The Groanings of the Holy Spirit | Carter Conlon

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a couple of weeks ago I spoke about the year 2020 as being a year of wonders a year that we will see wonders now let me define that when I say wonders when we begin to experience things in our lives that only God can do human effort even in religion can only take a person so far and and usually it ends up in exhaustion questions and oftimes even failure but God by His Holy Spirit is able to take us so far beyond anything we've even thought or hoped or imagined that our lives could be he's able to give us freedom that we can't purchase through human effort or even even efforts to to cleanse ourselves up we can't purchase freedom through anything that we have done it's because of what he has done and who he is that you and I have hope for the future and we're living in a perilous moment in history and this is a great time for the church to become the church again the way God intended us to be so open your heart today and I believe the Lord is going to speak to you in a very very special way just before we begin I'm just curious today because I see so many young faces here of course when you get to be my age I guess almost every face looks young now but if you're thirty-five or under would you stand up please just for a moment just not going to ask you doing it just to end up if you're 35 or under all over praise God district state bless the Lord thank God for you thank God for you I mean that with all my heart thank God thank you thank you so much if you wish you were 35 again would you stand now obviously yeah what an opportunity oh my heart is so gladdened to see so many young people in the house of God thank God for you you turn in your Bibles to the book of Romans chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 the letter of the Apostle Paul I want to speak to you this morning a message called the groanings of the Holy Spirit the groanings of the Holy Spirit father I thank you Lord God with all my heart this morning for your faithfulness learn to us thank you my god that you cover us when we are weak you lift us when we're weary you correct this when we're wayward and you love us when we don't love ourselves thank you Lord that you have a plan for every life everyone listening today in this house those that are alone at home and shut-in you have a plan for every life even somebody today who might be listening in prison you have a purpose for every life a divine purpose it's so much bigger than we could even think or imagine on our own I pray my god that you would come upon me Holy Spirit delivered me from my own frailties give me the ability to speak this to your people and give our hearts Lord oftimes our hearts are so poverty-stricken when it comes to faith but give us that gift of faith today Lord that we might be able to reach out of wherever we are and believe for something that only you can do help us Lord not to push away your thoughts towards us give us grace to believe that our lives can make a difference in this generation every life no exceptions nobody the sidelines in this moment of history I pray God for faith to arise in every heart rise your church again Lord my God back Lord to what you intended her to be from day one give us the grace to believe and we thank you in Jesus name the groanings of the Holy Spirit Romans chapter 8 beginning at verse 22 now I'm reading from the New King James Version if you don't have a Bible or some kind of device to follow along there should be a ribbon on the bottom of the screen that you can read from along with me for we know that the whole creation groans and Labor's with birth pangs together until now now 1 let me just stop there I'm gonna just go line by line verse by verse 1 when sin entered into the human race sin came into the into this world through Adam and Eve our initial parents in the Garden of Eden it's it started a up till that point everything was in divine order the Spirit of God had moved God had spoken everything was created life was created life was given borders were established there was a divine order to creation up to this point but because sin entered into the human race everything that was of order began to spiral down into disorder and everything in creation groans because you and I know that without humankind living in sin things would be a lot different than they are today and not that only not only that verse 23 but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves eagerly waiting for the adoption the redemption of our body I don't know about you but I groan every day from the day that I became a new believer in Christ I see I see the high calling of God in Christ Jesus that's written over my life in the Word of God but I also know clearly how short I fall sometimes and there's this inner groaning Lord you have promised that one day I will be delivered from this body that fights against the Holy Spirit one day my god I'll be in a place where the even be tempted anymore one day I'll be in a place where my thoughts are clear my words are clear one day thank God for that you and I will be in a place where this we will have a heavenly body that no longer fights against the Spirit of God and the Word of God inside of us and if you've had a taste of God you groan for that you groan there's an inner groaning say Oh God not only does this world need to be completely redeemed but Lord you have promised you've given me this this this rain drop of a thunderstorm of life that will one day eternally and forever be mine and I thank God with all of my heart that one day I'll be in a place where I don't a Kuenn I get out of bed in the morning you understand what I'm talking about if you don't just hang around a few years that's coming your way one day I'm not tempted to be angry with somebody one day unforgiveness I'll no longer be tugging