The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)

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all right so it's been a little bit since I was on my series we kind of took a break from the series we were looking at the Sermon on the Mount and we've gone through a good chunk of it already we talked about the Beatitudes we talked about murder adultery divorce O's going the Second Mile loving your neighbor and now we're at the part where Yeshua is talking about prayer and I think most of us are familiar with the prayer that he gives in Matthew chapter 6 and so I actually would like to ask you to pray it with me out loud if you're not familiar with it as Matthew 6 starting in verse 9 9 through 13 but I think most of us are probably pretty familiar with it it's you know it's called the Lord's Prayer sometimes it's called our Father in Hebrew is called Avinu which means our Father in Hebrew and so if you would just pray along with me this this prayer the issue etat is disciples our Father in heaven holy is your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen so this is the prayer that he taught his disciples we have two accounts of this prayer ones in Matthew chapter 6 and one is in Luke it's in Luke chapter 11 and I'm gonna look at both of those a little bit but before we get to the prayer in Matthew he talks about prayer just a little bit and what how not to pray and so he starts out in Matthew chapter 6 verse 5 it says and when you pray you shall not be like the hypocrites for they love to stand they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets that they may be seen by men assuredly I say to you they have their reward but you when you pray go into your room and when you shut the door pray to your father who is in secret who is in the secret place and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly and so he says don't be like the hypocrites don't be like the pharisees who want to make a show stand up in front of people and try to impress them with your wonderful prayer i said don't be like them when you pray it make it a private thing make it something personal between you and god you go someplace by yourself where you can get alone with them and just spend some time in private talking to your father that's what he's saying he's saying don't get out in front of the crowd and try to impress people that's not what prayers for we're not to be trying to impress everybody with our wonderful wonderful prayers you know that that's not the point that's not the purpose we're supposed to be talking to God and you know when you get into a private place I don't know about you guys but I get distracted easy and if I can get to a place where there's nothing to distract me it's a little easier for me to talk to God if I'm you know in a place where there's other people I get distracted by the noises I get distracted by the people around and I you know I have our time focusing on what I'm trying to pray about you know if I'm if I'm a home you know I may even be distracted by other things in the house even if I'm by myself you know I may see something oh yeah I need to do that you know it get reminded of something that I forgot to do and so you know it's kind of a challenge sometimes I think to find a private place where we get alone and get away from distractions but it's important and if you if you look through the Gospels you see Yeshua often when he slipped away the Bible says in a couple of places that he slipped away to a private place and prayed there was you know times he went out into the wilderness to pray other times he went up on the mountain to pray you know there's a time where it talks about he prayed all night and so there's various times when he just he felt it important to get away and to pray and he's a good example for us that we need to have that time to where we just slip away from everything else that's going on and find a private time to pray he goes on in Matthew 6 verse 7 he says and when you pray do not use vain repetitions as they even do for they think that they will be heard by their many words therefore do not be like them for your father knows the things you have need of before you ask him and I think a good example of the pagans praying with many words is if you look at the story where Elijah went to the prophets of bale and he told them to set up idols to pray to their God that you know that their God would come and receive the sacrifice burn up the altar and they prayed all day long and it says that they used repetitious prayers that they prayed over and over again that Bale would send fire and consume their offering and Elijah mocked him and he said surely you're worshiping a real God right keep praying to him and they started cutting the wrists and screaming and crying and doing everything they could to get their God to accept the offering and then Elijah gets up and he says ok dump some water on mine they dumped water on it over and over and over and then he prayed and he said God let him know you're real basically is is what he said show them that you're the real God and that bail is not and fire came down from heaven and consumed his offering and even lapped up all the water and so we have a contrast between the vain repetitious prayers of those worshiping bail and Elijah's prayer of faith and I think that so many times we've got to be careful that we're not just praying in vain there's a difference between saying a prayer and just out of you know we've done it a hundred thousand times we know it we pray it all the time you know I think it's easy to do we'll get down with sit down to dinner and we pray a prayer and we pray basically a similar prayer every night at dinner and it's easy just to say it without even thinking about it you know it just becomes memory or even the pray we just prayed our Father in Heaven we get to where we we say it's often we can say in our mind maybe someplace else not even thinking about the words