Barbara O'Neill - Part 9: Heart health and high blood pressure

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[Music] [Music] good evening everyone and everyone that has a heart should be here here the Bible says keep the heart with all diligence because out of it are the issues of life what are the issues of life the blood the blood is what keeps the body alive my toes are only in life because there's blood going through it my fingers are only alive because of the blood going through it and in our hydrotherapy seminar this morning we looked at that's what hot and cold treatments do they move blood because anywhere in the body you want to bring healing you just bring more blood because blood has the red blood cells which have the oxygen and the nutrition and the water and take away waste and blood also has the white blood cells so the pump that pumps the blood is very important and that pump is the heart so how can we strengthen the heart now there are two things we need to look at here we need to look at the blood going in and out of the heart because if the blood is kept thin and if the blood is is moving efficiently and effectively then that makes it easier for the heart to pump it that makes sense so the first thing we're going to have a look at is the blood how can you keep the blood nice and thin there is no need to take rat poison amid wolfram and there is no need to take aspirin aspirin and aspro the research is showing now they cause brain bleeds and eye bleeds brain bleeds is contributing to Alzheimer's eye bleeds is contributing to the deterioration of our eyesight but you can keep the blood nice and thin let's make a list of blood thinners this is a thicker one blood thinners what keeps the blood thin now you're gonna love this blood thinner because it's very very cheap water it is true it is the best blood thinner that you can take well how come people that are drinking water don't have thin blood well if a person's drinking water they must be sure that they drinking adequate water this is the water loss in a day so out of your kidneys we have 1.5 liter loss out of your skin point five of a liter loss out of your : 0.3 of a liter loss and out of your lungs 0.2 / liter loss so that equals two and a half liter loss in a 24-hour period now the half liter can be replaced with herb teas your fruits your vegetables but the two leaders must be replaced with water and water alone the good news is you don't have to drink it all in half an hour you've got 24 hours to drink that 2 liters of water that's pretty reasonable isn't it now obviously eight of those hours were sound asleep so we're not drinking but you've still got a lot of time to drink water my suggestion is go to bed with a glass of water next to your bed and as soon as you wake up half a glass and then you might go to the bathroom and then you might come back have another half a glass and then you might do what I do and pray and I've got a lot of children and a lot of grandchildren and a lot of people to pray for and then I'll have another half glass and then I might read read my Bible something inspirational today I have another half a glass and then I'll put my joggers on and I might have another half glass and then I'll go from my high-intensity run and when I get back I really want another half glass do you know it's easy for me because I usually wake about 5:00 5:30 that's my favorite wait time and then I can fit sometimes three sometimes four glasses of water before I eat at around 7:30 Wow so that's that's a lot of my water done yeah now the best time to drink water is between meals because if you drink with meals you can water down your gastric juices as you'll find out tomorrow night when we go on a journey through your gastrointestinal tract and you'll see when we get to the stomach it's acid and you put water in us and what happens to the acid it neutralizes it so try and stop drinking water half an hour before the meal and resume about an hour and a half two hours after the meal if you are fully hydrated when you sit to eat you will not need to drink with your meals most people drink with their meals because they sit to eat dehydrated and it's such an American habit and an Aussie habit is it a New Zealand habit one lady that came to our retreat she said every time I said to eat oh I keep reaching for that that's a water and on Saturday morning I'll show you how you can rewire your brain how you can actually change your habits so it's approximately 2 litres of water in the day that's absolutely vital you've just got to find out how to get it in and your body can utilize it better if you take it in little by little by little but there is another way you can better utilize your water and that is by using the whole salt but aren't we supposed to stop salt isn't salt bad for high blood pressure let me give you the salt story the highest concentration of sodium is found in seawater and sea water contains 92 minerals it's called an isotonic solution because it is the exact same mineral balance and proportion as is found in the body in the blood in fact in the in the war the Navy would transfuse with seawater if they didn't have blood because very quickly the body can convert it to blood of those 92 minerals 30% is made up of sodium and 50% is made up of chloride and so what man often does as you can see