Tomato Ragu / Meat Sauce | Chef Jean-Pierre

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another wonderful recipe for you folks today it's a tomato ragu you're going to love it stay tuned we're going to show you how to make it takes only a few minutes okay friends another fantastic recipe for you today a tomato ragu meat sauce sauce bolognese cola whatever you want to call it it's gonna be delicious you'll need it when you make a lasagna you'll need when you make a beautiful pasta you'll need it when you want to stuff a zucchini you'll need it when you just want to make beautiful spaghetti with the tomato meat sauce beautiful very simple to make i promise you i got it going already so we didn't want to waste too much time okay let me tell you what i got going on here so i got right now some 85 15 beef ground beef that i got at whole food it's beautiful it's their prime corned beef let me tell you it's amazing very lean really and i don't really care for too much beef fat you want a fatter than that just get 75 30 75 25 70 30. higher the bigger number is for the lean path and the lower number is for the fat i like it less fat possible i rather put a beautiful olive oil i want to put bacon i want to put other fat than the beef fat i don't really care for it what i'm doing right now i got to go in your head so i can save some time it's to caramelize the meat so we get the mala reaction we get the caramelization of the meat right here i got my onion you know the onion is always number one and then i got carrots and then i got celery and we're gonna cut those very small you notice how small they are look at this look at this and right here we're so thin i'm really cooking here folks and i'm loving it you guys are amazing let me tell you i have been doing this for 50 years and i started youtube just recently again we had a channel but i was never really involved in it 10 years ago i was never really involved with it but the last four months i decided to start it again and i'm having so much fun every day we got like about a thousand comment every day every day it's amazing you guys are just amazing i learned from what you tell me you want to do that's why i'm doing it and it's a lot of fun i'm just loving it so look guys we're going to get some caramelization right here we're gonna get carmelization right here and i just realized i forgot my garlic but i got it right here oh yeah yeah yeah you cannot come make it tomato sauce without a garlic okay so all right we're gonna caramelize this until it's beautiful golden brown in a minute i'm going to show you what i'm talking about now right here some of you don't like mushroom then don't put them in i like mushrooms so i put them in you know that's something you like it you put them in you don't like it don't put them in it's not like oh mama you're making a tomato sauce with uh with a mushroom i don't like a mushroom i'm not gonna make it no don't do that make it without a mushroom it's no problem it's still gonna be delicious i promise you now right here you see what i'm doing friends i am breaking it up this is something you must do and don't do in too small of a fly pan otherwise you're gonna stew the meat and you're not gonna get the caramelization i'm talking about okay so be sure to do it in a right size pot so now friends what's gonna help us is to put some salt in here to get rid of the water in a mushroom salt salts salt salt salt pepper pepper i sauteed a beef i wanted to be in clumps that's what i want i'm looking for clumps okay i'm looking for clumps because all about the clumps in a minute you're gonna see friends you're gonna see you're gonna see what i'm looking for you see it's a it's a time consuming process okay you do not make a sauce like this in five seconds you know the beautiful thing about it is you can make it and you can freeze it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah make extra and freeze it'll be good for 17 years i'm not sure about 17 years i can see the recipe police already oh really you can't freeze things for 17 years you're probably right you can't do it so look look we're almost there for oh if you look at i got a recipe also online where i make it with oriquete pasta and i use a spicy italian sausage delicious spicy italian sausage you should try you will love it i promise you it's also delicious [Music] all right just to wake you up look look we're getting there friends we're getting there you see normally i got a little camera one of them osmo packets but we cooked it this morning we forgot it we put it in the oven so i don't have it anymore we're gonna have to go close from this camera above right there i want you to see this um caramelization of the meat friends you watch gonna happen all right so look the mushroom is starting to release their water [Music] the mushrooms are starting to release their water very important here folks you see right there we're starting to look good right so far so good well you can all do this you know that's the cool part of it in these books you can all be a great cooks all you got to do is what have you mison plus have good ingredient and you're going to make good food it's really not that complicated make sure all the water comes out please please please the mushroom we want the water out of the mushroom you see right there it's starting it's starting folks look look right there look right there look right there look at right there you see you see i was starting to have some caramelization you can smell it you can smell it and this right there folks is a must you must so many times you see people cooking a meat sauce or milk ragu or bolognese whatever they want to call it and and they poach the meat they poach it no cola it's like taking a steak and put it in boiling water all right fresh thyme garlic couple spoon of garlic this is the garlic puree i make there is a video on me doing this somewhere it's on youtube yeah yeah yeah yeah it's me making a garlic pudding don't be shy how long do you cook the garlic for how long how long how long do you cook it for until it's golden brown i'm no not golden brown until it smells that's the opposite not until it's golden brown until it smells and right now it smells smell smell it smells amazing so the minute it smells put your tomatoes in there put your tomatoes in there folks this is the tomato water this is a beautiful you can use a samasana tomato you can use another tomato it's called lavalee tomato la valley i don't know if you've ever had lava tomatoes they are amazing they'll peel the plum tomatoes then it's absolutely amazing and look at this look at this now now we're going to put the meat on this beautiful caramelized right there friends put it right in there let me tell you let me tell you something friends it smells amazing smells amazing and we're gonna put this right there and we're gonna cook this for about 45 minutes okay and let me tell you something this is gonna be an amazing meat sauce we're going to put a little bit of tomato puree this is just tomato puree for texture folks otherwise it's going to be too liquid and i don't want a tomato sauce and it's too liquid the tomatoes are going to release even more water so i like my uh tomato ragu bolognese to be thick so cook yours however you want it however you want to put it in there you know you like it very liquid then don't put too much tomato puree but let me tell you this right there friends cook it for 45 minutes and in 45 minutes you're gonna adjust the consistency of it if it's make sure it's got enough salt and pepper and right there that's all you need to do how simple was that you can all make this friends this is delicious i use it when i stuff zucchinis i stuff my zucchini i put this in the i removed the inside i put it inside and i put some of my morning sauce on top of it i baked the zucchini i do this with a vitali onion my fact i got a recipe on youtube with a vidalia onion stuffed onion stuffed onion with a with a bolognese sauce let me tell you something amazing a bolognese like this with a meat or with a sausage whichever one you use it's gonna be delicious we're gonna cook this 45 minutes and that's it make this you're gonna love it i hope you like the recipe gives us a thumbs up if you like it don't forget to subscribe to our channel and don't forget to ring the bell so you get a notification every time i put up a new video we'll see you next week you
Channel: Chef Jean-Pierre
Views: 239,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spaghetti bolognese, meat sauce, Meat Sauce, Ragu, Tomato Ragu, Pasta meat sauce, bolognese sauce recipe, meat sauce recipe, bolognese ragu, bolognese sauce, how to make spaghetti bolognese, spaghetti bolognese recipe, ragu bolognese, ragu recipe, bolognese, italian meat sauce, italian bolognese sauce, pasta bolognese, bolognese pasta, how to make bolognese, bolognese recipe, pasta bolognese recipe, salsa boloñesa, sauce bolognaise, recette sauce bolognaise, make bolognese
Id: 2bB-g0hR-ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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