we're saying and I think we need to be intentional about our prayers that we need to to think about the words we're saying and to have faith in the words that were saying you know I I've talked about how praying the rosary is a good example of vague and repetitious prayer if you guys are familiar with the Rosary they have these beads that they you basically thumb these beads counting the repetitions of your prayer that's the purpose of the beads and the beads are different sizes so when you get to a bead of a different size you know you've done with that prayer and you start the next one and you know they'll it's repetitious for sure because they're just repeating the same thing over and over again as vain because the brain to Mary Hail Mary Mother whatever this is vain because you're praying to a dead person they're not praying to God Mary is not in heaven Mary is not deity Mary can't do anything to save you Mary can't hear your prayers she's dead she's waiting for the resurrection so it's a vain prayer for people to pray the rosary Mary's not gonna help you any and I you know I I know you guys aren't Catholic and you guys probably have never prayed the rosary but that's I think that's a great example of vain prayer you look at Muslims also have a type of prayer beads where they prayer they pray their prayer beads Hindus as well there's a number of different religions that use prayer beads to count the repetitions of the prayers and so we see that Yeshua here is saying don't use vain repetitions like the heathens do and he goes on and he says when you pray this is how I want you to do it but before I went before I get to the prayer itself I want to look at what Luke's got Luke what Luke's Gospel says and it's in Luke chapter 11 just flip over there real quick says now it came to pass as he was praying a certain place when he ceased that one of his disciples said to him Lord teach us to pray also as John taught his disciples so Yeshua was praying and when he got done praying they said Lord teach us how to pray and if you look at the the prayer recorded in Luke's Gospel writer in Luke 11 depending on which translation you have you may have a different prayer I want to read you what the NIV says and then we're gonna look at what the New King James says the univee says so he said to them when you pray say our Father in heaven oh wait that's the new king Jason you know he says he said to him when you pray say father hallowed be your name your kingdom come give us each day our daily bread forgive us our sins as we also forgive everyone who sins against us and lead us not into temptation that's the end of the prayer in the NIV now if you flip over to King James or new King James or any translation that comes from the majority text you're gonna get basically the exact same prayer that was in Matthew and so it's our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us day by day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we also forgive everyone who has who is indebted to us and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from the evil one and so if you look at the one in the NIV you notice that there's quite a bit missing out of it just his father not father in heaven just father hallowed be your name your kingdom come give us each day our daily bread well what about your will be done that's not in the NIV give us this day our daily bread forgive us our sins for we also forgive everyone who sin and lead us not into temptation what happened to deliver us from evil or deliver us from the evil one so there's there's pieces of this prayer that seem to be missing in the NIV it's also missing in a number of other modern translations and the reason for this is because they're using a different text there is what's called the critical text and there's what's called the majority text the critical text is based on the Sinaiticus and Vaticanus texts the majority text is based on the received text and the overwhelming majority of manuscripts we have available to us the majority text is what's been handed down from generation to generation since the time of the Apostles it's been copied and recopied and recopied and there are like five thousand manuscripts in this that are follow the majority text the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus were recently discovered in the last couple hundred years and they don't even agree with each other they're missing huge chunks of text and in the Sinaiticus text there is actually visible changes where they can see where it's been rubbed out and rewritten and so and the critical text says that the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus are more reliable because they're older so they said they're more reliable because they they said well it's an older text is probably more reliable well if Sinaiticus also is written not in Koine Greek but in classical Greek all the other manuscripts we have written acquainting Greek which is common Greek classical Greek is is more like a professional something to be written for Kings and royalty the wealthy and there are very different types of Greek and so it really puzzles me why they would say son Atticus is a more reliable text being that is not written in coin in Greek and being that you can see visible changes and alterations to the text I have a hard time trusting that one Vaticanus was found in the bottom of the vatican in the basement and who knows where it originated or what they might have why they might have changed things they've changed but we know that the Vatican has a lot of stuff that we're not real fond of they worship idols they pray to the Saints they pray to Mary and they have a number of beliefs that we would consider unbiblical so I really have our time with those two texts Sinaiticus Vaticanus and I used to think the NIV was a great translation and then after as I started studying it and studying all the things that are missing in the NIV because they use the