Jul. 17, 2011 - Carter Conlon - I Don't Know How To Go On

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lord give me a message title which I believe is going to be an encouragement to you today and it's entitled I don't know how to go on now I don't know who this is for but I have a feeling it's for quite a few people here this morning you've just come to the place in your life as a Christian well you've found yourself thinking these words if not saying them I just don't know how to go on I don't know how to walk into the future I don't know where to find strength I know what I'm supposed to do but I don't know how to do it anymore Jeremiah chapter 20 please if you go there and your Bibles with me Jeremiah chapter 20 and the Lord has confirmed this word with his presence as he always does when he's about to speak to us now Lord I thank you for your presence more than everything Jesus I thank you for your presence in this sanctuary when we gather together to worship you and to encourage one another and to unlock your word thank you Lord that you have humbled yourself to come and walk with us and you've chosen Lord to be with us Lord your word does say that you inhabit the praises of your people and we thank you for these things today and for the witness the strong witness of your presence Lord opened the word to us give me the ability to speak this today help your word Lord to land solidly and powerfully in every one of our hearts and prepare us Lord for the days ahead the Lord Jesus Christ would give you the praise and all the glory for what you're about to accomplish in us and we thank you for it in Jesus name Jeremiah chapter 20 beginning at verse 7 these are the words of Jeremiah Oh Lord thou hast deceived me and I was deceived thou art stronger than I and has prevailed I am in derision daily everyone mock with me for since I spake I cried out I cried violence and spoiled because the word of the Lord was made of reproach unto me and the derision daily then I said I will not make mention of him nor speak any more in his name but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay for I heard the defaming of many fear on every side reports say they and we will report it all my familiars watched from my halting saying peradventure he will be enticed and we shall prevail against him and we shall take our revenge on him but the Lord is with me is a mighty terrible one and therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail they shall be greatly ashamed for they shall not prosper their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten but O Lord of Hosts that tries the righteous and seize the reins of the heart let me see my vengeance by vengeance on them front to thee have I opened my cause sing unto the Lord praise ye the Lord for he has delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers now Jeremiah was at a place in his life which many sincere believers in Jesus Christ are facing today or will have to soon go through I don't think this classroom is avoidable you know when I started in ministry as a young man I was 33 when I went into full-time ministry and I remember this seasoned veteran minister of the gospel came to visit me one time and he said to me I felt then knock I was ready to take on the world I was ready to see revival breakout on every side was ready to preach to anything and everything that would move and nothing seemed impossible and he looked me right in the eye an older man probably my age and he said to me there is a day will come when you will not think you can go another day he says you will not and it seems a foreign to me to say that I mean I I had just come out of darkness I had come to Christ and there were miracles happening in my life and the thought of coming to a place where I wouldn't be able to go forward for another day was foreign actually to my thinking he said but that day will come and he said when the day comes the Lord will ask you a question can you do it for one more day and all you're required to do is say yes Lord and you go through the next day and at the end of the next day the Lord will say to you can you do it for one more day and he said there's a season in your life it's inescapable season in every Christians life where you're not going to know how to go forward there'd be no natural strength left your natural zeal will be gone you will face opposition that you can't get through in your own strength and I remember the day when it came when I just didn't know if I could go forward I didn't know where I'd find the strength to go through another day and his words came back to me can you do it for one more day and there was a season in my life where that one word from the man of God carried me for many many weeks can you do it for one more day can you just find the strength to believe me this is what the Lord is asking of us at certain times 1st Corinthians 10:13 Paul says there's no temptation taken you but such as is common to men in other words you won't go through anything that anybody before you hasn't gone through a devil scheme is to try to tell you that some of your situation is deeper darker more difficult something that God never thought of has come your way you've got to struggle too powerful you've got two walls too high you've got enemies too great you can't somehow get through it but what you're going through the Bible tells us is common to others that not only have others gone through it and made it to victory but others around you are going through it as well and that's why it's important for us in the body of Christ not to be hypocritical not not to pretend that we're something we're not if it anything I've learned over the years honesty is required of a genuine believer in Jesus Christ folks you don't have to put on a mask on Sunday morning when somebody says how are you and you don't have to you know put the coat hanger in your mouth so you can smile and say blessed I know we're blessed but there are times when just be honest would you pray for me it's been the worst week of my life folks there's something so wonderful about honesty and vulnerability and the genuine care and compassion for one another because we all have to go through times and storms but God is faithful Paul says he will not suffer you to be tempted