The Life Of Hiro (DARLING in the FRANXX)

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the life of hiro darling in the franxx hiro is the main protagonist of darling in the franxx he was a parasite with the code name 016 and was once known as a prodigy among the children however he failed to synchronize with his partner naomi and was considered nothing but a failure as a pilot as a result he didn't know where he belonged and struggled to find his place in the world however upon being partnered and piloting with zero two he became an official parasite and found a new reason to live hiro and zero two were the newest members of the thirteenth plantation piloting a franxx called stralezia over the time spent together he began to reproduce feelings of romance with zero two and when their relationship as partners began to take a turn and slowly crumble he reawakened his previous feelings during childhood with her along with his current feelings of love the two eventually began a relationship together before their demise although motivated to fulfill his duty as a parasite he later makes it his purpose in life to free all the parasites from apes control and he selflessly sacrifices his own life to protect his friends and the planet a thousand years later hiro and zero two's souls reincarnate as a pair of children that meet each other again and rekindle their romance welcome to the amagi in today's video we're going over the life of hiro before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing a hundred thousand followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background hiro often wondered who he was as he says that the garden was the entirety of his world and he always thought about it he was in the garden for as far back as he could remember they lived there to become parasites who would fight for papa and the others all children were referred to by their code numbers the lower the number the higher the child's potential as a parasite the double digits up to 99 the teens in particular were given special treatment hiro was one of them and he was told he was special unlike everyone else hiro names the children as a child 0-16 gave himself the name hiro when he tosses a ball and it rolls into ichigo's feet she sits crying and doesn't look up ichiko wonders if she's strange since everyone else has stopped showing emotion though she continues to cry and says she wants to be like everyone else she asks if she should get more injections hiro says that their codes are in the teens so they were different from the others to begin with she says she doesn't want that and being different is scary hiro gives 0 15 the name ichigo other children begin to ask for names as well though they wait for their parents they never return to them mitsuru shiley asks for a name too hiro smiles back at him two adults enter and say that they can't change their designation without permission hiro politely asks what the problem is the adult realizes he's one of the teens and simply tells him not to just do as he pleases before leaving hiro thinks that they never answered his questions and no other children ever asked any at some point hiro gives ichigo a hair clip as a gift by the age of 9 hiro became a special research subject and underwent tests at the lab all by himself if he did well he was given a reward one day after testing he witnesses zero two being dragged along for testing hiro asks an adult who the girl with the horns is she becomes frustrated and scolds him for always asking questions and orders him to his room there he decides to find out for himself who she is after testing he tries to sneak off but is stopped by an adult he fails in his other attempts and runs out of ideas outside he notices the girl trying to get her book back from an adult he scales a large tree to look through her window zero two manages to take the book back and the woman gives up for a reason unknown to hiro he's overjoyed to see her happy as mitsuru walks off with an adult hiro asks if he's going to the lab and if there's something wrong mituto says he's going to get an elixir injection as he won't be able to stay if he doesn't mitsuru says he wants to become a parasite with him he asks if he comes back alive if he would pilot with him hito happily agrees and the two make a pinky promise afterwards hiro goto and ichigo quietly walk back together they find that code 494 was taken away and another notes that it was code 367 before that the three look on scared until hiro says they have to do something god says that papa and the others made the decision and ichigo says there's nothing they can do an adult suddenly appears to collect hiro for testing though hiro asks where the other kids went the adult ignores his question and tells him to get ready as hiro undergoes testing an adult notes that his sensitivity is troubling and may affect the other children dr franks observes him and a man asks if they should increase his yellow blood cell dose dr frank says no because he's interested in what kind of parasite a child like him will grow up to be after finishing his testing and receiving candy he leaves the room alone he hears screaming and goes to investigate he rushes over to find zero two undergoing painful testing with a group of adults surrounding her horrified he falls to the ground a man suddenly appears and orders him to return to the garden he asks him to stop causing her pain the man says it's none of hiro's business and pulls him away frustrated with his situation and unwilling to watch the girl suffer anymore hito packs a portable searchlight and scaled one of the trees near her cell she had just gone through testing and is now curled up on the floor hiro shouts and slings his searchlight at the window shattered glass carpets the floor and the wind gushes in the room though zero two is initially aggressive she sees his tears and begins to crawl towards his outstretched hand when they both put their weight on the branch it breaks and they fall to the ground hiro loses consciousness then he's carried through the snow by zero two until she drops him hiro wakes up and finds zero two eating a mouse and when he tries to get her to spit it out she bites him to get her to stop he begins petting her hair this reminds her of her mother and she lets go he calls her mean and she appears to be ashamed he realizes that she can't understand him but introduces himself anyway though she asks her name she can't answer and he sees on her ankle that her code is 0-0-2 he thinks of a name first thinking of oni than 0-2 he thinks they're both bad but she begins to try and say zero to when she continues to say it he says that he should have thought of a better name but begins to call her that herself zero2 notes that she didn't understand his words but knew his voice called to her saw new things with her and walked with her he makes her shoes hirohands one of his candies and she doesn't really understand what it is he tells her to go ah and slips it into her mouth she enjoys it and hiro eats his own enjoying her reaction she shows him her book the beast and the prince and notes that the pictures are pretty as he begins reading a group of adults appear looking for them the two hide and hiro tries to calm her down one man asks what they should do with zero one six and the others answer that zero zero two takes priority and to kill him if he resists hiro pulls her closer and promises to protect her the two continue to flee from the adults and they eventually fall into the freezing water the two sit under a tree and hiro finishes reading as zero 2 lies against him he tells her that it's sad that they can't get married when she tries to stay married hiro explains what marriage is when he looks at her she smiles back he says that they should get going but she falls when she tries to stand she had scraped her knee and blue blood oozes from the cut he looks for something to bandage it but is forced to lick it instead he explains that animals lick their wounds to heal them with him kneeling before her she confuses his pose with the prince proposing she asks if it's marriage smiling he says that they will once they escape he tells her he wants to be with her forever too and become her darling she begins crying and blushing and hugs them close they look up and notice that they're under a mistletoe they're suddenly interrupted by a group of adults though hiro tries to protect her he's hit with the butt of a gun and falls to the ground bleeding after that their memories are erased hiro forgets his promise to mitsuru and stops naming other children subsequent tests reveal that his aptitude results are drastically dropping despite this he continued receiving special treatment from the adults approximately five years later at age 14 hiro is discharged from the garden and assigned to plantation 13 where he's paired with naomi during their capacity test naomi and hiro try to connect but their positive pulse and p factor drops and they time out causing them to fail as protocol they're to return to the garden although hiro as a special specimen is offered to stay however he declines out of despair because he wasn't promoted as a parasite alone and lonesome hiro lays under a tree and narrates how he read a book about the jion a bird that's known to possess one wing a long time ago he adds that it often has to hide in the trees and unless it finds a partner as a male female pair it's incapable of flight he considers the jion to be pitiful creatures he sits up and finds that ichigo messaged him he hears a noise and goes to investigate he finds blood on the dome and notices a bird lying on the ground when he tries to pick it up it weakly flies away hito follows the trail of blood and hears chirping noting that it's still alive he comes to a lake and says he never knew it was there he notices clothes on a tree and wonders if it's a parasites though the clothes aren't like theirs he picks up the underwear and notices someone swimming naked causing him to turn away but when he looks again she's gone he runs into the water thinking that she drowned but she suddenly jumps out of the water with a fish in her mouth zero two spits the fish out and wipes her mouth she leans in and sniffs him he suddenly comes to his senses and says that she's naked he asks if she's a parasite and why she was bathing she says that she heard the ocean water was salty and she says that it feels good and since he was staring so hard she thought he wanted to swim too hiro comes out of the water and explains that he thought she was drowning he looks away and asks that she put on clothes zero two points out that he must be a pervert since he's holding her underwear hiro thrusts the underwear towards her and blushes zero two laughs at his reaction and thanks him for jumping in to save her she puts her clothes back on and asks if he's a parasite too he says no that he can't pilot even dragging his partner down with him concluding he doesn't have a place there xer2 says she's always alone too thanks to her horns as she puts her band on she tells him to build a place where he does belong and to find another partner or take on by force she suddenly licks his cheek and straddles him causing the bird to fly away she says that his taste makes her heart race it bites and lingers like the taste of danger she asks if he would have preferred a kiss he doesn't really understand so she says it's special she says that she's taken a liking to him and asks that he be her darling but hiro asks if she means partner she extends her hand and says that his abilities probably still dormant and she has the ability to awaken it for him since he wasn't afraid of her horns they're interrupted by 081 who says they're looking for her he asks why she keeps running off alone she says there's nothing to do until the next day's welcoming ceremony he plops her hat on her head and says that as her partner he suffers for it zero eight one apologizes for zero two hito asks what he meant by partner he tells him to stay away from her as she's not the kind of pistol that just anyone can handle they begin to walk away hiro asks what her name is and she asks if parasites even have names her code is 002 so everyone calls her 0-2 a soldier says that missile teens issued a search request for him as he's dragged along he finds the bloody corpse of the bird at miss stolten hachi gives hiro the official