The Life Of Shota Aizawa: Eraser Head (My Hero Academia)

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the life of shota izawa also known as eraserhead maihira academia shota izawa also known as the erasure hero racerhead is a pro hero and the homeroom teacher of ua's class 1a welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of shota aizawa before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background sometime during his adolescent years shota attended ua high school where he met hizashi yamada and oberoshirokumo with whom he would make friends and they would end up being called the three dombigos of class a one day while picking their hero names shota was unable to decide so hizashi chose the name eraserhead for him during his second year shota began to have doubts about his ability to become hero feeling even unable to save a kitten he found abandoned on a rainy day when he was on his way to ua the only thing he could do at that moment was to leave his umbrella to protect it and continue his walk to the high school without caring that he would end up completely wet once in his homeroom class his friend hizashi seeing his glum mood tries to cheer him up without much success suddenly obero arrives through the homeroom class window using a cloud he created with his quirk making jokes about shota and hizashi and interrupting roll call being admonished by the teacher oguro was another classmate with whom shota maintained a good relationship obro gives back chota's umbrella and when he's about to ask him if anything was underneath obero pulled out a cat he rescued earlier from the reign which is met with adoration from his classmates shoto realized that it's the same kitten he left under his umbrella after finishing the roll call the homeroom teacher reminded the students soon to participate in their hero work studies putting special emphasis on shota obero and hizashi since none of them have been assigned to an agency as of yet after this the whole class 2a did joint practical exercises with class 2b in one of the exercises shoto had problems with another student named sensoji who ridicules him for his uselessness and weak work before being separated by the teacher the homeroom teacher knows that these problems are because shota is not yet clear about his future as a hero later on one of the rooftops of ua shota talked with oburo and hizashi about his personal doubts obero advised him to specialize in the battler role because he believes that shota's erasure can be useful in a fight the next day shota and obero talked about how hizashi finally got assigned to an agency namori appeared and informed them that her boss his purple highness was willing to accept them in his agency shota and obero accepted their offer and thus began their work studies at purple revolution agency with nemori and his purple highness one day while patrolling shota tried to stop a villain who had just made a robbery but the criminal has a quirk that allows him to generate smoke and he used it against shota blinding him and preventing him from using his erasure on him his purple highness came to shota's aid before he could get hurt but the villain managed to escape his purple highness criticized shota not for not stopping the villain but for acting like a hero with a gloomy face mr purple advised him that if he wants to be a hero he must inspire confidence and for that he must trust his own power and smile back at the purple revolution agency shota reflected on mr purple's words it was good advice but it's impossible for him to smile if he doesn't do his job well as a hero to which his friend obero reassured him just to keep smile even if you screw up then when they talked about what he would do against the villain if he encounters him again obero came up with the idea of lending shota his goggles to protect his eyes from the villain smoke a few days later while patrolling they spotted the same villain again this time thanks to obero's goggles shoto wasn't affected by the villain's quirk being able to use his erasure on him without problems the robber villain tried to attack but obro suddenly appeared and knocked him out with a blow of his quarter staff shota and obro successfully immobilized the villain and his purple highness and the bystanders praised them for their work when the work studies period ended they returned to ua where they met with their colleague hizashi who pointed out to shota that he wore the same type of goggles as obero and chota clarified that he lent them to protect his eyes for some reason this bothers sensoji who had a similar idea wearing shades to prevent being blinded with his own quirk blast and accused shota of copying his idea shota preferred to ignore him at ground beta the homeroom teacher organized the battle royale in pairs shota and obero formed the team and end up facing sensoji and hizashi however the first letting himself be carried away by his antipathy towards shota decided to face both of them alone using his quirk obero manages to disorient sensoji allowing shota to stand behind him and nullify his blast work with his erasure taking advantage of the situation oberon knocked down sensoji with his quarter staff causing him to lose his shades sensoji wants to continue but shot has stopped him arguing that a two-on-one isn't a fair fight and tried to return his shades to him sensoji can't stand the defeat and broke the shades before stomping out of the class the homeroom teacher complimented chota and obero for their teamwork and lectures sensoji for his behavior later shoto was hanging out with oberon hizashi obro talked about his plans for the future in which the three of them after graduating from ua and go independent they should start their own hero office obro explained that he and hizashi would start the combat something for which shota is not suitable but would be on the edge in battle thanks to his erasure allowing him or hizashi the final blow shota asked obero if what he said about him is just another way to say that he can't do anything on his own but obero clarified he's suited to teamwork shota wasn't very convinced with oburo's plan which made both he and hizashi tease him and his broody act yamuri showed up and the conversation drifted to a topic that's none of shota's business so he decided to let his friends enjoy the moment while he contemplated the sky feeling how things were changing a week later shota obero and nemeri have returned along with his purple highness to continue with the work studies shota is patrolling tasmi award with obero when they meet a group of nursery kids oberol creates a cloud to lend them a ride while shota guides them and makes sure their group looks both ways before crossing obero compliments shota saying he's a natural with kids and saying he should work at a daycare or be a school teacher but shota claims he has no attributes for kids to like the way he acts the conversations interrupted when chota receives a call from nemouri warning them to start evacuating the area immediately because a villain named garvey is wrecking the neighborhood shota and obero quickly returned to the nursery kids to evacuate them but garvey arrives much sooner than they would have expected mr purple appears and tries to buy them sometimes so that they can keep the children safe but he's easily defeated by the villain thanks to his stock work the attacks cause serious damage to a nearby building which begins to crumble over the children obero creates a cloud to protect them saving their lives but by doing so he can't protect himself and ends up crushed by the rubble shota screams for obero with no response causing the kids to cry it starts to rain harder and harder with oburo and mr purple defeated only shota izawa remains to protect the children from the villain however shota doesn't know what to do to stop him he starts to doubt himself until he hears obro's voice through his speaker cheering him on this gives him a boost of confidence to face the villain being able to defeat him alone after an arduous battle where oberon never stopped encouraging him through the communicator device shota is praised for defeating the villain alone but he insists that obro cheered him on during the entire fight and wants him to get treated for his wounds as soon as they can however he notices that something's fishy when he sees namuri and hizashi are grief-stricken and sensoji explains that he couldn't hear anything from the speaker since it's completely busted telling him it was likely he was giving himself a pep talk and imagined it was oburo chota brushes sensoji's comment off and looks over the fallen rubble where obero was knocked out only to find his friend in a body bag stained with blood and finally realizes the terrible truth obero shirakumo is dead the body is removed and the rain intensifies after several minutes nemuni tells shota and hizashi to take cover hisashi thanks her for worrying about them but replies the rain fits the mood they're in while contemplating the area where obero died shoto remembers all the moments he spent with him and with hisashi by his side they mourned the loss of their friend the death of obero greatly affected shota and until he graduated from ua shota intensified his solo training barely interacting with his classmates his teachers were a bit worried about him even though his grades were above average the only thing he put effort into is battle training they thought he had become too complacent for his own good an opinion that was reinforced when in a conversation with his homeroom teacher he declared that he would start his own hero agency as soon as he graduates from ua high school the teacher tried to convince him not to rush but shoto replies that he wants to be an independent underground hero specializing in anti-villains combat once he graduated and acquired his diploma chota began his pro-hero career as a racerhead that will lead him to obstacles villains and allies along the way vigilante's beginnings arc about a year prior to starting his teaching career choto was a hero who got involved in police investigation about the villain factory a criminal organization responsible for drug trafficking known as trigger and the sudden appearance of instant villains due to its consumption shota is involved in this case when he faced knucklebuster a vigilante who also investigated the villain factory on his own but his methods of investigation were a bit violent to say the least which is why shota thinks he was a villain at first after a short fight both decide to collaborate together to defeat a group of instant villains that were attacking koichi haimawari and kazuho hanayama two allies of knucklebuster after defeating them and putting him in police custody shota thanks knuckle duster for his assistance but finds his actions to be dangerous knuckle duster believes that heroes need people like him so that the incident with the instant villains will not happen again chota finds it ridiculous that knuckle duster believes his unlawful justice are crimes of conscious and finds him to be a troublesome old man days later kuine hachitsuka one of the agents of the villain