critical text instead of the majority text there are literally thousands of verses that are affected by this thousands of verses have words that are altered of missing changed there are hundreds of verses that just don't even exist in the NIV or other translations based on the critical text if you turn to Matthew 18:11 if if you have an NIV you'll see it goes from 10 to 12 just completely misses 11 and so as a result of this I have decided that I'm not gonna put my faith in the NIV or any of the other texts that are based on the critical text and this is just my personal opinion and you guys can search it out for yourself but I like to go with the ones that follow after the majority text the received text that was handed down generation to generation by all of the Apostles through all of our ancestors and so you know if you notice I typically read from the New King James I think it's a pretty good translation I like it pretty well there are a number of other translations that are also just as good they use the majority text and if you'd like I can help you look at some of those sometime but this is kind of a side note don't want to spend too much time here I just wanted to point it out because this prayer in Luke I actually found this interesting if you guys are familiar with Marcion Marcion was a he was a heretic in the second century the 1st and 2nd century he was what's known as a gnostic and he basically wrote his own version of the New Testament and he threw out most of what we have he kept a little bit of Paul's writings and throughout most of everything else and Luke was the gospel that he liked he favored Luke but he highly modified Luke and the prayer that we have in the NIV is the same prayer that Marcion head and his modified Gnostic gospel and so it makes me wonder if maybe that's where the Sinaiticus meta canis may have gotten some of their changes from is possibly from the Gnostics that's just my opinion and I can't verify back it up so take it for what you think the dedicate a few guys are familiar with the dedicated the decay is a first century writing it's not very large writing it's a pretty small book but it's supposed to be the writings of the Apostles I'm not sure how much weight I put into it as being actually from the Apostles there have been a number of scholars say yes they think it is and a number scholars say no they think it's not but they all agree that it was written in the 1st century and so it's a very early writing and the prayer that they have in there the Lord's Prayer the the copy they have in the decayed matches what Matthew says matches what the majority text says it matches the long form version it doesn't match the version in the NIV or this the critical text so to say that some people will argue that those things were added in later that they weren't part of the original but that it was eventually added in later as scribes copied things down that can't be true because the kay was written in the first century and so if it was a later edition in the Gospels then the they would have been it doesn't make any sense that that it would have already been existent in the first century dedicate if it wasn't already that in circulation so I think I've dwelled on that long enough I want to go ahead and move on to the prayer now so you sure was praying as his disciples said teach us to pray in Luke 11 well in Matthew 6 was a Sermon on the Mount and he just started teaching he says this is how you should pray some people say he taught it twice taught it once in the math in the Sermon on the Mount and then again later in private to his disciples some people say that the Gospel writers just put it in two different places in either case you sure was teaching his disciples how to pray and he had a reason for what he said so I want to look at what he says so our Father in Heaven this is one of those things that we've got a I think this is an important part of the prayer we are calling him father we are crying out to our father our dad and you know the Bible says that behold what manner of love the father has bestowed has bestowed upon us that we should be called the children of God it's in first John 3:1 the idea that we can call him father that we can look to him in that personal intimate of a way that is if you guys ever thought about that how how awesome that is that we can actually talk to him as a father just like we can talk to our own father our own husband or wife or our own children it's it's that intimate of a relationship it's a familial family type of relationship he's not some distant being that we have no access to says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God those are the sons of God this is Romans 8 for you did not receive a spirit of bondage again to fear but the Spirit that's Missy but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out Abba Father the Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God and if children then heirs heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together the Spirit that he has given us gives us access to him as a child of God and we can call out to him as our father and God is a good father Yeshua said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find knock and the door will be open to you for everyone who seeks everyone who asks receives the one who seeks finds and to the one who knocks the door will be opened which of you if your son asks for bread will give him a stone or which of you if he asks for a fish will give him a snake if you then though your evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask him he's he's making this this amazing comparison he's saying you who are evil give good things to your children how much more is your father who is good gonna do good for his children and when we think about this I think this is an amazing thing to think about I think sometimes when we pray we don't have the faith we should because we don't really believe what Yeshua is