The Life Of Endeavor: Enji Todoroki (My Hero Academia)

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the life of ng todoroki endeavor my hero academia ng todoroki also known as the flame hero endeavor is the pro hero with the highest tally resolved cases in history husband terey todoroki and father of toya fuyumi natsuo and shoto todoroki following almight's retirement ng temporarily became the number one hero after being the number two hero for a very long time and after the latest hero billboard jp announcement officially became the number one hero welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of enji todoroki before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing a hundred thousand followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background ng todoroki desired to be the top hero and dedicated most of his life to it and at age 20 he already climbed to the number two position however almight was always the most popular hero and eventually ng realized the gap was way too big and began to hold a sense of fear and begrudging respect towards the latter despite his efforts he couldn't surpass all might so he decided to change strategy and conceive a child powerful enough to fulfill his goal in his place for that reason ng married rey himura after negotiating with her family to a quirk marriage in order to get his hands on her ice quirk and she attempted to conceive and raise a child strong enough to usurp all might despite being an arranged marriage angie really had feelings for rey and so the first few years went well when he was 22 years old their first son toya was born with a fire quirk that was even more powerful than ng's hellflame quirk despite not inheriting his mother's ice core to overcome the downside of overheating he still planned on raising him to be a hero he still sought a child who would inherit the quirks of fire and ice and rey wanted more children believing they could encourage each other which ultimately led to fuyumi's birth sadly she only inherited rey's ice quirk but he was still happy either way because he felt that since toya had more potential he could place all his ambitions on him however his plans were cut short when he discovered that toya inherited the weak constitution of his mother ray todoroki which made him vulnerable to heat and therefore limiting the use of his fire quirk causing burns on his skin if he abused it no longer wanting to train him and being unable to make toy himself quit ng decided to have more children hoping toya would finally give up on his ambition to become a hero which ultimately led to the birth of his third child natsuo and eventually shoto it's implied that around that time endeavour's obsession with conceiving the perfect child who would inherit both his health flame quark and rey's ice quirk grew and show signs of his attitude and relationship towards his family beginning to worsen angie eventually found his masterpiece in his fourth child shoto pushing aside and ignoring the rest of his children who he deemed as failures this rejection especially affected his firstborn toyah who was secretly training to regain his father's affection engie told him to stop because he's hurting himself and advised him to look beyond the world of being a hero and do things like play with his siblings or make friends at school crying toyah replied he can't after all he was the one who lit the fire in him to surpass almight teaching him to never give up when the rest of the family came to see what was happening toya tells his father to look at him as he charged with his flames activated at his mother carrying an infant choto he was stopped before he could hurt anyone but after toyah's outburst angie decided to ban the other siblings from interacting with choto so he can focus on his training and entrusted rey to look after toyah when rey said that all toya wants is for his father to acknowledge him anji replied that all he can show anyone is the world of heroes to which rey scathingly replied that he's just running away from his problems when chouteau was five years old angie began training him to become hero however the training was harsh and detestable rey tried to defend shoto saying that he was too young but angie refused to listen and ordered her to stay out of his way hitting her for interfering angie also prevented shoto from interacting with his older brothers and sister meanwhile toya continued to train in secret until one day during the winter season he got his fire cork to grow stronger shortly afterwards excited to show his father how he had developed toya asked him to come to sekito peak the next time he had a day off angie however lifted up his shirt and saw his burn scars angry that toya had been training again but his son was adamant that he was destined for greatness and determined to make his father proud of him frustrated angie ignored his eldest son's pleas and hit rey for not stopping toya causing shoto to yell at him to not bully her angie told his youngest son to stay out of it rey confessed to her husband that she couldn't stop toya his worsening behavior began to affect rey to the point that she began to see her husband's face in her children until one day she snapped and threw boiling water at choto's face after this incident angie had her admitted to a mental hospital after learning of this shoutout angrily blamed him for what happened to his mother shortly after rey's hospitalization toya went back to sekutopique expecting his father to come to see his new powers but he didn't appear at the time ng thought it would only throw fuel onto toyah's ambitions but in truth he didn't know what to say to him either way his not showing up caused toya to lose control of his flames resulting in a massive wildfire ng could only watch from afar the massive fire and horror knowing toyo was there when the fire was extinguished enji was among the burnt trees in the aftermath looking for toya but couldn't find him he was believed to have been burned alive from the flames exceeding 2000 degrees celsius since only his lower jawbone was ever found his death affected his family especially his mother rey whose mental state had already been harshly affected by her husband's past abuses and his brother natsuo who still considers his father responsible for toyah's demise the family installed the bhutsudan buddhist altar in his former room after his passing and still send their prayers to him even enji is seen praying at it saying that he regrets the loss of his eldest son engie didn't stop obsessing over shoto after killing toya at some point in his career as a hero he arrested hawks's father who was a notorious criminal vigilante's beginning arc angie is involved in a series of villain attacks caused by a criminal organization known as the villain factory whose goals are unknown for several weeks the villain factory was dedicated to distributing through narahata streets a truck known as trigger an illegal substance that boosts quirks but turns its consumers into violent instant villains one day one of the factory's agents kuwin hachitsuka uses her queen bee quirk to inject the drug into innocent civilians turning them into a horde of instant villains causing chaos at the streets suddenly endeavour and several other heroes such as almight air jet ingenium midnight eraserhead and several others appear and suppress all the instant villains in a short space of time sky egg arc on the occasion of captain celebrity's return to the united states makoto sukauchi decides to organize a farewell show at the tokyo sky egg inviting several of japan's most famous heroes to participate but endeavour rejects the invitation considering the event absurd final performance arc about three years after the sky egg bombing kazuho hanayama better known as the freelance idol pop step had been kidnapped and turned into the host for the queen bee by the villain number six renaming herself b-pop she used several bombies in her performance to terrorize and blow up parts of naruhata on the day b-pop attacked again endeavour had been called to deal with her on top of a building endeavour listens to b-pop's new song inferno and expresses his displeasure at the