Forts Official Tounament XVIII - Forts RTS - Livestream

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all right [Music] then [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm hello hello hello how is everyone doing today you guys excited because we've got we've got lots of good matches coming up here it is today we are going to be covering the official forts 1v1 tournament right now starting starting very soon uh we're just finishing up everything and getting the uh the cat hurting together as it were so welcome one welcome all as we'll be switching on over to the fort cam here in a moment today i'm going to be joined by barbaretto as well as as well as some of the developers here nose head and romero we should be good to go another stream later tonight yes don't you worry about that as you guys have come to expect from uh from these tournaments i will not be doing much i will not be doing much in the way of chat interaction yes yes warning nuclear launch detected starting the nukes early james coming in with it thank you so much for the support unfortunately the the nukes will be turned off during the event let's start with nukes early i love it james coming in with the nuclear launch coming in with that support uh looks like the players are starting to get into lobby so i'm gonna go ahead and rejoin the voice call i look forward to seeing seeing you guys all here ah let's do this shall we hello there hello and welcome how you doing i'm doing very well just got just got the stream all set up and good to go excellent we should be uh ready to get ready to do this yeah just uh waiting on uh barbaretto to join us and looks like the last couple players as well team team two um both are here both here eaton is this oh yes yes versus orexia warning nuclear launch detected yeah this is going to be this is going to be good i'm looking forward to this oh i am as well start of the day hey welcome welcome to the chat and here we have barbaretto it's me yay everything is on fire good to have you here man thank you very much why are you doing this um james coming into the everything is on fire oh yeah i believe so yes nice don't worry you guys drop luke support that's awesome you did that with uh with uh mateo was it yep nice myself that's awesome very impressed very entertaining i can't wait to finish uh getting all of those out oh yeah i've been looking forward to watching them oh you've been doing uh casts of them have you yes i've got the uh semi-finals going out a little bit later actually at least last time nice nice okay so um shall we look at the uh do we need to look at the bracket i believe that would be a great idea okay here we have the brackets uh first off we're going to be having e10 versus araxium both players very well known actually all these players here well known within the uh ford's community this is true we're looking forward to looking forward to some very good games here especially in a 1v1 setting yeah i should make for some exciting games oh yes i personally favor 1v1s they just have a lot more a lot more shenanigans the players can get up to i guess it's the the pure essence of the game isn't it you know 1v1 it's you know one strategy against one strategy there's no you know communication issues with teammates and you know this sort of thing so it's like you know it's uh yeah it's a very uh pure form of the game which is nice it is and it's it's a lot easier to counter different strategies let's say if one team goes to say if one player goes for missiles it's like okay well one player is going for missiles the other player can then build anti-air whereas if you have something like a 2v2 and cr isn't nearly as great because you end up going oh i'm going to build anti-air to deal with to deal with uh the missiles and surprise the other guy has shotguns and ap snipers i am also noticing that eaton is ranked number one he is our current champion uh with his team uh the noobs i believe um and uh so hopefully somebody can challenge this guy because he's impressively good yeah so true okay so um are we all are we getting close to being ready i think we must be i think i think we are good to go we've got the map already uh is there okay so the different thing about this uh tournament um the maps are chosen by the rome randomizer i love that name already and and then um also we're allowing the players to ban a commander of their choice and uh this is to uh you know well it's going to make things interesting to see there's certain commanders i think we might see banned consistently but uh yeah it'll be interesting to see what what they what they come up with so i believe the way this works and i'm just going to double check what we've discussed earlier the uh higher seeded player is going to be asked which commander they would like to ban and so we must all ask eaton this now all right i do really like that idea as this is something that uh this is something that the force pro league kind of started with the pick ban style system at least in regards to forts yes it uh it makes so a lot more uh builds and tactics can be showcased uh with different commander choices it's very nice yes it kind of forces a little bit of variety yeah at least a little bit we're only talking 1v1s here with not a whole lot of we're not doing we're not going deep into the band system we're just just banning something so that it forces us different strategies sometimes which is nice i suspect we'll see a lot of spook and pinch fist band yeah yeah they seem to be the two most uh popular ones right now so eaton has been yep there it is and has banned pinch fists big big surprise okay so we'll just keep an eye on this is uh this is sort of gentleman's agreement that neither of them are going to choose that that commander and if somebody does choose the van commander it's instant disqualification oh geez i don't know what we expected um so okay so we've we've banned spook and pinch fist um and uh i think we've yep we're actually good to go we got the map every so we just um oh yeah roman tasking which uh yep so uh rome has asked eaton uh the high rank player uh which side he would like to play so he's chosen team one the left side oh i am i'm curious to see if anyone does choose to uh ban two commanders that are a bit a bit they wouldn't normally choose and then they get to uh at least get one of the commanders that are more popular i'm curious to see if something like that happens or if it's just straight pinterest and uh and spook every time yeah i wouldn't be surprised if it was just pinch fist and spook being banned every time yeah but we'll see because what i imagine is going to happen is any any time pinch fist and spook don't get banned it's gonna be one of those two selected for both sides okay they are exceptionally good commanders for 1v1 though oh yes all right i think we are good to go yep looks like everyone is set up uh are they gonna switch themselves i don't know if they know they can all right i'ma switch them for them yeah all right let's do this yep sounds good ready up i think we're doing this uh and i've um let me just triple check flash screen hud mix fancy fancy graphic stuff lots of moving parts yeah it looks like it's right everything supposed to be correct all right we good yep let's start and here we go ladies and gentlemen here we have eaton versus eric cerium here on the left hand side it is eaton [Music] currently the number one ranked spot in fort's period he's uh he's favored i think to win this this tournament altogether and he's facing off against his opponents here on the right hand side it is exerium and we're going to be a bit quicker on the storage is it there and we're running the observer tools by zimsa so we can see a little bit of extra information uh with the stats and reactor health and stuff like that which is kind of convenient indeed one day we'll incorporate that into the game itself what are these days there's a long list of things that can be added oh yes yes yes we see we read the suggestions channel on forts and yeah there's some great ideas on there so one day one day but today is not that day one of these days you'll be able to toggle toggle game uh sounds game game audio while in a game oh geez but talking about the players builds we have some very different very different builds going on here and we're actually about to see some shenanigans start here as well both players are going for a later game play they both have their heavy weapons tech with the red team exerium going with the canon tech and eaton going with the going with laser tech eaton also has a buzz saw he's managed to hang on to his workshop and so we might see some some cheeky cheeky little snipes going out here and yeah any weak point that can be found with just wood that will uh definitely do a lot of damage absolutely there's already several places where that can happen so i'm curious to see how that works out it looks like eaton's getting down in extra storage so he wants to put down a plasma laser the biggest the biggest blue laser down real quick at least you can be prepared for that in a moment and on the other side we have locations for cannons cannon has been placed interesting [Music] now on this map splash damage is definitely going to be a if no one dies obviously it's going to be a big deciding factor and it's a bit hard to defend your cores on this one from splash damage so uh cannons will definitely be doing doing some damage there uh yes and to further talk about that uh there's two reasons for that one you have multiple cores to deal with so you can't just defend one spot and make it thick and chunky and expect to be okay because you have two locations to defend close the weakness we were talking about yep that's a real rough time for those cannons now a little bit of angles are going to be messed up now yes now it's not going to be too bad but one of the weaknesses of using tiny doors like that they are very susceptible to deformation if something like this happens really bad things can happen by that i mean suddenly these cannons will not be able to shoot it looks like the deformation isn't so bad right now that they will be unusable but it's close it's real close looks like xarim is going to be cutting it very close with the core defenses here yeah uh he's electing to he's electing to set up no medal in front of his course just yet he's just going with more time before those lasers he does but not much eaton's adding some wood spam at the front and that'll keep him safe from at least one cannon which is which is the critical point oh he's just firing the fire beam right out the gate just to uh just to delay his opponent somewhat but he's gonna get that plasma fire beam going i mean why not do some damage yeah all right so both both players seem to have their strategies revealed and there's one hit can he land the second the follow-up he does oh with the sniper follow-up that's uh that's game-winning right there wow not only has more damage too yes core damage has been dealt that means if this clock runs out eaton will be victorious uh but more importantly more importantly uh axarium just lost all of his weapons and has nothing to bring himself back into this game right now that's uh that's pretty brutal just uh just one sniper shot with the follow-up it is uh that's that's how you win games right there yeah wow straight through not even using the fire beam just buzz sawing through the wood spam that is that is one of the side effects of it or should i say the downside of of wood spam it gets cut real easy by those buzz saws it looks like xerium is conceding and he's just going to let it happen accepting his fates that is going to be the end of round one that was pretty quick uh yeah yeah it was zero damage dealt by uh by team two there very decisive six minutes that's a proper that is a proper laser laser push heavy weapons all right so e10 goes up 1-0 over his opponent [Music] and now we're gonna be setting up for round two so it's alexi versus lansing shield [Music] and xarim will be going to the loser's record with a chance of redemption indeed we do have a loser's bracket in this particular lineup so xarim while getting knocked out round one we'll have an opportunity to come back we'll see who his opponent is looks like we have alex and lance and shield already ready to go [Music] uh they're in here okay cool um so we're gonna ask uh this is in uh see we're gonna ask alexi first oh yeah okay so rome's already talked to them about it excellent great nice so alexis banned spook and lantern shield is banned seep and alex playing on the left side yes siep is also a very another another very scary commandos it can just really kind of creep up on you with those instant fire missiles very dangerous true yeah one of the major defenses against missile specifically the warheads is not trying to shoot them down you just the moment you hear the nuke launching the nuclear launch detected sound as it were you just build out a a big trunk in front of your base a whole wood spam so that when the nuke hits you you just phase tank it and it doesn't deal that much damage it's not gonna break your entire base if it detonates too far away from everything but seep kinda breaks that because it throws off the timings the nuke will hit so much faster that your your wood and structure will not become corporeal yet it's brutal it's very brutal yeah and then the uh the core then becomes the face tank of the nukes which normally ends in a very quick death yes yes that's a good way to put it okay all right looks like we are good to go graphics are up and here we go alex versus lansing shield let's do this [Music] all right so now we are off to alex versus lansing shield here on the left hand side we have alex getting himself set up on the hang time map versus his opponent on the right-hand side lanson shield these are returning players that we have seen many times before alex a well-known mod maker lance and shields he's always here he's always here to join in we have some good games featuring him so bob what do you do you think there's going to be any kind of cheese any kind of shenanigans what do you expect to see from these players coming up in these next few minutes uh it all depends on the commanders really um i think with the with the banning of commanders at least the two popular ones i think we're gonna see a lot more um more advanced maybe more intricate or at least different builds so it might be uh i think we're going to see heavy weapons maybe a lot more i'm thinking rockets from this map from alex c on the left side here as he has an upgrade center and a armory already built or in the process of building i do i do like that idea expanding yes we can see here the uh players will have to expand backwards toward this little extra alcove in the side of the mountain as it were where they have access to additional additional mines it actually it does look like lantern shields is selecting not to expand for the additional economy going for a going for a rather rather quick laser rush style build this might just end early hmm yeah like i said uh looks three rockets coming up from alex c yeah and he's against lasers he's got the rockets already placed he's going with a triple rocket option and is not gonna be revealing before he has them upgrade no double rocket and flack which i think is the appropriate is the ideal it looks like he's not gonna be yeah he's gonna be upgrading them first which is that means the moment this strikes this is going to be about lethal and lance and shield won't really know about it until he gets hit by it now he may have some idea that this is coming he did hear the upgrade sounds which implies that there are upgrading things and what are you going to upgrade if not wind turbines it looks like lansing shield is somewhat reacting he's getting some some anti-air setup i don't know if it's gonna be enough or quite in time as alex's alex's weapons are already set up and ready to go he's actually just defended giving them a little extra defenses before opening the volley uh looks like lance is getting some trench gunners here as the main issue uh normally with defending against rockets is that your gunners always get either shotgunned or sniped uh with the trenched gunners it looks like that's not going to be something that can happen as easily yeah we could already see we could already see that happening i just want to point out something that we just saw here so lance and shield is playing as shocking which enables them to place explosive