The Life Of Saitama (UPDATED)

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foreign [Music] the life of saitama one punch man saitama is the main protagonist of the series and the titular one punch man and the most powerful being to exist in the series saitama faces a self-imposed existential crisis as he's now too powerful to gain any thrill from Battle initially just a hero for fun cytomon later registers to be a professional hero for the hero Association and defends his home in Z City from Monsters villains and other threats under the hero Association he is assigned the hero name caped Baldi and is currently ranked 7 in The b-class Welcome to the umagi in today's video we're going over the life of saitama before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our Channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches Beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media accounts help us reach our goal of passing a hundred thousand followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video early life saitama lived in his apartment in the Z City Ghost Town by himself as a child saitama often watched superhero shows and dreamed of being a hero Middle School on the second school day of middle school saitama reads a health and physical education manual he doesn't hear the talk about the two third year bullies who beat up a freshman who called himself the bicycle commuter the day before after school on a rainy day saitama watches the news about an ongoing monster incident in Z City and the increasing outbreak of monsters in the last decade saitama drifts off to sleep and forgets to do his homework the next day his homeroom teacher calls him to the teacher's room to rebuke him on the way to the teacher's room he's confronted by the third year bullies who had bullied the bicycle commuter they demand his wallet but saitama tells them that he doesn't have one and prepares to fight them instead however saitama is too weak to defend himself and the bullies steal his 200 yen suddenly piggy bank and Rams into one of the bullies and demands money from them saitama hears that one of the bully's reasons for threatening the Freshman to steal their money was to pay for his little brother's lunches saitama chases after the monster to get the money back but the monster knocks him into a wall after the police and special unit forces defeat the monster saitama returns to school to see his homeroom teacher the teacher schooled saitama for his behavior on his way home saitama thinks about how unfit he is for society adulthood and his first hero act one day after yet another failed interview a dejected saitama encounters crablante on the street crablante notices saitama's lifeless eyes and Spares his life he tells saitama that the prey he's after is a child with a cleft chin as he walks on saitama spots the child crab lonte mentioned however his nihilistic attitude takes over and he decides to not intervene in the matter suddenly crablante appears behind the child and attacks him but saitama impulsively saves the kid which surprises himself he urges the child to run away and demand to know why cramlante wants the boy dead while kreblante explains the prank the boy pulled on him saitama Chuckles and notes aloud how the monster resembles a creature from a children's cartoon he watched as a kid low self-esteem am I right this enrages kreblante who Pummel saitama even after the latter resolves to live out his childhood dream of being a Superhero by fighting back saitama then lassos one of crablante's eye stocks with a loop of his tie and tears it out unbeknownst to him the child tells his grandfather about the incident and the grandfather decides to create the hero Association to prevent similar incidents from happening resolving after this encounter to become a mighty superhero saitama started a daily training schedule which consisted of 100 push-ups 100 sit-ups and 100 squats along with running 10 kilometers every single day he ate three meals a day but only a banana as breakfast and also didn't use the air conditioner to strengthen his mental resistance these daily activities were extremely tough and caused his body excruciating pain muscle aches and vomiting blood however saitama did not give up and continued his training day after day personification of a light pole Court attack on saitama's 300th day of training his body had already felt the effects of working out too much however saitama had shown signs of improvement such as wrecking a car after saving a boy from an accident at that time personification of a light pull cord attacked the streets looking for an opponent that would satisfy him the monster punches cars in buildings as he keeps searching to test his fruits of Labor saitama challenged the monster but was sent flying after a single punch filled with the determination to overcome his limits the monster punches saitama again and is knocked down however saitama quickly got up and spat out a tooth that had been bothering him because of cavity saitama then defeated the monster with a single punch before moving on with his workout King's beginning at some point in the first year and a half of saitama's training octopus claw man attacked an unspecified group of people saitama arrived and defeated octopus claw man though he sustained multiple injuries from the fight after the fight he consoled one flailing villain who had suffered three scratches above his left eye from the mysterious being one question about his injuries saitama Shrugged it off simply smiling at the thought that there was a special sale that day cicada larva attack sometime between when saitama started training and started to lose his hair Z City experienced a mysterious being attacked by the 170 000 year old cicada larva prompting the citizenry to evacuate to the state-of-the-art shelter number seven the three low-ranking Heroes sent to defeat the magic cicada nymph were defeated but survived and managed to find some straggling evacuees on their way back to the shelter among them being saitama when saitama discovered that he had been led to a shelter he became upset stating that he thought that following the heroes would lead him to the mysterious being saitama attempts to leave so that he can find the monster but is restrained by the citizens thinking he has become suicidal the guard attempts to explain that the doors cannot be opened while the disaster is still ongoing but reassures the public that the shelter can withstand any sort of attack while she praises the structure's Perfection saitama confronts her again to ask where the bathroom is only for her to reply that the perfect shelter was nevertheless designed and built without bathrooms saitama slowly becomes more and more distressed as he doesn't know if his bladder can hold until the situation ends after overhearing that two A-Class Heroes were defeated by the Beast and that it will take three hours for a hero Association Squadron to arrive saitamai can't take it anymore he walks to a wall of the shelter and breaks a hole in it you know casually with a single punch before the stunned onlookers and runs off stating that he's going to the convenience store just as he's about to reach the store to use the bathroom the 170 000 year old cicada larva appears in front of him which he promptly kills OVA zero this one's a story about saitama when he still had hair and his costume was a tracksuit saitama continues his routine of defeating numerous villains in the abandoned area in Z City but also has problems with rent money saitama speaks with a shop owner who's being forced by a local gang to surrender his store's deed several other shops have gone out of business and his store is the last one a conversation between the gang boss and one of his stooges reveals that the boss has had an Impulse to buy out all of the swords in the area to destroy them saitama gives Council to the clothes shop owner to not give up and the owner points in the direction of the gang's base which turns out to be his apartment complex he goes door to door meeting various criminals who work under the boss but has no real interest until he hears them each mention a reward that's on their heads and soundly beats them the boss is the only one left after saitama tells him that there's no need for overcharging the boss loses it and transforms into the fish of darkness saitama and the boss have a brief fight until the boss mentions the reward on his head saitama returns to the landlady saying he's called the police and the reward should pay for offers rent but the landlady is revealed to be crooked stating those tenants were her main source of Revenue she then throws saitama out into the streets with his belongings in boxes saitama later returned to the shop owner to explain what happened the shop owner then states that he was getting too old and has decided to close the shop anyway but not after finishing a masterpiece that he made for saitama which turns out to be saitama's hero outfit one and a half years after he started his training he had lost his hair and became strong he continued his training for another year and a half before starting his superhero career saitama introduction Arc saitama watches a news report on vaccine Man attacking Z City seeing the destruction saitama decides to confront the monster saitama appears at the scene just in time to save a young girl from vaccine man the monster asks who saitama is saitama then replies that he's just the guy who's a hero for fun after reluctantly listening to the monster's angry monologue and watching its transformation saitama kills it with a single punch after this he screams out in frustration at another easy victory sometime after saitama hears about a demon level disaster emergency stemming from the destruction of D City by the brain and Brawn Brothers saitama appears on the mantrous matagordi's shoulders and tells him to put some pants on fukigao marigori's brother who's on his other shoulder orders his brother to swat saitama however marugori absent-mindedly swats the wrong shoulder instantly killing his brother enrage I freaking love that scene by the way enraged matagordi grabs saitama throws him to the ground and assaults him with a flurry of punches leaving a large hole in the ground saitama jumps out of the hole and punches marugori to the ground with a single punch as marugori topples over saitama states that having an overwhelming power is boring unfortunately saitama's blow causes matagordi to fall on top of B City and destroy it on his way back home saitama encounters super custom y0649z Mark II the monster rants about his backstory and saitama kills it with one punch that night saitama has a dream where the Subterranean people attack him and give him an exhilarating fight unfortunately saitama wakes up to the sound of the real Subterranean people and saitama kills the leader instantly and his people Retreat that's just how one punch man is guys house of evolution Arc oh this one's so good while saitama laments his emotionless life a mosquito lands on his hand after unsuccessfully swatting at it it flies off and leaves saitama enraged saitama then sees a news report about a mosquito swarm headed towards his City saitama pursues the mosquito he had been trying to kill and encounters Janos fighting mosquito girl at that moment mosquito girl finishes her blood-fueled Evolution and sends her mosquitoes crashing down on saitama and genos genos incinerates the Swarm unintentionally burning saitama's clothes off in the process the newly empowered mosquito girl starts attacking genos and tearing him apart with her claws just as Janos is about to resort to self-destructing saitama slaps mosquito girl sending her flying through a nearby building and into the sky dusting off his hands saitama states that he hates mosquitoes after witnessing saitama incredible power genos asks saitama to make him his Apprentice ova1 this story takes place between mosquito girl's defeat and jenno showing up inside of his apartment it begins at night with saitama watching a video about aliens and stalkers convinced someone is stalking him which afterwards is shown to be because of genos who's trying to find out the secret to saitama's power later on saitama goes out to eat and Janos follows him seeing as how expensive all the food is into the restaurant he's entered saitama orders the cheapest thing on the menu a small plate of fries which convinces genos that this was a secret to saitama's strength saitama then gets up and goes to the bathroom after returning from the bathroom saitama is shocked to find out that someone stole one of his fries a long french fry the only one he liked in reality it was stolen by genos for analysis later on saitama goes back to his building and waits outside to find his stalker however Janos is watching him from afar and from another Direction genos hears that the results of the Fry's analysis have come and he goes to check them out a short time after there's an assault by the b-class criminal man's esthetician man who encounters saitama and recalls him as someone who has eaten him before saitama on the other hand doesn't remember men's esthetician man however saitama is convinced that men's esthetician man is a stalker and the one who stole his french fry around the same time genos is seen at the lab checking the results of the French fry analysis which results in it being a normal french fry he then hypothesizes that saitama may be a cyborg like him moving back to saitama we see a hole in the wall in the shape of man's esthetician man and saitama telling him to just approach him next time rather than steal his food saitama is later seen going back home and complaining about not getting any recognition in the final scene we see genos right before saitama's apartment which leads us back to the original storyline at saitama's apartment genos gives a long explanation of his past and motives but saitama is completely uninterested nevertheless saitama agrees to take genocin when genus explains that he simply wants to become as strong as saitama meanwhile Dr genus of the House of evolution sends his Creations to retrieve saitama as a test subject after seeing him defeat mosquito girl kamakuri arrives at saitama's apartment first crashing through the ceiling but saitama punches his head off saitama jumps outside and buries Frogman and sluggerus in the ground ground dragon grabs sightama's legs and pulls his body into the ground leaving only his head above the ground Janos rushes to saitama's aid but is intercepted by armored Guerrilla beast king then approaches saitama saitama starts to doze off which angers beast king the creature threatened saitama who effortlessly steps out of the ground much to the surprise of ground Dragon beast king then attacks saitama killing Frogman and sluggerus in the process but saitama Dodges his attacks saitama uses consecutive normal punches and obliterates the monster the terrified ground Dragon tries to flee underground but saitama digs underground shows his face and punches the monster out when