The Life Of Sasuke Uchiha (UPDATED)

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foreign [Music] [Applause] the life of Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto Sasuke Uchiha is one of the last surviving members of konohagakure's Uchiha Clan after his older brother Itachi slaughtered their Clan Sasuke made it his mission in life to avenge them by killing Itachi he has added to team 7 upon becoming a ninja and threw competition with his rival and best friend Naruto Uzumaki Sasuke starts developing his skills dissatisfied with his progress he defects from konoha so that he can acquire the strength needed to exact his revenge his years of seeking Vengeance and his actions that followed become increasingly demanding irrational and isolates him from others leading him to be branded as an international criminal after learning the truth of his brother's sacrifice later proving instrumental in ending the fourth Shinobi World War and being happily Redeemed by Naruto Sasuke decides to return to konoha and dedicate his life to help protect the village and its inhabitants becoming referred to as the supporting kage welcome to the amagi before we begin we publish a new video if you want to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagis reached stretches Beyond this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on our social media let's reach our golo passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year YouTube has been unsubscribing users from channels lately so if you're a fan of us please do us a favor and double check to see if you're still subscribed it only takes a second and it helps us a ton here at amagi and with that out of the way let's get into the video early life Sasuke is the second and youngest son of Mikoto and fugaku Uchiha they named him after Sasuke sarutobi in the hopes that he would someday be just as strong of Shinobi Sasuke grew up in the shadow of his older brother Itachi a natural Prodigy who many in the Uchiha Clan and the village would constantly compare Sasuke and any of his accomplishments to Sasuke himself adored Itachi never passing up an opportunity to spend time with him although Itachi welcomed his company letting Sasuke watch him train and taking him on adventures into the forests Itachi in return Rayleigh helps Sasuke himself become a better Shinobi when asked he would often instead poke Sasuke's forehead and promise to do it some other time Sasuke found this annoying but didn't allow it to blemish his high opinion of his brother on entering the konoha Ninja Academy Sasuke proved to be the standout of his class consistently getting top grades however he could never meet these same Milestones Itachi had set resulting in their father paying Sasuke little attention aware of this neglect Itachi despite being increasingly busy tried to stand in for their bother by giving Sasuke the recognition he craved at times even blackmailing fugaku to spend time with Sasuke as time went on Hitachi started becoming distant and cold towards their family culminating in a falling out with much of the Uchiha clan on their suspicion that he'd killed his best friend shisuyuchiha Sasuke did not understand the reason for this but he didn't mind the side effect his father began taking an interest in his development fugaku tats Sasuke how to perform the great Fireball technique which he mastered in a week fugaku stated his pride in Sasuke for this accomplishment but at the same time encouraged him not to follow in Itachi's footsteps after a long day of training Sasuke returned home one night to find the streets littered with the bodies of the Uchiha he rushed home to notify his family of this Uchiha Clan Massacre only to find Itachi standing over the bodies of their parents Sasuke tried to solicit help and comfort from Itachi who respond by using tsukiyomi on him to torment him with visions of him murdering their family horrified by what Itachi had done Sasuke pleaded for an explanation to which Itachi replied that it was to test his own power fearful that he would be next Sasuke tried to run Itachi cornered him and explained that Sasuke as he then was would not be worth killing only by becoming stronger such as by acquiring his own mangekyo Sharingan could he prove a worthwhile challenge to Itachi's abilities before leaving Itachi encouraged Sasuke to hate him to desire revenge and to gain power from that Sasuke immediately followed through pursuing Hitachi and using his newly awakened Sharingan to attack him the attack failed and Sasuke passed out but not before glimpsing Itachi crying Sasuke would forget this had happened for many years Sasuke now one of the last surviving Uchiha was alone he spent his first few days after the massacre wandering his family's compound reflecting on the people who were now gone killed by Itachi Sasuke decided to do what Itachi had instructed and dedicated his life to Vengeance having no other interest than bringing about Itachi's death he threw himself into his studies at the Academy making no efforts to form friendships and ignoring all the girls attempts to gain his affection one of his classmates Naruto disliked Sasuke's cool personality and the attention he received and developed a one-sided rivalry in his pursuit to prove himself as good as if not better than Sasuke for his part Sasuke thought little of Naruto and was usually annoyed by his outbursts but would at times secretly smile at how Naruto worked because of him ironically for all the attention he received Naruto was the only person among his peers who understood Sasuke due to the painful experiences he had prologue Land of Waves upon graduating from the academy Sasuke is added to team 7 under the leadership of Kakashi hadake Sasuke makes clear during their first meeting how little interest in the team he has his only goal in life being to kill Itachi one of his teammates Sakura harano tries to bond with him by sharing her Envy of their other teammate Naruto uzumaki's lack of parents but this only offends Sasuke to test their qualifications Kakashi gives the 3A Bell test stating that whichever of the three takes one of the two bells on his person will officially become a guinea of the three Sasuke comes closest to taking a bell his skills being great enough to force Kakashi to stop reading his copy of icha icha he ultimately fails just like Naruto and Sakura Kakashi explains that the goal of the test was to use teamwork to do together what none of them could do by themselves he's persuaded to allow them to try again after lunch but instructs Sasuke and Sakura not to feed Naruto they feed him anyway needing him in top form if they're to work together Kakashi sees this and because they care more about the team than listening to his instructions allows them all to pass after a series of uneventful d-rank missions Naruto is able to secure a c-rank mission for team seven escorting to Zuna to the Land of Waves soon after leaving konoha they are attacked by the demon Brothers Naruto is paralyzed with fear forcing Sasuke to step in to disarm them and protect tazuna until Kakashi can capture them tizuna confesses that assassins have been hired to kill him but that he couldn't afford The Bodyguard detail he needs although the mission is now a rank in nature far beyond the skill of genin Team 7 decides to continue with it for his earlier indecision Sasuke declares Naruto a scaredy cat also known as a bibirikun when they arrive in the Land of Waves however they are confronted by zabazamauchi Sasuke experiences a crisis of his own overwhelmed by the battle between Kakashi and Zabuza he quickly regains his composure and when Kakashi is caught in a water prison he teams up with Naruto break them out in the end zavaza is seemingly killed by Haku allowing team 7 to escort tazuna back to his house Kakashi finds zabaza's death suspicious and decides to train the team in case he returns he has them perform the tree climbing practice to improve their chakra control which will help them against zabaza although Sasuke's control is initially much better than Naruto's Naruto improves rapidly using advice from Sakura who herself mastered it from the start Sasuke asks Naruto to share Sakura's advice with him and from competition between them they each climb to the top of their trees Naruto is exhausted from the training so team 7 Leaves him behind the next morning as they resume their escort duties they're met by zabaza and Haku the latter of whom Sasuke faces in battle because of Sasuke's speed and refined chakra control Haku imprisons him with his demonic mirroring ice crystals Naruto joins the help but unaware of how haku's mirrors work joins Sasuke within the prison Sasuke is unable to melt the mirrors with his fire and Naruto is unable to Break Free with his shadow clones leaving them at the mercy of haku's senbon as time passes however Sasuke becomes increasingly able to dodge haku's attacks a benefit of his Awakening Sharingan seeing this Haku decides to finish off Naruto so he can focus on Sasuke Sasuke Shields Naruto from haku's attack with his own body when Naruto asks him why Sasuke claims his body acted on its own Sasuke seemingly dies from his injuries in truth Haku only struck Sasuke's vital points to put him in a temporary death-like state so he wakes up a short time later by the time he does both Haku and zabaza are dead so their bodyguard services are no longer required when their injuries heal they return home via the newly constructed great Naruto Bridge tuning exams team 7 resumes its series of unremarkable missions for their performance in the Land of Waves however Kakashi decides to enter them in the tuning exams taking place in konoha because they've only recently graduated from the academy the three feel they must give strong showings to prove themselves when they arrive at the exam Hall Sasuke first uses his Sharingan to dispel again Jutsu intended to discourage unqualified and then agrees to spar with Rock Lee Lee's speed and taijutsu skills impress Sasuke enough to use his Sharingan in their fight although he's able to see Lee's movements better Sasuke can't physically keep up and Lee nearly performs the front Lotus on him Lee is stopped by his teacher might guy whose emotional method of punishingly disturbs Sasuke Naruto and Sakura during the exam's first stage the participating genian are given a written test Sasuke is unable to answer any of the questions causing him to realize that the purpose of the first stage is to cheat without getting caught he therefore uses his Sharingan to mimic the pencil movements of other examinees team 7 continues to the second stage in the forest of death where to pass they must obtain a pair of Scrolls one of which they're given at the start the other of which they must take from another team soon after entering Sasuke discovers that what appears to be Naruto is an amenin obero in Disguise he drives obero off and locates the real Naruto to prevent this from happening again Sasuke comes up with a complicated password that they'll share to confirm their identities in case they get separated they're immediately attacked and when they regroup Naruto correctly recites the answer knowing Naruto could have never remembered the password Sasuke attacks the Imposter the Imposter Orochimaru is far too strong for them to contend with and may very well kill them Sasuke tries to Forfeit their scroll in exchange for their lives but Naruto upon locating them stops him believing Sasuke may also be an enemy ninja in Disguise because the Sasuke he knows would never surrender Naruto engages rochumaru in combat defeats his snake and calls Sasuke a scaredy cat before Orochimaru finally renders him unconscious Amazed by Naruto's performance and encouraged by Sakura Sasuke picks up where he left off by pinning Orochimaru down and attacking him with the dragon fire technique Orochimaru is impressed by Sasuke and Brands him with a cursed seal of Heaven to reward him before leaving the pain of the cursed seal overwhelms Sasuke and he passes out when Sasuke regains Consciousness he finds Sakura badly injured Rockley defeated in battle and team 10 defending them from team dosu and Oto team Sasuke questions Sakura on the identity of who hurt her which zaku abumi takes credit for under the cursil's influence Sasuke attacks zaku and breaks both of his arms he prepares to do the same to zaku's teammates but Sakura is pleased for him to stop bring him back to his senses and the curse seal recedes the genian teams go their separate ways and team 7 spends several days recuperating from their ordeals on the last day of the second stage they go looking for the second scroll that they still need they're found by team obero which Naruto distracts while the rest of Team 7 sneaks behind and knocks out with two Scrolls team 7 is able to advance the preliminary round Sasuke is paired against yorawai akado for the first match before the fight starts Kakashi warns Sasuke that use of the cursed seal will disqualify him because he can't use chakra without the cursed seal activating Sasuke is forced to only use taijitsu something that proves difficult when yodelai absorbs his chakra whenever he gets close Sasuke ends up mimicking the portion of rock Lee's front Lotus he saw a few days earlier inventing the lion combo to defeat him afterwards Kakashi takes Sasuke aside and uses the evil sealing method on his cursed seal so it won't flare up as often Sasuke loses Consciousness from the application and by the time he wakes up the preliminaries are already over for the final matches taking place in a month Sasuke was to face Gara of Suna gakure in the first round in order to prepare him for this fight and to give him an alternative to the curse Seal's power Kakashi teaches him how to use Chidori and helps him further emulate Lee's speed and fighting style their training runs long and Sasuke in fact arrives late for his match but he finds that they waited for him because the audience has anticipated the fight so much Sasuke uses his speed to attack Gara from multiple angles in a short time leaving his shield of sand unable to block anything Gara surrounds himself with his sand so that Sasuke won't bother him while he prepares for the fight unable to get through the shield with physical attacks Sasuke pierces it with Chidori gara's arm is wounded and his shield dissolves but not before Sasuke briefly senses shukaku within him before the fight can continue however a genjutsu descends on the stadium konohock Rush the invasion of konoha begins forcing the cancellation of the tuning exams as konohan nin in the stadium start engaging the invading Sunnah and Otto forces the exam Proctor genma shiranui sends Sasuke after the escaping Gara konkuro attempts to delay Sasuke but Shino abarama appears to fight conquero in Sasuke's place by the time Sasuke catches up with him Gara is already in the process of transforming into shikaku Gara attacks with increased speed and strength which Sasuke is only narrowly able to avoid he counters the Chidori and succeeds in injuring Gara yet again but Gara is still able to continue fighting Sasuke who has already reached his limit of using Chidori twice a day is low on options he's able to use a third Chidori by using his curse seal but is left paralyzed afterwards in atgara's Mercy Sasuke is saved by the timely arrival of Naruto and Sakura sent by Kakashi to provide assistance Sakura is quickly captured and Naruto initially struggles against Gara Sasuke volunteers to use what little strength he has to distract Gara while Naruto escapes his Sakura but Naruto is unwilling to do so instead Naruto Taps into a mysterious chakra Source creates a thousand Shadow clones and soon after summons gamabunta Each of which amazes Sasuke Naruto ultimately defeats Gara but he's not able to move Sasuke collects him and takes him back to konoha with Sakura a few days later team 7 attends the third hokage's funeral search for Tsunade Sasuke arrives at a Dango shop to meet Kakashi for lunch not only does he find that Kakashi has arrived uncharacteristically early but Kakashi abruptly cancels soon afterwards when Sasuke stops by Kakashi's home later that day he finds Kakashi as comatose the assembled joanine avoid divulging what happened to him until Alba Yamashiro unwittingly reveals that Itachi has returned to konoha in search of Naruto Sasuke immediately starts tracking Naruto down so that he can in turn fight Itachi he stops by ramini chiraku and is informed that Naruto has gone to shukuba town with taraya Sasuke locates the Inn where Naruto is staying shortly after Itachi does the same Hitachi allows Sasuke an opportunity to demonstrate how much stronger he's become which he does by attacking muchidori Itachi easily blocks the attack and breaks Sasuke's arm but he is stopped from going any further by the arrival of Jiraiya when Jiraiya States his intention to defeat both Hitachi and his partner Kisame hoshigaki Sasuke demands that Itachi be left for him uninterested Hitachi kicks Sasuke away and uses tsukiyomi to force him to experience their parents murders over and over again before Sasuke passes out Itachi informs him that he is still weak Sasuke is hospitalized comatose at Kakashi before him it isn't until Naruto brings Tsunade to konoha that the trauma to their minds is healed Naruto the movie ninja Clash in the Land of Snow team 7 is sent on a mission to protect the actress Yuki fujikaze as she travels to the land of snow during the course of the mission Sasuke encounters fubuki kakuyoku and defeats her with the lion combo he also uses Chidori to damage DOTA kazahana's chakra armor but is knocked out afterwards when the mission is completed Sasuke gets Yuki's autograph for Naruto land of T escort mission in the anime team 7 is sent to the land of tea to protect idate Mourinho during the mission they are brought into conflict with Ally rokusho although Sasuke is able to help break out his sword of the Thunder God with his Chidori he is injured during the fight and must be hospitalized when they get back to konoha Sasuke recovery Mission while recuperating Sasuke reflects on his encounter with Hitachi along with aoi's mocking in the anime and is upset that after all this time Itachi is still so much stronger than he is he is also jealous of Naruto who despite being the worst student in their Academy class has seemingly surpassed Sasuke evidenced by his defeat of Gara determined to prove himself Superior Sasuke challenges Naruto to a fight when he comes to visit him in the hospital at first Naruto refuses because Sasuke is still in no condition to fight but Sasuke persists and Naruto agrees the fight escalates quickly culminating with Sasuke using Chidori and Naruto using resengan Kakashi arrives and deflects their attacks into opposing water towers before they can Clash Sasuke initially believes his Chidori was at least stronger based on the damage to their respective water Towers but upon closer examination finds that Naruto's water tower is destroyed Sasuke leaves jealous of Naruto's development Kakashi attracts Sasuke down afterwards and lectures him the Chidori is supposed to be used to protect friends not attack them Kakashi reminds Sasuke that no matter how painful the losses of the past are it would be worse to lose the friends he still has Kakashi leaves him to think over what he said and Sasuke becomes conflicted between his desire for revenge and his friendship with Naruto and Sakura before he can take Kakashi's words to Heart Sasuke is confronted by the sound four sent by Orochimaru the sound 4 fight with Sasuke to test his abilities and quickly defeat him he tries using his cursed seal to gain the upper hand but discovers that they each have cursed seals too the sound 4 offered to take him to Orochimaru so he can gain strength like theirs which he'll never achieve if he remains in konoha desperate to become stronger than Hitachi Sasuke decides to take the sound 4 up on the offer and leaves during the night as he approaches The Village's exit he is met by Sakura who tries to persuade him to stay so as to not break up team seven when this doesn't work Sakura confesses her love for him and asks to be allowed to accompany him at the very least Sasuke refuses again so she threatens to call for help he stops her by knocking her out but thanks her before he does he meets the sound four outside the village and they start guiding him to Orochimaru once they're far enough away from konoha these sound four gives Sasuke some medication that will mature his curse seal to a second stronger State he's left unconscious while his body adjusts to the drug but when he finally wakes up many hours