Yielding To The Spirit Of God | Carter Conlon

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I want to talk to you this morning about yielding to the Spirit of God learning to yield to the Spirit of God what does that mean what does it look like how does it work for you for me for the new for the the curious for the seasoned Christian how does it how do we yield to the Spirit of God isaiah chapter 40 if you go there please with me as in chapter 40 so father I thank you Lord God that I get to be first out of the gate this morning yielding my body and mind to your Holy Spirit I thank you Lord that you have put this word on my heart and you've given it to me for the sake of your church Lord build this house build your people if you don't build it Lord our labor is in vain we can't build the house of God it can't be built by natural means it can only be built by the Holy Spirit and so Lord Jesus Christ would you teach us how to yield to this inward presence of God in each of our lives would you help us Lord God to escape the confines of the mediocrity of our own strength and to let you take over Lord for you are going to have to give us strength Lord for these days now that we live in and God we thank you for this and praise you for it in Jesus name Amen Isaiah chapter 40 beginning at verse 25 to whom then will you liken me this is the Lord speaking or to whom shall I be equal says the Holy One lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these things who brings out their hosts by number these are the stars and calls them all by name by the greatness of his might and the strength of his power not one is missing why do you say oh Jacob and speak o Israel my way is hidden from the Lord and my just claim is passed over by my God have you not known have you not heard the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faint nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable he gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength even the youth shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary they shall walk and not faint you know one of the the deepest mistakes that we can make as believers in Christ is to to fall prey to the thought that God left us you and I and our own strength to come up with something that will bring glory to his name you know thank God he didn't he didn't leave us like that that would be like putting a garbage can outside of a five-star restaurant and saying do your best now to attract people to come in here and eat and so the garbage can would look within itself and it has some leftovers from days gone by it has some things that people threw in there like you and I have some comments that were made along the way things that were thrown in as we're being raised not everything that was thrown inside of our physical body our physical being was good for us and I don't know but you but I've never passed by a garbage can that has drawn me into a restaurant I hope that's not your story hope that's not your case but realistically whenever you see a garbage can outside of a nice restaurant you wonder who left out there and why did they leave it there and the tendency would be to just step away a couple extra feet and do a bit of an arc around it and you see people who feel that we have to somehow come up with something from within ourselves to bring glory to God exactly like that's what we look like from Heaven's perspective you remember the story of King Saul now King Saul was he was called as you and I are to rule and to reign and he was given an incredible promise and he was he was brought in to something that it's very few that are born into this world ever fully understand God gave him incredible promise that he would have wisdom he would have strength he would have ability he would have a lineage he he would be given the power to rule and to reign but he failed to understand that in order for all of this to happen and to become part of his life he would have to learn to yield to the Spirit of God so hard for us to do that for many of us because we're so full of ideas we're so full of things that we think are strengths things that we feel that we can do like the two boys who had the Ark of God in their living room for a couple of years and when it was decided to set it back into its rightful place they they casually stretched out their hand to give help as it was to the presence of God heading back into its rightful place of worship and God struck one of them dead who touched it because he failed to realize that we are not responsible for propping up the kingdom of God God is well able to prop up his own kingdom praise God that's why in the book of Isaiah says God's side and count the Stars and God we're just starting to invent devices now that are able to look deep deep deep into the galaxies and we're still probably not one one-millionth of the way through to the end of the galaxies but the Bible says we just read it this morning that God knows every star put them exactly where they're supposed to be called each of them by a name and not one of them is missing so tell me who needs to prop up his kingdom what ideas of ours does God need to promote his kingdom that he has established on the earth the redemption that he is free to given us through His Son Jesus Christ Samuel the Prophet came to Saul and Saul said these words in chapter 13 and for Samuel beginning at verse 12 then I said the Philistines will now come down to be a deal gal and I've not made supplication to the Lord therefore I felt compelled and offered a burnt offering now his he was told to wait just wait wait for God to come wait for the instruction of God wait for the strength of God for the battle was not his it was the Lord's but he failed to understand that and he was the kind of a man who always feels like he's got to take things into his own hands I have to do something I have to make something happen he was he was not faith Drebin he was fear driven afraid for the future afraid for his leadership afraid that the outcome of the battle might not be the way that he thought it should and so pre-empting the Spirit of God there was a promise God's coming to you his words coming