factory causes an outbreak of instant villains when she used her quirk to inject several innocent people with trigger chota and other heroes like all might endeavor best genus death arms midnight ingenium and more managed to stop the outbreak before it caused too much damage versus queen bee arc weeks later he's invited to participate in an event at the madokani department store although he agreed to go he doesn't really want to participate so he's very happy when on his mate to marukane he hears citizens nearby screaming that a villain has appeared upon arriving at the place of origin of the yells shota meets teruo unagisawa a monstrous eel-like villain now without some difficulties shota manages to defeat him although he finds teruo's body strange because he had trouble moving and seemed uncoordinated while resting after the fight shota notices a bee with a syringe plunged into teruo he smacks it away with his bonds and notices how it was sucking something later he's interrogated by naomasa one of the detectives in charge of the trigger's investigation about the instant villain situation shota tells him that he doesn't think teruo is an instant villain and he didn't see any injector on him however he tells him he did see a bee on the villain naomasa mentions that many civilians mentioned getting stung by a bee during the mass outbreak of instant villains osaka incident arc days later at the next naru fest namburi kayama is surprised to meet chota there he responds that he's on duty and stops by for lunch now masa arrives to talk about a new villain that's begun appearing throughout the city he tells them that teruo had been arrested before however between his first and second arrests his body was drastically bioengineered namaste tells racerhead and midnight that he believes there's an organization behind the distribution of trigger that's also administering to others and altering them to be able to withstand greater amounts of the drug as had happened with teruo shota says that the organization must have some greater goal in mind because by themselves their instant villains and next level villains couldn't do much and were more like disposable pawns now masa agrees and says that's why he had come to ask for shot as help in the matter at first shota isn't very sure about participating because acting as a detective is not his thing but nemuni kaiyama convinces him to help the police in this way shota collaborates with the police for this reason while investigating he has a confrontation with jiro and ichirohota two minor dealers after defeating them and clarifying that he's not a policeman and that he only wants information the hota brothers take izawa to their store to continue the conversation the brothers tell him that the trigger that's been distributed by naruhata in recent months is an adulterated version with dire side effects and they tell shota everything they know about the adulterated trigger after this meeting the brothers become to their dismay confidants and informants of a racerhead so that he can find out any news or rumors about trigger appearing in the naruhata black market also shota decides to use their store as an improvised base of operations which frustrates the brothers skye egg arc continues to collaborate with the police force with now masa informing him of each new discovery and the last activities of the villain factory shota ends up bumping into koichi one of knuckle duster's companions whom he helped months ago likewise koichi becomes a kind of ally and gives him a usb with important data that he obtained in his vigilantism patrols shota gives this usb to naomasa who thanks to this and other information that the police obtained from other sources allows him to locate the main laboratories of the villain factory in onomota pharmacor now masa decides to organize a police operation to assault onomura and during the days he's organizing the operation he paired shota with fat gum and monika with the mission of investigating people connected to the company finally after several days naomasa has everything organized to carry out the raid eraserhead and fat gum will help the police in case they have to face serious threats with everything ready on the same day that captain celebrities farewell show is being held at the tokyo sky egg the police forces assault onomura's main building the assault forces advance towards the secret laboratories with hardly any problems or resistance however once there they run into number six a main agent of the villain factory surrounded by a group of creatures known as bombers before shota or anyone else can stop him number six activates a device that self-detonates several bombers destroying the laboratory number six and five bombers escape the place and go to the tokyo sky egg in order to assassinate captain celebrity fortunately shota and his allies manage to survive the explosion thanks to fat gum and along with naoma flies quickly by helicopter to the tokyo sky egg there he uses his quirk to help the heroes who are fighting the bombers and also asks naomasa to call almight to come help thanks to this all might arise in time to save everyone after number six succeeds in getting the building to collapse by causing one of the bombers to self-destruct after the attack while the security forces and volunteers help the affected shota meets toshinoriagi for the first time in person without even knowing yet that he's almight school day's arc several weeks later as he's headed to the hota brothers store he receives a phone call from midnight shota tells him that she's delighted to be a teacher at ua and hizashi yamada will start teaching next semester and the only one missing is him shoto replies that he hasn't agreed on being a teacher but midnight tells him that hizashi believes that he just needs a good shove to take action and she believes that he's been shying away from what really matters pissed off at midnight's words shota ends the conversation shota leaves to go to the hota brothers shop once there he finds that octoid whose real name is ikajiro takobe is with the hota brothers as he's going to be a cook in the cafe that the hotel brothers plan to open and all this triggers a friendly discussion about how the cafe should be this reminds shota of a happy moment with hizashi obero and nemeri in a similar situation discussing about starting his own dream hero agency and how it should be all this makes him reflect on what he really should do ichiro tells shota that they even included him in their plans for the cafe but shota tells them not to consider him in their plans since he'll leave the town soon saying that he might stop by the cafe eventually to visit shortly after this shota starts his new career as a teacher at ua high where he quickly gains a reputation for being an incredibly tough and strict teacher to the point of even expelling many of his students one such incident involved expelling and then re-enrolling an entire class in order to help demonstrate to them the difference between self-sacrifice and being suicidal quirk apprehension test arc on the first day of the initial term for class 1a shota arrives outside the class in his sleeping bag he overhears achakoraka and izukumidoriya talking about making friends and interrupts them he tells the pair they can go home if they're only at ua to make friends and promptly introduces himself as class 1a's homeroom teacher he warns his students it took them eight seconds too long to get ready for class and says that rational students would be silent and seated already without any further interruption shota foregoes orientation and takes the class outside for the cork apprehension test shota instructs katsuki bakugo to throw softball using his quirk to preview the purpose of the test the students get excited to use their quirks but chota warns them that the test is to gauge the student's potential and the student who comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately he monitors the student as they go through each test in order to assess their room for growth during the ball throw exercise shota immediately stops izuku from breaking himself by erasing his quirk before he can throw the ball a stunned izuku recognizes his goggles and reveals to the class that shota is the pro hero eraserhead shota claims that the judges shouldn't have let izuku enroll at ua because of his lack of control over his own quirk and would just be incapacitated again after just saving one person he tells isuku that he can't become a hero and instructs him to take his final throw shot ponders whether izuku will break himself or give up but to his surprise izuku channels his quirk into his finger and throws the ball over 700 meters izuku turns to his teacher and tells him that he can still move and belongs at ua shota is deeply impressed and responds with a wide grin following the conclusion of the fitness tests shoto reveals the rankings to the class although izuku comes in last place shota chooses not to expel him and instead tells the class he was lying he writes it off as a logical deception to make sure each student did their best as he leaves shota is confronted by all might almighty claims shota was always planning to send someone home because shot's filed in the teaching directory revealed he expelled his entire class before shota admits that izuku doesn't have zero potential but he can sense a connection between izuku and all might usj arc once the news about all might becoming a teacher at ua breaks out the media surrounds the entrance of the high school looking for a scoop shota confronts them himself telling them to stop disturbing his students because all might isn't on campus he returns to homeroom and informs class 1a that he has reviewed the results of combat training first he tells kotsuki that he's talented and not to sulk over his loss childishly so he doesn't waste his potential then he tells izuku to work harder to gain control over his quirk because it can be useful if he gets a grip on it moving on to their next order of business shota tells the students they need to elect a class president tanya ida suggests that the class hold an election and chota tells them to have it done by the time he finishes his nap following the voting shota announces that izuku is the president and momoyayorozu will be the deputy after lunch izuku nominates tenya for the job shota tells them to stop wasting time because he really doesn't care who the president is he announces to the class that he almight and another instructor will host rescue training for the students at another facility he tells them to get ready but also to be mindful of their costumes they take a bus to the unforeseen simulation joint where 13 greets the class he asks 13 where all might is and she replies that he used up all his power and needs to rest before joining them moments later shota feels an ominous presence as super villains teleport inside the facility using a warp hole he commands the students to stay back and remain together and tells 13 to protect them the students are confused by the villain's arrival so shota makes it clear that they're real villains he asks