later his body is much stronger ecstatic Sasuke continues on to Orochimaru by himself paying little attention to the sound 4's ongoing battle with the Sasuke recovery team Sasuke is stopped at the Valley of the End by Naruto Sasuke ignores his pleas to return to konoha and is unmoved by Naruto's warnings that Orochimaru will take his body believing that such a sacrifice is worthwhile if it will lead to Itachi's death Naruto starts attacking him ready to take him back to konoha by force if necessary Sasuke Returns the attacks as a way of resuming the fight that Kakashi interrupted earlier he also decides to kill Naruto remembering Itachi's explanation that killing one's closest friend will awaken the mangekyo Sharingan with his cursed seal Sasuke is able to land a number of serious blows although Naruto didn't want to believe that Sasuke would really kill him his mounting injuries convince him otherwise and force him to call on the powers of the Ninetales within him Sasuke is surprised by the Insidious chakra he senses the sudden healing of Naruto's wounds and the increases to his strength and speed Sasuke becomes angry and asks Naruto why he would go so far for him to which Naruto responds that Sasuke is like a brother to him and he simply can't let him go Sasuke acknowledges their bond and Promises to sever it but does at least put on the forehead protector that until now he refused to to do Naruto the courtesy of wearing he boasts that Naruto will not even be able to scratch the forehead protector they continue trading blows with Naruto eventually manifesting a fox-shaped cloak and Sasuke entering his cursed seals second level Sasuke clashes his Chidori with Naruto's Rasengan and within the Dome of resulting energy they finally trade blows Sasuke punches Naruto and Naruto scratches Sasuke's forehead protector proving his earlier boss wrong in the process when the energy dissipates Sasuke stands over an unconscious Naruto wounded and with no energy left to finish him he decides not to kill him since that's what Itachi would want him to do and he refuses to let Itachi decide his actions he leaves his forehead protector behind with Naruto and continues on to orochimara by himself when he finally reaches orochimaru's Lair he discovers that Orochimaru has already found a new body Sasuke is unconcerned only wanting whatever power Orochimaru can give him in Naruto's footsteps the friends pads in the anime approximately two years into his training with Orochimaru Sasuke volunteers to deliver some research material to one of orochimaru's hideouts while there Sasuke releases one of orochimaru's test subjects so we get to halsuki from his confinements and then helps Karine capture suigetsu yet again pleased with what he Witnesses of their abilities Sasuke resolves to win them both over so he can have them as allies in the future tenshi Bridge reconnaissance mission two and a half years after leaving konoha Sasuke Waits impatiently at one of orochimaru's hideouts in kusak akure when Orochimaru finally returns Sasuke demands that he resumed their training before complying Orochimaru introduces him to SAI his replacement in team 7 but Sasuke isn't interested Psy tries to engage Sasuke by discussing Naruto prompting Sasuke to knock him over with killing intent Psy persists telling Sasuke that Naruto thinks of him as a brother Sasuke replies that he only has one brother whom he will kill Side Tracks him down later as he rests Sasuke demands an explanation for the disturbance and PSY reveals that he wishes to reunite Sasuke with Naruto so as to re-establish the brotherly Bond they had annoyed Sasuke attacks him Naruto Sakura and Yamato Kakashi's replacement are attacked at the site of Sasuke's attack Sai is unharmed and is prepared to help them bring him back to konoha Sasuke reacts with indifference to Sakura and Naruto chastising the latter for still pursuing him after all these years Sasuke also goes on to tell Naruto that he couldn't simply break their bond by killing him and that he only spared Naruto's life from their first fight on a whim but intends to kill him for real this time to demonstrate that they mean nothing to him Sasuke quickly neutralizes them all his growth under Orochimaru being far greater than any of them expected Naruto frustrated by this struggles to avoid the temptation of using nine tails seeing this Sasuke enters Naruto's subconscious using his Sharingan and suppresses the nine tails but not before the Beast noted Sasuke's similarity to matara Uchiha in terms of visual prowess and chakra he escapes Yamato's attempt to capture him and prepares to kill them all but is stopped by Orochimaru Orochimaru points to their recent successes against the organization that Hitachi belongs to and explains that letting them Live May further weaken akotsky thereby making it easier to kill Itachi Sasuke accepts this reasoning and they leave team 7 behind Naruto Shippuden the movie bonds Orochimaru informs Sasuke about the land of Skies attack on konoha which Sasuke claims to have no interest in Orochimaru then gives him a mission to retrieve a scroll from Shino he tracks down Shino just as Naruto is about to defeat him stopping Naruto but also cutting off shino's chakra using Chidori senbon Shino flees luring them both the zero Tails cocoon which absorbs all of their chakra and traps them Naruto and Sasuke respond by tapping into the nine tails and the cursed seal of Heaven respectively enabling them to destroy the Cocoon Naruto and Sasuke assist with evacuating all the prisoners the land of Sky had taken just as they get the last of the lifeboats to disembark a tentacle starts attacking it Sasuke cuts it away only for Naruto to then force them onto the Lifeboat as well so that he could destroy the Flying Fortress by himself Sasuke flies off with his cursed seal transformation and watches from a distance only leaving after he sees Naruto being evacuated by amaru he delivers the scroll to Orochimaru who notices a change in his personality Sasuke says nothing but thinks about what Naruto said to him before putting him on the Lifeboat that he would bring Sasuke back home one day he then resumes his training three Tails appearance in the anime Sasuke meets one of orochimaru's test subjects yukimaru who is picking white Camellias Itachi Pursuit mission after defeating hundreds of otogakurai forces in a training match without receiving a scratch and without killing his opponents Sasuke decides there's nothing else he can learn from rochimaru he decides to kill Orochimaru before he goes finding orochimara's pursuit of power for power's sake distastefully similar to Itachi because his current host body is in the process of rejecting him anyway Orochimaru vacates it and attempts to take Sasuke's Sasuke repels the attack and cuts up his body but the exposure to fluids on orochimaru's body paralyzes Sasuke allowing Orochimaru to initiate the living corpse reincarnation Orochimaru starts imprisoning Sasuke within his own subconscious but Sasuke reverses the process with demonic illusion shackling Stakes technique imprisoning Orochimaru in Sasuke's subconscious instead before leaving the base Sasuke releases suigetsu hosuki from the tank he was kept stored in and invites him to join a team he's forming when Sasuke explains that he's dealt with Orochimaru so he gets who tests his abilities to make sure his victory wasn't a fluke and satisfied agrees to join him they travel to another Hideout to recruit Karine and release the prisoners kept there so that she wouldn't have other commitments Korean refuses to join their team but claims that she happens to be going in the same direction as they are they visit another Hideout to recruit Jugo the origin of orochimaru's cursed seals as they approach they are confronted by a horde of escaped cursive recipients but easily deal with them all although they locate Jugo easily enough in his cell he is unwilling to go with them afraid that he'll kill them in a violent rage when Sasuke demonstrates that they can keep jugo's rage under control he agrees to go with them Sasuke takes the others to soroku to stock up on supplies after which he explains that their team called heavy has been assembled for the sole reason of finding and killing Itachi they then split up to search for leads while trying to pick up Itachi's Trail Sasuke is confronted by Toby of akotsky who distracts him while Daedra attacks above with his explosive clay Sasuke summons a snake to Shield the blast and then immediately retaliate seemingly cutting Toby down although he gets up unfazed vadera attacks with a volley of additional explosives which Sasuke is able to deflect with his Chidori senbon daedora takes to the air with a C2 dragon and Toby plants explosive Minds underground cutting off Sasuke's Escape Sasuke enters the second stage of his cursed seal and by sacrificing his Transformations left Wing he is able to propel daedra's Dragon onto the Minefield frustrated that Sasuke keeps defeating his explosives datara uses C4 to cover the area in microscopic bombs that destroy anyone who inhales them from the inside out able to see the bombs of the Sharingan Sasuke uses again Jutsu to fake his death while he sneaks up behind dadera this is a trap as dater has trained himself to be immuned to genjutsu and Sasuke is trapped in a sphere of C4 explosives having earlier noticed that the explosives can be diffused with lightning chakra Sasuke escapes with Chidori and quarters Daedra he starts asking for Itachi's whereabout deactivating his Sharingan since he thinks the battle is over this insults Daedra who uses his last result c0 data dies in the explosion and Sasuke only narrowly avoids the same Fate by summoning Manda and placing it under his control so Manda can jump to the ryuchi cave thereby escaping the explosion however before Manda was de-summoned back the ryucci cave they were hit by the explosion which ultimately killed Manda Manda uses his dying breath to curse Sasuke Sasuke regroups with the rest of heavy and they locate a place to rest after a few hours kerene reports that konohan ninja are approaching their location assuming its Naruto and the others Sasuke takes heavy to one of the nearby Akatsuki bases that Jugo learned about Sasuke goes in by himself and finds Itachi waiting for him Sasuke attacks and defeats Hitachi with his Chidori sharp spear impressing him enough to divulge where the real Itachi is before it a crow clone disperses Sasuke leads heavy towards Itachi's location faded battle between Brothers as they approach the Uchiha Haida or Itachi's waiting Kisame hoshigaki meets them and allows only Sasuke to proceed Sasuke instructs heavy to wait for him and goes on alone when they finally are face to face Sasuke and Hitachi start by trading genjutsu within which they trade taijutsu attacks during a temporary lull Sasuke questions Hitachi but a suspicion he's long had that someone had helped Itachi kill the Uchiha Clan Hitachi confirms that he was helped by matara Uchiha one of konoha's Founders but Sasuke doesn't believe him while explaining history Itachi also reveals that the use of the mangekyo Sharingan eventually causes blindness which can only be cured by taking the eyes of a sibling intending to take Sasuke's eyes for just this reason Itachi uses tsukiyomi on him which Sasuke is able to break out of to Itachi's surprise Sasuke and Hitachi abandoned genjutsu and switched to Ninjutsu the volley of attacks quickly spill outside where Sasuke and Hitachi compared their great Fireballs when Sasuke starts to pull ahead Itachi uses amateurasu igniting Sasuke and seemingly killing him as Itachi approaches to take his eyes Sasuke having shed his skin to escape a matarasu attacks with multiple Great Dragon Fire techniques Itachi avoids them but Sasuke informs him that Itachi wasn't his Target storm clouds gather and lightning Brews allowing Sasuke to kill Itachi with Kirin The Hideout is destroyed and Sasuke briefly believes he's won only for Itachi to reveal that he has survived thanks to a Susana angry that Itachi could endure his strongest attack and having exhausted his own chakra reserved Sasuke activates level 2 of his care seal Orochimaru sensing Sasuke's desperation calls out to him from within his subconscious promising to help him if Sasuke lets him out having exhausted all of his tracker reserves and having none left to suppress Orochimaru he emerges from Sasuke's body attacking Itachi with his eight branches technique Itachi uses susano to behero rochumar's Jutsu but he isn't concerned having decided to take Sasuke's body while he's weak Hitachi stops him by stabbing him with the sword of tatsuka sealing him away and removing the cursed seal from Sasuke's body Itachi approaches Sasuke repeating his intention to take Sasuke's eyes and Sasuke makes futile attempts to keep him away susano continues to protect Itachi but it degrades as he labors near and Itachi starts coughing up blood when he finally reaches Sasuke Itachi appears to grab for his eyes but instead only pokes his forehead Hitachi Smiles apologizes to Sasuke and says this is the end before falling dead Sasuke is confused about what has happened but smiles for finally avenging his family before passing out when Sasuke wakes up he finds his injuries being treated by Toby who reintroduces himself as Madara Uchiha when he sees Toby's Sharingan Sasuke's eyes suddenly use Amaterasu on him Toby escapes the flames and Marvels at the lengths Itachi would go through to protect Sasuke Sasuke doesn't understand this and accuses Toby of lying to him but Toby insists that everything he says is true that Hitachi killed the Uchiha clan on orders of konoha's leadership in order to protect Sasuke Sasuke's unable to process this and passes out again when he wakes up Toby starts over explaining the uchiha's history konoha's history and hitachi's history from the beginning Sasuke tries pointing out how hard Itachi tried to kill him to which Toby replies that it was only to draw Orochimaru so as to stop him from manipulating Sasuke any further Sasuke starts recalling memories he blacked out things Hitachi said and occurrences that make more sense with Toby's version of events realizing how much Itachi loved him Sasuke is overcome with grief Naruto Jin Raiden the day the wolf howled in this novel Sasuke starts experiencing eye irritation in the days after Itachi's death Toby gives him a bottle of kotaro a medicine that Itachi used to use it helps but very little of it remains hoping to get more and to verify parts of the story that Toby told him Sasuke goes to the Howling Wolf Village there he meets Kina and reishi kodon two brothers whose relationship is very similar to the one Sasuke used to have with Hitachi when they were younger they recognized Sasuke before he even introduces himself having heard so much about him from Hitachi that they feel as though they already know him they explained that Hitachi would visit them for a couple times every year to get another prescription of kotaro and that while waiting for it to be prepared he would tell them warmly about his beloved little brother Itachi also explained to them that if Sasuke ever stopped by it would be because he had died so they share their condolences Sasuke is saddened by his confirmation that Hitachi was a good person wishing to be alone he places an order for more kotara before going off to rest in the same Shack Hitachi used to stay in during the week it'll take the kotara to be made Kina convinces Sasuke to help him investigate a series of murders that have been taking place in the area hoping it will redeem their codon Clan during the course of the investigation Sasuke discovers that Kina is behind the murders killing villagers who pick on him by inadvertently releasing Rowan a monster sealed within him every time this happens reishi wipes his memories that he won't be traumatized by what he did with the village starting to suspect that one of the brothers is responsible reishi asks Sasuke to help convince them that he is the murderer in order to spare Kina Sasuke again reminded of the relationship between Natasha himself agrees Kina however doesn't want anything to happen to reishi and once again inadvertently releases Rowan and starts attacking the Howling Wolf Village because of the nature of the seal containing Rowan they now only have 10 minutes to perform another seal or Kino will die Sasuke suggests a new seala concocted by Itachi before he died Sasuke keeps Rowan busy with his mangekyo Sharingan it having finally awakened on coming to terms with hitachi's death reishi performs the seal trapping Rowan in a nearby Shrine at the cost of his life Kina is saved and is given Soul credit for stopping reishi and saving the village Sasuke having altered The Village's memories with genjutsu Kina unable to remember anything doubts this story is true unwilling to believe reishi was a murderer Sasuke offers to take Kina with him and train him to be a ninja but Kina refuses wishing to stay in the Howling Wolf Village to help people like reishi did as in the Manga and Anime Sasuke gathers the members of heavy with Toby watching from nearby having finally accepted that Itachi was a good person who is wrong by konoha he decides that the new mission for their team now renamed taka will be to destroy konoha Payne's assault Toby offers to help taka destroy konoha but in exchange first asks that they help Akatsuki by going to kumogakure to capture the eight Tales Sasuke agrees makes it clear he plans to kill only the elders involved in the massacre and the rest of the villagers will be spared they track the eight-tails jinchuriki killer bee to the valley of clouds and lightning and confront him Sasuke and sige to attack him with their sword but he proves to be a better swordsman than they are and stabs Sasuke with several of his super vibrato lightning release swords after Karine heals his injuries Sasuke attacks be with Chidori but it has little effect B enters a version 1 form and attacks Sasuke recognizing it from his fight with Naruto tries halting bee with genjutsu B pretends to be paralyzed by it causing Sasuke to lower his guard and allowing bee to attack him with Lariat Sasuke is left badly injured and it falls to Jugo to heal him B enters tailed beast mode and attacks taka with a tailed beast ball which swigetsu uses his body to block he survives but is knocked unconscious unwilling to lose his teammate Sasuke uses his mangekyo Sharingan to perform amateur rasu on B as B rides in pain he nearly crushes Karine with a tentacle prompting Sasuke to sever it to protect her B's transformation recedes taka collects his body and they deliver it to Toby it's revealed that in an earlier secret conversation with Toby Sasuke admitted that he not only wants to kill the elders but all the residents of konoha Sasuke explains that the grief of losing Itachi and everyone being ignorant of how Itachi sacrifices life for peace made it impossible for him to follow in Itachi's footsteps and he felt that the villagers are just as guilty even going as far as to threaten to kill the loved ones of anyone who dared to oppose him as they recuperate they discovered that they've been followed by kumonin they Escape before they can be drawn into battle and set out for konoha past Arc the locus of konoha in the anime on their way to konoha Taka passes a construction site that reminds Sasuke of Team 7's mission to Rescue naho five kage Summit Toby intercepts taka on their way to konoha explaining that the bee was a fake the real bee having escaped when Sasuke severed the tentacle while trying to decide if and how they will compromise zetsu appears and announces that konoha has been destroyed already and that danzo shamura has been appointed the next Hokage because Danza was the main conspirator in the Uchiha Clan's assassination Toby comes up with an alternative for capturing the eight tails taka must go to the five kage Summit being held within a few days to kill danzo Sasuke accepts these terms and is led to the land of Iron by white zetsu on arrival white zatsu points danzo out to them and taco finds a place where they can Ambush him taka's presence is discovered exposed by white zetsu on Toby's orders and the country's Samurai mobilized to capture them Sasuke kills dozens of Samurai attracting the fourth trichage to their location taka engages the raikage and his bodyguards while Sasuke neutralizes C Jugo fights and is defeated by the reikage Sasuke and the raikage turn their attentions to each other but Sasuke is unable to pierce the raikaga's lightning release chakra mode the reikage's lightning augmented physical attacks proves