song to detective naomasa who's next to him endeavour then angrily declares to take action and give b-pop a first-hand taste of a real inferno now masa reminds endeavor that their goal is to capture b-pop but endeavour deems b-pop too dangerous as she has a quirk powerful enough to blow up the town with ease therefore endeavour decides that the best course of action is to annihilate her with a wide-scale assault leaving naomasa in shock once the flaming sidekickers send up signal flames after evacuating the citizens in the area endeavour prepares to use his health flame cork without worry now masa calls out endeavour to wait but the hero has already started his assault with his super move karmic ray's hellfire storm sending an intense flaming tornado towards b-pop despite launching a seemingly crude attack endeavour is actually controlling the tornado to minimize damage to the city little by little the bees begin to explode due to the intense heat of the flames and b-pop seems to be unable to react in time to her incoming flaming demise suddenly burnin yells out for endeavour who irritatingly cancels his attack angry he yells out to naomasa thinking that everyone had been ordered to get out and asks him why there's a twig of a hero in his way now masa realizes that this twig of a hero chasing after b-pop is none other than the narahata vigilante koichi haimawari the crawler enraged endeavour claims that the vigilante is nothing more than a hero wannabe without a license and declares the crawler to be nothing more than another villain endeavour begins to suffer from fatigue due to overusing his quirk a group of heroes come to his aid and extinguish his body with fire hoses now musso arrives and sees the hero slowing down in momentum and warns others to pull back as b-pop is headed their way with her explosions endeavour angrily declares that he will burn everything down including b-pop and the crawler by the time endeavour recovers from his fatigue koichi had managed to break popstep out of the queen b's control however popstep had been shot with a bullet by number six which would order the bombies and queen b to explode koichi begins to run away from number six who's pretending to be a hero named o'clock 2. with the latter pursuing him as the bees behind him explode up ahead koichi number 6 notice endeavour who's ready to resume his confrontation endeavour notices that the crawler is carrying an injured pop step so as long as he's carrying her the crawler can only hop around endeavour states that koichi won't get away and that he's just an almighty wearing punk koichi realizing that he has no other choice decides that he can't stop or waste time to save pop step number six who had yet to be noticed by endeavor tries to use this situation in his favor by killing koichi when he leaves the main street into an alley to the villain surprise koichi neither stops nor swerves and instead dives right into endeavor seeing the crawler darting straight towards him endeavour starts shooting fireballs at him to which koichi dodges as best he can at one point while dodging a fireball causes koichi's hood to fly up enraged by seeing the antennas which resemble all might endeavour uses his super move raging assault hell minefield the ground begins to explode from the attack forcing koichi and number six to jump and dodge the ground level attack number six while in midair thinks he's managed to get to safety but then endeavour lets off a huge explosion which takes out all of the bees number six realizes too late that endeavour's move is a two-folded attack and begins to get burnt in mid-air meanwhile koichi manages to float above the flames thanks to his quirk's sliding glide and the energy at his feet began to transform allowing the vigilante to blast off and fly into the sky leaving everyone dumbfounded with no intention of letting them escape endeavour hurries towards the place where he saw the crawler land once there he finds midnight holding an unconscious be pop in her arms with her are her sidekicks as well as a trio of young men midnight explains to endeavor that the villain be pop has been captured and that she urgently needs medical care endeavor then asks her about the crawler and midnight replies that he managed to run away endeavour ponders for a few seconds and allows them to take pop to the hospital he's sure that there's something bigger in the whole thing and that kazuho may have answers so he needs her alive to be able to interrogate her when he's left alone in an alley he tries to find some clues about the vigilantes but he finds that there's no one there and leaves the place but not before crushing a water pipe to cool his fire down frustrated that the crawler has managed to escape in the aftermath of the incident endeavour is credited for taking down pop step although his actions were met with mixed reactions by the public entrance exam arc endeavour's photos posted on a billboard screen when pro heroes unite to fight a giant enemy he's later seen in a television ad for ua high school he's first mentioned in a list of notable ua alumni ua sports festival arc endeavour comes up in a conversation between fans about how his son is participating in the ua sports festival when the cavalry battle begins endeavour watches furiously from the bleachers as shoto tells his team that he never uses his left side in combat endeavour continues watching the sports festival while shoto and his team battle team midoriya for the 10 million points that would win the cavalry battle he notes that izuku midoriya is exploiting shoto's weakness by keeping to his left side and says shoto is foolish for allowing his opponent to do so during the intermission following the cavalry battle almight greets endeavor in a stairwell almight says that they haven't spoken to each other in 10 years and he wants to catch up endeavour angrily tells him to get lost and to stop acting like old friends as endeavour leaves all might says that shoto was able to perform well using half his power and asks for advice on how to raise the next generation of heroes endeavour dismisses his request and states shoto will be a hero that will surpass all might even though he's going through his rebellious phase he walks away after disconcerting all might by saying that it's the reason he created shoto prior to the final round endeavour confronts shoto before his match against hantacero he berates his son telling shoto that he could have easily taken first in the first and second rounds of the festival had he used his flames endeavour reminds shoto that his purpose is to surpass almight and that unlike his siblings shoto is his greatest masterpiece this only angers shoto who replies that he will not give endeavor the satisfaction and only use his mother's quirk as shoto excuses himself endeavour tells him that even if that works for the festival shoto will eventually find the limits of that power endeavour encounters izuku on his way to face shoto in the second round of the finals he tells izuku he was impressed with his performance against the brainwashing guy and notes his quirk is similar to all mites as izuku tries to excuse himself endeavour tells him that shoto has a duty to usurp all might and this next match will prove to be an excellent benchmark he asks izuku to hit shoto hard and to do his best not to disgrace either of them he apologizes for interrupting izuku and prepares to leave but is halted when izuku states he's not almight izuku goes on to say that shoto may be his son but he isn't endeavour endeavor is slightly annoyed and goes to the tournament arena to watch the match once shoto finally ignites his flames during his battle with izuku endeavour explodes with wicked excitement and satisfaction he's ecstatic to see his son has decided to use his left side and approaches the edge of the sands shouting proudly that shoto will fulfill his ambitions afterwards endeavour meets shoto in the corridor he tells shoto that he needs to gain more control of his fire and that he's proud of him for using it at all endeavour goes on to say that after he graduates he will allow shoto to work alongside him however shoto says that he can't change so easily and