"The Livers Vital Role" by Barbara O'Neill (4/10)

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- Welcome back. Your liver, very important organ, because cancer cannot get a hold on the body if your liver's working well. There's an old proverb that's found in Proverbs 14, verse six. It says, "knowledge is easy to him that understands." So what I wanna do tonight, is I wanna give you an understanding of your liver because when you have an understanding of your liver, you actually then have the knowledge on how to treat it. Everything that comes into your body, comes first to the liver. And the liver basically determines where everything goes. And everything that comes out of your body, comes out under the jurisdiction of the liver. And so, I'm gonna begin with showing you, which I already have touched on, is what happens with everything that comes into the liver. Now, any environmental poisons that come into the liver, the liver assesses it, and if it's really toxic, it wraps it up in fat and stores it. But if it can, it'll break it down to a water soluble state and release it. What we also looked at in our last lecture, is what happens with the food. All of this food breaks down to glucose in the gastrointestinal tract, and then it goes into the blood on the M1, straight to the liver. So, here's our liver. And then the liver determines where it goes. The liver is the largest internal organ in the body. Your liver is the only organ that has the ability to regenerate. And you'll see why God made that so, as we go through this lecture. Your liver is called the Project Manager. Because everything that goes into the body goes first to the liver. It determines what happens. And so, as I showed you in the last lecture, all of this food breaks down to glucose. The glucose goes into the blood. And it goes straight to the liver. It's called the portal vein, or called the M1, straight to the liver. And then the liver determines. First of all it goes to the cell. So I'll take you through this once more. The glucose goes into the cell, it goes through a 20 step pathway. Which gives us two units of energy. End result of the 20 step pathway, is a chemical form of glucose called pyruvate. Pyruvate, as the chemical form of glucose, gets fed into the powerhouse. Called the powerhouse because this eight step pathway gives us 36 units of energy. And as I showed you, this is the oxygen pathway. Oxygen is what causes so much energy. This has no oxygen, so it's also called the anaerobic pathway. We also looked at how the excess glucose gets stored as glycogen. Little bunches of grapes. We also looked at how the excess after that, of glucose, is stored as fat. Your muscle cell stores this glycogen, the quick quick-release glucose store, and it can only be used by your muscle cell. But your liver can also store glycogen. And the liver that your glycogen-- (laughs) I mean the glycogen that your liver stores it can go all over the body. Whereas the glycogen in your muscle cell can only be used by your muscle cell. There's a book called "Good Calories, Bad Calories," by Gary Taubes. You might've heard of it; it's quite a famous book. And he shows, that back in the 1850s, there was a man called William Banting who was putting on weight. And he went to a very famous doctor, called Claude Bernard, a French doctor, and he took him off all starches. It was called starches then. We call it carbohydrates now. So, what did he eat? He had a lot of fiber, lot of vegetables. He had a lot of meat, butter, cream, cheese, eggs. There was his protein. And meat, butter, cream, cheese, eggs also has a lot of fat. That was the diet that he was given by Dr. Claude Bernard. The weight just fell off him. Can you see why? You see, when you're not giving your body this quick-release glucose stores, your liver can convert protein and fat to glucose, and your liver can turn your fat stores into glucose. And, as I said the other lecture, that's called gluconeogenesis, creating new glucose out of the fat stores. So, William Banting was not hungry, because he was getting lots of energy from that being broken down and these. The weight was just falling off him because his liver was breaking down his fat stores, 'cause he wasn't delivering the quick-release glucose. He was never hungry because, as you'll see tomorrow night, these are the three food groups that keep the food in the stomach longer. 