saitama gets back to the surface he finds that genos has already defeated armored gorilla and is interrogating him after saitama shows armored gorilla the remains of beastgang armored gorilla tells them all they want to know roughly four hours later saitama and Geno's climb a forest path and arrive at the house of evolution headquarters wasting no time genus destroys the above ground portion of the base with an energy blast surprising saitama slightly with his ruthlessness in the rubble they find a metal door which leads to the underground facility as they enter the Subterranean portion of the layer they hear Carnage Kabuto bounding down the corridor the monster slams genos into the wall and challenges saitama to a fight which saitama accepts as the two are about to fight genos reappears and attempts to fight Carnage Kabuto but is quickly beaten down again Carnage Kabuto comments on how he can feel that saitama is really strong while saitama tells him not to disappoint as he expects Carnage Kabuto to be the strongest being of the House of evolution moving with tremendous speed Carnage Kabuto moves behind saitama just as he's about to strike he leaps backwards he senses that if he had attack saitama at that very moment he would have been killed he explodes with rage and fear and asks saitama how he got so strong saitama agrees to tell everybody around him and explains that he got his strength by training his body his regimen consisted of 100 sit-ups 100 push-ups 100 squats and a 10 kilometer run every single day genos is outraged stating that saitama's strength would be totally impossible to achieve with that level of routine strength training annoyed by saitama's Apparent lie Carnage Kabuto enters Carnage mode and states that he will Rampage for a week until the next Saturday Carnage Kabuto then begins to Pummel saitama sending him flying around the room while this is going on saitama comes through the horrifying realization that if Carnage mode lasts for a whole week ending on a Saturday then the current day is Saturday and he missed the special sale overcome with despair he cries out and obliterates Carnage kabato with one punch thankfully Janos informs him that they still have some time if they hurry to make the sale I love how freaking normal saitama is it's so funny OVA 2. this is a story about genos and the time he met Don Pacino a wanted C-Class criminal and his family in a warehouse along with a man who's being held captive by the gang Don Pacino takes saitama's keys and asks genos to reveal information about the man and in return he would give the keys back Janus readily accepts the offer and tells him how important the keys were he talks about the conversation between him and saitama and a communal bath discussing the various sounds that would be fitting while taking a hot bath after the conversation saitama tells genos to go home he gives his room keys and warns him not to lose it Janos waits for saitama while going home saitama notices a food store and decides to cook hot pot for dinner he needs some ingredients so he took out his leaflet and saw that there's a sales for high quality chicken thighs in a supermarket Janos suggests that if they split they could take the ingredients before the sale was over genos heads to the two nearest supermarkets until he spots a monster and decides to eliminate the threat and by the time he reaches the supermarket the sale is already over upon hearing Genesis story Dawn is annoyed and demands that genos tell him what business as he had with the man who was the typhoon's number two family member Janos continues his story telling him how he met them after failing to reach the first sale on time he went to his second shop and to his surprise it was closed genos encounters a passerby and asks him why the shop was closed the man replies saying that Don Pacino forced all the shops to close after he ransacked their place when the man coughed and fell down Janos held him and the key slipped out of Genesis hand Don Pacino entered the scene and took them to their place after hearing Genesis story Don realizes that genos was a passerby and has no connection with the typhoon family member so he takes out his guns he and his gang begin shooting genus with the barrage bullets genos unharmed responds by using his incinerate move leaving them alive and freeing the captive man after reaching home genos tells saitama about the incident of losing his keys and why he couldn't get the chicken saitama without hesitation calmly replies that he had spare keys they cooked dinner with the meat that genos bought as an alternative Paradise group art saitama is first seen waking up frantically from a dream involving someone pointing a snotty finger at him realizing it was just a dream he turns on the news and finds out that the criminal Hammerhead and his terrorist organization known as the paradisers consisting entirely of bald dangerous looking men have arrived and started wreaking havoc the news warns everyone to avoid any bald man with a Dangerous Aura this anger saitama who states that this group will ruin his image as everyone will mistake him for a villain he resolves to destroy the paradisers to protect his image saitama heads out to search for the villains and on his way many people end up mistaking him for a member of the paradisers on his search for the paradisers saitama finds himself lost in a forest trying to find a path out he is halted by Hammerhead Hammerhead mistakes saitama for someone wanting to join up with the paradisers but saitama tells him that he actually came to destroy them Hammerhead swiftly attacks saitama with a vicious punch but saitama is unfazed and unimpressed enraged hammerhead charges up to full power and executes his windmill attack upon seeing this saitama notices it looks much like an attack he used to perform as a kid and wonders if Hammerhead is similar to him he then stops the attack with little effort and shatters hammerhead's battle suit with a quick punch after making him promise to never do bad things again saitama allows Hammerhead to flee shortly after a powerful ninja speed of sound Sonic arrives demanding to know where Hammerhead has gone saitama points in the direction that hammer had fled in Sonic then attacks saitama mistaking him for a member of the paradisers with a kunai thrown at lightning fast speed however saitama effortlessly catches both the kunai and Sonic's subsequent attack with a sword and then proceeds to break the sword in half saitama then frantically explains that he's not a member of the paradisers and asks Sonic whether or not he recognizes him as a man who has saved the world many times when Sonic denies knowing him saitama becomes severely disheartened Sonic again proceeds to attack saitama stating that the real problem is that saitama was able to see two of Sonic's attacks and that his pride cannot allow for saitama to live upon hearing this saitama accuses Sonic of being a liar stating that Sonic just wants to test his attacks on him indicated by the childlike smile on Sonic's face after Sonic jumps around for quite some time saitama intercepts him and asks if he can go home now surprised Sonic retaliates with a windblade kick saitama attempts to interrupt Sonic's attack by placing his fist directly in the path of Sonic's groin however he accidentally moves his fist too far and Taps Sonic's groin clearly in pain Sonic swears that he will Train Day and Night for their rematch and then flees later saitama is at his apartment going over the day's events with genos zaitama asks Janos to leave stating that he's in shock due to a certain event that occurred that day Janos worried about anything that might shock saitama asks what it is and saitama explains that he can't believe that Sonic had no idea who he was despite all of his previous exploits genos then asks if saitama was a registered superhero to which saitama replies that he's not genos goes on to explain that anyone who hasn't registered with a hero Association will never be recognized for their Feats saitama then resolves to become a licensed hero so he can achieve the fame he deserves he asks genos to register with him in exchange for formally accepting the latter as his disciple OVA 3. after losing against saitama Sonic struggles to cope and cannot fight properly after his defeat even having repeating nightmares and flashbacks of the incident he begins training in a force with a matagi hunter who is looking to kill a bear that scarred him after receiving some advice from the hunter Sonic contemplates about it but is disturbed by some noises he arrives and saves a baby boar from a snake that quickly bonds with him naming the borino Sonic continues training gradually regains his confidence and overcomes his fears he decides to leave and as he says farewell the hunter corrects him and introduces himself by his real name Frank which surprises Sonic after leaving the bear who scarred Frank appears and overpowers him and knocks him out saitama shows up searching for food after eyeing Ino the boar ran off leaving saitama taking the bear at his apartment saitama angenos are eating hot pot with bear meat while Sonic silently watches over the city ready for his next battle with saitama after Frank wakes up he and Eno look with amazement at the forest cleared with a single punch national superhero registry Arc saitama arrives at the sixth official superhero certification exam Center and begins a series of physical tests saitama does so well in the physical tests that he Oz the examiners and disheartens the up-and-coming heroes from taking the tests altogether later in the waiting room saitama meets with Janos and the two discuss the easiness of the hero qualification tests and state that there's no way they didn't pass when the results of the tests arrive it is revealed that saitama barely passed having achieved a score of 71 when the passing is 70 and received the C-Class hero designation despite this saitama achieved a perfect score in every physical test and broke every record of the hero Association and the only reason his score was so low was that he did poorly on the written test later during a lecture from A-Class hero snack which is like snake taitama is chewing bubble gum seemingly bored this anger snack and along with hearing the news that saitama could quickly surpass him cause his snack to Ambush saitama however he's quickly defeated I love how he uses his life sneak arm that's why his name is snack so stupid sometime later genos requests a sparring match with saitama saitama having earlier agreed to take genos as his disciple officially under the condition that genos registers as a hero as well accepts his challenge the battle begins with Janos firing a massive energy attack which saitama Dodges with ease genos proceeds to attack saitama physically but eventually discovers he was chasing saitama's after image the whole time after an extremely close range of energy attack in which genos believes he finally landed to blow on saitama saitama having dodged the attack pokes genos in the face and declares himself the Victor Geno stops to remind him that the match cannot end until one of them is unable to continue upon hearing this saitama appears in front of genos and delivers a Death Punch which stops inches before hitting genos's face though unharmed the landscape behind genos is obliterated saitama and genos then return home after the sparring match they head out to a shop where they have an eating contest while Janos has no problem eating saitama nearly passed out the A-Class hero sweet mass comes and asks genos to speak with him outside with saitama warning genus about rookie crushing five days later saitama is seen lounging around his house reading a magazine he notices genos carrying a huge backpack full of contents unknown who then requests to live with him at first he declines but after genos tells him that he will pay him the rent saitama allows genos to stay with him genos later informs saitama that all C-Class Heroes who are inactive for a week are removed from the official registry saitama realizing he only has two days remaining sets out to find a villain only to discover that Z city is completely peaceful saitama decides that he'll check again the next day and returns home upon discovering that Z city is peaceful for the second day in a row he becomes greatly distressed all of a sudden Akuna is thrown at saitama saitama catches it and discovers that his would-be assailant is speed of sound Sonic saitama tells Sonic that he's busy and begins to walk away but Sonic rushes to an intercept him frustrated saitama bites Sonic sword shattering it in a blink of an eye saitama then threatens Sonic that if he gets in his way again he will punch him at this moment a woman from the crowd observed saitama and states that he's being a suspicious person saitama thinking that the woman was referring to Sonic begins to Electro Sonic for being so violent then a C-Class hero named tank top tiger explains that the woman was referring to him saitama says that he's also registered hero but tank top tiger states that he has no idea who saitama is and thinks that he should leave as he's ruining the reputation of other Heroes saitama becomes increasingly annoyed but before he has a chance to attack Sonic launches a surprise assault on tank top tiger who is defeated instantly Sonic begins to wreak havoc on the surrounding civilians during this chaos saitama saves a small Boy's Life by effortlessly moving a tree in place to intercept a falling car that would have killed the boy saitama angered both by the fact that he can't find a bad guy to fight and that civilian are in danger realizes that Sonic is now considered a bad guy and decides to retaliate saitama appears behind Sonic and dispatches him with a single Swift chop by defeating Sonic he has saved himself from being removed as a registered hero rumored monster Arc saitama apparently returning home from shopping happens upon a scene where kombu Infinity had just defeated two A-Class heroes in battle upon seeing the monster saitama remembers that he forgot to get kombu and notices that the monster appears to be made out of it later that day saitama has seen cooking kombu that was taken directly from the monster's body leaving it totally naked Jenna states that saitama wanted to eat kombu to see if he could make his hair grow back poor saitama he's never gonna get his hair back giant meteor Arc cytomine genos are relaxing in their apartment when genus tells saitama that saitama has been promoted from C-Class rank 388 to rank 342 and while genos hasn't been raised from S-Class rank 17 he's been ranked sixth in popularity genos then gets a call from the hero Association at heads out later after Janos fails to destroy the meteor heading towards the Earth saitama shows up and asks bang to take care of genos he then launches himself at the meteor and punches his way through it causing it to break apart unfortunately the pieces of the meteor then rain down on Z City saitama lands and then walks off concluding that the