similarly formidable and it is only by manifesting an underdeveloped susano that Sasuke survives the raikage's liger bomb Sasuke tries to discourage further contact from the raikakai by coding susano with a matarasu's Flames but the raikage attacks regardless willfully forfeiting his left arm in order to avenge killer bee his younger brother Sasuke and the reikage prepared to attack each other yet again but are stopped by Gara now the kazakage Gara asks for a chance to speak with Sasuke which the reikage agrees to so he can have his arm healed Gara shares his own experience with loneliness and Vengeance and how he came to decide that they were not worthwhile Pursuits he discourages Sasuke for making the same mistakes as he did but Sasuke refuses to listen because all he can see is Darkness unable to get through to him Gara and his body guard attack Sasuke escapes by caving the room in with his usano and locates Karine while telling her to leave suigetsu and Jugo behind to have her guide him to danzo danzo flees as soon as they arrive and Sasuke's attempt to pursue his block by the fifth musikage with this chakra running low Sasuke nearly succumbs to her boil release only to be saved by white zetsu's Spore technique he escapes from the mizukage but is met by the third tsuchikage who is seemingly vaporizes him with dust release Detachment of the Primitive World technique Sasuke is saved at the last moment by Toby who sends him to kamui's Dimension to keep him safe he also sends Karine with him to revitalize him Toby releases both of them later once he's Tracked Down danzo making good on his promise to help Sasuke Avenge the Uchiha Clan by killing him before they start fighting Sasuke asks for Danza to confirm that Hitachi really was ordered to kill the Uchiha by konoha's leadership danzo assuming Sasuke heard this from Hitachi criticizes Itachi for revealing the secret and concludes that Itachi in doing so is a traitor to konoha taking this as confirmation Sasuke uses susano to crush danzo in Anger danzo however appears on harm and starts attacking Sasuke Sasuke counters a number of times even evolving your susano to a completed form but each time danzo is seemingly fatally wounded he emerges a short distance away unharmed from observing danzo during their fight Sasuke notices that he has many Sharingan embedded on his arm and that they close at regular intervals he concludes that this is the key to danza's survival and that when all eyes close he won't be able to avoid injury anymore danzo confirms this as Izanagi their battle continues on until donso is left with only one Sharingan remaining at which point he and Sasuke Clash stabbing each other danzo waits for Izanagi to undo the damage only to realize that what he thought was a remaining Sharingan was Sasuke's genjutsu and that his injury is irreversible desperate to escape danzo takes Karine hostage threatening to kill her if Sasuke comes near Sasuke doesn't hesitate to stab through her with his Chidori sharp spear in order to fatally wound danzo dying danzo stuggers closely to Sasuke and Toby And activates his reverse Force symbols ceiling in order to kill them both but they escape satisfied with his revenge on danzo Sasuke States his intentions to continue on to konoha Toby advises that he rests as he's already starting to experience blindness from overusing the mangakyo Sharingan he also suggests that Sasuke finish off Karine and then leaves with danza's body Sasuke approaches Karine and bids her farewell as he prepares a Chidori but he is stopped by the arrival of Sakura she tells them that she's defected from konoha and is prepared to help him in his goals even if that means destroying the village suspicious Sasuke tells her to kill Korean to prove her loyalty but as she nears Karine Karine warns her that Sasuke is attacking her from behind his attack is blocked by Kakashi who was furious at Sasuke for trying to kill Sakura Kakashi explains that he's aware that Sakura came to kill Sasuke and doesn't want her to need to go through with that because of his own failings as their teacher Kakashi tries to discourage Sasuke from the path of Vengeance he's on which Sasuke laughs at having grown tired of people trying to change his mind and then shouts that he will only stop if his clan is brought back to him realizing Sasuke is serious about his threats to kill everyone Kakashi sends Sakura away to heal Kareem as they start fighting Sasuke once again refuses to listen to Kakashi about giving up on his revenge and says that he wants to hear their screams and anguish for laughing at hitachi's sacrifice and also states that Kakashi Sharingan is yet another example of konoha profiting off the uchiha's downfall The Rage of this realization brings to susano to evolve yet again but it dissipates immediately afterwards his eyes on the verge of blindness Sakura then tries to kill him from behind but she ultimately can't bring herself to do so sensing here Sasuke grabs her by the throat takes her kunai and tries to kill her but she's rescued by Naruto whose intent on stopping the fighting when asked by Naruto why he would attack Sakura Sasuke announces his plan to destroy the village and kill all the residents to avenge Itachi as well as admitting to murdering danzo and his desire to do the same to them Sasuke and Naruto clash with Chidori and Rasengan respectively but their mental States connect Sasuke offers Naruto two choices kill him or get killed but Naruto rejects both the impact of their attacks send them flying and Sasuke is saved by Toby as Toby tries convincing Sasuke to retreat Naruto tells Sasuke that they have become equals and they will both die the next time they fight although angry at Naruto for refusing to give up on him Sasuke accepts this and vows to kill first he finally agrees to leave with Toby and when they get back to the Mountain's graveyard he asks for Itachi's eyes needing to restore his sight if he's to become stronger than Naruto and kill him fourth Shinobi World War countdown after transplanting Itachi's eyes into Sasuke Toby advises that he rests until he gets used to them Sasuke claims that he's already more powerful because he can feel Itachi road to ninja Naruto the movie The Sasuke of the genjutsu world never defected from konoha he's still cocky and assertive but he is also comparatively more carefree and dresses fashionably he takes full advantage of girl's natural attraction to him flirting with them all indiscriminately fourth Shinobi World War confrontation Sasuke asks zetsu if he can take off the bandages over his eyes zetsu tells him to be patient by the next day Sasuke is tired of waiting and removes the bandages anyways killing white zetsu with his susano in order to test his new powers fourth Shinobi World War climax Sasuke leaves the Mountain's graveyard and wanders through two towns but finds both strangely empty when members of the white zetsu Army come after him Sasuke asks what's currently happening in the world the zetsus avoid answering and try to capture him he destroys most of them with the matarasu and interrogates one with a genjutsu the zetsu reveals that Toby has initiated added the fourth Shinobi world war in order to capture killer bee and Naruto Sasuke decapitates this last zetsu and then goes looking for Naruto himself intending to make good on his promise to kill him immediately upon entering a nearby Forest Sasuke sees Itachi going in the opposite direction Sasuke gives Chase desperately wanted to speak to Itachi because he has business elsewhere Itachi doesn't stop to talk but he does field some of Sasuke's questions Hitachi has been brought back with the impure World reincarnation he spared Sasuke all those years ago because Sasuke was only a child innocent of the rest of uchiha's conspiracies against konoha he pushed Sasuke onto a path of Vengeance because he regretted killing their family and wanted Sasuke to hold him accountable for his actions the criminal activities Sasuke has been involved in since his death are not what Itachi wanted as he wished for Sasuke to be regarded as a hero for killing him this only angers Sasuke who says Itachi had no right to decide his fate as he approaches his destination Itachi tells Sasuke to remain outside Sasuke ignores him and follows him into the cave where the user of the impure World reincarnation is hiding Sasuke initially believes the user's Orochimaru but on closer inspection recognizes him as kabatoyakashi confused with the situation Sasuke demands answers and Kabuto gives him the goal behind the war by capturing Naruto and B and using all nine-tailed beasts Toby plans to resurrect the ten Tales become his jinchotiki and cast infinite tsukiyomi on the world Sasuke also learns that he'd been promised as a compensation for Kabuto by Toby in exchange for his cooperation disapproving of Toby and kabato's war against the Nations Sasuke is angry for being used and manipulated all along because hitachi's mission is to stop kabato so as to end the impure World reincarnation Sasuke tries to end things quickly by simply killing him Itachi blocks this attack explaining that the impure World reincarnation will not be ended if kabato dies and their only option is to trap minigenjutsu aware of this Kabuto avoids making eye contact with either of them instead sending out his snakes to attack them they counter with their susano but Sasuke notices that the snakes as well as kabato himself display abilities similar to spigetsu and Karine kabato explains that he's altered his body using orochimaru's research on both of them and he's done the same for Jugo which has enabled him to enter sage mode in Sage Mode kabato Shields his eyes so he's immune to genjutsu needing to coordinate Itachi reminds Sasuke of a mission they went on as children to hunt a boar which they reenact with their susano against Kabuto Kabuto avoids them and commandeers Sasuke's sword which he uses to attack Itachi Itachi takes the sword back from him and uses up to cut the tip off of one of kabato's horns kabato tries to turn Sasuke against Itachi pointing out that Itachi has been lying to him for most of his life Tachi admits to having made many mistakes and how he's handled Sasuke but he promises to tell Sasuke something after they've stopped Kabuto for which purpose he's already started using izanami kabato resumes his attack using a variety of Jutsu available to him through sage mode and his research of others namely the sound 5 and even Orochimaru because his body is Immortal Hitachi focuses on protecting Sasuke from Haram while waiting for an opportunity to complete the izanami when the opportunity presents itself Itachi allows kamato to take Sasuke's sword again which Itachi once again takes back and uses to cut the tip off of the same horn this creates a loop of Sensation that is independent of vision trapping kabato in a genjutsu and ending the battle Itachi then instructs kabito to end the impure World reincarnation as kabato does the hand seals Sasuke tells Itachi that he can't do as Itachi wish and forgive konoha for taking his clan and brother Itachi apologizes forever expecting him to remarking that the Clan's destruction might have been avoided if he had been honest with Sasuke from the start as Itachi begins to disappear Sasuke says he intends to destroy konoha no matter what Itachi says and Itachi recognizes that he cannot change Sasuke's mind rather than poke Sasuke's head as he always did Hitachi rests his forehead on Sasuke's and tells Sasuke that he will love him no matter what choice he makes his soul then departs to the pure land with hitachi's parting words Sasuke starts to question the meaning of a Shinobi a village and a clan and doesn't know what he should do now when he's found by suigetsu and Jugo they inform him that matara Uchiha unrelated to Toby escaped the release of the impure World reincarnation leaving Itachi's last mission unfinished before deciding how he feels about this Sasuke decides he wants to find Orochimaru to that end Jugo locates anko mitarashi who has a cursed seal Sasuke then uses the evil releasing method on her to revive Orochimaru from her cursed seal although insisting he still desired Revenge Sasuke explains to Orochimaru that he wants to understand the world better so that he can in turn understand Itachi and decide which side of the conflict he should pick curious about this change that has come over Sasuke Orochimaru leads him spigetsu and Jugo to the Naka Shrine in konoha their Orochimaru releases The Souls of the first four Hokage from the stomach of the Shinigami and then uses the white zetsu spores that Sasuke was secretly planted with as sacrifices to reincarnate the Hokage Sasuke briefly summarizes the current events of the fourth Shinobi World War before he chooses which side to take in the conflict he wants to know more about what konoha is and also what it was intended to be which may in turn help him understand the sacrifices Itachi made when he was alive each of the Hokage gives their own thoughts on konoha and the Uchiha and what they did while they were in office to reconcile the two at times opposing forces from listening to them particularly the First Hokage Sasuke decides that konoha is worth protecting as it's destruction would only nullify everything that Hitachi did in his life he heads towards the battlefield and allows the Hokage to accompany as they leave Karine tracks them down and vents her anger at Sasuke who immediately forgives Sasuke's earlier attempt on her life after he simply apologizes to her the Hokage reached the battlefield before he does but he's no less willing to help the Allied Shinobi forces defeat the ten tales with the exception of Naruto all of Sasuke's former comrades are confused and suspicious of his sudden arrival and demand an explanation Sasuke replies he has decided to protect the village and he wants to be Hokage to change the current Ninja system when they retort that's impossible and remind him of his past actions Sasuke says he doesn't care about that nevertheless he joins forces with Naruto and Sakura along with the original rookie 9 the now reunited team 7 charges into battle cutting through the ten-tails army of clones because the clone's numbers are too great team 7 decides to perform their own summons that they can focus on the 10-tails itself Sasuke summons Auda once close enough Sasuke and Naruto combine efforts Into The Scorch release Halo her hurricane Jet Black Arrow style zero successfully damaging the tentale's arm Naruto wants to free the captured beasts but Sasuke prefers to let them burn Toby who is revealed to actually be Obito Uchiha appears above the ten Tails shortly afterwards and starts performing a Jutsu Sasuke and the rest of the Allied Shinobi forces try and stop him but fail and Obito becomes the ten-tails jinchuriki birth of the ten-tails jinshuriki Sasuke allows the Hokage to attack Obito first taking advantage of their Immortal bodies to test Obito's new abilities when the first three Hokage are quickly defeated Sasuke prepares to join in with the susano but Obito's truth-seeking balls quickly appears through it and Obito grabs both him and Naruto the fourth Hokage rescues them and tries fighting Obito on his own but he suffers a defeat just like the other Hokage did after regrouping Sasuke and Naruto with assistance from the fourth and Second Hokage use another attack on Obito and smile when they succeed in landing a direct hit although this attack actually succeeds in hitting Obito they discover that his new body is impervious to most conv functional forms of attack from testing with different Jutsu Naruto notices that Obito is vulnerable to senjutsu he and the fourth exploit this weakness by entering sage mode and attacking seeing how strong Naruto has become Sasuke grows jealous and angry after he recovers Obito recreates the god Tree in order to carry out the eye of the Moon plan as well as to decimate the Allied Shinobi forces as some Allied Shinobi including Naruto start fearing that the Battle Is Lost Sasuke uses his susano to cut through one of the tree's roots and berates Naruto for nearly giving up which inspires Naruto to continue fighting Sasuke then has Jugo imbue his Susana with senjutsu chakra allowing him to assist Naruto in nine tails mode in attacking Obito despite working together Naruto and Sasuke attacks separately which Obito proves consistently able to avoid or block deciding to combine efforts Sasuke coaches susano around Naruto's tailed beast mode increasing its offensive and defensive capabilities with further assistance from the rest of the konoha 11 they Succeed In cutting Obito down and ultimately removing the tailed beasts from his body Obito is unable to move after his defeat and Sasuke prepares to finish him off Kakashi stops him and offers to deal with Obito himself sending Sasuke to help Naruto deal with Madara who was fighting the First Hokage by the time he arrives there however matara has been restored to life and has neutralized the first Sasuke was quick to notice that matara had been restored into living flesh and tries to burn him with a matarasu when this failed because Madara absorbed the flame Sasuke resorts to physical attacks with his sword but moderate Dodges and asks that Sasuke joined forces with him impressed by his abilities when Sasuke refuses Madara advises that he stay out of his way or else he will die Modera goes on to recapture the tailed beasts including those sealed within killer bee and Naruto as he prepares to revive the ten tales and become its jinchotiki like Obito before him Sasuke attacks him but is caught in midair by Madara having already warned Sasuke once matara stabs him in the chest with his own sword Sasuke tries to get up determined not to let Madura win and in turn let Itachi's memory be sullied but he passes out as the life Fades from him on the edge of death Sasuke is met by hagaromo otsutsuki the famed Sage of Six Paths hagaromo warned Sasuke about the infinite tsukiyomi that matara is planning to use because Sasuke is The Reincarnation of Indra hagaroma's oldest son hagaroma can give him half of his power that in combination with the heavy Gibson Naruto The Reincarnation of hagarama's other sanasura will enable them to stop the infinite tsukiyomi Sasuke agrees and receives these Six Paths Yin power he regains Consciousness and finds that the damage to his body has been healed by Kabuto who escaped the izanami and now feels indebted to Itachi Sasuke's left eye meanwhile has become a Rinnegan Sasuke releases tobirama from madura's restraints and has him teleport to Naruto's location arriving as Naruto is facing Madura Sasuke uses his Rinnegan to see matara's invisible doppelganger when Modera tries to steal Sasuke's left eye Sasuke switched places with his sword causing Modera to impale himself while Madura recovers from the injury Naruto and Sasuke attack from opposing sides in an effort to activate the seal given to them by hagaromo matara escapes the last moment and goes after Kakashi taking a Sharingan Sasuke catches up the matara and bisects him but he uses kamui on his upper half to swap Dimensions Sasuke is later surprised to see Sakura appear after Obito use kamui to save her from matara regrouping with Team 7 and unsure when he'll return Sasuke warns the others to be on guard while they wait Kakashi remembers when his team first introduced themselves years ago and wonders what Sasuke's intents are now that Itachi's gone when asked this Sasuke doesn't reply and Kakashi doesn't push it because they have more things to worry about sensing Modera coming Kakashi reminds him of Team 7's first lesson the importance of teamwork Madara eventually returns with his other Rinnegan Sakura launches the first attack and Sasuke follows close behind her when she's stabbed by matara's broad Sasuke uses Chidori sharp spear to cut off the rod and allow Naruto to get her away Sasuke sees four more matres and has Naruto fight them while white matara moves into position to use the infinite tsukiomi Madara Reigns numerous chibaku tensei down on team 7. Sasuke cuts through several with his complete body susano but isn't able to reach moderate in time to stop the infinite tsukiomi from being cast kagaya otsodsuki strikes Sasuke hurries back to Naruto and uses a susano to Shield him Sakura and Kakashi from the infinite tsukiyomi's effects Naruto tries to go and check on the others but Sasuke tells him to be patient Sakura asks what's happening but Sasuke tells her and then Kakashi they don't need to know because there's nothing they can do and assumes leadership of Team 7 because he believes only he can stop the infinite