there the first crystals formed those first crystals are skipped off bleached white and your minions added to it there's your table salt so the table salt on the supermarket shelf is actually a dangerous something we need to be taking salt into our body the way it's found in nature with all the other minerals Celtic salt and Himalayan salt contain 82 minerals so celtic salt and you can usually buy it at the health food shop 82 minerals we're in the other ten they're in such Pico proportion that's barely measurable that it's inevitable that some are lost in the evaporation process but hey 82 is pretty close to 92 isn't it and that Celtic self has three magnesium's it has magnesium bromide it contains magnesium sulfate and magnesium chloride magnesium is a water hungry molecule and that's why that salt is usually quite moist now let's go to the CBD and have a look at what happens here this is the cell now the cell has a bioloid membrane around it and the way to get water into the cell is by taking magnesium so when you take a crystal of celtic salt on your tongue already your mucous membranes are absorbing the minerals in into the blood the blood takes that magnesium to the cell you drink your water and that magnesium pulls the water inside the cell it's a water hungry molecule that's the quickest way to hydrate the human body is to put that crystal of Celtic salt on your tongue do a little chomp and then drink it down many people are sick because they're dehydrated and yet some of them are drinking a lot of water and the water is going straight through the water is not getting inside the cell that's why the best way to have your water and beside my bed I have a little bit of that Celtic salt I wake up I have the Celtic salt I have half a glass of water as I said I get out of bed I have another glass of water this way for your body to utilize that water is to have little by little by little by little by little and at the beginning of every one of your eight glasses have that Celtic salt now the highest concentration of mineral outside the cell is sodium the highest concentration inside the cell is potassium and there are sodium potassium pumps in the bilayer membrane around the cell and the pumps are constantly basically going like that balancing the sodium and potassium levels in and out of the cell now if someone is having a lot of table salt and remember what table salt contains two minerals that's what table salt contains just those two two minerals and if someone's having a lot of table salt those two minerals are so harsh if you were to inject them straight into a person they would die well what's normal saline muscle ushion it has got a couple of more minerals and it's greatly watered down but if that sodium chloride was to go straight into the veins the person would die and when a person is sprinkling table salt all over their food there's such harsh minerals those two by themselves they kill the tastebuds have you noticed the people shake it all over the food haven't even tasted whether it needs it or not well no wonder their taste buds are dying when you put the celtic salt on the food it awakens the tastebuds it's a delicious salt so let's let's say someone's putting table salt on everything and of course it's got no no are no minerals in it at all sodium levels are rising potassium is found in all your fresh fruits and vegetables and let's say the person is busy they haven't got time to chew an apple or eat the fresh fruit and vegetables they just eat the fast food but tesam levels are dropping now sodium is in small amounts inside the cell so what's happening inside the cell now sodium levels are rising but tesam levels are dropping osmosis and diffusion happens when the largest concentration merges into the lowest which starts to happen in here because potassium levels are too low and then the cell swells what's that called high blood pressure the doctor is right table salt can greatly contribute to high blood pressure and so what what's the person told to do now stop the salt now sodium levels are going to know and when the sodium levels inside the cell go to low the cell swells what's that high blood pressure again you see both extremes are unsafe the table salt is dangerous because of the imbalance of minerals no salt is dangerous because did you know that sodium is the third most vital element leader for life you'll find that in every nerdom in Physiology book every biology book every chemistry book the third most vital element needed for life what's the first oxygen what's the second water what's the third sodium what's the fourth potassium so a salt-free diet is a very unscientific diet it's a dangerous diet because you think about it we cry sea water we sweat sea water when your innate sick water I haven't tasted that but I'm anyone has but baby swims in utero in seawater we need salt every time we urinate cry perspire we're losing it and we need to replace it and we need to replace it the way it is found in nature with all of the other minerals you'll hear so many different things won't you and that's why I like to come from fat and basic common sense and what's a baked potato without salt I ask you our palate tells us we need the salt now this salt with all of its minerals enhances the food brings out the flavour in the food this salt overpowers everything and