barrels an explosive barrel has been placed at the back of lansing at the bottom of lansing shield's base that's something that he can disconnect from that yes so even if his base gets disconnected he will still have control of that which is something we have not seen in a tournament ever it's pretty clever yeah it is very handy to uh just keep connection of something even though it's very susceptible to weapons like buzz saws or uh anything that could be chopped off yeah and i really like that now i do want to point out that just by the way is designed it's supported by the hanging elements on top so if that were to be disconnected it's going to collapse and will render the whole point moot but i do like the attempt it's a defensive strategy isn't it yes it's not so he's gonna try and you know hang on for dear life wally you know what i mean like whereas um alex is like already damaged yeah alex is out for blood lansing shield is trying to survive till he can get up his heavy weapons and he's got he does have a fire beam about ready to go that's going to do a bit of pain in those rockets there uh most absolutely now we do know that these players are quite good and we have seen we've seen these experienced players work wonders with snipers fire beams are susceptible to snipers and i'm curious as to how long the uh trench gunners are gonna work out once that buzz saw comes online oh there's the active from shotgun wow that was a beautiful shot almost going straight to the core oh been so much for the barrel yeah it was a good try an attempt was made yes oh oh dear [Laughter] his thoughts exactly i wonder i wonder if lance's shield has a meaningful way of coming back from this as that's that's a lot of damage sustained indeed well i mean definitely need to act it again yeah if you uh if you get if your opponent shoots down his own rockets that that helps pretty significantly i think one thing that's really holding lance's shield back is the uh the lack of the additional mine expansions he doesn't have any expansions no additional economy the reality is alex is he has map control and economic advantage he had early game control and is going to have more and more advantage as the game goes on so things are only going to get more difficult more difficult for matching shield here destroying the rockets there you can see uh lance and shields resources are very not good it does not have much energy to fire that that laser if you guys direct your eyes to the top right corner of the screen you can see the metal at energy reserves lance shield is constantly in the red he's got low energy always whereas alex despite having a firepower advantage is he's got great economy he's got little he's got energy to sustain and build lance's base is having a rough time yep oh geez there's the connection again buzz saws buzz a very good unit indeed also i was alerted that you can't press on the names in the top right hand corner and change it to the person who is on that team so it doesn't say just player one and player two which is a nice touch well there goes there goes the fire beam and with it lanson's only hope of ever dealing damage this is uh this is trouble to stay alive yeah this is not looking good he's lanson at this point is just trying to not die and hoping that something changes but i don't think i don't think alex is gonna give him that opportunity to come back he does have that barrel down there and i don't know how much it's going to do keeping that connection you will be able to get a few trench gunners but it's not going to uh it's not going to save him the game at least at this point it looks like here you can see the barrel actually being useful uh it is currently disconnected and he still has control over it for whatever that's worth so now that he's done that he doesn't really need the connection you know what i mean because and having the connection is makes him ex more exposed doesn't it yes he should really try to fortify that if he's you know to try and clean cling onto it i guess it would be a good idea i believe you can get mines down yes you can you can get mines down there as well so that could be a good place for expansion uh either there or behind him as he's very low on metal as we can see pretty much throughout the entire game so far at this point it's going to be very difficult to justify or even place mines yeah having any spare metal is going to be very very uh tough indeed he needs this bare metal to place the mines which he doesn't have he doesn't have enough money to place a mine right now and if he does get it the time it takes for the mine to uh return its investment is most likely longer than the amount of time that lanson has left in this game it's just that thing at this level you really got to come out swinging you know like taking a defensive you know long game approach is you know that's a risky move i think mm-hmm most players go ahead uh with this with this high level of skill everyone has their builds um refined to pretty much as fast as they can be uh all of the kinks ironed out everything like that so you really have to be on your game or else they will uh they will pretty much kill you before you can ever have a chance of firing your weapons absolutely when it comes the smoke and then the amount of adaptability as well so with that smoke there for the entrenched gunners pretty much just negates the rivers that was a lot of his base yeah yeah and with it another weapon down one thing i did want to say players at this level not only do they have builds that are well refined and worked out they also know how to destroy a fort most players when when they go into a multiplayer lobby will say hey it these matches take 20 minutes as they sit there and use their one rocket launcher to to shoot someone who's just keeps rebuilding wood these players don't do that these players will destroy everything regardless of how much you build it's just a matter of what method they want to use it what method they want to do in order to get there and how long they're willing to wait how careful they're willing to go like you see alex here he could have gotten a bunch of more rockets and could have slowly grinded down his opponent but he didn't want to do that he wants to just suppress his opponent keep the buzzsaws going keep the fog going so that he can't rebuild nicely and then tech up to cannons for the final punch yep yep this is he possibly could have done a bit sooner maybe um could have possibly but i think he has this pretty securely in the bag oh yeah yes sure and i think and i think he's not looking to go quickly about this despite all this deep digging into the base i don't think he's actually trying to eliminate his opponent right now he's just trying to suppress him long enough for those candidates to come up he's he just expanded down he should yep there's the cannon right now and that cannon is looking to be the uh the final punch the final hit repair station i presume it's there to clear smoke one of lance's gunners is shooting at his own core i know um i managed to get a laser out gonna be a hell hammer a hammer shot here yeah although in alex's base i don't really see anywhere that one laser shot could really uh do any significant damage that could end the game it would have to be a very lucky shot that somehow hits the battery and causes a you know yeah alas the uh commander charged oh is that it almost nailed it one minute left [Music] it looks like both uh both players do have their active charged um so lance could get a lucky shot off here last second i don't think there's anywhere in the base where it could actually actually break it's still just one laser yeah true even with the doors like the sniper possibly i don't know i mean that might destroy the battery it gets a core damage which could do it on timer actually yeah that is true core damage could change the tide of the game as both players are currently on 100 health over penetrating going all the way through the base without breaking anything of dire importance looks like mance's shield will get one shot and that's it and fiji team one wins for being the most aggressive and dealing the most damage indeed that back expansion with the mines definitely helped him uh get into the the late game in this game oh yeah oh yeah for sure so we will see alex moving on to face against eaton in the next round [Music] and lance and shield going up against axarium in the first round of the losers round all right so next up we're going to have mateo versus ml it appears the band commanders for this round are seep and pinch fist ex the usual culprits they must feel so neglected [Music] oh well they get used very often in uh the ranked scene they they really do the um i think a lot of times we see these commanders ban so frequently because they get used everywhere else so uniformly it's it's everywhere yeah i think people just get tired of the uh the pinch fist rush because everyone does it all the time indeed i have i've currently been trying to stray away from using pinch fist in ranked um just to make games a bit more interesting but uh once you get up to the the really high ranks or i guess really low ranks it um it gets a bit hard to win and still uh use a different commander it is a bit tricky that's understandable it is a lot more enjoyable i still prefer spook because spook can just do cheeky things like that i guess they're very fun that it that is i guess that is kind of one of the uh the benefit the strengths of pinch fist pinch fists at the end of the day isn't that gimmicky it isn't that cheesy of a commander it's it just hits slightly faster yeah and that's what matters especially in uh in ranked matches where it's just just 1v1s it's uh normally whoever hits first and can do that catastrophic damage to fort usually wins the match um right as they're as drawn out as bigger matches like 2v2s 33s or 4v4s exactly it's all about that initial damage and the one thing that pinch fist kind of suffers against for those who are unfamiliar is a rush that hits faster than pinch fist let's say mortar rush rockets even shotguns because pinch fist tends to be a bit selling of selling of its own internal structures it can cause a bit of problems for pinterest but even then pinch fist has the option to do the same thing so you've got to look out for that buzz salsa are also a very weak uh a weak weapon against against a very strong weapon against pinch fist players yes they tend to sell a lot more metal get that extra boost in speed and that is kind of exactly one of the reasons why i like spook because you can tell pretty early on what style of build the pinch fist is going for if they're going for heavy weapons it's like okay well let me just stop going for heavy weapons myself and just immediately swerve into mortar buzz saw and that causes a really bad day for the pensions player yeah it's uh all about the flow of information once you know what they're not doing you don't have to defend against that and it's very uh crucial without knowledge you really don't know what they're going for and you're like well i guess i'll just defend for everything which can be time-consuming and slow you down and surprise for that reason is why we see we see uh spook ban so much out of this so far all right looks like we are very good looks like we are all good to go here we have matteo versus emily i think we're ready yup we're good looks like it all right let's do this and we're off ladies and gentlemen here on the left hand side we have mateo mateo playing very well in his last sighting here in the fort's pro league 2v2 made a name for himself with the extremely accurate lasers the ruler aim yeah he's ranked impressive he's ranked number two at the moment so he's uh fighting alongside uh eaton there um trying to get to the top indeed yeah that's a very back and forth battle between the two and i'd love to see that to be honest i really do indeed so in this match it looks like seep and pinch fist are both banned for this one so someone could be spook yeah although we really don't have a way of knowing until we see you see their actives a little bit later we do have some very similar builds out of the players here so far nothing terribly exciting going on it looks like we have oh actually we might have a little deviation yep this is where things are going to go sideways here on the right hand side we have the laser rush coming out it's a this is a greedier style a faster style he's staying with three minds selling off his technology this is the style you see when someone's just trying to get out a laser or laser fire beam as quickly as possible but the other side here we have mateo matteo is just going to kill him [Laughter] i don't think there's a better way to say that i have a little bit of sniping going on looks like looks like mateo doesn't win the snipe off emily taking that one looks like a buzz saw out from mateo unfortunately for him uh email has not really deleted any starting metal there aren't any many uh weak points on his base that a buzzer can exploit yet at least other joy buzz saws they always have a target they can hit especially when you're going missiles and the opponent has to get spaced spaced armor [Music] yeah swarms and swarms and buzzsaws are a dangerous uh combination they really are and swarms are great versus exposed turbines for those who didn't know they kind of destroyed those turbines that's true that is true very vulnerable but very important so uh they are a prime target to attack now those two gunners doing extremely well indeed mateo trying to snipe them but unsuccessful so far at least for the bottom one i think he's just checking those locations to make sure there's nothing nothing being built in there one gunner down more swarms are being launched oh oh that's nice team twos did he sell off their own their own turbine did i miss that they did okay because it was about to blow up i think i was gonna say it was about to get hit by swarms and then it wasn't there anymore okay that makes sense all right now this is where things are really starting to pick up mateo has upgraded to warheads they're about he's about to go full nuclear and uh team two over here is just putting down their fire beam yep that's uh not the place you want to be oh there's the bus opportunity and oh and the fire beam is gonna go yikes i'm just about to say those are all now with the turbines gone are very exposed to buzz saws just chopping down the weapon placements yeah that's um remember what i said right at the beginning matteo is just getting killed he's just going in for the end we're about to see the first nuke launched here in a moment you might be waiting to uh fire both of them at the same time or for more energy i guess he doesn't currently have the amount he needs yeah he's got enough i think he's just waiting for both those gunners will probably be able to handle handle the nukes at least for this first wave but rng will be will be in play okay well maybe not anymore yeah minigun coming out from mateo probably to murder those those unsuspecting machine gunners behind the doors there yeah i wonder when he's actually gonna fire those those missiles there it is here we go he's just gonna go straight for it connect yeah these connect that will be very bad thirty damage the the fire beams make sense now with firebird so matteo wins this round [Music] so with matteo winning this one they will go off to face face the victory of this next coming match we're about to see firework versus uh alf else alphaq [Music] not sure what's going on with the underscore at the end there but we left it in emma was saying they should have banned spook is nose head one of the game's creators yes yeah many years ago got involved [Music] but my contribution has been the on the audio side and and a little bit of the community side all right looks like we're seeing c and pinch fist band again for this match looks like it nice i know there's gonna be lots of people that are happy about pinch fist being banned all right i believe we are ready to say that uh coming up on its fourth birthday oh pretty insane very very shocking i was like well that time four years insane that's right i mean i mean technically it's even older than that if you consider that uh b-man came up with the idea in 2003 but that was you know just the initial concept of it but very diligent of him to persevere um and see it through to the end and glad we did because yeah here we are four years after launch and um and people are still playing the game