instructions for his return to the orphanage he says that hu had given him special permission to remain there and asks him to reconsider as hiro leaves the meeting he finds naomi crying as they wait for their ride naomi tells him that he should stay and asks if he refused for her he says that he wouldn't be of any use if he stayed she says he's running away from his partner and himself she asks if he remembers how many of their friends disappeared from the orphanage she tells him that he's lucky to have a chance to say it all crying she says she'd do anything to stay and asks why he had to be her partner after naomi crosses the bridge she turns and smiles telling hiro to take care since she doesn't think they'll ever meet again as he runs towards her she tosses her luggage at him she says she doesn't need it anymore and to share it she smiles and thanks him for her name and hopes that he finds a good partner as her door closes a fog rolls in and the ritual is stalled hiro begins to refuse to leave when naomi's ship is hit by a klaxosaur the plantation begins firing at the klaxosaur and stroletsia in its stampede mode zero2 throws 081 out of her franks and tells hiro that he's done for hiro tries to stop her from piloting alone but she says that it'll start moving again eventually and that everyone will die she says she's not afraid of death and she has a job to do but he says that he'll pilot with her and she asks if he's prepared to die he says that he's essentially dead already and asks to be taken along she points out that they're similar and it'd be a long time since she saw a human cry she pulls him into her franks and into a kiss calling him her darling chaletia instantly activates and easily destroys the claxosaur's core and defeats it they're shocked when it's revealed that hiro was piloting it zero two drops hiro to the ground and nana introduces her as a pistol with the special forces unit ape directly controls zero two looks down and smiles to him saying she found her darling what it means to connect hiro watches the startup ceremony with nana and dr franks the next day although he was told he piloted a franxx he has no recollection from when he first got inside when he returns to mistletoen he buries the bird he returns to the boarding house and finds ichigo playing with a cat she tells him that she heard naomi was alright and got taken to the hospital she asks if he was the one piloting stroletsia he says he doesn't really remember and wants to try again she says she heard a rumor that zerotube's partners could never ride with her more than three times he says without being able to pilot he's as good as dead anyway goto comes through the door and tells hiro to come in quickly as zero 2 is at their mess hall zeratu slathers her food with honey as she sits at a separate table the stamens watch her with hiro commenting he couldn't believe all her injuries healed so quickly zorame says it was a treat to watch her he graciously offers the ride with her and says he could do a lot better than hiro zero 2 responds by wiping her hand on his shirt she gets up and sits on the same chair as hiro hiro asks if he really managed to pilot with her and she says yes and calls him darling the rest of the pilots are unfamiliar with the term except ichigo who's not surprised nana comes in and announces that she'll be their caretaker just like she was in the garden she says that ape hq has assigned her to the 13th plantation core hiro asks her to let him ride in her franxx again smiling nana says that it's up to papa and the rest to give him his orders and watches as zero 2 leaves the statement look through their lockers goto says he's amazed he don't manage to fight that klaxosaur hiro says he doesn't even remember anything but how it felt goda says he's happy he stayed and maybe he's the type that comes through when it matters most he playfully nudges him for getting a jump on him zorome roughly shoves him and says that he doesn't believe for a second he piloted a franxx before him hiro watches from his training unit as the other parasites pilot their franks after their training hiro returns to the yard and zorome kicks a ball at him when hiro gets hit he sarcastically apologizes and remarks he thought he'd dodge it zolame continues to mock him so hiro walks up insisting he indeed did pilot and they butt heads goto and ichigo rush out and pull them apart ichiko gets a call from nana in the conference room hachi and nana announced that hiro will partake in a mock battle and depending on how he does will promote him to become a parasite when he's asked to pick a partner zero two volunteers ichigo says that she should instead nana says that hq hadn't authorized the use of schilecia so hiro will have to pilot with someone from his own squad zero two sulks and adds her injuries haven't healed completely anyway she mockingly asks that ichigo take care of her darling the parasites along with hachi nana and zero 2 watch ichigo tells him to focus on connecting and she'll take care of the rest both argentia and delphinium manage to connect however hiro and ichigo suddenly disconnect so ichigo asks what zero two did differently hiro says zero two and him kissed as soon as they got in stralezia and everything turned bright ichigo seems to be unfamiliar with the term kiss but she tries it afterwards he says he didn't feel anything and adds that ichigo's lips were trembling argentia suddenly attacks and zoromay says that he doesn't mind taking over as the pilot for delphinium either hachi announces that since both franks's have been rendered inoperable the mock battle is over hiro apologizes trying to hold back her tears ichigo tells him not to apologize adding the phrase you were awful fighting puppet in the plantation's inner city hiro comes out from being scanned to find ichigo he asks her if anything's wrong and he says that he didn't find anything she unenthusiastically says that she's happy to hear that hiro is about to say something else when he's interrupted by nana calling her and she runs away hiro returns using the elevator at sorasus goro asks if something happened between hiro and ichigo in the cockpit since she was acting weird after the mock battle hiro says that she seemed mad when she ran into him earlier as well gowda says that she always gets too worked up when it comes to him since there aren't many with codes in the teens hiro and ichigo are basically siblings goto says that they've always been together with him at their side he says that it was a miracle that all three of them got assigned from the special class to their hiro agrees that they are like siblings he asks goro since he's her partner to tell ichigo that it wasn't her fault goro agrees but asks what he's going to do he says that he'll ask if he can ride with zero 2 again goto asks if he's heard about the rumors that her partner can only ride with her 3 times without dying but hiro interrupts to say that if zero 2 is the only one he can ride with then he has to ride with her since their entire purpose is to pilot the franks and that was the reason they were born hiro practices fighting alone as zero 2 watches from the ceiling after he leaves he finds her leaning against the pillar seeming to be asleep and zero two stands and says that she was tired of waiting for him and begins walking telling him to follow he asks to wear and in the hallway zero two walks through a scanner but hiro is stopped he says that parasites have restrictions on where they can go and almost all of that area is off limits to them zero two shows her hand which says s rank on it she walks back and leads him forward allowing them both to cross she brings him to a balcony and he asks how she knew about it she says that all the plantations have similar designs and hiro says that he's never set foot in the city before only ever the bird cage and a few other facilities he looks over at her and she asks why he's staring again he smiles and says that he's trying to think up of a name for her since he's really good at it she says she's fine with zero too and he asks if it doesn't feel lame to go buy a code name zero two hops over the railing and balances across a thin beam she says that once they die they'll only be a statistic and it won't matter what they're called she says in that lifeless city there are no skies or oceans it's isolated on a one-way street to nowhere a dead end of life hiro says that it isn't safe and to come back as he extends his hand she turns and asks if he wants to run away together she says she can get him out of there and she does flips back to the balcony and says she's just kidding hachi says they received sortie orders from the hq and nana tells them that the klaxosaur won't be as big as the one they already saw hachi says it's a conrad class claxosaur a bit smaller than a frank's he says that they're attracted by magma energy reactions and appear in their vicinity he says lately they've been showing up deep in a level 8 mind on the outskirts and wreaking havoc nana says that streletia won't be a part of the mission because they'll have to defend plantation 13 by themselves eventually it'll show if they can handle fighting them in the future nana says that ichigo and godot will have field command nana and hiro stay in a briefing room where hachi announces that chlorophytum will stay behind when iguano and mitsuru return as well nana asks if ikuno is not feeling well she says that that isn't it and nana says that she's always been a bit unstable and that they'll run tests the next day to make sure mitsudo asks if it could be that they have compatibility issues smiling nana says that a lot of parasites experience that at first and it isn't grounds to split them up mitsuru seems disappointed ichigo says that they have visual on the klaxosaur and they're spreading out they run to it and begin slashing it before zoda may can finish it it attacks and knocks them over miku is electrocuted and passes out and futoshi shoots and exposes its core followed by each ghost stabbing it zonome tries to check on miku as does ichigo many more suddenly fall from the ceiling so they plan on fleeing nana says that they're attracted more because they release their magma energy zero two says that she should have been sent from the start saying that the entire team will die hiro is alarmed and tells nana to send himself and zero two to help but hachi refuses and says that he isn't an official stamen so he can't give permission to board a franks zero two says that the plantation squad is going to be wiped out and to let her pilot with hiro she says she won't be allowed to sorty and mitsuru says that he could pilot with her nana tells mitsuru that streletia is no ordinary franks if he isn't used to its connection mitsuru says that if hiro could there's no way he couldn't zero two says that she wants to ride with hiro but he asks that she just go with him as mitutu walks by hiro he tells hiro not to come crying to him when he regrets his goody two-shoes act later because he's going to prove that he can pilot stroletia better than hiro did hiro watches the battle unfold and like ikuno is dismayed as mitsuru brutally kills the klaxosaurs and offers to become zero two's official partner nana orders zero two to desist and sends a retrieval team for skeletal hiro is relieved that everyone's okay however when they retrieve stroletsia zero two walks out and smiles and waves at hiro who waves back but hiro's shocked that mitsuru is gravely injured and unconscious she says that he isn't suited to be her darling only hiro is and seeing his comrade like that gave him the proof hiro needed flap flap the group worries for the state of mind and health of mitsuru as he leaves his food untouched hiro walks in and asks what happened with zero two and mitsuru tells him of zero two trying to completely devour him including his blood flesh and soul while smiling and is warned not to ride with zero 2 again later ichigo approaches hiro about his decision to ride with zero 2 again and states how she can't trust her especially after what happened to mitsuru she says that if the rumors are true zero 2 will eventually kill hiro despite her warning hiro persists on his desire to ride with zero two hiro trains and thinks about zero two the injuries on mitsuru and the rumors he pilots the training unit and keeps running when he returns to the frank stock zero