Building a Fort and Blowing it up! - Forts RTS - Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hello hello hello how is everyone doing tonight you guys ready for some forts ladies and gentlemen the lobby is open the lobby is full and it looks like we are good to go here everything is stabilized everything is live let's hop right into the fun ladies and gentlemen today we are going to be playing some forts excellent all right it looks like everyone's here we should be able to just do this fair teams by the way eyes it's red to know how it is uh we'll we'll survive or we won't and then we'll get a new lobby let's go oh someone unread i had difficulty getting some players together uh if we're going to do among us which i do like the idea of probably gonna have to do like a whole scheduled community events with players that i am familiar with like hey guys maybe like all the sponsors i could get a day together to do sponsor uh sponsor only games kind of idea that might work otherwise it's a little bit difficult to get players with microphones so we can get in it takes a lot of players to do a game of among us i need some bananas i have some bananas in my refrigerator where they are currently slowly becoming brown absolutely who am i getting they're quickly becoming brown that's up down his work dude is this rocket map no this is a squirrel's peak it's a fun map really oh that's a turbine oh i see what's happening here see mate no you didn't fire first i think i need to do this yeah i don't know who i'm against up here but whoever i'm against up here is building energy shields uh i suspect that it's going to be an easy cleaning top and then we can swiftly move toward clearing out bottom warning nuclear launch detected that is another new as a nuclear launch comes in from logan well hello finally actually caught a stream oh i shut down his core that was a beautiful shot so what i am hearing is i need to reach up so i can not kill you myro i see what you did there uh we'll we'll see because among us is very difficult because i would ideally want to have everyone with mics or very select few people without mics because otherwise it's just a mess and that could become a difficult standard to set i did want to do some more among us with the other content creators like boots and such but they did they were up doing among us on the new map which was only available for a moment of time on the switch and i don't happen to have a capture card so i could take advantage of that makes me sad it is what it is uh looks like their rear player is building machine guns behind his teammate's face for some reason which is definitely a mistake what oh this poor player yeah he's definitely an experience he's just going to get a hammer for basic configuration this game is how this is going to go hmm oh he actually managed to fire back nice uh let's solve that problem we're not at a notable risk at the moment from cannon fire and such so i'm not concerned but uh no need to no need to let it happen it looks like down here is going to be the most notable threat at this point so i'm going to be working towards that so let's just get this guy right here yeah just a camera and topplings has got to be like fighting the ai just snipers out of every corner and it looks like you shut this down as this last turbine eliminated keep the emps going teams are very balanced i see what you were saying about that definitely uh definitely a little unbalanced here we'll have to make good we'll do one more and then we'll have to make a new lobby sniper spam sniper spam snipers uh snipers are so much fun i'm i'm having energy issues as good as it was to have the early aggression i need to i need to really ramp up the firepower the uh energy production here nukes there goes that cannon shut down the core blow everything up and oh their core survived got it all right so now this is where things become difficult because i don't really have the ability to damage them from this angle but i can repeatedly flatten this out crop and let my teammates handle the rest which i suspect they are fully capable of doing at this point double duke oh and zone shotgun sadness taking out the double duke i can do it not sure how you're supposed to start on this map uh generally any kind of early game all right team we got to stop it with the shooting doubt of nukes like that this looks purposeful at that point uh uh generally any kind of early game aggression is need to drop this map for a map that's so close like you just gotta you just gotta go early in nice now we have it all burning to the ground just as we would love to see it sweet excellent okay so this is going well uh we're at max turbines this is happening i don't know what he's expecting with this gg all right squirrel's peak that's actually a really good map uh super aggressive early on but very good nonetheless uh let's go ahead and just try something a bit more vanilla like how about this guy requiem hey well i'm glad you enjoy hey you know as long as you're having fun do i know what inspired me to be a youtuber uh subscriber counts and and views in the many thousands that's what eradicator 5000 coming in with the super chat thank you so much no message just coming in to put his name up there hey you know sounds good to me whenever we're ready [Music] changing username and eton should be we'll do a new lobby after this we'll do a new lobby after this match instead of the first time we'll do two rounds and then new mat and then new lobby well only two because teams are a bit messy at the moment the experience levels are a little bit a little bit all over the place i forget does this map allow for the intense swing only one way to find out if i explode shouldn't feel too bad the teams are unbalanced anyways am i in a vulnerable position technically yes it'll be fine all right um can i just i'll be fine i'll be fine [Music] all right and swing enabled away we go nice and sturdy good position to carry on it's frightening for your core a little bit of air cooling never hurt anyone sounds good to me bob you love watching the core swing happen me too isn't it just exhilarating let's see we have oh that's a strategy okay i like this strap that strat looks cool looks like a lot of fun uh i see that my team is planning some shenanigans and some cooperative shenanigans so in an effort to assist i'm gonna get this down ready to go yep that's a triple that's not my base this is my face two and a half high i need to get this guy down and then immediate immediate anti-air come on come on i've gone more eco-heavy so this will delay me noticeably but nevertheless i think it was worth uh i do need to get this cross priced okay where is their hands here non-existent i immediately hit that stealth button the moment i saw that laser painting my base like i'm not interested in getting hit by a double nuke right now that's not about to happen if you're going to hit me it's going to be the uh it's going to be while i'm invisible sweet hey ng coming in busy baking right now well sounds like fun i haven't done any particularly bacon recently baking i've done this basic food stuffs oh that drunk knew going wild getting a huge amount of damage done all right i think i'm good to redesign this thank you all right i need to slide this it is cannon o'clock we got cannons coming from all sides here let's do this this this does actually reach surprisingly hello come on all right all right oh he's exposed there that's another hit i think it was built off okay uh so what i need to do is have this guy move over here and have this guy over here that way i can wall this off in its entirety okay you do not work like this all right let's slam this at that same spot yeah got him all right one down at least one more down can you do this we should get a nice stable there we go that's what we're looking for i no longer need this guy i do need to get set up with another another area over here so don't keep floating away hello don't touch turbine please you're looking mighty vulnerable bottom base is exposed he's got okay good job a couple of their players without that not like sense given that the experience level of two of their players like a couple of their players bases were particularly vulnerable to things that they just didn't armor which makes sense because they're inexperienced players but you know that's that's really all there is to say about it i no longer have a sniper this guy and this guy oh no friend oh good job team nukes go in for the win gg he self-detonated his base good game all right new lobby uh we definitely need to mix up these teams a bit so we're going to be doing a new lobby here for sure and host new game and we're up before it's matches with twitch integration so stuff happens from donations would be mad that would be cool for sure um i don't know what kind of stuff would happen [Music] trying to figure out trying to think like what events could happen and such can't think of anything up i i struggle to figure out other things like gifts of money or random random projectiles reigning from above or something of the sort the lobby appeared and disappeared in 0.2 seconds sounds about right that's kind of usually how that goes [Music] other team and act commander ability now that would be a good idea gifts just activate a commander ability of twitches choosing these chats choosing [Music] all right let's go and welcome jonathan to the live stream hope you enjoy all right so i need this guy here i desperately want to drop the core but it's not the highest priority thing i have to do right now doesn't fit here which is fine hello give materials give resources please too much giving them two old shock actives every other second that would just be brutal very brutal all right so unfortunately i kind of just have to chill for a while i didn't realize this actually comes pre-made with mines not that it's cheaper to get down there than it is to just build mines here actually pretty i'm actually entirely certain it's cheaper to build mines here than it is to build all the way down there and get to the mines cheaper and faster but like i didn't even realize there were