above that you're able but will with the temptation make a way to escape that you might be able to bear it now in the beginning of our text Jeremiah said Lord you deceived me and I was deceived if he's not implying that God was deceptive when you look at it in the original Hebrew text it basically says this Lord you overpowered me and you was you reduced my ability to resist your calling I I come into your presence and there was a drawing that I couldn't resist and there was a calling that I knew was right and I accepted the calling you overpowered my resistance is really what he's saying and any ability I had to refrain from taking up this calling you had given to me now in Jeremiah's case he was called to stand and preach in a very unpopular time very much like we're in today there was a season in America I'm sure where it was very popular to be a Christian everybody was turning to Christ everybody's talking about God but those days are far gone now and we're in a season it's an it's an out of season time to stand for the things of God and that's the time that Jeremiah was in false prophets were deceiving the people they were believing a lie Jeremiah saw captivity coming from all sides and tried to warn the people but they weren't willing to listen and Jeremiah said listen I've responded to this calling but it's brought me into a place where I've become the object of ridic and mockery verse 8 he says I've warned as lovingly as I could of the peril of how they were living in the coming judgments against it and yet they laughed at me and chose to believe other voices he said I cried out I cried violence and spoil in other words there is no safety here anymore the security is quickly leaving us we're about to face times Jeremiah was telling his generation that without the strength of God we're not going to get through it there's going to have to be a turning to God and it's going to have to be a turning in truth and in genuine righteousness but all it brought me said was deeper mockery and ridicule I was laughed at as it is and many of you are laughed at in the workplace you tried to live right and all you face is ridicule and mockery and the ridicule and mockery is getting more vehement it's getting more cruel all the time it might have been a snicker but now it's outright sarcasm and ridicule a young lady recently stood up in a college class and basically just shared what she felt God had done in her life only to find that there were profanities even from the professor in that class being directed at her calling her an idiot and and one of our college campuses in this country for believing that God created the world that God came as a man that God went to a cross the God died for the sins of all humanity this is the time we're living it now how difficult it is for many having to go through these particular classrooms in our generation Jeremiah said to God I heart because of the way I've been treated I've only tried to do what you told me to do and it's been mostly rejected in the beginning of chapter 20 written tells us that Pastor the son of Emma the priest who was also chief governor in the house of the Lord heard that Jeremiah prophesied these things and pastor smoked Jeremiah the Prophet and put him in stocks that were in the high gate of Benjamin that was which was by the house of the Lord most believe that he was given 40 lashes and put in prison because of the warnings that he was bringing and so not only was he rejected but he felt deeply wounded he felt hurt and at verse 9 he'd come to the point where he said I'm not going to talk about you anymore I believe but I'm just going to be quiet I'm not going to speak anymore in his name he said but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones and I was weary with forbearing and I could not stay in other words Jeremiah said I decided to be quiet but there was something in me that would not let me I got in a lot of trouble as the unpleased a young Christian when I was a police officer and ended up transferred down to a street platoon and there just been so much flak because there was a very vocal witness for Christ that I decided to be quiet for a season I'm just I'm just gonna I'm just gonna do my job and I'm just gonna be a good cop and I'm just going to be quiet I just need to rest if you don't mind god I just I just I've had so many people's fingers stuck in my faces and so many threats that I just can't handle it now and I just need a rest and I remember going down and I was we used to have in those days where they call a parade where you had to stand they inspected your uniform and gave you all your instructions and notes for the evening and I remember I was standing there and it felt kind of good for a moment to be just one of the guys again nobody much knew a lot about me except that I was a Christian and I was most likely transferred there because of that and there was one guy on the platoon who had it was just mean it was mean to the core of his being he was mean and he would say anything to anybody at any time it didn't matter who it was it didn't matter what rank he was just that kind of a person and he was huge - on top of that and I remember going out and I have my squad car and I'm driving through the vicinity I was supposed to patrol and I saw he was in an unmarked car and I saw him parked in a driveway of an abandoned hospital building and the Holy Spirit said to me go and tell him about Jesus and I have to be honest with you my first response was your God I'm not you go tell him about Tuesday I could envision this guy because he was he was quite a character and I could envision him the next night on parade and I'm just brand-new and I just want to be quiet I want to fit in for once and I could just see him hey guys you got to listen to this now there's 80 guys lined up I could just imagine what this would and I had this vision in my mind of what he was going to do to me publicly if he didn't kill me privately before we got to the next night and so I argued with God but there's something you see when you came to Christ the Holy Spirit came the Holy Spirit is not just a concept of God the Holy Spirit is the third person of God he is the fire that is in your bones he not just when your masters in my bones that means the very fabric of my