and interested in it and we're still updating it i can't help it it's a good game and i i do want to say the support with the bug fixes and such has been top notch thank you yeah it's it's awesome to hear that and you know it's you know we try to talk with everybody on on the discord and you know keep on top of bugs and balancing and you know keep things fair because when it's balanced is fun you know and it's really tricky to get that balance right you know and it's just on an on a on a string you know on a knife's edge and it can go either way right like when we recent recent update there were some issues with the with the buzz saws you know and we had to dig deeper and you know find some issues and tweak it and you know that's how it works you know and we need that uh that support from the community to help us find some of this stuff you know so it's really cool and helping each other out make uh make the game as good as possible i love it yeah indeed it looks like the players are ready to go i so let's hop right into this next round yeah when it comes down to game balancing there's so many different aspects at least in forts that are affected by one little change it's it's pretty crazy to see how much is affected by that one one little change yeah so true and we're off go ahead and take away your introductions this is an operation i believe the map nope all right if i remember correctly i'll take a look wrong map to be oh you're correct all right go ahead and ready up all right let's go alrighty try two and we're off all right bob go ahead and take away your introductions alrighty on the left hand side for team one we have firework and on the right hand side we have alf queue both well really too early to tell what's going to be happening for us the match but it looks like early tech out from elfq with the workshop and more more minds from from firework than you normally see on this map more mines on this map i guess uh this map does tend to be dominated quite heavily by swarm missiles true there's always that very big deciding factor uh in the pivotal mode of the point of the game either to go for more mines or more uh well uh swarms and missiles indeed this is a decision i think this is one of those maps where you don't have to really make that decision as much because you do have basically two guaranteed spots for swarms if you notice here on the left-hand side you can go up to four mines and still have two guaranteed spots for swarm missiles you can go up to more mines as we see is happening here i'm actually curious to see how it's gonna work out firework electing to not go with sport missiles at all whereas i can almost guarantee you're about to see swarm missiles placed for elf here on the right oh wow okay we're both players are avoiding swarm missiles on this interesting upgrade center coming out from from uh firework on the left side here yeah we're going to see some we're going to see rockets rockets yeah some some rockets and shotguns from left side versus what is going to be a a rather greedy and fast style cannon rush out of out of alf alright rockets i would think would be a close second to swarms in this map it's just the sheer firepower of the rockets can be devastating to say the least yeah very very apm uh heavy to deal with which is crucial to have absolutely there is actually an apm meter in the observer tools there is don't know how accurate they are but it's kind of interesting all right it looks like it looks like firework is going to go with the option to upgrade his his missiles or his rockets before firing them not to give away exactly what's happening going for that elf q strike cannon has been placed nice and perfectly timed for that uh four and a half minute firing but here come the rockets because rockets are just faster than yep the emp on the core core damage has been dealt alf has had his energy drained by the emp down at zero energy and stuck there here we go again that's uh that's bad draining and bleeding energy again that is rough alf is in a bad way with the emp constantly hitting his minds just hitting his turbines in his core he's not really getting energy anymore or income at all which is kind of awkward yikes that's a really really rough spot because what this does is this oh oh that's something we don't see every day jeez that's going to be some sort of record time wise four minute match and uh alf has uh our space has uh fallen indeed it's fallen and some small bracings in there that were a bit weak okay well there we go i was actually i i was kind of hoping for the come back from there alf did manage to get their cannon placed and it was building [Music] and uh firework really didn't have a base or rather his weapons could not sustain hits from that cannon yeah he he it was just a um a strut snapped on them oh yeah one of the wrong small ones yeah yeah oh definitely a weak point of face outfits a little bit of overreaction uh managed to manage to collapse his own base yeah moorings is definitely known for it's uh hard to uh keep keep your core upright kind of it's a it's very weird it's a very weird base design very different from other maps indeed and it can throw off a lot of players okay so what's the next round that we're doing uh are we doing the losers bracket now all right there uh so yeah so we're doing um oh that's right they're numbered i forgot about that so yeah we're doing losers around one uh xarium versus lantern shield yes all right here is lance and shields and axarium has arrived okay ah yes we are now in losers round one so this will be two matches so lance and shield will be on the left side and x area will be on the right side craggy basin is the map oh definitely an interesting one yeah that's not one that's not one of the uh base game defaults no uh the idea here was to um take advantage of some of the cool maps that were in the map making tournament uh that just didn't uh they didn't win the tournament but they were still accepted in the top ten and uh and some of them were really cool so i thought we'd mix things up a bit and have some cool new maps to look at while we and have these guys play on i love that idea very nice maps from the uh the map making tournament there all right looks like they're about ready to go uh surprise surprise it looks like spook and pinch fist are both banned for this one as well i i appreciate that it's not just spook and pinch fist we've seen seep get banned we've also seen seat get banned all right it looks like the players are ready to go let's jump right into this next round lance and shield versus xerium [Music] all right and we are off here on the left hand side we have lanson shield and on the right hand side we have exerium very interesting start for uh lanson shield space he instantly put down an upgrade center he could be going for uh many guns actually he um he may be eagle eye you can see on the hat of his mini machine gunner above his core is a eagle empire faction so that along with the uh with the upgrade center could mean early miniguns uh with the eagle eye active which is quite painful uh yeah the eagle eye miniguns we've mentioned this several times before very powerful used to be one we used to be basically the strongest meadow strategy available uh that actually looks like we're what we're about to see um the upgrade center has completed machine gunners are being placed and uh those could be upgraded as many gunners and if we've got eagle eye that could be game ending once once that completes it looks like on the other side we have a similarly fast rush coming out with xerium putting down uh quite a large amount of quite a large amount of mortars this is gonna be interesting um many guns can shred that because they're only defended by by a small amount of wood but that amount of mortars is absolutely devastating and if they fire first can can destroy the mini guns it's going to come down to who fires first i think the mini gunners are going to have the advantage there just because they are oh he's putting doors on it it's going to slow him down and the mortars are are getting hot keyed oh this is close both players are ready to fire they're just not firing it they're waiting for the perfect opportunity oh boy oh here are the mortars are they good clean hit they're overshot oh yeah oh no damage for any side okay the sniper comes in okay the the mini gunners are now starting to starting to take their toll uh the mortars are missing again a lot of panic fire uh quick shout out to uh galactic pirate who made this map oh yes oh wow it looks like a firebird those mortars doing extra incendiary damage which is just as you can see with just one door uh not enough to withstand the fire oh no oh that's what i was saying the uh whoever managed to land their shots first it looks like it looks like the mini gunners just weren't able to keep up with the sheer amount of mortars and exerium is gonna come out with the uh with the with having mortars and now now lance and shields gonna have to do something about that yeah those murders pretty much have free reign now to do a lot of damage without the threat of miniguns i wonder this is this is how things end up getting really bad because this is where the mortar player wants to be despite there being a lot of anti-air despite despite most of them not getting through the reality is given enough time mortars will make it just because it's an rng style weapon the machine gunners won't be able to defend all of them so the mortars will eventually get damaged in and where damage is dealt that's that much less base that team one has to deal with like the machine gunners are working well for now that's not expected to stay up any shots on those gunners with the mortars will be uh one less gunner to protect the base with yep oh ap sniper coming out that's going to be very bad the buzz saw doing more damage disconnecting every single one of those oh you could see the gunners trying to trying to target the mortars but wouldn't open the doors yep here we go wait is that fire bird out of dixarium uh yes i believe so i believe that was oh okay this is where things get really bad with with the mortar disconnecting that's not an easy reconnection with the buzz saw it's a nice clean reconnect with the mortars it destroys everything there's nothing left to reconnect to those that anti-air those machine gun nest the little trench has been disconnected and effectively destroyed the mortars are going to be doing more damage now i wonder what erexium's plan is from here is it just going to be keep firing mortars as fun as incendiary motors are you really need the heavy motors to actually blow things up in terms of real structural damage you could also probably use an adjustment oh sniping the own mortar yeah it looks like yeah the uh the mortars need to be a bit adjusted in their angle it seems he's hitting hitting where sandbags are he used to recognize that oh the counter snipe that was beautiful door snipe very nice that uh that ap sniper would definitely rain on uh axarium's parade uh all of those mortars being completely unprotected by them and the ap sniper shots that's where the real damage comes in yeah it's shredded oh imagine if lance and shield managed to have any more mini gunners up that would have been probably lethal there oh geez this has turned into a scrappy scrappy fight neither player has any way of really finishing off their opponent right now the mini gunners don't have the numbers they need to get the damage done and the mortars well they're most they're partially countered by the anti-air at least enough that it's not that lance's shield isn't in any serious serious uh way isn't in any serious danger and we don't see an upgrade center out of axarium so we won't we won't have the heavy motors actually blowing through chunks of the base anytime soon that's a missed opportunity that's a way i did not expect to see going um how far his core went was hilarious yeah sliding down the hillscape what oh my what an outstanding buzzsaw shot no kidding that is the one weakness of expanding downwards is that all that extra weight is uh then applied to your struts that are supporting your core which is already pretty heavy uh has the opportunity to pull it all down like you saw there that was absolutely beautiful that looks awesome in replay i think i think i'm gonna have to do the replay here because that's that's just that's just amazing oh sorry i got the graphics mixed up there i i didn't catch that the i didn't catch the team swap during the chat oh jeez sorry i'm just i gotta watch this replay real quick because this is yeah this is amazing man talk about unexpected definitely unexpected did not see that coming just took out one support strut on the bottom of that and everything crumbles and away the cord goes surfing and rolling down the hill oh that's amazing that is absolutely amazing definitely an entertaining way to end the match absolutely i did not expect that at all oh yeah oh lord all right so with that uh xerium defeats lanson shield and moves on moves on to the losers bracket second round lance and shield is unfortunately eliminated from this match from this tournament so yes up next we have uh alpha and email is that how you pronounce that uh it i would say it's a meal a meal like uh a meal yeah i think so i think it's great i think i think it is a meal i just want to make sure because i'm not i'm not entirely certain especially when you especially when we have names from other countries and regions they can be pronounced in ways that i do not expect so i'm never quite never quite certain i always need to ask i usually like to ask the players beforehand i i failed to do that this time and that's on me hilgwind no it's it's a good map it's just [Laughter] okay so let me make sure i got this right um it's uh alf q versus emil uh alfq on team uh left side team one yeah yes i've got it right this time it's still losers right i don't like the term loser round i mean it feels a bit harsh i think it should be maybe lesser fortunate round one yeah the unfortunate round the surprise buzzsaw round all right so we have hilgwin pinch and spook are our band all right looks like we're about ready to go looks like it let's do this and we are off ladies and gentlemen here we have here we have a hilgwin the map which i think is a beautiful name [Laughter] now why is it called hilgwin in cursus uh well because romero called it that and i love the name so i'm just gonna stick with it a lovely combination between penguin and hill forts i presume yes that is that is exactly it it's this map is aesthetically and mechanically very similar to hill forts and penguin to two vanilla maps in in some manner combined to make this this beautiful base it doesn't really look like anything like a penguin though does it uh yeah i would have to agree with you it does not cursed one it does not clay like it it will yes functionally it's it functions very similar it doesn't look like it but it functions very simple oh gosh amalgamation between the two the two maps it's pushed into one all right so it looks like we already have some deviation in the play styles here the players uh on the left hand side we have alph alphque going with a earlier tech rush style looks like they didn't quite time out the uh the heavy weapons tech placement perfectly so that's going to delay them about 10-ish seconds before they can put down there there it is and they have the cannons being placed going with the greedier style cannon rush looking forward to seeing how that plays out on the right hand side however we have some we have emil going for the or a mile going for the more eco-focused play they delayed their technology a bit and instead and instead went with more economy which is all fine and dandy i'm curious to see how that's gonna play out i suspect very well mostly because on this hill gwin style map you have a large block in the center you cannot directly fire until this central unmanned uncontrolled fort has been destroyed so you don't have to worry so much about super early rushes those cannons and lasers are gonna have to fire at least once before dealing damage to you does give you some extra time to get out heavy weapons and technology and it seems like both players are in some manner going for that with emil going for the other redesign in the base right now they do have cannons as well but it's it's the cannons are going to come after going up to six mines whereas on the left-hand side alf has gotten the cannon technology first and has gotten