hasn't rescinded his disavowal of him choto states that the only reason he used his firepower was because for a split second he completely forgot about endeavour and then walks away saying that perhaps he no longer needs his father endeavour watches begrudgingly as showta defeats eda using only his ice pondering why shoto feels the need to keep holding back versus hero killer arc for the draft following the ua sports festival endeavour sends shoto an internship opportunity at his agency shoto notices his father's name among his offers endeavour is pleasantly surprised when choto actually chooses his agency to intern with during the week following the festival he questions if shoto has finally decided to follow him but his son refutes that and states he will make his own path endeavour immediately directs shoto to get ready to leave so he can show him what it means to be a hero they travel to hosuh city in hopes of finding hero killer stain when chaos erupts in the city endeavour instructo and his sidekicks to follow him into battle shoto stops after receiving a message on his phone prompting endeavour to yell at him even so shoto leaves and asks endeavour to send heroes to a specific location after he's handled the situation endeavour eventually happens upon gran torino fighting against an omu he claims that he'll handle the creature himself but is surprised when his initial attack doesn't instantly ko it the nomu uses its quirk to shoot flames back at endeavour but he's unimpressed gran torino warns endeavor that nomu may have multiple quirks and takes it upon himself to defeat it endeavour is impressed with the old man and asks him to go to the location shoto gave him earlier gran torino says that they should restrain the nomu and aid the other heroes but endeavour states that he alone will be sufficient as the situation with another nomu fighting against the prose worsens endeavor arrives to save them he punches away nomu and breaks its arm before it crushes a female pro he notices the nomu has super regenerative abilities and decides to burn away its head to defeat it in their next scuffle stating that incinerated cells can't regenerate the third nomu flies away with the hero and its talons prompting endeavor to tell the other pros to go where shoto is so he can chase it himself endeavour manages to injure the winged nomu using his quirks various applications including scaling a wall and creating a flame spear to pierce its head it drops the hero but continues to flee endeavour chases the nomu until he arrives to a scene where stain has just killed it recognizing the hero killer endeavour challenges him but gran torino pleads for him to wait as stain still has izuku hostage stain's mask falls off and he yells that endeavor is another false hero stain goes on to state that only all might will kill him and releases a malefic aura that makes even endeavour take a step back after staying suddenly stops endeavour notes that he's lost consciousness in the aftermath of the incident in hosu city endeavor is given all the credit for stain's defeat so shoto and the others would avoid punishment for using their quirks illegally to fight the hero killer my hero academia two heroes while he doesn't appear in person it's revealed that he was one of the pro heroes invited to i expo but he instead sent shoto to represent him hideout radar following the abduction of katsuki bakugo by the hands of the league of villains endeavour is recruited by naomasa sukauchi detective naomasa assigns endeavor to the hideout raid team a task force assigned to rescue kotsuki from the villains hideout in kamino ward endeavour meets with the police alongside ed shot best genius tiger gang orca kamui woods mount lady and all might for a strategy meeting prior to the infiltration endeavour complains about cleaning up uh's mess because he's a busy man best genius tells him to settle down his ego and to remember that they're both ua alumni that night endeavour sets up a perimeter around the villain's hideout with the police all might headshot gran torino and comey woods stormed the hideout and restrained the villains endeavour complains that ed shot got to rush in while he remains posted outside now masa explains that the police need endeavour in case any criminal escapes the hideout suddenly a black liquid portal sends multiple nomu to the hideout endeavor and the police force are unable to help the heroes inside as the villains and katsuki get warped away endeavour angrily asks now masa why the situation has spun out of control now masa believes that best genus and his squad were compromised at the nomu factory almight defeats the nomu inside the building and comes outside to confront endeavour he asks endeavor if he has the situation under control irritated endeavour claims he's not having any trouble and tells almight to leave and go after the villains after apprehending all the nomu now masa asks endeavour headshot and kamui woods to support almight endeavour reaches the destroyed remains of the nomu factory and attacks all for one with a stream of flames before the villain can attack all might all might has entered his weakened state and endeavour is upset by the sight of all might's body endeavour recalls always trying to catch all might but always being unable to he yells at all might demanding that the symbol of peace fight and show everyone why he's the better hero all for one interrupts and tells endeavour to leave if he's just going to encourage all might ed shot attacks oliver one and tells him the heroes are there to assist endeavour and headshot work together against all for one while conway woods saves best genus and the other injured members of the hideout raid team the other heroes encourage all might despite his appearance and all for one grows tired of the sentimental talk the villain uses a giant air cannon to blow endeavor and headshot away so that he can fight almight one on one all might ultimately defeats all for one and is forced to retire in the aftermath enraged endeavor returns home without all might around endeavour must become the new number one hero endeavour refuses to accept the rank of number one in this manner enraging him and leading him to set his training hall on fire remedial course arc during the second provisional hero license training exam endeavour furiously enters thanking all might for looking after shoto he then demands to have a proper chat with almight endeavour along with all might and present mike enter the room where the training was being held and endeavour shouts shoto's name to encourage him and gains the attention of everyone there everyone in the room were merely curious as to why he was there but they grew ecstatic upon noticing almight with him endeavour asks the former number one hero what the symbol of peace is telling him about how he became the number two hero at the young age of 20 but immediately knew he would never beat all might which is why he entrusted everything to shoto in response almight states that he always believed that the country needed a symbol to be the beacon of light and in doing so he ignored the people around him such as his former sidekick almighty tells endeavor that he knows his struggle of filling in his spot as the number one hero and tells him he doesn't need to follow in his footsteps to become the same symbol but find his own way of doing things instead ng later congratulates shoto after he succeeded in his hero license exam and tries to pat his son on the head though shoto gives him the cold shoulder undeterred by this rejection angie simply tells his son that he would try to be a better hero and man that shoto could be proud of seeing angie's change of heart inasa wills himself to approach the hero and tells endeavor that he will be cheering him on and she thanks inausa for her support slowly but surely angie and the students of the provisional hero license course training are making progress pro hero arc it's time for the broadcast of the hero billboard charge ap this announcement is being held at kamino for its importance and is special for the fact that all might will not be on the chart for the first time as well as the top 10 heroes themselves