The Life Of Senku Ishigami (Dr. Stone)

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the life of senko ishigami dr stone senko ishigami is the main protagonist of dr stone and is friends with taiji oki and yuzuriya ogawa he is known for his catchphrases one of which is 10 billion percent he was de-petrified half a year before taiji was and eventually created the revival fluid with taiju's help in the stone world senku wants to rebuild civilization and establish a kingdom of science he was the first prize champion of the grand bout and currently holds the title of village chief in ishigami village where he's widely a legend thanks to the late biakuya's influences throughout his founding villages community senku is the de facto leader of the kingdom of science later as a member of the five wise generals senko provides the ideas and initiatives for their large-scale plans he counsels with chrome genn ukiyo and ryusui before taking action welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of senku ishigami before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and as always with that out of the way let's get into the video background senku was adopted by biakiya ishigami nothing is currently known about his birth parents only that one of them was biakio's best friend and the circumstances that led to the adoption is unknown during his childhood senku always had an interest in science ever since he dreamed about going to space in first grade ever since that moment he had fallen in love with science and started fighting for his dream by reading many books and trying many different experiments and inventions over time with the help of his adoptive father senko would gain the means he needed he would later befriend taiji and yuzuriha where their friendships become unparalleled as they assisted with senku's experiments part of their experiments involved deploying light objects into orbit with a self-made rocket the handicrafts club member yuzuriha made knitted stuffed toys for herself senku and taiju the rocket didn't make it all the way to outer space but it shot the stuffed toys out into space to help vyakiya pass a swimming exam with the jaxa astronaut program senku built a sparta swimsuit at age 10 he and taiju conducted more experiments but failed senku then realized he needed professional help so he sent an email to nasa and told them of his exploits a scientist called dr zeno replied and tells senku what he would need to conduct his experiment senku and taiji are stunned by the price and senko decides to get the money senku flew out to america and met with his father who's overjoyed to see him again but becomes disappointed when it turns out that senku takes his credit card and flies back to japan senku then buys his items and starts experimenting sometime later an older sengu decided that he has a lot to learn to that auntie decides to travel to africa to learn about ebola while taiji is shocked by his action during his time there senku ate lionme senku later visited his father at nasa where he admired the monument of ship before being approached by zeno who silently stood next to him both obviously knowing each other and excited bjakia greets his son and asks why he seems so spaced out as sengku watches zeno walking away and senko tells his father nothing prior to the petrification senku watched a televised report of yakiya on his phone he was amused when biakiah told him on live interview that he was going to bring him back space souvenirs this would be the last time senku ever saw his father stone formula arc senku first appears when taiji declares that he's going to confess to yuzuriha tenku offers taiji a potion he proclaims will give taiju a 10 billion percent chance of success taiju refuses it saying he wants to confess and receive a genuine answer from yuzuriha senko then reveals to the other classmate that the potion was actually made of gasoline and would kill taiji if he drank it however he was 10 billion percent sure that taiji would have refused it when his classmates begin making bets on how yuzuriha will react to taiju's confession with all of them believing she'll reject him senku bets 10 000 yen that yuzuriha has feelings for taiju as well afterwards the petrification takes place and senku along with everyone else is turned to stone while petrified senku who was still conscious began to count the time of his petrification senku also planned to keep track of the season so he could possibly revive before winter at some point his statue wound up in a cave where the droplets freed him from his stone upon de-petrifying senku has counted up to 117 billion 354 million 893 870 seconds meaning that he's been petrified for three thousand seven hundred nineteen years and two hundred forty nine days senko emerged on april first fifty seven thirty eight stone day sengku marked the day on a tree outside the cave freed from his petrification senku begins to plan and build towards sustaining himself after creating clothing and a makeshift house senku realized that he would need help in his ventures that's when he came upon a petrified taiju and decided to find a way to de-petrify people he tries theorizing what caused the initial petrification choosing between an alien invasion a human mistake or a new strain of virus he concludes that the petrification targets only swallows and humans and there has to be some logic behind it no matter how much it resembles fiction he then goes on to discuss how the revival works pondering over whether he revived by his body being shifted into a cellular form since the petrified statues are completely made of stone and whether the degraded surface of his body has to repair itself he comes to a realization that since only the surface part of the statue degrades it's the only part that turns into a stone shell and doesn't turn into a cellular form he goes back to the spot where he was de-petrified and discovers that nitric acid was the cause of his de-petrification thus he begins to test his theory out by applying nitric acid on petrified birds and taiju but to no avail senku states that the brain uses 400 calories a day to stay alive which means something in the stone must have fueled enough energy for him to think over 3700 years he surmises that adding alcohol which comprises of ethanol will turn nitric acid into nitol and might help with the de-petrification however he didn't have any alcohol and didn't have the means to obtain it thus he came to a dead end knowing that taiji might revive soon he carved a message on the tree yuzuriha was at and tells him to meet him that's when taiji deep petrified on his own and met up with senku with senko as the brain and taiji as the brawn they began to work together in order to survive and find a way to de-petrify other people that's when taiji comes upon some wild grapes in the forest and suggests the idea of creating