came back I I killed countless puppets to atone for what I did I didn't mean to Break My Vow I was just so scared even though the Survivor tried to alleviate his guilty conscience of leaving his brother to die by slaughtering as many puppets as he could he would never make a full recovery from the traumatic ordeal venini works is also where you first meet the red fox and the black cat the notable exception to the Rivalry between the bastards and the sweepers the red fox came from the Wulf family one of the old aristocratic families of crot that at one time had the Alchemists in their pockets but due to a falling out with her family she left her name behind and instead dedicated herself to the well-being of the cat a former sweeper and a con artist that first approached the fox under the false pretense of being her long lost brother even though she saw through this charade the fox went along with the scheme developing a genuine love and attachment to the cat and he to her when the cat started to lose his vision the fox was determined to take care of him and the pair became flunkies for the Alchemists in return for gold coin fruit which was the only thing keeping his blindness at Bay they dreamed of being able to make enough money to leave CR behind for good my sister and I are going to leave for a different city get my eyesight back a fresh new start as a family you ultimately have the option of helping them or fighting them after running into them several times and should you choose kindness over conflict the red fox finally introduces herself I never even introduced myself I'm Claudia if only we had been friends from the start on the way to Moonlight Village you meet the atoned still holding her post at the foot of the mountain when the puppet frenzy and petrification disease took over crot she served as a guide and guardian for the refugees who fled to the St Frangelico Cathedral unaware that she was sending them to their death I am a sinner who could not save the ones I loved should you lie and give her the stalker's greeting she will initially let you pass but if you return to the area she attacks you with hatred furious at having been tricked by a puppet you're an insult to humanity now pay the price at the top of the the cathedral you meet alidoro the famed stalker turned Treasure Hunter that was once known for his bravery and honor alidoro the Hound was one of the Brave stalkers that responded to the workshop Tower collapse he had risked his life to enter the compromised building and rescue a countless number of people trapped there including his sister eugin though at the time she had no idea it was him we could have starved to death trapped under the rubble if it wasn't for the Hound sacrifice back then years ago alidoro and his sister had arrived and crot from across the sea hailing from a land called the country of the morning alidor worked as an alchemist and became well known in their ranks but he eventually saw things that he shouldn't have as he witnessed the Alchemists terrible experiments and discovered their horrible plans for the city he realized that his snooping had put his life in jeopardy he fled out of fear for what would happen to him should the Alchemists ever find him he most likely left yugan in the care of the monad charity house and erased all traces of his true identity he created the Persona alidoro the hound and trained to become a talented stalker so that he might always be able to protect his sister from afar alidoro met famed crot reporter Maduro and they formed a close friendship as they collaborated for months on an investigative report planning to unveil the alchemist's stdy plans to the public unfortunately madora was fired before they were able to do so after the events of the workshop Tower collapse alidor used his skills as a stalker to become a famous treasure hunter alidor worked alongside his partner who went by the name parrot but the pair ultimately had disagreements over whether or not they should be profiting from the excavated Antiquities we argued one thing led to another and I had to kill him but stealing his identity was The Logical next step after murdering alidoro per continued working as a treasure hunter impersonating his dead partner exploiting the situation in crot to turn a profit through his scams and trickery he ended up suling alidor once glowing reputation and became known as a con artist and a thief the alidoro I admire would never talk about a friend like that but madoro knew the truth and in the final days of his life he recorded the last mention of the real alidoro H is dead madoro writes and this is the closest that we get to knowing Alid duro's real name but in the end alidoro achieved what he had dedicated his life too protecting his sister until the Alchemists were gone from the land below the cathedral lies the original town of crot after the workshop Tower collapse the neglected malum District may have been as good as dead through isolation and neglect cr's first Incarnation became nothing but dangerous alleys and desperate slums the notorious former stalker gang known as the black rabbit Brotherhood saw the impoverished neighborhood as an opportunity to exploit its unfortunate residents and they took over the district and ruled the slum town with cruelty in return for a fee the Brotherhood would offer protection from the puppets and