The Longest Battle! (Continued) - Forts RTS - Livestream

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[Music] so third time's the charm indeed yes so having some internet connectivity issues now i've cut out several things uh gone to no longer dual streaming which is makes me sad so rip twitch uh hopefully hopefully things will be a bit more stable though the reality is the issue wasn't the dual streaming it was just straight and comcast uh we were having some network issues in the game as well you can see the top left here it's um yeah literally just the internet was having concerns so we'll give it a moment to make sure everything is stable and then we'll and then we'll go here let's let's pop this don't worry you haven't missed anything if we are continuing from the end of the last stream by the last stream i mean this stream before the internet died so we will be okay in a moment i'll just give this a second give this a second don't worry uh luckily the internet died just enough or rather didn't die quite enough for the um lobby to drop so we haven't lost anything or anyone so we should be good so hopefully hopefully we can uh hopefully we can get back to this but all right let us let us go shall we all right so let's switch back on over to the forza cam and keep going all right you guys ready we shall carry on i do not expect this to last a whole lot longer uh i expect to get whoa there is the desyncs that were happening yeah we saw that one coming all right hello i'm not actually sure who all was disconnected or desynced there yeah i think i think cronk is uh having a rough time of things let's give players a moment and there's the consequence of the internet going down for a moment so you see it literally just comcast having a great day all right we should be good to go here all right looks like everyone's in let's do this this is how i die you're back at 10 fps rip the dream all right so you need to go here and then you need to go that's too low and then you need to fire like there here comes the end boys we will be missed oh oh i did disconnect it i didn't real i thought i didn't disconnect it all right so this is to aim higher increases on the monitor spacex on the big screen oh yeah that sounds like a good time spacex does so many cool things if only they could get new functional internet because i'm strapped to this organization that does it give functional internet oh that's gonna be a lot excuse me i am going to die to chip damage here which is definitely a way to go and a way we all saw it coming i do not have a particularly good angle here on the uh fire beam all right well at least we shut that [Music] down [Applause] no they they remembered um what dude now i need this technology i don't have an immediate place to put it i can be adjusted okay just hit you no okay just send this this direction okay here we go that's not where i wanted to send that why am i like this i like how they don't actually need nukes they just need regular old swarms and they're not making it across this makes me happy okay i am become anti-air destroyer of worlds sniped through that nice okay um what to do now i've got technology completing uh let's just slam this into here or not all right being consistent support missiles are inconsistent there goes most of my anti-air wanna do it give me an opportunity no yes maybe no okay um in that case let me do this oh this is this is asking for trouble that guy saw that one coming probably did it on purpose i tried yeah we hit him with a cannon it's that great isn't that awesome uh let me do this because this is a mistake okay what else can i do here i need more weapon systems which means i'm going to have to rearrange this doesn't it because this cannon is not going to do anything for me because it doesn't deal with energy shields all right so let me remove this it doesn't deal with energy shields i need to have this redone all right and all right like so hey they actually hit him they hit the afk nice here we go oh boy oh boy risk it for the biscuit boys oh it's costing me everything all right these are online once more there's no way that's enough does that help at all or not really this is the end boys ah you can't see what you can't shoot like me just gonna reclaim what i can saw that one coming gg uh all that's left is the afk yep i'm going to see how that goes oh come on you guys can't finish him off he's literally okay [Applause] you've got point and click weapons the swarms the swarms will rain supreme good game good lord the damage dealt yeah i had no chance of breaking these bases they had so many layers all right uh i don't need to do that uh yeah i'm actually gonna remake the lobby because that whole thing was a disaster so welcome back everyone that was a fun if interrupted match uh let us do a lot more eco shall we [Music] dylan was defeated must put it on control base yeah they disconnected at some point she's not a surprise considering my internet kind of went down everyone got disconnected or at least desynced let us go battleships later oh gosh battleships why game was so strong long it lasted two streams three streams if you count the one that only lasted two seconds thought the internet stabilized it didn't lasted only two seconds before it went down again just won battleships you haven't seen it in a while yeah oh we can we can i just have trauma you missed the end oh no but you're on youtube you don't even have to go to a different page to scroll back and oh no you're on youtube you don't have to do anything super special to skip ahead you won't have to miss anything if you scroll back about 10 minutes you can watch everything all the way up to the end of our last battle and when you're satisfied that you've seen it all make sure to set that time button to to 1.25 speed because that's still human watchable it's actually quite enjoyable to watch it 1.25 speed just a little bit faster and sooner than later you will catch up to real time but wait there's more did you know that if you right now while on live were to set your playback speed to 1.25 speed you would actually get ahead of everyone else cut through that buffer you worried about missing things or having other people see them before you if you're on youtube and you set your playback speed to 1.25 well now you can cut through that buffer and get to within like one second of real time it's like really close to real time watching real time on 1.25 i mean it's funny but it works that's how youtube does things you can actually do that you can get ahead of me too oh if you could that would be great [Music] ugh if you set your playback to 0.25 that last match lasted 3 hours 20 minutes that was a long one that was a real long one you know i completely forgot what position am i okay good it's about to be like what have i done um they don't need to aim that much up so we'll just add a little bit of a slant here nothing particularly [Music] wild [Music] good that's just a little bit too tall isn't it unless it's this blocking it okay this is fine too okay so next up i want to do this technology in front of your soul i mean yeah that's fair do nice i did take a while putting these down didn't i yeah it is indeed canada clock you know what that means i can go even harder and not even worry about firing my cannons ever because i'll just be to build more cannons until the game ends all right okay so next up i want to do this and then we want to add these here which really should have done earlier but um i am not going to do the tiny ones because i'm going to need a huge angle of fire here [Music] that sounded bad yeah you got your twin turbines punched a little bit all right let us prepare to lose all of our cannons in one volley all right who needs some love you were getting pummeled so let's pummel you so uh oh you just took a heavy hit let's make it even heavier all right your call has been heard let's see if we can't get any oh ho seeing the new penetrate like that is just so satisfying just goes through with that uranium core all right so i've got a lot of cannons that nowhere near enough energy to fire them ever let's change that so i can just kind of drop this below drop from above a little bit much all right so this guy needed to go up a little bit nope that was one need to go down this is the one needed to go up a little bit you are as of yet on fired so i shall attempt to fire you here it's a beautiful shot okay so number three is amd well you were too high you were too low beautiful uh let's go ahead and re-aim to second base so you should be a good shot that was a beautiful shot you were once way too low now still too low and you an okay shot all right to save these for shots [Music] all right i can do that shot down the world gorgeous too low there we go massive damage not actually massive damage just good damage we took out we took out like five or six of his turbines so we should be all right to have him somewhat suppressed i need a little bit more energy and then i will commence the uranium rounds and there we go so you need to be slightly lower that way you actually hit there we go it's a good hit you need to be a bit higher and you were pretty good and he's gone that one would make a beautiful replay that's what we call teamwork [Music] all right nice next up looks like we're aiming front good and nice okay need to rebuild how do you set the powered up shells if you can uh lots of stuff energy shields can work portals can work sandbags same things that stop a can and you just need more of them that's just a lot of damage it's a hefty repair bill to have to deal with that all right need to be in a little bit lower there we go you're good direct hit on the core and another hit on the core there we go another one down uh they really don't have a whole lot left uh they're just kind of tanking things so that's where we want to see oh hello mcclaire coming in sorry mal claire coming in and joining the incursion congratulations friend you've just gained access to all the beautiful emotes here on the channel as well as a special access role on discord welcome to the party i'm going to aim in this second base that just tried to take over because they threatened to get big and we can stop that took away all their front um what do they have left besides the ability to get nukes no the magna beam that's unfortunate let's do one of these do one of these beautiful do i need to fire yes uh that's a decent magazine yeah and the third round is well ames if you stop that dead no collapse for you next shot we still have all four of our players oh so much damage hey the secondary explosions from the rounds gg where's the twitch stream today i've had some pretty serious internet issues so in an effort to stop them or at least to put in my best effort the twitch stream had to go away so rip twitch stream but welcome hotline welcome to the chat yeah i was kind of sad comcast just not having a good time mind you the twitch stream or the multi stream did not was not the cause it's just it doesn't help and i the reality is comcast is so bad that i can't do a lot of things that's just got to be one of them because i have more power to manage things if i don't uh if i don't have the multi stream going gives me extra power to combat things can't be special in twitch chat