the six mines after indeed so that will give out an extra sorry go ahead uh it looks like an extra battery from team uh on the team two on the right side could be an indicator for howitzers but uh no extra storages yet so a bit less likely at this point indeed uh oh never mind oh yeah that's uh probably gonna be howitzers out of out of team two team one i think is just gonna stick with standard cannons looks like they're actually oh i see what you're doing there so both of these players especially the team one player here alf have built up and alf has built up just enough that they can fire up and over the central hill and get a direct line of sight onto the enemy's base dropping that cannon shell probably directly onto the core which is mostly undefended at this point it can slam right across the top here let's see if they manage to make that shot happen it looks like team 2 a mile here is actually going with 20 mils which is a curious decision very interesting things yeah especially for those extra storages i would have sworn that would be howitzers yeah i'm not sure what the extra storages were for if they were not going to be used but we will get to see i'm guessing that they are the moonshine commander because they have [Music] they have the 20 mils that will give them the emp effect which is quite good on the 20 mils indeed quick uh everything shut down oh sorry i was just gonna quick shout out to samster for making this map yes samsung getting getting honorable mentions performing very well in the in the map making tournament i do see some red bracing which is scary yeah that's very scary that's a lot of weight yeah and it's been red for a while and more weight has been added onto it the base is now leaning forward so that is a potential yeah they see it as well they're trying to react to it but it may be a little rough 20 mils launched first up on oh like it no sniper no ready no other 20 mills either very close a one punch as opposed to a one two hmm that is indeed it's still worth doing just because that will put alf on the back foot having to pay a hefty repair bill and repair things as opposed to just completing his cannon that'll give emil here enough time to reload their weapons and fire again this time with the one two punch there we go that's a hit can you get a second not quite oh just barely would have probably dropped that cannon on top of it onto the lower part of the base oh yeah if that cannon had dropped that probably would have been lethal we may see the commander actives here soon that will be the emp effect just 20s all over the place i'm curious to see what team one's commander is i'm thinking maybe warthog as uh they are an eagle uh empire commander faction and he is also not banned as well as having two cannons uh with with warthog is very lethal if uh if uh fired correctly good spot indeed i still wonder uh that cannon i can almost guarantee you is fully capable of one shotting email's core right now if they plan to go for that with that angle yeah now their cores are particularly well defended but the angle on the angle for email could be a little bit dangerous oh there's the howitzer oh yes there it is under the turbines yeah that whole area is kind of a big weak spot in uh neo's base unfortunately there's the moonshine indeed he did no more energy for you no more energy both going immediately placing turbines everywhere they can looks like the doors are going down for that howitzers and it's going to be able to fire shortly and it might be uncontested as there's very little aaa on oh here we go alfq's side wow cannon shells going above and below but not actually hitting those cannons that's an impressive amount of rng there unfortunately opting for more turbines up top deleting his initial sniper so he couldn't capitalize on those exposed cannons definitely going to be a very hefty rep repair bill for for elfqueue absolutely and there goes the sniper warthog yep definitely warthog at least it was crossbrist so it didn't collapse not even any serious amount of deformation beautiful oh this is bad that was well executed wow massive damage yeah a lot of extra weight on uh team one's base here it was already having some structural issues well at least the weight has been uh removed now true this strike is not blinking anymore emile absolutely destroying every single weapon on al's face here comes another how it's around straight toward the core with the 20 ml shots that's it and there it is very well executed by a mill here yeah that was awesome nice to see another commander so emil uh moves on to the second loser's less fortunate round i mean the lower bracket as it is called yes continuing on that's a better word okay so [Music] yeah very well played [Music] so we're back up into round two yes we'll be starting off round two with eaton versus alex two players you i uh definitely definitely think could win this uh given the two i would still i'd still think eaton i would if i were a betting man i would put i would put money on eaton uber alex in this one but it's definitely gonna be close and i i'm excited for this i am super excited for this yeah it should be a very exciting match well definitely definitely good for sure but yes i do agree with you uh i think e10 will be moving along all right yeah it's very interesting to see another different commander being used like buster yeah i really do like it uh especially the use of 20s i'd seen it i saw it mentioned several times when i think it's because 20s are such a meme most of the time as being not terribly useful but they do have their place they can be used it's just most of the time you prefer to have cannons in almost every single scenario one of the scenarios where 20s are better is where you can use the bus to reactive just because it does that much more damage the extra penetration can be completely devastating for the sheer splash damage you know 20 is already great at dealing splash damage why not make them do more splash and splash and penetration yeah very deadly combination if used correctly like email did there exactly yeah it's very interesting to see the um the shots for the depleted uranium uh go through the base and ignite things in the in the part where you're not as defended or uh prepared to take shots it's like things like batteries and storages and techs which is very vulnerable the batteries batteries that has happened to me several times it's like oh look at this battery behind many layers it's safe there nope it's on fire now [Music] yeah it's uh very unfortunate the core survives but then the battery explodes and then you die it's an unfortunate way to go how that goes most of the time i'm just glad it isn't the other shotgun barrels anymore oh my gosh i'm so happy that got changed um yeah that was very painful a lot of background bracing support structures and sandbags everywhere it was so sad so frustrating oh lord are there any core swing maps um most of these maps you can swing the core on but the reality with core swings is that they are inefficient so most of the time you won't see them like the pen swing on vanilla is the closest you see to an efficient core swing and so far that really only works if and only if you're going for a cannon rush yeah so if you do something like play against a pinch fist player who has already decided to go with rockets or mortars first or an eagle eye player with midi guns you just lose the game if you do of course yeah even even for me who pretty much swings every game except for 1v1s uh i uh i don't swing in ranked uh at least anymore it's a lot less effective in a 1v1 people know how to deal with it indeed although the benefits are very nice of not having the core in the front so all that weight is off of the vulnerable vulnerable struts oh yes it's uh it's pretty nice we'll see we do often see core swings in larger matches like four v4s three v3s even sometimes in tv2s but in 1v1 is it tends to just get punished hilariously hard for it especially if you're doing a rush like missiles where the core really doesn't really fit in the if it goes very well where it is uh to start out with just get in the way of anything indeed do you guys have a favorite commander personally i'm partial towards spook yeah i think i'd have to go with spook as well i think for winning which is different than my favorite i think winning i think it would be pinch at least in 1v1 scenarios um in 4v4s it's usually warthog he is probably my favorite at the moment yep warhog and spook very good very good commanders not i'm a bit of a fan of phantom for the um moving stuff around i think that's kind of i like doing that yeah it's a lot of fun what was it i did a video with the uh i think i called it revolving cannons it just had one cannon spot super heavily defended and just kept putting a cannon there and shooting it just revolving it around it was beautiful i loved it it's a great strategy we see we see phantom used a lot in some of these custom maps especially these larger custom maps like the tug-of-war maps especially because you can keep your weapons safely behind the lines and then move them forward to fire and move them back it's great it's great on one of those big tug of war ones we built like about 15 buzz saws and just cycled them in and out and just kept firing them constantly oh god it was horrible i feel so bad at the team but it got the job done oh jeez yeah that's i appreciate that i appreciate that phantom may not be the strongest 1v1 or 2v2 commander but gives such a different playstyle opportunity that it's just fun to have around yeah exactly indeed i think the uh the main downside of i mean her mind games is they're they're great but when you get to face players and rank one through about 50 uh they're very good at telling what's where and what doesn't belong and what should be there and know a lot about what what bases should look like so when something doesn't add up it's like well i guess i'm playing against the phantom yes that is that is i think something that's something i've read a lot in chat it's like oh but phantom can put down sneaky things and they're invisible or uh fake isn't that overpowered it's like no no it's not everyone who knows how to counter it knows exactly what is fake and not fake every time you put it down indeed all right looks like the players are already here yep so we should be good to go let's do this and we're off so this time we're not on hilgwin we're on hilgwin's uh spiritual predecessor as it were uh hill fort as you can see we have a similar looking similar looking hill straight here in the middle and it this time it doesn't have an underneath that can be shot through or destroyed it's just a straight hill so i imagine we're going to see similar strategies out of these players as the last time we're gonna see tall forts perhaps cannons that can arc up and over and drop their rounds in and more importantly we're gonna see builds that could be a little bit more eco-heavy they don't have to be quite so fast because they don't have to worry about miniguns shooting straight across rockets shooting straight across a super fast laser rush that can hit at exactly the four minutes and 45 seconds because that that requires the opponent to build up word in a way that would slow them down so these players could take their time now i say that as neither player is doing anything is what i'm describing both players going for this super greedy super early cannon rushes yeah staying on three mines before even getting their munitions plant down okay now we're going up to five minutes okay okay there we go yeah now now we're seeing the extra mines being placed it's i think these players are they wanted to get their cannons out just in case perhaps because their opponent is doing the same thing but they are they are slowing it down and getting their economy running something i see very commonly on this map at least in the ranked scenario is uh howitzers which is interesting because they are pretty much covered for half of the half of the map uh by by the the big structure in the middle or the big terrain in the middle uh gunners cannot fire at them yes which is uh very good it is the howitzers are surprisingly effective on this map is one thing we know is that mortars don't work because it's so easy to shoot down the motors and you would think that would work the same way for howitzers but in practice the howitzers are just defended until they hit the halfway point at which point the howitzers are just too thick to chew down like you need to have more shotguns indeed yeah all right yep so we've got those early cannons being placed at the two and a half minute mark wow that's uh he's really going fast at that so alex coming in with a mega fast cannon above his course looks like he's gonna just barely be able to get that across and on the left-hand side we have eaton doing the exact same thing in the exact same time so that's uh that's funny they're chatting at each other just conversing while they're waiting for their hands to finish it's literally at a point where the builds are so greedy so refined that they're in the waiting stage they have nothing left to spend their money on except for the second cannon which has just gone down they got a fast cat and then you buy like half a second that's how perfect these builds are welcome to forts ladies and gentlemen welcome to pro gaming oh my giving each other sass about someone being half a second faster it's it's not even sass they're just like it's they're just being friendly to each other they are they are it's all good fun these players have ducks they have done this so many times good lord was i i enjoy this more than i should i realize that there could be a lot of waiting around in these rush builders that they just build up a buffer of stuff a buffer of materials and and resources before they actually fire or place down their next big purchase but just the little details the bands are in between it's it's something you don't really get anywhere else and i love it it's the calm before the storm first of fire and both players have double doors they survive so eaton actually comes out behind on that one losing two of his turbines to that he tried to door snipe he tried to door snipe alex in the process didn't quite manage it alex did have his double doors set up i believe alex's sniper defensive turbo yes oh and immediately the turbine destroyed instantly looks like that encouraged z10 to get back turbines or at least one no i mean why not yeah they're back turbines are on paper very very good nearly indestructible yeah and i think e10 is just going to be on the defensive here he doesn't losing those first turbines means he doesn't have the economy really to to fire those weapons now with the with the rear turbines coming online all the way down here he will have something and that will enable him to fire his weapons soon curious to see when he's going to do that it's one hit does he have the second shot follow up like it there it is nothing of significance was lost just a bit of damaged doors yeah both players nailed their builds perfectly uh alex got the first shot off and you can see how well that worked for managing to have the uh map control advantage for quite some time but now we're just at a point where both players have the same build same defense the same everything and nothing is there's no major difference between the two players definitely investing in that shield with alex's side uh that was a bit probably a bit smarter just in case he were to fire at his at his turbines he keeps taking his uh my gosh his turbine out he's just trying to find a place to put his turbines that isn't going to explode immediately it doesn't work alex keeps blowing it up they can't go anywhere oh my that's funny i'm curious as to what that commanders are here i was thinking that too rip turbines again very costly to keep replacing those i wonder if alex i wonder what alex is yeah i think his plan is entirely just don't let him have turbines i think eaton has come to their conclusion as well oh that's a vulnerable shot does he nail it nope doesn't get it just over that would have not destroyed the cannon but it would have left it vulnerable to the sniper looks like eaton is putting the turbines a bit lower in hopes that the cannons don't have the angle on that i think so uh he's also managed to block them off but i don't think those turbines are ever i i think it was i don't think they were ever intended to be fully fully operational he just wanted something more than he