pre-made mines down there okay this will be good do and [Music] click how behind are we like a whole minute it is what it is that's the nature of this base this space requires so much reorganizing i can't connect to here i can't come to here um i need more let's put one of these over here i need one more of these there perfect um don't care about connecting down there right now i'm going to do this for stability's sake and then i need to start going this direction okay now ideally i can sell off all of this and redesign it from maximum letters this is not going to end well all right so now i've got this to do this teammate is building in front of me which is fine this is fine i have come to accept the risks i have taken bob it is calculated and i'm usually quite good at math all right that should have well i don't have turbines so these don't have enough turbines come on apparently not good enough it was one emp what's with this wind for my gosh i can't build turbines while they're back here all right all right all right this guy yeah this winter is going to be your problem i kind of forgot about the wind floor on this map nice are you almost done here yes yes we are almost done here come on come on there we go is that two cores down already what are you guys doing to that poor team yeah okay well good work we have one cannon across the entire team and it's eliminating multiple players is what's happening here okay we're up to multiple cannons three times the firepower three times the destruction i'm still waiting for the day when curses actually uses adamantium probably never going to happen dude all right so this player is having a real rough day these double cannons out of bottom base are doing great work like excellent work i attach to wild teammate is there which is fair okay let's bring out the heavy firepower now big bass online warning nuclear launch detected their bottom base is very suppressed as we're getting nuked to aim that slightly lower oh snap finally catching a live stream love the vids red sins coming in with the nuclear launch i'm glad you enjoyed thank you for the support it does mean a lot come on another one that's some brutalizing he's got going up there let's aim that lower still oh so many cannon shells oh those miniguns can just finish this game right here probably oh no well they didn't finish it and they took out the house cannon from space penetrating deep all right i need to aim this mower and that's a beautiful shot okay so now this is where things get difficult because i have to like limp shot this over yeah that's gonna be very difficult to achieve because this guy was at what percent who not so hard to do that with and that's over gg just drop in from the top that was uh i don't know what happened to the two players on team one that just got one shot by a single cannon at canada clock but hey you know good work team sure we can do ffa who cares about teams when there's uh can you two through howitzer yes you can't take three highlighter there's no real need to because howitzers can just straight up shoot straight up what i think about the uh re-balanced commanders i think they're great and there's uh [Music] the commanders have never been in a better spot and they're actually fun which some of them some of them hadn't been teams oh unlocked there we go and ready anyone know if there's a campaign for this yes force does have a single player all right i think we're good to go let's do it extremely lag let's just single player uh in terms of single player it's got it's got a decent single player i'm not a single player type person have ever played the single player yes and i have played it on the hardest difficulty and i've played it on the hardest difficulty before it was made easier so yes i'm i'm very familiar with the uh with the difficulties and such of forts may the best negotiator win yeah that's uh that's how that's how battle royale works especially in a game as a strategy game we have strategy players that understand how the game mode works he who angers last wins most and there we go i wanna know your secrets tell me i'm seeing some aggression over here so i'm gonna get one of these down now of course just because someone's building a weapon in your direction doesn't mean they're going to use it so there's always so you see he's already fired at someone over there so it's unlikely that he's going he doesn't even have a door here so it's unlikely he's going to want to be firing in my direction so i'm going to have weapons here just in case he wants to shoot at me i can defend myself but i don't have any motivation to shoot at him first funny how that works isn't it so we're just gonna kind of have weapons pointing at each other for a long time oh well looks like he's gearing up to hit so that's an experience for him oh he's getting mini gunned hmm over there we don't have anything particularly exciting we do have a swarm missile launcher there which could present an issue quite quickly you know what let's open fire okay no more aggressive play out of you let's see does he react in time while the repair is off detected i think he's gonna get it yeah he does okay all right he's good this is going to be an issue very quickly yay fort's mega nougat the holidays hello there paul luderman coming in with a mega ton of support hello there how you doing man coming in with the whole 50 taking that top spot okay well it's way over there i don't need to continue engaging oh oh poor dude getting slammed okay yeah this is happening i need to hotkey these because we got to do the manual firing of all this stuff uh this sniper in an awkward position those are not hitting me which means i'm motivated to not shoot them down which is such a weird scenario to be in okay i don't know what you expected to happen all right this player is obviously hostile he needs to go hmm every time i hear those i'm just like i need to shoot them down but i don't need to shoot them down oh i don't know what happened here but i don't okay uh yep that may have triggered him to be angry as he was sitting there waiting for me those mortars are digging and digging through him all right this player's not gonna last long in this raid all right i still haven't shot at the player to my right so he's not likely to shoot back at me i could eliminate him i don't want to warning extra launch detection energy spent doing something that's unnecessary [Music] hello what's your preferred holiday beverage i know it's not eggnog i've heard holiday beverage that's a good question um i'm a big fan of water i know ahora uh water juice tea is always in season if i were to say for a specific special occasion you like a whiskey or something whiskey is nice whiskey i'm a whiskey and wine kind of guy bob what happened here did i get hit by a cannon that's not cannon damage all right we gotta do this now warning nuclear launch detected this is a problem give myself the disrespect penny cause why not i am having i'm not going to survive this that's i'm being hit by multiple players worth of worth of mortars and they are very angry about it that to survive okay uh what do yep this is an issue that's nice shut down for a moment rip him you will actually be missed i need this to go away as soon as possible i see it sitting there okay ah oh about to get hit by all flavors of fury come here slam it damage on my core not significant for the moment uh um this is uh going downwards rapidly come on this is now usable again which is nice all right good you are not hotkey which is a mistake oops come on so glad this isn't attacking me right now so i'm pretty certain the only reason he's not is because i'm immune and he doesn't want to uh doesn't want to be the guy to shoot me which is definitely a mistake because he can totally win this right here i lost this guy okay this is such a low eco match so there's a low lego battle over here okay all right no more of that no this is it okay well grip my everything guys it's gotten worse oh on okay all right come on it's too busy repairing to fire oh that could have been bad not worse than it already was okay a higher or lower of the two i am just concerned that the player behind me is deciding not to fire for reasons beyond my understanding oh no i was about to say okay so it looks like he's assisting me which to be fair in his benefit as long as he's shooting someone that's a good strategic decision right now because he could third party either of us without significant consequence okay this is a yikes position to be in right here oh okay um that looked like it was aimed at me oh he's got such a big base why is everyone shooting at me okay just sitting there building up oh no well this is unfortunate okay this hurts yep saw that one coming let me just catch that real quick oh this sniper is no longer at a usable position all right i see what's happening this is my life now um this is how it ends boys he has opened fire up which is an excellent strategic decision for him but i do not have the income to stop this from happening [Applause] oh my gosh he's aiming at him okay then i just immediately some of those motors were gonna hit me so i fired back i was wrong okay all right oh okay uh i need to have this set up like so no cannons for you any amount of delaying is good i have my technology back which is nice okay could even better could have been worse i am the team tank now except there is no team there is only me look at how much deformity is on my base right now this is brutal shut that down yep come on fire thank you very fast rocket very fast rocket going very fast don't mind me shutting that down real quick i really can't afford to open this up all right that's gone where'd that come from is that his own howitzer now boys i've not exploded yet it's his howitzer that's funny okay all right this is is okay i just need to ow now he's taking out my minds which is understandable get this back i don't particularly want this anywhere in my base but it's got to go somewhere so i'm going to have to defend it this is an absurd position to be in those mortars landing are doing so much damage mortars are very good on this map if you guys haven't