The Lord Your God Is With You by Carter Conlon

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Joshua chapter one please if you go there with me Joshua chapter one my message is entitled the Lord your God is with you the Lord your God is with you the father I thank you Lord O Jesus I thank you for the anointing of your Holy Spirit I thank you Lord for the plan that you have for each of our lives I thank you God for truth Lord that you reveal to us in your word that cannot be put away it can't be circumvented it can't be withstood against old Jesus son of God speak to our hearts today Lord give me the grace Lord to share this word with this congregation and give us the courage to believe it Lord and to embrace it and put it into practice thank you for it with all of my heart in Jesus name Joshua chapter one the Lord your God is with you beginning at verse one after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses assistant saying Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan you and all this people to the land which I'm giving to them the children of Israel every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you as I said to Moses from the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the Great River the river Euphrates all the land of the Hittites into the Great Sea toward the going down of the Sun shall be your territory no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you be strong and of good courage for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commended you do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wheresoever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in a day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I'm gonna sir with praise God I'm glad the Lord spoken to your heart already this morning I want to share with you a very personal story and I want to also bring it to a place of understanding that what I'm about to share though it's very personal to me it also applies to you it applies to everybody who is here there are certain patterns of God's dealing with and through humanity that don't change they're not exclusive to just one two or five different people but it's for the whole body of Christ the manifestation of God's Spirit the divine purpose of God to be established in the earth is is accomplished through the whole church not just one or two as it was in the Old Testament but now through you through me we are his body his church his living testimony on the earth it was late 1993 or early 1994 I don't remember the exact time but I was I just come into the my office in Canada as a pastor at that time and I suddenly felt an incredible presence of God's Holy Spirit come upon me I've only had that happened a few times in my life everything is heightened I can't explain it it's as if the presence of God just makes everything so real you started noticing things around you you didn't notice before that's the only way I can explain it I knew it was the presence of God I knew it was the Holy Spirit I knew God wanted to speak to me so I told my assistant at that time I said please no phone calls no interruptions I'm going to lock myself in my office I feel the presence the Lord has come on me for a reason but I don't know why I went into my office i sat down at my desk and I felt the Lord speak to my heart and say go to where you are presently reading in the Old Testament I read my Bible in four places every day and to get a panoramic view in a sense of the scripture so I read right through the whole Bible at the same time in different places and at this time in the Old Testament I was in first chronicles chapter 28 and I felt the Lord say to me go there and begin to read so I went into chapter 28 and I began to read and it was about verse 10 that I don't know if you ever had this happen to you but the words of God just just literally draw off the page if you're walking with the Lord if you have a heart to serve god this how this does happen God speaks to me through his word that's the way he's always spoken to me that's why I do the best that I can to be a student of the Word of God to know the Word of God to stay in the Word of God and if I'm reading something never to assume because I've read it before that I fully understand it always asking the Holy Spirit to give me life the verse 10 this is where God began to speak to me consider now this is first Chronicles 28 for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary be strong and do it then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule its houses its Treasuries its upper chambers its inner chambers in the place of the mercy seat and the plans for all he had by the Spirit of the Lord and then verse 19 all this said David the Lord made me understand in writing by his hand upon me all the works of these plans and David said to his son Solomon be strong and of good courage and do it do not fear nor be dismayed for the Lord God my God will be with you he will not leave you nor forsake you until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord here are the divisions of the priests and the Levites for all the service of the house of God and every willing craftsman would be with you for all manner of workmanship for every kind of service also the leaders and all the people will be completely at your command it was then after this passage of scripture the Lord told me spoke to my heart and said now go read the book of Joshua chapter one which I just read to you verses 1 to 9 and that in that moment the Lord spoke to my heart and said I'm sending you to another place to help further a work that's another man has begun somebody else has begun this work and I'm sending you there to help him bring this work to completion I had no way of understanding it but I knew it was God I didn't know what it was but I was so convinced it was God's Holy Spirit speaking to me that I went into my associate pastor and told him I said you need to start preparing your