Making a Regular Fort! - Forts RTS - Livestream

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hello hello hello everyone and welcome to another live stream thank you one and all thank you for stopping by so early as we are just getting started here make sure to hit that like button make sure to hit that follow button and if you're on youtube the little bell next to the subscribe icon because we are getting started right now i'm gonna go ahead and open up the lobby for all those who are in here and waiting and let us switch on over to the ford's cam to get this party started hello there oh we have name changes neat i wonder what you all are doing hello there craig welcome to the chat hello there one and all canon rush time oh i'm entirely convinced there will be canon rushes because it's forts and that's how forts works [Laughter] can you play with me absolutely these are public lobbies you need only come and press the join button said to see it's not as dark at you you want to try summer at a real dm game ah oh is it did you see on uh what was it monday night was doing these super pylon dms oh hello there mechanics make music better they fix what's broke thank you for the content let's have a good stream travis cecil coming in with the force support dropped this live stream kicking it off with a pun which is an excellent way to go about things actually kind of surprised text-to-speech handled that one so nicely if only it falls instant pro supply welcome to every time the game will do it looks interesting via missile war yeah uh i don't know how i feel about it definitely to look it out definitely gonna look it up see and check it out uh see how that uh see how it plays but hey you know i i we'll see we'll see how it works out hope your entity is more agreeable to play yes i did have comcast come out and they fixed a bunch of things they found the technician finally came out and [Music] did the main hub upgrade they were intending to do it did seem to boost my internet speeds reliability it is back to where it was before all this instability happened so that's at least usable i can go back to doing to doing normal stream stuff it's not better than it was you know before it started having notable stability issues but it is at least at a level that i can stream now which is nice [Music] [Music] shouldn't be any more comcast problems good news i mean there's constantly comcast problems it's just i can manage the ones that i was dealing with before like a measure of insta so for reference i'm supposed to get 20 meg upload uh i don't on average i get closer to three and a half to four i can work with that uh so i've messed that up a little bit rough but hopefully this won't cause it to explode did not explode uh but i could work with that uh what i can't work with is it dropping below that number and recently it has been dropping below that number which is kind of which is which is the whole reason why you were having stream issues for solo for so long uh it is no longer dropping below that number it's now closer to four and a half which is good but it is not it is not ideal if that makes sense um let's do this let's get this back going for one of those this is fine and perfect not a rush but sufficient nonetheless i think it's not a regular fort this is absolutely irregular for there's nothing irregular about this fort everything is on fire oh you're doing one of them trust someone who plays a string instrument to settle disputes violins is never the answer [Laughter] oh no why does tts do that so well why am i complaining it's beautiful all right let's get this guy here and then [Music] okay and then let's get these guys all fixed up because we have 10 seconds hey got the timing about perfect on that call yep he went mega greedy and uh did not pay off for him too much all right um shots came from where up there let's hammer it are the little doors really worth to are the little doors really worth the time to lay them out uh if i have the time to lay them out lay them down and build them absolutely you know if i have time not guaranteed i have the time and i guess that absolutely only applies in certain situations it's not every situation that it's worth doing that i'd say if there's a situation where i need good angles very consistently then no but most situations all right i keep aiming the cannon more down and rng keeps dictating that it goes more up which this is the world in which we live why no more standard for its videos uh because i don't have any more ideas on how to and what content content to make for the standard video format that's why lucky to catch a stream hello there cloud screws coming in with the support thank you thank you that and i'm spending a lot of time these days working on new video content which i think is exciting all right so you need to go here and you here i think i'm far enough away that the rng of those cannons is hitting me real hard kind of makes me sad it's like i'm hitting them but i'm not doing the damage i need to do to really make the difference oof teammate no all right um that means i'm gonna start getting hit pretty hard here um [Music] hello nuclear launch coming in from oh oh hello let's get some cannon fire returned i need a third does he nail the shot yep they nail the shot that's it cannot take that many cannons in the face but i've been trying to do that the whole time i have been trying to do that the whole time and every time i fired the cannons refilling the same position i've managed to splash anywhere from on here to up here it's like but they fire four cannons in a row and all four of them go in the same spot sadness warning nuclear launch detected another nuclear launch [Music] oh jeez you could do another standard video about some mud in your last 100 or so videos about half of them are mod related so you aren't limited to vanilla forts for content indeed so when's the next tournament you're in casting uh next tournament uh we actually have a couple of them coming up uh you should see announcements of those coming out very soon uh several of them actually yeah there will be steam announcements are those and i forget i believe there's one at the beginning of august another mid-august so those are those are coming soon i'd answer your question uh there's not a whole lot of mods that are interesting right now i have been watching and there are a couple of mods that i haven't done showcases of but outside of those there aren't there's a whole lot of new mod content like i've covered the big mods that people play like if you go online to uh just looking at the mods that are currently being played uh there's there's no new ones that i haven't already made video on like i could do a a another video on tanya's mod because it has had updates since i blast on it but i just find it so dissatisfying to play that mod in particular that's another one down let's see i could do more on mods that i've already done like the um like the flying forts mods those are those are interesting not done a video on the uh fort ships i believe that's true i've not done a video on ford ships only streams i believe if i recall correctly i attempted to do a video on uh on ford ships and it did not work because i spent several hours recording what amounted to a few seconds worth of actual usable footage uh that's that's how i recall that going down and so i did a stream on it instead [Music] gg all right uh so what's going to be another good one here doing the vipers tubing vipers [Music] you're overwhelmed by moz in general yeah chinese mod isn't as good as it once was it's difference tony's mod rebalances and re-chain and changes based fundamental gameplay and great and grand ways so it's uh hit or miss as to whether or not people like it most players who are experienced at the forts don't like it because it just changes too much it's like i want to play for it so i don't want to play a custom game i don't want to play at the fort's themes i don't want to play a fort's themed game that just isn't as balanced as what it rebounds the teams when it comes to the live streams we've got to remember that we're not doing this like competitively as a as much as it is nice to have balanced teams it's usually a lot of work to achieve something that's not really possible don't like the commander overhauls yeah large costco hot dog oh geez costco food is actually surprisingly tasty not that i'm into hot dogs and pizza but uh currently i don't know what either of those are but the other one overdrive one was just because the mod maker didn't like overdrive not because it didn't darf yep i need to implement an elo system a matchmaker for all livestream games i mean forge does have an elo and matchmaker system and it works pretty well uh i don't use it for live streams because we're not getting competitive super competitive with this which is here to have some fun that and there isn't a great many players that play it if i attempt to go and use the elo system uh i i find that it's mostly unused at least mostly inactive i say that knowing full well the moment i hop on it i will have plenty of i will have people to match against that's not the point if it only works reliably when when i'm currently live streaming then it doesn't work welcome bastie yes this is this is very early on the stream welcome to the party you started a little bit late as i was rigorously testing all of my stream stuff but we are here now and ready to go [Music] vanilla right now yes vanilla right now let me try really bad maps does stream sniping happen in in these stream games oh i'm i'm sure when it comes to good players most of the time i if they don't like actively search my for weaknesses kind of stuff most of the time it's not worth it like pulling up the live stream and spending the time to look at a different monitor is just not as effective as doing regular in-game scouting but when i say stream sniping i mean more like cue sniping where they're just gonna be oh and curses is live when he's playing ranked let's all jump in here at the same time as he presses the ranked button that's that's what i that's what i meant which is not stream sniping it's just cue sniping and is fine but if i'm relying on that to use the elo system then other problems the game has other problems kicking it off early yeah one down at least one weapon down ah haha and i don't have a follow-up for that unfortunately he did take out my technology which is going to make my life difficult how that hit before and it hit now i might never understand all right and i'm down did not expect did not expect that to go all the way through but it is what it is based wiggling up and down yet so it would seem two so he does have access to those lasers up top to be honest i knew my base was vulnerable there i am i was counting on him having to deal with too much bass wobble from the egregious damage he did to him and that uh wouldn't be able to to um wouldn't be able to actually destroy or damage my base unfortunately he matched he meant yeah next made the shot [Music] since the force mods are kind of stagnating do i have any ideas for new mods i do not do not have ideas for uh 30 mods where's the last still mango minecraft news video actually i've been uh doing some minecraft i got a video all recorded and partially edited i gotta finish adding it editing it up that was a beautiful shot with the laser uh forts uh sorry uh faraz released the uh his his perspective of the minecraft video if you guys want to check that out you can see the uh a sneak peek as to what i'm working on what about new materials for fords example glass and such those things already exist most of the time most of the time that's just not interesting to use concrete stone upgrade that needs metal yep that that too also exists how's my interest today it is oh hello i hope this is a good distraction a very good distraction oh secondary explosions uh looks like team one is winning this one quite handily there are already so many mods that use so many different things hard to come up with something new indeed one of the things that portsmouth struggle with it's not only coming for something new but also coming up with something that's uh something that's actually useful in game like new materials are all fine and dandy like you have the uh the well-defended mod for example which adds it's something like 80 new materials like that's fine but given the option of having 18 new materials no one uses them they're just not worth using they're either too expensive or just don't they're not fit for purpose most of the time [Music] nope that's uh we're about to lose one they're trying to protect him they're trying to keep him alive but he needs to rebuild a little bit faster he may actually keep him alive you prefer not so well defended for that reason indeed you don't talk about your 13 attack a building mod oh no has radar been done i'm not aware of any kind of radar mod nor would i know what that would look like or how it would function do i have any frame jobs do i stream today yes yes my internet has returned to being unstable but unstable and fast which is which is good there are a lot more flavors of ice cream than there are good flavors of ice cream i like that metaphor that analogy not metaphor well rip teammate to be honest it probably just made team one more powerful what would radar even do detects war missiles i know right how about indefinite upgrades mod that one's actually pretty fun that one's still that one's still pretty popular it is it is well enjoyed it does get a bit repetitive but it is uh it is a good mod [Music] and we had a musket machine gun upgrade i believe i mean there are muskets being modded i don't i don't