noticed oh oh this is looking good i assist with the sniper that i have yes that was going to end horribly if i messed that up or something if that goes wrong it's going to go very very wrong and i understand this all right sweet did he just shoot himself probably that tends to happen a lot things have gone downhill for district yes yes they have he was shooting me instead of shooting the uh the player who is actually actually able to shoot back which would have been okay if he was able to eliminate me very quickly but he didn't and that's where things went wrong he needed to engage the only other threat on the field like even after being engaged by samster he then continued to turn around and engage me which was questionable oh okay well that's him gone so now it's me versus my once and future opponent and uh i haven't really recovered after taking so many hits oh more of that please this is a problem is that how it's just gonna land one of these times and my base is gonna disappear shut one of them down all right this is the part where i hope those are not returned to senders they're not returned to senders okay anything i could shut down is good the frisbee is here give me some daca daca hello welcome back mr frisbee long time no see nice to see you we have death we have destruction and many many dead exploded forts with much deformation so many of those just keep landing over and over again i don't have the power income i'm on fire he's just face tanking it like he doesn't care because he doesn't oh my gosh my core is leaned so much this side is taking ship damage from these things ah did he really i'll rip all those mission gunners one of these days he's gonna hit me with that mortar and i'm gonna wear that howitzer i'm gonna be very sad did he didn't damage has been dealt michael jackson interpretation not inaccurate that's looking really bad he's got another weapon online and i do not have the ability to defend against it here yep it hurts might be beating that i want that alive excuse me i needed you to be passed through not vulnerable friend i just realized i didn't hotkey these all right okay uh can i he's lining up his shots now not good for me not good for me at all okay on all right that's damage i've not neglected the active i don't know that i can afford to keep that technology around for much longer i'll make two of them go down uh this is bad it means he's got line of sight with something direct fire it's with miniguns okay a little more i don't know how or why i'm still alive i suspect i should not be i am for a reason is not related to my uh existence here did i hit the howitzer out of the air that was a mistake tier three uh oh these are not online hello big one oh he's gonna hit himself oh that's big okay a little bit lower then oh i see what's happening okay that should start removing some of this hostileness [Applause] he's readjusting attempting to hit my mortars which is completely understandable come on a hard time finding places to build here okay now this trip pummeled that away there goes that dream i hit his mortars which is good that happened rip those gunners okay can i do i see what you're doing there hopefully i can take advantage of this or not not how i was hoping he was gonna align those it's getting closer boys closer to death and destruction nope nope nope ah that's gonna hit yep nice and deep all right higher we go okay now he's got a full return to center there i don't i think that's gonna be the end for me here boys the return descenders are in full swing uh unfortunately i can't really afford to turn to senders of my own yeah yeah i can't pull return this under both sides all right there should be a spot not there yeah that's the end of that gg okay there was no reason i should have lasted that long he was shooting at me with one cannon and two motors for the longest time you really should have really should have amped up that that damage a long time ago and then it ends held on for longer than expected yes yes i did [Music] and and so now only zamster remains the damage tank is going to be huge if only it doesn't count that it doesn't track those statistics here in this game mode the most satisfying destruction again all right uh so let's try out some wastelands [Music] negative two billion react your health no it's because there were no enemy reactors there were no teams in that so trying to track team stats is a undefinable idea as there are no teams let's go do we in this position i'm not going to be mini gunning anyway everything is on fire hello battleships tonight maybe uh you know what sure we can do battleships in a rare request or at least a rare accepting after such a request that map is it has its moments you haven't done that one forever yes i know that feel um do i want to i know what i'm gonna do verdi's guns are insanity i think battleships will be enough in saturday i dare say i probably should have swung my core that would have been a good idea oh well i have a good one teemo 5 a.m for you that's uh it's pretty late in the evening well that looks like he tried this during his core and failed rip king you will be missed by your team a lot swinging is always risk yes yes it is pretty much you almost feel like king is swinging and exploding nah he's quite good at he's quite good at swinging king exploding to his swing is far more rare than another one how dare why must you hurt me this way but we're gonna go plenty of cannons and battleships next time next match don't you worry about that all right so we want to do this to do this like so come on pick it up thank you come back to that later little extra connections for all parties involved here beautiful let's keep this nice and stable yeah i love having all the extra monies from getting eco early to spend on things okay make sure this is armored up so we don't explode to a plasma laser combo in eight seconds proper canada clock timing hey look eight seconds on the dot isn't that funny how that works oh you did not prepare for this isn't strategy fun strategy is really fun when you have players you can actually keep to them let's return fire in a kind oh that was almost oh just three heavy weapons clean over penetration on the base oh jeez oh that's that's good oh that's good uh all right let's repeat that just to chop him off he's gone that's an angle i never expected to see that's because he's tier three the thing okay this is fine too all right uh rear base is going for something and i'm not sure what it's howitzers okay was aiming for his turbines did not quite hit the turbines let's get the next level of tech going there we go that's a beautiful hit ignited the howitzer took the turbines our top base is taking some hits from that tier 3 cannon looks like he'll be okay something to keep in mind um going to do this for reasons that's a lot of vulnerability down there don't mind me i don't think my plasma laser can aim that low it cannot does not matter rear base has been obliterated as has this base for all intents and purposes all right sweet a fire beam at this point is be relegated to chip damage so to speak oi we should be able to drop these down from above and if rn jesus blesses us we could have gotten a couple hits in there nice i suspect there won't be very many hits left on this finish with the dusting no come on all right finish the dusting of machine gun gg dodge mg's yes the final the final rules touch i mean to be fair it wasn't really the mgs that did it it was just uh just the final hit of what was not going to was an inevitable destruction so we'll do one more here on permafrost and then we'll switch up to a new lobby where we will do actually no no we'll do battleships now we'll do battleships now i was thinking new lobby and then battleships but we'll do battleships now yeah we'll do permafrost next lobby all right death might disrespect daca if only [Music] all right time to get some ice cream tasty let's go all right so first things first to cleanse get technologies okay this is happening this is just fine what happened all right we have no energy at the moment i could question whether or not we should get okay i don't know why someone wants to keep these i hope they have a good reason for it all right okay it is not time for mine someone on team one is building mines right now and we need to be saving for technology placed there's one now we gotta get the other and almost there we go perfect thank you i've seen this drop enough to know that it works but this one is anxiety inducing for many reasons like even more than the pen swing the pen swing comes hilariously closed like comically closed hitting the ground now you can build mines if you so desire okay upgrade tech has been placed let's delete this and then we delete this this is connected okay that's connected then we start building two and a halves here this is looking scary very scary battleships this mean the culling of the dhaka dhaka is coming yes all right so this is where things are going to get interesting for all parties involved because those are definitely missile launches war missile launchers so we're going to have to get some more missiles of our own because there's no way we could do this other than to fight fire with fire they are ahead of us in this four missile game which is very dangerous for us we're also going to need some fog launchers mixed in they're not fog launchers okay well that's what they called smoke screens smoke bombs smoke bombs as their actual name oh they do have cannons out and they're hitting us good job samster keep this going okay this is fine um we could use a couple more mines mixed in as it is is it really cannons that we need they're just swarm missiles uh we could use some tier threes that would be useful uh it would be a good place for this i can put you here yeah that's a decent place for now really don't want that breaking here come the nukes uh looks like we had a detonation inside of their base which is very good for us very very good for us let's get one of you here no please hmm good job okay oh yeah we need more metal is the issue what are those two threes i don't know but you know as long as they work