Rebuilding The Wall Of Prayer by Carter Conlon

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years ago I was speaking at a pastors conference in Argentina and the Lord gave me a very unusual instruction he said I want you to speak the same message three times he spoke to my heart and said the first time the pastor's gathered we'll find it interesting the second time it will begin to move them and the third time they will get it now it takes a measure of faith to do that you've got to be willing to go off the high diving board into a bucket of water 100 feet down but I did obeyed God and I told him I said I'm gonna preach this same message three times from John chapter 21 and you won't really get it until the third time I preached it and by the third time I preached it you had to see what happened you had to be there to see what happened I couldn't even finish pastors were on their feet shouting praising worshiping my interpreter was leaned over the pulpit sobbing weeping and I didn't happen the first time didn't happen the second time happened the third time as God said it would now I said all that to say this I've been on a particular theme lately and I want to share it again with you this morning some of you may have heard this before even in this church on a Tuesday night but I want to speak it it's a similar message to what I spoke in Washington on Thursday night and it's called rebuilding the wall of Prayer rebuilding the wall a prayer a book of Nehemiah please if you go there if you have your Bible or you have any kind of device to get the Word of God book of Nehemiah we're going to begin in chapter 1 now father God in Jesus name Lord I recognize that without your Holy Spirit Lord your word is just a letter but you make it live you animate it O God and you make it live in the vessel that speaks it you make it live in the hearts and the ears that hear it and by the presence of your Holy Spirit your word becomes life and so God I'm asking for an anointing today Lord that we would look at these verses of Scripture and every every woman without exception in this house would see where they belong and where they fit in this picture Lord take this so far beyond my ability to convey it caused it to explode in the hearts and minds in the spirit of those who hear today Lord Jesus Christ I can only say one thing but you can say a thousand things at the same time you can speak to a thousand hearts in different ways and that's what I'm asking you to do God give us a spiritual awakening in our day Lord caused us Lord to have faith and I thank you for it with all my heart in Jesus name Nehemiah chapter 1 beginning at verse 1 the words of Nehemiah the son of Hokulea it came to pass in the month of Kislev in the twentieth year as I was in Shushan the Citadel that Hanani one of my brethren came with men from Judah and I asked them concerning the Jews who had escaped who had survived the captivity and concerning Jerusalem and they said to me the survivors who are left from the captivity in the province are there in great distress and reproach the wall of Jerusalem has also broken down and its gates are burned with fire so it was when I heard these words that I sat down and wept and mourned for many days I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven now I've heard a lot of talk over the years that I have been in New York City about prayer movements and I find an error in the way that people think about a prayer movement they say if you can get enough people in one place praying then you have a prayer movement I want to suggest that's only a prayer meeting a movement a prayer movement doesn't really happen until the people of God start moving with God as part of the answer to the things that they're praying not just praying and saying God send somebody to do something but Lord if you have a part for me to play in this show me what it is and give me the courage to get up and to begin to move in the direction of what you have from my life that is a prayer movement praise be to God that is when God begins to move a textbook case of this whole thing is the story of this man Nehemiah was raised in a place of captivity he's raised in a time of captivity he's raised in a foreign nation yes he's Jewish by lineage but he's in another land ultimately the people of God because they had dealt very casually with the presence of God they became familiar bored they started doing other things didn't realize it without God their enemies the barriers would come down there anybody would be able to come in and captivate them and of course that's what happened to the nation of Israel part of it was assimilated into another Empire and the other half or less than half but the other part was taken captive into a nation called Babylon which was eventually overcome by the medo-persian Empire and so this man's born into this environment and many of us are in a sense we've come into a society that's not really really positive about the things of God they don't much care about what we believe in actually our turning hostile to biblical morality to a biblical worldview it can be deadly to hold a biblical worldview today in some places in this society he was in this time of being captivated by what had become a dominant Society over the people of God and he had carved out a reasonably comfortable and secure spot for himself he he actually became a butler cup bearer but it's a butler in his sense to the king and so he was in charge of bringing the tray with the King's food and bringing the tray with the the King's wine or drink whatever it was he was drinking now it was secure but it was a high-risk profession at the same time because in those days people were obsessed with poisoning their kings so as the cupbearer you got to taste the first sip of everything in the first bite of every sandwich put it that way and they would just wait for a little while if you didn't keel over and die then the king would enjoy his lunch so it was a kind of a high-risk profession but he would have had a nice living