'Cause he found the perfect diet: never hungry, weight falling off, lots of energy. So, William Banting wrote a paper on it. And it was called "The Bant." And this paper, we'd say today, it went "viral." But it actually went everywhere, this was the 1850s. And it was said, if you were on a diet, people would say, "are you doing The Bant?" Let's fast forward to the 80s. What diet does that sound like? Dr. Robert Atkins diet? Do you know that his book was number one on the New York Times' Bestselling List four years running. Nutritionists and doctors hated him. Ancel Keys, who came up with the fat and cholesterol cause heart disease. They hated him. But the fact was, the people loved him. Why? Because what are we interested in? Something that works. This worked. And Atkins' patients weren't dying of heart attacks. Atkins scratched his head. Because his patients, the cancer patients, were going into remission. Remember we looked at, yesterday, how fungus and cancer are closely related, and fungus loves high glucose. Now his patients were on a diet that released slow, low glucose. So, the cancer cells couldn't survive. His patients with high cholesterol levels came back to normal. Did you hear that? What are they eating? Meat, butter, cream, cheese, eggs. No wonder the nutritionists and the doctors hated him. Because he proved them all wrong. And I would be a fool not to acknowledge what that diet did. Now, before you run out of the door, hear me out. Because I'm a vegetarian. (laughs) And what was Atkins? A high meat diet. Do you know he had the science. And as Dr. Karl Benjamin said to me, he said, "I used to be one of Atkins' patients. "And if Atkins had read the China study," he said, "I believe Atkins would have become a vegetarian." So, we're looking at his science here. And his science was correct. His diabetics were coming off their medication. This is Type I and Type II diabetes. My last lecture showed you why that is so. And that's why Atkins wrote his books. And he discovered that these three food groups are the three essential food groups. Do you know what "essential" means? Body cannot make it, you've gotta put it in. Fiber's essential because your gastrointestinal tract, as you'll see tomorrow night, it needs to be swept every day. And the vegetables sweep that. Most people don't realize, on the Atkins diet, you had to eat three cups of vegetables a day. One cup had to be greens. Protein's essential because 50% of the membrane around every cell in the body is protein. And 50% of the membrane around every cell in the body is fat. That's pretty essential. Except for the brain cell. Those cells are 70% fat. The membrane around them. The fattiest organ in the body is the brain. The three essential food groups. How many Aussies, on the high carbohydrate diet, are missing out on the three essentials? Now, carbohydrates aren't bad. What a relief; we like them. My husband would never forgive me if the potatoes stopped. Carbohydrates are only bad if you overdo them and they're refined. Can you see that? That's where the problem arises. What Atkins found was that the nonessential food group is actually carbohydrates. Do you know what that means? You can live well without them. But let me very quickly say, I don't suggest you do. There's no need. You see, your carbohydrate part of the meal is your negotiating part of the meal. And the negotiation's changed, depending on your weight, your size, your height. My 6'6" brother-in-law eats more carbs than I do. But probably where the negotiation's changed the most is your health status. So if someone wanted to quickly conquer diabetes, as I just showed you, what would they drastically drop? Carbs. Someone wanted to lose weight quickly, what would they drastically drop? Carbs. Someone wanted to conquer cancer, what would they drastically drop? Carbs. And because it's a nonessential, you can actually live without it. It was in late 2016, Catalyst did a show called "Fat or Fiction." I don't know if anyone here saw it. Very interesting. There was a professor of nutrition on there. He said "you can actually live very well, "without one dot of carbohydrate." But as I said, it's not a bad food. And it's not a wrong food. It's just that most people today overdo the carbs. (laughs) Yes, it's got nutrients. Yes, we run on carbs. But can you see my point? Most people overdo it. So, how do you do it on a vegetarian diet? Let me show you. Here is the food, we're gonna look at the food part of the meal. We're going to look at the protein part of the meal, and the carbohydrate part of the the food. Carbs. And we're gonna go to Genesis 1:29, and we're gonna look at what God tells Adam and Eve to eat. "And God said, 'behold I've given you every herb, berry, "and seed, which is upon the face of the Earth.'" So what's a seed? A seed is a grain. A seed is a legume. A seed is a seed. So what are the grains? We've got wheat, rye, barley, oats, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, rice. We said rice. So many. And they are high in protein and high in carbohydrates. So how many on our carbohydrate list are from grain? So, grain, grain, grain, grain, grain, grain, grain. The majority on our high carbohydrate list, are from grain. What's a legume? That's lentils, chickpeas, lima beans, black eyed beans, cannelloni beans, kidney beans, so many beans. They are high in protein. And they are medium to low in carbohydrate. The fact is, they are about a third the carbohydrate that you will find