at my heart one day the words that were spoken over my life are people are speaking today will no longer have the power to pierce through and wound me one day the sorrow that maybe some here are experiencing that you wonder if it will ever go away would suddenly be gone and we we groan inside for that redemption we groan for that place praise God and we know that it's not that far away from us eagerly waiting for the adoption the redemption of our body verse 23 verse 24 for we were saved in this hope but hope that is seen is not hope for why does one still hope for what he sees but if we hope for what we do not see we eagerly wait for it with perseverance likewise the spirit also helps in our weaknesses for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought in other words there are things that you should be praying for right now but you don't know what it is you should be praying for but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered did you know that according to the word of god the Spirit of God the third person of God of the triune God dwells inside these physical bodies and he is groaning about something right now right now right where you said there's that there's an inner groaning of the Holy Spirit now he was searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is because he makes intercession for the Saints according to the will of God in other words God has something specific for your life specific things that he wants to do that you don't even know about you don't even know what your future is going to be you don't know clearly what it is that he wants to do and how he wants to do it but I can tell you one thing the Spirit of God inside of you is making intercession for you according to the will of God the will of God for your life whatever it is that God has for you sometimes we are so resistant to what God has for us it's anything that's outside of the parameters in the sense of our self view of what we think our life should amount to or will amount or can amount to we somehow just want to push it away we don't want to believe it even though the Holy Spirit God God who's taking up residence inside our earthly bodies that said I have something that I've designed specifically for you through which I will be glorified in the earth it's not something you can do it's not a skill that necessarily you have it's something God says that I intend to do through you that my name might be glorified in the earth and we know verse 28 that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are called the called according to his purpose in other words so he's not leading you into something that's harmful or hurtful it's good everything God does is good remember when the Spirit of the Lord moved on the face of the waters at the beginning before even humankind was created everything he said everywhere he led everything he did he looked down and said it is good for whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren when Christ was raised from the dead the same spirit the Bible says that raised Christ from the dead will now also quicken our physical bodies our mortal and we will be given new life a new future a new hope new giftings new abilities the Bible promises a new mind a new heart and a new spirit that's the inheritance that is yours in Christ he bought it for you on the cross remember the scripture says when he was raised from the dead he took captivity captive he took everything that captivates you captive and gave gifts unto men he took your captivity into captivity and then showered everything that he won on that cross everything that belongs to him now belongs to his church now belongs to his body moreover verse 30 whom he predestined these he also called in other words you were you were predestined by God to bear the image of Christ in this earthly body and he also called you and who being called he justified and whom he justified these he also glorified what shall we say then to these things if God is for us who can be against us if God is for us who can be against us he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for us all how shall he not with him also freely give us all things over the Christmas holidays I had an opportunity to be out at our Bible School in Grantville Pennsylvania and I was speaking with a young girl had an evening of meeting with 24 of our foreign students there was a young girl there she's only 19 years old from Mongolia and she told me she said about a year or two ago I started having a repetitive dream at night and at night and God does speak to a lot of the young people around the world in this way now there's too many instances of it for it to be simply happenstance she said I went in the dream I would go outside and she said the whole sky would be lit up with stars and I would look at I would stand there and I would gaze at the stars then suddenly a star or two would start heading towards me and she said I couldn't figure what what are these things what is this about and she began to pray and she said God what is it that you're trying to tell me and he told her he said the stars that you see in your dream are the thoughts that I'm thinking about you there are too numerous to be counted they're too marvelous to behold and every once in a while I just throw one your way hoping you will agree with the things that I'm thinking about you and you have to learn to stop ducking and dodging the thoughts that I have towards you isn't it amazing one of the thoughts that God had toward this young lady is to bring her to America and bring her to a Bible School where she could be trained in the ways of God and then be able to go home to make a difference in a country that desperately needs the truth of Jesus Christ now listen to the words of Jeremiah and Jeremiah God was speaking to through Jeremiah 2 about a people who had spent a long time in captivity and