The Lord My Healer: HEALED & FORGIVEN (Part 2)(August 27,2017)

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Exodus 15 and 26 he said if you will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord your God will do that which is right in his sight will give ear to His commandments and keep all his statutes i'll put none of the diseases upon you which i've brought upon the Egyptians for i am the lord that healeth thee hallelujah i am the lord that heals you if you look this up in the original language dictionaries this i am the lord that heals you you'll find it's one of the great compound redemptive names Jehovah Rapha the Lord has revealed himself through his name's he's revealed himself jehova shamma the Lord who is present the Lord who was there Jehovah Shalom the Lord your peace Jehovah sidqa knew the Lord your righteousness Jehovah Raya Raya the Lord your Shepherd Jehovah Jireh the Lord your provider hallelujah Jehovah Nissi the Lord your victory how many believe he is still the Lord your peace and always will be the Lord your Shepherd the Lord your righteousness the Lord who is always there well is he still the Lord your healer will he always be the Lord your healer nobody has a right to take the great I am and say he was he used to be no no I am the lord that heals you let me read another couple of translations Young's literal says I Jehovah am healing v the complete English version says I am the Lord your God and I cure your diseases CEV that was the message says I am God your healer some is that a healer say physician the one who mends you you could sit like this I'm the one who fixes you that be accurate I'm the one the God who fixes you Oh somebody needs to get excited about Tessa tell him say you are the God who fixes me of what whatever whatever needs fixing right I don't have to go around unfixed I don't have to go around broken impaired hmm because he is the God who fixes me he is the God who fixes me I'm the Lord the one who heals you your physician your healer now one thing we got into last Sunday I want us to look at again in Jeremiah you you don't have to turn there but they'll put these on the screen for us Jeremiah 17 14 says heal me O Lord and I shall be healed save me and I shall be saved for you are my praise heal me I'm healed save me and I'm saved why would you say it like that because the two are connected they're connected the modern church has separated salvation from healing and they've done damage to the scriptures and obscured the truth the new birth and healing are directly connected hallelujah they are connected we're going to see that more and more as we go some 103 we shouted about last weekend some 103 1 he said blessed the Lord O my soul and all that's within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord verse 2 O my soul and forget not what all all his benefits now now why would the Lord say to us don't forget all my benefits because a lot of folks have have narrowed down the benefits to one or two they believe there is the benefit of being saved and not going to hell and going to heaven but you get out much beyond that and go oh I know I might not be God's will and and we know they don't believe in many benefits but we do because the Bible says so forget not all his benefits and then he starts listing the top benefits benefit number one who forgives all the that now he keeps emphasizing forget not all his benefits he forgives all your iniquities and who heals all your diseases now we read this we shout about it but most folks don't believe it most church-going people do not believe this verse say what you heard me they believe half of it they believe the Lord it is his will to forgive all iniquities but they don't believe it equally and as strongly that it is his will to heal all diseases but it's the same verse it's the same verse said out loud he forgives now go ahead and apply it to yourself say he forgives all my iniquities and he heals all my diseases oh oh if you say well you know you know people don't always get it get healed young people don't always receive forgiveness but it doesn't change the fact that he is the forgiver of all iniquities and he is the healer of all so much they all all uh all diseases oh thank you lord somebody say thank you lord praise be to God go with me over to Luke the fifth chapter and get ready get ready for what brother Keith get ready to get free get ready I may preach you may shout be warned be ready hallelujah whoo tell me what the truth will do for you the truth will absolutely make you free free free so many times you you don't realize how bound you've been until you get the truth mmm how much you've been robbed and how much you've been hindered and held back and held up and then the truth dawns on you you go hot whoa wait a minute well hey wait a minute no I don't have to have this anymore I don't have to live like this anymore I don't have to put up with this any more it will make you free whoo Luke 5 verse 17 it came to pass on a certain day as he Jesus was teaching that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by now we're doctors of the law but these are doctors of theology these are preachers these are individuals who have done extensive study in the law of Moses the law and the prophets so they're experts supposedly in the scriptures and the Pharisees were very strict you know live by the law do it right and they were come