situation is taken care of three days later saitama and genos are relaxing in their apartment watching a news report on how the meteor fragments destroyed many buildings and businesses in the city after learning that his rank had jumped up from C-Class rank 342 to rank 5. saitama gets excited and decides to go out for a walk around town during his walk he gets called out by tank top Tiger but saitama doesn't remember who he is tanked up tiger then declares that saitama is a liar that there's no way he would be able to destroy a meteor on his own and that he merely took credit of the S-Class Hero's work saitama starts to defend himself but is cut off by tank top tiger who calls out for his big brother who jumps in and introduces himself as tank top black hole tank top black hole claims that he has a perfect punishment for a lying cheater like saitama he then in a rather loud voice starts accusing saitama of destroying the town the commotion starts to attract citizens who begin to gather around the scene tank top black hole continues to accuse saitama of destroying the town on purpose and slowly the crowd begins to turn on saitama shouting out threats and accusations along with tank top black hole tank top black hole then accuses saitama of wanting to destroy the citizens just as he destroyed the town and then challenges him to a fight tank top tiger then rushes forward to attack saitama but gets easily knocked away into a pile of rubble much to tank top black hole surprise tank top black hole then jumps in and tries to crush saitama with his grip which cytoma intercepts and locks hands with tank top black hole and squeezes causing him to fall to his knees in pain and apologize for lying to his surprise however saitama tells him that he wasn't lying saitama then shouts to all the citizens that he did destroy the meteor and that if anyone has a problem with him they should say it to his face some citizens move to accuse him of the Damage Done to their property but saitama quickly shouts them down telling them to blame it on the meteor and that he's not doing hero work because he wants to be admired by them but because it's something he wants to do leaving his accusers stunned in silence OVA 4. after the giant meteor was destroyed bong Begins the spy and saitama and jenos to gauge their abilities hopeful that his water stream Rock smashing fist martial arts is stronger and that proving so will coerce saitama and Janos to study under him bang invites saitamanginos to his dojo under the pretense of giving them free meat soon bang challenges saitama to a variety of games including card based memory games and rock paper scissors with bong winning almost every time during one rock paper scissors match an enraged saitama nearly crushes bong with a hammer who is then forced to admit that saitama is truly powerful he does note however that the rock paper scissors game was the most excited he had ever seen saitama b and offers saitama to join his dojo saitama refuses the offer sea monster arc on his way home saitama comes across a sea folk about to attack a city so he defeats it quickly some time later saitama is relaxing as genos does the dishes and explains that saitama has advanced to the second rank of z-class he goes on to explain that once saitama becomes rank 1 he can get promoted to b-class genos then starts talking about how the top ranking C-Class hero hasn't left his position for around half a year which apparently is no match for the top ranking b-class hero before genos can finish talking though he gets a call about an attack on Chase City by more sea folk after seeing a news report on the incident they decide to head out to help sometime between them leaving and them getting there saitama and genos get separated during his search for the Deep Sea King saitama finds Moomin Rider's cell phone lying in the street upon picking it up the man on the other end of the line requests to know who he's speaking to and despite saitama only being listed as a C-Class hero decides to disclose the location of the Deep Sea King apparently to finally determine just how strong saitama is later saitama arrives at the shelter just in time to witness movement Rider's defeat at the hands of the Deep Sea King he catches Moomin Rider's unconscious body and tells him he fought well saitama then observes the scene and is surprised to find that genos is still alive despite his Grievous injuries after remarking that he will quickly dispatch the Deep Sea King saitama is attacked by the monster however he's unscathed by the attack Deep Sea King declares his surprise that saitama did not fall from his punch but saitama remarks that the monster's punch was simply too weak to hurt him meanwhile The Spectators talk amongst themselves telling each other that their situation hasn't changed at all with only a C-Class Rank 2 hero arriving Deep Sea King starts to tell saitama that he as the ruler of the mother sea stands at the very top of the Pyramid of all living organisms on Earth saitama interrupts Deep Sea King and tells him to hurry up and fight Deep Sea King then quickly attempts to punch saitama only for saitama to punch a hole in his body as deep sea king Falls genos is seen smiling and all the spectators stare on in disbelief standing triumphantly over the body of the monster saitama overhears the crowd of onlookers starting to question the usefulness of the rest of the heroes who battled the monster not wanting the hero's good reputation to be tarnished saitama remarks loudly that he got off lucky and that if the other Heroes hadn't weakened Deep Sea King beforehand he wouldn't have stood a chance to further the credibility of his Ploy saitama plays on the rumors of his underhanded Nature by stating that because he's the one who dealt the finishing blow he'll get all of the credit for the victory regardless of the other Hero's Valiant efforts saitama's plans proved successful and the people's faith in the other Heroes is restored saitama on the other hand grows more hated in the eyes of the citizens internally saitama reflects on how dull the battle with the Deep Sea King turned out to be sometime after the battle with deep sea king saitamine genos receive a box via airdrop from the hero Association containing several letters addressed to the heroes themselves upon opening the five letters that were addressed to him saitama discovers that the first three contain nothing but hateful words accusing him of cowardice and cheating which angered genos greatly but were disregarded by saitama the fourth letter contained a simple thank you from an anonymous reader the fifth letter turned out to be a letter directly from the hero Association itself notifying saitama of his promotion to C-Class rank 1 and inviting him to the hero Association headquarters in Z City upon arrival saitama requests to know why he was summoned to the headquarters and suspects that they called him to be reprimanded for his actions his hosts however insist that the circumstances for which he was invited are quite the contrary and they congratulate saitama on reaching C-Class rank 1. they then go on to inquire as to whether or not saitama will move up to b-class or remain in C-Class saitama expresses his apathy on the subject but then goes on to state that he'd rather be b-class since he would no longer have to report his weekly activities to the hero Association he also internally reflects that he can't remain in C-Class forever especially considering that genos is already in S-Class other officials of the association watching from a separate room question even the the legitimacy of his results to which one suggests that they allow him into b-class to test that legitimacy should he hold his own his power would be unmistakable otherwise he will be broken by the factions in b-class in particular the blizzard group finally they consult sweet mask for the verdict sweet masked finding neither significance in promotions from C-Class to b-class nor anything noteworthy inside Thomas impression allows it later on saitama is walking home examining the official document declaring him a b-class hero when a delightful smell from a small Odin chop draws him inside upon entering saitama orders in assorted Odin and takes a seat at the counter where he's asked by another Patron in the shop if you will have anything to drink with his Odin the patron then states that if saitama won't order a drink then he will treat him to one upon observing The Stranger saitama discovers it is none other than a bruised and battered moomen Rider saitama questions why Moomin Rider would want to buy him a drink to which movement writer states that if for nothing else it would be to celebrate saitama's promotion to b-class and also reveals himself to be the sender of the thank you letter that saitama had received upon finally recognizing the man as moonrider who he saved from Deep Sea King saitama accepts his offer and orders a mozuku sometime afterward saitama would rank up from b-class rank 101 to rank 63 OVA 5. during the C folk Invasion the blizzard group gets rid of one of the deep sea King's henchmen they're disheartened to learn that their heroism didn't make it into the next day's newspaper while everyone else's did fubiki takes this the hardest and decides to go on a train ride to Z City to clear her thoughts Janos happens to also be on the same train on his way home with groceries later during the ride genus receives a call that an ex-hero serial bomber planted a bomb on the train and that it will detonate once it reaches the train station fubiki evacuates the Panic civilians off the train while enlisting the help of the budding new hero swim to find the bomb while genos tries to slow down the train from the outside as fubiki evacuates swim she hesitates while thinking about what to do with the bomb tatsumaki appears and successfully allows the train to detonate with no casualties phobiki once again expresses Envy towards her older sister's actions on the walk back fubigi meets up with swim who expresses gratitude for fubiki's actions and wishes to join fubiki's group once she reaches b-class meanwhile jennos visits Dr Casino asking for psychic augmentation to which the doctor denies since it's out of his range of specialty the OVA ends with saitama wondering why genus is so late alien conquerors Arc kaitama and genos are watching the martial artist hero bang demonstrate one of his techniques to the duo upon being asked to attempt the technique the pair expressed their disinterest in a non-destructive technique eliciting an outburst from bangs only disciple chironko after being questioned on the whereabouts of the rest of his students hang explains that a long time ago one of his students went out of control and defeated a good handful of them causing all of them to leave the dojo subsequently forcing bang to take it upon himself to take him down shortly after a member of the hero Association arrives and declares that all S-Class heroes are to report to HQ immediately to address the major crisis Geno states that since all S-Class heroes are being convened they might need saitama's power so taitama accompanies them to HQ the first S-Class hero to interact with saitama is S-Class Rank 4 Atomic Samurai even after hearing the praise of saitama from bang refuses to shake saitama's hand stating that he will only acknowledge those in the S-Class taitama then hears a flurry of disapproving remarks at his presence at the meeting and looks over to discover the culprit is a very small girl who to his surprise happens to be the S-Class Rank 2 tatsumaki Thinking she's just some cheeky kid cytomi blatantly ignores her and goes to sit down with the rest of the heroes angering tatsumaki who continues to complain as most of the S-Class heroes are conspiring with their own thoughts bang asks why they were called here for Atma then casually asks for some tea after having heard of the great Calamity foretold by the renowned fortune teller shibabawa Fitch unnervingly elaborates on how punishing the impact of the most recent prediction she had made before her death would be he tells the assembled Heroes that the prediction may come true at any time time in the next half a year saitama couldn't help but simply Muse that This Disaster that has the hero Association coordinator so on edge could just as well occur today or tomorrow for that matter after sich asked him who he was saitama simply States how glad he is to have come along for the meaning just as he was finished bemusing over the emergency meeting the entire building complex shook with thunderous turbulence as though it had been hit by a massive Tremor well outside the complex numerous flying creatures led by the Sky King could be seen gathering around for an all-out assault on the surface World however the would-be incursion was soon dispatched by a UFO like Albatross the size of a major metropolitan area having already picked up on what had happened to the obliterated a city outside the hero association's HQ saitama quickly leaps all the way to the rooftop to get a better view of the action before genos could even erect a response out of him upon seeing the giant spaceship saitama heads towards it evading and deflecting cannon fire directed at him soon as he managed to reach it Rory Bus Gets in his way but is defeated in a single punch saitama keeps searching inside while wrecking whatever and whoever got in his way Gary ugan Shoop tries to beg him into leaving the spaceship to no avail saitama eventually reaches bodus Throne Room entrance the leader of the invading Dark Matter thieves before saitama can reach botos however digunchoop challenges him only to be easily dispatched saitama stating that flinging rocks around using telekinesis was a waste of superpowers before flinging one through Gary ogunship's head boros was amazed that he managed to defeat his strongest Fighters as easily as he did and proceeds to take him on the battle of the S-Class Heroes and Alien Invaders began saitama's own battle with boros was getting underway after hearing why the aforementioned Galactic warlord went on a tirade shattering planets and raising civilizations all due to insurmountable boredom out of being in Unstoppable Force looking for a worthy opponent to temper his might saitama expresses his disgust towards boros's Petty genocidal Indulgence and whacks him doing so however inadvertently shatters his armor which acts as a restraining bolt on The Intergalactic Raider's own power his somewhat surprises saitama as this new opponent was one of the first individuals he has ever met to survive his one-hit kill blow soon metaphorically shifting into a more powerfully energized form gross begins realizing his unsealed inner power as the two Clash repeatedly borrows complements saitama and having lasted this long against his might while the latter retorts that his adversary is equally impressive as the battle grows more and more intense boros begins taking the upper hand in the conflict against saitama knocking him around his vessel's throne room eventually culminating