he says after 70 years I will visit you and perform my good word towards you and cause you to return to this place or I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future in the hope I know the thoughts God says that I'm thinking about you they're not necessarily in line with the thoughts that you're thinking about you you look into the mirror in the morning just like I do and what do you see you see a history of the flaws and the failures the things you shouldn't have said the things you shouldn't have done where you fall short God said those are not the thoughts I'm thinking about you I called you and I've already justified you I've already cleansed you I've already declared you to be mine and I have a pathway a plan and a purpose for your life that's so far beyond the thoughts that you think about yourself I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope I have a future for you God says an incredible future then you will call upon me and go and pray to me and I will listen to you and you will seek me and you will find me when you search for me with all of your heart what does it mean to search for God with all of your heart it just means God I want what you want from me that's what it means I want your heart to become mine I want your will to be mine I want your pathway for my life said you pray and I will listen to you and you will find me when you search for me with all your heart Lord I want to make a difference in this world I want to make a difference in my family oh I want to make a difference in my workplace I want to make a difference in my community my city my town my country there's no limit to you God there's no limit to what you can do and if you have a specific plan for my life I want to know what that plan is and I'm not going to draw back through unbelief I'm not going to say no this can't be it can't be for me all through scriptural history God has always come to people to do the work he can do and but he waits til 'ip we're too old to do it in Moses case he calls us when we're too young in David's case he calls Esther when she feels unlovely and unwanted by the king he needs a prophet how many times did he wait for a barren moon to bring a prophet into this world to do what only he can do and when you and I get to the point where we say God if anything is going to happen it's gonna have to be you then we're at the point what actually we're ready to be used by God in this world you'll search for me that you'll find me when you search for me with all of your heart you know too often perhaps most often we think that prayer is you and I trying to move the reluctant hen of God or asking him to do something he hasn't thought of already you know Lord in case it escaped your attention my son is lost my daughter is lost my family's in shambles my it was hard in case you haven't seen in case you haven't noticed or somehow we get it in our head and religion can do that to us it's a sad thing that some what God is really he came to the earth went to a cross went through all this public humiliation suffered the beating he suffered was nailed to a tree and just so you can go back to heaven and sit on the throne fold his arms and point out all our mistakes and somehow is reluctant to answer our prayer but that's not who God is that's not the way God operates with people as a matter of fact the very opposite is true listen to the condition of the nation in Ezekiel's day chapter 22 beginning at verse 27 her Prince's in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey to shed blood to destroy people to get this on his game so that's the leaders now are tearing the country apart the destroying people and they're greedy her profits that means there's a religion of Topps to this plastered them with untempered mortar seeing false visions divining lies for them saying thus says the Lord God when the Lord has not spoken so you have a corrupt leadership you've got a religion attached to it that is encouraging it the people of the land have used oppressions committed robbery mistreated the poor and needy and they wrongfully oppressed the stranger and so it's so easy to say God judge the nation when a nation gets like this I'm sure everybody there was of the opinion including those in God's house at that time this nation has gotten so corrupt it deserves the judgment of God but God was thinking something else and was looking for somebody to agree with him he says Frye's so I sought for a man among them who would make a wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land that I should not destroy it but I found no one imagined that God has thoughts in his heart of mercy and he's looking for one person in the nation who will agree with him it's so hard to to agree with God sometimes when everything in the natural seems to be the opposite it's so hard to agree that maybe God has a call in your life one when all you see every night is the failure and he's trying to speak to he's trying to say I have something so much bigger for your life than what you think your life is going to amount to I feel what I read this passage of Scripture that there was nobody left that thought that God could be but even deeper than that there's nobody left who believes that God could actually use him or her isn't it amazing there's nobody left who believes that they could actually become a wall or stand in the gap or somehow their life could make a difference and push back the deserving judgement of God from a nation and usher in a season of mercy god help us if we ever get to that place in America today if you get there I get there and we somehow believe that God could no longer use our lives in the way that he wants to it's not God who's reluctant to show mercy it's you and I who are reluctant to believe that when he speaks to us about doing something in or through us that we haven't personally thought was possible