it's okay everyone's special on twitch chat because no one talks need to move to eu so we can get real internet you know it's not a bad idea the united states roof which map did i pick [Music] we just did that one we just had the massive battle on that one we're not doing that one [Music] two squirrels peak for something different [Music] you don't get why people like twitch you find youtube much better to use especially mobile they're very different very different benefits uh like i cannot blame people for liking one or the other game by the algorithm to stay for the content welcome isn't there a service that you can stream to and it streams your content from the servers for this issue uh yes yes yes it is but here's the thing you see the lines to those servers are a little bit further away than the lines to direct google servers and that uh that's a problem because when i do like a a ping chat like a trace the lines like the physical internet cables that connect to locations like restream or even even streamlabs restream are a bit less stable than those going direct to to a youtube google servers so it makes it such that if i'm streaming to a restream service uh there's just a higher chance of things going sideways and that's uh results and streams going down it is what it is like a lot of time like often times i've been i wouldn't say often but sometimes i run the like trace routes while i'm streaming to see which which specific branch goes down it's usually not the connection from my apartment to the uplink it's somewhere out there like two or three jumps away and those specific jumps are not used when streaming direct to google most of the time so if i'm streaming direct to youtube i don't have nearly the amount of internet issues as i would if i'm doing a multi-stream of some sort which makes me sad surprised i haven't been punished for my actions last night oh yikes okay that's fair there's the door okay he closes it he's ready to fire he is oh do it noah really machine gunner cool cool okay i want to actually do this because they have a lot of stuff that keeps poking upwards at me okay wow i need to aim at this guy i don't know what this player is doing but he's not an immediate threat wow these players are here we go yep that's me lost please do because i'm not going to get another shot off i don't think that's scary all right come on rebuild rebuild oh that's not going to collide in time there we go all right let's fix our bottom team is having our bottom yeah our bottom is having a real rough time right now i wish i could ping right now like contextual ping is starcraft style highlight they're putting a door there oh uh we're about to lose bottom when we lose bottom things go sideways there we go this player went cannons and it's costing him is everything uh i don't know what i can do to help bottom but we need to help bottom right now or release it again [Music] just gonna try to get what ants here i can getting some mines this is an issue i cannot afford right now all right review oh he got the shot oh good job team one and two i i need this i'm sorry if i can get this land oh that's huge fewer rockets for them i'm just going to keep removing their anti-air they have a sniper good job oh that's huge well there goes my base again triple nuke yep i know uh you need to focus on taking out top just so we don't have to worry about him at all as once top goes down they won't have the ability to anti-air from up top and then we can get real damage down down below i will do everything i can to help keep bottom alive which is not all that much to be honest what i can do i repent here it comes it's death i took out one of the nudes oh geez yeah probably warning nuclear launch detected hello nuclear launch coming in from osprey how are you doing today man there's one down all right you need a dmp desperately oh my gosh is this what's happening up there this is why i want to top down so we don't have to worry about that measure of antsy there so i can actually help bottom it it's gonna be an issue anyways okay shut down the nukes no shut them down again no okay long as i keep something shut down will be okay there it is good job okay so now i am going to redo all of this straight sell everything because this is deformed to a point that i can't really work with it very well right so now good [Music] good good that's a laser that looks like a fully complete laser too which could absolutely one shot me if you shot at me with it oh all right you got sniped excellent okay okay that was grueling emp upgrade emp an upgrade event an upgrade and we're gonna hit him with that massive dps in fact i don't need a sniper when i can have a shotgun you want one you go on two i'm gonna pop this thank you and i actually have the energy to fire this massive damage those mortars are going to dig in there we go beautiful beautiful that was very close we had almost the same amount of damage dealt ah that was very very close if you guys want to see more like this make sure to hit that like button uh right before we had issues i did mention battleships so what i'm going to do is we're going to play some battleships where is we'll be the classic one uh battleships none tanya right there because why not oh these bears make a circle welcome to forts do you likes actually matter on the live stream uh yeah anything interaction likes on a live stream something like uh texts all those all those comments chats likes all of it all of it does matter number come out it literally does not matter on this map i'm getting these plate wooden overlapping yeah we can do a normal map after this what about concentrating nature on bundle ships i mean it's battleships all things are possible get a concentrated nature for 20 millimeter i mean i guess it's generally a bad idea but it is possible it is doable considering the caliber of players we have here i expect doing shenanigans like that is just going to be not beneficial team you know earth is going on there oh i see that's fair making mega high because why not actually can energy shields even oh they can i can stretch to that okay any tips for new players to enlisted uh don't spend your silver you sir did not do that correctly so oh my god that one's fine did they portal they portaled that don't worry about the core i'm worried about the core when you swing it in the way that one of the ropes falls off like i unders that second swing was okay i just i've just lost confidence so what do you think has given forts is longevity it's just a good game i don't know what to say that all right uh let's start redoing this this desperately needs to be redone what just happened do they self-destruct something kind of yeah that'll be okay nice okay all right he's gonna redo that that's fine uh we do need a place to build things very very soon uh are they going for missiles the best of my knowledge no they're not [Music] all right so here about right here you cannot build it forward necessary [Music] don't worry about the core he says it'll be fine he says all right someone has a plan for that so i'm going to i'm going to let that happen watch that t3 just slaughter both of these the chance of that happening is incredibly slim like slim enough that it's generally not even worth thinking about warning but that happens every time we're on stream we'll he'll do that reaper grad uh we don't have nearly the amount of weapons we need um what can i do about that uh we definitely need some tier threes so what i'm going to do is not build series and instead build up the wire mesh that is the support structure for this thing okay we gotta hit nice tiny doors not worth true but you know what's worse than not doing tiny doors uh selling them off so that you can get big doors oh i didn't complete that okay that's what's going on here all right nice now i do this all right go oh i can connect it now i can connect it up excellent there we go so now we have a support mesh for those down there that'll be good uh okay that's fine uh what did i need to do now for one let's get rid of these because these are unsupportable just clear out all this okay we've got the tall oh this is a disaster waiting to happen okay we don't even have double nodes down here actually someone did brace this down it didn't go up with it they did brace it i think someone else is working on their lunch okay someone's working on that right now that is good excellent here they have nukes panic mg's why do we have machine gunners inside like this i may never understand it is the world in which we live alright so now uh what did i need what broke oh someone's selling off the front that's fine um what did i need to do now all right that's fair let's be careful with all that um excuse me i mean it's not bad idea it's just questionable all right so that's actually to take up a lot of our space if i were to do this guy snap him here and here and here one two and three should be able to get some more action okay it's fine you can do it hello by the songs you trying to trench is good uh yes yes there was just some mixed actions going on with the turbines and i was very concerned about i'm aware the mg mg gunner trench looks excellent to me oh rip turbines let's cross brace these guys bad things happening incoming cannons uh looks like we lost one dude with tier three tears three's doing damage to us okay penetrate the base um the topic of enlisted is i'll actually have that on my brain i kind of want to play more of it about now uh the new things don't spend your silver really because you're given a bunch of silver at the beginning of the game and you don't get more so don't don't spend it and it's just kind of good to have silver because silver is the only way to purchase specific items and those specific items are quite quite useful to skipping the grind so don't don't go spending all of it when you get it uh but in terms of like tips and tricks there's not a whole lot to it it's very point and click so you pick your targets and you go um i need to not put this here as much as i really want to because it's going to block our tearbots uh instead i can put this there's not a whole lot of good location um just about everything is taken unless i put it up here let's do that all right so sell this off let's do this this i can't sell that off all right um never mind i'm not putting this here where can i put this i guess i can put it right here i'm just gonna accept loss of turbine efficiency oh that made it all the way through okay that's illegal uh let's do running out of money are we just unexpected considering okay well uh we'll put this right here then you have to do one of these uh we lost the core lost the front floor that's gonna give us actually plenty of space to do rebuilding things get this going all right nice so for this i want so and so is going to harm our turbine efficiency but it is a cost cost worth taking one two three i don't think this area has been deformed all that much yet but he did put it up there okay where did he put it oh they added a whole new section okay that's fine uh this is angled the wrong way [Music] all right that'll do uh the problem with this is we may not be able to get the right angle here should we go to aim like all the way over here yeah some of those are misaligned as well but it's