alcohol through the wild grapes after creating alcohol using the wild grape senku is ready to test out his theory on nitric acid and ethanol by testing it out on the petrified birds to their surprise nitol is a revival fluid that can depatrify people thus they finally come up with the formula of de-petrification and being the one who found the wild grapes taiji decides that the first person they should de-petrify is yuzuriha vs tsukasa arc as they attempt to de-patrify yuzuriha they're attacked by lions and are forced to free the petrified tsukasa the strongest primate high schooler upon being freed tsukasa displays his unbelievable level of adaptation and strength when he quickly understands the situation and proceeds to kill the leader of the lions with a single punch freed from danger and having run out of nitol they all return to their hideout with a petrified yuzuriha while at their hideout senku begins to talk about his plans to revive humanity to the modern age through the four uses of calcium carbonate in seashells but as tsukasa begins to show displeasure about senku's plans of reviving modern humanity senku decides to only reveal three of its uses which are agriculture architecture and medicine on their way to procure seashells senku gradually begins to notice sukas's desire to maintain the status quo as he destroys petrified statues of old people and suspects that tsukasa will betray them for precaution senku sent tukasa to procure more nitric acid as a ploy to buy them time on what to do with tsukasa leaving senku quickly tells taiji to free yuzuriha with the night all he procures afterwards he explains to taiju and the de-petrified yuzuriha that they only have two choices either stand and fight tsukasa or run with the time given to them senku tells taiji and yuzurija to escape while making it seem like they ran between their tails tsukasa who wasn't fooled by their ploy realizes what they're doing and comes after them at the summit where they test the gunpowder senku taiji and yuzurija notice a smoke signal confirming the presence of other humans they want to send a signal fire back but are aware that it will give away their position to tsukasa finally after some deliberation tenku tells them to light up smoke signals themselves to establish contact with the unknown human upon seeing the signal tsukasa catches up with them and takes yuzuriha hostage he bargains with senku for the depatrification formula in exchange for yuzuriha senku agrees and gives him the formula tsukasa then once more asks senku to stop trying to advance humanity and join him for he didn't want to kill sengku then declined saying that that's the only thing he can't do tsukasa proclaims that had they met three thousand seven hundred years ago senku might have been his first friend with a heavy heart to casa breaks sengku's cervical plexus which results in senku dying as taiji returns from lighting the smoke signals he witnesses an unconscious senko on the floor with uzuri high in tears as usurihan taiji stopped to examine senku they noticed that part of tsenku's neck is still petrified which might have protected him from tokas's blow they quickly applied the de-petrification formula to senku's neck hoping that he'll wake up after crying out to senku many times senku manages to return to his senses from there sanku asks yuzuriha and taiju to return to tsukasa's empire as spies so that senku can keep tabs on him thus they part ways as senku ventures out by himself to build his kingdom of science to combat tsukasa kingdom of science arc on his travel senku meets kohaku the person who lit up the smoke signals she's defeated by tsukasa and is underneath a tree which renders her unable to move senku helps her lift the tree with the use of pulleys which she thanks him for she even goes as far to declaring a liking for senku this serb to hear a stranger's love confession senku voices his own interest in the matter before kohaku clarifies that she means it in a platonic manner she soon applauds him for his gallantry for sacrificing his life to save yuzuriya which she had earlier seen she then asked senku to come with her to her village because she was astounded by his science which she refers to as sorcery after talking to kohaku senko realizes that kohaku and her village are descendants of humans who were able to avoid the petrification 3 700 years ago and have survived since then meaning that they grew up not knowing the modern world upon arriving at the village senko is attacked by kianro and ginro who suspect him of being in exile after astounding them with his soap bubble sorcery senku is confronted by chrome the self-proclaimed sorcerer of the village chrome challenges senku to a sorcery battle with the stake being all his life gatherings in himself versus senku kneeling before him and promising to never step foot near the village again chrome of course is utterly defeated by senku and has to surrender everything to senku soon after settling down kohaku reveals to senku that her sister rui is sick and that chrome has been trying to find a cure for her wanting to get the village to trust him more senku proclaims that he is a cure-all medicine that might work on ruri the cure he's talking about is antibiotics he explains to them that they could either go towards the sulfur drug route or the penicillin blue mold root to make antibiotics they decide to take the sulfur root due to it being more abundant in the area after gathering enough iron the crew returns to the village outskirts so that senku can prepare a furnace to melt the iron in order to melt the iron they need to reach a temperature of 1500 degrees celsius thus they resort to adding more air to the fire in order to increase the temperature but due to the lack of manpower they're unsuccessful in melting the iron needing more manpower senku asks suica to infiltrate the village and find out what the villagers want in order to bribe them into helping after finding out that better tasting food can buy the help of the village senku asks the team to gather green foxtail to grind into flour and then make ramen the plan is a success but during their cooking session they're intruded by gen asagiri a modern day mentalist who's currently working for tsukasa tsukasa had sent asakiri to make sure that senku is truly dead but with senku now being able to produce iron asagiri is having second thoughts on supporting tsukasa he then asks senku to give him a reason why he should support senku's cause sengku tells him that with the power of science he'll bring back electricity and the applications that go along with it and with the metal melted with the effort of the village senku is able to build a mechanical electricity generator senko uses the manual powered electricity generator to show the villagers light by conducting it through a roasted bamboo fiber just before asakiri can make his decision