appearing on stage for the presentation of their rankings the new number one hero is revealed to be the same hero who temporarily received the ranking it's none other than the flame hero endeavour who's wearing a new hero costume while speaking the new number two hero hawks asks endeavor what it's like to be the number one hero but receives a glare from the flame hero remembering what all might advised him endeavour says one thing to just watch him this surprises the heroes in the stadium as hawks claps backstage an angry endeavour confronts hawks and is not too pleased with his behavior hawks convinces endeavor that he was simply trying to make an impact so that endeavour could look better hawks reveals that he was never an almighty fan and never wanted to be like him but his retirement was a big shock to him hawks believes that society doesn't need an icon hero like almight but a leader with a mental fortitude to support them all believing that endeavour has such equality and is impressed by him although he's not able to tell if hawks is being truthful sarcastic or mocking him and never wonders why hawks doesn't become this leader to which hawks admits that he would rather be lower in the rankings so that he would have more freedom unimpressed with hawks's immaturity endeavour bluntly states his displeasure for hawks and ends their conversation telling him to apologize to everyone else as endeavour walks away hawks tells endeavor the reason he wanted to talk to him in this area the number of concerning sightings has been making him worry and he would like to team up with the number one hero these sightings have to do with nomus which catches endeavour's attention while walking the streets a villain is struck down by hawks's red feathers as he strikes down the villain hawks tells endeavor about a restaurant they can eat at so that they can discuss business a dog is almost run over by a truck but hawks's red feathers carry the dog to safety all the while hawks is busy occupied with his talk with endeavour soon the public takes note of hawks's rare appearance and some of them take photos with him while endeavour nonchalantly stands by the people take notice of endeavor but are reluctant to make contact with him one boy bets his friend to ask for endeavor's autograph seeing this endeavour welcomes this and allows the boy to approach him however the boy is taken aback by endeavour's new attitude and believes that him being a gruff and angry hero suited him better and shies away as his friend apologizes for him while the event leaves endeavour confused at the umai building hawks tells endeavor that after ua's sports festival he sent an offer to his son shoto however hawks is happy that fumikage was the one who ended up coming since shoto failed the provisional hero license exam and having that would have ruined his image much to endeavour's anger who finds it strange that hawks has knowledge of that despite not being a ua graduate having had enough of the useless talk endeavour wants to know about the rumors hawks has been hearing hawks knows that the league of villains puppets the modified humans called nomus were stored in a facility and communal ward but after they were captured along with all for one they've rarely appeared however hawks isn't able to confirm that the rumors are true which infuriates endeavor who tries to leave hawks informs endeavor that the rumors aren't just in his area but the entire country as he's heard it from wives gossiping or school children chatting on the way home hawks secretly launched an investigation with the police force but they came up dry and after investigating himself by flying throughout the country all he heard of was rumors although never managing to find proof hawks after hearing that everyone knows about nomus believes that someone's going around spreading these rumors to strike panic into the public and knows this to be true because the villain they encountered on the way was influenced by a reprinting of destro's autobiography hawke's desires for endeavor to become a leader that can lay these rumors to rest and tell the populace to take it easy hawks wants to live in an ideal world where all heroes can take leisure in their work without ever stressing out wanting heroes to have more free time suddenly hawks and endeavour notice that something's flying to them it's the intelligent nomu hood who's flying towards them the waitress comes in as hawks protects her and endeavour tells the number two hero to evacuate the building the high-end nomu smashes in and asks which of them is the strongest endeavour notes that the rumors were true and is glad that this was well timed hud prepares to attack but endeavour takes the initiative first by attacking with flash fire fist jetburn a blast of fire that sends hood out of the building and damages it endeavour takes flight by propelling himself in the air with his fire endeavor plans to show the nomu what it means to be the number one hero endeavour continues to face off against hood while hawks is surprised that endeavour can fly to which endeavour responds that he considers it not falling and warns him to not underestimate the nomu they're facing when hood starts regenerating endeavour sees that he possesses a regeneration quirk similar to other black nomus while the white nomus don't have any special quirks and assumes that the black nomus are high quality nomus with many powerful quirks endeavour deduces that the nomu to be special among the black nomus since it can speak resolving to capture nomu alive for interrogation endeavour uses flashfire fist hellspider launching five streams of fire from his fingertips although two streams hit hood it doesn't stop its advance and it lunges into endeavour plunging endeavour into the building with great force and sends him to the other side of it endeavour releases a great flare of fire that burns hood's arm causing it to release endeavour from its grip due to hood smashing endeavor across the building the top half of the building begins collapsing hawks uses his quirk fierce wings which allows him to control and manipulate strong and flexible feathers to get all the injured civilians out of the building first as hawks's feathers begin delivering the injured down to safety hawks himself joins the fight and launches three feathers at hood which successfully strikes its arm endeavour uses his advanced version of flash fire fist hell spider and strikes hood with multiple fire streams which cuts up its body hawks wonders if this move is endeavour's strongest to which endeavour comments about it not even being close the cut-up hood begins regenerating and comments on the fight being interesting to prevent any other heroes from interrupting his fight with endeavor hood spawned several minor nomus to deal with them while regenerating his body completely the hyen domu wonders if endeavour stopped shooting flames since he isn't able to anymore due to a limitation begrudgingly endeavour accepts hood's intuition about his quirk the more flames he produces the more heat continually builds up in his body which raises his body temperature and causes his physical abilities to deteriorate and he already knows he's inferior in power and speed to begin with endeavour recalls that he started a family for his quirks major drawback hood reveals another quirk and is excited to use it on endeavour while evading hood's stretching arms endeavour has no choice but to end the battle quickly since he can't maintain an elongated battle due to his quirks drawback endeavour ignites viciously and releases a powerful fire blast called prominence burn which incinerates hood's body completely suddenly endeavour sees hood's head and neck and realizes that it tore it off to avoid completely being incinerated while regenerating hood attacks the recuperating endeavor by impaling his torso and striking him in the face potentially destroying his left eye the rest of the todoroki family watched the broadcast of the event still conscious in spite of his injuries endeavour uses his flames to lift himself and he attempts to attack hood however the high-end nomu evades the strike and sends the pro hero flying into a building