tsukiyomi with his Rinnegan when they emerge they find matara has bound the world's population with God Nativity of a world of trees and trap them all within Perpetual dreams Madura confronts them and insists that he has ended all conflicts and at only team seven as the only remaining opposition would seek to renew the cycle of death that plagued the world for centuries which Sasuke retorts that Madura is disillusioned as he's talking Madura is stabbed from behind by black zetsu and his body is converted into kage otsutsuki which leaves team 7 Sasuke and Naruto recognize kagya from their meeting hagaromo as the origin of chakra although she now has access to the chakra of those trapped within the infinite tsukiyomi she wants team sevens too specifically Naruto's and Sasuke's she transports them to one of kagaya's dimensions a sea of lava Sasuke summons Garuda to save himself in Naruto ignoring Kakashi Sakura and an unconscious Obito Uchiha Sasuke reminds Naruto that only they can stop kaguya and therefore what happens to the others doesn't matter Naruto understands but he can't actually help but save them anyway reminding Sasuke of when he saved him in the Land of Waves Naruto engages kaguya while Sasuke attacks from above with his usano kagi repels him and he nearly falls into the lava he drops his sword and loses it to that fate but he's able to teleport to safety with a mano tejikara when they try to come up with a way to place hagaromo's seal on her kagia sneaks up behind Naruto and Sasuke paralyzes them with black zetsu and starts absorbing their chakra black zetsu reveals its role in manipulating the Uchiha Clan as part of its plan of resurrected kagio which angers Sasuke Naruto breaks them free and distracts her with his sexy reverse Harem technique which nearly allows them to initiate the seal she shifts Dimensions before they connect encasing them in ice Sasuke shatters the ice with the blaze release kagatsuchi only for kagya to then grab him and send him off by himself to a dimension of sand dunes Sasuke wanders the dunes finding the spot where Naruto's chakra signature is strongest there he is shortly afterwards found by Obito and Sakura who with considerable effort are able to briefly open a portal between Dimensions Sasuke uses Amino tejikara to teleport to Sakura's Side by switching places with her Flak Jacket catches Sakura as she's about to collapse from exhaustion thanks her and Obito and is then reunited with Naruto frustrated that her attempt to separate them failed kageya shifts to a dimension with powerful gravity immobilizing them while she kills them with her all-killing Ash bones Kakashi Shields Sasuke from her attack while Obito Shields Naruto while using kamui to warp the bone that was meant to hit and kill Kakashi only Obito dies Sasuke forces himself up and nearly hits kagi with a Chidori forcing her to shift Dimensions to somewhere with normal gravity as Naruto stays with a dying Obito Sasuke goes after kagya on his own Sasuke uses susano to fight her by himself until Naruto done grieving for Obito comes to join him Naruto's super tailed beast rasa and shuriken destabilizes the tailed BEAST's chakra within her prompting her to create an expansive truth-seeking ball to destroy them all with the end near team 7 mobilizes for its final assault Kakashi using Chaka received from Obito pierces through her Naruto with additional help from Kakashi uses Shadow clones to exhaust her countermeasures Sasuke teleports closer to her in order to initiate the seal and prepares his left eye to fire amateurasu in the event that she tried to teleport to the ice world again Sakura punches her when she tries to escape when both Naruto and Sasuke make contact with her detailed beasts are removed from kageya's body and she as well as black zetsu is entombed within the six paths chibakutensei having been waiting for this hagaromo then summons them all back to the real world with the help of the dead kage and congratulates them for their Victory Madara has also been returned so Sasuke prepares to kill him but hagaromo stops him explaining that matara is dying anyway after Madura shares his dying words with the First Hokage hagaromo Returns the kage's souls to the pure land hagaromo also informs Naruto and Sasuke that they can release the world from the infinite tsukiyomi by simply joining hands however Sasuke has other things he'd like to do first he starts by placing the tailed beasts under his control with the genjutsu traps them with chibakutensei and Promises to release the infinite tsukiyomi only after he's killed the current kage Sasuke explains that the tailed beast have too often been a source of conflict and that the kage have consistently failed to keep the peace the world would be better off without any of them because Naruto is the only one who can challenge him at this point Sasuke States his intention to kill him Sakura dissuades him by telling him that she still loves him and pleading for him to return home if he ever loved her however Sasuke uses his Sharingan genjutsu to make Sakura fall asleep condemned by Kakashi for this Sasuke tells Kakashi that there is no reason for him in Sakura to love each other and her love is a remnant of a failed past Sasuke then travels to the Valley of the end the same place where he and Naruto first fought and waits for Naruto to come to him when Naruto arrives he tells Sasuke it's impossible to do everything alone like he plans to pointing to the missteps Itachi made and their own successful teamwork against kaguya Sasuke replies that he only wants to remake A Better World one where he can like Hitachi before be solely responsible for the difficult decisions that must be made so nobody else needs to this is what he believes a true Hokage to be to do this Sasuke says he intends to erase the pass by severing all his bonds and killing Naruto enraged Naruto insists that he will be Hokage not Sasuke because Sasuke is still going against what Itachi wanted for him and they start fighting after a brief exchange of blows reminiscent of their fight years ago Naruto and Sasuke start trading punches with their tailed beast mode in susano Sasuke chastises Naruto for not attacking with an intent to kill but Naruto like last time is unwilling to do that not wishing for either of them to go without the other Sasuke uses his susano to perform Chidori and Naruto uses tailed beast mode to make a tailed beast ball which they clash with the Collision of the two attacks creates a large explosion doing noticeable but not debilitating damage to their respective avatars as they mentally connect Naruto says there's no guarantee his plan will work and Sasuke replies that it doesn't matter because thanks to his six paths power he has options for immortality to allow him to watch over the world for eternity each therefore Powers up the avatars Sasuke by channeling the captured tailed beasts into a susano and Naruto by merging his Avatar with the avatars of two Shadow clones the two meet attacks once again this time creating a giant explosion that strips away their avatars and leaves them with too little chakra to use it practically they instead resort to taijutsu kicking and punching each other into the night as they near exhaustion Naruto musters what little chakra he can which Sasuke immediately absorbs however as the chakra was not molded to fit Sasuke's chakra's signature he wasn't able to utilize it having expected this Naruto delivers a solid punch finally irritating Sasuke over the endless repetition of their fight Sasuke uses Chidori and Naruto taking the last remaining track where the nine tails can give him counters of the Rasengan with Naruto waking up earlier to find that much of the Valley of the end had been destroyed that they each had lost an arm and that neither could move Sasuke wakes up afterwards and asks Naruto why he continues to try to stop him and never gives up on him Naruto's usual response that their friends doesn't convince Sasuke since it obviously goes beyond that so Naruto elaborates that he experiences pain whenever Sasuke is going through a tough time Sasuke is shocked knowing full well that Naruto has experienced various misfortunes in his life smiled through all of them yet would Suffer Without him Sasuke thinks about their childhood of being orphans and how Sasuke came to see Naruto as a friend because they shared the same pain both went to sleep again because of exhaustion Sasuke dreams of his brother and Recaps all the obstacles Naruto went through to get stronger Sasuke has an epiphany after years of trying to push the bonds of his friends away Sasuke realizes his desire to return to them and feels guilty for having rejected them for his selfish goals when they wake up the next day Sasuke is surprised that they're still alive and laughs when Naruto is angry and still wants to beat him as he's too weak to fight him in this condition Sasuke finally admits defeat as he's come to accept that Naruto is just as vital to him as he is to Naruto he asks Naruto to give his Rinnegan to Kakashi in order to undo the infinite tsukiyomi but he wants to end his own life in order to atone for his sins but Naruto refuses and vows to be there for his friend no matter what which moves Sasuke to tears Sakura and Kakashi arrive and Sakura begins healing them guilt written for the pain he put Sakura through Sasuke tries to speak to her but she tells him not to because she needs to concentrate on healing them Sasuke then apologizes to Sakura for everything he's done which she tearfully accepts and Sasuke Smiles at her all the wildest Kakashi looks on with joy as team 7 reunites for good Sasuke and Naruto do a rat hand seal to undo the infinite tsukiyomi and free everyone and the tailed beasts as they do so Sasuke talks about how he and Naruto have come to understand each other's feelings and pain and he finally understands why Naruto never gave up on him in the anime following the war Sasuke is kept in the custody of the konoha torture and interrogation Force until his fate is decided blank period several months later Sasuke is pardoned for his crimes based on his service and helping undo the infinite tsukiyomi along with the good word of Naruto Kakashi's influence as a world hero and the new Hokage respectively well offered to be giving a fully maneuverable prosthetic arm made of hashirama senju's cells to replace his last one Sasuke declined the offer as it would take months instead he decided to immediately leave konoha to wander the world curious how different it will appear to him now that his Outlook has changed Sakura offers to come with him but he declines explaining that his journey is also one of atonement and that she has no part in that he then pokes her forehead promises to her that he will see her when he returns and Banks her as he leaves the village he's met by Naruto who returns to him his forehead protector Sasuke accepts the headband and credits Naruto for teaching him the true meaning of a Shinobi while on his travels Sasuke would often help the great five nations wherever something tried to disrupt the peace although he often did this without being seen he often left subtle hints that he was responsible the last Naruto the movie two years after the war Sasuke crossed his paths with hiashi hyuga who falls unconscious in front of him he returns hyachi to konoha and while there discovers a series of meteorites from the Moon bombarding The Village when one particularly large meteor makes it through The Village's defenses Sasuke quickly destroys it Sasuke vanishes afterwards lingering only long enough to note to Kakashi that Sasuke himself is the only one who could protect the village when Naruto is away in the end credits and correspondence to Naruto and Hinata's wedding Sasuke continues his journey through the desert Sakura hidden thoughts of Love riding upon a spring Breeze rumors start to spread that someone fitting Sasuke's description is conspiring to destroy konoha konoha sends repeated messages to Sasuke to try and confirm or deny the rumors but he doesn't respond to any Naruto's hypothesis that he finds the rumors too ludicrous to give them any attention however when one of the messages mentioned Sakura has been captured he immediately returns to the Village Sakura is able to deal with most of her captors herself but Sasuke finishes off a few remaining he then leaves without even saying hello to his friends at the end of the novel it's hinted that Sasuke returns to the Village to be with Sakura when he States I'm home Sakura konohahideen the perfect day for a wedding on Naruto and Hinata hyuga's wedding day Sasuke sends a congratulation message by hawk to their wedding reception which Sakura collects Akatsuki hidden evil flowers in full bloom during his journey Sasuke meets two boys that tell him stories about Akatsuki after he leaves them he meets another boy who confuses him for Itachi who the boy had met many years earlier he tells Sasuke that Hitachi was a very good person which Sasuke agrees with before departing once more Sasuke shinden book of Sunrise as Sasuke starts investigating kaguyotsutsuki during his journey of redemption he is forced to examine his former role as an Avenger and how his past will influence his future during his traveling he receives a message from Kakashi regarding the disappearances of konoha Kumo and Kiri Shinobi and Sasuke agrees to investigate on his way to the land of lightning Sasuke arrives at a Bamboo Village in the land of hot water and learns from the villagers of a rogue ninja group called The Dark Thunder Group whose leader kariu admires Sasuke yet wants to kill him in order to surpass him at the Village he meets two wandering Shinobi she Sasuke finds the group attacking the village and defeats them saving all the villagers from harm kariu admits he has admired Sasuke since the latter attacked the kage summit much to Sasuke's dismay that karyu is tarnishing his name before he can turn karyu over to Kona Karu is killed by the father of one of his victims when the genjutsu fails to dispel after karu's death Sasuke suspects the real culprit is on the loose Sasuke later meets with Orochimaru and his former team taka comrades to investigate the matter further Sasuke maintains contact with Sai when konoha is attacked and discovers the origins of the dark Thunder Group he finds most of the missing Kiri and Kumo Shinobi on an isolated island and through luck discovers that Chino and nawaki are in fact responsible for the disappearances as they flee Sasuke delivers the Shinobi to their Villages and thanks to advice from the reikage goes to yukakure where he finds and battles Chino she reveals that she is seeking Revenge due to that she is from a clan that was eliminated due to her Village fearing its katsuriugan and she holds the Uchiha Clan partially responsible because Sasuke understands her pain and hatred he defeats them without seriously injuring them and convinces them to accept the feat Sasuke drops them off at The Village's prison but he leaves a good word for them to be forgiven after resuming his journey Sasuke receives a letter from Naruto that mentions Sakura comparing his efforts to protect the village to that of his childhood dream of joining the konoha military police force Sasuke decides his home is with Sakura and makes the decision to return to konoha where he's greeted by Sakura welcome back Sasuke and he replies I'm home Sakura New Era two years after saving konoha from a meteorite Sasuke traveled alongside his now pregnant wife Sakura who refused to leave his side on the journey Korean helped deliver the child sarada Uchiha at one of orochimaru's hideouts afterwards Sasuke raised his daughter for some time but he left konoha early in her childhood leaving Saturday with few memories of him years later at the time Naruto became Hokage Sasuke was investigating kagaya within her sand Dimension during his investigation Sasuke comes to suspect that she created the white zetsu Army in order to face some greater threat he returns to konoha where he tells his hypothesis to his wife and the five kage at the summit being held not wishing to cause a panic the kage agree to keep this to themselves for the time being wanting to safeguard the future of his daughter and the new generation Sasuke continues his wanderings as he tries to find more information using his Rinnegan to inspect other dimensions Academy entrance Arc in the anime after a remnant of root failed to destroy the village Naruto brought the research of gozu tenno to Sasuke realizing the true nature behind it Sasuke was amazed at how close danzo came to replicating kagi's technique after noting that it would help in his investigation Naruto suggested that Sasuke returned to the village for a while Sasuke however simply asked Naruto to apologize to Sakura for his continued absence before leaving sarada Uchiha Arc searching through kaguya's Dimensions Sasuke returns to the Earth through his portal upon arriving in a forest both of his dojutsu weakened from overuse immediately after Sasuke is attacked by a hooded figure bending him off Sasuke discovers the assailant to be a young boy with the Sharingan whose clothes beared the Uchiha Crest as he questions who the boy is the child Retreats which prompts Sasuke to send a message by hawk to Naruto to inform him of the encounter and to ask for a meeting with him at Ridge Tower after waiting for a while he's found by sarada who left konoha to find her father seeing her with the Sharingan and having the Uchiha Crest on her back Sasuke suspects she's connected to the boy and almost attacks her until she calls out to him as Dad and he realizes she is his own daughter when Naruto arrives shortly afterwards Sasuke reprimands him for bringing children like sarada and chocho akimichi along sarada defends Naruto insisting that she came against his wishes because she wanted to meet Sasuke wanted to know where he'd been all these years wanted to know if Sakura was her real mother and who Karine in the photo with Team taka is he ignores her questions and says his actions have nothing to do with her causing her to storm out crying when Sasuke senses Naruto and sarada being attacked by Shin Uchiha the father of the boy from before Sasuke rushes out to lend assistance he swats away Shin's projectiles and when Shin takes his sword he blasts him with a great Fireball and takes the sword back however this brief contact allows Shin to control the sword remotely with his mangekyo Sharingan which he uses when he has an opening to stab Naruto Shin turns his attention to sarada and Sasuke and rushes to protect sarada from Shin's follow-up attack and has all the blades land at him Sakura then appears and incapacitates shin with a punch Sakura apologized to Sasuke for not making things clear to sarda about his mission but Sasuke insists he's at fault before one of Shin's creatures teleports him and Sakura away unable to locate their whereabouts Sasuke believes Orochimaru knows where Shin is and learning Shin is targeting sarada he decides to take her with him to ensure her safety when they arrive Sasuke promises retaliation against Orochimaru if he in any way is involved in the attack on his daughter or the kidnapping of his wife Orochimaru denies responsibility confessing that Shin is an old experiment he has long before lost control of and says that Shin's sons are actually his genetic clones to help them deal with Shin arochimaru offers some suggestions about where they might find him when Orochimaru suggests Sakura is already dead Sasuke denies this as a possibility due to her not being a weak woman stating that she likely will have already finished Shin off by the time they find her when his Rinnegan recharges from his earlier dimensional travels Sasuke manifests to susano and transports Naruto sarada and chocho to Shin's Hideout as Sasuke guess Sakura is already in the middle of combat when they arrive and Sasuke uses his to punch the largest clone as he grabs Sakura he pulls all the scalpels out of her arm and burns them with a matarasu before asking if she can heal herself now Sasuke and the others proceed to fight Shin who is stabbed by the Clones who then turn on Sasuke and Naruto when the spying creature tries to teleport Shin once again Sasuke calls out to sarada to warn her about that and then she kills the creature before activating her Sharingan and using her chakra enhanced strength to defeat some of the Clones making Sasuke smirk with pride when the battle's over Sasuke comments how soft Naruto is for offering to do no harm to the clones if they surrender but agrees to drop them off of the konoha orphanage when