doesn't really matter as long as they work which is a pretty big pretty big if but you know tower please no collapse yeah all right so we're now gonna be living off a very morphed tower which is somehow still here sorry it's taking me a moment to figure out how this is all right well that's very unfortunate what happened is we got hit really hard a lot what did this explode probably swarmed this was okay okay all right good job nailed it all right that was funny to see uh we still need those tier threes placed ooh we got the damage under the court nice they have some tier 320s several of them it looks like that's two of them okay just head straight in if that's your three drops uh we just straight up lose the game which is always a fun fun position to be in we have another sniper somewhere we did have another sniper somewhere last tense okay grip all of our snipers okay cross brace all the things i was just we're alive a little bit of nukes okay keep launching keep launching you cannot fire because this is here okay so glad they're using 20s for these not something actually dangerous all right did that hit ourselves or what did what happened there where did black happen i'm not sure uh we could really just use one of these right up here this needs to be cross braced that's way too much weight to have on something that isn't cross braced that's how bad things happen sam's dirt let's sniper okay there's so many cannon rounds oh we got a good heavy hit on them nice is that a cannon no it's a plaque we lose sniper he's in progress right now we are having power problems not big surprise considering our lack of come on the 20s starting to add their damage in large degrees this is here don't know how else to describe that i see what's happening here once that magda beam hits we're gonna have serious issues all right do we have snipey redo time to roll grab these two we're sniping oh samster's on our last remaining sniper we have no more sniper uh i need to build extra snipers so that that doesn't happen yeah still not as dangerous as standard two threes but actually hitting problematic actually problem that now come on fire grab these two fire and fire and fire and drop nuke almost a huge issue for us i don't think i can afford to get rid of the ablative armor in front here we're up okay thank you oh hello i'm missing someone important here aren't we yes i think we are rebuilds um i need to do one of oh this is gonna be bad isn't it this is gonna be very bad we need to get our tier threes up and running i fear that i will not be able to uh why did i fire all at once that's a mistake so what happened there that was our own magna beam which is what caused that snipers are trained in this game under operation bullet sponge operation bullet sponge uh this is really a terrible position for us okay that will pull up all right that was a standard can of ground mixed in okay come on one of them lands nope okay that's so many what happened sniper went away okay uh the their tier threes hitting us in the rear is going to cause problems for us very quickly very quickly uh what happened here i think the cannon just got directly hit from above is what happened there insufficient stratospheric protections leads to death of cannon okay one two three we lost sniping again get a load of snipers up there now which is good for us we have one active tier three which is currently aiming in the center of the world uh we do not have an unused sniper oh that must have gotten door sniped yep that just got straight door sniped at the worst possible moment okay unless it slid in right there which is extremely unlikely i just need to fire whatever is ready to [Music] fire you cannot fire because this is here okay this is bad i do not want this happening hello barely not making it okay one two three if we can actually hit that magnet over there happy holidays hey mr frisbee alrighty have a good one mr frisbee happy holidays to you too oh we got some hits but not enough to make a huge difference here okay we didn't get a whole lot of damage we got raw damage done but not oh that's gonna be an expensive repair bill we got raw damage done but not real destruction okay yeah you know i do really like i i am really becoming a fan of having those swarm missiles mixed in because they they do genuinely take hits from the flack okay i think i can afford another one of these now that we're not really using the obligative armor here because it's all been destroyed okay oh it goes here comes some tier three howitzers or these some high angle howitzers um can i do this yikes i think it's only one howitzer right three two three three that's so much damage i don't know how snipey is still alive over here but not complaining one two those are not gonna make it he's probably also not gonna make it but there's a chance suffering power problems probably because we've lost most of our power production tier three is running through our base almost going all the way to the ground we've lost our technology in that last hit okay that's uh quite bad for us here is it over almost we lost the tower we lost yeah that's uh pretty much usually how that goes i think we're not quite out of it yet there are things we can do to try but it's very likely out of the running very likely okay like we're still capped on energy we just don't have the ability to use it due mostly to the bass becoming uh deformed just going to cover those up entirely nice job team fire away friends we have weapons now we're running out of power are any of these ready to fire one of them is i uh i think that's it boys there's any coming back the return descenders 20s that was a cannon shell rip all those things okay this is this is how it ends in explosions on all sides i knew i should have just let the team handle everything else so i can set up the tier three so we actually have a means of coming back because otherwise uh a lot of options oh well shoulda woulda coulda and with it there goes our last everything well there's uh we no longer have the ability to rebuild we are negative energy expenditure and here comes death in its many forms oh that was a beautiful shot how many they had one two three four tier threes they had seven tier threes yeah we needed the tier threes up way faster that's such a beautiful base invested more in the tech and some cannons and magnets could kill that tower yes yes we could have like the missile investment is fine um i think we invested way too early into more into your minds it's reminders made too many swarms we did make a lot of swarms and that's mostly my fault i don't think that was the problem like swarms always good swarms also force them to build defenses for it alright so new lobby time i think we did need the uh the cannons up earlier or rather the tier three is up earlier i also needed to not have them get destroyed twice so i don't i wasn't paying too much attention to them they uh they kind of got destroyed twice which means they were not very well defended at all which is a huge concern they don't do dedicated damage this is true they are usually the game enders though paul oderman coming in with this the everything is on fire alrighty have a good one too man have a good night everything is on fire everything is always on gtg have a merry christmas ah time do you forget how to do accelerator oh i know that feel you and i both friend all right away we go energy production i don't have a particular need to go heavy into technology to go heavy into technology quickly why punch fists i have no idea i didn't choose it was that portal in the middle uh this is the this is an unbuildable unbuildable zone you cannot build across this shimmering shimmering semi transparent blue area and the central tower is just a central tower made out of metal and crushing dream crushing material did i hear about the math book therapist he tried to listen to others but he just kept thinking about his own problems hey math puns coming in with the math puns attack rush hey it's not gonna not gonna really help us out here come on come on all right this is what pench fist is good for and is there no position no okay so that's all the minds we get down we go this guy here and just put this guy right in front okay so first things first we go to ground like so and we connect up like this and i don't have a barrel or anything okay that's fine um so i want to do okay so i'll put this guy right here so we want to go ah how do we do this so this is now disconnected from everything i'm going to have a nice single box like so and then from here we go up half all the way across that is snapping which is what we want to see and then we bring it down like so then this guy with a slight bend brought down i'm going to go up again let's do this there we go then across then another acro oh no this is not correct that's what i wanted to do like so like this there we go so now we have our accelerator base and i need to have set up here our platform for the cannons okay two and a half two and a half two and a half i don't need this guy here this guy here this just needs to go straight across and then we place our cannons after cross bracing things uh defeat deformation okay one and then two and three i'm aware i floated metal and all that fun stuff that's uh failing on my part and then three i'm gonna redo this guy because i fear he's going to explode for reasons there we go those who have done this before you you may know that fear oh why did i expect anything else oh that's friendly i could've sworn that was hostile okay well that's gonna make my life difficult but not as difficult as if it was hostile um if i do yeah let's have this set right here there we go he's already charging it okay she's charging it with just this sniper just to test if it's working which is a very good idea i think about it uh so i need to have a portal up here teleportation reasons let's just do let's run across the ceiling here and hang this down right here like so that seems like it's going to work he's blocked obviously this should work okay all right beautiful let's just enable this guy real quick let's make sure this is going over here i i'm confused as to