The Life Of Gon Freecss (UPDATED)

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this video was made in collaboration with the hunter pedia for more information check out the link in the description the life of gone freaks hunter hunter gone freaks is a rookie hunter and the son of gene freaks finding his father is going's motivation in becoming a hunter he's been the main protagonist for most of the series having said role in the hunter exam zoldick family heavens arena greed island and chimera ant arcs welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of gone freaks before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background at the age of 20 gene freaks returned home to whale island for the first time in eight years carrying his infant son gone one question about the child's mother jean simply mentioned that the pair had separated while xin tried to leave gohan in his grandmother's care for a little while jean's cousin mito was infuriated at jean's parenting and got custody through the courts jin left whale island never to return since his early youth due to his father's absence and mito's dislike of jean gohan was told that his parents died in an accident when he was a baby at the age of nine however gohan was rescued from an angry mother fox bear by a man named kite a professional hunter and a student of gone's long-lost father after hitting gone in the face kite attempted to kill the fox bear's cub but goen protected it kite admitted to looking for jin as a final test to be seen by his master as a true hunter kite's admiration for jin awoken gone the goal of meeting his father in order to do so gon was driven from that moment to obtain a hunter license also desiring to know what would cause jean to choose his profession as a hunter over being apparent as his motivation for becoming a hunter growing up gon was homeschooled and the only friend his age he had was noko the rustic life endowed him with keener senses and higher physical abilities than most as he told kite he managed to bond with the fox bear cub on the occasions where all female ships landed on whale island gon would take them to town and they would teach him a lot of stuff hunter exam arc gone is first seen fishing on a whale island bog for the master of the swamp a fish so enormous that five grown fishermen pulling together couldn't land it but gohan succeeds in catching it after a week of work he made a wager with aunt mito freaks that if he could catch the fish she would allow him to take part in the hunter exam after getting mito's consent on his application to the hunter exam gone proceeds to say a bittersweet farewell to khon a fox bear cub raised by the boy following his first encounter with kite gohan returns home and speaks to mito she asks if gon always knew his father's trade and also tells him his father left gone with her when he was still a baby gon replies that being a hunter must be an important job if family comes second and that it's time for him to meet his father he's then seen preparing to board a ship heading for the hunter exam everyone in the town comes to say goodbye and wishes him luck aunt mito comes and tells him that his father didn't abandon him she made him give up going through the courts gohan says he knew because she never looks at him when she's lying he gets on the boat and yells back to her that he'll return as a great hunter preliminary phase the first night on the boat there's a huge storm that tosses around most of the would-be hunters after the storm the ship's drunkard of a captain walks around to see only three candidates still able to move one of them gone is running back and forth trying to take care of the seasick later on gone is standing on the front of the boat where he predicts they'll be hit by another storm but this time it'll be three times the size of the previous knight the captain knows he's correct and not guessing he sees jin in gone he asks who gone's father is which confirms his first impression the captain shows gon how to steer the boat and announces that the next storm is coming and that anyone who wants off should leave all but gone kurapika and leorio leave the captain inquires why they want to be hunters gone answers immediately while the other two don't leyario asks why they should tell him when he just steers the ship the captain replies that he screens applicants and that it's up to him whether or not they pass the remaining two tell him while explaining kurapika annoys leorio to the point where they go out into the storm to fight when katso falls overboard gohan jumps after him catching him and narrowly escaping falling into the ocean thanks to karapika and laorio grabbing his ankles in time to pull them both back on board when they reach land the captain gives them a hint to head to a lone cedar tree outside of the city to find their navigators gone decides to go and kurapika tags along leyorio splits off to take the bus to zamboan city but rejoins them when he overhears that it's a trick to weed out the weak later they reach a village that seems to be deserted but gon and kurapika hear sounds of people then the whole population of the village comes out to start the mind-boggling two-choice quiz the leader of the village asks two questions and all they can say is one or two a man who had been tailing them walks in and says he'll go first she asks him men have taken your mother and true love captive who do you save he chooses one the mother and is allowed to pass leorio starts yelling because of the preposterous question kurapika tells him to be quiet because he and gon have figured out the riddle she asks another impossible question and after the time limits up with none of them having said an answer lyrio tries to attack her kurapika blocks it stating they passed since silence was the real answer he adds that he heard the other man scream meaning he was attacked in the meanwhile gon keeps agonizing over the riddle until he declares he can't find an answer to karapika and leorio who are content with passing the test he replies that the day may come when he really has to choose after a few hours the trio reaches a house and finds the navigator couple being attacked by magical beasts called a kiriko when the beast takes off with the lady gon and koropika launch themselves in pursuit while ayorio stays behind to take care of a man gon is amazed to find out that the kiriko can talk he pulls ahead of korapika closes in on the kiriko and bashes him in the head the kiriko drops the wife who's caught by kurapika gohan continues to pursue it until it confronts him into a clearing goin merely hits it and asks where the one he hit went to it's revealed that the two key to go in the couple are a family and the navigators and gon was the first human in years capable of telling the wife apart from the husband the key to go fly the three to the hunter exam site the next day they arrive in zaban city they initially assume a majestic building as the exam hall but a disguised kitiko takes them to a small restaurant the disguised magical beast orders a specific meal then the cook sits them in a room and delivers the meal the room is actually an elevator that starts to drop as they make their way down korapika and leorio try to find out whether gon is taking the test for gain or for justice but he's unable to answer before the doors of the elevator open they're immediately greeted by tonpa who introduces himself as a friend trying to help gon then he introduces some of the other regulars such as bourbon the snake charmer toto the wrestler the amore brothers cherry and geretta the huntsman tonpa then offers gone and the other two some juice gone being the first to taste it spits it out saying it tastes funny leading kurapika and leorio to dump theirs to the ground afterwards tonpa makes a hasty apology satots the examiner of the first phase begins the 287th hunter exam with a multi-marathon run through the underground tunnel a boy on a skateboard notices gone and introduces himself as kilua the pair spends the majority of the first phase getting to know each other goh notices leyorio faltering around the 60 kilometer mark he stops and silently waits until leorio gets his second wind the man dropping his briefcase in the process gone uses his fishing pole to grab leoria's attache and carries it after running for 80 kilometers they come to a set of stairs and start climbing while satot starts to pick up the pace gone discusses his reasons for wanting to become a professional hunter with kilauea until the pair reached the exit of the tunnel gon is warned by kilauea to stay close to satots as he can sense that hisika will use the cover of the mist to satiate his bloodlust the boys continue ahead but gon turns around after hearing leorio scream gone then saves layorio from hisaka who had been murdering applicants in an attempt to play proctor gon pursues hisuka to no avail silently attacking until he's caught and choked however hisoka takes an interest in gon and spares the lives of him and his friends while hisuka carries laerio to the destination of the second phase gon and karapika follow behind him at a distance gon mentions that he was afraid of hisaka and wanted to run away but he couldn't and he was simultaneously excited at the same time having the experience of mortal fear for the first time in his entire life going can't control his growing curiosity second phase the second phase of the hunter exam takes place in the visca forest preserve where the examinees meet gourmet hunters and proctors menchi and buhara who have split the phase into two tests buhari's test is to find the world's most dangerous pig and to roast it going kurapika and leorio comb through the forest reserve and find a drift of great stamp amidst his battle with one of the boar gon again takes notice of how situations that threaten his life also give him a rush however he also realizes that he needs bigger thrills gon and his friends complete the task easily along with 70 other applicants menchie's test ends up baffling nearly all of the applicants after she tells them to make sushi for her test due to being a traditional dish of japon only hanzo ends up knowing what it is yet menchie still fails him gone is clueless to a solution until it's revealed to all of the examinees but to no avail menchie overreacts to the applicant's dismissive comments about gourmet hunters and fails the entire group as a result forcing netero chairman over the hunter association to intervene the test is taken to split mountain where examinees hunt for spider eagle eggs 42 applicants pass the second phase and some die because they fall a game at midnight the 42 remaining examinees board the selection committee's airship at the end of the day where beans explains that the next phase of the exam will begin at 8 00 am in the morning as everyone rests up for tomorrow gon and killer will spend their time getting to know each other kilowatt tells gon about how he has to run away from home in order to escape his overbearing family of assassins until being interrupted by netero who offers to immediately issue the boy's hunter licenses if they can grab a ball from him the two give it their best efforts individually with no progress made until they attack netaro together though they come seemingly close to succeeding netero shatters their hopes by proving the game impossible to win after revealing that he has not used two of his limbs at all gone however continues to play until he forces naturo to use his right hand through a near-suicide tactic when he succeeds in doing so gon passes out in exhaustion third phase the next morning the hunter association's airship arrives at the top of trick tower a prison filled with traps in order to prevent its inmates from escaping beans informs the 40 remaining applicants that the objective of the third phase is to reach the bottom of the tower alive within 72 hours golden and kilowatt survey the area and discover there to be trap doors embedded within the floor they report their findings to karapika and laorio and each goes through a trapdoor coincidentally