out of every town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem so we've got a man of preachers at this meeting they work just preachers out of Galilee but also Judea also Jerusalem out of every town in these regions I mean you'd have thought this was a preacher convention a bunch of PhDs doctors of religion and the power of the Lord was present this is a revelation manifestation of one of these compound names we were just talking about Jehovah who is present hallelujah the power of the Lord was present was there to heal them them preachers now that's not what they came for but the power was there to do that for them isn't God merciful a bunch of them were there to find fault they were there to take notes to find fault with what he's saying with what he's doing to get him get him in trouble with the authorities try to hurt him try to undermine him some way now you know when you got a stinky attitude like that you bound to have some problems too so they needed healing acting like that living like that for any length of time you're gonna have problems and they all showed up a bunch of a mean snarky in fault-finding judgmental snooty thinking they so smarty and you might have just seen them and got mad and go we don't need this bunch here but they won't they walked in and the Spirit of God says man we need a lot of healing man we need a lot of healing in this place so the power is here Oh hallelujah who wants to get healed today the Spirit of God just like he hovered over the face of the deep he was hovering over this place and over this room and over this house hallelujah and he's saying come and get it healing for everyone get your healing it was their healing power was there for the taking for the receiving but no one was getting healed this is a revelation can it be that the power of the Lord is present to heal and nobody get healed he can't just like the power of the Lord can be present for people to get saved born again and nobody gets sick he's not gonna make people receive Jesus and be born again he's not gonna make people receive healing or anything power was there verse 18 behold men brought in a bed a man which was taken with the palsy he was had paralysis and they sought means to bring him in and to lay him before him they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude hidden there and then some the guys were the best seats were not receivers and people who were ready to receive couldn't get in the building and so they went up on the housetop and they they tore up the roof one translation says they they broke up the clay tiles and they let him down through the tiling well it says tiling right there with his couch into the midst before Jesus so there's this commotion of top you hear this cracking and breaking and dust falls into the preachers hair [Laughter] and they were already snarky and so they lowering this guy down right in front of Jesus so they interrupt what's going on and Jesus probably probably said thank God [Laughter] why because he had a tough bite sitting in front of him there and we finally got somebody who has some faith who is ready to receive what is so freely given and available here and they let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus verse 20 and when Jesus saw their faith did you know you can see faith you can see faith of them Halling upon him I'm up on top of the house you can see the faith breaking through and getting him there whatever it took you can see he wouldn't let them be dragging him around like this and cooperate with all this they must believe something's gonna happen when they get in there he saw it and he looked at him and said man your sins are forgiven you whoa whoa whoa whoa did they say we won't forgiveness why are they there he's paralyzed what they come for so did Jesus misunderstand the situation now because you know forgiveness and healing are different things huh right no yes no when he saw their faith he said man and he said it loud where everybody could hear your sins are forgiven you and man tension in the room Rose didn't get better verse 21 and the scribes and the Pharisees begin to reason and they said who is this which speaks blasphemies who can forgive sins but God alone who can forgive now this is interesting because back then they were saying well he maybe can heal but he can't forgive and now they're saying he made me forgive but he can't heal I want you to know he both forgives and heals he did he does he will forgive all your iniquities and heal all your diseases cuz you have a healer he is the Lord who fixes you glory to God but man this this is what they were looking for they came looking to find a problem you know you you've seek and you'll find if you came trying to find fault with me today you could probably fight it huh might not even need a magnifying glasses but if you were looking for the Lord to bless you you could find that too right we're not looking for problems we're looking for answers we're not looking to judge and nitpick we're looking to get helping to come up right so they were they were there ready to take notes they were there you know they don't like him and the power of the Lord was present to heal mercy of God who can forgive sins but God alone their script tories when Jesus perceived their thoughts he answering said to them why reason in your hearts why why wrestle about this he's about to help them why arrest what were