why teammate has ceased firing if they're going to fire and reveal that they're aggressive they should have continued firing it's a bit late now of course does this work it's too close but by only a few pixels so this cannon should work and the accelerator is fully functional okay at the moment i'm just going to do this accelerator fully online uh this guy needs to be like so uh so this should penetrate very much so through well that's probably not true with only two come on uh my portals okay i'm gonna have to fire it as is which direction are you facing orange overarching and firing oh that would clean through it and hit him that's exciting okay so we now have a gap in the wall which is good fun this is why we go economy first because i don't want to go economy after firing this thing that's always troubling um we're just gonna shut these down here because i don't really have the ability to keep them running right now uh this is fine we can have those go there looks like the portals are functional so this is the point where i kind of need a teammate to disable their you're supposed to be a portal this is the point where i kind of needed teammate to disable their uh their defenses otherwise i'm at a spot of trouble for actually hitting them um let's actually adjust this slightly let's do this this reverse like this okay how are we on batteries not nearly good enough upgrade centers not yet everything is online this is looking much better okay let's reactivate the system okay there we go no leaks teammate no everything is on fire it's always on fire big fan a lot from your videos we lost a teammate that makes me sad we could have used him hello coming in with everything is on fire right as everything is kicking off to have a ridiculous amount of uh excitement and explosions just the way we like it chaos reigns i do not have the apm to keep track of my teammate's base right now so i am sorry teammate your base is not going to be used particularly well at least there is nothing explosive in there oh please don't hit the exit portal okay by some miracle did not hit the exit portal just fire it we hit the one return descender he had which makes me very sad okay uh they have a lot going on you need to re-enable this guy repair the system how are you looking three standard cannons that looks like another fully operational return to sender i may have to borrow this i do not have the energy to borrow this oh this is how it ends our anti-air is not really online right now how did those survive i don't know all right we are charging we don't need uh do i survive this i need a portal exit portal somewhere i'm not gonna get another option all right well this is very close to fire now come on please hit something i hit something then i exploded all right yep i did hit his weapon systems up here but not enough and that is the end of my base so there are two fully functional oh well this one's gonna burn down but behind my teammate up here there is a fully functional uh particle accelerator which is quite fun weren't ready to attack when wall came down this is true this is very true ironically well i guess there's no there is no ironically there i was about to say that the teammate that started the attack didn't quite do much but he is alive so i can't really say much about that because he has successfully defended himself if he has the apm to spare he might be able to get an accelerator shot off obviously one accelerator shot can be the difference in winning and losing especially considering he does have the ability to shut down enemy portals thoughts on the argument that happened uh i didn't really have much thoughts on it um we're talking about the uh it's a little bit more complicated than just straight translating damage into economic or that kind of thing uh there's i just saw you as red now i think that's a good way to put it i didn't i didn't quite keep up with it i saw some points um in terms of strategies there's a couple different ways of defeating your opponent you can either run them out of resources such that they don't have the ability to prevent you from blowing them up or you could overwhelm their defenses just straight burst all the way in and blow up their core and or some critical technology that sets them too far back for them to recover um those are really the only two ways to end the game some strategies are better than others for completing one of those tasks is accelerates ascender or a possible strategy i don't know what that means warning nuclear launch detected oh did you get it oh no oh he needs to chain fire those nukes under a possible viable strategy oh he's getting pummeled oh no oh no with this there's no concentrated package here ripple what is he gonna get hit pilot no it's gonna be the nuke nope it was the cannon sniping at the last second let's talk about the battleship's map oh okay i kind of want to do that map again didn't have an apm yeah there's only so much you can do it was uh 1v4 is accelerate to sender a possible strategy i don't know what that means how did the math problem use the alphabet the question isn't how it's why return to sender that trap shots in an accelerator that is something that can be done uh it's not really useful simply because it's relies on your opponent shooting at you and then also relies on them shooting at you during a very specific activation time of your accelerator you can design the entrance of your portal such that it captures any projectiles that enter it um i usually don't because that's just extra it's just extra apm and extra complexity added to a system for not much benefit but yes it is something that can be done all right let's go of course when we were talking about accelerators accelerators are never [Music] viable so to speak they're always sub-par strategies they just can be used when you're looking to have fun never had luck coordinating with teammates to provide the canon power uh i've never tried coordinating with teammates or my teammates go for cannons and i go for an accelerator i don't see a scenario where i would want to do that but i don't see why it wouldn't be possible you have with pyro works decently okay that'd be definitely something fun to find attempted to perform or why not i mean as with any of those strategies the why not lies in the um lies and the efficiency of the build it's never going to be any kind of accelerator is just not a build that's going to defeat something like i suppose literally anything from mortars to cannons a cannon rush will beat it mortar rush it doesn't even have to be a rush but you know that's kind of the why not when it comes to those when it comes to that particular that particular strategy but if you're not interested in winning and so much as just doing it i mean it's possible also the return decided thing gets ruined by things that can get shot down yes mortars howitzer rounds howitzer rounds are a big one a really big one did not make it to go further out ah how they were trying to cheese each other that's the shot up uh almost cheese each other come on teammate you can do it you did not really rather unfortunate for us uh so this puts me in a really bad spot okay really bad spot because now i have two very angry bases looking at me [Music] hmm yeah and now i'm not going to be able to deal much with those uh existing there is i think very technically it though okay yeah and uh guess who's coming to play it's bottom base okay well moving on i can now exist to stir some trouble but that's about it i can pull aggro okay did i mess these up yeah i did okay you get a little bit more power in here okay um hello that's the leader that's supposed to hit me okay good job tim you did it i forgotten something very important i'm sitting here wondering why i'm not getting get enough resources to build my next technologies because i'm floating by my max cap okay go sneeze projectors tonight i don't quite know what these projectors are but it sounds like an interesting interesting option destruction sounds like the team beneath me is performing well which makes me happy you tried to expand his he tried to expand out his uh machine gun defenses which is good for me especially good that we cleaned them up oh that's a nice habit to hit okay that's huge good job team because these mortars are mostly not able to be shot down by this other player here just because they're low angle trajectory oh never mind his teammate managed to go back and claim the rest of those so that mortar is no longer in a particularly great position as long as i keep this up we might be able to dig in by virtue of shutting down yeah okay well i needed that that was my hope that was my hope of returning damage okay well good news is we can rebuild it relatively swiftly no let's do this let's just not allow this to happen okay three put you on one you want to you guys on before all right continuously dig i don't think there's much i can do here about this oh yes okay well that's great all right uh so i'm not sure i know we can very technically hit that rear base with these motors just not particularly well good job coming in with that a um juicy hit there we go all right so we've disconnected some of the rear base uh that sounds bad it's going to collapse themselves so we need a little bit more deflection here shut this down and too much foggers the uh smoke screen i assume it is time for the laser cannon uh this laser shot should deal critical damage should it i don't know actually i can disconnect this which is kind of a lot of damage oh that's beautiful okay so this will dig into the rest of the the base [Music] all right uh let's go straight to corey yeah well i don't know if he did that himself or what happened there another case i don't know there's really much else i can do with these other than be annoying i can try to drop them very difficult so this looks good return to sender but it's not aligned properly so it's not going to hit me if i fire at it so i'm going to fire at it of course i'm going to miss because such as life yeah all right so this group needs some more power let's just crank this all the way up to 100. our canon friend is doing well there's