he's stabbed by magma who mistakes asagiri for senku the group find genn who senku points out survived because he carried fake blood packs on his person having thought that he killed senku magma proclaims himself the most powerful out of the villagers who will marry ruri to take over the village as chief this is when chrome and kohaku explained to sengku that the village is holding a tournament in a few months in order to decide the next chief since ruri the priesthood of the village has turned 18 she'll have to marry the winner and become the new chief's bride they then explain that magma only has eyes on the chief seat and feels nothing for ruri rather he would prefer to let ruri die once he becomes chiefs so he can do what he wants seeing this is an obstacle to his plan of saving ruri and gaining the village's trust senko entrusts kohaku with the task of defeating magma while he and chrome continue their mission on creating antibiotics in order to formulate antibiotics senko requires beakers and flasks which can withstand acid thus senku decides that the next thing they should gather is sand which contains silica used to make glass with everyone's help they're able to gather enough sand and produce their first glasses which senku uses to produce lenses in order to help suica who is revealed to be nearsighted although they now have the ability to make glass without proper technique and experience senko and the others aren't able to create what they need thus they resort to kidnapping kasaki the craftsmen of the village at first kasaki refuses to help but after being piqued by the fact that senku can produce glass and is angered by how wasteful and terrible senko and the others are at making it kaseki reluctantly decides to help them and with kasuki's help they're able to create the perfect lab for senko to use after seeing the lab senku can't help but reminisce about the time his father sold his car to buy him a lab while in his lab senko is disturbed by guiner and kinro with ginro proclaiming that since senko has so much surely he can make a silver spear for the two of them sengku smiles and offers to make gin row a silver spear but only if ginro is willing to help them find the hardest formula for antibiotics ginro agrees and thus senko makes him a silver spear but little did ginaro know that the silver spear senko made for him is going to be used to detect the poison so deadly that it can kill a person within seconds as they make their way to the top of the mountain senku warns genre that he best focus the point of his spirit far ahead of him because once the silver on his spear turns black that'll signal his death senko then explains that the item they're going to procure is called sulfuric acid which only exists at the top of a mountain in emerald lake but the emerald lake produces deadly poisonous gases called hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide in order to detect the distance of the gas gin rose spear will be used because hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide will react with silver turning it black after gauging the distance of the poisonous gas senko and the others return home in order to produce protective masks that can filter the poison but upon making the masks senku tells chrome to stay while senku alone will go to procure the sulfuric acid chrome protests saying he too will go with senku senku then reminds chrome that they're the only two scientists left in existence and one of them has to survive senku volunteers himself to go because he has higher chance of getting the sulfuric acid unharmed due to his knowledge senko is ready to pass on his knowledge of science to chrome before he leaves when chrome outright refuses it he tells senku that two scientists on the job are better than one and that failure will not be an option thus convincing senku to let chrome go with him at the emerald lake cinco advises chrome to remain calm as heavy breathing can cause the mask's filter to fail and can lead to his death they approach the emerald lake but acid spews out and burns part of senku's mass tube chrome is able to warn senko in time but loses his step and almost falls into the emerald lake luckily genre arrives in time with his own mask to save chrome from falling they're able to procure the sulfuric acid and return home village games arc now the only thing they need to make the antibiotics is alcohol to which kasich reminds them that they can get it from the village if they win the tournament with senku's return he chrome and ginro along with kohaku decide to enter the tournament to procure the alcohol and to increase their odds of winning their goal is to weaken magma before his fight with quinro which will give kinro a bigger chance of winning and magma end up paired for the first match during the fight mantle gets caught trying to interfere and is told off forcing senku to dispose of his own various poisons blades and arrows he was planning on throwing at the combatants before the second round begins kohaku is told suika is in danger so she runs off to save her just before kohaku returns magma orders mantle to surrender their match disqualifying kohaku from the tournament and senku wins by default the next match is between sengun ginro it's obvious that senku's plan worked with manga out of the picture all they need to do now is throw the match for chrome to win but with ruri proclaiming that she'll dedicate her life to whoever wins ginro betrays senko and starts to fight in order to win and become chief annoyed with his intentions and betrayal senku uses suica's helmet that was laying around as leverage to knock the wind out of ginro's crotch senku becomes the victor in the match with only senko and chrome as the contestants senko is determined to surrender for chrome's happy ending to senku's surprise chrome falls unconscious during the match and senku is declared the winner senku who reluctantly marries ruri is more than happy to accept the alcohol that's given to the winner when the chief tells senku that he is married to rory by right senku merely states that he wants a divorce and escapes to his lab to create the antibiotic now with all of the ingredients senku is in the process of going over the 25 step of making antibiotics asakiri who's just wasting a round is confronted by kasiki and is forced to help out with everyone's help senku is able to make the antibiotic and thanks everyone for their help as for asagiri senku is able to make a cola and leaves it for him as they promised senku quickly enters the village and gives the antibiotics to ruri but instead of improving her situation the antibiotic worsens her health which the village chief scorned senku for but for senku it's a good thing because the symptoms that ruri is now showing have paved the road to determine the sickness senko determines that ruri has pneumonia senku suggests attacking the