Speedrunning Hunter x Hunter

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i don't know if you've seen the speed running naruto or naruto shipped in videos but if you haven't we're basically gonna go through the story and plot of a series as fast as humanly possible and today we're going to do hunter hunter i already feel my heart racing and my throat getting dry also obligatory if you like this video please check if you're subscribed because youtube does this thing where they unsubscribe people from channels why who knows it's weird also check out our other accounts like the amagi 2. anyway let's get to the video ready three two one go pre-hunter exam gone is first seen at his home of whale island fishing for the master of the swamp a fish had five grown fishermen pulling together couldn't land gohan made a wager to zanmito that if he could catch a fish he would allow him to take part in the hunter exam after a week of work gone finally succeeds and his aunt signs his application gohan returns home and speaks suzanne she asks if gohan always knew about his father's trade and also tells him that his father left going with her when he was only a baby gohan replies being a hunter must be an important job that family comes only second and that it's time for him to meet his father he's then seen preparing to bordership heading for the hunter exam everyone in the town comes to say goodbye and wish him luck preliminary phase the first night on the boat there's a huge storm that tosses about most of the would-be hunters after the storm the ship's drunkard of a captain walks around to see only three candidates still able to move one of them gone is running back and forth trying to take care of the seasick later on going to standing at the front of the boat predicting that they'll be hit by another storm this time three times the size of the previous night the captain knows he's correct and not guessing as he sees jin and going and suspects gina's gone's father he asks and find that he's correct the captain shows gon how to steer the boat and also announces that the next storm was coming and anyone who wanted to get off should right now all but going kurapikan and leorio live the captain asks why they all want to be hunters gon answers while the other two don't leary asks why they should tell him as he just steers the ship the captain replies he screams applicants and it's up to him whether or not they pass the remaining two tell him while explaining karapika noise laeria to the point that they go into the storm to fight when a crew member jumps in to stop them he falls overboard and go and jumps after him narrowly missing his fall into the ocean thanks to krapika and leorio grabbing his ankles in time to pull them both back on board when they reach land the captain gives him a hint to head to a lone cedar tree outside of the city to find the navigators going decides to go and karapaka decides to tag along leorio stays until he finds that there was another trick to weed out the week and he runs off to join the other two later they reach a village that seems to be deserted but gohan says he can hear them and soak in korapka then the whole population of village comes out to start the mind-boggling two-choice quiz the leader of the village asks two questions and all they can say is one or two the man who heard the clue walks in and says he'll go first she asks him men have taken your mother in true love captive who do you save he chooses one thinking that's what she wants him to say she says he may go leorio starts yelling because of the preposterous question korapika tells him to be quiet seeing gohan has heard something she asks another impossible question and leorio attacks her korapia blocks it stating they passed since silence is the answer he adds he heard the other man scream meaning he was killed but no one knows how after a short walk the trio reach a house and find the two navigators posing as a couple being attacked by a magical beast called kirikou the beast takes off with the lady followed by gone in korapika with leorio staying behind to take care of the man while chasing after the creature gone pulls ahead of korapka closes in on the kiriko and bashes him in the head the ketiko drops the woman who is caught by kuropka the creature still manages to get away from gon who continues chasing it soon he comes to a clearing where the creature attacks him gon melee greets it and asks where the one he hit went to it's revealed that both the kitako and the couple are a family and the ones who would take the three to the hunter exam the next day they arrive at a small restaurant the disguised magical beast orders a specific meal then the cook sends them to a special room and delivers the meal the room is actually an elevator that starts to drop as they make their way down karapika and leorio try to find out whether gohan is taking the test for the wealth or for the adventure he doesn't answer gohen's hunter exam begins with him getting targeted by tanpa the rookie crusher tonka first introduces himself as a friend trying to help gon tompa then introduces some of the other regulars such as bourbon the snake charmer toto the wrestler the amore brothers cherry and gereta the huntsman while doing the introductions they hear blood-curdling scream and they look to see a man missing his arms courtesy of his car the magician who maimed him simply because he bumped into him tonpe fills the others in on his aka recalling that last year hisako was assessed by most as a favorite to pass and become certified however hisako was determined to have failed the exam when he injured a proctor realizing hisco was permitted to try again for his license those listening questions whether someone as wicked as his should be allowed to become a hunter tonbo shrugs and suggests that the hunter association is morally unbiased since the examiners are newly draft every year he's a good state would effectively be wiped clean disregarding the fact that he earned the prejudice of a previous administrator tompo then offers gohan and the other two some juice gohan being the first to taste it spits it back out saying it tastes funny leaning kodappagan and leorio to dump thirds in the ground afterwards tonpa makes a hasty apology first phase satots the first examiner begins the 287 hunter exam with an extremely long run down a tunnel a kid on a skateboard ends up next to gone and he asks how old gon is discovering that he and gone are the same age he decides to run two and jumps off his board the kid introduces himself as kilauea gone looks back to see layorio heavily fatigued on the verge of dropping out of the exam gone and kilauea paused to wait for leorio who then gets his second win and runs pass after running for 80 kilometers they come to a set of stairs and start climbing while satot starts picking up the pace at this point many applicants have failed the exam due to the sheer exhaustion or succumbing to extreme mental strain korapiga notices that lyorio was able to continue the stairmaster challenge by going topless he decides he should follow leorio's example and remove some of his outer garments possibly storing them in his shoulder bag as the two run karapika brings up an earlier remark that lyorio made about wanting him become a hunter for the sake of getting rich stating that he doesn't believe leyorio's motives to be so worldly leorio reaffirms that he's doing it for money but then reveals he lost a dear friend because of the inability to pay for the medical bills now he wants to become a doctor to heal the sick for free but he lacks the funds needed to pay for medical school therefore he sees a hunter license as a sponsorship opportunity for his cause lario in turn asks karapika why he desires to become hunter kurapko recounts how his entire clan the kurdo were massacred by an organization of thieves known as the phantom troop korapka wishes to track down the troop and confront them to avenge his brethren but he lacks ties to the criminal network known as the underworld in order to pursue them he seeks to obtain a hunter license in order to gain clearance into mafia operations to become an inside man leyorio remarks to take such a path may force karapika to become the very darkness that he detests but karapika agrees that while that may be the case he will do what it takes to carry out his mission and he only worries about that his resolve may falter when the time comes meanwhile the top of the stairs is in sight gohan and kilauea race to see who will be the first to meet satos outside when they reach the finish line sato states that they both crossed over simultaneously most of the other applicants make it to the crest of the hill at which point satots addresses all those who have come so far satos announces that he will continue to lead the group through the rest of the phase but warns that the next part is extra dangerous as they will be passing through the milsi wetlands aka swindler's swamp a zone renowned for endemic magical beasts who prey on humans the entire party consents to go on as they attempt to follow satots a thick fog invaluates the participants a number of examinees are consumed by the various species of magical beasts additionally some of the applicants who appear to resent hisoka band together and endeavor to murder him hisaka kills every single member of the belligerent faction gracefully and in an incident this brief battle triggers hisaka's bloodlust causing him to declare that he will serve as an examiner to see who is worthy to carry on in the exam the ariel and gone though afraid confront yusuka and while they're easily defeated by his superior combat skills the latter proclaims that they have passed his judgment and would be a ways to kill as they have potential lyorio is unconscious so hisaka carries him to the next phase while gone meets up with kurapika second phase the second phase of the exam takes place in the visca forest preserve where the examinees meet gourmet hunters and proctors menchie and bujara bojaras desk is to find the world's most dangerous pay and bring it back to him so he can eat it gon and his friends complete the task easily along with 70 other applicants however menchie the second examiner baffles the other examinees when she tells them to make sushi a traditional dish from japan as none of them know what sushi is menchie overreacts because of an examinee making them all fail as a result no one passes which requires the chairman netaro to intervene the test is taken to split mountain where examinees hunt for spider eagle eggs at the end of the stage there are 42 applicants left a game at midnight the 42 remaining applicants board the selection committee's airship where it's revealed that their next phase of the exam will begin at 8am the next day as everyone rests up for tomorrow gon and kilauea encounter netro who challenges them to a game if they win he'd issue their licenses on the spot all they have to do is take away a ball from netero kilauea eagerly goes first but fails gon then takes his turn to take the ball but he also fails time passes and when it seems gonna kill will have tried every possible tactic netaro suggests they attack together though they come seemingly close to it at one point netaro rockets in between them at lightning speed and takes the ball kilowatt calls it quits and ends up killing two applicants in his frustration gon however decides to play until he forces netro to use his right hand when he succeeds in doing so going collapses in exhaustion where he is third phase in the morning the airship arrives at the top of trick tower the 40 applicants are informed that the objective of stage 3 is to get down from the tower alive within 72 hours the group is forced to team up with tonpa the first series test is to win three out of five matches against tower prisoners tonba takes the first match with a hardened looking criminal and promptly gives up gon faces the next prisoner a serial bomber by the name of zetacon in a match to see whose candle can burn the longest karapiga engages in a death match with the next opponent majdani but refuses to kill him after seeing red literally and knocking the criminal unconscious majtani phase unconsciousness in an attempt to run out the clock leorion the leader of the prisoners bet on whether he's faking lyrio holds the man above a long drop and majitani wakes up he concedes the match to karapika but the group loses a large chunk of their time because of the bet leorio goes next his opponent is leroux an attractive woman he loses 10 hours in a bed he then loses the rest of their betting hours to her kilauea then faces jonas the dissector a man responsible for the murder of at least 146 people with his bare hands kilauea rips out his heart explaining afterwards that jonas is an amateur and he is the pro the last test to get out of the tower has two paths one is too long and the other only allows three of the five to enter leorio and tonba start fighting to see who will stay when grown thinks outside the box they choose the longer path destroy the wall between the paths with axes provided so they can fight and all five make it out fourth phase the fourth phase is a manhunt on several island where the 25 remaining competitors being required to target and acquire their prey's plate go enjoys hisoka and spends much of his time strategizing he manages to get hisaku's plate but is attacked in the process by gerita and paralyzed with the neurotoxin isco then kills gerita but gives gon back his plate and then his own gon recovers in three days and comes across lyorio in korapika he eventually helps leorio to acquire his target's badge the final phase the final phase was a tournament with each of the participants after being selected by the judges as being the most exceptional applicants hanzo and gone for yourself first gohan is outmatched when it comes to combat but his unwillingness to submit causes hanzo to forfeit the battle making go on the first applicant to pass the 287th hunter exam hunter exam hanzo knock's going out and he doesn't awake until the exam has ended sattots fills in the details and explains to gohan that only two people didn't pass the exam boduro and kilauea it's revealed that gitaraker is actually an alias for kilauea's older brother ilomi kilauea was manipulated into murdering another contestant and subsequently failed the exam gone enraged confronts ilumi and gets kilauea's address gone kurapika and leorio all then depart tequila's home in kokoro mountain arrival at kukuru mountain gon leorio and karapaka arrive in the republic of padokia kilau is home country they board a tour bus which will take them to the entrance of the zoldik estate during the ride they notice two suspicious tourists the guide kokolu informs everyone in the bus about the background of the zoltik family when they arrive gohan asks hokulu to let them inside the gate but the guide is unable to do so as she doesn't have the permission the two suspicious tourists take action and try to take the keys from the gatekeeper zebro zebra warns the two not to enter but they continue anyway the two open and enter a side door to the estate in hopes of finding the zoldic family however soon after screams are heard from within the gate zebra shrugs and calls mike telling him not to eat too much the gate opens and the skeletons of the two roofians are thrown out the bus with the other tourists takes off in fear leaving go and kurapiga and laorio the three introduce themselves to zero as friends of kilauea saying that they're here to visit him although delighted that someone cares to visit family zebra is unable to let them in the creature from before mikey guards the entrance of the property he informs them that if anyone enters through this side door they will be eaten just as the two beforehand however gone is insistent and zebra decides to take them inside through the testing gate the three meet mikey a gigantic wolf-like dog zero asks juan if he wants to befriend mikey but gon refuses and admits that bk is scary they move on through the estate until they reach the gatekeeper's quarters the three meet a fellow hunter sequon who was after the zoldic family before he came to serve them sequan insults the three of them saying that they're not able to open the testing gate saying that if they're not able to open the testing gate they're not good enough to meet the zoldicks enraged by this the three agree to train within the zoldi property for a few days in order to open the gates after a total of 10 days of training all three are able to open the gates both golan and karapika are able to open at least one gate weighing two tons each leyorio is able to open two gates a total of four tons with this zebra and sequoia let the three proceed towards cuckoo mountain and the manor however seaquan worries about the next trial the three will face the butler's apprentice inside the zoldic mansion a lady and a child are seen walking along the hallway they enter a room where kilauea is currently tortured by his older brother miluki kilo's mother kikyo informs him about his friend's arrival in their estate but obviously confident that they will not pass through the gates going karappaga and laorio continue towards the mountain but another servant stops them she introduces herself as canary a butler's apprentice she was ordered not to let anyone pass her post including going in his friends when gone tries to pass she hits him hard with her staff while gone is attacked a young child is watching the scene behind the bushes the sun will soon set but gohan still insists on going going tells canary that she's not like mike who is like a machine although she hides her feeling she cares for kilauea and has a heart canary starts to cry and stops hitting gone and she asks him to save kilauea but she's knocked unconscious all of them look in the direction where the projectile came from a lady when an elaborate gown who was accompanied by a child complains about canary for talking too much about their family she informs gohen that she's there to deliver a message from kilauea saying that he will not be able to see them she introduces herself as kilo his mother and the child beside her as kaluto kiko begins to explain that kilwa is currently in the isolation room to regret his past actions meanwhile in the isolation room miluki continues torturing kilauea but is furious when he finds out kilauea is actually sleeping miraki informs him his friends have made their way through the gardens and are currently confronted by their mother miluki mocks kilua by telling him that he'll call their mother and have his friends taken away kilauea then breaks out of one of the chains threatening miluki their grandfather comes in and orders kilauea to go see his father after he leaves miluki expresses his anger to zeno instead zeno asks me lucky what he thinks of hilo's abilities milikey praises him saying that kilauea is one of the most talented members of the family but he's emotionally weak making him a failure as an assassin zeno then informs kikio about kilo's freedom and his talk to his father kikio is clearly upset and starts scolding her father-in-law through her visor she excuses herself and leaves immediately colortoe stays for a while glaring get going and his friends when his mother called him colortoe quickly runs off after her canary regains consciousness and agrees to take gone and his friends to the butler's headquarters where they can make direct calls to the zoldic family members father and son before kilauea sees his father he remembers the day he ran away from home he goes inside the room and his father silva is sitting across the room he asks hilowa many things such as how the hunter exam was like and the friends he made silva makes kilowatt sit with him to tell him about his adventures when silva finally asks him if he wants to see his friends again kilo and nods silva makes kilowatt promise never to betray his friends and sets him free before kilauea can get out of the mansion kikio and kalato arrive just in time to stop him kikio tells kilauea that his friend's already left and he should go back to the isolation room instead of listening kilauea glares at his mother threateningly and leaves kiki was surprised and proud that kilauea has become mature the coin toss game canary leads guan and his friends to the butler's headquarters they had butler goto insist they should make themselves feel at home he informs them that kilauea is on the way and should stay here to wait for him to pass the time goto suggests a coin toss game whoever gets it wrong will be out of the game and if all three of them lose they will be expelled from the zoltic property goto begins with a simple warm-up with each level becoming harder and harder lario is the first to lose then kurapika go and get serious as goto asks assistance from two other butlers to their surprise going guess is the right answer the coin is actually in the butler behind him the butlers applaud for their performance kilauea finally arrives and reunites with his friends before he leaves kilo arrives goto not to take orders from his mother anymore as they can't stop him goto then asks glenn to watch over kilauea as they leave during their trip back to the airport kilowatt tells gohan that goto hates cheating he also tells go on his recurring nightmares about goto chasing him with a knife next meeting york new city on september 1st when they arrive at the airport kurapika tells everyone that he'll leave he'll find a job to become a blacklist hunter that he's always wanted leorio also bids farewell as he wants to get ready to become a doctor before leaving karapika tells them what he's got whispered to him during the hunter exam hisaga knows about the spiders and that they'll be at york new city on september 1st everyone agrees on meeting at the given location in time as grappaga and liaorio leave kilo would suggest for the two of them to start training and earning money and the one perfect place is heaven's arena gon agrees and they set off on their own adventure mecca for fighters and then go to killer arrive in heaven's arena a place where fighters gather their objective is to train earn money and find hisaka so gohan can give back hisaku's badge during the hunter exam they start off in the lowest floor easily winning their matches they notice a fellow fighter a boy named zushi who's around their age later zhi faces off against kilowen battle confident in his abilities kilowatt doesn't try his best to not get sushi to surprise zushi's able to withstand kulua's attacks when do she's unable to take another hit he releases an energy that sends kilauea back the feeling reminds kilau of his older brother ilomi and he thinks they're somehow using the same technique sushi's master wing who's watching with the audience shouts loudly to warn zushi not to use that hilo wastes no more time so he gives zushi a powerful punch which throws him out of the arena although defeated zushi can still get up despite the attack gohan congratulates kilauea for winning it another match but kilauea is wondering about the technique zushi used he tells cohen that he overheard zushi's conversation with wang and he apologized for using that don't suggest that they should ask sushi instead later zushi explains to them everything gon and kilowatt are unable to understand what zushi's saying instead wing approaches them and keeluma asks him if we could teach them about the technique called nen in their quarters wing starts to explain what nan is and its principles he demonstrates the same energy zushi used before when they get back to the tower kilowatt tells gohan that wing was lying to them the 200th floor they finally arrive to the 200th floor the hallway leading to the register is blocked by a strong aura as they move forward an employee shows herself she informs them that they only have until midnight to register for the fight hisaku shows himself and tells them they're not ready yet to set foot on the floor they try to force their way through but hisoka is stronger wing appears behind them and volunteers to teach them to real ned back in wing's room he demonstrates nan and makes them feel the pressure he opens their r node so that they can use then's technique called ten two hours later they come back to the 200th floor to face hisaka they successfully pass through the nen barrier after hisuka leaves they're confronted by three fighters guido saraso and rayvelt who challenged them to a fight gone freaks vs guido the next day gone faces against guido guido already has four victories and one defeat he starts the match by taking out his dancing tops unaware what the tops do going keeps on getting hit he tries to dodge multiple times to no avail going states that the tops are as strong as hammers quito continues on hitting him and gets five clean points going tries to feel the movement of the tops but still fails when gone was thrown out of the ring he sees the top near but not attacking him he deduces that the tops are moving in all directions and shock themselves gohan finally realizes how to dodge his tops he then tries to kick keto but guido himself spins like a top going gets hit again which earns kito another three points goin stays calm and uses zetsu wing who's watching from the sidelines is shocked because he didn't teach that suit again yet with zach's gun is able to dodge the top with his eyes closed he can feel the movements of the tops and he can still fight hisuka also watches gohan's match and gets pumped up the aftermath after his fight with guido gohan earns three fractures and 12 cracks on his ribs it will take him four months to recover kilowatt starts ranting to him about his recklessness wing enters the room and slaps gone he proceeds to rant all the things kilauea said before wing forbids go into fight for two months and will not let go and practice nan or study it go on promises and win gives him a wire of pledge wing then asks hilowa what his objectives are in competing kilowatt replies that he wants to earn money and gon wants to train and ultimately fight hisaka noting that their plans change slightly upon meeting wing and sushi kilauea then comes back to see gon meditating in his room so he joins in with gon meanwhile karapika approached the senki guild agency only to be rejected by an agent she tells him that karappaga is a rookie and smart and clients don't bother having rookies but kurapika is beyond being an amateur she says karapika's exam isn't over yet and asks if he can see something right beside her and since kurapika can't she suggests for him to come back again after he learns it on his way back korapka meets a man whose name is yet unknown who steals his hunter license and so enters in on a match with kurapika after being utterly defeated karapika receives his hunter license back while the stranger tells him that he's going to teach him about nen to which karapika accepts and as such the older man becomes his master hisuka vs castro one month later going is perfectly healed which surprises kilowatt because it needs four months for him to recover kilauea then presents two tickets for hizuka's match he claims that he's able to get reserved seats because they're the fighters in the 200th floor and he's cause matches are quite popular before they can proceed any longer wing says no wing tells them that watching a match is considered learning then kilauea leaves alone one hour before the match kilauea uses his assassination skills to approach cash to his room he spots him sitting on a couch but before he knew it castro is already by side this left kilo was surprised yet he stays calm and lies to castro that he's there for an autograph castro praises kilowatt for zetsu although he already knew kilo was there ever since he arrived at the floor his cause match against castro is about to begin castro states he's gone through vicar's training to be able to defeat him kosho attacks first and hits hisuka while hisoka wonders what just happened in the sidelines kilowatt deduces castro made an illusion castro charges athizuka again this time hisaka dodges the first punch yet gets hit by the second kashu continues to attack kizuka through punches and kicks and with the help of his speed kashua is able to knock kizuka down the score is now 4-0 he stands up and begins to deduce kosher's fighting ability castro states that he'll take his gazan by using his signature move the tiger bite fist hisaka then gladly states he'll give his arm castro is able to cut off his right arm hisco finally realizes the secret of castro's strength castro actually has a double casher shows off his double doppleganger ability and tells he's got he'll take his left arm next hisika then hides his right arm with a piece of cloth out from the cloth cards come out flying he tells castro to choose a card and memorize it and asks what number would he get if he applied the following formula x 4 which is in parentheses times 2 minus 6 which is brackets divided by 2 minus x he pulls a card out of his broken arm and shows an ace which is one of spades he gives a card to castro as a souvenir telling him that he knew that the answer would be one castro charges again and takes his left arm to their surprise he said his right arm is back and he starts to approach castro castro continues to attack his go with his double hiska sends his cards towards castro which hits kashua's left arm kashua continues to dodge but he eventually gets hit all over his body hisco wins the match leaving a dead castro behind the spider back in the shadows a female awaits hisika and lets him show his wounds she comments on his skull being a stupid jerk and proceeds to treat his wounds as she's getting paid machi begins to stitch hisaka's left arm with the help of her nen ability a few seconds later his left arm works perfectly matcha proceeds to treat his right arm and charges him 20 milligenie for the left arm and 50 million jenny for the right arm he uses a combination of bungee gum and texture surprise to hide his wounds machi then tells his because she's leaving and not to push himself before his wounds are fully healed she reminds isuka the most important thing be in york new city at august 30th before noon all members must be present hisica asks her if the boss will be there and she replies that he most likely will and also if hiska doesn't show up the boss will probably go after him hisaka also asks moji if she could stay with him but she had already left later he takes the shower and removes the phantom troop tattoo on his back with the help of his texture surprise triple threat wing tells going in kilowatt that they'll start training again with zushi as part of their training wing let's go and watch his previous match with castro wing orders kill one going to do 10 while sushi uses red wing tells him to use gon and look at hiska's aura on his body during the match then wing tells gohan that he has 28 days left to register in another match and kilowatt has 27. gone will have his match on june 10th while kilwa on june 9th until then they'll master using gyou later gon kila and zushi arrive at the 200th floor and are confronted again by guido railwell and sarasota kilwa expresses his irritation to them and sarasota tells him that they want to know when gohan and kilowatt are able to fight gohan tells sauda so that he'll fight on june 10th however sarasota can't fight after may 29th but he assures gohan that they'll fight in the room gone and killed will continue to practice and zushi's watching them after training zushi leaves and is followed by sadaso he uses his net ability to stop zushi from moving kilo approaches them and agrees to be their opponent he assures them that he'll let them win and will offer victory to each one of them however gon will not be able to fight them the trio agrees and the match date is set to may 29th sarasota give zushi back to kilwa meanwhile guido's talking to gohan about zushi's case the next day kilowatt hears a man selling out tickets to sadaso and gohan's match in the room wing thanks kilau for looking after sushi last night kilo allies to go in that someone called kilo on the phone saying his friend fell asleep in the main entrance then kilwa asks wing to let him see his his match again as he can do gil wing praises them for being able to learn go in one evening kilwa tells wing he already decided what date he's going to fight which is may 29th his birthday which is also a mega lie gohan approaches kilauea because he knows they threaten kilauea too gone is willing to lose on purpose but kilauea has another plan in his room sarasota is delighted believing he'll gain a six victory against hilua and will soon become a floor master kilowatt enters his room and threatens him if sarasota moves uses then or makes a sound he's dead kilauea makes satisos swear that he'll never appear before them again a few moments later kilo wins his match by withdrawal satiso contacts riovell through a phone and informs him that kilauea is like a person who lives in the dark side by just looking through his eyes satison knows the difference between their strengths so he decided to quit rather than die riovell claims that kilauea will not be able to scare him but to surprise kilauea is already in the room he tells them to respect the rules out of fear railvelt and guido agree to fight fair face off part one the day of their matches has come gone thinks of using his father's old fishing rod as a weapon to which wing agrees in the arena gone is the first one to make a move before going can come any closer guido spins himself like a top next he sends his dancing tops charging it gone but he simply blocks the tops goen successfully pulverizes the tops which made dito surprise how his then increased gon makes the next move by attacking with his fishing rod and it seems ineffective against guido after a series of attack gohan lives a flag stone of the ring with his fishing rod and smashes it onto guido guido's knock down and gohan delivers his finishing punch and breaks geeto's middle leg gohan threatens guido not to lay a finger at zushi again shortly after going's fight kilo faces against rail belt this time real veldt is completely confident kilo starts off by jumping too high and fast as riovel thought he had disappeared kilo appears behind him and tries to punch him but real velt is able to dodge using aura burst kilo merely shrugs this off thinking he jumped too high riovell takes out two bullwhips calling them twin snake he rapidly circles himself within the whips and it looks like the perfect offense called song of defense while boasting about his abilities he sends the whips towards kilauea but he simply catches them i'll be a surprise realvelt then switches thundersnake which electrocutes anyone who's made physical contact with it rioveld begins to laugh and boasts about his abilities again this time kilowatt sends him soaring through the air he states that electricity doesn't hurt him as it was part of his training and torture railvelt begs for kilauea to save him and kilauea agrees riovell falls into his arms while keel was holding the twin snakes due to the electricity realval gets electrocuted and loses the fight face off part two a few days later going faces off against real belt this time gone didn't bring his fishing rod real belt starts a match by using his song of defense going crashes on the floor picks up the flagstone with his bare hands and smashes against real veld however he manages to dodge the attack gohan runs after him and grabs both his arms which made real vel drop his whips gone takes the whips and wraps it around riovelt's neck gone pretends to switch on the thunderstake and because of fear riovell passes out they can go in the winner he's a good congratulates going on the sidelines he's a girl agrees to fight gone and let him decide when their fight is going to be wayne says it's time to see what nen type sushi going and kilau are using wine glasses filled full with water with the leaf on top wing demonstrates the water divination by using wren around the glass he reveals he's an enhancer by increasing the volume of water gon isn't an answer zushi is a manipulator and kilauea is a transmuter after training the three come back to see how they've improved kilowatt's water tastes like honey zushi struggles and gone