Random Number Generation - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Multiworld Randomizer

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[Music] welcome everybody to random number generation this is episode 44 ocarina of time rhino multi-world with nuke spike and fan real quick before we get started golf you're watching on youtube hey youtube nice to see y'all head on over to twitch.tv games done quick to check out our live shows for more information you can go to gamestonequick.com hotfix if you missed out on any of our sgtq vods head over to youtube.com gamesden quick to check out the full runs we also get our hotfix shows up a little bit over 24 hours after they are live on twitch so if you've missed out on any of our hot fix shows head on over to our youtube channel for the month of july gdq will be donating its portion of twitch subscriber and bit revenue minus taxes to doctors without borders this includes gift subs prime gaming subs channel subs and any bits cheered on the games done quick channel we ended the event at 2.9 million dollars raised so let's see if we can get that on over to three million with that being said spike nukes fan how are you all doing this evening hello wonderful yeah love it okay so i'm looking at the layout right now and i like how fanta and i are both wearing red nukes the cream filling of this very red-based oreo it has to be like red velvet flavored or something it's good oh you're gonna make chat hungry already and we haven't even gotten i don't know you know we're about to play this game for four hours let's not comment on anything let's just start talking about food it'll be great wait four hours i mean this is a mercy kill i got 3 30 up for the estimate is that 3 30. oh wow well we got [Laughter] [Music] immediately what if we were done in like 45 minutes oh gosh no that's the opposite yeah we just do another thing let's do another easy yeah wrap it around we'll do a try for something that'll be great well again i can always adjust the estimate too if we're close at 3 30. don't worry this ain't mercy kill that's tomorrow y'all that's tomorrow a little bit whale baby so anything we want to talk about before we get the seeds started here what'd you have for oh yeah yeah maybe some people have never seen this yeah who wants to talk about it nukes yeah this is uh this is a randomizer which has definitely been showcased on here a few times before uh this time though we have three different randomizer seeds that are completely different but connected through the power of the internet um our seeds can contain items for other players they're not shared items but for instance i could find spike's hook shot in my kakariko and send it over to him or fat could find my bomb bag and his uh deku tree so we have to through our powers combined we're gonna beat five dungeons each and all slay ganon in each of our individual seeds now here's the next question i have where did y'all put the seed actually i forgot i was doing the test scene oh yeah please please let's all start out on the right seed you know yeah that just would not have worked yeah where'd you all put that it's in it's in the chat yep yeah go into the the random number generation post it again yeah just post it again i'll see where there we go all right i'll bear it player two up sure you be player two or else we also have problems play your idea yeah so game target tell us a little bit more about uh uh your day what's everyone ever what did everyone have for dinner i haven't had dinner yet because i'm on the west coast no i will say though i've got some uh fillets thawing out that will be promptly grilled as soon as we are done here we better go fast which is getting off to a good start here as i'm you know [Music] actually so someone had mentioned they gotta keep chat on their toes right no there's always a surprise this is the first one this is a test to make sure are you really paying attention out there i think chat did pass the test nailed it harder than i did good job good job someone had mentioned in the chat to uh grab some friends from multi world that is the best way to enjoy a multi-world however there is a new way now where you can play different seeds at the same time so let's say you have a lot of friends that are busy you can do multiple seeds on your own i don't know how that turns out but i do hear it is a thing you can do in case you would play alone or your schedule was complicated so just something to think about yeah and as spike gets back into the room because we have like host a room for everybody to go and that's how the exchange of items work um i want to see like in chat you know each of us has like a single emote for our team name the sexy gomez that's our multi-world uh three-player team name you got the whole set you got one you got to do just throw them in chat i want to see all those little sexy gomer emotes in chat right now just that show what's your favorite one is let's see i'm just making it sure are we magic mask of truth slingshot magic saw that's right okay good to see you great and uh i think with that we're ready to go countdown [Music] real quick oh i haven't used this tracker in forever [Music] yeah i'm starting with the bolero fire that's pretty cool so