kills the tastebuds so basically you need more and more and more and it brings this big imbalance that explains why the table salt is not a good salt it's a dangerous salt and shouldn't be taken especially if the person's got high blood pressure so looking at this I'd like to start listing the causes of high blood pressure so one of the causes of high blood pressure is table salt another cause of high blood pressure is no salt as I have explained lining the gastrointestinal tract especially as we'll see tomorrow of villi and on the villi there are receptor sites for the glucose that's broken down from the food that wouldn't eat the glucose comes into the receptor site and there's a carrier there and the carrier will take the glucose through to the blood but the carrier says I will not accept your glucose unless you come with a molecule of sodium when sodium is present then the carrier will take the glucose through to the blood now I have memorized this from the anatomy and physiology book so I could give it to you from the horse's mouth sodium is the main transport system of glucose across the brush border wall and into the blood so you can see a salt-free diet is crazy if someone's on a salt-free diet some of their glucose is gave it can't even get into the blood it ends up in the little house so salt is important but it needs to be taken in its balanced form and the Bible talks about salt it's in Matthew 5 chap chapter 5 verse 13 it says yeah the salt of the earth if the salt has lost its savor wherewith shall it be salted it is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men it's all English I love the old English very poetic easy to memorize how does the salt lose its savor I'd like to suggest that this salt has lost its savor its savor is all the other minerals and what does the Bible say it's henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and trodden under foot of men well there's one use for it when we're at misty mountain in the wet season there are leeches and if you get a leech on you and put the table salt on and it'll fall off so I can't think of anything else I don't suppose you have leeches here too cold so that's the salt issue and my endeavor was to explain these things to you so that you will no more be confused about the salt in his book the calcium lie dr. Robert Thompson he maintained should we have that little bit of salt just to replace the minerals that we lost yesterday in our urine in a sweat we need salt let's continue the causes of high blood pressure another cause of high blood pressure can be a vitamin D deficiency how so well calcium is a very important mineral and calcium cannot get into the cell by itself calcium means vitamin D and when vitamin D is present calcium is pulled into the cell and when calcium's pulled into the cell all the other minerals piggyback on the back of calcium and this is why calcium is called the King because Sims called the king because when calcium gets in all the other minerals get in it's been misunderstood to the point where people think if they want strong bones they've got to take calcium supplements no no no calcium hardens cement but it doesn't harden bones because bones aren't made of calcium bones are made of minerals bones are made of twelve minerals and 64 trace minerals well where do we find those minerals in the celtic salt in its perfect form where else dark green leafy vegetables look at the size of the bones of the cow of the orangutan of the elephant they're all vegetarian creatures and they've got very big bones where do they get their minerals for their bones from dark green leafy vegetables we should eat dark green leafy vegetables every day and you do not lose your minerals when you cook your vegetables you will only lose your minerals if you cook your vegetables in water and throw the water away there's all your minerals you just water let's cooking put the tiniest little bit of water in put it on a low heat with the lid on and let it slowly cook and then and then use it off but with spinach silver babe you don't even need to put water in there do you so much water comes out of it when you cook vegetables in their own juice you get a lovely flavour so vitamin D deficiency can cause high blood pressure because if there's a deficiency in vitamin C the the calcium and the minerals can't get in and what the body does it builds up to try and force it in another cause of high blood pressure can be wheat and sugar how so we explained last night you see wheat and sugar both break down to glucose and as we looked at last night in the diabetes lecture high amounts quickly and glucose cannot get into the cell by itself it must have insulin but if the pancreas is worn-out because the person's eating so much sugar and so much wheat then the insulin is depleted and the glucose can't get into the cell can you see what's happening here the person's mineral deficient vitamin D deficient insulin deficient and this is the CBD this is where all these nutrients are required and the cell says we're got a problem here how can we get it in we're lacking insulin we're lacking magnesium we're lacking vitamin D the body says ah now we'll just force it in what's that blood pressure so can you see high blood pressure has many causes many causes wheat and sugar are a contributing factor to high blood pressure but