know if there's like a machine gun style version i mean other than just building a bunch of them radar shooter projectile where you can see past a set amount of defenses that you wouldn't choose an outline of what's behind it uh so commit the spook commander basically already does that that's the base game um not saying it wouldn't be usable as a [Music] as a weapon you can build it's just already that mechanic is just basically already available in game in the base game the other team seems to be struggling against uh struggling gets those lasers the cannons i think are finally gonna punch through because that's gonna be what four cannons now that'll be firing he's struggling very hard against that laser do and that's some good damage yikes uh fire friend fire got it selectable ammo types mod uh yes that exists i believe we've actually uh done a mod showcase mod spotlight on that they're very angry with that laser another issue with making mods is they get balanced some people use actually use it normally yeah so it turns out balance balance uh balance is a very difficult thing to work around in forts because as it turns out the base vanilla forts is extremely powerful and just playing with vanilla cannons and little lasers can and will end the game in 4 minutes and 45 seconds or at the 5 minute mark so in order to have a mod you have to in order to have a mod that is usable you have to have a what is it called you have to have them your weapons your tools have to be able to end the game at about the five minute mark or they have to um have a way of surviving your default cannon rush or fire beam plaza beam in a meaningful way and retaliating at let's say five minutes that's a real issue for fort for moz that's why all those mods with all these big heavy weapons like oh let me check out this bfg they're not usable in any in any real game in any normal game of forts anything that hits the later than five minutes just not usable [Music] or you remove cannon's lasers and just redo the entire thing from the ground up yeah then you have tanya's mod how about adding curves building this isn't minecraft i don't know actually if that's even doable top faces tail destroy it hello there coming into the super chat oh i'm sure that's going to happen actually is it going to happen it might happen [Music] i thought about playing some of the vanilla mods like fast builds bonus gathering rates etc uh those are usually not interesting to play in a real game something like fast build for example is limited mostly by money so you don't get is mostly limited by money and additionally additionally it allows a wood spam cheese to go way and above infinite money is something that has actually played decently often on in the random lobbies now the problem with that is if you have any player that's actually capable of playing the game then it's not interesting at all like at all yeah here come the cannons this is what kind of specializes in repeated pounding there it is there's a new feature on youtube called super thing and i don't even know what it does it's basically a super chat but for comments on regular regular videos did you just say blow up another weapon yes yes you could it's just metal spam and cannon nuke spam yep yeah that sounds about right and then you have the the no rush rules where it's like hey let's go so many minutes without rushing it's like okay well six minutes happens your no rush finishes and um suddenly suddenly you have the entire game ending in 10 seconds after uh 10 seconds after the rush timer expires infinite money plus a nine minute truce we can't see the other team is interesting it really isn't it is one of the least interesting matches possible [Music] because what happens is everyone gets a metric ton of cannons and then despite having infinite money everyone has this massive fort and they just pen at exactly the true expiration timer uh you just straight pen to the core that's it like that's that's how that goes it is the least interesting match possible and people realize that fairly often like okay this is gonna be cool let me just go do this and they make a lobby of it and then they never make a lobby of that again ever what about the capture modes these can be fun uh they can be uh they are super scrappy little matches um that's about all there is to say about that really as a game mode they are the capture maps are very snowball heavy so they're not played all that much because if it comes down to whoever manages to get the buzzsaw out fastest usually and or should i say whoever managed to get ahead but they can absolutely be fun all right ready for some shenanigans here we go all right all right you guys defended this shut that down really okay i did not expect that i am affection effective i am officially locked down hmm uh this is going to be very difficult to come back from because i'm going to have to deal with a great many issues here oh come on there's not enough time to open the door please tell me it didn't just paint down there oh my god i painted down there i've never seen that before uh did i lose everything i did lose everything all right all right he's fire he's fired he's fired yes i thought you guys might like that that's not true i didn't think anything of it at all which is kind of there okay do it one at a time all right damage has been dealt you shut down my everything okay that's fine i needed that all right don't know what i expected i also needed that ah almost got it okay now is the time where's the time all right i do not have the ability to handle that guys i need to not be getting hit with nukes right now at least it's not there is no at least there did nothing just gone super defensive i can see that i i know i know yep hmm no with one shot i make so there we go got ahead well how tiny is that door i desire to know there we go missile please go where i tell you to go i require your assistance to go where i tell you to go it's mandatory all right i was beautiful fire beam that uh i did good things beautiful fire all right okay um nice getting some good hits getting some very good hits okay all right we're stabilizing my rear base has damage i did not even realize this okay well we found the change of tactic it's uh that tactic i need to redo this this is why i do this i'm aware there's so much i can do about that right now i missed shot don't get punished for it okay remember this like this okay that's way back there like i'm not gonna hit that in the near future okay um what can i do here now to solve this problem i don't have line of sight we got nukes online not news there we go one down [Music] okay where did that sniper run come from probably right here yeah nope over here nope i saw a new crew thrill it did it very much so did all right where's anti-air coming from hmm [Music] going to clean that out just so he has nothing he does indeed has nothing there and now uh i think top base is the biggest threat right now so i should send a nuke up there but i also kind of want to stop bottom base from doing things is it worth getting some buzzers because like snipers are good let me do this he had nothing in there he just wanted to bait me into into uh just wanted to bait me into firing and see if i was watching excuse me all right all right he is however getting more missile launchers here and that needs to stop there we go damage has been dealt now i can go back to sniping this guy unless he sold it he did not it's actually just a little bit of rough angle to hit but we got it i think a person is up at its brain uh no i just whenever it's missile ai is a little bit weird and rng heavy so no matter where i fire there's a good chance of it just slamming into that particular piece of terrain not much i can do about that hey they're penetrating after all this time all right let me go ahead and do this they got him nice and now my turn [Laughter] whew you have to read 240 legal documents yikes so that's uh that was a match that happened did not did not expect new lobby i want [Music] battleships into the face grid ending yes yes so intense can't play that type of game yeah that got scrappy that got real scrappy all right [Music] let's go battleships is auto co-op if you don't see it throughout battleship is going to be upset i i'm sure there's going to be i'm sure there's going to be make a kickflip mod before it's oh no how about helicopters they float up and down for a few seconds shooting guns missiles uh helicopter mods do exist we actually have a video on them like a full-on mod spotlight i believe they're in tanya's we can turn this into a well you could delete that too that works i guess but you can also turn this into a free tier 3 which i think is the better solution now that portals exist but selling it off is acceptable [Music] yeah i don't need to do anything right now these are from samsung's mod okay they're from birdies right you love the helicopter the helicopters were pretty they were pretty good i will say that they were pretty fun some turn up the music because the core is gonna be so winging yes yes it will be looks like someone else is handling that nope catch i don't need to do anything this is one of those this is one of those games where unless we're like actively missing [Music] something we have enough people like we're hitting all the major points and we don't need to hit more points is the thing so the only thing i can do the only thing more apm can do is make things these mess things up just everything that needs to be done is being done i'm gonna do the work for you i mean the reality is all right uh the reality is as much as there's a lot to do in battleships yeah that rng is that was brutal the reality is as much as there's a lot to do in battleships um there isn't so much to do that you need a lot of people to do it [Music] so having more people perform the simple task of redoing the base is just asking for trouble it's not asking it's not it's not helpful it is harmful at best at best so what happened uh they turned their forward cannon into a tier three fired it up and over and it penned the top of our core and destroyed our core that happens sometimes the chances of that is unrealistically is unrealistically high but are the chances of that is hap happening is unrealistically low but it does happen sometimes at this point we need weapons down let's get some more money out of this little bits where did oh okay i see we are placing weapons just not just not where it's expected them to be uh that was a lot of a lot of upgrades by the way so we're probably going to need a couple of these guys up and about they seem to have several tier threes [Music] no just the one okay don't forget stability tech in the back yeah you need to do that actually looks like somebody's already working on that and i don't need to get involved because having two people work on that is bad i can cross brace this section all right we need to save for things first he's working on that don't need to interrupt they're redoing some of their base is it time for destruction it is time for destruction okay to get some protection here all right let's do this alpha strike unleashed and we actually hit one of their missile launchers there yes i probably should have mentioned that before i knew it was news oh they're launching all right that could have been a lot worse alright we hit their energy production all right uh yikes they do have energy shields now so we can't go head on anymore looks like we're just gonna take a beating here yeah yeah okay [Music] he's doing tier three stuff i don't need to deal with that and shut down uh they have gone full missile they are the seat commander for full missile shenanigans uh what else do we need here probably some more of these you missed the shot so i'm just gonna fire this way up above got him gg technically not over but effectively over they actually left that side undefended okay uh why are we deleting these mines that's gonna be a huge area to clear out if we're gonna be doing that yeah it's gonna be very difficult for them to come back from this rng guides are in the house tonight yes i would say i was aiming for that but i had no idea are they just suiciding i think they're suiciding yeah it looks looks like they're just gonna end it because while we are harmed yet they just they let it go that's uh that's fair you guys want to see that all right all right so i had i was aiming for that spot but i had no expectation that it was going to get through i i thought they had something here for me to hit so i was aiming for that um they had nothing there so yeah that's how that went and clean through it goes i see they built batteries up and around the core they built batteries above i didn't notice this look a batteries above where they can be hit and that's what happened those batteries got hit so yep that's why you don't build batteries up here notice how we've never done that like it's you protect that because it's it's these batteries that are vulnerable anything above this level is vulnerable to get hit so you don't you don't build those up there that just chain reacted everything that's a hard yikes there's a good shot but also could have a mistake for them yeah like i that shot would never have been possible if they didn't make that mistake i would do another one of these give them an opportunity to fight back with the come back from negative power jan oh yeah especially on a map that's important this big ready it was golden absolutely [Music] on the opportunity to fight back so we take a bathroom break yes i have known for these ministry updates i want to do some ministry i actually so i was playing dream engines the other day and i'm going to be doing a video on