two stares at trelethia hiro sees zero two and hides hastily and hiro bates and thinks about the rumors again zero two appears and corners him against the wall much to his discomfort she asks him to run away with her and she tells hiro that he's her only partner and as long as he's with her nothing else matters seeing her horns he gulps and was asked if he thinks she's a monster as well before he can respond in alarm sounds zero 2 and hiro go to the command room in their suits but nana tells them that they aren't deploying stroletsia the franks momentarily stop the klaxosaur but another one appears in the mist from behind and grabs argentia hiro and zero2 watch and she says that they should help and asks who landed in the transport plane a group of escorts arrive and nana looks at the screen and says to zero2 to do as they say nana says zero two is returning to the front lines as a man takes zero two away she bids hiro farewell nana then says that the order was from papa and the rest he asks if the partner killer rumors are true and she answers that she's a special pistol who must keep fighting on the front lines and that she takes a toll on the stamen who becomes partners with her and that she isn't simply human as zero two walks through the hall she turns and looks behind her where she sees hiro come to a passage he can't cross and yells to her he says that he was afraid of riding together and he still is but because he lacked resolve not because she isn't human though he had been moping he felt like he could fly with her he realized that he never really cared about riding the franks but about riding with her and asks her to stay zero2 stops and smiles and defeats the armed men guarding her she approaches hiro and says that nobody has ever said such embarrassing things to her before he says it was his first time too sparking she asks if he wants to ride with her and he answers embarrassed they dance through the gate together and board stralezia nana appears on screen and orders them off but zero 2 ignores her and hangs up she asks hiro if he's ok and he's nervous about piloting but she encourages him and they successfully connect they fly through the air and hiro is happy to be able to pilot they zip to where the other parasites are struggling and quickly save them ichigo orders everyone to focus and streleccia rips it from the ground and reveals it was actually one long claxosaur after the other franks has pinned the claxosaur to the ground ichigo asks hiro to help schwalezia stabs its core destroying it and hachi announces that they neutralized it and tell them to return to base your thorn my badge the parasites watch as the plantations connect zorame asks what kissing is and miku mocks him but she doesn't know either kokoro points this out and ikano explains that it's a transfer of bag magma fuel reserves from one plantation to another through a large pipe mitsuto explains that the fuel is essential for both the adults and them to live and frank's can't be operated without it goro says that since it's a large scale transfer of magma energy it should attract a large number of claxosaurs when futoshi and zora may seem nervous hiro reassures that they have stroletsia so they'll be fine ichigo sadly agrees hiro narrates that a grand ceremony was conducted with the utmost solemnity the children of plantation 26's frank's squad was also in attendance and they seemed a lot more common composed than plantation 13s hiro also attends the ceremony while zero two doesn't the mayor says that the klaxosaurs are sure to attack in great numbers and the fate of the two plantations rests on their shoulders he says that they're strong and will bring them to victory hiro narrates that being treated like vips gave their morale a boost though they sensed the fierce battle approaching at the boarding house goto wakes up and when he puts his hand on hiro he feels that he's burning up in the bathroom he asks if he's okay and hiro cheerfully says that he even feels like training goro is reluctant to believe him kokoro says that the ceremony on the previous day was so exciting she couldn't sleep miku says that 090 seemed nice and kokoro asks if she would like to ride with him she says that it's better than the boys they're stuck with and tries to get iknow's opinion ikuno says that she doesn't really care zorame happily says that it's heartening to be supported by the adults futoshi agrees and sora may stands up and imitates the mayor's speech making some of the parasites laugh he finishes that he'll be the one who leads them to victory smiling ichigo says that hiro will kokoro agrees and says that he's shown in the previous battle futoshi asks how he feels and hiro says fine futoshi's happy to hear this and miku says that the rumors about zero 2 weren't true ikino says that maybe he's extremely compatible with her saddening ichigo hiro thanks them and says that he had a hard time keeping up with everything happening but their support let them win hiro happily asks if he can let them fight as a part of the team goro observes him suspiciously and zoname becomes annoyed and tells him not to get cocky since he only got through one time goto asks if he has to be a spoilsport and hiro stands and tells him he'll do his best not to be a burden he extends his hand and asks that they keep fighting together zoromeh is taken aback but tells him to keep it up as he shakes his hand as miku teases him mitsuru becomes angry and leaves kokoro notices him walk out as zonome says that he's the team's ace pilot at seven o'clock futoshi announces that it's breakfast as they walk to the dining area ichigo stops hiro and pulls on his collar causing hiro to recoil this reveals a mark on hiro's neck she's saddened by his reaction and explains that it was bent she smiles and asks when he'll take care of himself she tells him she was amazed he realized what she was going for in the last battle as they tease each other they enter the mess hall zeratu runs over and pulls him away and she sits in futoshi's seat to the stamen's disdain ichigo tells them to take their seats so they can pray kokoro invites futoshi to sit beside her after prying to papa they begin eating as they eat zero 2 begins offering hiro a honey soaked toast which he eats and says is delicious goro looks uncomfortable and zorome says that he wants to try something like that goto asks why he doesn't ask miku then he says that he would rather ask a cute girl like kokoro but he notices that she's feeding futoshi to his annoyance miku teases that she's too easily influenced and looks at zorame at the same time ichigo looks down into her cup hiro gives xero2 a tour saying that they schedule their time for waking up bathing and sleeping zero two is looking around such as the books on the bookshelves and the specimen in the jars everything is laid out for them such as their clothes and food he says that the forest was built to fine-tune the parasite's numbers she asks if that's why there's a ceiling and he says probably and that it still rains even with the ceiling she doesn't know what rain is so he explains and she becomes excited and tells him to do it for her he says that papa and the others decide when it happens and she's pretty disappointed hiro asks why zero 2 suddenly wanted him to show her around she bounces on god's bed and says that she's going to live there too goro and zoda may overhear this and zorome asks what a girl is doing in the boy's wing hiro drags her out and zorome says that they're holding hands hiro wets his face in the bathroom when he notices a spider crawling up its thread when he looks up he sees that it's caught a moth he suddenly clutches his chest when godo enters his room he finds hiro clutching his chest on the floor goto asks what's wrong and hiro says nothing but he looks at his chest to see a blue tumor he asks if it's been there since he rode with zero two and even though he's about to call someone hiro stops him hiro downs a glass of water and chokes on it and goto asks hiro not to pilot strollets again hiro says that he's determined and goto becomes angry and says it could kill him hiro says that he feels really alive and that he hadn't for a long time and that he wants to give it his all on the next mission goto asks if he wants him to turn a blind eye and if he's going to keep it from everyone including ichigo hiro answers yes to all goro again becomes angry but turns to find hiro smiling at him before walking out goto sadly calls him a complete utter fool in the control room nana comes in with zero two and hiro zero nine zero says that they can't fight alongside schlezia since she doesn't care about her allies she doesn't know what he's talking about but 090 says that they had a joint operation two years ago where his partner was killed under her fault zero two coldly says that weaklings die and that it doesn't matter he begins to walk closer to her but hiro steps between them and promises to keep her from going out of control as they walk home zola may expresses annoyance at being treated like dead weight mitsuru says that they're a makeshift team and goto stops walking and says that shrilezia shouldn't be a part of the mission hiro happily replies that they should show them what they're made of zodome agrees and tells goro not to be so timid goto asks what ichigo thinks and she says they need schrelezia in the next battle when he looks at hiro he notices zero two glaring at him as they all slept hiro seems to writhe in pain the next morning hiro notices zero two standing by the lake she says that everything smells nice after it rains and asks to make it rain again but she remembers that he can't he says that he can't say that for sure yet she tells hiro that this is where they first met as she unzips his shirt she says that only she is his partner she says that none of her partners could ever ride with her more than three times and he's asked by her if the tumor is painful but beautiful she says that if he wants out of the riot now would be the chance and when he says that he'll ride again she twirls around happily darling in the franxx in the room goto asks cyril if he's going to fight when he says yes and leaves goto calls him a fool the girls come out of the changing room and ichigo and goto talk alone and she asks where hiro is goro says still inside and he again asks her to talk with him and pushes her towards him as he walks away ichigo tells him that the operation starts late at night they make small talk about their sleep before hiro says that they should make sure the operation succeeds he says that being a leader isn't easy but he knows that she's up to the task and that he's counting on her she says that she counts on him a lot too zero two walks by and stops briefly before continuing ichigo says that she always thought of him as a brother he agrees and lumps in goro too he pats her on the shoulder and encourages her as he runs to zero two in their franks hachi announces that beside the conrad class pack they've also detected a large tightly packed unit he gives 090 field command and 090 tells stralezia to stay back in chauletia hiro watches and starts the pant and clutch his chest zero 2 tells him that their team is all over the place unlike plantation 26 she says that she wants to fight already hito asks why she fights the klaxosaurs since she always looks like she's having fun she says because she's a monster she asks about him and he says to protect papa and all the adults of the plantation since that's their purpose in life shira 2 quickly retorts and says his answer is lame hiro says that they should move out to help chauletia quickly defeats many klaxosaurs and 090 scolds her for ignoring orders hiro says that he's just there to help his squad though 090 begins to protest hiro hangs up 02 and hiro begin to disconnect so she turns to see him panting and clutching his chest she asks if that's all he has with blue veins popping out of his face he sits up and she praises him they continue to fight and ichigo tells stralezia to go back but hiro says it's fine she says to get back again so zero 2 calls her bossy hatchi orders all squad 26 units to fall back and squad 13 will deal with it though the group agrees that they need stralezia ichigo orders that they stay put she says it'll land the finishing blow zotame becomes angry but godo says that only streletia's spear can reach its core