denki kaminari to use his quirk to try and contact the school's main campus although izuku expresses his doubts and his teachers ability to fight all the villains alone eraserhead reassures the young man he has some tricks up his sleeve before he leaps into battle the villain firing squad takes aimachota but he uses his quirk to erase their powers and then knocks them out using his capturing weapon the other villains soon recognize him as a racerhead and reveal his quirk one of them uses his mutant quirk to attack and is confident that shota won't be able to erase it choja admits that he can't erase mutant quirks and instead subdues the villain using his restraining bonds while fighting off the remaining villain shot notices kurogiri got past him but can't pursue him until he deals with the other criminals continuing his brawl in the central plaza eraserhead is confronted by tomorrow shigaraki he figures tomorrow is the league of villains leader and manages to land an elbow strike however tomara finds the weak point in shot erasures and manages to decay his elbow shoto punches tomorrow away and backs away before he realizes the monstrous villain nomu behind him nomu crushes shota with its overwhelming strength he tries to erase noma's quirk but realizes he has super strength without the need of one tomorrow eventually notices the students and attacks suyu despite nomu breaking many of shota's bones the teacher manages to erase tomorrow's quirk and saves suyu from being disintegrated as tomorrow compliments his will nomu smashes shota's head into the ground to subdue shota knocking him out all might arrives before the beast can kill him and saves him almight gives shota's unconscious body to the students and they carry him back to the entrance when the battle against the league of villains concludes shota is taken to be treated for his injuries by recovery girl and his condition worries the students uh sports festival arc the two days after the league of villains assault school resumes at ua much to the surprise of his students chota returns to class covered in bandages he tells them that his well-being is irrelevant and that their battle isn't over yet afraid of possibly facing more villains the class questions what shota means he replies that their fight had over because the ua sports festival is approaching many pro heroes will be in attendance and the students must keep training and make the best of their time in the upcoming sports festival present mike is able to convince shota to commentate alongside him for the first year stage of the festival when he asks shota what competitors should look out for to start the obstacle race shoto replies they need to watch the doorway shoto todoroki freezes one of the giant robots at the first obstacle shota comments that his actions was both offensive and defensive for the first leg of the race all the pack leaders are from class 1a shote explains it's because his students have learned not to hesitate the fear they felt facing real villains has helped them grow they all know that they must act quickly if they want to stay alive present mike mentions it's difficult for heroes to get popular without a flashy quirk shota replies that he doesn't know what hizashi means and calls him an idiot once the students reach the final obstacle shota tells hizashi to calm down after he gets overzealous explaining the final obstacle izuku manages to clear the final leg of the race instantly prompting present mike to ask shota what he's teaching them shoto replies it's nothing to him his students are powered by their own drive to succeed just as the cavalry battle is about to begin hizashi wakes up shota in preparation for the battle royale shota notices some very unexpected student combinations towards the end of the round team bakugo battles team monument shota comments that although nato monoma had a good strategy there was one thing they didn't consider katsuki defeats team monama by taking the remaining points team monama forgot to consider kotsuki's overwhelming tenacity there is a break between the second round and the finals present mike asks shota to join him for lunch but shota takes a nap instead as usual everyone is surprised that the girls from class 1a are dressed as cheerleaders for the recreational games during izuku's match with hitoshi shinso shota talks about how the entrance exam isn't rational because students with a powerful quirk like hitoshi's get left out he also ponders to himself about how izuku would likely defeat hitoshi in a fight without their quirks shota and present might continue to announce the remaining matches in the final match between shoto and katsuki shota notes that katy's aptitude for combat is becoming more obvious with every battle he also says that choto isn't fighting poorly he's simply lost his spark since fighting izuku once the sports festival concludes shota meets his students back in their home room they can take the next two days off from school to recuperate and he'll organize the offers from pro heroes for them after the break versus hero killer arc classes resume at ua high school two days after the sports festival shota returns to teach his homeroom class absent of his bandages soon notes his healed injuries and he confirms recovery girl went overboard on his treatment he announces that the class will be on hero informatics worrying some of the students then he reveals that the students will need to formulate their hero names much to their excitement shot orders them to calm down and then continues to explain that they need to choose code names because of the pro hero draft nominations following the festival he reveals the total tally for the class draft offers on the board it's normally balanced between students but this year there are many more nominations for shoto and katsuki compared to the rest of the students regardless of nominations or not class 1a will all be interning with real heroes although they got to fight against real villains getting real field training will still be a fruitful experience they'll also need code names for their internship midnight arrives to help evaluate the student's choice for the hero names shotai explains that a hero's name represents them and is used to project their desired image while midnight helps the students shota takes a nap in his sleeping bag in the staff room sometime after school shoto looks over a few draft forms for those students who have already chose where they want to intern he's surprised to see that tanya has chosen to intern in hosu city and nowhere else figuring that he must have gotten better offers once the first day of the internships arrive shota meets class 1a at the train station where he instructs them to mind their manners with the heroes and reminds them to be responsible for their costumes while working with present mike in the staff room they're both fairly annoyed by all might's ringtone when he receives a call from gran torino shota even thinks to himself that almight can't possibly be serious following the end of the internships shota mentions during class that summer vacation is approaching and class 1a will be training at a lodge in the forest the students are very excited about this news but whoever doesn't pass the final exams at the end of the term will have to serve in remedial school instead final exam's arc one week prior to the end of the term shota reminds his class to prepare both their minds and their bodies for the written and practical portions of final exams shota oversees the written exams and meets with his class at the practical exam area after shota and several other teachers remind the students that it's possible to fail the practical some of the students have gathered information and know what to expect from the final however nezu pops out of shota's scarf and declares that the practical exam is being changed for various reasons students will now work in pairs to defeat one of the teachers before them the pairs and opponents were already chosen by shota all the matchups between student pairs and teachers are revealed in order the students must either capture the teachers using handcuffs or run away by getting through a designated escape gate within 30 minutes this is to simulate situations where heroes must choose to fight or run to get help shota believes izuku shoto and tenya know full well about needing to run and get help because of their interaction with a hero killer each teacher wears ultra compressed weights to give the students a handicap shota tells everyone it's time to begin and whoever is waiting to fight can watch in the monitoring room or strategize with their partners eraserhead portrays the role of a villain in the practical battle against shoto and momo he finds them with their guard down and takes them by surprise by hanging by his scarf from telephone cables he takes their quirks from them and tells them to prioritize evasion shoto orders momo to run for the gate while he swings and misses at his opponent unimpressed with shoto's plan eraserhead swiftly binds him using the capture weapon and suspends him in midair from the cables shoto claims he can free himself at any moment so eraserhead responds by throwing caltrops beneath him and warning him to watch where he lands before departing to chase momo eraserhead takes the time to tell shoto his plan places too much burden on himself he says it was nice of shoto to be considerate of the girl but they should have talked it over more first traveling along the telephone cables eraserhead uses his restraining bonds to move quickly through the replica city he catches up to momo before long and tries to restrain her but he's unable to keep her cork erased and so she escapes despite getting free she runs back towards shoto rather than towards the escape gate eraserhead knows momo lost her confidence after the sports festival and by comparing herself to shoto she deems him the better student and doubts her own instincts and abilities he would like to help her get her confidence back but that isn't his job at the moment and continues chasing her momo reaches shoto but a racer head isn't far behind her shoto takes his teacher's advice and encourages momo to form a plan when a racer head reaches them momo stuns him with a flurry of flash grenades she frees shoto and tells him that she has a plan to pass the exam excited to see his students redemption eraserhead wipes his eyes and smirks at his opponents due to his injuries from fighting nomu eraserhead can't use his quirk for as long and has to rest more between erasures he commends momo for noticing that and planning her attack accordingly they both run away to put distance between them and eraserhead they're not fast enough to escape him but eraserhead is unable to keep their quirks erased this allows shoto to block his visibility completely by using his biggest move heaven piercing ice wall eraserheads impressed that they took advantage of his weakness and waited for the right moment while his students strategize behind the ice racer head remains in place to watch their approach because the escape gate is behind him he recalls momo telling shoto about her