to you wait don't don't be governed by your eyes don't be covered by your natural mind think about your situation right now think about the panic that's in your heart about something right now that you're facing but the Word of God to you is wait on the Lord wait for God don't take matters into your own hands because you will ultimately make a mess of what it is that God would want to do through your life and how he would want to bring glory to his own name through your circumstance that you're facing wait on the Lord don't try to fix everything men are terrible for this we always want to fix things how many guys have had a conversation with your wife and see you're jumping in before she's had a chance to even speak and you're you're trying to fix it you got your tool bag got you got your rent and you got your hammer and what did she say to you just listen to me now it's all past tense in my life that happened years and years and years ago and I've learned that lesson but for all you guys that are young and getting married listen just listen and this is what seemed that was trying to get through to Saul wait just listen he would he would plead with him Saul listen to what God says and do what God says and God will do the rest wait on the Lord but Saul said I I started to be afraid elsewhere he says the people started to leave me the enemies were gathering and I felt compelled to do something spiritual that's the worst of it all is when we are living in unbelief and we try to make it a spiritual thing when we're moving in the flesh we try to you know squirt a little bit of a spiritual perfume on it and make it smell like God but it's still a garbage can outside of a five-star restaurant and Samuel said to Saul you have done foolishly you've not kept the commandment of the Lord your God which he commanded you for now the Lord would have established your kingdom over Israel for ever if you had of listened to God if you had listened to God Samuel said nobody could have defeated you no circumstance could have taken you down don't you understand he says but now your kingdom will not continue the Lord has sought for himself a man after his own heart and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over his people because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you your kingdom in other words shall not continue the promises of God come to an end for you so because you simply wouldn't listen you never learned to have confidence in God you never determined in your heart I'm going to trust him no matter how high the water gets I'm going to trust him he's given me his word I'm gonna obey his word I'm gonna follow his word I don't have to take this matter into my own hands and the promise to him was your kingdom would continue in other words there would be a presence of God and God strengthened power not just in you saw but it would be in your house and be upon your children and be upon your grandchildren there would be a strap that we imparted from God through you to all that come after you if you had only learned to listen if you had only learned to obey what God speaks and not try to do it your own way because of fear but now he says the Lord has sought for himself a man after his own heart in other words a man who understands the heart of God fear not little flock jesus said it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom he's not withholding from you the one who put the stars in the heavens the one who created the galaxies the one who called them all by name the one who was in the beginning with God and all things were created by him the one who became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his face as of the face of God full of grace full of mercy full of truth the one who went to a cross and died the one who told us don't be afraid I'm going to prepare a place for you the one who said you're gonna have trouble in this world but don't be worried about it I have overcome the world don't let it govern your thinking it's in my heart to give you the victory that's what God would say to you today it's in my heart to take you through your impossible places it's in my heart to take you through those doors that you think will never open to you it's in my heart to make you into everything you could never hope to be in yourself and to give you giftings you don't have but I have them and when I ascended up on high I took captivity captive and I gave them to you I showered you with these giftings of heaven and all I required of you the Lord would say is faith I simply want you to believe that what I say is what I mean don't lean on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path the steps of a good man or good woman are ordered by the Lord in other words God has pre-planned your steps for the rest of your life he's pre-planned every valley of the shadow of death that you're gonna have to walk through he's pre-planned every fire that's gonna try to bring you down every flood that's gonna try to carry you away and he's already promised you the flame will not Kindle on you the floods will not drown you you're gonna come through the valley of the shadow of death and realize the goodness and mercy have been following you all the days of your life you're going to learn how faithful God is and your testimony will one day soon be and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever I'm not going to be put away like Saul I'm not going to lose the presence of God in my home and on my family but now I'm gonna dwell the house of God I'm going I'm going with God let the world call it foolishness I don't care let them call me inactive I'm simply gonna wait because God said to wait he said I would renew my strength he said I would mount up with wings like an eagle he said I would run and not be weary and I would walk and not faint and that's good enough for me God gave me that promise and that's what I'm going to believe you know one day there one day the garbage can outside the 5-star restaurant comes into the owner and says listen boss this is just not going to work there's only one thing that's going to make this work because everybody is just kind of bypassing theirs they're