in the grain. Seed: pumpkin seed, sesame seed, sunflower seed, chia seed, flaxseed, or linseed. High in protein, low in carbohydrates. So, "God said, 'behold, I've given you every herb, berry, "and seed which is upon the face of the Earth, "and every tree. "In the which of the tree is a fruit-bearing seed." What's a fruit-bearing seed? That's your nuts. All your nuts come from the fruit of the tree. Nuts are high in protein, low in carbohydrate. So we've got pecan, and walnut, and hazelnut, Brazil, almonds, cashews, so many nuts. Macadamia. To ensure you're getting your three essentials, my suggestion is you increase the legume, nut, seed part of the meal, and to decrease the grain. Again, when my grandsons come, my three little grandsons are coming to stay at grandma's house next week for the holidays, they'll eat three times the grain I do. They're growing boys. They want cereal. I cook them millet or oats for porridge every morning. Can you see that it changes? I don't need much. I'm just a little lady. (laughs) How do you know when you're getting the right amount of carbs? Who'll tell you? Your body will tell you. How will it tell you? You'll be the right weight, you'll have lots of energy, you sleep well. There's your sign. What's the old Aussie saying? "If you're on a good thing, stick to it." What does the Bible say in 1 Thessalonians 5:21? "Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good." In other words, if it works, do it. That's why I do it. It works. But most people stop the fat because of cholesterol. And this is a good time to look at cholesterol because your liver makes cholesterol. And it makes cholesterol according to the demands that the body puts on it. And 80% of the cholesterol that your liver makes is made from glucose. And 20% of the cholesterol that your liver makes is made from fat. Now this illustration alone shows you, it's not the butter on the bread, it's the bread under the butter that's the problem. It's not the fat. Yes, there's a lot of problems with butter today, (laughs) because of the cows that it came from. I put olive oil on my bread. My husband puts avocado on his bread. In fact, most of the time I put both on my bread. 'Cause remember fat doesn't make you fat. So, let me show you the two different types of cholesterol. You've got HDL, which is high-density lipoprotein, and you've got LDL, low-density lipoprotein. HDL's role in the body is that of a carrier. It carries excess cholesterol out of the blood and back to the liver. That's why it's called the good guy. LDL is the repairer and the rebuilder. Unfortunately, it's called the bad guy. But what you've gotta remember, is the body doesn't make anything bad. It has a role in the body. It has another role, and it delivers cholesterol to the brain. And your brain loves cholesterol. So let's have a look at how these two work in the body, particularly in the blood. So here's your artery. And because of its high density, HDL's in the middle. And because of its low density, LDL is on the edge. There's an interesting book that I've read recently. It was only written about a year ago. It's called "Put Your Heart in Your Mouth," by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. She's well known for her gut and psychology book. She spends about three chapters showing that the cause of heart disease is damage to the arterial walls. So what damages the arterial wall? They're the endothelial cells. Cigarettes, there's four thousand chemicals in a cigarette, and those chemicals damage the artery. The chemicals in our food, in our cleaning products, in our shampoos, in our conditioners, in our moisturizers, they're damaging the arterial wall. Mercury. Mercury damages the arterial wall. It's found in fish, it's found in the flu vaccine, and it's found in the mercury fillings in our mouth. Mold. Mold is toxic. Mold gets into your blood, it can cause holes in the arterial walls. A high-wheat, high-sugar diet, creating a lot of glucose. That sticky glucose connects with protein molecules, and sticks to the wall of the arteries. So the high-carb diet can do it. Alcohol and high sugar just feed it. Who's gonna plug up the holes? Students? The repairer and the rebuilder. The repairer and the rebuilder comes along and plugs up the holes. Now, the person doesn't realize that the mold in the house is killing them. They don't really believe what it says on the packet of the cigarettes. They don't realize that the chemicals that they're cleaning their bathrooms with, that are in their food. And so, what's happening is the damage continues. They don't realize that the mercury fillings in their mouth are damaging the walls. So, what's happening in the arteries? What's it called? Atherosclerosis. To blame cholesterol for heart disease is like blaming the fire trucks for the fire. "Well, they must cause the fire, they're always there." It's like blaming the ambulances for the accidents. "Well, they must be causing them. "They're the one common denominator at every accident." Can you see that theory? Let me tell you the books that we have at our health retreat. One book is called "The Great Cholesterol Deception," by Dr. Peter Dingle. Another book is called "The Great Cholesterol Con," by Dr. Malcolm Kendrick. Another book, which is an e-book, is "The Great Cholesterol Lie," by Dr. Dwight Lundell. He's a cardiovascular surgeon. He's performed ten thousand bypasses. And he's written a book, "The Great Cholesterol Lie." "The Great Cholesterol Myth," by Jonny Bowden. We've got another one called "The Great Cholesterol Hoax," "101 Lies," We're running out of words. