Robert Morris: God Guides You as He Speaks | TBN

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i hope you're catching why hear from  god because god wants to talk to you   he wants to be your friend my greatest  memories i've been a christian now for 35 years   my greatest memories as a believer are not  what god's done for me but what god said to me so that's point number one god doesn't speak to  robots here's uh number two god speaks to people   we have records as i said abraham  isaac jacob noah adam and eve   deborah ruth all through scripture all through  the old testament all through the new testament   speaking to disciples but also speaking after the  resurrection speaking to paul speaking to barnabas   speaking to john after the resurrection he's still  speaking to people it's all through the bible   now think about this do you really think that the  indwelling holy spirit would speak less to people   than before the holy spirit came to dwell in  us it's crazy like you know jesus said i'm   not gonna leave you as orphans i'm gonna send  someone to you but now he can't talk to you that's crazy like the holy spirit through the word  paraplatos which the word comes from in the greek   para means alongside and plato's means to walk   or to come alongside so the holy  spirit's going to walk alongside   you but here's what people think he's walking  along the holy spirit's walking like this crazy think about that or maybe it's like  some game he's playing with you know like   two words first word two syllables you know okay let me show you a scripture straight out that  the holy spirit speaks john 16 verses 12 and 13.   jesus said i still have many things to say to  you but you cannot bear them now however when he   the spirit of truth has come he will guide you  into all truth for he will not speak on his own   authority but whatever he hears he will speak  that's jesus he will speak and he will tell you   things to come what a what a horrible trick that  god played on us to stop speaking all of a sudden   he didn't do that he still speaks uh you know the  reason i think that we have a difficulty wondering   if god still speaks today i think we actually  think that he spoke differently to people in the   bible than he does today and i want to submit to  you that it might not have always been different   we just in one of our other sessions we read  where gideon said show me a sign that it is   you who talk with me why would he say that um  we have hebrews 11 which is the hall of faith   not fame but hall of faith in the bible and here's  what it says about all of them by faith by faith   okay well if god spoke in this loud booming voice  you know like on a cartoon where you see hair   going back you know like this and god is speaking  like this i think hebrews 11 would say by fear they were scared to death elijah  said it was a still small voice   here's a good one for you  moses was talking to a bush uh is this you what's your name i mean that's  what he if you ever think about what's your name bush god speaks to people it's all through  scripture i have a friend of mine that   was called into question by his denomination  for saying that god still speaks today   uh for about three hours they just grilled him  and uh finally he said um can i could i ask you   gentlemen a question just one question you've  asked me questions for three hours can i ask   you a question and there were four pastors on the  credentials committee for this denomination and uh   they said sure ask us a question so he's looked  at the the head of the community and said who   called you to preach now here's what they had just  said to him before he asked the question they said   if you tell us that god spoke to you something  and you can't give us a book chapter and verse   then that's not god and you're adding to the bible  and you know what happens people who add to the   bible so he that's when he said can i ask you men  a question so he said who called you to preach   all four of them went like this put their heads down because  even theological persuasions that   will teach that god doesn't speak  today believe in a call to preach so he said uh doctor so and  so i asked you a question   who called you to preach so you know he  didn't want to like be called so he comes   well god did he said good would you mind  giving me the book chapter and verse he said in the same way that god called  you to preach god still speaks today   he never says anything contrary to this word but  he does speak to our hearts god speaks to people   and here's number three god speaks to friends he  doesn't speak to robots he doesn't communicate   mechanically to us he does speak to people  it's all through scripture and he speaks to   friends numbers 33 11 so the lord spoke to  moses face to face as a man speaks to his friend   james 2 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which  says abraham believed god and it was accounted   him for righteousness and he was called the  friend of god so we need to understand that god   wants to be friends with you and that's that's  in that in great news he wants to be your friend   he wants to talk to you and you can talk to  god you can talk to god about how you feel   you can talk to god about what you're mad  about you understand you won't intimidate god   you you will not upset god if you say god  i'm really mad at you right now he's unreal he doesn't say he's okay he's in control you can  talk to god god wants to talk to you as a friend   he calls us friends even when we don't act like friends this is a great truth about  god we're still his friends   let me read you a couple of scriptures that uh  kind of shocked me when we talk about friends   uh this is a scripture the first one's from  the old testament and it's what we would call   a messianic scripture in other words it's in  the old testament but it is speaking about the   messiah okay in zechariah 13 6 it says if someone  asked him what are these wounds on your body he will answer the wounds that i  was given at the house of my friends   here's another one matthew 26 48-50 now his  betrayer that's judas had given them a sign   saying whomever i kiss he is the one sees him   immediately he went up to jesus and said greetings  rabbi and kissed him but jesus said to him friend why have you come and then they laid hands  on jesus and took him away let that one sink into you the guy who  was betraying him jesus said friend what are you doing maybe you never thought  about this but jesus washed judas's feet he was there he didn't leave till after the  foot washing what i'm trying to tell you is   that he doesn't treat you any differently even  when you treat him badly and then a very famous   one we were at john 15 15 earlier no longer do i  call you servants might call you friends because   i've told you what i'm doing two verses before  that john 15 13 greater love has no one this than to lay down one's life  for his friends i hope you're   catching why hear from god because god wants  to talk to you he wants to be your friend   my greatest memories i've been a christian now  for 35 years my greatest memories as a believer   are not what god's done for  me but what god said to me now i'm very grateful for what he's  done for me i'm very very grateful   of obviously they redeemed me out of a life of sin  that he gave me a beautiful family that he uses me   to help other people i'm grateful for what god's  done for me and through me i'm grateful for that   but when i think back about milestones in my  life my memories go to what god has said to me   when i was going through a tough time and god gave  me a word to get through that time i've done some   quotes from dallas willard one of dallas willard's  quotes is um let me read exactly i treasure his   presence and that's like him being present in the  situation feeling god's presence i treasure his   presence more than his presence and that's  spelled like gifts christmas gifts presents   like you get you should so let me say it again  i treasure his presence more than his presence   that's pretty strong isn't it i remember one  time i was um having my quiet time and i i just   said lord uh i gotta talk to you about stuff  and i just started like this just telling him   i was giving him my to-do list you know i'm gonna  go to work while i'm gone you do these things   okay so i was i just started talking and all of a  sudden i just felt like the lord said can we just   talk just like that can we just talk for a minute  just like if you went and saw a friend you haven't   seen in years and you immediately started saying  now listen next week i need you to do this and   this and this and this and the first say what  about hey how are you doing how's your family   what's going on can we just talk for a minute i  really feel like that's what god's saying to all   of his children can we just talk i want to  ask you to just close your eyes for a moment   and i want to cement this truth in our  hearts god does want to give us direction   he does want to give us guidance but he  wants to have a relationship with you   he wants to be your friend so why don't  you just take a moment and just say god i want to get to know you as a  friend and i want to hear your voice as a friend in jesus name amen friend with the support of heroes  like you tbn is beaming the hope   and grace of jesus around the  world in multiple languages   this month for your gift of support in any  amount we're excited to offer best-selling   author dr david jeremiah in his book forward take  a moment to visit go forward god bless
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Keywords: robert morris, robert morris 2021, robert morris free indeed series, robert morris the god i never knew, robert morris blessed life series, robert morris more than words series, robert morris university, robert morris series, robert morris gateway church, frequency, robert morris frequency series, hearing god's voice, hearing the voice of god, god speaks, tbn, trinity broadcasting network, trinity broadcasting network live, tbn live, matt crouch, t8b2n6, 8t2b6n, tbn826, 826tbn, preach
Id: PAlDcRvhWag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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