because of the hybridization of the wheat and the high intolerance of it heart arrhythmia happens whenever the body's take something in that it has an allergy to it changes the heartbeat I might have spelt this wrong is that a why sorry you've got to look at it and it might be spelt wrong something like that it's easy to write that than unstable heartbeat what also causes high blood pressure is not only the magnesium deficient not only the vitamin D deficiency and not only the insulin deficiency which is caused by the high wheat high sugar but also inactivity inactivity can cause high blood pressure most doctors today will agree that exercise has a powerful effect on the strengthening of the heart in fact it's the only thing that will strengthen the heart is exercise it's a non-negotiable subject you just got to find out how you can fit it into your day and the most powerful exercise for the heart is the high-intensity interval Pro interval training high-intensity interval training as the name implies their their intervals of high intensity intervals of recovery for a cycle often of anywhere between 3 & 6 so the high intensity can be 20 to 30 seconds have you tried it did you feel like you were dying a recovery time of 2 to 3 minutes and done for a cycle of anywhere between 3 & 6 3 is a good maintenance nut dose 6 is a great one if you want to turn things around and you can turn things around quite quickly most of the research has been done on exercise bikes it's a lot easier to go 30 seconds on an exercise bike then run up a hill for 30 seconds which is probably what I usually do you can do it swimming can't swim exercise bike don't have a bike can't do the bike everyone can do the rebounder and the rebounder you start with just little jigging and then you start to jump-jump-jump the rebounder exercise is the only exercise that strengthens every single cell in the body and your heart muscle is made up of cells as you do this high intensity your heart gets stronger and stronger your breath becomes when your lungs start to take in your air a lot deeper every muscle in the body is getting more exercise and as I showed you before when this cell has oxygen it's going to give you 18 times more energy that means every cell and in times more energy every cell in the body has more energy and every cell in your heart has more energy you can totally turn high blood pressure around even just by exercise so inactivity is one of the causes inactivity causes the blood to pull in the internal organs when you start moving it causes the blood to be taken out to the extremities another cause of high blood pressure is dehydration in dehydration little capillary networks can shut down to maintain full blood volume in the major arteries and when those little capillary networks shut down it actually causes more pressure on the heart so how do we turn high blood pressure around start taking the Keltic salt if you're used to no salt start slowly because one of the body's amazing abilities in keeping us alive is the ability to adapt and adjust and it'll adapt and adjust to no salt and so you can get it out of that and adapt and adjust to having a salt and having the salt in its balanced form vitamin D deficiency whenever you see that Sun run out but if you have a shower and wash with soap just before you have the Sun you won't get Sun you see the ultra light ultraviolet rays from the Sun convert a form of cholesterol just under the skin D vitamin D what's converted to vitamin D cholesterol isn't cholesterol the cause of high blood pressure isn't cholesterol the cause of heart disease it is not what I'd like to do at this point is show you what cholesterol is because the old proverb proverb 14 verse 6 States knowledge is easy to him that understand let me give you an understanding the liver is the organ that makes cholesterol here's the liver living under your right rib and 80% of the cholesterol that your liver makes is made a cook is made from glucose and 20% of the cholesterol that your liver makes is made from fat mm-hmm do you know what that means it's not the butter on the bread it's the bread under the butter it's not it's not the olive oil on the pasta it's the pasta under the olive oil there are two types main types of cholesterol in the body one is high density lipoprotein called HDL and the other is low density lipoprotein LDL high-density lipoprotein is called the good guy because it carries away excess Eastridge excess cholesterol back to the liver that's why it's called a good guy it's said to clear the arteries it's a good guy LDL is the repairer and the rebuilder so you're always going to find LDL wherever there's a need to repair and rebuild but LDL does something else it delivers cholesterol to the brain and the brain loves cholesterol do you know at the highest cholesterol food on the planet is breast milk and the reason for that is especially in the first two months of life because that developing brain must have cholesterol must have fat for it to develop properly and if a farmer has a cow whose mother died in childbirth they must find another cow who's just had a baby to give to that calf or or you will ask the farmer that that cow that calf will ever be sickly because it didn't get that very very rich milk in the first what month of life let's go to the artery and look at how these