3rd AI Tournament! - Forts RTS - Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] warning nuclear launch detected [Music] o.w.o nuke [Music] uh [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] hello hello hello how is everyone doing today you guys ready for some good old excitement ladies and gentlemen today we have a special special event for you all but thank you for stopping by so early as we are just getting started here just starting off the third aei tournament we are going to be matching ai against each other and smashing them at maximum apm and it is absolutely gonna be amazing this time guys this one is extra special because we are actually participating i believe at first in the bracket we i think i'm actually first in these brackets so this first upcoming match will will see my my ai fighting off against i believe it's felix's so that's going to be that's going to be quite something but let me go ahead and hop into the voice chat here and uh let's let's get this party started as we have spotted hyena coming in with the preemptive strike hello there vicky for starting things off strong [Laughter] beautiful alright so it looks like we're all good here i should be able to just start things off is that what did we just get did we just get an absolute megaton from osprey 28. hello there warning nuclear launch detected it looks like we've got ourselves a huge nuke to start things off here can we get some love in chad for osprey i've come to inform you all the ancient greeks spelled out the egyptian deity as both so it's not inappropriate to say both what's this i appreciate that texas speech actually pronounced that correctly and i'm totally i'm actually gonna i i need to steal that that that's amazing that's actually amazing like all right so i'm going to go ahead and hop into voice chat here and we'll do and we'll go let's see we have lanson shields we have lance and shields and kronkinator here hello there hello you guys ready yep awesome this is exactly what i want to hear okay so first off on the bracket it looks like we actually have myself on team one versus felix on team two and of course this is all ai so this is gonna be great fun did you guys have anything you wanted to say before before we started out i'll just say i'm excited to see what has been come up with um for the 2v2s so for those who don't know this is actually a 2v2 tournament this is going to be two ais versus two a eyes and um if the discord if the ai creators discord last night is gonna be any indication most of these ai were created in a few hours last night because apparently everyone is a procrastinator myself included so i'm i am very curious to see all the spaghetti that happens from this okay then i think we should be good to go we have observer tools on is anyone want to say anything before we start or should we just get going here i see no reason to delay all right let's hop right into it without players here with just ai very dependable we have a lot of no need to uh no need to do a lot of cat hurting let's go ready when you are all right so we have started off here on the left hand side we have the in curses ai going for all kinds of shenanigans and on the right hand side we have felix's ai that's going to be it looks like he's opening with with some it's going to be double upgrade center that's usually going to be ap sniper shirt against oh boy dead right coming in with the nuclear launchers i appreciate the background turbines love the stream on the ground from you and curses well i'm glad you enjoy i i have this is nice on this map so that's a viable option for turbines yes the uh the rear turbines they were great fun uh something i played around with a lot but barring the apm to really make use of it i just don't usually play around with that because it takes so much from the early game you have to do that kind of that kind of racing but you can make up for it with ai and of course this is ai versus ai and it can they can punish each other for it but i think things are going to kick off real early here as we have double door snipers happening from both bases out of felix and just regular tiny door snipers out of my own little my own little bit here but um my tiny doors not immune to not immune to the ap sniper shenanigans that are about to happen and that could be that could spell disaster for my own ai here oh yes answer your question i have the i have the base game it looks like needed on heart basically i haven't done shot on hard putting down the mini gunners um mission gunners so he has looks like he's going full early game which is an interesting decision uh we don't usually see many gunners out of the ai with the shall we say large number of snipers around many gunners tend to have a really hard time staying alive makes for some particularly difficult times for minigun minigun strategies but i am curious to see how this works out i imagine there's going to be quite a fair few ai that will fall to this kind of early game aggression and again a fair few ai fall to themselves and their own soft locking abilities that mini gun is not going to survive long those doors the moment they open yes pipers are going to shred them and we see exactly that happening here it's every time these miniguns they open their doors to fire one shot they just they get absolutely obliterated the snipers they're just so aggressive i think the only reason that mini gunner survived is because the snipers were otherwise occupied shooting at an exposed turbine which i suppose that makes sense it doesn't really make sense but the ai have a lot of weird quirks notice how these snipers are just absolutely fixated on shooting down this turbine it makes um it makes it difficult to work around that because as an ai they don't really have a brain they just shoot at whatever they feel like shooting at and for whatever reason turbines have a ridiculously high threat rate so they just get targeted by everything sniper related so it makes it um if you just have a turbine exposed things like those mini guns tend to have a survival time longer than you would anticipate now of course the the mini guns they are still getting shot down but still in a battle where one sniper can be the difference between winning and losing having many dozens of rounds sank into a wind turbine can be can be a world of difference it looks like your top ai is finally getting its mortars ready to be placed yes i went for a different kind of strategy here i was taking it very slow and try to avoid try to avoid allowing problems to happen just slow defensive apply some pressure and then ramp it up and it's been at about the five minute mark is when my ai actually starts fighting back as up to this point not a whole lot has happened it looks like felix's um attempt to do some early harassment has been pretty well countered by your ai sniper spam with all those tiny doors yes i was so happy i got those tiny doors to work for quirk reasons for the ai the ai tends to have a little bit of trouble working with small doors so it took me longer it took me longer than i would like to admit to get those tiny doors to work yeah those tiny struts if the ai a little bit of bass wobble can really make it not want to listen to your build order exactly yeah he's not very good at adapting and if it has to um has to adapt to a grid space being misaligned by just ever so slightly then it can break so i had to make it a few times to to deal with that kind of to deal with that kind of scenario looks like we didn't actually forget the time limit but i don't think this match will go on for very long well i will tell you this personally i'm okay with the time limit because uh i didn't quite nail my ai quite right and it basically soft locks itself at around the 12 minute mark and doesn't unsoft block itself until the 15 minute mark after which it starts going on to phase two of actually trying to obliterate the opponents so that the round will end eventually if you leave my ai because my ai just keeps building for forever but we do have a time limit and i i think we can safely call it at the time of it for the sake of consistency you know definitely one thing i noticed right now is your bottom base has not replaced the wood in front of its core making it very vulnerable to an ap sniper in that spot right you see that yeah seeing the wood brace i'm curious as to why it hasn't bothered repairing it like it has built turbines which are more expensive than wood it's it has the energy my bases are floating energy in fact it's forward bases floating metal which is really sad and i don't know why it's not rebuilding and it makes me anxious that it's not rebuilding but that kind of thing does happen thankfully your sniper spam has been able to handle um all the ap snipers he keeps on having to replace him which is really sucking the metal from both of their bases yes i was wondering because the bases on team two haven't moved on toward heavier weapons or really any kind of extra damage potential usually go ahead i was just going to say you can see the workshop on top aside matching's going to try to go into nukes after suppressing the opponent with the miniguns and then um when the nukes line that would end the enemy right and that that makes sense it just seems that uh team two's ai got kind of stuck on the on the snipers just by virtue of losing the sniper war very very handily it's quite one-sided really and they are doing damage they are doing a lot of damage i know look team ones ai has moved on to its next phase instead of just being sniper support it's looking to get some damage output to supplement the the mortar spam out of team out of team one's ai ah it has finally covered this spot i kind of it didn't rebuild that single wood plank that broke nor has it repaired the area around it but it has covered it up which is almost the same thing no it's no longer vulnerable which is what counts yes oh geez those nukes are landing right on the spot right on the core they're laser accurate those mortars they are scary it is scary one thing i saw when i was doing a brief round of testing is it fired all six mortars and did basically what it did just there yeah yeah it's all for converging all four converging into the same spot just decimating the core it was like oh my god so felix's ai gets shut down and there it is i'm curious to see how much damage it did it did very little damage but that is that is the end of this round team one my own ai advances i'm so happy about that you have no idea i spent like four hours on this and i had other things to do in between i'm so excited guys we actually moved on to round two so far your ai has been looking pretty good the ai has really handled felix's early attack quite well that is this has been knocked out oh that's right this these are best of ones for this so if we lose rng or whatever reason that is that is going to be the end of us and our journey to victory all right so while we do some switching around of the ais and get prepared do you have anything any comments like i know there was a lot of uh shall we say analysis on these maps on these ai beforehand do you have any insight into that so to reword what you're saying uh to make sure i understand you're saying like warning how people detected already have knowledge on similar maps like on vanilla is that what you're saying uh i was more so referencing that the players have been testing around with the ai themselves before beforehand because a lot of us we actually have access to each other's ai sports content so we were able to talk about the spoilers how they test them themselves yeah i i tend to stay away from that my predictions a lot of those skills can transfer if they know how to design a good base they can transfer over to ai but um eaton uh and his ai i saw a little bit of it on the day before and it looked pretty powerful but we'll see how it goes i am very curious you see eaton is he's a few matches down the road i'm curious to see rage alerts rachel it's always so good at these things rachel alert he his i love his face designs are so out of the box yet they are they're excited they work well you know they're always so exciting win loser dry i love watching him uh watching him participate rage alert actually started pretty late making his ai so um i wouldn't expect very much of it this time but i can guarantee you that we will see some shenanigans from another player alright well looks like we are good to start here are you ready let's do this okay so here on the left hand side we have team one going out with two different technologies this is actually an interesting start uh we see here the armory tech which is a technology a lot of players have shot away from i think mostly because rockets are just extremely vulnerable to snipers and considering there's so many snipers in these ai tournaments are these ai players that it's not everything is on fire not too consistent to have them around buy for your round one win sniper and training for emp rushes yeah the emps don't survive they get immediately shot they emp their own door everything is on fire by snipers but when you have uh upgraded rockets they can take two snipes and as well the two rockets that they fire can tank a couple the sniper shots and so rockets are actually pretty good at handling um snipers you can see he already put down the upgrade center which means he's just going to upgrade straight from emps or rockets before even firing i hope that he is sufficiently planned to enforce that because the ai will attempt to fire if it has the opportunity to got a ton of mortars from team two and only one mg from team one that might hurt oh yeah oh yeah that looks dangerous that looks real dangerous that really high wall on that mg is gonna make it so you can only shoot a couple of the mortars before it loses angle it's still only one mg and with the rate of fire the ai can put out with even a single motor the motors will just overwhelm the point defense like it doesn't really matter what kind of point defense you have the consistency with the fire rate mgs always get overwhelmed you need as frankly silly amount of mg's to defend against mortars in this you know um i just can also point out that i think mg's got a recent uh little debuff where they overheat much faster um that i don't think exists in the first ai tournament i think the first day i turned mgs could fire three volleys but now they can only fire two immediate volleys before overheating you can see ones are over both have overheated so they can't fire at all and that front face is just getting grinded by all those incendiary motors yes and that's that's i think going to uh going to be the the direction that this game is going to go it's just going to be two two mgs trying and failing to defend against the mortars and then the mortar is continuing to grow and and just pummel team one entered into the oblivion you can even see the only thing that would stop team two from from coming out on top here are is a lack of turbines and he's not even close to running out of energy so i don't think i think this is just uh this is just going to be super one-sided and it might take a moment but that'll be those upgraded rockets are about to hit and um team 2 has no forward mgs and so that's going to drain the metal immediately on team 2 which is going to slow down their upgrades yes that will slow down the upgrades but those two rockets i don't think that's gonna be enough you need at least three rockets to really start the stun lock uh just two rockets it'll slow down the opponent but it won't stop the opponent and those mortars those mortars are getting real damage done they hit right on the doors on the rockets too and even if team two had some snipers they could have actually sniped those rockets but looks like team two just wants to tank i mean i i don't blame him like why do you need to worry about about harassing your opponent when you could just blow them up with mortars the moment you expose snipers the moment you expose doors or really anything is the moment you open yourself up to a vulnerability the chance that you have to spend a lot of extra metal repairing it whereas just just build wood the ai's got the apm as long as it has the resources which it will basically always happen so much as it never exposes anything that's expensive it'll just keep rebuilding it you think would spam off of a player is dangerous but you see an ai do it the heavy mortars are landing and it's it's hurting yeah yeah front face might not survive those rockets are getting beat up that door that's a heavy repair costume it is team one player one in the observer he's out of metal out of metal entirely can't even repair and that's gonna be it that's one ford eliminated with it about half of the anti-air i think we're about to see the destruction of team one's ai here that's a lot of mortars coming in if it just lands once and takes out all those mg's that could really do a lot oh it's inevitable it is absolutely inevitable the only chance team one has here is landing that nuke in a critical spot like drunk nuke style i doubt he's gonna make it far enough i doubt he's gonna make it far enough to actually to actually have that happen but it is it is a hope and is exciting well one thing that can happen if those double nukes if rng is if those nukes are blessed they could hit on the top of the core and do enough aoe damage to take out one of them oh absolutely that's that's what i'm super excited to see i just don't think it's gonna happen i don't think he's gonna survive long enough especially now those two gunners orders dig through wood very quickly that is a lot of them there's a lot of mortars just the sky is just full of black he has an opportunity to fire oh yep there we go with that rage alert moves on it's a pretty solid strategy just tanking and just filling the sky with mortars absolutely that's i think the same kind of idea i was going for myself in my ai you'll notice that my team two base it doesn't really do much but tank for a while and then it throws out motors now of course uh rage alerts ai a little bit more swift about it and i think i think it's definitely the superior model one thing i did see about your ai i didn't have quite enough mgs i don't think to handle that amount of mortars that earlier oh yeah no not at all that's going to be uh i do not suspect i'm fairly certain i'm not going to pass rage alert here as he is my next opponent so who's the next um contestants next contestants will be samster and lively engineer i'm kind of i'm interested in what samsung has prepared he hasn't competed in any of the other ai tournaments uh so i believe you were correct with that i'm excited to see what you got thought up all right ready to go let's do this and we're off so here on the left hand side we have samster birdies coming in with his ai and on the right hand side we have a lively engineer i haven't seen lively engineer participate in quite some time curious to see what he's come up with curious to see what both these players have come up with hello there osprey coming in with the support thank you so much i'm looking at that weird sandbag on second um top on team team one not quite sure it's purpose because it has that little wood in front of it yeah i mean sandbags themselves don't draw attention but maybe just stop gunners yeah my other other machine gunners or maybe to stop ap sniping across his core when he removes the metal around it not sure i suppose we'll find out i hope mortars is meant to keep motors safe ap snipers will shoot through wood as if it's not there but with the sandbag in front it'll it'll hit the sandbag and keep the motor safe that's what it's for same kind of scenario you see here with the tv first section base lower base yeah i could see that but the thing with sandbags are so wide you can actually just put enough wood there just to protect from the ap sniper just by putting um four struts of wood oh yeah of