a nice apartment maybe was raising a family and and he kind of made the best of a bad situation sometimes that's the way we are as the people of God we we recognize the difficulty around us but we go to work and we try to build and plant and raise the family would kind of just making the best of of what's not ideal he would have known that this is not the purpose of the people of God he would have known his own history his own lineage of his own people he would know the story of Abraham being brought out of a certain place and given the promise that you're gonna be blasting and you're gonna be a blessing and through you all the people of the world are gonna be blessed he would have known about Solomon's Temple historically where the glory of God had come down so powerfully that nobody could even stand to minister he would have understood when the queen of sheba came in and her breath was taken away when she she saw she saw something in that temple that nothing of this secular world in her temple could produce she saw the presence of God the divine order that comes with the presence of God even the way the cupbearers moved took her breath away and the attendance at the throne of Solomon and about round about the altar and the things that they were carrying she saw such order that she knew in her heart that there's something other than what can be produced by human leadership and human effort is going on here he knew the heritage of his people and probably in his heart he was glad that there had been groups and people have gone before him back members Cyrus to meet a person King issued a decree saying whoever wants to go back and rebuild this testimony that has fallen down you're free to do so and so he knew that people had gone back he he knew that they were commissioned build the temple and rebuild the testimony of God in his heart he must have been really glad it's like you and I saying oh god I just thank you that there's people out there that are leading permittees people that are fighting at all areas of society to restore this country to her former glory to restore the house of God to its former glory and we're aware of that and you can probably name some names that you're aware of and are following and we're just happy that the people have gone before us and he would have been happy and so one day he gets a visit from his brethren and he said to them how's it going they're back in Jerusalem and they said well not so good the people are distressed they they've lost heart the opposition has been so great that they they've lost strength they have no more plans and and they're in reproach their enemies are laughing at them saying where is your God in all of this where is this former glory you talk about where's where's this divine strength that God gives to those that belong to him and not only are they out of gas and they're out of plans they're they're suffering the reproach of the society around them he said the wall of Jerusalem is broken down its gates are burned with fire that which you know interestingly enough if you look at it the original walls of the temple of of the city value of Jerusalem bear resemblance to a footprint on the top of the mountain and that put it this way it's like the footprint of God is no longer there there's the lines have been blurred anybody who wants to can come in and declare themselves part of Jerusalem whether they are or not there's there's such an absence of of God's presence there's such an absence of the boundaries that define who belongs in this place and and who doesn't it's like a church where anybody can call themselves a Christian whether they are or not whether they're living for God or they're not living for God or I've ever received Christ as Savior or haven't and the gates have burned with fire which means the gates are where the elders of the city would meet they would fall battle plans they would form strategies for protection strategies for commerce everything went on at the gates of the city and the gates were burned with fire in other words we don't have a plan we don't know where to go in the future and that can happen to a nation it can happen to people and the Amasa so it was when I heard these words that I sat down and I wept and I'm mourned for many days and I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven you see everything was well in his life everything was more or less undisturbed until he received the report and when the report came the burden of the Lord came on him the burden of the Lord is not something you and I are to try to pray away if you're a true believer of God if you have the Holy Spirit of God in you and you hear the report that our children are being deliberately lured we're contemplating murdering out children outside the womb now you hear the report that we're deliberately allowing our children to be gender confused in their grade schools forbidden to pray in their high schools and radicalized by Marxists in their colleges against both God and country and when you hear this report and a burden comes in your heart and we can either we can pray and we can either try to pray it away or we can pray that somebody else would do something about this but niyama began to pray when I heard this I couldn't put it away when I heard this my little apartment next to the king's throne my job my paycheck what I had worked again it couldn't substitute anymore because the burden of God had come upon my heart it isn't right that the kingdom of God is in reproach it isn't right that the people of God are powerless it isn't right that the testimony of God is diminished in the nation sometimes I feel like King David when he came into the camp and this big mouth Goliath is challenging the armies of God to fight every morning David is stirred by the Spirit of God it says Rose why is nobody fighting this giant what happened to the armies of Israel do you not know your history and they were offended at him and he kept going through the camp saying is there not a cause here is not the glory of God at