creates an amazing amount of water impressing and scaring wing kilowan going past the final hunter test gon versus hisoka when his gun go and finally fight it's a huge deal the place is packed gone starts with a barrage of attacks but gets hit quite a lot and the score becomes 1-0 hesika gohan comes up with a plan by flipping part of the uranus floor much like he did in the previous fight but this time punches it causing a wave of rubble to fly towards hisika in the rubble gone is able to get a very hard punch to hisaka's face scoring two points and fulfilling his goal to hit hisaku in the face to one gone hisaka casually walks towards gone and gone does the same gohan finally hands hiseka's number 44 tag from the hunter exam because he just punched him in the face hisaka then takes some time to discover gohan as an enhancer since he's simple-minded and tells everyone the personality analysis method for describing a person's nan type although his admits that this isn't exactly a science enhancers like gon and wang are simple and determined transmuters his gun kilowatt or whimsical and liars emitters are short-tempered specialists tend to be independent conjuries are high-strung and nervous and manipulators are argumentative hisa could get serious attacking going at will with gone barely able to even dodge hiska eventually scores a critical hit gohan must back off and the score becomes 3-2 hisuka gohan tries to think of a strategy but hisaka gets bored he wants going to attack but gohan refuses it's revealed at some point that his cup put his budgie gun power in gohan's cheek hiska pulls him over giving a devastating punch six too hisoka the crowd doesn't seem pleased by the scoring hisoka explains when he attached the power and goen realizes the bungee gum can't be taken off hisaka becomes turned on like always which i never knew i was ever going to say that in one of these videos and allows gohan to punch him repeatedly hisko then punches gun using the bungee gum is about to again but go and blocks the second punch the judge gives go on two points and he's got three points one for a knockdown gohan argues he never was knocked down as the crowd begins to boo loudly gone realizes he only has one point till he loses when suddenly a piece of rubble from the arena floor smacks him in the face and he loses his kai used the time gone argued to attach the bungie gum to it his pleased with how strong gon has become gon is upset but realizes he still has a chance one day of defeating hisaka the judge admits he was in favor of hisko winning because he was worried about going dying during the fight kilauean go and say goodbye to wing and sushi and head to whale island back home gohan returns home to whale island with kilauea he introduces kilauea to mito and they have a great meal together with his great grandmother gohan then shows his new hunter license demito who almost breaks it later gohan shows kilauea around the island in the late evening mito decides to bring them food kilauea tells gohan that he's envious of him saying that gone has goals while he has no direction and doesn't want to run the family business gowan eventually convinces kilauea to join him with gohan looking for jin and kilauea deciding what he wants to do with his life kilowatt then asks about gohan's mom and gone explains that he never wanted to ask mito about her since he thinks of her as a mom when gonna kill her return to the house mito gives go on a strange bug that jin left for him she then tells him about how jean left and is revealed that her parents died in a car accident which is what she had told gohan had happened to his parents after 10 years jin dropped off going as a baby and asked the two to look after him mito tells gohan that she and her grandmother really don't know anything about his mother and even if he asked she adds that she and jin always played together growing up the next day gon and kilwa try to figure out how to open the box kilo realizes that it involves nen and the box falls apart immediately after gone uses it the two noticed that steel plates have the same strange markings as the thread put on golden's finger by wing there's another colorful box inside and gone uses his hunter license to open it the two find a tape a ring and a memory card inside after putting the first item into a tape player they discover a recording from jin jin asks go on if he truly wants to see him but says that he doesn't want to see him because he feels selfish meanwhile jin is shown elsewhere sitting on top of a giant creature which itself is sitting on top of an even larger creature that takes flight at the end of the tape gene mentions gohan's mother but going quickly turns it off suddenly the tape uses nen to remind itself and record over the message also preventing the two from destroying the tape player they then turn to the memory card and kilauea explains that it's from a joystation console after kilauea buys one they see that the only game on the memory card is called greed island they learn that it's incredibly rare and insanely expensive kilowatt calls his brother miyuki for more information and bribes him with the memory card eventually learning that an auction will take place on september in new york new city meanwhile mieluki finds out that a tycoon named batara is willing to pay 50 billion jenny for anyone who completes the game at the flash collector's mansion at some point after parting ways with his friends karapaka succeeds in fighting an agency specializing in providing rich and famous people with bodyguards and assistance however he's immediately told that despite his hunter license he's not qualified for such work because he can't see something beside her the agent says that his hunter exam isn't finished and tells him to come back korapka returns at the beginning of august and accepts an offer to be hired as a bodyguard in the nursery's mansion he meets melody bass tochino basho and squala the head bodyguard welcomes the applicants and sets a challenge for them to acquire one item from the list however he also tells them that they must escape alive and 11 hood in assailants armed with guns and swords suddenly attack the group with the use of his dousing chain kurapika defends himself and observes the situation from above he notices that tochino is the only one not being attacked korapka jumps towards him and puts a knife to his neck ordering him to stop the attack the 11 assailants fall empty to the floor but kuropa still suspects that another infiltrator is involved using his dowsing chain and pointing out squalor base and melanie and bosho confirmed this by using their own nen abilities the four applicants then escaped from the mansion gathering of heroes golden kilauea arrived in new york new city and immediately visit an internet cafe to try the url given to them by mieluki with gohan's hunter license they're able to access the hunter website and find out that greed island is a game for nine users once a player starts the game they're pulled into the world of greed island players cannot simply leave the game by cutting the power to the console if a player dies within the game he dies in real life the two are also told that someone once hired 50 men users to enter the game with none returning alive while the game is indeed out of print seven copies will be at the york new auction with a starting bed of 8.9 billion jenny a price higher than the two expected gona kill would decide to find a way to raise the money needed to acquire the game meanwhile korapika based basho and melody are hired as bodyguards by dolzone and their first task is to export their boss now nordstrom to yorkner city as neon arrives in yorknew she uses her ability to read the fortunes of several mafia members which continues to increase the wealth and prestige of the nordstrad family elsewhere the members of the phantom troop gather together and their leader krolow gives the order for them to steal everything at the underground auction and to kill anyone who gets in their way the underground auction massacre as gonaquila visits the market by a new cell phone they run into la oreo the notre dade bodyguards have been assigned for the upcoming underground auction three will attend the auction and the others will provide surveillance around the cemetery building go and kilo and leorio discover a way to raise money and begin inviting people to their arm wrestling contest if someone wins against gohan they'll receive a diamond worth 3 million jenny going continuously wins until the female troop member shizuku challenges him the match is intense and gone is forced to use his full strength to defeat her before the auction starts garoppolo and melody watch over the building's front entrance while kadappa wonders if the spiders will ever show up melody hears the rage in his heart knowing that he can't light her goropica tells her the massacre of his clan the stolen scarlet eyes and his revenge meanwhile base touchino and iblenkov make their way inside their auction hall while all the guests seated feitan and franklin disguise themselves as hosts and proceed to kill everyone in the room docino attempts to defend himself and his companions with his ability but franklin's then bullets easily rip through everything they touch base and ivlink flee the room but are confronted by shizuku she easily kills them both and proceeds to clean the auction room leaving no evidence behind krapika calls galzone and tells them that all the auction attendees are missing and the vault is empty as well valzolna is then intent in joining the other mafia members to chase after the thieves a fierce clash between spiders and shadow beasts as the troop members make their escape in the hot air balloon overgen tells crowler that the items were already taken and that there must be a traitor among the group crowler quickly convinces him that none of the members would have a reason to do so guessing that the mafia received a vague tip about their plan uvagan tells him about the 10 dawns and their shadow beasts one of whom named owl was responsible for emptying the vault crollow then tells him to make enough noise to draw out the shadow beasts in the gordo desert the mafia shoots down the hot air balloon and surrounds the troop members the no shad bodyguards arrive in the scene shortly afterwards uvagin tells his comrades that he'll handle the mafia easily massacring them all and even withstanding a missile explosion kurapika and the other bodyguards are amazed by uvagin's strength and melody sense is someone approaching it turns out to be worm one of the shadow beasts and he and the three others leech rabbit dog and porcupine arrive to apprehend uvogin the other troop members continue to watch her play cards while over again fights by himself worm is able to punch over again directly in the face but the attack does little to no damage uvigan then punches worm back in the face smashing it in worm survives the strike and tries to immobilize uv again by pulling him underground while the other shadow beats take care of him but uvagin uses a big bang impact to free himself he tries to punch porcupine but porcupine's hairs stop the attack and uvagin can't free himself from them rabadog starts biting him and reveals that his bites contain paralyzing poison after uvogin is immobilized leech injects leeches into him and explains the powerful process that will lead to his death however uvulgin proceeds to bite off half of leech's head spitting out part of his skull towards rabbit dog's head and killing him instantly while porcupine's still on his hand uvegan then yells extremely loud and kills him with sound move again asks shizuku if she can remove the poison leeches but she reminds him that blinky can only suck up non-living things having caught sight of overgen's spider tattoo kurapika is enraged and prepares to attack him only to be calmed by melody's music however kurapika continues with his plan and uses chain jail to capture uvogin hauling him into the car as he and the other bodyguards make their escape the troop members then chase after them by using one of machi's nan threads al suddenly lands on the troop member's car and uses his fun fun cloth trapping nobunaga inside as the others escape the remaining shadow beasts arrive and prepare to fight the troop members who remain completely unfazed uvagan captive where is the merchandise the nosh red bodyguards take uvogen to an undisclosed location in order to interrogate him uvagan tells them that he'll let them live if they release them revealing the auction items were already gone when they arrived korapka asks what happened to the auction attendees and uvagan answers that they killed them all korapika becomes enraged and punches over again in the face dalzonia calls the mafia and says that they've captured one of the thieves he also learns that all the shadow beasts have been killed as karapaka and hisuka meet to discuss the troop several spiders disguise themselves as mafia members and free uvogin with things killing dalzolne uvogin is enraged and vows to find the chain user telling his comrades that he won't return until he kills him after shalnar and over again work together to track down the chain user the latter eventually confronts him at the hotel where neon and her bodyguards are staying they agree to fight one-on-one in a remote location meanwhile go and kill and layout attend a conditional auction and plan to capture members of the phantom troop to make enough money to purchase a copy of greed island karapika eventually captures ubugin with his chain jail and questions him about the location and abilities of the other troop members uvogin refuses to answer any of his questions only asking korapika to kill him finally karapika pierces uvogin's chest with his judgment chain ordering him to answer all questions truthfully krapka once again asks over again the location of the other troop members but uvegan only smiles and tells him to get lost koraka's jim chain pierces over against heart and kills him instantly over again is buried in an unmarked grave at the sight of their battle back at the troops hideout after fakedown tortures owl to recover their auction items crowler tells the troop members that they will change their plans if vuvogen doesn't return by dawn after gon pawns his hand their license for 100 million jenny he heads to the southern peace auction house with kilauea and leorio to purchase a catalog the three learned when copies of greed island will be auctioned and continue follow any leads about the troop after heading to the bull market gone and killer will realize that they can use goat to spot rare items lario plans to keep track of the bulletin board while gon and kilauea continue to look for items to sell for profit the two win several items and eventually encounter an antiques dealer named zeppel who helps them take the items to a preview market after the two learn about multiple doctoring methods they receive a call from la oreo that two troop members have been spotted goning kilwa leaves zeppelin in charge of the auction while they meet up with ayorio to tell the spiders mafia massacre the phantom troops requiem on september 3rd machia nombonaga weighed in the middle of the square in an attempt to lure out the chain user but they attract gona kill his attention instead unartailed by them at the hotel battle lightnostrad arrives and tells the bodyguards that the underground auction will continue even after the deaths of the shadowbeast he also reveals that the tantons have hired professional assassins to eliminate the fandom troop he then personally asks karapika to join the team with the help of finks and pakhnada who have been secretly following them they easily capture gohan and kilauea and bring them back to their hideout nobodago ends up liking gohan because he reminds him of uvogin telling the others that he wants to nominate him to be a troop member when krollo returns meanwhile shaolin prince a list of no shred family employees from the hunter website and hands the photos to the other spiders telling them to memorize their faces he adds that according to avogan the chain user isn't among them so he suggests that they work in pairs to find someone who knows them while the other spiders leave the hideout to look for the chain user nobody i could watch is over going and kilauea but the two end up escaping utilizing what zeppel taught them and kicking through the building's walls using a picture of her that was just uploaded to the haunted website crawler finds and approaches neon nostrad who had slipped away from her bodyguard to attend the rescheduled underground auction without her father's knowledge after helping her get into the cemetery building he asks her to tell his fortune which she gladly does elsewhere could afghan light attend the meeting of assassins with kurapika defending light from zenji as the two leave the car they learn from melanie that neon ran away from her shopping spree light begins to panic and has the police put out an apb but korapika quickly uses his dousing chain to assure them that she's already inside the cemetery building upon reading his fortune crolo cries once he sees the illusion of uvogin's death after the two talk and make their way to the auction he knocks neon unconscious with a swift blow to the back of her neck in order to get the mafia members to call an ambulance he then kills several of the hired assassins with ease and orders the other spiders excluding nobunaga to come to the cemetery building and cause chaos as the spider slaughtered the police and two thousand mafia members outside krolow finishes killing assassinate and dedicated the requiem to uvogen as the troops massacre continues outside krolow was cornered in the building's basement by silva and zeno zoldan noticing how skilled zeno is crolo fights with the intention of sealing his abilities however zeno sees through him and has him pinned against the wall while silva throws two huge r sears at him triggering an enormous explosion silva's transmitter suddenly rings and eliminates informs him that the ten dodds have been eliminated and that cruller was the one who hired him since silver and zeno were hired by the ten dons they tell crowler that he's no longer the target now that the dons are dead leaving crollo alone and exhausted as he tells himself that he wouldn't have been able to steal zeno's ability crawler then contacts the other members and tells them to forget about the ambulance and that they will go ahead as planned the troop then makes use of courtope's ability to fool the mafia with fake corpses of five members taking over the rescheduled underground auction held on the building's tenth floor and selling the copies of the items made by court of peaceability after seeing the troops corpses for himself graphica heads back to the auction and is forced to bid 2.9 billion jenny to win a pair of scarlet eyes after a short confrontation with zenji he delivers them to neon at the hospital after the troop returns to their hideout and celebrates their successful plan hisika tries to call karapika with news that the corpses were fake but he is unable to get through since kurapika was talking with gohan and kilauea fortunes in the spider a mafia hacker is unable to identify the troops corpses and guesses that they are familiar city advising two mafia members to avoid them and that the ten tons would agree with his assessment at the troops hideout crowler tells the members that they believe york knew the night once they retrieve the rest of the loot but nobunaga insists on fighting the chain user going kilowatt corruption and la oreo finally all meet up at an extravagant hotel korabika tells the others about his ability and admits that he feels dispirited now that the troops leader is dead however kilo stresses that some of the members are still alive emphasizing pakinota's ability and suggesting that they should stop the troop before they have time to regroup in order to persuade nobunaga chrollo uses neon's stolen ability to tell the fortunes of nobunaga and the other members and they learned that five more of them will die in the next two weeks if they keep chasing after the chain user intending to leave yorknew to avoid the fortunes as karapika tells kilowatt that he plans to focus on retrieving the other eyes of his clan he suddenly receives a text from his saying that the corpses were faked koropika then learns that the mafia has cancelled the bounties of the troop and lyorio helps to explain the relationship between meteor city and the mafia at the troops hideout the members are concerned by his cause fortune which implies that he may be a traitor while crowler surprises that hisoka is being controlled it's revealed that his aka used texture surprise to alter his fortune so that the troop would stay in yorknu and he would have the chance to fight crolo go and kilowakarapica and leorio come up with a plan to capture pakanoda and go and suddenly ask karapika if he can use his then dagger on him while karapika explains his emperor time ability in great detail on how the process would work he ultimately decides against using his judgment chain on any of them because of the nature of pakinota's ability as kilowatt tries to find the troops hideout after court to be used as his ability to make dozens of copies scroller was able to deduce that kurapika is one of neon's bodyguards and a surviving member of the kurta clan thanks to a pair of the copied scarlet eyes that they sold in the no shred family the night before they determined that he and the other bodyguards are staying at the hotel baitical kroller then tells kortepi machi nobodaga pakanora and shizuku to go with him to the hotel while the others stay behind at the hideout kilo and melody continue to tell the troop and kuropika realizes that the group is heading towards a hotel basically he then warns squalor to leave and the bodyguard takes the scarlet eyes with him on the way noticing that they're being followed by two people krollo tells court to be nobunaga and pakanota to go ahead while himachi and shizuku stay behind they then capture gon and kilauea again meanwhile pakanowa and the other two are able to learn kodapka's name and face after capturing and killing swallow the exchange krolo machi and shizuku take the two boys to the hotel and meet up with pakinota's group in the lobby he tells pakoda to check their memories again but before she can reveal what she's learned about korapika a power outage suddenly happens allowing gona kilauea to make an escape attempt however imagine nobody easily recaptured them despite the total darkness shizuku is then the first one to notice that kroll is missing after the others also realize that crowler's missing parkanodo reads a note left by kurapika that threatens crowler's life if she reveals gon and killua's memories to the others nomanaga tells her to stay quiet while they wait for the chain user's call stressing that they need to keep the two boys as hostages in a flashback pakinoda remembers the formation of the troop in meteor city where chrollo stressed the importance of the spider as a whole telling them to never forget that someone else will take over if he dies back in the present pakanota considers betraying the spider to save krollo and wonders what troller would do with no bananka calling things and telling him to hurry after revealing that kroller was captured sitting chained in the seat next to karapika as lyorio drives crolo says that he didn't think the chain user would be a woman but kodapako quickly removes his wig and warns him that his words could be his last crowley then reminds karapika that he can't kill him since he left his friends behind he then points out that the encounter wasn't even mentioned in his fortune which means that it's entirely insignificant causing karapika to fly into a rage thinks feitan and chalnark soon arrive at the hotel the troop members receive a call from korapka who tells him not to follow him not to hurt the hostages and to give the phone to pakinota he then tells pawcanota to go to lincoln airport alone to negotiate the terms of the hostage exchange and the other members have to return to their hideout thinks phaeton and chalnar try to follow pakhanota but nobunaga stops them for fear that krolow will be killed leading to a heated coral between the two groups with veyton stressing that crowley would agree with their decision to follow her and that nobody's way of thinking is an insult to the spiders the quarrel is eventually settled after shizuku knocks nobunaga unconscious and reminds the others the troops rules after learning that kuropka has a way to see through their lies the troop members agreed to return to the hideout meanwhile after chrovo again provokes karappaka the latter punches him in the face multiple times before leorio and melody calm him down as crowler stresses that he's worthless as a hostage melody listens to his heartbeats and says that he enjoys the fact that death is always near him korapka asks if he was the troops leader five years earlier when they massacred the kurdish clan but crowler stays silent as karapika readies his judgment chain kroller then asks if he used the chain to kill uvogin also asking about his final words he again refuses to answer karapika who feels powerless about having to keep krollo alive as karapika backs down and calls back pakunoda krollo realizes that karapika will prioritize his friends over his mission hoping that pakunoda will bring the other members with her to the meaning at the troops hideout after hisuka enlists the help of illumi franklin bonolonov and hisaka wait for the others to return when korapiga meets pakinota aboard an airship he uses his judgment chain on both her and crolo setting two conditions for each of them he then tells her to return to the airport with her hostages by midnight and to not tell the others where she's going after pakinota agrees and returns to the hideout she tells the others about the exchange and that she's leaving with just the two boys thinks becomes so angry that he wants to get rid of them and then go after the chain user but machine court to be side with pakanoda they prepare to confront things in feitan who think that she and the others are being manipulated by the chain user but gone interrupts her quarrel and emphasizes that pakunoda just wants to save their leader finks finally agrees to let pakanova leave after franklin tells him that if they all keep fighting it will be the end of the troop just before the exchange hisaka unexpectedly appears and threatens to kill gonikilwa if he can't board pakinota's airship korapika has no choice but to let him go to the exchange site with them after the exchange is successful koropika looks down on crollo and hopes that he realizes what it's like to have all his support system taken away standing ops at him hisaka happily challenges krollo to a fight he then reveals that he's never been a true member of the troop removing the fake spider tattoo from his back and points out that it won't be considered infighting now crollo laughs and tells his ago that he isn't worth fighting since kuropika stabbed him with his judgment chain and rendered him unable to use nen losing interest hisaka quickly leaves and tells bakunoda that he isn't interested in broken toys assuring her that crollo isn't in danger from him anymore at the hideout finks demands answers from pagano and wonders to himself why she's holding her gun pakinoda tells him that crollow can't return and thinks angularly asks if she's joking ordering her to explain and threatening her with violence if they don't like her answer pakinota readings her ability and tells herself that she can fire six shots simultaneously for the founding members she then asks feitan thinks machi nobodaga shelnark and franklin if they will trust her and accept it as pakinota prepares to shoot out her memories vince thinks that the chain user is manipulating her but nombraga assures him that it's really pakinoda once pakinoda fires the six shots along with her memories into the heads of the founding members karappaga's judgment chain activates around her heart she prays that she'll be the last as she falls dead to the ground with the founding members left stunned all the pakinoda's memories suddenly flood into their minds shizuka checks on pakinoda and confirms that she's dead asking the others how it happened fink says that he'll explain everything and begin to tell the others why pakinada made her decision still standing alone at the exchange site krolow looks towards the east southern peace auction gone and killed would go to the southern peace auction for great island rather than attempt to directly obtain it golden kill will plan to let someone else buy it and then enter the game for that client after a brief run in with phaeton and thanks the auction for greed island begins golden kill will raise their bid as high as they can but are ultimately outdone by batara after the auction they asked patera and his assistant says guerra if they could enter the game for him despite their knowledge of the game and then zesgetta refuses stating that their display of den was not strong enough he also says that none users would be able to enter game only if they pass a test a few days later wishing to prove the two wrong golden kilowatt continued to train at the same time phaeton and fakes obtain a copy of greed island by stealing it entering the game karapika melody and the rest of lightnorstrad's employees leave york new city gon and kilwa go to the examination room where the applicants would be screened kilowatt shows off his new electricity net ability whereas gohan shows off his enhancement and ability by breaking a wall frightening says guerra but passing the two after passing the two celebrate with leorio leorio departs to take the exam for medical school goning kilwa then heads to patera's mansion gone is the first to enter the game and uses his own game card and ring to do so he enters the game where he's greeted by etsa she explains the rules of greed island as well as the spells gain and book she also goes over the objective of the game to collect all 100 restricted cards before going enters the actual playing area he receives a message from jean stating that he would find no clues towards gene rather gene just wanted to show off his game he ends up in an open field and kilo will follow soon after they both sense that they're being watched when suddenly a man appears with a book he uses trace on kilauea to track him at all times but kilowatt scares him away with his killing intent gone and kilo arrive at antokibba and decide to participate in the monthly tournament first they would eat though at the restaurant the chef tells them that if they eat their meals in 30 minutes they wouldn't have to pay and they would receive the gal gaiden card they complete the challenge but they find the card useless all of a sudden they hear an explosion and rush outside to find cheat one of the hired players dead gon asks if the spell cast on kilo could do that but a man assures him that it would be impossible the man introduces himself as nieks the head of the alliance and invites kona kilawa to come to their meeting at the meeting golden kilowatt offered a place in the alliance as well as puaat and abengane two of the hired players gon refuses as a result kilowatt does too though the other two join they walk around the city unaware that a little girl is stalking them they make it to the finals of a rock paper scissors tournament kilowatt wins earning himself the sword of truth soon after they're attacked by motouric who attempts to steal a card but gohan takes the card away from this they learn that the spell must be enchanted before being used kilowatt decides that they should go to masadora to buy spell cards they sell their girl guided cards for a map the antokeba trade shop npc informs them of the monsters that lie outside the town rather than being afraid the boys are exhilarated by the prospect of a challenge it's at this point that their stalker asks to join but they deny her accompaniment meanwhile at the phantom troop hideout shalnark invites shizuku and cordobi to play the game with him to which they concur in the game they find kortep's duplication ability doesn't work on spell cards and shizuku's vacuum doesn't always suck in objects he concludes that they're indeed in a real place and theorizes that one might be able to take a card out without clearing the game at the same time phaeton and thinks kill players for cards gonna kill a run through a forest where the girl impressively manages to keep up they're confronted by ninjas who beg gone and killer for their exact amount of jenny to cure an epidemic they agree and when the girl offers to pay they refuse her money angering her they also give their shirt to a sick boy but they receive nothing in return as they make their way into a canyon they're attacked by cyclops after trial and error kilowatt finds their weakness to be their eyes they encounter a melanin lizard who has a spot as its weakness but they don't pick up on this they encounter several other creatures that they can't bring down because of their lack of experience and men capability while this is happening the girl watches and comments proving herself to be knowledgeable but she's ignored by the two players when gold and killer face an armored monster she instructs them to use go and find that the monster is being controlled by a timid radio rat which faints and transforms into a card immediately the girl demands that the boys use go gone follows her instructions while kilaba defies the girl introduces herself as biscuit krueger a woman with 40 years of net experience she declares that she will be their mentor biscuit's nen training kilo and go and reject biscuit explaining that they already have a mentor wing biscuit then reveals that she was wings mentor she says that they won't survive in the game solitary when she suddenly senses a hostile presence she has the boys act as they got into a falling out with her and the two parties go in opposite directions when they reach the tall pillar they use zets and run back the enemy chases biscuit but is easily defeated by her their assailant is binault a blacklist hunter and a wanted criminal the boys learned that biscuit's goal in the game is to obtain the blue planet a rare gem exclusive to greed island gohan asks her to train them and then she agrees and begins by having the boys fight binault but with rules the rules are that binol must evade the boys attacks for two weeks and then he may leave otherwise if he gets knocked out or can't stand she would kill him kilowatt tries to attack minot while the ladder recovers but he swipes his scissors at kilowatt nearly blinding the boy gohan also finds himself unable to overcome the scissors kilauea decides to throw many rocks at binol to prevent him from dodging and if he does gon would attack while this is unsuccessful biscuit notes that they indeed have potential kilowatt is going to attack but going stops and pointing out that they should rest they continue to fight until ben also renters on day 10. he's prepared to have go and kill him but go and thanks him for the training surprise and touch spin out leaves her turn himself in following this they continue to massadora but biski has them dig their way there through the rocky area with shovels at one point gone finds the rocks to be too tough for the shovel to be effective he concussed the idea of letting order flow to the shovel to enhance his digging which biski later identifies as an application of ten chu they finally reach masadora only for biski to command them to return to where they started much their indignation she planned on having them trained and fighting by re-challenging beasts they were previously unable to overcome they both do it and succeed biski then begins aura training she uses ko the concentration of aura in one spot on her fist and as the boys defend with ken the amalgamation of tan and ren similar to the unconcentrated call gone is surprised to find that a slow punch can have much force he can only hold up ken for two minutes and biski informs him that he would have to hold it up for at least half an hour for it to be useful after much training the boys achieved