course it's just much cheaper that's true to repair and instantly rebuilds there's kind of something funny about ais if they face a minigun rash and they have sandbag spam they will replace the sandbag so quickly that they'll just use up all their energy in one vote yeah it is quite funny because ai for those who don't know are so fast that they can replace their lost items the same tick that it gets destroyed as in a bullet or projectile hits a a mini a uh sandbag for example that sandbag will not unrender because it gets destroyed and replaced at the same time so if you have something like a minigun which shoots many projectiles at a single volley all at the same time every projectile will hit the mini the uh sandbag and destroy it and it will be replaced as it is hit so it makes for a real rough time for ai sometimes this is actually interesting i just want to point out one thing on the sandbags on the bottom base from team one they're actually distracting the sniper because even though the machine gunners behind him can't have been fired the sniper thinks it can and so it keeps on shooting the sandbag which is distracting it from the exposed machine gunners on top base warning or at least seems to partially distract well i mean distracted as in when it randomly chooses which mg to shoot there's a high chance it shoots a sandbag instead that that is actually a very interesting strategy you could actually have exposed gutters here anything which exposed gun is very powerful but against a but against ai players very dangerous for example you see here on team 2 despite having just landed an emp has been it's it's soft locked it is building exposed exposed mini gun or machine guns in line of sight of an active sniper out of team one so team ones just it keeps shooting them they keep shooting all the the machine gunners away it causes them to have to rebuild it and as you can see i can't even afford to rebuild those machine guns because it keeps it has spent so much money on destroyed gunners that it it is now unable to do anything so team two is basically down to a single base and the occasional firing of an emp which is not a great place to be of course a team two's lower fort is building swarm missiles which had the potential to get some damage down and perhaps come to the rescue of their upper fort that's gonna be a real tough spot to be in especially because oh look team one is building swarm missiles as well something else to point out the emps the doors are so large that when they get hit by just a single heavy motor that ai just runs out of metal immediately because it tries to repair there's a threshold of how much damage before it starts repairing again and so it's always trying to repair which means constantly hitting those large doors on the emp just means it's constantly start to meddle oh yeah oh yeah that's one of the reasons why i ended up going with small small doors for my oh and that right there is the perfect example why why emps are not not a very common common weapon here in these ai tournaments it opened the door and just got instantly sniped plenty of mgs from team one to handle the swarms sufficiently not entirely but sufficiently yeah that's uh i i do not see team two coming out of this alive this is uh this is samster's game to win yep top base from team two is completely out of metal and just is slowly dying let's see how long do they survive or should i say how long does it take samsung's ai to finish out the match rather interesting how lively engineer for his bottom base he puts so many batteries before upgrading to nukes usually you want to put the batteries after you upgrade i i actually don't blame him for that one uh there is a pretty strong argument for putting the batteries first and the reason for that is the ai tends to it tends to require an extra buffer of energy an extra buffer really anything in order to not soft lock itself i can understand that but to upgrade to nukes is a lot cheaper than it is and i think i think putting down three extra batteries is a little bit overboard uh definitely definitely overkill so i question why he did three batteries but i could understand like two yeah i can understand too as well you can see that the if you look at the observer tools it's floating 11 000 energy yeah it doesn't have enough metal to even upgrade the nukes right oh i just realized team two's top base is rebuilding the emp next so it just keeps placing the emp and it gets shot causing another emp on its own base fortunately it's gonna be put out of its misery very soon here as both bases are completely out of metal for team two they can't be right on the core that's gonna hurt welcome to mortars used by the ai team one is finally upgraded to the nuke so that's gonna close out the game real quick can i just say that samster's um bottom base that looks a lot like something the man would build for his ais i don't know looks familiar just saying i think it's just because it it hasn't changed away too much from the vanilla shape it's basically kept the vanilla shape intact because it hasn't really built much out of it b-man bases tend to be i'm gonna say over-engineered they have a lot of very synergist style buildings with mg pits and perfectly sized boxes to fit whatever item is supposed to be in it i could see that i also see a factor coming from sampster's top base that's that's an expansion for later game that is and that's an expensive expansion too very difficult to pull off uh remember that the ai keeps firing at all times and never stops firing so having the energy and or metal to put down a heavy weapon is a very real concern considering samster only has two two turbines on that base it really doesn't have the energy production to ever build a heavy weapon so i don't think i think it's it's going to be a very long time before he even has a hope of building heavy weapon on there top base from lively is about to go that core is smoking and those two mortars i think that's going to be oh it survives oh the bottom base however almost get got taken out by that swarm missile launch a rare occurrence death by swarm hey it's one of the mission training where you take out a vanilla basis and just swarms that is true it is possible it's just rare and a satisfying convergence of those mortars every time makes me happy every single time yeah i do not see any way for victory from lively engineer in this situation yeah i haven't seen a a chance of victory for lively engineers since like the three minute mark it's just taken he's just also not dying ah finally an extra turbine out of samsung's top base maybe that'll be enough to have it actually fire the nuke wait do you see what i see do you see that fire beam under the core from samster he did get down a heavy weapon well a medium heavy weapon yeah the cheapest possible one but he did he did get it down and i think with the turbine upgrades you may actually be able to fire it and the fire beam is great for suppression on an ai because um the ai it really struggles to i don't know what i was going to say with that statement there goes the core that's a one down gun death by a minigun always satisfying a very rare occurrence his upgrade center is getting shot bottom base by mini gun test repair the upgrade center did it get hit technology is a very bad idea yeah you can see the miniguns are going through the base and hitting the upgrade center i i noticed they were hitting the wood but yeah a couple went through and gg game over sanster with the victory moves on and the fire beam completes just not in time uh very good all right so next up we have bowser versus remy bowser well-known well-known ranked ranked player a very good ranked player at that i just want to point out um samsung's uh exposed machine gunners usually that's a horrible idea with ai but he handled it really well it seemed because he really did something with his sandbags and allowed him to place machine gunners and the snipers i'm kind of impressed because i would assume the moment i see exposed machine gunners like that i just like that base is gonna get stun locked and that's it yeah i usually just write it off as a base that has no chance of surviving but samsung with his i guess just mixing exposed machine gunners with enclosed fake machine gunners if you would the ones that that pull aggro really really was able to pull it off because the exposed ones weren't safe but the amount of time that they were actually hit wasn't wasn't enough to make the difference it was not stun locking it was insufficient metal drain exactly are we ready to start the next match absolutely i must say setting up ai matches is way simpler than trying to like get players to join and you know there oh yes it's it is so much nicer to not have to do the cat hurting as it is as as we like to call it so on team one left hand side we have the ai by bowser i'm interested to see how this works out because bowser is a very good player there's a lot of insights into the game and on the right hand side we have remy i haven't seen his i haven't really seen how he plays much so this is going to be an interesting that's uh in any normal match that's that's two box wide i i don't know how to take that team two's bottom base is it has some interesting strut layout i'll put it that way it's become kind of a popular um i should say like reinforcement technique to build those 4.12 long struts just because they're so strong indeed not very not very compact you can't really put much in your base but it will prevent all wobble whatsoever yes and that's something i do like doing when i have an opportunity but not like an opportunity for extra but not as a replacement for based structure it's interesting and i i think the reason why he's doing that though it's because he doesn't intend to put anything in that base it's just gonna be it's just going to tank it doesn't have any plans for like weapons it just doesn't need that he doesn't need storage or tech it's just going to be his minds and that turbine that could that could be it uh but without weapons or really anything that he's got to have something in there well i can see top base with that um munitions plant it's probably gonna be the main damage output indeed and he's going very quick with it that is a full-on greedy fastest possible rush build it looks like which is going to be exciting we're going to have a pre-canada clock cannon yeah the ultra ultra hard ai rushing is like how you get perfect timing [Music] thanks for some rather interesting interesting different builds here uh team one going with the swarm missile machine gunners we have seen we have seen something very similar before that's an interesting machine gunner set up with like that little bottom machine gunner below the top machine gunner yeah i wonder if that's if one gets hit by a motor the other one can still fire it's a little confusing but i wouldn't think so this bottom gunner here is blocked off and can't actually fire but if the top gunner explodes for some reason yeah so that it does indeed look like the bottom base is just going to be a giant shield wall and that does explain the 4.12 the the really long struts here the long struts are very very good for holding weight not good for anything else but holding weight but very good for holding weight and he's just going to be building himself a lot of weight is what he's doing so this forward base is just gonna build tall it's gonna defend itself from everything and oh my oh he's going with the pseudo tier three the pseudo tier three howard's here which really isn't a requirement with howitzers because how it's just gonna already basically just shoot straight up without needing to tear through them i imagine though what he wants to do is force the ai to only fire higher at a higher angle instead of firing at straight at the target because they i when he uses a really likes to fire the direction possible and so i imagine slanting the howitzer like that will make it so it arcs them really high and we'll see what that does for you yeah i have i am curious this is certainly an interesting certainly interesting with loser draw remy here has shown us a strategy that i love to see now i do have some concerns about i do have some concerns about it's um i'm gonna say i'm gonna say i have some concerns about its damage output this takes up a significant portion of the base there's really not much room left to put other weapons so the damage output of this rear base is going to be minimal at best and considering this bottom base out of team 2 is uh less than aggressive i really question team 2's ability to perform to do any real damage here we're talking about team 2 but appears team 1 spot and player has completely stunlocked itself its field order has messed up and it it's not doing anything or has it it's floating all of its metal all of its energy you are correct maybe that was the end of its build maybe all it's designed to do is build machine gunners and tank in kind of the aggro kind of like what we see from mimikoo that could very well be the be the case because remember team one at the beginning it did have some snipers it did have some aggression and then it sold it all off and redesigned itself to be basically this this shield wall which is incoming yep and it's likely going to get shot down yeah uh so uh cronk i i forgot to mention this did you ever re-enable the 15-minute time limit oh yeah if i enable it you can see nine minutes remember you're correct you're correct down here at the middle nine minutes remaining okay good because this is gonna be uh this is gonna be a long one this is absolutely gonna be a long one with uh i don't see any player really capable of striking a deadly blow yes despite team one having two nukes that's two nukes i doubt is going to be able to break through this absolute monster this absolute unit of a base that is team two's bottom fort and with only one howitzer at a team two like come on you're not getting through six machine gunners it looks like that um the problem is the ais they all build in thinking mortars are gonna come and so when the mortar when the houser comes there's just too much too much anti-air yes howitzer is uh not nearly as threatening as show what was it like nine mortars out of the previous opponent that was pretty terrifying i have to say yeah my nightmares that one that one can go far i think in the in this tournament that one's that was a candidate for our grand tournament champion the ai has yet to group fire its nukes and so it's just lightly pummeling the tank the absolute chunk base in the front which has upgraded all of its mines put down three uh metal storages it's gonna just be floating all of its metal so the moment it gets hit it can just immediately replace everything oh yeah this this this the chunky base is not it's not playing around it's not going anywhere anytime soon it's gonna have all the material in the world to save itself it is it is a little bit low on energy but i don't think i don't think that's going to be too big of a concern considering it doesn't have weapons it does have the very real possibility of collapsing itself yeah um that is a possibility with that base swinging like that all that mass it might topple forward indeed that would be a really exciting way for it to go down just a little bit of recoil wobbling it back and forth it does have internal bracing all over the place so this is a very strong build it could it could actually get another layer of internal bracing there let's see team two's top base our team sorry team one's top base left hand side looks like it's getting enough energy to really start firing those those nukes off which is good for team one here it also it's just finishing up it's it's munitions plant so it's gonna come out with cannon cannon of course not going to do much to the the absolute unit of a base that's over on that's over on team two but it isn't let's get lost unless you could imagine if the cannon fired right before the new kid then you could get a much farther um go much more into the base and cause a lot of aoe it could it is it is possible and that is i think the only hope of this not going to not go into time of it it looks like though inevitably that halter is never going to make it through and so this is just going to be who does more damage right i think we know who's going to do more damage the one who actually has weapons to fire wait that house is going to land what is that talking about it actually landed that's well i mean so the only re the only chance it has of landing is if it never crosses into the line of sight over those gunners and if it doesn't cross into the line of sight of those gunners then it could only splash into the front section of the bottom base here and that's that's not gonna have it deal much damage at all and certainly nothing compared to the multiple nukes and soon to be canon out of team one like maybe the hope is that it depended the howitzer penetrates enough to touch the core out of team one yeah that's the only thing i could see a little bit of core damage if it goes right below that stack and hits the like that unused door on bottom base right that might reach the core with aoe and it might deal enough to scratch it and remember guys in the case of a timeout rather than rather than the destruction of the forts the victory condition is determined by how much damage has been dealt specifically core damage and in the case of the core dam the cores being tied for same amount of damage then it goes down to overall structure damage to the forts so regardless of whoever is the aggressor or defender whoever has the most core health remaining at the end of the match will win when the timer hits zero at this point i don't have any reasonable expectation that any amount of core damage will happen at any point during this match but there is very technically a chance for this howitzer to penetrate this forward fort and just get the lightest of scratches on this forward on this forward core it's gonna happen it could happen it's not impossible and that's that i think is our best case for this match not going to or rather i think that is team two's the best chance of victory and perhaps only chance of victory at this point because otherwise they have absolutely no chance ever of destroying team one sports yeah that's not that's not even coming close you know something would be interesting if um team two he had built more snipers uh he could have door sniped that cannon because you can see each time that cannon's firing it's getting shot by a sniper so if he had two other snipers that cannot could have gone door sniped and that would cause poor damage i'm not sure wait you still got shot and got shot twice if he had one more sniper that would have caused core damage i'm not sure if that cannon is close enough to cause core damage in the explosion it might be a little bit of a stretch of its aoe capabilities i always feel like cannons are always damaging my core though yeah yeah i know i know that feel i know that feel all too well hello increases how are you today looking forward to all the eggs it would have been interesting to see some buzz sauce from either team hello there dark knight coming into the nuclear launch thank you uh yes i am enjoying this very very very well checked out from the pinnacle what am i drinking i have acai juice it's quite it's quite good yeah i mean it's a little bit overkill but uh what else do you get is target like the cannon it doesn't have the option to meaningfully deal damage anywhere else so like why not just take out the cannon or take out the sniper and everything next to it why is the cannon not firing there you go whoa that was very interesting i don't know why the ai waited so long to fire that but it did and it collided at about the same time as the nuke landed of course not even coming anywhere near penetrating that absolute unit of wood spam but if that could happen to the lower lower part of