all landing in the same room the four learned that they have inadvertently selected the path of majority rules lippo one of the three proctors over the third phase explains that the group is required to proceed through the tower based upon the decision belonging to the majority however the group is forced to team up with tonpa after he slips through the ceiling after a couple of hours of walking the group comes to an arena over a seemingly bottomless pit their first challenge is to win three out of five competitive matches using any type of method against convict sentence to life imprisonment tonpa purposely fails the first match and proves to be untrustworthy gohan faces the next prisoner a serial bomber by the name of seducon in a match to see whose candle burns the longest sadokon presents gohan the choice of one of the candles one short and one long and a desperate choice goen selects the long candle but it's later revealed that seducon had rigged the game for the boy to fail using his wits gon wins his match and is the first to attain victory on his team gorapiga manages to win his trial as well facing off against a phantom troop imposter in a death match leorio pitted against a prisoner in a gambling match loses both the round and 50 hours of their time as well although kilauea is victorious in the fifth round the team is forced to wait for 50 hours inside of a room due to leorio's loss with only nine hours remaining in the trick tower the team works together until they reach a crossroad that happens to be their final test on the path of majority rules after some bickering gon comes up with a clever solution that allows all five to successfully pass the third phase of the hunter exam fourth phase the fourth phase is a manhunt on devil island wherein the 25 remaining competitors being required to target and acquire their praise number badge gone draws hisoka and is thrilled by the hunt upon arrival gohan struggles to come up with a way to acquire hisoka's badge until he observes a hunt for the first time as paco does so in front of him thus goen spends an entire day and his next morning learning how to hunt through attempting to reel in live prey using his fishing rod gon realizes that hunting requires waiting to strike as your prey attacks his own target he chooses this method to attempt to steal hisoka's badge with his training completed gon thereafter utilizes hemotropic butterflies a type of butterfly attracted to the scent of blood to stock hisoka gone finds the man naturally silences his presence by slowing his heart rate and stopping his breathing and lies in weight gone waits until goes another applicant accosts hisaka for a fight in front of him he sees it as his chance to put his new skills into practice but hisuka refuses to fight the suicidal warrior gita rocker suddenly intervenes and kills goes his target goen watches as hisuku and gitaraka have a conversation as if they were friends the new party giving the magician a badge he took from another applicant nightfalls and hisuka resumes stalking for prey eventually spotting kurapika and laorio from a distance he chooses to pursue them gohan follows behind hisuka and realizes that his two new friends are being targeted conflicted gon initially decides to stick with his plan until he realizes that it would also mean sacrificing his friends thereafter resolving to help them if the situation took a turn for the worst the duo manages to negotiate their way out of any danger from hisaka and gon continues to watch them hisoka's bloodlust flares overnight and shoots a terrible fear through gon it's the first time he ever feels such an ominous aura the next day gon manages to get hisoka's numbered plate and is temporarily paralyzed when shot by gereta with a blow dart coated in a muscle relaxant hisoka then kills gerita but gives gon back his plate and then his own gon manages to stand to his feet and refuses hisoka's charity insisting the magician take back his plate the former refuses punching the ladder and declaring that he won't take his bad back until he can retaliate gohan spends the night quietly seething over the violation to his pride during the fourth phase's final day gon finds leorio and kurapika and chooses to help layorio to acquire his target's badge from ponzu he's confronted by kurapika after the phase ends gohan confesses what happened to him and expresses the humiliation and frustration he feels from losing shedding tears kurapika lifts his spirits as the two head towards the hunter exam's final phase final phase the final phase was a tournament with each of the participants after being selected by the judges as being the most exceptional applicants hanzo and gohan face off first gon is outmatched when it comes to combat but his unwillingness to submit causes hanzo to forfeit the battle making gone the first applicant to pass the 287th hunter exam at first golden refuses to accept the win insisting that the two of them he and hanzo can figure out a way to have the proper match hanzo annoyed knocks going out and the boy doesn't awake until the exam ends satos fills in the details and explains agon that only two people didn't pass the exam botaro and kilauea it's revealed that gitaraker is actually an alias for kilauea's older brother ilumi kilabo was manipulated into murdering another contestant and subsequently fail the exam gone enraged confronts ilumi breaking the assassins wrists in the process and gets kilauea's address gon kurapika and lyorio all then depart tequila's home on cucuru mountain zoldik family arc along with kurapika and leorio gone heads tequila's house on kokuru mountain in order to bring him back after reaching the zoldic estate the trio is blocked by a gate requiring four tons of force to open gohan attempts to reason with his zoldic butler named goto but reaches an impasse the latter adamantly opposed to his entry gohan then tries to break into the estate on an impulse until he's calmed down by zebro the gatekeeper zebro introduces the trio to mike a trained zoldic attack dog putting great fear into gon zebro takes the trio back to his quarters near kukuru mountain and allows them to wait train under him for two weeks in order to gain the strength to open the testing gate themselves they then proceed towards the mountain and are again blocked this time by butler's apprentice named canary ordered never to let anyone pass she expels intruders through force gohan spends the day walking towards her and consequently gets walloped by her his tenacity touches canary who wavers and leads the trio to the butler's quarters in order to meet with kilauea while the trio wait for kilowatt to arrive goto infuriated by the audacity of going to try and remove kilauea from his family threatens the lives of the trio and canary under the guise of a game thanks to some quick thinking and sharp eyesight gone is victorious and earns goto's approval kilowa arrives and the reunited four depart from the republic of padokia as the four head to the nearest airport the four discussed their plans now that the hunter exam has ended gohan still angry about his humiliation in the fourth phase wishes to find hisika punch him in the face and return the bad she was given korapika plans to go to york new city on september 1st for the southern peace auction due to a tip he received from hisaka regarding the fandom troupe laerio informs the group of his immediate plans to study for his medical school exams the four vow to reunite in new york new city in september and the elder two depart heaven's arena arc with kilauea as his sole companion gone is at a loss as to how to accomplish his immediate goal by drawing a line on the ground kilauea shows him the overwhelming power gap between him hisuka and hanzo later adding himself at gohan's request he adds that gon cannot beat hisoka by training for a mere six months which gone agrees with kilowould suggest training their combat skills and earning money at the heavens arena they spend the last of their money to fly to the city where the building is following hilo's suggestion gohan writes in his form that he has 10 years worth of combat experience gohan is awed by the various matches and also by the revelation that kilauea had already been there and it had taken him two years to reach the 200th floor gohan is called for his match and kilauea tells him to just push the opponent although gon has never really fought before he finds that his strength has increased considerably after training at kukuru mountain and he effortlessly pushes his adversary out of bounds earning the right to go to the 50th floor gon and kilauea meet a boy named zushi the young student shingen kung fu and the disciple of wing gon and zushi are baffled by the prizes awarded at higher floors and also by kilauea having managed to squander the money he won in the past and snacks kilo and zushi are called to compete against each other gohan wins his own match without problems and waits for his friend kilauea explains his belatedness as zushi being in the possession of a mysterious secret technique whose ominous vibrations reminded him of his brother the technique which his teacher called ren made him more resilient against his attacks which should have knocked him out he then states that he wants to go all the way to the top floor which was going's intention from the start the two win four more matches and earned the right to a room having reached the hundredth floor kilowatt warns gon that the caliber of their opponents will increase but gon effortlessly makes it to the 150th floor after cashing in his prize gohan brings up zushi and ren and suggests asking the former about the technique his explanation however is unintelligible to them when wing shows up kilwa convinces him to explain it to them the four relocate to his hotel room he proceeds to illustrate the nine of the flame to them he first calmly states he will kill kilauea then repeats his utterance after performing the four steps which causes kilauea to leap away and going to shiver with fear the two leave but kilauea tells gon that wing lied to them and that no mental technique could have allowed zushi to survive a strike that should have been lethal when they reach the 200th floor they find themselves unable to walk down the hallway to register as an intense bloodlust stops them in their tracks gon wonders if the one responsible is the floor's clerk until hisoka reveals himself he explains he tracked them through the internet and warns them they're not ready for the 200th floor he waves his hand and they're again struck with dread unable to advance wing tells them that they can't overcome his nan through effort alone without dying and decides to train them gon asks the clerk what will happen if they're not back by midnight which in his case would result in starting over on the first floor whereas in kilauea's in a permanent van back in wing's hotel room he demonstrates a non-high style ren which they managed to sense faintly after he teaches them about the true nen a skill utilizing the technician's life energy for combat they're shocked to see him crack a wall just by laying his hand on it wing then proposes to forcefully open their aura nodes through an injection of hatsu specifying it's a dangerous method gohan however is confident they can rely on him he removes his jacket as instructed and can feel wing's aura as a hot force pushing against him when wing jolts his and kilauea's aura nodes open they see their aura gushing out which has shocked golden likens to steam from a kettle they follow wing's instructions and quickly learn to contain their aura via ten causing wing to recognize their immense talent he tests them by sending a wave of his ren and when they managed to walk against it they returned to the 200th floor to register they make it across hisica's own nen barrier gohan confirms that he's come to the heavens arena to train to defeat the magician who states he's not ready to face him yet he agrees to dual goan if he can win a match on the 200th floor as he leaves gohan and kilauea are greeted by riovelt saraso and guido after the