being is now is now has another life source inside of it it's something greater than me there's something greater than my heart there's something greater than my own desires that moves me and motivates me to do what I do and to be what I am and stop bargain with the Lord I said well listen I'll go get a couple of coffees and if he's still there I'll tell him and so I was really hope I've to be honest I was really hoping he's gonna be gone when I got there and so I went and got two coffees and then they he was still there unfortunately so I I drove in beside him in the driveway so that our windows are facing each other and he rolled down his window and he doesn't looked at me never this guy was never happy we'd never smiled it would never and he just looked at me and I handed him a coffee and he took it and then we didn't say anything and so I said well I said no might as well say this straight to you I said I'm a Christian and I said God speaks to me now I didn't know if he's going to pour his coffee in through my window and I said the Lord told me that you need to talk to me now I didn't intend on saying it that way I intended on saying that I need to talk to you but it came out the opposite way and I remember thinking wow that's a strange statement and so it was silent for a moment and then the eternity looked at me and he said I'm an alcoholic my marriage is finished and I'm sitting here contemplating committing suicide and so I shared Christ with him and led him to the Lord right there we prayed together and led him to the Lord and not long after that he went into prison ministry and one day he called me after I was gone and into full-time ministry he said Carter I never really thanked you for what you did that night I tried to be quiet Jeremiah said but I couldn't I tried to stop speaking I was tired of the pain I was tired of the rejection I was tired of the threatenings I was tired of what society was trying to do to me but I couldn't stop there was something inside of me Jeremiah said that caused me to have to keep speaking in verse 10 he said I heard the defaming of many and fear on every side report they say and we will report and all my familiars watch from my halting Saint peradventure he would be enticed and will prevail against him and take our revenge on him Jeremiah said I looked around and everywhere there was evil conversation fear is on the increase in people's hearts and in everything that they have to say and opposition to truth is increasing conversation in our time is becoming evil fear is the buzzword now of the day in opposition to everything godly and everything truthful when we see leaders now parading and giving out in society as if they're winning great victories when they're constantly moving against everything that God says is right and God says his holy opposition in our generation the truth is increasing Paul tells us in the New Testament that there will be a break out of lawlessness in our time that is almost unimaginable in opposition to everything holy to everything godly to everything that is right and just and finally the Sydney man will come to its full fruition when man bit into that fruit in the Garden of Eden that he could be as God and chart his own course and determine what is right and what is wrong and what is good and what is evil and finally there'll be a massive out breaking in the world a casting off as it is of restraint as humankind has seen it it will be difficult days for the Church of Jesus Christ it will be hard to stand for the truth of God but I believe with all my heart there will be a power of God available to those who make the choice to stand the church began supernaturally and the church will finish supernaturally the church came out of an upper room empowered by the Spirit of Almighty God given a life source given strength that doesn't come from anything of our natural being or natural ability astounding that generation and overturning as it is the arrogance of most of the known world of that time and I fully believe the church will finished exactly as she began jeremiah said my familiars in verse 10 he said or watch for my halting and they look to entice me all my old friends wait for me to fail and fall all my old habits are begging to come back and conquer me again I'm afraid of what sin will do to me if it gets ahold of me again and I know there are people who are thinking this way today who have come here to this house and say I don't know how to go forward I'm afraid to stay where I am and right behind me there were people that told me I'm not gonna make it on this journey and they're just waiting to laugh they're just waiting to point their finger and say look if we knew it was just some new fad was just some new thing that you got involved in but it's not going to last old habits that I thought were conquered to trying to come back and conquer me again and I'm afraid because the Bible says if I go back into sin that would be seven times worse for me than it was before because I knew the truth and having rejected the truth where do you from there what do you do when you've walked away from truth where is there left to go where strength to be found what hope and is there left in the world if I walk away from what I have known this is what many Saints have had to find folks throughout time Paul the Apostle had to fight it in acts 27 when he told the owners and the Centurion of the ship if you try to make this journey even though it looks like smooth sailing you are in peril you're going to lose not only the ship but you're going to put your lives in danger if you continue on this course but they were determined because there was commerce at hand there were things to be made there were plans that came out of the minds of men that had to be formulated and enacted and Paul found himself in the belly of the ship ignored and hurt and ridiculed you can just hear the conversation as some of the soldiers maybe would go by and see this man in Chains in the belly of the ship and say you're the Prophet aren't you that said we shouldn't take this journey oh look at the Sun is out look at the nice breeze that were in where we've got all kinds of goods on board here and we're going to travel the world and we're going to prosper and it's going to be better than