carcass monsters that plug the area but if residents didn't pay they would be left for dead or worse after Pinocchio kills the eldest of the Brotherhood his siblings take his body to the Alchemists in hopes they can revive him not knowing that he would come back as an AO powerered monster he was meant to be the alchemist's last resort before Pinocchio could reach their Hideout but you know how the saying goes crime never pays the black rabbit Brotherhood just had to learn that lesson twice the next doy meet is the white lady Patricia cord she once had hopes of singing on the stage with her sister Adelina the most beloved actress in all of CR but after Adelina secretly poisoned her younger sister out of jealousy Patricia's beautiful voice was forever destroyed and she gave up her dreams to pursue a career as a stalker I dedicate this performance to my sister Adelina the white lady has a single wing embroidered on her coat and this could be a hidden reference to the One-Winged Angel and crot legends that was said to have saved the life of St Frangelico Patricia may have viewed herself as an angel meant to watch over Adelina tragically dedicating her life to protecting the woman that ruined hers in the heart of the barren swamp you find the owl doctor he was a stalker who pledged safe passage for the Alchemists as he escorted them to the cathedral unaware of the horrific ordeal he was about to endure the Alchemists were ruthless with their experiments and trying to create the perfect human the owl doctor was kidnapped so that they could test their prototype elixir on a stalker after he had been driven to Insanity due to the side effects of the experiments the owl doctor was left to die in the middle of the Wasteland before he had left on that fateful Mission he had made arrangements to save the woman he loved none other than Adelina cord he gave her instructions to meet him at an apartment where he believed they would be safe together and maybe one day start a family but neither of the lovers would ever make it there in his final moments despite no longer even knowing his own name he still remembered hers they remember now my Melina the robber weasel is the last of the surviving stalkers you meet realizing that crot was doomed for good she B her time pillaging and ransacking the abandoned houses and fighting off anyone that stood in her way hoping to one day escape the city with just enough to start a new life but she couldn't resist just one more Target to Rob and unfortunately for her she chose the wrong puppet I just wanted a full belly that's not so wrong although this concludes the stalkers that make an appearance in the game there is one more stalker of great significance to mention and that is the legendary stalker although she's mentioned a couple times in text her most notable appearance is in Carlo's memories at the black Seaside Carlo had been sent to the monad charity house by jepetto possibly meant to follow in his Father's Footsteps and become a workshop technician but after striking up a friendship with another student named Romeo Carlo dreamed of becoming a stalker please teach me how to use a sword you're a legendary stalker gery get rid of her I'm off but after a deadly outbreak of the petrification disease at the charity house Carlo's aspirations would never come to fruition no I'm sorry I was too late I I wish I'd got here sooner if I had known this would happen there isn't enough information here to determine who the legendary stalker was or if it's someone that we've already met in the game but her appearance in Carlo's memories might be a big hint about her significance and connection to him she is described as neither a bastard nor a sweeper but walked her own path to build up her many outstanding achievements this description goes all the way back to the first choice between the three different combat Styles the path of the cricket seems to be a reference to the legendary stalker and this is further supported by the memory of her talking to geminy and if you recall that scene where Pinocchio first finds geminy the setting is a bit Grim so it's possible that there might have been some foul play involved with whatever happened to her if we end up getting any prequel content I'm sure we'll get to find out more about who she was I hope you enjoyed this video looking into the stalkers and if you'd like to see a similar video about the Alchemists and the workshop technici misss let me know I can do a three-part series and I'm actively taking topic suggestions as well so share in the comments if there is anything that you would like to see discussed in upcoming videos thank you so much to my channel members for supporting my channel doomsday Zen James Flack Twisted Bishop Joey Alexander JoJo dantoy Francisco Mena Solomon squal and Edward Kiera thank you all again and if you would like to sign up to be a channel member you can do so on my page because we will be watching the game awards show together in December so you can join in time before that all right thanks for watching the video and I'll see you next time with more lives of PE ciao
Channel: KiteTales
Views: 14,184
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Id: B3wx6Jrgyok
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Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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