that but that honestly it just made me want to play ministry more i already want to play ministry i'm trying to uh convince a couple of my my friends from the non-virtual world to play ministry so i can justify playing it more i think they got hooked on satisfactory instead which that's fair so for the record uh you can put the portal there so that this doesn't happen yeah thank you there you go this is where you put the portal so it doesn't get it it has at least doors on it so otherwise you just have a portal to the inside of your base dream engines it is pretty neat i i like it uh it seems to have a bit of conflict of design well he just fired that backwards at us um yikes wow a perfect straight up i did not expect whoever is firing that cannon needs to not please okay we have everything already ready to go like which one did i hit didn't hit this one oh i hit this one i hit their technology all right let's dial this back a bit let's see more toward here it destroyed the core would have been hilarious it i mean maybe a little bit oh missed it by that much all right i'm gonna let the team handle weapons right now because uh we have the money for it and we need some weapon okay it wasn't notification discord you are correct there wasn't a notification on discord and let's go solve that right now well that uh we just lost something important tier 3s are a good unit that's fair we don't need this anymore then um are we vulnerable to anything in particular i could make some more tier threes they are zeroing in on our core good thing we sold that cannon by the way we need the laser because that needs to be placed we have all the technology okay good shot uh he is building that uh should i do the some extra bracing here because i can't uh we don't have the money for this right now this is fine tech is vulnerable to tier threes yes yes it is assorted damage has been dealt it's ready to go whenever i don't know what's happening here i don't know what you expected there we go there we go it would seem that we have relatively inexperienced player on the team which causes the results that you would expect to cause oh oh the unfortunate series of events all right let's do this this this this like so all right uh what else do we need here uh this is not a great place for these because this is where things collapse on problem is it's going to cost a lot of money in order to uh redo this area to have a tier 3 cable of course here starting to look out for this but i'm going to redo this just a little bit more this does need to be defended nice and tight because there are tier threes that are going to be landing in this area okay hmm okay good splash have these ready okay what happened i pinned the tiny door have any more cannons of fire we do have one to fire it's here to fire all right we did some damage uh oh oh it made it oh no that's bad that was so good it cost a tc it did it uh it actually did uh what did we lose here we lost uh that must have got yeah that definitely got tier three didn't someone say something about a uh an anti-air 20 mil i think we found it we shot down our own nuke i'm not surprised by this what has happened here hello truth be from above just need to kind of block that off real quick reasons fire uh yeah that's fine actually becoming an expensive repair bill keep that okay um what do they're on target how how please finish it we have a second sniper up here let's get a third shall we do this technology in that no um okay that sounded bad uh just some mines uh let's do this no no no no no no no no we have alternatives we don't have alternative sniper if we want to ever have things here again this needs to be fixed like i understand you can work with a little bit of deformation you can't work with that much deformation okay there we go only lose one turbine this is fine oh they're gonna make it didn't expect that nice and we didn't take out the cannon though oh did take out that guy that's one core down they just went for the straight shot yeah all right well he's gonna have to deal with that okay uh let's do with i will save these i don't need to upgrade that yet money is a thing incoming tier 3s can't replace that or that and we're ready oh nice no there's how how was that all background bracing why was that all background racing why would the other team do this huh they're slinging off their stuff okay okay that makes sense uh we could use some tier threes of our own that would destroy them uh the sniper doesn't have line of sight that's a full stop just casually snipe that out of the air okay so really gonna do two threes of our own you can sit here and do this get rid of this guy do this it lands it lands actually didn't do all that much okay nice good work with that uh this is a problem it's our weight like we're good please no please no please no yes thank you for selling that and recognizing it as a problem got a hit there we go that's a critical hit uh that was not good what happened to our anti-air i think we've just been losing it all to the tier threes and we didn't rebuild it because things are missing things are missing real hard good choice of music i'm glad you enjoy cause i do too yeah we can see the the holes in our fort where the tier threes have collided with their stuff uh and coming over notes all right that's gonna stop those from firing or not all right yep this happens uh what to do all right so you know it'll be good for this let's do one of one of these just right here uh let's not have it be that we go when i do this and then this right here what did we lose metal storage this is fine foreign fire on those tier threes hmm that's when we're declaring nuke what happened to her aye uh it got tier three i was rebuilding it i don't know yeah we just don't have enough you don't have enough front loaded a's what happened here uh unfortunately this means this is now our only our only weapon because we're scatter shot it is extraordinarily inaccurate but that's fine uh we have a very large target to hit very large target to hit they're aiming way up okay hey i just landed nice okay someone converted your aaa to shotguns it didn't fire them oh no i did not know that i did not realize all right we rebuild uh where else can we fit you nice i'm sorry what okay that okay well now that's gonna happen hello i love this gameplay you got me interested in force i am glad you enjoy ports really is a very very nice game anything huh all right looks like they got it covered up yeah they do i got a tier 3 hit here nothing too dangerous all right let's reactivate these guys hotkey them complain of fire it seems are these orange orange orange scatter shot is such a he had so much variance to all of our tier threes it's kind of ridiculous we sold these but why to replace it with these i assume looks like we got a good hit okay welcome welcome how beautifully lined up those are with the scatter shot additional accuracy so we'll i need to see exactly where these two land when they are perfectly accurate due to scattershot active uh in this spot we need them to land is the answer to that question everything is gone yes it is oh that felt good that that felt very good this is why i like to handle the tier threes we even finished them up with mini guns like okay i knew they were gonna land around here around midsection but didn't expect that much damage out of it that's just ridiculous we fire these two up scatter shot is active so they will stay perfectly together the whole time which is beautiful and now i was sitting here just trying to figure out just to zero it in to see where exactly they were gonna land and they landed in the perfect spot collapsing the front of their fort and taking everything else with them good lord it's beautiful this game is so good this game is so good that's just how do you beat that so now the question is chat do we make a new lobby or do we do this again we play again you see that's what clips are for actually you guys on youtube should be able to make clips of that now if you check out below the video there should be a clips button that you guys can uh that you guys can click on because doing clips of because copying twitch is what youtube does best these days so if you guys want to see that again make sure to hit that clip button and show it off uh so i think uh let's see who did we lose mateo left jimmy 50 play again no it's all gone new lobby no okay so i think i think new lobby new lobby is the way to go here and then we'll we'll we'll circle back to uh we'll circle back to it you guys ready let's go we play that one shot attack down in tier three it was just a pixel perfect shot but i fully was aware that it was possible to do that i was just more astounded that uh astounded that it actually happened than anything else hello and welcome oh yes let us go oh you guys know what game i'm really excited about so i don't normally do mmos that much especially not mmorpgs but i'm actually excited for new world fairly fair teams yeah probably actually where clips posted after you make them uh wherever you want to post them when you make them you're the one who gets the link got actually somebody so they're not covering that little spot yeah it's just the chances of it hitting it like that's that's a few pixels of difference i just kind of accepted the risk you'd be like ah you know they probably won't make that they did you just had pasta with cheese yes i had pasta with cheese the other day it was delicious i've actually been having a lot of pasta recently tp repeated the 50 minute match i hope not all right i win supposedly new world is making some 30 90s eat themselves i'm guessing that's on people who don't set their uh who don't limit their frames because generally that happens with some game generally that happens with new games where players will uh not put a limiter on their graphics card and then they're surprised when games that don't have predefined limiters run wild oh you need your 450 frames oh no whatever shall you do with your 350 frames 450 frames i've seen games hit upwards of 900 fps it's just like why like right now i'm rocking at 300 plus fps which i should probably limit that to be honest like there's no reason for that but like also why though don't hmm do i read fiction somebody's distracted from that you have a reader of textbooks i do like reading um i haven't let's see what was the last it has been a little while since i've read a book uh i tend to so usually yes i'm a huge sci-fi fantasy fan uh however recently i've been a bit more into uh non-fiction which i mean i'm okay with but it's different i'm contemplating selling this i need to if i want to keep up with the pace i also need to get this all right well i guess this is what's happening now 240 pages of boring equals overview actually uh yes kind of that's mostly what i've been reading i've been delving into like copyright law stuff and all kinds of similar similarities all right well if that's what's happening i need to place this and then prepare i need to place this first i've been reading up a lot of copyright law stuff and legal legal things because in part it's related to the channel in part it's actually kind of funny to watch all the shenanigans that happens in the legal world i need to have this active as soon as possible incoming sniper hello there nuclear launch coming in from tp oh it's this and it's nukes well that nuke dipped down and slammed into my foundation and with that there goes the end of me okay well did not expect one i have a very limited amount of time to survive this just the rng on that it hit me way too hard like i can't be taking hits that are with nukes that are dipping down below underneath my base like that's too much repair bill okay if he aims for the bottom i can handle it because i can just you know fortify fight but if the nukes are going to dip down below after after dodge my defenses it's woof okay it's probably pretty dense okay later in the 240 pages sometimes yes sometimes no believe it or not as much as legal documents are dense compared to your average colloquial speech we're not talking about words that are usually we're not talking about words that are dense for denseness sake it's um like they're actually meant to be easy to read it's just by the necessity but just kind of by necessity they tend to be they tend to have a lot going for him there are a lot of concepts that have to be worked through and those concepts generally have proper nouns to describe them lots of graphs though interesting you said i laughed at that guy well that guy got exploded by my teammate because he got a greedy rush for double nuke looks like he even got rid of his minds for it and then teammate just dropped it counted on top and going to see increases get focused i'm in the forward position and i was aggressive first i would have won that if it wasn't for that second duke dipping up over my defenses and slamming down underneath it would have been a pretty pretty easy victory at that too yeah now unfortunately i am going to be behind the times but how do i plan on playing and streaming for hopefully for the next few years at least yeah this is a yikes i am soon to be next i have a limited amount of time before next comes for me next is coming from me right now hello yep welcome to the pain uh can i stop this is it possible to stop this i need to delay any amount of time here the answer is no no it's not possible that's just way too much firepower and oh i didn't realize we had already lost a teammate okay interesting that seems to be like learning another language it would become natural it's not like learning another language it's just there's a lot of proper announcements there's a lot of industry speak as