stake it's not so much about us it's about the glory of God it's about the reputation of God and Eve I began to pray and when he began to pray the first thing that happened to him as he had to move beyond his fear of the unfamiliar we have a tendency all of us to settle into the familiar we are just creatures have happened and we we'd like to park in the same spot we like to eat in the same restaurant we like to sit in the same seat when we come to church we are all creatures of habit we know what time we're going to get there we know what time we're gonna go home we know what we're gonna do when we get home we just like to do everything in order but suddenly Nehemiah starts to pray and he's is confronted with his fear of the unfamiliar in chapter 2 verses 1 and 2 it said it came to pass in the month of Nisan in the 20th year of king artik services that wine was before him and I took the wine and gave it to the king now I had never been sad in his presence before therefore the king said to me why is your face sad since you're not sick this is nothing but sorrow of heart so I became dreadfully afraid now you were not allowed by law to be sorrowful in the presence of the king you had to be happy happy happy all the time you had to be happy when you were sick you had to be happy when you're down you had be happy when you had to fight with your wife before coming to the throne you had to be happy happy happy all the time you were not allowed to be sad and sorrow of heart had a whole bunch of penalties associated with it all inconvenient up to and including death the king was in the bad mood he could just lop your head off and that was the of your your job in your ministry and you had never been sad you see but he couldn't shake the burden when God chooses to reveal something of his heart to you there's a reason why generally it's because he's trying to lead you somewhere something to do something that he has assigned you to do in your present day society and it's something sometimes it's way out of the box of your experience I've found through my life that I've never called where I'm qualified I find that I'm qualified where I'm called God does the qualifying he calls he gives the burden you start to move into that calling and then suddenly the giftings to accomplish what you're given to do come to the fore now he had a choice you see when we start to pray God starts to lead and then we are confronted immediately by fear because the leading of God will take us out of the familiar I want you to really get this God does not call you necessarily to do what you think you can do he calls you to do something you can't do without him to a place that you've never thought you would ever go to do something you never thought you would be called to do and it produced his sorrow in his heart when the King said this is nothing but sorrow of heart now he had a choice his whole life was now right at this point he could have just backed up and said no I'm I'm not sorry it just looks that way I'm not sorry I'm happy I'm happy good put a smile on his face sorry King didn't mean to look sorrowful not sorrowful and he could have backed away and that would it be the end of the story there would be no book of Nehemiah God would have sent somebody else in there'd be a book in the Old Testament with somebody else's name on it and when you and I are have to face our fears and I remember these things when God started to call me out of a secular occupation to Pastor a little weak group of people in the wilderness and it was financial suicide I'll tell you straight out that what they were offering me as the wage didn't pay my electric bill the house let alone food let alone gas and car insurance and all this stuff and the Lord said do you trust me or not and had to choose to move in that direction that his heart was leading me in and I would be a liar if I stood here this morning and said there wasn't trepidation in my heart I mean this whole thing I mean could have gone south I knew it I had a wife and three children to look after I had a strong provider instinct so this was really suicide to leave a successful career with pension dental plan might I add health insurance and go off into a place that I was called but the only thing I could say when people tried to turn me away from it was but God is calling me God is calling me I I can't explain it it doesn't make sense but God is calling me because I was praying I was seeking him every day and suddenly this bird came into my heart and I felt like he was leading me somewhere that only he could to do something that only he could do through my my life and so I understand this moment of fear in the Amaya's life because it's something that comes to all of us when we're facing the unfamiliar now he had a choice to make and when he chose to go forward the first thing that happens is a spiritual boldness comes into his life it submitted from timidity he says I was dreadfully afraid verse 2 verse 3 he comes out like a lion verse 3 says may the King live forever why should my face not be sad when the city the place in my father's tombs lies waste and its gates are burned with fire so this you have to understand this guy has just put his head on the chopping block and he knows him he's taking a bold step you do not talk to the King like that you don't you don't it's not allowed in this season it's not allowed in this environment but he takes a step of faith he decides well I can't I can't deny this burden in my life and he goes forward with this burden and he speaks and a boldness comes into his life and the King saw it the King had to see this there was something deeper than just somebody who's just being obstinate and sad in his presence and the next thing that happens says the king said to me what do you request Wow I can imagine everybody else in that Court good did you just hear that we expected the guards we expected the kids say guards guards drag this minute away and cut his head off or put him in jail for 20 years or feed him with the bread of affliction