so they'll make an opening for it ichigo privately thanks him for his plan they begin crawling up the claxosaur and hiro pants and zero2 asks if it's too painful she says it won't end until they kill it and he begins fighting and they launch into it hiro thinks they got it but it swipes them far away and changes form again this is where hiro becomes unconscious their link is broken and schuletia enters stampede mode it continues to smash them against a wall and hiro stands where he sent naomi off realizing he died naomi appears and scolds him for giving up without listening to his partner she asks if he's okay with that and smiling he says that he doesn't care since he got to be of use she calls him a liar as the elevator door closes and hiro sees zero two standing under a mistletoe tree he thanks her for everything but she sadly walks away he wakes up to see zero two struggling and that they didn't actually kill the klaxosaur he thinks that she can't do it alone realizing that she fights alone after losing her partner he says that his wings exist for her as his veins retract he hugs her from behind and she calms down hiro says that he's her partner and he won't leave her alone they all begin attacking again to create another opening schrelezia flies into its core as everyone watches in amazement dr frank says that he might make her wish come true hiro tells her he found another reason to pilot so he can be her wings she says she's sure he'll be fine and they walk out together and the two groups celebrate shooting star moratorium hiro and zero two are talking in the docking lounge when dr franks comes in he tells them that they didn't have to come all the way nana introduces hiro to dr franks the creator of frank's she begins to introduce the boy but he stops her he approaches hiro and says that he's the first person to survive zero too dr frank says that he has an interest in him hachi tells the doctor that srilatya and code002 are transferred into plantation 13's purview he waves at him and says that the geezers already told him when hachi announces that they're officially partners zero 2 hugs hiro dr franks tells hiro not to let his emotions consume him and if he wants to always be her partner otherwise he'll suffer after the successful kissing with plantation 26 squad 13 was given his special vacation the kids seem happy and zero 2 pulls hiro to the water and they laugh as she splashes him kokoro serves a ball to miku and futoshi and zoda may admire their figures they're surprised when they find goto doing the same hiro follows zero two further into the water and the three boys begin watching them she notes how nice it feels to swim in the ocean and hiro seems embarrassed when he looks at her and she asks what's wrong he says that she looks good but he can't look her in the eyes and she thanks him for all he did for her zero 2 seems to lean in to kiss hiro but instead she licks his cheek she teasingly asks what he was expecting she says that a kiss is a declaration that the other person belongs to you and you should only kiss the person you love she asks if you maybe kiss someone else before he can answer goro zorome and futoshi pull hiro under the water the boys toss hiro on the ground goro says that he didn't want to bother him but the other two wouldn't listen zotame listens closely to hiro and asks what a kiss is much to hiro's embarrassment futoshi says that he doesn't know what it is but it sounds magical and hiro tries to sneak away as he does zorame grabs him and asks where he's going he tries to get goda to help but he says he wants to know as well hiro says that he doesn't know either but it's when two people stick their mouths together the others are surprised and zorome asks what happens hiro explains that it makes him feel good but they weren't kissing in the sea zorome says he wants to try it himself and demands that hiro let him kiss him but hiro resists as he tries ichigo walks up and asks what they're doing the other boys laugh as zorome and hiro fall to the ground futoshi asks if she knows what a kisses she becomes embarrassed and turns away denying that she knows miku and kokoro call the group back mitsuru leads the group through a thin cavern to show them what he found godo asks hiro if there is a relationship closer to being partners and that watching him in 02 makes him wonder hiro says he doesn't really get it either and goto mentions his relationship with ichigo and thinks hiro's different than them they find an abandoned modern city and explore it hiro and goto begin looking around on their own and they eventually run into zero two in ichigo and goda calls ichigo and he and hiro wave them over they walk back to the rest of the group and miku says that she's exhausted kokoro agrees zorame wonders about the city and iknow says that they can be sure that it was part of civilization goto asks if people lived there in the past zero two answers that they abandoned it and that humans used to live on the surface she says that there are a ton of places like that around the world back at the beach food had been delivered they all began eating and goto hands zero to a shish kebab zotame roasts a marshmallow and zero two tells hiro that she's going to go swimming before running off to the sea hiro asks why they think humanity abandoned the surface and wonders if humanity hadn't started extracting magma energy if the claxosaurus would have showed up mitsuru asks if he's doubting pop and the rest he says that they moved into plantations in order to protect mankind this pumps zorome up to mitsuru's disdain and futoshi as well zorome asks if he agrees and when he shyly answers he asks why he's acting so aloof when he's their teammate miku says that they have to put in both his and naomi's share of the work kokoro says that she finds it reassuring that they're with them futoshi and goto agree and ichigo stands and officially welcomes him and zero two into the squad hiro thanks them all the parasites all sleep close together with futoshi and zoname lying on top of one another ichigo lies awake in her sleeping bag and she sits up and finds hiro getting up they walk along the beach and she says she couldn't sleep he agrees and says that he felt it would have been a waste she walks in his footprints and then looks up at the sky she tells hiro to look at all the stars and points out orion she says that he used to tell her about the stars when they were little too he doesn't remember but she says she remembers everything he taught her she asks if he forgot about the ichigo star but he says that it's the 15th star of orion the same as her code they continue to walk down the beach together and she says they all have to do their best she says she'll do her best as a leader so she asks not to give all his attention to zero too she says she sees their kiss as something special before she can say she wants to be with him forever he tells her to look at the shooting stars the rest continues sleep but zero 2 watches from a rock hiro says that if you wish on a shooting star it'll come true so he asks what she wishes for she says she tried to tell them and teasingly called him stupid he chases her down the beach boys and girls as the parasites are fighting a klaxosaur it spews goo it leaks into the cockpits and melts the girl's parasite suits though the boys begin spacing out they don't tell the girls and they finish off the klaxosaur hiro finally tells zero two and the rest of the girls realize what happened the girls cover themselves with a towel and glare at their partners besides zero two who doesn't seem to mind the boys looked embarrassed and goto explains that they didn't tell them because they didn't want to distract them during battle futoshi says he didn't look away because he found kokoro to be amazingly beautiful kokoro turns red and looks away mitsuha calls him an idiot and walks away zolame tells him that it's not like it's heard to be seen and hiro says that 02 said it's better that parasites are a bit pervy which zero 2 confirms this annoys the girls further the girls begin splitting the area of the house between the boys and girls hiro and zero 2 however don't take part in the conflict in the yard zero 2 plays with a ball as hiro says the situation is starting to get bad and they need to do something she says she thinks the opposite and they need to spice it up a bit she changes the girls only bat to allow boys and when they enter naked the girls are already bathing they get angry and begin throwing bathing supplies at them zero two runs out with their clothes and hiro chases her throughout the house they meet on the roof where hiro begins laughing after she throws their clothes in the air he asks her why she did this and she says she wanted to take part in a human fight before letting herself fall from the roof hiro rushes towards her but is relieved that she lands on the ground safely nana and hachi then intervene and reprimand the children for their behavior in the boy's room zoda may's mad and mitsuru says that they must look down on the boys hiro says it was fun and got to see more of a human side of zero two mitsuru says it's not the same for them since they have normal partners hiro says she's a normal girl and that pistols let statements handle all the controls but they bear the brunt of each battle hiro adds that this makes him want to take care of zero 2 and see her smile futoshi goto and zotame agree that they should look after the girls too the boys go to talk to the girls but lured miku has gone missing after refusing to end the feud they find her in one of the sealed off rooms and learned it belonged to a former squad 13 member that was killed in combat everyone decides to end the fight and get to know one another better the next day as they get ready to get in stralezia hiro says that he wants to get to know zero two better she tells him to grab on and never let go of her triangle bomb the parasites are happy to receive gifts hiro gets a book about birds and hiro tells zero two that once every year they can ask papa for the things they want she asks if he got a picture book but he explains that it's an illustrated guide he asks if she likes picture books and says they might have some in the study zonome shouts that he'll read papa's message the message is as follows boys and girls your numerous accomplishments represent a ray of hope a harbinger of peace and prosperity for mankind glory be to you noble parasites who risk your lives for us the parasites smile as he reads it out loud the letter congratulates and praises them making everyone happy hiro notices that zero 2 is unfazed by the letter at 7 10 hiro gives zero to naomi's mirror because she's never received a present smiling he says that he wanted to find something for her she smiles and hugs him saying that she never knew getting a present can make her so happy she promises to take good care of it in the room gordo holds a hair clip hiro comes into the room and goto teases him for how zero 2 smiled at him hiro blushes and asks if he was watching goto apologizes and hiro asks if the hair clip he's holding is ichigo's godo says that it's the same type of hair clip but it's the one he tried and failed to give her goto asks if he remembers when he said he didn't understand love and says that he's starting to think it means the other person is special to you hiro agrees with this definition goda says that hiro has always been ichigo's hero and that it's special he says that ichigo feels the same way about hiro as ihiro feels about zero two like wanting to know more and be together and kiss hiro is taken aback and goto asks if he hadn't noticed god says he knows what makes her laugh cry but none of them would work for him only hiro could he says that watching him lately made him realize that he loves ichigo he says he feels relieved to tell someone and quickly takes off his glasses to sleep lying down he smiles and says that he's happy with the way things are hiro and goro turn off the lights and sleep hachi tells the parasites that they've detected a gutenberg class claxosaur and nana says it's moving slowly as she continues to talk hiro looks over at each go but turns away when she looks at him and argentina approaches first it's wrapped in tentacles and brought closer it attaches explosives which causes slight injury mitsuru notices the core and quickly charges at it he only