the base though instead of that machine gunner pit that's what would deal critical core damage or any core damage just a scratch but absolutely you have another cannon shell coming out no no okay hey i changed it six mgs too powerful it's always interesting because the ai actually uses these specific machine gunners a little bit differently the ultra hard ai it basically just unrelentlessly fires shall we say relentlessly fires it doesn't have any kind of extra time waiting between bursts it just full-on mag dumps toward anything coming to add them no it hits the same spot it's almost like if bowser put that tower on purpose to protect the core from that shot yeah what i suspect is happening is the uh howitzer is aiming specifically at the core and so that angle is just never gonna happen if it were to aim somewhere else a little lower it would have to aim lower up there goes the sniper again it's kind of interesting how bowser has his ai filled a second cannon after the 15 minute mark i'm not sure the point of that very likely just wasn't optimized enough but team one with a victory dealing 109 000 damage oh that's that's quite impressive but bowser moves on to face samster in the next round yeah something about bowser's design though front base really was not up to its potential it's just sitting there with six machine gunners that entire match i really feel like it could have been helping out a little bit i think so i probably should have at least tried to do something maybe get a heavy weapon and a cannon like way in the back somewhere perhaps what i could also imagine is like just a couple miniguns to clear aaa even though that could cause it it's already unlocked what am i saying it's unlocked itself by virtue of not wanting to build anything maybe maybe bowser did that on purpose maybe it got itself stuck when it couldn't build a tiny strut or something that's the eye is so picky we may never know unless we ask them of course i i think that was purposeful though i suspect all right ready okay well some people did once again and write their ai philosophy about things about their ai so perhaps you could check one of those out indeed we did have i i know we we did this we've done this every time but it's uh it's i feel bad because i haven't been reading them out because we asked all the competitors to actually write a little bit a bit of a snippet for each of their ai and we we haven't been reading them out so i'm gonna i think i'm gonna do that here but first here on the right hand side we have etan eaton good player well known in the community you're very curious to see what he's come up with and here on the left side we have taichu i i taichu i could expect some different builds from though his does seems fairly standard-ish he's got technology he's got turbines turbines in the rear more technology down going with the armory interesting interesting decision doesn't look like he's made rocket spots for the armory though so i don't know what he plans to do with that armory i'm not sure his snippet about his own ai taichu his snippet says mortars lots of mortars so i imagine the armory is more so for defense perhaps shotguns maybe flack just to flash are troublesome because they get sniped instantly in a in a match like this they will not survive well they don't have to be exposed to snipers if they're just going to be used for antsy air that's true but it won't be able to protect the top base not itself you can see some looks like it could be some rockets coming from tapes for eaton some upgraded rockets ah would you like to see to know the snippet for e10s eaton's ais yeah sure this snippet is very simple when ai shoots the other ai shoots you know what it's kind of interesting but not all as i've been shooting in this tournament so that's that is fair we have seen ais that don't have weapons oh that's funny but yes it looks like we're going to have a bit more of an aggressive play out of out of etan here he's got he's got double nuke set up uh he didn't set them he did he built them in a way such that they will not fire swarms and so they are nuke options and he does have anti-air he's got mg pits there the rockets same kind of scenario they won't fire until until they're fully leveled up yeah front face has no wide wood spam and those rockets and nukes are going to take it out if he doesn't get some way to counteract them yeah and this is this is very fast the rockets hit before the three minute mark and those nukes are gonna hit is he saving up money oh he is saving up energy because he doesn't have it he's not building and he's not spending his energy on much of anything so that's uh those nukes are gonna are gonna fire in almost near simultaneously it's gonna be quick succession in there that's gonna be a very dead base team one's hope right now is that those nukes fire at top base where the bottom bases machine guns can look up and and make any attempt at defending itself i doubt that's going to happen something that i've seen a couple times is the mortars are distracting from bases aaa and it's been shooting down the rockets from team two from the top base kind of being an aaa and so it could do the same for the nukes which would be quite painful that that is another option it is it is technically possible for those nukes to get hit uh get drunk and then turn around and slam into his own core but all those rockets are so brutal so many ais just don't don't build to deal with rockets outside of snipers and when you have those eco drain rockets you can see the two players from team one are just out of metal they are but the mortars are back first nuke makes it and it slams that's gonna send team one's first base into a death spiral it is out of money and it is taking more hits that's a lot more inside a team at a team two at team one's top base that is a lot of mortars once he gets those turbines up and running to be able to fire them that'll shut down basically any any anti-air by virtue of completely overwhelming it yeah front fake um front face um from tai chi has been pretty suppressed at the moment can't really do much just kind of being a a for top base which is a use yeah it is it is being useful even if its use is mostly just taking damage it looks like shotguns has been added for anti-sandbag and general anti-anti-exposed things haven't seen shotgun top base is having to reconstruct those um sniper tiny doors getting taken out by the mortars yeah that is that is quite expensive and potentially dangerous dealing with tiny doors the ais they tend to confuse the ai quite quite strongly is team one team one actually appears to be out of metal that's why it's not firing that's the one that's repairing that's the one that's getting shot all day you are you are correct i misspoke as i was wondering why team one's top base just wasn't firing its mortars perhaps it was just well placed on the upgrade center which really started for energy for a little bit i think it had energy and it just wasn't firing i'm not sure we may we may never understand who needs aa to defend against rockets when you could just build mortars that's uh that's something i understand that nuke is consistently getting shot down by the machine gunners it's rather unfortunate for eaton mortars the hardest counter to nukes and it looks like the front face has finally gone a door for its flack it's a very large slanted door at that it's about time expensive to repair though it is and it's in the spot most likely oh the nuke threads the needle core damage has been dealt oh that's followed by rockets and a shotgun it is not looking healthy and that's gonna be repairing itself for probably the rest of its life it's short short life oh that's uh that's a rough spot to be in remember it looks like top base from taichung's actually struggling because it doesn't have enough batteries it can't put down batteries i'm a little confused yeah it has 900 metal and 5000 energy but it's not firing its mortars nor is it it's not building more that's the confusing part yeah maybe it's phil just ended maybe that's it looks like there's more spots for more mortars though yeah i i i don't i maybe it just bugged out that something has something has broken it's rebuilding slowly very slowly but it isn't actually expanding itself which is an interesting interesting decision it just might be the ultra hard ai being the ultra hard ai and not wanting to build because it didn't feel like it that's that is what i suspect happened it can absolutely support more mortars than that it hasn't upgraded any mortars it hasn't upgraded anything but it does have an upgrade center so that that screams that his ai has unfortunately broken and i think may be the difference between winning and losing here because well despite having nukes team 2 is uh not handling the mortars very well and if it were to have any additional pressure i think team two would just explode yep there goes the flack it took so long to finally get it to have those two huge metal doors moment opens them and gets sniped indeed i wonder eaton's bottom fort ai i don't know if it's broken or just has never never intended to expand beyond that it's got two warheads or two nukes and only one turbine and he didn't explain it a little bit because this is this is the one ai i saw before the tournament and he told me if you look at the machine gunner pit in front of the core you notice that one strut missing on the top on the top of that little box in front of that mission gunner what's up with little box yes yes i see it um there's supposed to be a sandbag there so so it just broke it bugged out and it's uh it's never going to continue building that's really unfortunate yep sandbags are dangerous sandbags on tiny struts especially dangerous yes i noticed that as well i had to deal with that on my own ai except when i was writing it i spent like 30 so my ai for reference it um it doesn't stop building like there's a 15 minute time limit but it just keeps going and i wanted to make sure it just kept going so that it's always it always had something to do and never not had something to do that makes sense yeah that makes sense but when you're writing enough enough commands for it to do for more than 15 minutes in the perfect scenario it turns into like a 45 minute recording process and that's that's a long time and i found out at the end of that during some later game during some testing if it's that there's actually a method to add on top of a build oh yeah no i i i absolutely opened up the uh i absolutely went through all that but to change oh i encountered an issue where i had a sandbag on a tiny strut and it literally would just break the build like at the 12 minute mark everything just stopped working and it was really bad i'm like oh gosh no oh that's really bad that is yeah had you already submitted it when you found that no uh but the i didn't have at that time by the time i found it uh i didn't exactly have time to re-record so i just kind of removed a chunk of those of those commands and just let it go it was not perfect but it's the best i was going to get it looks like agent's main problem is that aa is shooting down all of his own weapons indeed that is a major concern that's a dangerous concern considering that there are nukes there nukes they can get drunk and drunk nukes don't much care about friendly fire yeah i couldn't imagine a drunk nuke slamming onto the top of eaton's front base just ending his own core that is a very real concern like i don't know how to stress that enough it is a very real concern but hey eaton's second base is top base is extremely well put together it's struggling for metal production it's actually limited i think on its weapons by metal production over anything else it's just firing so many weapons it can't keep up with it you know something it's also suffering energy but ultra harder hard ai doesn't stop shooting and building it doesn't both at the same time well a human tends to save up the fire the ai it just is always building more batteries and turbines even if it doesn't have enough energy or metal to fire its own weapons so i think eaton here will eventually win by virtue of being able to scale later into the game and eventually just basically outpace team one i think is i think is the way to get it's the way to say it as team one's based bottom base has been suffering for energy for so long suffering from metal for so long it hasn't rebuilt its weapons it's just trying and it's not doing very well at that and of course with team team one's top base these mortars whatever caused it to be stuck is still stuck so it will not continue to do more damage and it's just not doing sufficient damage to stop to stop team 2 from expanding i wouldn't be surprised if there was a tiny that there's a sandbag on a tiny strut that stopped it all i wouldn't be surprised at all for all we know it could be you notice here he's got three sandbags team one t team one's top base maybe there was supposed to be a fourth in there right on top of that tiny strut oh drunk nuke lands chunking away so much of team one's base exposing team one's top base and it got absolutely destroyed by those rockets fortunately team one stop base yes fortunately team one's top base was storing up a lot of metal uh because it soft locked itself so we won't have to worry about it not having enough metal to rebuild but alas 50 seconds left in the match and uh team one has lost core health so yes got beat up by that nuke at the beginning it did and unless something changes in the next few seconds then uh we're gonna see a victory out of beats in here i have to admit i should keep put this in mind some incendiary mortars to make a shoot its own nukes very powerful strategy i think eaton's built here is actually quite good i think he has a very good opportunity to go far in the tournament yeah he knows how to build really good bases not only really good bases but bases that the ai can work is a real with yeah it is team two with a victory eaton moves on uh yeah i think if you know i think we've seen how impressive mass motors can be i think of tai chi's um top base hand soft locked that might have been a lot closer than it was i think if top base out of team one had been soft locked not only could it have been a lot closer but i think team one would actually have won that uh because those incendiary mortars are landing they were absolutely landing and they were doing a huge amount of damage and the only thing stopping team two from dying was team one's lack of firepower if team two if team one had expanded his firepower any amount i seem to i don't think would have survived that and yeah all the tiny struts on ethan's base one like one grouping of heavy mortars would deform so much that it would be almost impossible to rebuild exactly and that would have been that would absolutely have been the end i believe all right let's go to the next round and we're off to the next round here we have freedom versus scoring here on the left hand side it is freedom is ai starting off with two upgrade centers so that likely means we're going to be seeing some ap snipers out of this and on the right hand side we have an upgrade center and a workshop being built by scorings ai something i could point out really quick if y'all were looking closely you could see left base both bases drop their metal and trying to sell it that's probably because he did the average like what a human would do is they would delete the top node and then they would delete the bottom node after the top note goes away but the ai doesn't understand timing so it deletes both nodes at the same time and if you've uh tried to delete nodes and forts you know that if you try to delete a node next to another one it cancels the deleting instead of um deleting all the struts and so the front base just deleted and undeleted therefore dropping some of that starting metal instead of selling it that is exactly right and that's actually a fairly significant concern because at this point it's very likely that the ai being that the ai and the path that is following is going to be different from what the player the creator mr freedom intended it to be it's already different you can see that extra note in the front with that slanted metal that slanted forward that's not supposed to be there that was not an original build correct so there's no so that's that's asking for desync but again we still have two ap snipers place while i expect this for will eventually soft lock itself in a way that will be unrecoverable that's still two ap snipers and that's um very dangerous very very dangerous for team two team two hitting with the mortars getting a sniper down but this is soft lock city ap snipers are very good especially this early at causing causing soft blocks is are those just was that an exposed sniper team two has an exposed sniper in its lower base are you okay well that's um i'm afraid that marks the stun lock of bottom base yes it's already a metal star but can't buy anything other than snipers yep and it's just gonna get shot over and over again and this ai will repeatedly put the sniper back in that position only for it to be shot once more placed and wait for it amist at ap deviation annoys humans as well yep that happens sometimes and now those snipers are distracted and not shooting at this there goes okay so the buzz off the first time we see a buzz off from an ai actually which could actually be really strong against some of the builds we've been seeing who have been just sold all their starting metal one lucky bus stock because the bus does love aiming for the core and so you can see that shot would be perfect if if um oh fredom had sold that medal that base would be gone right now absolutely i'm actually curious that buzz saw has an opportunity to fix the base of freedom here by dropping that by dropping that front metal it could absolutely do that and then that could be that could spell disaster for team two indeed that would be funny to see that happen it's kind of been interesting because um oh no team two built an exposed sniper on it's on his top base oh no oh no it's kind of interesting though because uh fredem had upgraded his snipers to ap which have a like a two times a slow reload rate it's actually not quite as costly as normal because the firing rate of the ap sniper is so much slower it is you can see bottom base already has its sniper fully built it's it that is that is correct it it the ap sniper is not as good as stun locking exposed weapons as a standard sniper but i mean he's got four of them like if they would just yeah the sniper bounced some metal and almost hit the ap sniper from the back the exposed sniper from bottom base you can see it's bouncing and hitting the technology on bottom base when it hitting the slanting metal indeed i saw that i saw that happening a lot when i was doing testing for my own ai not that i did enough testing but just having this slanted metal from the top base the regular snipers out of the opposing team can absolutely just shred everything in the rear of team one including the core if you exchange the core with background bracing as many of these players tend to do so they can get turbines in the back they can actually be sniped just straight up sniped from the ricochet which wasn't supposed to be there because the ai messed up deleting at the beginning correct so that's gonna be interesting i cannot believe these these uh exposed snipers are still alive like well the ap snipers just can't maintain the map control as well as a normal sniper then that's that's all that's happening and it's it's a problem team two is managing to where once it was literally stunt locked uh the base has managed to recover just by virtue there's no mg's from oh fredom so those mortars are just landing consistently which has become rather painful for front base who's been constantly losing his front mortars he's been constantly losing all of their motors he's had six motors and they've