we can already look here and like know some of what we got but you know that's not important you guys will see it in just a second i'm okay then i think i'm ready to go when you gamers are let's get this sucker started in five four three two one go good luck and have fun y'all you'll immediately notice that we all spawn uh at different points in the world because we have randomized spawns for adult and child in the vanilla game you will spawn as child in kokiri forest and oh that is a fake slingshot right there all right um we also have on today shop sanity so i'll be buying items for each other i bought my own hook shot in that shop but um well you'll be seeing us checking shops so that we can send each other hopefully send each other real items otherwise ice traps on today so no this is a surprise to me no nukes what have you done [Music] we went over all the settings spikes light arrows though in my cac shop so that's one of the light arrows okay so we've got a walk to how expensive was it uh i need a wallet for it yeah i will say while it is for sale i just need some more money so having done a number of seeds with dukes i don't know why it's a surprise anymore but there's always something thrown into the pot that she doesn't tell anybody i kid you not spike and i did not know i streamed nowhere we got enough ideas i like to keep it spicy it okay why do you guys keep giving me the power to make the seeds i know it was kind of a weird choice on our side it's our own fault yeah i'll see your cac is where the hero can't get rid of the hero oh i just keep getting sent health i love you guys too triple cap way of the hero is it everything goron city hammer is the stone of agony well i will not get that yeah and just to explain what way of the hero is uh that is an item that uh the logic the random generator determines as a required area that contains an item that you absolutely need to be deceived so there are four of those hints there's also a counterpart to that a baron hint where a region being barren means that there is no required item in that location so you could ignore checking items there but it's very important for us to kind of go it seems sometimes out of the way to go check those hints stones but the information they give can be super valuable for that reason also reading our reading our pedestal here which definitely fans and i will do nukes will never do no that's just costs i just gotta beat any five who cares what they are who cares you're wasting time we got only three and a half hours today this is true we gotta get going fans are you hungry yet i'm always hungry it's my secret ah the best thing to do before judy q hatfik shows you throw something on the slow cooker and then it cooks the entire time you can smell it the whole time while you're playing oh you just get even hungrier and then it motivates you to uh not mess up right yeah i did that during uh one of my uh head donation shifts during gdq i put something in the crock pot and it was four hour shift and by the time i was done i was very yo i found hungry life purchase this wallet here so i can purchase uh light arrows for spike oh yes this is co-op so time will not be until every single player has taken down the final gannon that's when we hit the stop button on this you also have bomb shoes for someone ooh bomb shoes so bond shoes are very very important 260. [Music] yeah they're not a logical item to uh check explosives locked checks but as soon as you get them you can essentially sequence break by using the bomb shoes to make your way through where bomb bags normally required so we see those we're definitely going to want to try to get them that being said 260 rupees locked by two wallets for that player though unlikely we'll be seeing those anytime they're um they're even more valuable they're valuable in like your regular zoder but even more so in a multi world because you can save scrum the shoes send off that item and once it's sent to the other player you can like save quit to like keep the choose that you used but the other player still has that item so uh it just you get to keep the bottom shoes they get to keep the item it works out good for everyone yeah very powerful so we have a couple things from chat that i just want to address really quickly a few questions here and we can add stuff along the way absolutely go ahead so someone says is this co-op i love the magic the gathering reference by the way yes this is co-op they are all working together uh some folks as items are in other folks's games and vice versa sometimes your own items would be lucky enough to be in your own game so there's that uh the next thing is up to how many worlds does that support we have a story about that actually i'm pretty sure and nukes were directly involved with something that was massively put together i don't know if it was a success or failure but that's something we can get to in a little while we got like 150 people something like that i ended up with 120 something that actually did it yeah we're as soon as multi world 2.0 whenever that happens we're going to try it again so we'll see you whenever that happens to be an hour but yeah i wanted to see how big a multi-world we could make happen we had a lot of organization everything