heart to take over this church I'll be leaving soon he said where are you going I said I don't know where I'm going all I know is that God spoke to me today and I know his voice I walked with him long enough I know when he's speaking to be sending me to a place to help him a man who started a work finished that work bring it to where it needs to go I remember it was in 1994 on May 19th it was Pastor David Wilkerson's birthday that's why I can remember the date he called my home in Canada asking if I would be willing to come to New York City the following Tuesday to speak in this in a service here I arrived in New York and I I didn't know much about David Wilkerson I didn't know much about New York and what I did know I didn't like and you know realistically the only thing I knew about New York is the cross and the Switchblade and if you've seen the movie with people chasing each other and killing each other through back alleys and cemeteries it was not exactly very appealing to come and minister in a place like this and I remember staring out the window of an apartment it belonged to World Challenge at that time and I was I had not met David Wilkerson yet and I looked out the window and again the Lord said do not be afraid or dismayed do not be afraid that what I'm setting before you is something that cannot be accomplished and did not be dismayed by looking within your own life and starting to and coming to the conclusion there's not enough resource in there to do what I've asked you to do I've sent you the Lord said that's all you need to know after he spoke to my heart again there's a knock at the door it's a man called David Wilkerson and he and I went for a walk together and we were standing across the street on Broadway underneath the marquee of a Broadway show they used to be called cats across the street and we were standing underneath the marquee and he stopped he looked at me and he said I've started the Lord has used me to start this work he said but it's growing very very quickly and it really needs I need help I said that's all I can tell you and he said would you be willing to pray about coming to help me and I remembered the words that God spoke to my heart in the moments just months before in my office that he was going to send me somewhere to help a man bring the completion of work that he had started and I looked at pastor David and I said don't you think you should hear me preach first and he said oh yeah of course of course and but he already knew the Holy Spirit had already spoken to his heart and he knew that God had spoken to my heart and over the course of the next seven years having come here in August 1994 exactly as the Lord said David Wilkerson spent seven years pouring into my life the pattern of of God's church the pattern that the Lord had revealed to him of the Treasuries that vestibules the houses the upper chambers the inner chambers and the most of all the place of the mercy seat the New Covenant of God in Christ Jesus an understanding of grace that so enlarged and expanded the gratitude of my heart towards God I once told him if that's the only reason that God brought me here that would have been good enough to fully understand to comprehend all that the Lord has been doing and is willing to do in his house and understand the working of his house and I remember one of the last times that I saw him I don't remember the exact words but it was something like this we were just sitting we were just talking about the future and he said words to the effect that I brought the people this far now you take them in to take them into the place of promise but that's exactly what the Lord had spoken to me in Joshua chapter one that God had commissioned this young man Joshua to lead his people into the promise their promise their place to promise the borders of that promise and so the words of God applied directly to my life but I want to share with you how they apply to your life in Joshua chapter one it says after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun Moses assistant now first of all I think this is incredible I I did all the research that I could do to find out who is this man none and just as his name says there is none there's nothing written about him his name means fish that's what it means the son of fish that's an incredible meaning it's you see it means to me the gods the selections of who he's going to use to impact another generation is not based on education lineage doesn't the Bible say that God doesn't choose the wise or the noble or the naturally strong but it's the hungry heart that gets the victory it doesn't matter whether we have an education or we don't whether we are good at speaking or we're not whether we have influence or we don't have influence none of this matters it the choice is God's and it's the hungry heart it's the person that says yes Lord it's the one who says god I want you I want your kingdom I want everything that your kingdom is going to be through my life I don't want to be sold short of what your calling is in my life and you know the Bible tells us about Joshua that he went with Moses into this place of Prayer and when Moses would get up and go out and go home Joshua would stay and pray there was something in this young man that was like god I want to serve you I know I come from nowhere I come from nothing you know he was born into slavery you have to understand that the time Joshua was born that the people of God were slaves in Egypt his father was a slave were probably worked under harsh conditions as the scripture tells us that their lives were made bitter bondage in mud and straw and brick and Joshua would have been the son of a slave but there's something in his heart this is God I feel called to be more than I am at present it's something that only you can do in my life and he understood it's only through consecration in prayer that these things could happen if you live a casual Christianity then you're going to be