this goal as well the next step is the controlled movement of aura for different circumstances ryu the boys become competent with this skill so biski begins sparring while their sparring begins slowly after two weeks they become much faster so biski begins category specific training the first exercise is an enhancement breaking 1000 rocks with a single stone in a day they find that they break the stones that they're supposed to use whiskey then transmutes her aura into a number which both boys simultaneously identify they play a game of rock paper scissors where the loser would be punished gone wins bisky then narrates the legend of the game meanwhile nyx's alliance has gathered in a cave the alliance has collected 90 restricted cards suddenly one of the members gen through reveals himself to be the bomber gizmo tries to attack andrew from behind but gentry uses little flower to blow up his face gentry then explains his net ability and the soul condition for the release of the bombs touching him and saying i caught the bomber however he reminds them that he could use little flower for melee he shows the bombs on everyone's body which count down and explode at zero he makes them an offer their lies for the restricted cards he then leaves the game and enters batera's mansion where he meets his accomplices sub and barra and is confronted by puhan he demands poohat's ring puhat refuses and genthru kills him twelve hours before the revelation shall narc accompanied by the rest of the phantom troop members excluding crolo was on a ship stating that they found the real world location of greed island they're confronted by razer a maker of the game he gives them a choice fight him now or in the game finks chooses in the game so he uses an eliminate card to send them away and then emits a dodgeball to blow up the boat going continues practicing having excelled at creating an enhancement and ability rock however he struggles with the emission-oriented paper as it's not his affinity gohan desires to learn scissors a transmutation attack but biski is unsure that it would work gohan explains that biski indirectly helped him create inendability by explaining the history of rock paper scissors and that his enjoyment was a factor biscuit is glad since his emotions would make the net mobility stronger kilowatt shows off his electricity scaring biscuit as she deduces that kilowatt must have had a rough childhood she decides to have the boys take a break from training and during the break gohan remembers that the hunter exam would be taking place soon they go to macadora to find out how to leave the game and they're told that they have to use a leaf card or bribe or defeat the harbour master they go to the harbour master and kilauea easily defeats him and leaves the game to take the 288th hunter exam he's taken to dole harbor by elena goran and bisky run into amigane while training and learn of gen through status that the bomber and the curse he has inflicted upon the members of nix's alliance he asks them to warn everyone they see about gentru and to avenge the deaths of its victims amegan is under the suspicion that gentry's deal is just a setup at the same time nix meets the bomber trio he gives ken through the cards and begs for his life at the same time elsewhere abingani begins an exorcism ritual getting a worm to eat the bomber off his shoulder get through sub and borrow lock fingers claiming that it will deactivate the bombs in actuality the formation triggers them the still counting bombs detonate killing all of the alliance members except abingane and kuzco kilowatt takes part in the hunter exam defeating all the other applicants and easily becoming hunter he returns to the game where he is updated on the events that have transpired since he left kilo tells going to use contact to look at the people whom they've met and they noticed kroll or lusilver they are utterly confused by this as crowler was supposed to be incapable of using nan after his confrontation with kurapika the phantom troop themselves also noticed this laughing at it for being a fake out of the shadows comes hisaka who reveals that he's the one using crowler's name as an alias when kilowedden forms kharapika of what happened krapika confirms that krolow has not yet rid himself of the chain on his heart gone is contacted by kazul who previously stole gohan's cards in an offer for an exchange they do a trade and then go to dorias where kilauea uses a risky dice to make big winnings meanwhile says get a scene barters would get through steam unbeknownst to them genthru has disguised two random players as sub and barra and when the trade takes place the real stubborn borough ambushed as they had his team and steal all their cards seeing the level threagen through poses sasgetta begins to formulate a counter plan gronn and the others go back to the sick villagers gone uses his paladin necklace to transform them to healthy villagers cards earning him the wildlife alexandrite they're once again contacted by kazuo who wants to meet them in person at the meeting attended by several other teams they talk about the bombers and trade information regarding the cards gentry lacks after some tension between kilauea and esta they decide to form an alliance they go to sofrabi to find a plot of beach card where a lady npc informs them that pirates have taken over and will kill anyone who leaks information regarding the plot beach the united teams decide to confront the pirates so probably pirates the teams locate the pirates base at a tavern one of the pirates boppobo offers to take them to his boss if they manage to force him out of circle which is surrounded by fire zeho attempt to do it but popovo effortlessly overpowers him kilowatt takes over using some alcohol and electricity to ignite bobopo's hat burning his head boppawo leaves the ring to extinguish the fire earning them both the right to see the boss and tequila boppa was hadren at the pirates lighthouse base they meet the boss named razer who challenges them to several sports matches where the first team to reach 8 points wins razer promises to leave sofrabi if his team loses the first match is boxing where it's a pirate boxer versus montreux manchu is easily defeated by his opponent's net ability which allows him to teleport his punch the next match is juggling soccer balls bisky versus the pirate footballer bisky loses so the third match is kiloa versus popobo and sumo kiloba forfeits giving razer's team the third point this string of losses continues and gorainu loses the basketball match giving razer eight points and sealing gohan's loss the other players leave believing their objective to be accomplished goenbiski kilowatt gorino go in search of stronger players they decide to go look for crollow they teleport to his location to find that it's hisuka who's currently bathing while biscuit is infatuated over kisaka go and kill will ask him his intention he lies stating that it's a fine crolo in actuality it's to find an exorcist he asks what gohan's intention is and gohan says there is none his ko recommends going to the city of iii to find more partners as they travel to ai biscuit alerts kilowatt that hisuka is indeed lying kilowatt becomes more suspicious of hiska's testimony they reach ayai where they meet strange characters hisko remarks that ai won't board him kielba picks up on the nuance and realizes that hiska is looking for an exorcist and that he's already met the other members of the troop they leave aya and going decides to recruit says getta kilauea uses isuka's binary to test whether hiska has the troop members names or not gone uses it to call says gara but none of the troop member's names are there gohan manages to schedule a rendezvous with says getta it's revealed that hisko used texture surprise to mask the names of the troop members what says get his team gorino and hiska as well some random players go decide to re-challenge razer after a week of training they go back to the lighthouse and easily defeat razer's team in the sporting matches razer requests his team to stand down boppobo decides to hold a mutiny in order to settle his vendetta against kilauea in response razer uses an end ball to blow up his head after four matches razer suddenly changes the rules and decides that there will be a dodgeball game involving all players that's worth 8 points with 8 players on each side the random players would go and decide to retreat after seeing razer's deadly force leaving cohen with only 6 players brazil refuses to have anything other than 8 players angering gone as razer has so callously killed his own teammate when gohan asks razer his reason for killing boppabo razer reveals that boppabo was a death row convict for rape murder and torture murder in fact all the pirates are death row convict and razor reserves the right to carry out their sentence if they disobey him razer also reveals that greed island is the location of the real world gon asks if gene is in greed island but razer only says that gene ordered him not to hold back gorino creates two gorillas in order to compensate for the missing two players after explaining the rules the match begins razer initially gains the upper hand managing to destroy an ape and incapacitates says guerra hiska uses bungie gum to attack the opponents alerting kilauea to its potential advantages in the game hisaka and kilauea decide to take out the devils leaving only razer in the match before hisaka's attack lands two devils combine to withstand it managing to regain possession of it they pass it to razer who throws it at gone gone uses code to block it sending him flying but otherwise unharmed gon is now out gorillino throws the ball at razer to avenge his demolished ape gorilla hits razer but razer's devil catches the ball before it hits the ground and throws it back at gorino knocking him out razer throws the ball akilah but at the last minute it has a change in trajectory and makes rubiski and hisuka it hits biski's dress which is counted as part of her body as a result she's now out hisuka having managed to gain possession of the ball has sustained damage to his hands gohan uses back to return to the game aiming to beat razer at his own game he has kilauea hold the ball while he hits it with his enhancement and ability junken the force generated is enough to send one of razer's devils out he tries it again this time using more concentration and aims at a razer razer deflects the ball to the ceiling and while waiting for it to come down hiska uses bungee gum to move it away so that razer is out razer uses back to return says ghetto requests going to not have kilauea hold the ball as kilowatt's hands are severely injured from junken kilowatts adamant on staying in because he's going's friend and likewise gon believes that he feels most confident when kilo is there biski takes out the last devil in the game leaving only razer razor recalls all the devils since they're out in order to maximize his power he throws the ball but go and kilowatt and his make a formation that allows them to regain possession without any outs gone uses an even stronger junken than before to hit razer impressing the man he does what he did before except it returns it to go in this time gohan falls unconscious but hisuka uses bungie gum to catch the ball and send it back to razer the bungee gum causes the ball to stick to razer while pushing him out of bounds as razer is now out gohan's team is victorious after the game gone and razer have a discussion with razer revealing his pass with jin he admits that he doesn't know where jeen is after defeating razer they leave and return to the woman who informed them of the pirates invasion she presents them with a plot of beach card his god then leaves the group the bombers they're then called by gentry demanding that they give him the plot of beach he had murdered the players that were formally on go on steam gone challenges get through to a fight one to which gentry accepts once he's finished with says getta the bombers decide to go after cesgeta believing him to have to plot a beach says ghetto agrees to buy time while going concocts a plan to fight gentru he repeats gone for impulsively provoking genthru noting that kilauea would have been endangered if ganthur accepted the challenge then and there after leaving gona kill away heal and train with biski hiska and the troop monitor abingani interested in his exorcism hiskam meets the member of the troop that serves as his replacement kalito zoldik says geta participates in various confrontations with genthru using a hit-and-run strategy to keep him occupied in turn gentru becomes much more belligerent against other players forcing them to collect cards for him or even murder them gorino remotely monitors ganther's actions informing him that the sub and bharara with gentry were fakes after zesgera's team uses his last accompany card they return to batera's mansion there they find no one except sabzushi who tells them that everyone batara employed heads left seizure finds patera who's visibly shaken and demands an explanation batera divulges the story of his lover who was in severe condition following a grave incident the only thing that could heal her was the angel's breath card however now she's dead gohan trains in a mission to prepare new nan ability while kilauea comes up with a plan to defeat gentry gorino informs goen's team that says getta has left the game for good meaning that the bombers will turn their attention towards them the group gets already set on following kilo as planned the bombers arrive demanding cards goen's group feigns unpreparedness and refuses all again through his demands gantry becomes impatient and go into group flees with the company it becomes a cat and mouse game until they reach masadora after having used up all their own company cards as per planned they lure genthru's group to the forest where biski and kilauea leave gon in order to split up the bombers biski takes buyers to the beach where they duel biscuit at first seems to be disadvantaged due to her smaller build however she reveals her true form a large and muscular woman and knocks out barrow with a single punch kilowatt takes subject field where he uses his heavy yoyos and electricity to restrain and defeat him gon again through get into a fight with gentry gaining the upper hand gantheru refuses to use the then ability which upsets the prival gone gone decides to act independently and make gentry's net ability backfire in him despite the risk involved seeing how gohan would never back down gentry decides to overwhelm him mentally by using his then ability genthru attempts to use the little flower in gohan's hand but going to fans adequately ganther tries the same move again only this time striking gohan's unprotected stomach the sequence repeats with gon being able to defend because of biski's lesson on little flower and the fact that ganthur would not use go of planning to attack elsewhere seeing how gone is aware of this kanthro uses little flowers both hands despite biscuits warning to stick to the plan here going continues and genthru grabs both of his hands expecting going to defend one while leaving the other to be destroyed however gone sacrifices one hand and somewhat protects the other using the remaining aura on his leg to kick in through his unprotected chin gohan prepares to launch a john ken on the stun gen through but gan through trips on rock saving him from the attack go and use his book and threaten gentry to give all his cards less gen through dies ganthur uses the opportunity to lure going close to him and crushes his throat gohan uses a card that transforms into gasoline to soak in through with it rendering little flower dangers to genthru genthru prepares to use countdown on gone but gone uses junken hitting the ground instead this reveals a pit into which ken through falls gone summons a big rock to fall in gentrue get through avoids but becomes a sitting duck for goen's junken which successfully hits knocking again throughout the bombers are restrained and surrender the cards agon biscuit uses angel's breath to heal gone and then heals barra and get through with others gorillino arrives and disapproves of healing gentry but goen's team justifies themselves gorino gives them all his cards goen's team has now successfully obtained 99 cards but one is remaining number zero a quiz is held to determine who gets it and the questions are about details pertaining to the cards gohen ends up getting the most correct giving him the final card two players try to steal gun's card but they're easily defeated kilauea uses drift to go to lamero the city where the castle is and then uses a company to bring gone and biscuit along the haunt continues as this is going on abigail touches gentry to release himself at the countdown bomb he's later seen being escorted to crolo by hisaka excited the fortune he will earn gohan enters the castle where he meets two game makers list and dune they introduce themselves talking about the game and the nature of its name as well as a little about gene dune gives go on a three slot holder which allows him to take three restricted cards to reality a parade takes place to celebrate the first completion of greed island going kilo and biski talk about which cards to take to reality biscuit has her eye on blue planet and gohan and kilowatt think about the other two cards in the end gon takes blue planet paladin's necklace and plot a beach with that the three leave the game biscuit uses gain on blue planet materializing it gone uses gain on paladin's necklace to materialize it and then uses it to transform plot a beach into a company having transformed any company into plot of beach beforehand gone reveals that when he entered the game there was one name in his book neat he realizes that neg was like lee jin because negan's gene would rearrange letters and explained it to be because gene took him to great island when he was an infant gold and kilowatts say farewell to biscuit and gone uses a company to take kilowatt himself to nick they end up in a misty forest where they see a figure who they believe to be gene reunion with kite after going to kill will use an accompanying card to meet with jean or knee so they're transported to the kakin empire a country in the asean continent upon opportunity they're attacked by the latter but it turns out that they were actually saved from being attacked by chimera ants the need they were sent to is revealed to be kite going savior when he was attacked by a fox bear back on whale island kite is surprised to meet going there he tells him that they've been on greed island for gene's request and that goen's use of a company instead of magnetic force caused him to meet kite and not jean who wanted to make sure gon and him would be alone if they were to meet they enjoy eating dinner while kai tells stories about his life with gene both golden kilowatt are left in awe by the revolution that gene is a double star hunter who can also qualify to become a triple star hunter kite also tells gone that he was finally able to find gene he explains his mission to do a biological survey and to return to his group the group then discusses a chimera ant leg found on the balsa islands the group surveys are sure to find the ant queen but to no avail kilo asserts that the ant must be over two meters long enough to easily eat a human returning to york new city they inspect the map and theorize that the queen may be located in ngl the leo nudit nation on the journey there kite explains that khmer ants's unique way of reproduction phagogenesis and ponders their horror the consequences of a chimera and infestation in ngl only five of them managed to actually enter the country due to the harsh anti-technological policies go and kite kilo a stick and pedungo a greater threat meanwhile on the european continent in the south of the balsa islands an injured chimera ant queen was left to shore and was trying to heal so that she could give birth to the king the queen feeds herself more and gives birth to some soldier ants she orders the soldier and to bring food the crab like soldier and hunts two children and the queen eats them finding the human species to be highly delicious and nutritious she orders her soldiers to hunt more of them as well as giving birth to the first humanoid ant cult after hunting more humans the chimera ants move to a rock formation more inland and khmer and populations grow faster than ever this infestation catches the attention of pokel a hunter of fantastic beasts with ponzu balda and pekuba the group enter ngl to investigate the kamarans the group is attacked by the ants on their journey so they retreat to inform the hunter association however before they can do that they're ambushed by zazen squad zazan takes bakula alive but honzo manages to escape only to be killed by one of zazan's officers before this happened she manages to use her bees to send a message to the nearest hunter which happened to be kite about the chimera and infestation entering ngl kite reading ponzu's message realizes that the end infestation was more severe than expected ordering podongo and stick to return and notify the hunter association he allows gona kilauea to accompany him though they enter a village and are confronted by ramut kite orders gonna kill what to fight him to ensure that they were strong enough to handle other ants they use nan but the ant still overwhelms them after many clashes going to kilauea use their nan abilities to defeat ramen since ramo was severely damaged gold comes having watched from the shadows to retrieve him heading forward the trio reach a factory where they're attacked by yoon june squadron kite realizing the evil intent tells gon and kilowatt to kill them gohan fights the centipede and defeats them using junken scissors with kite giving the fatal blow kilo fights mosquito and kills her and kite kills yunju heading deeper into the ant territory the group is ambushed by hagia's squad the squad demands one-on-one fights to which go and killa and kai agree to golden and killaway easily defeat their opponents frog is angered over the easy deaths of his comrades but kite uses silent waltz to kill all the ants meanwhile in the nest ramet recovers from his injuries and learns to harness then peggy wishes to interrogate poggle who was able to use such abilities poggle having survived hides in the heap of skulls however the newly born royal guard never pito appears and detects pockel pito interrogates poco and learns about nen types creating then ability to correspond with those types and how to find nen type pockels later turned to a human meatball for the queen whose appetite was growing to 250 meatballs per day as she prepared for the king's birth pito leaves the nest and attacks go on kite and kilowatt managing to cut off kite's arm gone is in rage but kilowatt quickly knocks him out kite orders kilowatt to take gone and flee 30 days without nine kilowatt returns to the border where he informs the group of kites fate just then three pro hunters isaac netaro morale and navapeer deciding to take care of the ants themselves netra orders kilowatt to leave since he was too weak to deal with the ants kilo was depressed after failing to help kite however gohan who woke up asserts that kite was alive and that they would get him back in order to do so natora gave kilo at two hour shoot pieces their objective was to gain the other two from two assassins who were princesses of moral they meet palm nob's apprentice who would help train them for one month after the battle against the two where only one group would be able to go to ngl twelve then train biscuit returns her exercise involves using ren for three hours after the training she would have them battle knuckle one of the assassins pom is skeptical of going to kill his chances against him but gon promises to her that he will be victorious the day where gone seriously fights knuckle his penultimate battle comes knuckles shows his prowess and easily overpowers gone back at palm's place while going rests kilowatt trains with biski she tries gilo for always attempting to flee and warns him that one day he would run and leave going to die so if he lost against shoot he would have to leave gone the day when the duo fights against the assassins finally comes kilo and shoot leave to the nearby force knuckle begins to battle by a head-on attack but gohan is able to handle it he wonders why he was able to only to find a strange creature called podclean on his arm with a number on his forehead it adds interest which knuckle explains to be 10 per 10 seconds knuckle goes on to explain about aop actual aura power and mlp maximum oral power and how gohan's aura techniques consume aura at a greater rate than usual one aura per second only to confuse the boy ultimately when gohan expanded aura he decreased his aop but the interest increased to add to it knuckle explained that in about four and a half minutes his aura would be bankrupt and the torah tatum would be attached to him for a month and he wouldn't be able to use aura for those days as for kilo and shoot shoot begins with hotel rafflesia where three floating cans would attack killa kilauea uses his yo-yos to deflect them but chute attacks him at melee range kilowatt begins to harbor thoughts of fleeing as his brother instructed him to should he face an opponent stronger than himself kilauea notices that the spot where shoot punched him was gone the left side of his face shoot uses the created blind spot as an advantage and overwhelms kiluah gilbert realizes that he wasn't actually fighting an attack shoot head-on at the border of ngl the two duos arrive knuckle and shoot were victorious knuckle promises going that they would save kite gohan weeps over being too weak as does kila the latter swears to protect owen for the 30 days he could not use nen however after that he would leave go inside meanwhile in njl neto's group attacks nearby ants moral uses his smoke to confuse the ants and then nob uses hide and seek to send him into his dimension there netaro slaughters them never beto is shown to have killed kite but keeps his body because he was fun during the mission nav bets that both teams would make it moral bets that hits the titles would win the two other royal guards shayapoof and menthu thuyupi are born at the same time going kilo over fighting knuckle and shoot the queen begins to give birth to the king prematurely however the king violently rips himself out of her as the squadron leaders come the king shows absolutely no regard for her them even killing pegging turtle and cannibalizing them the royal guards meet with their new leader and leave the nest pito refusing to save the queen as the king searches for humans to eat cult approaches knob and moral for assistance most of the squadron leaders leave the nest as birth their instincts netro assembles the surgeon squad to attempt to heal the queen in the nest the dying queen tells the group present to tell the king that his name was marowim the light that illuminates on all and dies cold finds the unborn twin moral assures called that he and the twin could live as long as they didn't hurt other humans as this was going on marijuana found a castle he liked in the republic of escorto during the 30 days that gohan cannot use nen he and kilo a train and going goes on a team with palm during the day kilowatt secretly stalks them and fights ramad who happen to be nearby despite being unable to fight due to fear kilauea rips open his own forehead and pulls out a needle that was implanted by eliminate to make him fear an opponent and flee he manages to kill ramut knuckle and moral having returned from ngl fight chito and knuckle uses hakuwari on the end but she too manages to flee the ngl group and gon killwa united castle where it's revealed that they managed to recover kite however kite was in a wrecked state where he was being controlled by the enemy's then he didn't recognize god and pummeled him gone being unable to stand kite state swears to return him back to normal the ants and spiders marowam and the royal guards stormed the royal palace of east corton and killed the leader mingjal-i and most of the humans inside they planned for a selection day where the citizens would come to the palace under the belief that it was a celebration only to be forced to awake their nan the initiation ninety-nine percent of the citizens would die go and kill one knuckle shoot moral and nob head there planning to work with netaro to take down the ants gohan gets his then back and proceeds to show moral the tremendous amount of power he has when angered the six members would be divided into three teams of two on the day of the palace invasion which was in ten days since that was when the selection was going to happen going and kilowatt was san pito knuckle and shoot yupi and nov and poof and nataro would battle marrow him meanwhile the phantom troop returned to their home town by your city fantastic shizuku vonalonav finks and kalerto are going to take out zazan and her squad the squadron had reached meteor city and was turning the citizens into ants with zazen's queen shot whoever managed to kill zazen would become the de facto leader it turns out to be phaeton golden kilowatts sneaked through the escort border they enter a small village only to find it empty seeing blood and shallow graves kilowatt deduces that the selection had already begun and we're using the pretense of the celebration to make the vast disappearance of people unsurprising kilwa also explains that to select as many as 5 million people and not have so many non-capable ants means that they can't control them hilo plans to attack the ones being controlled while gone remains in hiding as kilo attempts to prevent the citizens from going to their impending doom many don't believe him and he garners attention he's attacked by khmer and swarming the forest and leo's squad while claiming victory against ikalgo he decides not to kill him because of the admiration for the ladders resolved and never betrays comrades he's then caught in a dark game with ortho siblings where he's the dartboard he nearly dies buddy calgo having a change of heart saves him meanwhile gohan continues to wander in the escort toast countryside a squadron leader takes an interest in him so he sends his officers and soldiers after him only for them to be defeated he reveals himself to gohan and joins the boy to get revenge on the king for killing his former self's adopted father peggy goin agrees much to melia are on surprise meanwhile maryland played four games with the champions from the republic of escorto to kill time until his election being the genius he is he masters them in minutes and defeats champions and kills them however the final champion is the goonky champion a seemingly dim-witted blind girl named komigi despite her seemingly low intellect she manages to defeat him into every game earning his respect during one of these games marijuana attempts to throw her off by making her bet on something he bets on his arm that he would win she bets on her life shocked and intrigued to know why merome asks her about her decision and komigee explains her family background and how her only skill was gunky in response marouane rips off his arm pito stops using its ant to repair marum and pouve activates his during this time nob infiltrates the palace to set doors with his nan ability however after seeing proofs heinous aura in his zetsus state he retreats after being frightened he ends up having a mental breakdown due to the aura being so terrible taking him out of commission while fighting pito's puppets moral once again comes across jitu this time the latter tags him and uses his thin ability to put him in a world where he must catch chitu before a set timer runs out moral outwits by acting distracted only to put a smoke rope around him and tags him sinchitu's restriction was that he would lose the technique should he be caught leo attacks moral he fights him in an abandoned church using inumura a technique and soul for moral's friend grachan to drown moral however moro uses pockets of air within the church to excel oxygen and release carbon dioxide which poisoned and killed leo heal was discharged from the hospital and gone tries to contact pom who had infiltrated the palace acting as a prostitute he doesn't succeed go and kill one knuckle shoot and beliar and begin to strategize for the infiltration their plan is to make it seem as though a rebel would be merged with the crowd when the royal guards focus on the crowd on the selection day the group would intrude the palace and eliminate the king however kilauea has doubts at the palace marouane goes back on his ward to play in rapid succession and orders komigi to rest seeing how this was the first time he did such a thing hoof and yuppie began to view the girl as threat during the later matches komige awakens hernan which allows her to see infinite better possibilities in the game she requests to leave so that she can remember these moves and merome allows her to when she asks for his name he realizes that he doesn't know he consults the world guards on the matter they are unable to give him an answer of which he approves as he speaks poof to his disgust notices the king was becoming more regretful and saw the value of creatures he deemed inferior however he concludes that violence is the most powerful power in the world pondering on his little speech merome asserts that she was no longer useful since the selection was near and she would die in the conditions he intends on killing her and is about to do so until he sees a crow attacking her he quickly kills a crow and begins to show signs of caring for her by not killing her and asking why she didn't call for help something that even he himself notices debriefing on the facts kilauea reveals that the end that nov came into contact with was that of hoofs not pito's since it had a window in which nav can infiltrate without being noticed kilowatt theorizes that pito's healing ability had to be solely concensated on which leads him to believe that one of the royal guards or king was injured ikalgo asserts that pito would only do such thing if the king was injured since no one that they knew could do it kilowatt concludes that the king injured himself the citizens of escorto begin their march of the palace moral strategizes with knuckles shoot and melioran in nov's dimension nav arrives and announces that he would inform the group of any changes prior to the operation as he does so he notices that pouf is releasing scales which had a hypnotic effect on the citizens go and kilauea and kago arrive in nov's dimension so that all of the combatants were ready kilo was still unsure about the third party believing that it could ruin all their plans palace invasion meanwhile above the palace and has the clouds two men zeno zoldick and netaro jump off a dragon and begin to free fall towards the palace zeno uses dragon hand to attract the attention of pito who responds by using n once the dragon enters the end radius pitot releases its end using its nan for an upcoming battle however zeno splits a dragon to smaller dragons dragon dive pito leaps through the dragons trying to find netaro while pouf searches for the king to protect him however netro was prepared for this he uses his then ability to send pito flying away from the palace pito uses dr bligh to prevent itself from leaving the 20 meter radius as per its restrictions and therefore managed to stay near the palace as the dragons rain down the invasion squad infiltrates the palace via the doors that nav set by the staircase everyone buddy calgo enter towards the stairs igalgo goes to find palm there they unexpectedly encounter yubi sitting on the stairs yupi immediately goes into attack boat as this is happening the dragons break through the roof when the group realizes that if knuckle and melioran who are both invisible and undetectable were killed by the dragons they could stay invisible forever knuckle reassures them by punching yupi goin and killed or rushed past him on the stairs while moral uses his smoke to hide and escape from him while ubi is locked in a direct battle with shoot and with knuckle and meliorion on the side knuckles save shoot by punching up again