plan to win and admits he's excited to see it momo and choto run from behind the ice covered in cloaks eraserhead can't erase their quirks if their disguise but attacks anyway because it's a disadvantage for them as well he restrains them with his scarf but their upper bodies turn out to be just mannequins momo uses a hidden catapult to send bundled up restraining bonds at a racer head then shoto shoots out his flames to heat them up momo tells eraserhead the bonds are made from nitinol alloy which is a metal with shape memory when heated it returns to its bundled shape in an instant and ties up a racer head after the battle momo and shoto discussed how smoothly her plan went momo admits she missed the catapult trigger and eraserhead could have stopped them she claims that perhaps he allowed them to win eraserhead explains that while momo was revealed he backed off because shoto was still cloaked and could have frozen him eraserhead is handcuffed by his students and team todoroki nyayoruzu passed their final exam the following day shota announces to his class that some didn't pass their practical exam despite those who failed shoto reveals that everyone is still going to a training camp in the woods no one managed to fail the written exam but two teams and hanta all failed the practical the teachers left a window for the students to win during the practical battle and only told students they were trying to defeat them to put them on edge the training camp is meant to build student strength so those who bomb the practical need that training the most shota admits that they were never going to be separated from the others and that that was just another logical ruse tenya is upset that shota has lied to them again and asks if he fears his students losing faith in him he replies that he wasn't lying about everything those who didn't pass will undergo extra lessons that are far tougher than what they would face in summer school forest training camp park prior to summer break shota and vlad king discuss the upcoming training regiment for their students and review each of their quirks they're interrupted by denki minoru and izuku who ask for permission to use the school pool shota confirms that ua grants them permission and dismisses them when their allotted pool time ends shota kicks all of class 1a out of the pool and tells them to go home summer break begins and shota meets with class 1a outside ua high school he informs them that unlike other students they won't rest during the break and they'll train hard instead shota and his students board their bus and head to the training camp in the woods while on their way shota tries to inform the students that they won't stop in an hour but they're all fooling around and not paying him any mind shot allows their behavior to slide because he knows this will be their only time to mess around the bus stops an hour later at the top of a mountain shot announces there's no point in stopping the bus without reason and introduces the students the wild wild pussycat members mandalay and pixie bob once the students realize they have to travel to the base of the mountain on their own shota informs them that the training camp has already begun pixie bob tosses the students into beast's forest and mandalay challenges them to reach camp in three hours time mandalay questions shota's intended training schedule for the students because of its intensity shota explains that he's trying to get an entire term's worth of training into the students so they can gain provisional hero licenses and defend themselves against villains the students don't make it back to camp for several more hours shota instructs them to bathe and eat before going to sleep the next day shota makes an example of kotsuki by having him toss another ball using his quirk katsuki only manages to throw it four meters farther than he did during the fitness tests shota explains that although the students have grown on mental and technical levels their quirks haven't improved at all the training camp will emphasize expanding the students quirks shota says it'll be so hard the students will feel like they're dying and he encourages them to stay alive class 1b arrives sometime later and vlad king introduces them to the quirk training while shota and vladking discuss the extra lessons curriculum mandalay sends out a telepathic message about an attack on the training camp shoto rushes out of the building worried about the costs of a full-scale attack distracted shota doesn't notice dobby standing outside and is suddenly ambushed by a blast of blue flames shota narrowly evades the attack and uses his scarf to hang from the building's roof he erases dobby's quirk and uses the capturing weapon to pin him down shoto breaks dobby's arm while interrogating him to find out the villain's numbers and motives some of the students arrive at the facility and distract shota allowing dobby to break free shota tries to restrain him again but dabi turns out to be a clone as the clone disintegrates into a puddle dobby threatens the safety of the students shoto rushes into the forest and happens upon izuku izugu is heavily injured from combat with one of the villains izuku asks shota to look after kota izumi because he needs to give mandalay a message immediately thanks to dobby's message shota knows that the students are the targets of the attack he grants the students permission to engage the villains and defend themselves using their training he worries about izuku and his students pleading for them not to let their journeys end on this night shota and kota eventually reach the facility shota soon defeats a second double of dobby and entrusts kota's safety to sekijiro khan the class 1a students want to fight but chota prevents them from doing so since they don't have enough information on the villains shota heads towards the front lines along the way he helps rescue a few class 1v students the attack of the vanguard action squad ends and the training cap comes to an abrupt ending one day later shota and sekijiro are questioned by the police force regarding the events that transpired at the training camp hideout radar nezu shota and tsakishiro appear in ua's public apology broadcast however the apology and their safety measures are still criticized by society shota tells the reporters that he decided to let the students fight due to not knowing the full situation in order to prevent the worst possible situation from happening and as a result no students were killed which would have been the worst possible outcome in his opinion nezu states that the situation would have been much worse if tetutsu tatsutsu and itsuka kendo didn't defeat mustard nezu also says that they're seeing to the well-being of their students and have not seen any signs of emotional trauma the reporter asks the principal if ua had already failed in securing the student's well-being due to not checking kotsuki's mental instability and his villain-like performance during the sports festival remaining calm even under pressure shota answers that out of all the students kotsuki was the one who showed that his conviction to be the hero was the strongest and believes the villains to be foolish if they can think they can turn kotsuki into a villain nezu backs up shota by saying that they're working with the police force to investigate katsuki's whereabouts and promises to retrieve him after the broadcast shota nezu and sekishiro watch all might fight against all for one after all might's victory and return to ua nezu announces his plan to transition ua to a boarding school as a means to mitigate the safety issues and asks for shoto's cooperation shota and toshinari visit the homes of class 1a during the visit to kyouka's home kyoto kojiro is not too happy with ua's safety measures and has doubts in ua's ability to protect her if she were to relocate to ua's dormitories shota acknowledges that ua has been a bit negligent in its duties to safeguard its students and vows to correct this safety issue as well as promising to make kyouka into a fine hero kokotel showed her to relax as her father has already agreed to allow her to relocate to ua's dormitories during the visit to katsuki's home mitsuki bakugou is more than happy to allow her son to relocate to ui's dormitories she's confident in ue because shota sees her son for who he is instead of what he can do she also reasons that her son even though she was worried returned home safe and sound from his captors thanks to the pro heroes which is why she's confident in ua's ability to safeguard and raise her son after leaving the bakugou household shota decides to visit the other class 1a families by himself while toshinori goes to visit izuku provisional hero license exam arc 10 days before the beginning of the second semester shota is glad that everyone arrived safely he tells class 1a that at the training camp they were supposed to get their provisional hero licenses but due to the league of villains attack they didn't shota is disappointed that some of them tried to act like they had their licenses shota calls out shoto ajiro izuku momo and tenya shota tells them that he knows that they were present at the site of kotsuki's rescue and took it upon themselves to rescue him the rest of class 1a are shocked and surprised that they actually went to rescue katsuki he also knows that the rest of class 1a except katsuki toru and kyouka also knew about their plan to rescue kotsuki he explains that their actions have been covered up but tells them that if almight didn't retire he would have expelled them all as punishment with the exception of katsuki toru and kyouka shota advises them to go through the proper procedures next time which will also restore the trust between them after class 1a's mood has become better as a result of kotsuki's actions shota shows them their new dormitory heights alliance has one dorm per class and chota takes them to the class 1a dormitory shota explains that their dorm is separated by gender the right wing for females and left wing for males however the first floor is a common space and contains the dining area baths and laundry facilities class 1a takes a look at their new dorm and becomes excited about living there shota then explains that their bedrooms are on floors 2 3 4 and 5. every student gets their own private bedroom with each having an ac unit bathroom refrigerator and closet shota gives class 1a a map of their room allocations and says that the luggage has already been sent into their allocated rooms shota ends his explanation by telling class 1a to spend the rest of the day unpacking and organizing the rooms tomorrow he will explain the operations of their new lifestyle the day after shota re-emphasizes that the classes priority is earning their licenses and impresses upon them both the seriousness of the responsibilities that come with it and the difficulty of passing the exam with that said the class begins training by fighting against ectoplasm clones all might appears at the entrance of the gym shota tells him he should focus on recovering but all might replies that it's his job as a teacher to oversee the training of his