two work together so here's the artery and because of its low density LDL is always on the edge because of its high density HDL is always in the middle now let's say a person smoking cigarettes it's well known that those 4,000 chemicals in each cigarette have the ability to weaken and damage the arterial wall something else that can weaken and damage the arterial wall is mercury and there are three places we can be subjected to mercury today one is fish the other is mercury fillings in the mouth and the other is the flu vaccine because the flu vaccine contains mercury and mercury can damage the arterial wall what can also damage the arterial wall is yeast or mold that's in the blood that can damage it and if a person's on a high sugar high wheat diet alcohol that just feeds the feeds the yeast poking more holes who's going to plug up the hole students the repairer and the rebuilding and so the repairer and the rebuild that comes along and plugs up the hole to keep you and I alive now what's supposed to happen is the person supposed to eat nourishing food lots of minerals greens plant proteins and healthy fats and those nutrients will help to to rebuild those holes and at the same time mister person's supposed to get out of the moldy house they're supposed to get the mercury fillings out and start eating lentils instead of fish and start running up and down hills every morning and use the flu bomb instead of taking the flu vaccine and stop smoking and when all of the things that harm the arterial wall are stopped then HDL comes along and carries away the excess can you see how these two cholesterol work together in maintaining our little capillaries and channels that are carrying our blood but many people don't realize the danger of mercury and I know some people have said oh it's gonna have my mercury up but my dentist said you know that's a waste of money you know there's nothing wrong with mercury I've got mercury mercury is a neurotoxin Wow it's one of the main causes of multiple sclerosis it kills the brain cells and eats away at the myelin sheath one man said I've had it in mind now for 40 years it's done me a hurt no harm you don't know those myelin sheath can be half eaten away and you're hardly not but it gets to two-thirds eaten or whites then co-ordinate coordination goes then the brains the guiness you can't remember anything ah you've just got Alzheimer's they shall see when I do their lectures on Saturday on the mind there are reasons for Alzheimer's Newton's third law of motion states that to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction things don't just happen there's always a reason so let's say the person doesn't know the dangers of mercury they don't realize that the fish has mercury they don't realize although they sure that the cigarettes are killing them and so the damage continues it continues it continues and what's happening inside the artery the buildups getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger when I was a nurse and I worked in the operating theater and I assisted for a bypass operation and the artery that we cut out of the heart and replaced with an artery from the leg and by the way how long's that one gonna last if you don't turn the tap off you're still going to be mopping up in the other corner and when he was all stitched up the surgeon got the artery and got tweezers and started to pull this white gristle out we say what is that cholesterol yeah and so now we say cholesterol causes heart disease that's like saying the fire trucks are causing the fire well they must cause the fire they're always there can you see that a friend of mine his name's um dr. David Harris he's a chiropractor here's a cyclist he's 58 he goes overseas twice a years does 200 cave rides is a vegetarian his doctor was suspicious of the breathlessness he was getting at time so he did a test on his heart 90% occlusion of his arteries he was rushed in for a bypass he rang me up and he said barb it's genetics genetics loads the gun that lifestyle pulls the trigger I said David go to my youtube and watch my lecture on the liver where I talk about cholesterol and he rang me up a week later he said Barbara in 2004 I was trying to put on muscle and I was eating swordfish three times a day what swordfish got in it pregnant women are told don't eat swordfish because it's the fish that is the highest in mercury you see mercury is a cumulative it's bio accumulative you know what that means that the bigger the fish the more the accumulation of mercury and the law it's in your mercury fillings in your mouth the more it is accumulating in your tissues can you see what happened with David the mercury in fact after one year of this diet he got mercury poisoning what's happening in his arteries holls holls holls and so the livers getting yelled out quick more cholesterol more cholesterol more cholesterol can you see that to plug up the holes to keep David alive aha that's why we all should be private investigators investigating why these things are so cholesterol doesn't cause heart disease it's damage to the arterial wall but it's much easier to blame the cholesterol than the cigarette or the mercury and the fish are in my mouth and the Fisheries Department go to great lengths to protect the public from realizing how much mercury is in their fish and the dentist's