been constantly going down i think it's eventually gonna work out for team team one here uh just because just because rng will have it that one of these mortars will complete and then it will just it will spiral from there i think he's already upgrading him yes and a recent update has made it so that um mg's no longer shoot upgraded um no actually do shoot upgraded mortars through doors so right now scoring does actually have anti-air to shoot down some mortars we'll see if they do their job i don't know if the ultra hard ai has adjusted for that it will try i don't think the angle is good enough nope looks like it's not it can't protect the top base yeah it can protect itself kind of but not really that's going to hurt the turbines oh yeah oh with that with the energy shield down the sniper's going to go ham on those turbines they think oh yeah turbine fresh meat focus that thing as they do every time the priority list for ai's for some reason turbines are just so high up on it i guess because they're almost always a weak spot and that like a human base that the ai has been programmed to oh the heavy mortar hits so i don't mean to cut you off no i see i see what you're looking at that metal almost gave way and had a double kill that would have been that would have been a good way to go the ai is actually looking for exposed things to shoot and turbines um are almost always exposed because they need and background racing to have efficiency so it will always shoot the turbines because they are exposed well i mean even even when there's multiple exposed things like you've had exposed snipers this whole time ap snipers consider things behind door single doors to be exposed and there's many things behind single doors but maybe it's just and acetyl but it feels like the turbines get focused way more than anything else even if they're just one out of the list well scoring has kind of counteracted that effect by putting a sniper in front of the turbine so therefore no matter which one is targeted the sniper still dies so in the end it's a little bit of a loser i think that's a great way to put it lose lose either you lose the sniper and it gets rebuilt or the turbine yeah there's no that's uh i feel bad for for scoring's ai here on team two it's just it has too many exposed weapons it can't rebuild anymore it's there they're out of money and the mortars are starting to deal their damage and the ap snipers are finally taking out the mortars they are top base it's making it's making a huge difference with only one mortar left at a top base for team two there's uh not a whole lot not a whole lot they can do left we talk about exposed um how because turbines are exposed that's why their highest priority but i see that incendiary mortar is adamant on shooting that back turbine over and over again like that because i've seen to shoot it multiple times motors seem to really like shooting turbines it's weapons in general it's it's like every time like it could shoot anywhere but it doesn't it decides to shoot the turbine more often than not but hey you know whatever makes it happy it's something we gotta live with that makes these games a little bit more exciting or at least zany one of the two it's kind of interesting front base from of fredham team one uh his front mortar has slanted a little bit too far to the left you can't actually build the middle mortar a little bit of limited firepower i i think i don't think that's the i'm pretty certain these are soft locked at this point uh these both of these bases at a team one and i'm not sure if that's because of the forward brace or something else that happened probably because the forward brace given that the there's a missing strut where it would normally be with a forward strut but yeah front base from scoring has a nearly exposed core just two braces preventing it from getting blown up indeed it did take some damage so if the time expires in four and a half minutes then team one will win how much damage did it take let's see reactor it took eight percent damage so we are good things are going things are going well for team one despite despite basically soft locking itself within a few seconds of start in the match it's uh it's it seems like it is going to win this one you can see if you look at the metal and energy team one has just been floating everything oh team two is struggling to pay just pay the basic repair bill indeed so team one can just instantly replace everything that gets shocked and repaired stores but team two cannot do the same it can hardly even fire its weapons its mortars are sitting there trying to fire just doesn't have the money for it it's mostly because of that sniper i was going to point out that team 1 could have more efficient turbines but it doesn't seem to be struggling for energy so i don't think that's really important yeah of all the problems team one's suffering i don't think energy is the biggest one yep those energies are built just in time to save its buddy they really were um i'm curious if that might be enough to change the tide of war here another hefty hit onto the core i you know those two mgs out of team one's bottom base might be enough to put team two back in the lead here because those two mgs they won't stop all the mortar hits but they don't need to stop all of them they just need to bring the they just need to bring team two out of the death spiral they might just do that it might just be enough i think the problem is um bottom base is too busy replacing all the door machine gunners that it's still struggling to afford you can see it's still a tin metal backface is doing better finally getting like at least 100 metal but it looks still looks pretty dire it does it does look very dire but it is very technically it has momentum upward and forward it's able to progress its build order it's a it's able to bring out the the buzz saw again not that that's going to last very long but look the mortars out of team two have have started to grow and they've actually beat down the mortars out of team one and that's gonna that's it it is i think officially out of the death spiral and that puts team one in a rough spot because team one will not grow it is it is soft luck at a certain point it will never grow beyond that point and it's the point at which it does the most damage is at at this time insufficient to destroy team two so therefore it seems you will inevitably and will inevitably win this match if it were to go on if it were to go on forever exactly so there's a bit of a problem can team 2 manage to deal enough damage it has managed to turn the match around and put itself back on top but can it catch up is the lead so great for team one that team two won't be able to catch up in the next 60 seconds before the time limit well i think what went wrong is first of all score needed to get those roof empties way sooner because they had them way too late in this build where they were stun locked for more than like three quarters of the match and backface never upgraded to heavy mortars because of said stun lock and so he could never get any core damage like backface is finally upgrading its mortars after not being sunlocked but this can be too late by the time that it's gonna get like one volume before the game ends which could be enough it could be one volley ah very technically but there's the volley and shooting down him by atonement and i think that's gonna be the end of that 10 seconds left whoa that was the shot it needed but it needed to land with more than one mortar core damage core damage a few seconds left not enough not enough oh oh that was so close team two would absolutely have had that with i think even 60 more seconds team t would have come out on top but alas the time limit is reached and team one wins freedom moves on i was i got really close at the end i did not suspect that i thought it was gonna be stun locked forever but appears having only of the ap snipers really meant that um he struggled to maintain map control by killing the exposed snipers indeed that is actually one reason why i did not build or did not upgrade all of my snipers in my own ai to up to be the ap snipers because i realized that regular snipers just the standard unupgraded ones they're quite good and they are good they have their use and they have they are in many situations better than ap snipers yeah ap snipers have a very specific purpose and snipers are superior in everything else exactly no other weapon can get through one door but a lot of weapo snipers are definitely more accurate and fire much faster so there's that for them that's what's interesting about ports upgrades are not just direct like stat bonuses to weapons but they give it a different purpose which could mean you might not want to upgrade at times that is exactly correct and i think we are ready to move on to this next match laban vs mateo lavin a veteran of the ai tournament indeed but he made the same mistake dropping that starting medal no that is how desync happens unless he has specifically planned for specifically planned to drop that starting medal which i find that statement very very hard to believe he may have incited some inevitable desync into himself it's almost like everyone wrote these in a few hours last night as opposed to spending the multiple months that they had to do so i know a few others put some soul into their ais oh dear all right so on the left hand side we have laven previous competitor of the ai ford's tournament i'm looking forward to seeing some experience and more refined builds out of out of our team one player and on the right hand side we have mateo coming in with an upgrade center with basically all the tech he's coming in with a armory and upgrade center for his bottom base and he's coming in with a workshop for his top base workshop placed in a way that's not really able to capitalize on any sort of missile placements so we're not going to be seeing swarm missiles or nukes out of team two but we may see some rockets out of team two's bottom base here maybe some emps maybe some rockets in the similar matter to eat in here back bay is going with the munitions plant from mateo that's interesting very interesting so we're not going to see mortars it's a it's a heavy weapons rush and he's going with mines so we're going to see a not theoretically fast as possible but still still quite fast heavy weapon rush i wonder if he's gonna go howie's or cannon maybe i don't think so but maybe we have some snipers out of team two the heavy mortars are already out for team one that single machine gunner is not gonna be able to hold off nope he can try and he may delay the inevitable but those heavy mortars will unavoidably unavoidably dominate the field he's got team two desperately needs to return fire or have something to mitigate it and i don't think it's gonna happen the emp with the tiny door has already gone deformed can't put pg and the doors wobbling in front of the emp uh oh that's uh that's asking for a soft lock cannon positions are prepared for when the tech completes i imagine cannon positions because he doesn't have any storages for any other weapon yeah oh this has already been sniped this is exactly why players have been avoiding emps and rocket type weapons in the ai tournament the emps they just get they get shut down so quickly even with this tiniest of doors it opened for a small fraction of time and it instantly just got destroyed and that is an expensive replacement but hey with two additional machine gunners out of team two uh atop what i can only assume are cannon positions we may actually see a successful defense from those mortars neither base looks one shot able by a cannon it looks like lavender has been keeping keeping all of his metal so yes those bases don't look too delicate with only three mines he's basically just put all of his metal and front face in front and just kind of expecting that expecting that he won't have to repair it or rebuild it that he's gonna blow up his opponent without the insert you need to regenerate himself in any way which is a perfectly legitimate strategy it's a very strong strategy but cannons cannons are very good at dealing with that case specifically because let's say that the cannon has been placed down by matteo so it's gonna complete it is it is going to complete and that's going to spell disaster for team one because there's no way to really stop cannon damage the moment the cannon is fired it's gonna land and that's it's gonna land it's gonna deal damage it's gonna deal significant damage and core damage likely core damage likely and borrowing any way to swiftly rebuild your base which you cannot do with only a three-minute economy there's it's it's just gonna be a rough experience for team one that's that's how team one that's how team one dies i will point out that um back base has finally helped out with the mgs and have been holding off against the heavy motors very effectively oh that's you can i i love that little mg on the spire by mateo yeah it's protected by the front from ap snipers and normal snipers it has an angle both up and down to handle rockets or mortars i was about to say that is an interesting position i've seen this used rarely and i appreciate seeing it used here yeah i've never seen it on a standing base because that high up anyways just because you have to build so high before it has any sort of angle that's uh that's an interesting scenario and i think now with those extra gunners from team two's top base those mortars are just not gonna they're just not gonna do much anymore the cannon is about to finish if it hits bottom base it will get some heavy core damage the angle on that yeah the tiny toys might be a little too tiny it's aiming it's but it's hesitating it does it can't fire through the tiny door it's struggling it should be nice to fire toward the top base so i didn't mean to cut you off go ahead i was just gonna say hey i have trouble with tiny doors because they choose an angle and then they see if they can fire if they can't fire they just give up now i'm done oh he's trying yeah it looks like it fired at the turbine in the back oh it's going my priorities okay that turbine is dangerous every time with the turbines every time with the turbines from face is getting shredded by those mini guns it really is that's if it loses one of those metal that could cause a lot of structural damage it would likely collapse it is so tall with only three team two's bottom base here is very tall but only has three three braces at the bottom three foundation notes and those foundation nodes are not cross braced it desperately needs its help from its canon ally up in the top position to make the difference here that's it shot through its own tiny door wood you see it struggled because the it tried to aim at the lowest possible angle which meant it shot through the wood that is below its doors and that decelerated the shot and meant it landed in the dirt that's something you don't see every day but that is exactly what happened you have to have ai precision to be able aim that close to the bottom of your doors to not hit the door but hit the wood just from the arc of the cannon i i think if that cannon decides to aim at the top fit the top base for teams for team one then this is a very different story the door snipe on one of those miniguns would be some very heavy core damage it wouldn't even have to well yes it would be some very heavy core damage but with just a minigun it doesn't even have to door snipe remember it could just slam into it and deal a huge amount of damage and start the death spiral yeah you go starve it a little bit i was just saying because the double doors stopped the cannon that the aoe probably couldn't touch the core from that distance right but if it store snipes it'll go straight through the double door and slam into the core i see a second cannon from matteo that has bigger tiny doors which would give it a much better angle shooting bottom absolutely and i'm excited to see that one come online it uh i'm i fear that it's soft looks like yeah it looks like it actually can't build the doors for its own cannon because it it is stuck there's a no more growth it has been floating floating metal and energy for some time i would think the yeah i don't know where's the landing on front that and all it needs is to kill the core to make the game over it doesn't need to kill both indeed i think i think the cannons were a good idea and i think team two would have won if it wasn't for a softbox scenario the turbine you got to shoot that turbine you know yeah it got the turbine again every time it has laser accuracy on that turbine that's impressive if i wanted to hit it turbine that badly i'd still miss oh jeez well it seems that we are going to have a victor here in the form of team one it's still possible for team two to win but at this point where team two was just kind of hoping for a lucky shot with this cannon and so far uh team one has a tough turbine as a tank for days but all it needs is to scratch that core and team one does not look like it's going to land those mortars in a two oh there we go that got a shot after getting rid of all visible turbines it has finally decided to shoot the core that is that's gonna put team two in the lead team two i still think is on the back foot from a momentum perspective battle for battle i think team one inevitably wins this but you know with that core damage there's a very real opportunity for for team 2 to uh team 2 to come back and to win on the timer to be honest it looks like all these ais have finished their builds i don't see any more expansion from any of the ais so and of course bottom base um by mateo was just deformed into oblivion and just gave up oh court damage on the other four now i think this after getting rid of all the turbines now it's actually making some important shots indeed yeah and what i think is interesting is neither of these bases your team one are rebuilding anything i think they may have gotten soft locked in some manner and are no longer rebuilding which means that they won't be able to upkeep oh that's brutal i think what's really been the cost though if you look at it they all have mini guns and snipers and but only like one turbine they might just be energy starving like top detected you can see it never gets above like 400 energy before he spends it all i say that now he hasn't well i mean the team team one's bottom base is the one that starred for energy with the three mini gunners and the three heavy mortars more turbines and the constant constant reduction of the constant obliteration of his turbines it's the top base however has no such issues and is still not even repairing itself i think seeing that none of the ais are changing their strategy i suspect the mateo is going to be victorious i i think so too everything is on fire and not only victorious you may actually get some actual destruction you can see it's aiming for it it's like it's aiming down it wants to shoot that turbine it knows what it wants in life and it wants that turbine oh almost a doorstep on the minigun almost it it understood that it had to abandon what it wanted and do what was right oh shoot at the exposed minigun good summer the 20 would be now all the turbines are gone progress may be made it's so real very accurate still both teams have managed to soft lock themselves so it's just a matter of a matter of the time running down and at this point in time uh mateo's team two is is in the lead yeah i can actually see what's the problem if you look at mateo's bottom base you see that floating node it's repeatedly falling because it the way it is lined up the deformation means it can't build any strut to support it and so after the floating nodes timer wears off it just falls and immediately reconstructs the fallen node it's really clear you record an ai sad it highly recommends no accident for falling parts because then they i will just keep on rebuilding