fine we'll do this here with the better angling things end up being not so good where do they land i think they went a bit far okay lost one to the fire beam this is fine where did the tier 3's go still a little bit far this next shot should be good can slam them when they're not in areas where they're unprepared um why are we selling off other sandbags seems like a pretty big risk right about now definitely a big risk all right two or three's are much better right now running low on power not surprising let's do this for now is we're not using it oh no oh energy pit not working wonders for us right now um i kind of want to sell that off all right i need to get some shots going of course those are going to be angled very differently uh if that core goes we lose everything it's very inconspicuously placed the tier threes it's the howitzers that are killing us we seem to be entirely unable to get them we cannot shoot down the howitzers for the life of us they're all making it through how are howitzers making it through on this map okay um what would be a good thing to do if i can replace this section there's something good less before you might be able to recover this there we go good gunner okay [Music] over here didn't kill the weapons fast enough yeah i just i expected us to have enough anti-air that we could take our time but i really didn't expect those shots to be making it through like that i don't know what we really could have done differently other than i guess just fired our own weapon it felt like good god everything is making it through the anti-air it seems that no matter how much anti-air we have that mg pit as good as it looked really didn't do much of anything at all this is what it felt like and that confuses me because that looked like a really good mg pit i guess rng happens my estimation unless i'm missing something like all of these howard's is making it through all of them are making it true the mg pit killed the nukes but almost none of the howie's yeah that's what i'm noticing even the nukes are killing the mg pit good lord they're hitting the dukes making them go drunk and dropping them in on themselves all the mg they are fail this is how it ends an awkward moment when howitzers just get shut down shut down the biggest mg pit in the world yeah there's no coming back from this night here unfortunately we chose warthog for some reason not sure what the point of that was that didn't give us a usable tool there it's like trying to shoot down the nukes just makes them worse gg i kind of want to do that again i kind of really want to do that again because that was just so much damage you're slowing cannons and spamming is just the best strat i mean it felt like it felt like our anti-air just did nothing yeah i want to do that one more time and then we'll and then we'll do a new lobby trench fared poorly against firebeams indeed [Music] will i compete in any tournaments in the future oh i'm sure mg's are overwhelmed by the amount of news there was the amount of howitzers that did it that was very well played by team two ready up we have one who's not quite rooted up yet the particular t3 strat uh in the interest of having the ability to survive at all i'm gonna pass elevate these i am content to do the bonus length struts if i can line it up right here bonus strength struts it is tech o'clock mg pick only shoot things above the pit i mean yes you see that's how you do it where you're not ripping parts off the core uh probably for the sake of the fort we should slide this over one and let's there we go just so it's not gonna dangle put everything on one side yeah there we go if that gets tier 3 right now that would be hilarious how does that larger wind area turbine help it's better efficiency less damage things explode i mean it's gonna give us slightly more efficiency because the wind area here as you can see extends up above the turbine it extends all the way up here and if you have the ceiling of your turbine hallway here too low then it runs into the turbine so these will be higher efficiency turbines um you'll notice that these also run into the floor but you can't really help that too much so uh additionally longer struts have more strength like they can physically support more weight which helps immensely uh what's happening here uh we haven't redesigned this yet and we're ready to place cannons so let's fix that two what i have all the way up yes let him redesign that okay thank you why am i repairing this when i fully intend to sell it off anyways like actually what's the problem are those okay oh i just and i guess that is a little bit faster if you put it in the middle you can get more if you're gonna do that trick at least use it so it's there is your these batteries are in a location where it makes things difficult to wield in fact let's move these here they come here come the missiles warning nuclear launch detected hello there i'm not going to do this because this is going to result in death it's going to get sniped by a tier 3 and we're going to lose it again hi long time watcher wanted to show some support hello there mr mike coming in with the nuclear launch dropping a big one at that thank you so much and such a nice message all right shots are fired okay come here okay let's do this crash this back out that's about gg um so i guess we're on the defensive this time i just thought i really didn't last but we could really honestly i could so uh who's down the surrender because we left some very critical spots open and we have no means of coming back we've just lost our technology um and our economy so remember when i said one more game this is why i tend to spend time uh reinforcing spots as opposed to uh as opposed to manning cannons or something because all the important little bits are always forgotten i think next time i'm just gonna spend the time uh i'm just gonna spend the time actually paying attention to the tiny pieces uh so that one doesn't count that was like a five minute canon o'clock one shot in the entire game [Music] um i credit nothing but our own failures for that lack of attention to detail all right let's try that once more i keep putting that in a non-ideal spot that's better we have no technology yet focus on the important things we don't need four storages okay let's find one it's not important ideally you don't want this directly on the edge but that's fine all right we need to save for technology okay kind of surprised no one's spending money there we go and then the other one there we go it looks like we haven't gone with the tall turbines this time that is fine that was surprisingly close all right so we've got that going i don't really want to be reinforcing too much oh that is low enough if the mines don't fit well that's fine i should have gotten the mind first too much i should have gotten the mind first all right so okay someone else is working on that are those max height oh gosh they're max height oh gosh why do you like this it's fine i don't want to spend the medal like i have things to do but i don't want to spend the medal because you guys are working on that it's not worth it right now this needs to happen before we lose something important by that i mean all of our cannons okay okay it's cannon time place okay you won't i will these are the important things all right now i'll work on the things that nobody else wants to work on namely base structure all right one two three uh what else did i think i needed this to be here okay nice now same thing over here all the way up to the turbine level there we go okay now this needs to be background bracing before something terrible befalls it and that can be the structure that holds up our turbines yeah awesome love to see it okay so we have turbines constructed there these are going this is constructed you do the same thing over here looks like we are ready to fire which is excellent let's go ahead and get this going you know while we still have this area [Applause] [Music] excellent it's a scary sound lost a sniper to that which is okay uh what else did i need i needed this here [Music] that's not going to build that direction that's fine looks like our team is getting the first shots off this time this time we actually have a decent build and this time sounds like we're gonna get hammered anyways that's okay we can live with getting ham as long as we don't do something silly like forgets it put turbines in their place all right uh what else did we need uh let's get a little bit more here do we have the upgrade center not let's fix that let's get the tech let's haven't gotten all the technology let me do that right quick [Music] great good good there we go it's like a 2-3 hit here it seems okay that's fine uh next we need some cannons of our own why are there just batteries there specifically why there specifically this is not a whole lot better places for them that would make this really powerful we got a little bit higher gonna try to come in clutch good this is exposed this just needs to not be here why is that still i'm gonna let i don't care it's fine okay the sand is getting hammered real hard cannon has been eliminated so now i need to do let's see one two three our cannons are losing to their cannons i think we just got doors sniped all right there a good team is going to repair this that's not good this front section down and build this while we have the ability to do so that's about to change we're really just losing the fire beam combo nukes yeah yep that seems to be the case all right risk it for the biscuit use mama tier 3. wireless making it all the way through and good i got some hits oh that looked a beautiful merging of shots [Music] and all right we hit i really don't have the income to uh upgrade this anymore do i looks like our little base here took a take a few hits probably should reel that back and aim for their weapons more than anything else they're building a fire beam for tier three anti-air uh that's concerning you know they're in the lead when they have the time to do that [Music] are they trying to shut down their tier threes look like they were trying to shut down the tier threes oh gotta hit yeah i agree with that statement oh boy all right hopefully that will be good enough to slam like right here ish we will never know over penetrate break something four nuke launchers gone that was great i still need more to fire okay do not have the energy uh we really could use grits here uh all right so because we don't have the energy shut this down spend it on doing this because clearly we need it go ahead noah fire your shot because we don't have no money's too much else nice very good hopefully this will be of us we just lost our cannon do we have the energy to fire again not really give this shot anyways all right i think we had a little bit of deformation i'm just gonna throw these shots every which way hopefully it'll work anyways let's see another launcher down definitely some defamation on that which makes me sad this is the world in which we live this is in the way of the machine gunners that can't be good uh no they took out one of the tier threes via the portal which that's fair uh how did that happen that went into this side here those are definitely not a lot of property but it looks like we got a really good