go to straight great lengths to make people think there's nothing wrong with the mercury that 50% of dentists are still using mercury it doesn't even look nice hey the white fillings look much nicer but the new dentists are taught that mercury is a poisoning so hopefully in another 20 years all dentists will be using the white fillings and most people don't realize that in the flu vaccine there is mercury it's called the my salt have a look in fact if they're pushing it on you say sorry I'm allergic to mercury are you every human being on the planet is and the the Hep B vaccine the babies are given at birth has mercury in it check it out check it out find out you can find out it's called the myself that's what's the Mary's called in the vaccine it was banned in childhood vaccinations in 1998 so it's not in the childhood vaccinations but it's in that that new one we need to know where these mercury is being hidden because it's a neurotoxin there is no safe dose of it that's a good one-liner for your dentist there is no safe dose of mercury it's a neurotoxin now when those brain cells are dead sorry gone they do not rebuild so we've got to look after the brain cells that we have now if you're questioning what I'm saying I'm glad you questioned what I say because we need proof of this so I'm going to write down a few doctors who have written books on the Sun on the subject dr. Dwight this dr. Dwight Lundell is a cardiovascular surgeon he's performed 10,000 bypasses and he's written a book called and the the cholesterol lie dr. Malcolm Kendrick I'll write that one down for you too he's a British cardiologist and this is a statement that he says in his book and his books called the the great cholesterol Cohn dr. Malcolm Malcolm Kendrick he says for the first time normal levels of a normal vital body substance is being called a disease for the first time normal levels what's a normal level of cholesterol 7 what have we told now what have we told 7 is too high normal levels of a normal vital body substance has been called a disease for the first time a normal vital body substance you cannot get your vitamin D unless you've got cholesterol your sex hormones cannot be made unless you've got enough cholesterol your adrenal hormones your fight and flight hormones are made from cholesterol for the first time normal levels of a normal vital body substance is being called a disease hmm the people that have always had problem with this saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease are the heart surgeons they're the ones that have all but always been skeptical it has never been proven and if you buy malcolm Kendricks book tell you what he is brutal is brutal and medicine is brutal on the pharmaceutical companies he can be he's a cardiologist he was a British cardiologist there's another book called the great cholesterol deception and it's by dr. Peter Dingle he's a he's a guy from Perth there's another one it's called the great cholesterol myth by a doctor or he's not a doctor he's a researcher dr. Johnny Bowden Jonny Bowden told me to keep going how many books do we need so if someone has a heart attack or a stroke what do they put on cholesterol-lowering medication what does the cholesterol-lowering medication do it blocks the pathway in the liver that the liver uses to make cholesterol and that same pathway that the liver uses to make cholesterol it uses to make coenzyme q10 have you heard of coenzyme q10 it's your heart protective enzyme so a person goes on cholesterol-lowering medication to prevent heart disease they can actually increase it because they've now lost their coenzyme q10 are you ready for the side effects of cholesterol-lowering medication muscle-wasting Alzheimer's dementia memory loss and they've just added another one breast cancer interested if you're on cholesterol-lowering medication you can stop immediately with no ramifications there's only two people that have the authority on your medication that's you and your doctor there are some medications you have to ease off especially antidepressants and especially your cortisone prednisone drugs but aspirin and blood thinning medication and cholesterol-lowering medication you can stopped out without any ramifications but make sure make sure you're implementing the things where are we over here to our blood thinners and we've got a few more on the list to come please email me if you find any research that proves saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease because there isn't any now the researcher who presented this theory his name is Hansel keys an answer keys I think it was in about a ninth in the 90s he did a study on 17 countries he eliminated all the countries that didn't support the theory that he came up with so he had to eliminate the Masai they live on meat milk and blood zero heart disease mind you they don't live a long life the gut can handle that from very long but they don't have heart disease he had to eliminate the French how they love their cream butter cheese eggs hardly any heart disease he had to eliminate the norwegians very little heart disease and the countries that he brought in it was more the association that actually wasn't the fast that doesn't make you fat fat does not build up in the arteries what happens is if the arteries are damaged then LDL is sent to patch it up