The Lizzie Borden House - Q+A

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hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed and saw a post-mortem a show where we answer your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was the Lizzie Borden house if you haven't seen that stop watching this go watch that then come back here and watch this all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our Instagram and Twitter accounts which you can see right here spooky ghost nope it's something I'm not I'll give you one ghost I get one goes here we go one will trickle by me all right now that that's happened let's get started thank you so first questions gonna start this one off hot hot this one is clearly for the big guy at Bell shoe maker from Twitter I believe so that helped me can mister ghosts aren't real explain that can we hear it again good lord I don't I don't think it's a ghost this is one of the few instances where we have a hard piece of evidence we had a hard piece of ebony to eat not on camera you have a microphone running and there's a bunch of environmental things happening do you think it was somebody outside the house sure that could also be someone stepping on a floorboard it just sounds like a deaf it sounds like two notes just goes hmm a ghost is something that's left over from life its energy how is that gonna manifest in a way that's satisfactory to you I don't think it's ever gonna happen there's never gonna be a ghost it's gonna come out in front of you tap dance and punch you in the nuts there's plenty of stories about people seeing ghosts right well one day I'd love to see one and I'm sure when it does you'll be like oh I must have been the mailman know if it's been the mail I'm not gonna deny my own eyes if we're in a room and we see a ghostly figure then I'll say hey we did it you heard it yeah said he won't deny it so remember this I'm gonna cut back to this clip when we see an apparition again this is me seeing something it's not you saying Lou coolness in this video frame right here it looks like that curtain has a face here's an Instagram comment from Miss house takes New Vegas what do you think could have interfered with the audio equipment from a science point of view and then from a supernatural point of view smiley face okay you gotta hear me there are numerous times throughout any shoot where suddenly they'll have to stop because you get some weird feedback or something we're using Wireless lobs that's what happens when you use a wireless microphone it's a transmitter so there's gonna be some interference Ryan you're not having any of this mmm so every time you've been on a shoot and maybe you get some little interference that's that's the devil trying to get here oh here we go here we go here we go the interference we heard was specific I've never heard interference sound like that I've heard it almost sounded like it was like a motor revving up that's the most typical inter it would be different if this happened consistently throughout the episode but only happened two times to have been two times once after we said the rhyme in the first time and a second time after we whispered it never again and never did we hear anything that sounds like that for the rest of the episode but I'm sure it's just a coincidence right this is from mr. Allen on YouTube this is fairly lengthy I mean I can read it in your voice how about this I'll do the first paragraph so they can get used to what my beer avoids I'm great great great you do the second great I mean there are two paragraphs here yeah all right here we go wouldn't need to put the theory music under this one after viewing I came to the thought of what if all three uncle Lizzie and made conspired to kill and kept the whole crime silent forever all three benefited with Lizzie the obvious to inherit uncle secretly to cover his failing business and made secretly as well mr. Borden being a tight penny pincher who ate cotton based diet maybe underpaid her which led her to agree to all of it I'm gonna add a start to this that would just make it seem a little more in your style oh god I know what you're gonna say having said that a year ago do you think a butcher has the capability slash skills to carry out a vicious act in gruesome murder when that butcher is put to the test axe head or handle this hatchet found without a speck of blood stain odd I think that's the main question here on uh you know what not odd also yeah this makes the most sense to me yeah there's three people that survived they were all in the house yeah maybe all three conspired against the Borden's and then they split the cut yeah another question for the big guy this comes from I think this is a Twitter at Angel Lily on at three did she never checked to see if he ended up scratched by mr. Borden no nothing happened I don't even know what I do with the money I think it dropped it down a drain or Senta member by the way I have it on good authority that Shane actually climbed the roof when I was asleep and started throwing coins at the common folk down below pelting them in the head no that's what they get that's what they get their ancestors probably saying mean songs to that lady so they can go to hell this one's from Instagram oh no wait no it's not this is from Twitter this is from Twitter Kelly s Melissa EXO why do you guys wheeze so much I'm a wheezy guy I hate to inform you that's just how my throat works yeah I don't think I was as much as you do no part-time Weezer no relation to the band Weezer Jackie what appears to be a little face Zavala not a question but the tapping at the beginning sounds like the radiator it was probably heating up because it was cold was that you Jackie god bless you there you go Wow there's one of your people that commented yeah all the Shamy acts out there who are using their brains you know get on the get on the boards you know I'll give you the the Rhino soar perspective on this cuz I whatever the name of my clan it was probably a radiator you may be right I'm sorry to all the guests rhino soars out there I feel weird saying that you know what people who are a fan of ghosts that's a long name wicked acronym that I you've got to work on that buddy whatever rhinosaurus this isn't a question but this picture was sent to us on Twitter it's someone who said that moment when there's a new episode of BuzzFeed themselves so you could so you pull over on the side of the highway to watch it and then she sent a picture of it I hope she took her time and pulling over I hope it wasn't notification and then you teasing this week's episode along this week's episode is very strange it's pretty explosive after you watch this next episode of BuzzFeed unsolved make sure to send your questions in to our Twitter and Instagram accounts which you'll see right here and maybe it will answer them on the next BuzzFeed unsolved post-mortem nope I'll give you one zombie here we go yes there comes a zombie right there yeah it's been fun now I'm gonna go sit away from him for 48 hours we'll see you later you [Music]
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 2,053,390
Rating: 4.9769359 out of 5
Keywords: Axe, Axe Murder, Borden, BuzzFeed, BuzzFeed Unsolved, Ghosts, Hatchet, Lizzie Borden, Lizzie Borden House, Q+A, Question and Answer, SffZ, Unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved mysteries, cold cases, disappearances, mystery, recap
Id: HBhMhtcl4gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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