clerk excitedly explains to them the rules of that floor and above their lack of response to her enthusiasm irritates her gohan decides to register for a match right away gohan warns him that the three fighters from before are trying to find out when he wants to fight and he lets them choose the pair walk to the rooms where they find out gon will fight the following day march 11th gon is thrilled at the prospect of fighting and although he doesn't expect to win he's ecstatic he can train his new power the following afternoon he faces off against guido who surrounds him with spinning tops enhanced with aura they bounce off against one another and hit him in the back which to the boy feels as though someone had struck him with a sledgehammer after taking several hits gohen closes his eyes and tries to sense them by their aura but this causes his tent to fade another top strikes him and he bounces off the ring from a top that spins harmlessly next to him and the referee's unwillingness to step on the ring going deduces the tops aren't targeting him specifically but like sumotops simply ram into anything nearby he rushes guido and attempts to kick him but his opponent starts spinning and sends him crashing into a wall one point short of losing goen goes over his options he decides to deactivate 10 and focus his senses on the tops completely ignoring kilauea's protests without his awareness he has entered a state of zetsu one of the four major principles he naturally learned during the fourth phase of the hunter exam with his eyes closed he finally manages to avoid the tops going keeps it up for over an hour even when the ring is filled with 50 tops at one point however he finds himself completely surrounded a single top hits him breaking his arm and a few ribs even in those dire circumstances he feels electrified from the risk back in his room he apologizes to kilauea who scolds him for his carelessness and to win the teacher slaps him appalled by his actions but ultimately relieved he survived gohan apologizes again but wing forbids him to study nan or fight for two months the supposed time of his convalescence which kilauea have gone promises to respect his prohibition and ties a string around his little finger when kilau and wing leave the room gon performs the ten of the flame meditating on jean's abandonment and kite's revelation that he's still alive one month later gon has already made a full recovery much tequila's astonishment kilo shows him the tickets for one of his matches he reveals to gon that he's never lost whenever he thought that he only ever lost four points and that he's considered to be on par with the floor masters gohan proclaims he's worried but his expression betrays his excitement just as he wonders if wing will let him spectate the match the teacher appears behind him forbidding him to go to himself he notes that the tent of the flame has made gonz and kilauea's auras flow tranquil and smooth kilo laments wasting his money on gohan's ticket causing the boy to silently remark he's a millionaire back in his room going swallowing the temptation turns off the tv at the end of the month wing allows gohan and kilowatt to train along with zushi gohan admits that it was hard to keep his promise but looking at the string calmed him he's taken aback by the teacher's joke that it was due to his nin as to use 10 gohan worries that he may have forgotten how his fear however is unfounded as his flow is smoother and more powerful than before which is due to his meditation exercises looking at the string he notices it's broken and that there are markings on it wing authorizes going to watch the tape of hisica's match the three students are unable to see the strands of aura attached to his arm wing instructs gohan and kilauea to practice their ren until they can see through his in and has zushi demonstrate gyo whose power impresses gon wing tells gon and kilowatt to register for a fight on the last available day so they can practice gyou on their way to their rooms the three disciples feel guidos riovelts and saraso's aura the three insist on fighting them to score easy victories when sarasota demonstrates his nan ability gohan tells him he cannot fight before june 10th when sarasota objects that his own deadline is may 29th kilowatt retorts that they don't care and the three leave but not before sarasota ominously assures gon the two of them will fight they train the ren in kilo's room with gon commenting his and kilaueas are not as powerful as zushi's later that evening guido blackmails gone into fighting them by telling him that they have kidnapped sushi leaving one of the boy's shoes in front of his door as proof gon registers for the fights the following day he manages to see his aura but fails to figure out its properties from kilowatt's request to fight on may 29th gon surmise as he was blackmailed too after the lecture he states he doesn't mind losing on purpose but is concerned the rookie crushers may threaten zushi again kilowatt tells him not to worry he scares satiso into withdrawing giving gone and himself one win by default and guido and riovelt into playing by the rules training resumes as normal until the day of the match when gohan tells wing he intends to use his fishing rod he charges at guido as soon as the match begins but his opponent starts spinning right off the bat he launches his top set going with shotgun blues who to inflict greater psychological damage obliterates them with ren instead of swatting them down he tries to hook gido with a fishing rod and when this fails flips over the floor tile he's spinning on gon is immediately on guido and snaps his peg leg with a punch admonishing his opponent that the next time he threatens zushi he'll hit him in the face gon is declared the victor of the match he later congratulates kilauea on his victory against riovelt stating that he came up with a plan to counter the electrical whips he faces off against rioveld barehanded who pulls out his whips from the start gohan hurls a floor tile at him leaving him a way out so he can jump him right after he propels himself with aura burst he breaks both of his wrists and ties the two whips around his opponent's neck then pretends to turn them up to max and switch them on rioveldt faints from fright as gon walks out of the arena victorious hisuka tells him to choose the date and place of their duel wing introduces his three students to hatsu through water divination gon is revealed to be an enhancer he phones hisuka and they schedule their fight for july 10th at the heavens arena after one month of practicing hatsu gohan's improvement is such that wing asserts he passed the secret hunter exam which requires hunter to know nen gohan inquires about the progress of the examinees who passed along with him and wing tells him on the day of the match gohan fearlessly rushes at hisoka who however repels all his attacks without moving from his spot he loses one point to hisoka's feint which prompts him to flip a floor tile in front of hisaka and shatter it with a kick sending the pieces flying at him while hisaka deflects them goen slips in his blind spot and punches him in the face earning two points the two contenders paused long enough for going to return hisoka his badge as they take their stances again hisuka asks gon how much he learned about nen he deduces that gon is an enhancer and details his personality test which khon finds accurate the magician dashes at him and pummels him one-sidedly with gohan's eyes managing to keep track of him but his body failing to react in time he keeps his distance while trying to come up with a plan until he uses gyo and sees that hisuka has attached his bungee gum to his cheek the magician pulls him within range and lands a heavy punch on him the score being 6-2 for hisoka goen stands up with some difficulty hisuka offers to let him get a free hit if he can tell him when he attached his bungee gum giving him three options gon goes with the third only to feel cheated when hezeko reveals it was the fourth one during the earlier explanation of the personality test gohan regrets not using gyo earlier but hisuka makes him understand he had no way of avoiding his ability since he can't keep his distance gone runs towards hisoka his courage determination and initiative cause hisuka to unleash his lustful killing intent shivering but pushing through it going strikes him repeatedly while hisuka struggles to prevent himself from killing him until he's yanked towards hisoka's fist again he manages to block the second punch but the referee counts it as a critical hit gohan complains to no avail hisoka warns him he'll attack from the right as the boy turns he contracts the bungee he attached to a piece of stone while gon was complaining hitting him on his left cheek hisko wins by tko and says that the next time the two fight their match will beat to the death acknowledging he's still much weaker than the magician gon resolves to become stronger having reached their goals gon and kilo will leave the heavens arena and head for whale island york new city arc gonan kilauea's arrival takes mito by surprise and she rapidly takes charge as they eat gone tells her all about the exam and panics when she tries to break his hunter license he then takes kilauea around the island discovering that his fox bear friend left him a fish as a welcome home present while they gaze at the stars gohan tells kilauea he was his first friend and invites him to travel together until he finds a goal when kilauea asks him about his mother gon replies his real mother is mito they go back to prepare for the night and mito gives go in a box left by jin she tells him about her childhood with jean whom gon decides to call by name the next day gon and kilauea try to open the box force doesn't work but as soon as gone at kilowatt's suggestion uses nen the box breaks open revealing markings similar to those on the promise string wing gave him inside is another box which gon opens with his license they find a cassette a ring with the same markings and a memory card they decide to listen to the cassette first from which jean's voice comes out asking gohan if he wants to see him jin however states he's ashamed to face gon having abandoned him for his own sake and urges him to find him gon stops the cassette before jean can tell him anything about his mother believing it would give him no hints and reaffirming that his only mother is mito despite his and kilauea's best efforts the message on the cassette is a race with nan left by jin kilo speculates it's so they cannot use his voice to track him down they examine the memory card which kilauea recognizes as belonging to a joystation game greed island not having ever played video games before gone is dependent on kilauea for assistance the game turns out to be extremely rare insanely expensive and for hunters only they realize their combined funds are nowhere near enough to buy a copy and they can't trust online announcements kilauea asks his brother miloki for help whom gon initially believes to be ilumi in exchange for the memory card they learned that clues can be found on the hunter website and that multiple copies of the game will be auctioned in yorknew kilauea stops going before he can access the site from his home computer the two head to a bar where they log into the hunter website after paying a fee they learned the game was made by nen users for none users who are transported elsewhere when they start playing and that 14 copies of the game will be auctioned in yorknew the starting price is even higher than what they previously read so go and suggest attending the auction as sellers they try to raise money to buy precious loot but disagreements lead them to turn it into a competition by august 31st gohan had raised more money than kilauea they head to yorkneu where after wandering the markets for a while gon and kilauea meet leorio who haggles to buy them phones he inquires if they've already learned nen claiming he has on september 1st unable to even afford the entrance fee to the auction house gone and leorio look online