has because he does not have enough yeah indeed those turbines already starting at a low efficiency there's the exposed cannon and there's the sniper follow-up and there it is i cannon beautiful lame out of eaton landing those shots rip turbine once more yeah 3000 energy just for the 200 metal i mean it's worth it we go true looks like e10 is finally adding a shield he's had enough of this uh harassment alex's shield managing to hold see if you can get that back up in time i i don't know that he can that looks a little bit close to the hitbox of the turbine i think the way the base is deformed possibly he might lose all his turbines here in a moment yeah he's got to redesign that yeah and there go all the turbines the payback after all this time now alex good to be on the back foot not having enough energy to uh [Laughter] as the second cannon come through i mean it went through something yeah eradicating the sniper that's one way to do it and it's door i see eaton has sold off those extra turbines he had right on top of his core just temporary it seems i wonder what the next stage of these players is gonna be canons are great at suppressing your opponents here but not so great at finishing the game just because the oh and there it is e10 can just continue expanding his weapons well alex or yes alex can uh doesn't have any weapons to suppress him with indeed and it looks like he's going with the workshop technology once more i might see some mortars might see some buzz saws true yeah he also sold his tier two tech the uh munitions plant which is an interesting choice indeed i wonder buzz saws can very often be lethal on this map just because no one really defends the bottom of their base because well there's a big giant there's a big giant uh wall in the middle so if you could buzz saw the lower part you can cause the entire base to collapse it's great very true looks like ethan reading our minds here puts a turbine in one of the weak areas of the buzzsaw oh he misses the buzzsaw and again twice oh he tried for it didn't quite nail the shot of terrain yep and uh eaton immediately noticing that vulnerability he's gonna seal it off with metal he had one shot with the buzzsaw and that's not going to work anymore and away goes to the bus side now here's the thing eaton is literally doing the same thing i wonder i wonder if alex is going to notice for e10 it's a bit less uh uh less less good for him to have the buzzsaw as he doesn't really have any cannons to drop on the bottom of alex's base as with uh e10 alex could drop all of the stuff on top of him yeah but that angle though if he hits you right by the if he hits right by the uh the mines that is absolutely gonna collapse the base yeah alex saying no i like how every time you shoot a weapon it just gets immediately destroyed yeah anything exposed just gets shot after one after shooting it once it's gone it looks like eaton has finally managed to take up to the howitzers it's about one third of the way complete yeah that would have been the next step for me on this map at least but here's the thing it looks like they they spent a lot of time just sniping and counter sniping each other um not a whole lot of time actually taking up and getting to the really lethal weapons on this map so we've got a little less than two minutes left and really not anything that either player can do about it right now so this is gonna be this might come down to time on how much damage has been dealt yeah neither neither fort has any reactor damage so far oh never mind oh here we go [Laughter] as you were saying uh-huh eaton takes the uh reactor damage advantage indeed dropping it down to 95 i think alex is currently in the lead yeah i think alex knows his fate he doesn't have the technology to get any weapons it's only one minute left not enough time to build this technology not let alone the weapons yeah he's gonna let it happen yeah not much he can do at this point especially with the howitzer incoming that could uh could seal the deal oh cannon follow up for the lethal they're reloaded at this point more splash not quite angle wasn't quite there the cannons don't quite have the angle on the core they need another nice thing about the howitzer is that angle where you can just arc the shots right over yes oh clean through just a few seconds before the match ends yeah seven seconds left he nails the shot and with that eaton moves on alex moves down to the lower bracket yeah that's i think the second time now we've seen a follow-up from with the howitzer and then the canon or yes maybe first time actually i don't know it works very well though definitely very successful oh and we did spook from team one this time played by etan very interesting i mean it's a good commander very true 69k damage again nice all right now we're going to be moving on to matteo versus firework yes eagle eye and pinch fist are banned for this one it's a oh and i mean i guess that's fair especially on abyss it's quite a strange map and eagle eye is ugly is powerful on on abyss i don't i would think mateo would want to play eagle eye himself he is the kind of player who enjoys that kind of thing so to ban it maybe he's just tired of running eagle eye abyss possibly are we ready to go we are excellent all right then let's do this mate i may uh might have some ptsd from the uh the finals in the finals entirely possible but here on the left hand side we have mateo on abyss the vertical map with an endless void beneath you facing off against firework now for those who are who haven't seen this map before this is a very strange map not only are the bases hanging onto the walls but there's basically endless space you could expand your up and down so you could kind of just line the walls of either side with endless weapons or really whatever you wanted to that has some interesting side effects in terms of game balance and such because most weapons they're designed to be in in a fort you have your a tiny little base that could be defended with metal and such and you you have a weapon with a door in it here you don't have to be confined to such simple conventions you can literally take over the entire entire half of your map do whatever you want with it and players will often do that or at least almost all of it here we can see both players opting for the quick expansion upwards for the extra mine and turbine area indeed the expansions for these maps are mostly up a little bit and then down a little bit you can see we have players who could expand down to this little alcove here and there they could build an additional mine or they could expand up to this slightly larger alcove now it'll be worth noting that the larger alcove takes a bit more investment to get to but the benefit of getting up there as opposed on top of having a somewhat larger space is that you get the additional energy efficiency on your wind turbines so it's very rare that you see players expand downward just because you have to expand upward at some points in order to get the energy efficiency on your turbines need we can see firework going uh full full buzz size here uh yeah that could be devastating on this map as most players use nothing but the cheap wooden structure well we have scatter shots out of out of firework and i think when we would see him i think that's spook out of out of matteo uh very possibly yeah with the pinch fist with the cheap wooden structure uh pinch fist is banned for this one oh i said couldn't but couldn't be either okay yeah yes with the cheap wooden structure expansions the buzz saws are very effective looks like some gunners from firework well time to defend against those emps coming from mateo [Music] curious [Music] we do have the upgraded rockets going to be ready before before the first firing another buzzsaw disconnects oh oh rip that sniper and losing a door and some metal that's unfortunate never fun yes i'm wondering what fireworks end game here is as buzz says normally don't take you into the end game but it looks like just as i was going to say that he places a swarm missile down funny story you can actually fit a swarm missile on this look on this base without having to portal it out it fits right there and most people don't expect it and it's also extraordinarily powerful because it comes from below an angle which gunners are not really capable of handling just make it quite tricky to deal with although it looks like mateo's rockets are about to be coming out we could see some massive damage here if those managed to land we do have a couple anti-air gunners available so those might not all make it although luckily for mateo there's a lot of anti-anti-air gunners yes shotgun in the mini shotgun the mini the sniper that's two of them down and rocket lands although now that mateo knows the location of the other gunners he will for sure be focusing those areas oh absolutely things are about to get real rough for firework here core damage has been built matteo now in the lead that soon to be nuke is gonna need to do some core damage for for firework here or else he's not going to be able to bring this back uh yeah [Applause] but now it is just as far as let's see how long it takes him to upgrade that to a nuke because right now there is no real ancient air for matteo those four missiles will land mostly uncontested scatter shot active for firework i don't think that actually affects anything for him here because he doesn't have cannons uh just the aimbot effect fireworks base turning into swiss cheese one one shotgun blast at a time yeah they're very effective at doing that oh i think i think mateo wants to take out that swarm missile launcher or that uh warhead launcher before before it's completed understandably this is probably the one thing that can uh really do any significant damage for firework here indeed yes he have to go for early care oh boy down to 66 oh he's trying if he can get it that's basically game over for for firework but it's almost completed and mateo really doesn't have anything that can hit it oh he's going straight for the core uh it's a it's a bass rush uh the nuke might just be lethal here oh oh man not much damage no on the core there it is the only things that could hurt him you could tear him off here i'm kind of surprised to see my firework didn't go straight for the court there but hey you know with the rockets gone that'll give firework plenty of time to fire a second time indeed some nice breathing room all right here comes another here we go this is on the core right it looks like it yes it's got the shotgun ready doesn't even need the shotgun not firing for the core the first time gave matteo enough time to get his anti-air online and now that that warhead is very unlikely to land a shot at least until firework manages to clear out and suppress matteo hmm would either require a lot of snipers or a lot of shotguns one requires another or the armory so another tech structure which will be awesome i think he's going with the buzzsaw option to try to disconnect very viable he'll have to find the perfect shot oh creating a very blinky strut in materials that shotgun is most likely going to get sniped barely managing to survive that barely managing to survive that nice thing about scattershot snipers is they are they fire two two shots instead of one so they can basically single uh single-handedly destroy a shotgun in one shot which is very nice very useful in certain situations that's a lot of anti-air that is a lot of anti-air out of mateo here at this point uh maybe mass gunners would also help remove the mass amount of gunners from uh team one here that is an interesting strategy that we've seen a few times just massive gunners and you could just tabby cycle through them all suppress anything period yeah it's very effective i think matteo really wants the nuke launcher down oh oh oh oh oh there it is it looks like he's gonna get his wish that's exposed in time he doesn't have any other weapons he's lost too many weapons to finish it off but he could try he's damaging it it's just not enough to destroy it yeah losing that will definitely uh seal fireworks fate here all right oh he shut it down oh no right as he paid for it oh that's brutal just got dipped out of 4000 energy so pricey so wasted rockets are just uncontested here as there's really no aaa nothing that's surviving yeah and there's sniper door sniping that's gonna be a problem for firework here oh matteo has to do the core yeah all matteo has to do now is just ramp up his uh damage a little bit more that'll be the end yeah probably another upgrading that emp to a rocket would probably do it looks like he's actually building another one up at the top as well yeah firework has no uh snipers currently so he can't really do anything about that exposed emp up top that's always painful to see that and not be able to do anything about it very true [Music] i'm noticing that firework is only on three minds which definitely explains his lack of ability to really expand more or even to fully repair his base yeah getting up those double doors is probably a bit more of a struggle oh there's the a that's needed can't seem to kill that one that one exposed machine gunner it's like he knows it's there but he can't quite hit it yeah oh well there you go all the gunners again which means another wave of rockets the sniper just as it finishes building they can't fire the nuke it's just the emp lockdown mateo just needs to increase his firepower which which he's doing it's a work in progress of course mateo can't work too quickly because he doesn't have his own economy he's spending it all on weapons very true oh no luke is launched manually firing the gunners he's kind of relying on uh rng there with that nude yeah he's selling off the nuclear launcher it's a good strategy relying on our rng is very effective yeah so he's just sold the uh launcher in hopes of just getting some metal back for that that investment looks like fireworks still has 29 percent on his core um yeah it's been hovering around there not really decreasing at all as of late but more rockets would definitely change that i think matteo really needed another battery so that he could fire rockets a bit faster here without having to wait for the recharge looks like he actually just got another battery yeah he has one up top that's completely exposed he's like just trying to find a place for it yeah that is one thing about abyss there's not many very many places to uh place anything that's very space management it is a strange mix i think firework now at this point has managed to build enough that he's not in danger of losing of being destroyed before the timer but he is not going to survive or he will be eliminated once the uh once the remaining 20 seconds passes his emp's getting in there and doing a lot of a lot of damage or shutting down a lot of stuff poor firework had zero metal income what's going on here matteo going crazy with the real ropes he's just having fun and there we have it mateo with the victory moving on firework moving down to the lower bracket yes mateo to fight e10 in the semi-finals should be very interesting match i i did expect those two to uh to meet at some point so are we doing uh alexi uh versus that is that correct uh lxc versus i believe so or is it i think it's going to be firework versus uh exerium yes the next match is going to be firework versus exterium it looks like wait wait wait i guess i was just going in the order of the way uh challenge is do you see how it's counting each game seven eight yes that is oh nine and ten you see how they're over yeah that's why i was looking at that oh yeah we just go in the way the challenge lists which i think okay i just need to i just i can't zoom in on my my here i don't have it pulled up sideways so i can't read it uh yeah i have it open just in the browser tab here so yes i guess alex d versus emil yeah we'll be up next is that is that i guess i think that's number nine yes okay it's the lower one yeah for the uh unfortunate round two uh alex on the left i assume looks like pinch fist and spook are both banned for this match between alex and emil big shock yes it'll be alex at a meal and then erexium versus that will be firework [Music] yes [Music] cool oh yes and then this map is uh also from the the map tournament by merrick's yes very well makes so many good maps he does there are many very many on the uh the workshop very enjoyable to play on hmm he's good at it all right oh geez chat hurting is fun i am uh slightly unfamiliar with the map so