a casual effect in your generation it does require something to be used of God requires a dedication it requires a separation a sanctification I remember when I first came here David Wilkerson said to me I want you to shut away two days every week and pray you know for most preachers you think that would be a dream because I was I was involved in everything in the church I was pastoring in Canada yes we did pray yes we did meet and pray in the morning and we prayed at night but I was involved in everything from painting to cleaning to cutting grass to picking up and resubmitting tombstones in the cemetery and everything else like that you know how hard it is to pray for two days if you can't say yes then you've never tried it I can tell you that much it's difficult you think it would be a dream come true but you get up at 6:00 or 7:00 in the morning and you've read your Bible till 11 you pray to one then what you know it's just it was hard it was disciplined now I can spend time with the Lord but it took it took a dedication it took an understanding David Wilkinson knew that that if you're going to amount to anything you have to learn how to pray you have to learn how to press sin you have to learn how to seek God that's why the theme of our church is it's time to pray that's why we're on radio going across the nation calling the nation of prayer that's why we're on secular radio calling society that doesn't know God to prayer that's why that this church is beginning to have an influence in the Christian world because we have learned and are learning how to pray and be set apart for God the Lord speaks to every new generation thank God for those that have come before us but the torch is now in our hands and he's speaking to you and he's speaking to me after the death of Moses it came to pass the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of nun after you see we're here today because other generations have carried the torch to us some had to go into the arena some went to jail some paid with were burnt at the stake some paid with blood but they got the torch to us do you understand they got it to us the torch is now in our hands and thank God for people that God spoke to in times past but now is now and you and I are the people that are here and we are the ones that God is now speaking to if we have ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking he said Moses my servant is dead now therefore arise go over this Jordan you and all these people to the land which I'm giving to them the children of Israel now Jordan represents the boundary between the old and the new the old way of living and the new life that has promised us in Jesus Christ's Jordan is a place where we die to ourselves when we rise out of the water in newness of life choosing to live according to the will of God and believing that he we'll supply the power to fulfill it that's what the Jordan River is even preparing this message I found myself in prayer this week saying God I go into the Jordan again I go down under the water and I want Carter Conlan to be a dead net I want him gone I want no part of him anymore I want you to raise me from the dead I wanted to be your thoughts in my mind your leadings in my heart your direction for my feet I want everything that you have for my life in the future that's what the Jordan is all about and Lord you promised to supply the power to fulfill it if the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is upon me the Bible says he shall also quicken my mortal body so God you will give me the strength to do what you have called me to do it doesn't matter about age doesn't matter about health doesn't matter about any of these things God I want your will I want your way I want what you want from my life I don't want what I want what I want will bring a dullness what I want will leave somebody outside the kingdom of God I don't want what I want I want what you want Oh God let it be let it be even Jesus Christ Himself thrown us the way when he was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River yielding his own will to the will of his father and receiving the immediate witness of the Holy Spirit this is a divine life this is a supernatural life this is a life where God has determined to do something through you and through me that only he can do in our lives it's when you choose to live for God that you begin to hear his voice let me say that again it's when you choose to live for God then you begin to hear his voice and the evidence of the spirit begins to be known in and through your life it is an amazing journey to be led by the spirit it's an amazing journey to watch God do through your life what only God can do for the children of Israel the promised land was a physical place for us today the Promised Land is Christ it's a spiritual place it's a place of redemption it's a place of regeneration it's a place where we are set apart for the things of God it's a place where we learn to hear the voice of God it's a place where the kingdom of God begins to advance through our lives as a place of supernatural giftings given to those who are yielded to the purposes of God it's an incredible place it's a wonderful place it's a glorious place it's an exciting place the promised land in Christ verse three to five you said every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon I've given you as I said to Moses from the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the Great River the river Euphrates and all the land of the Hittites and the Great Sea towards the going down of the Sun shall be your territory no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses so I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you the plan of God is sure the promise of what God will accomplish through you is true he said I have determined to do something through your life do you know that do you understand that today when you came to Christ a divine plan that God had