saying right here he says that our Father is good and he wants to do good for us but so many times when we pray we don't have the faith to believe that he's actually gonna do it he is he's good he is loving he's faithful right he's all-powerful he can do it he has the ability he has the power it is good he's loving the where's our where's our disconnect why is our faith fall short then we believe that he's good we believe that he's loving we believe these powerful and yet sometimes we fall short in our faith and we don't have the faith to believe that he's actually gonna hear our prayer and answer it yes sure Yeshua said when you pray pray our Father in Heaven we are talking to a loving God who wants to help us wants to do good for us the next part it says hallowed be thy name we've got to be careful here because some people have taken the our Father in heaven and run with it a little too much though and they forget that they're talking to a holy God and they just start saying hey God my homeboy let's talk you know and they they just make it so irreverent and so disrespectful and that is wrong we are talking to a holy righteous guy and we need to remember that he is holy when we approach him and so we need to speak to him with reverence X is 3/5 when Moses spoke to God in the burning bush says then he said do not draw near to this place take off your sandals take your sandals off your feet for the place where you're standing is holy ground when we are approaching God at prayer when we are speaking to the king of Kings the Lord of lords the Almighty God we are standing in holy ground and we need to remember that when you're when you're speaking to God it's a holy thing it's a wonderful thing and you know just the fact that we are able to speak to him is amazing he doesn't have to allow us to speak to him he has a given that he's given us that privilege Psalm 33 21 says for our heart shall rejoice in him because we have trusted in His Holy Name part of exalting God is humbling ourselves by the way and I want to look at Luke 18 where Yeshua tells a story about two men who went to pray and he said to some who are confident in their own righteousness and looked down on everyone else Jesus told this parable so he's talking to those who are self-righteous those who look down on others and he says two men went up to the temple to pray one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector the Pharisee stood by himself and pray god I thank you that I am not like other people robbers evildoers adulterers or even like this tax collector I fast twice a week and I give a tenth of all I get but the tax collector stood at a distance he would not even look up to heaven but he beat his chest and said God have mercy on me a sinner I tell you that this man rather than the other went home justified before God for all those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted so when we pray our Father in heaven Hallowed be your name we realized that we are exalting him and we are humbling ourselves when we come before him don't think too highly of ourselves humble ourself before God and exalt him that kingdom come we should be eagerly seeking the kingdom of God you know this world is just a mess I can't wait for you sure to return I don't know about you guys but won't it be great when he is king of kings and the Lord of lords when he is reigning on this earth and we don't have to worry about crooked politicians and messed up governments when we don't have to worry about Wars people committing terrorist attacks school shootings just a mess that we're in wouldn't it be great to get that stuff out of here to get the sin out of the world and that's what the Bible says is gonna happen when you show returns he will set up his kingdom on earth Satan's gonna be bound up all those who follow the Antichrist are gonna be tossed into the lake of fire and he's gonna reign a rule on the earth and it's gonna be peace and prosperity a wonderful safety his kingdom is gonna be awesome and so we should be eagerly praying come back yes she will come back soon we need you that should be all of our hearts cry Daniel 2:44 says in and in the days of these Kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and it shall stand forever and Daniel 7 13th or 14th says I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven you remember Yeshua made that quote he said in in the last days you will see the sign of the Son of man coming in the sky says and behold one like the Son of man coming with the clouds of heaven he came to the Ancient of Days and they brought him near before him then to him was given Dominion and glory and a kingdom that all the peoples nations and languages should serve him his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away in his kingdom the one which will not be destroyed so we would pray your kingdom come Lord oh goodness so the next I will be done this is probably the hardest part its praying that God's Will would be done and not our own will we see Yeshua when he was praying in the garden he said Lord not my will but your will be done right I think so many times we want our will to be done when we pray and that's the way we pray we pray God this is what I want will you give it will you give it to me we do it for me will you help me do the thing that I want and what we really need to be doing is praying lord help me to walk in your will help me to know your will help me to do your will not my will because you know our will is not always right in most of the time most of the time it's not right when we compare our will to God's will we usually fall way short of what he has in mind so we need to be seeking his will mark 3:35 says for whoever does the will of God is my brother and my sister and mother whoever does the will of God Yeshua says is my family Yeshua when he was praying he said not my will but thy will be done in the garden Paul explains that the Holy Spirit helps us pray according