sarada learns that Sakura really is her biological mother she asks her father if he feels truly connected to Sakura he says yes because sarada as their daughter is proof of their bond moving sarad out of Tears Sasuke spends some time with sarda and Sakura in konoha even posing for their first family photo after some time Sasuke is about to leave again and hugs his daughter as she sadly asks him when he will come back Sasuke tells sarada not to make such a face and pokes her on the forehead promising to come home soon which makes her very happy and prompts her to smile at Sakura Sakura then gives him a bagged lunch and hopes for a kiss in return but he leaves without further comment only smirking in Amusement as he walks away Naruto shinden parent and child day as Sasuke finished business with a village near konohakakure he decided to return home to visit his family there he learned from boruto of the new Village holiday parent and child day told where sarda was Sasuke decided to spend the day with his daughter while sarada was overjoyed at the idea the normally poised man struggled to connect with his daughter simply trying to get inspiration wherever we could instead simply embarrassing sarada finally having enough Sarah has stormed off Sasuke was then approached by Sakura he discussed with her his problem in connecting with sarada soccer noticed that having spent much of sarada's life away and only hearing stories about Sasuke and its various exploits sarada probably became disillusioned at who Sasuke was as a person and his attempts at being a doting father seemed lame ultimately Sakura suggested that he should approach sarada more like Sasuke's relationship was with his father and brother back in the day just enjoying the time they have together and talk about their goals later while working on her shuriken skills Sasuke approached her again applauding her on her goal of becoming hukage he insisted that she would make a better Hokage than he ever could and would support her through her struggles much to her Delight as the day ended she and Sasuke returned home where the entire Uchiha family enjoyed a hearty meal together versus momoshiki Arc as Sasuke continued his investigation he found the remains of a stronger crop of white zetsu in the Mountain's graveyard which he proceeded to destroy with the matarasu upon arriving at kagi as ice Dimension Sasuke locates a scroll in kagia's Palace there he's attacked by kinshiki and momoshiki yotsutsuki while capable of fighting the former on equal terms he realizes he can't take them both on at once by using his rinnegan's abilities he is ultimately able to escape unable to read the scroll with his Rinnegan Sasuke takes it back to konoha to have it deciphered he stops at Naruto's house to deliver it to him but is attacked by Naruto's son boruto Uzumaki who mistooks Sasuke for his father Sasuke easily blocks the attack and asks for Naruto's whereabouts Hinata Naruto's wife tells him Naruto is still at the hokage's office on finding Naruto Sasuke remarks that boruto is quite similar to him Naruto disagrees thinking he is more in common with Sasuke but retracts and says boruto isn't like him either Naruto thinks they are behind the new generation which Sasuke disagrees with because the nature of Shinobi never changes and they make a bet over this as Sasuke leaves to go home to his family boruto launches a sneak attack Sasuke once again avoids it effortlessly and pushes boruto over impressed boruto asks Sasuke to train him having heard that Sasuke is Naruto's only equal and thus best qualified to help him become stronger than his father Sasuke tells boruto to ask him again after he's learned to use the Rasengan boruto does just that and demonstrates it after he becomes able to form it on seeing it Sasuke remarks that boruto's Rasengan is quite small which boruto wrongly believes is to mean he's been rejected causing him to subsequently run off Sarah then reveals herself to her father and tries to convince him that he's being too hard on boruto and he usually didn't apply that kind of dedication to anything Sasuke tells his daughter that boruto jumped to the wrong conclusion and that he was going to agree to make him a student in truth Sasuke was quite satisfied further impressed by the lightning nature boruto applies to his Rasengan the next day boruto demonstrates a normal size Rasengan which Sasuke recognizes to be a result of using the kote boruto tries to cover this up by boasting about his exceptional skill being the reason for the remarkable progress of his brasengan Sasuke cryptically references the fact that boruto was willing to cheat to attain his goals by saying boruto was quite different from Naruto and hoped it wasn't the case nonetheless he agrees to train boruto since he had already met his requirement he later spoke to boruto's jonian Sensei Konohamaru sarutobi who agreed to let Sasuke take over his actual training after his day training with Sasuke the two sit by a fire and talk boruto starts asking about his father's weaknesses Sasuke explains that Naruto has many weaknesses but nonetheless managed to pull himself up and become Hokage believing boruto's approach to be incorrect Sasuke explained that Naruto is better understood by the hardships he overcame in his life than the flaws that he may have this doesn't satisfy boruto so he throws himself into training for the upcoming tuning exams shurikenjitsu figuring prominently in Sasuke's lessons while training boruto struggles with bending his throws complaining that shurikenjitsu is Sarah at his specialty because she is Sasuke's daughter Sasuke retorts this assertion by applying the same reason to boruto regarding the shadow clone technique of which boruto can only create two as opposed to his father who can create thousands Sasuke keeps tabs on how deciphering the scroll is going but it isn't until the day of the tuning exam's finals that it is finally finished reading what it says Sasuke finds his suspicions about the threat kagya Was preparing for confirms and rushes to inform Naruto when he arrives at the stadium where the finals are being held kinshiki and momoshiki are already attacking Sasuke rescues sarada from falling debris but is confronted by kinshiki when he tries to get her to safety shikamarunara briefly restrains kinshiki and momoshiki allowing Sasuke to tell Naruto that the scroll says that kinjiki and momoshiki harvest planets chakra in order to prolong their lives and that kagi was building a white zetsu Army to prepare for their inevitable Invasion as momoshiki starts attacking Naruto forms his tailed beast mode around boruto and Sarah in order to protect them Sasuke layers his susano over this to provide additional protection The Shield is insufficient against momoshiki so Naruto instructs Sasuke to focus on protecting the children while he fights momoshiki alone Sasuke it does so staying with boruto and sarada and as a result preventing them from stopping Naruto's capture with his father gone boruto feels guilty about how he treated Naruto and reprimanded himself for being so uncool overhearing this Sasuke affirmed boruto's words and noted that if it weren't for his mother and sister he would be in the same position Naruto would be in the past after boruto asks Sasuke how his father overcame his hardships Sasuke suggests boruto asked Naruto in person and also telling him Naruto is stronger than him up until now and to that end invites boruto to join him in rescuing him when boruto asks why he'd been invited and why Sasuke agreed to train him in the first place Sasuke explains that boruto is an exceptionally gifted Shinobi and has the potential to surpass Naruto because he hates to lose the five kage then reveal themselves and offered their assistance to rescue Naruto revealing that they are on friendly terms with Sasuke before they leave however Sasuke lends his forehead protector to boruto who had his confiscated by Naruto for Cheating in the exams Sasuke uses his Rinnegan to open a portal to momoshiki's Planet before they leave Hinata tries to stop boruto from leaving who then puts on Sasuke's headband and affirms confidently that he's going to go save his father reminding Hinata of Naruto when he was young Sasuke approves of this demeanor and notes that boruto is finally starting to carry himself like a true Shinobi when they arrive on momoshiki's planet which has long since had its chakra harvested the group frees Naruto from momoshiki and kinshiki who had him bound to a tree resembling the god tree and immediately engaged them in battle Sasuke assists the sixth mizukage and fourth tsuchikage with restraining kinshiki and then joins Naruto the fifth kazakage and the fifth raikage against momoshiki he warns them not to use Ninjutsu since momoshiki can absorb them kinshiki breaks free and drives them back then allows momoshiki to absorb him to become stronger Naruto and Sasuke start fighting momoshiki with taijutsu during the course of which Sasuke is badly burned Naruto catches him and heals his wounds with the Ninetales chakra allowing them to continue their tailed beast mode and susano to strike him down with momoshiki Down The Uninvited katasuke tries to finish him off this unwittingly revives momoshiki giving him a chance to paralyze Naruto and the kage with Shadow paralysis Jutsu while Sasuke elsewhere protects boruto Sasuke suggests that boruto attack momoshiki with his resen gun depending on his lightning nature to catch him off guard this works in the kage are freed but an earlier injury prevents Naruto from fighting he adds his chakra to boruto's Rasengan which Sasuke then helps him find an opening to use to destroy momoshiki with after the battle Sasuke tells Naruto he won their bet when they returned to konoha and Sasuke posed for a photograph of Naruto boruto and the other kage however in the anime before they departed from the other dimension Sasuke managed to catch a glimpse of boruto's conversation with momoshiki's fading Spirit thanks to his Rinnegan as well as notice that some technique had been used to stop the flow of time so the conversation passed unseen for everyone else after everything returns to normal apart from concern about the third otsutsuki foe who escaped Sasuke meets with boruto again he reveals that he knows about his mark from omoshiki insisting that boruto let him know if anything had happened from him he also let boruto keep his old forehead protector as a sign of being Sasuke's official pupil Sasuke decided to take advantage of his research being analyzed to spend a few days with his fan Emily later Sasuke and Sakura both smiling watched sarada and her teammates leave for a mission soon afterwards Sasuke returned to his investigation of the otsutsuki in the anime Sasuke came back to the Village to give Naruto information and told him not to promote sarada tuning due to refusal to obey direct orders one-tailed escort Arc in the anime having notified sunagakure that the otsutsuki were searching for shukaku Sasuke alongside Gara kankuro and Asuna genian team assembled at the tailed BEAST's location Sasuke sent a messenger hawk to inform konoha of the location and that he might be on urashiki otsutsuki's tail there Sasuke and Gara fought urashiki and his puppets as the two sides battled evenly boruto suddenly appeared prompting Sasuke to protect his student leading him to become distracted and urushiki taking some of his chakra as Sasuke leapt towards his opponent urashiki teleported him to another dimension he ultimately arrived in kagi as ice Dimension while unharmed his battle exhausted him too much Sasuke was forced to spend time to recover his chakra to return to sunagakare as Rinnegan was too weak to maintain a portal once recovering enough chakra he detected urashiki's repeated Dimension hopping and teleported in time to stop the foe from striking down borico and shinki Sasuke's return prompted urashiki to retreat Sasuke brought the genie into konohakakure for treatment and reported the events to Naruto there it was decided that shukaku would remain in Naruto's protection until better precautions were made time slip Arc in the anime as Sasuke began enjoying some downtime in the village he was approached by boruto the pupil asked Sasuke about the nature of Jiraiya's worth as a ninja and his relationship with Naruto Sasuke admitted that jiraya was a remarkable man whose influence and guidance strongly shaped Naruto into the remarkable man he is today even noting that they ultimately shared a father-son relationship when boruto asked if Sasuke could get him and icha icha book to learn more about the man Sasuke bluntly refused knowing that boruto was too young for such an adult book later Sasuke learned from Naruto and Shikamaru that urashiki was on the move again being even more indiscriminate in his stealing of chakra later when boruto was annoyed that he was the only genian that was put off of the mission to hunt urashiki due to the otsutsuki's previous Vendetta against him Sasuke however offered him an alternate plan of making boruto a two-man team with him while staying within the village which Naruto agreed to later that night urashiki was discovered and most of the konohan din in the village went after him Sasuke however doubted that things were working so smoothly especially after learning that genjutsu specialist Mirai sarutobi went missing knowing of urushiki's ability to replicate people's techniques from their chakra boruto doubted urashiki would go after his father as he was still well guarded he then realized uroshiki's true motive was an artifact found by the konohagakurai archaeological research team his hunch has proven true when he and Sasuke engage in combat with urashiki the artifact turned out to be a turtle belonging to the otsutsuki named karasuki that required enough chakra to operate odishiki activates it while boruto and Sasuke followed him they entered a void where they battled nakagotoshiki off a ledge too soon for him when karasuki finished its operation and Sasuke found themselves back in konohagakure but to their shock they realized that they had been sent to the Past realizing urashiki's plan was to acquire kurama's chakra from Naruto as a child Sasuke asked karasuki about the enemy the turtle explained that due to Sasuke's interference urashiki would not arrive in this time period for a few days it also warned Sasuke and boruto to avoid as much interaction with the past as possible or risk severe changes to the timeline as they know it taking this to Heart Sasuke and boruto disguise themselves and stressed their situation to boruto as he discovered how different The Village was soon afterwards boruto and Sasuke bumped into Naruto and jiraya who were in trouble for peeping on the women's hot spring Jiraiya handed boruto his binoculars trying to frame him for his peeping but the issue was quickly resolved as Tsunade arrived and scolded both Naruto and Jiraiya for their actions Tsunade asked about boruto and Sasuke's arrival and Sasuke claimed they were traveling performers who utilized Ninjutsu during their performances still somewhat suspicious Tsunade ordered Naruto and Jiraiya to guard boruto and Sasuke proclaiming that a recently defected genin as well as konoha still recovering from an assault during the tuning exams they needed to remain on their guard at all times and couldn't afford to let strangers walk into their Village however as soon as Tsunade leaves Jiraiya left Naruto to take care of boruto and Sasuke much to Naruto's annoyance as they walk around the village they come across Sakura and while Naruto approaches her Sasuke leaves the area warning boruto that since he and Sakura were close she could recognize him and drastically alter the future and informed boruto to remain by Naruto's side at all times before leaving Days Later Sasuke bumped into Sakura again dropping an old smeared letter from sarada in the process eventually boruto confronted Sasuke about his past having deduced the truth about his past selves absence still ashamed of his past mistake Sasuke simply admitted that at the time he saw no other way to accomplish his goal of Revenge when boruto suggested finding his younger self to reason with him Sasuke bluntly said they can't such a risk the following day urashiki finally appeared prompting Sasuke and boruto to guard the future Hokage uroshiki acted quickly and struck Naruto with his hook shocked to see that it failed to gain any chakra deciding the best course was to capture Naruto urushiki subdued Naruto and trapped boruto and Sasuke along with Jiraiya who happened along inside a stone prison Sasuke explained to jariah that he and boruto were actually ninja from a distant village with a mission to stop urashiki from stealing the Ninetales chakra and that urashiki had ties to Akatsuki while seeing they were still hiding some truth Jiraiya decided to work with the duo breaking them free by summoning a giant toad soon Sasuke locked under Naruto's location from detecting the tailed beast chakra beginning to leak out along the way having realized that the eight trigram ceiling style was stopping oroshiki from stealing the nine tails chakra Jiraiya plays powerful seals on boruto and Sasuke to protect them as well upon finding Naruto urashiki's actions forced the boy into his version 1 State while Sasuke engaged uroshiki jaraya and boruto went to subdue the rampaging Naruto boruto attempted to reason with his father believing that talking would restore his sanity but quickly became horrified as his efforts failed and Naruto ended up nearly killing him before Jarius subdued Naruto after urashiki Retreats Jiraiya tends to boruto's wounds and talks about Naruto's lonely childhood and hatred suffered by the villagers and suggests that boruto trained with him alongside Naruto knowing the foe would return and believed that the two children's compatible nature they would work and learn well together the following day Sasuke watched from afar as Jiraiya began instructing Naruto and boruto on how to synchronize their chakra to create a new cooperation Ninjutsu as the day continued and the two children struggled to complete the task boruto still reeling from being attacked by Naruto's Berserker attack while influenced by kurama's chakra decided to distance himself from the increasingly angry Naruto Jiraiya then approached Sasuke asking him to deliver Naruto some food while he dealt with something Sasuke reluctantly agreed upon confronting his best friend's past self Sasuke was amazed to learn how even back then how committed Naruto was to save Sasuke from his dark path a ashamed to see how much pain he put Naruto through Sasuke told Naruto about how a friend struggled for years to help him after he lost his way but never gave up until finally succeeding after renewing Naruto's conviction Sasuke left he was then approached by jariah again shocking Sasuke by deducing who he really was as Jiraiya dryly laughed off his accusation he remained firm on his suspicion that he was connected to the rogenin Jiraiya could tell that Sasuke and boruto's desire to protect Naruto was genuine and that they had their reason for keeping secrets he made a deal with Sasuke not to delve deeper into their true identities provided that Sasuke reveal all he knows about urashiki Sasuke then explained all he knew about the alien's abilities after hearing all this Jiraiya deemed that the best course of action would be to seal away urashiki before they could formulate a proper plan Sasuke detected urashiki's return speeding off with jariah to help boruto and Naruto with Sasuke still drained from urashiki's theft of his chakra Sasuke struggled to keep up with the foe even with the settings Aid as odishiki repeatedly evaded his foe's attacks he smugly told them that he can see the future finding odishiki's newest technique too dangerous Sasuke tackled urashiki and himself into the river to give his allies a chance to escape while urashiki escaped from the river unharmed and Furious at Sasuke's Casa interference and unconscious Sasuke was fished out of the river by Sakura who hid him and began treating him with their medical Ninjutsu soon Sasuke awoke accidentally thanking Sakura by her given name while not fully recovered Sasuke decided to go help his friends Sakura began asking him questions but her efforts at healing him exhausted her and she fainted Sasuke gently lay her down before heading off he arrived to see his allies facing a transformed urashiki the combined efforts barely were able to compete with the foe ultimately seeing his friends get hurt amid Naruto unleash his version 1 cloak again and went on a rampage boruto however