a hundred land hundreds actually pretty darn close okay he eliminates that i'm gonna fire here yes that just gets sent into there beautiful this needed was it less or more okay so 100 is slightly too much and what to do okay well i can shut down i can work on shutting this down i know let's go on an adventure thank you thank you okay so now that we have this i can just get some of this over here devices weapons can't overlap if there are mines up there purge purge i think this will be an excellent solution for the whole energy shield problem what do you guys think comes pre-created with this sniper oh it got shut down which means direct fire time oh we hit the sandbags big shot good thing about ice cream in winter is it never melts speak for yourself winter mine melts almost instantly and again south florida and it looks like our opponent is trying to sell off his base almost got him goodbye friend exploded isn't that satisfying okay you joined the game yes uh what was it that i wanted to do was the science battlefield again i think it was science battlefield again everything is on fire everything is always on fire what do you call an aristocrat with no money impossible yeah all right jeez oh dear and he wants to do the cannon flinging okay so we'll we'll do this and then we'll do cannon flinging how about that how's that sound i think that sounds great crazy moose coming in with the everything is on fire bring us the finest puns dude all right bob well hopefully this time you managed to get your base up and running before before the wall comes down your forts videos are your favorite i'm glad you enjoyed all right put this guy over here just slap this guy over here the good energy is a little bit more important at this stage i also notice that you use cannons rather than 20s which is almost exclusively a mistake good way to end the day after spending your family i'm glad you enjoy what was it uh i still need to get a gift for for one of my family members we do a secret santa type thing every year in my family and i haven't quite gotten the gift for my assigned secret santa i've got a few ideas but i haven't actually gotten it yet and i realize christmas is coming up very close so i'm cutting it kind of close here but still i'm very much so looking forward to christmas accelerator howie that doesn't work like mechanically that's not a thing okay uh so now i can set this guy over here and then this have you on the wall okay this is how problems happen there's no way that's perfectly straight but that awkward moment when this thing is needs to be subpixel perfect and it's infuriating to try to fix when it isn't this is why we test with snipers first so when things go wrong they don't go completely wild all right so to have this angled slightly directly down all of this becomes portal and now we need you here here so this is very unlikely to work the first try i'm going to have to test it with snipers two and a half two and a half two and a half should have started this from the top i see you now in fact let's do that or at least make this slightly higher all right adjusting build order two and a half two and a half how are we looking uh this is gonna be difficult for me in particular just because of the placement of things running out of time uh team any amount of assistance you can grant would be graciously appreciated look at general in our discord server to see me showing off cookies zzz whoa oh cookies oh that actually looks pretty good looks super tasty that's a lot of mortars there friend that's a lot of mortars i don't have a weapon that can lob back in the same kind of direction either i need to test this i'm not one for sweets but i i can understand the joy that is cookies okay cross brace for bonus goodies one two three machine gunners are not firing i think because of it ai yeah they're they're too fast unfortunately they can just kind of rain from above get a few hits in there well so those motors are coming in too fast for the ai to react which is good fun so that's three of them down thank you team coming at the concentrate later does it all come crashing down now please almost almost all right this is uh not going to end well for me i don't think hopefully with that down and out of the way we might be able to actually defend against this better this they have teammate support this is not likely to happen i am getting hit really hard by wombo combos we can get those online that would get amazing oh my gosh that's got some pretty high variance in it but it should function i'm having some serious energy issues i'm not gonna get off another shot hmm here comes the nukes what happened oh we over penetrated and hit the ground okay well there goes me what happened to you well you got hit by a lot of missiles what happened to you french a lot of missiles they were aimed at me but my base was kind of dead because i got hit by multiple lasers and well there's that i'm getting hit by a concentrate later now so that's fun between the missiles the concentrating later it's uh it's pretty pretty tough experience being me right now and the mortars the motors are kind of big uh i see your accelerators having issues it's kind of unfortunate for you from the mortars once more i'm ass i have no active portals and i'm at 37 energy production here all right uh does anyone have snipers or something they could do about with those exposed weapons that they have on the other team let's see if i can build a platform deal with that other team is just going straight standard aggression which is the strat for winning for sure always has been probably always will be i don't know what i expected you're doing well that is true you were doing concentrating everyone else not so much we getting power systems back kind of disorder all right can i manage this excuse me i need that ooh concentrate that and he's got nukes to boot okay well this is a hard yikes for us yeah we used to trade it it seems that they have a few upgrades here now can i afford to activate my accelerator here or do i have to go with the upgrade center first i'm not sure still broken well your entire base is broken right now i suspect you need to fix the uh concentrate later before doing much else or not the cost of the accelerator because it seems to be exploding of its own accord which is kind of an issue i've pulled some aggro off you which is not healthy for me but it's the world in which i live i have a lot of exposed things around these parts a lot of exposed things for me to just pick away at oh my gosh okay the sound of that is just amazing at 23 energy i'm at negative energy per second well it was fun while it lasted goodbye cruel worlds okay i cannot afford to fire i cannot afford any of this so we're shutting all this down now let me just casually do one of these real quick i'm sure bob won't mind too much ropes aren't enough i assumed to say alrighty i am now a team tank okay as i say that bob gets obliterated tell bob not to shoot off we can at the same time but is it working okay am i able to bring these online all right why is this not actually he's active kind of need these i hope that's just a visual glitch and that's actually it wasn't it was deactivated okay well at least snipey took a hit took one for the team unfortunately that shut down most of my power production which is very mandatory at this point the reasons that i hope are not particularly uh hidden two oh three stop wobbling okay uh let's do one of these sure it's aiming in the right direction and please explode all right so we over penetrated his base which is kind of understandable not sure what happened here but remember this i think a shot went through backwards last moment oh sweet jesus good job team oh that's bad hello there was once power generation here now it's a deformed disaster okay okay oh please oh almost all right a little bit of defenses here we actually have power generation to some degree so that's nice cross brace everything stabilize all the things begin charging sequence i had power generation here that's um all right charging online all right so this could be a good place for this there's no way this ends well i don't think that's aligned anymore come on yep what is happening why does sweet picks oh cause it keeps get his portal keeps getting swiped which is good for us why do i not put the 20s close to the accelerator uh there's a limit to how close you can be to friendly targets the quartz has a kind of a safety measure where if you are attempting to fire out a friendly target it simply will not allow you to fire so in order to bypass that i have to build the 20s far enough away that they don't trigger that defensive that uh response from the game so i have to build them kind of far away i could probably build them slightly closer but only not much yep that's me gone at least i didn't drop on my teammate with anything particularly dangerous gg i got hammered so hard between the nukes and the cannons and the mortars i was team tank for quite a while i even managed to get a couple shots off over penetrated bottom players basically accelerated which could have been better worse moonshine is nice for this map yeah moonshine doesn't shut down portals though right at least not unless it hits a uh unless it hits oh that was a beautiful shot out of king slaughtering all we need is an energy shield for that is the thing like i had that set up but if he empty it all like bob there's no excuse to not have an energy shield behind that at this point oh sniper oh ho ho mr shin keep firing in that spot one more shot one more shot when we're shot yes good job into the those are not that's just extra cannons behind where they were supposed to be safe it kept dying build another one not that you really have the medal for oh oh we accelerated for the uh concentrating yes you did get it and i saw it it was quite good good shot burns so deeply uh my poor accelerator so perfect so flawless so very much so on fire busted act buster active snipers also disabled portals that's i remember ah you have so few minds oh nice shot the shin is doing work with that sniper just taking a little bit off the top of that base uh there