i'm not sure exactly how it looks at the moment [Music] all right looks like they are ready to go let's do this and we're off ladies and gentlemen here on the left hand side we have alex facing off against his opponent across the uh across the swirls it is emile so i do want to take a moment to talk about this map this map was a uh performed quite well in the in the map making tournament map making competition this one is made by merrick's he's made a great many maps that are very well known and played often uh it's unique it's got a lot of swirls all over the place looks almost like a kind of thorny bristle bush with its vine like swirls and these spikes on them but i i actually like it because it it's aesthetically different from everything it is unique but the bases themselves are not too dissimilar from a regular vanilla style fort you don't have a whole lot that you need to redesign you but if you want to you can easily it's got an expansion forward lets you get over to without spending too much resources it doesn't destroy your base to connect to it as you can see here for example a meal has connected to it without even really affecting the structural integrity of their base and on top of that you can't use this ford expansion to do super cheeky shenanigans like fully support your base and keep it immortal looks like yes alex coming in with a double buzz saw fortunately a male has not sold off their medals so they're not particularly vulnerable to this it's just going to kind of splash around and not do much indeed looks like alex is scatter shot for this match the extra shots from the buzz saw so it would seem oh it looks like a combined forces commander from team 2. curious to see which option they went with whatever it is it looks like they're going to be going for the heavy weapons rush heavy weapons directly don't know if it's a rush at this point have the weapons build heavy weapons build yes we do see a swarm missile out of alex here so that that's going to be relevant um we see two now actually just place the second one behind his core or did he oh yes he did oh that's that's cutting it real close to the core but hey you know if it works yeah jeez that will be fantastic if he clipped his own core there oh god now i wonder because email doesn't really have any weapons to retaliate so alex is just gonna it's just gonna be firing his weapons mostly uncontested for a while but here's the thing alex doesn't have anything that could really destroy a mill and doesn't have the technology to fix that so it's gonna be a little bit difficult for alex to close out this game at which point it will be giving a meal plenty of time plenty of time to build the weapons and really whatever they want so i'm not not quite certain how this is going to pan out do you see a 20 millimeter placed indeed it's immediately being targeted i'll need nukes to do any real damage to a meal here oh yes although curiously enough no upgrade center yet there's the upgrade center uh a little late but it's there and oh oh that could have been so much worse oh that could have been so much worse i was fully expecting that cannon to explode on top of the core and potentially end the game right there for a meal it looked like it was only at 20ml so no serious damage [Music] presumably either buster or moonshine for this one of the two let's see not phantom as we don't see any invisible weapons yes let's continue to suppress a meal here with the the turbines and the swarms i mean why not the mill isn't doing anything to stop it and uh alex is just gonna get gonna get a couple nukes and try to end out the game yeah definitely a rule of thumb if you can do damage definitely do it any uh you can make while hurting the other opponent is definitely something you want to do absolutely buzzsaws really haven't aside from that one shot on the 20ml the both of us really haven't been all that effective yeah very true i wonder if it's going to be worth up keeping them those mines are completely exposed just the sniper so how do you i'm trying to predict how many how many nukes are going to be needed to bring to break down at mail but that's only one machine gunner at this point so probably not many like unless that machine gonna get super lucky i agree we might just see the end or at least the beginning of the end right here oh machine gunner does his job see if alex can get off a second shot he's got two nukes but does not have the energy to sustain two nukes that's for sure um looks like there's a harsh wind floor on this map uh so it seems sitting at 100 we have the ability to fire another nuke once more honestly you should probably fire the forward most nuke and aim at the mini machine gun trench to make that go away before trying to do anything else looks like he's got this similar idea and there it is really using the wind turbine to quickly block off the door oh lord hey a mill finally investing into some metal whoa this is this is what i was concerned about oh that he's got enough machine gunners now uh but this is what i was concerned about for alex uh alex really didn't have weapons to destroy emil it is now eight and a half minutes before emil got weapons out and uh only just now is alex really started to put on the pressure to actually destroy a mill so it's seems like both players just gotta slow down to a point where they're not yep that's the buster oh that was very close to getting some core damage buster could be very uh uranium shots could go through and hit those batteries and that would be a uh that would definitely be a chain reaction of resulting in a lot of a lot of pain on alex's side hitting them the moment a second 20 ml comes online it's gonna be game over for alex alex really needs to get those shots off but that's just so much anti-air that's one two three four five six seven gunners eight gunners quite a bit alex has not been able to despite having sworn missiles despite having map control for basically the entire game has not been able to suppress a male yeah it's going to be tough getting those news here now trying to door snipe the 20 ml with the buzzsaw i mean he got it true it just uh it was a it was a buzz saw so it didn't exactly destroy much oh my god that was lucky that was wow that was so close to making it through why why is it like this here we go at the sniper on the bottom one there are the buster rounds yep so the buster rounds against against alex did a huge amount of damage uh but unfortunately alex managed to counter snipe destroying the 20 mil during that leaving emil leaving a mill's core damaged so that actually puts alex in the lead with the sniper now it's it's up to a mill to basically destroy alex in the next three and a half minutes which is totally doable just curious to see how long it manages to take them to do that it's another player none of the players have a whole lot they can do alex i'm not sure what alex is trying to do right now he's floating energy he's not firing there it is but mill just placed another 20 that'll bring them up to three yes three in total looks like uh alex didn't actually fire that warhead um it's an interesting choice indeed i don't know i don't think that's a bad choice but without having a follow-up that's i don't know what's gonna happen with that email blowing open their own door did he just put another battery in front of his okay i do believe so oh [Music] let's see what happened there good lord the buzz saw into the one place i did not expect that i need to watch the replay just did that's a beautiful collapse oh my lord it's funny every single buzzsaw shot is always unexpected yeah they did so little for so long but he kept firing them and then they just it just destroyed the entire base the entire base double or cross brace the lower section of their fort making it more susceptible to uh weight issues so it would seem oh geez it just hit right above the sandbags a beautiful shot causing the entire beast to wobble and now that is it just enough to collapse it and that ladies and gentlemen is while you cross bay cross embrace your base very important and great [Music] so there alex continues on email has been eliminated yes next will be firework and xarim the winner moving on to fight alex in the next round [Music] all right firework on team one x area i'm on team two pinch fist and spook are banned again surprising cliffside little wren should be an interesting match i am interested this is firework versus xerium so it's going to be a good match i think either way looks like we're good to go you ready to go let's do this [Music] and we're off all right so here on the left hand side we have firework getting set up with a workshop and a mine facing off against disappointed on the right hand side it's exerium doing the exact same thing workshopping of mine this map looks like it'd be great for mortars hmm definitely very interesting small expansions uh above and below the forts indeed i'll have to see what the players choose to go for i imagine it would be difficult to go for the below expansion just because it's kind of far but the upper expansions are very very close although you kind of gotta ask what is the benefit of each like if you can go to the bottom expansion you have a huge amount of territory to work with well it's war missiles this is where missiles out of firework and out of vexarium it is laser rush oh greedy laser rush too so this is this is the kind of build where swarm missiles do terrible terrible damage little lasers we've seen this several times before in this tournament already where the swarm missile player just kind of beats down the laser player before they have an opportunity to do anything about it and it even looks like firework is gonna get the earlier earlier upgrade center so we're going to expect to see expect to see a warhead sooner sooner than later in this group yes he'll need to uh make sure he gets that nuke out very quickly and pretty much takes xarim out before he can get those lasers out um as nukes don't do very well in late game against heavy weapons that is correctly not good that is later on the longer the match the worst they get that is very correct and it looks like xarim has already built himself a little place for gunners so he he does know this is coming you don't think you have to worry too much about it being blindsided by this it's just a matter of how much yes it's just a matter of how much overcompensation is gonna happen any at all i'm just not yet finished but that's all right and luckily hit a sandbag defense just to uh keep those turbines alive for another day you say that but the turbines also didn't survive oh oh they didn't oh he replaced it all right i see yeah you know these sandbags are usually very good at stopping them but sometimes one of them warms through it just happens we already have the warhead ready to go or at least we already have the warhead upgrading for firework firework also upgrading his mini as machine guns to at least one of them to a mini gunner looks like he's gonna try to punch through the machine gun nest with a buzz saw and then clean everything up with the minigun follow it up with the nuke he's got a sniper right yeah that's a lot to go through yeah there it is and the minigun follow-up there we goes that's what he was looking for he's almost got the warhead ready to go now it's worth noting that xerium does have his laser placed so as long as he doesn't as long as he isn't destroyed in the next 60 seconds he will be able to return fire accelium getting those big racings gonna try to defend the singular machine gunner taking out the nuke yeah that could have been lethal uh with the buzz saw clean up of the spaced wood that nuke would have landed before the rest of the wood became corporeal so that that single gunner despite getting sniped for it uh did manage to save the game there before let's see if they can do that again the duke gets drunk and slams into the mg trench but not significant damage a bit faster than normal oh that's bad that's not good fireworks sees that and oh oh core damage that's unfortunate just the sheer explosion of the of the of the plasma laser delts dealt 27 damage and oh that's a fast that's it that's a fast nuke is that warthog that's warthog the splash damage going through the to the back of the base that's uh that's base is looking uh kind of holy at the moment i think that's a good way to put it and here comes the follow-up with the bonus damage on the heavy weapons bonus damage nuke coming through speedy boy this is probably gonna be it oh wow managing to survive but xcerium has literally zero metal his entire base is is damaged and does not have enough income to repair that he's he's just electing not to repair he's just gonna build some extra wood there and a hope that what he has to survive the fireworks is gonna fire somewhere else it's fire somewhere else at his base and uh this is gonna be it and there you go firework with the victory it's kind of that's close that's like playing rock paper scissors we have firework who went nukes xerium who went lasers one of those things just kind of beats the other indeed yeah those even if there were was a on the on the field those uh those fast nukes are very very annoying to deal with positive about steep and warthog both the faster missiles okay so this is now going to be uh it was around three um and i guess that's firework against alexey isn't it that's correct yeah so yes [Music] [Music] teammates against each other ah exciting well to be fair while they are technically teammates because they're in the same clan so to speak all these players play against each other so often so much yeah true there's hardly a difference at this point i remember this map [Music] from the pan w m [Music] e10 versus mateo sounds good yes i'm looking for e10 versus mateo well they are meeting in the semifinals it's uh i think going to be effectively the finals right there yeah that is going to be uh definitely an eventful match that is that is the match i am personally really looking forward to eating versus this is a cool looking map [Music] [Music] indeed you have the bands coming in now from the players looks like scatter shot is banned interesting and pinch fest [Music] all right all right all right looks like we're ready to go the smack talk is happening uh let's do this i fight for your planet and we're off ladies and gentlemen here on the left hand side we have firework starting with an upgrade center first we might see some eagle-eye shenanigans facing off against his opponent here alex opening with a workshop and selling off his starting gutter what kind of shenanigans are we going to see i think this is the training ground [Music] or is it no it's the uh training i'm trying to remember when what that was for but i do like the uh seeing the forks off in the distance it is very nice aesthetically yeah this is this is one of my favorite themes all right our hands are revealed oh yes swarms from from alex c and on the left-hand side it is indeed going to be mini gunners looks like we have the additional machine gunners being placed now so we're going to have mini gunners versus swarm missiles and there's the upgrade so many gunners versus swarm missiles this is gonna be a um i don't i don't know how this is gonna pan out uh the ap sniper out of firework might be the deciding factor yeah i think that's going to be the deciding factor here because that means that now alex can't just rely on having a sniper available they have to defend it and when it comes to a game that's this low eco with only three mines out of each player the scrappiness oh ho the greed oh 40. ap sniper oh man down to 40 percent ten percent he's gotta get alex has gotta get the extra wood in there or is it gonna be enough is it gonna be enough oh that's it oh that's it oh my gosh oh wow that's gotta be a record right there two minutes 24 seconds alex selling off the defenses in front of his core to build more weapons and got punished for it wow insane yep that's a thing ap sniper rush for sure i need to see that replay that's that's the cheese and the counter cheese right there [Music] he placed a sandbag last second which i think might have killed him actually oh no he probably would have died anyway the bracing was not yet built so it wouldn't have done anything even if it was uh already constructed unfortunate that's amazing that's something we haven't seen in a tournament in a very long time yeah an ap sniper sniper kill well uh so that's alex c eliminated firework will move on to the into