students he gives out advice to the students to help them develop their special moves shoto wonders why the sudden interest in helping students until he looks on a book sticking out of almight's pocket titled even dummies can be teachers easy education theory shota is stunned four days later at gym gamma in the midst of training almight shows up and shota izawa tells him that class 1a is progressing nicely however a rock katsuki used his ap shot on cracks and begins to fall towards all might katsuki and shoto warned all might but izuku jumps out with one for all full cowl activated izuku destroys the falling wall with a single kick shot izawa asks almai to move to safety the remaining days of training came and went on the morning of the provisional hero licensing exam class 1a travels to the takuba national stadium some of class 1a are nervous but chota encourages them to do their best so that they can get their licenses and further the goal of becoming heroes aishiro gets hyped up and initiates a plus ultrachant but is interrupted when inasa yaurashi appears and chants it himself as the other students of shikatsu high school and irasa leave shota tells class 1a that the energetic student's name is inasa yaurashi and states that he's a powerful contender at uh's entrance exam the same year class 1a took it inasav received the top score and passed however despite receiving the top score inasa declined his admission offer hanta is confused as to why inasa would refuse enrollment into ua even though he admires the school shota replies that while inasa can be awkward his strength is great and warns class 1a to be careful suddenly a female hero approaches shota and states that it's been a long time since they've seen each other although shota seems upset about her presence she is emifukukado known as smile hero miss joke and tries to make him laugh and flirts with him but shota shoots down all of her advances when tsuyu comments about their closeness miss joke replies that it's because their workplaces were close to each other working together several times and ended up falling in love shota denies the part about them being lovers in order for her to stop joking shota asks her what she's doing there she replies that she's a teacher from ketsuputsu academy and she's there with her students who also participate in the exam after the students of both schools introduce each other shota tells his students to get ready for the exam and emmy asks if he told his class about something that happens every year the provisional hero license exam and shoto replies that he hasn't later watching from the bleachers miss jokes sits near shota and jokes about his fly being down to his displeasure but soon she changes the subject and remarks she's surprised that he hasn't expelled any of the students and wonders if shota likes his current class although shota is indifferent about class 1a much to miss jokes laughter the preliminary round of the provisional hero license exam begins emmy decides to bring up the piece of information that shota didn't tell his class yet miss joke says to shota that while the format changes every year one tradition remains the same in every provisional hero license exam the crushing of ua while contemplating how his students defend themselves with great efficiency from the attacks of students from other schools chota tells emmy that it didn't matter if he told them or not about the tradition of taking out ua because it wouldn't change the fact that they'd have to overcome obstacles like true heroes must do every day he also says that pro heroes quirks are also widely known and apologizes that his students are more advanced than hers as the first exam progresses and the number of participants remaining to pass it is announced shota says it's frustrating he can't tell who passes and fails the exam ms stroke wonders why he's worried shote explains that he isn't worried but has high expectations because of two of his students izuku and kotsuki having a big effect on the rest of the class they aren't leaders or the most popular but izuku and katsuki's passion inspire everyone in the class and raises the standard for success as a result of their presence shota feels that class 1a should perform spectacularly which is why he has high expectations shota continues to observe the performance of his students from the stands until the provisional hero license exam finally ends everyone in class 1a except for katsuki bakugo and shoto todoroki have managed to pass and obtain their provisional licenses after this everyone returns to ua later that night while preparing tomorrow's classes one of the security robots reports him about a fight between izuku and katsuki in ground beta and tells him to come and stop them shota leaves his room to go discipline the boys but before he can proceed further almight stops him and asks to let him handle it instead after their fight shoto restrains izuku and katsuki while scolding them for having a fight on school grounds shoto wants to punish them severely for breaking the rules but toshinori steps in and tells him the reason for the fight was brought about due to katsuki feeling guilty about his retirement although shota understands the reasons he considers that they still deserve an appropriate punishment for their transgression shota punishes them by placing them under house arrest easy good three days and katsuki four days during their house arrest shota states that they'll be cleaning the dormitory common spaces day and night and they must write a written statement of regret shota tells them that if their injuries don't heal they must go to the infirmary and they must not dare think about relying on recovery girl having criticized them enough shota tells them to go to bed in the classroom shota tells his class that starting from today they will resume normal class activities shota warns them that the training will be tougher than last semester tsuyu asks him to tell the class more about the hero work studies shota obliges describing it as hero activities done off campus closer to the real thing than the workplace training after the sports festival ochako expresses frustration at needing to work so hard to be scouted after the sports festival if they were to do internships anyway shota explains that the hero work studies are an opportunity to make use of the connections they garnered at the sports festival the hero work studies are managed at the discretion of students themselves nowadays because in the past each office would conduct their own recruiting efforts which would cause them to fight over ui students since most of them have provisional hero licenses class 1a can now participate in formal longer term activities shota tells class 1a that they'll be expected to write about their experiences but he'll explain it at a later time shota says that they'll learn more details later and introduces present mike to teach the first period english shota also instructs his students not to share any information to izuku or kotsuki until their punishments are over shie hasaikai arc three days later just when izuku's house arrest ends and he can return to class shota decides to properly talk about the hero work studies he brings in three third year students who have experience with work studies and rank among the top of all ua medio togota tamaki amaziki and negire hado known as the big three chota asks the three students to introduce themselves but each one acts in a disconcerting and bizarre way only managing to confuse the students of class 1a who wonder if they're really the best in uae chota sees that ua's big three lacks rationality mediotogata tells him not to worry as he's the star performer today meteo steps in and tries to break the ice with a joke but no one in class 1a understands his joke meteo insists that the best way for the first year students to learn about work studies is to fight him much to class 1a surprise shota tells meteo to do as he pleases everyone moves to gymgama where class 1a save for shoto and katsuki go against a lone mirio all at once class 1a students attack mirio but he skillfully using a combination of his quirk and technique defeats half of class 1a within a few minutes shota tells class 1a to take this great opportunity and learn from it because as he knows it mirio togata is the closest man to becoming the number one hero which includes the pro heroes as well which shocks the rest of class 1a shoto is astonished and surprised at the level of great strength myriotogates displayed shota aizawa asks shoto why he's not fighting and the student replies it's because he didn't earn a provisional hero license and feels that he doesn't have the right to engage muriel in combat meanwhile the fight continues mirio defeats them all without any problems while class 1a recovers mirio states that the reason he wanted to fight class 1a is to show the experience he gained from the hero work studies mario was able to transform his quirk and reach the top class 1a begins to see the hero work studies are different from the field training they went through next day shota tells class 1a that the majority of teachers have voted against the hero work studies and have called it off this news saddens class 1a however shota says that the first years will be allowed to have hero internships with offices that have a good track record izuku ochako suyu ajiro and fumikage are the only students who decide to participate weeks later shota is invited to a meeting regarding the shiihasaikai in sir night eyes offices tsarnaedi reveals that he called for this meeting to share information as well as to discuss how to proceed in dealing with an organization named shiisaikai thanks to the information all the heroes provided him with sir knight i was able to make substantial progress with his investigation they had recently discovered that shiihasaikai had contacted the league of villains although apparently a dispute between the two groups broke out continuing to explain about the latest movement of shiisaikai the criminal organization had been selling illegal drugs for economic benefits however the most alarming thing is that a band faced by the fat gum group used a bullet that contained a drug that breaks quirks tamaki was shot with one of these bullets and couldn't use his cork for a while but thankfully tamaki was able to naturally recover shota izawa explains that tamaki's quirk injury is different from his erasure as he doesn't attack quirks shota explains that a quirk is born after a human's body structure is specially altered by plus alpha in it the plus alpha in the quirk is called the quark factor shota explains that his erasure momentarily halts the activation of the quirk factor which allows him to cancel other people's quirks his erasure can't damage the quirk factor sir knight eye explains that kai chisaki the leader of the shiihasaikai has a quirk called overhaul kai's quirk gives him the ability to disassemble and reassemble objects he also explains that chiseki has a daughter arie she had no birth certificate and details about her are unknown tsrnidai explains that kai is probably using his daughter to make