for answers leorio comes up with an idea have people pay to challenge gon in arm wrestling so they can win a diamond as a prize gon easily defeat several of them until shizuku competes albeit with extreme difficulty he manages to win dumbfounded gon and kilauea wonder about her identity the following day gone defeats a few more challengers but their number has already decreased as rumors spread even though he's still far from acquiring the necessary sum impressed with the rumors people from the underworld approach them due to gohan's arm being too short lyorio competes in his place and defeats the opponent they're sent to a conditional auction where the money is offered in return for capturing members of a group of thieves which killua realizes to be the phantom troop gohan calls kurapika who's late to their meeting but the latter doesn't pick up despite kilauea warning him of the strength of the gang gon decides to hunt them the three split up but fail to spot any spider kilowatt believes karapika doesn't want their help gon asserts that he'll help them when they really need it and he'll call them when he needs them gohan comes up with the idea of offering a sizeable reward in return for the information about the spider's hideout stating that if they can capture even one of them the others will follow he pawns his license to raise the necessary amount on september 3rd the three head to the southern peace auction house to buy its catalog as well as an admission ticket they post an ad online offering 15 million as a reward for information on the spiders taking care to avoid false and incorrect reports on their way to the hotel they walk through a silent auction where gon spots a valuable knife would go realizing other geniuses may have left their aura in their masterpieces the two boys begin to look for any such items they soon discover that someone else is using a similar method to them they manage to secure three items losing one to him they take them to the southern peace auction house but they're told the catalogs of all auction houses in the city are likely to be done for the year they're recommended to sell them in a dealer's market so they try to find out the item's actual worth the specialist they turn to is sincere in his appraisal of the lithograph and the handmade doll but lies about the worth of the wooden statue zepayle prevents gone and killable from being swindled claiming the statue is likely a vault for treasure in return for his help they treat them to lunch they start to exchange information by asking one question each with golden kilowatt explaining they only picked objects that had an aura around them and that gone wants to get a copy of greed island because it might contain clues as to where he can find his father zeppel reveals he made the vods the two boys were bidding on when he was working as a counterfeiter and impressed with them and smitten with goan complimenting his craftsmanship skills offers them his services he opens the wooden vault and the three take the treasure to an auction preview where in order to lower the price some interested parties list ways in which the contents of the vault may have been forged despite zeppel's intervention customers hesitate curious gon asks what doctoring methods exist and explains cauterization autopsy and ostomy they're contacted by layorio who has received a real tip on the spiders go and kill a run-off leaving senpai in charge of the auction they meet with leorio and the three head to the bar where nobunaga and machi were spotted kilowatt determines they're too powerful for them to take on and realizes they want to lure someone out the increase in tension between the spiders causes gon quiloa and leorio to tense up when the two prepare to leave gon insists on carrying on with the plan kilauea agrees to track them with zeds on the condition they fall back at the first sign of danger he asks gohan if he has any shadowing experience and he replies he followed hisuka during the hunter exam which earns him a punch from kilauea although the two spiders can sense them they can't determine their position when the two stop in the middle of a courtyard gone and kilau will hide in the adjoining abandoned building when nobunaga glances in kilauea's direction the two attempt to escape but find two other spiders blocking their way gon runs into pakunoda before machi jumps into the room through the window the two spiders ask him if he knows the chain dude or chain guy whom gon does not recognize as kurapika when pakunoda's phone rings he tries to bolt away but is promptly stopped by machi pakanota tells them that kilo was surrendered and the two are taken to the spider's hideout where gohan spots hisuka kilowa manages to pass off his surprised reaction as being aimed at shizuku whom arm wrestled him for the diamond impressed that gohan defeated her nobunaga challenges him at the same game he effortlessly beats him several times but when he begins to cry while talking about uvogin gon snaps and activates his nen furious that the spiders don't extend their feelings to the people they kill and defeats him faetan restrains the defined boy but is prevented from torturing him by nobunaga who invites going to join the fandom troupe the boy refuses although the other spiders are favorable to letting them go nobunaga decides to keep them around until crowler's return to nominate gon as uvogin's replacement gon and kilauea are locked in a room with nobunaga guarding the only entrance gohan stops kilauea when his friend offers to lay down his life so gon can escape the two bicker until gon remembers the third doctoring trick ostomy they prepare for combat but instead of engaging nobunaga they each kick a hole in a lateral wall gohan keeps smashing them until he manages to trick nobunaga and get out in the hallway from where he calls out tequila so the two of them together can defeat nobunaga kilauea however convinces him to use zets and escape since they have no way of beating him as they run away gon is relieved that kilauea has gone back to his careful self he's surprised to hear that the chain dude is probably korapka and decides to contact him to refine his nan and defeat the spiders kurapaka is initially reticent to help them but when gon relays his shock at seeing nobunaga cry he promises to call them back gon and kilauea go back to their place where they find layorio and zepil drinking they tell them about the capture and kurapika's actions not much later gon receives a call from korapika who tells him the spiders are dead the following day gon and kilwa have an ice cream eating contest while waiting for kurapika when he arrives gohan happily tells him he can finally focus on retrieving the eyes of his brethren before being sucked into a fight with kilauea after selling the wooden vault layorio reaches them gon and leorio questioned him about nen and kuropaka explained he used the vow and a limitation to restrict his target to the phantom troop alone lest he dies kilwa fearing the surviving spiders might learn of karapika's identity and restriction through pakunoda insists on going after them just as they agreed to remove her hisoka attacks korapika the spider's corpses were fake gohan convinces kilauea to keep hunting the phantom troop even if the mafia canceled the reward saying he has a plan for greed island gohan's determination sways kurapika who accepts his friend's help he plans to chain pakunoda and take her away by car for which he will need going to distract the spiders for ideally one whole second thinking back about how machi stopped him he wonders if he can do it he then asks korapika to use judgment chain on him korapika explains his abilities to him out of appreciation for his dedication but refuses to use judgment chain on any of them gohan states the pressure of letting down a friend is worse than risking his life while kilauea tails six of them gone is in a car with korapka and leorio he's told that pakanoda is in the group as well as nobunaga they wait for them at the station but before going can divert their attention the spiders start running toward the hotel batacle gon and korapika chase after them but are sensed by crollo who stops with machi and shizuku the pursuers hide in time to avoid recognition seeing kilauea behind kurapika gohan comes out to prevent them from fighting kurapika with kilauea playing the part of the second pursuer pretending not to know the panfiya had cancelled the reward they're restrained by machi and taken to the hotel but not before gohan calmly asks trollo how he can kill people with no connection to him only to receive an incomprehensible reply gone worries that although he has told kurapika his planned distraction he will be unable to go through with it since he doesn't know when gon will act and where he and killua are being taken while he tries to think of a way to communicate with him he sees leorio who tells him the planned time through a coded message by passing himself off as someone yelling at his underling on the phone three minutes before execution nobunaga paconoda and cortopi arrive at the hotel following hilo's example gohan closes his eyes and tries to stall pakunoda she manages to read their memories one instant before the lights go off gohan kicks pakanoda but fails to free himself and is subsequently caught by nobunaga when the lights return the spiders find out that crolo's missing kurapika leaves them a message warning pakanoda not to share what she discovered gon and kilauea are taken to the phantom troops hideout and chained when finks and feitan nearly fight machi kortupi and pakanoda gohan declares that they're following karapika's instructions only because they want crollo back thinks his accusation that he's lying to be saved enrages gon who breaks free from his restraints he states karapika would not violate the terms he set out of anger pakinota is allowed to take gon and kilauea to lingan airport on the way there pakunota asks them why they don't run away from her since she's injured but gon replies that they don't want kurapika to become a murderer when they're about to board a blimp hisoka appears and threatens to kill gon and kilauea if he doesn't get to fight crolo korapika allows him to get on board as well and the hostage exchange is carried out as they head back gon is saddened to hear that karapika's quest against the phantom troop is not over yet greed island arc on september 6th gone hopes kurapika's fever won't go down for a while so that he won't go after the remaining spiders unlike kilauea he's convinced that revenge is no longer karapika's objective he tells his friend his plan to be hired by batara as players instead of trying to purchase the game which kilowatt reckons to be likely to succeed they head to the southern peace auction house where they meet finks and feitan fanx cuts the retreat and announces that they're not pursuing karapika since his nan may become stronger after his death and become too much for krollo to bear gone inquires by pakunoda learning to his displeasure she has died thinks tells him she was thankful to him in kilauea when the auction begins gon discovers the cartridges were sold not by xin but by a hunter named jait sari he accidentally doubles a bid on the game but luckily batara outbids him goning kill will later approach him claiming to be hunters and offering to play the game for him they're initially not believed but batara agrees to have zazgera assess them informally when gon reveals he owns a save file of the game and the ring at says guerra's request the boys perform ren however the prowess is deemed insufficient gohan lashes at zesgera and the two vow to pass his tryouts on september 10th instead of working on their 10 in ren as usual kilowatt suggests using the four days at their disposal to create an end ability gohan however doesn't know where to begin when karapika recovers he tries to convince him to stay in york new a while longer to no avail he asks him to be his teacher but korapaga declines and recommends go and call his master wing insists that go not to create a slapdash ability