nicks it and it begins to multiply its jelly goro quickly pushes them out but is stuck instead goto quickly launches ichigo before it explodes goto wakes up and turns off the alarms hiro begins messaging him he says that ichigo's fine but got knocked out by the ejection and he's getting treated with zorome and miku hiro explains that he's inside the klaxosaur they were ordered to retreat but futoshi promises that they'll figure something out goer says that he's switching to safe mode to conserve power and iknow says that you can't utilize a frank's magma energy without its pistol mituru says that they're programmed to run their life support systems on backup power zeratu says he'll die if it runs out and they'll all be in danger ichigo suddenly charges in with miku and zolomay following though miku tries to stop her ichigo asks what happened zorome says that he told her that goto tried to save them she turns and asks why they aren't going to rescue him and how they could abandon him she asks why he'd cut her loose when he's helpless alone zolomy becomes uncomfortable and backs away from the argument miku sighs and calls her annoying and says that goto is always looking out for her like the time hiro almost died when she broke down and goto got her back on her feet ichigo asks what gives her the right to talk to her like that miku says that she's supposed to be the leader but she loses her cool and lashes out constantly and that goto must have a hard time with her as a partner nana and hachi enter and smiling nana claps her hands and says that she's glad they're safe hachi explains that the claxosaur vaporizes its body fluids to expand and explode kokoro asks if god is stuck in its fluid nana says that the fluid is harmless to frank's and zorome says that they'll rescue goto first since he owes him hachi coldly says that their top priority is preventing the target from making contact with the plantation and explains their plan hiro angrily asks if they'll leave goro to die and nana says that if worse comes to worse they will hachi tells them to prepare to sortie ichigo sits in chaletzia's hand and hiro says that to get to delphinium she'll have to cross an area of highly pressurized vapor fuel co2 says she wouldn't do it if she was her smiling ichigo says she believes in her zero2 smiles and says she doesn't dislike that they throw her in and she swims to delphinium when delphinium escapes and plants a detonator straletsi and the other units withdraw as the claxosaur explodes the city of eternity the franks return after killing a claxosaur but hiro notices that zero two seems sad so he asks her what's wrong she replies that she was just thinking about something and they both leave together nana shouts that she has good news the parasites gather around her and she happily explains that they have to wear their formal clothing the next day as pop is going to award them medals the ceremony will be held in the plantation parliament hq much to the children's excitement zero two looks indifferent and turns to leave before she can nana stops her and says that she'll arrange for her to undergo tests while there xenotu says that she hates the tests and always feels lousy after she takes them she turns and smiles saying that she's in great shape right now and will pass on the tests for a while after she leaves nana says that she thought she'd grown more obedient since she teamed up with a certain someone the next morning the kids are dressed and wait to get picked up for the ceremony hiro didn't notice that zero two is being standoffish but hachi and nana open the door and they all leave the children marvel at the city at the ceremony the mayor congratulates them and thanks them for their efforts when he congratulates ichigo she says that it was everyone's effort he tells xero 2 that their plantation is honored that a former nine like herself has joined them he turns to hiro and says that he's lived up well to the expectations placed on him hiro thanks him but looks troubled and turns to zero two who still looks indifferent afterwards hachi says that he's leaving the rest in nana the children are disappointed with how the ceremony actually played out the girls push nana to let them walk back and she reluctantly agrees the children look around as they walk back sotomay happily looks forward to when they too can live there as adults the others disagree and feel like they won't be able to become adults though they don't know why ikino says that this is a delusion zero two and hiro walk far behind the group and hiro asks what she meant when she said the city was lifeless she says that's just what she said hiro says that she's been acting weird and asks if something happened she says that she couldn't care less about this place the children marvel at the city's main energy source when goto asks ichigo she seems uncomfortable he says that maybe he shouldn't have told her how he felt and says to not let it bother her nana orders the children to head back to mistletoe but zoromay becomes fascinated with the energy machine causing him to get left behind while the others leave he's found shortly after as he cleans the bath he hums miku enters and yells at him to take it seriously starting a fight outside hiro hears them bickering and laughs before looking at zero to his window partner shuffle during a briefing ichigo reports the squad killed 25 conrad class claxosaurs before being dismissed as the unit stands on guards zoname asks what s-planning is hiro replies that it seems like they're digging for something and zero two says that it's probably nothing good and she can smell claxosaurs an alarm suddenly sounds and ichigo tells them to get ready chlorophytum suddenly falls due to mitsuru falling ill forcing the other units to deal with the klaxosaurs the next day nana suggests that they try a partner shuffle she tells them that it's simply an option available to them hiro asks zero 2 if something's bothering her and asks if she remembers when he asked her to speak her mind with him because he wanted to get to know her better as he talks she covers his mouth and says they can understand each other just fine by piling strolletsia together like the others hiro's surprise when kokoro asks to try riding with mitsuru in his room futoshi cries into his pillow as the other boys are at his side he asks if he did something wrong zoda may suggest that maybe he annoyed her and that he should lose weight goto wonders why she would and hiro replies that she must have felt she had to do something for mitsudu zorame smiles and says especially since he's so miserable futoshi leaps out of bed and begins shaking him saying clearly he's the most miserable godo tells him to calm down as mitsudu suddenly returns they all turn to look at him he begins to leave but futoshi angrily asks if he thinks he's pathetic mituta asks what it matters who their partners are futoshi easily throws the others off of him and says he has no idea how he feels he tries to punch him but misses and falls on his face mitsuru adjusts his tie and says he's annoying hiro tells him to try and understand futoshi's feelings and mitsudu clenches his fists and asks what right he has to say that hiro doesn't seem to understand and mitsuru walks away on the floor futoshi says that when he thinks of kokoro his chest feels tight he says that that tightness hurts now and wonders why hiro smiles at him and says he understands a gutenberg class klaxosaur approaches and hachi commands to set up a defensive line 500 meters away 500 meters from the s planning and neutralize the target he says that guinista and chlorophytum will act as rear support zero two suddenly attacks and hiro says its core is too deep she rushes in again and is trapped forcing miku and ichigo to save her she tells ichigo to mind her own business and charges at it again the pieces cut off turn into the conrad class claxosaurus they'd been fighting before she can attack again hiro stops her and she tells him not to get in her way he asks ichigo what they should do kokoro says they need to shoot at it futoshi cries as they talk while kokoro talks with mitsuru he recalls as a child he asked hiro to pilot with him hiro admires and agreed and they made a pinky promise however after receiving his injection mitsuto approached hiro but hiro had an emotionless expression on his face and he forgot about the promise after the battle hiro sadly looks on from his franks as futoshi tearfully confesses he loved kokoro to her and mitsuru zero two embraces him from behind and tells him that they'll be together until they die the garden where it all began squad 13 arrives at the garden the place where they were raised to undergo tests hiro narrates that the garden is a parasite development facility that houses hundreds of children and that there's a laboratory that towers over the garden the children call it the lab as they walked into the lab miku says she saw it every day but never went inside kokoro says that very few children got to enter though hiro did a few times hiro says he was designated special research subject when futoshi adds that mitsuru would have went there too hiro doesn't remember and mitsudu's offended nana tells them that they were brought to run tests with them she says that they're banned from entering the garden when goto and ichigo wonder what they're being tested on hiro says that they're probably just tagging along with zero too hachi confirms that she in particular will undergo thorough testing the nines appear and alpha says she must be in there for maintenance as well she walks away and he says she's the same as always kokoro wonders who he is and miku says he's hot nana introduces them and alpha says it's a pleasure to meet them he asks that they escort iota safe and sound ichigo asks where he means he says that they must know that all the plantations on the continent are currently heading there nana says she'll tell them later and hiro asks why she's called iota and he says that she used to be a nine as well he says that he's surprised a normal squad could tame her ichigo says that she's one of them and that the special forces haven't been taught basic etiquette she says that she'd rather fight along zero two than them he laughs and says they aren't a normal squad he walks over and kisses ichigo's hand nana tells squad 13 to leave as they walk away he says that he'd love to be part of their squad some time she says that they only have space in the attic and it wouldn't befit them he says to himself that she's proud and dignified after taking his tests hiro sits in a hallway in a flashback he asked zero2 if something happened recently as she looked through books he asked that she talk about it since their partners whereas she asked him to kiss he was caught off guard and she pinned him against the wall when she opened her mouth he noticed her teeth and she stopped saying never mind back in the present godo sits with him and hiro says he plans to go to the garden to see naomi so he can tell her that he found a partner upon arriving at the garden squad 13 notices all the children are being developed into parasites at a faster rate due to the increasing claxosaur attacks hiro asks a character verb naomi has returned and she replies no because a parasite never comes back after being discharged as they head back to the lab hiro ventures around the area thinking about the time when the adults never answered his questions about the missing children and this convinced him and the squad that they would never become adults he stops in front of a mistletoe tree and has sudden flashes along with the feeling that he's been there before but doesn't remember when a group of claxosaurus attacked the garden squad 13 is dispatched and hiro notes that zero 2's canines and horns have grown longer during the battle a hysteric zero two ignores direct orders and attacks alone claiming that she must kill more klaxosaurs in order to become truly human after the battle hiro asks the meaning of her words but she refuses to answer meanwhile ichigo eve drops on a conversation between nana and hachi in which they affirm with each other that the sarification process in zero two and hiro is intensifying much to her horror when the second wave of the klaxosaurs attack squad 13 sorties again and once more zero 2 turns rogue hiro again tries to restrain her and rationalizes that it's impossible