already written down for your life come began to come into effect this this plan of God promises you victory there are borders from the wilderness 11:00 on the great river the river Euphrates the land of the Hittites the Great Sea towards of going down to the Sun shall be your territory do you understand God has determined to do something through your life and through my life he has determined it already the only thing he requires of us is that we be set apart for him for his purposes set apart Oh God what is it that you have for my life where do you want to take me what do you want to do and how shall I win the battles that will come against me in verse 5 he says no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life as I was with Moses I will be with you I will not leave you nor forsake you here's the beauty of this plan of God in your life in order to stop what God has determined to do you those who oppose you have to be able to stop God himself because it's not you it's God Christ in you that is the plan they have to be able to stop God that's why Paul the Apostle could say no mountain no valley no opposing force no enemy no power no principality no spirit no angel no nothing nothing can separate me from the love of God which is mine in Christ Jesus I am already more than a conqueror through Christ who loves us thank God for that the plan of God and your life can't be stopped the only thing that can stop it in its tracks is the lack of making a choice to live for God or the unbelief that so nags at the corners of our life all the time but let that thought get so deep within you to stop you the devil has to be able to stop God and he can't stop God you carry the Living God inside of this earthly vessel no man no man that's why I said to the Church of Philadelphia you only have a little strength but I've opened the door before you and the door that I open no man can close it I've opened a pathway to u x squared Church I've opened a pathway to you every saint of God no matter where you're big or small whether you know a lot of your Bible are just a little God says I've opened the pathway to you and no man can close that door no one no power can stop what i'm gonna do through your life listen to the words of the psalmist David that I'll read to you in Psalm 18 verses 28 to 38 for you will light my lamp the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness for by you I can run against a troop by my god I can leap over a wall as for God his way is perfect the word of the Lord is proven he's a seal to all those who trust in him for who is God except the Lord and who is a rock except our God it is God who warns me with strength and makes my way perfect he makes my feet like the feet of a deer and sets me on my high places he teaches my hands to war so that my arms can bend a bowl of bronze you've given me the shield of your salvation your right hand has held me up your gentleness has made me great you enlarged my path under me so that my feet did not slip I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them neither did I turned back again till they were destroyed I have wounded them so they could not rise they have fallen underneath my feet no man no man no man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life let them criticize you let them mock you let them scorn you let the threaten you no man no man I've lived long enough to see it now I've lived long enough to face opposition and I've lived long enough to see the hand of God at work and I can tell you this scripture is true no man no one can stop the plan of God if you have a pure heart if you want to see Christ honored in your life and in your generation there's not a person alive there's not a devil of health it's not one power or principality can stop the work of God in your life Jesus himself said in Luke 10:19 behold I give you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you be strong verse six Joshua one and a good courage for this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them you see when you were set apart for God when you're walking in the divine of Christ it's not just about you but it's for everyone else over whom your life will have an influence you will divide an inheritance which I swore to their fathers to give them praise be to God you stand you might be the only one in your family who's a believer in Christ but you stand and what's what God will do in your home watch what God will do for your children that's what God will do for your grandchildren watch the hand of God at work you stand you hold your ground you worship your God you live for him with all your heart and you what God will do in your home hallelujah to the lamb of God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] not only will you win but you will bring other people into victory that weren't even searching for God they weren't even thinking about God in some cases that were determined not to walk with God but a sudden thought will come into their heart maybe I'm wrong maybe I simply forgot because you held your ground and the door was open too many to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory glory [Applause] verse seven says only be strong and very courageous that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left that you may prosper wheresoever you go this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth you shall meditate in a day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success the psalmist in psalm 119 verse 130 said the entrance of your words gives light Psalm 17 part way through verse 4 and verse 5 the psalmist says by the word of your lips I've kept away from the path of the destroyer uphold my steps in your past that my footsteps may not slip we are to know this book we are to study this book we are to prayerfully read this book we're to ask God to speak to us through this book it says if you will stay in this book I will prosper your journey and you will have good success