hit up here and eliminated several other things which is what i want to see happen got another deep hit they have so many missile launchers that's scary when that happens especially considering i don't have a whole lot else there did this get destroyed that looks like it didn't get destroyed okay it's just being held up by the emergency support struts they have so many turbines guys they've turned the entire rear element of their fort into turbine spam um can i do oh it's a disaster waiting to happen all right so let's do this we had a complete mess oh that must have over penetrated and gone to ground it's actually pretty good for us me [Music] okay they're eating through our fronts which is very scary to see very very scary send them up okay so what we need is more firepower [Music] i've expanded these which can help us in emergency but really we need more forward facing firepower yes i like that idea all right so three and two that's one hit [Music] these things are amazing every time oh my lord all right so that's uh tier three is for you will they ever be predictable nope will they work when you need them most nope will work sometimes absolutely and so howitzer down oh chain reaction we hit their batteries uh their base is turning into swiss cheese from a direction they were not expecting the cannons are working out real well for us right about now just need a little bit more damage done so that we can get the uh commander active please no door snipe are we winning with cannons uh the power of tier three lucky shots all right this now we need to fire now the power of rn jesus that center cannons aren't bad on this map they're just not missiles you know good for just a scattered storm of pain which is difficult if not impossible to defend against at this point we've had enough deformation on the base that i can't that i can't seriously aim these guys so i'm just kind of firing and hoping and sometimes it seems to work out need more energy yes yes we do i don't want to be building more tier threes at least not my portals that's just we don't have the turbine edge for it uh howitzers are coming online lost canon should probably be replaced with howitzers it's another missile launcher down that's probably a mine down uh they are getting portals across their top section so either have to be really accurate with these or just kind of accept potential death all right it's your return to sender yeah that's a real concern fortunately they do nothing against a forward firing cannon so i just i need to not fire tier threes for a bit or fire them super accurately which is not a thing expire a little bit more on this side of caution if these two [Music] send these straight to their front yeah that's better great put us at the front and make them all normal cannons i could we don't really need them right we don't really need to do that right now because we have plenty of normal cannons already we're hurting for energy enough as is we don't need to be uh spending more energy on firing things that we don't have the energy to fire uh this is that machine gunner's in the way all right so it should be able to fire these two without too much of a concern these three i am concerned about so we're going to fire them like right over here hopefully we get several misses with that keep firing that one's too low yeah okay several misses airing those rear portals are tier three okay i'm still gonna aim straight for the front okay let's just close this so we don't get tier three uh-oh all right so that's fun i'm gonna work on rebuilding this this is why it's it's good to keep a few nice cities around so we need to aim like way over here now but it's definitely too far it's definitely way too far yeah so the first two are good the last three are not last three to be aimed like over here these need to be aimed about the same spot probably a little bit earlier in as well okay first two yeah they could be used they could use a little bit more inside okay really just to help out with this these as well okay good damage good do it all right where did he land that was beautiful the first two are aimed well last three also aimed well uh the last sections here okay we're taking heavy hits first two last three slightly this is not prosperous did i forget the cross brace this or what happened here i must have forgotten to cross brace this i don't need to cross brace the top one i don't know maybe i do did we take this out and we sold that all right little okay good heavy hits hey not much damage but worth okay we really need to get the main battery weapons online again what's happening to their energy that's what's happening okay oh we penetrated deep with that one [Music] no are we doing this as an option okay i can get behind that [Music] all right where do these land nice damage dealt that hurts every time the fire cannon good we penetrated the ground i like how when behind tier three is just slam thingies and blow everything up makes me happy uh fortunately that won't break everything just uh deformation oh they're just too deformed to be returning to center sweet let's just send it back in general direction how is that not a door snipe we took out another mine probably excellent no serious damage dealts fire your direct fire weapon okay i do not have the energy to find us well that is so tempting to put more back here but i know full well that's gonna end terribly um the only way for us oh was that three cannons merging into one are you kidding me okay well that happened this is uh the ultimate battleships as it were oh my gosh it's just they have so much stuff guys they're so far ahead of us and we're struggling for energy production okay you know what we're struggling we can't upkeep all of these weapons we're gonna get rid of that let me disable that well fire good hit almost got it um i get a couple good hits at these but it's not enough they've got they've where you've allowed them to have 20s on front of their base that's an issue guys got a good effect did one of them go with that three and the return to center all right we need to hit here we need to hit here everything here would be amazing hey got it all right so that's a cannon tier three crits uh i need to see that in the replay tier three is overpowered guys tier threes are overpowered all right so for those who missed it pretty much everyone did where did this where did we fire we fired the first one oh there they're already fired okay i thought that was a previous round okay previous valley there we go all right so this this is the volley that ended it all let's slow this down once we see these coming in we'll get a nice slow motion there we go this is the volley that ended it all quarter speed observed [Music] cannon drop base cleared good lord like tier threes do that to things tier threes do terrible terrible things and this is coming off the back of an earlier shot where our tier three is wiped out all of their cores right that's right there so should be i don't think it's this far it's probably i think it's both it was one and then two so this is their base before they rebuilt and that happened and then this happened like while this one is going in uh two direct hits on the course let's hear this look how big their energy production is we needed to do this this is what we needed to do right here we needed to do this like this is all fine and dandy i needed to get i really need to get rid of this like shift this up a couple levels and then build turbines because this is this is what kept them in the game firing their weapons ah that was the power of tier three's okay that was actually that that was a good round first round was a good round second round was i don't want to talk about a third round is a good round uh but new lobby as promised give it a few seconds and then and then start it up so if you guys want to come join now is your opportunity we're about to have a public lobby first come first serve you miss it again you can always scroll back in the live stream to see it joy of youtube you don't have to miss anything or go to a different page for it [Music] all right let's go uh so i did promise something vanilla so we shall we shall do that uh let's do how about ziggurat yeah having a good day i am definitely having a good day tier three is also known as eventually this will hit you and the game will end yes ah that's kind of how they work my strategy was superior oh yeah definitely superior that's uh that's what happened there um it's called going to the casino and gambling [Music] now tier threes are actually really good on that map because they don't miss the margin of error for tier 3s is huge but on that map the base is bigger than the margin of margin of error so [Music] all right let us go you don't like vanilla miranda chocolate i'm more into a banana split myself um technology option yeah might as well they used to have a gargantuan base yes yes they did how's my day my day is good i'm actually feeling like playing um some some enlisted i just unlocked the messerschmitt fighter which i'll be real it's kind of terrible but it feels good to have it you know i was uh dealing with some teammates and enlisted uh which were very angry because they were panzer players and getting wrecked by the russian tanks which to be fair i wasn't flying so i wasn't able to i wasn't able to destroy every single um nice i wasn't able to destroy every single tank before they shot at my teammates but here's the thing about enlisted uh they go with a realistic kind of model like everything is simulated so the reality is you gotta choose your shots just shooting the same spot in the tank over and over and over and over again really didn't do much and most of the time you kind of have to knock out the drivers of the tank not anything else like unless you're hitting the ammo rack you have to knock out the drivers so you really have to um really have to focus on getting those shots in very specific locations otherwise you're just not gonna get anything done a lot of people don't recognize that and it creates problems because they'll sit there and shoot at a t34 and then be surprised when nothing happens i let it happen let's do [Music] i'm gonna do this away from the core i want to do this and then this this i have some extra spreading of the weights excellent i'm going to put my turbines here aren't i that's going to hurt because i've already designed this incorrectly then okay that is what it is uh let's just hope they don't shoot me which is never a good thing never a reliable strategy and then do this uh so i say hope they don't shoot me because i'm gonna have to redesign and elements of this uh first let's get doors going proper ways to say messerschmitt you say it like measurement yeah it sounds funny to your german i have a hard time with a lot of german words we've we've had this discussion before with the with the land sharks enlisted has a scuffed arcade version of them worth under damage model it does it does which is funny to me it feels like it was uh forked at a time when the war thunder damage model was not as good a bit more buggy they never got around to fixing it which is probably exactly what happened but yeah once i learned to aim two things one where are the uh where the specific vulnerable hit spots are on the enemy