for her to become human zero 2 violently resists him causing strolletsia to go stampede bone and she begins strangling hiro saying that she's going to become a human and find her darling from before hiro connects too deep into her consciousness and he receives visions of a past long forgotten the beast and the prince nana warns that hiro and zero two's consciousnesses will connect through stralezia and merge kiro receives long forgotten memories from when he was a child living in the garden and was curious of the outside world and how this provoked him into helping zero to escape before they were captured and their memories were erased hiro crying says that she was the girl with the picture book she looks back at him with tears in her eyes punishment and confession hiro remembers zero two as the girl with a picture book from his childhood and he asks how he could forget something so important zero two catches hiro before he collapses and asks if he's her darling from her childhood and is horrified thinking of what she had done ichigo suddenly interrupts and throws her off of him and into goro he asks if she's alright as each girl tries to revive hiro the other franks wait when they return to the docking facility hiro is taken for treatment zero two realizes what hiro meant when he said he wanted to understand her better hiro wakes up and is surrounded by his teammates he asks where zero two is and ichigo says she stopped her hiro has strangulation marks on his neck they all leave but hiro stops mitsuru hiro says that he made a promise to him before he got an elixir injection mitsuru is surprised but says to nevermind and it was a long time ago he says he'd forgotten about it before that he says that any other stamen would have died long ago and tells him to listen to ichigo and stay away from her hiro says that he has something to ask her and thanks mitsuru he says that after that day his aptitude kept decreasing though he felt like he died she gave him a new life he thinks it must be because he drank her blood when hiro gets up he's stopped by miku zero 2 is also guarded and prevented from leaving her room each girl comes in to see hiro and they chat she gives him an apple and tells him that zero two is returning to the nines the next night she asks if he hates her and says that even if he does not to go anywhere hiro apologizes and ichigo cuts her thumb so hiro bandages it for her and ichigo leaves the knife and apple peels zero two breaks out of her room as ichigo returns hiro unknowingly goes to zero two's room he asks through the door if she knew about their past he opens the door to find the room destroyed he returns to the hospital to find all his teammates unconscious and her attacking ichigo zero two with a devious grin invites hiro to talk lots and lots hiro scolds her for being such a monster and she realizes the damage she'd done to him zero two leaves the plantation as the other parasites watch her leave silently she passes by hiro without saying anything when ichigo suggests they go inside she finds that he's crying he's about to go after her but ichigo stops him saying he'll turn into a monster too when he turns away again she grabs his face and kisses him ichigo says that she doesn't regret the kiss they share during the mock battle and that she wants to beat with him forever ichigo says that he'd always been her everything and that she'd never been interested in anyone else he looks up to see 0-2 ship the bird that shares wings at sarasa's international briefing room hachi explains that their objective is to take control of grand crevice though another group is attacking they aren't making headway squad 13 is to group up with squads from the other plantations kokoro asks what grand crevices nana shows them a video where a large amount of klaxosaur are hachi explains that taking over grand crevice is papa's long-standing wish and would be a turning point in humanity's history on screen a large group of franks walked behind schrelezia in its stampede mode at ape central hq on cosmos dr franks meets with the council he finds that zero two devoured all of her statement and he calls her a hellcat hiro watches zero to attack a claxosaur ichigo suddenly grabs his hand and squeezes but doesn't look up at him the parasites of chrysanthemums struggle against the klaxosaur's large numbers zero nine zero screams when one of the squad mates is almost killed stralezia kills it saving the franks and alpha appears to take out more of them he compliments zero nine zero saying he did well for humans he says they'll take over so they can go in the rear in sarasa's command room they receive a message from mission command saying they're prepared to sorty nana tells the kids to get ready the parasites all walk away to battle goda tells hiro not to be sad because they'll be fine ichigo says that she'll teach him how to pilot from the ground up when she gets back he asks them to come back alive and they smile at him the sixth united frank's company begins marching together the knights take out a bunch of klaxosaur and ichigo is amazed saying it's like having a bunch of stroletsias alpha says that there's a lot of them beta points out plantation 13 fighting and he jumps behind ichigo and says that her franxx is adorable she sarcastically thanks him and he says that they're holding them off fine but they're not making any progress and that the crevice has been sealed off inside a thick dome they need to strike from the inside to get rid of it hiro sadly watches from the control room the unit takes out many claxosaurs and unit 26 notes that they're fighting well zero 90 notes that they're still all over the place but he's happy they're there and he tells them to regroup they're about to enter the hole in the wall but the clacks are all flee the control room detects magma energy readings underground ascertained through the super lehman class klaxosaur dr franks walks in and is amazed that it was hidden underground hachi says he's never heard of that class as it comes from the underground it pushes the plantation on its side and it begins to break 090 reacts in horror as his home is destroyed vice chairman says they get 090 on the line and tells him they're moving to protocol 32. he tells him that it's a great honor the klaxosaur moves towards plantation 13. unit 26 lines up with bombs he whispers that they're counting on 13 now before the squad explodes it stops but its face smashes through the wall and it releases klaxosaur inside zero 2 runs in and begins attacking the adults say that they have to neutralize the super lehman class and papa and the rest will take care of the grand crevice nana says that dr frank should return to hq and hiro to mistleton dr franks asks if he finds her more beautiful than any human pure proud and more alone than anyone like a claxosaur hiro says that she isn't a klaxosaur frank says that he thought she had finally found a partner and hiro goes up to mistleton the franks struggle against the large numbers zero two takes out a large amount of claxosaurs beta says that she's in a foul mood and alpha says that the thought of getting on that unseemly beast's bad side gives him the chills in zero two's room he finds scratches and blood on the wall in front of the window he finds naomi's mirror which zero two taped back together after breaking it gulping he asks himself why he's holding back kokoro says that they're being pushed back chlorophytum runs out of ammo so they use a pillar to attack argentia is pushed back and the old woman watches it walk forward from her window ichigo watches stralazzia and goda tries to get her to focus they notice a training unit that by them as does argentia they realize it's hiro the training unit is taken out so delphinium stops him and says that he won't let him see her goto suddenly stops he says he can't stand watching hiro and zero 2 like that anymore he steps out and tells hiro to get in he says that hiro has something to say and each girl is worried about her too so he asks her to take him to 02. hiro apologizes to ichigo and they begin to connect finally connecting to him ichigo is disappointed to find that all his memories are of zero too she cries as they head out smiling goto quietly wishes them good luck argentia picks him up and zotame and miku ask what he's acting so cool for zero2 thinks she was human though she pretended she wished to become one ichigo charges towards her and she begins attacking and says that she's sick of how she always toys with her after schreletia breaks her spear delphinium slaps her and says she wishes she'd never known her she breaks her helmet and ichigo says to get her act together as she headbutts her as the door opens he finds that her horns have grown and branched and her eyes are red he says that he came to see her each ghost says to protect delezia since it's the only one that can kill the monster hiro tries to connect but he gets no response he holds her horns and asks to be taken to her she can't remember things but begins to when she recognizes familiar actions she licks her wounds in a similar way seeing her book she begins eating it she learns the word boku and zero two and darling she remembers him getting attacked and begins crying zero two's horns break and hiro hugs her she pushes him away and tells him not to look at her they apologize and cry holding each other he says that they can see the world together and kisses her as she cries shraletsya attacks and transforms into a red version of it and easily takes out the klaxosaur they confess their love for each other inside the mountain klaxosaur they find that its core is a collective mass of cores a large hand suddenly shoots up from the ground nine alpha laughs and says that it reacted quickly it smashes a majority of the plantation leaving mistletoe days of our lives mitsuru and hiro inspect sorasus's water sources mitsuru says that it's turning foul as well hiro says they should try and filter it mitsuru says that their water supply could stop at any time as he stands up they're interrupted when zero two bangs on the pot and says that breakfast is ready ichigo serves up the rations when zotame complains ichigo takes his rations and says he doesn't have to eat it ikino enters and offers to help but ichigo says that it's fine and asks if her fever went down zero two places her forehead on iguno and says that she's 36.7 degrees a normal body temperature but tells her not to push herself they pray for papa before they eat though zero two eats anyway zero two lists off the chores and miku smiling notes that she's meticulous as the stamen eat futoshi stops hiro asks if he's okay futoshi lies and says he's dieting zonomay laughs and pinches his stomach saying he isn't cut out for it godo says it's been a month as he and hiro look at the cans hiro asks if he wants to get back in the franxx goto says that even though they were fighting and could die anytime not fighting makes them all fidgety too he says that he thought hiro was the most obsessed piloting the franks hiro and zero two walk together hiro says that goto must have gotten child fever last week zero two curiously looks at a plant pito explains that they're sakura buds he says that they're a really pretty color like her hair she giggles and says she wants to see them he asks how she felt about their lives and she says they're having fun and would like to live like that forever he scooches closer to her and is about to hold her hand but she suddenly remembers that she was supposed to go bathing with the other pistols she tells him not to peek the parasites meet in their living room and ichigo says that they have five sources they can use for drinking water the parasites sadly reflect on their vulnerability so zero two says they should cook their own food hiro agrees with her and mitsuto agrees with him remarking how there are cookbooks in the library kokoro says that maybe they can do it then they all agree except for zotami who pouts zorome and the rest are impressed with the 11 fish that she caught goro caught 9 and hiro awkwardly smiled and scratched his head saying he didn't catch any zero 2 says she'll teach him later the others want to try fishing as well before they eat they all marvel at how they were able to cook that night zero two draws pictures in her room of the book they read together when hiro says that it's a sad story she says that