to God's will and this is Romans 8:26 27 it says likewise the spirit also helps in our weakness for we know for we do not know what we should pray as we ought but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered now he who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God so we we need to be led by the Holy Spirit we need to be people who trust in the Holy Spirit who lists - lowly script because the Holy Spirit will show us the will of God Romans 12:2 is's and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God transforming of our mind it's one of those things that is it's a lot easier said than done I think sometimes it's so much our mind is so conformed to the ways of this world and it's so easy for us to think in those patterns in those ways the ways of the world thinks he says don't be conformed to the world to be transformed by the renewing of your mind that happens through the reading of the word and through prayer those are the two primary ways that our mind has changed two primary ways that our mind is transformed us through reading the Word of God meditating on the Word of God and spending time in prayer and listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying you're not going to have your mind transformed if you're not doing those two things I guarantee it those are two requirements to have your mind transformed if you're gonna play video games all day and watch movies and hang out with friends or whatever you're you're not gonna be transforming your mind you're more your mind is gonna be molded into the image of the world cuz that's what those things do first John 5:14 and 15 assists now this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us and if we know that he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of him you guys realized that when you're walking in his will when you were praying according to his will you don't have any reason to doubt that he's not gonna do exactly what you've asked because you're walking in his will you were praying according to his will and he will do exactly what you asked that's what first John 5 just said so that's why it's important for us to pray according to his will not according to our own we go on in the process give us this day our daily bread this is a reference to Psalm chapter 30 I don't know if you guys are familiar with this or not Psalm 30 verses 8 & 9 it says remove falsehood and lies far from me give me neither poverty nor riches but give me only my daily bread lest I be full and deny you and say who is the lord or lest I be poor and steal and profane the name of my God give us this day our daily bread give us just give us what we need this is a prayer for provision and you know according to the psalmist you know don't give me poverty and don't give me riches if I if I get riches that I may deny God if I get poverty I may steal and profane his name just give me what I need for provide for my daily needs that's all we ask this is the way Yeshua says we should pray just pray that our needs would be met not that we'd become rich just that that we would have our needs met that we wouldn't have to worry that we wouldn't have to steal then we wouldn't have to beg and borrow that he would just provide for us and we would have what is sufficient for us each day this is also reminds me of the manna in the wilderness when he gave the man in the wilderness he says you will have manna for today don't collect any extra don't try to store up and save for tomorrow just collect the manna for today just get what you need for today for you and your family and tomorrow there'll be new manna what would happen is the people decided that they were gonna try to store up some extra anyway and what what happened it was moldy and full of bugs the next day because they didn't listen he said just take what you need for today but then on Friday he says you're gonna double portion you're gonna get enough for today and for the Sabbath and when they collected the double portion on Friday when the Sabbath rolled around it wasn't moldy it wasn't full of bugs it was just fine because they did according to his provision according to his instructions and there was plenty for everyone no one went without everyone had exactly what they needed and so as we're looking at this prayer give us this day our daily bread it reminds me of the giving of the manna and that God provides for us day by day and we are learning to trust him we are learning to be dependent on him now storing up now storing up for hard times you know just in case something bad happens you know and if he gives you extra then don't hang on to and say you know I might even I might need this later if he gives you extra maybe he gave you extra to help somebody else somebody comes along away that doesn't have it you say you know what I have extra here have some of mine you know that's why he gives us extra sometimes it's just so we can give it to somebody else so that he can use us to bless somebody else no minister to somebody else in that way Philippians 4:6 says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be known to God be anxious for nothing when we are anxious about something it's a sign that we're not putting our trust in him you realize that when we are anxious and nervous and worried stressed we're not putting our trust in him at that moment we've got to learn how to cast our cares on him put our worries in his lap say god I don't know how we're gonna take care of this but I'm gonna hand it to you I'm gonna trust you it's hard to do isn't it there are times when it's really hard to do that but that's what faith is is trusting that God is gonna take care of us trusting that he is gonna provide trusting that He loves us we're putting our trust in him and so if we're putting our trust in him we're not gonna be anxious we're not gonna be stressed we're not gonna be worried we're just gonna give it to him let him handle it we also need to remember that