actually not coming they're not being drawn to this incredible banquet they're being actually repulsed because I'm out there in my own strength you've got to do something for me that I can't do for myself you've got to wash me first of all of all of the filth of the past and of everything that's been thrown inside of me and everything that causes there to be a stench when it should be a sweet aroma of this place and you have to put something inside of me that will draw people but who are passing by to want to come into this place that's what God does I mean realistically you think it's a it's a funny illustration but we really are a garbage can that the Holy Spirit has chosen to occupy and listen what he says in the Book of Ezekiel chapter 36 he says I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean and I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols I'll give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them verse 36 of chapter 36 says then the nations which are left all around you shall know that I the LORD have rebuilt the ruined places and planted what was desolate I the LORD have spoken it and I will do it I'm going to cleanse you I'm going to put something good inside of you I'm going to make you into a vessel that will draw people into the incredible banquet of God through Jesus Christ I'm gonna do it God says I'm gonna do it for my holy name's sake not for your sake but for my holy name's sake because you are mine I bought you with the price and you belong to me and I am going to cleanse the Church of this generation I believe that with all my heart I believe that's from God he's going to cleanse the Church of this generation in the midst of our sense of unworthiness in the midst of coming to a realization that we can't build this kingdom in our own strength and forgive us Lord for ever trying to do what we're not able to do the beauty of this whole story is the good news is that you and I can all become that man or that woman that God is searching for Saul was put away and David was brought in so God in His mercy can put this all away that's in all of us and bring in the David put away the heart that can't believe put away the heart that can't trust put away the life that just always has to figure everything out and bringing the man which simply has a song of praise and worship and the song of trust in God bringing the one who will face the lion and face the Giant the bear not in his own strength but in the strength of his god bringing the one who knows the source of his strength remember David's prayer he says o God take not your Holy Spirit from me for he understood that his strength his song his life his ability to govern and rule and every promise came because the Spirit of God was on him and he had learned to yield to the Spirit of God when he walked into the camp of Israel when they were facing the armies that were threatening their very freedoms and their very existence the Spirit of God came upon him and he began to prophesy to the voice that was being raised against the people of God and he ran into the valley and he ran in to face the danger of that present time not in his own strength but in the strength of God and I'm telling you folks we are facing a giant in our generation and we need to learn again to yield to the Spirit of God we've got to become a people who can honestly say my life going forward is not by might not by power but by the Spirit of God it's by God's Spirit I will run this race it's by God's Spirit I will know what to do it's by God's Spirit I will live to experience the victory that only he can give in proverbs chapter 1 verse 23 the Lord says turn at my rebuke and surely I'll pour out my spirit on you and I will make my words known to you turn at my rebuke ease it's when I challenge you the Lord says it's all through the Word of God that you can't walk this walk in your own strength you can't you can't represent the kingdom of God by anything you can produce by human effort so when I rebuke you for trying he says simply turn turn and I will pour out my spirit on you and I will make my words known to you in other words not just it would be the promises that I make to you that I will do for you what you can't do for yourself and by the Spirit of God you will start to understand this is a kingdom of supernatural power this is a kingdom where God desires to be God inside of every life you have you have a unique calling everybody that's here today you do now you can't fulfill it in your own strength so don't try you will wind up like the garbage can outside the 5-star restaurant you can't fulfill it in your own strength you can only fulfill it by yielding to the Spirit of God the recognition it's I'm not talking about I'm not talking about complacency I'm talking about Lord you lead me Lord you guide me don't let me be governed by my own thoughts don't let my own reasonings lead me you guide me guide me as I face the small problems and life guide me as I try to raise a godly family guiding me is on I'm choosing a life partner for those who are single today if you don't yield to the Spirit if you don't pray now you're gonna pray after I'll promise you you'll pray after you get married if you don't pray now and you'll be at every meeting you meet every church service you be at every Tuesday night you'll even come to you'll even sneak into young adults meetings on on Friday night you'll be so desperate for God if you don't pray now listen to what the the Lord says through Isaiah again he says why do you say in verse chapter 40 verse 27 why do you say o Jacob and speak o Israel my way is hidden from the Lord in other words God doesn't see me where is God when I need him why is God not in my problem why is God not leading me where I need to go or giving me the strength that I need to have he says that my just claim has passed over by my god am I not a child of God do I not belong to your Lord Jesus why then are you so far from my crying am i wrong why do you not seem to be speaking to me and leading me have you not known verse 28 have you not heard the everlasting God the Lord the creator of the ends of the earth neither faints nor is weary