tanks and then also once i learned uh well we need to remove this once i learned uh to aim for the crew and not anything else then then uh i started getting a lot of tank kills like a lot of tank kills oh boy oh no you put your cannons in front of your court which i guess is kind of impossible not to do since you swung your core like that but all right let's get ourselves some energy production all right so this needed to be lower [Music] the door will not close will it right door refusing to close please okay at least we can cover it with wood while we wait negative for metal right thank you now you well aspert28 coming into the request for additional turbines oh i am well aware um so anything for me no good because i would not survive if it was yeah okay um take a hit but i cannot fire back let's change that uh what can i do here i literally don't have the ability to fire because i do not have the energy production did i get him with that either case i'm selling this off immediately i'm just gonna sell this teammate no kinda needed you kinda needed you a lot um all right so having some health issues here with my base um how am i still alive i am team tank now this is how that works all right all right i'm in a functional scenario once more why is this not never mind splash damage splash damage is a thing oh chain reaction secondary explosions batteries going wild uh we might have some more i think that was a technology that just went up in flames that hurts all right so if they can if he can pull out another shot like that hey teammate managed to clean my base at least i got my minds online again so that's gonna help him uh this bass probably won't survive another one of those one of those active ability buzzer shots uh if our top can nail those shots one more time i think we just kind of take out all of their top right to the core a little bit higher not quite that high all right so if he had managed to go for the if he managed to hit the core that would have been over but he didn't quite hit the core his first cannon needs to aim slightly higher his second kitten needs to aim slightly lower by like one block but we are actually in a pretty decent spot here because once they lose their top that's an area they won't be able to reclaim i guess that's not true but and active ability oh he's in a scary spot right now but he needs to remove top or there just get there next well he will end it he's got like 20 seconds to remove the top player before it's over can you do it mr h chow there it is uh slightly higher and slightly lower again nope oh oh it's so close it's smoking so hard it's got like a it's got splash damage worth of hp left his first cannon he's named slightly higher his second needs to aim slightly lower mr h chow 2000 not quite first cannon too high second cannon way too low uh-oh our bottom base is running out of time he's got a sell-off firing that's a beautiful shot there you go oh were those both too low oh my gosh you can see how close it was to hitting the core both of those were slightly too low our bottom base is running out of time he cannot take another volley like that he's out of metal he's reconnected yeah the great that's actually probably gonna save their top base oh beautiful shots actually almost going straight to the core there uh their middle base has batteries in front of their core so that's funny to see honestly might be a better deal to go straight for the uh their middle bases get is that yep that's it i don't lose any coming back here yeah that's a better shot yeah he should have just has batteries in front of his core i mean i guess they're not in danger of exploding doesn't have the ability to destroy them so like why not but that's the end gg that's very good much [Music] excellent let's do it again let's do it again [Music] we can do stalactites jagged teeth dueling vipers detailing vipers permafrost we'll do we'll do perfect after let's you doing vipers first top missed too many shots he didn't miss he just didn't hit the core that he needed like he hit the base he was doing damage and he's doing a lot of damage at that he just didn't get the critical hits that he needed [Music] he just needed to be slightly more accurate and he would probably have won outright it didn't quite nail them perfectly which happens to all of us could fire but to be any good yes at this point all the commanders are pretty good [Music] [Music] he didn't miss he just didn't hit that he he hit he just didn't crit [Music] welcome welcome let us go you hit the quit button on steam let us go um actually i don't want to put that down when i do this i don't want to do that that was a waste of money okay what do you think about crypto he's not a particularly strong legend the real question is if i could choose between crypto or like wraith or something why would i just not play team titanfall 2. that's the real question although i have heard i have heard uh the arena is pretty all right [Music] i've heard good things about it [Music] get this going got the same base again i mean it's a different map everything is on fire been watching your channel for a year or two now and i even backstabbed you once in in planetside oh hey i'm glad you enjoyed i actually haven't played planetside in a bit i just get burned out of the game so easily i guess that's kind of the kind of the issue when you're playing with like hanging bases i'm sorry when you when you're pilot everything is just sad risk it for the biscuit you did too honestly planetside you know the best thing about planetside and i hate to say this but the best element of planetside is the infantry and i hate to say it not because it's like oh no but it's not a flying simulator no no i hate to say that because planetside's infantry is just not as good as say titan falls or apex legends or call of duty's or really any modern shooter these days and most of that is just because it's planetsides it's an old game the only thing it has going for right now is the the combined arms elements and that's just um it's not a whole lot you know much as i do like flying things even in planetside [Music] it's not why you go play planetside if i wanted to do flying things why would i go play planetside when i could go to anywhere else even enlisted is fun to fly in was it last time i haven't done a uh like a video on unlisted we did a couple streams not that you guys are particularly interested in enlisted but even then it's fun because i could do it you could die bump i could make the great horn sound a great siren and then you destroy everything uh what's going on down there death this player has not done much to defend himself and i didn't quite nail the perfect shot yes i did never mind is that the double that's the double that's why people don't like having friends uh defend your base friends don't become that guy yeah that just sucks all right so that's looking good uh how about i don't really have the angle on this guy not really i really didn't do this very well i'm going to have to redo it we're getting murdered in the process door too tiny over penetration does it go a long way no uh so this laser is gonna drill this one i want to adjust this and i'm gonna need some more turbines let's start working on upgrading because i got plenty of metal so i can do this fight you up yourself is top base you don't collateral as much i mean that is a good justification for it okay there's no point in having this energy shield if i lose my turbines but they weren't useful anyways uh let's shave a little off the top shall we go another shot like that should take out his minds what's that rockets yeah that was rockets someone's knocked in over my teammate okay now i'll invest in this was that a howitzer show touching his minds not quite enough um how about i do this like so teammate that's fair um all right looks like he doesn't want me to have that spot in particular as deep as we can cut it's not going to be worthwhile for her to keep targeting that location because it's uh he's defending it cost effectively all you need to [Music] maybe one of these does this work i think it runs into the mod i'm touching the ground okay never mind all right so we're going to aim a little bit lower here just slightly uber penetrate clean through anything that was there is there no more [Music] remove this okay a little bit lower still if i can do that again because that's the shot that i want get him nope lower teammate has successfully completed his objective good job team so now it's just this guy up here so this is the shot i want to be making that's good on him i don't really need fire beam anymore do i not really i can just go straight to uh straight to the destruction part small door time i mean i could i don't have to worry about it too much i'm just looking to do damage where i can as long as i keep on him with plasma beams then he'll have a rough time because my cat my teammates are doing well with the cannons they've got the uranium shells to work with so as long as they keep that going he'll eventually follow his own accord i'm just here to uh give him a more rough time alternatively i could give him i could suppress him and let my teammate do all the work but i don't think that's going to be necessary i can hit him with some heavy hitters because i can yeah that was a lot of cannon shells that was a lot of cannon shells all right so as promised permafrost which i believe is right here yeah there we go dude oh no so many people [Music] ready if i get the rear base again i'm gonna be sad i know some people like the rear base but i like not having their face you basically divide it after her and curses first shot when you're in a position to cause collateral damage you have to tank first because you are the ultimate liability okay we have the buzzsaw technology to know all right let's go let's do this like so this song is so happy it makes me happy hearing it let us go only a few seconds of float and then place there we go that is how you build a good little rook ridge nice and stable minimum bounce well didn't we just have this discussion do we playing paulie bridge polybridge speedrunner what was it romero what was your comment the other a while back on the steam forums a lot of people come and expect me to play to play uh i should look it up romero had a beautiful comment about people playing fort's rts thinking they're playing some simple casual game when we discover that they're playing holly bridge in speedrun angry pony bridge the best kind of poly bridge yeah that rope is going to cause problems i don't want to do that i'm going to do this knowing full well this is going to cause a problem all right while we wait kind of yes uh we haven't been punished for a lot of our actions so far not that i'm complaining be surprised all right so that's online beautiful okay excellent this is this i appear to have angered uh whosoever is that player in particular that is fair um this is not how question is do you have double doors no you do not uh can i because that's not all yeah that's not all metal that will burn if he doesn't catch it as it is now doing uh he didn't shut down the energy shields why she'll have to oh he had triple door on that and that's not get in your way oh the nuke there we go uh so what's happening here is i did these