it ever was before and you're trying to tell us that we shouldn't take this journey you're trying to tell us that there's another Haven of safety than the one that we have chosen for ourselves oh you foolish man you could have you could have it all but you're trading it for justice this place among captives in the belly of the ship and Paul in that darkened place in that place that he must have gotten to these men were not supermen even Elijah the Bible says was an ordinary man an ordinary person just like you and I are yet he prayed and God answered his prayer and Paul had to be in the belly of that ship and you can be sure the despair is trying to swallow him you can be sure that everything that Jeremiah has described evil conversation the fear the storm begins to happen the opposition the truth that seems to be on all scientists is literally gnawing at his inner man and trying to tell him there's no point to your life how are you going to go forward and if you go forward what's there to be brought to in verse 24 Paul in the midst of the storm stood on the deck of that ship and I do believe the church's finest hour is coming in this city and in this country the sudden appearing of the Church of Jesus Christ is going to happen folks there was a season there was a storm that came and suddenly people came to themselves and said where is that man that told us we shouldn't take that journey where is that voice that said this wasn't a wise thing to do and a wise way to live our lives and chart our courses and Paul stood on the deck of that ship and he told them he said don't be afraid he had been in prayer and he said a Messenger of God stood beside me and said Paul you must be brought before Caesar you have a destiny Paul there's something that God has determined that your life is going to be and to do as a testimony of the reality of Jesus Christ and you must be brought there and see that's the key brought that means move from one place to another by supernatural means when all natural strength has come to an end there's a point in time in every believers life where we must be brought in the strength of God to where in our own strength we just can't go we must be brought I've come to that place in my life you're coming if you've not come there already when natural strength is gone when natural zeal is over when natural inclinations have failed when all of the inner itches that come from what we do and why we do it and whose name we do it I've come to an end we've come to a place what we can't purchase the ticket we can't roll the boat we can't get there downstream anymore and that's when God says you're going to finish your course you're going to do exactly what I've charted your life to do and you're gonna be brought there supernaturally by the Holy Spirit you don't have to be able to figure it out you don't have to know how you're going to get there stretch out your hands and I'll bring you there John 2118 jesus said to Peter when you were young you dressed yourself and you walked anywhere you wanted to go in other words you charted your own course you were strong you were impulsive you felt that you had it all together but when you shall behold you will stretch forth your hands another will gird you and carry you whether that what's not in other words Peter as you're getting older you're going to learn something you're going to be brought to places that you can't go and places you don't want to go and there's no other way to get there but to stretch out your hands let somebody else dress you or give you the strength you're going to need and take you where you need to go praise be to God all folks I have to tell you next to salvation it's one of the most glorious truths of God's ever spoken to my heart I'm not responsible to get to the end of this journey I'm responsible to stretch my hands out and let the one who has called me take me there by his strength by his grace by his mercy by his promises by his power by his love by his righteousness by his judgment by everything that God is he takes me to the end of the journey so that I can put my feet up in my bed at the end of the days and say god is good and His mercy endures forever in Exodus chapter 14 I want to conclude with this if you'll turn there and your Bibles with Exodus chapter 14 the children of Israel remember the scripture says they come out of Egypt with a high hand that speaks to me about a hand that's nailed to a cross they come out with a high hand they come out in the power of God think of the day you came to Christ and God finally gave you an understanding that you could walk away from your captors that you weren't you didn't have to be bound by depression or suicide or pornography or anger or murder or whatever was in your heart it didn't have the power to hold you anymore that you could be free and you were moving to a land of promise a place that only God can give and God has prepared for those who love Him and you walked out with a high hand you walked out with an assurance of victory just as they did in Exodus chapter 14 and verse 8 since the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he pursued after the children of Israel and the children of Israel went out with a high hand hallelujah but the Egyptians pursued after them all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh and his horsemen and his army and overtook them in camping by the sea verse 10 and when farrell drew nigh the children of israel lifted up their eyes and behold the egyptians marched after them and they were sore afraid and the children of Israel cried out unto the Lord now evil pursues them to strike fear and dismay into their hearts that's what many are going through right now you're being pursued by evil on every side to try to take away that testimony of God out of your mouth and they said to Moses because there were no graves in Egypt you've taken us a way to die in the wilderness why have you dealt this way with us to carry us forth out of Egypt it's not this the word that we told you in Egypt saying let us alone then we may serve the Egyptians it was better for us to serve the Egyptians than we should die in the wilderness remember Jeremiah Lord he overpowered me you took me on this journey and I'm just so tired of the rejection I'm so tired of the