wasn't anything there for that to explode but if there was it would have exploded it looks like top rear is suffering greatly their top rear oh king is expanding to the missile launcher is base this thick wood here looks like he got hit really hard at some point uh this concentrated isn't particular it only has one band so it's not concentrating very hard oh that's why it's such a thick laser beam like it's good but it's not it's not huge it's also kind of hitting his own his own door system on the way out which isn't helping isn't helping at all yeah their top rear still has still has those portals directly linked to his to his upper bunker section it cuts so deeply [Music] oh that could have been bad that was bad a return to sender and a cannon round at least it didn't deform the uh concentrated but that is going to shut it down for a while a team one really needs to have a better way of dealing with their portals like team one doesn't have any swarm missiles team one doesn't have anything to really shut down the portals it needs to happen otherwise well gonna be out of luck everything is on fire everything is always on fire yes please yes go on bob hit it good job explosion inside his own don't know what happened there i don't think all the doors were opened all right bob where do you land this like i don't think there's really much of anywhere on team twos yeah it's the return descenders are everywhere like there's no there's no safe spot you have to shut them down at this point you need the emps you need the swarm missiles you need something for those wondering the uh this is made out of portals which are immune to lasers so they won't they won't be destroyed when when our teammate use the lasers to try to cut that you can't cut it with portals but you can cut it with buzz saws so our teammates do need both saws in order to disconnect king from his recently obtained swarm missile launching base well there's the shutdown it's about time and all the way through penetrating and taking out a cannon it has now become an mg wall which is going to be problematic for the team uh uh i see portals in front of the existing swarm missiles which definitely is concerning i don't know why he would portal them um i actually don't know why here at portland those deactivated energy shields yes those are deactivated energy shields makes them quite difficult to deal with as they don't take the same kind of burn damage as standard they're immune to burn damage which lasers tend to do ooh now they're becoming activate no i think he just hasn't deactivated them yet yeah is he's expanding them uh ooh that could have been bad well that is bad because that's gonna burn and unless that's undamaged oh wow he got so lucky there there come the nukes oh they made it through the anti-air oh that's they just weaved inside and out that's uh yikes and good hit well i think this is the accelerator entrance or is it i don't know where the accelerator exit is uh oh rob needs to fire his accelerator very soon and i don't think he has an exit portal because king's portals are just going to come back online um okay he's loading up another round is it time to fire bob do it before it's too late there you go you have an opportunity hierarchy enemies portals appear to be made out of pure solar eye deactivate them to empower the sphere of a doom i mean revive report yes that's kind of what we have to do here bob you had an opportunity a moment alas is passed now must be redone that's one way to to do anti-air he's just gonna have a perpetually charging just an endlessly charging accelerator and he's got some metal in front of it looks like he's gonna need to hit it with more than just a sword a single swarm it's got to be a couple swarms or a cannon first [Music] hmm did he portal to the inside his base again he did well okay that's fine too poor bob his accelerator is in a constant state of charging it's actually blowing itself up as it's it's not quite aligned properly so it's uh hmm okay see i wonder who's okay you gotta stop emptying yourself i just want to see the accelerator hit things i see a bob's plan here is good luck bob all right now for the swarms accelerator should be at sufficient speed not enough gotta hit it again oh it's aimed low so it goes it just made anyways okay everything is on fire damage on king there that mess of supports on the bottom base is giving me a headache yeah no i have no idea how this came to be i couldn't even tell you it's not an an understandable design it's just kind of there oh dude it's ultra wood spam it is it is certainly something that is that is a good way to put it all right so king is actually having a pretty rough time here he's acting as if he's having uh resource income issues which is kind of surprising considering he owns two bases right now and these bases are quite quite uh quite big with lots of income options is it power production he's suffering it's got to be power right oh into the portal and destruction it goes i think this portal's offline justin you might have to be the one to do it yourself everyone's trying and everyone's kind of not really working it's not really working out very well for anyone top rear honestly should probably for the sake of team one you should be left alive uh because if top rear goes away so two goes away our best chance of survival if king gets access to top rear he's gonna solve all of his power problems or all of his resource problems and then we're gonna be in a bad way bottoms concentrate nader definitely back online like bottom rear is a threat king is a threat it's tough oh ho-ho it's landed and the accelerator is online but uh unfortunately it's aimed a bit low and into the existing accelerator uh system down there now that did a lot of damage ooh more chip damage on the core just that did a lot of damage uh that is going to be costly repair bill 4k that was a huge hit passing all the way through his king's base and taking out just shy of every mine in their top rear player's base so he's got nothing he's full reset king is now just trying to rebuild and oh that was a beautiful hit oh that's good oh that's good i thought we can get a concentrate later into the uh bottom section of the king's base that'll be basically it for that segment complete shutdown of all of their aggression king hasn't been able to fire his concentrator in quite some time it won't be long i don't think king has the ability to defend against another onslaught of rockets across the forward section of his base just a combo of swarms and nukes should see the forward segment of his base completely torn us under where his portals are and that that's probably gonna be it for like he should be able to rebuild but well the return descenders are still active well that's unfortunate again the return descenders are still active yeah he's not able to defend that he's trying to rebuild it doesn't seem to be working out particularly well for him turn to center's active on both teams all right bob switching targets let's see if that works out i see why because that's a lot of flack and oh is that it oh that's it bottom rear has been eliminated and the question is who claims it is going to be king or their top rear player top rears probably should be the one to claim it but he's definitely the lesser experienced player and likely doesn't have the apm to properly manage it it looks like king benjamin will be the one to claim it which will give him lots more production which will likely solve his production problems and therefore enable him to um deal a lot of damage or at least actually defend himself finally the concentrator from our from team one's bottom slicing through t king banjo's rear segment blowing up absolutely everything with nothing to support him on the bottom now there's he's just getting hammered on top he's lost connection to bottom rear's main bit bottom rear base and with it any any extra resources he could possibly have gained the resources he desperately needs to stay in this game because at this moment he's going to get hammered by three teams with her heavy weapons this is uh not going to end well for him it does not matter how good you are at the game there's only so many resources available to you and three players worth of heavy weapons is uh a bit much there goes the last of king's return descenders meaning he is open to all the cannons and also the concentrator which appears to be lining up with the shots that are the cannons going through there's the concentrate neter digging in deep there's the last shot of it the particle accelerator charging up again and penetrating over penetrating the base started to hit the rear the top rear player again looks like top rear is finally getting adventurous and starting to claim his lower companions destroyed base hopefully giving him the resources to participate it looks like king is just trying to fortify what he can it's uh it's a real tough spot to be he's lost enough defenses that now now his internal return descenders are getting hammered oh a particle accelerator hit straight through taking out top rear king is now alone in this world i don't think he has the ability to to claim any of the remaining bases he's starting to lose minds he's getting an anti-air wall just as much as he can but it's looking very rough for him here comes another smothering of missiles and everything lands king's base is it's falling apart of the seams it's definitely falling apart of the seams oh dear the only thing keeping this this is dangling protection in place oh concentrate nader hit finds a hole in our in team one space getting all the way through and destroying one of his internal cannons but those cannons are well protected away from anything vulnerable and that is the end that was an epic match so many explosions and now we're on to canon flinging simulator [Laughter] this makes me happy we have a few open spaces as they are being filled [Music] it's activated portals those weren't deactivated portals those were deactivated energy shields very different very different uh effects wait winter is playing really dangerous what is this what is this nonsense [Music] all right