those quirk destroying bullets which disgusts everyone after discussing the matter further and clarifying that the objective will be to rescue the girl sir nidai ends the meeting with the meeting over isiko and mirio explained to their classmates what occurred between them and chisaki and eri shota spots his class 1a students and talks to them about originally suspending their hero works since the league of villains is involved however knowing that if he tries to stop izukum he would go to rescue arie sota gives izukun the others permission to take part in aries rescue operation after several days of waiting the police and hero operation is finally organized to raid the shii saikai headquarters to rescue arie and arrest overhaul shota is part of the main assault group led by sir night i at 8 30 am the heroes and police force are outside the shia saikai headquarters and commence the operation suddenly they're attacked by rikiya katsukame but ryukyu's group decide to take care of him while the rest enter the mansion the heroes are defeating and arresting the subordinates who try to stop them until they reach a room that connects with the underground roots that the yakuza uses to escape sir nadai's group head down towards the basement but are surprised to see a wall that overhaul created with his quirk to block them the heroes destroy the wall but at a moment mimik general manager of shia saikai uses his quark mimicry to alter the walls and manipulate the underground labyrinth fatgum asks shota to disable mimik's quirk but shota is unable to since he can't see mimic's body mirio decides to go on ahead and phases through the walls while mimic causes the floor to open up beneath the heroes causing the heroes to fall down a single floor where three members of the chiehasaikai are waiting for them tamaki declares to the rescue team that they'll take care of the yakuza while the rest must keep up with the raid to help him a little shota uses his erasure to nullify the quirks of the eight bullets and leaves tabe unconscious leaving tamaki behind to take care of the yakuza the group continues to advance along the underground route after a while shota aizaw is concerned that mimik hasn't made a single move against them yet as he feared mimik attacks them again with a piece of manipulated wall although this time he directs his attacks specifically against shota trying to separate him from the group by throwing him into another room where more members of the saikai are waiting for him however fatgum shoves shota out of the way because the heroes need him with fat gum ending up in another room show to iza was annoyed that he can't see mimic's real body suddenly the walls open up izuku charges forward but shoto stops him izukun shota find themselves separated from sir knight eye's group sir nidai and a group of police force officers are concealed in one space izukun shota in another and rocklock a hero who had been with them since the mission began in his own space raglock is attacked by himakotoga and hearing his cry deku destroys the wall that separates them izuku and shota see rock lock on the ground and another rock lock near him rocklock tells them that an impostor appeared and tried to attack them shota goes to check on the imposter and quickly realizes that it's a trap he quickly uses his erasure on the other rock lock when he's ready to stab deku revealing that he's actually himiko toga in disguise shota uses his capture weapon on himiko but she quickly avoids being captured stabbing shota in the back in the process fortunately the wound isn't serious but himiko manages to escape shota berates himself for being careless and not thinking there would be any casualties and is surprised that tomorrow shigaraki and his league of villains would side with kai chisaki himiko and twice start their bad mouthing of the yakuza hisaikai and its members which enrages mimic causing him to start manipulating the maze in a chaotic fashion his yells of rage are heard by shotandeku and the latter manages to discern mimic's location izuku activates one for all full cowl and smashes the ceiling revealing the real mimic shota immediately uses his erasure to disable joy's mimicry and sir knight eye throws his hyper-density seals into mimic's face which knocks him out having dealt with and defeated joy irinaka the heroes and police force decide on their next course of action rocklock tells them to leave the league of villains to the police force while sir knight i izuku and shota go ahead and rescue arie with mimik defeated the underground labyrinth can no longer be modified the three arrive at mirio overhaul and aries location once the three arrive at the location shota tells cernai to secure arie and help mirio while he and deku face kai the leader of the shiihasaikai tries using his quirk but to no avail as shota has disabled it with his quirk cornered with nowhere to run a distressed chisaki yells at chronostasis shota notices something approaching them and pushes izuku aside shota's shoulder is struck by a minute hand that's emanating from chronostasis head shota is forced to blink due to the cut from chronostasis which allows chisaki to use his quirk again deconstructing and rebuilding the room in which they're in stalling izuku and shota while deku and sir knight eye fight overhaul shota is taken by cronustasis to an isolated room where he's blindfolded shota tries moving but the villain explains to him that it's useless because he's injured him with his quirk causing him to move slower than a snail shot has been hit by the one hour hand so his movements will be slowed for an hour chronostasis tells him that the reason he keeps him alive is due to kaichisaki's interest in quark erasing powers like shot as erasure chronostasis becomes worried that overhaul might be defeated thinking that the finished product and serum is more important than shotaizaw's quirk he prepares to execute him fortunately he's saved by tamaki amaziki when he turns his hand into a swordfish and pierces hari's hand tamaki is accompanied by several policemen who arrest kurono tsuyu asuy appears from behind and asks tamaki to come with her to the surface she also carries shota once up they discovered that izugu had managed to defeat kai shisaki with aries help suddenly after the victory aries quirk starts going out of control which is about to kill deku with the help of tsuyu shota uses his erasure on arie to deactivate her quirk and save izuku the police raid ends successfully the shii hasaikai is dismantled and all its members arrested eri is rescued and the police confiscate overhaul's experiments including the quark destroying drug as well as the serum however many of the heroes who participated in the operation were injured in the clashes some seriously so they were taken to the nearest university hospital shoto got 10 stitches due to himiko's stab but fortunately his wound is nothing serious he goes to check izuku who's also fine while walking through the hallway shot apologizes to him for not being with him during the critical moments of the battle before going on to explain the conditions of the heroes although with different severity no one has life-threatening injuries and they'll all recover in time however shota explains that aries still hasn't woken up also she's currently in quarantine because her quirk is too dangerous and she can't control it properly so he tells izuku that they can't rely on aries quirk they meet all might night eyes sidekicks and recovery girl and a surgeon gives them the bad news the wounds that sir night i suffered during the fight against kai proved to be too serious and unfortunately there's nothing they can do for him everyone goes to sir nitei's room and soon miriatogata joins them in his last moment sir nighteye says goodbye to everyone sir knight eye passes away peacefully after telling everyone to keep smiling as society needs smiles and laughs to bring about a brighter future some time later shota spoke with mirio and told him of a possibility of aaron getting control of her quirk in the future which will allow her to be able to restore him to a state where he had his quirk the next day after watching in the news that the league of villains attacked the police escort stealing court destroying drugs and mutilating kaichisaki shota aizawa tells izuku not to feel responsible for it remedial course arc shocha has a conversation with ochako who feels guilty for being unable to save sir nadai's life but chota izawa replied that she bears no responsibility and the fault lies with the heroes asking her to take time and think about what she wants to do in the future ochako replies that she wants to save people later shota and his students end up returning to ua but he must return to the hospital to keep an eye on arie since he is the only one who can prevent ares quirk from going out of control again because of this all might and present mike must replace him to accompany shoto and katsuki to the provisional hero license course training with the beginning of october shota attends sir night eye's funeral ua school festival arc in class 1a shota announces that ua will be having a school festival and explains that the school festival is sponsored by the other departments such as the general department however shota points out that part of the festival will be within ua and tells class 1a to pick out a program to perform at the school festival before class ends chota tells class 1a to make a decision by tomorrow otherwise the class will be doing a public lecture shota tells izuku that arie has requested to see him and mirio the two boys visit erie in the hospital rejoicing that she's well but from the conversation they have they realize that arie is unable to smile then izuku has an idea and asks shota if arie can come to the school festival chota agrees with the idea and phones nezu to get his approval days later while students in class 1a practice for their performance at the school festival they're visited by arie and mirio shota izawa states that they received permission from nezu to bring arie to the school festival although he recommends that they first take the girl to visit the school so that she gradually gets used to the festive atmosphere when it's the day of the school festival shota and miriam bring arie back to ua the girl is a little nervous about everything before the dance begins the three go to visit class 1a where they're told that izuku wasn't there at the time and that he'd left uee to run errands for some reason and was taking longer than he should fortunately izuku arrives on time class 1a's performance goes without incident and izuku's plan is successful since arie is able to smile again after the dance shota deku mario and others accompany arie to enjoy the rest of the festival's events until it ends and she must return to the hospital pro hero arc as november comes to a close at ua in the lounge shoto reveals the izuku ajiro ochako and tsuyu that eri will be looked after by ua shota states that the decision for ua to look after her is because she doesn't have anyone who can take care of her and he's the only one who can prevent her