illness by sulfa drugs but ruri's father rages in contrast forbidding senku from feeding his daughter anything else that's when chrome kohaku kasiki ginro and kinro voice their opinion and their support of sengku's action having so many people put their faith in senku ruri's father concedes and senku is able to cure ruri with rory cured the village finally allows senko into the ranks and proclaims him as their chief to senku's surprise he finally learns that the village was named ishigami which is senku's last name village origins arc rory approaches senku revealing that she's heard the story from her mother the previous priestess about sengku and his father biakuya this makes senku realize that everyone in ishigami village are descendants of his adoptive father who avoided the petrification because he went on a mission to outer space this brings back senku's memories of his adoptive father and how he helped his father become an astronaut he explains to chrome and kohaku that the person who created the village that they're in was his father yakia ishigami once kohaku realizes that the people in the village might be senku's relatives the latter assures her that biakia isn't his biological father but an adoptive one as well as that they're hundreds of generations apart which means that even if they're related it wouldn't mean much rory states that the final part of the last story of a hundred tales is a message for sengku and that only he should hear it senku comes to know that his father left him allies to support him once he de-petrified claiming that the souvenirs he promised to bring back to him come in the form of people who pass the hundred tales his father strongly believes in him being certain that senku will revive civilization even if he has to do it from scratch senku and ruri eventually reach the founder's graveyard senku tells rory he will wander for a while prompting rory to leave him alone being alone he recalls his fond memories of his father and sheds a tear for him saying that he's grateful for the souvenirs he's received back at the village gen is being offered alcohol which he refuses as he has to pass an important message senko approaches him and inquires about the status in the tsukasa empire gan informs the group that an assault from tsukasa is imminent versus yoga arc he hears genn report that tsukasa has revived a warrior called yoga who's just as strong as tsukasa when kenro is wounded by yoga senku teams up with manga again to make a bluff about having guns to chase off yoga by triggering a small gunpowder explosion in a steel pipe and synchronizing it with mogun's rock throw to make it look like the bullet had been fired staring down his foe senko is told that tsukasa will be more than happy to know of his survival and weapon advancement as hyoga leaves the battlefield senku knows that hyoga and his men will return after gen talks them into attacking through a storm knowing that gunpowder won't be useful in rain he decides to make something that will give him a better chance against them and creates new glasses for kinro and suica soon he chrome and kasaki equip the ishigami village warriors with katanas he also creates a small knife that he gives to suica to gift again which he uses to sabotage yoga's spear however things go south where homura sets the village on fire he and kohaku save suica from the acid gas using gas masks with tsuika bluffing to yoga's men that he created it to verify the claim that the poisonous gas exists yoga pushes some of his men where the gas has accumulated which quickly kills them with this yoga concludes that a retreat is necessary and that the next time they come they'll come with the full force of tsukasa's army gen worries about the incoming attack with the full force of the enemy's army while senko assures him with the option of a preemptive strike instead he promised the kingdom of science a new invention that would allow him to do so communications arc senko explains that by using communication technology they could utilize espionage to gain more information on the opposing army's movements as well as convey information between themselves thereby possibly even reducing casualties to zero and decisively winning the war at the same time when asked who can be the potential double agent in tsukasa's army senku mentions his friends taiji and yuzuriha who have already infiltrated it for a long time once the schematic on making a phone is made a discouraged gen laments on the amount of materials that need to be transformed and used to craft it while chrome and kasaki are greatly excited to see the things needed to be made senkou states that no matter how long the pathway to making it is as long as rules are followed the outcome is a complete success he briefly explains to chrome and kasuki how the voice's small output of electricity is amplified by cell phones creating electromagnetic waves which are then received on the other end in order to make a cell phone the first item that needs to be crafted is a cotton candy machine much to get shock senku goes on to tell that the centrifugal force spinning the material would force the tiny strands of sugar out of the small holes in the body this same mechanism can be applied when making fine wires for the cell phone in the form of gold wires as chrome rushes to gather the gold necessary senku stops him as they first need to test it out on cotton candy in case it's a failed device tenku gathers the hardened sake from the fire caused by homura and boils it in order to acquire rock sugar as gen jokingly thanks homura for starting a fire once cotton candy's made the scientist asks ken whether he knows of homura's character genre hears this and starts teasing senku about liking petite girls with sapphire ruby garnet and shovel leaning in to listen senku however states that the reason behind his question is being spied on by homura by observing them homura will know whether there's a major change in activity or an attempt at escaping genn informs senku that homura is extremely loyal and has utmost respect for hyoga so the possibility of her defecting is slim to none senku in return offer some cotton candy for homura which the latter eventually consumes the scientist is hoping to goad homura to his side by offering her sweets which gen praises senku warns the villagers that they have a few months before the onslaught of tsukasa's forces in order to stop tsukasa they'll need to craft a cell phone by spring senku scolds ginro for improperly spinning the cotton candy machine as gaenro is getting frustrated with the process when the latter asks how can they be so calm even when having a short time interval to make a cell phone senku replies that he's being serious about cotton candy's flavor again filling in that the imperfections in the cotton candy would mean imperfections in the gold wire that's planned to be made afterwards