the incorrect direction which is causing any problems now let's fire this i do this instead i do this and then this okay it's not quite good enough this and then this i should be able to get this i'm just gonna need to be stable that's very finicky tools here to play with all right there we go now i can get some damage how about we do this and then here we go clean through all right so that's looking good i'm gonna put this guy right here because what could possibly go wrong with the this for the same reason uh let's see if i can head all the way up here we can nearly disconnect we disconnect this we have a good day uh this guy once once we remove their rear base or at least disconnected our top base should be able to win the mortar battle there uh actually if our top base just gets a sniper above and behind his current mortar battery he wins that super easy i'm about to disconnect rear the reflection i did not see that coming what happened last stream uh lots of comcast lots and lots of comcast oh hello uh why did that penetrate to your doors like that all right so okay so now we're teammates should just be able to get a sniper and kind of win that without too much of an issue that's a fire being back there which is greatly concerning fortunately i think i can just kind of punch through this now not quite um that energy shield looks suspiciously not active it is suspiciously not active i don't know that i can i don't know that i can make the shot before it activates oh yeah we can alright there we go there it is and there's the technology oh beautiful uh that's an open core i don't mind if i don't have the ability to uh to fire right now uh so now our top our top uh can just mortar everything into the libyan because they don't have defenses right now ah i can see the cord so close and fire again that's a beautiful touch on the core there you go top fire those mortars clear everything out their rear base has not been having a good time of things now let me because they don't have things anymore let me assist with this it's energy shields they are very quick on the energy shield which i mean good for them i just wish they weren't so quick to stopping me from okay let's get one more of these building not that i have the energy production for it but i should help expedite their defeat stream just buffer i have zero dropped frames in my end so i should be should be good all right so now our top player can order the rearrangement therefore yeah that's what the fire beam is good at uh so those mortars can actually just go up and over and slaughter their big forks their big fort decided to take over the entire world uh which is a little bit concerning no no don't don't order the there you go not the below one yeah but he's building a door here i'm gonna stop this from happening see right on top of the court that's what you want stop him from doing things you can handle the front section just fine it's my opinion on stuff and things if that is a proper noun i have not heard of it before oh i wanted to ignite this to make it more difficult to uh capture i'm building another door i don't mind if i under that i didn't think about that yeah that'll happen you actually managed to get that howitzer underneath which is kind of impressive uh but we really should drop it down on top he did take over the big fort here which is an issue and an issue that needs to be stopped there we go oh there was actually a cannon there well good thing that's gonna burn down very quickly oh all those turbines delicious and tasty all gone is that fire actually gonna run out that fire might just run out okay yeah we got this that's an energy shield over there i need cannon support at this point i'm going to fire in the same spots for the turbines again because i can almost the most beautiful howard's a shell motors doing good work clearing out the last bit of that that mortar almost taking out those shields there's the damage if those shields drop for a moment i can i can uh go clean to his core i can also prevent building turbines in that location definitely hit the repair button do it [Music] hit your repair button he's not repairing do it he doesn't have the energy to repair it so they came back online or he doesn't have the metal to repair so they came back online instantly rather than uh staying offline for their repair duration is that not okay he doesn't have them entered the metal to repair them so he can't shut them down to repair there we go nice angry birds then wind up trying oh they they went to play angry birds and then wind up trying to poly bridge rts edition romero why are you typing and responding in twitch when i don't have twitch active right now oh my gosh [Music] like twitch is literally offline no one else is there oh it's okay that's fair all right uh it's new lobby time it is new lobby time [Music] i guess that is kind of the joy of forts it's it's a lot like angry birds and aesthetic and appearance it feels good to build a fort it's like angry birds but you get to destroy your own contraptions which is really quite enjoyable [Music] she said nobody's here oh my gosh i've never seen that before active twitch chat on a channel that's not okay you know what i'm okay with this that's fun you guys prefer twitch chat that that's you know what you do that oh my god there's like actually an army of you in twitch right now that's funny suddenly 200 people up here ah now i'm just thinking about that there's more people in twitch chat how many okay now now i need a number how many oh my god there's like 20 of you guys in twitch chat right now okay that's funny offline twitch chat really is a thing apparently good lord viewer record on an inactive channel [Laughter] that is that is hilarious and of course the moment you call out the lurkers [Music] they're all here all right so we'll do permafrost just to keep up with the yeah i'm sorry we'll do foothills the permafrost feel then we'll go to something vanilla like is it twitch chat usually hanging offlines or something i mean i know it's not impossible it's just uh did not expect did not expect at all ice wall ice wall i remember the name that maps name but i don't uh ice wall is it 4v4 i small yeah sure you do after this [Music] you never moved you just never talked that's fair [Music] let us go oof this is one base i do not like all right if you download a cracked version of words will you be able to play nope i actually get that question a lot it does not work make sure to get it on steam guys are crazy twitch feels a lot more interactable youtube has a similar amount of emotes it's just that the uh the twitch emotes have a history like actual meme potential behind them whereas utv must've just kind of there you know it's not the same youtube custom email button crashes your browser that sounds unfortunate like one of the major things about twitch you have better tv like look all those custom emotes you can use anywhere and everywhere you don't get that kind of thing on youtube youtube isn't pog you guess uh i mean yeah that's literally it as much as i hate to use that as a word because it's not a word but the idea that it represents is exactly the difference between youtube and twitch in terms of the community and that's why it feels so different it genuinely makes a huge difference [Music] hmm good job teammate i was real tempted to do that but this position is good to do that for my position not so much but i can't help him out looks like other teammate is building in the good position as well this is shaping up to be a well executed team push here as long as i don't do something silly like get myself slaughtered right out the gate reflection damage with this and you look like you're building anti-air which is illegal there you go get you guys back there shut that down right quick uh you can't headshot this there it is i'm not gonna be able to do much else there all right so what i want to do now is attempt to build this way so it's too much of an angle all right it's past cannon o'clock yeah yeah okay so this looks like it needs some love didn't have a weapon there you didn't have another weapon there what have you done all right so this center base is not an immediate threat all right uh however which bases are that cannon that is a cannon i can remove that yeah i can't move back so i don't have a firing angle on it rip the dream okay you are doing things aren't you you were but not there um panic where did that come from oh i came from over here stay alive please i didn't have enough energy for it does have that doored up good job oh there goes the battery there will be missed right no metal storage okay all right got the howitzer no more of that nonsense it's one down oh they have this this nonsense all right solve this problem oh double cannon i guess i'm on the defensive for now do not have the ability to survive that again i'm just not sure i do absolutely but i would rather not if i can avoid it then i knew i should have sold that battery uh i do have two plasma lasers if someone can grab that oh sorry i do have a good amount of stuff there oh that's a rough place for someone to be in uh who's our lower bait who's our rear base oh ouch uh do you have some turbines to replace which you just lost top if you want to grab that or maybe a bottom basement okay mr cloud has access to my economy actually so it does honestly it's not a terrible trade for us yes cloud cloud is bottom because their forward base wasn't gonna do a whole lot four bases tend to die first got more than just the howitzer yes i did definitely get more than just the howitzer all right nice uh so their top base is the current right uh top base claims forward bases cannons so you have to look out for that a ford's bases cannons are currently vulnerable to the fire beam plasma combo if you get a moment to fire that that could be hugely beneficial uh if our bottom base could just suppress their bottom base and i think we're just in a good spot there we go nice you have the plasma laser fire beam too that's actually super convenient for a top teammate getting access to the uh laser tech the fire he's able to uh defend his own defends his own self why not shame the twitch uh internet connectivity issues that's why that's that's the only reason nice i think there's a lot of turbines went away i think their top base recognized mid cannons vulnerabilities oh oh no he almost had it cloud almost just straight ended bottom base right there bottom base right there and the flack if only if online would like to see more videos the well defended mod will defended mod is not particularly exciting like it does add a bunch of stuff it's just not fun to play also it um it really makes games go on for a long time with all the extra armors out of that it does nothing because the reality is the time it takes you to build all the extra gear usually the game can just straight end because someone builds weapons oh that's good oh massive damage that's all of tops their tops cannons removed your trade very top doesn't reclaim this quickly they will lose the additional okay did not expect uh that was about really good their bottom is looking like he's having a rough time of things as he's about to get ganged up on our rear base really needs to work on getting his cannons back out ouch