that falling apart and it will fall again oh dear these these poor ai have beaten themselves and each other into into endless loops inescapable inescapable loops that don't stop they're good at that i have to say it's rather impressive they are a lot of people are like oh what cool strategy did what cool strategy did you come up with for an ai the best strategy is one that doesn't detonate itself every time it's simple enough to work yes more core damage it tried to hit the turbine i think the deviation prevented that though you know uh yeah it did it did hit the sandbag which was defending the turbine and then splashed onto the core oh jeez matteo is victorious congratulations he moves on just a little bit of chip damage on the core is enough to make the difference the unstoppable damage of a cannon that's what i like about cannons they can't be stopped they just hit and they hit again it is nice just having that guaranteed damage even though i have to admit i think matteo if he put like five more extra minutes a little bit of extra soul into his ai and had it build the doors for the second cannon it might be a little bit more destructive i mean i'd be i i i would be safe assuming that he actually intended to put doors there it just got soft locked somewhere else i'm saying five more minutes and um by testing the ai beforehand before submitting it oh yeah and i think that's true for just about everyone here more or less [Laughter] yeah probably are you ready all right let's do this okay so here on the left hand side we have alex clocking in with an upgrade center and a workshop to start things off and on the right hand side we have tux luigi coming in also with an upgrade center and a workshop we have an early sniper out of team two he's got a couple turbines to shoot at so he's gonna have fun with that and just blinking away at those for for quite some time or the sandbag protecting said turbine yes for those who haven't seen this before the the creators of these ai are well aware of the inherent obsession with turbines so many times what players will do is they will have a turbine in place and then protect the turbine with something like a sandbag that way that way the turbine draws aggro and the sandbag protects and it's kind of interesting um the sandbag setup is specifically where the sandbag is in the middle of the turbine rather than the double sandbag we would have too which would be better in like a human match with the less accurate ai but with the more accurate ai they love shooting at the exact center of that turbine that is exactly correct so you'll notice that there is quite a bit of distance above and below this sandbag and this turbine is vulnerable to being shot but the ai is so perfect with his accuracy that it will always aim dead center mass so it never actually hits the top and bottom exposed bits of the turbine and just always goes dead center where it hits the sandbag and fails to damage the turbine looks like we have some looks like we do have some anti-air out of team 2 which is very useful to defend against the the migraine out of motors from team one unfortunately said antier is only behind a single a single brace which is vulnerable to ap snipers so that ap sniper is fully capable of destroying basically anything out of team one here it just picks a target and removes it from play which is very quickly going to add up as you've seen earlier a single ap sniper is not enough doesn't have the rate of fire to soft lock things but it's absolutely gonna slow down team two by a huge margin yep and often just slowing down their opponent is enough to win the game to get far enough ahead to make the difference those miniguns actually might still unlock the top ai because um the miniguns are bouncing off the metal and hitting the machine gunners behind the world protection they are and also they're targeting they are also targeting those those turbines which i know big shot but many guns unlike snipers are fully capable of destroying the sandbag protection and then also the turbine behind it and turbines can be kind of expensive and so that usually ends up with a couple miniguns can be enough to to soft lock a target just because the turbines are exposed or by exposed i mean behind a singular sandbag which it thinks is exposed because it doesn't calculate the sandbag for some reason correct that'd be an interesting addition to the ai intelligence if it sees that there's a sandbag just don't consider it as a as exposed yeah if it's if the if the trajectory of the shot hits the sandbag it's and you're using a sniper just just ignore it i just want to point out something that happened so team two bottom base has a pair of ap snipers now team one has double doors mostly team one just lost its sniper because team two sniper managed to fit the shot underneath the tiny door that is guarding the sniper just above team one's lower port which is impressive and a shot that we will probably see a few more times throughout this match likely unintentional and just due to the standard deviation of the ap sniper shot indeed that's often what happens now i'm pretty certain the ai does actually aim for that but the standard deviation of the sniper rounds at that distance for ap snipers is great enough that it won't be able to consistently make it so the ap sniper has actually surprisingly high deviation so similar to a canon it does and that's a little bit strange for something that's called a sniper now remember that the regular sniper the unupgraded one does not have such a varied such a varied deviation or variance to its rounds yeah front base from tux looks pretty suppressed he keeps on losing those ap snipers and replacing him and losing him again and has not made any forward progress in this film what surprises me is that it's it's actually just getting door sniped like it's not despite having relatively small doors it's just losing its night it's ap snipers to the regular snipers of of team one of alex here but the missiles have launched for progress is being made just very slow progress and that is well exactly what i mentioned before very often you don't have to stun lock your opponent you just have to slow them down and at this point team one is progressing very far ahead it's got a nuke just about completed and that is i imagine tucks yeah imagine tucked luido tucks as back base um we're trying to save up for an upgrade center but he keeps on replacing those two machine gunners in the front and can never save up for the 600 metal needed to place down an upgrade center it's it almost gets there sometimes but these two machine gunners that just keep exploding it's it's slowing it down just enough to not let it happen and for it we're going to soon see a a nuclear launch out of team one here and that's very likely going to be the beginning of the end for team two the heavy mortars are landing on front base which is really hurting its economy with with these machine gunners they keep getting destroyed by the mini gunners and or sniper ricochets it's uh those motors a surprising amount of them are landing i will say that swarm missile launch quite a bit of swarms actually the nuke is ready to fire but alex's ai is doing the smart thing and upgrading its energy first uh yeah that is a very smart thing it does have that's not a scenario where it has to worry about being soft locked for soft blocking itself just because those turbines costs less than the than the firing cost of the nuke so it it can always purchase turbines it will never lock itself for trying to fire a nuke repeatedly but yeah but having the turbines first is usually a better just more efficient more optimal if you would but he does have the mini guns which are kind of making it a little harder for the um for upgrading the turbines oh that was a lucky nuke very core damage has been dealt and uh well team 2's bottom base is out of metal can't even properly repair itself so this is going to end very poorly very quickly team two has been slowed down and well now now team one is coming in for the kill it would seem yes it looks like team one's forward base is now switching out one of its minds for a swarm missile launcher and that'll that'll be the oh this might actually oh huge amounts of damage team two's upper base taking a nuke to its foundation everything is being repaired and he does not have nearly enough income to to complete those repairs he's going to be sitting there harping that hitting that repair button long long after the next nuke is fired i see an armor coming from alex's top face i wonder what he's gonna put if an emp of flack or a smoke on that little platform on the top of his base i don't think i've ever seen a smoke used in an ai in an ai battle i don't even know how that affects it he put down a flak i believe or is that a smoke it's hard to tell their base is the same here comes another nuke oh this looks lethal that oh the double doors were able to tank the shot so it is a smoke i was right huh so we have a smile i mean i don't blame him i just don't know how effective it's going to be versus actually you know i had to think now to think about it smoke prevents building yes it's like uh that could completely shut down an aid indefinitely perhaps if as if it stops a single brace i don't know how that interaction works i'm i'm going to be honest i have no idea how that interaction works it doesn't harm to underestimate the ai's intelligence though uh well yeah i mean you're right i i don't think i could possibly underestimate it it's just you just keep keep lowering the expectations and uh you're still surprised that was a well-timed smoke actually very well tight insanely well timed doesn't know how to use smoke properly that would be surprising honestly i have no idea i've never i've never uh i've never seen it happen i've never seen it yeah me neither discovering a new meta perhaps extremely powerful because does the ai know not to fire the yeah it looks i have no idea i have no idea it's sitting there it didn't fire this time looked like i wanted to fire it and then didn't oh decapitation by nuclear firepower finish off with the minigun all right 101 000 damage massive damage dealt alex with the victory moving on to faze mateo in the next match i must say i don't remember mateo having many front facing machine gunners that nuke might hurt a lot i do want to give a shout out to moaf coming in with the nuclear launch asking for more turbines apparently we're gonna we're gonna see many of those and muted my show coming in with the everything is on fire yes yes i do remember you long time no see you do stop in every so often if i do know that alex he has specifically stated that he put a lot of work into his ai and i can tell because it didn't stun like itself it didn't break just a good step and osprey 28 coming in with the five yes the jumper it protects the sandbag protects that seems to be the case all right so yes mateo did do very well in that and it looks like i'm actually up next so that's going to be exciting ready when you are okay so this is myself versus rage alerts i believe i'm on the left hand side here yes we have me being on the left hand side and rage alert on the right hand side now my prediction for this match is that i will not win and i will not win by a fairly significant margin you must believe in the mortars i i do believe in the mortars and my opponent has many more of them than i do so i don't know that's true so i don't i don't think uh i don't think i'm gonna be coming out on top but i i do like seeing i do like seeing how this is gonna play out i'm excited about this so let's let's go plenty of behind the base turbines harnessing all of that non-existent wind floor i know that is one of the things like if there's no wind floor why not just build them behind the base well because they're expensive but you don't have to worry about things going wrong i still like to unlock targets yeah i still i still like my cheeky little play here with the turbine inside and underneath the core the sandbag appreciate that it has still has a maximum efficiency because it the turbine has that weird cone so if you have wood right next to the turbine it doesn't actually block any of its efficiency that's what i liked about it not only is it 100 efficiency but it's super cheap to put there and it counts as uh it counts as taunting the enemy's snipers now of course my opponent here is not building any snipers and my meager amount of mgs that i'm building to deal with early mortar aggression is not going to stop he's going straight for the turbines he's going straight for the turbines like the only the only wrong answer is go for the turbines here shoot five exposed items that's like six mortars that went into a single turbine there if he had shot the machine gunners this game would end so much faster that looks like a major problem if you base that sandbag you put it it's really decreasing the angle on the lower mortars that are hitting your front base the of course they're just hitting the turbine so it's really yeah it's not making much of a difference it's not even getting hit oh dear i'm concerned that it hasn't put the machine gunner back i could really use that machine gunner well i put it back oh there it goes okay so it's kind of interesting how you go yes there is a technically a chance if if my team to if my uh top top ford is able to get up its mortars because team two really doesn't have any anti-mortar so there is a small opportunity where where it could get some damage done the team too and start things going but i don't i don't think that's gonna be the case i really don't that's gonna be the case at all i think it's just just going to be a slow and inevitable demise on my part and if you can get just a few more there's just a couple incendiary that could really turn the table it could and uh i don't think it's going to because team two has turbines but the turbines are below the mortars you see that's the secret so when it targets the turbines it's gonna hit the mortars anyways uh it's got it has it has one of them which is exposed and here comes the heavy motors yeah that's gonna hurt that is indeed going to hurt yeah it's kind of funny how you left the perfect background bracing in your base just to let it hit that one turbine in the back i i really didn't mind that to be honest i noticed that and i didn't mind it because it means that it's hitting the turbines and not something else but it's not going to matter death comes in the form of heavy mortars yep i think front base could have been a little bit more helpful there with the mg department i mean yes i really didn't think that was going to be that big of a problem especially because you're facing rage alert and you see his bases yeah yeah they're certainly wild which is what i love about them yeah that one's that one sandbag wild very effective and it's gonna be super dangerous to deal with oh my gosh let's see my forward base hasn't even gotten the upgrade center yet so it's nowhere near moving on to dealing damage and of course my top base is uh suffering yep there it goes that's one core down this is how it ends team this is how it ends those are some nice mortar shots when it's trying to through the turbine it's hitting those those mg's instead so many mortars they're all getting upgraded this poor one machine gunner is the only one surviving i tell you motors and snipers they're with their like super high accuracy they're like the two weapons i think other than the howie that the ai really knows how to use you are correct and uh one one just okay no mortars i was gonna say when one lands that one mg is a well paid ng yep i mean i put them there with the purple just dig straight through oh my gosh it's so brutal very fast but rage alert moves on gg gg rachel's ai is looking pretty good i might make it far in the tournament i i have to agree with that i think i think that is likely likely gonna make it to the finals it is interesting to see that he builds no snipers at the beginning which really um i don't know if that's an advantage or disadvantage because it could be helpful because he doesn't have to replace the sniper over and over again which can become a quite the metal drain oh absolutely but it does also mean that the uh that base is vulnerable to any kind of forward assault something like i don't know eaton's rocket build could do massive damage and dude are you ready to start let's go samster vs birdies ladies and gentlemen here on the left hand side we have zamster coming in with a rather messy build and on the right hand side we have bowser also a rather messy build so this one's going to be an interesting battle this is going to be a battle of whoever's build manages to survive itself the struck the most i think do you have some anti-air bowser it's a lot of snipers and a lot of anti-air if i recall correctly so we are going to see some some three sniper shots went through that door as it was closing now remember the samsters build has several decoy sniper decoys so while bowser is coming in with many snipers they are going to be a little bit distracted by most of what samster has here you can already see the already see that come into fruition hitting sandbags will the is that bowser built be enough to handle um sanster's mortars samsung how many builds three so it's very likely yes however given their position behind the turbine there is an angle where the motors should be able to land but of course that's only on the front wood so maybe not so much damage i've noticed that one of the snipers after it had for some reason it converted one of its bgs to fg so that top sniper on bottom base can't actually fire i was wondering about that i don't remember if that happened last time or if there's some other some other ai mishap happening okay aim for that turbine actually the sandbag in front of the turbine i do remember that samsung later on does get three extra mortars indeed but then the question is is samsung alive at that point we'll see we'll see god appreciate those exposing jesus they are daring you know turbine is so tempting [Laughter] uh oh he's actually selling the sniper right it's out of the bottom bottom segment there must have just been a part of his oh yeah i remember that's the face that does mostly tanking builds a few extra mgs while back base goes into nukes we'll see if i don't remember as i remember we mentioned i don't know if that was the intentional design to have it now to have it never do anything or what i guess we'll have another opportunity to see i imagine it got so unlocked i imagine because it could do so much with all the metal it has build more mgs they've been because you're gonna need all the images if you're facing rage alert that exposed sniper samso is the only man i've seen who can do the exposed sniper well because he distracts with those those tempting machine gunners they're so tempting if only even the turbine is not getting hit right now which is impressive he just found the cheese with the turbine with a protected machine gunner behind a sandbag that seems to be irresistible i'm getting some updated information bowser comes in and says that it is actually just the end of the build for the team one port doesn't do upgrades doesn't do anything else it's just designed to stop there and just exist as a machine gun platform or i can understand the strategy of that if you're trying to have it spin more it will spin more and when it gets hit it won't have metal it just means it dies that's one thing about sanchez's build he built his mgs a little bit too far forward so they consistently get blasted by the swarm missiles that just kind of fort's jank very hard to deal with even even in an actual game i just saw one mg just murdered its brother on the bottom base it was sad [Music] so finally a new coming from bowser's back base and his front base has already finished his build and is now floating ready to tank anything that comes there's