and his understanding is unsearchable remember in the book of Luke when Jesus was raised from the dead right at the end of the Gospel of Luke and he's walking on by two men who are discouraged on the Emmaus Road and he starts speaking to them and they said to him are you just a stranger here have you not heard of the things that have gone on here it's ironic because it's it's actually the inversion of what's actually written here where God is saying to his own people have you not known have you not heard in other words do you not know who I am God is saying as it escaped you somehow that I created the universe by the words of my mouth are you are we missing something here what what have you been studying where have you been getting your instruction why so are you so fearful in the middle of your struggle have you not heard that the everlasting God the creator of the ends of the earth doesn't faint nor is weary his understanding is unsearchable and he gives power to the weak and to those who have no mighty increases strength even youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall in other words have you not known have you not heard that it's in God's to give strength to his people have you not understood yet that you are a supernatural being now that you've come to Christ you have the Holy Spirit living inside of these earthen vessels is it somehow escaped you that's what God's saying to his own people Israel do you not know who you are do you not understand that through your father Abraham you were destined by God to be blessed and to be a blessing in the earth did you not do not know that all the people in the world are supposed to be blessed through you but then you look at God and I say well God I why then have you passed me by why am I so weak why do I seemingly have no strength why don't don't I have a voice why doesn't my life make any difference and he says he gives power to the weak and to those who have no mighty increases strength even youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall you see the point being you can't do this in your own strength it doesn't matter how many degrees you have on your wall or how much you can benchpress in the gym or how big a marathon you can run you can't do this you might be able to do some things in the earth but you can't fulfill the will of God in your own strength and so he's basically saying all flesh is going to come to a place at where the scripture says in in Isaiah chapter 40 he says that that all flesh is like grass the grass withers the flower fades because the breath of the Lord blows upon it and surely the people are grass the grass withers the flower fades but the Word of God stands forever you can't do this settle it settle it settle it in your heart you can't do this I can't do this none of us can do this I don't care how smart you are how young you are how strong you are you can't do this this is a walk you can't walk in your own strength the youths will become weary the vision will begin to fade young men will utterly fall try oh I've been there I know what this is all about oh I got saved at 24 filled with the spirit of shortly after headed out to win the country for God oh yes I did north south east and west oh I went up with the Eskimo people like they're called First Nations or something now and I went on Indian reservations I went everywhere I became a revivalist to drying up churches and I ran I would fast until that my ribs showed that's a long time because you can tell it's a long time ago and I would jog during the day and preach at night until I hit 37 and one day trying to carry the cross of Christ I went facedown in the dirt and couldn't get up again lost all strength could barely preach took about six months or so to fully recover and I was so angry with God I was just so angry with God I went out on that country road one day I just screamed at him i just got it i was so mad if he would have said i'm gonna turn you to dust I would have said go ahead right now I don't care I'm not that I was just fed up and said I remember saying is this how you treat your friends I give you my life I gave you my home I gave you my family I gave you my career and now you respond by taking away my strength and so I was just so fed up I said is there some crooked side to you that I'm not aware of is there some delight secret delight and letting me just go down into the dust at the age of 37 and not rise again when I've done it all for you you see I didn't fully comprehend these scriptures even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they shall run and not be weary on the shoulder walk and not faint and I remember I expected to receive something back in kind from the Lord because I just let it all on that gravel road that day and I got down on my knees and the only thing I could hear him say is I love you and it melted my heart why would he respond like that when I was accusing him saying my way is hidden from you God my just claim has passed over I've claimed the right to be a revivalist and travel the country and see it turn back to you when he said I love you the only thing that came out of my heart was what would you have me to do and he said to me only what I asked you to do no more no less you don't have to win the country for me that's not I've not asked you to do that as a matter of fact you said to me much of what you've done is going to burn on the altar one day because when the purity of God touches it it won't stand only what I've asked you to do and so I said Lord what do you want me to do and he said take that little group of people that I've given you in the wilderness and love them bring my word to them dedicate their children bury their dead marry the young and make sure that every one of their names when you stand before me make sure every name on that list is there do your best and I stood up from that place of weakness I stood up from that place of confusion in the strength of God and my strength to return but not mine this time it was his strength that came into this physical body and since that day I've had no desire whatsoever whatsoever to be anywhere or do anything apart from the will of God