those rockets they hit so hard they do so much damage and that's another one down oh uh that's a cannon exposed or at least there it is any emps yikes it's a rough world now who's gonna fire it next looks like our rear base is gonna be launching missile earth well i suppose that's their forward law space is our current base just afk i think our rear base is air cannon exposed who's gonna capitalize on it he's gonna sell it off he's got one hit with a sniper and it's gone no more cannon for you the second explosion uh it exploded before he was able to sell it off causing a lot of damage destroying all the foundations that they reared that their lower base not in there so he's just gonna be basically knocked into his little crevice here not much else for him looks like he's going to be setting up some return to senders and see if team one is able to prevent him from doing so the portals are complete they're under right before the portals were energized they were literally looped out of a existence more hits beautifully aimed shots into the little crevice there i think he's selling everything that looks like he's selling everything off a noble defeat as their final player is eliminated gg excellent that was beautiful that was a beautiful round i got decimate i got absolutely destroyed by those cats [Music] team one and uh what was the next map we wanted to do [Music] because we just finished that and then we wanted to do i seem to remember there was ice wall let's do this we haven't done this in a while let us go so this one's interesting there's um a lot of a lot of metal in the middle we have managed to claim this as for ourselves before and take all of its money um but we are not close enough to do that right now rockets have the highest cps you think yeah pretty i i don't remember the specific dps amounts if i recall correctly it is rockets rockets hit really hard if you're just looking to destroy things rockets are uh rockets are kind of the way to go relatively cheap to fire cost-efficient i don't remember if dps was if it was mortars or rockets like heavy motors or rockets there's one of the two rockets tend to be the most destructive like as much as we use lasers and cannons they are not the most dps in the game if you're looking for raw dps you need to use those hybrid weapons like the rockets and the the nukes and the uh not not nukes but the uh mortars those are the weapons that'll really get you going in terms of raw damage output that was a mistake should not have done that [Music] uh yeah uh they go really fast like anti-air does not deal with them levels of fast which is quite fun can't do that on youtube can you youtube doesn't have quite the uh quality of the most that twitch does that's so one thing that i've been wanting to do which i've not done yet uh you are a terrible human being and i love it so that's something you don't see very often um it's very difficult to pull that off like your opponent has to build himself in a way that his base is unstable then and only then can he get away with get a way of pulling off one of those but hey you know if your opponent lets you do that to you do that to him and so be it i guess built himself to collapse he built himself in a way that he would be vulnerable to buzzsaw yes like you do not start vulnerable to bustling you have to build yourself in a way that lends to being able to be uh so yes he kind of sort of did that to himself [Music] kinda another max height for these let's do this just so i don't have that that one there there we go that's what i wanted let's get one more of these going knowing full well that powers this close together are a questionable decision at best [Music] all right this is looking looking okay i can put turbines over here like where my teammates put them i'm gonna leave them up here for now so i don't have to think about it but i will be adjusting them eventually all right one two uh this is gonna turn into a missile platform probably so we gotta look out for that because it's likely gonna be a disgusting amount of nukes coming from that location uh that is one thing about this map um nukes are actually really good you just gotta just gotta have a lot of them and be relentless with them so there's a very real discussion on this map in terms of effectiveness about kamikaze just so your teammates can kind of can get the extra firepower out of your base because it's significant so we may be opening opening into uh despite them being a player down we be put at a disadvantage here [Music] all right so what i'm gonna do is already have yeah they'll send those straight forward then let's do this [Music] this extra stability uh this as well thank you i think we're about ready to i know teammate is not quite ready yet let us do tier threes it did not appear to have two threes but our rear base is getting pummeled i don't think i can afford to let that happen so let's start opening i'm putting fire here okay let me begin development in the rear section let's do this just for now it's back here we want a few things one straighten this out if we can yeah that's not the right thing no oh he's got return descenders up there that's good for him [Music] all right so turbines will be back here and then behind i think i wanna avoid some electric toys and that i [Music] for your reasons all right we really need to open fire they have multiple multiple bear players firing upon our friend uh i'm just realizing that they claim the center okay well i don't know how long that's been there but we need to open fire now like right now yeah they no longer have the need to um okay i need to not be doing this they no longer have the requirement of waiting for us they own the middle we need to open fire and remove that connection as soon as possible good news is with weapons like the howitzer that's gonna be a repair bill that they won't be able to easily take care oh a beautiful shot their rear player has been eliminated and with it they're down to two players which is uh one of them owns the middle which is not really that good of a thing because you can't repair it it's just an expenditure like it's good for them but it's not that good for them if you uh capture them just throwing down all right so let me go here [Music] then he's trying to fling cannons at us which actually he can't make that angle so let's try not to let him not do that like that is completely doable so let's not let him do it [Music] okay once i finish off this element you should that would absolutely have made it there we go no more cannon flinging for you that would have made it landed like right here which i don't think would have been lethal but might have been concerning i need to get this completed before i activate anything me that's real okay [Music] let's send this [Music] over here running out of metal what's happening here uh okay so um let me do this i need to fix this before really bad things happen so glad we get full money back for this right now because uh it's kind of necessary i might survive [Music] um i am becoming a team tank i can survive with this [Music] currently overflowing on energy so i'm not too concerned about expanding some of it [Music] all right uh missiles it's just it's about to say it's just arms it's not just once that's a nuke ooh a little bit of anti-synergy on their team if my teammate takes out that gunner i can survive with that uh uk now time to activate you because you're about the only thing i can fire at this point isn't going to be more of a problem than not firing where do you land here come the mass nukes all of which get shut down all right so this guy's way overshooting which makes sense it's not a terrible surprise to me so i need to adjust this here yeah we can't go any higher attempt to add you here now we're actually using our energy so time to add more turbine should be a better shot dangling two three oh they have the sniper okay so i need to reel that back a little bit let's do this let's add you here for bonus anti-air actually this way somewhat good job energy shield to do any doing are keeping us alive is this land um i'm guessing it already missed these nukes get shot down all right well i guess that's right unprepared 10 hits like this oh my gosh splash damage hey i hit their core uh unfortunately that's before my base and my tier 3 launcher yikes so this was aimed well let's fire again i don't have the money to rebuild all right fine i'll sell you up okay i guess we're not selling you off please no touch core uh what can i sell isn't going to cost me the game because i can no longer allow anything to get to my car which means i need to have internal energy shields did that guy get sniped by monsieur lift teammate all right then set the fire again all right uh-oh um i don't know what hit him they couldn't even good looks very powerful on this map we have seen several times over it again does he have more turbines he does not which makes my life very difficult uh okay so now my rear teammate has many tier threes which concerns me is they're not gonna be particularly good at getting rid of their stuff tier threes are good at [Music] dealing damage when you can't like moments of opportunity they're not so great at carrying you need the most but those three cannons however are going to be enough to get should be enough to bring us to victory just has to aim those cannons well enough let's just keep firing yeah this is why we build things like this [Music] keep like he gets good firing let's get one of these going here this is not a great position let's not do this let's do this [Music] another hit that's a little bit difficult to get down here uh if i can pull one of these real quick i don't need this to last long i just need to connect there we go cannon's doing good work i don't have the technology okay i'm doing this it's fine all right come on there we go oh bass i think he got hit by a two three and a forward facing cannon how's my tier three doing by the way i'm just kind of firing it and hoping it okay oh yeah it has been missing all those shots i assume that's unfortunate for me all right let's get this going and this going to reel this way back that is so many missiles this gives us better excuse to make another mg nest [Music] [Music] all right so everything from here in i didn't need to remove this one did i yeah all right so you get this here on out gets to be [Music] nests [Music] uh you can be no no no new i do need to check where this guy's going uh that's core damage on my teammate [Music] all right let me get to the sniper position [Music] uh teammates on fire teammates on fire teammates on fire teammates on fire please don't lose that that's your everything oh no oh no looks like he had his tier three breached and he's losing everything oh no [Music] where does this land yeah it's something better than nothing all right we ready to fight oh no we're not um let me do this if that doesn't happen again [Music] loops so many bits can i invert these somehow not really a little bit higher um so what i need now is cannons i cannot build anything in front of my base because then my base will explode so i need to be building elsewhere like these locations suffering energy production issues that's a hit so i need to invest more into energy production uh let's shut this