you said man does not live on bread alone give us this day our daily bread you shoulda said man does not live on bread alone he was quoting from the Torah man does not live on bread alone but he lives on every word that comes from the mouth of God and so we've got to remember that we need to have daily bread from the Word of God this is this is important if you want to have spiritual health then you need to feed your spirit right it's not just about having physical health just feeding our body we need to have spiritual health so we need to feed our spirit so daily bread would include daily spending time in the word and we also remember that Yeshua said that he is the bread that came down from heaven comparing himself to the manna and then we need to have daily bread of Yeshua we need him daily in our life we need to speak with him spend time with him read about him think about him he needs to be a daily part of our life the next thing says forgive us as we have forgiven others I forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us did you know this is a requirement Matthew 6:15 Matthew 6:5 2:14 says for if you forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your x' this is a requirement we have to forgive others if we want forgiveness in our life it's not optional it's not well you know this is a good idea you should do it he says if you want forgiveness from God you need to forgive each other and so if we have unforgiveness in our hearts we need to get that right mark 11 it says and whenever you stand praying if you have anything against anyone forgive him that your Father in Heaven may also forgive your trespasses but if you do for now if you do not forgive neither will your Father in heaven forgive yours Colossians 3 12 through 13 it says therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved put on tender mercies kindness humility meekness long-suffering suffering bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another even as Christ forgave you so you also must do so we need to be forgiving of each other just like issue afore gave us you should told a parable of a servant who was forgiven much but then he didn't forgive his fellow servant you guys remember that parable and when the master found out he was angry and he said the Bible says and his master was angry and he delivered him to the torturers until he should pay all that was due him so my heavenly father also will do to you if each of you from his heart does not forgive his brother his trespasses sin Matthew 18:21 335 a few and look at it you have been forgiven much when someone wrongs you remember remember what you have been forgiven for how you have wronged how you have hurt God how you have betrayed him and how much he has forgiven you when you think about that and you think about how little someone else may have hurt you in comparison how can we how could we hold a grudge knowing that we've been forgiven so much lead us not into temptation in the garden in the night that Yeshua's betrayed he said to his disciples watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak this is one of those things that when we when we are in times of temptation prayer is one of our best weapons you realize that when you are facing some kind of a temptation in your life that should be the first thing we do is hit our knees see God and you know it says that he will deliver us in the time of temptation first Corinthians 10:13 says no temptation has overtaken you except such as common to man but God is faithful who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able but will but with the temptation will make a way of escape that you may be able to bear it 2nd Peter 2:9 says the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations we have got to trust in him we've got to lean on him we've got to seek Him in prayer especially in those times of temptation but you know if we were doing if we were seeking Him daily spending time in prayer daily listening to his voice daily those temptations are going to be a lot farther but you know few and far between they're gonna be a lot less of a problem in our life the more time we spend with God the more time we spend in his presence the less time we're gonna be given to temptation you guys see that deliver us from evil when Yeshua's praying in John 17 this is one of those interesting verses he says I do not pray that you should take them out of the world but that you should keep them from the evil one he says you're in the world but not of the world those who love the things this world at the set that had set their hearts not on the things of God he says I pray that you would not take them out of the world but keep them from the evil one and this is one of those verses that I think shows that the rapture is not what the Bible has in mind Yeshua said I don't pray that you take them out of the world just keep them safe from evil psalm 37 40 it says and the Lord shall keep and the Lord shall help them and deliver them he shall deliver them from the wicked and save them because they trust in him psalm 50:15 says call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you shall glorify me James 4:7 says therefore submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you deliver us from evil lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever we exalt him we magnify him they put him we recognize that he is king of kings and Lord of lords He is God Almighty he has all power all authority and all glory belongs to him and here's this is kind of one of those things that I hear this a lot the word Amen yours is the kingdom of the power the glory forever amen and I have heard people tell this lie they say that the word Amen comes from the Egyptian god amen raw and then when you say Amen you're talking to some other God that is a lie it's actually a moon raw now a man raw on moon raw but has absolutely nothing to do with the word a man in Hebrew or Greek the word exists