managed to reach Naruto and together they were able to perfect their new collaboration technique with the combined effort of Jiraiya and Sasuke the two kids were able to plow through urashiki's final attack and obliterate rate him days later after everyone recovered from Battle Sasuke and boruto decided to leave soon as their mission was complete they were approached by Sakura who demanded for Sasuke to reveal how he knew her and what the contents of his letter were about while Sasuke struggled to answer jariah gave a convincing Alibi that Sasuke and boruto were in fact such Avid fans of his they studied up on his entire life and wished to train under him which boruto and Sasuke awkwardly agreed to the following day after Sasuke used his Sharingan to erase the memories of everyone in the past they had made contact with to protect the timeline the master and student used karasuki to return to their time also knowing that it was too dangerous for anyone else to wield the turtle's power Sasuke and borutoken Vincent digwana journey of self-discovery to find its own path once arriving in their present Sasuke informed Naruto about the recent adventure and of uroshiki's demise while Naruto was glad the piece had been restored to the world Sasuke insisted that there were still hidden sites of kaguya that he would have to investigate but noted that he would make sure to visit his family much more regularly mujina Bandits are boruto later tells Sasuke of his encounter with momoshiki and informs him of the mark on his palm leading to Sasuke telling boruto that it wasn't normal and also to be on guard after shojoji was apprehended Sai and Sasuke come in to interrogate him as he questions jojoji about the mark on boruto's Palm shojoji reveals that it's associated with the organization known as Kara and the Mark's nature is vaguely similar to orochimaru's join Jutsu Sasuke retsudan arc when Naruto became ill due to an unknown condition Sasuke went to the land of radaku after learning rumors that hagaromo otsuki had the same condition and found a cure there once arriving he asked around for help but none of the citizens had any information as they were not used to seeing Outsiders he was approached by Lila who offered to bring Sasuke to her mother kale for help kale looked through the old Archives of radaku history and folklore and found a connection to the sage of six paths and the astronomy Research Institute as it doubled as a prison Institute Sasuke committed himself inside Sasuke quickly distinguished himself as someone not to be messed with when the inmates attacked him despite quickly knocking out all of his foes the director of The Institute zansudu vouched for Sasuke as only fighting in self-defense later one of the inmates was killed trying to escape when he was attacked by meno a living Velociraptor guarding the Institute Sasuke realized there was a dark secret here later meeting one of his cellmates Gigi who helped Sasuke better understand the customs of the foreign land Sasuke made a bet in a game of dice after winning by manipulating the dice with his chakra he told his cellmates to cover for him while he investigated something outside the creature was unaffected by his genjutsu prompting Sasuke to cut off its right Talons and slice open its chest the following day Sasuke was shocked to learn that Mena was still alive and fully regenerated he was approached by zonsuru who realized that Sasuke attacked meno previously Sasuke tried to subdue him with his Sharingan but he revealed to have a glass eye making him immune zonsuru warned Sasuke that if he kept snooping he would be in trouble soon after Sasuke was harassed by the guards while letting himself get beaten up Sasuke took a guard's passcloth to safely move about the Institute along the way he found another prisoner who was victim of a prank and needed a cloth to return safely after Sasuke gave him his Sasuke was attacked Again by meno poisoned by the creature's scratch he was forced to run away he was then found by Sakura Who infiltrated The Institute as its new infirmary doctor she treated him of his poisoning and took a sample for more testing she revealed new Intel about how the sage cut a meteor in two obtaining polar particles that cured his illness the sage separated the particles into two groups hiding them in the sky that fell to the earth and the star that never Strays and that to find the particles one must Revel with the map of the heavens Sakura explained the new theory that Naruto's illness comes from being a gingeriki and Sasuke insisted that Sakura leave due to the unusual dangers of The Institute but she firmly refused insisting that Sasuke needed her help as Sasuke accepted her offer Gigi came looking for treatment for his burst blister Sasuke initially hid himself but revealed himself as Sakura's husband when Gigi tried to flirt with her interested in her pink hair unusual to the country she claimed to have taken the job because she missed Sasuke as the prison didn't allow visitors Sakura gave Sasuke a passcloth so he could safely get back to his cell along the way Gigi voices belief that Sasuke should commit more time to be with his wife Sasuke asked Gigi if he knew anything about the map to the heavens who pointed him to panjira who might know something as he was a library attendant upon asking panjira he checked the catalogs and found that the books that Sasuke was looking for were in a secure section in the basement Sakura approached them claiming to have an interest in studying astronomy appealing to his love of gambling Sakura played panjira to a standstill in cards before finally relinquishing the key to her later that night the two went into the basement not wanting others to flirt with Sakura anymore he slipped a wedding ring he made with Earth release on her finger while researching the books they found an art style similar to size not native to this country looking deeper at the drawings they realize that the art style seemed to be the basis of a popular card game in the land of radaku the pattern revealed a connection to the constellations in the Stars they also noticed the old notes contained the konoha emblem Sasuke trusted to Sakura to figure out the code her passing him a note with the decrypted code Days Later asking to me feet meeting with Sakura he revealed his discovery that the hoshino Rabe game was based off the history of the sage of six paths and detailed beasts Sakura explained that a messenger from the capital was arriving to meet with zansuru Sakura knocked him out and disguised herself as him while Sasuke transformed into his staff as Sakura converts with zansudu in his office Sasuke snuck away using his Earth release to make a key for the back door it led to a Cellar that was filled with stones and chickens before Sasuke could look more zansuru came in not taking a chance Sasuke dispersed himself revealed to be a shadow clone later while talking with Gigi Sasuke realized that the sky that fell to Earth half was hidden in a lake later he approached Sakura who realized that the card game was also based off the 12 hand seals in Ninjutsu and that its strongest hand was the key to decode the map of the heavens as the two found the sight Sasuke off-handedly asked Sakura if she would like an authentic wedding ring and Sakura politely declined Sasuke admitted to Sakura his regret in not being around more over the years since they got married as Sakura took out the playing cards to decipher the seal Sasuke noticed the backs of the cards had a lizard on a rock Sakura noted how long ago there were Dragonic creatures that went extinct after a meteor crashed on the planet as Sakura performed the hand seals to reveal the polar particle Sasuke realized that the prisoners were digging up fossils and from that the true nature of zansudu's plan suddenly several ancient dragons took to the sky which Sasuke deduced were summoned by the impure World reincarnation technique Sasuke instructed Sakura to return and look for zansuru who instead arrived on a flying dragon after her departure he learned that the Jutsu used was different from the impure World reincarnation and from Sasuke's grasp of the situation zansudu determined that he received Intel from allies at nagade Village while observing zansudu's chakra pathway system Sasuke noticed that his chakra reserves were weak and realized that zonsudu was an ordinary individual rather than a Shinobi meaning that someone else revived the dragons Sasuke dodged and attacked from meno and zansudu laughed ordering the dragon to kill Sasuke Sasuke managed to befriend it through a combination of kind words genjutsu channeled through its body and tending to its burn was super cooled Mist based on some things that zansudu said during his monologue Sasuke has figured out that it was actually Gigi Behind The Reincarnation technique as Gigi was the only one who was aware that Sasuke wasn't working alone he and meno returned to the Institute just in time to see the last of its buildings collapse Sasuke instructed meno to protect the prisoners from the other dragons and rushed to the rebel of the building that Sakura would have likely been searching while slaying any dragon beasts that attempted to attack him he started digging and activated his Sharingan in an effort to locate her chakra but couldn't find any suspecting she could have been poisoned thus suppressing her chakra signature Sasuke's desperation mounted and he called out to her sensing the chakra within the Earth release wedding ring he had crafted from her Sasuke rescued Sakura from the debris and began healing her although the dragons attacking meno were smaller than him they significantly outnumbered him and it became increasingly difficult to fend them off Sasuke soon arrived to hell pumena was happy to see Sasuke instructed him to keep his distance only attacking when he sees an opening under Sasuke's command Mena was able to defeat even an adult member of his species Gigi volunteered to deal with Sakura when she arrived lived leaving Sasuke and meno to deal with zansudu he commanded all the dragons to attack but Sasuke's Chidori senbon and Fire release great Fireball technique fended them off scaring zanzuru Sasuke received a messenger hawk with news of the prime minister's capture and Prince Nana is Ascension to King undeterred zansudu planned to continue fighting in The Minister's name after meno lured the Titan into the lake zansudu focused on Sasuke commanding the dragons to attack all at once when he got close to zonsudu he ordered them to escape but due to not being their Summoner the New Order overwrote the previous and they grab him zonsudu falls to the ground and dies retrieving the particles he joined up with Sakura who had restrained Gigi Sasuke asked Gigi about why he got involved with zansudu's plot after learning of Gigi's background Sasuke revealed that he had been deceived as his deceased lover Margot was actually alive Overjoyed that she was alive Gigi released the technique and Sasuke thanked meno while bidding him farewell one of the Dragons attacked Gigi before returning to the afterlife and he amused if anything would have happened had he been as strong as Sakura and Sasuke Sakura and Kakashi returned to konoha with the polar particle allowing Naruto to be healed and Sasuke resumed his travels Kara actuation Arc in the anime after Sasuke finished probing shoiji's mind he learned that Kara was allegedly last seen in Omega Kure Sasuke was aided by team 25 to investigate this new Shadow organization there he learned the village had decayed greatly since the last Great War after size T mapped out a series of underground tunnels Sasuke and Sai went in alone as they entered the area they were assaulted by garashi tono an orphaned citizen of Omega Kure he insisted that they were enemies who killed his friends he was quickly subdued and they explained their situation calming down garashi explained how a group of people were conducting an experiment underground garashi agreed to take them through the tunnels this however turned out to be a trap as godashi ensnared the konohan DIN and gassed them revealing himself to be a supporter of Kara after the struggles he had to endure since the fourth Shinobi World War Sasuke saw through this deception after recognizing the look of Shameless anger about him using Shadow clones to bait him before they could get information from him garashi was also tricked by Cara as his gas mask was tampered with and he succumbed to the poison gas as the tunnels began to collapse from another trap they learned that Cara had been stationed there and was performing biological experiments PSY and Sasuke reported their findings to Kona hakakure afterwards with the growing threat of Kara Sasuke feared for his disciples safety and lo and boruto his other glove instructing him to keep his comma hidden at all costs Sasuke learned that Victor president of the land of Valley's Premier Medical and research company was in fact a member of Cara and somehow acquired a sample of the First Hokage cells after team 7 was defeated by two inners of Kara boruto and sarada both approached Sasuke for help in growing stronger he agreed to train sarada but upon learning of boruto's desire to improve his Rasengan Sasuke directed him to Kakashi as boruto didn't want to detract from his father's work and Kakashi was the only other Rasengan user in the village as sarada began her training under Sasuke she asked him to teach her his Chidori for Superior penetrating power Sasuke noted Chidori is a dangerous technique that draws its strength from a fierce linear path and as such only a superior perception can offset the normally reduced field of vision something that sarada's lesser Sharingan couldn't handle as its natural range of vision was still too limited deciding to help started a master and improve her Sharingan Sasuke focused her training on dodging a barrage of ball bearings similar to her previous enemies technique he would drill her on not overly relying on the sharing God's Natural Insight but rather focus on the entire area and let the Sharingan fill in the blanks as sarada began improving in her movements against barrage attacks Sasuke noted that she was still very limited on how long she could maintain her Sharingan when he suggested improving her stamina sarada asked about the mangekyo Sharingan concerned about such a dangerous power Sasuke insisted it was for another day soon they were approached by Sakura she was concerned sarda was pushing herself too hard after just recovering and even more horrified to hear her talk about the mangakyo Sharingan while Sakura insisted that she couldn't push herself so regularly was Furious to hear her mother coddle her so refusing to see why she wanted to get stronger and stormed off along with his wife Sasuke admitted to worrying about the path side I was potentially walking but insisted she is as strong as they were back then the following day as sarada continued struggling to evade all of Sasuke's barrages Sakura approached again she insisted that just blindly facing the challenge wouldn't yield any results she forced sarada into a sparring match with her which Sasuke agreed to as Sakura's Insight could determine things he couldn't after Sakura quickly overwhelmed sarada she noticed that sarada's biggest problems were her still underdeveloped chakra control and fear of defeat which were inhibiting her development determined to break past her limits sarada faced down Sakura again using her Sharingan to mimic the movements and general timing of Sakura's attacks to mimic Sakura's chakra enhance strength and reach a standstill Sasuke was impressed by his daughter and Sakura was now determined to help sarada overcome her limits by joining in her training Al Arc during Naruto's fight against boruto at the training Hall SAS watches the match from the sidelines afterwards Sasuke arrives at the hokage's office where he tells boruto of the value of scientific ninja weapons and that the danger of the world has yet to be driven out he explains of a coming danger of enemies like the yotsutsuki clan Naruto also admitted to knowing about boruto's mark on his bright Palm which was another reason Naruto approved the development of his Advanced Weaponry while boruto still insisted that they would rely solely on Ninjutsu like in the tuning exams Naruto noted that the tuning exams were to test one's growth as a ninja whereas they are now in a battle for survival kataske then arrived to retrieve his prototype to which Naruto assigned team Konohamaru a c-rank mission to escort the lead scientist back to the lab in Rio Ben City while boruto stormed off in a half Sasuke is certain boruto will calm down soon enough kawaki Arc Sasuke was sent to investigate coordinates discovered in Intel recovered by konhamaru a location accessible only through space-time Ninjutsu he discovered notsuki related site which contained records on some of their members specifically those who had been to their World which also led him to believe kaguya came to this world with a partner there he also discovered another ten Tales imprisoned Sasuke managed to hide when Gigan arrived but was left terrified when the leader of Kara absorbs some of the tantal's chakra for himself briefly taking the form of kagi's supposed partner as jigan left to retrieve kawaki Sasuke determined the situation to be direer than he expected and felt the need to inform Naruto at once jigan later attacked konohagakure and sent Naruto to an unknown Dimension just as he was about to leave Naruto stranded Sasuke having detected Naruto's chakra and followed him there appeared and kicked jigan away to stop him from leaving before proceeding the team up with Naruto to fight jigan free to fight at full power but even then jigan successfully pressured them with his ability to seemingly conjure black rods from nowhere to stab them however Sasuke eventually deduced that jigan's ability allowed him to shrink matter to microscopic levels and return it to its original size instantaneously but told Naruto that wasn't his only secret uneasily recognizing Sasuke's impressive analytical skills and prowess with his dojutsu jigan noted that he must eliminate Sasuke first Naruto and Sasuke continued to engage jigan eventually pushing him into a corner at which point jegan responded by progressing his karma to the next stage worrying Sasuke who saw it firsthand Sasuke informed Naruto that jigan's appearance was similar to an unknown ototsuki he had witnessed earlier as well as that he was aware of the existence of another ten tales deducing that jigan is planning on draining the world of chakra Sasuke activated his susano while Naruto entered tailed beast mode jigan effortlessly overpowered the two and despite their collaborative efforts jegan managed to impale Sasuke and Naruto with his black rods jigan resolved to seal Naruto and moved to kill Sasuke though was hindered by Naruto's Shadow clones despite Sasuke's protests Naruto convinced him to return to konoha so he can live to fight another day as jigan was about to land a finishing blow a heavily injured Sasuke teleported to Sakura's side praying that Naruto would survive his entrapment before he passed out Sasuke still unconscious was taken to a hospital where Sakura proceeded to heal him and managed to pull him out of critical condition after Sasuke recovered he learned that kawaki used boruto and kawaki's Kama to go to the separate Dimension and manage to save Naruto when they returned and retreated in the hospital Sasuke questioned his daughter about the events sarada explained to her parents how during their battle against Boro it was only thanks to a strange new Evolution of boruto's Kama that they were able to defeat him she noted that boruto not only sprouted a horn and manifested a biakugan in his right eye with his massive increase in power but was even acting differently this concerned Sasuke but Sakura told her daughter to rest which the father agreed afterwards mitsky decided to talk with Sasuke privately he noted that Kara had taken a special interest in boruto calling him momoshiki's vessel Sasuke concluded that momoshiki used boruto as a means to preserve himself and potentially resurrect himself in boruto's body he also concluded that kawaki is facing the same ordeal with ishiki yotsutsuki shortly thereafter Amado the head of Kara's research and development division arrived at konoha and negotiated the terms of his defection Sasuke was present during Amato's interrogation where he learned that the scientist was responsible for providing konoha with the coordinates to jigan's Dimension after learning additional