hence the groanings of the Spirit the Holy Spirit knows the will of God for you the Holy Spirit is the third person of the triune God who lives in your earthen vessel and knows that he can perform the will of God through you and there's this inner groaning of the Holy Spirit I feel it again today in the Church of Jesus Christ this inner groaning of God inside of his own people saying if you only knew what I had for you Oh father would you open this sisters mind this brother's mind would you would you help them to understand the plans that you have for their life plans of good and not of evil plans to make a difference in their generation plans to take them out of weakness and bring them into strength plans to do something that can only be done by God plans to do something so phenomenal that the only song they will have is only God could have done this I called out to many heard that he came to me the inner groanings of the Holy Spirit this passage I read to you this morning is very very special to me because many of you know my story if you don't I'm going to tell it again if you do I'm going to tell it again so makes difference but from the age of 15 to 24 I suffered from terrible panic attacks because realistically a lot of pressure was put upon me my grandfather was a judge a lot of pressure was put on me to be the next successful lawyer perhaps in our family and I didn't feel that I could neither did I want to do it and I didn't feel I could ever live up to other people's expectations and so at the age of 15 there was an implosion like a computer meltdown that happened inside my life and I started to suffer panic attacks if you've ever had these things you will know it's the closest thing to hell on earth you'll ever experience in this life without warning it's like somebody pours a bucket of sand on your head your heart begins to pound out of your chest and you suddenly feel like you're going to die a sense of a foreboding sense of Darkness comes over you and blackness and hopelessness for the future oh yes and for nine years I suffered this and I went to doctors and all he did was give me pills thank God it helped a little bit I took so many volumes that I went through college in a bubble I could barely reason or think just to be able to be in a classroom with people I'd have to take valium and then as I got older it started to mix itself with whiskey and it was a really really bad combination and then at the age of 24 I got saved praise be to God and one night at home I was laying in bed my wife and I felt another one of these attacks it was about midnight and I was only a brand new believer in Christ and I felt another one of these attacks coming into my life and so I went downstairs into my living room and as a believer in Christ now there's no more pills those were gone and the whiskey was gone out of my life and out of my house there was no more of that for me but I had been reading my Bible that day and I didn't know all of this about the groanings of the Holy Spirit I didn't understand it but I remembered 1/2 of a verse verse 31 if God is for us who can be against us and I believe there's this inner groaning in my life for freedom remember we talked about the groaning of creation the groaning that we have in our physical bodies and the groaning of the Holy Spirit and I'm groaning in my heart and said god I don't want to live life like this I don't want to I don't want to be like this 10 more years from now this has been hell on earth for me and I'm not doing this anymore now I felt this discouraged that could only be born of God rise in my heart and I went into my living room that night and I said these words I said Satan you can only kill me if God allows you to and if he does I'm going to heaven so I win either way tonight I win this is a win-win for me so you throw at me everything you've got you throw the full force of it at me but I throw back at you what I now have in the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God I resist you and as I stood there I felt a heat hit me in my feet and I'm not talking to fuzzy warmth I'm talking about a heat hit me my feet go through my cabs go through my thighs go through my Center core of my body and right out the top of my head that's 40 years ago I was set free that night from nine years of Hell in one minute in the presence of God and knowing the power of God it started to open my heart to the groanings of God the whispers of God the whispers of the Holy Spirit the things that God had destined in my life to be now listen folks if you think you if you think you're far so far down the alley that there's no light at the end of your tunnel I was farther down than you are I'll tell you right now I was hopeless when it came to preaching the gospel I didn't care about people I didn't even like myself I didn't want to be in ministry couldn't care less about any of that stuff but there's this whispers of God started coming into my heart these inner groanings of the Holy Spirit that God had something bigger God had something better God had something deeper God had something more profound God had something that only God could do that he wanted to do and all he asked me to do is agree with him that when he opened the door he asked me to walk through it and his best is I know how for the last 40 years when he has opened the door I have walked through it I have asked him for this transit for the power and has been a glorious life I'm telling you right now because I've never qualified to do anything that I do and I thank God for that I don't have to put a certificate on my wall because it's not by might it's not by power it's not by human intellect it's not viability it's by the power of the Holy Spirit it's by the presence of God and so all the glory goes to him for everything he's ever done all the glory belongs to him and so the point is really simple he is no