so what if the arteries are all blocked up can they be cleared yes what do you do to clear them stop what's causing the build-up get the mercury out of your mouth start eating lentils stop smoking start to implement a lifestyle that'll build up that arterial wall and little by little your HDL will come in and take it away last year when I was running a health retreat in Alabama there was a nutritionist there she was 69 she looked 59 she looked she said I've been a nutritionist for 40 years when I was in university we were taught this is the American levels that any body with a cholesterol level under 300 was safe now in Australian that would be probably 7.5 mm-hmm today if anyone has a cholesterol level over 200 in America they're put on cholesterol-lowering medication and yet 20 years ago 200 was perfectly safe have we changed and by the way since they've been putting more people on the cholesterol-lowering medication because anyone over 200 has to go on it has a dropped heart disease no and what's the definition of insanity to do what you've always done and expect different results so in Australia that's probably about 5.5 mm-hmm so in Australia if you're above 5.5 you've got to go on cholesterol no medication or supposed to but if if someone goes below 3.5 they can get suicidal and depressed you see we need cholesterol our brain needs cholesterol our brain loves cholesterol because our brain is the fattiest organ in the body a young girl in the health retreat in America said to me oh my doctor says my cholesterol levels are dangerously high and I have to go on cholesterol-lowering medication I said what are they she said 191 is it perfectly normal now the Framingham Heart Study Framingham is a little town in America and it's a great study because the pharmaceutical company doesn't fund it the grain industry the wheat industry doesn't fund it and the dairy industry and the media industry doesn't fund it is just a little town of Framingham and it's been studied for over 30 years people die more people come on about 30,000 people have been study and they found that people with high cholesterol levels didn't get Alzheimer's a moment's silence for you to take that one in people with high cholesterol levels didn't get Alzheimer's because the brain loves cholesterol okay let's move on with our blood thinners cayenne pepper cayenne pepper is a remarkable home cane pepper not only thins the blood it opens all the little capillaries it can help to rebuild the walls of the arteries garlic a lot of research has been done on garlic and heart health ginger you can grate ginger and pour boiling water on it if you think herb teas are insipid compared to tea and coffee try ginger tea it'll knock your socks off and thin your blood and reduce your inflammation omega-3 omega-3 is a fat that is very has a very thinning effect on the blood where do you find Omega 3 walnuts you'll find Omega 3 in your chia seeds and in your flaxseed so it's a good idea to include those as part of your diet every day and what did Hippocrates said let food be your medicine medicine be your food if you're having adequate water having that little bit of salt implementing this into your diet your blood will be nice and thin some people are really scared to set to tell their specialist or he'll get angry you know what you do you just go and sit there and have all the blood tests one day he said she since then just goes like this what are the results of the blood test well your Bloods really good keep up that blood thinner one lady said she had it she had a several blood tests every three months and then after a couple of months she said well doc I'm brave enough to tell you what I've been doing do you know it's up to you to prove to your doctor you can get that blood pressure down and you can get that heart strong and that blood thin mm-hmm it's up to you there is a hub that strengthens the heart and it's called the Hawthorne berry Psalm 104 verse 14 the Bible says God gave herbes for the service of man he gave us cayenne pepper to keep that blood nice and thin best blood thinner he gave us the garlic he gave us the Hawthorne berry it's an English hurt but it loves growing in places like Victoria and New Zealand and a lot of the English brought over the Hawthorne berry because they make quite nice hedges I don't know if you've got hawthorn berries growing here the Hawthorne berry strengthens the heart if the blood pressure's high it'll bring it down if it's low it'll bring it up it strengthens the heart let me do let me tell you the story of Henry Henry was a retired judge and came to our health retreat and he was on blood thinning medication he was born blood cholesterol that medication he was on blood pressure medication he was also on blood sugar medication and he was on medication for gout and he was also on medication for stomach ulcers I see he was in his late 60s I said are you interested in coming off your medication he said no thank you very much I'm very happy with my medication I always respect everyone's choice but I gave him the Hawthorne berry we get the berries dried berries and we make it in a tea and he was having a leader of that tea a day at the end of the week he said I'll continue the Hawthorne berry he rang me up for me he said barber I'd like to visit you and get some more Hotham berries I want I want