but endeavour refuses to give in using his quirk once more endeavour projects himself after the nomu who wonders if he has regeneration but endeavour was aware that his body was immobile and he's only raising his flames to propel himself and needs a strategy to kill the nomu since it was impossible to merely capture it hawks then uses his feathers to enhance endeavour speed allowing endeavour to be launched at the villain thrust by hawks's feathers endeavour uses the speed to attack hood sending them both through the air he takes note of the nomu's behavior which is similar to that of a wild beast before noticing his regenerative powers were still active and screams for hawks to give him more speed to help after hawks does so and says that his feathers are practically ash endeavour states it's more than enough and uses it to send him and the no move far from the city with nothing to stand in his way endeavour uses a finishing move while shouting plus ultra noting he always hated his old school's motto to destroy hud for good endeavor emerges from the destruction and strikes a pose similar to all mites to show he's victorious hawks comes and the two share banter about the pose before moving to get help for endeavour's wounds however they don't get very far as dobby appears on the scene and greets endeavour who is confused by the latter's familiarity with him endeavour recognizes dobby through his blurred vision shouting that dobby was the one to kill snatch even though dobby doesn't remember who that is after formally introducing himself dobby puts up a flame wall around the two heroes trying to muster up some strength endeavour is told by hawks to rest and that he'll take care of dobby for the both of them however mirko suddenly arrives on the scene and stops davi who decides to call upon an ally to fall back as he escapes dobby taunt endeavor referring to him by his full name ng todoroki and wishes to speak with him again before vanishing from the area with the threat gone endeavour blacks out as an announcer shouts the hero duo's victory recovering at a hospital a bandaged endeavor is visited by hawks angie and hawks leave the hospital and hawks apologizes to enji for his injuries angie says that his injuries are his own responsibility and asks hawks if their encounter with hood was truly a coincidence hawks flustered by ng's question attributes the attack to their high profile presence in the area angie leaves as hawks tells him to get some rest arriving at home angie sees fuuyumi natsuo and shoto eating a meal fuyumi happily greets her father as he walks in and congratulates him on his win against hood shoto sarcastically compliments his father's new scar as he and natsuwo continue to be unenthusiastic around him as fuyumi becomes frantic and angie voices he can hear her natuo unable to handle the tense situation gets up to leave the room and she stops him and tells his son that if he has something to say he can just say it stirred on by this nottwell unleashes his feelings onto him angie remains silent as nato tells him that even though his mother and sister have seemingly forgiven him he sees that he's still the same person who neglected his children and left them to listen to their mother screaming and brother crying natsuo then mentions their other sibling toyah and that just because angie defeated a powerful villain doesn't mean he's made up for what he's done after naturo's rant ends ng calmly responds that he's going to face his past and atone for it these words are met with disgust and surprised by natsuo who leaves as fuyumi panics recounting the events that led up to this moment and frantically talking to shoto that she was really happy at the progress she thought was being made and they might be family again a recap of witness testimonies from the battle plays on the television with focus given to a particular boy who screamed encouragement from the crowd that watched the battle which led to the crowd cheering ng to win angie remembers the boy and realizes that the cheering and motivation he received meant a lot to him shoto catches his attention and tells him that endeavor the hero is amazing but while he agrees with everything natsu has said he still wants to see what kind of parent engi will become choto also tells him that he understands that a small amount of encouragement can completely alter someone hearing this angie recalls his brief talk with almight after his retirement and strengthens his resolve to work towards the future of his family he apologizes to fuyumi and admits he used the wrong words with natsuo just before joint training arc enji tries to contact shoto while at his agency but receives no reply from his son only having his messages marked as read by shoto while handling a thug he receives a call from shoto and complains on his timing my hero academia heroes rising one winter night authorities were alerted of a cargo being transported by the league of villains prompting heroes to try and catch the villains at the end of a turn is a roadblock where a group of heroes and endeavour wait for the league's armored truck to arrive dobby sees endeavour and blasts off blue flames at him and the latter uses his flash fire fist's jet burn with both attacks colliding and canceling each other out shortly after dobby lets out a massive blast of his flames to which endeavour counters with his prominence burn the move overpowers dobby and engulfs the truck causing the villains to melt revealing them to be a double created by twice's quirk the truck reels off a cliff endeavour descends to study the cargo that the league was supposed to deliver finding that hawks is already there endeavour blames him for not helping out to which hawks replies that he had just arrived endeavour asks him about the league members and hawks answers that they were only copies made from twice's quirk when examining the contents of the truck they find that the life support tank is empty hawk suspects that the tank was carrying a new kind of nomu but later believes that it's something else in the aftermath of nine's invasion on naboo island endeavour goes to the island to aid class 1a and embraces shoto as he's revealed to be alright shoto however isn't pleased endeavor agency arc after the hero course's christmas party shoto offers midoriya and bakugo positions in the endeavor hero agency for the internship they accept with approval from almight and prepare for their internship the students meet with endeavour on an overpass in the city endeavour is upset that there are three of them as he had hoped to intern shoto alone he tells them that he only cares about interning shoto as he jumps off the overpass telling them to stand back and watch as he flies off he looks back to see three students are right behind him the three students soon chase endeavor through the city but endeavour using flash fire is too fast for them to follow in a business district a villain called star servant was causing havoc with his glass manipulation quirk and had just launched a super move enlightened falling king sending a giant ball of glass flying down the street endeavour flies in and destroys a glass ball with flash fire fist then confronts starservant who runs away as endeavour gives chase star servant leads him through an alley where he has three minions ready to ambush the ambush fails as izugu katsuki and hawks arrive and take down the minions allowing endeavour to catch star servant as the police arrive to take star servant away he starts saying that endeavour is the root of the darkness that will consume the world which seems to have some impact on him he then asks hawks why he's there hawks responds by promoting the paranormal liberation front's book saying it's a good read endeavour is taken aback possibly under the impression that hawks had defected to destro's ideology once at his agency angie leaves the three students with the flaming sidekickers while he locks himself in his office to read the book hawks gave him endeavour noticed that there's something unusual about hawks's expression while he was offering him destro's autobiography hux gives him the book asking him to make sure he reads it well especially the lines