this time activating hakuware shoot begs knuckle to beat you be up for ignoring him which shoot nearly dead knuckles forced to fend for himself at the same time nitro and zeno hit the ground in front of the palace and enter where they believe meruem is inside they find a shocking sight komagi is gravely wounded by the dragon dye seeing marouane's regard for another creature's life shocks them to the point where meron manages to get dangerously close to them without them even realizing it maram orders pito to save komagi and asks natura to go somewhere else with him to prevent more innocent deaths should he wish to fight zeno demoralized by hurting an innocent girl quits the job but makes an end dragon to fly natora and marrow him to another location on the way out nato sees gonikiloa who had come to find pito and points to the direction where pito was healing komigi on the way in zeno tells kilowatt to judge what's happening inside for himself they enter to see pito hailing komigi gohan is enraged at the fact that pito is healing this girl but so heartlessly murdered kite pito being unable to fight back begs going to allow it to heal komigi before doing what he wanted going as far as to break its own arm kilauea reminds going that only pito can heal kite so gon reluctantly gives pizza one hour to heal komig's critical wounds moral heads to the throne room itself where he encounters shy poof taking advantage of poof's loss of composure moral traps poof with smoky jail seeing that he couldn't escape easily pouf turns himself into a chrysalis and uses his bl's above ability to split himself into billions of tiny poofs that can slip through the smoke to create a clone of himself outside the smoke but leaving his real self inside the chrysalis moral attacks the chrysalis finding that it was empty and releases smoky gel which ends up releasing the real poof moral tries to attack poof with deep purple but proof counters by using bielsa pub once again to split himself up trying to catch the clones moral is struck by poof who ambushed him with his real body from behind proof takes mortal's pipe to strip him of his thin abilities and throws it into a river he then heads to the palace where pito is an attempt to kill gone from behind pito worried that gon would get angered and kill komugi orders prove not to do it pouf leaves the situation to pito but when gone demands that pouf stay pouf uses beelzebub to send his tiny form out while a clone remained there to keep going satisfied kilauea also leaves while this was all happening in kanga was in the basement of the palace searching for palm while he uses flutter's body in a truck he uses flutter's dragonflies to scout the area one of them encountering bluster after investigating a little he finds a message from palm written and then stating that she should be presumed and should she not return before the mission while leaving he encounters blaster face to face who tricks acalgo into revealing that he's not the real flutter hikago manages to hide under the truck while blaster left convinced that he had killed the imposer however when he enters the elevator he's trapped in it since he needed a passcode to ascend he shoots the door but is trapped once again this time by icargo closing the shutters from the control room blaster just shoots the way out again but hikago comes up with a plan to use a tank to shoot sleeping gas and kill blaster he succeeds in sedating him but fails to kill him welfin then confronts icargo using his missile man and ability to interrogate him however ikago turns the tables on him by shooting him despite the excruciating pain caused from missile man he questions wolfin on his past life as a human wolfen admits that he remembered being named zykahl a friend of gyros and being killed by yunju's division he reveals that he wishes to find gyro ikalgo asks him about pom and wolfen explains that she was put in a cocoon upstairs after being found by the royal guards knuckle continues his battle with yupi would you be holding the advantage by far while fighting yupi gets frustrated due to not knowing where the king or the other royal guards are and accidentally unleashes rageblast where his feelings of stress were released knuckle uses the opportunity to search for shoot finding a puddle of blood he believes that it was yupi's doing and confront him again in reality nav had helped shoot retreat yupi fakes going into the rage blast ability for him to lure knuckle closer to him knuckle does so and newbie reverts to his main form and is about to kill him when he's suddenly hit by a lightning bolt confused by the sudden attack which he didn't detect before yoop is paralyzed which gives knuckle the opportunity to attack yupi avenging shoot knuckle flees and kilauea begins his attack on yupi with godspeed a nun ability he had developed after his battle with the ortho siblings during this yup is unable to attack kilowatt back due to his paralysis combined with kilo's shear speed however kilowatt eventually runs out of electricity and forced fleeing yoop pursues him but kilowatt escapes with melioran's ability enlighten uv about the opponent's possible ability of invisibility or teleportation with kilauea out of commission yupi finds moral who now doesn't have his pipe knuckle rushes in to protect his mentor and moral uses the last of his smoke to create knuckle clones with this duckle is able to land blows on yupi yoobi's enraged by this uses rage blast again but this time begins to understand it better he uses rage incarnate which allows him to turn into a centaur to take out moral's clones and injure moral yopy praises moral and knuckle for being such amazing warriors though he must eliminate them for that reason too he strikes moral but moral disappears seeing morals blood drip ubi realizes that the ability being used was invisibility he prepares to attack moral and the pinpointed location but knuckles stops him begging him to fight him alone yupi denies the offer as it was but then agrees to do it under the condition that knuckle releases his then ability giving in to his emotions knuckle does so much the moral and melioran's disapproval surprisingly yupi keeps his word and leaves it proof to go find the king palm leaves her cocoon sporting a somewhat different appearance due to being an experimental soldier having no emotions she encounters kilauea and asks about gohan's whereabouts and proceeds to attack him with killing intent however kilowatt doesn't reciprocate this intention and begins to break down while revealing the reason he hid going's location for pom this sparks the emotions in palm and she kills the chibi pouf who had been controlling her alerting proof that soldiers should not retain their human memories palm and kilowatt reunited with icargo he asks kilauea whether they would help go and fight pito but kilauea agrees but notes that they wouldn't be sufficient they regroup with meliora on the knuckle and knuckle is insistent on helping gon the group returns to the palace meanwhile mero and minetro land at a spot that will be the battleground a weapons testing ground merom tries to avoid fighting by reasoning with netero he reveals his plans to create a world where inequality is so non-existent that the world itself is forgotten a select few humans would be spared however netaro demands a fight he uses the king's name which the king is not aware of to entice him to fight meromo agrees to the conditions and natara uses one hundred type guanyin borisatva to make a hole to the underground area where the fight begins marum takes a simple strategy of experimenting with arbitrary offensives to determine netror's attack pattern since netror's attacks virtually did nothing to him as the battle rages on natara is forced to use stronger moves against him but ultimately they're proven to be futile since marouane manages to dismember his right leg and left arm netra uses his strongest attack zero hand while doing more damage than his previous attacks the attack was barely effective and meromen is still far stronger than netero with all of his aura drained and barely standing that turtle is seemingly defeated marum tries once again to reason with him stating that netro's passion had moved him such that when he rules the world he will now allow humans to survive within a special zone netero refuses to accept this and activates his last resort a poor man's rose right after revealing the king's name merom the bomb detonates incinerating the surrounding region including marouane poof and up see the explosion and rush towards the scene finding a badly maimed but alive maryland to save his life they feed him their bodies such that they are reduced to miniature forms with maroham emerging more powerful than before but suffering from amnesia now sporting wings he returns to the palace with eubie and poof the light of which is determined to prevent him from remembering komagi meanwhile pito's time is up a healing komiki and gohan demands to leave threatening to kill komagi pito is forced to obey the group arrives and knuckle offers to use apr and pito but gohan refuses he orders them to watch komigee as a hostage as they head to patient alone to fix kite kilowatt takes komigee while palm uses her winged blue ability to see poof's clone coming knuckle punches the clone and activates apr on it which is transferred to poof's main body which is with baroum palm announces that marom is still alive pouf's clone spots kilauea who's running away with komagi pouf attempts to kill her but fails due tequila's vastly superior speed and power in godspeed marom approaches the palace which palm can sense being unable to take komigi before marom arrives ploof's clones try to clear away the gungi board in the palace so that maroon would have no recollection of the game and by extension her with pufa now gone kilowatt takes komegi to pom who with her ability tells kilauea that gone pito are impatient she also explains her ability and proves clone eavesdrops on this coming up with a plan gon and pito reach the castle where kite's broken bodies while heading to the room pito receives a mobile phone call in its pocket something going is oblivious to saying komiki is all right pouf used this ability to imitate her voice believing that it's no longer in a hostage situation pito tells gohan that kite is beyond saving kite died in his battle with it and pito's ned ability can only prevent corpses from deteriorating gohan begins to weep vacillating between emotions of deep despair and anger palm watches this but is confused as to what is happening since she can't hear what's being said poof's clone suddenly appears in front of palm aquila telling them if komeke is not returned pito will kill gon kilauea crushes the clone then rushes to passion leaving komigi with palm pito calls forth doctor plight when gohan sees her he thinks pito is going to heal kite but then dr blight begins healing his broken arm which confuses gon but he's still hopeful pedo will heal kite once finished with his own arm however once healed pito tells gohan it's going to kill him now gohan finally comes to the realization that pito is not going to heal kite and accuses pito of being a liar all of this bottled up emotions are released in the form of dark aura which transforms him into an older taller and more muscular version of himself he demands to fight pito outside to which pito complies pito uses terp sakura to its fullest extent to try to match gone but the strengthened yuan easily pulverizes it and kills it kilo arrives shocked at the immense power go in his harnessing due to its extreme loyalty to the king pito's body is manipulated by terpsakora past death and rips off gohan's arm going simply uses the arm to pin pito and uses a giant jajan ken to destroy the body and thus the surrounding force simultaneously merome is in the palace pouf realizes that marom can regain memories through images and words yubi goes to search for pito the name neferpitou causes marijuana to remember that he asked it to do him a favor marom orders yupi to bring pito at once while he goes to hunt down the intruders himself pouf attempts to dissuade him not only does this fail it arouses marijuana suspicions barome uses end to search the area for the enemies the end leaves all those nearby in shock he finds knuckle and melee aurora in an instant and knocks them out before they know it as merome is about to hunt down in calgo and palm poof challenges him to a contest in an attempt to prevent him from discovering komegi the contest is to see whether poof and yupi could find pito before maruman could find the other two intruders mero may only use zen once and if he loses pouf may hide the secret he has but if he wins poof must reveal it accepting the challenge both parties race off palmen and cargo meet up with wolfen and an unconscious blaster inside a buys his palace icargo orders walvin to act as an intermediary between them and a king and offers calmigi in exchange for knuckle and melioran to which welfin reluctantly agrees ikago reveals that he knew welfan's past as a human and that he was a friend of welfand in his human life and reminds him that the ants were enemies of ngl welfan drives out and meets yupi with whom he shares the parking yup agrees to tell the king but in actuality plans on telling only proof up returns only to be threatened by wealth and to reveal his human memories before he can respond he suddenly bleeds and dies maroham demands a no proof secret palminkanko debrief on the facts theorizing that the royal guards were split on protecting or killing komigi palm deduces that hiding komagu would prevent the king from finding her merome and pouf begin to bleed as yupi did it's revealed that this is because of the rose's trump card a poison curious about the secret pouf was hiding merome uses end one last time and spots wealthen and immediately teleports him he asks welfan if he killed yupi and wolvin denies this city that yubi had begun to cough up blood and died pouf insists on killing walford but marom continues the interrogation stating that he could sense welfan's hostility to him as a result of inheriting proof's spiritual message interrupts merome to reveal that walthin knew the secret he was hiding barome is enraged by this releasing murder sarah wolf in seeing this ara ages 100 years due to fear and utters the name komaki as a reflexive action maryland regains all his memories about komiki and gungi which leaves proof shattered pouf later dies due to the poison maroon finds palm and asks her where komigi is he reveals he knows his fate and emits the feat to humanity palm now partly kamera and reveals the location under the condition that she can watch him maroham finds komigi and they share the final moments together playing gungi komigi is adamant about staying with marom despite the fact that the poison will spread to her body by doing so marouane finally passes away in komigi's arms having never been able to defeat her even once and she follows thereafter conclusion with the defeat of the chimera ants ngl and escort are taken over by the international peacekeepers the 5 million citizens of the countries are declared refugees and the wealth of escorto is spread among the three remaining nations of the midternet union ngl was turned into a nature reserve the jurisdiction of the hunter association walford and blasts are part ways as well finn is going to seek gyro and believes he's headed for meteor city wolf in hina and bais have head off while blorster and chidore head to the village the villagers are at first afraid of the two but blaser reveals he wasn't there to kill anyone shidori meets haruna and reveals that she was reina in her previous life haruna's daughter that was eaten by the ant at the beginning of the infestation haruna is overjoyed and bluster stays with her in the village gone is on life support at the hospital following his transformation in an extremely gruesome state dav offers to have specialists come in to take care of gon as well as expert doctors kilowatt agrees to this but reveals that he would help go on his own way and leaves morale receives a phone call from cult who reveals that the king's twin sister has demanded to be called kite which surprises moral in the hunter association building 12 people known as the zodiacs appear following netaro's pre-recorded instructions to decide the next chairman of the association via an election enter the zodiac falling to death of chairman isaac netro during the event in east corto the zodiacs have gathered in the hunter association building for discussion the first eleven members misai sam pyon geru or gel cluck saiyu botabai sacho wait for the last member to arrive finally paristan the current vice chairman arrives and apologizes for the delay as person proceeds to discuss the upcoming election he's interrupted by kansai and pyongyang who are none too pleased with paris and sudden taking of charge when he is late despite apologizing paris emphasizes his rank as vice chairman though he does offer the lead to bottaby who's the most senior member of the zodiac and to cheatle who has better procedural skills exasperated sayu urges person to continue but a show of hands present that some members are against it then person moves on to his proposal to announce himself as chairman and skip the election this suggestion greatly angers the zodiacs all but gene freak he did threaten to kill person and gel transforms her hand into his name as person assesses the situation he promises to understand the feelings of the weak because according to paris in former chairman netaro was too strong that he was unable to understand them mizeistom also points out that 18 people have been declared missing since paris and became the vice chairman and person assures him that the number will decrease before ms islam could act upon it gene suddenly announces his candidacy as chairman which surprises everyone in the room person mentioned the condition of gon freaks whose life is in danger he proposes a visit going in the hospital amuses whether he should since gohan was dying jin however assures him that gon would not die suddenly paristan offers a more systematic way to decide on the candidacy cheetos suggests a lottery voting despite sayu's disagreement cheadle explains that each zodiac could propose rules for the upcoming election everyone agrees the zodiacs decide that bean should take responsibility and he agrees beans picks up a paper from the basket which turns out to be jeans his rules are one all hunters are both candidates and voters two the election will be repeated if the candidate with most votes has not achieved the majority of the votes in the first election three a particular election will be redone if the voting rate is less than ninety five percent four it's mandatory that all hunters write their names whilst all nameless votes will be null and void five the chairman of the election committee is gene freaks zodiac began to disagree with gene's rules thinking that the rules were only made for jean's entertainment harrison agrees with rules 1-4 but suggests that deciding on the chairman should come later to which dean calmly complies much of the bewilderment of the other members as beans watches the scene unfold before him he recalls how gene visited him two days ago gene requests for a pen and notepad in the meeting room as well as dustbin when beans asked him gene explains that it would take forever for the discussion to end especially with paris in round he gave beans the rules and explained further that pearson already has a decisive advantage beans listened to gene's instructions and when he suggested that jin may win as chairman gene immediately brushed the idea off claiming that he only wanted to continue chairman natora's legacy and didn't want a tiresome job start of the election with everything settled cluck disseminates the information regarding the hunter chairman election through controlling pigeons the voting will be held on august 8th at midnight with 661 participants among the voters are familiar hunters the examiners from 278th hunter exam bodyguards of neon nostrad and players from greed island unexpectedly hisuka arrives the vote ganza audibly exclaims that he didn't think murderers could care for the event which hisaka proves to be true as he shows kansai a blank paper when ginta questions him his answer is that he's looking for someone called jin joan answers for him that jean has already left even in his disappointment hisaka gauges the strengths of the three zodiacs kansai 85 points guinea 90 points and pyon 77 points kanzai berates him for staying within the building but ginta shows that the magician is only there to size the shrek of the other hunters as he secondly notes that he could fight the zodiac's next he suddenly sent in something stronger with 95 points hiseka expresses his dismay as ilmizoldic disguises gitaraker is the one who only approached him ilumi explains that the election is held because chairman nitro died while fighting some foreign ants when hisaka shows no information about the event elimi claims that hiska has been so busy going after chrollo lucifer that he didn't get the chance to fight either the ants or the chairman himself ilemi tells him that golden kilo and zoldick also participated in the hun gone is currently dying and kilauea has returned home to speak to their father and would only avoid that if the younger brother of the zoldic family is eliminated the results of the first election is released with person in first place with 249 votes cheeto and second with 42 votes and exchanged katucha with 26 points as the voting rate is less than 95 there will be a re-election gene freaks coaxes beans into showing him the results of the votes but beans refuses which prompts gene to call him with insulting names another meeting for the zodiac is being held persons suggest that in order to avoid blank sheets beans must check each paper he also suggests that hunters who abstain from voting should have their hunter licenses confiscated temporarily person and kansai then fall into an argument with a former giving emphasis on kansai's lack of knowledge and language and arithmetic the second election results revealed that paris and cheetah and exchange are still the leading three candidates in enraged kanji moves they attack peristan but is stopped simultaneously by sayo gel and mizeisteum who gives kansai a warning to settle this speech chito proposes that hunters must be informed before more rules are added and that casting an ineffective vote is against the law although periston agrees with her first statement he reminds shiro that she's one of the forefront friends of the late chairman they begin to discuss the difficulty of election and that chairman netaro entrusted the election to be managed by the zodiacs cheetah admonishes person for suggesting the hunter licenses should be confiscated which person claims is something that he doesn't want to do she begins to think about the voting turnout and wishes that gene is there to assist she describes person as an unrestrained beast and wonders why the late chairman chose someone like him to be vice chairman the monster elsewhere sequence expresses his surprise when he finds out from zebra that kilo has returned home he's even more surprised to find that the kilowatt opened the testing gate up to gate five zebra says that he's worried of tilawa's expression but later learns of gohan's current condition inside silva's ultimate's room kilowatt tries to persuade his father into seeing alika zoldi whose power he needs to save gon silva disagrees calling along an uncontrollable child but kilowatt insists that his father and older brother could control her silva admits that he can't think of alucard's family and it's only something that came from a different and dark place hilo explains little by gone and assures that he can control aluka he reminds his father about the promise they made long ago never betray your friends with that silva finally agrees silva leads him through a series of locked doors he informs his son that alua has not finished pestering yet and that mieluki's oldic slash wish was a pc he asks hilowa to repeat the rules when asking a wish but when kilowatt disagrees silva threatens to end the business then and there finally killwood complies a flashback shows kilauea and alaka's childhood together as a child alaka asks her butler meets about to carry her climb the stairs and play upsy daisy with her all of which means buffalo the female butler was shocked to see oliga's eyes become black she called for help but kilauea arrived just in time to make wish of giving him an upsy daisy afterwards alika returns to normal itababa had already contacted the sibling's mother about the occurrence in the family room both sylvain kiko zoldick interrogated kilauea kilauea explained that alga's eyes turned white after granting one wish but if one would listen to her pest rings they would turn black in order to test this power kikio ordered mitsuba decline all of oliga's pesterings this time after refusing alcohol four times in a row mitsuba has suddenly crushed into mincemeat as a result in the butler's lodge another butler shared the same fate as mitsuba following the incident kikio explained that mitsuboi was in the playroom while hassan was in the butler building when they both turned into mint meat at the same time sensing the confusion of his parents kilowatt told them that mitsuba declined alika four times thus another test was made a new butler yasuha listened to all three pest rings which made aluka's eyes turn black daso a wished to become a billionaire alika agreed and suddenly paper bills fell from the sky later a news informed about a transport airship with cash that disappeared yasso had later apologized for giving into temptation but elimi didn't think it was a coincidence sylvain kikyo wondered why despite alika being with them she was not pestering family members at all illumi asked permission to handle the next butler kasuga and instructed her that if she listened to all of aluka's requests ilumi would overlook both katsuka and her lover when he was gone alka began to ask for kasuga's liver duodenum spine and brain all of which kaska could not provide back in the present kilowatt recites the rules known to the zoltics if an individual grants three of alka's wishes she will grant one wish the greater the wish the next three requests are more difficult the next person who asks a wish from alika has to face the difficulty of requests from the previous wish if alika's requests are declined four times in a row the person who declines and the person he or she loves the most will die kilauea remembers that 67 people died from the incident involving yasuo has billionaire request kasich has inability to listen to alika's request which resulted in 67 simultaneous deaths the request elimination further discussed the consequences of olique's power in an airship bar according to eliminate their mother sacrificed several pairs of people to make sure while mieliki traded some tourists for his toys he explains that between those sacrifices two big occurrences happened concerning yasuo had military's request in a flashback it showed milike walking with his two younger siblings alika and kalito with the tourist muna alka suddenly requests something for muna but meliki assures the tourists that alika was only playing and he only had to refuse hilami then explains that after the incident with yasuo and kasuka it's easy to track down the victims those who died in the exact manner in time as kasuga were her fellow butlers homeroom teacher and classmates in the zoldik estate it defies the rules about the one who asked for a wish and his or her most beloved person would die as it's impossible for kasich to love all of her classmates also kasich's ill mother whom she could only meet once a month for 30 minutes didn't die hisaka suggests it may have been a change of heart but illumi explains that kasuga did not love her mother but illumi explained that kasuga did love her mother only that she met a man over the internet whom she loved more the zoldicks then came to the conclusion that if the person who fails alika's request dies his or her loved one would die as well as the people who spent much time with the failed person illumi guesses kilowoo would ask alika to heal gon but is sure that kilauea would do it the wrong way he would have somebody else make the request but pay the full price himself elimi claims that his younger brother could die trying to fulfill alika's requests and hisaka thinks both kilo and gohan the most beloved person would die for a moment illumi corrects himself kilowatt and illumi would die instead of gon ilmi doesn't mind his concern goes to the survival of the whole zoldik family he instructs hisaka to watch kilowan oluga if kilauea agrees to the request but is actually lying his guy has the permission to kill allgra back in his old ecstate aloka enthusiastically greets kilauea who apologizes for leaving her behind she begins to pass her kilauea with requests to which kilauea agrees next aliqua asks to play shiritori as killua notes that the alaga who calls him only by his name is an entirely different thing meanwhile the third election has taken place with person and cheetah on the top two spots and boats by now in the third place harrison notices that more hunters have abstained from voting in fear of losing their licenses beans hands out the list of hunters whom cluck should send messages to cheedle notices how person makes decisions that would clearly give him the disadvantage as though he enjoys challenges pearson offers that the zodiac should hold a lecture to remind the hunters about the importance of the election joining the fray as kilowatt and alaka remain in the locked room silva kiki emilio watched to his surveillance camera while kikio shows amusement that kilauea has turned into a good older brother maybe he expresses his disappointment for his computer bush was a piece of cake which earned him a glare from his father silva asks meliki to recite the rules once again which adds that alika's wishes could not be passed to another person while still in the middle of a transaction they notice that kilauea has not yet asked for a wish and milky knows that kilauea would not sacrifice innocent lives to save his friend then kilua carries alka in his arms and demands that they should be released silver refuses and orders him to make the wish inside the room in order to leave his father with no choice kilo wishes for alika now turned into nanika to kill their mother both of them have not left the mountain within half an hour if they're able to do so nanika must give kilauea kiss on the cheek kikio slumps on the floor being proud of kilauea for saying something is such silver reluctantly opens the door and lets him leave moral receives a call from tilawan tells them that goen's condition remains the same and a number of familiar friends have come to visit the hospital moral suggests that indent exorcism must be called to help but kilo assures him that his method is easier although the process of getting to the hospital would be of some difficulty he contact goto a senior butler who warns kilauea about the restrictions of movement if the restriction reaches level 5 wherein the target must be apprehended for leaving this state kilauea may be captured immediately to avoid complications kilowatt and alaka are joined by goto and canary goto questions why canary has to be with them and kilauea lectures him that the only female butler could provide aluka's girlish needs then two more butlers arrive much of the surprise of kilauea subone with her granddaughter amene claims that silva has ordered them to come when zubani threatens kilauea about breaking the rules aluka comes to her brother's defense bemi souboni apologizes amane introduces herself to canary just as alika begins to wish for suboni's fingernail kubona wholeheartedly complies and tells kilauea that she would conceal herself for the moment to prevent alika from requesting to other people alika then asks if he's mad but kilowatt shows her that there's nothing to worry about the group leaves his old estate and travels by car goto receives a call from la orio the two quickly fall into an argument the butler informs leorio that kilauea is headed to the hospital and in doing so has risked his life moral tries to take the call but leorio disagrees when goto requests that all patients and doctors in the hospital with the exception of gohan should leave leorio suddenly bursts out prompting moral to take the phone and listen to the conditions himself he agrees and calls now for assistance as lyorio turns to leave the hospital he tells moral that he needs to speak to someone kurapika and the hunter association building the election between the zodiacs and the hunters begin leorio steps in to ask gene freaks a question why hasn't gene visited gone yet when gene learns that leorio is going's friend he expresses his gratitude and would be relying on leorio the indifferent answer enraged lyorio inducing him to deliver and attack the gene's direction the hunters who have witnessed the exchange cheer enthusiastically the fourth election results end with paris and cheadle and lawrio as the top three due to the previous election exceeding the 95 rule beans proceeds to introduce the top 16 candidates the chase kilauea versus elimi still traveling by car goto receives another phone call and is surprised to hear that elimi's old as kilowatt takes the phone he realizes that his father silva has sent subona and amine to learn more about alaka's power and when eloi's name is mentioned it's confirmed by omni's anxiety that ilmi's desire does not match that of sylvan zeno's desire to control oligar's ability eomi inquires about the needle which kilauea replies that he's already removed it in an intermission according to ilumi family members are not allowed to kill each other implying that none of those oldies think of oligard's family it angers kiluah who suddenly challenges his brother amused eliminates that he will begin now at once the car in which the group travels is crashed by an uncoming truck whose drivers are killed and manipulated by elimi the vehicle falls off the cliffs as both elimination watch from afar yellow me instructs isaka to eliminate the butlers and take oliga away but when hisuka asks if he could kill kilauea ilemi's composure immediately changes as he threatens hisaka below the cliffs kilauea senses his brother's killing aura amane suggests that the group must stay away from eliminate and tells kilowatch she and her grandmother shiboni are not the enemies their only goal is to ensure kilo with safety kilauea uses his godspeed nan abilities to separate from the group just as hisaka arrives to confront the three butlers meanwhile zeboni chases after kilauea and alca who amuses herself on how kilauea would become a splendid assassin when they've stopped alika asks her brother if she's the only hindrance in the family but kilo assures her that she's not the magician in the butler goto canary and amine confront the newcomer who simply identifies himself as a magician hisaka attacks the butlers with his cards but the cards are deflected by goto's coins gojo instructs canary and ominate to save their energy and to chase after kilo instead but he deals with the enemy hisca praises the strengths of the coins which are stronger than bullets as he explains the properties of his bunji gum ability once again goto fires his coins but hisaka easily catches them using bungie gum however he's surprised that the strength of the coins has increased rotating hisuka's arms while still fastened with bungee gum he releases his ability and escapes to the trees he's got proposes a riddle to goto how many coins should he return he hurls the coins back to goto who deflects all the attacks and is unaware of the incoming attack from above he's gonna be heads goto as the answer to his riddle is death arrangements using godspeed kilo intends to reach the nearest airport as soon as possible unable to keep up with the speed subana contacts amine and canary she transforms herself into a motorcycle which uses the writer's nan to propel itself kilo was surprised that he had been followed and so