they wrestling about forgiveness what the man come for healing what he get initially forgiveness what is he about to get healing he said what isn't in your hearts one who are wrestle about this whether is easier to say your sins be forgiven you are to say rise up and walk the words of the master recorded for us for generations which one notice he didn't say which one's harder he didn't say which one's harder what'd he say which one's easier why because they're both easy are you awake are you awake they're both easy it's easy to be forgiving it's easy to be healed now you say that and a lot of folks could go well no now now you know it is easy to be forgiven but man I've been wrestling on this healing thing for 15 years those people have been wrestling about forgiveness for years - mm-hmm Jesus said whether which one is easier you got a problem with me saying he's forgiven well which one's easier to say your sins be forgiven you or to say get up walk be healed hallelujah thank you Father somebody say which one's easier which one's easier but he said in order verse 24 that you may know that the son of man not not son of God son of man has power on earth to forgive sins he said to the sick of the palsy I say to you arise take up your couch go into your house now according to Jesus this is just as easy as getting forgiven in fact he's saying in so many words he's saying if he doesn't get up then that's a sign he's not forgiven either but if he does get up then you know he's forgiven - which one's easier why would he say which ones easier cause they are connected to the same source of problem and join to the same solution in Redemption we haven't been taught this like we should we have meditated on only like we should most Christians believe it's easy to be forgiven but get healed not as easy as being forgiven according to Jesus it is if you're for if you can be forgiven you can be healed if you can be healed you can be forgiven he says which one's easier the answer is they're the same they're the same somebody say the same the same the same do you believe you can be forgiven then you can be healed the same way it's provided the same way it's received the same way the enemy has made it confusing the enemy has tried to obscure this convoluted it's quiet in here in Matthew 9 don't turn there but in Matthew 9 6 amplified Matthew's account of this same happening he said it like this and amplified Matthew 9 6 in order that you may know that the Son of man has authority on earth to forgive sins and remit the penalty forgive sin and remit the penalty well if the sin is forgiven there should be no penalty for the sin if the sin is forgiven there should be no penalty for the sin if the sin is fixed no penalty sin problem fixed penalty problem fixed right sin problem fixed sickness problem fixed lack problem fixed oppression depression problem fixed which one's easier they are the same praise God praise God and verse 25 immediately this is back to Luke 5 now he rose up before them and took up that whereon he lay and departed to his own house forgiven and healed glorifying God does sin glorify God no forgiveness does does sickness glorify God no healing does huh this being in bondage glorified God no deliverance this defeat glorify God no victory victory glorifies God all those people have taste something different but their own don't let them deceive you immediately he got up he did what what happened he's paralyzed he's paralyzed paralyzed people can't get up huh sinful wicked people can't be righteous yeah they can yes they can by faith in Jesus paralyzed people can't get up yes they can by faith in Jesus which one's easier you want so alive I think the forgiveness is easier then you don't understand the seriousness of sin what did it take to pay for our sins what did it take for the spirit of a human being to be born again recreated cleansed and washed that's a greater miracle by far than any repair work on an already existing human body no it's wrong people think well you know Allah forgiveness is easy forgiveness is a big thing and cleansing and washing is a big thing hallelujah and if you can be forgiven you can be healed same way you received your forgiveness is exactly how you receive your healing works the same you don't cleanse yourself and you don't heal yourself you just receive it's not your job to fix you you can't fix you don't need to you've got the Lord who fixes you go with me to Roman's please Romans the fifth chapter you believe in women that you said this is this is big we'll just cover what we need to today maybe you can come back Romans 5:1 it says therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ verse 9 verse 9 much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him saved from wrath it's not his will that any should perish for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have now received the atonement actually a better word there may be reconciliation if you look in your margin most of your margins will say reconciliation atonement is actually an Old Testament word our sins are not atoned and covered like they were under the Old Covenant sacrifices our sins are washed away hallelujah hi verse 12 wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world everybody say sin now by that one man he's talking about Adam by the first man by Adam sin came into the world and death by sin the wages of sin is death