that he underlined in doing so endeavor understands the encrypted message in which hawks warns him about a threat that will attack within four months remembering then a conversation he had with the public safety commission president who asked him to help students to gain experience fighting villains endeavor finally understands what he has to do he leaves his office and tells the three students that he will train them personally later at the agency's gym endeavour wants izuku and katsuki to talk about themselves and ask them what they want to achieve izuku is the first to talk saying he wants to be able to control his quirk and use it with maximum performance also recently his quirk has manifested in a different way and wants to use this new power as a weapon endeavour recalls the conversation he had with him before his battle against shoto in the tournament of the ua sports festival endeavor empathizes with him since like him and his sons he has a quirk that's able to hurt himself and tells isuku that he's like them then endeavor asks kotsuki what he wants to achieve and he replies that he already has a powerful quirk and a great mastery with it and he just wants to find out what it is that he lacks in order to surpass the number one hero endeavor concludes the presentations and wants to start the training already but choto tells him that he didn't ask him endeavour is sure that his goal is to master the flash fire fist but shoto is straight up with his father about what he thinks saying that he comes to his agency is to use him and learn from him but his true inspiration is almight and tells him to stop trying to act like a father figure with him in front of his friends endeavour grieves at choto's words he thought choto was finally starting to forgive him but he's wrong after accepting this he decides to start the training endeavor goes out with his three interns he tells them the three fundamentals of hero work rescue evacuation and battle with his training they will not only improve their skills and quirks but also detect and stop the slightest threats before anyone else keeping the damage to a minimum endeavour ends the lesson by telling isugu shoto and kotsuki that during the winter break their task is to beat a villain faster than him even if only once before going home angie recalls his recurring dream in which he sees his wife and children happily sitting around the dinner table but he isn't with them angie has another internal monologue that he only approaches his family as a hero not as a father at dinner fuuimi then reveals that natsuo also did some cooking as well though natsu states that since he overseas the food endeavor made him stop endeavour apologizes for not knowing prior after nacho leaves still unable to sit near his father while the others were cleaning up izuku asks kotsuki if he knew about choto's past to which he reveals he was listening when the two of them were talking during the ua sports festival and he overhears this as he walks into another room to put a plate of food on the bhutan buddhist altar in their home and puts his hands together in prayer he once again monologues what he can do for them at this stage and having the same dream he looks at a picture of his eldest son toya todoroki and wishes he was here endeavour comes in the dining room and tells the three boys that he'll be taking them to school after the three thank fuyumi for the meal endeavour thanks fuyumi for her hard work to which she accepts with a smile as the four return to the hero office endeavour tells the three of them that he wants them to try and get stronger on weekdays and weekends if their schedule allows it endeavour soon notices a man having captured natsuo in the road's lane lines using a manipulation quirk and yelling for him to come out the driver has to swerve and maneuver to avoid running over the villain jumping out the car endeavour demands that his son be released the man reveals himself as a villain called ending who endeavored recalls that he beat seven years ago and challenges him to a rematch or else his son dies ending yells to endeavour brings up under the most extreme circumstances a hero will never kill someone ending however cites how endeavour killed hood and compares himself to said nomu after the life he's led so endeavour doesn't have to worry about killing another puppet after ending his caught off guard by shoto and the others he takes the moment to attack but halts after seeing natsuo held in the middle not wanting to endanger him and allowing the three students to press forward once the civilians are safe and ending is defeated by shoto endeavour embraces natsuro who was saved by kotsuki that is also hugged much to his annoyance grateful that his son's life is safe he remarks internally how in one week the three of them were able to successfully put what he had been teaching them into practice as their growth was able to save a life holding his son in kotsuki endeavour asks not too if he's hurt while natsuwa only mentions how hot endeavour's grasp is natural soon breaks free of endeavor's grasp as endeavour reveals that he stopped to think in that moment fearing that if he were to save him then natsuwa would never speak to him again nato hears his father confess that he never meant to neglect him and foyemi all those years but acknowledged that he failed to take responsibility by running away from them he also acknowledges that he feels it's his own fault for toyah's fate after natsu tells him he doesn't care for he heard everything from toya growing up and declares he will never forgive endeavor because he doesn't see himself as kind as shoto or fuyumi endeavor states he still came out for fuyumi and rey's sake and that he was trying to respect the feelings of his sister who is trying so hard to fix the family that endeavour broke signifying that endeavour sees natsuo is kind enough endeavour then states it's okay if nato doesn't forgive him because he's not looking for it he just wants him to atone for his mistakes after natural becomes teary-eyed natto tells him that fuyumi had been so happy lately but every time he looks at him he thinks of everything in the past he questions why he has to be the only one to try and proactively change and what exactly will endeavor do to atone before endeavour can respond ending speaks up wailing that his arrogant ferocious flame is sizzling out the police eventually arrive where they state ending use the drug to enhance his quirk while noting that they've been decreasing in numbers on the black market after returning home with natsuo endeavor watches fuyumi worry over her brother endeavour then speaks up to commend fuyumi about the home she's trying to build for her mother to return to and voices how all he could do was rely on her he then declares that he'll have a new house built in a more convenient location for her and not so where she can welcome their mother back to when fuyami questions what he'll do endeavor reveals he intends to stay at the abode and live alone as he realizes that the only thing he could do to help his family for now is to take himself out of the equation paranormal liberation war arc endeavour and multiple heroes from across japan are rallied by the hero commission service who revealed that they have info on where the recently formed paranormal liberation front is currently residing thanks to hawks endeavour is assigned a team of his own to raid the jakku general hospital the heroes all launched their move to take down the paranormal liberation front once and for all endeavour leads his team to evacuate any civilians in saijaku hospital while proceeding to do that endeavour and a few pro heroes discovered dr gotaki wandering about in the hallway endeavour recognizes the man as all for one's right-hand man and primary source behind manufacturing nomu vowing to put an end to his madness kyudai attempts to flee from the pro heroes only for shota to stop him with his capturing weapon endeavour watches on as shota and hizashi call out the old bastard for ruining many innocent lives and now it's time he'd pay for his crimes endeavour also notices kyudai's appearance deteriorating due to shota's erasure quirk