in the two plowing through the top of the ship there saitama weathered some of boros's strongest attacks while only taking minimal damage in his assault after growing Board of boris's constant boasting and flaunting of his regenerative capabilities saitama wonders aloud if he was finished due to his inability to fight seriously boros responds by unleashing his most powerful transformation yet his meteoric burst oros then unleashes a thunderous Onslaught which began annihilating his own ship subsequently kicking saitama all the way to the Moon saitama quickly realizes where he landed catapulting himself from the moon's weaker orbit back to Earth Landing meteorically upon his adversary ship causing it to jolt towards the ground upon upheaval due to the impact boros now infuriated furiously assault saitama but saitama simply counters it with a devastating blow of his own a simple punch that promptly eviscerates boros only for him to quickly regenerate his scattered self back together initiating his final measure the dreaded Boro struck out at his opponent with his planet-killing trump card collapsing star roaring Cannon tending to decimate saitama and the Earth's surface layer in one gigantic blast however saitama unfazed by this apocalyptic announcement simply says he would counter it with his own winning trump card his serious series serious punch which not only deflected the genocide wave but also obliterated boros on the spot but also parted the cloud cover for several thousand miles across the globe while he Lay Dying admitting he found the excitement he long sought after while making his way across the cosmos boros commented that he and saitama fought to The Bitter End with knee either giving an inch with saitama nodding in compliance Bora says he knew full well that saitama was still holding back the entire time they fought disparaging at how powerful his better truly was with his last breaths leaving saitama to solemnly walk away from his Fallen enemy in the collapsing Fortress after finally making his way out of the ruined spaceship taitama meets with many other S-Class Heroes such as super alloy darkshine tatumaki and atomic Samurai after being asked how and why he was on the enemy ship Janos comes rushing to the scene concerned for his well-being after a brief conversation over who saitama was fighting against and how prophecies could have come to pass without his help which saitama writes off as untrue tatsumaki bursts into a fit of anger interrupting them both she denounces saitama for what she perceives as interference in her battle calling him names with some coaxing from saitama Geno steps up and tells tatsumaki off seconds before being telekinetically thrown into some debris by her in Outrage of being called a brat only to be stopped seconds away from Attack lacking saitama by bang who admonishes her for her callous Behavior as an S-Class hero after the invasion saitama later destroys pluton with one punch and angrily yells in frustration at his own overwhelming strength ob-a-6 After the Dark Matter thieves failed Invasion the heroes that participated were invited to the Hot Spring Resort when zombie man is found murdered on the floor child Emperor States one of the S-Class Heroes is the culprit the scene then flashbacks to the day before the murder had happened which all heroes are invited to stay overnight at the resort the heroes enjoyed themselves in hot spring metal bat wasn't satisfied that some of the heroes like flashy flash Pig God Watchdog man who didn't participate in the battle got invited as well as they were also dealing with other monster cases they get certain rewards as well after the hot springs sich gathers all the heroes into a celebration of the victory Against The Invasion a few of the heroes became drunk after drinking the sake and disgusts child Emperor who's later asked by zombie man whether or not he's enjoying himself the scene returns to the murder child Emperor gathers some of the evidence and tries to eliminate one and another to find out the truth one of them being the weapon which stabbed zombie man which is atomic samurai sword he then interrogates a few other Heroes including saitama who asks samiman if he's truly Immortal and finally asks the looking for more information King tells him a brief moment of his witness and shows a messing face which scares the child Emperor a bit suddenly tatsumaki bursts out of the door and is about to restrain everyone for being suspects of the murder when zombie man wakes up he then reveals that Atomic Samurai's Katana was floating with green light surrounding it similar to tatsumaki when she was flying child Emperor then interrogates tatsumaki as to what she was doing last night and predicts that she was drunk from all the sake she angrily opposes that she knew zombie man cannot be killed and wouldn't do such things bang steps up and calms her down and tells everyone that everything's fine now that zombie man is fine once again everyone then dismands sich then asks child Emperor to look at footage of a surveillance camera from last night it shows that tatsumaki is the culprit and she was a very drunk when walking home saitama was wondering why tatsumaki stabs army man Janos knew it was saitama's fault but didn't tell him it reveals that saitama told tatsumaki that she's a child and shouldn't drink adult sake feeling humiliated takes Revenge by drinking as much as she could from saitama's bottle of sake OVA 7. saitama meets a group of villains in a public restroom who mistake him for their Ally they introduce themselves to saitama but when he reveals he's a hero they attempt to defeat him their attacks misfire and they end up getting saved by saitama and start contemplating about how weak their abilities are compared to the likes of tatsumaki and voltan who use the respective abilities to earn a living they have a change of heart but the group is then attacked by dirt earthworm and saved by saitama again who sends the monster flying Janos arrives at the scene after following the evacuation warning only to find saitama there alone with the mediocre ability users who he thinks are troubling his master they quickly lie about how they just aspire to be heroes and wanted to spar with saitama who believes them and decides to train them dirt earthworm observes from afar and is about to leave the area but is eaten by a random bird King Arc saitaman genos are an m city where they detect King's presence thanks to genos genos wonders why King's there while they talked a sudden commotion occurred where the source is the robot G4 whose primary goal is to eliminate King in the name of the organization though saitama offered to help Janos fight G4 genos declined in the hopes of making it to the top 10 of S-Class so saitama leaves the matter to genos while King struggles to choose a name in the video game saitama enters King's Residence at first king didn't notice saitama at all responding to him casually when saitama recommends him a name once King finally notices saitama saitama states that the window is open despite it being on the 22nd floor eventually King remembered saitama from the S-Class meeting and quickly changes the video game to an action game claiming that he got the wrong game by mistake as genus was fighting G4 King just played video games however saitama suddenly starts questioning King's escape from the fight against the robot I saitama is going to exit a giant bird-like monster appears flying directly towards King's Room lucky for King saitama stopped the Monster In Time by holding its beak saitama gives King the chance to fight the monster but King is reluctant saitama then wonders if King attracted monsters making King reminisce his past it is then showed that King really was attracting monsters before only to be stopped by a mysterious figure from time to time because of his appearance at the scenes people began to treat him as a hero giving him the hero name King as King was driven to the point where he teared up silence entered the room making him think the monster ate saitama however saitama begins to notice that all the rumors about King were mere lies but that didn't make him angry king concludes that saitama beat the monster and also learns that it was saitama who had saved him countless times albeit saitama still had hair at the time King begins to apologize to saitama and confesses that he stole the glory from saitama's accomplishments still saitama urges King not to quit and just becomes strong for real saitama leaves holding no grudges against King still thinking how he wanted to play games with King the blizzard group Arc fubuki along with the eyelashes at Mountaineer goes to saitama's place to convince him into joining their hero group however saitama's casual refusal urges them to take him down but backfires as saitama easily knocks out both eyelashes and Mountain ape she expresses her will to secure her position as the rank 1 in b-class and attack saitama with a psychic barrage but saitama is unaffected by her ability saitama withstands all of her attacks and even patronizes her about being a hero she asserts her will and continue to attack this time with a box cutter but is interrupted by the impact of genus's attack on Speedo sound Sonic saitama quickly gets between fubuki and genus's attack which would have probably killed her wondering about Genesis presence she is more surprised that the S-Class hero actually called himself the disciple of the b-class saitama genos recognizes her but misinterprets her position as being a failed attempt at taking down saitama when in actuality she was caught in his attack Sonic then proceeds to attack Janos with exploding shurikens but they do no damage the two are on equal footing and eventually attempts to stop them upon observing saitama's ability while battling Sonic fubiki found out that saitama is too strong Which is far from the norm for his actual ranking it's revealed that she has an inferiority complex due to her sister's own power because of this she founded the blizzard group to surpass her sister who's a lone wolf still she reveals that she doesn't want to advance the A-Class due to the A-Class Heroes being overwhelmingly powerful such as the Disciples of atomic Samurai and sweet mask however she acknowledges that she can get to the upper ranks of a class in a final attempt to persuade saitama into joining her faction fubuki belittles saitama saying he won't advance alone and that there are several other Heroes out there that are far stronger than he is however when King appears demanding saitama returned the video game he borrowed fubiki decides to follow him and be a part of his group noting that the strong are attracted to saitama who does not discriminate on strength saitama is shortly after giving the hero moniker caped Baldi by the hero Association OVA 9. as genos and saitama watch TV saitama accidentally knocks him out when trying to reach his potato chips and Janos wakes up with memory loss Janos reads a manga left on the floor inside tama's apartment and picks up various character personalities for example one personality is childish taking in a high-pitched voice another is a delinquent personality when genos insults saitama after discovering saitama as his master later fubiki arrives at the apartment and learns that genos has his memory loss from saitama the cyborg hero tries to flirt with her and asks her if she wants to go out with him fubiki Rejects and takes her leave however afterward upon detecting energy levels via his radar Janos leaves the apartment and rushes towards something he just detected while expressing surprise as his body is moving by itself he then faces the blizzard group who wants to recruit him into becoming their comrade genos having his memory loss however tries to convince them that they're mistaking him for someone else shortly before running away from them Janos later encounters a monster known as the Lord of mountains he leads the monster away from civilians as he fights the monster as his memories have been wiped and he's forgotten how to fight genos is beaten down until the Lord of mountains shocks genos with electricity this gives genos a memory reboot and he regains his memory genos proceeds to fight the monster like normal easily killing the Lord mountains with a single incineration blast the cyborg hero then returns to saitama and apologizes for the trouble he's caused OVA 10. saitama brings genos to a tournament for the fighting video game wild animals due to the grand prize being 5 million yen several locations all over the country are being used as venues and the battles take place online saitama plans to win using virtual reality controls but his fighting technique is lacking and he quickly loses to a koala Avatar in the first round garoa has also entered the tournament easily defeating his opponents with his martial arts and suryu does the same in another venue eventually Garo and sudiu Face Off online and they have a heated battle however the speed of gato's attacks causes the equipment to glitch freezing his Avatar and allowing sudo to win the final match of the tournament is between studio and the same koala who defeated saitama earlier the koala defeats studio in seconds shocking him the koala's player goes to receive their prize and it's revealed to be king in disguise hero hunt Arc saitama is playing a video game with King along with fubuki and genos when he is visited by charanco who wanted to know why his master bang expelled him all of a sudden Janos tells charanco that bang expelled him to keep him safe because gato was actively hunting Heroes saitama doesn't remember who charanco is and has to be reminded by Janos that chiranco is Bang's one and only disciple saitama visits the heroes at the hospital who were bitten by gato particularly Moomin Rider tank top master and charanco to give him some bananas as treats and to learn more about Gato he first visits Moomin Rider and tank top Master where he asks to know who exactly Garo is now noting that gato is a strong villain he wishes to meet and battle him someday in person after that saitama visits charango to learn more about martial arts and who he could fight to learn more about them chiranco offers him a ticket to observe martial arts at the tournament called the super fight that he was originally supposed to participate in but couldn't due to his injuries saitama accepts the offer however charanco advises him not to do something like disguising himself to cover his identity in the tournament enticed by the 3 million yen prize for first place saitama intends to achieve exactly that after saitama finds a wig shop Garo approaches him and attempts a sneak attack Garo thinking that saitama is after him tries to hit him with a swift karate chop to the shoulder however saitama is not only unaffected but also fails to recognize his attacker annoyed at gato for attacking him saitama countersgaro's attack by using a karate chop of his own which knocks out godo almost instantly and then carries on shopping for a wig for his disguise on the following