I remind you some people want to hear the voice of God but they don't want to do the work of reading what God has already said so they they become prey to mystics and mysticism they they look for this voice is somehow going to fall out of the heavens well that's not the way God's ever spoken to me God speaks to me through his word God speaks to me in this book he doesn't have to come up with something new because he's already said it all he simply has to be able to lead me to it and speak to me through it it's so important do not let the words of this book depart from your mouth meditate in it think about a day at night something you may not have a lot of time in the morning you may not have the time I have the time to spend the day or tune in the Bible you may not have that time but you can ask God to give you a verse just a verse say Lord establish my thinking for the day what what is a good verse for me to and you could maybe read that verse five times and and meditate on it all day and think about it it's life it's light the scripture says its direction it's God speaking to you it's something you can meditate on day and night you can observe to do it according as it is written and you will have a prosperous way in good success as the scripture says and lastly in verse 9 he says have I not commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go I've sent you the Lord says I've commissioned you I've started something divine in you that cannot be stopped now don't be afraid when you see the size and scope of what opposes you if you're going to live for Christ you will be opposed you'll be opposed from without and as Paul said you'll also be opposed from within you will be opposed to be to be something outside that calls you to fear there'll be something inside that calls the same way but he says don't be afraid when you see the size of what opposes you talk about a direct word for Joshua for he was about to go into the very place where a previous generation had turned back because of the size of the Giants and do not be dismayed by looking at yourself and feeling too small for the challenge this is what fear in dismay are bedfellows fear comes when we we see the opposition that's against us the size of the opposition or the magnitude of it and dismay comes when we look inside of ourselves and we don't see the strength of the resources to be able to stand up we feel too small for the challenge the error of all this though is not the battle it's not ours it's the Lord's it's not we who have to do this thing for God it's we who allow God to do this for himself through us and there's a huge difference between the two the basis of courage the basis of having faith to finish the journey is the simple word at the end of verse 9 Joshua chapter 1 for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go the Lord your God is with you the Lord your God is with you you don't know how many times in the last 24 years now I've gone back to these verses for the Lord your God is with you for the Lord your God is with you there was a season in the early years of being in this church when I would sit were pastor Patrick is right now and I would stare at that leg right there until my eyes burned there was a there was a sense of God how am I gonna get through this that this is so difficult this is so different and the opposition is so great and the Lord would remind me of what he had spoken to me before even knowing about this calling for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go no man should be able to stand before you all the days they will try but they'll not be able to withstand because I have commissioned you and I'm going to do this through your life thank God for the goodness of God thank God thank God but it's not just for me it's for you see Christ has a church a people we're all called to go into the place of promise it requires a dying to yourself it requires the Jordan requires a baptism saying not my will but thine not my ways but yours not my reasonings but your word that's what it requires a lot of people want heaven but they don't want any hassle it's like a don't mind search they don't mind singing but don't ask me to live it but those kind of lives we'll never really have much of an effect and I don't want to hurt you when I say this but it may also hurt the people closest to you who could have known God but when you make the choice to stand so I'm going into the Jordan I'm not living on the wrong side of the Jordan I'm going into the Jordan the children of Israel had to pass through the Jordan before they could see Jericho come down in the land conquered Jesus himself went to the Jordan to show us the pathway to the promised land the humility that's required the dedication and so I choose I choose that baptism of death to myself that baptism I'll say no longer i but Christ who lives in me not my will but thine be done I choose that's a personal choice but when you make the choice you look throughout history nothing ever happens through undead ik ated people nothing nothing you have to search the records you have to go to whatever it is calm put some spit in an envelope and find out who your ancestors work but if one of your ancestors if one of your ancestors had stood up for Christ you don't have to put spit in an envelope it's already written and you already know who that person is I don't want to be one of those that somebody in the future has to spit in an envelope to find out who I was I want them to know who their grandfather the great grandfather the great great-grandfather was because I chose to live for God and because of it the blessing of the Lord has been open to them they've known Christ as as say as their Savior I have a promise of God in my heart that my family lineage will be known for missions that's a promise that God gave me when I first came he told me especially during the hardest times he said these words to me one day you look after my house I'll look after