in both Hebrew Greek and it means so be it let it be so I agree with this it has absolutely nothing to do with the Egyptian god Amun Ron so if you hear somebody say that just tell them they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about that is just a that is a lie the Bible over and over and over both old and new Testament uses the word I'm in Amen when speaking to God when in agreement with prayer when agreement with the judgment it just means I agree I agree with what's been spoken let it be so let it happen as you said that's what it means and it's like I said it's in both Hebrew and Greek and it has absolutely nothing to do with a moon rock prayer is a daily sacrifice Colossians 4:2 says devote yourselves to prayer being watchful and thankful to devote means to give all or a large part of one's time or resources to something you guys ever thought about that be devoted to something is to give all or a large part of your time and resources to something he says devote yourselves to prayer the Bible actually speaks about three specific times a day that are designated for prayer actually I want to talk about some of those before we get to that first this alone is 5:17 says pray without ceasing devote yourselves to prayer pray without ceasing and have you guys ever thought about how often and how much the Muslims and how devoted they are to prayer we were watched and seeing how you know it when it's time for prayer they stop whatever they're doing if they're driving they pull their car over whatever they're doing they stop stop work they stop eating they stop walking they stop wherever they are whatever they do they just stop it's time for prayer they stop and get on the face kneel on the ground and start praying that's devotion and you know that's about the only thing I can give them credit for but I I can give him credit for that they are very devoted to prayer and I think Christians need to be a little bit more devoted to prayer I don't think we spend near as much time in prayer and I don't think we give it near the value that they do prayer is extremely valuable we are speaking to God what what else can you do that's that important seriously is there anything else on this earth it's more important beginning to talk to God I can't think of anything can you this is this is how we need to think about prayer this is the most important thing we can do as a human there's nothing more important nothing more valuable nothing nothing compares we are speaking to God and listening to God can you are you seriously can you think of anything else more important I can't I honestly can't but we don't treat it that way we don't think about it that way so many times we just kind of put it aside I'll I'll pray later I'm kind of busy right now the Bible talks about three times a day that people prayed it was set apart for prayer psalm 55:17 it says evening and morning and at noon I will pray and cry aloud and he shall hear my voice Daniel 6:10 it says now in Daniel knew that the writing was signed he went home and in his upper room with his windows open towards Jerusalem he knelt down on his knees three times that day and prayed and gave thanks before his God as was his custom since early days Daniel prayed three times a day the first time of prayer was in the morning around the third hour which coincides with about 9:00 a.m. in the morning and this is also happen to be coinciding with the morning sacrifice in the temple this is when the morning sacrifice was offered up this is where the morning prayers offered up prayer is a sacrifice they're connected the second was at the sixth hour which is what we would call noon and it coincided with the Thanksgiving offering for the are the the Thanksgiving prayer offered for the chief meal of the day when they would sit down to lunch lunch was considered the main meal of the day midday and they would give Thanksgiving for their meal at the the main meal of the day it was a Thanksgiving time every day and this is when the the second time of Prayer was the third hour of prayer coincided with the evening sacrifice at about 3:00 in the afternoon the ninth hour and ax3 one it talks about talks about this it says now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the ninth excuse me to the temple at the hour of prayer the ninth hour his acts 3:1 so they were on their way to the temple to pray at 3 o'clock in the afternoon x10 30 assists so Cornelius said 4 days ago I was fast until this hour and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house and behold a man stood before me and bright clothing cornelius was praying at the ninth hour and an angel appeared to him Psalm 141 - it says let my prayer be set before you as incense the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice psalmist comparing prayer to sacrifice there are you know there's another place that says that our prayers ascend up like incense the incense was placed in the holy up in the holy place in the in the in the temple so you go through the first layer and you have menorah the the lamp stand you have the showbread and you have a an altar of incense then you have another veil and you go into the most holy place where the arca they're coming it was and the high priest would take that incense and he would slip it under that veil into the holy place and it would fill that place with smoke fill it place with incense before the the high priest would go into the holy place on the day of atonement and so to fill that place with with the smoke and the incense so that he wouldn't be able to see God's presence but it says that our prayers ascend like incense and how the smoke lifts up to heaven is the same way that our prayers are described that it's a type of sacrifice and it says that it's a sweet-smelling aroma let my prayers be sitting before you is incense the lifting of my hands as the evening sacrifice by the way that did aquella mentioned earlier the decay talks about