however mirko contacts the hospital raid team and reveals that multiple nomu are starting to emerge underground the heroes brace themselves as the aforementioned nomu arrive much to the dismay of endeavour himself endeavour realizes that as he watches kudai melt away the man they just confronted was a double from twice's quirk soon as mirko manages to fend off some of the incomplete high-ends released by kyudai endeavor reaches the laboratory and intercepts the woman high end just in time for the other heroes to show up allowing endeavour and his team to finish off the remaining high ends afterwards the heroes are forced to flee the hospital once it starts rapidly decaying due to tomorrow awakening and unleashing his true power endeavor carries mirko and an unnamed hero while trying to escape the crumbling building eventually endeavor and some of his allies survive the decay but lose a few of their close comrades after this tomara orders gigantomachia to meet him bringing with him the league of villains endeavour decides to confront tomorrow himself to prevent all for one's successor from spreading his madness across the world first he unleashes flash fire fist hell's curtain tramping tomorrow in a scorched inferno to which endeavour says there's no escape from internally endeavour says that he can't let tomorrow take any step further so for now he'll try to incapacitate him tomorrow escapes the flames and tries to touch endeavor to disintegrate him but endeavour dodges it and counter-attacks surprising that he managed to withstand the burning effects that he inflicted to him using super regeneration then endeavour grabs tomara and tries to incinerate him and while doing this he uses the communication device to inform that the others are currently engaging tormura and requests that the heroes who can fly to form a perimeter tomorrow blasts endeavour away and salvage a couple of quirk erasing drugs for future purposes endeavour returns to continue attacking and despite the violent combat tomara seems distracted as something inside urges him to seize one for all mentioning it out loud while fighting endeavour is confused by his words which are captured by the communication system reaching izuku's ears urged by this desire to get one for all tomra stops fighting and walks away in the direction of izuku after having detected him with his search quirk endeavour reports that tomorrow is heading to the evacuation zone and gives the proper orders izuku followed by kotsuki moves away from the area so as not to put innocence in danger and communicates to endeavor that tomorrow is after him endeavour asks izugo what he's talking about but he replies he'll explain later while in the air tomorrow gets an idea to get endeavour out of his way and disrupt communications which involve him combining air cannon with radio waves to release a blast that jams all the communicators tomara finally catches up with izuku and tries to steal one for all from him but he and kotsuki are saved by gran torino while still in the air tomorrow brings the communicator up to his face and orders a large group of near-hyen nomu's recipients to kill anyone in sight to prevent more heroes from appearing to help endeavor charges for his sidekick kido who uses his traject quirk to change endeavor's trajectory straight up at tomara after reaching him endeavour unleashes a blast of fire but tomorrow dodges to the right though his left arm does get burned which he says it really hurts ryukyu flies towards tomara but the villain slams endeavour into her sending them both plummeting into the ground as sort of mockery tomorrow stands triumphantly over them while raising his right arm in the air similar to when endeavour raised his left arm after defeating hood endeavour tries to strike him again but tomorrow dodges and moves away from him to take out eraserhead but he's tackled by izuku before he can do it endeavour izugu kotsuki and gran torino constantly attack tomorrow while eraserhead continues to use his erasure to prevent him from using his quirks tomorrow runs in the direction of a racer head to neutralize him because he's the one who's causing him the most problems by making it impossible for him to use his quirks he's tackled by gran torino but tomorrow defeats him with ease severely injuring him tomorrow continues in the direction of eraserhead this time being tackled by an angry izuku and ryukyu who managed to contain him allowing katsuki and endeavor to charge forward tomorrow however digs through ryukyu's hands carrying a couple of quirk destroying drug bullets and aims for a racerhead's position rukyu sees the bullet and warns the others kotsuki is able to destroy one of them but the other bullets successfully hit a racer head in his crippled left leg forcing him to cut it off before the drug could spread throughout his body however this causes him to blink briefly momentarily canceling his erasure allowing tomara to unleash a shockwave to break free of ryukyu's grip and fly straight for a racer head getting rid of ryukyu and dodging endeavour's blow and manages to dig his fingers into racerhead's face izuku yanks him back with blackwhip at the same time tomar is struck by a pillar vice from shoto who just arrived but they can't prevent tomra from severely injuring eraserhead's face forcing him to close his eyes due to the wounds as a result tomorrow is successfully able to heal himself with super regeneration and he looks to the heroes saying that as much as they delayed it the only fate that awaits them is total destruction endeavour asks his son where he was and he explains he went to help ryukyu and the others he also surrounds endeavour and ice to help him cool off tomara then announces it's time for everyone to die just as his body begins to deteriorate as he noticed he was awakened a month before his body could adapt to contain the incredible power of all for one nevertheless homura's regeneration finally kicks in and he attempts to use his the cake work again to finish everyone off but deku jumps into the air carrying everyone with black whip declaring that he will finish him with everything that he has before attacking tomara izuku releases the heroes telling them to take care of the wounded then knowing that even tomorrow's body has a limit izuku manages to strike him in midair over and over with the one for all 100 regardless of the injuries he suffers as a result on the ground everyone's surprised by izuka's display of power but kotsuki states that he won't be able to continue like this for long so he grabs shoto and endeavor as he tells him to hold off on the fire until he gets up in the air and for shoto to cool him off as long as possible endeavour accepts katsuki's plan the three fly into the air as endeavour tells kotsuki to aim for when black whip is completely extended and when he gets up there the two need to get back to the ground as they may get caught up in the fire as the three reach the fight endeavour grabs tomara as he yells for deku to get down as he incinerates tomorrow with the full power of prominence burn despite burning him alive something happens inside tomorrow's mind and endeavour gets stabbed by wires emitting from his back and he wonders why he won't die tomorrow says something unintelligible before firing the wires at izuku calling him his little brother katsuki without even thinking pushes deku out of the way and receives the full force of the attack shoto manages to grab his father and katsuki while deku after his mind snapped with rage for what just happened goes berserk on tomorrow although the only thing he gets is that his nemesis put his hand on his face and starts stealing the quirk but something prevents him from doing it and both deku and tomorrow fall away from one another in the sky shoto catches izuku while still holding onto katsuki and his father and drops them on the ground with the relief that the three of them are still alive just as he's about to administer first aid gigantomachia finally arrives carrying the remaining members of the paranormal liberation front on his back as everyone watches in horror tabi emerges from the back of gigantomachia and greets endeavor and choto as endeavour