and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned in the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth you read about the account in Genesis on which day did he create pneumonia our smallpox huh on which day did God create AIDS or cancer our heart disease which day not the first not the second not the third not fourth fifth see he rested on the seventh when did he created sickness disease was not deformity deficiency was not a part of God's original creation it entered in because of sin right man sinned opened the door to the curse and death well we taught my sickness there would never have been any sickness if there had never been any sin true or not there would never have been any poverty any oppression depression there would never have been any sickness if there had never been any sin it was through sin that death got in sickness is incipient death it is a measure of death working in the body you get enough sickness in the body it's dead hmm poverty is death poverty is death working in your material realm you get you get enough poverty in a person's life they'll literally starve to death for lack of something to eat death is the same result if a lot of poverty will kill you then a little poverty is not good either it's the same evil stuff coming out with me God is not using deaths to teach his children if God approved of poverty and sickness and these things then he would also be approving of what led them in what brought them in sin like one individual said sickness and the all these things is the file offspring of its father Satan and its mother sin it's not the work of God God gets glory in his works the devil gets glory in his works the devil's works are stealing and killing and destroying poverty disease it robs it steals it kills it destroys the Lord gets glory in life he said I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly he gets glory and you're being forgiven of your sin and cleansed and washed and living instead of dying he gets glory and you needs being met and you're being blessed not going under he gets glory in you being healed and healthy and able to serve Him what good does it do him you can't even get off the bed what good does it do God and you you robbed of half life died young died prematurely I didn't glorify God he needs every soldier boots on the ground he can get and he needs you healthy and strong going all day and all night yes don't let the devil lie to you now maybe this disease is a blessing in disguise no it ain't a blessing in disguise or otherwise it's a curse and a curse is a curse and will continue to be a curse and you and I are not cursed we're blessed and if we're forgiven we got a right to be healed and it's connected to the same thing and it's based on the same thing name John 9 if you'd look there we were in Romans 5 go to or they'll put it on the screen for us John 9 when you mention sickness and sin excuse me a lot of times people begin to get uncomfortable and a lot of folk will just get outright indignant and angry and then what are you if I got a problem you suggestin and I've sinned are you suggesting you have it and yet the Bible connects it in fact oh just put on the strain first of all James 5:14 don't go there they'll put it on the screen for us James 5:14 it says is there any sick among you now this is New Testament scripture let him do what call for the elders of the church let them pray over him anointing him with all in the name of the Lord and what and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and and and if he's committed sins they'll be forgiven II why why connect sin and sickness why why connect them what Jesus say which one's easier verse 16 he keeps going confess your faults now he stole my sin he's talking about where you missed it he's still talking about healing and forgiveness he didn't you stop with that one statement now he goes on confess you fought your mistakes to one another and pray one for another that you may be healed forgiveness and healing now having said that that doesn't mean that if you've got something wrong with you that it's automatically because you've personally sinned and caused it that is not true although it is true you can ignore what you know is right and open the door to problems that's true - I mean if you know doing something's bad for you and you just keep on doing it well you missed it our spiritually the same thing is true we want to walk in a manner that our conscious is clear but what if you didn't blow it what if you did miss it and what if it didn't have a problem physically you know we know somebody takes care of both we know somebody that takes care of both forgives all your iniquities and heals all your diseases somebody say all all all if I say well it may not be all diseases well why can't you say it may not be all iniquities nope all has to mean the same thing now notice in the ninth chapter John you see this verse 1 as Jesus passed by he saw a man that was blind from his birth he was born by his disciples asked him said master who sinned who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind so they are saying somebody sinned that's why we got this this situation of this physical problem and the reason they would think that way is because through the Old Testament you see that disease and poverty and all these things as a curse they knew it's a curse and you don't get a curse for obeying God but