all right let's go ready where you are they were portals by your core uh well we by your core yes not the protrusion you had moving down uh i didn't set it to co-op so that's an issue already where you guys are got it okay and away we go i don't know what i expected yep target priority sorry i realized that i did not select a commander which is going to become a problem okay uh pinch fist very good commander here phantom better commander here we don't need batteries right now it's one thing we don't need sitting at 20 000 power generation okay i forgot that's a button i can click on that i was like oh my god what is this screen try the accelerator could be funny oh my new accelerator they're not really a worthwhile investment they don't they don't accelerate because that's that's not how the mechanic works okay bob you are in charge of handling your request uh please handle it because i do not expect anyone else will at least not on this team [Music] don't delete those you don't get that just leave them just leave them what's their bills the damage is done don't unbuild something like that it's it's okay all right uh let's do this let's start moving this away we're really suffering on the energy department aren't we yes we are all right good job team i'm going to start removing elements of this there's plenty of goodies for you now we could use some batteries convenience all right so if i want to connect here disconnect all of this set all of it cute okay right plenty of room now for activities oh that was a beautiful throw are you kidding me um i did not see that one coming if i had swung the base this core it would absolutely have destroyed it i'm gonna do this anyways but that was a beautiful throw well okay bob i see how it is i seem to be missing something important that's pretty much game over by the way this is uh trending a direction i suspect will not be returning from they now have up around 10-ish nukes we have lost yes yes we have we have absolutely lost where is the fire it's up here uh bob you may want to try doing a long connection all right well i connected to the wrong thing it's a failure to catch okay they own the top and the bottom and i genuinely think there's playing backwards the one thing we could have done why is it auto building to the side oh moving across hello bob you look like you're having a moment of happiness that's fine as long as it doesn't really go sideways hmm wow good job we're actually doing some damage which is nice and very very unexpected can i fit you here how about you here nice penetration um oh beautiful i don't mind if i do this real quick okay that was ready to fire they are you at crunch oh uh reaction time boys all right nothing of significance was oh yeah that was very significant actually i was wrong okay grab one of these first yikes there's no defending against that other than don't let it happen to begin with foreign damage has been built [Music] we should shut that particular shenanigan down with this okay nice somehow not dead like i keep waiting to catch for something that's going deeper but it's just going straight down and that's not not hoping it's not doing that much damage but it's also damaged see this one is important to catch okay uh excuse me of all the things i've not actually seen that before that's kind of impressive thank you they're just dropping straight down which is not something with a realistic solution hammer it thanks let's not have our base collapse off the back of this all right ally with the swinging capacity do it good job uh ah i think it's real deep in there it's actually a lot of those shots aren't doing nearly as much damage as i would have expected okay is it our turn now uh can i okay cute okay no more of this nonsense please now can i do this without breaking the bank that's just solid maybe look to be hammering them quite well here they're gonna send another another items is this really what's happening well you win this time there's actually two players in their team doing that i'm not sure which two of us another case the background of howitzer seems to be working out pretty well for us nope got shot i wasn't low enough to grab that one can i get more is the question yes is the answer have we not blown up his core yet all right lord they're hanging out for dear life with that one okay excuse me uh um time to swing that one friend good job good toss that uh did not work how i expected it not sure what would have been worse if that landed on our missiles as it was going to or were they're now trying to break us from multiple i don't see angles more cannons being constructed this is a lot of firepower i think it's starting to work out well for us we have how we're just coming into the top section now it's worth noting that's doesn't have anything in it we're cutting deep we're actually starting to float away some 20 years we can hit that segment we'll be getting a lot of damage done here all right just detonate it oh don't drop it on our weapons okay come on cut deeper their team is doing a great job of catching that segment all right so now they are exposed fire ready a little bit difficult to get over there from this particular yeah i see it i see it i see it alright fire we lost our sniper somewhere in that all right well don't fire don't fire don't fire that's a clever strategy i didn't think about that one uh i don't foresee it solving their problems but it is definitely oh they have new toys here boys this is going to be even more difficult for them to come back from than what we had like this is we're actually hitting ourselves here with this which is kind of impressive okay come on that was ours and the rear ones down you set those portals up just go let's use it up see was enough well fine gg 20 minutes of cannon flinging disaster oh my lord that was something was an intense match it was a very intense match can we do this but swinging only well ladies and gentlemen if you hit that like button and you hit that subscribe button and the little bell next to it because youtube likes to give you lots of things to interact with and none of them mean anything then we'll find out what it's like to play this map with nothing but swinging at each other in the next episode but for now ladies and gentlemen it has been a great live stream with chaos and destruction everywhere and i wanted to see are we going to yeah we'll we'll toss over some some love over the winter here he's playing he's playing some elite dangerous if you guys want to come join in we're going to have some good fun i don't know what he's doing really probably probably non-stop-able things because he tends to uh tends to have a little bit of trouble with that all right so we need to do this where is let's go ahead and have a little bit of fun with this are we really is he really having internet connectivity issues right as i as i start this okay well maybe not winter because comcast apparently hates him more than i hate me which is impressive at least um let's see where can we where can we send you guys off to i know a particularly cute sounding australian streamer that i've spent some time watching uh there's always that fun we can send you off into automated the computer programming based streamer that that we had some fun with before he does mostly coding things he's making an iphone os over for over for uh minecraft which is quite exciting to be honest and let's see is winter still having trouble he's still having trouble so that's oh yeah now he's completely offline so he's probably resetting his stream uh let us see everyone's doing all kinds of other things you know what are you doing speed running you're not doing speed running you're doing all right awesome so we could let's have a little bit of fun with ammunition this is someone i haven't rated before i haven't really interacted with much before but i think it'd be a good i think it'd be a good spot of fun playing feed the beast which is something that i've been interested in and you guys know for quite some time [Music] so i'm i'm always tempted to uh i'm always tempted to play feed the beast might have to do that one of these streams if we have a group to play with cute aussie well uh the australian streamer is playing on the same server as ammunition here so i should send you guys off i have a good time and i hope you guys will see you in the next video maybe get some among us in there i'm gonna have to do an actual event for among us because well among us is something that needs a little bit more a little bit more than just a happen to turn on to play it is what it is i want to see you guys in chat once once we get this party started we've got a 110 ready to go nice little humongous needs preparation yes yes it does do i mean ash on lol yes yes i do but ammunition is here so let's go and in three two one jumping oh my ladies and gentlemen let's have a can't talk in animation shot is it followers only i just gave her some okay to play with welcome to the train um twilight four stuff that's gonna be fun it's always fun 10 minutes after follow uh that makes sense well it seems that at least some of you guys have been in here before oh we can't break that one oh yeah remember how these walls are just like paper so i'm going to be hanging out an ammunition chat for a while because i'm in a minecraft mode looks like she's going with building at the moment just a big cave base you know that's very feed the beastie thing that shoots like a million very feed the beastie coming out of that just inside a cave that's been decorated looks like with cobblestone awesome i mean i'd like to do the same kind of thing but with you know i don't know what's it called like different stone colors usually like blacks or browns or something nice well it has been a good one guys i will be hanging out in ammunitionship for a bit and i will see you guys later
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 64,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -22xaEC0hUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 32sec (13472 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2020
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