to give some to my friends I said come for lunch Henry when I opened the door I couldn't believe my eyes this was a different man he had lost 20 kilos in four months I said is that you Henry he said it is he said I can do my coat up now he said sit down Barbara I have a few stories for you he said I went to have my blood pressure taken at the doctor a few weeks ago and the doctor took it got up and went to walk out and Henry said what are you doing he said the machine's broken he said why do you say the machine's broken he said well your blood pressure's what is it usually a hundred and eighty on 95 that's on medication by the way he said your this machine says your blood pressure is a hundred and twenty-five on seventy it must be broken Henry said that's my blood pressure now he said the doctor has taken me off all my medication because my blood is thin my cholesterol is back to normal did you hear that he said my blood sugars are normal I have no more gout I have no more stomach ulcers and the doctor says I don't have to have the knee replacements because my knees are happy knees don't like a lot of weight I said Wow Henry that's a fascinating story tell me what you have for breakfast I said I'll have some fruit low-gi of course I have some whole-grain cereal maybe it's buckwheat maybe it's oats maybe it's millet maybe it's kinwa and then I have coconut cream on tap on that did you hear that cholesterol came down and 20 kilos lost having coconut cream every morning do you know the Islanders ate coconut cream for years every single meal like coconut never heard of heart disease he said and I have some sprinkles of those seeds on top these ones and I have a slice of sourdough spelt toast with an avocado and tomato and sometimes I might have an organic egg that's not a light breakfast is it he said I don't eat again till lunch and then I have a salad I have some vegetables or baked or steamed I have some sort of protein maybe chickpeas or lima beans and I might have another slice of sourdough spelt toast with avocado he said on I do not eat again till breakfast very decisive man he would have been a good judge when they're at the table he heard about Michael and his speeding ex he's his speeding and he said hmm I shouldn't be listening to this Wow he said I do not eat again till breakfast he said I do not need 220 kilos lost would you food would you call that a light diet that's not alike that he is eating very well but he's eating all of his food in the beginning of the day and the middle of the day I said tell me about your exercise program Henry he said I find I can walk another block every week as his weight drops as his harp gets and his muscles get stronger he can go further in less time so simple he said I just want to thank you barber you've changed my life I'm almost ready to go back to the bench he he wrote to me he was of the old school writing letters he wrote to me a year lady he said 38 kilos lost he said it's like I'm not even on a diet and of course that has a dramatic effect in getting blood pressure down is a he's losing the weight and when you do eat breakfast like a king lunch like a queen tear like a pauper and when you do greatly drop your carbs eliminate the sugars and the wheats you will automatically lose weight you'll lose it without even thinking about it and isn't that the best diet the best diet is a diet where you are not hungry and there are three foods that keep the food in the stomach longer its fiber and its protein and it's fat fat does not cause heart disease it does not raise cholesterol levels and we need to eat the healthy fats which is your coconut oil your olive oils your nuts and your seeds I don't and forget high fat I advocate high-fiber lots of vegetables generous proteins in your legumes some gluten free grains nuts seeds and the healthy fats there's a site there's a saying in Australia it's if you're on a good thing stick to it you've heard of that say and the Bible says in 1st Thessalonians 5 21 prove all things and hold fast to that which is good it's Old English prove it do it prove it and if it works it's very simple just keep doing it just keep doing and you get the results remember what I said it is up to you to prove to your doctor you can get your blood thin you can get their blood pressure down some people choose to stop their medication as they implement this some people choose to work with their doctors and again all the results will start to show it but the water must be drunk the exercise must be done the dietary changes must be implemented then you will get the results after these lectures you'll be so excited you probably want to tell everyone but do you know what the best message you can give to your family and friends just one what you're doing so eventually they're going to say all right what have you done that's when you can speak I'm gonna give everyone a break now it is 7 o'clock and when we come back we're going to have a look at those little chemical messengers in your body called hormones and we will also have a question-and-answer time at the end thank you you you
Channel: Wicklow Street
Views: 656,008
Rating: 4.8106008 out of 5
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Length: 56min 18sec (3378 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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