quirk from going out of control again myria will also be helping him to take care of arie and welcomes class 1a to visit her once in a while since they'll all be busy then chota tells his students to return to the dormitories as they'll have visitors which turns out to be the pussycats after the hero billboard charge ap the city is attacked by a special nomu as it's much more powerful than all seen so far and capable of reasoning at ue shota along with other teachers watches a report of the nomutak and is horrifies as it shows endeavour being overwhelmed by the nomu's attack shota finds shoto watching the report with his friends worried about his father and encouraging him to keep fighting endeavour stands up victorious and choto collapses to his knees relieved his father is still alive shota stands over him as he prayed for his father dabi appears before endeavor and hawks and showed her comments on his actions three days later after endeavour leaves the hospital shota accompanies shoto to his home when he's granted permission to leave school grounds and be with his family fuyumi invites shota to come in too but he respectfully declines joint training arc as izuku and toshinori are walking down the hallway they run into shota and hitoshi walking out of a room he comments on izuku and toshinori's close relationship and tells toshinori to calm down when he acts flustered he then tells izuku to suit up as they have a busy day ahead when he arrives at ground gamma he uses his capturing weapon to choke nato in the middle of a rant and announces that hitoshi is trying to join the hero department and will be joining their exercise shota asks satoshi to introduce himself to the other students and helps vlad king explain the rules of the joint training battle shota watches silently during hitoshi's first battle of the exercise after the first battle ends shota asks his students to state what they've learned during the exercise when hitoshi expresses his frustration about the difficulties with the capturing weapon shota reassures hitoshi by pointing out that it took him six years to master the weapon and tells him to use his feelings as motivation in the next battle he then advises the rest of the team about how to improve for the future when kaminari and several other class 1a students protest vlad's bias commentary during the start of the fourth battle shota tells them to stop reminding them that their losses would be serious in the real world and that the class 1b students have had better tactics after class 1a's victory in the fourth battle shota complimented his students on their teamwork then rejoin toshinori midnight and vlad to watch the final battle as the final battle of the exercise progresses shota watches with shock as a strange black substance appears from izuku's arm once the crisis is averted chota asks that the battle be allowed to continue despite vlad's protests as the students still want to fight while watching the fight between izuku and hitoshi shota expresses confusion when isiku uses blackwhip properly for the first time and comments when it disappears after the end of the battle hitoshi once again laments his performance and asks if this was his exam to which shota avoids the question and announces the assessments he asks izuku about his outburst during the battle and complements ochako's growth when hitoshi continues to berate himself shota briefly chokes him with his weapon and reminds him that the other students went through a lot of training to achieve their skills telling him to focus on improving himself shota announces that hitoshi has passed his test the next day showed to presents his case for hitoshi's transfer to the other faculty members and earns nezu's approval after the meeting as they're walking down the hall present mike notes the similarities between hitoshi and shota in his younger years shota requests that if he wants to say something he should keep it short as shota has somewhere to be present mike evades the question saying he's just reminiscing later shota meets eddie nato izuku and mirio outside of the teacher dorms and explains he wants nato to copy erie's rewind quirk deku and mirio are with her since shota didn't want to leave erie alone with nato in case his eccentric personality could affect her mental health negatively nato attempts to copy aries quirk he grows the horn that's required for its usage but says that he's incapable of using the quirk itself because it's an accumulation type quirk nato apologizes for not being able to help more but shota thanks him for trying shota explains to murio and izuku that as arie doesn't understand how to properly use her quirk he hoped that nato's copy quirk would help her and make it easier for her to learn it as well eri feels sad and apologizes for causing everyone trouble saying everyone would be better off if she didn't have her ability but izuku encourages her and tells her he's sure that she'll learn to control her powers to help others arie says that she'll try her best after all my hero academia heroes rising during the fall shota izawa informed the class 1a students that they'll participate in the hero work recommendation program a new program sponsored by the hero public safety commission to help with their training after everyone obtained their provisional licenses he explains that they'll perform heroes duties on nabu island a remote place in southern japan acting as their own ua agency without the aid of any teacher although their work would involve mostly minor deeds due to the island's relatively low crime rate weeks go by and shortly after winter begins class 1a is sent to nabu island at ua all might worries about whether they'll be okay shota assures toshinori that he shouldn't be concerned as naboo island is a quiet place where there have been no incidents involving villains in the past 30 years and the student should be relatively safe from any significant threats unfortunately his words prove wrong as the island is attacked by the villain 9 and his gang although the students managed to defeat him and send an sos shortly after class 1a emerged victorious over the threat a field force of professional heroes and the military arrived on nabu island shota is one of the heroes who arrived to the island to help his students and provide first aid after several weeks helping with the repairs everyone returns to ua paranormal liberation war arc winter break ends and students return to ua high school after tanya greets his classmates in the classroom and tells everyone to head to ground alpha shota comes in and tells everyone to get moving where mina greets him a happy new year then the loudspeaker informs him to go to the faculty office once there he and present mike are informed of an important discovery about the villain kurugiri that agitates them and makes them leave the school to go to tartarus once in prison chota and hizashi meet with naomasa and gran torino who remind them that nomu are created by modifying human bodies but their hearts and brains are all twisted so they're not considered living beings but mere puppets at least that's what they initially believed gran torino adds chota tells gran torino to get to the point to which now masa tells him that saying this is necessary to prepare themselves mentally the four enter kurogiri cell the old hero and detective explained that they interrogated kurugiri several times but never obtained any relevant information about the league of villains however upon studying him they discovered relevant data kuragiri's quirk is in fact a culmination of multiple quark factors combined into something new and the root factor bears a striking resemblance to a quirk used by an old friend of the two pro heroes with this they conclude that kurogiri is a nomu created with the corpse of shotan hizashi's friend obaroshirokumo naomasa and gran torino explained that they failed trying to obtain information from kurogiri but they hope that due to their friendship with oburo both hizashi and chota can awaken the consciousness of their former friend from kurugiri shota says that if they think they can save him through their bonds they're getting their hopes up gran torino replies that with a strong enough basis miracles can be possible hizashi questions if it should be obero's family instead of them to which naomasa says that they'll contact them if he and shota fails shota says he'll be damned to let obaro's parents learn of this stuff shota and hizashi enter the visiting room to talk to kurogiri shota uses his erasure on the villain but the black fog doesn't vanish kurigiri only asks about tomorrow's well-being and hisashi yells at him that watching over him is a stupid job only to notice shota's saddened expression shota starts talking to kurigiri about moments when he was obero like when they met for the first time when he picked up a straight kitten that shot left behind or when he lent his goggles to protect his eyes kurigiri questions what he's talking about while shota kept saying that obado kept pushing forward without thinking of the consequences even though death meant the ant for him shota yells that he wants people like obero to become heroes who can pull other people along and live long lives he shows his goggles to kurogiri and yells to him with tears in his eyes that if oburo is still in there then they should strive to be heroes again together despite kudagiri's resistance shota's words begin to awaken obro's consciousness within him finally the black fog that forms kurigiri's head scatters enough to show the shadowed face of oberoshirokumo obero tries to call shota who asks him to keep fighting obero says hospital before the fog hides his face again and kuragiri falls unconscious now masa congratulates both heroes for the help hizashi cares about shota since having used his erasure for so long must have affected his eyes shota tells him that it doesn't matter that they're dried out while he cries later at the prison front door shotain hizashi say goodbye to naomasa and gran torino shota would have liked to have been more helpful but the detective corrects him telling him that they've made progress thanks to them gran torino apologizes for having forced them to reopen an old wound but something's bound to come of it when shoto wonders why all for one creates the nomu gran torino recalls a metaphor told to by the villain in which he compares the creation of the nomu as producing wine once in the teacher's dorms at heights alliance shotan present mike dejectedly talk about recent events shota expresses his distrust of the hero public safety commission suggesting that they must know something's up due to their insistence on students participating in work studies something hizashi agrees with shota changes the subject asking hizashi what he would do if they were to discover where the nomu are being made hizashi angrily gives a sarcastic response before turning the question on chota before he can answer miriotogata and tamaki amajiki interrupt rushing in to tell them that arie is unwell arriving at her room shota discovers nejire hado holding a crying airy who complains about her horn feeling weird shota