before utilizing the gold for wiring they need to pin down the causes of imperfections first it turns out that while kinron and ginro were spinning the machine the rotational force was being decelerated while turning the opposite way therefore creating the problem the previously made generator doesn't go fast enough and a kilometer long rope is impractical for the brother's endurance kokuyo adds that it's also a problem of resources as the village can't afford to waste all manpower on cell phone work since it needs to prepare for the winter with little options left senko improvises by creating gears to ease the burden on the spinners he notices that kohaku's shield would serve as a perfect gear material while kohaku agrees to use it much to kokuyo shock as it turns out chrome got an idea to make the water wheel and after three hard working days he returns with kasiki to senku to let him know of their new creation after senku witnesses the craft himself he's pleasantly surprised that the two crafted it with little knowledge of the mechanism beforehand sengku happily declares the end of the age of manpower and the arrival of automated machine power genn is amazed at the new invention as senku tells him that the people he should praise are chrome and kasaki who truly deserved it however senku states that the waterwheel is not yet complete as the electricity is coming at a trickle in order to store the electricity the village will need batteries the two lead plates are stored inside a small tank filled with sulfuric acid senku commenting on how easy it is to store electrical power while chrome complains that the endeavor still took immense amounts of effort nonetheless senko then mentions that they will need five more batteries like these to connect them all ginro realizes that since an automated source of power is made he wouldn't need to spin the manual generator with his brother anymore he inquires senku and the latter confirms this both brothers greatly relieved to hear it as senko enthusiastically attempts to carve himself a gear it breaks apart much to his chagrin chrome and khasiki join him once again excited about the back and forth gear mechanism the villagers celebrate the newfound automated generator some time later genn approaches senku to ask what the craftsman group is making senko replies that they're making a light bulb however as the gold wire reaches temperatures of 2000 degrees it'll start to melt so they need to reinforce the body with an adhesive while making the bulb it suddenly breaks apart chrome gets frustrated at the difficulty of making light bulb as senku calls him out on his resolve when asked by chrome on what they're going to do about the wire burning out last time they created light senko goads chrome into coming up with an answer on his own take away the air senku uses mercury's properties to create a vacuum inside a light bulb thereby preventing the wire from burning out on christmas the group lights the tree with light bulbs they've created as kasiki reflects on the time it took to make light bulbs senkou replies that everything's going according to plan all according to keikaku chrome gets another idea now that they have light bulbs and batteries they can further explore the caves they went into beforehand in accordance to the future projects senku says that the group will require an additional heap of materials which makes chrome excited to kasaki's inquiry on what the next project is going to be the former declares a new objective to make a vacuum tube an anticipate of the computer to gen's bewilderment on what this device actually is senko explains that it represents the gear in an electric sense the heart of the cell phone the scientist goes on to elaborate to kasaki that they'll have to make a vacuum inside of it just like they did with the light bulb chrome returns now with an adequate amount of copper just in time for senku to produce a copper tube since it's hollow it won't be able to expand and break the vessel during the heat-up process of creating vacuum space in it however another problem arises as the bamboo filament burns out as the crew questions what material they should use next senku sadly states that such a resource doesn't exist in this era after countless attempts of the villagers to find the proper material for a vacuum tube senku is woken up by genn to watch the sunrise of the new year much to his annoyance coincidentally once the group gathers around the sunrise suika's newly found stone begins shining a beautiful blue color senku quickly realizes that suica has found tungsten an exceedingly rare material that can withstand heat and would be ideal for the projects they're making he commends senko and suica on their discovery and picks magma to be a mining partner for an additional trip to retrieve more tungsten surprising everyone as they approach the cave senko comments on the lukewarm temperatures allowing them to explore the cave better a worry chrome asks the former about his decision of bringing magma to the cave exploration noting that magma is a dangerous individual who might seize the opportunity to attack him senku retorts that it's their only option as even though the tungsten suited for this cave they would require magma strength to mine it further along the line senku abruptly stops explaining that they came upon a rock called maika it's a rock of such brittle structure that it can break while stepping on it and sends you to a hole impressing chrome who comments on the nature's traps all of a sudden magma notices the floor under senku slowly crumbling and quickly reacts by pushing him away only for the floor under the former to fall apart senku manages to grab magma's arm as chrome warns him that he himself might fall with magma as the rocks are starting to deteriorate chrome blames magma for wanting to send senko to a cave pit which magma plays along with the latter plays along saying that weakmen like them became leaders while it's rules of nature for the strong to rule and get women as it's always been he claims that the strong rule the world in this age stating that weaklings being able to take over the muscle in senku's world is no more he laments on the fact that if a warrant for senku he'd be the ruler of the village senko and magma both fall into the hole during this exchange as senku moves around an annoyed magma orders him to stop shuffling around the former responds that he's merely taking measurements of the cave and that it's better to do so than screaming falling into the pit and burying them alive like magma's doing they're interrupted by chrome who begins pouring in water senku warns magma once again not to scream at chrome as that will assure the rocks fall in them chrome explains that by pouring water it'll allow the duo to get out of the hole senko does an inner circulation determining that they might just barely make it in