but that he shows says getta every technique he has learned at the same time the apparent irreconcilability of ren and zets has him despair at first until he remembers he can use gyou to focus his aura in one spot and shut it off everywhere else gon practice practices a sequence of 10 gyo and zets to concentrate all his aura in his fist before increasing it with ren while he trains zeppel raises enough money for him to buy back his license on the day of the interviews gohan waits calmly in his seat until his turn he passes after kilauea showing says get at his co and hitting the wall with it at his request both boys pass the selection and after having leorio look at the contract ride a train to batara's castle the newly hired players have a rock paper scissors tournament to decide the order of entrance and gon goes first accessing the game with the save file left by jin he meets etta a player who plays a message left by jin for him saying the game contains no clues and that he simply wanted to show it to him she then explains the mechanics of the game to him as soon as he walks out of the starting point he feels eyes on himself he anxiously waits for kilauea while the other players recently hired by batara arrive one by one when kilauea enters the game they play rock paper scissors to decide which direction to go and gon wins they begin to wander around in the prairie until they're approached by letarza he easily understands their new players and casts trace on kilauea before retreating upon feeling the boy's bloodlust they head to the closest city antokiba while wondering about the spell cast on kilauea which the latter determines to be magic from the game they familiarize themselves with the monthly contests held in the city the card conversion system and the currency used in the game the latter piece of knowledge being acquired at the cost of working in a restaurant for a few hours after eating a meal without knowing jenny are not accepted method of payment hearing a commotion they run towards it and find jeet dead his mid-section having blown up from the inside the two boys become fearful that the spell cast on kilauea might have a similar effect but nyx assures them that there's no such spell on the island and that the culprit is another player he invites them to join his alliance claiming to have a sure-fire non-violent method to clear the game gon and kilowatt are initially suspicious but except to follow him when he gives them information about spells and teaches them to summon their binders when other players target them other recruits are present at the meetings such as biski abengane and pujad ganthur explains that there's no spells that can harm players in the game and that the ones cast on the recruits are meant to gather information he claims jeet was killed by a ruthless player known as the bomber gon abengani and kilauea then guess the three different methods to gather cards nieks incites them to join him so they can put an end to the violence of the game gone apologizes to kilauea and refuses the offer bothered by the way neeks talks about jean's creation he confesses that he's upset that players would go to such lengths to acquire cards he resolves to follow his father's advice and enjoy the game telling kilauea how happy he is that they're together unbeknownst to them bisky is spying on them keen on ruining their friendship gohan then teaches kilauea his trick to win at rock paper scissors which was taught to him by a fisherman and consists in carefully looking at the opponent's fist right before the throw both make it to the finals of the monthly tournament the contest being rock paper scissors kilowatt defeats gohan by switching hands at the last second and obtains their first specified slot card sword of truth they come up with a few methods to defend their prize without spells they noticed that they're being followed but the tactics managed to thwart the attempts of the first two players who try to take their sword of truth with gon taking the spell card from a third player's hand before he can cast it in the end however they're surrounded by a group of competent players and lose the card they decide to go to masadora to get spells they exchange their cards for money and buy a sketch map of the island they're excited to learn that monsters and bandits lurk on the way to masadora before they leave biski begs them to let her join them despite their speed biski manages to keep up with him at one point they seem to be ambushed by bandits who however implore them to give them money to purchase medicine to fight off a deadly epidemic gold and kilauea give them almost everything they have but surprisingly get nothing in return as soon as they leave the forest and head into the badlands they're attacked by cyclops goen's punch has no effect on them but they manage to easily defeat the whole group when kilowatt discovers their eye is their weakness they're forced to flee when spotted by melanine lizard they waste 10 minutes trying unsuccessfully to catch a hyper puffball and later a bubble horse they repeatedly fail to beat different greed island monsters until they see a suit of armor walking towards them bisky impatiently tells them to use gyo which allows them to find the radio rat controlling it and turn it into a card biski proclaims herself their new nen instructor after introducing herself she reveals she used to be wings teacher and shows the two boys she's defeated the monsters they struggled against claiming there's plenty of players who could kill them she then senses binolt's bloodlust and pretends to fight with them to make him target her when she goes off by herself after taking a detour gone and kilo reach her in time to see her effortlessly defeat her opponent gon asks her why she came to greed island and after stating she wants to obtain a blue planet she returns the question gone is surprised to discover she has heard of his father whom netero claims to be one of the best men users in the world as their first training exercise she has gone and kilauea fight binault for two weeks inside a rocky arena they're unable to approach him until gon taking a cue from kilauea strikes the wall with ko and uses a boulder as a shield half a day later they have him surrounded with rocks blocking his field of vision going creates a diversion allowing kilauea to pin him to the ground but gohan stops him and insists on training for the whole two weeks until they can take him one on one he allows binol to rest awakening when he tries to use zets by the tenth day both he and kilwa become strong enough to defeat him he acknowledges it but gohan thanks him for his help as he hoped biennald promises to leave the island and turn himself in grinding the progress of the game to a screeching halt bisky kruger focuses on training the two boys physically and in men she starts by having them run to masadora in three hours and back in two and a half both trips leaving gone winded instead of buying spell she acquires two shovels and a wheelbarrow ordering her students to dig their way to masadora the training is exhausting and to top it off biski has them sleep while keeping a part of their brain vigilant which severely cuts on going sleep after a couple of days gohan comes up with the idea of unfolding the shovel with his aura this allows them to progress much more rapidly but also to tire out more quickly they steadily improve and finally make it to masadora only to return to the badlands once again biski has them face off against all the monsters in the region with gone falling two weeks behind kilauea while trying to catch the bubble horse biscuit then introduces them to ko which gon recognizes as a special attack she tells them the best defense against it is ken a prolonged state of ren she nudges going with her co-covered fist knocking him back and causing him to bleed leading them to realize the power of the technique she tries again this time waiting for gohan to exhaust his aura which occurs in about two minutes after one month of shoe and ken training goen becomes capable of holding ken for 30 minutes her next teaching is ryu the instantaneous redistribution of aura through gyo for combat purposes and has them hone it by sparring together they start off slowly but become capable of performing ryu at combat speed in only two weeks she thus introduces them to training by nen type after learning the origins of the game rock paper scissors gohan bases his then ability on it his enhancement attack rok is successful but he's unable to emit his aura for paper he decides to make scissors a transmutation technique and to chant while charging up his attacks discovering it's almost new year's eve gohan reminds kilauea of the approaching deadline for the hunter exam they head to masadora to learn how to leave the island and after defeating a wolf pack and the harbour master kilauea leaves the island gohan recommends him to ask the kirikou to take him to the exam site while kiel was gone gohan continues his training shortly after the separation he and bisky are approached by abengane who tells them that genthru is the bomber and about the fate of the alliance asking them to avenge him and prevent genthru from clearing the game after he leaves gohan asks bisky how long it'll take for him to master his nen ability she replies gears will be necessary but he's not that far from achieving what he envisions he considers going to the alliance's hideout biski reflects it's unlikely they can help him but thinks their hideout might contain useful clues if they were to meet the bomber later on they head to masadora and buy spells deducing from the new shipment that the alliance members are dead they find the rare fortress and agonizing over what to do with it with gohan wishing kilauea was with him gohan continues practicing a mission in the ryu improving at an even pace gon and biscuit welcome hilo back when he returns having passed the hunter exam they have him take charge of the car distribution to get used to casting spells he has go and try contact they're shocked to see the name crolo lucifer in his binder they disclosed to biski their history with kurapika and the phantom troop who in turn tells them about exorcism kilauea briefly leaves the game to phone kurapika and returns telling gon the friend was not fazed by the news and that the player is not the real crollo at biski's invitation gohan shows kilauea the prototypes for paper and scissor the two squabble over gohan's decision to chant while preparing the moves which biscuit approved of because to him it felt natural the three finally start playing the game for real with gone using rock to obtain three king white stag beetles which however they're unable to monopolize they acquire one gold dust girl each and one paladin's necklace from the monthly tournament in antokiba which they duplicate before converting it so gone can wear it on the way to dorias they collect witch's love potion risky dice and memory helmet kazul who took sword of truth from them contacts them for a trade they exchange one witch's love potion for one book of vip passes kilauea wins a rainbow diamond and a fledgling gambler with the help of risky dice until biscuit is forced to knock him out to halt his butt and gambling addiction by facing all manners of trials over the course of one month they gather 50 specified slot cards in total among which are fledgling ceo doyin's growth pills and staff of judgment gohan is surprised that they've managed to convert so many rare items into cards which leads kielba to conclude there aren't many competitive teams going's words inspired kilauea into getting into the business of trading leave cards to weak players in return for rare cards raising their total number to 57 and later to 61 51 without duplicates they resolved to keep looking for cards on their own while also trading players they encounter for them and information thanks to the paladin's necklace gone discovers a fake flavor cushion and receives the real one this leads him to wonder if he can cure the villagers they donated their belongings to their charity