it was her first pretty thing she met him and wanted to have something beautiful with him she realizes now what it means to be human and they embrace she hears a klaxosaur scream as another horn girl is shown eden zero two looks at the flame of a candle in a room when kiro calls out to her he asks about her flower headband she says that miku made it for her she shyly tells him not to stare but says it's okay after he compliments her zero two pushes his bangs back to reveal small blue horns poking through his forehead and points out that they'd groan bigger she thinks that they must exist because he rode with her or because she drank his blood she sadly says that she drastically altered his destiny he leans in and places his horns against hers they kiss and rest their foreheads against each other blushing hiro says that it makes him happy to be more similar to her she tells him that she ate her old picture book when they were trying to erase her memories she says that she started wanting to become human because she wanted to see him again and she was told that she could do that by killing klaxosaurs though she realizes that she shouldn't have believed them hiro asks if papa and the rest told her but she doesn't answer she asks that he show her the picture he drew he refuses so she playfully snatches it from him she finds that he crudely drew a picture of a king she begins laughing and he covers his face in embarrassment she says that it's improved and she loves it as she holds it against her chest the next day as mitsudu stands motionless at a body of water hiro appears and they enter the water together mitsuru says that he doesn't understand what kokod is thinking hiro smiles and says that he's changed before he'd only distance himself from them though hiro says that it was all his fault for breaking their promise he says that he's probably in love with kokoro since he has similar feelings for zero two as he does for kokoro he says that he can't be sure but that's how it is for him as he stands up mitsuru stands as well and says that he's similar to hiro and he's glad that he could have a nice chat with him after so long when the sakura blooms while ichigo speaks to hachi about the squad's inevitable departure from mistletoeing goto holds his head and hiro asks how his fever is he smiles and says fine hiro says that miku had a fever recently as well ichigo comes out and goto asks what's wrong in the elevator she tells the two of their plants to abandon mistletoe though she wants to stay goto says that they don't have enough rations and mystaltine won't last for very long as they walk back goda says that their life there wasn't so bad after all hiro says there's something he'd like them to do while they're still there hiro explains to the parasites that he wants to have a wedding as they don't know what it is hiro explains that it's a ceremony where two people would make a vow together miku asks who'll get married and hiro says kokuro and mitsuru kokoro says that hiro told them about it and it sounded wonderful mituru says they decided to do it before leaving goto miku and zolame voice their support the parasites paint the side of the house and ichigo brings ikuno out and they all pose for a picture the next morning zero two and hiro walk through the sakura zero two wears a formal pistol outfit that kokoro lent her and hiro compliments her she asks if he remembers their promise to marry and he says he does they spin around in the petals while smiling and laughing as the wedding begins hiro and the other parasites ring their bells as mitsuru and kokoro walk together as well as throw petals however the wedding is interrupted by the nines and an ape assault team who have come to take kokoro and mitsuru away for re-indoctrination hiro and goto quickly surrender and hiro calls out to zero two as she's beaten down by the nines afterwards the parasites sit sadly around the yard hiro thinks that it's like the garden and they're not allowed any happiness as they pack hiro wonders where they'll be taken and if they'll come back the cargo ship comes and picks them up a couple of weeks pass at the bird's nest the squad receives a message that they then reunite with kokoro and mitsuru hiro apologizes for causing them trouble because he was the one who suggested the wedding but both of them are confused asking what a wedding is and having no recollection of the ceremony or each other zero 2 tells hiro that their memories have been altered just like what happened to them hiro narrates how they realize they will have to fight for their destiny because they're all at the end of the rope inhumanity goro says that mitsuru and kokoro were implanted with fake memories and hiro walks up and tells the group that he's thinking of directly asking papa to return them to normal looking at papa and the other council via monitor hiro asks that mitsuru and kokoro's memories be returned papa refuses and says that they remove the unnecessary information and that there's no way to return them the rest of the parasites are distressed and the vice chairman says that what they're doing is a severe breach of protocol and would normally be punished but they'll be led off with a mere mention on the record he tells them to return to their waiting quarters futoshi demands that they apologize and zorome asks how many klaxosaurs they have to kill before they can become adults hiro says they took away zero 2 and his precious memories as well as kokoro and mitsurus he says they can't see him as their papa and to set them free once the battle's over papa agrees as long as they fulfill their duties in the next mission they hang up dr franks tells them to show whether they can become real humans hiro says he saw him in zero two's memories and that he can't forgive him for walking out zero two sits outside he stares at her horns and she calls him a pervert he smiles and tells her that they made their decision he holds out his hand and they walk away the doctor watches them walk away holding hands he narrates that fate is more often cruel but it can be powerless in the face of desire he thinks that she would hate him if she knew a new world gorilla says that they don't need to worry and baboon says that that's why they modified it for so long another says that they're implanting strelecia in star entity's core papa says to zero two that it's for that purpose that they raised her she is obviously unimpressed but hiro grabs her hand and asks what happens after that he says that the future will belong to humanity if they defeat the claxosaurs he says they won't call him papa anymore and they'll control their own destiny on d-day at bird's nest hiro 0-2 dr frank and hachi go down an elevator with stralezia hiro and zero two discuss their plans and zero two says she doesn't care as long as they're together she's about to say something about the last page of the book but stops herself they kiss as they promise to be together forever they reach the bottom of grand crevice zero two hears something coming and they leave one of the snake clacks or breaks through the walls and zero zero one the klaxosaur princess says she won't allow them to do what they wish with their child dr franks asks if she's there to take back star entity but he says she can't since she's the last surviving of the claxo sapiens he says he'll operate it with her since he's always dreamed of it since they met she suddenly pins him down and says she needs no partner but she'll use the one he's offered stroletsia tries to open a gate but can't zero zero one catches up and pulls zero two out saying that she's a duplicate that doesn't realize she's being used by the invaders she says she isn't fit to pilot their child before throwing her out she kisses hero and says he must not be an ordinary human before closing the door she says she'll devour him and opens the door hiro asks how she can pilot stroletsia she says it was originally one of their brethren her horns begin glowing and she sends a message to the pilots dr franks and hachi here as well dr frank says that he found that the claxosaur split into two forms one returned to the earth and became energy baboon says that the seal is in a front gorilla says that the magma energy is part of the planet's resources that saved humans from ruin 001 says they're selfish and asks if they now want to steal her child she says she won't allow it and that the child is a crystallization of their bonds alpha tells her not to talk down to papa and dr frank's finishes that the other form consumed that energy and evolved physically and stopped mingling with one another and lost their intelligence hachi asks what they are and he says weapons built by the claxo sapiens they are composed of one male and one female claxo sapien the female soul connected to the weapon and the male soul took root at the core the cockpit hachi says that it's similar to the franxx dr frank says they're an application of the klaxosaur system klaxosaurs that can be piloted by humans genetically modified to be similar the parasites realize they'd been kept in the dark 001 tells her child to awaken since they're nearly there she begins the implanting process and papa says that he was hoping it wouldn't come to this but they have no choice vice chairman says they wanted to take it and hearing horny to space as soldiers pop says that if they can't have it then it can go down along with the planet and they will return to their original roles klaxosaur begin popping out from the ground and shooting into space they shoot spaceships in the sky star entity wakes up and dr frank says it's beautiful 001 says that the humans made her ugly but it's okay she says a long time ago when they were attacked by invaders from the expanse of space they fought and drove them off and then holed up in the earth to prepare they shoot at a verm fleet the verm shoot back and zero zero one says that she won't let them touch their planet it shoots back and destroys it papa says it's futile and she asks what verm did to their child the chairman and vice chairman's mask fall and the vice chairman says that star entity is a massive life that could disturb the universe's peace papa says that if the klaxosaur princess took over the implanting process they programmed it to explode they say that the planet will explode and leave nothing behind papa says that they'll take them to eternal paradise zero two continues to walk staggering and says she'll keep her promise to hiro for you my love the other members of the council are confused and papa explains that they have simulated several life forms from all over the universe and help them break free of the shells of their bodies vice chairman says that the time has come for humans to embrace their evolution they say that there exists a form of pleasure that is gentle and perpetual that they will all experience the three fall to the ground hito curses as 01 struggles he connects to her consciousness and asks if she's been alone since humanity existed zeratu walks along looking for hiro the other parasites watch as verm kills other parasites they wonder who they should be fighting dr frank says that the detonation stalled once hiro connected the explosion being triggered by stampede mode zero two says that he bought them some time before collapsing the parasites wonder what they should do and worry about what the announcement said they agreed to return to grand crevice to see for themselves zero zero one says that verm got her and that it's no use hiro asks about verm and how long she'd been alive 001 says that it had been more than 60 million years they inhabited earth as an advanced civilization one day verm arrived they were a group mined with no physical bodies and they wanted them to cast aside their bodies and join during war they forged themselves into immortal weapons and evolved into klaxosaurs by the time they fought off verm fighting and warfare were all that remained of their civilization and they lost their ability to procreate the enemy they fought off was verm's vanguard to prepare for their return they went underground and the weak turn themselves into energy and the strong combined to evolve into even stronger weapons zero two wakes up and says that zero zero one called her a fake dr frank says that zero zero one is the sole survivor of the claxo sapiens and that she's her clone she was created to operate star entity