day saitama prepares himself for the tournament by putting on the wig jeno sees what saitan was doing and believing that saitom is trying to make up for his lack of hair decides to help his master by calling Dr kuseno asking him for a hair transplant for saitama after getting the doctor to agree he asks saitama if he is free that day at which point saitama is finally able to explain that it's a disguise for the tournament he used to make himself look like charanco saitama then asks genos to join in to learn what martial arts are really about monster raid Arc saitama is in charako's waiting room looking over a list of the contestants of the tournament he's then greeted by sour face sour face discusses a tournament incident that happened in the past and his reasons for joining the tournament lastly he talks about the day when gato rampaged through the dojo saitama states that what sarahface is doing is pitiful and claims that he will be the one to put gato down in the end unaware that he had already beaten gato before the tournament which aggravates our face after the tournament introductions saitama is talking with sour face backstage when zakos appears and starts questioning saitama sarahface ends up answering some of sakos's questions zakos then reveals that bang was supposed to be one of the judges and starts mocking the martial arts master seraphase starts to feel very insulted but felt even angrier when chiranco did not seem bothered by zakos's comments saitama replies that he was not invested in the conversation and is only looking forward to fighting zakos but note said zakos doesn't seem very strong saitama asks sour face when what a reverse seat is after Max's and linlin's match zakos tells saitama their reverse seeds and cited by inadvertently anger zakos by calling him a weakling in his fight against sakos saitama single-handedly beats him which surprised everyone in the audience and brought the attention of Studio during Max's fight with sudiu everyone is impressed except saitama and bakazan saitama prepares to fight bakazan after sauerface's match as the match is starting saitama asks bakazan for a taste of bakazan's martial arts which the martial artist fully accepts however as Pakistan is demonstrating his martial arts to saitama he accidentally shifts saitama's wig causing saitama to panic and launch bakazan into the air bakazan crashes out of the ring into the floor head first superfight Arc saitama goes on to fight sarahface and defeats him in a manner similar to bakazan even Landing him in a spot next to where bakazan was saitama is pitted against chose in the semi-finals and defeats him proceeding to the finals of the super fight where he faces suryu during the fight suryu uses a strong kick that has enough Force to knock off saito's wig during the fight both expressed the struggle to find strong enough opponents to which saitama agrees and asks you to give him the true experience of martial arts since he started to get tired of ending his fights with one punch as their Fight Continues saitama manages to block some of sudo's kicks until he's struck into the air and kicked back down with sudiu landing on his face saitama comes out unscathed but struggles to keep his wig on while blocking and dodging saitama is then dared to punch back but instead backs away when sudio asks saitama about his routine saitama accidentally lets it slip he beats monsters and tries to mend it by saying he wants to join the hero Association but is blown off by sudiyu after listening to sudo's philosophy saitama's wig comes off when sudiu kicks his head saitama replies back telling sudo not to get any stronger if he wants to keep having fun before throwing a punch stopping before sunyu's face after his wig came off saitama is disqualified and sudiu is declared the winner however suryu still continues to attack him and doesn't hold back sudiyu uses multiple barrages of many different attacks but saitama is completely unfazed after tanking Studio's void Sky Dragon Fist saitama concludes that martial arts are just about moving in a cool way saitama then tries to mimic Studio's moves and accidentally launches Studio out of the ring into the crowd however suryu is still chosen as the winner of the tournament due to saitama breaking the rules the referees then try to catch the running saitama while saitama is out a lot of monsters take over the ring saitama later returns to the arena after hearing Studio's voice calling for help saitama saves snack from bakazan and commands sudiu for holding his own against the monsters he then proceeds to confront bakazan telling sudiu to leave the rest to him sudiu is overwhelmed by saitama's arrival bakazan recognizes saitama as the opponent who had defeated him in the tournament the monster unleashes a Flurry of Blows on saitama who is completely unaffected saitama tries to recall bakazan but fails to do so the hero then punches bakazan blowing off much of the latter's Torso and killing him saitama then introduces himself proper properly to sue to you so do you think saitamai and warns him of goketsu and the monster association's Invasion saitama decides to go and fight goketsu sudiyu tries to prevent him but fails moments later saitama kills goketsu with one punch sending goketsu's head flying into the arena right in front of Studio decides to become a hero after being inspired by saitama Studio then asks saitama to accept him as a disciple but saitama flatly refuses saitama immediately leaves in search of other monsters but is unable to find them he finds out from the C-Class hero water gun that the monsters were attacking for three to four hours before retreating simultaneously saitama feels bad for being oblivious to such an emergency and reflects on himself and questions the monster association's actions recalling today's events saitama wonders if his boredom is the cause of him forgetting something very important he feels disappointed that he didn't get to face Karo despite fighting the best of the best martial artist saitama gained nothing insightful on the way saitama meets King who is on the way to buy manga King and saitama have a deep discussion on what it means to be a hero goto spots King and is about to attack when saitama kicks him and sends him crashing into a wall both saitama and King are unaware that it's goto saitama continues hoping to meet the hero Hunter who might give him a good fight monster Association Arc saitama is playing video games with King and manages to put King on the ropes but is still unable to defeat him even with a two-finger handicap saitaman continues to play video games with King and as he's about to win King easily turns the tides and defeats saitama much to his frustration saitama notices King's emergency transmitter has been beeping King notes that there's a monster nearby but informs saitama that S-Class heroes are already at the scene King then asks about Genesis whereabouts to which saitama states he doesn't really know saitama is then informed about the monster Association and decides to head over towards the monster worrying about Genesis safety saitama and King arrive just in time to witness Elder centipede about to kill bang bomb and genos King lore's Elder centipede in with promises of fighting blast when elder centipede is lured in saitama annihilates the gigantic Beast with a serious punch jennos after witnessing saitama's latest Display of Power limps over to him asking saitama what it is he's lacking to which saitama replies power much to the exasperation of King ova-12 child Emperor zombie man super alloy dark shine and metal bat are dispatched to a forlorn Snowy Mountain to hunt a monster they fail to find anything so they check into a lodge for the night there they meet saitamaangenos who also got stuck on the mountain and had to check in and flashy flash who's trying to relax on a vacation speed of sound Sonic is also training on the mountain and decides to hunt saitama once he realizes he's present however he stays outside in the blizzard for too long and freezes losing his balance and crashing through a window the heroes tie him up but Sonic still plans to kill saitama Sonic easily escapes the rope and tries to attack saitama from under the floorboards but is stopped by genos and their encounter destroys the room the dust irritates saitama's nose and he sneezes with enough Force to blow open every door and window in the lodge the power goes out followed by a sudden explosion the heroes grab a flashlight and head to the den finding the room destroyed and zombie man unconscious child Emperor can't locate any external heat signatures so he deduces that the culprit must be in the lodge after recovering zombie man tells what little he knows and Sonic enters the room to prove his innocence the group finds that they all have good Alibis completely forgetting about flashy flash upstairs they assume the monster must be responsible but after the hero Association tells them that it's just a bear monster called Brew anato they decide it can't be once child Emperor sees saitama sneeze again he deduces the following the abundance of heaters in the lodge dried out the interior genos and Sonic's fight kicked up flammable dust saitama sneeze pushed the dust into the den all the electricity being used caused the breaker to trip and zombie man's lighter caused the Dust to detonate the group is relieved at the conclusion suddenly ruinato crashes through the front door however he is quickly defeated by the abundance of S-Class Heroes upstairs flashy flash continues to use all the Lodge's power as he relaxes monster Association Arc saitama brings the wounded Heroes back to his apartment to rest and plays a monster fighting game with King fubuki arrives at the apartment and explains to the group the current state of alert of the hero Association thanks to the monster Association unfortunately most of the group is still too badly injured after the fight against gato and Elder centipede King predictably makes excuses and cops out thus saitama grows increasingly annoyed with gato decides to put his costume back on and deal with Garo himself he also plans on picking up cabbage while he's out during his trip to feingato saitama eats at a restaurant where godo also eats at the same time but he forgot to bring his wallet as a result he falls into a panic unable to call genos for help since genos is still busy fixing his body suddenly fubiki comes to offer her help to find Gato in exchange for 70 of the credit furthermore she also proposes to help him stand at the top five in b-class as she still believes saitama cares about his ranking at the same time what fubiki doesn't know is that saitama deliberately orders a large french fries dish to trick fubuki into paying for his meal asgato commits Stein and dash in the restaurant saitama grabs the opportunity to run and capture him leaving fubuki stunned when saitama manages to catch up with Garo he gives gato a warning about eating without paying and then leaves the scene because he's grateful for gato for getting him out of the same circumstance however this enrages Garo as he thinks saitama takes pity on him and tries to hit saitama unfortunately forgotto saitama knocks him out for the third time and runs away without realizing he found and easily defeated the person he was looking for believing he failed to find goto saitomo returns to his apartment where he discovers that King bang bomb and genos are still there to his horror saitama also comes to the realization that he left his groceries behind at the restaurant in addition to losing his wallet at the store fortunately for saitama a myth fubuki arrives at his apartment with his cabbage demanding he apologize for leaving her with a bill shortly afterwards however genus's savior Dr kuseno arrives in an armored suit kusano explains that he is concerned for genos having received his rescue signal just after he put him back together again Dr Casino reveal feels he has a gift for saitama a packet of high quality beef which saitama decides to cook with the Cabbage fubiki just brought with her in a hot pot he ends up inadvertently cooking for the entire group when the food is ready to serve everyone goes after it at once splattering the Hot Pot all over the apartment and fighting each other for the scraps saitama loses his patience and orders everyone to leave bang looks the saitama for advice on raising pupils before the bald hero goes to check on King who got knocked out during the earlier scuffle the night passes and everyone except King returns home after the dinner King wakes up in the morning and takes saitama's trash out on his way back saitama decides to read a book although he is disturbed by the loud noises coming from gato and overgrown Rover's battle underneath his neighborhood he checks on the TV for any news but the screen is static eventually tired of the noise saitama leaves his house after brushing his teeth and suiting up to investigate the noise his investigation leads him to a manhole where he heard the noises from though by now they had stopped by the time the hero Association begins their coordinated attack on the monster so association's headquarters saitama is also exploring the tunnels himself as saitama explores the monster Association base the passage he's in is flooded with water due to damage from the fight between child Emperor and Phoenix man saitama eventually runs into overgrown Rover who attacks saitama saitama deals a swift blow to the giant canine knocking it unconscious and sending a massive Tremor throughout the entire underground base he's also attacked by Nyan who fails to do any damage to him and quickly Retreats soon after saitama finds himself at a large Gorge where the monster King Orochi climbs up from the darkness to face him orochu begins to introduce himself but saitama Cuts him off and tells him his expectations are already low enough and he shouldn't bother Orochi notices overgrown Rover is still nearby and is just waking up so he orders him to kill saitama however when Rover sees saitama's face it flees instead shocking Orochi the two then share a brief yet incredibly destructive scuffle but in the end saitama comes out Victorious when the defeated Orochi asks him what happened in disbelief saitama explains that and he just got punched saitama continues walking around as he searches for the leader of the monsters to talk to him about the earthquakes and noises under his apartment defeating every monster that crosses his path unfortunately he doesn't realize that he just killed the monster King he bumps into flashy flash along the way who mistakes him for a monster and attacks him flash is shocked by saitama's ability to dodge and defend against his strikes and finally recognizes him as genus's b-class hero sidekick flash tells saitama about the hero association's plans and tries to discourage him from going any further but saitama deduces that if he follows flash he might be able to meet up with more monsters flash speeds off to try to shake him however saitama easily keeps up saitama and Flash