causes the villagers to trust them and the necklace heals them in return the villagers give them a wildlife alexandrite kazul contacts them again offering to form an alliance since ganthur is close to completing the game by giving the group information about gentry's ability they obtain two rare cards going's willingness to cooperate also earns them a lot of crucial information the alliance decides to monopolize one of the four cards genthru's team lacks and settle on number two which no player has yet which they discover to be in sofrabi an npc offers to point them to plot of beach if they drive razer and his 14 devils out of the town the alliance heads to a bar where they find four pirates when they ask them to leave boppobo challenges them to push him out of the flaming ring zaho goes first but he's easily subdued the pirate holds him over the fire so gohan kicks him to force him to let go kilo stops going before he can use rock and take boppobo by himself he wins the confrontation so the alliance members are taken to the lighthouse turned gym where razer and the other pirates each challenge an opponent to a sport the first discipline is boxing and the pirate in charge of it defeats montreux with only gon kilauea and biski comprehending how he did it realizing their allies are too weak to be of use gohan's team throws their matches while gathering as much information on the contests as possible the alliance eventually loses and disbands surmising the bombers will not be able to form the necessary group of 15 to win the card goen kilowatt biscuit and gorino however decide to try again after finding more powerful allies the four brainstormed to find potential teammates in their contacts with gon considering binolt who however is either dead or has left the game he then proposes finding out who krolow is since an alias would not make sense if it were simply a spider seeking to clear the game which they determined not to be the case despite kilauea's objections gone insists on finding out who it is they teleport to him and find out crolo is hisoka who tells them he's looking for crolo inside the game biski invites him to join their alliance to defeat razer while discreetly informing the others he's lying he takes them to ii his constant leering disquiet and gone in hilah after falling for one of the city's cliche romantic incidents gone proposes enlisting says get as help even if he sees he's close to completing the game he asks shizuka to check his binder to see if he has him among his contacts which he does gorino negotiates for them and says gera accepts kilowatt wants to test him first he and gon are impressed with his jumping ability and copy shattering his record on the first try gohan challenges kilauea multiple times but keeps losing their alliance now counting nine members they each choose a sport that fits their abilities gon initially planned to do boxing but when barry volunteers instead he is assigned to volleyball with says guerra after a week of training they head to the lighthouse having recruited six more players to reach the necessary number barry kess and rod riot best their opponents after which razer plans to enter the game himself boppobo incites a revolt but is killed by razer he then challenges them to a game of dodgeball with the aid of his seven nan beasts this proves problematic for the alliance since the weaker players refuse to participate still believing him to be an npc gon asks razer what boppobo did to deserve to die and is shocked to learn that he was a death row convict and that greed island takes place in the real world he thus inquires if xin is on the island which causes razer to recognize gon as his son and to go all out as requested to him by his father gorinu uses his own ability so they have eight players and the match begins the alliance takes out two of razer's then beasts before he strikes back gon and kilauea managed to follow his lightning-fast passages and warren says getta who reacts to the throw in time to survive although he's eliminated gowan tells hisaka to use bungie gum on the ball so they can keep throwing however razer's team eventually retrieves it he aims to throw it gone who protects himself with ko however since he neglected to reinforce his legs he's thrown into a wall and eliminated eager to catch razer's next throw gon declares he will be the one to call back kilwa convinces him to wait until only two players on the team are left when bisky is eliminated gon moves back on the court brimming with such determination and anger that he manages to persuade kilwa he must catch razer's throw to really win he has kielba hold the ball and begins to charge rock he manages to eliminate razer's strongest nen beast but is still unsatisfied as he would need more power to take out razer he builds up aura again before unleashing an even more powerful punch however razer kills the momentum of the ball with a bump on gone gone hisuka catches the ball with bungee gum forcing razer to use his freebie says ghetto requests to timeout and offers to hold the ball for gon knowing that killua's hands were mangled by the previous throws gone however replies that he can but needs kilauea to give it his best he comes up with a formation to recover the ball from razer with it they manage to block his tremendously powerful spike gohan then builds up even more aura than before in preparation for his attack razer deflects the ball back at him confident he won't dodge however having used up all his aura gone passes out and the ball flies harmlessly over him to honor his wish of a crushing victory hisuka uses bungie gum to send the ball back at razer and stick it to his hands until he's pushed out of the court gohan recovers moments after their victory and razer offers to tell him all he knows about jean he tells the boy jean is not on the island and shares the story about how he inspired him the npc who told them about plata beach leads them to the top of the lighthouse and when the dawn rises turns into the card while gazing out of the window after hisuka leaves gorino and says geta content themselves with copies believing gone deserves the original the two then suggest a partnership to defeat genthru just then genthru contacts says and reveals he's killed all the members of kazuo's alliance furious gohan challenges him to a fight and biski only barely manages to prevent him from revealing he has the original plot of beach which gentry believes to be in cesgeta's possession when the communication ends says get us gold's going for his impulsiveness he offers to buy them one week to heal their wounds and come up with a plan for free and three in exchange for wildlife alexandrite biski trains going to react with go to gan through his little flower and attempts to hone his emission skills enough to make them usable in combat 10 days later he's made no significant progress in the latter and after five more days biscay and kilauea give him another strategy to rely on and make him work on his timing until he can exactly tell when one minute has passed three weeks and five days after cesgeta began stalling the bombers his team is forced to retreat out of the game the bombers teleport to gohan's team who pretend to be taken by surprise they refuse to hand over the cards and flee to make the bombers use up their movement spells until they manage to lead them in a desired location the three split up with sub targeting kilauea and bada going after biski leaving going to face genthru by himself he counters his first offensive which leads gentry to realize he knows about his abilities before clashing again he forces genthru to agree that the winner will hand his cards over to the loser declaring he would rather die than give his cards to abandon gohan is momentarily frightened by gen through superior aura output and his attacks easily countered however gohan's pride as a warrior prohibits him from carrying out the plan until he manages to forescan through to resort to little flower gantheru lands some solid blows despite having the upper hand gone's stubbornness prompts him to use little flower to break his opponent's spirit genthru thus activates the ability from both hands ignoring biski and kielua's words of caution again gohan resolves to try out a new tactic when genthru grabs his wrists gone focuses only 30 of his aura in his right hand and 70 in his foot and kicks in exposed gen through on the chin at the same time that he sets off little flower gone loses his left hand and even his right is gravely injured but he manages to bear the pain well enough to charge rock while gentry's stunned his enemy trips over a route which allows him to dodge goen's punch satisfied the boy accepts to proceed with the plan he pulls a card out of his binder which the paladin's necklace reverts to its true form and warns ganthru he might die if he converts it genthru admits defeat and draws gone close with a request he swiftly crushes the boy's windpipe so he can't dispel the finder and tries to knock him out but gohan manages to counter the second strike enraged he converts the cards soaking genthru in gasoline to prevent him from using little flour while gentry explains countdown to him so he can activate it as soon as he touches gon the boy pulls a second card out of the binder and strikes the ground with rock revealing a pitfall underneath both he and gentry fall into it gone immediately jumps into a small side tunnel while the card reverts into a massive boulder that comes crashing down on gentru the bomber leaps into the tunnel only to find himself trapped by the boulder and going charging rock right in front of him he tries to surrender but go knocks him out he contacts and meets up with kilauea and biski and together they restrain the three bombers and take their cards going's injuries are healed with angel's breath the trio also uses it on genthru's teammates before it maxes out they contact gorino to receive more copies who however is unwilling to waste the card on three murderers gon activates his last copy which prompts goriginu to hand them his own as well as all his and says get his team's cards go and kilo and biski also receive 1 billion each as a result of batara rescinding the contract gohan places all 99 specified slot cards in his binder an announcement goes off that alerts every player of a quiz test the prize being the elusive ruler's blessing multiple players teleport to the group's location but only to offer them a deal gohan gives the most exact responses and receives ruler's invitation gusta and zetska bellum attack him to get the card but goen's team easily defeats them kilowood drifts to romero so gohan and biscui can fly there too gohan enters the castle where he's greeted by lyst who takes him to dwun's dumpster of a room the game master shares anecdotes of his past with jean and gives gon ruler's blessing as well as the container in which to transport three cards to the outside world he then asks the boy if he wants the generic ending or the special one just for him and go on goes with the former unaware that there's no alternate ending after a majestic party go and kilauea and biski pick the three cards the next morning gon presents them to elena blue planet paladin's necklace and plot of beach when the trio leave the game gone converts paladin's necklace to revert plata beach into a company which he had previously transformed with clone after finding out that the first contact on his list was not go to inu the person to enter the game after him but an anagram of xin he proclaims the first thing he'll do after meeting his father is to introduce kilauea as his best friend to the latter's embarrassment and moving biski to tears they greet her before casting a company which takes gold and kilauea to kite in kakin chimera antarc kite explains to gohan he's been on greed island on gene's request and that goen's use of a company instead of magnetic force caused him to meet kite and najin who wanted to make sure gone and him would be alone if they were to meet they enjoy eating dinner while kite tells gone that he was finally able to find gene but