it were you have to learn all the proper nouns for things and all the references any uh you get that with any large industry it's just lawyer ring tends to be a bit a bit more than most like i'm in the tech industry i could talk all day about words that the average person doesn't know but lawyers outclass even technology in that regard i think special way of speaking in court you learn as you can go to not talk yourself into corners that i can't that i can't really speak on i don't i don't know need to expand okay there's a difference between expanding your vocabulary and learning what is effectively proper nouns or lawyer based for industry specific topics like knowing what's uh just let's see knowing what a a stable upband is is not gonna help you and your average daily i want to know what a subpoenaed deuces tecum and subpoena add to testificando [Music] yeah that's the kind of thing that you have to memorize a lot of there's a lot of the there's actually one thing i find funny it's like oh let's just use a latin version of something because why not this is not even a good reason for it it's just tradition which to be fair is quite fun [Music] but still especially coming from an outside perspective there's no reason for such uh such words now those magic spells it's a latin it sounds like magic every time you study physics and law even outclasses us and jargon but you know when i first went into physics i thought physics had a lot of jargon turns out physics doesn't have a lot of jargon i think mostly because physics is physics is basically a foundation of everything else so anything else has to you has to in some manner incorporate physics in physics jargon in it and therefore everything else includes physics jargon and so physics jargon is a subset and therefore smaller than most other things but yes most of physics export me this yes yes it is uh mortars if i have a competent teammate i am happy to do mortars this is what i'm dealing with however so that explains that let's get this guy going you will be missed yep that's how that goes okay then uh what do i need to do here uh i should be able to actually oh what do we have it doesn't look like anything particularly cheeky so i'm just going to do this most of the time because they want to sound professionally competent i guess that makes sense i'm still convinced a lot of those latin phrases are there just because they're fun and for no other reason even if that reason is we want to sound competent i don't think anyone truly makes says latin makes you sound competent i think it's just fun it is fun as someone with a latin gamer tag physics dragon is just regular words with unusually precise definitions like force weight work for you you say that but then also you have a lot of a lot of named a lot of named occurrence a lot of named observations of the world something like this is more math but something like taylor series like oh but what is it what is a taylor function it's like okay well now you gotta know that and that's something that'll come into play with physics is this worth doing i think not it's it's canada clock i don't want to be getting too risky here it's just another language for someone to learn i suppose i'm not prepared for that a little bit of quick reflexes saving the day on that one it took him a long time to get that ready to go you know what i think about that i think we should give him something to think about yeah thank you player eliminated all right suddenly glad i have access to this not that we have any more of that to handle uh let me go do this did i sell off my early tech i did not that makes my life a little bit easier [Music] uh let's hit here i am going to be eating a lot of shots this match it seems luckily that laser was wobbling to and fro and therefore not able to actually deal significant damage at least to make some of those shots go wild let's do this it's fine i have metal here for this reason snipe door snipe sniper follow-up nope because i have locked myself okay that felt like warthog definitely felt like warthog i'll leave this there for now that's happening uh can i grab one of these slap you here a little bit more range on you all right we are breaking things this is what i want to see hmm all right now that that's shut down i could do this okay um what is next how about i start working on this guy yeah one two three four almost there's a solid wall in the way this is why i don't go mortars on this map not without great teammate support there it is that's the shot i'm looking for it's asking for trouble isn't it now uh should i go with something like miniguns that seems like a pretty good idea right about now it's like what's he gonna do about it hmm okay i don't know why i thought that would hit at least i can shut that down pretty reliably [Music] [Music] all right nice let's uh hammer that home shall we when howitzer gone [Music] hello hello that's an issue follow through got it all right i'm going to have a breakthrough here in a moment i think g almost it's enough to get a hit not enough to completely destroy oh the wall is broken i didn't realize that what happened he's building metal now all right time to end this oh don't mind if i do take advantage of that also straight to the front one two three i should see mass destruction of his eco and with it the ability to go straight toward his core oh almost to the core the way that machine gun defends all of that yep more of his eco down hello there mike welcome to the chat uh mild self-destruction i knew that could happen i was just hoping it wouldn't that's another player down i don't my mortars really can't hit that player i need to go like high there all right so this needed to go probably about here this did it to go similarish angle one is too far two is way too far all right so you need to be pulled back a little bit and you need to pull back a lot i don't think there's an angle in there i can hit yeah like best i can do is hit this just send you a bit further out shred that splash damage on the core uh teammates will be able to handle this um however i can get another one of these yeah let's do this hit it hard machine gun machine gun another machine gun machine gun again pushing good again i'm actually destroying things because he keeps building okay there we go beautiful what is such a beautifully destructive weapon yes that was a surprising surprisingly [Music] even match for what happened i don't really want to do vast mountains say we'll do this one instead building goodness the end for no reason i mean to be fair it's really not much you can do in that situation [Music] now we know theta is british oh no revealed what happened to overdrive everybody do not use it anymore uh other commanders have been brought up to the power level of overdrive uh the reality was at the beginning overdrive wasn't particularly strong which is particularly generic and easy to use so in a 4v4 where you have random internet denizens as your teammates having an easy to use commander is more important than a strong commander so i always went to overdrive because the uh the other option is to go for something that's not overdrive and then end up with teammates wasting wasting the ability or doing something just not useful because they don't understand the ability because well understated the ability requires them to read and that's not something most people do these days which is unfortunate but it is what it is now uh overdrive is uh no longer as generic doesn't work as well in every situation so i do not pick overdrive at every situation additionally other commanders have received some buffs making them a little bit more useful in more common situations uh additionally most of the players in the ford's community the force community like on average has gotten way better like the average average player is notably stronger now than in previous previous times so you can reasonably expect well maybe not reasonably expect your teammates to know how to handle other commanders but it is much more likely especially commanders like pinch fists which are a favorite perpetually hmm try to do um oh so race is too small okay hmm this is a disaster but it will get the job done i hope tonight is it canada clocker yes yes it is it is definitely canada clock i'm actually a little bit slow on this which is not surprising to me i am prepared for your shenanigans but are you prepared for mine uh yes mostly because i missed at least i can get rid of that rip teammate that sounded like a collapse pinch fist equals new overdrive f only if only all right so he did do or snipe me there which was good on his parts painful on mine oh he already got a second one up into this thing uh that's gonna make my life difficult do you have a third one up no no i'm getting hit by two t my two opponents okay that's what's happening here and in that case a redesign of strategy as i am now team tank okay hmm [Music] hmm okay all right that could have been better could've been worse get this guy back here and then we begin working on a new configuration i could hit it like once from here but it's not enough yeah i mean anything helps but good god team y'all having a rough time it seems due to my inability to actually meaningfully assist using these gunners i'm instead going to switch out with this guy [Music] double cannon that's double howitzer double cannon team is taking a heavy damage all right please don't fall on me we haven't removed any of them yet and we're already and we're two players down looks like it's not going to change anytime soon [Music] um yep that's the end of that why doesn't me trying to be good i'm not sure about that this is how it ends boys that one didn't finish him almost and the cannon follow up oh okay there we go and that's the end gg ah that is three lobbies or three matches so here we go hello willy boy glad you enjoyed yes welcome one welcome all [Music] when i'm next to you you make me feel so crazy are you all ready let's do this what was it i was watching uh some new world after it gamepl oh no this map or this position it's okay [Music] um i wanna know your dark side [Music] wait for me this is not catching it back against an impact new world actually seems interesting though like it's it's basically a pvp mmo and i i don't do much mmos especially not mmorpgs but this one's pvp focused the last time i played a pvp-based mmo i actually enjoyed it so i might i might actually i might actually enjoy this uh and actually enjoy it which would be nice [Music] what was it when i played uh fury prison now long dead rpg mmo style pvp focus i had a lot of fun with that one don't do anything about new world yeah i think of it new world is a lot like world of warcraft but i guess more black desert online than world of warcraft but it is an mmorpg as world of warcraft is and it uh it is focused heavily on player versus player like it has player versus environment content but it focuses heavily on the player versus player aspect they like that idea is i need more energy placing my first weapon at this time is just terrible it kinda comes kind of comes to the territory by the territory i mean this base shape in particular all right why not sell the whole top bottom part of the wall there and let's experimental space for more weapons down here uh you cannot build on this foundation if you lose that foundation uh it's gone forever so i'm not getting rid of that metal because that needs to not be destroyed ever it's critically important because if i lose this this core is entirely undefensible can i reveal foundations there that is correct well that was great timing one of you too like i can handle i can handle a bit of i can handle this getting destroyed this can destroy it but at the bottom or top get destroyed it's over thank oh got him weakness detected all right can i hit this next which i don't think has anything on it but i can't hit it yes nope as much as i said i can survive that taking damage i'd really rather didn't okay uh okay that's bad that's very bad please just standard wood all right so that coming yep i saw it coming too i just didn't manage to build in time all right and now we wait pretty good theory i can survive this can destroy to the test i mean i'm alive which is more than would be the case if i lost this down here second half he's capable of rebuilding um i can hear this guy outside growling they have a lot of snipers you could see can i assist with the whole sniper aspect for one let me prepare yep it's happening again no both bottom and i perfectly sniped that upon the fire beam breathing itself oh that was a beautiful door snipe and a top has been eliminated nice all right let's retaliate shall we oh the chunk and he's gone there we go putting the theory i could survive this to the test yes yes i have been in this position several times before all right let's just try to arc this and run it into the base here there we go it was a fire beam nice no more of that get this ready to fire and let's focus on this face as much as i like the idea of hammering what's in front of me uh let's focus on the bigger threat and he's gone all right let's just drop shot this guy then a little bit low that's better and he's down gg beautiful that was vicious yes if you guys want to see more viciousness like that make sure to hit that like button because we have many more explosions to come you know what i don't like about streaming i can't stand up reasonably like i don't i guess i suppose i could get a standing desk i used to have one of those i've ever thought about reading audiobooks so yes and i'm tempted to i haven't made an effort to reach out to actually put myself out there as an available narrator but i am open