there's no value in that there's no strength in it if God's not in it those who wait upon the Lord shall renew wait carries the connotation of being bound together by twisting that's really the actual definition of it is it's like to twist ties tied together those who are intertwined those who recognize God those who open their hearts to his strength those who yield to the power of the Holy Spirit those who trust in his promises it doesn't mean you just sit there and wait there's there's an action involved in this it's it's a trust it's developing a relationship of trust it's saying God I'm gonna believe what I read it's gonna become my guide and I'm not going to move unless you tell me to I'm not going to go to the left or to the right I don't want to be anywhere that you don't want me to be nowhere I want to be in that place or you've called me to be and I want to trust you for the strength to fulfill what I'm called to do you saw I always carry that in my heart you recognize now I think some people say oh it must be great to pastor a church of thousands of people well in one respect it is another it isn't because I stand at the throne of God one day and I'm going to give an account for every one of you every one are you sitting here today those of you online will consider this your congregation I will give an account to God for you if you are there or if you're not there I'll have to answer for it and so by the grace of God I know that I need to be where I need to be where God's placed me or I won't have a word for you but if I'm in the will of God then God promises that I will renew my strength I will mount up with wings like eagles and believe me when you get to be an old eagle you really need new wings they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint learning to yield to the Spirit of God I think next to that initial humbling where we receive Christ as our Savior it might be the greatest struggle that you and I face it's so hard for us to give up because remember the sin the original sin that's in the heart of all people created in the image of God is to try to be as God is without God that's the original sin the belief that we can be as God is with the presence of godliness and so it's so hard to yield that and say Lord I can't be godly I don't know the way forward I am prone to making rash decisions I'm prone to doing things that are gonna cause pain not just to me or but also to those around me that I love and so God I'm asking you give me the grace to wait on you help me to learn to yield to the Spirit of God this is the key this is the key to the church becoming strong again Jesus could have appeared in the John 21 and he could have basically said to everybody there here's the Holy Spirit here's the cloven tongues of fire way you go know there was an instruction that came before that most do you know what that instruction was tarry wheat the one thing Saul couldn't do he told the disciples wait wait until the Holy Spirit comes and when the Holy Spirit comes and touches your life you will know what to do and the rest is history when the Spirit of God came upon those first believers they came out of that door and everybody knew what they were doing and where they were supposed to go and they had the divine enablement to accomplish the will of God for their lives and it was through these early believers that the whole known world received the gospel and the you and I are now carrying the torch of this particular moment in history where once again we have to learn to be yielded to the Spirit of God may God help you may God help me and now here's where it comes down here's where the becomes practical for every life I won't talk to you for just a moment about the decision that you're facing you know some some of you it's about relationships either entering into or exiting others it's about jobs personalities careers difficulties you see it's as with David the King it's your lion and your bear it's your secret battle that you're fighting this is where God is going to start teaching you the power of learning to yield to the Spirit of God you simply yield by saying God show me what to do tell me what to speak and it's just step by step day by day you don't have to have the grand master plan just every day Lord just show me what to do and as he shows you what to do you start to realize this is indeed a supernatural Kingdom I never would have thought of doing it that way which is the truth and as you walk with the Spirit of God leading you the enablement of God comes behind you and something of God begins to be established in your life that nothing of this world can take away from you and can't take it away from your family either and so I challenge you with all my heart whatever it is that you're facing yield it to the Holy Spirit now say Lord it's just a matter of surrender Lord I yield I yield my thoughts I yield my plans I yield my schemes and designs I yield my anger I yield every thank God to you and I'm asking you Lord Jesus Christ cleanse me changed me helped me and made my life become an attraction to even your enemies may they want to sit at your table one day because of something they see and they feel through my life oh God I pray for your church this morning Lord Lord we have been a natural people as the body of Christ in this nation for too long now Lord we're facing an enemy we're facing a moment in history God where if we don't yield to you we're not going to win justice all wound up nailed to a wall God so many of your people are going to go down in defeat if we don't learn if we just don't learn to yield to you and so I'm asking God for an open heaven today an open transaction with your Holy Spirit that you would touch every heart you would touch every life and God give us all the strength to wait and father I thank you in Jesus name now I want to give an altar call today this is on line two as well in our campus churches here at Time Square church and in our annex for those who simply you say pastor you just you just went down the center of my life right now you went down the center of the highway I'm traveling and I've got to learn to wait I've got to learn to wait on God