run in circles searching for Monsters saitama suggests contacting the other Heroes for help but flash confidently responds that he doesn't require any assistance and neither do the other S-Class Heroes sick and tired of being lost saitama punches through the walls until saitama and Flash discover a monster using a toilet saitama and Flash forced the monster to lead them to the monster King through a minecart the monster estimates that it will take 10 minutes to reach the monster King as they continue on foot saitama Flash and the monster are all attacked by orochi's lurching biomass which threatens to absorb them the flesh grasps at saitama but can't seem to grip his shiny bald head sensitive about it saitama angrily punches the flesh away indirectly causing a distraction that helps tatsumaki escape from psychos in Orochi elsewhere tatsumaki uses this attraction to rescue the other Heroes that partook in the invasion with the exception of zombie man and flashy Flash and since flashy flashes with saitama that meant he wasn't lifted away with the others as well Rubble ends up nearly bearing him but he lifts up his leg to stop the debris he and flashy flash are left in the darkness together as Monaco lifts up a large Rock in an attempt to escape saitama and Monaco spot flashy flash trapped under Rubble startled by this Monaco's eye lights up which gives Heroes visibility of their surroundings as a fight against psycho senorochi continues above them saitama and Monaco continue to work to free flashy Flash from the collapsed tunnel saitama about how hungry he is to which Monaco agrees with as well Monaco says that tightening her belt immensely reduces the feeling of hunger which in initially doubtful saitama tries as well saying that it actually works somewhat saitama discusses with Monaco on what the hero will cook when he gets home much to flashy flashes dismay at their current state eventually only flashy Flash's arm is stuck as it is stuck under something heavy saitama finds a cube that unbeknownst to him resembles the one blast is holding in tatsumaki's flashback not knowing what it is saitama drops the cube which is revealed to be extremely heavy as it heavily impacts and sinks into the ground soon after a large Tremors felt once again as tatsumaki lifts the entire Spire of the monster Association in preparation to finish off Orochi as things clear there's a hole in the wall where flashy Flash's arm was stuck under and it's revealed that flashy flashes Katana insta-kill was broken due to being stuck in the Spire saitama voices his frustration as he believes that flashy flash meant that saitama would break his arm if he wasn't careful enough not his katana Monaco sees a chance to escape and tries to go through the hole that revealed itself in the wall however she as well as saitama and flashy flash peer into the hole but don't see anything even after using Monaco's multiple eye modes a mysterious voice from somewhere suddenly speaks to the three of them offering to grant them power if they're worthy but confiscate them if they're not suddenly a man teleports into the cave asking if they had touched the cube saitama asks the man who he is wondering if he's a hero upon the disembodied voice identifying the man is blessed saitama is confused appearing to be unfamiliar with the number one Hero's reputation when blast easily Dodges flashy Flash's test attack saitama wonders if it's the Ninja's hobby to attack everyone he meets blast then offers to take all of them up to the surface saitama asks him if he teleported into the cave to which he responds he did blast then asks why Monaco is with them pointing out that she doesn't seem to like their prisoner and quickly becomes Vigilant but goes back to his easy-going self after saitama calls her their flashlight blast then teleports the two Heroes and the monster up to the surface requesting them to send his regards to sich and tatumaki as he activates his ability alright for the next section we're gonna go over parts of the original web comic which means that it hasn't been adapted into the actual manga yet unor has it been adapted into the anime of course so uh if you're confused the original webcomic is the one one Drew you can kind of see his style with the mob psycho manga I don't think that was redrawn alright original webcomic saitama subsequently spends the bulk of the night being ordered to use his brute strength to yank out various pieces of rubble in order to prevent the makeshift cave from collapsing in on them the two eventually make it to the surface where they witness the bulk of the upper echelons of the monster Association fight the heroes although saitama wishes to join in zombie man insists he stay out of the fight on account of the hero's Pride being on the line one by one the monsters fall until only the duo of black sperm and the newly born golden sperm remains afterwards Garo freshly turned into a monster arrives at the scene and effortlessly kills off golden sperm and severely wounds black sperm gato announces his intentions to kill off a young child that the monsters had taken as a hostage and dares the heroes to stop him one by one the heroes fall before the insanely powerful monster at this point saitama makes his appearance known in a spectacular manner by defeating evil natural water in a single hit Saito mangaro do battle saitama noting that like he himself usually does Garo isn't even fighting seriously as such in order to encourage Karo saitama uses his series table flip to flip over the largest portion the monster Association headquarters catapulting gato so high into the air that he loses track of which way is down where the two do battle once more before eventually landing on the makeshift Mountain that's the upside down headquarters once again as the Fight Continues gato's frustration causes him to continue to montserize though as saitama notes gato is actually growing weaker his later forms sacrificing the skill that was his Forte for bruised power eventually gato himself realizes this as saitama continues to beat him down before it finally explodes at saitama in Anger Garo begins to rant about how the heroes can't save everyone and what Humanity truly needs is an enemy to unite them against a common threat called the ultimate monster and demands to know the reason why saitama is a hero and the source of his bottomless pit of strength saitama's answer is it's just for fun however only causes gato to break down emotionally and mentally once gato finally calms down saitama realizes the real reason God battle fights he wanted to be a hero that would save Humanity but once he realized he couldn't he instead decided to take the easy way out and become a monster in spite of the hero's insistence saitama refuses to kill Garo on the grounds that he's still human saitama goes as far as to prove this fact by shattering gato's outer shell and revealing the very much human gato underneath coupled with that the child that godo had supposedly tried to kill tearfully rushes into the scene and reveals that gato actually saved him from the monsters twice Karo is eventually convinced to run away with none of the heroes being able to stop him or see where he went psychic sisters Arc saitama is formally promoted to a class rank 39 and in the process granting him a new much more luxurious apartment in a city by the hero Association over the next few days saitama collects what remains of his belongings from the rubble of Z City where he encounters and ends up unwittingly adopting the now much smaller black sperm and overgrown Rover as pets saitama makes his way back to a city where he and his new would-be pets are attacked by a city's robotic security system after being questioned by Security on how the robots were destroyed saitama is escorted back to his apartment by King there saitama plays hosts to his three seniors in the apartment complex butterfly DX chain and Toad and Forte after his musical fighting style is insulted by saitama Forte challenges saitama to a fight saitama agrees on the condition that if he loses he has to take in the two former monsters that followed saitama home saitama has his easiest Victory yet when the blizzard group hits Forte with their car in the parking lot during their blind Rush entrusting the two formerly dangerous Monsters the butterfly DX and chain and Toad saitama joins fubuki as she makes her way into a city's prison for Monsters leaving her employees on the ground level fubuki explains that they're going to go and see psychos the leader of the now disbanded monster Association apparently when she was in high school with fubuki psychos developed the ability to see the future one day however psycho saw something so horrible that it made her want to wipe out all of humanity and and now fubiki wants to know what it was that she saw unfortunately tatamaki arrives on the scene intending to kill psychos for her earlier defeat and the two sisters end up in a clash of psychic powers over her life while saitama fights the other monsters who are trying to escape in the ensuing riot after dealing with the monsters saitama returns to the ground level where he stops tatsumaki from hurting fubiki any further the two soon clash as saitama takes the fight out into the desert that surrounds the city tatsumaki however is soon met with immense frustration when her telekinetic Powers fail to rip saitama apart smash him to pieces or even stop her from calling her a child the pair's fighting takes them all the way to H City and back along the way they're mistaken for a dragon level Threat by the hero Association nearly crush a family that was moving into a city kill a dragon level monster that was destroying each City without even realizing it and take down an entire criminal gang without much effort unfortunately for her tatsumaki discovers that her already severe injuries from the monster Association raid have been further aggravated from fighting saitama and the two of of them decide to put the fight on hold for the time being that said tatsumaki thinks she has the last laugh after bearing saitama under several hundred feet of Earth later on during tatsumaki's Second confrontation with the blizzard group saitama digs himself out and interrupts another spat between the sisters there observing tatumaki's severe injuries he points out to the Blizzard group that this is their one and only chance to make tatsumaki leave them alone for good to which they declare their intentions to get strong enough so that not even a tatsumaki in full health can stop them as soon as tatsumaki vacates the scene saitama surely follows suit intercepting her to speak with her predictably she rebukes his approach denouncing him for hiding his truth strength although saitama speaks to the contrary giving an eye roll response to her boss that she could take care of him in 5 seconds if in perfect health saitama asks tatumaki why she's in the hero Association if she hates human contact so much tatsumaki goes on to State her reasons only to retract them soon after flying off again leaving him to wonder what the term blah means Neo Hero's introduction art saitama later arrives at the hero Association HQ where he sees Forte butterfly DX and chain and Toad saitama tells the three Heroes not to come into his house without permission surprisingly Forte apologizes to saitama for his rude Behavior earlier seeing saitama's current state Forte offers his clothes and shoes which grosses saitama out it's revealed that Forte saw saitama from the hospital room fighting he tells butterfly DX which I just realized means butterfly Deluxe and chain and Toad that they're no match for saitama the three Heroes then decide to be accepted by saitama after genos defeats the force King Janos challenges saitama to a duel which saitama accepts when they fight however all that genus manages to do is temporarily Blindside them up before he stops claiming that the best he could do is get saitama dirty saitama admits that he can't tell if genos has gotten stronger only a lot brighter which only further depresses genos genos comes to the realization that saitama wasn't even remotely threatened by his attack just now genos explains to saitama that when he first agreed to take him on as a pupil saitama told him to try and climb to the top of the hero Association but that has gotten him nowhere genos also explains that the hero Association is dying at this point The public's opinion of the hero Association is that it takes their money to pay increasingly incompetent people who barely hold back the monster threat and usually cause as much if not more property damage than the monsters they fight another group calling themselves the Neo Heroes has been created in response to this public outrage the Neo Heroes claim to have taken a look at the mistakes made by the hero Association and seek to correct and improve upon the formula claiming to have 2 000 possible candidates selected including Pro heroes from the hero Association itself Genesis question is if saitama thinks they should transfer over to the Neo Heroes as he feels with a higher standard set he might become stronger the subject changes over to why genus is so obsessed with becoming stronger saitama voice is a thought that had been bothering him for a while that he could have simply killed the cyborg genos had been hunting for the past five years genos admits that it's a possibility but he's still preparing for the day that the bout finally comes before changing the subject back and asking saitama if he wishes to transfer over to the Neo Heroes to which saitama says no upon hearing this jenno says he won't either arriving back at HQ the pair discover Forte as he finishes constructing a doghouse for black sperm and Rover saitama introduces Forte as his neighbor and seeing as how saitama doesn't wish to move out of his cramped little apartment and he can't move in with him genos takes Forte's apartment Ninja saitama plays video games with King and keeps losing much to his annoyance King becomes depressed after winning as it reminds him that he's a fraud who can only win fights in video games in response saitama tells him to work on his muscles flashy flash appears at the apartment and begins to introduce himself to saitama but the hero abruptly closes the door in his face flash states he has business with saitama and threatens to kick the door in Geno sees Flash and engages in a squabble with a hero outside the apartment an exasperated saitama opens the door to the man that they stop fighting in front of his new home flash reminds saitama that he had broken his sword and the bald hero offers to fix it with duct tape flash refuses the offer and presses saitama to remember his name only to become annoyed when he can't remember flash changes his mind about the sword and demands reparation so saitama tells genos to grab duct tape and the cyborg runs off flash joins saitama in his apartment and informs him of his decision to make the bald hero his disciple without waiting for a response the ninja leads saitama out the door but saitama