to the idea i'm out of this wrench sit stand dexter so work it worth it i think i'm going to have to get one of those like invest into it i used to have one at one of the places i worked it was so nice i almost was never sitting almost this match was there any super memorable game that was lasting a very long time we didn't have we haven't had any games that had gone like 45 minutes if that's what you're asking got a couple good ones like the uh battleships match was good uh one of the i don't know like the uh this girl's peak match was so weird get one of those tables that have servos to lift lower they're expensive but good for your back i don't have that i i guess i do nowadays have a lot of stuff on my desk but i would only need to lift the monitors and the mouse keyboard which shouldn't be that much i'm fully capable of lifting those yeah i can't build that there all right so we're gonna go a bit more standard with this which is gonna put me in a rough position that's one that i have read that's actually uh that's a topic for another day all right so and first and foremost leave this up here uh i'm going to stabilize this first because the alternative is having an unstable base and that's going to be a rough experience and then i'm actually going to slow burn this interest is reading a phone book oh no because i could build very stable here but that would only give line of sight of this base specifically which not a great experience i am concerned about our top base falling onto our forward base the dictionary oh no all right now i'm going to expand this direction and this should provide me enough stability to reliably uh hold the port and is about as literal as i can time to add defenses reading reddit posts was popular on youtube for a while yeah i've been thinking about starting a second channel just to experiment like this is very clearly the uh strategy and near variety channel but if i wanted to do something like reddit reading i wanted to do something like asmr if i want to do something like narration uh that actually would probably fit into also asmr but uh i would want to start a second channel for that just so i don't crash and burn both channels hello mr project welcome to the chat impending death tea and shake review channel so my brother actually was doing that for a while did not work out for him but also he didn't really pay that much attention to the marketing aspect of it so uh that's a beautiful shot and still have the active during that hit all right nice and thick base let's just cross brace start from the bottom always start from the bottom i don't have the energy to fire this right now but i will before the active is up we cut deep but not deep enough actually i'm pretty certain this right here is what saved him if that had been what did i just say about top four base falling on our forward base i'm amazed this is standing like we can't there's no significant way to come back from that i don't think like that's just inexcusable unreconcilable i need to try to protect him but that was a decent shot up here we go as a base alive uh a very sturdy front end this is why i was saying like this this little section here makes the base extraordinarily stable like it is amazing how stable that makes that uh i can follow up with that all right i took out a cannon that wasn't a cannon what did they take out because when that was a cannon okay well okay one laser down i need to get this player back into the game he doesn't rebuild his minds friend you have to rebuild your minds surely well actually that's not that's not surely please don't fall on me that's acceptable there's no way to come back from this is there like that's just it's too much oh shut that down how is our good yes howie's are good how is strong oh if he nails that i explode he did not please don't oh one shot one opportunity i think that's it for me they've pen and they've destroyed [Music] hmm drop from the top i think we lost the moment top is fell on bottom ally doesn't know about mines it's it takes like a full minute 60 sec like a full 60 seconds in order to build a mine from zero mines after you spent your money so you can i don't i can't just outright say oh he didn't build mines like no well he probably tried and then couldn't due to a lack of funds so that's generally how that goes back here i'm sitting here waiting for funds and i won't be getting them 90 seconds to go from zero metal to get in the middle of the building of mine yeah that sounds correct to me as i'm out of eco this is how things fall it has been fun boys i can build one strut at a time that is that is the eco i have to work with this is no longer useful hey i survived the howard hit totally counted that as surprising yep there it goes gg yeah we lost that the moment the top base fell on bottom they got the double out the gate all right uh we could use science battlefield oh we could do squirrel speak again or hey my earlier donation was lost in a battleship collapsing to t3 action so here is another one for you really great content hope you are having fun ah hello there luki welcome to the chat glad you enjoy coming in with that everything is on fire [Music] let you accelerate you can build an accelerator anytime you want just like you know it's gonna work out for you [Music] let's go all right all right this map i could work on this do i know the game beyond all reason uh does not ring a belt does not i do not recollect i wish you could join but you don't enjoy fast-paced hearts yes it's that much yeah that is a weird thing to say this is this is definitely a fast-paced rts if you enjoy ones like stellaris more that one's basically turn based so it is technically real time but yeah it makes this makes sense i posted starcraft 2 stream from twitch onto youtube uh no because it was rife with internet issues uh the starcraft stream the it's winter's super pylon day it's just showing that off because uh i know you guys like seeing it for those who are there might as well give you that little bit extra you know other than forge would you say your favorite game is depends on my mood uh just like reading a book it's whatever kind of peaks my interest at the time i will say a common game that i find myself playing for just chill and relax real time strategy uh starcraft for first person shooters titanfall actually apex legends now that arena's mode is actually a thing is the video stuff on twitch not sure i'm not affiliated on twitch so i don't get long vod storage there uh you'd have to check i honestly do not know the answer to that question but in terms of other games most of the time i find myself not looking for games that i want to play so much as playing games that i intend to practice for the purposes of a video and so whatever game is hot and freshly released these days uh usually run imaging through steam to find new early access games and releases things like dream engines usually my uh usually my free time games that i play are fall under that category of random assorted game for the purposes of inspection have you played anything commanding for games yes i loved the tiberium series hybrid series is my favorite of that hello there kylo ren all right so we should have some good setup here i just need to make sure we don't die best way to do that for right now is probably actually this stabilize this okay um am i going to open fire no yes yes i am that is the standard laser or the plasma laser what just happened okay missed for it you will suffer the consequences actually fire did a lot of damage on that all right so this was a good shot this needs to follow suit cleaned all right so with that player effectively neutralized uh we can move on howitzer coming in at howitzer timing you think it will record more pips i yes i intend to record more workouts all right that is a nuke we are going to have to deal with that uh appropriately because that's unacceptable don't have the energy so what i'm going to do is preempt inevitable expansion and then get a couple of these guys up here and then not fire until we are expanded with additional energy production your energy shield that's why i'm going to focus fire with team there we go almost almost sliced him did we do it yep we did that's it player eliminated okay now can i assist down here i'm going to assist over here because that seems to be the place to do so i saw that coming uh bottom two bases should be able to handle this decently well i'm gonna pressure this guy here all right check out what looks like he's going to fire beam tactics so i'm going to be building this guy here i do want to have this as well as additional i don't like these two together but i think better than having it elsewhere other alternative is to have it over here but eh is that going to blow it up yes it is nice take out of mine and oh good okay they don't have any more i don't have any more on how it sir i can stop this or at least damage that i'm not sure how far down this goes perfectly far down that's how that goes he is selling the cannon which is good for him because i was about to blow it up and now i focus on getting one more of these all right so this actually i think needs to do this side like so that's fine oh a full-on bass collapse that's a pretty hard yikes let's hit down there and then just slam you randomly that way yeah target hit make sure you are defended excellent okay energy shield this makes sense to me you have plenty of cannon based allies so i'm not concerned all right do you know the game hearts of iron four yes i i am aware of it all right so he has a weapon down there which i can eradicate battery goes here and what else let's do this and this as i can push this off aim up there we go got it player eliminated even deeper nope that's a mess oh but the anti-air is failing damage has been built oh and the energy shield is gone what that means time to go for home time for the goat for the throne and he's gone death by beautiful that was nice that was already three matches in a lobby oh okay let's go let's do this battleships we can go over some battleships don't know that i want to do battleships with these players maybe this lobby composition doesn't isn't the best that is how are you all so fast welcome to stream snipers you know we'll do science we can do science battlefield after this one next next round let's go uh gamer players are ready up and that's it how do i want to go about this we go a little high he has completed construction it's gonna make it difficult to destroy that we got it anyways critical damage has been dealt oh yeah okay no i would not ever be mean he's not like me at all he's going lasers slightly lower oh you rebuilt it oh come on it's not finished yet it's finished fine yeah yeah yeah i see you over there doing things all right so that looks just little extra stability here before carrying on i'm going to have to deal with lasers okay we're just going to defend here uh that's hostile missile at this point definitely nukes it is nukes how did you explode already okay well uh so what's gonna happen now is i'm going to get hit by that and uh i have a limited amount of time to prevent that from happening and then i'm not going to be able to fire my opponent who is eventually just going to slice me off the top because that's how that works yep i'm out of money [Music] i tell it why is this so difficult for me to read there's no reason it's not a difficult thing to say that is off coming in with the nuclear launch hello there and this is going to spiral very quickly yep there goes another one yep those volleys had any further questions of the guy blew up already uh yes actually i don't know how he blew up or first he got hit by at most two nicks i didn't i didn't count if it was one or two either case very difficult to explode that way like you have to open up your core or just have not built anything would have been like so greedy that you sold off everything on your base for it to do that when i exploded not only did i take four nukes to do it but i had multiple other players hitting me which is at least what i would expect to happen to get destroyed first base still not sure when is it very hard to die to yes yes it is with that we're gonna go right to science you don't build my she build your hallway yeah super greed that that can do it is ken is just too slow no cannons are cannons are pretty good uh most of the time so in 4v4s harassment weapons tend to not do much because there are four players and four players can protect it and that's if you're getting harassed you have three other players to defend yourself to defend you alongside so generally you don't see a lot of things a lot of harassment style weapons not that they don't happen but it's just not really worth it so you people tend to go with the big guns first um do a very mean map yes i like me map sometimes it's fun and we go you can't play 4v4s like a set of four 1v1s playing as a group will win every time yes yes it will that's why you don't tend to go with the harassment weapons and 1v1 even 1v2 harassment weapons are everywhere but if you tried pulling that kind of stuff in a 4x4 it just doesn't it doesn't work out you know we actually have memes happening this map very often does not have memes happen to it this doesn't look like a meme player this looks like we're gonna get hit with nukes hello there hello there fallen angel coming in with the secret shot hello there what was it i was uh looking into project wingman and i realized that one of the persons that i regularly watch and or game with actually did voice acting for that game which is i did not know that and i was like excuse me sir since when do you voice act in a project wingman nope stop it stop