on behalf of the human race he says that she was the only success he created the nines using her cells too but they didn't inherit the klaxosaur blood she says that she's going to save hiro and she doesn't care about the rest dr frank says he'll go as well as squad 13 continues they run into the nines they command them to return and continue to follow papa's orders they kill more klaxosaur but are attacked and killed by verm the franks breakthrough and they go to help the two ikuno and futoshi clear a path igno's hair turns gray they let zero two go alone with ichigo and goro zero zero one and hiro continue to struggle and he relates to their want to fight but feels that he wasn't really living when he only wanted to fight herring horny begins flying alpha asks papa to say something dr franks and zero two continue as they stay to fight verm dr frank sacrifices his arm to the door as it contains zero zero one cells though he wanted them to turn him into a klaxosaur the snake allows xero two to ride she asks him if he took her to plantation 13 to reunite with hiro he says he wasn't expecting them to rekindle what they had and it was just the whim smiling she thanks him for creating her and helping her meet hiro after she goes he wonders how she became so human as they break through the wall the snake collects or dies she opens the door to schrelezia and tries to revive hiro she finds out that he's covered in blood and that they'd run out of time her horns break free and her skin turns red and she kisses him 001 gives the rest of her strength to them she stakes the planet on them the two reunite under a tree after keeping their promise they kiss and the bomb disintegrates it breaks their program and begins attacking verm dr franks finds her beautiful before a rock falls down and kills him verm takes their lance and withdraws saying that they'll bring back their army panting hero smiles and says to zero to that they did it she doesn't respond and her face is lifeless as her horn crumbles stargazers hiro takes care of zero two while she's in a catatonic state and remembers when stroletsia flew into space with the klaxosaurs after the battle was over he tries to feed her but she doesn't move he's then confused when he notices a mysterious cut on her arm squad 13 begins attempting to grow crops in the field to survive but grows concerned when they realize the rations are limited and they no longer have water and energy maintenance hiro leaves in the middle of the meeting and a concerned ichigo asks him to tell her anything that's bothering him he later finds more cuts on zero to his body and grows alarmed the next day hiro goes to work in the fields although he's exhausted from taking care of zero two goto asks him to sit out for the day but hiro declines then everyone sees a verm and klaxosaur crash into the ground after killing each other and then more classical ships fly into space hiro hears miku panic when kokoro collapses hiro is present in the infirmary when the new nana announces kokoro is pregnant in the hallway mitsuru who realizes he's the father of the baby but is torn between the choices of abortion or keeping the baby asks hiro on which choice is the right one however hiro says that he doesn't know because he doesn't even know what's right or wrong anymore hiro goes to zero to his room and finds it empty he searches for her and finds her roaming the hallway looking at the sky the next day she goes missing again and hiro searches frantically for her goto tries telling him about the dire situation regarding the crops until hiro finally spots zero two standing in the rain outside he leaves goto behind to reach zero two as she looks aimlessly at the sky where he finds the last page of zero two story has no drawings and he realizes she deliberately left it blank because she foresaw they would part ways one day as his horns make contact with hers hiro realizes that zero two's mind is with stralezia and she's battling the verm hiro meets with hachi to find a functional spacecraft that can take him to shreletia's location they're able to locate a classical mother ship that's still functional and hiro devises a plan to rescue her he goes to the squad to tell them what he plans to do and zero to circumstances however they oppose his plan because it's a suicide mission and he's likely to get killed hiro acknowledges he'll probably die and he respects how they feel but because 02 kept her end of the promise he intends to do the same thing he then leaves the room goto stops him and berates him for disregarding everyone's feelings and going off to die while everyone who cares about him is struggling to survive hiro replies he understands but he also wants them to understand how he feels and he can't just leave zero two behind goto argues once more that hiro is risking his relationship with everyone by going off to die and simply asking them to understand hiro replies that if zero 2 won't smile at him he might as well be dead angry goro punches hiro who's unfazed hiro later cuddles next to 0-2 the next morning hiro's about to leave when he's met by squad 13 nana and hachi hiro asks them where they're going and ichigo says they're going to help him bring zero two back zorome and futoshi add they personally want revenge against firm for trying to kill them or letting them die the nines also offer their assistance to fulfill their duties and intend to die in space gora says he accepts hiro's decision and he won't fight it anymore and now they are even he adds that they all have chosen their own path so hiro can't fight either moving hiro to tears darling in the franxx mitsuru tells hiro that he'll be staying behind and hiro acknowledges he has chosen to stay for kokoro and the baby's sake squad 13 and the nines fly into space with their franks while the klaxosaurs and verm battle hiro is amazed he was able to connect with alpha who says that the nines can be both pistol and stamen hiro feels like he's with zero two and alpha says that's because he's her clone after returning to the ship goto and ichigo meet with hiro who's looking at a photo and they all reaffirm their goal is to rescue zero two persuaded by ichigo goto apologizes for hitting him and hiro laughs and nudges goro saying it's fine they spot a vern fleet within mars orbit surrounding stralezia hiro and alpha head straight into the battle while the others follow behind as backup as a fleet forms a barricade to prevent them from getting closer to schlezia argentia clashes with them to create an opening for hiro and alpha to pass through they finally reach where stroletia is and see the entrance but they're cornered by a massive worm and are unable to land a direct hit on it due to its size alpha ejects hiro into stralezia and tells hiro he's learned a bit of what it means to be human but his home is the battlefield and asks siro to tell zero to high for him before self-destructing and killing the verm hiro makes his way to the cockpit and sits in it while recalling his purpose to be with zero two her consciousness awakens and hiro realizing it's her asks her to devour him he enters her consciousness and finds that her mind is filled with pages from her story she tells him to stay away from her and they can't be together because he needs to be human hiro says he wanted to see her and he wants to be with her hiro finally meets with zero two and reaffirms his decision to stay with her because they promise to be together forever she tells him to stay away from her and she's fine with being alone he calls her a liar and says if so then why is the last page of her book left blank he offers her his hand so they can rewrite the story together she accepts and they embrace while he vows to never let her go zero two merges with stellatia becoming strelecia true apis she effortlessly destroys the verm fleet a warp gate opens and hiro in zero 2 announced they'll be going through it and leave the solar system squad 13 asks why they're leaving rather than heading back to earth hiro says stralezia and the gate are linked which means neither she nor him can stop the process and the gate will close soon anyway ichigo begs for a reason why they have to leave and zero two replies to end this war ichigo suggests that they all go but hiro says only strulezia can withstand going through the gate and because the next fleet will be larger he and zero two need to take them by surprise goto asks kido if they'll come back but hiro doesn't respond ichigo says she won't allow them but by leader's orders they better come back alive goto agrees hiro and zero two promise to come back as they take a claxos or bomb and enter the gate which closes as soon as they pass through in the cockpit hiro looks at the photo which is the group picture the squad took before the wedding never let me go after 70 days of traveling in space hiro notes how he hasn't had the need to eat or sleep and wonders if he's becoming a full klaxosaur but he says he isn't scared because he feels he's becoming part of zero two they come across a swarm of verb and proceed to wipe them out 783 days since the gate passage hiro falls asleep for a moment and talks to zero two about a dream he had in which their friends were leading normal lives on earth he also tells her that he had a dream in which they meet in a distant future but he believes it wasn't a dream but hope for them after arriving at the verm home planet they're confronted by papa and the vice chairman who proceeds to send verm soldiers to attack them hiro is knocked unconscious and loses his connection to zero two who is impaled by hearing horny papa and the vice chairman say hiro is unconscious due to the incompatibility of him being a human and her a klaxosaur at a disadvantage zero 2 pleads for her friends to save hiro back on earth squad 13 realizes zero 2's body can serve as a link to her and hiro in space and they join hands to send their thoughts to the two their voices reach them and hiro says he hears all of their voices including the revelation that kokoro and mitsuru have a daughter whom they named i because as her name means love a word hiron02 taught them they want her to inherit the bond hiro shares with zero two zero two credits him for how their lives turned out as it was proof of his desire to live but he believes he caused them trouble she says it was because of his desire to live and how special he is to her as they met by chance are bound by a kiss and are attracted to each other by nature she convinces him to help her once more he's able to reconnect with zero two becoming one as the jian and the streleccia true apis reverting back to the strollertia iron maiden to take control of hearing horny and push the klaxosaur bomb into the verm planet knowing they'll die when it detonates they profess their love to each other the bomb explodes destroying the planet and freeing the souls kept in the planet by the verm though papa and the vice chairman survive and vow to return at the peak of their evolution hiro and zero two souls begin making the long journey back to earth everyone on earth sees the explosion and realizes hiro and zero two won the battle but sacrifice themselves which saddens them over the next eight years the memory of hiro and zero two remains on everyone's minds ichigo completes zero two's storybook and all the children are taught to read it to honor their memory squad 13 reunites at a cherry blossom tree and thank hiro and zero two for teaching them about life love humanity and for giving them a chance to live normal lives a thousand years later a young boy who resembles hiro meets a young girl who looks like zero two it's revealed that they are the reincarnations of hiro and zero two and they begin a new romance once again did you enjoy your video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos you
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 152,653
Rating: 4.9459243 out of 5
Keywords: Hiro, Hero, Zero Two, DARLING in the FRANXX, Parasite, Klaxosaur, 002, Ichigo, Kokoro, Mitsuru, Ikuno, 001, The Beast and the Prince, Dr. FRANXX, Doctor, Nana, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Goro, Futoshi, Hachi, APE, Chairman, Marmoset, Baboon, Gorilla, Lemur, Tarsier, Code
Id: gKDSd2Doonc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 23sec (5243 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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