in the water of affliction which was common back in those days and suddenly the king I could see the king leaning forward and this guy is just a butler do you understand and the King these forces what do you want and then he says I prayed to the God of heaven no God what do I do now what do I imagine being in that place and you're not quite sure what you even want and he just praised this quick prayer oh god help me god help me he's just gone over the line and he's got to say something because he's just been bold and if he doesn't know where he's gone that's where his head's going to get cut off I prayed and I said to the king if it pleases the King and if your servant has found favor in your sight I ask that you send me to Judah to the city of my father's tombs that I may rebuild it oh come on this guy's not an architect he's a butler and he says send me to rebuild it there's no evidence that he knows like these walls were high these walls were higher than light standards you see out in the and this industry they were thick and they were broken down there was just rubble in this in the streets and who's even gonna listen to this guy when he gets there I mean really who's gonna listen to him there have been people are fighting the battle there been people are trying to build there been people trying to defend it raised strategies there there's been all kinds of people with all kinds of eye doctors tens of thousands of them they've lost heart and you can imagine the butler comes riding into town hey everybody don't be afraid I'm here we're gonna rebuild the wall who are you I'm the butler to the cake king of medo-persia what experience have you was building a wall well none really but God has spoken to my heart and put a burden on my heart and we're going to get this thing done don't you love the way God does things you know when the Lord was training me you know my story many of you when I from the age of 15 to 24 I suffered panic attacks to go to college I had to take valium to be in a classroom and I had no public speaking ability whatsoever no confidence I'd never spoken anywhere to anybody and and if I was in a room where people's attention turned to me I either had to run out or pass out it's the only choices I had there was a huge scandal in the police department where I was this is just before God called me into ministry and there's a huge scandal and the chief said get somebody out before the media now wants somebody on television and radio on somebody to speak to civic groups somebody to represent us that is morally clean and so thank God I was chosen and brought into one of my superiors looked at me across the desk and he says and he told me these things we need somebody to cut in front of the media we need somebody to be trained we need somebody to be on television on radio and then he asked me a question he said are you afraid of public speaking and I said no and I'm thinking what in the heck what in the world are you saying it's like I was reaching out to grab the word is my mom you know you know you can't speak in front of people and I feel like Nehemiah but he says send me I'm standing there thinking heaven's name what are you doing you know you can't do this and if I if I told you the journey of how God trained me I'd have you laughing from nan-oh's 3 o'clock in the afternoon but he did sent me off to police college and I had to take a public speaking course everyone else is seasoned I'm the only one who's not seasoned in this whole thing they're all just there to fine-tune their skills I've never talked to anybody anywhere at anytime and at night these guys I think these guys are all out in the bar of course I wouldn't go there because I'm a Christian some of you might want to take note of that today I don't I don't drink as a Christian and so I'm in my room every night I remember the carpet was kind of a busy pink you might wonder how I remember it is because my face was on it every day that I had a spare moment all Jesus oh Jesus what have I gotten myself into now you know I can't do this and I know I can't do this and I remember so I started taking this course and they start teaching voice intonation and I gestures and hand movements and and I'm the whole time my heart is this Oh God Oh God then came the moment where you have to do it a three-minute speech I don't know what to do so I'm back on that carpet again at night and I know god I can't do this Oh God so I got up and my first speech was on the peril of any society that rejects God I didn't know what else to do and so and the anointing would come on me and I would find myself preaching for three minutes I thought wow that was amazing so then we had to go then we had to go to a five-minute speech and then a ten minute and every night I'm back in my room oh god I was able to get through three and five and eight and now it's 10 then 15 and then finally the big test and all I could do is preach I could only take passages of Scripture and preach on it so finally we're coming to the big test where you pass or you fail this cut this course and I'm called in by the leaders of this in Canadian Police College and they say herder then we are not an evangelistic association here it said now for you to pass this course you have to speak on a police topic you have to do your 30 minute on a police topic now and if you don't you're gonna fail so I will guess of course I'm back in Oh God Oh Lord I can't do this it's only by your anointing I can do this Lord help me God I don't know what to do just help me and so the next day I get up and I'm it's my turn the whole room is going to critique me now when I'm done as to what I've learned and so I got up and I said today gentlemen I'm going to speak on a police topic the Bible I said because every time we go into a court of law we put our right hand on a book hallelujah and we say that based on the content of this book I swear that my testimony is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God I said so it's important for you and I to know what's in this