the six hours necessary to fill the pit the scientist tutors chrome on making a tool for transferring water with mangan's help to this he explains to magma that in the old world the weaklings didn't dominate the strong it was just the simple division of labor in the old world everyone was useful and who the boss was didn't matter as magma is still very dissatisfied about losing the position of village chief senku promises him amazing things humanity has conjured up which he would have never saw if it wasn't for him as they fill the pit senku showing signs of hypothermia chrome's anxiety is broken by magba who propels senku out of the hole threatening to kill him if he becomes boring senku confidently states science can never be boring the scientist is grateful for magma's absurd strength as without it they would need to hug each other to maintain warmth disgusting both chrome and magma at the thought of it he celebrates the group finding a large ore deposit which he transformed into a collection of rare materials over the years senku states that without magma the collection of these materials would be impossible after the collection an ecstatic chrome notes how it's the bonds of friendship not rocks that were the most important thing made in this exploration disgusting magma and senku who berate him on his awkwardness surprisingly on their way back senko is blindfolded by magba and taken back to the village being greeted by gen he arrives at the conclusion that the village decided to trade senko's life for their stability instead however the entire thing is a ruse in order to gift an observatory to an unsuspecting scientist senku reacts rationally saying that the telescope could assist them in battling tsukasa much to everyone chagrin gen confesses that he came to know sengu's birthday after he wrote the day he was de-petrified and told him the amount of days he's lived the reasoning for remembering this is that he's liked senku for his attributes from the start the latter although very glad reacts with apparent disgust towards these emotions on kohaku's question on how to extract tungsten from the rock senku says that it's the hard part of the process the rocks are quickly smashed by magma and mantle with senku saying that they needed to grind them to dust anyway surprised about magma's behavior kokuyo asks senku what happened in the cave senku is unsure how to answer to remove debris off tungsten they'll have to use hydrogen which involves heating it in a bottle senku scolds kasiki and chrome for being too hasty as heating a bottle will simply melt it so they have to use precision and melt only the metal he motivates chrome to think for himself saying that him being his professor is needless and is promptly annoyed by again not understanding the purification process senko is delighted to see the purified tungsten but at the same time surprised by the huge material kasich and chrome brought nevertheless the equipment is more than enough to make the filament as the group celebrates its creation after rory compares his phone to a bee and talks about a story about a bee talking with the dead he and gen realize she's talking about a record player he discovers the time capsule containing a message from byakuya senku is touched by his father's belief and promises to show the villagers what humanity was like in his time using the phone he talks to taiji and yuzuriha for the first time since they split later on senkou notes that he'll need taiji and yuzuriha who enter the woods and find senku after a year apart senku is happy to reunite with his friends he brokers a ceasefire with tsukasa in exchange for de-petrifying his sister mirai senku theorizes that the petrification will cure mirai's brain deadness which it does hyoga attacks tsukasa and he and senku team up to defeat yoga due to his injuries senku cryofreezes tsukasa age of exploration arc senku de-petrifies rusui and sets out to find oil senku officially becomes recognized as one of the kingdom's science's five wise generals the kingdom recreates a motorboat and as they prepare to use it sengku speaks with taiju who asks about senku's love potion senku laughs as he tells taiji that it was merely gasoline as ryusui remarks how they made it to the point before the petrification in inventing during the bow test run senko and the others receive a transmission from an unknown person after a year of building he and the kingdom of science are able to build the perseus treasure island arc after setting foot on the island with gen kohaku and soyuz the crew of the perseus is petrified by ibarra and his forces senko and the others meet amaryllis who along with kohaku will infiltrate the harem they later come across the ship where they find their allies petrified thanks to kohaku's code they realize that there are some who survived the attack but senku isn't pleased to find out generous survived nevertheless he's happy to see suica who had stowed away on the ship survive and the two reclaimed the mobile lab with the lab they make a base in a cave and put their plan into action kohaku and ginro who are given a makeover infiltrate the harem with amaryllis after senku and rusui defeat ibarra and claims the petrification weapon senko nearly bemoans that he's alone again but ruri contacts him and he sees that he isn't during the celebration senko then proceeds to revive everyone who was petrified including his former enemy kirisame he questions her on kohaku and ginro's whereabouts and he subsequently revives them that night wyman contacts them again and fills the airwaves with 12 million eight hundred thousand meters one second senko isn't concerned as he keeps the petrification weapon away however senku shocked that wyman spoke in his voice new america city arc after a number of theories as to why the yman has his voice ukio soon states that the latter is using a synthetic voice and senku is eager to find out answers the next day senko and his allies revive those on the island they later tend to the unknown statue taiji brought up before they notice he has a symbol on his arm matching the device senku then revives the man who is a warrior called matakaze and he tells senku they were formerly dozens of the petrification weapons that fell from the sky with this little info they're able to calculate that waiman is on the moon senku makes plans to invade the moon later that night sengku soon finds the capsule that his father's astronaut team traveled in to return to earth with him and kohaku remarking on why the island is called treasure island the next day as the crew prepares for their voyage home soyuz decides to stay and revive those who are petrified by ibada since he memorized the revival formula senku permits it and wishes him luck soyuz then has kirisame join senku before leaving the island sengku had a radio tower built along with a flag placed there symbolizing it's