information about the otsutsuki Clan's history and practices Sasuke deduced that the enigmatic clan leader is ultimately the one who gave jigan his karma amado's glasses then began beeping revealing a holographic projection of jiga and talking with Koji kashin they learned that Koji and Amada were working together so that Koji could kill jigan as they watched the fight Amado continued divulging Intel and Gigan the otsutsuki and Kama Sasuke noticed an inconsistency in Amato's explanation over the mechanics of Kama noticing that jigan still bore his despite having being taken over by ishiki already acknowledging his point Amado explained the unorthodox manner of ishiki's parasitic takeover of jegan Sasuke listened on as a motto claimed that despite being able to transcend death with Kama he could teach them how to kill atsutsuki upon witnessing koji's Flames engulfing jigan's body Naruto wondered if ishiki's and was near though Sasuke pointed out that ishiki still had two vessels marked with Kama indicating that he could reincarnate twice Sasuke voice is concerned that killing jigan will make kawaki ishiki's Soul remaining vessel prompting Shikamaru to wonder if the entire thing was a setup from the start kawaki entered the interrogation room and attacked a motto but was blocked by Sasuke's sword Amado assured everyone that it was a misunderstanding and to turn their attention back to the battle when gigan's death triggered ishiki's Resurrection in his body Amado explained this also erased kawaki's Kama to avoid duplicates leading Sasuke to realize that without any remaining Kama ishiki was vulnerable to Perma permanent death after a motto was officially made a citizen of konagakure he explained that ishiki's Resurrection was unstable and would seek out kawaki again to Rebrand him he also insisted that the village be evacuated and kawaki be with Sasuke and Naruto at all times as boruto insisted to fight alongside his father and Mentor against him Sasuke made it clear to his student that fighting such a foe would likely result in death before they could settle the argument they were alerted that ishiki had arrived in the village as Naruto ordered boruto to join the evacuation Sasuke stayed behind to talk with him he he revealed his knowledge of boruto recently being taken over by momoshiki's Kama boruto admitted he was less afraid of dying than hurting people should momoshiki take control of him but Sasuke swore as his teacher to stop boruto by any means necessary he then gave boruto his precious old genian forehead protector making boruto swear to return it in the end arriving to the battlefield and saving Naruto from ishiki's attacks Sasuke began indiscriminately launching shuriken adishiki who proceeded to shrink them all when Sasuke launched his assorted ishiki was deceived as it was revealed to be boruto who activated Kama and teleported ishiki and himself to a separate Dimension Sasuke and Naruto soon joined to help boruto via his space-time Ninjutsu as the konohan nin face down ishiki he grabbed boruto openly impressed with how far his Kama had progressed in such a short period Sasuke suddenly swapped places with boruto for his sneak attack only for ishiki to easily rebuff him ishiki decided the best way to get kawaki was to present Sasuke and Naruto's corpses to the Village the fight resumed with Naruto and Sasuke's teamwork managing to push ishiki on the defense as as it began shrinking all their attacks however ishiki demonstrated a new technique manifesting and manipulating massive black cubes that separated the duo from there you should keep pinned down Sasuke and move to kill him with his own sword only for boruto to jump in the way causing him to hesitate boruto deduced ishiki couldn't kill him boruto explained that previously Boro noted that boruto's wielding of Akama would Aid tremendously in Kara's plans meaning that boruto's life was invaluable the ishiki Sasuke told boruto to run away as their best bet was to wait out ishiki's remaining lifespan only for ishiki to knock Sasuke out with a hard kick upon Awakening Sasuke found a battered boruto being defended by Naruto who released another form with Kurama to take down ishiki Sasuke observed his Naruto pressured ishiki and was surprised he could keep track of his shrunken rods something even as Sharingan had trouble doing he took boruto to safer distance from the battle and noticed that Naruto's chakra eventually began to weaken then took advantage of Naruto's chakra connection to kawaki through the latter's prosthetic arm from this he teleported kawaki to them to Rebrand the boy much to Sasuke's concern as kawaki tried to escape ishiki's rebranding Sasuke attempted to give a diversion via Amino tejigara and a scientifically enhanced smoke screen after kawaki deceived ishiki with a shadow clone resulting in the otsutsuki's death Sasuke asked Naruto about the drawbacks of his baryon mode during which boruto suddenly stabbed his Rinnegan controlled by momoshiki he revealed that he planned to feed kawaki to ishiki's ten Tails due to the large percentage of otsutsuki DNA that lingered in the vessel's body Sasuke assisted kawaki in fighting momoshiki and resolved to kill boruto if necessary he noticed that momoshiki had avoided absorbing any chakra base Ninjutsu with the kamba and deduced that since he emerged when boruto passed out from Chakra exhaustion replenishing boruto's tracker could make his personality resurface while strategizing with kawaki Sasuke was hit by momoshiki's Vanishing Rasengan after kawaki forced momoshiki to absorb a self-sacrificial technique boruto was able to awaken and resist momoshiki's control after the exhausting confrontation Sasuke boruto and kawaki learned that Naruto was spared at the sacrifice of korama's life force with Sasuke's Rinnegan destroyed and kawaki's Kama extinguished boruto was the group's only hope to escape the foreign Dimension with kawaki's help boruto was able to conjure a portal which Sasuke pulled a weakened Naruto through Upon returning Sasuke and his comrades were relieved to return home Victorious tuning in re-examination Arc in the anime following ishiki's defeat Naruto decided to restart the tuning exams after sarada and boruto made it to the finals they each asked Sasuke for advice while never becoming a tuning himself he told boruto and sarada that a Shinobi must always be prepared for all challenges during the finals Sasuke arrived in time to watch the third match between sarada and chocho after her victory sarda was happy to see her father he commanded her for her performance and she confided in him he asked about boruto and mitsuki noticing their absence despite still not having fought following the exam's completion Sasuke looked on with pride as sarada presented to him and Sakura her new flak jacket to symbolize her promotion days later as sarada prepared for her formal tuning appointment Sasuke noticed that she was Sullen over taking over konamaru's spot as team captain he advised her how to approach the situation cheering her up following the exams sarada happily presented her new flak jacket as proof of her promotion to parents which Sasuke proudly smiled at Labyrinth game Arc in the anime Sasuke took boruto with him when he required a new messenger hawk interested in acquiring a rare senry Hawk when their train had to make a detour he and boruto hopped off and continued on foot they passed through an establishment with an unfriendly security officer upon arrival at the research facility with the hawk caretaker maruta they were initially attacked having been mistaken for Paradise Representatives because of paradise's interest in the Hawks maruta couldn't take Sasuke to their habitat so Sasuke decided to investigate pretending to be a customer after witnessing their security measures and being exposed as Shinobi Sasuke and boruto laugh that night maruta took Sasuke to the habitat Sasuke throwing off the security officer that mozu shirakiri ordered to follow them with a flock of crows arriving at the habitat maruda explained that these senry Hawks have to pick their master and was surprised when one readily perched on Sasuke's arm back at the facility boruto informed Sasuke about suzura's situation Sasuke had his own opinions about that but felt that suzura had to take action on his own when leaving the next day they learned that a taxidermist wanted to buy suzura's Hawk Yuki so Sasuke followed boruto back to Paradise Sasuke intimidated the security the officer's wolf who was threatening boruto and suzura he offered to exchange his new Hawk for Suz and secretly used his Sharingan on it giving it delayed instructions how to act after he laughed on his way to the train station the security officer realized who Sasuke was and advised mozu not to act against him when she caught up after Sasuke's Hawk freed all of her captive animals Sasuke took suzura to become maruda's apprentice and instructed boruto to return to konoha on his own so that his interference in Paradise wouldn't reflect on it and began his search for Kara's remaining inner code he later sent sarada a letter informing her of his split from boruto his journey later took him back to the land of radaku codes assault Arc Sasuke investigated a set of codes claw marks placed around the village and found it unlikely to be the place he'd emerge from based on where he placed them omnipotence Arc later Sasuke returned from another investigation having discovered another otsutsuki cult hideout in the Land of Snow that housed all kinds of inhuman experiments and Powerful cyborgs evidence strongly suggested that that's where code was he also confirmed with Shikamaru about having technically killed boruto he checked on boruto agreeing with Sarita that boruto should be accompanied at all times as a precaution against code and surmised Amato would also be a likely Target as he could lift code's power limiters which would be needed in light of kawaki's restored comma later Sasuke apologized for boruto for not keeping his promise to deal with him if momoshiki took over which required kawaki to step in boruto insisted that he and kawaki were in agreement but Sasuke stressed that whoever killed him would be hated so keeping it from the public was necessary as many already disapproved of kawaki boruto attempted to return Sasuke's forehead protector but Sasuke gifted it to him as boruto said it helped him with his resolve Sasuke was concerned that he would be the next to have to show such resolve boruto immediately put it on Ino reported to Sasuke of code and Ada's Invasion and Sasuke informed boruto so the two left to help with it they arrived outside Amato's lab which had been locked down to prevent anyone else from being affected by Ada's control after code and Ada laughed taking Amada with them Sasuke listened as Shikamaru explained Ada's alluring ability and speculated on the other cyborg that code employed in his battle the previous night as Shikamaru briefed team 7 on their new surveillance Mission living with Ada and Daemon Naruto discussed it with Sasuke explaining how Shikamaru managed to covertly control boruto and kawaki into acting more cautiously by entrusting them with responsibility in the form of a mission Sasuke suddenly felt something that he recognized as what he felt when momoshiki branded boruto with ikama but dismissed it when Naruto asked him about it later when kawaki's concerns of the otsatsuki made him decide to kill off all their potential threats including boruto as he housed momoshiki's Soul he sealed away Naruto and Hinata to prevent them from interfering before attacking boruto as kawaki was cornered by Sasuke and other konohan nin momoshiki gained control over boruto freeing kawaki from his captives and allowing kawaki to escape as boruto regained control Sasuke was left wondering why momoshiki would help someone who aimed to kill him Sasuke noticed boruto interacting with momoshiki and joined the search party after kawaki during the search he noticed a flash in the sky which swapped most of the world's memories of boruto and KOA histories after receiving a report that boruto had killed Naruto Sasuke found sarada severely distressed as she wasn't affected by the history rewrite confused about why everyone was targeting boruto as sarada conferred with sumide she became even more distraught and boruto's situation she pleaded with Sasuke that boruto was innocent and when he tried to tell her to go home she asked him to protect boruto surprising Sasuke as the situation had awakened her mangyakyo Sharingan Sasuke rescued boruto who had been captured by team 10 and the two left the village he recounted to boruto his memories of kawaki and pointed out inconsistencies with this reality such as boruto having the forehead protector he recalled giving kawaki and momoshiki's presence finding his own memories unreliable he decided to trust sarada and told boruto to validate Sarah's trust in him Ada arrived with Daemon and witnessed her talk with boruto when boruto felt bad about learning how kawaki's life had truly been Sasuke reminded him that Naruto also grew up shun by everyone but proved himself to everyone through his actions telling him to do the same Ada promised not to look for either of them them until they return to konoha and Sasuke hastened their departure knowing that konoha was sure to pursue personality Sasuke was a happy child eager to please and be worthy of his own name one of Sasuke's most significant bonds is the one he has with his older brother Itachi who by merely being mentioned can elicit strong reactions from Sasuke's otherwise calm demeanor Sasuke adored Itachi when he was a boy enjoying his company above all others as an infant he would cry whenever he was held by somebody besides Itachi and would immediately be happy once held by his big brother again when Itachi murdered the rest of the Uchiha Clan Sasuke was crushed not only by the loss of his family but also by what Itachi told him that he had never loved Sasuke Sasuke devotes years of his life to avenging their family by killing Itachi which Itachi encourages whenever they meet at the same time however he became determined to do so through his own means including rejecting Itachi's instructions of obtaining them on gecko Sharingan for power simply not to give Itachi the satisfaction with his new outlook he became cold towards others on unmoved by and uninterested in what they do or think of him choosing instead to keep to himself he stopped using honorifics something considered rude in the Japanese language his only goal in life became to take revenge for his Clan's depths by any means even if it meant acquiring power that wasn't his own in his Pursuit for the power to take his revenge whenever he meets new people he makes an evaluation of their abilities those he perceives to be weaker than himself he arrogantly disregards giving them little attentions they won't hold him back those he perceives as stronger he fixates over and tries to surpass as a member of Team seven he is repeatedly exposed to Kakashi hadake's philosophy that there is strength in teamwork for a Time Sasuke accepts this experiencing it firsthand on several of Team 7's missions he even became attached to his teammates and started to forget the Vengeance he craved achieving after so many years a measure of happiness however between both the manipulations of Orochimaru and meeting Itachi again in part 1 where he's utterly defeated Sasuke decides to sever all ties to his villain Village in a single-minded pursuit of power leaving konoha to focus solely on himself Kakashi tried to help Sasuke realize the contradiction in his Viewpoint he's driven to gain power because he lost his family yet sacrifices the family he still has team 7 in order to gain that power which did have a profound impact on Sasuke and would have turned him away from the path of Darkness had he not been influenced by the sound four so focused on Vengeance he willingly accepted orochimaru's offer of power seeking out the signing to train Sasuke in all he knew even allowing Orochimaru to experiment on him despite knowing the man was using him for his own gain ultimately however Sasuke decided that letting himself be used by Orochimaru would be a disgrace to his clan turning on Orochimaru and acquires new teammates with abilities that could further his goals Sasuke initially retained his morals by setting a firm no kill policy for himself and his team against those unrelated to his revenge and openly expressing disgust that Orochimaru for his horrific experiments in addition despite becoming cold towards his old team Sasuke did become attached to his new teammate still subconsciously holding a notion of teamwork comparing them to the bond he had with Team 7 and pushing himself to extremes to save them after Itachi dies in a battle with Sasuke and he learned that the hateful older brother that Hitachi seemed to be was all an act and that in truth Sasuke was the most precious person to Hitachi his murder of the Uchiha was done on the instructions of konoha in order to protect Sasuke Sasuke becomes overwhelmed by this discovery and starts conspiring against konoha and all of its citizens for ruining his anitachi's lives knowing full well it isn't what he thought she would want him to do as time passed after this and the hatred increased Sasuke's fall to Darkness steadily eroded much of the goodness he once had he would without hesitation Challenge and even Slaughter any and all who stood in his way left Jugo and suigetsu without caring for their Fates essentially sacrifice Karine to strike down danzo shimura and even tried to kill team 7 when they impede or attempt to dissuade him from his objectives he also allies with Toby and Akatsuki when their goals align but left them without comment when he no longer needs them his abandonment of all his former loyalties and his criminal acts convince his former classmates that Sasuke is beyond salvation Toby determined that Sasuke was carrying the entirety of the uchiha's hatred on his shoulders and this caused Sasuke to gain an unwavering and twisted pride of his clan deeming anyone who possesses Clan's abilities without being one of them or even someone who just isn't an Uchiha as trash and imposters and became increasingly irate and unstable when witnessing It ultimately Sasuke came to believe that konoha's destruction will free the Uchiha from being associated with the rotten Shinobi world and the resulting Purity will restore the clan after his final encounter with reincarnated Hitachi between learning of hitachi's struggles in life and knowing that Hitachi made the choice willingly to become the villain for the sake of Peace Sasuke is left uncertain about what course to take from long contemplation Sasuke came to a warped view of helping the world to ensure no further conflict between them if a single individual what Sasuke calls the true Hokage is solely responsible for making the difficult decisions killing and the like for the greater good then everyone will be unified in their hatred of that individual he volunteers himself for that responsibility and plan to eliminate what few friendships he still had to ensure no turning back but Naruto by refusing to give up on saving Sasuke from Darkness demonstrates that their friendship is too fundamental to who Sasuke is and that it cannot or should not be broken on coming to terms with this Sasuke stops fighting the many bonds he's made and chooses to die so the curse of hatred would die along with him however after further convincing from Naruto Sasuke chose to live to find Redemption instead afterwards Naruto returns Sasuke's forehead protector which Sasuke keeps on him during his long travels as a symbol of their friendship even though he no longer wears it he carries it with him regularly truly valuing it and only letting people he truly trusts hold onto it after the fourth Shinobi World War Sasuke began adopting some of Itachi's views he decides to fight for konoha's future that Itachi's actions aren't made meaningless and bases his understanding of the Hokage around his decisions he thought you made he also starts poking the foreheads of others as a sign of affection something Itachi used to always do with him while still not very open with his emotions Sasuke became more committed to make connections with people this included his former teammate Sakura Haruno while originally their relationship was Mindless infatuation from Sakura for his good looks and indifference if not blunt irritation from him over time the two came to better understand the other and true respect was formed between them after Sasuke was defeated by Naruto