place all of its energies yes i was about to say because there's one very interesting thing a little bit of a logic error when building this tanky base uh the tanki base doesn't have anything worth shooting at so it won't get shot which kind of defeats the purpose of the tankiness if its friend is the only one getting shot and not the tanky base it's just basically invisible i say as it eats a swarm missile around i i think the sandbags might be tempting it i don't know who knows sometimes it's hard to interpret the ai logic the tank base needs additional turbines that would be a very strong boost i think um however it looks like it's got a dangling platform which is the beginning of the end for this ai's brain well it stopped the build anyway so all i could not do is build out one strut that it all wanted to do anyways it's not stopping it from continuing that is fair i wanted to continue that that is fair we have you can't you can't hurt the eye if there's nothing that hurt you know that's true it doesn't cannot kill what is already dead fixing the deformation hey but still doesn't want to rebuild that tiny strut tiny struts are just doesn't want to build it i think it just i think it just broke it gave up trying to build it and that's that's the end of that those mini guns are going to make it really hard for that new to get through say that it's just one mg carrying so that works too i mean he's got a fair few mgs just out there he's got multiple exposed machine gunners like i do appreciate that the ai actually uses the mg to automatically target and shoot down the missiles yep um it also does uh it does it the same with uh shotguns and with the shotguns it's kind of interesting it sets it to a super narrow spread that's just bullet accurate just like laser accurate with that super narrow spread it's kind of scary across the map sniping warhead as it launches over the base yeah it does have a little bit of trouble with warheads just because the warhead has such a wobbly trajectory that tiny spread can sometimes just because of travel distance miss hey that's right swarms are landing but so what a veil something slow avail they're actually protecting the mortars that's interesting it must have been a back and forth but it um when ai is progressing and one is not progressing as quickly so i think samsung's slowly leading the major problem with sensors ai has is it's just energy starved you can see both of his eyes are fairly over a hundred over a thousand metal there's two little regular turbines just aren't enough this relentless minigun's just shooting that wood spam over and over again my ears hearing that sound it's just gonna it's gonna echo in my mind when i sleep new coming from samster almost completed let's go do some heavy damage to the middle base out to the top base from bowser top base for belt has no forte the only thing samson needs to do is get some more turbines so he doesn't energy start himself i'm sorry i muted myself there i was saying i don't think there's uh anything that anything that uh well samsung could do at this point he's gonna be energy starved with that new completion i don't remember if he builds any extra turbines i i don't remember seeing any extra turbines yeah because well it's slowly wait no no no no it did after building the fire beam or or after putting down the uh oh yes the factory the factory oh wait that's actually really smart it tries to save up for the factory which lets it get enough energy to fire the nuke that's interesting i don't know if that's how that works no i i i the the ai specifically tries to save up for like if it tried to do other things well i guess for the it should have built the turbines first obviously i think i'm pretty certain it just saves up and then if it's able to build its next item then it builds the next item and if not then it just fires a weapon and because weapons are usually able to fire it will always fire the weapon first and that's i'm saying that's good because that's what would let the ai save up to fire the nuke but it appears that his energy production is just too low that it he just needs more turbines indeed just gonna hit that 4 000 mark well it's not gonna hit the 4 000 mark because there's a mortar yeah it's using all of its energy is hardly even able to fire the nuke so that may be some time just one nuke could really quickly in this game absolutely now nope oh those mortars are not quite where they need to be if team two's nuke manages to land which is very unlikely unlikely given the vast amounts of anti-air on the field team one not very not very well defended versus a nuke yeah yeah one one nuke to bottom base could be extremely critical one thing i could imagine you see the background bracing behind the mini gunner um the bottom mini gunner uh when the new kits that i think the nuke has enough aoe damage to actually delete the bg which could be a very structural structurally bad for that base uh yes i don't think it would fall because it has the rope connecting it to it but the ai would definitely go through a panic attack and most likely a mental breakdown any baselining causes it causes a breakdown from humans too though if you know what i mean that's true have you seen what happened what a base looks like after it gets mini gun rushed it looks like a tumor has grown out of the ground oh jeez it's funny because yeah samson might just win this with um just two damage i think that's gonna be the case when the clock in two minutes when the clock runs down it's gonna come down to not how much core damage has been dealt because no core damage has been dealt it's gonna come down to whoever has done the most structure damage and i suspect samster wins on that strongly suspect that's one thing you need to think about when testing your ais is let it fire its weapons at a target just a dummy target that has like a bunch of turbines or something just so that you can see if it has enough energy to do what you want it to do because i think a lot of these people they just built it and then tested and sent back to see if they had like enough storages to do what it wants and i'm not realizing that three mortars was very i was just staring at that junk nuke um the motors consumes a lot of energy yes i believe there was a mod that i saw was specifically meant for testing that so that it lets you test it in sandbox where when you put a weapon down after a completed construction it just constantly drained energy and metal at the same rate as if as it had been constantly firing so you didn't have to worry about dealing with the target you just put it down and then it assumes that the it detracts from your total income the firing cost of the weapon that's really smart actually i yeah i would totally use that i remember seeing that somewhere at some point i would have to i didn't think about it until after but alas would have been very useful to have yeah three seconds left and i don't see anything changing so i see the fire being almost about to finish as usual right as mentions and it will not get to fire that's for sure no but hey the turbines got added on so maybe the nuke will be able to happen in another two minutes and another two minutes in another realm in another world indeed in another world but here we have samster with a victory moving on to face rage alert in the semifinals i think rage alert has a good chance because i don't remember that many mgs coming from samsung at the beginning except those sandbag mgs which don't do anything yes actually i think i would put rage alerts with the advantage in the next upcoming match at least between those two all right i do want to say a shout out thank you to cronkitenator who's handling all the behind the scenes switching out the ais getting everything working nice and smoothly yeah a screenshot of what he has to deal with just this huge list of just a bunch of lua files and like all named crazily yeah i can imagine a lot of ais it's probably a little bit difficult to remember who's who yeah all right looks like we're good to go on to the next match here let's do this i like how fast these matches are oh it's so nice to just like what's the next match oh that boom done exactly watch it and this one we have e10 versus freedom etan here on the left hand side going going with the well the strange mix of rockets rockets and snipers which is exciting something we don't get to see much of just because rockets are so hard to use in at least this particular environment and on the right hand side we have freedom with the s if i recall correctly a rather strange build didn't quite work properly but worked better than the opponents and so it is here it's soft locked because it was the one that was faced scoring which was the one that was just about to lose because of the mortars if you can remember that i just see that upgrade center getting drilled by that sniper hitting that slanted metal such an expensive repair it is oh exposed snipers oh we have to head out to the restroom just real quick i'll be back so here we have an exposed sniper which is not ideal so this base is gonna be soft locked for the foreseeable future because well team one eats in here has a sniper behind a tiny door this sniper is gonna be safe and it's gonna perpetually and infinitely destroy the sniper top teams to your base so teams2 base here will not be able to defend itself forever there's um there's not much there's not much saving it the only thing that could possibly save it is if it's ally here in the bottom position is able to make the difference but i don't think that's gonna happen i i really don't think that's going to happen we have an ap sniper attempting to do some damage here it's not doesn't really have anything to attack e10 here on the left side on team one has has done well to make sure that his his rockets are not exposed to damage until after they have been upgraded which is a very very insightful thing to do this base is still soft locked i'm just trying to predict what is going to happen i think i think team two here is just gonna continually suffer there's nothing that's gonna stop it i don't think this bottom base is going to be able to save its ally or itself from the oncoming doom team one is able to freely continue building it's gonna get up double nukes and then just decimate the opponent it's still building freely as it sees fit here come the rockets and core damage has been dealt but i don't that's going to be particularly important in terms of the timer i don't think either of these forts are going to last longer than another three minutes okay i'm back welcome back yeah i'm just watching that upgrade center just getting shot continuously it's kind of funny it is it is kind of funny but this is gonna be an extremely one-sided match top base has been soft locked by a single exposed sniper and well bottom base is it's not able to defend itself against the one of the oncoming onslaughts of rockets and soon to be nukes one thing to point out you notice there's already an extra battery and more turbines on eden's bottom base because for some reason his team one ai is a little bit smart i was saying a little bit smarter as it shoots its own doors supposed to be a little bit smarter uh the right side ai and so it's finally getting the energy production it needs to actually fire those double nukes [Music] nice i was wondering about that because i remember the right side ai seemed to be different than the left side than what i was seeing here i don't remember getting that even that second turbine but if i recall correctly croc didn't you re mirror each ai right before the tournament well everyone sent me their team 1ai and then i mirrored it again after doing a map fix the same ai perhaps and it just got soft locked by itself again perhaps just tiny stretch with the sandbag you know but what can you expect that that might have been what happens as you can see here the tiny strut with the sandbag is present here so it's very likely that's exactly what happened you know i'm seeing the sold off metal on eden's base and it just reminded me of scoring um early buzz saw but scoring has other problems with this base like the exposed sniper so it might not ever create the buzz saw [Music] well the exposed sniper is no longer exposed not that that's not that that's uh going to save it not even close to saving it but at least it had an opportunity to to make it to make an effort to leave it to life and move on in the world as double nukes come in super one-sided e10 moves on to the semifinals a little bit of a beat down very much so very very much of a beat down that was uh eaton is very good at this he knows what he's doing and he's coming out on top and when that sandbag builds if if and only if that one sandbag builds oh jeez only problem is looking at the bracket he's going to be player two team two well i don't know if that's i don't know if that's going to make that so previously or earlier earlier there was actually a discrepancy in the map which meant that the ai were actually different and oftentimes had different build orders and different problems however uh kronk a few minutes before the tournament managed to fix the map and re-mirrored it so now the ai are the same and they should in theory not have that those kind of discrepancies now that still doesn't stop the ai from having some random uh recoil or sway that could or may or may not affect the position of the sandbag so we'll we'll still see for some reason and the dobby disappeared in my multiplayer lobby and in my menu so i i'm going to reset my game to see if it works okay i'm so connected to the internet i presume i'm talking to y'all yes i am in the lobby as well yeah i'm i wonder if it's like the glitched out um if the feature where that hides the lobby glitched out or something maybe let's see if typing fixes that who do you think is going to win in curses out of matteo or alex that's a that is a good question um i i think i'm gonna have to guess [Music] that's actually a pretty even match i think oh if i were compelled to to answer that question i would think matteo yeah i'm leaving a little bit on the alex um suicide but just because um i think mateo's uh single singular canon might not be enough but we'll find out adobe is still not showing up for me you want me to recreate it can you join okay go for it can you see it now yeah no it's dead [Music] all right so make sure we set it up [Music] yep did fine so much and unlock teams [Music] is that look correct commanders [Music] there we go there we go that should be it are you ready let's do it and we forgot observer tools oh observer tools that would be very very nice thank you there we go excellent it's a little bit of a setup yeah all right we are off go ahead i'm just going to say i was watching you test his ai and he he clicked so fast when doing all those options he just he had it down like in the menus he even even in the menus he's fast he's the macro to do many no no uh just in all the testing i assume he's done it so many times but here we have on team one left hand side it's mateo opening with a sniper and an armory remember this is the this is one base that has a a bit of a cannon rush going around on the right hand side however we have alex opening upgrade center and workshop both players are not going heavy into the economy sitting at three miles apiece actually team ones left hand sides lower bases only sitting on two runs so that's very low economy that's a very that's a particularly straight up rush something i see with mateo's bottom base is very vulnerable to an ap sniper indeed it is and one is coming from top so that might hurt a lot we could have about of a soft lock immediately i don't know if the sniper has the angle the tiny door might be too tiny it might be too tiny no it hasn't it's got an angle okay so there we have so that's gonna be team one's bottom base is very likely oh yeah it's got it it's got more than enough angle so team one's bottom base is going to be soft locked by this ap sniper then the mortars are going to come out now it is possible that team ones bottom bases still participates by virtue of having that machine gunner just sitting in its little in this little trench in this little this little machine gun pit and that could stop that could stop team two from actually capitalizing too hard on the software as this bottom base is extremely unlikely to be able to move forward or progress without a comp without team 2 being completely suppressed but it can still defend his teammate i say as the singular machine gunner utterly fails to defend his teammate from the three mortars of team two here it does provide us a distraction as well it does all right it looks like team two's top base has got double doors so we will no longer die to the ap sniper but it still has to deal with the mortars and that's going to be a huge issue if i recall to finally help with the roof gunners you can see it built the little position at the top indeed for some in the last match there it is there are the roof gunners and that could make the difference here i think bottom base would appreciate the help that one machine gunner he's trying so hard uh indeed i think with those two additional roof gunners of team one's upper base uh that's going to shut down the mortars from team two here yeah those three mortars are not going to make much progress they will not and that's going to enable team 2 to actually work up and get get the get the heavy weapon out but i don't i really don't think it's going to solve the problem of of team one's well lower fort just suffering remember team one's lower ford is being soft locked not by the mortars but by the sniper they pretty much talk like some soft locks itself because of all the tiny doors on the emp [Music] i mean that it might do that although that hasn't come into play just yet this is more so because it just has an exposed sniper effectively yep i but if i remember right it was mostly the back base i was carrying yes yes absolutely which is kind of unfortunate for the forward base because the forward base is only sitting on two mines so it's it's really suffering and because it only has two minds it won't really ever be able to tank by virtue of not having the eco to heal itself here comes the spire gunner the spire gunner is what made the difference last time it will help from alex c singular nuke the rng might might make the difference i wonder as we have a nuke coming out of alex here on the right hand side or rather a sword muscle it's not yet a nuke but we know it soon shall be you already lost the emp what happened we got ap snipes yeah the team one's lower base is willfully unable to handle ap snipers just the early ap sniper out of team 2 is brutal it near completely shut down what happened to team one's top base i think it deformed or wobbled too much i think it wobbled too much you can't put down the mg that's sad the spirum she was kind of looking forward to it yeah that is one of the side effects of building too small too tall and too small you can see here how it wobbles back to and fro and that's um often enough to cause deformation and often defamation sufficient to break the mind of the ai but actually it looks like team two has gotten distracted sufficiently that it's a let team ones at lower base on the soft lock or rather is no longer in a death spiral so to speak one problem though um that nuke without the spire gunner has like a 100 chance of getting through i yes i tend to agree and more importantly uh team one's top base with the cannon has soft locked itself dealing with its own deformation the cannon is completed but the doors have not yet been added it is likely the deformation of the spire and the inability to place the gunner has prevented it from proceeding its build order it will no longer open up the open up the doors for the cannon and therefore the cannon will not participate in this battle without the cannon team one has no damage output so this