Lies of P: ALL Fairy Tale Easter Eggs

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although lies of PE Drew inspiration from Carlo kodes The Adventures of Pinocchio jepetto's wooden puppet wasn't the only notable character to make an appearance in fact after the shocking post-credit scene the city of CR simply couldn't be looked at the same way again in a land where wishes can come true even fairy tales can become a reality but before we return to the land of toys it's time to give credit where it's due kudos to Amit kilo for locating the Easter egg in the previous thumbnail if you look closely you'll see an outline of Peter Pan near the title of the video if you're new to the channel I started playing a game with viewers where I hide in Easter egg in the thumbnail of each of my videos the first person to sayate what and where it is in the comments gets a shout out in the following video now back to the matter at hand we learned from giangio that the ancient people of crot had mastered the art of bottling wishes over time this invaluable knowledge most likely succumbed to the Relentless nature of time before it was relegated to a mere legend or perhaps perhaps even local folklore star fragments had the power to Grant a human's wishes but a certain detail in the item description stood out to me a meteor fragment that can be found in different parts of crot it can be used at the cracks calling in front of a Boss Arena to summon a spectre star fragments cross Dimensions to Grant human wishes if you wish for it desperately enough they may be able to summon someone who wants to help save this world it's interesting to note that once's desperation can influence the power of a w wish and subsequently its resulting effects imagine how desperate a regretful father would be who suffered the premature death of his beloved Son what if this father were to make a wish upon a star what length would he go to to change the world around him we know japedo matched this very description and we learned that he would stop at nothing to bring back his late son Carlo and his wealth of knowledge about alchemy and Engineering were crucial elements to achieving success in his master plan the work word crot is Dutch for container or wooden box was the city of crot nothing more than jepetto's Toy Box a reimagined world where he could have a second chance at fatherhood once jepetto's puppet arrived at hotel crot a nearby bookshelf contained a novel that was a direct reference to The Adventures of Pinocchio it was Carlos's favorite book growing up and japeto despite his aloof parenting style was certainly aware of this if given the opportunity to make a wish it's only natural that in his grief he would attempt to recreate a perfect world that resembled something he cherished so dearly in preparation for his son's return sadly the real boy ending reveals what happens when a deranged man's wish comes true if CR was simply a toy box what other fairy tales did it contain the possibilities are endless I'll list a few of my favorite references I discovered during my visit to crot the very first of which is a side quest featuring a beauty and a be East at the Grand exhibition a woman named Belle can be found looking for help to escape once she takes Refuge at hotel crot she will send you on a mission to investigate a distress signal sent by her partner Atkinson unfortunately upon reaching the source of the SOS call we discovered that ainson was afflicted by the petrification disease and was desperately trying to resist the transformation into a monster or should I say a beast the baron swamp was essentially a puppet graveyard where any and all obsolete models would spend the rest of their days one puppet however awakened amidst the sickly green pools of death and sought out a friend who could teach him human emotions although he was unable to move he waited patiently for Jet's puppet to show him a full range of emotions that only humans could experience this could very well be a reference to the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz as he too sought out a heart so that he could feel the arch Abbey was home to many Abominations The Alchemist had conducted countless experiments on unwilling human subjects that produced a wide range of results each more disturbing than the last subject 826 was one such experiment due to his sensitivity to Argo he was forced to consume it so he could read the memories of the human soul trapped inside his unique ability to read memories and his physical appearance which consisted of straw-like Limbs and a uniquely shaped nose bring the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz to mind Adelina corday was the queen of the Opera her beauty and her voice were unmatched in all of the city and perhaps even the world however her gift wasn't simply the result of god-given talent in fact she had to sacrifice much in order to elevate herself to new heights poisoning her sister to sabotage her singing career was one such sacrifice when we find her in the opera house she desperately begs for a bite of food ironically enough she's given a bright red apple although this particular Apple wasn't poisoned she can be found dead soon after indulging in the sweet crispy fruit this is clearly a direct reference to the poisonous Apple that killed Snow White in the classic novel and film this mysterious portrait of Carlo was commissioned by none other than D gray for those of you unfamiliar with the tale The Legend of Dorian Gray revolves around the possibility of one Soul being captured in the frame of a painting a concept that even jepetto was intrigued by giio was not a timid pharmacist with an Obsession for gold coin fruit he was a legendary Alchemist known as paracelsus and key member of the secret oroboros organization they had an unhealthy fixation on producing Immortals through their experimentation his name is linked with not only the real world physician but also the fictional character in The Wizard of Oz known as button bright but could his ties to the father of alchemy reveal that giano may just be as mad as a Hatter well I've got a dedicated video that just might convince you the city of crot is full of fairy tale references many of which tie directly to the adventure of Pinocchio itself the previously mentioned instances are just a few examples I've discovered that truly serve as a testament to the Masterpiece that is lies of PE one of my favorite soulslike titles of all time and that's all for this video one quick thing I would like to mention is that I've been blessed with a series of sponsorship opportunities these may take the form of dedicated videos or just quick mentions that will replace the Easter egg shadow in following videos I ask that you please keep an open mind and continue supporting my dream of being a full-time content creator cuz it means so much to me trust me the lives of PE content and videos you love aren't going anywhere if you enjoyed this video be sure to like And subscribe it lets me know you want more content just like this click on these videos on screen to continue your journey through crot and I'll be there to guide you when you arrive consider becoming a member for exclusive perks like emojis members only videos and more or check out my Cod for your patreon page if you just want to support me in a more personal way until next time it's the inhuman one signing out join the inhuman Community today
Channel: The Inhuman One
Views: 12,661
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Inhuman One, Inhuman One, Lore, Story Explained, Theory, Lies of P, pinocchio, lies of p wizard of oz, lies of p story explained, lies of p ending explained, lies of p theory, lies of p theories, lies of p story, lies of p explained, lies of p pinocchio, lies of p wizard of oz theory, lies of p easter egg, lies of p all easter eggs, lies of p shadow easter egg, lies of p secrets, lies of p beauty and beast, lies of p tinman, lies of p scarecrow, lies of p dorian gray
Id: xI1ELS1UNx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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