the Lord's Prayer and it says that we are to pray in this manner three times a day coinciding with what we just read here that the Bible says that there are three times a prayer morning evening and noon they did a case of the same thing it says pray this prayer it quoted the Our Father the Lord's Prayer and it says pray in this manner doesn't say pray these exact words word for word this same same as what you should have said he says when you pray pray in this manner pray like this he's not saying he's not giving us a prayer to pray he's giving us a form a pattern of how to pray he didn't say just you know just quote this prayer memorize this prayer and say it he's teaching us how to pray how we offer Thanksgiving God we exalt him we come before him as our father we exalt him as the holy one we asked for his will to be done we asked for him to help us we asked for him to forgive us he's teaching us how to pray this is how you talk to God this is how you approach him but Yeshua said that my house shall be called the house of prayer he's quoting Isaiah he said my house shall be called a house of prayer it's not a place it's not just a place where we come to fellowship and hang out it's not just a place where we come to hear teachings it's not just a place where we sing songs read scriptures he said this is supposed to be a place of Prayer right and you know it's the Bible also says that we are the temple of the holy spirit and I think that can be applied individually or corporately that we as a corporate body are the body of the holy spirit but I think individually we also function as a temple of the Holy Spirit because he dwells inside of us and we are to be a temple a house of prayer Matthew 21:22 says whatever things you ask in prayer believing you will receive it I'm running out of time someone to try to get through this a little quicker proverbs 28:9 one who turns away his ear from hearing the Torah even his prayer is an abomination this is part of what faith is by the way faith is believing in the Word of God and so if you turn your ear away from hearing his word his Torah you don't have faith you're not praying a prayer of faith so it says that your prayer is an abomination you're not praying through faith you're not praying through trusting in his word how 1529 the Lord is far from the wicked but he hears the prayer of the righteous John 15:7 if you abide in me and my words abide in you you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you we need to abide in Messiah and let his words abide in us that's back to again meditating on his word daily letting it transform our minds learning how to walk in his will and as we do those things he says that as you abide in me you will ask what you desire and it shall be done for you people people are always saying why don't I ever see my prayers answered why would I pray nothing happens well maybe you need to spend some more time in him abiding in his word and letting his word transform your mind learning how to walk in his will learning how to pray in his will maybe that's why our prayers aren't answered because we're not doing it right in Acts we see Peter and John we're going to the temple to pray and they healed align a lame man that's an x3 one the Holy Spirit was poured out when they prayed an acts 4:31 Tabitha was raised from the dead when Peter prayed for her acts 9:40 Peter received a vision of the sheet from heaven when he was praying in acts 10 9 Cornelius was praying and an angel appeared to him in acts 10 30 feet or was freed from prison when the church prayed for him in acts 12 5 Paul and Silas were praying and cast out a demon out of a woman in acts 16 16 Paula Silas for praying and prison doors were opened in acts 16 25 Paul prayed for the father of Publius and he was healed of dysentery in acts 28 8 we see over and over and over in the Bible when people pray God does stuff people are healed prison doors are opened all kinds of things the Holy Spirit is poured out when we pray God does things he touches people's lives devote yourselves to prayer we are spending time in the presence of God listening to him speaking to him casting our cares on him devote yourselves to prayer you know if you ask me what can I do to be a better Christian what can I do to be a better follower of Yeshua what can I do to be a better disciple what can I do to get out of this sin what can I do to make my marriage better what can I do to be a better father what can I do to be a better mother what can I do to be a better son or daughter my answer is the same for all of them read your Bible and pray those are the two most important things we can be doing read your Bible and pray and you're gonna figure all the rest of it out you're gonna learn how to be a better husband a better wife a better father a better son better daughter you're gonna learn those things you're gonna learn how to defeat whatever that sin is you're gonna learn how to walk in his presence you're gonna learn how to hear for his voice you're gonna learn your prayer and reading his word and so I'm gonna close with that devote yourselves to prayer but I really think we need to have a time of Prayer tonight just spending some time on our face seeking is you guys okay with that all right let me turn this off
Channel: The Grafted Church
Views: 1,819
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: grafted church, lex meyer, yeshua, jesus, prayer, be devoted to prayer, how to pray, why to pray, importance of prayer, avinu, our father prayer, the lords prayer, bible teaching, prayer request, power of prayer, prayer transforms us, vain prayers, vain repetition, morning devotion, morning prayer, prayer for forgiveness of sins, prayer for thanking god, prayer for healing, prayer times, prayers, praying
Id: CF5K9j3ikwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 13sec (3973 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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