Jesus said what neither one neither one whose sin caused this baby to be born blind well it wouldn't heal him he wasn't born yet had he sinned wasn't him well it must have been his parents Jesus said no it wasn't it was neither one you mean you can have a problem and nobody sinned yeah I'll tell you whose fault it is Adams's he said and it opened the door to the curse in the earth he said neither this man sinned or his parents but that the works of God should be made manifest in him don't stop there verse 4 I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day they had not seen the works of God until they saw the healing who they want to fix the blame Jesus wants to fix the problem but no you hear a little quiet because we're told my sin and sickness and all man people people get in arms about this just the mere suggestion it's a good thing to understand this that's why the devil wants to keep you away from it no it's not necessarily well let me back up through one man's sin death entered in right why is disease in the earth because it goes back to the garden I mean animals get diseases when did they send plants get diseases when did they sin and by like token you could encounter something in your life that you didn't sin and cause it to come what if you weren't even a believer how would how would it be going with you the devil try to you know the enemy is always trying to minister condemnation isn't he such a liar such a deceiver always try well something's wrong with you you don't have enough faith you've missed it in so many ways well you and everybody else around you but why would you stop there if you hadn't missed it if you knew you had missed it I'm in on one occasion Jesus told the woman you met the man rather he said you you've been made whole go and sin no more lest a worse thing come on you right so you can you can do things that's wrong and open the door and have problems but if you did you know it I said if you did you know it and if you don't know it you don't hunt hunt hunt maybe I missed it somewhere maybe I missed it somewhere and maybe you didn't maybe you didn't miss it maybe the curse is in the earth hmm yeah but I've had such a hard time what if you were an unbeliever where would you be none of you instead of having tough fights you'd be gone years ago there's something worse than a tough fight that's just getting destroyed boom don't know anything don't know how to believe God don't know how to fight the good fight of faith hmm it's not like unbelievers who are not trying to believe God have such rosy wonderful lives they're getting hit they're getting attacked same stuff and worse wine just being a human being on the planet you can encounter difficulties imperfections in your body imperfections in the atmosphere imperfections hmm it's because of the curse which is because of sin oh but we have a forgiver and we have a healer so no matter how got that way no matter where it just was in here because of sin and the curse our I did something stupid and open the doing caused myself a problem either way which one's easier I can get forgiven and I can get healed and I don't have to wait till next week I don't have to wait till tomorrow oh go into God hallelujah Oh somebody say thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father thank you Father go with me to Isaiah 53 anybody got anything marked over there Isaiah 53 Isaiah 53 verse 1 I'm reading out of Young's literal translation somebody's getting free somebody's getting free quit trying to find fault quit trying to pin blame hmm good looking for stuff that's not there quit quit yielding the condom me if there's something you need to see the Lord will show you if you don't see it be happy right well maybe you and maybe you can't live by maybe that's the enemy trying to ministry I could I should oh that's a bunch of junk it's a bunch of phony humility and all it'll do is condemn you and undermine your confidence and that's what the enemy is after is to keep you in a place of no confidence or no faith you must how do you receive your forgiveness by faith how do you receive your healing the same way by faith and that is in confidence you can't be going around going I hope I'm saved I don't know that I really deserve it let me help you with that you don't so get over that you just you just receive it it's a gift well I hadn't hadn't lived very well although if I if I'm worthy of being healed you're not just get over it and go ahead on and receive it by the mercy of God anyway if I can be forgiven I can be healed same provision did Jesus take care of the sin problem did he did he did he if there had never been a sin problem there would never have been a sickness problem well in taking care of the sin problem he also took care of the sickness problem and the poverty problem hallelujah so it's for us to receive our healing just like some of us say just like just like just like I receive my forgiveness isaiah 53:1 who has given credence to that which we heard and the arm of jehovah on whom has it been revealed he comes up as a tender plant before him as a root out of a dry land he's no form neuron or when we observe him nor appearance when we desire him he's despised and left of men a man of pains and acquainted with sickness and as one hiding the face from us he is despised and we esteemed him not surely well somebody say surely surely our sicknesses he has born and our