snap to grid please thank you all right let's do this and this that's fine it was it was nice to hear his voice just be like oh he's moving up in the world he's getting voice acting and stuff floating a lot yeah i know yeah yeah i know i don't have a solution to that this requires a lot of focus a more well refined build will actually see me not float but it's been i'm spending all of my brain power and trying to remember and design this perfectly because it's a very specific set of motions very specific set of motions i believe that to be it i cannot have this here that should stabilize it this is almost done uh yeah it's way past time what i should have had this already completed i'm sure this is capable of working but oh my gosh that's gonna be a nightmare and when something happens like anything happens things are gonna go very sideways at that have you seen anyone go nukes in this map yeah every time this is mostly so as much as i like going for an accelerator as much as accelerator and science shenanigans and memes are fun and as much as this map is made specifically to be able to do these things it is still not the best strategy on this map to go for science to go for memes there is still way better tactics like way better tactics like it's not even close how how much better tactics there are by better tactics i mean literally just going howitzers which is what we've already heard multiple howitzers is the premium on this map nukes are a close second so we're likely going to lose this quite hard especially considering those are going to drop from the top uh let me get this going i need to have these ready i don't even need to eat these have it active right now um yes this is the ones who do okay this way one two three that'll make it right it'll be fine i've got another little clothes never hurt anyone all right um let me do this i understand the consequences but i want to be alive and i appreciate life more than energy okay [Music] orange to orange alright sweet i'd need 6k and we have nine negative we have literal negative okay let me shut this down for now because this is i don't i don't have the energy production for this all right test run part one it works all right flawless uh shut this down just shut it all down all of it and uh so this does need to be aimed a little bit differently uh also inbound death time to activate as death is enabled [Music] powergenetics hulo yes it is yes yes it is by a large margin one of the consequences building an accelerator you really don't have much space here uh done right i can actually slide this forward a little bit and add a layer of turbines back here which is super good but i was concerned and so i didn't um okay oh that is somehow still standing metal is a good structure to build with team uh we're about to lose a teammate by the way that's a problem all right fire fire fire rip one just wants to use the accelerator well that's what you get for playing on science battlefield are we ready all right so a little bit a little bit off this is going to be a problem um yeah correct correct almost blew up my technology oh concentrate nader going straight to the foundation player eliminated no one has a sniper understandable and oh all right so there was some pretty serious wobble during that and it made it not precise but it also made it hit a lot more uh which is nice oh that is barely hanging on there isn't it come on these doors open ah i'm gonna do it snipe that out the air okay okay what do we do all right i can live with this uh this needed to be some manner of pixels adjusted didn't it portals are surprisingly heavy this is correct i can have any internal explosions uh something deformed it's because this is not correct got him all right charging all right all right oh that's bad oh that's real bad what that means time to fire oh that could have been a lot worse okay okay uh did i lose an entire no all right uh please shut this down all right got that eventually right machine gun no i trusted you so uh it's been fun um i have zero solutions remaining it's going to take 80 seconds to get enough energy to build a new turbine at current rate so if anything happens like things fall on me yeah this is uh this is how it goes i tried so now we have a problem and by that i mean we have quite a significant amount of that's going to come in from up here okay uh i need to do this i need to do this i need to do this and avoid chaos as it comes please thank you keep building the thing blacklight turbines no kidding must be nicer why i would do that um this needs to go away because it's just going to explode and bad things going to happen i need to do oh ho ho ho oh dear oh my yep this is happening please okay all right um we're up to more manageable levels of production so that means i can do this does that mean i can do that means i need to do this that sounds really bad [Music] right uh so good job with that shot uh that removed a chunk of their things i have the money to sustain this uh it's not really true i have the money to charge a little bit that's that's what i have i need to charge it a little bit all right come on come on we did it boys we did some damage okay uh so now i need to do this so that should slow down impending death by at least a few seconds i like to hear that this is amazing this is everything i need in my life right now okay so what do this is going to be a thing i'm going to have to clean up let's begin sanitation processes what happens what happens i'm aware of their blocks theta they are blocked purposefully did he return to center himself he must have returned to center himself which is not a surprise considering they have returned to centers okay all right uh can i add additional weaponry that's happening what if i were to do where did this go this went to a big spot yeah i can't aim down there portals have been removed all right this is acceptable list of things i expected not on that list at all but it is it is what it is no no no no all right well sitting here on a sniper not actually getting things done all right i can work with that i need this charging i have the power for it that's big and scary sometimes i wish doors are closed faster that is dropping in at an angle i would not expect oh rip the dream i'd rather not make the portal given the option uh what is my solution to this let's just let that expire um can i do this and then this i'm aware i don't have maked out but this is purposeful okay it should help with this situation let me build this a little bit okay now i can charge this up say unconfidently oh well rip me all right well there goes that plan once more um what is a solution to this just i don't need to shut this down i've got enough energy at the moment okay [Music] um can i do there 31 minute game yeah i did not expect almost blew himself up with that all right can we hit something anything there's no chance there's no chance we don't have the real estate for this i mean that's nice i struggle to imagine what it what i could do to stop this and here it goes all right we're gonna have to redo this then this is a disaster and that down there is not usable okay uh so the only solution i have to this is a transition to basically mass standard cannon uh unfortunately they are extremely ahead of me in that regard and also i'm dead um i don't have a way of contesting the air that much the anti-air is much not without this this is a massive mg wall i would need a similar caliber of wall which i don't have access to as long as i'm in the back base uh so i need the forward base to be the a anti-air screen uh alternatively i would just have to go mass canon and i gave up that about five minutes into the game and that's how accelerators work oh he's disconnected or he's selling bye and that's why we don't play science battlefield much because uh it's just a game where everyone goes cannons and anyone who goes science just dies all right let us go just trying to help so the reason i wouldn't the reason why i refused to unblock my turbines because i blocked them on purpose i blocked them on purpose because i was receiving a lot of fire from shotguns from everything and having any amount of energy is better than having no energy at all the reason why i wasn't firing my accelerator was because i didn't have a fly i didn't have a target all of the enemies had shields so firing my accelerator would have been a mistake in every situation i was charging it in case i was able to break through their anti-air and land a an emp but every time i attempted i utterly failed to do so so bringing the um bringing out linking the portal while i was charging was just just a mistake until i would be able to reclaim the air airspace reclaim map control it was just not a thing and then once i was able to connect the top the whole once i was able to connect the top and having energy was irrelevant so i didn't i didn't need to undo my undo my hard walling off my turbines it would have just been a bad time a bad time for me to explain for those who were asking why i'm not undoing my walls or whatnot mm-hmm almost got them why build so many foundation nodes because i'm going to use them later and i'm not feeling particularly rushed here but yes they are very expensive why not force music because generally people aren't interested in networks music it's good and i'll use it for videos and for tournaments and for things but for just streams and just a just normal chill out time we'll we'll stick to stick from the music that you guys prefer [Music] mm-hmm let's see what you did there and then over here we build did you sell it nope that's a shotgun for me or a flak for me does he really armoring that okay but i guess that is where he's gonna build his laser eventually but we can make him regret things so this has delayed him greatly it's delayed me a lot so eventually i'm just going to get hit in about 30 seconds by things that i won't have an appropriate solution for you know at least i'll have put my direct opponent in a position in the same position i'm in that's what matters right i got the turbine got another piece of metal out of it hmm i think he's put himself in a position where he's intending to just a tank which that's fair he's not building things back there he's not yet what that means time to have some fun that come from oh no that came from the top okay that's about to say there's no way he got a cannon i saw him with laser tech so doing some serious phantom stuff so so far i i have successfully and effectively pacified one player which is uh all fine and dandy generally not enough to carry the game so i cannot claim to be playing to considered an adequate standard to win this game especially since he's adding all that in there now i should be ahead of him in terms of uh weaponry and such as much as i have taken hits he has taken more specifically more hits from me to cause some damage shall we uh actually wait a minute will that hit do enough too yes it will that's what i wanted to do wait for that shot and follow up with sniper nope still hard weld still hard walls okay sandbags not all that great is stopping cannons to be honest they're just uh they try you know they try their best i need to stop that from existing and with this coming online in a moment i should be able to get some actual damage here come on there it is wait this is acceptable all right time to punch i was so close to whapping him out so close oh no just right from above right in between everything with the core snipe oh no oh no yeah that was a beautiful shot he dropped both over my defenses and under my defenses all right jeez it's all gonna burn down he would have destroyed him too so close so far away sniper follow-up no sniper follow-up timing of that shot yeah i knew i was gonna get hit again i just didn't expect it to explode because we had so many sandbags why did they not defend my core i did defend my core it's just only so much i can do from that direction i could have done more i just didn't expect to get hit there multiple times in a row like the uh the defenses i had only survived a couple hits not you know three there's anything in this map yes very as our cannons yes as our cannons so we're nukes kinda like i've seen nukes kind of work on this map it's just it's it's way too easy to defend nukes on this map for them to be [Music] good but they can be used howitzers are also not really good on this map from the forward position you can get away with weapons like howitzers induce why didn't i make a base entirely out of metal because i don't have infinite resources and for really no other reason another hit cannon rounds from their rear teammate are doing exceptionally well oh he's landing the hits in his land isn't it cost effective to cover your top with long metal struts no it is extremely rare that it is worth building metal in places like it is the last thing you do it is when you have no other options uh it would have been a good idea for me to put a couple of metal struts on top of my core i was kind of out of money at the point when i needed to do that i was just kind of betting on them not hitting the same spot a couple times over but they did so that was a good shot they will to penetrate all the way through no door snipe you don't even have doors to snipe why are you like this always double door your things woof ouch yeah there's a return to senders anyways can't be doing if you don't have doors yeah yeah not cost effective sandbags are cost effective yes sandbags are the appropriate solution there i believe uh so what happened was i had my turbines on this layer you'll notice that other people don't that is well this guy does but other people don't and that is because if you have turbines