the final to the final all right so now we're into the semi-finals yeah it's eaten in mateo nice first versus second in the ranks hmm that was absolutely beautiful that was absolutely beautiful i'm sorry i love ap snipers and snipers in general they're just so much fun to play with you don't you very rarely get to see ap snipers eliminating a core off of a player who just got a little bit too greedy yeah ap snipers really can and even regular snipers can both uh really turn the tide of the game uh with really minimal cost snipers are very cheap uh yeah a lot of damage if used correctly or they can have you sitting there using all of your apm and doing nothing while your opponent gets actual weapons one of the two the less favorable option [Laughter] uh yeah it's all it's all a big balancing act of firing and controlling what's going on in your base lot a lot to take in but the complexity is fun i think that's one of the great aspects that fort fort has i agree always something to be doing all right so it looks like seep and pinch fist have been banned for this this upcoming match so spook is on the table spook is on the table i wouldn't be surprised if both players wouldn't spook here the players are ready let's do this and we're all ready on the left side we have etan going straight for the uh behind the behind the uh ball turbines i presume yep there it is and the opponent on the right side mateo doing the usual build this is the turbine position i love how eaton just has a it's like a i don't know what it is that he does this every time it's it's like a requirement of being eaten he must always have turbines somewhere that they cannot ever be destroyed even if it takes some x so much extra resources to get there it doesn't matter he's gonna build them there oh is he doing that oh my lord he pulled that off in a tournament no that was awesome oh i did not expect that at all i've only seen that one other time wow that was just i saw the stretching delete around the car i'm like uh is he doing what i think he's doing jeez that was amazing um so that is an extremely difficult defended core and he nailed that perfectly perfectly timed on the catch that was i don't think that could have been executed any better that was top tier uh so this puts mateo in a very difficult position um that was at about uh what 13 minutes or 14 minutes that you did that just remember that for the replay yeah uh so mateo does have a chance to come back i say come back as if he's not ahead uh mateo does have a chance to suppress eaton into into losing this game uh but he has to jump on that right now uh eaton is uh matteo is already falling behind he would have to build down and shoot up wouldn't he to get i mean there's no other way he could damage the core right uh i mean okay so so to defeat this the reality is this core swing even as well executed as it was um it still puts eaton behind the curve he's still gonna be behind on tech behind on eco he's gonna be some number of seconds behind this one is really well done so probably no more than 15 seconds but that's enough as you guys are well aware if matteo just keeps with his builds and applies pressure early eaton really doesn't have any way of stopping the pressure so you can just kind of destroy the entire front of eaton's base and prevent eaton from really doing anything like he eaton can't retaliate and can't win if he can't have weapons so you just stop him from having weapons and then you can work from there where you want to go you can either build all the way down to the lower island and laser up or mortars tend to work particularly well uh that's rough that's a really rough position but like here for example look at this he's already disconnected and he eaton has to defend that particular spot or he loses his connection and that's a really rough task to do yeah ah i think he's just mitigated that by connecting up top well okay well if matteo just loses everything then that'll put him behind enough for eaton to come back into it and yeah look at this eaton already has a heavy weapon placed he hasn't been punished enough for this that's likely going to be a regular regular old cannon and with it uh he's just gonna defend it and blow up matteo he doesn't have to really worry about defending his core oh scatter shot interesting it looks to be a 20 mil which uh does line up with him being scatter shot that is 20 mil you are correct i think so i was uh as we were talking about 20 miles earlier i was going to say i was going to mention a scatter shot as i'd like to see scattershot are used at least once with 20 mls as they're really good um and hopefully and i think i think we're going to yes very excited he's even gonna kind of complete he's even going to complete the 20 mil before before matteo completes his laser oh that's oh that's so rough it's unfortunate what happened there is uh mateo invested early with all the extra with all the extra buzzsaws and then they all got destroyed by eaton's buzzsaw which put him behind and there's the 20. there goes the mine oh that's just that just feels bad to be mateo right now my lord i'm sorry i love this base out of eaton it's beautiful in every way that matters very unique design that's for sure i think i think the first place oh i was just gonna say that laser you know with the right aim could could get into the the core yeah it could it's defended enough at this point i think but really is doing terrible terrible damage he isn't he isn't cross bracing his turbines which is probably why he's losing so many the 20 mil is damaging his own base [Music] especially with that extra deviation from scatter shot uh small doors with 20 mills or a bit oh the turbines again all right well this time eaton has his commander ability available so he should be able to do a lot more damage maybe even lethal damage to the core if it's uh okay it's here's the laser oh oh he touches the core 28 oh it's burning wow oh ho ho ho that was so close can he survive the retaliation oh 10 core hp left on the swings on the swing core matteo with the perfect accuracy laser it's just not enough [Music] with the war dog active to help him just push through all those defenses man that was just an amazing result insane oh that was a beautiful match that wasn't a second more yes yes more with the laser e10 will be gone that's insane that much was a lot closer than i think it had any rate to be i don't i loved it yeah that's that's amazing that's swing that swing i don't care if you can win this or not that's already a win in the book yes yes i do believe that i'm just on the topic of the swing i believe it was uh well i guess invented i guess but for lack of a better term uh by felix yes so we have the pen swing and then we have the felix swing on on balls you could say that's a really uh i was about to say it's a really uh ballsy swing eh that's that's a real swing going yeah insane right there it doesn't matter yeah just attaching the rope after just disconnecting the core completely is really risky good thing you're the hosting cursor or else you might not have made it that is a very real concern uh that is a very real concern internet can kill matteo versus firework in the lesser round four so mateo could have a second chance here oh yeah matteo i would not be surprised to see e10 versus firework again in the finals here in a few moments at least after this round against firework or matteo uh matteo versus e10 rematch hmm skylands very interesting map yeah um this is another one where we see a lot of howitzers it's also a map where two or three mortars are actually actually a somewhat threatening weapon yeah i i think this is the only map i've ever done tier threes on in a ranked match it was the first of the season i was like you know what i feel like doing this so i'm going to do it yeah i think yeah it surprisingly worked yeah it can it can work i mean of course tier 3's have the um the downside of being extremely inconsistent but you can get that that lucky shot right out the gate the first shot and just instantly end the game oh yeah oh so uh is mateo wants to be team one i said do you i believe so okay so and firework is team two okay yes it appears it is set up correctly so it looks like warthog and spook are banned [Music] hmm interesting pinch fist and seep up for grabs if they so do you want it i imagine pinch fist won't be chosen here because this is a map where you can't directly attack your opponent for a while but we are good to go so let's get this party started lower bracket finals let's do this and we're off all right so here on the left hand side we have mateo facing off against his opponent here in the losers or lower bracket final we have firework now this is skylands this is a map where there's not a whole lot of ground your bases are very wide the wind floor is absolutely brutal and you have a big thick piece of fort in the middle be separating you to the two players which makes things very difficult for any kind of rush definitely acts as a kind of a deterrent for firing early exactly and you would think oh but mortars are so great except that your opponent's bases are very wide and can have nearly infinite amount of uh uncontested anti-air so we don't see a whole lot of those so a lot of this 500 years later exactly so and i guess you're a bit uh a bit um vulnerable from underneath i guess yes especially with lasers and sometimes even missiles of a form yes missiles are usually my go-to on this map i get six of them and then just go crazy so what strategies do you think these players are going to go for bob well the early the early workshop that's already placed inside each fort is definitely an incentive to go for um either missiles or or mortars as we said mortars don't work too well on this map and both players know that um so it's possible oh swarm missiles from mateo so he'll possibly be going for mass mass swarms and nukes as he has an upgrade center as well uh from the right side it's a bit early to tell as he doesn't hasn't placed any weapons yet um could be heavy weapons but there is no storage for the tech of course so i guess we'll just have to wait a bit more to see we do see a buzz saw out of right sides there could be a little bit of harassment there perhaps trying to disconnect some of the expansions uh swarms from firework as well very interesting uh the sandbags from mateo to protect his bridge sandbags very effective against most things hmm don't need to cut waste any metal on it when you could use sandbags instead why not turn your fort into the sahara desert yes oh it goes right over them yeah that's one way to do it in the sand yeah i'm guessing mateo is going to build up that up a bit more oh he hits the sand this time stand accomplishing what it's there to do it is interesting currently firework does have more metal than uh matteo or at least production wise as he opted to go for the two expansions uh first and place mines on them yes that will give that will give matteo the lead in terms of weapons you'll see mateo has three launchers one of them is already warhead whereas firework has three launchers and only one of them is complete ready to fire now the second one does not even have the upgrade setter completed let alone a warhead started but for it he gets additional three miles of income whereas mateo is still on three months and uh it's gonna start to fall behind fireworks is six usually on this map it uh the the game is stretched longer just because of the the structure in the middle and the difficulty of the angle on missiles for the core so normally i opt for going the the economically first just to make sure i'm set for the late game as it usually does extend into that but i'll have to see what works best here oh killing a launcher jeez that's unfortunate i'm gonna set mateo back 500 metal not cheap yes and that's 500 metal he doesn't have because well he only has three minds oh it looks like seep interesting choice oh it went right through sniping the things that was going on oh [Music] looks like it's gonna get sniped so you get it no oh just barely trying to give some payback for what happened to his oh yep there you go there it is oh my cells are nice buzzsaw is very good on any kind of map where you have to expand expand a lot i should say yeah anti-expansions you know mateo despite having the economic disadvantage uh is really really paying off with having the earlier weapons very nice uh machine gun placement from firework above his core there can't be directly sniped by a sniper so they are pretty much just free to be exposed and do their jobs i want to see if they successfully can take out that nuke looks like mateo doing a similar structure with the machine guns above still not expanding back uh just continuing to spend money on the the missiles unfortunately the nuke does not make it from a tail it looks like firework has immediately begun transitioning into a different technology i'm gonna go with the armory tech which indicates that he's looking to stay with nukes as the primary weapon he's just going to be supplementing them with most likely flack and shotguns yes they will definitely be very helpful in the conquest to remove all the aaa from team one indeed it's also fairly common for players to go cannons here on this map even after opening even after opening swarm missiles just though with a 15 minute time limit that might be a little bit difficult yes at this point in the match yeah firework needs to well both teams need to be able to get rid of aaa in order for their things to get through they're missiles individually that mini gunner beautiful you're going to do a lot of work that's for sure hang in the door get sniped it goes drunken goes through the open door oh my lord did you see it went through his own base insane comes another set of nukes that makes it making it like getting sniped good lord man looks like a flack down the bottom operating to a shotgun i did expect the shotguns here this is not surprising to me and this will give this will give firework additional firepower it needs to really clear out a lot of that anti-air you know assuming it survives assuming it survives the uh the onslaught with those three gunners being doored and all he'll have to fire the nukes to bait out the machine gunners and then his shotgun he'll have to time it well indeed and all the buzz saws that are happening now threatening to disconnect his base yeah the buzzers are dangerous currently well i say currently they're always dangerous what means oh no well oh no there goes the shotgun and most of his investment well that's unfortunate i really have a tough time oh boy this is why nukes are fun guys rng everywhere our jesus is cruel it's worth noting and i'm pretty certain mateo is doing this partially for what i'm about to mention uh the further down you bring this forward little trunk the lower your nuke will go right lower your missiles will fly when they launch notice how they go below that uh this also means that it it's a different angle that your opponent has to worry about defending and that could be very difficult anti-air in forts tends to aim upwards so having having missiles come from below as matteo is having them launch can be very difficult to deal with sometimes like every time we have seen strategies that involve dangling this little trunk all the way down to the build limit just so that you can get those missiles coming from way below the map yeah oh my gosh firework can't seem to manage to keep that uh lower expansion yeah this is where cannons come in except firework doesn't have cannon tech oh he went around oh geez didn't lose the mine but lost connection to it so i would say maybe matteo is ahead on damage i would guess yes and i think that this is going to continue this way where matteo mateo's warhead rng has just uh just been slightly better giving him a a little extra foot in the door and now he's just compounding it with firework being unable to keep his anti-air up mateo suppressing him with his own anti-air and buzz saws and keeping things keeping things at a place where matteo can just repeatedly nuke firework into oblivion i i that is my prediction for how the rest of this match will go yikes that forward island has been completely cleansed of anything firework and that's a really bad place for really bad place for firework to be right now yeah matteo not really expanding anymore just uh focusing on launching more weapons it was chopping everything down man oh oh here we go how's this if this sneaks around there exposing the