beatings and Moses said to the people fear not stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he'll show you today for the Egyptians whom you've seen today you so see them again no more forever the Lord shall fight for you and you shall hold your peace the Lord will fight for you you don't have to figure it out and neither do I and the Lord said to Moses why do you cry to me speak to the children of Israel that they go forward but lift up thy rod then stretch out thy hand over the sea and divide it and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea lift up the victory one more time time swear church lift up the victory of Christ lift up that faith in confidence that you've always had in God through Jesus Christ lift up that cross and put that cross in that victory of the Cross right in the face of the devil right in the face of impossibility put that victory of the cross in the face of everything that stands before you and tries to tell you this far and no farther this is the end of your life this is the finish of your testimony this is as deep and as far as it's going to go the Lord said to Moses don't cry to me lift up your hand lift up that rod that's in your hand lift up that power that God has given to you and stretch out your hand over this place of impossibility and divide it and move into the supernatural power of God and the rest is history Moses obeyed God and he lifted up that rod that God had put in his hand as it is the type of the victory of Jesus Christ and that which was impossible parted before him and when they got to the other side he lifted the rod again and the waters of that River enclosed and drowned all of their enemies now I've often said if you want to know what that looked like when they passed through the sea just hold up your Bible like this in the middle close one eye and look right down the middle that's exactly what it looked like because he was holding a big pie but he was taking his children right through the Red Sea and into the Promised Land and so you might not see your way through but you opened this book and look down the center of it when you've read the promises turn it around and look the other way and say enemies I'd drown you in the pages of this book hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah God's promises are all that I need I don't need anything else if I believe this book you can't pursue me you can't take away my testimony you can't stop my journey you can't take my victory glory to God Paul said I will stand before Caesar and even if it's just to stand there and make a declaration to a man who thinks he's God to tell him he's not God if that's the end of my journey then that's good enough for me and the Lord said Paul because you've had this determination in your heart to finish this course whether you understand it or don't understand it and to be taken there by supernatural power I've given you 276 people to take with you on this ship praise be to God that's the supernatural power of God that's where evangelism is found instead of people like you and I who simply cannot be stopped by adversity there's nothing the devil can throw in front of us that says this far and no farther we have the Word of God we have the power of God we have the promises of God and I'm going through to the other side I'm gonna finish this walk I'm gonna finish this race in the power of my god hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah to the lamb of God Jeremiah chapter 20 and verse 11 he said the Lord is with me as a mighty terrible one that means a powerful God therefore my persecutors shall stumble and they shall not prevail they shall be greatly ashamed for they shall not prosper and their everlasting confusion shall never be forgotten we just read about it at least a portion of it in the book of Exodus the everlasting confusion of our enemies never forgotten never forgotten those things that try to tell you you can't or you can't go farther you can't go on you can't make it says these things are going to be ashamed they will not prevail the stumble they'll fall they'll not prosper and their everlasting confusion will not be forgotten you see you'll be talking about it for eternity it will never be forgotten you'll be traveling through I don't know if we travel through galaxies I don't know how it works in heaven I don't need to know I just need to know it's heaven and I'm going there and I know I'm gonna have a story to tell and I'm never gonna get tired of telling it of what God did and who he was and how merciful he is and how humble he was to walk with me and with you and how all of our enemies that tried to conquer us Paul said the fears the fears without in the Fighting's within or vice versa all of these things that come on every side to stop the testimony of God could not prevail because in my heart and in my body there was something of God stored there that would not let me stand still that would not let this journey finish and defeat that would not let you and I somehow settle into some kind of religious lukewarmness that bears no resemblance or testimony of the life of God that is given to us no we make the choice to get up and move forward we made the choice to do it one day at a time if that's all the faith we could muster but it was good enough God met us there Oh Lord of Hosts he says in verse 12 who try the righteous you see my motives in my heart he said let me see your vengeance on them for unto the Evoque I've I opened my cause and that's the confidence that you and I can have today when we say Lord you know my heart you know I want to speak for you you know that I want my life to bear some resemblance of your glory you know God I want to stand and be able to declare that you are God with a reality to that declaration let me see your vengeance on my enemies let me see you God bring down every lie of hell that's trying to tell me that there's no going forward that somehow reached a Christian plateau and I'm not going to ever go any higher or any farther in God fun to these that I've opened my cause in other words I've brought my distress to you and I've done it honestly Lord I'm not playing you see this is the characteristic of all these great men and women of God in the Bible is that none of them were willing to play games