battle can only ever go one direction i think the only hope team one has at this point is if the deformed area of the build gets destroyed and can be rebuilt in a clean manner and i don't think anything is going to happen from team 2 that can i can enforce that scenario i'm just going to say i think a lot of people have always wondered like why um frustration is turned off on these ais like if it causes such big problems like getting soft blocked all the time it's just because a lot of the strategies that humans like to do um an ai with frustration turned on uh will fail to do very well for example um the ai with frustration because it's an ultra hard ai it makes so many attempts so quickly that it's just so easily frustrated that any basic step like placing a door it skips because it's too expensive and the first nuke lands yeah the base lives barely but with only two minds that's not going to live for really any meaningful amount of time yeah those four upgraded turbines from alex c are going to be much better at feeding that nuke than um samster oh yeah oh yeah by a huge margin two regular turbines versus four upgraded turbines oh dear but yes that is on the frustration topic that is something that we see quite often uh they have someone in chat for example asking why the ais don't have a built-in command let's say if instruction x fails why time skip instruction x that's what frustration is basically the problem is that what the outcome of that ends up being is you go through the entire build order only ever building the cheapest things because hey i'm going to try to build a piece of metal but wait metal is expensive and i have no i have no money because i've just spent all of it on the previous command so i'm going to skip the metal because i can't build it then you end up with a a huge base a huge base made entirely out of wood with nothing in it and it goes to the entire build order building not from in any particular order but instead the order of from cheapest to most expensive and it's not it's really not very effective it can be used but it's not shall we say good and it loses to these builds that don't have frustration on it it fairly consistently loses to those builds that don't have frustration on so that it makes it such that even though these builds here these ai sure they soft lock and surely have a terrible time doing things they still perform better than those that skip instructions which is they get weapons which is what matters they still get weapons an ai may soft lock after building three heavy mortars but three heavy mortars is more than the giant wooden base that the frustration on tends to get so yep that's why all these ai designers have to deal with stun locking and all that annoying stuff because they as dumb it is it's summarized it's not very smart for being an artificial intelligence it's not really intelligence it's just artificial indeed that nuke has yet to fire he just needs to fight that new two more times and take out both bases and that would quickly in this match yeah i'm not sure why it hasn't i'm not sure why it hasn't fired i know he's just been busy doing other things that doesn't make sense it has like infinite apm like for example look at bottom there it goes unlocked because they put a metal behind the sniper and the tiny door has squished the sniper and so the sniper can't actually be put in bottom base yeah that one that one i saw is the sniper doesn't fit in here anymore so it's it can't build the sniper and therefore cannot build the turbo uh the cannot fire the nuke but why are the mortars not firing now that i can't answer what happened it's gotten dumb also minor build order concern doesn't this nuke from the bottom base slam into the it really looks like it does that looks disastrous maybe you could skim by it's hard to tell because the thing is the nuke is very skinny and they actually can fit through very very very tight holes that is true that's one down now this does mean in three minutes then a team two will win off of the tie break but i don't think i don't think we're gonna last three minutes i think this game will end long before that point especially considering that lower base was the only one that had any anti-air they even had a chance of shooting down the nuke that is no longer the case oh wow the sniper got sniped through two tiny doors and that's the thing with tiny doors they don't really make a difference like shooting wise and make a difference there goes the cannon yep and the entire base goes with it ladies and gentlemen we have a victor alex coming out on top ladies and gentlemen we will have alex and etan fighting against each other in the semi-finals now that will be an exciting match oh yes oh yes i i do think well eden goes with several snipers to open with yeah but um alexey does too and uh galaxy has mini guns which will be very handy against the rockets and the um nukes that's true we'll see if they manage to softlock themselves beforehand but first we're going to be seeing rage alert and samster i'm predicting racheller and just those those nuke those mortars are just horrifying i i agree i don't think sam sir sure samson gets motors quickly but hmm mortars they're uh one of them has i believe in the mortars and one of them has many more mortars in the next all alright let's hop right into the next match ladies and gentlemen the first of the semifinals rage alert versus samster here on the left hand side we have rage alert rage alert known for doing it his ai which is basically just the ultimate mortar spam and on the right hand side we have samster stamps are going for the exposed gunners at basically ai's shenanigans uh tricks the opponent's ai into doing things that it really shouldn't and then punishes the opponent's ai by slowly tickling them to death with mortars and the occasional maybe nuke maybe not there's only one really big problem racheller doesn't build any snipers yep we're gonna see a build where samster samster prepares to confuse the opponent's ai and then well his opponent's ai just doesn't think it only builds mortars and i think that is exactly why i am expecting rage alert ragelut to come out on top here i think i just realized something you know the same uh look at uh the sandbags set up by sam stewart on bottom base do you notice one of the mgs can actually fire i think that's what he intended to do in his original build but each time the ai has missed its mg placement and just left the foreground bracing in front huh i'm not sure i have no idea i don't know if samsung is in chat and would like to comment on that i'm wondering now the mortars are coming but from both sides actually but a lot more from one side and they're all landing on samsung's mortars the beginning of the end semester's motors they fired first but lost the engagement stamps are down to two mortars which are about to get taken out no the turbine is because you know that you're gonna hit that turbine every time with the turbine it just like destroyed whatever that turbine even wanted to be built on um quick update i have samsung chat here he says no it's not supposed to be exposed but he says it's probably better that it does get exposed ah so it's it's been building the intended manner but there's that one time where it wasn't and samsung's kind of rethinking it maybe that's how you should have designed it maybe or in this particular case it's just more useful because there's no snipers as if it's exposed truly then a sniper will inevitably shoot it but we've been seeing that the snipers have been mostly hitting the sandbag which has kind of been a interesting side effect and that core is exposed on sanctuary's top base a couple more incendiary motors could do a lot of damage yep that i think yeah oh yeah there it goes record and die but the strut the core was on turned away i'm still near mortars they're scary imagine if you're a firebird yeah a lot of people sleep on the cenderian waters it's um they're very good they're very very good the thing about fire is it you can't can't build on fire it's it's annoying you have to keep on repairing it's it delays repairing it it's infuriating and that makes incendiary motors very powerful when you can just change shoot them and keep the target really good at change extremely good at change yep rage alert has built sufficient defenses with no weak points whatsoever those swarm missiles have zero hope whatsoever of doing damage he absolutely needs nukes to even to even pretend to get damage done it's kind of interesting um the droid mg on the bottom isn't even bothering to fire because they're all engineering there's actually a couple of upgraded motors now this probably marks the end of samster yep those motors are all going to merge their shots into the core without a turbine to shoot at the core becomes the next priority and it's just um it's going to end yeah there's a sandbag for a machine gunner that's not supposed to be exposed at all it's really coming in like clutch with this thing just to keep him alive a little bit longer that machine gun has been doing good more mortars coming from rage alert all being upgraded you know i love rage alerts like base design how short it is how just get simple yet effective it is because some of these ai's we've been saying with all their tiny doors and like long struts and everything they've just been so fancy and complicated there's none of that in regular space short simple and to the point very very dangerous literally to the point with mortars every time all those mortars that's it nope not mine those sandbag machine gunners holding the line wow it took out what three or four mortars out of that yes impressive oh that's gonna hurt you know i wish my mgs were like that they never they're never that good i i know seriously well he's no longer behind a sandbag he's well exposed oh no he's gone oh no this is the yeah there's about to be a lot of mortars on that one spot yep and juju landed right on the core every time all right well rage alert moves on to the finals that was very one-sided not unexpected it's kind of interesting the first ai tournament mortars are really popular yet they didn't seem to do as well as they are doing now it's kind of a little bit of a meta shift i think it came down to players build orders so to speak the first ai tournament are the previous ones players built a lot of anti-air and a lot of borders and a lot of things vulnerable to anti-air but the placement was more set in a way that would be expected for a human player so we had a lot of experiences where players own anti-air would destroy their own weaponry this didn't happen so much except for the one match between i forget which which two three and uh and freedom i think yeah i think that's correct aside from aside from aside from that specific match i don't remember the name so maybe incorrect their names here uh most of the time people kind of figured out that you need to position your your machine gunners and anti-air in a way that it doesn't disrupt itself and i think that's kind of why mortars are a bit more effective now i i could see that and i agree it's some weird mentality that is because they don't prepare for them as much right okay are you ready to start yes let's do this etan versus alex i'm putting i i would guess e10 here would come in on top but here we have on the left-hand side it's etan himself already a sniper down and preparing his doors for the shenanigans on the right hand side we have alex i think the mini guns are going to be a big deal in this match mini guns are such a strange mix of uh effective and ineffective the so easy to door snipe yet they're such effective aaa they really are and rockets and rockets and nukes don't do very well against many guns yeah that is that is true the uh the miniguns are they see that's what makes them so effective they're very good at dealing with things that the ai is otherwise incapable of dealing with but they're so vulnerable to snipers and with the snipers being ever present in every matchup it's not it's not easy to get many gunners to have any meaningful amount of damage done but what i've seen we've seen a solution to that like with samsung's miniguns he had the distraction hey the fake aaa that made the snipers completely ineffective against the actual important targets which made him able to put down many guns which were very handy against players like bowser exactly and that's useful just not so useful against the mortar spam that he encountered exactly already an ap sniper sniper is out but there's not a whole lot of targets go ahead use miniguns you notice how low they are on his base and how high uh the motors are on the front base it doesn't i don't think it could really shoot nukes or rockets that are heading for his buddy that fort might have some trouble protecting um the other base very well might it very well might those mortars are destroyed distracting the the upgraded rocket player in the back because he has to replace a sniper over and over again it is slowing it down i don't think it's gonna stop uh if i recall correctly the sniper is supposed to have a second door i think it broke which could present a problem or maybe it just hasn't built it yet i think it just hasn't built it yet i mentioned it doesn't expect to face ap snipers so early plus the thing with ap snipers is it so inaccurate they have trouble getting through those tiny doors that is true that is something that i actually relied on and my ai for early sniper harassment you can see that the rockets did not land very well because of the mini guns and the little roof mg's and uh and the front mg's oh core damage has been dealt not much but nevertheless enough to tip the scales eaton didn't build any front-facing mgs so if if alexey can get a single new gown that could make could make the difference could absolutely make the difference but again he hasn't even gotten down the swarm missiles yet it's going to be a while and there's already been core damage dealt it's it's time to it's time to pick up the pace yep those rockets are they're hurting the economy of both bases they absolutely are it's uh rocket's one of those things if you if your base gets hit by three rockets there's not really any income that will can save you from being in an immediate death spiral but he only has two rockets and not every rocket is landing so there is there's still an opportunity for alex to to not to not just lose to the rockets but it hurts it hurts a lot and it's slowing remember one more thing too as we learned um the incendiary mortars are great at shooting down making their opponents shoot down their own um own rockets we're seeing a lot of that if we get lucky if alexi gets lucky he can time his ai can become certainly smart and time it's incendiary mortars with the nuke launch i'm still waiting for that i know i mentioned that last time but the machine gun positions from e10 here on the left are in position in such a way that they can cause his own needs to get drunk and drunk nukes had the tendency to blow up his own base or your own base or whoever fired them yep and also that shotgun on the bottom which is a flak right now if it fires at a very poor time it could cause something else too oh yes this is a uh this is a reoccurring problem and i think i think it may actually be a decent hope for alex here because these double nukes are happening and that was a strange mix of having it could have been way worse and also that was about as worse as it could get as bad as it can get that's about as bad as it can get without dying yes you're dying with the worst condition dying was an option on the table but that's this is a very close second good god a drunk nuke just dipping down the foundation splashing that damage all over second team's bottom base and with the a second pairing of nukes coming around the mini guns are off cooldown the minigun did not do its job and that's a gone base yep that's uh that's gonna be it team two's top base has been targeted by the nukes and removed team two's bottom base is still recovering from its uh first encounter with the nukes and uh bottom base says does not have any metal whatsoever yeah no it's it's done the nukes are off cooldown again for team one they're about to be fired it's gonna be over here in a moment hey i can literally fire whatever how dangerous nukes have been in this 2v2 because everyone is so afraid of putting front-facing machine gunners that the nukes have just been able to land almost freely [Music] that is a huge part of it just the lack of forward-facing anti-air it's uh it lets this happen oh shotgun just shut down its own nuke that's that's that's the way i think they are yeah i mean the ai saved its opponent from immediate destruction but pretty sure the rockets one land on the rockets from the rockets will just aoe the quarter death what's the reaction the reactor is at eight percent so yes just one rocket one splash damage of any kind is this gonna be it this be the end i think oh wait what's it at now three percent three percent but here come the nukes and surely it can't knock out its own nukes twice in a row other rockets are gonna get it nope i hope the emp gg no kill like overkill as e10 moves on to the finals oh jeez that's good that's really good all that dps takes out alexey seems to be really punishing those later game strategies i like that because ai ai is in a strange a strange scenario where it's extremely good at everything early game but the one ai that's capable of surviving to the late game is the one that really gets the damage done because if if it has a plan for the late game and it can survive its own it can survive its own soft locking then it almost inevitably wins the only exception to that is if it somehow gets slaughtered before before making it to that point it's very rare that you have an ai despite despite the ai's particularly exceptional ability to perform early game shenanigans it's very rare that you have a ai that can actually conceal the deal at that point and that's what's going to make this this last the finals interesting because racheller he's gone early yet he's he has effective defenses against aoe weapons like nukes and rockets but if i remember right he also goes very low eco so that might be detrimental he starts for sure yes yes we are let's do this match with the finals first i believe we're doing the bronze match first sanster vs alex is that correct cronk yeah the bronze match comes always first awesome yes that is typically how we do things hey it's an ai tournament that's not how you typically do things you know what i mean that's fair that is fair so here on the left hand side we have wait why did my bracket not update refresh refresh refresh we have samster left hand side makes sense he's already going with the it's already going with the shenanigans with the sandbags all over the place on the right hand side we have alex so who do you think was who do you think has the advantage here this is gonna be pretty close i think but um i think those exposed empties not those half exposed emgs that can't get shredded by many guns so we'll see what happens there and stamps it goes really slow on this new crush um alex is a little bit more effective okay i think honestly i think alex is going to come out on top of this one that's what i'm leaning toward i can they are definitely very close i don't think here's the thing i don't think alex has sufficient sniper ridge to overwhelm samster's samsung's ai or samsung's counter sniper exposed shenanigans i mean enough exposed enough snipers will just overwhelm samster's shenanigans by virtue of slaughtering everything and not getting perpetually hooked up by the i'm sorry did you did you i saw that i'm sorry i was trying to finish my thought but like excuse me that's not what how does that happen you saw what i saw right yeah that empty that machine gunner so for those who didn't see it i'm sorry i have to point this out this machine gunner