now part of the kingdom of science senku returns to the mainland and uses the petrification weapon to petrify and revive tsukasa informing him of their plan to fly to the moon after concerns are made of his scars genn has everyone adorned paint to recreate their scars so they can remove them after wyman is defeated senku has yuzuriha and kasuki build a 3d model for him once the globe's done astan senku notes on how overboard they went and built a giant globe in a makeshift planetarium with several cities named after their resources nevertheless senku is impressed and explains that they'll revive the people on each continent and work with them to establish these cities during the voyage he and rusui argue over which route to take they settled the dispute over the recreated game of poker with genn siding with rusui senkou notes that they might cheat but kohaku joins him using her keen eyesight despite gen's tactics senku wins the game since his allergies helped and perseus takes his route soon francois builds a bar and senko listens to matsukaze's past soon he decides to revolve yoga telling him that he's needed to train the warriors of the ship hyoga agrees but in return he asks senku to revive some people mozu and homura senko and usually later describe traveling to seas in ancient days when genn questions how gps works in the stone world senko explains with the help of those in japan when a storm hits gen berets senku's poor luck but chrome creates a sunstone when they reach san francisco senko sees the statues of others lined up genn sadly discusses the senku his hope that the lie he fabricated for the fake lillian had been true that america had recovered from the petrification or beaten it altogether very soon the crew of the perseus separates with the warrior team following the exploration team in the case of an attack while passing through the river the group wondered about the corn since it's about the time where it would wither genn states america is vast and they may not find any as senku states they have a chance of being attacked soon the mobile lab is attacked by alligators something again chalks up to senku's bad luck and the latter panics however he's in awe at the warriors being eager for a challenge and driven by their hunger they attacked most of the beasts while the rests fled in fear that night the crew set up camp before senko notes that corn was growing since certain bugs are attracted and questions that however tsukasa and the others note an eerie feeling and alerts everyone to retreat inside the boat this is where they take cover surely enough bullets ran down and senko ducks for cover in the lab after the gun stopped shooting rysui has the group enter the boats before fleeing the scene once at a safe distance the group notes on the events wondering if america really survived but rusui brings up the statues lukio then brings up the plausible cause of someone reviving on their own like senku hearing this a gleeful senku notes they should be grateful because they did the grunt work however he notes if the person is a scientist then that person is finished because he won't lose in his strongest field the group escape on the river with senko telling taiju that it's likely someone revived even earlier than him soon ukyo hears an engine before senko is shocked to witness an aircraft flying above them staring at it in awe fortunately senku comes up with a plan and has kirisame bring the plane down with a substance as the pilot escapes senko has the plane salvaged wanting to use it in the future while rizui supports this plan senko and the others realize the enemy will perform a tactical retreat when perseus gets another call senku has chrome and kohaku limit interaction before he hangs up he explains that the enemy will most likely trace the call frequency surely enough the perseus receives another call and it's dr zeno who has located the frequency of the group's communication xeno requests to start negotiating with dr taiji something that leaves senku along with the crew confused senku realizes this was because gen and taishi dressed up despite it being a call and talks with zeno while being walked through by senku on what to say xeno tells taiji that his side has a clear technological advantage with senku telling the other xeno has a factory that can produce mass amounts of ammunition taiji acts out that he knew this as zeno is none the wiser and taiju's friends are impressed by his acting zeno makes them an offer to completely surrender and serve him since his manpower is lacking as he has no means to de-petrify the statues these words cause risui to realize the enemy doesn't have revival fluid xeno also mentions that only those who have been aware during all 3 700 years can be revived with nitric acid alone before questioning how he revived the statues thereby unintentionally confirming to the group that he has no idea about the revival fluid taiju innocently attempts to answer xeno's question about how to make the miracle formula but is stopped by ryusui who along with senku informs him they will simply crush the group once they have the manpower to do so senku states that they could have corn city running with the formula with this taiji rejects zeno's offer and zeno promptly ends the call the group here annoys and spot another plane shocked the enemy had another one the perseus crew asks sengku what they should do as senku states they'll battle the enemy in the sky with their new vessels senkou announces to the crew that he and kasuki are going to fix up the plane after building a runaway for the perseus with the help of his crew the runway for the perseus is made he and rusui are in mutual agreement for the possibilities of the plane senku tasks yuzuriho with replacing the wheels on the plane he also decides to send a small team to capture zeno the team consisting of tsukasa hyoga ukiyo and suika when a battered woman named luna arrives she begs them for help after escaping zeno as the crew wonder about her situation sengku approaches her and kindly helps her the crew are taken aback by his altruistic behavior while yuzuriha notes he has a motive surely enough it's revealed senko intends to butter up the girl to extract info from her as luna continues to adjust to the crew senko and rusui converse on getting info from luna to that end senku continues to put up a kind nature and surprises her while making no qualms of hiding his intentions of getting info to his crew shock ryusui stops him and tells senku he'll have francois recreate ice cream after luna enjoys the treat senku notices and she states if zeno was present he would say the word elegant senko is greatly shocked asking luna if xeno was a nasa scientist something she confirms the crew are greatly shocked by senku's familiarity and rusui asks senku how he knows him and cinco reveals that zeno was his science mentor after recounting