erases her quirk and gently pats her on the head telling her not to worry at night shorter finds all might sitting outside asking him what he's doing to which almight says he isn't doing much he asks about arie to which shota tells him she's asleep and he'll start training her this week almight offers his help to which shota appreciates he then asks what's bothering all might to which he says that while he has decided to live he can't help but feel powerless when he sees how much they've developed shota tells him that's because he bore the title of symbol of peace for so long it's hard for him to accept that there are so many other things he can do for the students such as being there for them and to keep being the person he knows he is almight accepts the advice while asking what shota wanted to which he tells him that now must have sent a message to him asking for him to delay his meeting with stain several months pass until it's the end of march it turns out that the word hospital they got from obero turned out to be an essential clue in the investigation carried out by the hero public safety commission who have hawks infiltrate the paranormal liberation front the new villain organization that emerged from the union of the league of villains and the metal liberation army for several months hawks leaks essential information about the plf to the commission hideouts members plans strength structure etc and most importantly the location of its leader tomorrow shigaraki in the jakku general hospital therefore the commission organized a large force of pro-heroes to take down the paranormal liberation front the day before the raid was set to commence shota and eri who are accompanied by izuku otako and tsuyu are approached by mirio with tamaki who reveals he learned about the plans for the raid from bubble girl he wants to be of health to everyone and knowing about the progress erie has made mastering her quirk asks if she can use it on him to restore his quirk shota allows her to do so and arie happily accepts because it's the reason she's wanted to control it in the first place it's a success and muriel gets his quirk back on the big day shota joins a team of heroes led by endeavour in charge of storming the hospital the raid of the jakku general hospital begins and the heroes quickly encounter dr garaki in the corridors of the hospital kyudai is a gas that the unexpected appearance of the heroes and tries to flee but shota stumbles him with his capturing quirk and uses his erasure on him proving kyudai has a longevity quirk shota ties up kyudai with his binding weapon and declares that this is revenge for everyone the doctors messed with suddenly several nomuts tear through the floor and kill kyudai who turns out not to be the real doctor but a clone created with double the real kyudai gataki is in his secret lab and releases a horde of nomu to fight the heroes as he tries to wake up tomorrow from his stasis the hospital soon becomes a battlefield with heroes and creatures fighting through hospital wards and corridors although some heroes like mirko and crust manage to go ahead and storm the laboratory where they have to face several high-end nomu after getting rid of minor nomu shota present mike and endeavour run to the laboratory to assist them in battle while the rest of the heroes are in charge of defeating the rest of the creatures and evacuating the civilian hospital first they meet crust and three more heroes fighting against the haya nomu that blocks the entrance to the lab shota uses his erasure to cancel the nomu's quirk and remove him from the entrance so they can enter the lab and help mirko against three other high-ends the woman high-end takes notice of racer head's quirk and avoids his gaze as a racerhead wonders if the high-end figured out his erasure after getting far enough away from the heroes woman combines her liquefication and rupture quirks to unleash multiple shots of liquid at the heroes having to be protected by crust and his shield quark during the confrontation mirko manages to damage the capsule in which tomber is located before being injured and violently pushed back by one of the high end despite her injuries she yells at her allies that take down kyudai and they can't let tomorrow awaken no matter what the fight continues and shota continues to use his quirk to nullify the high ends until reinforcements arrive he remembers how woman escaped his eyesight and is probably fighting endeavor and as much as he wants to go after it he can't go deeper into the lab because he's currently holding three of them back he yells to exless and present mike to go on ahead of him one high-end tries to stop them but is hit by a super move by crust shota tells present mike that he's counting on him as he makes his way through the lab with his voice quirk present mike shatters tomorrow's capsule completely before dr garaki wakes him up shortly after punching the door himself in retaliation for the damage he has done especially to his friends the reinforcements finally arrive and overwhelm the high ends declaring that they finally win despite having previously verified that his heart wasn't beating tomorrow shigeraki awakens seeing the situation he immediately uses his decay which spreads rapidly izuku overhears the conversation and quickly realizes that tomra has not only sensed him but plans on coming towards him izuku is quick to leave the city in order to protect his friends and the civilians being followed by katsuki izuku then uses the private channel to explain to endeavor and everyone who's listening that he is tomar's target tomra catches up to izuku and katsuki and before they can fight gran torino appears and takes the boys away while ryukyu attacks tomorrow shota emerges from the dust cloud to cancel tomer's quirk allowing riku to knock tomorrow into the air shota asks himself why deku and katsuki are there wondering if tomar is after them thinking back to krust and his friend oberoshirokumo shota understands that they had sacrificed their lives so that he can be there to face tomorrow he says out loud to tomorrow that he won't allow him to lay a rotten finger on his students tomorrow simply replies to him how cool he is things get more complicated when tomorrow unleashes the surviving nomus known as the near high ends which distract most of the remaining pro heroes while tomorrow uses the opportunity to get rid of shota himself he thinks to himself how he can't die because without him there will be no one left to hold tomorrow back and that there's still so much he has to teach his students thinking about izuku katsuki and everyone else in class 1a plus hitoshi as he grabs the knife preparing to fight he's surprised by the sudden reappearance of izuku and katsuki halting tomorrow izuku says that with tomorrow's quirks erased they can join the fight without worry of getting their quirks stolen especially with the rest of the pros busy with the near high ends and that losing their teacher is the worst case scenario and that it's their turn to save the teacher that has watched over them for so long shota is shocked and touched by this declaration endeavor gran torino izuku and katsuki continue their assault on tomara while protecting shota despite all the beatings tomara still manages to remain conscious and fights back with shota barely able to keep his eyes open and focused while rock lock and manual try to find some cover for him tomorrow manages to get a fatal punch right into gran torino's chest before he once again jumps away heading right for shota ryukyu tries to halt him with her dragon hand but he punches a hole right through it anyway an enraged izuku shows up completely binding him with black whip to keep him steady while endeavour prepares to attack but unbeknownst to everyone tomara has in his possession two quark erasing bullets one of which is pointed directly at chota ryukyu notices the one in his hand warning the others about it with izuku attempting to stop him with a smash but while one is destroyed by katsuki the other tomorrow successfully shoots through the hole in uruku's hand directly hitting shota in the leg however thanks to the yuki's warning and thinking about arie shota is able to quickly and rationally use his knife to slice his leg off to prevent the rest of the drug from spreading the completely disfigured tomara can only respond that shota really is pretty cool despite this tomorrow manages to use a shockwave to propel him forward away from everyone grabbing hold of shota's face ready to crush it just then he's saved by shoto todoroki using his ice to halt him in place while izuku provides tomorrow with a punch to the gut before going to make sure shota is all right however shota finally succumbs to the pain closing his eyes as he's knocked unconscious rock lock and manual tend to shoot his wounds using his binding cloth with the former telling izuku to run now that erasure is no longer in effect but an even more enraged isuku refuses to stand down izuku then realizes that tomorrow's body is incomplete and can't handle the full power of all for one so before he can execute another decay shock wave towards everyone izuku leaps into the air utilizing blackwhip and his newly unlocked float to bring everyone with him away from the destruction he returns the rest back to the ground while izuku keeps tomorrow in the air to prevent him from using decay again tanya ida and neshirehado show up to join the fight helping rock lock and manual escort the critically injured shota gran torino and ryukyu off the battlefield who are taken in and treated for their injuries alongside most of the other critically injured participants in the war he's taken to the central hospital to be treated after a couple of days he's regained consciousness alongside a visiting present mic with his right eye bandaged up alongside his cut off right leg the doctor tells him that he and the others would have ended up much worse if it wasn't for those who prioritized their safety during this recovery period the two learned that one of the fatalities during the war was midnight with present mike mourning over her and shota asking how everyone else is doing in the aftermath of all the events with the cities erupting into chaos and after many pro heroes have retired shota is one of the only ones with the resolve to continue fighting did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos i'm adrian thanks for watching
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 583,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shota Aizawa, Eraser Head, Aizawa, Erasure Hero, Izuku, Midoriya, Deku, Quirk, All Might, Shoto, Todoroki, My Hero Academia, MHA, Pro Hero, Rei, Endeavor, Inasa, Eraserhead, Eijiro, Eri, Katsuki Bakugo, Fumikage Tokoyami, Denki Kaminari, Dabi, Tamaki Amajiki, Kyoka, Tsuyu Asui, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hitoshi Shinso, Ochaco, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Katsuki, Ochako, Melissa, five
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 35sec (4535 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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