respecter of persons he doesn't just pick one here and one there maybe that was the way it was done in the Old Testament there would be an anointing here an anointing there somebody would gifted here somebody there but I remind you that the Prophet Joel said when God's Spirit comes he would pour out his holy spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters would prophesy your old men will dream dreams your young men would see visions there would be a complete level ground at the cross of Jesus Christ the anointing of God wouldn't be just for a select few that would just rise up and somehow take the preeminence in the house of God the anointing the plan the power of God would be for you and you and you and you and you and you yes you the anointing of God in the upper room 120 failures went in and began to pray they'd all run when Christ needed them they're all completely aware of their glaring failings in their lives there was not one there that could have a boast of his or her own righteousness or faithfulness or anything else everybody had run when Christ had needed them they could even pray with him in the garden all their boastings of love and loyalty had come to nothing they'd fallen like dust through their fingers yet here they were and with God's Holy Spirit came then this inner groaning of the spirit they began to speak it they left that room and they began to speak it in the marketplace the Bible says they began to talk about the megaliths of God which really means anticipated out workings of the inner life of Christ they began to speak about the things that God was going to do in a way that only God could speak it people coming home from the temple from just casual everyday religion as sincere as it might have been were stopped in their tracks thousands of them were stopped in their tracks by just 120 people who had had an encounter with God and they were speaking the things that God was speaking to their hearts they were believing what God was revealing to them and as they began to speak and as they began to move in the power of God 3,000 at least bent their knee that day and said we thought we knew who God was but you have a living presence of God within you that we now desire and in my heart I say it's time for you and I it's time for the church in America to rise up again it's time for us to respond to these inner groanings of the Holy Spirit and say lord I will not be sold short you know listen to me I'm not talking about heaven okay you understand you you can you can be a mediocre Christian and still end up in heaven folks or you can be a man or woman that says God I want everything you've got for me whatever the pathway is from my life don't let me live my own plans in my own life but whatever it is that you have for me and the giftings you have to make that happen I open my heart to it Oh God I opened my heart to it you know there's an old poem we still love to quote it's called Flanders Fields it's about soldiers that have gone on before and they fought a good fight and there's a line that I just love and that says to you from failing hands we throw the torch be yours to hold it high if you break faith with us who die we shall not sleep though poppies grow in Flanders Fields and so here we are I've walked this walk and I know this to be true and I asked for those that are 35 and under that are here for a specific reason today because it's your turn now those of us who are getting older can't go on forever one day our bodies are going to fail but we've known and walked in the power of God and if you don't understand that just read the book it's time to pray you'll get it all there but I challenge it with all of my heart with all of my heart respond to the inner groanings of the Holy Spirit it's not your plan that will glorify God it's God's plan that will glorify his own name through you praise be to God there is so much potential in this room you have no idea you bearer the living Christ in these earthen vessels and if you will let him do what he wants to do it would be no less miraculous than it's been throughout history somewhere sometimes somebody's gonna lay hold of this truth again in our generation may it be you today may it be you may it be you may you be like that young girl in Mongolia that would go out in her dream and look at the Stars and learn to stop ducking the thoughts of God and is now on a journey that only God can take her on may that be your calling in mind and so here's my altar call it's really simple lord I want to know what you're speaking to me help me not to resist it help me not to push it away not because of youth or because of age or because of past experience Lord you've called me you've declared that I'm a new creation you've said that you won't withhold from me everything I need because of Jesus Christ in me that's oh god I'm asking you now this is a sober moment because you don't know where this prayer is going to take you but I do know one thing that what Christ will be glorified in it you don't know where it's going to lead and you can't even start thinking about where it's going to lead you don't know just Lord I want to know your thoughts towards me so father I thank you God with all my heart for those who have gathered in this house today I thank you Lord for the thoughts that you are speaking I thank you for the inner groanings of your Holy Spirit even in my life lord I pray God that I'd not shut in my mind to you as I get older but help me Lord to follow you all the way to the finish line I pray God for the people that are here for every one of us Lord that nobody would push aside the plan that you have for their life not even one we would want to be a people who glorify you again in the earth this world is in need of a charts that brings glory to Christ again God let it begin let it begin with every life that's here everyone who's listening online