his story with zeno senko reveals that he has a plan and brings out the petrification weapon which is still not powered but he intends to use it to draw dr zeno after yusui alerts the crew about the sniper everyone scatters while senku notices luna looking in the direction but gives away his position to stanley snyder thinking quickly senko mixes in unknown starch and water creating dilatant fluid which he remembers was tested for use in bulletproof vests he gets the bag in front of himself just in time for the bullet to pierce the wall and fragment hitting the bag in multiple places despite this act senku is still wounded after the bullet fragments hit him laying wounded senko reveals his speculation that stanley aimed at his chest because stanley believed senku may be the only one who knows the revival formula and wanted to give senku time to pass on the formula before he dies the group is relieved he's alive as francois tends to him he puts faith in chrome barely conscious senko has francois translate his plan to send the powerless petrification weapon to zeno and have someone describe its ability after midami questions if they have someone who could do that senku was confident that gen was the one fit for the job he wakes up to luna tending to him instructing luna to hear his chest and determine that blood is pooling in his left lung senku orders her to remove the blood with a syringe and do transfusion with a crew member luna agrees but makes a request for him in exchange for her services he denies it if she wants to surrender but she tells him that he must become her boyfriend much to senkhushak senku presumably agreed to luna's request because she later stated that they were dating meanwhile rizui and the others have gotten the aircraft carrier and plane ready with a slowly recovering senku acting as his co-pilot senku is eager for an aerial battle between him and stanley to commence senko and risui set off though senku is bothered by the high altitude he's amazed to see how far they reached he assures rishui that while the plane was hastily put together it'll fly they engage in an aerial battle with stanley hoping it ends with the enemy being scared by the fake machine gun after a series of unorthodox methods they tricked stanley and senko notes the odds were in their favor using the same method of settling gas that he used to bring down stanley's first plane he causes the engine to stall however senko and yusui is also brought down after being hit by some of the gas ryusu and sengu survive the crash and tell stanley to come out of the wreckage but it's not stanley but rather a member of the squad undaunted senko uses her communicator to send a message to the gloating xeno where he tells his former mentor that he was not the only one who sent his knight shocked zeno is then confronted by tsukasa who holds him at sword point afterwards senko and ryusui journey to the enemy castle arriving to meet up with the others senku describes xeno to the others as the latter is shocked and amazed that his former pupil survived sharing some words with his former mentor about his survival senku promises to talk later zeno questions what his next move is with his allies captured soon luna francois and max arrive along with kasuki he congratulates luna on sneaking away from the ship with her being flattered knowing the enemy will soon appear they commandeer one of the enemy spare boats they go over the few people in the american colonies that wouldn't like to see bloodshed they soon realize the candidate is none other than dr brody the mechanic of the colony senko speaks with him for a truce brody is uninterested until senku offers him something he would like to the shock of his allies he reveals the ingredients for the revival formula he tells brodie that his crew will be more than willing to help him should they be guaranteed safety south america arc after escaping stanley's grasp sanku is confident on reaching south america while ignoring the panicking of his friends as they sail the crew ponder on what they'll find in south america before zeno reveals that he's aware of the wyman and the signal coming from the moon which surprises senku and the others zenku notes how it wasn't odd xeno noticed becoming excited as xeno hopes they can work together to figure out the course of the personification and they proceed to exchange information after realizing that it'll take years for them to sail around the continent and with stanley on their tail the group decides the best bet is to scale across the continent itself taking a break for supplies on the california coastline they reach a deserted island they soon discover a geographer called chelsea who has the same fuzzy sickness as suica after making her some glasses senko learns she's acquainted with xeno as well as the fact that his research on the petrified birds brought her to nasa chelsea eagerly joins the team and tells them that the best way to get across the continent is via motorcycles prompting senku to create a road map on the steps they need to make one with chelsea on board they update her on the recent events such as the wyman the plan to reach the moon and the actions of zeno with this she sides with the kingdom's science and joins them the group notes that with their small ship they couldn't make it very far but chelsea remarks on how the wind helped her kites with this in mind the group creates sales made from chelsea's kites with this senku's group eluded the enemy at a faster pace while stanley and his group are infuriated that the enemy can continue to escape after the kingdom of science makes their way into the amazon rainforest stanley decides not to pursue them and instead makes his way to where they'll exit after creating rubber boots and animal repellent the crew make their way along rafts down the amazon river towards manos chrome comes up with the idea of creating a timed way to use the revival fluid with senku suggesting that the yman might anticipate this and create multiple pre-planned attacks with the petrification device after a while the crew starts trekking on foot to the source of the petrification with suica fishing out a medusa from the river this stuns everyone until they realize they're standing in front of a petrification pyramid did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 1,083,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Senku Ishigami, Senku, Ishigami, Dr. Stone, Dr Stone, Stone, Doctor Stone, Taiju Oki, Yuzuriha Ogawa, Taiju, Yuzuriha, Chrome, Gen, Ukyo, Ryusui, Invest, Kohaku, Kinro, Ginro, Suika, Kaseki, Magma, Ruri, Kokuyo, Amaryllis, Mozu, Tsukasa Shishio, Byakuya Ishigami, Lillian Weinberg, Finance, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Byakuya, Stock, Timeline, Life, Dr.STONE
Id: n2_7f189TzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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