gohan doesn't want him to say where he is he explains his mission to do a biological survey and introduces them to his group alongside kite's team gold and kilowatt work as biological researchers for one month finding a great number of new species thanks to their affinity with nature when they turn in the results to huang they're told about a giant insect limb they fly to the southern peace auction house to investigate the field research is unsuccessful but podungo discovers the limb came from a man-sized chimera ant queen an insect that devours other animals and then gives birth to progeny that inherit the characteristic of the different species it's eaten after researching the currents kite bets that the chimera and queen might have washed onto a narco primitivist autonomous nation called neo greenlife following his hunch they head to ngl only gon kilauea kite stick and podongo are able to cross the ngl border stop due to the country's strict rules they rent horses and plan to search along the coastline after receiving an sos message from ponzu containing the location of the nest kite gon and kilauea rush to help they cross a deserted village gon finds animal carcasses impaled by ramot who beats them and kilauea back kai tests them by making them fight the chimera ant gon and kilauea tag team to beat him and after kilauea paralyzes him gon lands a near fatal blow but ramot is saved by his squadron leader colt kite warns the two boys they'll see carnage but they're willing to continue nonetheless the trio discovers the hidden side of ngl a narcotics factory once commandeered by the former kingpin of the country gyro inside they encounter yunju and two of his lackeys despite goen's protests yunju kills spot in rover before initiating hostilities gohan faces off against his henchman centipede when his first punch is ineffective he bisects the chimera ant with scissors kite finishes him off warning gohan that he must destroy the head the trio discuss the nan abilities and advance further in chimera and territory they find themselves surrounded by the officers of hagia's squad the ants insist on fighting one-on-one gon goes first with bato being his opponent although the officer states their fight is to the death gon declares himself willing to spare him if he can stop eating humans the boy manages to dodge the first attack of the ant but not the second from which he still comes out mostly uninjured enraged by borrows revolution that he kills humans for fun gohan catches him as he rolls and crushes him to death after kilauea dispatches his opponent kite activates his crazy slots summoning a scythe gonan kilauea sends its power and jump up as he decimates the officers with silent waltz asked by kite goen states that he doesn't sympathize with individuals with no sense of camaraderie that night the trio spots hiring flutter and hagya who however withdraw without a fight when they're within sight of the nest they're located by neferpito who's upon them in an instant and cuts off kite's arm withstanding the shock of their ominous aura gon immediately rages and prepares for battle but kilauea knocks him unconscious to retreat whilst kite holds the royal guard back by himself kilowatt takes gone back to the checkpoint where they cross into the country reinforcements finally arrive in the form of moral nov and hunter association chairman netaro hearing gon try to fight with pito moral compliments him netero posits a challenge to the boys for re-entry into ngl gohan comes into a hotel and thanks kilauea confident that kite is still alive they resolve to become stronger to rescue him they encounter nov's eerie student pom siberia who tells them they have one month to defeat morals two disciples knucklebayon and shoot mcmahon in battle each pair has two halves of the token and to pass the challenge the pair must acquire the opponents two halves kilo scouts knuckle as he proclaims he's ready to fight with a megaphone determining he's strong gone disagrees that they should find out his abilities before fighting him since they'll have no such knowledge in ngl when he claims they'll win in one week he's punched by biski whom pom has called to their hotel to train them she trains them to maintain a state of ren for 3 hours which will increase their stamina within battle less than 1 hour later gone collapses a few seconds before kilauea and they instantly fall asleep biski uses her ability to reduce their fatigue gohan's confidence causes palm to become infatuated with him after about 10 days gon and kilauea succeed in the task despite their exhaustion biski sends them to confront knuckle without their tokens so they'll be able to fight him again if they lose the beast hunter superiority is clear to all three of them even before they clash he orders them to punch him as much as they want and if they fail to make him budge from his spot they'll have to leave their tokens behind his offer and sense is gone who however accepts that his opponent is indeed more powerful he steps forward to accept the match and starts off immediately with rock upon contact knuckle loses consciousness and is taken back into the inn by gon and killua he comes to while gon and kilauea are honing the ren surprised to find his half of the token still in his possession gohan tells him what they seek is the strength to beat him in an honest battle at goen's request knuckle reveals he wants to join the extermination team so he can see in person if the chimera ants really deserve to be eliminated he states gon is a good person a compliment that gon reciprocates by pointing to the stray dog who has never left knuckles bedside the next morning the three share breakfast and knuckle allows golden kilowatt to challenge him as many times as they want in the remaining 20 days the boys spend the rest of the month training themselves by maintaining ren for three hours and subsequently heading off to challenge knuckle but they can't draw so much as half of his might 10 days before the deadline gown wonders why knuckle is not allowed to go to ngl despite his power with kilowatt speculating it's because of his personality palm realizes they're not progressing fast enough and recommends they run away so her anger will not be as terrible but gone promises they'll win and manages to calm her down two nights before the deadline biski allows golden kilowatt to challenge knuckle after resting gohan takes knuckle on by himself while kilauea watches from the sidelines the fight begins and gone uses his speed against knuckle who however proves faster and stronger forcing cohn to keep ken up at all times gohan stuttering the first syllable causes him to mistake the name of his ability as jajan ken which gon is fine with the beast hunter proceeds to inform gon that his technique has two major weaknesses first it takes too long to charge second the technique is too risky the more aura concentrated on the fists the less aura there is to protect the body the two resume fighting with gone's aura output increasing even further but knuckle easily bats him back by reading its flow gone fires paper at knuckles and through round two he swiftly prepares rock while moving behind him for a pincer attack however he exhausts his aura before being able to land a decisive blow after being carried to the hotel by kilaua and massaged by biski gohan wakes up full of energy and is surprised by the bruises on his friend's face the two head off to fight knuckle and shoot with gone facing off against the former knuckle starts off at full power and gohan expands his art to sense his movements although he fails to dodge his punch which leaves him unscathed and indeed brimming with energy apr appears next to him knuckle explains the mechanics of his hakuare ability and calculates the extent of goen's aura reserves gon infers that the beast hunter didn't use his ability before so he could keep training the two exchange blows loaning aura to each other until gohan goes bankrupt and is forced into a state of zets for one month by irs spelling his defeat the next day gold and kilauea accompany the victorious duo to the ngl border where knuckles swears to go and he will bring kite back after they leave gon weeps over his weakness on the drive back he finds his resolve again vowing to become stronger not to disappoint kite when knuckle brings him back spinner tells him about her and kite's past palm is furious with kilauea and him and demands that he go out with her to make it up he accepts and manages to calm her down which while training with kilauea is due to the experience with older women gleaned on whale island knuckle phones gone and informs him kite is still alive although he's being manipulated by the enemy gohan sets up a romantic date for palm but confesses he would prefer to keep training to fight kite's controller this doesn't sit well with palm who cuts the date short and has him right apologies as punishment kilowatt who has just killed ramot takes him away from her who gives chase while being dragged away gohan is confident she means no harm to him nob's arrival pacifies palm and effectively ends her relationship with gon he has shoot spy on the duo to assess whether they're ready to see kite the extermination team members minus netero gather and shoot releases kite from the cage of his hotel rafflesia the sight of kite's scarred body arises an unbearable sense of guilt and anger in gon who lets the training puppet strike him over and over when he finally dodges and hugs him he triggers the second level which requires aura to clear he tells kite the rest and that he'll take care of everything asserting that he'll deal with neferpito himself under the guise of the former king of the republic of escorto meruem initiates the process of forcibly awakening nen in the civilians of escorto resulting in the deaths of millions in order to form his own personal army to conquer the world a few weeks after discovering kite's state gone appears to have lost his fury the knight irs leaves him and he becomes capable of using men again moral pretends to have doubts about him and orders him to punch him with all his power thinking about neferpitou and kite gohan forces such a vast amount of aura in his fist that the whole extermination team is astonished kilowatt brings him back to his senses and he stops before attacking moral apologizing for nearly killing him moral declares his approval and the extermination team splits in three parts to secure the royal guard away from the king at midnight on the day of the selection ten days from then as per their request gon and kilowatt are assigned to dealing with neferpitol due to escorto's spy system gon and kilowatt are forced to infiltrate the country while keeping out of sight of civilians upon crossing the border they find out a massacre has taken place in an abandoned village near the border which prompts kilowatt to deduce the selection has already begun gon decides to attempt to stop it even if it means being discovered kilauea tells him he'll do it by himself and that gon should save his strength for never pito he orders him to remain hidden no matter how many people he sees being murdered goen sentences something's wrong with his friend but agrees to split up he's ambushed by snake whom he easily beats and leaves tied to a tree and then by hollow and bat to test him he struggles against their biological advantages in the darkness and teamwork when he's about to beat bat after luring her in hollow deflects his paper the two switch roles with the owl attacking in his guerilla mode and the bat distracting gone with her secret noise the boy eventually manages to defeat them by using their coordinated attacks against them sending bat crashing into a rock wall and punching hollow in the direction of ngl with rock sensing someone is still following them gon begins running through the woods until he reaches a massive desert at that point valeoron reveals himself as his pursuer to stop him after initially mistaking him for an enemy gone accepts to form an alliance with him melioran is bothered by the ease of which gohan trusts him but the