on this layer you can't defend your core so what i did is i just i was doing that purposefully so i could get the early aggro out and while the early aggro worked and you know this player is still not seriously helping on the team it's uh also gonna make me more vulnerable to shots from above like the best i could do is put a metal strut here and here but wouldn't actually you know solve the problem it wouldn't actually stop splash damage or anything so i just made the target really small you know i had sandbags that went all the way out to here and the shot would have to be below those sandbags but above it's like shooting it's like shooting through this area here going all the way through and then dropping down at the end which is what he did and so that's that that can be done i had enough defenses to say just stop a cannon run going through there as you saw it went through there and didn't destroy my core but a second one went through there before i got to fix it up and that was that there's a second grade the middle top okay if you have metal on a flat surface like a flat surface on top of something generally uh you've done something horribly wrong or something has gone wrong and you're just putting metal there in the hopes that you don't die i tried getting into this game you couldn't figure out how to build cleanly oof usually building cleanly is uh something that people get a hold of pretty quickly it's everything else around it like building quick cleanly quickly that people can't do incoming death oh wow he survived that okay oh he survived that too okay did not expect oh that player is about to go away yep he's gone metal on top against tier four like two or three stuff even then you want to use sandbags it's not a good idea to use flat metal unless you really don't do unless you really don't uh don't like collapsing sorry unless you really don't have space to do anything else is that three that is three gg and let's go three two one welcome one welcome all let's see what's another decent one let's do it is there anything that stops sandbag limitation or sandbag expanding like a limitation uh space sandbags drills are kind of heavy do 1v1 vanilla co-op i would rather not i am in this position okay now what that means lots of lots of stuff maybe didn't really miss any darker well we got a surprise for you isn't there a build height limitation and forts no there is a build a weight limitation that you cannot put too many things on a single struts or else it will simply collapse under its weight but uh you can build quite high and quite zany with such restrictions without it collapsing turn all right i need another energy i know what i want to do i'm gonna have these in front that should be sufficient and go up one level shouldn't be in a way of team might be in way of team because this is as high as i'm going to need to go no higher i would be in way of team if he's going to be aiming at lower bases okay because this can aim up and over and now we wait our teammate is losing the map control battle underneath the icicle but that is fine looks like neither team is going either side is going for particularly dangerous stuff back there welcome back david you're glad you enjoy it is canon o'clock i gotta look out for it i don't necessarily have to look over things just yet because of angles but teammate does yeah there are cannons flying to and from i think at this height i do have to look out for things don't die that's tier three um concern intensifies because if i do this where does this go too far it's actually about good got a hit got a nice hit too that means this should likely be good um so now i have a problem i don't have a way of really defending these without going which higher going to be an issue all right uh it collided with the tier 3. we lost one and i don't know what to which probably means two three uh their tier three is seem to be ruining us i need to get a third one of these online i'm going to have to i ready no not quite yes i am no i'm not i defended here not really so i'm going to need more energy than i have in my disposal in order to make use of this unless you have active commander so one two both shut down yeah i was afraid of that death by two three okay oh he has a direct shot oh i didn't realize that that's a problem okay well i guess that's me out of the that's that's me losing my everything let me do something horrible here flat metal yeah yep i'm in a situation where i can't defend my uh howitzers from above without getting in the way of my teammate i was just kind of banking on a tier three's not hitting me uh appears to not be the case they they hit me which is a ridiculous amount of rng but nonetheless they hit me i was banking on not needing to defend them because there is nothing going to come from above which is not the case because they have a teammate who's just going only tier threes i can defend like so i think without causing too much of a problem yeah those are remarkably accurate i guess they're not actually they're splashing here and here i think this is gonna get in the way of teammate but like i need to not die that's why we build sandbags yeah i'm sorry i need to not die that's your three swing and a miss that's so many bad design of my teammates felt uh only from that position that would be good design here that would be good design here less so here uh only in that position because you have to build up in that position in order to uh in order to really take advantage of things right so if i'm going to put one here let's do come on yep one two three four and now i can save once those complete i can safely put this here technically not safely but more safe than not remember when i said he had a direct fire shot he had a direct fire shot getting slaughtered by those tier threes all right um in that case let's do this so i need a new game plan um i could do this this this this yep all right so anyway those howitzers will connect without anti-air uh no but that's not really the point the point is i forced them to maintain a a and if they don't then the howitzers connect so whenever something changes around the map then then suddenly certainly the houses are connecting that and i can overwhelm them by increasing the amount of houses one howitzer one connects two howitzers won't connect three howitzers probably might start stressing their anti-air a little bit huh there's one problem i'm facing is i can't build up anymore rear teammate desperately needs to build upward but that looks like that's not going to happen he needs to redesign his base a bit also keep shooting me which kind of fair considering actually you know what i can shorten my base but hello this this all right he's having a rough draw of things uh this is about to escalate very much so not in my favor i'm still curious what blew up our first teammate in the front of the line can't defend two sides at once yeah all right now things are about to get worse you hit his batteries you two three hit his batteries in the chain reaction to his core oh no all right boys here we go this is not this is not going to work not in this situation you haven't aimed it all with a tear through the entire round you've just been firing uh yeah no it's gotten some disgusting game-winning hits absolutely disgusting game winning hits oh there that goes this is uh hey guys good news uh i am free to build anywhere i want in terms of building up i don't have to worry about anyone getting in the way this is more accurate tier threes than i think i've ever seen just about anywhere else the amount of times that spot has been hit in a row is ridiculous all right sweet so that's how that wins let us see what's another good one let's just do some uh some wastelands yeah twitching is returned yes i have played around with settings i have comcast has come out and restored my internet to what it was before it suddenly took a dip a little while back and uh views using a new multi-stream service which is working cleanly swap second howitzer for laser i can say i don't have laser technology ready i want the internet lottery this month one person street decent internet every month yes so it's him let us go all right uh so i am in this position which means time for mg by that i mean technology and turbine how am i doing today i'm doing very well actually kind of hungry thinking about barbecue definitely thinking about barbecue and now we technology steak over barbecue teach their own so what technology is our opponent going for do you guys think i'm gonna guess laser beams or nothing because apparently he's spending energy spending a lot of metal on uh what is it called spending a lot of metal on energy shields and metal yep yeah he has perfectly countered this what i have done for reasons beyond my expected reasons beyond my knowledge versus below that's too late so that's gonna put me way behind is it gonna put me away behind it is going to be very behind rip teammate gundam coming in with the nuclear launch hello there this is why we don't cheese don't get money back even with pinterest i actually didn't check to see if we got money back or not interesting that's uh it's yx i thought you got money back with pinterest on uh on this i thought it sandwiched together i need to go grocery shopping so i can have sandwich making materials used to was fixed mix interesting so all right it is about canon o'clock yep there we go oh i'm getting hit real hard here yep that's so many lasers that's through three different players oh no i am getting slaughtered then okay no oh it is shooting me today that's what day it is uh this is actually surprisingly not deformed it's just a little bit undone a little bit droopy but not deformed all right i need yeah i cannot i don't have the money to survive that many hits this is over yep items are fire yeah well we had one we had one suicide and then i did a cheese strat that got a hard counter at the perfect timing without revealing that i was doing a cheese strap and then i had got focused by three players so that was uh yeah nothing i could do there i almost defended it actually almost i was about 10 seconds away am i playing with subs baby stream snipers yes yes we are is that the only one to build energy shields no not that it matters geez when the streaming is easy to snipe you watch youtube pretend lobby yeah i think so surprisingly after all those beams well i mean they're not really hitting them they're kind of missing a lot which is related like they're they're missing a lot which is related gg so uh that's what i get for trying to do sneaky strats i must this this is for the record this is why i don't uh do sneaky strats on stream i say that as an accusatory tone as if i know for sure it is entirely possible he just decided that was a good idea to just defend himself like fully defend himself at that point what was my sneaky strat uh my opponent was going for a greedy build like a greedy rush so uh decided to try to buzz saw him and then he builds builds defenses specifically capable of defending it at the perfect time which happens you know what position am i at this one okay welcome back it is entirely possible that he just happened to defend himself so i don't want to accuse it just feels a little sus core swing not on this map this isn't a this isn't a pen swing map i could invent a core swing but that's uh that's a mistake every time you can correspond there yeah so can i it's just not an efficient build order lan parties uh i do miss land parties and again i was always the tech guy so we had extra we had extra machines for everyone if we had land parties would be converting an entire room into a series of tvs and game consoles only tried once i have a land party the breaker didn't hold oh no very good come on all right um i need to do hmm 146 metal tall about two with his appropriate laser yeah yeah i know i know i do a little bit more i just uh prefer to do it a little bit more to have it safe because like that it's just shy it's like right there is about two boxes and like right there is enough for a laser i tend to do this anyways just to give it a little bit more room to play with but i am aware that it's shorter by a notable amount i'm gonna compress the extra space is nice exactly and i tend to get hit a lot reason is unknown to me it's a real problem all right you just dodge yeah yeah it's a nice fast rush hello a little bit slow on mine that i could i did spend extra on income all right let's see who needs some love all right that means i'm going to be next already being next oh no he doesn't have anything there i don't think that's online in time to stop the impending uh attack this should be enough right because that's three yes that's not enough to stop an extra set of lasers so i gotta look out for that and the best way to do that is like so all right so i need to stop this there we go that was the fire beam let's get this here defend this it's a good shot not so good shot all right so first shot is good second shot needs to aim down slightly uh okay holds this is uh going to be a little bit rough i think first shot is good second shot slightly lower no sniper follow-up we didn't even break it well that sounds bad that is bad this will help immensely of course plasma warthog yeah that sounds correct to me all right so that player has had there oh we don't have a good defense on that player but i didn't nail the shot got door snipes okay collect this guy uh he does not have technology there okay i need to get more here hmm not quite the ah that's risky though like i could but that's silly levels of risky the chances of making that that's like a tier three chance which i mean sure but i still too high on that i can in fact