once again closes the door behind flash when he steps out becoming increasingly annoying flash demands that the cape Baldi stop messing around and follow him to train only for saitama at the state he can never get along with someone if they refer to him by his hero name acknowledging his request flash challenges saitama to a fight using his real name the two Heroes then turn into a training site in the hero Association headquarters flashy flash states that the time limit for the match would be 30 minutes and that he wouldn't be using any weapons with the stakes being that if saitama landed a single hit on him the bald hero would win otherwise he would have to follow the ninja as a disciple announcing the start of the match saitama instantly catches flash off guard directly moving in front of him to attack with the ninja just barely managing to dodge recovering from the move flash declares the same move would not work on him twice to which saitama once again appears directly in front of him for another attack which the ninja barely Dodges after nonchalantly enduring some of the Ninja's attacks saitama questions if flash should keep up the effort for 30 minutes as he's already sweating and wobbling internally correcting the bald hero that these are merely symptoms of anticipation and excitement at finally finding a challenging opponent flash briefly gets lost in the moment and attacks saitama with his flashy fist after worrying he had gone too far flash is amazed to see that the bald hero is completely fine the ninja then declares that he'll use weapons after all in order to simulate a real battle with saitama internally wishing he had brought a fly swatter becoming increasingly unnerved with how easily saitama is keeping up with him flash tries to use his sword to attack only for it to break when the bald hero catches it with his teeth after the ninja accidentally backs himself into a corner saitama Moves In for a Death Punch however the fight is interrupted when Janos returns and informs the heroes of a demon level monster alert that has shown up in e-city saitama immediately turns his attention to the alert turning away from a disturbed flash rebuking the request for a rematch saitama refers to the match as a simple game of hide and seek declaring that they have to deal with the monsters first saitama states that they'll have to fight again later on just as long as the ninja doesn't get in the way of his hero activities then turns to leave after once again failing to remember Flash's name horrify the ninja saitama genos and flashy flash then arrive at e-city where the internet Surfers are causing chaos while there they also encounter speed of sound Sonic who is waiting near the monsters in order to face saitama again Flash and Sonic notice each other with the latter becoming indignant at the fact that the former is accompanying the duo and asks saitama why he is with the other ninja saitomangenos briefly discuss whether or not the demon alert was attributed to Sonic and not the monsters before a fight breaks out while Flash and genos easily dispatched the monsters Sonic heads straight for saitama who promptly knocks him out once again later on saitama is back in his apartment with genos and Flash discussing Sonic's latest appearance side to my guess is that it's the fourth time that the ninja has tried to sneak up on him while flash is amazed that Sonic went straight for the ball hero instead of himself noting how their Fates are connected saitama asks whether or not the two Ninjas are friends which flash quickly denies beginning to explain how they knew each other before going silent horrified that saitama remembers Sonic's name and interprets the fact as an implication that the ninja is more dangerous than he thought although in reality it was simply because Sonic pester site Thomas so frequently with his challenges that he can't help but remember his name flash then tells the duo that his history with the other ninja is long but feels like he needs to explain it saitama quickly tells him that if it's too long to just forget about it though the ninja continues regardless flash explains his and Sonic's harsh upbringing in the Ninja Village facility and how the other ninja helped him recover the human emotions that were being Stripped Away by the harsh training and frequently helped him without asking for anything in return after hearing flash talk about how he spared Sonic's life on the day he mask her the village by making him eat a poisoned stew saitama notes that there are still some Stew ingredients left over in his fridge saitama later decides to pay Sonic a visit having discovered one of the many challenge letters that the ninja sent to him which contained his address Janos questions his master as to why he wants to pay the ninja a visit saitama replies that he's annoyed that flash keeps pestering him about his Broken Sword so he wants to see Sonic for a replacement that he can give to the other ninja when the cyborg points out that Sonic isn't the type of person to part with with a sword easily saitama states that he'll simply snatch the sword after sending the ninja flying the bald hero also says he wants to sever the connection between their Fates although he notes that there was never much of a connection to begin with while waiting for Sonic to arrive back in his Hideout saitama encounters the ninja Village leader swiftly takes him out and confiscates all of his weapons and equipment when Flash and Sonic arrive saitama gives all of it to them hoping to finally pay back flash for his Broken Sword he then walks off leaving the tube dumbfounded ninjas behind Supreme hero Arc saitama encounters rangor one of the nine Warriors of the Dragon Alliance and defeats him with a single punch he then comes across a group of people calling themselves the Saints they explain how by defeating rangor saitama has protected the cruel Dragon seal and saved the world and then tell the legend of cruel Dragon a creature that descended upon Earth taking countless lives and scorching the land they explained that ancient warriors managed to weaken the dragon with costly sacrifices allowing seal Masters to seal away the essence of the Dragon in nine sealstones which are now scattered in temples across the land this brought rise to two groups the Protectors of the sealstones the Saints and a group hoping to resurrect the dragon death bone the two groups have been in Conflict for 800 years but deathbone recently increased their activity taking advantage of the recent frequent monster incidents one of the Saints holds down a member of deathbone who begins to monologue as he loses Consciousness until saitama throws a bucket of water on his face saitama eventually resolves that if the dragon will resurrect at some point it would be smart to resurrect it promptly to defeat it quicker much to the Saints dismay saitama picks up the deathbone member and flees from the Saints members chasing after him who helps him locate all nine seals after the death bone member conducts the ceremony the cruel dragon resurrects and saitama defeats it with a single punch saitama then picks out groceries later that night saitama meets up with genos on a street leading towards former a city Janos is visibly damaged and explains that it's from a battle against a powerful demon level monster when saitama asks and requests another spar with saitama he then mentions that Dr Casino has shown great interest in saitama's physical abilities and wishes to collect his data saitama asks genus what he bought and Janos lists the items adding the fact that he got them for cheap saitama is impressed by this and compliments him by telling him that he's mastered the trick to buying stuff even admitting to missing out on some AAA batteries at Half Price suddenly the two encounter sweet mask who offers to meet up for a cup of tea at noon the following day as he wants to discuss something in person Janos refuses the offer believing that sweet mask is talking to him but it's then revealed that he was speaking to saitama and next day saitama and sweet masks are sat on a table in a cafe a waiter approaches them and asks what they would like saitama orders a Coke and sweet mask orders a lemonade but sweet mask orders a ginger ale for saitama instead of a Coke which irks him later sweet mask has lunch with saitama and tries to teach him how to be a good hero saitama ignores most of what sweet masks has to say so sweet mask decides to move somewhere else to continue his talk they walk to a carnival and sit in a ferris wheel cabin now able to speak in secrecy sweet mask Reveals His past to saitama he explains that he was born in unsightly human so he adhered to strict moral principles to compensate for his ugliness he started working as a hero but his overwhelming loathing for his looks resulted in a transformation that turned him into a monster with a beautiful face sweet mask then tells saitama that he's the one person he found worthy of carrying on his legacy and becoming the ideal hero saitama turns down the offer and jumps out of the cabin to meet Janus suddenly a commotion on the fairgrounds catches sweet mask's attention the cause of Ruckus is pesky clown who had killed several guards that had attempted to stop him the monster swings his Mallet to hit a civilian but sweet mask shows up and stops the attack the two engage in combat sweet mask has the upper hand at the start of the battle and destroys three of the monster's life balloons however the monster draws power from the attention of the crowd and transforms becoming powerful enough to overpower the hero sweet mass then decides to unveil his monster side in order to defeat pesky clown sweet mask then returns from the rubble to engage the Monster again outside of the fairground saitama runs into genos who's on his way to the monster sighting to Aid sweet mask at the scene of the battle sweep mask has successfully overpowered pesky clown using his monster form the civilians still gathered their now catch sight of sweet masks unsightly face and begin to question if he's actually a monster pesky clown uses the worldwide attention sweet mask is receiving to increase his power even more giving him a gruesome transformation and the two engaged in combat once more the two fight desperately until sweet mask finally dispatches pessi clown with a brutal punch now that the people can clearly view sweet mask's true appearance he's berated as people begin to fear Him bluefire arrives with the intent to support sweet mask in battle only to not be able to recognize him until he's pointed out by a member of the crowd like the others he's fearful of sweet mask and classifies him as a monster saitama is the next hero to arrive and catches a rock thrown at Sweet mask instead of beraving him like the others saitama supports him sweet Mask doesn't acknowledge this and wants saitama to kill him hoping that saitama will be seen as a hero for defeating him saitama ignores the request and continues supporting sweet mask sweet mask attempts to attack saitama latching his hand around sights of his head in order to show his strength saitomon jumps away carrying sweet mask with him the news of sweet mask's true appearance continues to spread and he becomes more and more disliked by the general public the news is regarded as the beginning of the hero association's collapse later a hero association's scouting team makes its way to switcho's Dojo they are met by suiko suicho's granddaughter and shiryu's younger sister she asked The Scouting group if she can join the hero Association as an S-Class hero and comes back with them at the Neo Heroes headquarters several neo-leaders Converse about the situation surrounding sweet mask wabagaza is emotionally impacted by the situation remarking that she wanted to defeat him herself McCoy figures that the hero Association is beginning to fall apart and that the Neo heroes are officially on the same authoritative level as them dark shine and metal bat wonder where blue is considering he's the number one in the Neo Heroes and hasn't shown himself it's revealed that he left to pursue the case surrounding Swede mask Neo Heroes Uprising Arc and the hero Association headquarters three heroes are considering joining the Neo Heroes after being scouted they discuss the benefits of the Neo Heroes compared to the benefits of the hero Association and come to the conclusion that the Neo Heroes would be much better for them personally Rover and black sperm are present and black sperm thinks about the current situation that two rival hero associations are combating instead of focusing on working together to fight monsters he remarks that the current situation will be beneficial for the two monsters with the effectiveness of Heroes slowly declining saitama approaches the three Heroes and is asked if he's been scouted by the neo-heroes suddenly a group of Heroes discontent with their hero names approaches saitama and asks to have him as a leader because of his unfortunate hero name black sperm continues to ponder using the newly arrived group as proof that the hero system is close to failing suiko arrives at the hero Association headquarters and is welcomed in while being led to the training grounds she's told that her brother Studio won the super fight tournament and that the hero Association wants him as a hero as well suiko says that that isn't necessary and that she's stronger than sudu in the training grounds suico demonstrates her strength by easily destroying a training robot she's disappointed that this feat landed her in a class and not S-Class at the Neo Heroes headquarters sweetieu is being escorted by McCoy he seems to not take what McCoy is saying very seriously about what he should do as a hero instead he simply understands that he needs to defeat monsters and that he'll get paid outside of the headquarters genos incites on a spar in order for genus to collect battle data from the fight Jenna's questions himself what happened between saitama and sweet mask after the two left the amusement park Jenna's remarks that the look on saitama's face is different from the usual it turns out that saitama was just thinking about the hero name victims Association later sweetieu is introduced to the Neo leaders and McCoy tells them that sweetieu will be a leader next each of the neo-leaders are similarly introduced Ryden is introduced as an impressively strong Sumo champion whose claim to even surpass the S-Class Ryden notes that darkshine is quite well known and asks to compare the two strength they lock hands and dark shine seems to be slightly overwhelmed by ride and strength after the bout Ryden believes that dark shine might be past his prime suddenly two leader candidates margin angry that they were not accepted to be leaders Mars Leo shows off his speed and lets one of his punches hit dartshine breaking his own wrist sweetie you butts in between the two and it's attacked by both of the candidates effortlessly fending off their attacks McCoy continues with introductions and the two leader candidates are ushered