escapes his pursuers by jumping off the road and traversing the forest instead duboni's group arrives in the airport earlier than kilauea and amane informs him that they have one airship prepared hillary scolds her and orders her to prepare five more airship amane and canary do as their order until amane notices the kilauea aluqua are gone she gets flustered and puts all the blame to canary who insists on being innocent despite teasing amane as well in the airship kilauea explains the situation the moral his younger brother's ability would save gon alka's ability would save gon while risking to kill the whole zolik family to make matters worse and older brother tries to kill the younger one realizing that they could not chase kilauea iomi relies on the help of his needle people kilowatt gives consent that hunters may try to hunt his brother eliminate moral thinks terrority neutral and bushy dora ambitious could agree into it later teredine bushidore and lope highland announced that ilumi and his little people must be captured as both hunters and needle people move out you may ask siska to hunt the misses for him which hisuka gladly accepts the pure paladin squad through television broadcast terrordane expresses his interest in reviving the pure paladin squad a team of elite hunters in which former chairman isaac netro once belonged according to bushidora teredain would be the representative lope the vice representative and himself the captain of the forces thus both him and lopes seek others to vote for terrordane in the hunter chairman election terrordan announces that his group is in search of hunters who have committed crimes the results of the fifth election and with paristan territe rising to second place cheadle and lyorio descending to third and fourth places respectively their candidates for 9th place and below then give out their losing speech elsewhere hisaka beams at eliminate for finding a map and proposes to make a copy of it eel me however declines as he's already acquired one from the idiot who is following him physical remembers that beeping tom and discards his map in the shadows subone calls for amine and uses her ability riders high to chase kilo as airship a hunter who eliminate manipulates has informed the hunter association that there are no more movements bushidore suspects that the call came from a controlled hunter while teradan and lober startled that the 20 dispatched hunters on the field are all eliminated bushidore announces his determination to go there himself to prove himself worthy to become a captain of the pure paladin squad when loman quires buchidora about the votes he responds with all that can go should go even if none of those out of the hunt currently vote they should still be able to get in the top four the sixth election results are released and the top four from the previous election remain the same lope rushes in to inform them that all temp hunters dispatch are eliminated and teradan is horrified to think that elimi must have dozens of strong people helping him confrontation hilba calls canary and orders her to have three cars waiting until the airship has landed then he orders the butler driving hashida to take him and aluka to the hospital suddenly the car stops and two needle people appear blocking the pathway kilowatt orders hashita to leave immediately yet the butler does not comply being one of the needle people now more manipulated people arrive and surround the vehicle as eliminate himself appears from the shadows eliminates his brother to hand olga over but kilauea refuses zuboni appears and informs him that she has fallen into illemi's trap and that their mother kikiyo is watching through her scope it's also possible that milo key is cooperating as well by sending feedback to ilumi ilemi suspects that even if saboni realized she was being watched she couldn't remove her scope as it said order from her superior suddenly alika requests huboni's fingernails as the bonnie easily complies elimi is shown to be somehow displeased with naniganto kilauea is able to wish in the shadows hiska contemplates himself whether to kill alika and earn kilo's hatred or let oliga live save gon and make ilumi his enemy then ilumi begins to question his brother whether kilauea would kill him and save gone as kilowatt cries he wishes for nanika to heal subone's hand instead he explains that healing something requires a lot of energy and as alika turns back into her usual self she falls asleep and kills his arms kilo would threaten me for referring to oligar as a tool and elimi complies relieve that there's a way to heal gone without putting kilo at risk however until kilauea is still hiding some rules alika would never be free of ilumi finally they come into an agreement and kilauea and oliga continue towards the hospital meanwhile teradan gravely announces the death of uchidora along with over a hundred hunters who were sent to eliminate ilumi while he asks for more hunters to vote for him hisaka slips in his room and kills him with terenan eliminated the results of the sixth election have paris in first place leorio in second cheetal and mizei stamnana in third and fourth places the election would then continue with only the top four candidates in the hunter association headquarters gene freaks is confronted by cheetos she learns that jean plans to leave and asks him about it while jin only explains that he only has fun during the election with meaning loyola one of his biggest gains jin also asked that he plans on voting for cheadle who immediately accuses him of being able to win the election by gathering votes from the zodiacs and that of terrordanes gene shrugs are often mentioned about the ex-day with no other options cheetah asks for advice on how to beat person gene begins to explain that in order to defeat pearson cheeto must understand how her opponent thinks he adds that after the death of chairman nataro over 100 airships from the hunter association headed to republic of east corteau and picked up 5 000 cocoons jean assumes that the cocoons have already hatched and that person intends to use them at the end of the hunter exam the ex-day the eighth election for the 13th hunter chairman begins with the enumeration of the hunter bylaws pyon once again hosts the event and announces that the speeches should begin motorbike encourages the other hunters to vote for cheadle and xianpei claims he doesn't care and warns jean not to disappear and offers a card meanwhile kilauea and alka arrive at the hospital where going is kept some of their friends are also waiting including palm knuckle melioran ikalgo hanzo biski melody and gorino finally pyon announces a no hunter should leave the hall until the candidate becomes victorious the thirteenth chairman among the four remaining candidates mazaistan goes first and inspires the hunters of over cheedle instead hoping that his announcement would knock person out of the competition cheetah comes next and briefly announces that she supports leorio as the next chairman everyone in the hall including ms periston and jin are surprised laerio then steps on stage although he admits to himself that he's not ready he honestly claims that he intends to make the whole association his private property and that his first act as chairman would be to save gon his heartfelt confession about being unable to help go and earns him the support of all the hunters within the room after the thunderous applause he receives barristan steps forward to give a speech cheetos seemed so sure that lyorio would become the next chairman back in the hospital alika finally awakens hilo explains that a friend of his is sick in bed and he wants to make him feel better again when alka refuses to transform into nanika hilobi assures him that they would always be together thereafter elsewhere eliminate contemplates on the power of alcoho and finds out that the rules actually don't apply to kilauea at all zebona refers to his ambition to control his siblings as sinister and cruel to the point of straying from the path of an assassin kilauea wishes for nanika to bring back to normal with nanika responding positively on the podium paris and delivers their speech and declares that messiah some should win the election he explains that strength experience and caliber are the characteristics of a good chairman all that misai son possesses after his speech the four candidates begin their debate when cheetah glances toward jean's direction she finds him dozing off in a seat much to her annoyance mizai some certainly proclaims that he doesn't want to be a chairman but periston intercepts him saying that mesasterm initially claimed that he didn't necessarily want to be a chairman shiloh ms islam come to a conclusion that periston needs to be defeated while the results of the election are in progress nanika touches go on and proceeds to heal him the tremendous amount of horror surprises the people outside the hospital the zoldicks who are currently watching the live video and ilemy who's waiting nearby hilami becomes delighted and is confident that nanika would be his the results of the election ended with iorio in first place paris and second mississauga and cheetah on third and fourth places alika's arya reaches the hunter association and is felt by the three candidates except leorio and jean another re-election is needed thus person convinces leoria to repeat his objectives when he becomes chairman laerio does repeat his previous statement about saving gun while person looks at the doors seemingly waiting for something then parison suggests that the hunters rethink about the rules of the hunter bylaws and abolish the current hunter exam regulations from the audience kansai angrily disagrees and reminds him that the commandments are absolute however paristan disagrees and argues that now is the perfect timing for it cheadle interjects and declares himself to become lyorio's advisor if he ever wins and she would improve the rules of the exam leorio immediately refuses the motion as he's only interested in saving gohan's life finally the time person had been waiting for had arrived moral bursts through the doors crying profusely and gives leyori a thumbs up sign lario's tears show when he sees going straining towards down the staircase all healed up he rushes to his friend and gives him a tight hug moral makes larry or promise not to tell gohan that it was killua who saved him and lario agrees everyone in the hall then applauded cheadle realizes that pearson intended to save la oreo for last knowing that gon would appear so that leorio would lose his motive for running as a candidate when she asks how person knew he would win but later answers that it was when gene announced he'd run as candidate gene was confident gone would live and paris entrusted gina as an enemy gohan astounded at the overwhelming applause he sees in the crowd do an enlist waving to him over pointing at someone seated between them going wonders if it's gene gene on the other hand looks uncomfortable and realizes meeting going is now unavoidable jing gone and kite left with no other choice gene waves his hand and greets going for the first time gone immediately rushes towards him and apologizes that kite turned into a little girl he begins ranting about the events during the khmer and crisis which overwhelms and flusters his father jean explains that it was kite's fault for misjudging the situation and that it's going to responsibility to apologize to kite not to jin gon agrees and asks jin if they could talk later which she in doubts the crowd within the election hall goes wild and begins calling names and insults when the crowd didn't stop jin takes them on a playful fight kyon orders everyone to be quiet since the election is still ongoing before going to leave harrison asks who gohan should vote for between him and lyorio after a slight tension on cheetos part gon simply answers that he would vote for person because lyorio intends to become a doctor and therefore he couldn't be a chairman lyrio and gohan proceeds to leave but not before jin explained that he taught kite his crazy slots ability it may have been the reason why kite is still alive driven by his strong desire to live the ninth and last election for the hunter chairman declares pearson hill as the new chairman he announced that cheetah would be his vice chairman while he himself would step down from being chairman all zodiacs are surprised including jin who admits he didn't anticipate the outcome in rage chito confronts paris in the hallway harrison explains that he only wanted to play with previous chairman netero he tells chido to reform the commandments and hunter exam and if the association becomes dull under cheeto's dealership he would become serious about toying with her meanwhile eomi arrives at hospital in pursuance of both kilauea and alduka he deduces that kilowatt hasn't wished to nanika but rather issued a command to it once he confronts kilauea again hilumi states that he's the only one who could safely use nanika's ability for the zoldic family he promises alika would also have the freedom under his supervision hilo however replies that he would be the one to protect alduka and commands nanika to teleport ilumi back home in cuckoo mountain silva kikyo and milike who were all watching are surprised to see him instantly teleport elimi confidently confides that there would be no more risk of alka's requests as long as kilauea commands her back in the hospital kilauea also asks for subone and amine to leave nanaka requests to be patterned on the head but kilowatt refuses and tells nanika that it could not come out any longer nanika cries and goes back to sleep as aligwa awakes aloka cries as well and scolds kilauea for making an anika cry and insists that he should apologize though he thinks that she still may be under ilami's control kilowatt agrees and apologizes to nanika he tells nadika never to grant other people's wishes anymore so that killerwood would pat her on the head after a tearful exchange nanika forgives kilau in the corner of the room subone is revealed to be watching and crying as kikio orders her that the restrictions of on kilauea are canceled in a mansion koala remembers the red-haired girl he killed according to him shooting people to death had always been his job and he repented the day he was born as a khmer ant that the cycle of him killing people still continued yet he also admits that the ones he should have killed were ants hunting the red haired girl he thanks marowim's twin sister the reborn kite for listening to his story until the end however kite orders koala to keep on apologizing and never lose his resolve unless koala wanted to be killed by her spinner chloe appears by the doorway and announces that the visitor has come going sits in front of her and confesses that he wasn't strong enough so they could fight together that he would protect kite next time gohan acknowledges the help he received from kilau and the others who helped him recover after his battle would never beat up smiling both groninkai can see that they didn't have enough training then kite shifts the conversation to gene after hearing that gohan and his father have already met she encourages going to hurry back to jean and promises that she would contact gona killua if she ever needs her help as gohan finally departs a mansion koala also apologizes and assures kite that he would live his life to the fullest now on top of the world in order to meet gene again gon is instructed to climb a world tree together with kilauea and aluka gone travels to the foot of the tree and learns information about it standing at 1784 meters it's the tallest tree in the world before parting ways go and thanks kilowatt for everything he's done which prompts the ladder to enumerate times when going annoyed him but only as a tease hiloby informs his friend that alika was the one who healed him and also calls forth nanika kilauea explains that it's nanika's wish granting ability that caused him to be imprisoned back home alaka assures the return kilauea once both of them have had enough traveling together finally with another farewell gone and kilowatt part ways owen proceeds to the information booth and gets access to climb the world tree on the way up he encounters a fellow climber calling out for help gun requests for aid and sees the climber rescued before going on his own way after a few minutes he reaches the top and is surprised to find a large nest gina waits on the other side and tosses an apple for going to eat as they both enjoy the view at the top gon asks his father what he truly wanted after a while gene explains that he wanted something that was not before him which was a royal burial site that time and could only be achieved if he had the means to do so before and after he became a hunter jean acquainted himself with various archaeologists according to him the journey before reaching his goal was more important than the goal itself when asked about what he wants now gene claims that the world tree they just climbed is only a sapling that stopped growing the real world trees are located somewhere else and needs magma and mountains to grow at its full height currently the one gene wants is something he could not see in front of him according to him he still doesn't have the qualifications to explore the outside world but he could wait for the time to come as the day wains gohan returns his father's hunter license the one he received from kite long before they continue talking about their adventures with each other in whale island nieto receives a card and picture of gone and the small bill juan moral now finally take their bets and spend the money buying wine and toasting for the former chairman netro bone returns to kite in her group of amateur hunters knuckle shoot big man melioran ikalgo and palm are all back in the hospital and are enjoying the small picture of the small build swans as well elsewhere gohan's other friends receive the same images laiorio simultaneously tries to call karapika but receives no response korapika is revealed to have found five pairs of the brethren's scarlet eyes in cuckoo mountain canary and omni erected grey for the recently deceased goto while akitiko disguises as the former butler canary convinces amine not to tell kilauea lastly back in the baron republic of escorto a dead komiki and marowam are seen holding hands the special assignment beans comes inside a room chatting about a big emergency sayo guesses cheetah wants to resign her seat however she assures him that she won't and lets beans talk he shows a video in which khaking empire's king naspu hokiro declares his country's intention to travel to the dark continent the zodiacs are surprised except kanzai who is clueless about the dark continent and kakin's king gel explains that the dark continent is a place outside of the world's map it's also where magical beasts are believed to originate from mizai some adds that every time humanity had tried to venture there in the past a disaster was brought back 200 years ago the continental v5 forum made an agreement not to go there chido explains that kakin could technically be considered a new nation after their transition to a parliamentary democracy 30 years ago so they may have neglected to renew the treaty beans interrupts them with a more serious problem the video shows king hoyt as he introduces the person who will lead their expedition beyond netero the son of the late isaac netoro the zodiacs are once again surprised not knowing that netora had a son zhel suggests they need a confirmation however after beyond starts his speech sayo questions if there is a need to confirm him being that to her son as they notice their similar attributes theon promises that he'll take care of everything and that all will have an equal opportunity to join his team as he encourages everyone to come to kakim everyone in the room is shaking as the video ends beans lets them know that there's a second dvd that the chairman had left with him which he's only allowed to show to all members of the zodiac if someone claimed to be his child since gene and harrison are not in attendance cheeto makes an announcement meanwhile people from all around the world are ready to follow beyond who decides to ignore the prohibitions of the v5 about exploring the dark continent and makes a speech to his expedition team paris that is seen there saying that he's willing to go where no one has gone before cheeto tells zodiacs that they don't need to wait for jin and harrison to see the dvd as she approved both of their requests to leave the zodiac she then announces the special assignment given directly from the v5 hunt down beyond netero the director and the deputy secretary of the international permit agency ipa discussed the role of their agency in restricting people from traveling to the new world the director mentions that talking however succeeded in bypassing their screening process since they haven't signed the treaty and now we're demanding unlimited access should the negotiations fail at the summit next month it'll be difficult to stop them the director opens the door to the agency's basement that's filled with various atrocities and wrong corpses that were a result of humanity's attempts to colonize dark continent discussing the importance of preparation before the venture the director hands over the book to the newly appointed man explaining that it contains travels that were published hundreds of years ago he instructs him to memorize every detail of the book as they move through the basement as they walk along one creature slams against a glass wall which takes the young man by surprise the director explains that the creature is the only survivor in their facility which used to be human and now has been self-sustaining for almost 50 years unable to die the zodiacs are shown a video of the isaac netro discussing the v5's plan to explore the dark continent and requests that his son be not elected as the head of this expedition the zodiacs debate on its assignment to hunt beyond and even mention gene's possibility of joining beans then comes in having received a call from beyond himself beyond appears before the zodiac and orders them to tell the v5 that they've already captured him the young man reviews of report on the previous dark continent explorations and the five threats that were brought back as a result of those explorations unnerved and anxious from the reports the young man believes that the dark continent is no place for humans to return cheeto interviews beyond which is lock in a prison cell and beyond declares that the zodiacs will release him chito dismisses this as absurd and continues the interview sajo interprets the interview for kansai explaining that the king of kakian has allowed for bihan to go to the dark continent provided he makes the king famous beyond declares war against zodiacs which cheatle accepts his eyes then later informs shiro that the v5 has authorized the voyage to the dark continent and the zodiacs will accompany beyond even against their will in the meanwhile the deputy secretary of the ipa gives a speech to the v-vive making them realize that the only way to stop cocking is through military might he recommends that they invite king nazibi to join the modern nation leaders and that they endorse this project by taking impossible profits while letting kingdos be take the fallout to ensure the safety of the civilians he advises the fifa i pretend one of the islands close to the waters of the dark continent is the actual dark continent chito contacts layorio and offers him to be a zodiac as he was now a popular finger in the hunter community at first he declines but then asks if there's another spot in the zodiacs he recommends kurapika who's then scouted by mizeistom mizaism deals with guards and is approached by kurapika himself mizaisam uses the scarlet eye zone by suritinis hoytero the fourth prince of kakin as a motive for kuropa got to join while traveling by car korapika communicates with lyorio for the first time in a while he inquires about going's condition and lyorio asks for karapika's email address kurapiga refuses to share this information korapeka thanks besides them for the connection to princeton and assures him that he can deal with the prince's dark side they reach the hunter association building where leorio reunites with kurapika briefly before they're taken to the meeting at the meeting cheeto informs the zodiacs that the v5 has been changed to v6 as kakian is now a member she reveals the reason for the failures of previous star continent expeditions the five threats the danger of these threats were level a one rank higher than the camara ants b cheatle reveals their objective to travel to the new world capture at least one of the threats and bring it back safely as well as deal with beyond kurapika asks the other zodiacs if they've identified a member of beyond's team in the association ceding that beyond must have planned this all for when his father died he confirms that paristan and some temp hunters are allies of beyond mizaisan leads karapika out and advises him not to inquire about a mole because the mole would be on alert when they return all the zodiacs explained the roles on the voyage korapika oversees the 289th hunter exam where one stage is an answer questionnaire concerning their knowledge of kakian's imperialistic ambitions krapaga uses his dousing to see who's lying and therefore working for beyond mizaisan praises his ability but kurapika asserts that it isn't all that powerful and that someone with a similar ability could counter this one misai some explains that there probably isn't even a person within the zodiacs like that meanwhile gene confronts person in beyond slayer with a double objective of joining beyond's expedition and putting a stop to person's plans he explains that depending on what the hunter association will do concerning beyond's challenge person may send in 5 000 chimera ants he promises to play with paris and if person can keep up with him paris and demand to know what he's deduced so gene explains that if the hunter association accepts the v5's terms harrison will let loose 5000 camara enter the world creating chaos and forcing changes in the policies because to him that is a boring course of action harrison angrily interjects that netero would never conform but would defy both the v5 and his son and go to the dark continent on his own jin then adds that if the hunter association does decide to go against the v5's wishes person will use the next hunter exam to infiltrate his five thousand non-using chimera ant into the organization the members show reluctance in having jinn be second in command jin promises the double beyond pay to them harrison shows no objection jin educates them in the five threats and how their threat levels surpassed that of the khmer ant since there were no countermeasure for them a member asks xin how he knows so much and jin explains that the dark continent was being recorded by dawn freaks gone attempts to use his nan but is unsuccessful jean explains that it was there going just couldn't see it he tells gone that it could have been much worse and advises him to go looking for something go on heeds jean's advice and return to whale island and mito when asked by mito if he was disappointed that he couldn't go going says that he would be a burden due to his lack of men and that his goal was to find chin not meet him a month later gene continues to display his prowess and skill and knowledge with the expedition team gaining the respect periston suddenly shows up and divulges the failure of the assassins sent to the hunter exam he acknowledges that the ability of his successor grapika one of the assassin's mueller claims that kurapika can read minds he orders jin to leave believing him to be an agent of the hunter association how virgin assures him that his goal is to support beyond but stop paristan usaman supports this claim advising mueller to wait a few days to see really why gene should be number two just then the other temp hunters arrive and reveal that number two would not be in the chain of command they force either gene or periston to leave gene comes in with a third option the assassin's leave whereas person decides that the assassins should be killed new her gets his assassins to shoot at gene and pearson so they flee gene uses lyorio's remote punch technique to attack their assailants he also uses his aura to produce an ultrasound which can be used to detect enemies he uses this to find the other two henchmen and knock them out when they find no enemies barristan reasons that they must have fled but gene corrects him by saying that their mission was complete the entire scenario was set up by person himself he learned this when one of the temp hunters didn't bring up both sheen and pearson leaving as an option miehr wonders how they figure out his plan gina is more concerned about his men stating that they're too weak for the dark continent mihr reveals that they're simply back up shooting would be taken care of by golem gene is impressed by gollum's capabilities but gollum refuses to give any more details about their true identity jin asks the soldiers to take his money but mew her assures that the soldiers can't be bought with money he questioned jean's motives for sponsoring the soldiers and jean says that he didn't know the main reason though there were a number of possible causes he reveals that he simply wants to support beyond but thwart periston and the money would act as a gift and a convenience muir finally agrees to talk to the soldiers gene declares himself as number two but asks him how to lead curious to see what he would do jin replies that he wouldn't hold back in kakin prince benjamin contacts his younger brother prince cerinik to inform him that their father has accepted their offer that he who could survive the dark continent would be king overjoyed by the news prince reidnich declares that victory will be his while taunting his older brother's intelligence his aborted to have entered the hunter exam revealed their success in becoming hunters after weeding out the spies during the 289th hunter exam korapika and mizaisan focus again on the possibility of a mole among the zodiacs krapika volunteers to test them in secret while mizeistem gathers them to disclose details regarding their abilities the normally politically divided zodiacs were working with each other to help with a mission to show their cooperation and thereby innocence since there was probably no risk of it failing mizaisam asked kurapika to listen to the others as they state their abilities and find the liar during the assembly mizaisam speaks openly about the possibility of spy as they speak in turns korapaga reveals the informant to be saiyu voyage preparations king nasubi's personal butler noogie explains the sweetness that the succession war will begin once the voyage began but if any of the participants the king's legal children died before the war would be cancelled sorry niche then participates to a cocking empire of right receiving unbeknownst to him an egg from which his guardian spirit bees will hatch in the meanwhile karapika and his mazaistan watch recording in which the ox interiors beyond on the identity of the spy in the zodiacs stating he will let him participate in the sailing ceremony that will take place on the eve of the departure in 34 days beyond declares he doesn't know anything and doesn't care about the ceremony rather the v5 will most likely pressure the zodiacs into letting him go using his ability krapika confirms he's not lying they conclude the safest course of action would be to restrain sayu shortly before arrival shortly afterward they discover some of the princes are hiring potty guards which would allow some of the spies to board the black whale kodappaka recruits biski basho izanavi hanzo and melody to be hired as bodyguards by each of the six princes of the kakin empire and get information regarding prince orlitnich inabi points out that something significant must have happened for all six princes to put up job postings simultaneously hanzo states that surit is likely not among them as he's a veteran at this and he likely has a private army basho expands on that saying that the naive princes are the ones using money as a reward melody argues that if that is indeed the case then it'll make things easier whiskey counters saying that the elimination of threats sounds suspicious krapika sums up that all he wants is information no matter the mean the information would have to allow karapika to come into physical contact with suridnich since that way he could use more abilities effectively if they could do that then they could abort the rest of the mission biski asks to convert that kurapika would still give them the money even if they aborted since the contract would be in effect once they've applied karapaka states that that was obvious angering biscuit he recalls kylo was advice on dealing with biski and proceeds to reluctantly flatter her in order to ensure her loyalty karappaga looks at the six profiles which look virtually identical and observes the fine details of each prince first the post highest pay and the competitive one the ones willing to interview etc karapika focuses on two profiles the one that had the highest reward by increasing theirs over the others and the one who never changed at all the former is competitive and likes to display power the other has strong self-esteem the one who matches these profiles is prince hulkenberg karapika thinks about his past an honor student who had poor relationship with his family save surignich karapaka decides that hulkenberg is the best option for getting close to surit and chooses the one that he believes to be hulkenberg he gets a response which invites him to a hotel owned by the hokiro family krapika meets his employer who turns out to be queen oito mother of prince wobble karapa is surprised and disappointed something that she senses however she states that his disappointment is all the more reason that he's a worthy candidate for the job she reveals that they're looking for someone who came under the pretense that they would be hired by prince hulkenberg even with the fewest of indicators the information put on the site was purposely vague to prevent anyone who might want to hurt the princes from pinpointing their target as that applied to prince hulkenberg he didn't put up a post she explains hulkenberg's reputation and the various viewpoints surrounding him as such many applicants would be assassins or fake followers which would be convenient for ito since they have similar aims anyone who could reach their goal by protecting oito korapika asks why regular applicants couldn't be used and oyto divulges the true nature of the expedition succession war oito can't get out because king nazip strictly believes that his children should aim to be king and deserters would be killed if hulkenberg becomes the king then he can be blackmailed for participating in this barbaric event so the job is to get wobble and herself off the voyage ship for 10 times the payment or keep the conversation confidential and leave for the original fee krapika agrees to do the former if oito agrees to certain conditions oyto agrees to them oyto reminisces on her life and how she thought that wealth was everything when marrying the king only to discover her true value laid in her daughter wobble she allows karapika to hold wobble izanavi is hired by prince tyson biscui by prince mariam basho by prince luzerus melody with prince kacho and hanzo with prince momozei heaven's arena battled to the death at heaven's arena hisaka challenges chrollo who has become a fuller master to a duel croller decides to have a fight to the death to which hisaka can sense the battle begins with chrollo using black voice which he apparently stole from shalnar to manipulate the judge hisaka realizes that kroller was using the time he spent fleeing from him to steal more abilities after having the judge manipulated crollo uses him to pin down hisaka so he can stab him with a second antenna hisaka deflects but kroller uses this opportunity to launch a series of stops amazed by crawler's resolve hisaka figures out the purpose of controlling the judge is to