those that will hear in the future let it begin with us O God and move upon every heart in every place in every church where people are seeking you help us Lord Jesus Christ to pray in a way that our hearts are open before you help us to say yes and never to say no but o God give us that revelation of your thoughts towards us we give you the praise and all the glory in Jesus name we're going to stand in just a moment I want to give a second altar call to as well for those who really need to be free I'm gonna pray for you if you need to be free and for those you've got some obsession in your life you've got a problem like you it doesn't have to be similar to mine but just say god I got to get free from this if I'm ever gonna grow on grace and for others who just want to hear you just simply want to hear the thoughts of God that he's thinking towards you let's stand balcony good either exit and the main sanctuary just slip out of your seat and meet me here in the Annex you can come too we'll wait for you same thing in our campus churches if you step up between the screens we're gonna worship for just a moment and when we're done worshipping we're going to pray together you know throughout history spiritual awakenings happened one we make the transition from speaking about God to God speaking through us about himself [Music] this is a momentous time I believe in the in the future of a nation the future of your family your community wherever it is that you come from you're saying god I want you to start speaking to me and speak through me about yourself take my life Lord and wherever you want it to go and and make it into what you have you have determined it to be not what I think it should be you know you think you're something but God thinks you're something completely other and it's so hard to lay hold of it so hard to agree with God and and by His grace he doesn't show us the whole plan in the we wouldn't be able to had we didn't load and if he denied I got free if he would have shown me my whole future I might have had another panic attack you understand but he didn't he didn't he just it's line upon line step upon step every door he calls you through just go through it just just go through it he asked you to speak speak if he asks you to do something just do it keep it simple and you watch then suddenly you started to hear the thoughts of God and they're no longer foreign to you and you're walking he's actually walking through you and talking about himself father God didn't Jesus name this is your church Lord young and old gathered here God this is your church and this is our only hope for the future it was your only hope on the day of Pentecost it was your only hope after the cross my god it's the only hope for the nation it's the only hope for so many people in our society today but I thank you God it's a great hope because you live in us you live in us Lord so I'm asking for the grace in all of our hearts to be able to hear your voice again and to agree with your thoughts about us Lord not to push them away help us Lord to say yes to you wherever you lead us and whatever you ask of us help us to trust you for the giftings and when we get there to do what we're called to do help us Lord to put our confidence in your hands God Almighty keep our ears open Lord to the voice of your spirit thank you for these men and women my god this is our hope this is your church it's a mighty church and I thank you for I thank you for these men and women who recognize their need of you and longed to hear your voice hallelujah to the lamb of God hallelujah take a moment now and just talk to him just take a moment just talk to the Lord go ahead and said you searched for me and you find me when you seek me with all of your heart just tell them that you want to know it's just a god I just want to know I just want to know your thoughts what are you thinking about me and where do you want to lead me what are the giftings did you have for my life and how can I glorify you go ahead lift your voice take a moment just take a moment and don't be ashamed don't be shy he wants to talk to you he loves you hallelujah thank you Father we truly believe that 2020 will be a year of wonders when you begin to do Lord what we can't do when you lead us back to the source of our life again and you help us to be your church a supernatural church the people empowered by the Spirit of God led by the Word of God cleansed by the blood of God God Almighty thank you so much Lord Jesus thank you for giving us this glorious opportunity to glorify your name again before you return oh God thank you God thank you lord I ask you to give us the gift of hearing years whatever it is that you would speak lord help us to say yes oh how many times you came throughout Scripture and you spoke to people in possibilities Lord you spoke to a virgin about having a son spoke to a Barren womb about sending a forerunner to Christ God all through Scripture Lord all through scripture my god all through scripture give us ears to hear and help us my god hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you God I like to close with that song if you don't mind Gregg God is fighting for us pushing back the darkness he's fighting for this society through you you you are the light that set upon a hill that's what Jesus said so let's go let's go with rejoicing this is our our last service in 2019 going into 2020 God is lighting a lamp God is fighting against the darkness and he's doing it for you let's give him a shout of glory to get my shout praise God thank you [Applause]
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 67,459
Rating: 4.8993478 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: r0HozC3J2G8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 50sec (2450 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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