boy simply replies that if he's lying he'll kill him without hesitation when gon points out he should not smoke melioran demonstrates perfect plan and claims his goal is to slay the king after a few antics he states he wants to avenge peggy's death the two shake hands and melioran activates another ability god's accomplice with which he makes go on impossible to detect too he then reveals the three chimera ants who attacked gohan were his underlings whom he sent to test the boy gohan thinks of pairing him up with someone else but meliaron replies that just because gon can easily trust that person there's no guarantee he will too gohan phones knuckle who informs him moral and nov have mobilized to stop this election they meet up in mandai where at go and suggestion meliaran conceals his presence to observe knuckle and shoot and determine whether he can trust them as he does gon states he cannot get through tequila and notices the stray dogs who have followed knuckle meliaron ends up trusting the other two hunters three nights before the selection goen receives a phone call from kilaua who asks him to wire money to an account so he can leave a hospital the only person he's unable to contact is palm who's infiltrated the royal palace of east gorto moral tells him nav has planted all the exits but he's unable to continue two days before the raid knuckle shoot gon kilowatt melioran any calgo come together to discuss and review the plan gon voices his concern about pom who's not contacted yet kilauea replies she's either dead or lying low and understands gon would like them to come up with a plan to save her even making it their priority the six then split up to confuse the royal guards the following day kilauea goes over scenarios in which the royal guards aren't behaving as expected go on phones call to understand why neferpito turned off their end they determined the king must have injured himself a theory they share with moral at 1800 on the same day the three enter nob's dimension gone immediately inquires about palm from who there has been no news he swears once again to restore kite and defeat neferpito when 10 minutes before the raid the extermination team begins to move out gohan is still thinking about palm three minutes later they enter the room connected to the exit deepest inside the palace leading to the central stairway gon ignores kilauea any calgo as they argue over unpredictable events he has no reaction when moral and knuckle imply that pom might have been chosen by the king to mate when moral asks in what situation one would hurt oneself gohan thinking about kite suggests the inability to forgive oneself as a reason six minutes later moral has everyone gather in front of the exit ten seconds before midnight moral begins his countdown gone enters a focused ruthless set of mine he's the fourth to storm the palace of appearing next to the stairway and yupi as he prepares to climb up zeno's dragon dive pierces through the palace gone avoids it while remaining completely focused on his opponent realizing the possibility exists that knuckle and melee auron rendered undetectable by god's accomplice were killed by the aurashards he charges at the royal guard when the latter is pushed aside by an invisible force gohan realizes his two companions are still alive he freezes for an instant upon feeling neferpitou's end which yupi exploits to bring down a colossal arm on the stairway destroying it gon and kilua managed to dodge and change direction seeing moral smokey jail around the throne room he realizes the king isn't there he goes looking for him and notices meroem zeno and netero walk out of the west tower netro spots him and points behind himself goen's fury surges after seeing zeno take netero and maroham away gohan leaps towards the west tower followed by kilauea on their way there they run into the old assassin who tells them to judge for themselves what's going on inside gohan sees pito crouching over komugi dr blyth hovering above them unleashing his rage he states his purpose and challenges pito the image of the wounded girl overlapping with kite's body in his mind he tells pito to step away from her and their gesture of non-resistance leaves him baffled he demands to know what pito is doing to the girl and the chimera ant begins to explain the situation when the royal guard begs him to give them time to save her gon snaps he prepares to attack them but kilowatt stops him his willpower suffers another blow when pito breaks their own arm as a sign of good faith blinded with rage that they're helping someone after what they did to kite gohan begins to charge jajan ken until kilwa's words give him pause again he accuses his friend of not caring and gives pito one hour to heal komugi after which they will accompany him to paisin to restore kite he then sits down in front of the royal guard gohan sends his poof approaching him from behind and prepares to attack komugi pito tells the other royal guard to desist when pouf demands an explanation gohan commands him to be silent and to remain where he is so he can't spread his hypnotic scales he allows pitot to give pouf an account of what happened when knuckle challenges the latter he declares the body they see is just the shell while his real self is going to the king's side however gohan casts out on his claim demanding proof pouf refuses to comply and splits himself up after he leaves gohan tells knuckle he probably went south to look for the king he declines knuckles offered to use hakuware on the royal guard leading komagi to him as a hostage instead once in front of kait's body pito who has been tricked by poof into believing komugi had been rescued reveals the man is dead and they cannot bring him back to life gohan's sense of guilt makes him feel responsible for kait's demise and when the royal guard heals himself and poises to kill him gohan unleashes all the anger and sorrow he was keeping within himself demanding from his then all the power he will ever have without caring about the consequences he turns into an older version of himself and after kicking neferpito up in the air punches them into a mountain with an immensely powerful rock despite their passing out he keeps hammering their skull until it cracks remembering kite's lesson just as he delivers the finishing blow a horrified kilowatt arrives as gohan acknowledges his presence pito's corpse starts moving again thanks to torp sakura kilwa pushes him out of the way but gon loses an arm in the attack however he claims to be fine and even happy since he looks just like kite did in his final moments he proceeds to beat up and impale the headless body with his own severed arm before using one last jajan ken he turns tequila who begs him to stop shedding one tear gone carries out the attack in the aftermath he falls unconscious and kilauea carries him to the rest of the extermination team he's put into a hospital in a comatose state in extremely precarious conditions and requires life support the doctor thinks to himself saying he has never seen something this gruesome happened to a 12 year old boy in a single night 13th hunter chairman election arc kilauea goes back home at kukuru mountain to seek help from his younger sibling aluka zoldik he leaves with her accompanied by some of the zoldic family butlers on route to the hospital he faces his older brother ilumi who teams up with hisoka to stop them after overcoming this kilau and alukha finally arrive at gohn's room where aluka proceeds to heal gon as aluka is healing go and she emits a large energy wave the wave is so powerful that everyone in the vicinity of the hunter association's building felt it cheeto states that she's never felt anything like it before as paristan's giving his final speech to the public moral opens the back door screaming at leorio and gon walks through fully healed as everyone's happy to see that gon is fine he notices doon enlist and in between jin he goes and walks towards gene and they finally meet for the first time since mito took custody of gon gon then starts crying about what happened to kite but jean tells gon it's not his fault as gohan leaves with leorio jin says he'll wait for him gohan later meets with kite and apologizes to her they both agree that they need more training and promise to protect each other by fighting side by side kaitel is going to go after jean and should she need his help she'll contact him in kilauea gohan goes to meet shiin but is informed by beans that he's already left and will wait for him at the top of the world tree gon accompanied by kilo and aluka traveled to the world treat together kilauea tells gohan that alaka is the one who healed him when he asks why he wasn't told sooner hilo explains about aluka's power and that they have complicated family issues kilauea then tells gohan that he plans on traveling the world with aluka and that he's resolved to spend the rest of his life protecting her no matter what however aluka tells gohan that she'll be hugging her older brother only for a while but after she wants going to play and hang out with kilauea again gohan then climbs the world tree and meets jin they talk about how jin first started out as a hunter and what he's looking for and why he is how he is he tells gon about the outside world and the fact that the chimera ants originated from said place he explained segon that the world is a vast place with so many secrets and that he should take his time on his own journey after talking some more gon returns jean's hunter license when gon returns to kite and her exploration team he sees a flock of birds and takes a picture sending it to knuckle shoot pom icalgo melioran and the rest of his friends at the hospital along with kilauea aluka and leorio dark continent expedition arc shortly after his conversation with gene gon discovers he can't use his aura gohan has a brief discussion with jean over the phone about not being able to use aura after which jean suggested that gon probably just can't see it because he's reverted back to quote-unquote normal gene stated that since gohan threw it all away as one of the conditions to increase his power enough to beat pito then surviving that ordeal should be more than enough and to expect or ask for more would be audacious and for which he has to pay a price jin then suggested that this would be the best time for going to take some time to discover and decide what he would like to do from now on implying that he could remain a normal person or reawaken his abilities and continue being a hunter with a new goal arriving on whale island he's greeted joyously by his aunt mito and his great grandmother gohan confesses while talking with mito that he never really wanted to meet jin but simply wanted to find him inferring that gon is now normal mito then takes out stacks of books and papers telling gohan that he needs to complete four semesters worth of schoolwork that he missed while he was gone adventuring as a hunter to get a learning certificate from the schooling and welfare office furthermore he also has to write 10 000 words of activities report of what he's done until now and 30 pages of the career record this upsets gon but mito reminds him that his status as a hunter has granted him a number of exemptions involving his schoolwork and that the challenge of his makeup work pales in comparison to the many trials he's overcome did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos thanks for watching i'm out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 115,794
Rating: 4.9393396 out of 5
Keywords: Gon, Gon Freecss, Hunter x Hunter, hxh, Ging, Zoldyck, Heavens Arena, Greed Island, Kite, Killua, Killua Zoldyck, Silva, Kikyo, Hunter, HunterxHunter, HXH, Alluka Zoldyck, Illumi, Exam, Zaban, Satotz, Kurapika, Leorio, Netero, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Hisoka, Feitan, Kuroro Lucifer, Kaito, Meruem, Biscuit Krueger, Knuckle, Machi, updated
Id: 0ALkZRDu1Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 1sec (5041 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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