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, in his book, "The Great Cholesterol Con," he says there is no proof. We've been deceived. So, when they increase the cholesterol lowering medication, which so many are on, sadly, what does that do? Well, what it does is it blocks the pathway in the liver that the liver uses to make cholesterol. But it's the same pathway that the liver uses to make coenzyme Q10. What's coenzyme Q10? It's your heart protective enzyme. So, someone can go on cholesterol lowering medication, to reduce their heart disease, and increase their risk. Surely that's reducing heart disease. Has it? No. Something else is happening. Are you ready for the side effects of cholesterol lowering medication? Dementia, Alzheimer's, memory loss, muscle wasting, and they've just added another one, breast cancer. Because your sex hormones are made from cholesterol. So, if you're on cholesterol lowering medication, you can stop immediately, there will be a side effect. Your memory will return. (audience laughing) That's the only side effect. 17 cases, 17 hundred cases of Alzheimer's are being diagnosed every week in Australia. Okay, so cholesterol lowering medication, fat free diet, margarine, surely that's reduced heart disease. No. Because it's a false theory. In his research, Ancel Keys, he had to eliminate the Maasai. They live on blood, milk and meat. Zero heart disease. He had to put them out of the equation, they don't prove his theory. Is that true science? Mind you, they don't live long, because their poor gut can't handle no fiber. But they don't have heart disease. We've been spun a lie, I'm sorry to break the news to you. Well, they've tried something else. This is another great deception. When I was in America, two years ago, running a health retreat in Alabama, we had a nutritionist do our program, she was 69. She was in very good nic for her age, still working. She said, "I have the advantage of being trained "in university 40 years ago." She said, "forty years ago, we were taught "that a cholesterol level under 300 was perfectly safe." Now, on Australian standards, that would be about 7.5. Did you hear that? Perfectly safe. She said, "they've dropped the levels." In America, it's now 200. Anyone over 200 is put on cholesterol lowering medication. What would that be in Australia? Is that 5.5? Is that true? Anyone over 5.5 in Australia is put on cholesterol lowering medication? Okay, so cholesterol lowering medication, fat free diet, they've lowered the levels, surely that has reduced heart disease. Has it? Not at all. Not at all. It's still the number one killer. Yet, Alzheimer's come up, mental illness has come up, because your brain cannot function without cholesterol. So they set up the Framingham heart study to prove that high cholesterol cause heart disease. I like this study, because it wasn't set up by the pharmaceutical companies, or the dairy industries, or the meat industries, or the grain and cereal industries. It's an independent study. Little town, 30,000 people, been done over 30 years. Some die, more are put on. And it's not proving that high cholesterol cause heart disease. They're finding that people with low and medium cholesterol levels are still having heart attacks. Notice that that doesn't reach the newspaper. Because the pharmaceutical companies are making a lot of money out of people on cholesterol lowering medication. 'Cause if you're put on cholesterol lowering medication, how long are you told you're on it for? Life. But do you know what this study is showing? People with high cholesterol levels don't get Alzheimer's. Would you like me to give you a moment's silence for that? (audience chuckling) Because what does your brain need? Cholesterol. Can't function without it. Sorry, we're being spun a lie. So, you can see how important the liver is. It makes cholesterol. It makes cholesterol according to the demands. And our body need it. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick said "for the first time, "normal levels of a normal, vital, body substance, "is being called a disease." But what I'd like to look at now, is what happens with everything that comes out of your body. And I'd like to show you what happens at Misty Mountain Health Retreat, when our guests fast for two days. You see, when you fast for two days, we serve fresh fruit and vegetable juices every two hours. When you fast for two days, digestion stops. And we're not giving enough fuel to run on. And so your body starts to break down fat stores. And something else a little bit more sinister is being released. It's your fat soluble toxins that have been stored in our fat cells over many a year. And your body cannot release fat soluble toxins in a fat soluble state. They have to be broken down to a water soluble state, then they can be released. So let me show you how this happens. This is the symbol of the fat soluble toxin. Phase 1: So our guests, on Monday, when they're fasting, their liver goes into phase one of the breakdown. In phase one, the liver takes this fat soluble toxin, and it breaks it down to a metabolite. A metabolite simply means first stage of metabolism. This metabolite is a lot more complicated that it originally was. It's actually highly volatile. This metabolite creates a lot of free radicals. And free radicals damage the tissues. This metabolite can sometimes be a hundred times more toxic than it originally was, especially in the breakdown of alcohol. You might say, "well what's the liver done?" It's just created something worse than it originally was. It's process. It's like when I clean out my kitchen cupboards. My kitchen looks a hundred times messier than when I started. It's a process. But your liver has certain needs at this phase. It needs antioxidants. Antioxidants are given a nickname: free radical scavengers. So what are your most potent antioxidants? Beta carotene, that's found in your orange and your green colored vegetables, and vitamin C, ascorbic acid with bioflavanoids, and vitamin E, a fat soluble vitamin. We have to be eating fat to get our fat soluble vitamins. Now, within 36 hours of beginning a detox, a fast, phase two kicks in. In phase two the liver takes this highly volatile metabolite and it joins it together with amino acids. The union of the amino acids and the toxic metabolite creates the water soluble state. And remember, as a water soluble state, it can be easily released out of the body. And it's symbol is a wave in a box. Phase three happens in conjunction with phase two. In phase three, your liver takes this water soluble state and releases it out via your urine, releases it out via your sweat glands, releases it out via your colon. And that's why, at Misty Mountain Health Retreat, every afternoon, our guests go in a steam sauna and have a good sweat. Important part of the detox. So, what I have shown you here, has only been known since 2002. And what I have shown you explains why you are better to do two days juices a week, or two days a fortnight, rather than one long fast. Because if you do, say, a ten day fast, your liver is gonna be releasing too many fat soluble toxins creating too many metabolites, and you can get quite sick. So, at Misty Mountain Health Retreat, we supply the antioxidants by supplying fresh vegetable and fruit juices every two hours. There's all your antioxidants. Every second juice, we serve a protein powder. And this protein drink contains protein made out of pea. It's got little bit of coconut cream and almond milk in it, it's quite delicious. Phase three requires fat. So, every protein drink, we put a bit of coconut cream in there to provide the saturated fat to keep those cells supple to be able to do the process. I was giving this lecture on year in America, and a man said "this is fascinating, "the three phase of the liver detox." But he said, "this is not for your lay people." "This is for your academics." I said, "lay people have livers too, you know." (audience chuckling) This explains why we need more protein than any generation that lived on the planet. We're dealing with more environmental poisons than any generation. I thank God, that he's given us a liver, that has the ability to detoxify us from environmental poisons. And in Psalm 104, verse 14, the Bible says "God gave herbs for the service of man." There are herbs that will specifically heal and cleanse the liver. And that is St. Mary's thistle, and dandelion, and a sweet bitter is ginger. In my book, "Self Heal by Design," I have devoted a whole chapter on the three phase of the liver detox. But also in that chapter, I give a list of the herbs that are specific to help heal the liver. Remember the liver's a recoverable organ. And it will recover if you give it the right conditions. What's also contained in my book, is a liver detox that goes over five days. Because, remember, cancer cannot get a hold on the liver that's working well. And the liver is a recoverable organ. So, let's look after our livers. Now, we do have time for a few questions, if there are any questions. (piano music)
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Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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