tire him out and strike while he's still weak hisaka attempts to slash the judge but instead the judge detonates crawler reveals his ability the sun and moon which allows him to imprint seals whether either plus or minus on a target and when the opposite seals meet an explosion takes place crolo also demonstrates his other ability double face which allows him to use a bookmark on a page to maintain this page's ability with this he no longer has to hold the book open to use that ability though he can use two abilities by having the book open to another page however this brought out new limitations to skill hunter kroller says that he'll show he's got three more abilities thus setting a new record for the most abilities it's taken to kill someone after a small talk crowley explains the rest of his abilities order stamp which allows him to control any inanimate object provided that its head is still connected to the torso but since the former owner didn't consider a real corpse to be an inanimate object crolo makes use of court to be's ability gallery fake and make a copy of the judge's corpse after that he uses order snap to command the copy to kill hisika albeit unsuccessfully he then reveals his final ability covert hands which allows him to switch appearances with the person he touches he reveals that one of his abilities belonged to a now deceased person hesiko realizes that it remained after death because the person's then became stronger post-mortem the ability is the sun and moon which belonged to a meteor city elder that once turned his brethren into bombs in order to purge an outside threat the seals from the dead ability cannot be removed kroller declares that he will win but his guy is insistent on continuing the fight crollo jumps into the audience and uses black voice to control a large spectator krolow hides behind him and manipulates another by the time hisaku deals with the two crowler was gone from his sight he realizes that crolo originally bookmarked black voice to control the spectators activated and changed his appearance with covert hands and then shifted the bookmark to that page so he can retain it and hide a panicked audience begins to flee the arena despite being told not to rush the exits all at once by the commentator several audience members noticed they've been duplicated which alerts hisak to the fact that chrollo is using gallery fake surely many of them begin rushing towards hisaka who realizes that crolo is currently using order stamp to command the copies to kill him he uses bungie gum to propel himself towards the ceiling away from the puppets however this was proven futile as his pursuers are capable of reaching him hisaka blocks her attacks but leaves himself open from behind an opening crolo exploits to land a hit on him despite being pummeled hiska is enjoying the fight by continuing to decapitate the puppets while crollow uses openings to land guaranteed hits prolo tries to attack from above but hiska anticipates this and attaches bungie gum to a decapitated head flinging it at crolo who dodges it easily having expected it and proceeds to some his opponent hisaka however knew this and swung his foot with a head attached to it hitting crolo while he's lying injured on the ground crollow manages to recover from his sneak attack hisika uses several heads to smash the still attached heads of the remaining puppets thus incapacitating them he launches an attack at chrollo who retreats again into the audience hisco restrains one puppet to see through crawler's next actions one keep the bookmark on gallery fake open order stamp demand the waiting puppets to kill hisaka two keep the bookmark on gallery fake use both hands to create more copies after that he would either a open order stamp command the puppets to kill hiska b open covert hands change his appearance with his left hand the stamp vanishes from the puppet he skies restraining which leads his cut to believe crollo chose the second option kisaga realizes the audience should panic at the side of krollo if he plans to copy them so he's aware that krollo would opt for option b to avoid the risk hisaka understands that crawler might go where his copies are already on standby in order to both create more copies and stamp the previous ones using this logic he spots crolo pursues him into the stands and goes on an all-out offensive to pressure he begins to consider a third possibility c open black voice conceal the cell phone and antenna in his left hand he's gonna make sure to keep his distance then fleeing several audience members to whom he attached bungie gum towards chrollo who dodges them however hisica managed to attach bungie gum to chrollo's leg he drags him and launches several strikes apparently killing him he finds out that it was simply a right-handed copy of krolow meaning the bookmark is on covert hands hisoga is confused about why the severed head who was carrying from the start is still existing after crollo had removed the bookmark from calorie fake he quickly realizes that it was a fake out and the puppets that have been afflicted by the sun and moon won't vanish hisika comes to the conclusion that gallery fake a double-handed ability can still be used in conjunction with another ability polo may imprint the plus mark with his left while he's opening the book on the sun and moon and keeping gallery fake bookmark he comes to the final conclusion that instead of following option 2b exactly crolo added another step open the sun and moon and print the plus mark with his left hand deactivate either or both open order stamp command the puppets to kill hisaka hisuka decides to go on the defensive to prevent the puppets from detonating near him kroller steals the microphone from the commentator to issue a break hisaka command from there hundreds of audience members begin rushing towards hisika which excites him he uses bungie gum to swing the copies and smash the rest however the bodies can't handle constant collisions and the control puppets continue to pour in all of a sudden crolo has the head hisaka is using detonate when he's still holding it in his hand after one of the bodies explodes blowing off his left hand hisuka tries to assess the situation he soon comes to the conclusion that crolo figured out which body he decapitated imprinted a left hand plus mark on the body with his open book before imprinting another minus mark on the different individual then manipulating the individual using black voice making them touch the body's plus mark and creating a maximum power bomb hisco realizes the dangerous situation he's in and chooses to go all in decapitating several puppets and climbing up the heavens arena walls using bungie gum in order to find krolow on the second floor with the puppets in pursuit hiska is faced with even more directly ahead of him which has been ordered to self-destruct after spotting hisaka due to this a large explosion comes from the second floor sending hizka flying towards more puppets on the arena floor and blowing off his right leg before he's able to use bungee gum on his remaining leg to escape to the ceiling a puppet from the second floor flies into his chest due to crowler's intervention hitting the floor his guy is surrounded by a crowd of puppets before a large explosion engulfs them later a news report at the scene of heaven's arena confirms the end of the death match which resulted in several audience casualties hisca's dead bodies seen before shalanar courtepi and machi in another room shalnark explains that the large crowd of puppets had a cushioning effect that protected him from the bulk of the explosion however hisika ended up dying from lack of oxygen due to the blast and the mass of flesh court to be in shao narc then leave after machi says she'll stitch him up before she can do so aura begins to reemerge from his corpse and hisaka comes back to life it's later revealed that he placed bungee gum on his heart and lungs in order to restart them after his demise after a brief conversation in which his admits he bit off more than he could chew he says it'll be his enemies which won't have a choice in where and who they face he then proceeds to restrain machi using bungie gum before she leaves saying that he won't stop until he's killed all of the spiders he then leaves machi who continues to threaten him shaolin talks on the phone with crolo who is planning to board the black whale of the khakian royal family in order to seal their valuables after he hangs up shalnak wonders why courtepie's taking so long at the toilet as he receives another call hisika exits from the toilet with court to be severed head in his hands he throws it at shaolin causing him to scream out and become distracted he's go dashes forward and delivers an extremely powerful strike to his head killing him shalnar's mangled corpse is then seen tied to a swing with court to be severed head placed in front of him the black well departs the succession battle begins the day before the voyage arrives and the eve festival celebrations start all the voyagers gather and cocking in front of the black whale the and royal family is gathered at the assembly with some princes believing they will win the succession battle passengers begin entering the black whale the first they are structured for the kakin royal family v5 politicians and industry dignitaries the second tier is for the rich and celebrities while tiers 3 4 and 5 are designed for general passengers while salmeko captain of the guards of prince benjamin begins discussing the schedules of the princes for the other soldiers noting they will act as guards until the disembarkation ceremony also telling them that actual opportunities to assassinate the other princes may not come krapika and queen oyto are discussing ways of escaping the black whale korapika ponders the quality and strength of the other prince's forces as well as the consequences of the frivolous examination conducted by the dark continent committee mizaissam calls karapika to inform him of the increase in conflict levels on the third and fourth tiers due to fights apparent ticket forgeries larceny etc because of this the zodiacs are unlikely to meet up as planned korapika assures oito that there's escape routes if the worst happens to which oyto reacts emotionally because she was initially prepared to face death karapika calls the system control's room to get data when he sends his nan coming from prince wobble shocking him the black whale one sets off for the dark continent it'll take three weeks passing through territorial waters before venturing on the more volatile uncharted water for five weeks the ship will make a nominal stop at the noon continent to avoid public outcry while beyond the zodiacs and other hunters will head to the dark waters using moral ship after crossing the gate at the far ocean boundary the departure ceremony takes place with the king princes and queens attending karapika demands to know if the guards can use then but they all claim they haven't heard of it some guards chastised kodapka for mentioning then believing that their mission was simply to protect queen oito and prince wobble the royal family attends a banquet with the royal attendees believing they will kill their siblings and win prince cacho melody's employer forms an alliance with prince fugetsu and acts like a diva the latter action is discovered by melody to be facade karapaka comes across more murdered guards prompting him to use chain and interrogate the people in the room while interrogating the other bodyguards korapika reveals the true nature of the voyage was a succession battle among the princes of the kakin empire several guards admit to being aware of this and also confessed to not being aligned with prince wobble they explained that seven bodyguards were chosen to keep tabs on wobble one from each high-ranked queen while they're assigned to keep wobble alive they must make sure that wobble doesn't become a threat to their clients one guard divulges the seed earned ceremony which gave wobble an egg that would hatch into a guardian spirit beast korapika theorizes that one of the murdered guards had tried to act on his own and the guardian spirit beast reacted to him however the other guards disproved this by saying that the amount of time since wobble received the egg one month was too short for her to master nen to such a degree all of a sudden some guardian spirit beasts start crawling over the net oblivious guards and the room becomes infested with guardian spirit beasts krapika makes an emergency call using all channels and contacts his fellow hunters but they all state there's nothing abnormal going on korapika realizes that the princes themselves are unaware of the guardian spirit beasts graphica asks bill if the parasite type nan acts like a curse to which bill confirmed bill decides that he and karapika must be more open to each other the guardian spirit beasts have disappeared except for one sticking to sayrd influencing him to murder the other guards he goes to kill the other two but kurapika prepares to fight him krapka easily restrains sayred and asks bill whether satan's non-ability is necessary for the mission bill reveals that sarah's ability is a mission manipulation based that allows him to project his aura into a ball and then control any creature caught inside the ball reminiscing on a training succession with izanavi where he told kurapika to focus on cooperation with allies korapika uses the steel chain to absorb saiyan's aura in the hopes that it would draw at the parasite in his body which turns out to be a small spider-like creature though it manages to escape kurapika finds out that saiya's nan ability is called little eye and it allows him to control captured creatures excluding those that are created by men free from the guardian beast's control zaird admits that he was not in control because he's under arrest he informs goropica that the largest creature he can control is the size of a hamster but one can get sensory information from the creature additionally he recommends that kuropaka not use tiny creatures like flies because they could easily be killed with only two guards left bill says that without curtain in order to escape they would need either person or beyond both of whom would be difficult to cooperate with prince moses allows her bodyguard to be transferred to prince mariam feeling pity for him and his mother as they would be unable to win in the battle to the throne prince hulkenberg announces to his father that he will be withdrawing from battle stating he initially joined to merely save his father's reputation and he doesn't wish to earn the crown through bloodshed nazimi accepts his son's withdrawal bill discusses the key issues surrounding countering parasites which is the parasite's propensity to being made through the host's thoughts and feelings oito states that first through the fifth princes lost this upcoming battle and would never willingly opt out meanwhile surinac and tubepa agree to an alliance as the lower ranked princes are either unwilling or unable to fight and the top three princes have massive character flaws nazip's monologue explains the rules regarding the usage of a guardian spirit beast as follows guardian spirit beasts may not directly attack other guardian spirit bearers his monologue goes on to explain the guardian spirit beasts are designed to protect the princes but it's up to the princes themselves to figure out how to kill their brethren during the age of rival warlords nazip's ancestors created the urn and his children helped build the khakian empire to what it is today the guardian spirit beasts are supposed to protect the one who possesses the legacy of the hoikuro family one who has foresight carefulness and strong planning abilities theta discusses how she will instruct sureednich to stay in his quarters without leaking the secret of nantum with salkov salkov suggests that she inform him about nen but train him to use it in an inefficient way such as having him use his weakest nand type in battle luzaris and tyson become aware of nen and the guardian spirit beasts that surround them hulkenberg is horrified as he stumbles upon the unconscious bodies of at least 11 of his bodyguards theta is confronted by surrey niche and his guardian spirit beast and he begins interrogating her about nen theta admits that she's both aware of it and capable of using it zhang lei learns of the death but all of two wobbles bodyguards his bodyguards bring up the issue of guarding spirit beasts a topic which they are all unfamiliar with camilla asks her father to make sure that the condition for dropping out is biological death her father tells her that the soul survivor will be the official successor to the throne as he told zhang leia earlier though it's up to her to interpret that benjamin arrives and tells camilla not to be so focused on others interpretations of the rules camellia argues that she wants them to feel despair to the point that they willingly die she leaves after being called arrogant by her older brother benjamin makes an oath to his father that he would win and defend cocky he then decides to kill his first target sureed niche benjamin's bodyguards talk about the guardian's spirit beast introduced that there are unknown rules about them while samiko instructs benjamin to stay put as the introduction of nan makes things more dangerous benjamin inquires as to why a hunter would leak the existence of men but balsamico reasons it's to prevent the others from making strikes as the hunter's goal is to get to the dark continent benjamin orders his bodyguards to act as royal family bodyguards they are to observe the hunters and guarding spirit bees while having permission to kill if they are threatened koraping and bill discussed when to employ sailor's power the royal bodyguard vincent shows up and kills a servant claiming she attacked him korapika realizes he is not a bodyguard but instead an assassin korapika decides not to fight with vincent because of the legal ramifications that would rise vincent says that he wishes to cooperate with karapika and the others but gurappaka remains on the defensive he transfers the right to use little eye to oito vincent is distracted by the situation which he perceives to be karapika attacking oito which allows bill to get close to him vincent attempts to fend off bill but korapica steals his aura and he's restrained to avoid being forced to confess to attempting an assassination vincent swallows a poison he had behind his back teeth kurapika decides not to report vincent immediately as it would be ineffective and risky at the moment listening to the ordeal remotely balsamico and benjamin discuss the nature of the guard's abilities they struggle to understand what happened but balsamico theorizes that the guards lied verbally to mislead any eavesdroppers benjamin orders all guards to use nan immediately after announcing the right to self-defense and sends bobby maina after wobble krapika decides little eye would best be used on marion's pet hamster at the next banquet but due to time machines instructs oito to use little eye on an insignificant insect like a fly to avoid suspicion despite the advantages of giving the dolphin his newly acquired ability korapiga decides not to do so because it would force him to say in emperor time which takes an hour from his lifespan every second he uses it they receive a phone call which is a message from three princes benjamin janglais and tubepa which presents an issue as choosing a prince with whom to talk first will apply an alliance with that prince additionally bobby meiner rings the doorbell causing further pressure korapika cannot comprehend why benjamin would set an assassin and call at the same time but he believes janglai and toba want to learn more about nen meaning that no one in their troops has an end-user karapika orders bill to remain with the soldier shimano connects karapika to chiang lai much to his surprise zhang lei asks why he was chosen over benjamin and karapaka says it's because he perceives zhang lai to be more open to discussion due to his desire to learn about nen chang lay invites karapaka oito and waffle to his quarters karapika then contacts to bepa whose guard maor offers the truce in exchange for information about guardian spirit beasts korapka preoccupied with benjamin's guard in the upcoming meeting informs maor of the circumstances so maura gives him one hour to deal with the issue krapika then interrogated shimano about why she chose jiang she justifies herself saying that benjamin is a callous individual and that he will likely have his captain of the guards act as a proxy his intention is likely to kill karapika and herself in order to event vengeance as her desire strictly to live she connected kuropaka to zhang lei whom she perceives to be more of a humble individual but not humbled to the point where he would accept being spoken to second additionally if korapika manages to get on his good side he's likely to hold off killing them until later if at all tubepa is a more patient individual and is strictly devoted to finishing out the princes older than herself while allowing the young ones to survive shimano dissuades kurapika from allowing bobby mina to remain at the door since burning his request would result in arrest by the royal army which would give benjamin an opportunity to kill oito and wobble and then pretend it was a murder suicide on oito's part kurapika informs waipaina that he the queen and the prince are going to meet jiang lei bobby meiner decides to wait in the room while they're gone karapika instructs bill to tell to peppa that the situation has been dealt with if she calls the three enter zhenglei's chamber where he greets them korapika explains the basics of then and reveals the guardian spirit beasts were assigned to the princes during the ceremony karapika then asked shanley if he's willing to have the next part of the conversation in the room considering that the information could change the tide of the succession battle hanzo and biski note that mariam's guardian spirit beast is growing and one of mom's a's guards plants a killer in a way to make their work obvious to their employer but not to the authorities who gets used guards roji and bacham discuss how they're the only two legitimately protecting her while the other guards are assassins kachow vehemently complains about the food prepared for her much to the anoints of her guards and servants hulkenberg awakens from sumler where he finds his guards to be alive suggesting to him that he merely dreams of his guard's demise sally saleh invites his mother's anxiety as he's rather frivolous about the succession battle but he guarantees her that things would change in the next banquet lazarus smokes a healthy drug created by basho while discussing how he could distribute the drug as a therapy for addicts if he becomes king tyson lavishes her book while izanavi praises her attitude in such trying circumstances maar heads oit's room while tobacco contemplates on how to get rid of benjamin's guard butch zarignich trains in then with data where she discovers that he's an end genius korapika wraps up his conversation with shanghai and he sends his personal bodyguard sakura and hachito to assist gurapka saka notes that he's colluding with ummah soldiers because they have mutual interests kovantopa stays with zhang lei was slacking accompanied sakura and hashito under queen uma's orders camilla orders her mother to get close to hulkenberg so she can kill him as well as benjamin however benjamin's guards musa eve drops on her conversation and plans to use his then abilities to get physical evidence for her assassination plot benjamin comments that quarapica is doing a good job of holding off his guards to force his stalemate krapika returns along with the new guards slacker and bobby miner are conspired to keep tabs on jungle's guards korapika frets over the difficulty of applying sailor's nan ability meanwhile on one of the lower tiers the passenger meets crolo and remarks that crowler looks as if he wants to kill someone he suggests that kroller should forget his worldly ties but krollo insists that ties are not forgotten rather they're severed kurapika oito bill and shimano search for a small inch act on which to use little eye which earns a curiosity of sakura and slaka however their search is cut short when mao arrives agreeing to divulge the nature of nan kravika has the guards and oyto convene in the back room so that bill and shimano can continue their search while president explained why he moved rooms kodapaga lies and says it was a reduced stress korapika explains how the princess acquired nan via the initiation and the result was a protective force oito notices the cockroach near the door and stares at it drawing everyone else's attention to it kurapika needing to activate the ability on the cockroach immediately deceives the guards by pretending to showcase the capabilities of men bill quickly catches on to goropica's deploy and pretends to shoot aura at the cockroach as oil activates her ability oycha requests rest which allows her to control the cockroach without being noticed bill commands the cockroach to move in specific ways to prove that nen was controlling it karapika asks poppy miner to confirm the accuracy of his lesson and bobby miner agrees kravika tells the guards that he would be able to learn the basics in two weeks allowing them to stand a chance in an end battle bobby mina notices that bill released the cockroach through event and using his end deduces that the cartridge is being used for surveillance the cockroach enters mariam's room and oyto sees mariam his mother and his guardian spirit piece ointer uses little iconidescently to survey the rooms of the other princes and records the information such that bobby miner cannot read it with zen kurapika is concerned about the consequences of using emperor time for the extended period in time he did oyjo inspects momozay's room only to find her being suffocated by bodyguard oito warns kurapika of moments he's played so he has bill and bobby mina get in contact with the moment's operator they're too late as moments as already died bill reveals that the guards were outside her room when the murder happened momose's mother sabanti is advocating for the execution of the six guards since she believes they are complicit in the assassination sakura asked karapika why momently's guardian spirit beasts didn't protect her during the incident korapika explains that because momenza retired to her bedroom earlier than usual she must have been fatigued because the beast draws its power from the host it means that a significant amount of her aura was taken by the beast for some other activity and while she was weakened the perpetrators stuck bobby mayna asks oito why she took such an irrational approach to reveal momsey's situation ojo explains that while this was a survival contest she still has the humanity to care for someone else's daughter bobby miner leaves the room and retracts his end oito goes back to surveying with little eye bill returns from a phone call and tells garoppolo that they would receive body guards from 10 of the other princes all of whom are likely to be stationed there to monitor qadhafi and bill the other hunters have agreed to the two-week timeline to teach then although this could mean that many guards will be sent to lernen krapika suddenly faints from the extended usage of emperor time much to build shock hanzo laments over his failure to protect momozei and biscui comforts him hanzo deduces that the culprit used the clone to commit the murder and arresting the six guards would only help vindicate them should another murder happen hanzo goes on to say that the murderer likely had to focus all their attention on the clone and biscuit continues the logic by saying it had to be an off-duty guard hanzo vows to avenge mom's and catch the criminal surrey niche asked data about the amount of time required to learn then referencing a message he heard from zhang stating that den can be taught in two weeks he threatens her to tell the truth about the time needed to learn men theta responds that while it's possible it's hazardous and her method is best serene niche's guardian spirit beast comes threateningly close to theta as she promises that she's telling him the truth blood splatter then comes into the ground korapika regains consciousness after being unconscious for nine hours oyoto had also passed out as her condition is linked to korapka's karapika urges oyto to survey surinic to which oyoto cynically asks if korapka is acting out of self-preservation kurapika justifies himself by explaining that first two princes likely have none users in the ranks and oito has already established good relationship with zhang lei wobble suddenly shows a faction for garoppolo encouraging her to obey oito sends the cockroach to the events to surrey denish's chamber but surit ninji's nan beast devours the bug forcing little eye to end oito requests karapika to teach her nanen but korapika reveals that she's already activated then by using little eye the next day the bodyguards and servants of several princes convene in an oyster's room to learn nen and each thinks about how to gain leverage in this situation benjamin's bodyguard furykov already knows how to use then but is there to learn about kurapka and if karapika tries to fight he would exercise his right to defend himself unbeknownst to everyone a feminine doll easily reads furyka by his aura and will appease his demeanor with its net ability silent majority as karapika lays down a line of white tape telling everyone not to cross it or they'll be assa leave and force may be used the still unknown person controlling silent majority says that the only ones that can see the marionette are themselves and mobbery and lowberry a servant of tenth prince kacho the one possessed one isuri dinsha's bodyguard milhan crosses the line to provoke korapika but the situation is quickly resolved the user of silent majority speaking to themselves says that everyone's attention was directed at muhan but he wasn't one of the 10 within range they go on to say that if the marionette is deactivated without killing anyone the curse rebounds to them furykob analyzes kurapika determining that he's most likely to conjure by examining the aura around his body particularly his right hand while everyone begins introducing themselves in the main room bill is helping oyoto with then as instructed by kurapika furykov approaches bobby mina and asks him why he releases his end bobby mana shrugs it off but furikov says he needs bobby mine's report of the enemy's power bobby miner tells him that kurapika is the key and is most likely hiding other abilities besides forcing confessions he still hasn't seen wobble's then beast and doesn't know bill's ability letting furykov know that he'll form a plan after the next banquet after the introductions karapika asks a 16 student to raise their hands if they already know nen furykov raises his hand as is bellarante a hunter and bodyguard for the 13th print mariam as lowberry wonders why they're here then she looks back and sees the marionette with the user of silent majority wanting her to attract everyone's attention as karapika explains that both furykov and belarante will judge his teaching giving any advice when possible and fiorkov wonders what lowberry is looking at lowberry begins directing everyone's attention to the marionette but they see no one there with everyone focuses in that direction one of the bodyguards barrigan starts to act like he's choking and the others notice something white around his neck as the life is drained out of him the silent majority user monologues that there are four snakes in total and if all four attack at once they can drain the entire body of blood in 11 seconds sakura draws a gun and fires at the snakes on bergen and asks that the royal army be contacted qrapia worries about the use of firearms and that gyo won't be enough to stay unharmed lowberry says that the weird woman's gone with karapaka now focused on finding who the assassin is among them giving her involvement in the death of barrigan lowberry is restrained by hachito while sakura contacts supreme magistrate cleopatro asking her to charge quinseko with being an accomplice in barrigan's murder and planning to kill the 14th prince wobble she denies his request but an investigator will be sent to seiko's residence the monitor for 72 hours it's 9 45 am on the second day of the voyage kurapika refuses to give the bodyguards their weapons back and gives them 15 minutes to decide if they wish to continue the training kirikov continues pressing bomb mina on how he's handling his mission but the latter says he'll handle it his way as shimano is preparing dinner bill and kodappa sneak up on her the latter with gun drawn and dousing chain out he asks her if she attacked barrigan and if she can use then she denies both panicked and karapika apologizes shimano wonders if it could have been wobbles and beast but kodappaka explains that everyone even those without men saw the white snakes but only an end user can see the prince's nan beasts as the three discussed the situation korapika realizes that if just one prince was able to withdraw from the contest there's a possibility that all nine beasts might vanish none of the remaining guards are servants left and karapaka instructs each to put their hands together in whatever way feels natural giving different directions to the three men learning groups in tier five three thugs working for the boar family are extorting mining from passengers trying to get to the dining hall they're interrupted by franklin thinks nobunaga and feitan who quickly deal with the thugs and extract information about the mafia from them there are three main families the gu supported by jiang lai the heili supported by surijinich and the shahar supported by losers they asked the thugs how they can get to the upper tears planning to get involved in the mafia's dealings in addition thinks tells them to find everyone taller than 190 centimeters and to get the room numbers attempting to track down hisika krollo and machi meet up in a crowd of people and each says that they're the ones who's going to kill hiska in a large ominous room filled with fourteen capsules with one more in the center king gnosis looks upon the disease momose lying in one of the capsules and says enugu that she will become the foundation for the tree of kakin at karapika's name training theater god sees two of hulkenberg's guard more are than the others and wonders why they're being so obvious that they said they didn't know nen they want to talk to karappa god alone and he says he'll talk to them after the session purikov continues analyzing the situation saying that the two aren't self-aware and are either being manipulated or involves hulkenberg's name beast he confirms lowberry's arrest by the royal army and says there's one secret end user among the group who's hiding this fact well and that they must be the assassin the investigator sent by cleopatra is questioning quinseco but she refuses to answer anything she assures her she is protected under royal privilege but she still refuses in prince mariam's room his name beast has grown even larger and hanzo guesses that it's because of his sister momize's death hanzo and biscuit and their shift and hanzo reads to find momozay's killer hoping it'll calm mariam then beast biscuit agrees to act as its lookout since no one can touch or talk to his original body or he'll be called back hanzo uses his ability hanzo skill 4 and enters the cell of tufty one of the arrested bodyguards from momozei hanzo says benjamin wants to see him and that another guard is going to take the fall in a suicide note but for court records hanzo needs to know the method of killing tufte reveals that his ability the touch allows a doppelganger of himself to do anything within 20 meters as long as he's lying prone and has his eyes closed as tufty then wonders how hanzo knew it was him hanzo suddenly takes out a rope and begins choking tufty from behind killing him in prince ali sally's quarters rehan observes the nen beast which is closely linked to the prince's libido and plans to