book that we're swearing to I started at Genesis and I went heavily and I finished with these king of kings and Lord of lords not only did I pass the course they asked if I would be willing to come back and be an instructor in the future can you imagine only God can do these things only God can do these things [Applause] hallelujah now none of that was in my notes argh the next thing that happens to Nehemiah after he reaches out and says send me you'll see his prayers become definitive baldness becomes now part of his character the King said to me in the Queen also sitting besides them how long will your journey be and when will you return so it pleased the King to send me and I said him a time then verse 7 says furthermore I said to the king I can just imagine the court like wow this guy's going over the edge it's it's enough that the king is going to send him but he says furthermore if it pleases the King let letters be given to me for the governors of the region beyond the river that they must permit me to pass through till I come to Judah not only am I asking you to let me go I'm asking you to take your time to write letters for me to all the governors all the way along to issue decrees orders that I would be protected on my journey he's asking now for permission second he's asking for protection and he doesn't stop there and he goes in verse eight and and a letter they staff the keeper of the King's Forest that he must give me timber to make beams for the gates of the Citadel which pertains to the temple for the city wall and for the house I will occupy he says I I need timber I need timber to do the things that I'm called to do for the gates and for the beams and I'm going to need a house so if you don't mind would you also include that they would cut lumber for me to build a house for myself and the King granted them to me according to the good end of my god upon me here's the point when you set out to do what God calls you to do God will withhold no good thing from you everything you need we'll be granted to you the courage the wisdom the protection the provision the direction everything you need when you take that step and do what God's calling you to do he's calling you to start a Bible Club in your school is calling you to be a witness in your college is calling you to run for public office whatever it is and there's a whole multitude of things when you step out to do what God's calling you to do he will be God to you he will be God through you and even the hearts of kings God will show you are in the hand of God God will move heaven and earth to get you where you need to go lastly in verse 18 of chapter two he arrives on the scene and he says to those who are there and I told them of the hand of my god which had been good upon me and also of the king's words that he had spoken to me and so they said let us rise up and build and they set their hands to this good work I told them that God had sent me I'm telling you that God has sent me to tell you that he has something for you that's very unique to your life it will be no less supernatural than it has been for every person all throughout biblical history the point being when we start to pray there's a movement that's going to come with that prayer your life will end up being something you never dreamed it was going to be you'll end up in places you never thought you could go you will do things that you weren't capable of doing apart from the presence of God in your life and it will be all for the purpose that the testimony of God in Christ will be glorified through you again in your society wherever it is that you're from whatever town city neighborhood block family whatever it is and so the cry of my heart for you because I've walked this I've lived this I am there i've seen it i've you read the book it's time to pray and if you haven't gotten a copy please get one just read it and you'll understand what i'm talking about this has been my life and i really feel in my heart that god sent me here for this reason in one sense i'm in nehemiah to this church generation maybe at least at least for you to stand here and say god has spoken to me god's hand has been on me i've received all the provision that i need to do what I'm called to do and you are witnesses of that so now let's rise up and build every one of you God will give you the strength whether you're building some built right where their home was some had more strength and went to the corner some build around the corner but whatever your capability isn't wherever you are just start to build where you are and watch what God is going to do what we are not on the losing end we are more than conquerors through Christ who strengthens us by the grace of Almighty God we will live to see this generation free by the grace of God we will fight for our sons and daughters we will fight for our homes we will fight for our families by the grace of God we will rebuild in the strength of our Christ that which has fallen down into ruin and repair in our nation by God's strength we will by God's grace we will by God's calling we will we will live to see our children praising God again we will live to see a nation turned back to righteousness we are not going to lay down and let this run be the testimony of God any longer in our society you're going to stand in the strength of our God the hand of God has been on my life and I have lived with his presence in my life and I know his power and what he's able to do and it's not just for a select few that was just in the Old Testament in the New Testament God said I would pour out my spirit on all flesh your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions your old men will dream dreams and on my servants and handmaidens I will pour out of my spirit in those days by the grace of God we will rise again by the grace of God we will build again by the grace of God we will not let the enemies of righteousness over run this nation any longer you and I are going to stand we're going to pray we're going to move with God