I'm in danger of doing the thing that Saul did I'm a danger of taking my own course of action and adding a measure of religion to it the Lord you won't tolerate this there's no victory in this give me the grace oh God to wait on you give me the grace and lead me lead me Holy Spirit lead me if that's the cry of your heart I'm going to ask you to come forward we're gonna stand up in the balcony and main site and just come out and meet me here at this altar and we're gonna take a moment to worship then we're gonna pray together and believe God for great strength great strength let's all stand please if you will and if the Lord speak and you just make your way down here in the Annex we'll wait for you if you want to make your way here we'll wait for you god help me God help me to wait God helped me to wait some of you you're gonna be so happy that you prayed this prayer today a year from now a month from now you will be so so happy that you took this time to pray John the Apostle was still alive when Jesus came to him and spoke to him about the condition of his own people and in Fremont to encourage you to go and read the letters to the churches in the the revelation of Jesus Christ the last book in the New Testament because there's a promise in each of those letters said he who has the ears to hear let him hear and to he who overcomes I will give and then you see all of the promises but you have to have the ears to hear and only God can give those ears and there's that tells me there's a group of people and it's less than a full generation away from the death and resurrection of Christ that have cultivated a religion but they've not elevated a relationship of listening to the voice of God so that when Christ Himself speaks they can't hear because they're so given to doing things their way that they've plugged into a religious system and they've gotten used to taking control as it is from God and the promise of God is the son of God who has the ears to hear I will and you look I'll make him an overcomer I'll give him a new name and you just look at all the things that he says he's gonna do so I'm gonna pray for you that God give you ears to hear the voice of the Spirit because he promises to be that voice that says this is the way walk in it and it starts with just little things little things wait wait in that situation whatever your situation you're facing wait let me work for you let me do the work you can't do this work let me do it for you wait wait don't try to cover it up with some religious activity wait that's exactly what solved that he covered up his disobedience with activity religious activity and it looked so holy it looks so good but it cost him everything and it cost his family to wait on the Lord wait on the Lord he's the only one who can build the kingdom if he doesn't build it the Bible says our laborers in vain if he's not the one that's changing my life than my efforts to change myself are in vain I can't change certain situations but if I learn to wait the promises of God so I'm gonna pray for you now that God gives you ears to hear ears to hear yours to hear and always always try to ask the Lord to do that so God help me to hear you today help me to hear you today and it'll be a whisper it'll be a whisper to give a kind word it'll be a whisper don't go down that Street and I thought I'll get goofy on with this stuff you know but it'll be there it'll be just there I can't explain it any other way it'll be God just speaking to you and and flowing through you when you and I learned to let him lead so father I pray for my brothers and sisters today at this altar and those on their knees are standing in their homes got on line today as well and in our campus church is God I pray O God give us ears to hear give us ears to hear and hearts to obey what we hear Lord you are our life as Paul once said it's it's in you that we live and move and have our being God you you have to deliver us from ourselves and give us the grace Lord to hear your voice into and to do the things you say the things you've already spoken I pray God for this church Lord that we be a church that could hear you every day all day Lord everywhere we go Lord and the miracles of God would begin to abound Lord when you find an obedient heart there's no limit to what you can do Lord to step out of the box and maybe lay hands on somebody who's sick to to give a kind word to somebody who hates us Lord whatever the situation might be whatever it might be to learn to yield to you o Spirit of God because you know every heart you know every life you know every thought of every person God give us the grace to yield help us not to take over this walk Lord Father thank you God I pray Lord Jesus Christ especially at this Christmas time that you would give us the gift of a tender hearts and listening ears give us courage Lord Jesus Christ every one of us to to actually trust you to step out of the boat and walk on the water again give us the grace my god to believe for healing in situations that seem to be irreconcilable give us the patience to wait Lord to wait God until you bring that that right situation to pass or the right person into our lives or whatever the situation is God give us the grace to wait to wait help us lord not to take charge Oh God and I just thank you Lord because you are preparing us or stand you are preparing in people with listening ears and hearts filled with the Spirit of God so father God set us aflame for you again Lord in our generation and we ask that we might have the privilege of being supernatural examples of your presence Lord that will draw people to your banquet table they will not take a wide step around Lord your house because of us but O God they will see and sense something in us that would draw them to you Lord we thank you and we praise you in Jesus name Amen and they meant
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 69,533
Rating: 4.9023018 out of 5
Keywords: Carter Conlon, Sermon, Times Square Church
Id: tAbfWp8xhqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 8sec (2528 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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