its hitbox because it is uh hanging off the edge at a slant is very technically has a few pixels below the below the y level of this brace so there is a few pixel space right here where my por where my pointer is which which can be sniped very technically if a sniper round were to go in through this background bracing above all three turbines and land it can't very technically destroy this sandbag from below and that's what happened the ai saw that was like oh this is a beautiful it just tried it again that i'm amazed it's trying it that's a shot that i could never imagine happening i would as a human being i would not have recognized that is a possibility oh that shot i think is even too accurate for the ai with that wobbly bass good lord i forgot everything we were just talking about it's still trying that shot it is still trying that shot it wants it it wants that shot oh oh they almost got it again uh but the variance is the sniper yeah some standard deviation so yeah that good lord so far it's been pretty back and forth though it has been there's not there's not a whole lot of actual damaging weapons up we've got incendiary motors out of both sides we have a swarm missile but neither of these things these things are harassment style weapons or i usually consider swarm missiles to be hybrid but once war missile is not going to be enough to make the difference you can absolutely get some minor damage done but none of these guys have exposed weapons none of these guys have anything that's belongable so we're not going to see anything we're talking about samsung's base here backfaces exposed weapons and the miniguns have been shredding them actually yes you see mg is no longer i was about to say that is the only thing that's really could be considered one-sided the there's enough there is now enough suppression out of team two that samsung shenanigans with the whole closed off machine gunners to cause the ai to freak out and have a panic attack and meltdown it's not working because team two is just blowing through all these pseudo-exposed things and able to when it does focus these exposed machine gunners it's able to take them down and it's able to do that often enough that it's causing a very real problem for samster it really seems like the miniguns are just not tempted by those bait and it's heavily delayed back based back base has not even yep it's been struggling you're right it it has been struggling and it's struggling harder than i noticed i think that's because this bottom machine gunner out of team 2 is top base it can't it doesn't actually have line of sight of the shooting it's just shooting at what it can see this is that's actually a trick i put together for my ai i don't know if you noticed on the my snipers all have different cones of fire so they can't all fire at the same target yeah it's only for that wonky tiny doors but i know i i had the option to adjust that of course tiny doors have a little bit of wonkiness to it as you have put it so i can't perfect that but i did actually have it so that two snipers so that this snipers don't all hit the same spot they do have overlapping cones of fire but like say some of the snipers can't shoot top some can't shoot bottom that way they don't get too distracted too hard that makes a lot of sense because yeah if there's a distraction mg you don't want all your snipers to be distracted by that right all you need is one sniper it with working properly to soft lock a base so i mean i don't need all of them i just need one well a nuke's about to be coming from top base but stamps there's a lot of mgs those stored mg's are doing a lot better than the exposed ones they they are and even those sandbags themselves are getting destroyed courtesy of the courtesy of the mini gunners it is kind of brutal how effective mini gunners are against sandbags [Music] all samsung needs is a proper sniper out online which he does have an exposed sniper now which has no it has no right to be alive but it is alive nonetheless it did avenge his friends and has actually sniped out one of those miniguns let's see if it's able to do it again are they able to do it again so those miniguns are down there might be a little bit of a turnaround that might just be it that could actually unsoft lock both bases with that i say soft lock but it team two's upper base was still able to put down a sniper despite being near the base of you're slowly losing in soft luck is not the is not the right word that it you are correct it's just been it's just been having a rough time you know yep it is kind of funny how similar these strategies are like i see two bases i have mini guns with uh nukes and then i see two bases that have machine guns with mortars yeah just kind of funny very similar strategies and i still see that sniper trying to get that mg it sees it's exposed in the very very like fairest definition of expose a very fundamental definition of expose it is very technically exposed and so that sniper will attempt to shoot at it i'm surprised it's making an effort to shoot at the mini uh the machine gunner rather than just the uh the turbines i wonder if the priorities that considers exposing cheese more important because you notice that it hasn't been sniping samsung's exposed turbine as much as it has been shooting those mgs that is true i'm not sure i i i can't figure it out like i can't figure out why they be mad show reveal well i've actually already has revealed all the inner code of that what am i talking about just no one's bothering to read it because it's like 10 thousand lines long the nuke finally arrives and gets shot down by itself this is why we don't see nukes and mortars at every match it just becomes a problem the more mortars you use the more anti-air becomes relevant and prevalent the more anti-air becomes prevalent the less mortars get used well samson's been making a comeback he has upgraded mortars and he can almost afford upgrading one of his silos to nuke once those we recalled it once that sniper managed to take out those mini gunners that it was the beginning of samsung coming back he actually has a fighting chance now from the best thing about that snipers that can instantly react to everything and so the moment those minigunners open their doors that was a horrible minigun shot but though the mg pulls it off just barely good lord oh it's a motor about to land oh just one oh samson just got what happened is i missed it it had to have been the mortars over the top it didn't that made it through santa's exposed gunners yep he was making progress but that really set him back that definitely set him back real far so far um if they if those many guns don't waste their volleys i don't think uh-oh yeah because that smoke look you see did the smoke and then did the nuke i tell you i think it i think it b-man must have programmed something i wouldn't be surprised but now i'm curious to see if this ai ever has an opportunity to rebuild this with this because if it can't rebuild while smoke is there does it just break the ai is my question i have no idea it is a real question it is a real question but of course it's it only has three minds so it's not going to be able to rebuild anyway because it's too poor to repair but all those doors can't repair it fired smoke which should never cause a problem for the opponent because they thought it doesn't have the money to rebuild i don't know why that this sniper up here is just never being targeted and it is destroying everything well don't you see it there are no snipers on because that's the thing exposed snipers beat door snipers because they get to fire first yes kind of a weird exchange well yes and no it depends on the scenario it really does actually if if the door sniper targets the exposed sniper then the door sniper wins but if the door sniper is targeting something else like a 2v1 scenario then then a exposed sniper is extremely powerful that's what's happening here you have one exposed sniper that's just not getting shot at because for whatever reason the ai is deciding to shoot everything else in the world and the the exposed sniper is retaliating by slaughtering everything on team 2. samster has officially made an ai that can do a exposed sniper well it's impressive and i assume that this is going to be stolen and used by other players in future future ai creation i hope so i want to see better and better ai's each tournament let's see if that mini gunner does his job he sees the nuke let's see if he fires at it by the time the door opened the exposed gunner just the regular machine gunner just wiped it out okay that's that's one way to handle it oh the storms are taking out the shield that's an expensive um repair because ai doesn't bother putting sandbags back it's just gonna put another shield which means that's gonna be really expensive actually that base is soft blocked but it's not repairing it's not firing uh oh uh oh alex's base has hit that point where it locks itself and is no longer an active participant it's not rebuilding it's not repairing it's not firing he's got himself a problem i think that that's gonna that might make the difference bad because top base is getting a little bit pummeled yes just kind of relying on bottom-based rebuilding as machine gunners i think given infinite time samsung does actually win this samsung's finally managed to build himself a third swarm is left out of his top base those mini gunners are down once again how did that mg down oh it must bounce off the door i see yeah the exposed sniper double exposed snipers that's actually oh that that'll do it yeah the only thing that could save some of the items from some of the weapons from team two is that there's only one exposed sniper so it's not able to always be up but with two of them smoke is gonna go away it's almost such a shame because samster's builds it's just going to fully destroy team two's build here but it's only got 45 seconds to do it and it can't it's it's not going to be able to do that like there's no way right the mortars land it's only i think there's a chance he's got 30 seconds left he doesn't have a nuke he doesn't have anything to really deal damage and in 30 seconds team 2 is going to win because the anuk landed and frankly almost destroyed samsung's sensors uh forward base early on but look at those batteries like that core is exposed from the top it is the mortars are gonna hound it 15 seconds and the machine gunner takes out chunk of them no not quite not quite very very close but alas alex is victorious gg that's a good game very good game all right so we're going to move on to the finals who do you think is going to win this time i'm going to put my money on rage alert i'm putting my money in rage alert too those his simplicity with just mortars really seems to be doing really well absolutely all right let's see almost ready for this i may have had a little bit of an ready when you are okay let's do this all right so here on the left hand side we have rage alert doing rage alert things going to build himself a nice giant batch of mortars on the right hand side we have a much more fanciful bass with tiny doors and rockets it's going to be e10 it's kind of almost exactly opposite design philosophies they really are and i'm looking forward to seeing how they clash i i suspect you know i i've already stated and i'm going to stay behind i think rage alert is going to come out on top rage alert has been like second he was stuck in the first tournament but he he almost he did pretty well in the second one indeed he has worked hard for this of course eaten with all this fancy tiny doors in the it's it'll be interesting no mg's to protect eaton's front base or top base not yet and the mortars are coming quickly he's building the spots for the injuries on the front base right about now but is it gonna be fast enough i think it'll be fast enough to stop just immediate death but ah a few hits are gonna get in because i mean you you have a few seconds of time with the incendiary motors like the incendiary motors don't immediately destroy you but like they don't but there's a little bit of annoying harassment [Music] it's really it is a little bit of annoying harassment but it's not going gonna be make or break to get a few hits in the issue is that it's gonna be a lot of hits and now those gunners are exposed they're already already overheating machine gun the mortars if they were smart would target the machine gunners they're not going to because that's how the ai works i'm kind of fearing for rage alert he only has three minds he won't be able to maintain metal storage yeah well he's not had that issue before uh of course he doesn't usually get pummeled by rockets which is a real concern at this point in time now if those incendiary motors can keep hitting the turbines then well those rockets aren't going to be too big of a concern either which is going to be nice one thing we discovered that's kind of weak about eden's design is he built so many images on his front face that they all get shot down by the um they all shoot down the rockets coming from back base and there will be a constant stream of mortars constantly shooting down all the rockets coming from back base i say that and it hasn't happened like but once but that wide a wood spam from rachel art is plenty to handle just two rockets firing intermittently brage alert needs those heavy motors if he wants to do some real damage curious i think i think the just looking at the incomes here team one's lower base is struggling from metal but not significantly it's still able to progress it's still able to do things so i think team one is despite taking hits from those rockets is gonna be able to is gonna be able to just keep pushing forward and three mines is sufficient to repair the damage from those two rockets and still continue to upgrade its mortars and fire the mortars and that's going to be enough to put pizza not an unrecoverable back foot i think uh i think it's going to be a little bit of rng to see if uh eaton's own gun or shoot down his rockets uh that's definitely definitely related for sure mortars are touching the back base just lightly tapping it but more mortars are coming oh shot his own doors that's gonna hurt that's a heavy repair bill he just there's one thing about rockets because they spawn the way the rockets spawn from the weapon they spot a little bit backward and um the ai is so determined to be fast about stores it tends to well shoot the doors uh that that can happen and it does cause explosions on itself which happens with real players as well which is really rather unfortunate so far the four major machine gunners five machine gunners why am i saying six machine gunners there's that one little two behind the bush that were hard to see um i've been doing well defending against the mortars i say that and of course two get through they're trying they are definitely trying for sure it's uh i'm sorry i just love watching the mortars happen as they happen it's really quite truly quite good neither are hit by the mgs that's gonna hurt but he has nothing to follow up with rockets aiming at the wrong target seems like this is gonna be a it's gonna be or either end really quickly or could take a while or take forever like if if either of those two nukes are able to launch and hit a target like that could be that could be huge that could absolutely be huge i just i don't see it happening it does seem to be a little bit but those motors are just not getting through as consistently as they need to huh here comes one of them gets shot down no core damage so it's not going to make the difference there those mortars just destroying that was whoa that was gross that was so unexpected i did i i well i was dramatic didn't i expected the overall i don't i i would i would i expected the overall outcome didn't expect it right there in that way yeah me neither that was a little bit more dramatic than i originally anticipated oh dear double nukes going for the wrong base oh but the knockback is taking off oh and it kept rebuilding it as it was being destroyed yes yeah that's a yikes that's gonna wipe out all of its income not that it i'm not gonna get the income back it'll get the income back so not not too big a deal oh my these poor machine gunners they're trying so hard but they're just constantly overheating yeah the thing is though if you think about it rage alert has been kind of smart he instead of building a he said i'm gonna just use the opponent's aaa it's an effective strategy it works it really does does rely on the opponent building area but i mean so far it's been working so i'm still a little bit in awe and how i did not expect such a dramatic i thought it was going to be more of a whittling away slowly not so much of a volley all those mortars look like they were gonna yeah i don't see uh either base expanding from rage alert so i assume they have ended their builds oh triple nukes that's gonna hurt i've said triple nukes triple mortars same thing i mean i i think i still think the uh team two's top base has self-locked itself it did build further that one time and it's not rebuilding destroyed brazil so i think it is it looks actually completed i think well not quite complete but it did better than it did last time where it got stuck on that sandbag yeah it's gotten enough energy production enough batteries to consistently be firing it's nukes only problem is um rachel are built the proper defenses for nukes each that turbine is uh energy consumer and metal consumers like it just wasted like a thousand metals oh just gave up rebuilding that turbine what's the point it doesn't have the money it doesn't have the money for it it only has three mines it just straight up doesn't have the money for it it's 200 it's 200 metal every time it rebuilds it the thing that's kind of freaking me out is how top base has not repaired its wood spam is very vulnerable to double nukes it is and i mean that's just that's why i'm saying like it's definitely soft blocked i'm pretty certain it was supposed to go farther and do more it just it's having a mental breakdown all it needs to do right now though is not die for four minutes oh wow it got lucky to see that all the machine gunners oh that's it yep that's a shut down that is the end rage alert is our victor i'm sorry i've got to check out the yeasted replay here on that well done i gotta see that too because that's that was brutal i'm pretty certain it was a self-detonation at that yeah i think it was the two rockets hit the doors destroyed the bg and completely just broke it yep that's what happens that's exactly what happened we have the rockets and that's already bad when one does it when they both do it together right here double firing and all four rockets hit themselves and the base just falls apart that is uh it actually almost took out his front with it by bouncing down that bouncing and rolling down the hill that's a way to go into half whoa wow well i'll congratulate racheller well done absolutely congratulations rage alert you have won the tournament fort's ai tournament number three a lot more to work with and i like it i like it a lot and just watching the final killing blow just dropping rage alert versus rage alert oh geez all right so that has been very good uh stream i want to apologize i was supposed to have a video out right now for you guys to all go watch unfortunately had a bit of an error with it i'm going to have to re-upload that that's going to be about half an hour out so check back in half an hour you guys have a nice video to watch but for now have a good one everyone congratulations to our victories congratulations and i will see you guys later you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 53,313
Rating: 4.9471364 out of 5
Id: LYcfcTfWDhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 18sec (12798 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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