pains he has carried them and we we have esteemed him plagued smitten of God and afflicted and he is pierced for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities now stop stop stop how many believe he bore your iniquities huh he was punished for your transgressions the previous verse says he bore your sicknesses and carried your pains is that true or not do we do we take a cleaver in and divide these into and say yeah this is for us but now this is not this is for everybody this may not be for everybody you dare not do it he bore my sicknesses he carried my pains he took my iniquities he bore my transgressions surely our sicknesses he bore our pains he carried verse five he's pierced for our transgressions bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace is on him that's all your mental and emotional health Jesus never had any mental problems of his own but he took ours I said he just like he bore our sins he bore our sicknesses just like he bore our sicknesses he bore mental anguish the chastisement and broken peace was on him hallelujah and by his bruise there is healing to us did he have to have the thorns jammed on his head to go to the cross no I didn't did he have to be scourge at the whipping post in order to go to the cross within was that just extra unnecessary no he was taking care of everything he was he Oh hallelujah he offered up himself spirit and soul and mind and body he redeemed us spirit and soul and mind and body yes he paid the price for our sins he also paid for our healing he also paid for our peace and our needs to be met yes he did yes he did yes he did now here's here's a big one if it all happened in the same Jesus in the same work of redemption and it's received the same way so much so that Jesus said which one's easier get forgiven get healed to him it's the same and he knows I said we order we ought to stay with him if he said is the same what do we say it's the same how do you know you're forgiven hmm how do you know you're forgiven is anybody in here convinced you are forgiven how do you know hmm you always feel forgiven have you always acted righteous how you know you are then are you sure you're forgiven maybe you're not check how you feel I'd be a mistake right check see if you feel forgiven do you really feel completely clean do you really feel like the righteousness of God do you really feel then how you know you're forgiven how you know how do you know you believe that you have received your forgiveness Oh hallelujah you believed you receive it the more you believe it and the less you quit focusing on how you feel the more confidence you have and the freer you live guess what guess what that's exactly how you receive your healing how do you know you're healed it's not based on what you feel any more than your forgiveness is based it's not based on a report it's not based on a test any more than your forgiveness is based on a test which is easier it's not your job to fix yourself you sure you don't have to have any condemnation or shame or feeling put out or feeling less because all your money is not here or you still got some symptoms or you still got a symptom of unrighteousness not your job not your job your job is to leave you receive I received my forgiveness that's all I got to do I receive my forgiveness and I am forgiven don't let your eyes fool you I'm forgiven and cleansed no matter what you may see or not see I am forgiven and what else come on what else what else I'm healed no matter what you see no matter what I feel I believe that I receive my healing it's based on the same Jesus the same work the same Redemption hallelujah who stand on your feet and praise God lift your hands I'll lift your hands give God praise give God thanks Lord we worship You Lord we give you glory Lord we worship You Lord we worship You Lord we worship you we worship you we worship you altar workers would you come up to the front just close your eyes we don't know who's in the house we don't know who's watching by internet we don't know who's in the house in Sarasota we do know him who forgives all our iniquities and heals and and and heals all our diseases I don't have to save myself I can't I don't have to heal myself I can't I have a savior I have a healer so everybody say affirm it or reaffirm it because there are those that will be saying it for the first time said out loud loud enough somebody's standing besides you could hear it said out loud father God I believe in you I believe Jesus paid the price for all my sins all my mistakes he took it on himself he also paid the price for my healing and my deliverance and by faith I do receive this forgiveness I do receive this Jesus as my savior and as my healer I receive my forgiveness I receive my cleansing I receive righteousness thank you lord and I receive healing I receive restoration I receive strength and soundness by His stripes I am healed Oh hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands and begin to praise the Lord Lord we worship you but we worship You Lord we worship you worship You hallelujah hallelujah praise you praise you praise you praise hallelujah let's sing victory is mine
Channel: Life of Believing
Views: 43,373
Rating: 4.8372092 out of 5
Id: 74TA3aGAlyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 23sec (3503 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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