destroy it as soon as possible in prince tyson's quarters she continues to get her guards to read the book of tyson and giuliano and izanavi wonder what the eyewogs are on their shoulders thinking they're related to having favor with tyson since benjamin's soldier's aura has none on him back at kodappa's nen training the session ends at 12 30 pm and sakuta is urgent about hearing the situation with hulkenberg's two guards yuhirai tells them that hulkenberg wants out of the contest so they need more information on the nen beasts he shows them his left hand in the mark of the feather and tells them what happened krapika says memory revision is common in manipulator attacks and asks yuhirai what he thinks the mark means yukirai thinks it shows solidarity with and allegiance to hulkenberg but abigail points out that while the contest is the perfect opportunity to abolish the monarchy which kolkenberg greatly desires he doesn't want to achieve this by killing his own siblings gurapka determines that yuhirai is only half awakened with then because of his connection to hulkenberg he's also worried that hulkenberg's ability is too risky and could have severe consequences sakurai and yukiyai eventually agreed that the lower ranking princess should band together and karapaka plans to make appeals to the other princes also hoping that it is possible to withdraw from the battle after dealing with tufti hanza returns to mariam's quarters to find the place completely empty except for the prince's nen beast which is now smaller yet more sinister ready to attack if hanzo steps any closer outside her quarters second prince camilla approaches musee says she's on her way to kill benjamin telling him to help her or die musee immediately draws his gun telling camille she's under arrest for conspiring to assassinate benjamin and that he's recorded her conversations as camilla continues to calmly walk forward mise worries that she's a counteractive type because she's closed off her aura with zetsu increasing the potential power of her counter-attack hoping he'll be able to kill her or at least find out her ability musee fires three shots two in the chest and one in the head as camilla falls bloody to the floor he realizes he can't let his guard down before fulfilling his conditions and reaches down and touches her neck suddenly a giant cat-like creature appears behind muse and smashes him between its paws it needs him into a liquid which flows to its tail and pours the substance into camilla's mouth bringing her back to life camilla's ability cat's name is a counteractive nen beast that activates after death reviving the user with the life of their attacker camilla says she doesn't need a guardian spirit beast and that this ability makes her invincible her guards rush out and camilla tells them that benjamin's soldiers shot her and ran off but her mother dwaazul tells him to let camilla do as she pleases on her way she encounters two of benjamin's guards fury coven wolf benjamin radios them to let her through and not attack her camilla suddenly shoots both men in the head killing wolf and grazing furykov who use nan to avoid a shot between the eyes the two walk into benjamin's quarters as the prince himself sits in the middle of the room benjamin refuses to go along with her charade and camilla fires multiple shots at her brother all stopped by his then beast out of bullets camille yells at them to attack her but furykob calmly restrains her they lock her in a cell and balsamico confirms to furykov that musee's ability secret window is already active in her a small hour-like creature hovers in your camilla it allows mise to use three different birds as spies the owl is activated by touch and can only be seen by the user transmitting the targets every word and action to them telepathically it's revealed that benjamin's ability benjamin bataan allows him to inherit the abilities of those who swore loyalty to him they have to have graduated from the kakin royal military academy to be part of benjamin's personal army there are three stars on the palm of his right hand below his index middle and ring fingers signifying that he possesses the abilities of three of his soldiers vincent musee and one who must have died before departure the ability of his then beast is still unknown hanzo attempts to enter room 1012 but the guards stationed there informed him that if the prince drops out of the contest the residence is sealed and the phone line's cut hanzo then goes to prince wobble's quarters and forced karapika of the situation with maryam given the strict hierarchy of queens and princes they can't contact miriam's quarters right away but shimano urgently tells them that miriam's captain of the guards is online hanzo quickly runs over to room 1013 but there's still no one there introducing himself as the seventh queen savant's captain of the guards virgie says there's something he wants to ask gurapka asked by korapka where they are virgie angrily replies that they're still in room 1013 and that he'll be asking the questions karapika would prefer to talk to bisky since verge is likely unaware of nen but informs him that the room is under someone's ability virgie takes all this as an observed claim and asks what the situation is with the six suspects of momose's death karapika informs him that they know the identity of the assassin and asks fergie to trust them and form a coalition and ceasefire agreement which they already have with the third fifth and ninth princes verge pretends to go along with an end situation but quickly returns to his angry self citing the violent deaths that have occurred in wawab's quarters and how deceptive kuropaka could be karapika gives in and reveals the identity of the assassin and says tufty committed suicide in his cell leaving a note behind korapika provides him with even more information that isn't public yet to gain his trust but virgie continues his hostility suggesting that the hunter association is using the seed earned ceremony to destroy kakin from within the call ends and hanzo leaves planning to look into things until he and biski start the shift and he'll run to his body sakita asks kurapika to tell him about the situation with room 1013. karapika tells him what he knows and is surprised that bobby maina isn't interfering it's been 37 hours and 30 minutes since departure the 11th prince fugetsu lies in bed tears in her eyes and looking at a picture of her sister kacho she notices a strange door on the wall the exact one that was on the magic worm a channel the twins would play when they were younger to pretend they could go anywhere fugetu enters the door and goes through the tunnel popping up from below kacho's bed who is also looking at pictures and crying startled after seeing her sister katro signals for forgetsu to stay quiet and head back before the guards find out melody notices kacho's increasing heart rate but kacho puts up a front and melody understands this melody decides to talk to her about men in prince sally sally's squatters rihan continues analyzing the nan beast it's a manipulator diffusive induction type able to control people with the white smoke it emits from its many mounts the more smoke someone reads in the more good will they'll have towards the prince with the small clone of the main body eventually appearing above the head which also emits smoke rion goes into more and more detail because it's essential for his ability predator once he chooses a target and activates his then a predator begins growing inside the predator's effectiveness depends on the accuracy of rehan's analysis and understanding of his target's ability as a result it's powerless against simple enhancement in a mission attack while eating dinner in his quarters zhang li notices a coin dropping to the ground the two guards present say it didn't come from them but one of the guards kovantopa a soldier of benjamin knows that the coin dropped from the mouth of the prince's ninbies which dropped the coin the previous day as well in her quarters tyson preaches about the power of love in the book of tyson to all her guards giuliano and izunavi are still unsure about the little creatures on their shoulders but figure they can't be harmful since tyson talks so much about love it's revealed that tyson's then beast is in emitter defusive levy type if one receives a book of tyson the iwak creature clings to them and collects aura in exchange for happiness depending on how much they've read from the book but if one breaks the book soul taboos if your punishment follows camilla's then beast is a manipulator coercive type it's able to control someone if its conditions are met tobacco's is a transmuter collaborative type needing a research partner for activation it can create a variety of drugs inside the body and luciferases is a contraire with a pseudo-coercive manipulation ability it sets a trap by conjuring their target's desires and activates once the target falls for it in hulk and burns quarters all the guards stand around the prince in the moment of silence from momozei shikaku benjamin soldier stationed there notices that each guard's aura has risen now that they're all gathered together it's revealed that hulkenberg's then beast is an enhancer symbiotic type the more people with the mark of the feather that gather under the prince the higher their potential once a group assembles and activates its ability it's among the top tier of none abilities panicked by this chicago thinks he should kill hulkenberg right after the moment of silence but notices that the nen beast is watching him carefully he deduces the memory revision aspect and worries that he could force him to attack benjamin right as chicago backs off and realizes it's best to wait for backup benjamin radios him after he feels a spike in aura chicago explains the situation and benjamin now has alcohol to focus on in addition to soridnitch in the assassin and wobbles quarters not wanting to see any more of his siblings killed hulkenberg prepares to go see his father again which is forbidden outside of the banquets back in her room forgets he tries to make the door appear again but it doesn't work biscuit wakes up hanzo and he returns to his body informing her about what's going on with the room and mariam's nen beast they're both worried about virgie who doesn't want to let bellarante go back to karapika's classes after barrigan's death this c suggests that they could teach nan here but verge continued to question the existence of absurd powers biscuit changes into her true appearance and says she can't guarantee learning then in two weeks like horapka but can at least double physical abilities in a month vergae is in disbelief admiring her muscle tone and strength and begs her to teach him then he also agrees to send belarante back to karapaka's classes to get information on the other princes not because he's accepted the existence of men belarante opens the door and the hallway looks completely normal biscuit explains the three categories of nenspace permeable one way and they get confirmation that it's the third when bella rang to his body begins to vanish once he steps outside the door and the room appears empty to him once he's in the hallway fergue is again in belief and biski begins their nan training hulkenberg is denied in his attempt to see the king and is told to wait until the next banquet he says he'll keep coming back every day with a letter benjamin and camilla sit in a courtroom with one of camille's soldiers acting as her lawyer and balselmico acting as benjamin's the two go back and forth with camilla's lawyer arguing that benjamin is harboring musee cleopatra orders that the royal family will perform a search of both quarters and both princes will be confined to the vvip area under surveillance until musee is found as they leave the courtroom benjamin keeps observing camilla with secret window it's 10 05 am on the third day of the voyage kerapika and sakada come upon muhan dead in the bathroom another victim of silent majority krapka is worried that everyone will think they're behind these murders given the earlier dispute with muhan and that's exactly what happens belarante speaks up and convinces the others to continue with their mission so the real culprit doesn't get away and they don't disappoint their respective queens and princes karapaka takes him aside and personally thanks him in exchange belarante asks if he can borrow bill for 10 minutes so he can give information to those of marion's quarters while not appearing to be talking to himself karapika agrees and bellarante and bill have their mock conversation in front of the room 1013 kacho coarsely asks melody to help her with her studies and then begins using a device called mosquiton to send out morse code's melody she directs her to a cupboard in the kitchen where she finds another musketone device melody realizes that kachon is doing everything she can to survive and swear she'll protect her in zhang lay's quarters the prince finds another coin with a one on it wondering if it's from an end beast and what effect it has kovatov provides some information about conjured objects and surmises that the coins must have an effect that's unique to men it's revealed that zhang lei's nen beast is a contour compound type someone who possesses a coin will obtain various abilities after fulfilling specific conditions late at night on the fourth day of the voyage forgets stays away trying to figure out exactly how the door works saying she'll save kacho with her magic in room 104 siree ditch continues his name training with data dungeon informs him that muhan had been killed and involved in he surmises that they're teaching then to create a stalemate among the various groups zoridich agrees but wonders what if the act of teaching is a condition to manipulate people with inability theta is terrified by how quickly the prince can consider the complexities of nen she's covered a wound on her face previously infected by his then beast and guesses that it must be a requirement of the creature surrey niche tells danjin that if he continues he'll need to bring something back to prove his innocence once the class is then regardless of whether the nan training is successful or not faded thinks herself that she should have enough time to teach himsetsu in the eleven days remaining before kadapica's nan classes then she niche thinks he's ready for the water divination and theta eventually gives in realizing it would be beneficial to know his nin type after the prince uses his order on the water it begins to darken a bubble emitting a foul smell and breaking up the leaf in the center theda has never seen anything like this confirming that he's a specialist and a sinister one at that kacho asks about her mother and fugetsu and her putting on a music show at the banquet her mother seiko thinks that's wonderful and will make another appeal to their father but kacho assures her that she's willing to fight in this battle to decide the king of cokken bringing her mother to tears seiko leaves and katra then starts badmouthing her mother behind her back in front of the investigator putting up a front during this she starts sending code to melody and the arrangements for the banquet next sunday where they plan to play the performance over the speakers across tier 1 and for the king to keep it a surprise as melody hopes that the two will be able to escape from the ship a fellow guard and hunter keaney approaches melody and informs her that with his nan he detected a head pop out from koch's bed earlier the two agree that it was most likely forgetsu and kimi's worry that if anyone finds out that the two lack a combat ability they'll become targets melody focuses on securing the root and timing for the escape but is concerned that they haven't seen kacho's nps even once in the central dining hall at tier v the ten current members of the phantom tube have assembled kroller says they still don't know which tier hisaka is in but found out that the movement between sears 3 and 5 is limited by the mafia with the three main families controlling a tier each multiple men with rose tattoos approach the troop as crello asks ilami to introduce himself to the others and tell them what he thinks hisuka may be doing illumi gives a quick introduction and says he joined the spiders on his commission since both knew that they would end up killing each other eliminates commission target is hisa himself and the two have a prenup where eomi will be paid once hisko dies they're both taking this seriously so ilemy doesn't know where he is one of the men with tattoos tells krollo to leave the table crolo refuses and men recognizes them as a phantom troop he thanks them for the madness they cause in york new city offering to help them if they leave the table the spiders all stand and crowley tells him they're looking for someone named pizzica the man says he can check the passenger list but doesn't expect he'd be on there he asked the truth to join them and he'll offer them tickets to access tiers 3 and 4. krollo again refuses and the troop leaves the man asks one of his comrades sun bin if they should worry about them senbin says they'll go wherever they please and worries the whole thing will come crashing down if they reach the upper tears of the ship thinks noticed that the man gave himself away when krollo mentioned tier 1 and that there must be a treasure crawler says their first priority is fighting hisaka telling them to do as they please in order to bring hisaka's head the spiders go their separate race but shizuku and bonolodov ask cruella if they can team up with him since their abilities don't work well against bungie gum crolo agrees but his condition is that he gets to kill his guy himself shizuka plans to look for his gun in disguise and bonolonov tells krollo that he can take many forms using battle cantabile metamorphosin but isn't sure how to best utilize it kroller tells him there's something he wants him to do she's good then asks if curler can read their fortunes again but kroller says the ability disappeared from his book insinuating that neon knows strat is dead the head of the zu family onowar longbow and the head of the shahar family broccoli both half-brothers of king nazibi are discussing the situation with the spiders and how to keep them under control they order their respective underpasses and ryan kenny each breathe their subordinates on the mission and say they'll take care of things once seasick is found mourinho bruto the boss of the haylee family an illegitimate daughter of nazibi addresses her 22 subordinates who were forced to kill each other comrades until only this number remain she asks each to come forward so she can grant them an ability a young woman approaches and more enough kisses are on the lips through her ability camtasia uses her saliva to affect up to a maximum of 23 individuals including herself each infected levels up as they kill increasing their aura and power they gain a unique ability upon reaching level 20 and can create their own community of infected at level 100 herself at level 95 morena informs them that killing a civilian is worth one level those with none abilities 10 and a prince 50 3 mafia bosses all have a scar of two slashes somewhere on their face and it's explained that this marks them as illegitimate children of the king unable to become rightful heirs this scarring is done at birth and they're only allowed to live as long as they agree to do so in the shadows but mourinho likes her scar and it's what keeps her going so she can tear down the crew world around her nomonaga fanx and feitan plan to head to tier four leaving the bottom tier to buu our family nobodaga explains that the char control all commodities in tier v the zu trafficking of humans and goods in tier 4 and the haley act as go-betweens for the upper and lower tiers in tier 3. but before going up nobunaga needs to get his katana from the warehouse fink says he needs something as well and phaeton needs his umbrella which was hidden in with smuggled goods thinks in phaeton say they need to stay together so hiska has absolutely no chance if they find him they're let in by a group of dogs and one leads them through the warehouse to their weapons but as the thug turns the corner he completely vanishes from nobunaga's end they look around the corner and see no one turning back they find the thug with his throat slit thinks in phaeton just move on since the corpse can't help them and nobunaga feels out of place someone's hand begins making an opening as the focus shifts to the general passenger area in tier three mizeistem comes upon a crime scene with 20 victims a man disguised himself as a soldier and killed them with a blade there was one witness who says the attacker was 185 to 190 centimeters tall with the crescent scar on the left side of his face mizai some plans to talk to the witness as the focus shifts back to the warehouse where the man with his crescent scar watches the three spiders from an opening he's created in the ceiling a member of the haley family and currently level 21 after his killing spree luini hopes that he and the troop members can destroy the world together mizai sum interviews the witness who details her encounter with the killer the man let her go and somehow escaped from the bathroom which was still locked from the outside given this and the fact that he was talking about levels and numbers of people misae some surmises that this must involve men the woman gets emotional over the death of one of the victims and mizai tells her to go rest before they talk again it's revealed that the woman kashu is a member of the halo family still level 1 and she planned this whole scent with alini because the latter wanted to find out how good the officials were at investigation tattoo says she'll take things slowly when it comes to leveling up talking to himself luini says that if he's in a closed room with one door and impenetrable walls he can make an opening in the walls or floors only able to go somewhere he's been before he's able to return to the original room at any time but if the door to the room is opened his ability resets and he can never use that room again he's unsure if he can use it to go outside of the ship concerned that the ability would get reset while he's out there the three spiders make their way back to the warehouse entrance and find all the thugs went following a blood trail leading down the hallway the three carefully considered situation with things determining that the person doing all this wants a confrontation with the charr the blood trail ends at a locked door with security cameras at the end of the hallway kenny wang and four char members with machine guns block the exit he asks them if they attack the guards in the warehouse at the tier five cafeteria franklin sits alone while eating a meal he's approached by five men one of whom sits across from him at the table the cha arc on siglia of the chara family asks him why he's not looking for hiska franklin says that hisuka is looking for them as well so if he waits hisaka will come to him itoku tells him about the dead warehouse guard but franklin says they had nothing to do with that unless the guards themselves started it before leaving itoko asks if the choke came on board just for hitsuka and franklin says they're still thieves but with their focus on hisaka first back with the three spiders kenny realizes that they were involved and says that someone at the base led in a man carrying a bloody guard the man's face too bloody to recognize and saying that the spiders did it kenny guesses it's a hit man from another family who desires conflict and thinks that that maybe he needed to get inside the room so that he can market for the teleportation ability explicitly mentioning nen kenny asks if they would like to work together while also thinking to himself that the spiders can't be controlled and needs to be eliminated speaking to a large group of khaki and military officials misaisam brings up the recent murderers on tier 3 stressing that it seems to be the work of multiple serial killers and is connected to the seed earned ceremony the officials are outraged that he would suggest that a prince is involved but mizaisam explains that if a prince was actually behind these murders it wouldn't be a problem since the princes are exempt from all repercussions for their actions besides directly killing another prince and he and the kakian officials would need only to set up someone as a true culprit since the princes are so well protected others may be driven to kill in order to gain favor from them given the ancient nature of the cedar and ceremony it's only natural that they would believe they can gain supernatural power through ritual sacrifice and the killers aboard the ship may hope to gain powers this way as well mizai some stresses that the crimes will only increase causing the 200 000 passengers to panic and riot out of fear he suggests sending 800 soldiers to the lower tiers to stop the killings and calm down any panic from the passengers the officials quickly object but mizai reminds them that benjamin is the head of national defense and would agree with him he sees the issue mentioned in the minutes of the meeting they'll all be punished the meeting ends and mizai's thumb feels bad about having to phrase things the way he did but botobay assures him that it was the best option without explaining then motorbike plans to get in contact with various hunters on the chip as well as to issue a gag order for the khakian officials in the char base on tier v kenny leads the three spiders inside and shows them the security footage of the culprit who made sure his face was kept hidden there's an ominous door in the base which a culprit tried to enter in the footage kenny asks the spiders if they want to see what's inside and nobunaga offers to kill the culprit in exchange kenny agrees and introduces them to some cha arb members the supervisor sudanke tells them that they're around 250 total char members on board secretly hoping to chat with them one at a time since he's a big fan of the spiders a large overview of the blackwell is shown detailing the current locations of many notable characters it's 10 am on the fourth day of the voyage in tier 3 an announcement goes over the intercom that it's still away with the weapon is on the loose and all passengers should stay in their cabins unless escorted by the military to the dining hall botswana leads a group of soldiers who sweep the tier looking for anyone without an id ticket on the observation deck they come across two individuals holding them at gunpoint it's illumi and calito zold it kalto says they were asleep and didn't hear the announcement ilemia offers his ticket and a soldier wonders why a vvip is down in his steer ilmi says he has official business down here the soldiers inform him that the passage between tiers two and three may be closed for the duration of the voyage but enemy is adamant about staying in tier three mizaisam and botoba take it from here as the former asks if the spiders are on the ship yomi says they're all on board and college wonders why he told him that helene says he'll stay quiet from now on and mizeizum offers the two a room at the central police station his eyes time had known that kalato had joined the spiders but didn't know about ilomi and wonders what they could be plotting he remembers their connection to karapika and worries that the troop may be here to exact revenge on him as besides him considers whether he should tell korapka about the troop an official approaches him and says they found someone without a ticket nizai's dumb is startled and quickly returns to hq leaving the zoldicts and botox the female passenger without a ticket is mentioned one that several soldiers recognize mizai some orders the gag order to be imposed on the soldiers and that they are to be put into custody from now mizaisam approaches the person and it's revealed to be prince forgetsu in the central police station on tier 3 they confirm with those in her quarters that forgetsu isn't there discussing how she got here through no existing corridors mizai's then tries to question her assuring her of confidentiality and that they're here to help her but regetsu says she'll only talk to kacho the hunter working with manzai sam contacts melody and informs her about the situation telling her the twins are most likely plotting an escape and to continue assisting keaney in preventing this an exchange is shown between melody and kinney with no words given melody seems startled but after keaney walks away she says to herself that they still have to proceed as messian escorts for getsu back up to her quarters she thinks to herself about her ability she creates the initial door and once she reaches her destination the return door appears which only kacho can open as long as they close the door they can use the return door to go somewhere else resembling one of their favorite games when they were younger the investigator tells forgets who she'll have an escort for 72 hours and can still attend the sunday banquet in katja's quarters melody plays a piece on the flute for seiko and the investigator seiko hopes to hear more of her playing at the banquet and says she'll arrange for the broadcast they discussed earlier melanie and the investigator walk off together with the latter offering to protect kacho until landing melody says they can draw suspicion and the investigator agrees however he continues to offer his support in keeping both kacho and melody safe saying he feels he has to do something as he leaves melody reads his heartbeat describing it as he's trying to suppress his emotions while on the job and not ruling out the possibility of him being manipulated she says 76 hours are left until the banquet in soli solid quarters rihanna notices that koto abde has become a supporter of the prince now affected by the nen beast ryan has all the information he needs describing the nen beast and how it works in thorough detail the necessary conditions for his ability he calls forth the predator a four-legged creature with long black hair and a giant mouth full of razor sharp teeth appears it first destroys the clone above kodo abde's head ending his infatuation with the prince as salah salad lies in bed with two women his enemies floating above them the predator leaps towards it and devours it whole once his predator finishes a mission rihanna is unable to use his nan for 48 hours he radios to benjamin's quarters that he's disposed of the nan beast requesting to sub out for you show he reon will now go to forgetsu's quarters yoshi his ability is the best among benjamin's soldiers for assassination and it should be easy to take out sally sally without his then beast yoshihi radios to rihann informing him of forgets translocation ability and telling him that she may be able to become invisible as well rihanna is slightly upset since its ability is predicted on he himself finding out the information on another's ability worrying that predator could get neutralized yusha his ability how to get away with murder involves the use of stingerball that must go unnoticed by the target taking longer on those who aren't end users while you show he remains close within 20 minutes if the ball is found and removed it'll never work on the target again it's also a good way of detecting then users since they'll react to the buzzing near the air yusha he is contacted about switching with rihan now that sally sally's then beast is gone he enjoys taking his time but enjoys the moment his target dies even more it's announced over the intercom that they caught the stowaway and the lockdown order is lifted allowing the passengers to move about the ship again it's 8 pm on the 5th day of the voyage there are 72 hours left until the sunday banquet hulkenberg once again attempts to see the king with the soldiers expecting yet another letter but he and his five guards draw their guns holding the soldiers at gunpoint as the prince makes his way gun's still drawn into his father's chamber nazimi says it's too late since he's already consented to the ritual but hulkenberg was never told the siblings were going to kill each other he orders him to suspend the contest or he'll shoot but nazibi refuses saying that hulkenberg needs to participate and take action hulkenberg fires one shot at nospe and a bullet appears suspended in mid-air inches from his face nazip says one must fire three shots when trying to kill telling him that he can't die until the ritual ends nazibi's butler enters informing hawkenberg that he and his guards won't be punished for their actions since this was all expected but suddenly hulkenberg turns this gun on himself firing one shot his then b stops the bullet inches from his head and naspy asks him if he's awake now bringing up the prisoner's trolley problem hawking wonders if he means that he has to choose either the citizens of kakian or his siblings his binary way of thinking disappoints nazibi who stresses that the country and its people are what matters most with the question being who pulls the lever the only way for him to change the country is to become king and nasty challenges hulkenberg to tell him that he doesn't need a king after he becomes one in hulkenberg's quarters benjamin radios over shikaku about the situation with hulkenberger and the king chicago normally wouldn't be sleeping when hulkenberg's away so he thinks the nen beast must have attacked benjamin tells him that hulkenberg failed to kill the king but he's now resolved to go all out but in the contest hulkenberg and his guards return and benjamin orders shikaku to obtain his ability aura swells around hulkenberg and it's revealed that his followers aura turns into armor for the prince as well as an arrow hulkenberg's own arrow becomes a bow to fire the arrow when the error is shot it pierces any manner of defense and steals the enemy's will in exchange for the body of one of his followers during the shot chicago attempted to use his own ability called sep which apparently turns another's ability into a card to use but since the arrow is unblockable it broke the card and pierced shikaku benjamin's shoulder rises from the floor addressing honkenberg as your highness and asking for his orders behind chicago there stands a specter of hulkenberg's sacrifice guard insinuating that this guard's consciousness now inhabits chicago's body korapika feels the second spike and rumbling of aura the first was when hulkenberg and his guards had their moment of silence for momose's death the assassin hasn't attacked in a while but koropika wonders about this new threat especially if it's only one person with that much power in sally sally's quarters the prince lies asphyxiating in bed with one of his girls attempting cpr as you should he looks on and radios the benjamin it's now 8pm on the 8th day nasabi melody kacho and fagetu are all shown in a large ballroom as the sunday banquet begins as the attendees take their seats and pick up refreshments it's announced that the first sunday banquet will feature a concert hosted by the royal family but prince sally sally isn't feeling well and will not perform kacho and foetu are told about the program changes but it doesn't change the order of performances melody is confident about their plan glad that benjamin and camilla are not present since both are probably men users as various groups perform on stage to focus shifts on miriam's quarters where an unnamed hunter is worried that the servants of the banquet won't be able to return to the name space verge assures them it's for the best and thinks that the prince and others will be able to stay safe in the fake room 1013 until they land biscuit agrees though suggests sending the hunters assigned to mariam to the real 1013 in order to lessen any suspicions she says she'll stay there once the prince has taken a liking to her fergue watches on as marion plays on biski's shoulders back in the banquet kini finishes up a piano solo and melody boughs in front of the king before her flute solo both kacho and fagetu put earbuds in telling a soldier that they're preparing for their act melody says that for three minutes she can entrance everyone who listens she begins playing the flute and a wide vista