Away by element and Destro McCoy concludes by introducing blue who had just arrived he explains that blue is the reason the neo-heroes exist then a flashback shows how blue chased saitama and sweet mask in order to keep up with the two he removed the limiter on his suit and lightly began speeding up before long he is stopped by genos who asks what he's doing blue asks if this is the hero association's attempt to protect sweet mask and also question saitama speed blue implies a threat and wants answers from genos Geno says that he doesn't know what saitama will do with sweet mask back in the present blue explains why he created the Neo Heroes before being revealed as blast's son great philosopher is ready to engage with monster sewage crocodile he defeats it with relative ease before being swarmed by several of the same monster after some time he's saved by a group of neo-heroes and the group talks about how easy the fight was before being confronted by a large monster they call him wabigaza who defeats it recording the battle for her fans to see in another area Ryden is dispatching a swarm of monsters saving a hero Association hero he criticizes the Battle Suits given to the Neo Heroes members the news reports on a large number of high-level monsters and notes that they're all being soundly defeated by the neo-heroes Excel is also present and with the help of the hunters defeats explosive velocity snail a demon level threat Crescent eye roll is also dealing with the monsters but is being overwhelmed by triple tongues ryoman interrupts and engages the threat child Emperor wonders about the Battle Suits given to the Neo Heroes and questions if they're created by bofoi and given to the Neo Heroes the hero Association discusses the situation saying that they need stronger leaders and soon they will start losing supporters suddenly the hero named victims Association chose and begins making requests this makes sich think that they're already done for an announcement is made outside the headquarters that five Dragon level monsters have been spotted headquarters is put into lockdown and Geno's tank top master and tatsumaki have been dispatched sich urges to ask the Neo Heroes for help at y city suiko is forced to run from Mira's endless attacks just barely outmaneuvering its many arms she laments how much she's struggling and is finally grabbed by mirror and thrown into a storefront she scans the aisles for a drink with a high amount of alcohol and after finding one with nine percent hastily drinks it suico emerges from the rubble and Mira quickly detects that she's drunk despite the alcohol making her movements more unpredictable all of suico's moves proved useless against mirror as things are at their bleakest the hero named victims Association shows up as reinforcements they all give mirror their best attacks but to no avail as the robot knocks them away easily it begins to seemingly show off and throws an energy ball through a building opening a massive hole in it this is all that's needed to scare the heroes away but saitama isn't startled at all Mira notices him but notes that the data it has on saitama is nothing special as Mira mentions saitama's hero name caped Baldi saitama becomes enraged and a punch sends mirror flying away in pieces the rest of the hero name victims Association is enthralled and they all high five saitama other onlookers blue and suiko included look at saitama in disbelief with the threat of the five dragons curbed the hero Association summons tatsumaki and flashy flash tatsumaki is informed that a group of espers with the name 11 are plotting something specifically their leader otento is after tatsumaki's life tatsumaki nochi has been searching for them herself flashy flash is told about a mysterious letter having something to do with the abandoned masses he recalls being taught about them while he was in the Ninja Village he decides to answer the call with so many Heroes leaving on missions members of the heroes station grow concerned flashy Flash in an attempt to quell their worries reminds them about how the Neo Heroes have been successfully keeping peace he claims the hero Association has become too prideful hero Association members take this into consideration noting that the neo-heroes kept damage to a minimum when fighting the five dragons in contrast to the mess the hero Association Left Behind they believe that if they're successful destroying 11 and abandoned masses they will look better in the eyes of the public saitama and the hero names victim Association are busy protesting the hero Association is in a sour State unable to successfully cooperate with the Neo Heroes and losing favor in the public eye somewhere else puripuri prisoner and his group have successfully taken out disaster level wolf tentacle Muffler puripuri prisoner complements a group specifically Hammerhead the rest doubt their possibilities of becoming Heroes but Puri Puri prisoner continues to reassure them out of nowhere Ryden approaches him he demands that the prisoners are turned over and put into custody he elaborates that he wants to cyborgify them in order to easily control them puri-puri prisoner becomes angry upon hearing this he refuses having sworn to rehabilitate the prisoners Ryden decides to deal with the situation using Force somewhere else sudo and his neo-heroes have found their target and Surround Garo he's been working for a moving company and as they finish loading the truck he's congratulated by his boss he asks Karo if he could work for him full time Karo begins to speak but is stopped by a volley of tranquilizer darts none of them hit home as he displays each start Caught In His Hands the Neo Heroes move in and tell the boss about Gato being a wanted criminal the Neo Heroes Rush edgaro he effortlessly disables each one of them in a swift motion leaving them unconscious on the ground Sudi calls back to headquarters to let them know that he failed he notes his issues with the battle suit specifically its safety and as the sun sets Studio Ponders that being a hero might not be that easy he decides to see suico the next day meanwhile the blizzard group watches a report filled with the neo-heroes's heroic Deeds they solemnly discuss things including the possibility of moving her to the Neo heroes in another room fuwiki is busy with psychos she seems to be entering her mind trying to find something out elsewhere sudo and blue are both seen heading to the hero Association Studio by motorbike and Blue by jet drone blue approaches the main entrance but is denied entry though he ignores the pleas of the Guard blue yells towards the facility he requests a talk with the higher-ups about the future of the hero industry and about his father unbeknownst to him the hero named victims Association is also yelling requests behind him for a good few moments they battle to out yell each other and blue eventually gives in as blue turns around to see who's yelling he notices saitama among the group blue confronts him about his mysteriously massive power only to be ignored blue asks for saitama's name but gets answered by the other group members before finally being introduced to caped Baldi blue leaves him with a Stern warning and walks off suiko makes herself known soon after now having figured out saitama's name she thanks the group for saving her her next question is about saitama's power how he became so strong so he is disappointed upon hearing a blunt answer the same he gives everyone else suiko then introduces this video to saitama mentioning that saitama is much stronger than him sweetieu's cocky attitude leads him to dismiss this but he crudely admits he will allow him to date suiko much to her disapproval then suico clarifies her stance on staying with the hero Association she finds the Neo Hero's Battle Suits lame as blue is walking away from the hero Association he runs into genos blue decides to let him know that Metal Knight has been undergoing some suspicious things specifically conducting experiments using monsters and the possibility that the great strength of recent monsters is due to enhancement as blue passes genos he also lets him know that a position as a Neo leader is open for him later at saitama's home Janos tells saitama of the suspicions about Metal Knight genos decides that in order to look deeper into it he will work behind the scenes to find out what's going on saitama seems to be eager to help saitama arrives to see the aftermath of a fight with a monster seeing the Neo Heroes as Victorious the victors make fun of saitama's group noting that the Mio Heroes have much better methods of transportation unlike many of the hero association's Heroes all of a sudden an emergency announcement sounds a threat in each city as the heroes begin running in the direction of the threat saitama zooms past them at incredible speed meanwhile child Emperor contacts Metal Knight to ask him a grim question child Emperor wonders what under the circumstance someone is modifying monsters and attacking people would their motive be Metal Knight denies answering child Emperor swallowing anger offers to visit mantel Knight's lab he is again denied at the same time saitama arrives just in time to see the monster he chased defeated by neo-heroes much to his bewilderment growing more angered child Emperor warns that metal Knight's attitude will only increase suspicion Metal Knight reminds child emperor that he shouldn't trust anyone he doesn't consider child Emperor threat and even hints that he's been spying on him for some time the meeting ends Metal Knight looks over to the wall of monitors each showing a hero while he wonders which will cause the most trouble after genos is done working with Drive Knight saitama rendezvous with him again and the two of them head to Dr casino's house at the Doctor's house Janos introduces saitama and Dr kuseno to each other and saitama gives casseno a broken handheld video game system asking him to fix it kusano easily does so and saitama declares that he's trustworthy the three of them then discuss the situation regarding Metal Knight saitama suggests asking Metal Knight directly but after Dr Casino points out that the strategy would involve losing the element of surprise he proposes a compromise where genus can do the fighting but saitama will back him up if he needs it genus agrees but expresses his own doubts that saitama will be able to handle Metal Knight to which saitama responds that if he can't then genos doesn't stand a chance genos asks the head to one of mental Knight's Laboratories immediately but saitama declines stating that he has to clear his schedule with the hero named victims Association Geno's relent after finally calming down reminding Dr casino that they had wanted to do an examination of saitama's body saitama is initially reluctant but readily degrees after Casino reveals that he had prepared a barbecue for them the three of them eat dinner and afterwards saitama lays down in his chamber a while later he wakes up to a loud noise as several robots attacked Dr casino's house ware in the Neo Heroes headquarters preparations begin from metal bad cyborgification he had lost the fight with the guards and had been in captivity for 48 hours a staff member walks in to give him food and is met with Fierce denial he sternly objects the cyborgification and in his enraged State wonders if the neo-heroes are much more evil than they put on element and Destro enter element teases metal bat about his loss though metal bat believes that the fight had never ended only having been postponed by his capture we then see the fight in full after metal bat gets up and readies himself for battle Destro decides to fight a swing from metal batch strikes that show's leg and a recognizable clang lets metal bat know this is a cyborg he's battling in the present now metal bat led by the two security guards and wrapped in Chains is being led to presumably the recovery room to become cyborgified despite being hit with enough sedative to take down a large animal metal bat is still perfectly Lucid as the three approach an elevator it suddenly opens to reveal blue having come for a checkup on his lenses he's curious what element and Destro are doing the two claim they can't speak about it metal bat speaks up after some time he warns blue that the security guards can't be trusted Blue's composure turns sour before things can escalate further a group of people interrupt the situation walking down the hall surrounded by four guards is the neo-heroes founder and leader Mr Fuzzy Fuzzy addressing the situation apologizes to metal bat he claims he didn't give authority to element and Destro to undergo this cyborgification understandably metal bat isn't exactly appreciative of this explanation blue confirms that the guards had no ulterior motives fuzzy wonders of this slight insubordination is due to their previous experience with much harsher jobs even so the guards apologize talking directly to metal bat now fuzzy lets him know that the Neo heroes are suspicious of him wondering if he's a spy from the hero Association fuzzy elaborates that there are efforts being made by the hero Association to crush the Neo Heroes and metal bat suspicion isn't fully cleared he is now confined to the facility for the foreseeable future metal bat takes the warning rather lightly he breaks out of his chains walking past fuzzy and his guards to make make his way back to his quarters on his own later fuzzy meets with McCoy to review information about the S-Class fuzzy Praises McCoy's contributions to the Neo Heroes even suggesting that he intends to make McCoy his right hand man in the future McCoy is quite enamored with this news outside of the building blue is busy planning he wants to form an alliance between the two associations but understands the near impossibility of this task he hopes that as long as every hero puts their differences aside they should be able to work together successfully he decides that the best way to get this message through to everyone is through a hero with considerable influence thinking of tatsumaki and King as considerable candidates however he comes to the conclusion that saitama might be the best man for such a job he reasons that saitama has strength on par with an S-Class hero along with influence from his numerous protests blue decides that through saitama he could bring this plan to light did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos [Music]
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 890,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Saitama, One Punch Man, Caped Baldy, Z City, Mumen Rider, Fubuki, Tatsumaki, Bang, Genos, King, Garou, Boros, Gyoro, Orochi, Gorilla, Sitch, Charanko, Samurai, Gouketsu, Bakuzan, Suryu, clan, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, Octopus, Cicada Larva, Updated, Part 2, Part 3, 2022, Ovas, Ova, Episode
Id: JTiJR6gvaPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 58sec (6358 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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