launchers immediately getting snapped i think they're protected now nope ap sniper uh the ap snipes they are brutal to be fair firework wasn't exactly using those anymore true he hasn't fired them in quite some time but even if he were to they probably would not make it matteo is expanding his swarm launchers he's getting more of them yes he's expanding them in the back just about a minute a half left do you think mateo has this just based on damage so as well both reactors on 100 [Music] ward nukes launching from below the nuke firing didn't make it still plenty of ants here for matteo 60 seconds remaining oh mateo actually expanding all the way down the build limit looking to get those loops down and under geez he's really going all the way down i mean if you really want to get those nukes going looks like he's also going to put a sniper down there too he's only got 30 seconds left so he's got to fire that now-ish if he wants those missiles to land uh i don't know if it'll make much of a difference at this point i don't think so outright oh and he nailed it snaking it up from below damaging the core the drunk huge shots in this game yeah gg good game yeah that was well executed by mateo very well executed as a reward for that execution he moves on to the finals to go against etan again we're going to see the rematch here e10 versus matteo i want us to take a look at that replay where the nuke went through the base oh that was good [Music] i think it was here and the junk scoops are always very unexpected [Music] [Music] all right well very well played by both players very close match that's for sure yes i'm always excited to see those players play uh firework needs to disconnect from the lobby there he is and mateo and are here on desert ruins the new the most recently added map to the ranked that's right that was the snap list the winner of the map last minute making tournament yeah very nice map made my crunk cronkite ore mm-hmm i've only managed to get it like i think twice now um i'd like to implement it more in the random selection yeah um very fun match to plan this may very well be the final final match here in this tournament i'm excited hmm eating bands pinch fist playing on the left needs a couple minutes ah i haven't seen anybody choose firebird as a commander uh we just did a mortar rush yes that's right i think that was the only time actually it might have been twice now so remember you were saying there's sometimes it's nice to uh spam the um mini um the gunners and get and get the um flame uh what am i trying to say the at you know the active and set everything on fire or at least that's what you used to be able to do yeah years ago same thing with the legal i remember the regular gunners used to also have the explosive rounds which was kind of powerful mm-hmm and i do miss all days how the game has evolved and balance changes and things yeah actual tier three mortars are removed so we just turn them into cannons [Music] yeah it's been it's been a very fun ride over the past four years that's for sure just seeing all the changes uh like you were saying um that's been very nice i remember uh just before we launched there were there we didn't have um automatic a um so like you could you could you always had to do your gunners manually and uh a few people who did some play testing for us said ah this game is really hard guys throw us a rope somehow we went and suggested uh you know and we're like wow this makes it so much easier it's gonna be too easy but um you know turns out it's actually kind of nice it's a good idea that was a very good idea i remember when i first started playing forts uh there was no automatic answer yet went through the entire campaign was brutal i uh i don't remember i because i got the game i think two days after it like uh launched launched the 19th i think i got the 21st in uh in 2017 um i don't remember much of this stuff like i remember gunners used to uh be like that with eagle eye yeah the eagle eye gunners with the explosive mini with the explosive rounds was amazing yeah that was but it looks like these players are ready to go oh yes has returned so let's do this another very interesting match for the finals on desert ruins which makes me happy all right so here on the left hand side we have eaton uh still the player i favor i would bet on winning this match this tournament overall facing off against matteo on the right hand side e10 already selling off a node oh mateo selling off mateo doing even more yes a bit of redesigning in their bases as they were just to get that bit of extra cash little greediness goes a long way of course that will make their bases weaker in the long run but yes i remember seeing mateo being a bit greedy and was at the four before and i think it was in the finals or semifinals and he got taken out one shotted right out you know within you know with one cannon shot yeah that's where the alex aimbot came from yeah that was a that was a shot oh yeah yeah i i i remember when first seeing the people start deleting nodes and i was like i thought i i was like completely sure that we had gotten like the most refined builds down that we could there was nowhere to shave anything off but no e10 just comes in like hey let's just delete the nodes he's like oh wait a minute what this is something we can do it's just it's just amazing the uh i guess for like a better term innovation it's just it really there's just always more to do and i feel like we're getting closer every every day to uh yeah the really optimal every everything you can do now you say optimal but how many times do people get punished for deleting something yeah true that's fair i've uh i've actually noticed with the the no deletion if you do it if you do it right and you're safe about it it's less um it's less dangerous than like deleting the metal in front of your core um buzz saws which are definitely a big thing when it comes to that um it seems to be less dangerous it does make you a bit weaker but unless you uh build your base super heavy and it doesn't usually come back to bite you but like i said it's it's always a risk a calculated risk but of course it looks like these players had similar builds right up until the technology placement we have the work sh we have the armory going for left side here e10 sorry the munitions plant that's gonna be for cannon tech on the right hand side we have laser technology we know mateo is a is very partial toward his lasers he does have the locations placed for them already so those will be those will be going down momentarily ricocheting the buzzsaw up into the base and destroying destroying eaton's storage technically he does not need that storage in order to does he oh he does yes he does i presume cannon or howitzers i believe he does need that extra storage yes two metal stores and three batteries yes that will set him back a little bit so that will that will set him back 200 metal as well as any waiting time for floating because of it i mean yeah and immediately selling off the storages he needs to so that that laser will not be rebuilt ever this entire game if it gets destroyed by something like buzz saw snipers that is very risky i mean i don't know a lot as risky as deleting the yeah that would be even worse but it's not like risky so much as oh the wobble how did that not break it's just got it's like a palm tree it's just not sturdy enough to snap it just wobbles to and fro that's funny it's interesting how over time you know we have people that rise to the top people like eaton and and then they just dominate for a while you know and where like in the past we used to have trek jeff was was the guy that always won the tournaments you know um and we've had a few people come and go like that and it's interesting eaton is the is the latest and it'll be interesting to see if somebody can actually um you know defeat him yeah well mateo is giving him a good run for his money here and we do see the successful the successful completion of the heavy weapons from matteo and he's going straight for the straight for the howitzer which manages to survive i think there was just a little bit too much wobble on the base which prevented the lasers from dealing their full damage i i think he maybe he ran out of energy as well oh possibly because it didn't seem like it went as long as it should have i'm not sure in either case eaton has immediately responded by putting down energy shields which completely shuts down mateo in its in his entirety uh mateo does not even have the technology to deal with those right now so that's that's gonna put eats in at a pretty severe advantage here and with the howitzer coming online all right that's not enough machine guns well just barely barely misses it's funny you can see how much e10 practices these matches he knows exactly where to fire every time as to not waste time uh shooting around although he did miss slightly unfortunately a perfect shot has to pay the repair bill for the plasma laser but that is fine uh eaton just has some really thick wood in front of his base and he's going to need more than just plasma laser fire being to cut through that that is a sufficient defense oh it's not making it too much a on the field as of now indeed but none of those none of those machine gunners are defended they're all exposed so there's gonna have some fun with a sniper he gets the head shot on that sniper so that's one down oh firebeam pays with his life yeah if he could kill that that uh howitzer e10 would really have nothing to do damage with that is true however e10 does have plenty of money true oh he lands this shot and with it damage has been dealt to the core only two percent not significant damage but enough to put him in the lead in terms of the timer the sniper wars up top always going on perpetual sniping to and fro that's one way to handle the sniper i wonder i wonder if eaton is just going to try to starve up material by blowing up his minds like that's a perfectly effective option yeah they're very um hard to defend on this map that's overdrive with bonus build speed oh no architect architect bonus build speed uh that would make sense with the howitzer ability yes laser point defense oh yes architect another interesting commander um used to be incredibly popular i mean she was really the only that was used just because of that extra storage and the uh the build speed um uh but then once she was nerfed after moonshot came out um it obviously it went around to other commanders we don't really see architect that much anymore still powerful just yeah hard to fit into a good build these days oh more splash damage on the core and it's on fire 80 and dropping 75 remaining on matteo's core yeah it's funny just the era of all the different commanders used there's overdrive uh architect now pinch fist under what will be next only one way to find out howitzer immediately punished or shut down man that one energy shields from eaton is completely shutting down matteo's offense here looks like a 20 mil from the bottom of e10 space just completely exposed interesting choice that is an interesting choice yeah but i mean very expensive removal of aaa yes that and there's no real reason to leave it exposed other than just to not draw attention from mateo yeah i i do believe it is completely covered by the background bracing in the back yes it is so mateo has no reason to no reason to really believe that there's a 20 there but now he's got a double do he's got to double do that immediately or at least energy shielded where it's about that's gonna explode it's it's exposed to a sniper oh oh he is another okay okay well that's hyper there he and now matteo is just trying to just trying to blow it up still trying to disconnect him from his if that let me fire a little yeah i should say if that phaser was slightly lower by a few pixels that would have been no more mines for eaton not that eaton is starving for money true oh going in between the snipers unfortunately for me eats him building multiple snipers for the damage output massive splash damage all over the base going for the follow-up with the 20ml unfortunately gets blocked by the firebeam for mateo i'm still amazed how is this 20 mil still alive down here like i get it eaton is doing very well with the suppression but come on i can hear oh oh he lit it on fire more damage to himself the plasma laser on the other hand uh it gets it starts some fires it doesn't solve the problem of eating existing and now matteo's core is having a real bad time nearly exposed ap sniper would do the job actually an ap sniper would kill his weapons as well yes oh oh oh he's going he sniped his old howitzer oh my lord nothing and then he can finish it off and oh geez spamming a blade of armor in front of his core i mean it works it'll stop the howitzer from blowing him up but it won't solve the problem of there's only a minute and 45 left in the game and he has to figure out a way of destroying eaton within that time he is selling off mines which is an interesting choice another 28 of his hp down that is unfortunate uh it seems he was trying to place a turbine in front of it yeah i don't see much of what matteo can do to uh pull this back yeah eaton isn't really going for the kill he's just stopping mateo from doing things mostly with snipers at this point and matteo is gone he has a record wow dominant very one-sided very one-sided e-10 with the victory yes is that for the uh for the beans as people say yes that's uh that's it he has everything yep and the graphics are up for that all right ladies and gentlemen we have our winner of this one the one fort's tournament it's etan coming in on top undefeated cleaning everyone out and taking first place yes very well played oh yeah you know he played that very well very consistent and uh some very entertaining matches there that core swing that core swing he did on balls was just hilarious i love that one it's so it's so good it is so good i love it i appreciate he managed to feel confident enough to pull that off yeah i would uh i would be a bit scared of doing that that's a good way to put it yeah very risky indeed but it paid off [Music] awesome well look at this point um i'd just like to thank you guys for your time doing the commentary i think you did a great job as usual it's nice to have you with us uh bob that was awesome and uh also like to thank uh rome for all the cat herding in the background and uh our other mods helping out as well and um yeah congrats again to eaton uh for a very uh decisive almost expected victory but uh yeah it was neat to see i'm okay with that yeah yeah well look it was deserved i mean clearly he's really good at it so um yeah that was awesome indeed yes well thank you for having us all right thank you thank you no worries and um so look we're going to probably keep up this uh this habit of monthly tournaments um so we'll be um having some meetings and deciding what we're going to do next and um and yeah we'll have another one soon and uh hope to see everybody there and uh yeah it's been nice having some more tournaments more frequent tournaments you know yeah it's been very exciting oh yeah and i think the players the players love it as well it really makes for some like the community the players they love it i know the viewers absolutely love it i don't think i've seen any matches more more well-received than these than these and these tournament matches so i want to say big thank you to everyone who who is here big thank you to all the players who participated it has been great and i look forward to seeing you guys in the next tournament yeah same goes for me cool well i guess we'll wrap it up guys so thanks for that and uh we'll be talking to you soon all right let's do this all right chat it has been a great tournament what we are going to do is i have a new video coming out uh coming out right about now for those who are wondering it is a premiere going live from the fort's premier from the forza pro 2v2 match the semifinals is going live right now so make sure to stick around you don't have to go anywhere don't worry we'll automatically redirect you right over there so make sure to stop by the youtube page as we get going and i will see you guys there you
Channel: Project Incursus Gaming
Views: 51,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Incursus, Forts, RTS
Id: OEJgHEwt_t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 5sec (12725 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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