down now okay that did not hit my tongue which was good for us as painful as that i am the mgs okay okay not happy with my presence here all right if i can hit if i can clear this area out that my core took another hit from my tier three at that which i'm seeing will present itself as a problem because i do not have a discernible amount of hp left on my core oh it's gonna hurt my energy production i think i needed to do that otherwise i could just straight lose the game to chip damage come on why are you running into the floor stop it now you have to go up and over oh dangerously close all right there we go that's a hit that's unnervingly close guys they keep firing at me damage dealt that's a hit got him uh now their teammate will be able to claim that i think he's gonna lose this down here to fire damage but if we get that in no no no no no okay well there goes my tier three it got tier three if i had a fire beam available i would absolutely reset their forward base on fire there we go chop it down for the win uh satisfying explosions hello did you have missiles up there yeah i am just amazed i do not have a discernable amount of hp right now so that was not the time for tier three now is the time for going through the front where he does not have things anymore he does not have ex he has exposed turbines hammer him i don't have the energy for this with this gone i lost my energy production i missed a chunk of it am i going to have to i'm going to have to just let this happen okay all right one two three i should have fired the swarm missile at the uh at the um oh he shut it down last moment he must have like portal cannon or something there it goes ah oh that felt good guys i have so little hp left it's not showing up on the hp meter okay okay that was that was intense that was that was definitely something all right let's do you know what this looks this looks good not is so crazy oh boy excellent i like this [Music] ah i need to breathe i just need to like breathe let's do a vanilla map what do you think is easy we can do this what's the firing smokestret uh where you you go mass smoke and you ignite the enemy base on fire and then and then you use the smoke to prevent the opponents from putting out the fire and then their opponents watch as they are helpless and their base slowly burned to the ground that's with the fire and smoke stratus usually doesn't work versus inexperienced players or usually only works versus inexperienced players position of mine here okay um there is up here which i don't really want to put my weapons up there do i want to put my weapons up there i kind of want to put my weapons up there let's do it all right so if i'm gonna be putting weapons there i can safely do things like for one expand the base because it's that time match that to three hours no we have not played a match that's lasted three hours uh i don't know that i ever will force does not lend toward games that char that long okay here two and a half all right now we save are three website cut ropes uh yes several the weapons which cut ropes are the buzz saw and any of the lasers so the fire beam and the plasma laser those will just straight up cut ropes howard sir oh yes the howitzer as well correct did the magnet even though the magna beam does not magna beam does zero damage uh several other weapons will damage ropes but won't outright cut them uh like the mortars the any other missiles like the swarm missile the nuke the uh rockets or emp will all damage ropes but they won't slice them so foreign it's not quite canada clock but it's time to think about defenses can an anti-air gun stop cannons nope no they cannot you do not want to have cannons shot at you they're very difficult to stop knock knocks canada clock all right let's open fire who wants to get shot at first that player looks like he's vulnerable he doesn't have double doors yet so if i can nail this i can't because i don't have the firing angle well rip the dream at least i hope the team oh well i got him anyways all right in that case let me just do that and oh okay it wasn't high explosive so what i want to do is this guy here keep this all nice and compact to kind of spread out my best otherwise add a little defensive layer here basically do what my teammate is down in that section anything to stop a cannon the question is can i stop again the second time that is actually how cans do your thing most things stop a cannon uh it's the the second shot that causes issues for people i'm missed by just a small amount something to take into account in fact i have a submission to that one let's send this just go ahead because i am being left mostly alone ever so slightly higher now he's got energy shields there now i can do this uh that's a bad idea that's not where that needs to be that seems to be in here okay this needs to be metal so this i don't have really one of mine so i will should fix that uh who needs okay looks like he's doing gonna be a threat let's try to help out with that issue exposed cannon but not enough to end it i'm sure we are cross braced in the places that matter another mine down here you don't seem to see the harassment weapons very often uh harassment weapons are great but in multiplayer like i'm sorry not a multiplayer in these large matches the harassment weapons are not enough because the reality is if you're gonna be doing harassment style shenanigans you're going to get ganged on and if you're getting gang done you're not going to survive and the risk you're taking is i'm going to do harassment stuff at the cost of getting destroyed harassments won't end the game if you're in a 1v1 or a 2v2 you can absolutely use the aggressive weapons to put the enemy on the back foot in a way that they will never be able to come back into the game but in these large matches there's going to be at least one of their teammates who's not going to be harassed and that teammate will just destroy you because he's going to build weapons that are well better better for ending the game it's if you're building harassment weapons in these four v4s you're not playing to win you're playing to delay and then they're just gonna you know win because they're trying to end you you're not all right so that's a target so i can add another one of these here but yes harassment weapons are very good like very good i do not sleep on harassment weapons they can end you or these put you in a position where you can't come back from one of the two so that's the position you could be aiming at listen if you watch any of the tournaments with the 1v1 gb2 tournaments they're dominated by harassment style weapons dominated by them almost exclusively i'm pretty certain my lasers are just so high up here that they're not even making an effort to try to shoot with them because they're just out of range which i'm okay with but they're also not really shooting at me which i'm also okay with what's going on here we ran to shoot things that sounds like an energy shield uh-oh there we go that's a cannon down uh so that'll be less damage on my teammates unfortunately not quite soon enough battery happy will that be happy no but nothing happier i need to do this measured last if we did well defended honestly not much longer uh most it's actually not sure it's usually shorter as what happens with will defend it is people try to use well-defended armors and then they get destroyed because they spent money on armor and not in the opponent's weapons so it makes that the match is much more one-sided then you get this kind of critical point where you're doing okay you're doing okay and then suddenly someone gets out like a disgusting piece of armor that no one can break and the game goes on for like an hour until people just leave because it's not fun this anymore you very close let's do this let's do this i must do this oh come on it was very close this player really needs to not be doing things all right uh that's gonna make his any weapons he has down there are pretty much unable to hit my teammates now which is very good for us very very good for us huh can i get a whole new set of goodies over here let's do part two well that's not nice i appear to have cold aggro which that's fair hello are you still here uh let's fix that [Music] i miss my shots this was a good shot yeah there's not so much now this needs to be done like so teammate no running out of teammates down there how many doors did you put on this front too many lower ah he sold it oh it's an energy shield okay oh he hadn't exposed oh no i don't understand what their top face is doing besides not much all right well i've successfully caused this guy to panic build uh these are not okay that's fair that's another one down ah whoa you sir that's illegal almost crippled me with that now let me oh he took out my technology of course you didn't remove that um where is yes let's do this and then this and then this okay come on this is okay all of these things are fine also this is kind of a consequence of a building so high up very difficult to actually remove opponents and even sadness just put out fire thank you uh yes i would love to do so i was not prepared for that to be honest kind of hopefully be around for a while longer all right so okay uh let me try to remove this guy there we go that's better we had nothing there time to add this guy here i need technologies more than just what i have currently can i set this guy up one of these where is this sniper that's a beautiful starter himself hello did not expect they're using a magna beam to try to get their shots up and over all right so you are going to cause problems for me aren't you reflection all right let's do this this oh come on come on these doors finish we did the wrong thing and now hello that's a nasty angle to hit me with hmm reflected those shots away oh running out of money yep i've run out of cash with it also my ability to do things energy shield is online oh yep there goes bye gg yeah he was just fully shielded i couldn't do much he also wasn't doing much to the opponents but me building it so high i was unable to target these lower bases and that proved to be very bad for us but that ladies and gentlemen was an excellent match shots firing all over the place oh jeez so many shots everywhere could be all right ladies and gentlemen make sure to hit that like button if you haven't make sure to hit that subscribe button and the little bell next to it so you can see the next time we go live with the next sports video whichever comes whichever comes first we gotta remember we have a tournament coming up very soon make sure to check the steam announcements page and with that i'm going to have to say good night to you all and as always i'll see you in the next video can you have a listen later um not on my stream maybe if like winter goes live i might join maybe like stream snipe another round of trainer uh but i do have some other things to take care of so that won't be on live for me so i'm gonna have to say good night to you all for later
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 36,936
Rating: 4.9780221 out of 5
Id: U6CBui2IoBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 249min 27sec (14967 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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