give it a shot there's so many lasers what hit me this did looks like they are switching up to cannons which will make my life difficult what happened here oh oh a little bit rough out here okay all right uh no just ah all right well i guess we can't do anything with that for the time being because i can't shut it off without it first being on and it's not going to turn on until it's finished building we're repairing that's like 30 seconds of critical time spent all right i don't really have a way of come on no he burned it out of this guy didn't get the door snipe this is not useful it's also not useful yeah he's sitting there waiting for me to do that now they know let's not look it is just not going to be an available option until i remove their stuff my stuff my main weapons okay oh trust me i've tried that's what i was aiming for last time did not work ah didn't get it okay uh i don't think i i don't think i had a solution there uh the trick shot was not going to work um i was doing damage it just wasn't enough there is uh just a bit too many it's a four four players focusing fire and now you will watch the destruction of our final teammate facing too many good players you don't have a team full of good players yet that's really all it is like i can hold my own against any one of them but four on one the best i can do is just delay the game just carry harder this is why i go for risky plays a lot of times you could die to the fourth plasma fire being award-hog combo yeah that was pretty brutal it was definitely pretty brutal like the moment they fire beams my cannon out of the air the first time i knew it was really bad when i did the second time it's just there is no chance there was no chance hey there he goes gg and that is the third match in the lobby new lobby indeed and start out with something simple shall we yeah uh you know actually scroll speak is a good idea let's do that why isn't blitz here blitz doesn't really do multiplayer which that's understandable hmm let's go which isn't good i mean there is some truth to that he's not a i i would be wrong to say he is a a bad gamer but he's not a uh he's not a try hard as it were going into a competitive game or a game with competitive aspects such as an rts game is uh not gonna work out for a player of his interests and that's fine it's like you can be as good of a gamer as you want going to suffer if you intend to s3 going to suffer if you don't have this game practiced no amount of being good at video games in general is going to change that he doesn't have a thousand plus hours unforts yeah that's uh that's about it that's that's that's all you could really say about it but he's quite fun i hear metal being placed and that excites me all right so we got a hit there any amount of delay action i can do on that's coming from i don't have a line upside on that hmm okay let's remember somebody's oh shotgun hello oh we found what he's gone for i'm surprised that's stable enough to hang on i'm real surprised oh no that's uh it's not ideal and here it comes i don't have anything available no all my weapons are on ah that's something you don't see all any every day anti-air via oh anti-air via rocket um kind of emp'ed out here this is how it ends we had them fully locked down up until we had them fully locked down up until tops blacks came in to save the day okay negative one income all right no i don't have the income to fire again oh sweet jesus all right i need to shut this down i didn't shut it down i don't have anything to stop that i don't have any anti-air remaining okay time to fire those nukes again friends oh um all right oh repent that's bad i just hit myself with my own emp we're winning the bottom and losing the top but it's close to the bottom got it all right taking out some of their energy shields or some other energy production if our top can hold on interesting we might be able to come back from this can do standard machine gunner's okay no no stop it don't hit the sniper okay why are you no fire what uh kill silo kill silo kills hello there we go okay that's what we want to see that's just no uh we got death from above down fire everything there we go there we go all right top teammate is holding out very well just hang on there buddy i think it's time to upgrade you to damage output uh can i get literally just spot here tiniest response no i don't think i can no i can't here we go it doesn't have more anti-air it's causing more damage there it is there it is a place to put sniper that won't get in the way oh drunk nuke could have been better could have been worse there we go uh this is gonna get in the way of teammates nuke okay never mind you know what you go here take out a mine uh this is about the time when i can start increasing eco i think yeah i play portal yes yes i have played portal total is a good game he does not have anything there all right i just need to double check make sure he doesn't one two three smash this is suspicious nope i think my teammate did that on purpose which is fine as long as it is come back from it just you didn't lose anything super critical okay your clear lunch oh there we go nuclear launch coming in from jack the ripper hello there hi i missed watching the last couple streams actually i do it is on the list of games that i'm going to be playing i've got art here i say that knowing full well that i've already got a like fully designed schedule lined up this week industry isn't immediately on that list but yes yes i know industry is good game i will be heading to it soon i have not freaked out all right i think we can finish off bottom here there we go all these four missiles went away all right this has worked out pretty well uh now our bottom player would probably do well to add a line of motors as our top player has basically managed to u1 that was my bad these are four ships mod often nope i do not it is uh as well made of a mod as it is it is also particularly difficult to play and that makes it not a great experience i don't really think there's much else i can do with this uh i can add one of these guys here the shotgun going i think he's just gonna finish it off with this yeah nice beautiful gg that was very well played very well held by our top teammate am surprised and impressed you don't perform well under pressure what happened there's not much more pressure you can get than that and you perform well try a few matches weapons like howitzer motors and miniguns i haven't done i've done mortars and howitzers this stream a couple of times uh many guns have not and i find it very unlikely to do so you almost scroll down to click the like button well if you're on youtube you too can click the like button on this live stream right now you can even use the clips feature if you find a moment you want to share with your friends you can snip snip and show it off welcome back i'm glad you're enjoying mr welcome to the party he's got it we don't want to fold away too many materials it looks like we're good not going too fast not going too slow we do need to save energy for what is coming next and by next i mean technology attack is placed uh we do there we go nice do well if it isn't a team that's working together it's a miracle got some turbine damage nothing it isn't just just mostly superficial are those turbines over the space they usually are yes uh but usually you only have about five but the six is fine too it's minor minor difference that question question very hard hey man we're here everything is on fire thanks for playing forts oh my aim is on point get some damage so while we have gun platform built we don't have the money to place gun and we don't really have things to sell also someone has spent an absolutely absurd amount of money on mines oh ho ho almost got it oh that did like half of its hp that's a around half of it is hp down yes please place the cannons we're building storages for some reason and not cats which is a mistake all right i at least stabilize okay we have a dead brace in our base uh all right then in that case let's aim for here okay uh we do need some more turbines we need to protect the ones we have they are aiming for our rear now so it's not it is swiftly becoming worth defending us okay there we go i like how it's just about canada clock and we're almost on pace all right that's some decent damage nice decent repair bill out of them that is why we build sandbags that right there is why we build sandbags everything is on fire love the street this thing is always on fire glad you enjoy all right it is about time to make them pay for existing oh that happened and this is how we lose go up go up i stop some of it okay um let us do this this this this this good job all right good to fire no we're not are we cross priced we've upgraded everything which is probably a mistake okay other genre 44 coming in with that nuclear launch i'm glad you enjoy are you guys ready to fire yes yes you are ready to fire creeps also ready to take some hits all right let's go do it this is gonna do it himself he's gonna do it himself almost no this calls for more weaponry uh this is not really a sufficient defense here we sent one back and it hits this is good okay um where can i put i can put it back here got one all right let's aim more mid area just put this here i shut that guy down real quick yes yes i can all right thank you this guy needs to not be here before he explodes all right it's nice it is to have those available if you don't need it this however can be our designated launch position so we do this we do this this one two get it oh got burned out that summer goes away quite quickly and oh that looks like it's gonna hit boys everything is on fire oh it does well that hits beautifully you're the one who got me into the game well i'm glad you enjoy all right those are not aligned uh we're going to do this and i'm going to give kenneth this they're both too far as well okay uh-huh that's one way to do i mean it works it works that's something you don't see on this map much but it works all right those should land around here uh it looks like we got a clean through their base door snipe one of their cannons fire beams all right way back that is extremely effective i feel like there's an amount of uh all right did not expect that's that happens those are about well ends okay we can work with that fire beam like i'm doing all these defenses as if they have tier threes so one is aimed here two is aimed [Music] sorry two is aimed here one is aimed i don't know what i think they're shooting it out of this guy what's going on there yep that's what's going on there all right that's increasingly well [Music] three let's aim this guy back further i want to try to hit this location all right so three is aimed too far oh oh don't come right back at us well at least the tier three came in and helped two is aimed well three needs to dial back a little bit and one i think is about good yeah all right that needs to go further that needs to go dial back even more all right that works we got a hit all right that's miss times our aaa is now shotguns by the way just a heads up that's good got massive damage their fire beam not helping them in that case also destroyed their fire beam i think i know what's happening with these shots the two threes are being affected by the magna beam so as they're launching they change course a little bit and it's causing them to flies differently than i expect damage took out a launcher somehow no damage off of that good ready to go further out and you are good massive damage opening them up to a direct fire don't even need magna beam for that just splash it all into place oh there it is that's the damage we needed to do crashed down upon them all right now i'm going to aim mid-ish he's ready to go there front i believe good and then also good i don't think there's really yeah i was wondering it's like you guys had missiles but not much else that's it howitzer right on top for the win replay it absolutely so the shot that did it was the triple shot out of we were firing a lot of things but the shot that did it with the triple shot first the howitzers opened up they're still repairing the tier three damage and then the magna beam and then this happened oh it's double shot okay and down direct hit on the chord it all comes crashing down around them that just feels good you know see all the explosions you see everything falling down kind of want to watch that again nice and you don't come back from hit like this that is correct yes this this feels good you know this feels real good and i love it all right you know what we're going to do we're going to have we're going to have a little bit of a little bit of fun times where is my alright so what i'm going to do is i am going to kick off kick off a raid to my good friend over here on twitch and for those on youtube it has been a great time and i look forward i look forward to seeing you guys a little bit later i need to go edit edit the minecraft video because it's like halfway done and that's not it's not good enough we need to do more we need to do more than that and uh fraz already has his perspective out so you guys can check out his video a little bit later but for now have a good one everyone and i'll see you guys in the next video make sure to check out frass's minecraft video so you can get a sneak peek into what's gonna happen when i get this release probably later this week bye
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 35,070
Rating: 4.9357886 out of 5
Id: t3mRng8DXvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 350min 23sec (21023 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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