with God they're not even writing down things that we're going to become part of the sacred text of Scripture we're not willing to put down anything deceptive on these pages their hearts were honest and Jeremiah says I don't know how to go forward I don't know how I'm gonna finish this course I don't know how endure the pain in the rejection but oh god who tries my heart Lord you know that I want to finish this course in a righteous way I'm asking you Lord just that I may live to see your victory that I'm gonna have to see these enemies brought down because I've brought in the honesty my cause to you and he finishes in verse 13 by saying sing to the Lord praise the Lord for he's delivered the soul of the poor from the hand of evildoers sing to God I brought my cause to you if I've learned anything over the years as a Christian man just don't play the hypocrites game with God be honest when you go to prayer you know the irony is he already knows what you're thinking just have an intelligent conversation with him be honest with God if you don't know how are you going to get through tell him and he'll unlock it but at the core of all of these men and women who struggled was this cry I want to do right and if you have that cry in your heart but you feel that you can't go on I'm going to ask you today to meet me here and we're gonna pray and we're gonna believe God that hell is going to suffer a great defeat we're gonna believe it with everything in us that you're going to be able to leave here today singing and praising because he's delivered your soul from the hand of evil from everything that wants to crush that life of God within you every voice every thing that's worked its way into your mind and into your spirit that's trying to crush you in a moment of time suddenly God just unlocks truth suddenly the hint of God is raised again you see faith and away supernaturally just supernaturally there's no natural way to get out of some of these battles it's a supernatural victory suddenly you just simply see away and you start walking that way think of the people on the shore of the sea when the the way just opened there was no way to figure this out and all they had to do at that point was just walk in the pathway that God had laid out before them it was that simple and it still is that simple for you and I today now father I thank you Lord God I thank you Jesus that this is a church that is not going to go down and defeat these are a people who are going to be victorious this is a testimony that will be heard in this city these are voices that will be raised in the marketplace these are mothers and fathers sons and daughters whose voices will be heard in their homes Lord Jesus Christ no matter how insignificant it may seem to us you have a plan and you will bring us to the end of that plan and we will finish our course with joy and father we thank you God Almighty in Jesus mighty name now this applies to you what you've heard spoken today we're going to stand in a moment I'm going to ask you to move forward in front of the screens in the annex or in Roxbury as well and here in the main sanctuary if you just come and stand at the front of the sanctuary we're going to pray together and we're going to believe God that we're going to be singing by the time we leave here let's stand please in the balcony go to either exit main sanctuary just slip out of where you are I don't know how to go on praise God just come and we're gonna pray come the counter every blessed to my heart to see night streams of the purse jeez hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah peace peace wonderful tears flowing down from the father sweet for we're good we I have a word for you and it's very simple you will and sometimes that doesn't have to be complicated there's no great emotional moment has to happen at this altar you've simply agreed with God and you've come to him with an honest heart and the Lord says to you you will you will finish you will be victorious you can just add whatever you want at the end of that you will inherit all the promises of God you will be strengthened by the Holy Spirit you will not be triumphed over by any power of darkness and when you get to the end of the journey you will be able to raise your hands you will have a shout of glory in your soul you will have a declaration of the faithfulness of God you will hallelujah you will you will there's not a person here that's going to go down under the weight of your enemies if you have an honest heart you will god intertwines his very reputation the reputation of his name is at stake in keeping it oh that you and I are required to have as an honest heart nothing else just an honest heart and there are times when it's just gonna be one day at a time can you walk with me one more day can you walk with me one more day and you get up in the morning and the Lord will be there beside your bed saying can you walk with me one more day I'll carry you I'll sustain you I'll keep you I'll give you the words to speak I will keep you from the power of your enemies you will not be triumphed over and that will be enough that has to be enough there are seasons when you can see a month ahead and it's just victory on every side but there are other days when you can't see beyond the the wall that's in front of you but God will be your strength God will keep you in the testimony at the end is not about us it's about him it's about his power his keeping it's all about Jesus Christ thanks be to God you are stronger we got to sing one more song before we go thank God for the victory thank God for the victory thank God for the victory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank God for the victory thank God for the victory turn to a few people around you just say thank God for the victory thank God for the victory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank God for the victory thank God for the victory praise be to God thank God for the victory
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 27,113
Rating: 4.8784194 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: PvpeKn1Y2qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 29sec (2909 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2011
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