and let go of his hatred he sincerely apologizes to Sakura for how much he hurt her to which she tearfully forgives him allowing them to reconcile they later maintain a long-distance relationship while he pursues a journey of redemption they later marry and have a daughter sarada Sasuke still tends to be emotionally distant with his family for the sake of his duties though he feels a strong connection to them when they're apart as a father Sasuke loves his daughter dearly and will go to Great Lengths to protect sarada while Sasuke is happy in his marriage to Sakura he enjoys teasing her by declining to show affection at the same time he regrets not having been a more attentive father to his daughter having missed out on much of her childhood and by extension not knowing much about her showing a noticeably unsure side when he tries to be close with Sarita during his time as a Wanderer Sasuke was a wreck loose keeping contact with people to an absolute minimum and maintained his strong sense of Pride he's willing to help the village as if their problems are beyond their expertise but ignores their requests if facing insignificant issues stemming from his inspiration of Hitachi protecting the land of fire from the Shadows he also sometimes acts independently on his own and helps the five nations but does not even bother to interact with anyone during such instances if not needed at the same time he's willing to acknowledge significant events as he sent a note congratulating Naruto for his wedding acknowledging his mistakes and once free from hate and Vengeance Sasuke reverts back to the type of person he was prior to the massacre being kind to others and displaying a sense of humor but maintaining his aloof exterior although publicly regarded as a hero for his role on the war Sasuke feels that his crimes and Imperfections outweigh anything heroic is is ever done ashamed of his past actions Sasuke referred to the person he used to be as an entirely different person when he told boruto about his past actions albeit without directly telling boruto he was referring to himself as an adult Sasuke becomes wiser and mature as well as genuinely warmer and caring though his tendency to appear deadpan remains he does retain his habit of insulting others although it is usually more comical than cold and mostly aimed towards Naruto he has also shown a degree of humility openly admitting to his failings particularly as a family man although he fulfills Itachi's wish for him to protect konoha doing this from the shadows and investigating the mysteries of kagia lead him unable to spend time with his family the point of even failing to recognize his daughter sarada regardless he is protective of sarada and is very supportive of her goal to become Hokage and not end up like him even more Sasuke loves his family dearly as he tries to spend time with them when he's able to come home and expresses pride in his daughter's growth and achievements as boruto's teacher Sasuke is devoted to his apprentice's well-being and progress despite seeing boruto's useless of a cheating device to pass the preliminary test he gave the boy Sasuke agreed to take him as a student as he saw it as similar to his own past of willingness to do anything to attain power he later reprimanded boruto for using the device during the tuning exams but still saw his true power and let him his forehead protector as a sign of trust and faith taking his role as a mentor seriously Sasuke is willing to let boruto participate in dangerous battles against otsutsuki as he saw the boy is living up to his potential that may turn the tide of the fights even when Naruto decided otherwise because of this Sasuke made it clear he's prepared to kill boruto should momoshiki take him over via the comma for his duty as boruto's teacher at the same time Sasuke retained some of the ruthlessness he had during his criminal days Sasuke was initially hell-bent on eliminating the Clones of shinuchiha despite their visible fear and hesitation towards the end of the battle and was only convinced of sparing them by Naruto and when the notorious criminal show joji remained arrogant and fearless when interrogated by Sai yamanaka and ibiki Mourinho Sasuke's sudden arrival and presence were enough to intimidate shojoji into revealing details about Kara with Sasuke mentioning that despite changing his ways he still retained his reputation of being unmerciful and brutal towards criminals even so Sasuke is very balanced and adaptable when Sasuke took a mission in the land of radaku as a disguised prisoner in order to locate the polar particles needed to heal Naruto of his illness that would eventually strip the latter of his ability to use chakra Sasuke kept a low profile by pretending to be weak he even allowed the abusive prison guards to beat him as his top priority was finding the Cure Naruto needed like his older brother Itachi Sasuke is recognized as a natural Prodigy of the Uchiha Clan graduating at the top of his class in the academy he makes a strong impression on Kakashi harake in the Bell test and could fight on par with strong Shinobi such as Haku and Gara in part 1. after being under orochimaru's tutelage for two and a half years Sasuke becomes strong enough to fight and even pressure Akatsuki member Itachi as well as the fourth Ray kage with the six paths chakra he is compared to the sage of Six Paths by Kurama which is demonstrated when he helps overwhelm matara as the ten-tails jinchuriki matara himself stated that he would have chosen Sasuke over Obito as an apprentice if he was born years earlier as an adult despite losing his left arm his performance has shown no signs of impediment as he could fight on par with kinshiki yotsutsuki ultimately he's regarded as a legendary Shinobi that like Naruto is referred to as the strongest Shinobi with the pair's combined strength being thought to be able to destroy the world chakra and physical prowess Sasuke's chakra is quite strong in part due to being The Reincarnation of Indra otsutsuki whenever Sasuke's curse of hatred deepens others remark at how much stronger darker and more Sinister his chakra becomes his reserves are also quite large enough to use Chidori twice a day during part 1 without Aid by part 2 Sasuke is able to use Chidori and related techniques multiple times in a single day as well as summon creatures as large as Manda his chakra control though less refined than Sakura haruno's is nevertheless very high in the anime he could effectively perform hand seals between his own and an enemy's hand in adulthood after losing one of his arms he learned to use one-handed hand seals his chakra's strength was also potent enough that urashiki otsutsuki openly commented on the strength of the chakra he stole from Sasuke noting it was magnificent while not an actual sensor himself during his final battle against Naruto he sensed Naruto's buildup of chakra and natural ability from Kurama also in Sharing half of hagaromo's Power with Naruto he is able to sense Naruto's chakra from a different dimension Sasuke is very capable in taijutsu enough to hold his own in hand-to-hand combat against multiple opponents at once his most consistent physical display is his speed and by extension his reaction time Haku remarks on how impressive Sasuke is in both regards during their battle after Reawakening his Sharingan Sasuke concentrates on honing his speed and reflexes so he can react to the sharingan's heightened visual information which publishes by imitating Rock Lee's movements his speed is even shown to match if not exceed various other fast techniques like the shield of sand and lightning release chakra mode respectively and enough to physically incapacitate opponents before they realize he's even approached them between his increased speed and taijutsu Powers it becomes very difficult for his opponents to find enough time to perform even a single hand seal Sakura after re-encountering Sasuke for the first time in part 2 finds the Improvement in his abilities unnaturally high and hypothesizes that he was given drugs by Orochimaru Orochimaru is known to have experimented on Sasuke enough to make him immune to poisons but it's not known what other modifications he may have received despite his immunity to poison Sasuke remains vulnerable to gaseous poisons as his shadow clone was affected by garashi tono's poisonous gas he acquires some of orochimaru's attributes after absorbing him such as additional chakra reserves a faster healing rate and the ability to shed his body all of which are lost when Orochimaru is removed from him he later receives half of hagaromas power which he is evidently able to keep cursed seal Orochimaru bran Sasuke with the cursed seal of heaven after their first encounter in part one when active the cursed seal sap Sasuke's own chakra and then replaces it with a larger amount of orochimaru's in turn increasing his strength and speed though useful Sasuke's early uses of the cursed seal are often involuntary painful while active and leave him briefly unable to move afterwards these shortcomings are either minimized or eliminated once he becomes able to enter the curseel's second state a transformation that turns his skin gray lengthens his hair and causes him to develop Wings the Transformations boosts to his physical parameters are similar to a gentriki's version 1 forms which by part 2 he can isolate to parts of his body Itachi removes the cursed seal from Sasuke's body during part 2 preventing him from using it again however he remains compatible with the cursed seal Source Jugo allowing Jugo to provide him flesh or chakra if the need arises Ninjutsu Sasuke learns to summon snakes during his time with Orochimaru he typically summons the them as Shields Rapid ground transportation or to bind targets unseen outside of the animal path Sasuke can also summon a second species Hawks his use of hawks is more limited than snakes using them only for flight and the additional maneuverability that allows by adulthood Sasuke can use the shadow clone technique able to easily produce eight clones at once mukijutsu as an Uchiha Sasuke is trained with a variety of different ninja tools when he was a child he once used inexpertly a bow and arrow to hunt a boar with Itachi practice that later becomes useful for a susano his area of expertise is in shurikenjitsu allowing him to throw shuriken and kunai with Precision for complicated or moving targets Sasuke can guide shuriken to their Mark using either wire strings or deflecting them off each other though his throwing speed is faster than most it doesn't compare to Itachi prompting him to devise the lightning flashblade creation by stealing shuriken and kunai into his arm bracelets Sasuke can always have a large Supply ready allowing him to Raj Targets in an instant Sasuke begins using a sword after training with Orochimaru wielding it just as skillfully in either hand he uses what he calls his sword of kusanagi regularly throughout part 2 often to cut down multiple opponents in a short period of time he uses it defensively as well blocking incoming attacks or holding off skilled Swordsmen by adulthood Sasuke becomes skilled enough to instantly switch between wielding his sword backhanded and normally even during a clash nature transformation Sasuke can use all five basic nature Transformations as well as Yin release two of which he could utilize at the age of 13. asanuchiha he is a natural affinity for Fire release mastering the Clan's great Fireball technique years before coming again in a feat that greatly shocked Kakashi Sasuke can also coat fire around his shuriken guide his Flames along with wire strings or create a succession of dragon-shaped fireballs his fire release prowess is shown to be strong enough to easily disperse most water release techniques by adulthood Sasuke is capable of combining water and wind release to create makeshift ice similar to a fusion technique Sasuke is also a formidable user of lightning release making first use of it with the Chidori taught doing by Kakashi while effective at piercing most targets the standard Chidori is a very close range attack for this reason Sasuke uses the principles of Chidori to create several long-range Jutsu in part 2 such as throwable needles extendable swords and Scatter shot streams he often channels his lightning chakra into his sword of kusanagi to increase its cutting power when using his cursed seal or the six paths chakra his lightning chakra becomes darker in color though it's not clear if this changes his actual properties in any way by adulthood Sasuke is capable of using his lightning release to further augment his speed during battle to the point it matches kinshiki's speed Sharingan Sasuke first awakened his Sharingan on the night of the Uchiha Clan downfall though he isn't able to do so again until several years later at the start of part 1. Sasuke's Sharingan is especially potent as Orochimaru noted that despite not being fully developed at the time it was even stronger and greater in Clarity than hitachi's later his prowess and skill with his fully matured dojotsu earned him the nickname Sasuke of the Sharingan with the Sharingan Sasuke you can see the flow of chakra accurately reproduce any movement he sees his own physical skill permitting track fast-moving objects and by the end of part 1 predict opponent's movement to a degree he can also use genjutsu Sharingan for broad purposes such as distraction interrogation knocking targets out or placing them under his control he can use his Sharingan to relay information to others or enter their subconscious which in the case of jinchotiki allows him to suppress their tailed beasts his Sharingan was also shown to be able to wipe people's memories within a specific time Gap mangekyo Sharingan Sasuke awakens his mangekyo Sharingan after Itachi's death once he comes to terms with the fact that Itachi was the single most significant relationship he had its design gives the appearance of three intersecting ellipses Sasuke is worn before receiving his mangekyo that using it deteriorates the user's eyesight and for that reason Toby repeatedly recommends that Sasuke take Itachi's eyes to gain Eternal mangekyo Sasuke puts off doing this until he's nearly blind just before the start of the fourth Shinobi World War the transplanted eyes resemble a cross between Sasuke's and Itachi's mangekyo his eternal mangekyo is a straight tomoe type granting him fluidity in his movements while fighting Sasuke's acquisition of the Eternal mangekyo Sharingan seemingly enhanced his Mastery of his techniques before he was quick to exhaust himself both physically and chakra wise when he would overuse his power after acquiring it he was able to repeatedly use his powers against kabato Obito matara and kagya with no signs of exhaustion with his left mangekyo Sasuke can use amateurasu igniting whatever he looks at with black Flames that can burn anything with his right mangekyo he can use kagutsuchi to shape the Flames into a variety of forms for offensive or defensive purposes this ability to manipulate his amateurasu makes him much more skilled than Itachi was with his own having awakened the mangekyo in both of his eyes Sasuke can use susano a spectral Warrior that protects him and acts on his behalf it takes repeated uses before he's able to fully form it its Evolutions are often marked by moments of intense hatred initially Sasuke can only create susano's skeletal features such as ribs for defense or arms to interact with the surroundings he is steadily able to layer musculature and skin over the bones and later armor to increase its defenses upon receiving the Rinnegan with its Supreme ocular power he is able to create a significantly larger complete body susano comparable in power to tailed beast mode like all susano Sasuke's has several swords at its disposal that it can use against larger targets or to easily destroy nearby structures more commonly his susano employs a bow that can fire arrows at rapid speeds and that can when needed double as a shield though most of these arrows are made of the same chakra as susano itself Sasuke can also fashion arrows made from a matarasu Flames or by channeling the tailed BEAST's chakra lightning Sasuke calls the latter indra's Arrow his strongest attack susano can also be formed around the nine tails in order to give it a sword and armor of its own and serve as a medium for his various techniques Rinnegan after receiving half of hagaromo otsutsuki's chakra Sasuke awakened a Rinnegan in his left eye with three tamoe on each of its two innermost circles however should Sasuke's chakra reserves fall to a certain level itomoe vanish and the Rinnegan takes on the commonly known appearance unlike his lower dojutsu Sasuke's Rinnegan is permanently active apparently unable to revert to its original state despite this it has no effect on his stamina or chakra levels likewise Sasuke's Rinnegan can still access the techniques and abilities of his left mangekyo Sharingan the dojutsu gives Sasuke the ability of pattern recognition being able to help him analyze patterns inside codes and by comparing them to similar patterns to Cipher writing it also grants him access to these Six Paths techniques you can use it to see invisible targets repel the effects of the infinite tsukiomi and turn a susano into a vessel for detailed BEAST's chakra much like the Demonic statue of the outer path his signature if not unique ability with the Rinnegan is space-time Ninjutsu with it he can perceive distortions in the flow of time able to see events that happen as normal although it is unknown if he can negate the effects on himself the first and most frequently used technique is ameno tejikara which allows him to instantly swap places of any two Targets within a specific range in adulthood his space-time Ninjutsu became Advanced enough to travel through Dimensions even with others these interdimensional portals manifest as dark oval-shaped spirals Sasuke ultimately lost his Rinnegan when boruto stabbed it while being controlled by momoshiki yotsutsuki intelligence Sasuke is very intelligent having earned top grades in his Academy class in combat he usually remains on the offensive rarely pausing in his attacks or falling back to regroup rather Sasuke observes as he goes being mindful to all factors in the battlefield and analyzing his opponent's techniques to understand their mechanics and purposes he is accordingly accustomed to coming up with tactics on the Fly choosing whatever approach no matter how elaborate will be most successful at the exact moment his strategies could be considered irresponsible or risky as he has on more than one occasion placed himself or Allies In Harm's Way despite this his actions have the tendency to pay off earning praise for his analytical skills from Minato namakazi and matara Uchiha Gigan would also praise Sasuke for having eventually figured out the nature of his technique and even went as far as to say that his analytical skills coupled with his dojutsu made him more dangerous than Naruto who is deemed as equal despite how he proceeds in the midst of combat Sasuke does tend to be prepared before entering a fight or as best as he can he specifically trains to be faster than gara's sand he attacks Orochimaru at the moment when his buddies is weakest and he equips himself with the lightning flash blade creation so he can compete with itachu she has speed he may even have a strategy in mind that he can work towards throughout a fight as when he spends part of his fight with Hitachi creating conditions for Kirin even relying on Itachi's own Jutsu to facilitate its use he has shown tactical sense and teamwork able to instantly understand an Ally's battle plan with little communication and act accordingly to make it successful did you enjoy our video well then be sure to check out these other great videos from the umagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 88,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sasuke, Uchiha, Updated, Itachi, Team 7, Naruto, Uzumaki, Konoha, Kakashi Hatake, Kakashi, Hatake, Obito, Sixth Hokage, Sakumo, Rin Nohara, Minato, Kusa, Mahiru, Anbu, copy ninja, kurama, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, Namikaze, Hokage, Yellow Flash, Jiraiya, Rin, Madara, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, uchiha, shippuden, anime, manga, itachi, team 7, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, Hinata
Id: zDNs2_r0lko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 32sec (8612 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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