yours that's the deal I'll tell you God is faithful God is faithful God is faithful hallelujah hallelujah who wants to go through the Jordan you don't make this decision lightly this is not just a thing for church this is this is about the rest of your life who wants to go through the Jordan who wants to be baptized with that kind of a baptism so for the rest of my life for the rest of my life not my plans for the rest of my life whatever you have for me god that's what I will do if you let me rest I will rest if you send me into battle I'll go into battle whatever it is that you have for my life that's what I want I want my family and those over whom you have given me influence to inherit the promise of Christ that's the goal of my life it's the reason I go forward it's why I pray if that's your heart if that's your heart I want to make the front of the sanctuary in between the screens and the annex and in North Jersey and your own living room those that are with us online today I want to make that your Jordan that place where you say finally I want no more of me god I can't do that but you have to do it for me and I want all of you I want to be among those that you can speak to you can call I want to go across that River I want my life to make a difference I want my family and my friends to inherit everything that is theirs in Christ God helped me to lead the way God helped me to hold firm in what I believe and stand strong in the face of opposition help me Lord not to be afraid or dismayed if that's you today we're going to stand and I'm gonna ask you just to join me here at the front we're gonna pray together and believe God believe God for the miraculous today let's stand together we're gonna worse just for a few moments then we'll pray slip out of your seat in the balcony the main site you just come just come wherever you are let this be your Jordan as the scripture says come who has know every one who has no money coming by wine and milk without money and without price don't bring any human effort God doesn't need it just bring a heart this is Lord your will your way everything you have that's what I want I'm going to stand in my home my family my community and I'm gonna believe God Father God Almighty we stand before you today and the Lord I ask you for strength for all the mothers fighting for the children for their homes Lord to not be afraid to not be dismayed for you promised every woman that you are with her I looked up the father's that are standing and believing that a new generation through them can be made in their house and their lineage I ask you Lord for an empowerment of the Spirit to make them mighty men of God men who are willing to fight for truth and sacrifice for what is right men who would not be casual in their approach to you Lord but radical in their obedience I pray for the tenderness of God that David spoke about to make the men of this church great in this generation enough that the young people are deciding what their future is going to be Lord it's not our decision according to your word it's yours I pray that you'd give the young people the courage to say not my will but thine be done courage Lord to put away what needs to be put away in to pick up that which you put into their hands Lord we don't want to live outside of the promise of your life in us Lord you are the promised land it's you Jesus it's you it's no longer a physical place it's now you it's the Lord we want the promised land to be alive inside of our hearts Oh God everything that means for the future father we lift up our children our grandchildren to You Lord our great-grandchildren to you and may the curse have said be broken in all of our homes and our families Lord may our grandchildren our great-grandchildren live for you may they look at the picture on the wall Georgia tarea and say it's because of that man that woman that we live for God in this moment Lord you told Joshua not only will you inherit but you will give an inheritance and many others who follow you so Lord put that picture deep in each of our hearts but our obedience to you let our prayer God let everything that we do let it be dedicated sincere give us a singleness of the eye oh god help us to see into the future Lord how faithful you will be as we choose to live for you I ask you today for divine strength for this church Lord especially in this darkened moment of history when it just seems that so much as against us but Lord you promised there shall not be a man able to stand before you all the days of your life there's not a power that can stop what you determined to do through your people and so Lord we thank you God send revival not just into our homes and our families but into our communities into our extended families got into our cities and towns into our country let there be an awakening Lord that will cause us to laugh and dance in our streets Lord we put into your hands God our petition knowing that you are God and you were able to do exceedingly above all that we can ask or even think that's who you are we know you long to forgive for you yourself on the cross and Father forgive them they don't know what they do we see your forgiveness in the Old Testament even as a wicked godless city called Nineveh you spared for an entire generation this is your heart because your good and your mercy endures forever and so lord help us to be ambassadors of a true kingdom deliver us God from duplicity of heart and give us a singleness of focus and mind there's great joy in living for you Lord and we thank you for that let it explode in our hearts and father we thank you we praise you in Jesus name Amen and they met
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Keywords: Speaker Name, Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth
Id: Y-x6o30PAwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 32sec (2552 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2019
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