hallelujah to the lamb of God glory to the name of Jesus the scripture says when the son Vallot the horror night and to by the ammonite and yes from the Arab heard of it they laughed us and despised us let this generation of the godless laugh all they want let them despise us in 52 days that wall was built and even the enemies of God had to acknowledge this was a miracle that the hand of God had come upon his people again oh thank you Jesus let the hand of God be upon the Church of Jesus Christ one more time let the glory of God become our portion that the grace of God have bounded us that the praises of God be on our lips that the sword of God his word be in our hands doctor testimony of God be upon our lips we're not called any longer to be an argument about the reality of Christ we're called to be a demonstration of who Jesus Christ really is hallelujah I challenge you I challenge the young men in this church in particular I challenge the young women a challenge the old rise up and build let God be God in your life again don't sit back any longer there's a time to leave off serving in whatever it is capacity you're in there's a time to say God send me he had no idea what was gonna meet he had no idea who's gonna end up the governor even you had no idea and I tell you straight out you have no idea where God's gonna lead but I'll tell you what's gonna happen if you don't get up nothing nothing but if you do get up oh god oh god oh god the next mayor of New York might be here today in this century do you know that well for real for real God might be calling somebody and he doesn't or she doesn't realize it yet until you start to fast and pray you see Lord what would you have for me what would you have for me you have no idea you have no idea what God is able to do until you say here I my lord send me let the markers mock but the laughs let the lappers laugh but the hand of my god nehemiah said is upon me and the king has spoken kindly to me and promised me protection provision and gave me permission to be here to do this and the people looked at this butler not a general no army behind him he doesn't have a 15 architects with blueprints he's a butler he's only ever carried a tray maybe let a few people in the king's court but the hand of God was on him and the people looked and something stirred inside those people and they said let's rise up and build let's do this it doesn't make any sense at all in the natural but neither does Moses and Aaron throwing up at Egypt it's the way God has always worked in here we are again hallelujah I just love it because there's a secret that God knows that the ungodly know nothing about when all looks the worst when everything looks like it's failed and fallen when it looks like we're about to be overthrown God starts speaking to his people again hallelujah hallelujah father I know I have delivered your heart this day and I'm asking you Lord with everything in me give courage to your people now courage help us to get through our fears help us to realize there's a cause higher than just preserving ourselves give us the grace to fight for our families and our children give us the grace Lord to push back this destruction that wants to keep the testimony of God in ruins in this country I thank you Lord that you're going to do what only you can and all you require a bus is to say here my lord send me and I thank you for it in Jesus name I'd like to give an altar call this morning and it does mean something for people that are here and you say well pastor I hear you it's finally breaking through I don't know what it is that God has for my life but I do feel sorrow I feel a burden I just don't know what it is but if the opportunity rises for me I'm just gonna ask God for the strength day to do what he's asking me to do whatever that is even if it's outside the the frame of my ability I'm gonna trust God for it we're gonna stand at a moment in the thought I just want you to take a simple step of faith to whoever God is speaking to and just come forward meet me here at this altar we're gonna pray together we're gonna believe God together for the future stretch out your hands this way if you will God Almighty I'm asking you in Jesus name father that you would Commission this army God that you would put your heart your hand your spirit God in every life that you would give us the courage Lord to go through the doors that you're calling us through to the places where you're telling us to go give us the giftings of your spirit the boldness God of faith give us the grace Lord to love the way you do and to speak truth when truth must be spoken help us God as your people to recognize that you called us to rebuild the testimony of who you are in our present day give us the grace to do it Oh God and help us not to turn back I pray for a boldness to come on every one of these men and women in this sanctuary of boldness the spiritual boldness that could only be given by the Holy Spirit can only come from God I pray God that you'd cause us to go forward even when it looks impossible in the natural that your name might be glorified in the earth again Oh Lord God we've read long enough about David to Nestor and all the great heroes of faith it's time for some new heroes of faith now in our generation so god I ask you Lord to make these men and women here's a faith let their names be recorded in heaven let it be rehearsed what you did through their lives God forever and God we thank you we praise you for I can already hear the prison doors opening I can already hear the chains falling you God I thank you thank you now would you just give the Lord a shout of victory can [Applause]
Views: 3,611
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Revival, Character Of God, Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, SermonIndex, What Is The Truth, Carter Conlon
Id: t_XzJP4gau4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 46sec (2506 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 24 2019
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