calls him by his name dabi however asks he not be called that as he pours a liquid on his head washing off the black coloration on his white hair dobby then reveals that his true identity is that of toya todoroki his eldest son whom he believed dead his proclamation horrifies shoto and endeavor to their very core dali also confesses that in those moments his pre-recorded history is being broadcasted all around the airwaves and the internet revealing endeavour's darkest secrets and his abusive past on his family dabi reveals that his initial plan was to wait until shoto became all big and famous before killing him but after their father became the number one hero he thought of another way to make endeavour suffer as much as possible as he has always wanted to destroy his life and career as a hero by crushing his dreams in revenge for what he did without caring about putting his own family in danger as he was also the one who sent starservant an ending against him all of this makes endeavour think back to when toyo was still young training him to be a successor and reach his eternal goal until the tragic incident that caused his apparent death back to the present a dumbfounded endeavor demands that dobby take back the despicable lie but dobby retorts that it's the despicable truth dobby mockingly thanks endeavour for going strong up until now as he jumped off gigantomachia's back aiming for him endeavour still in shock admits to himself that at the time he kept searching for toya never once thinking he was dead shoto however tries to get him to protect deku and the others and worry about the rest later while he and nejide fight him off dobby descends covered in fire as he attempts to use endeavour's prominence burn move before he can unleash his attack dobby finds himself tied up with wires from the sky he turns the face's assailant and it turns out to be best genius who has jumped out of the plane apologizing for the delay and is ready to resume duty using the many wires he brought with him he successfully binds all of the league of villains with his quirk including gigantomachia dabi manages to free himself burning the wires clashing with his youngest brother shoto who reveals to him that one of the villains he sent endeavour's way nearly killed natsuo dabi however merely says it was a shame he didn't die because then endeavour would have suffered more an incredulous shoto asks dobby if he's insane and dobby confirms he doesn't feel a thing anymore he starts to push shoto back excited at thought of finally being able to kill him dobby overcomes his youngest brother and prepares to kill him with his blue flames he looks at endeavour who still has a look of horror on his face and said that he's excited that the thought of endeavour about to see his puppet masterpiece get incinerated by his failed experiment suddenly izuku shoots a black whip from his mouth separating them izugu shouts at dabi that his father is atoning for his past sins to become a better person and that dobby isn't endeavor izuku's words help endeavour break out of its trance just as gigantomachia breaks free from best genus fibers endeavour uses every last bit of strength he has to fly up and knock the giant back knocking himself out as a result after this last attack endeavor is unconscious for the remainder of the battle the battle ends with almost all of the members of the paranormal liberation front arrested but some managed to escape in addition to which dozens of heroes and hundreds of civilians were killed people all across the country start talking about dobby's video with some wondering if it spells the end of endeavour's hero career and what will happen next after spending two days in the hospital angie wakes up from his coma and is informed by the doctor that his son and the others are mostly fine after leaving him alone he remembers the battle he had with his eldest son and his inability to fight to protect shoto he admits that he's reaping everything he sowed and that the hero endeavor died back there endeavour realizes that while his son might be a mass murderer he can't fight him and tears start forming in his eyes he notices choto entering the room and calls his name out though his son initially closes the door when he sees his father crying when he reopens the door endeavour sees his two other children standing with choto endeavor asks if they're all okay though not so replies by asking why he's crying angie profusely apologizes once again realizing that the regrets and guilt he feels right now are too late to matter as his heart is about to shatter he's shocked by the sudden arrival of his wife ray todoroki who asserts that the rest of his family has been riddled with those same guilt and regrets for much longer than he has and that she's come to discuss about their eldest son toyah as they reminisce about toyah's childhood and growing mental instability up until the tragic night of his disappearance rey points out that despite toyah imploring his dad to come and see him practice his new flames angie didn't show up to which he responds that he was afraid it would encourage him to train harder before admitting that he actually just didn't know what to say to him and neither did rey after that rey fuyumi and nato acknowledged that while endeavour was the main cause they each had their own share of responsibilities for dobby's birth and their family rupture following that shoto expresses his will to fight and stop toyah together with his father once he was done grieving moving him to tears eventually hawks and best genius enter endeavour's hospital room to join their discussion hawks first conveys his stupor to endeavour when he learnt of the full consequence of his old obsession with becoming the number one hero causing him some discomfort then he asks him about choto's burn scar but rey is the one who admits being responsible for it hawks then gives a status report on japan's state for the past two days mentioning how the remaining paranormal liberation front leaders and members as well as the near-high-end nomus are on the run after that hawks asks endeavor about the nature of what shigaraki was after called one for all when he hears that endeavour suddenly remembers deku informing him that shigaraki was probably after him enji supposedly learned about one for all from all might around the same time as hawks and best genius three days later they left the hospital and made a public announcement together he apologetically confirmed dobby's claims and accusations toward him and confessed everything about his family's past shocking and disgusting the general public at one point a woman from the audience spoke up to express her anger about her mother getting injured during gagantomachia's rampage the heroes seemingly glossing over the damage done over the past week and their apparent lack of guilt so angie made her understand that at the moment showing their own pain and suffering to the public wouldn't change anything as putting society at ease and taking down every single villain is the only way endeavour can atone he then implores the audience and the entire population to direct all their criticisms and doubts not at the heroes who will be putting their lives on the line but at him alone and to watch only him eventually the journalists asked him about the nature of one for all in which he replied that he didn't know anything in order to protect deku and all might did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos i'm adrian thanks for watching i'm out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 502,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Endeavor, Enji Todoroki, Shoto, Todoroki, My Hero Academia, MHA, Pro Hero, All Might, Rei, Inasa, Eraserhead, Eijiro Kirishima, Izuku Midoriya, Eri, Katsuki Bakugo, Fumikage Tokoyami, Denki Kaminari, Dabi, Tamaki Amajiki, Kyoka Jiro, Tsuyu Asui, Momo Yaoyorozu, Hitoshi Shinso, Ochaco Uraraka, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Izuku, Midoriya, Deku, Quirk, Ochako, Melissa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 2sec (3362 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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