of mountains flowers and butterflies surround everyone the music plays over the speakers and even the cars outside the banquet hall are entranced kini leads the twins to the light boats explaining to them that they should only use their ability when they think they're going to get caught the ability should work on the lifeboat and he tells them to imagine cocky but if the door doesn't appear they should go back to their bedroom assuring them that they'll find another way once the twins are aboard the boat keaney a handgun and the missing dialogue from the earlier exchange between him and melody is given kini had a wife and daughter who died two years ago in an accident he had been looking for a place to die saying that if it's found out that a hunter helped two princes escape the entire association would be affected he hopes to see his family again glad that he can help save the twins lives melody continues playing saying she couldn't stop him when she heard his heartbeat and keaney shoots himself in the head the lifeboat races down the escape tunnel and right as it nears the exit a swarm of shadowy hands around the two kacho realizes that for the princes trying to escape from the ship only leads death they hurry away from the hands and forgets who summons the door to return to the ship they race towards it the door slamming shut and forgets who finds herself alone in the tunnel crying for her sister but the door suddenly opens and kacho appears the two embracing and deciding to lay low before trying another plan the nen beasts of both princes are cooperative with fujitsu's being the tunnel and kacho's indeterminate fugetsu's guardian spirit beast ability magical worm allows her to control the journey outward with kacho controlling the return as the two enter one of the bedrooms and lie down beside each other it's revealed that the ability of kacho's then beast without you activates if either of the two die taking the form of the deceased to protect the other until her death the body of the real kacho is shown still in the lifeboat as it drifts out to sea a flashback 21 hours and 30 minutes ago before the sunday banquet the char's second search for the hitman the weaning was again unsuccessful kennywang tells another man as they entered the chara base through the ominous store mentioned earlier they're worried that the army may suspect the mafia soon which would lead to the search of the halley's hideout as well as their own the man ken he was talking to tajao is revealed to be the assistant of the char boss as well as the military advisor for lucerus's army they describe the situation to him the haley hitman can use something called men eight members of the char and zu family each have gone missing and 300 workers are missing in total candy thinks the man who went on a killing spree in tier 3 has come down to tier 5 with accomplices to continue the murders taja wonders how that involves the spiders and finks tells him about the search for hisaka and that they want to search for him on the higher tiers if the chara can get the zu in tier 4 to let the troop search there they'll eliminate the hitman for them thinks tells him about the likely nan ability the culprit is using and that he probably wants access to the omnistore which he guesses as a shortcut to the operators taja says that haley have their own door through sareednich but pink says that maybe the hitman wants to kill the cha or boss kenny asks taja to check with boss lee to see if morena is in tier 1. taja tells the troop that if miranda isn't up there it'll be an all-out war kenny explains that the cocky mafia has a code if a member wishes to make a hit or raid on another family they have to inform their boss before doing so who then contacts the boss of the other family within 24 hours to make a deal tajo adds that it's key that the boss was away from the turf when the initial incident occurred nomonagon surmises that on the ship only tiers 1 and 2 are considered away from their turf tajiao confirms this saying that if moreno was in tier 3 and doesn't make contact there's nothing they can do to stop the war and if the troop were to take out the hitman they would also be at war with the hali upon hearing this nobodago decides it makes most sense to go after miranda herself as well thanks asks them about verifying her location saying they'll contact the rest of the troop and hunt down the hitmen first both kanye and taja realize how dangerous the spiders are the bosses of the ziyu and char are shown in their respective quarters on tier one but moreno's room has no one in it all three are known as second track fakers having lavish accommodations but this is only if they made absolute obedience to the kakin monarchy system someone calls saridnich about mourinho's location and he confirms she's not in the vbrp area he tells them that she's most likely on the lower tier since boarding hidden with help from her butler he says they can do as they please and he'll address the issue when he's free as his guards mop up a pile of blood and guts with bloody weapons sitting nearby he orders them to get the soldiers in the lower tiers to search more in his hideout so read niche resumes his name training creating a massive dark art behind him that turns into another nen beast theta is horrified by the aura saying that his guardian spirit piece was created through ritual but the specialist nen beast was conjured without intent and that it represents his own alter ego created through instinct extremely worried that she'll miss her chance if she waits too long she applauds his progress and decides to move on to teaching him the four major principles ten zetsu ren and hatsu he'll have to practice each one every day to strengthen his hatsu but she stresses that zetsu is the key to mastering nen she tells him to close off his oar in sections and then to deuce over his old body for more than an hour the guardian spirit base becomes suspicious of theta who says to herself that this training is necessary for learning nan and she hasn't told a lie the nen beast backs off and suridnitch works on his zetsu theta says she can do it tomorrow if she has to another flashback to 25 minutes before the sunday banquet theta works with sorry niche on his zetsu telling him to close his eyes focus and maintain after 60 minutes while ignoring all sounds and disturbances she says there's something on his shoulder and he lets a little aura slip but theta says the enemy will be harsher doritonet refocuses as his nenby slowly disappears behind him theta talks to herself detailing her plan to kill the prince she considers the possibility that his then beast may hold a reserve of aura that he could use even when he's maintaining solo zetsu so she thinks she must have him maintain it for at least 40 minutes as she drops a mug to the floor shattering it two guards rush into the room but she orders them not to interrupt since it's part of the prince's training surrey niche starts over and gets serious this time saying he won't open even one pour theta begins by flicking a small ball of aura at its forehead it pops upon impact and the prince appears to open his eyes closing them again more time passes and theta quietly draws a handgun but there's an announcement that a surprise performance from the banquet hall will play over the speakers the first act being a flute solo by melody of the hunter association the prince's eyes remain closed and as she wishes that he were the type to use his talents for others theta fires one shot at his head saying that she will follow him soon so reidnitch falls to the floor blood and brain splatter behind him but suddenly the two are surrounded by a vista of mountains and flowers and butterflies the prince's body no longer lies on floor and theta is in disbelief the two guards rush back in after hearing the gunshot and orders her to freeze as she wonders if it's his ability the prince appears behind her assuring the guards that it was part of the training and telling theta he was unfazed by the gunshot she falls to her knees looking ill and surely ninja's nen beast bends down near her telling her that if she lies to the prince once asked the question she will no longer be human theta falls down to the floor passing out one of the prince's guards tell him about hearing the gunshot and then immediately seeing a beautiful landscape they were unable to move as time passed guessing it was due to the performance of this person named melody so didn't it says to call her over and to make it sound like an invitation rather than a summons as theta sleeps she has a nightmare of the prince's head on his nen beast a bullet hole through his head as he asks her if he can trust her referencing a question that prince actually asked her salkhov sits by her bed as she wakes up saying she was only asleep for 15 minutes he says he'll take things from here and she should rest as what looks like an affection covers the left side of her face around that area where the nine bees first attacked her selgov says that the nenb's marked her for the first lie and now this is a warning he guesses that it's giving those who lie so many chances because he plans to add them to the prince's pawns by turning them into something inhuman he assures her he'll figure something out and theta wonders what with salcombe hoping she could figure it out while she rests theta is still in disbelief over the incident and salkov tells her that there was no blood when he tested the spot for luminal but she did fire the gun and tries to figure out what was real and what was an illusion it's the ninth day since departure in the justice bureau in tier two the still unharmed investigators questioning melody about the banquet he tells her that keaney left a suicide note explaining that he alone was involved in the twins escape the investigator adds that a few of the princes were impressed by her performance and have invited her to their quarters nelly realizes that she's being held to protect her from the more dangerous princes she asked about the twins and he says they are also answering questions having said that keaney tried to force them aboard the lifeboat he isn't exactly sure about the situation and will continue questioning with them melody decides to use her time in custody to plan out her next moves in hulkenberg's quarters the guard named sumidori who was sacrificed so that the prince could shoot an arrow eyes on the table wearing a device on his head to monitor brainwaves there's nothing unusual and he's apparently just asleep their understanding is that sumidory soul has possessed shikaku's body which sumidory shikaku confirms saying it doesn't feel too different from his own body but they wonder where shikaku is with hulkenberg suggesting four options shikaku's soul is gone and he's dead his soul is in sumidori's body the two coexist within chicago's body it's somewhere or in someone else they plan to learn what's going on with chicago's soul hulkenberg tells them that after the confrontation with his father he gained the resolve to do what he has to and the ability awakened with him hulkenberg shares his hypothesis with them saying he'll have to contact an expert on nen to see if it's possible he asked sumadori shikaku for his help and he gladly obliges in luciferous quarters basho feels a rumbling of aura from hulkenberg's room and the doorbell then rings it's tsumidori shikaku and they ask him what he wants he salutes and exclaims long live his highness first prince benjamin putting a gun to his head he pulls the trigger and falls to the floor in disbelief the royal bodyguard watching the monitor says he killed himself basho feels the rumbling stop balsamico informs benjamin that chicago has committed suicide most likely due to hulkenberg's guardian spirit visibility the two agree that he's now the top priority and benjamin orders that kanjidel returned from lucerus's quarters to report everything he witnessed back in hulkenberg's quarters they've tied sumidorian's body to a chair as he wakes up hulkenberg asks him for his post and service number to confirm whether sumatory's soul has returned or not in wobble's quarters both kuropika and bill felt the rumbling of ora the latter guessing it was from the ninth seventh and fifth prince sakada asks if it could have been from zhang lai but korapka says it wasn't his nanby's stora a large amount of energy disappeared instantly like a balloon popping and karapika says this is common with emission abilities which can often go through physical barriers there's one week left for the men training and sakura tells them that the others are starting to question whether this will actually work korapika says they'll move to the next step tomorrow bringing everyone together as he performs the water divination test the water changes color and the leaf starts spinning with kurapika explaining that this determines an end type and telling them that his ability is of a specialist type it can only be done if one can produce enough aura and karapka chooses to start with lariolus who has been the quickest to learn bobby miner notices that in an attempt to spur on the others kurapika picks someone smaller and weaker to show that gender and physical strength aren't related to nen talent kurapika plans to perform water divination behind closed doors so that everyone's then is kept confidential saturday objects to this and dongjin is also suspicious korapika explains that to achieve learning then in the two-week period they'll be performing the test in a way that requires assistance from him and bill in addition krapigan bill learning the nan types is payment given the risk lastly he assures that they're teaching them then in order to empower the guards the lower ranked princes so a stalemate can be created telling them to quit right there if they disagree with the terms furykov and bobby minus stand off to the side glad to learn that gurapka is a specialist they discussed rihan's ability saying that after dealing with solidarity's name beast he's now monitoring to beppa whose nan beast isn't showing itself kurikov asks about wobble's nen beast but bombaines says it still hasn't revealed itself whether because wobble is too young or it's a counter-attacking type in surignich's quarters salkov is now helping the prince with his end training shocked that he's working on the four major principles in only a week surnash is working on entering zetsune as quickly as he can telling salkov to time him and when he could do so in less than a second the two will spar he tells salkov that he's had a change of heart and he now finds two-faced women cute flashback to 25 minutes before the sunday banquet this time with events from serenity's perspective once he closes off all his aura he suddenly sees an overhead view of himself in theta with static all around like he's watching a television screen he and theta talk in the exchange he's watching and wonders if it's a dream he loses zetsu and theta repeats the exact line she said in the vision even when he changes his own dialogue the vision lasted 10 seconds and he guesses it was some sort of precognition it starts once he closes his eyes and achieves zetsu but he worries that he can't move during the dream being defenseless for 10 seconds so he can see 10 seconds into the future he enters that suit again and maintains it past the previous point realizing he can move now and that he can say 10 seconds ahead of the actual events beta sees him as it was in the vision and he realizes that he's the only one who can change what he does within those 10 seconds he wonders if it will reset once he opens his eyes while in zetsu and talks to her then closing his eyes again theta still sees him with his eyes closed and doesn't react to his comments he closes his eyes and confirms he can do it in a row he says theta draws her gun and shoots him in the head he quickly opens his eyes darting to the side and falling to the floor but he realizes that theta will think he's still standing there and that she shot him theta fires and the beautiful vista of melody's playing suddenly surrounds them so day niche is confused at first but realizes this is another person's ability excited by how fun nen is the aftermath plays out exactly as before and he thinks that he'll ask data later why she tried to kill him after she's led away he goes over in great detail how he thinks his ability works and that he needs to test it more before addressing that issue with veda in addition he realizes that the time it takes to enter zetsu and being able to maintain it will prove essential to perfecting the ability once he can control zetsu at will he declares that he'll dominate not only the contest for succession but the world itself at karapaka's then training the guards still worry about the test being conducted behind closed doors but fierkov assures them that he and papuana can tell if anything suspicious is going on like manipulation once gladiolus comes back out babywine thinks it's possible for karapika to semi-coercively open nodes but then korapika's aura would be mixed in and furikov will be able to tell if someone is being controlled by it they also worry that bill's ability could be the factor impressed by how intelligent kurapaka is latiolus comes back out and fiorikov can't believe the volume of aura around her as if she'd been practicing the basics for three hours every day for a year he can't be entirely sure with just this one case but he doesn't think she's being controlled krapka informs them that there will be a gag order on all their results until everyone has taken the test maurer is next and walks back with kurapigan bill korapika informs him that they'll be using a nine attack to force the process to speed up mauer is rightly cautious but kodapka assures him he won't be harmed at all bill then puts his hand around a glass of water which has a seed in it causing the seed to sprout krapika says he's an enhancer whose ability allows him to cause the growth of his target mara asks if that ability will be used on him to wake in his own but korapka says he will borrow bill's ability and then lend it to him which will semi-coercively awaken men in someone just as he did in oyto bauer exits with aura surrounding him and furykob again confirms that there's no manipulation here bobby maynard is now convinced that karapaka is using his specialist ability to awaken then and that this is like only one of his abilities possibly having one for each of his chains mara tells longhi that everything karapika said was true and he can feel himself brimming with vitality as he focuses his breathing and works on maintaining it bobby miner considers that kurapika will only continue these classes to make as many end users as he can wondering if there's any plausible excuse to stop him yuri goes through the process next and kurapaka explains that by learning tenhatsu she'll be able to perform the water divination test confidentially on her own he also tells her that they're planning more classes asking her if she can talk to kacho and seiko about sending more people bill thinks to himself about the benefits and risks about karapaka's stalemate strategy worrying that some could become power hungry and use then offensively but he knows krapka inevitably has more to his plan to counteract this korapika thanks him for allowing his ability to be disclosed especially since it's rare for male enhancers to have a supportive ability he asks bill if he's sure he wants to continue he says maybe explaining that beyond ordered him on board to travel to the new continent but he's the one who chose to be a guard for wobble since he thought there wouldn't be much combat protecting a baby when vincent appeared it really angered him and after hearing kadopica's conversations with oito even though he's a coward he says he finally gained the resolve to prepare for the worst but karapika assures him that cowers don't gain this level of result hashito and sakita interrupt the two with the former asking if he can do the water divination test as well since temporary will be the last to do it and he'd feel better if one of zhenglei's guards could use then sooner but kurapika denies his request saying that he hasn't practiced the basics like the others and would be much more fatigued into peppa's quarters mao informs her that the training worked and they should send more of their guards with a bepper allowing him to choose rihanna wonders if he shouldn't be going after hulkenberg's nan beast instead since the pepper isn't showing itself but that doesn't mean that hers is less dangerous he also notices maor's aura understanding the stalemate that kodapaga is trying to create he would prefer eliminating kurapika first but knows that it's not realistic for predator given the number of abilities he can have since hulkenberg is already making moves rihann decides he should go after him first before to beppa even with balsalmiko's experience and telling them to be patient he worries that they're being too cautious after shikaku suicide the focus shifts to balsamico who desperately wants rihanna to figure out the situation with hulkenberg in chicago but can't give him any information since the condition is the crux of predator he wonders if shikaku committed suicide in an attempt to guarantee benjamin's safety given the power of hulkenberg's ability but realizes that shikaku knows benjamin despises begging for one's life the most now with tobap's perspective she says that sally sally wouldn't have backed out of the concert just because he was sick guessing that he was killed by benjamin's men since they've started changing their shifts she focuses on fighting out sally styles cause of death and whether nan was involved so she can develop countermeasures she gives a flash drive to one of her researchers hey sin hoping the mission will in some way affect any emerging abilities which was a concern of rihann's tweet tries to come up with numerous ways to access the shift logs and find out what happened in sally sally's room but realizes it would draw heavy suspicion maura isn't skilled enough with them to defend her so she considers enlisting the help of kurabika it's 11 30 am on the tenth day of the voyage krapiga bill and oyto feel the fourth rumbling of aura as the time between them is getting shorter flashback to 10 a.m on the night day kanjidal is relaying the incident in luzarus's quarters to benjamin and balsamico he was in the prince's bedroom with the prince and four other guards he tells them about the rumbling of aurora and chicago's suicide saying the two must be linked and that it may have been forced in some sort of deal to keep benjamin from harm balsamico agrees with the evaluation overall but has three problems with the theory first hulkenberg would have to have shot the emission ability through the rooms of the 11th and 13th princes in order to strike benjamin in the vvip area it's not in hulkenberg's character to force suicide or sacrifice the low-rank princes to get to benjamin second if the hulkenberg was able to order chicago to do something he would have had him go after another prince not commit suicide third balsamico theorizes that in this contest princes can't kill one another and their nen beasts can't harm other nen beasts or the princes themselves since killing a royal is a capital crime even for a prince balsamico thinks it makes sense that the nine beasts would follow this law so hulkenberg's then beast would never support an ability that could kill a prince directly but while salmiko is still unsure about the reason for chicago's suicide telling conjured all that the key is that had happened in front of lucerus's quarters he orders him to remember whatever he can and to absorb everything that happens there from now on back to 11 30 am on the next day benjamin and now someone go feel the forth rumbling of aura and the former wonders what's going on with vict who's now stationed with hulkenberg vic radios them using an emergency signal saying something about hulkenberg in a boat and as he mentioned that the prince is invincible and that attacks won't he screams and the radio goes silent benjamin holds that victability tackle shield would be able to keep huckenburg checked but realizes that hogdenberg's aggression and strength are greater than he thought the two guess that involves all his guards and that he must sacrifice one of them for every shot benjamin's hand is shown with four stars below the four main fingers on his right hand after shikaku's death he now possesses the abilities of four of his shoulders through benjamin bataan saying that vict is still alive but worries about wasting any more of his men benjamin asks balsamico if they should transfer musee's owl from camilla into one of his guards but balsamico says they know even less about her ability advising to keep it on her he thinks that given the death of shikakuku and now what's happened to vic hulkenberg can be arrested on suspicion of pre-meditated murder which has the added benefit of separating him from his men steiner and pooker both from the restricted voyage permit agency's special task force now working with the kakin justice bureau arrive at hulkenberg's quarters and take him into custody he'll be unable to contact his men until after the trial and since fixed status and location are still unknown he'll be put under surveillance just as camilla was but balsamico declares that the trial is their golden opportunity and they'll make their move there in tysons quarters isa navi tells giuliano it's time for a shift but the latter is enraptured by the book of tyson saying that he was wrong about the prince and would love for her to be king but that would be in complete contrast to her principles and describes the book as sort of a parting message izanawi reminds him that his real job starts after he's protected the prince once they reach the new continent giuliano knows this but is unsure if he'll be able to just move on when he can see as he describes the tragedy to come he makes his way to the main room and everyone's waiting for him suddenly surprising him with birthday wishes it's not his birthday but tyson who's made him a cake knew that they would have to say goodbye in two months anyway she says she's so glad to have met him and juliana begins to cry with happiness in luciferism's quarters kanjido tries to get information from the other guards but they're hesitant or unwilling to do so kanjido think shikaku's suicide was done in order to create a diversion turning everyone's attention to the hallway while hulkenberg had queen dwaazul's men do something in the room itself possibly attempting to assassinate losers besides saturday five of the guards belonged to azul and two of them may have tried to do something to two guards not affiliated with the queen maknae are scared kanjidol thinks about what to do worrying that he may draw suspicion and thinks that dwaju's men may be trying to manipulate maknae to kill losers but wonders how feasible that is with everyone else around in addition he believes that going after hulkenberg should be benjamin's priority rather than investigating losers quarters lastly he approaches basho to ask him if he'll help with the investigation basho also thinks dwazil's men are involved and suggests that mcnain scared be put under surveillance as suspects but he says losers disagrees with this and that dwazu's men don't help any prince even though none of her men know nen they could be pretending in order to throw him off kanjidol agrees and walks off but basha was just feigning that option and actually believes that benjamin's men are all behind this and the shikaku suicide was necessary for an ability to activate citing the power of nan after death he thinks they may have done it to put suspicion on hulkenberg while they actually go after one of the higher ranked princes with camilla still under surveillance in the vvip area the focus shifts on her guards one of whom has a picture of benjamin in her shirt pocket moswana says she'll curse him to death so camilla can take the tone it's revealed that ancient khakin had an unusual burial practice known as afterlife companions they were taken from the lowest of the caste system the have-nots and were used to supervise in the land of the dead those princes who couldn't become king so that they wouldn't turn into vengeful spirits and curse the king or in itself the custom is no longer practice but kawkin's cast system remains with these have-nots unable to hold public office or join the military and gain rank camilla however allowed them to join her personal army giving them the same rights as karkin soldiers with camilla now supporting them they called for the practice of afterlife companions to be brought back and combining this with their net abilities these have not become cursed assassins there are soldiers assigned to curse each of the remaining princes they must carry the target's name a picture of them a piece of clothing or something from their body at all times and curse them as much as they can the longer this goes on and the closer they are to their target when they themselves die the stronger the curse becomes with the strongest to be committing suicide in front of the target sarah held cabela's captain and assigned to curse prince wobble says that chicago wasn't a have not but that he still could have used a similar curse if this affects camilla they have their own exorcist ready to deal with it the soldiers formally assigned to curse moses and solicely will now investigate whether the enemy has any exorcists the ability of the have-nots motu hegui is explained in further detail one carries a dagger and something connected to the target after cursing the target every day on the day of the curse they burn the object and drink a tonic of the ashes then committing suicide with the dagger to activate the curse the curse puts a target into a state of force satsu and the strongest of curses can take effect and be fatal within a couple of hours sarah hell worries about the prince's nan beasts as well as the hunters hoping to curse one of the princes so they can find out if the association has an exorcist with them she summons fukutaki the major domo who explains how much time each curse would take before being able to activate another soldier informed sarah hall that katchow and fugito are being held in custody for an escape attempt and fukutaki says it would take much longer given their current location she also explains that with the nan beast's factor now the curses won't be successful unless they're close enough to touch the princes looking into their eyes when they curse them even though she hasn't been cursing her for a while sarah hell thinks of wobble is the best target especially since the hunters are still offering n classes fukutaki asks her if she's aware of the risk and sarah hell says even if she fails she has nothing to lose as a have not in zhang lay's quarters temptory informs the prince that the nen training was successful now able to see his then beast zhang lei gives him a coin as a reward thinking that it's the first one he's given to someone kovantopa however still has the coin he secretly picked up but notices that coin's number has gone from one to ten kovantova thinks it may be a different coin but realizes has the same aura as the one he initially picked up guessing that it has something to do with the nba's ability he asks to see temptory's coin and it also has a 10 on it zhang lei thinks to himself about the ability saying that the nen beast drops one coin a day and it would be pointless to keep them himself he's unsure about the purpose of the coins and thinks they would be more useful after he becomes king than for the contest itself after he becomes king then for the contest itself now with renewed resolve to win the throne zhang lei goes to meet with the boss of the gu family telling him that three of his siblings are already dead yes only arab about the name be cenan with only our oblivious to both but he does know that some of the younger members have weird powers ownier tells yanglai that nasubi won his succession contest by being patient and waiting saying that he'll look into what happened back then zhang li leaves saying to himself i'm counting on you father henry contacts oniyar about the situation with morena and the heili saying that it's worse than the thought and several members of the cha'r and their own family have been killed onir still wants to find hisekah first so they can control the troop and hinrai lets him know that hisko wasn't in tier 4. onir tells him to give the spiders permission to search tier 4 while he goes up to tier 3 to look for hisaka and kill moreno as well henry meets up with zakir and lynch telling them that they're resuming the search for hisuka and they'll be crushing the heiley henri bribes the soldier to let them opt to tier 3. and he says it's calmed down up there but the haley is on a rampage as the three arrived two haley members spot them and the cu members notice this sakura and lynch approach one of them but a third haley member sneaks up behind sakura and slashes at their throat with a knife sakura puts her hand to the wound while the first man kicks lynch hard in the stomach knocking her to the floor hinrai catches up to the fema hyaline member saying that if she takes him to morena he'll spare her life the woman casually walks away saying a few words about still being civilians and that the soldiers will get involved if they continue to escalate things henry realizes that this is the case because miranda's people didn't list themselves as official mafia members the haley member who punched lynch tries to question her but she points his attention to his friend whom sakura has wrapped in a web of blood that's coming from the wound they hurl the man into the air slamming him down to the floor sakura's full name is zakuro kasser they're a manipulator and their ability bloody mary allows them to control their own blood they keep the iv line with them since it's practical but also has a limitation lynch sneaks up on the other man startled as he is by zachary's ability and asks him how many haley members there are punching him hard in the stomach a voice comes out of his body that says 23 people she then asks how many of those have abilities and what they are striking him with the flurry of punches more voices come out saying that he doesn't know how many have abilities and that they have to kill people to increase their level to 21 in order to attain one lynch's full name is lynch voboko she's an emitter and her ability body and soul causes the target's inner voice not audible to others to come out once she asks them a question and hits them henri regroups are then saying that they have to back off since the haley members are listed as civilians a soldier lets him off with a warning but tells them to stay out of tier 3 from now on henry gives a role of money to each of the two soldiers touching both of their guns and promises that they won't make use of their weapons and that they won't come back to tier 3. the two soldiers are happy to have money but suddenly the barrels of both their guns turn into snakes firing bullets into each of their heads henry is a conjurer whose ability biohazard allows him to turn a weapon or piece of machinery he touches into an animal that he controls which is still able to function as the original object there you go i hope you enjoyed this video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos i'm adrian this was the speed run of hunter hunter let me know what other series we should speedrun next i'm out i need to get some water
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 1,100,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunter x Hunter, Speedrunning, Gon, Gon Freecss, hxh, Ging, Zoldyck, Heavens Arena, Greed Island, Kite, Killua, Killua Zoldyck, Silva, Kikyo, Hunter, HunterxHunter, HXH, Alluka Zoldyck, Illumi, Exam, Zaban, Satotz, Kurapika, Leorio, Netero, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Hisoka, Feitan, Kuroro Lucifer, Kaito, Meruem, Biscuit Krueger, Knuckle, Machi
Id: sIJHd1-yI2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 59sec (11819 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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