yadda yadda and uh it was a lot but you know we tried we gave it a good effort and uh yeah that's i think the servers like didn't quite know if it could handle that many players so we had some problems i think you could do a better job now because for a while they were like oh this could support up to like 250 players and could you just imagine having that many friends i've never had that by speaking of friends i mean this is something that i personally want to ask when you were organizing when y'all were organizing that is it really any different than trying to start a race with pie [Laughter] oh yes it starts just about as planned oh wait uh did i actually get the requiem of spirit oh no did it get deleted what wait what that happened to me before where i got frozen getting a song and i had to redo it yeah no no i had just saved quits i'm buying a hylian shield that's so goofy that's happened to us twice so yeah welcome to multi worlds the joy of them it's it's the little spice i added to the mix yeah yeah yeah and you're seeing just a hint of that spice right now not even 10 minutes then that icy spiciness coming in clutch uh this though yeah cause the grotto had nothing you had nothing can i make this jump slash no not at all yeah i'm just waiting to to to go into lawn lawn ranch and it's like wait a minute the cows not where they're supposed to be and cow sanity is on where the the cows all throughout the world have items i know you love that setting did you do that to us today i was going to say it's snow cones no colors and beans that's i tried to keep it simple listen you get this estimate today i told you i could get that these can get out of hand to be to be fair god my fish in a fishing game took an eternity really like overthinking his life choices trying to decide whether or not to take the bait what fish we got him fishing is terrible even in zuder even in randomizer they're terrible and it's horribly horribly i know people who like do ocarina of time speed runs like the actual vanilla game and fishing is just like your run dies there every time they just don't want to get on the line that's actually in zooters they're kind of fixed so that they're supposed to grab better and it's supposed to be easier yeah they've made it easier it's still a pain they also made it so every fish in the lake counts as a big fish oh so you can you can catch any of the counts every one i think it's every fish that's a lot of them i've caught fish that are too small nukes did you put on ice trap onslaught uh mayhem i feel like i have been frozen seven times in 12 jacks well why you keep picking up ice traps well you know what a valid question actually do you like your iron boots i just sent them over the cow was holding them it's a weird item for a cow was holding them yeah yeah really quick i'm gonna be hopping into some shops here and with ice traps turned on you'll notice that some of the items are misspelt if they are misspelled that means it is a nice trap you don't want to buy it so we'll see i just wanted to go into the bazaar here my 30 skulls is a bomb bag by the way so i feel very sad because oh yes i never read stuff the first two times i played multi world that's the only times i've played it so far i did not read my stuff so i made a lot of accidental purchases as a result oh yeah yeah you might have froze me a couple times [Music] whatever sky would be someone sky and i did a multi-world i i'd hear oh i got your your hook shot little let me send it ice ice you were so excited on the other end like ooh hook shot that's a big item why am i frozen i'm not so sad you have no idea i i every single time i'm like right because again everyone the way multi-world works is through the powers of the interwebs all of our worlds are connected so i might find a hook shot here at the end of dante's race it could be for me it could be for nukes or fant and they get it immediately and i was always the kid i wanted to be a point guard in high school playing basketball and like there's nothing feels better than finding someone's item and you're like that was me i did the assist it was great now the last tournament match we had the other night with the three of us my world had nothing in it i there were unironically like four total items in my entire world i was pretty upset about this didn't even get a full set of way of the hero hens ooh bomb jews who wants them do you have a bottle not yet no nukes i'm sorry i wanted bomb shoes all right so i just want to relay some information here nukes i have a wallet lock scale for you just to keep in mind at spike i have wallet locked fire arrows that i can get you at some point oh my god we're allowing fire arrows oh absolutely absolutely we got the video up right i don't know what was happening we'll see what happens if it is allowed in whatever tournament y'all are playing in with your name then we will definitely allow that tonight we're not playing any terms right now we got over the heck out yes yeah how does it feel knowing here on gdq they only allow the highest talented gamers on here and us hey i played last week on mercy kill oh like oh my gosh look at these alpha gamers coming in now we're just we're just old gamers we're old gamers we're the alpha the beta and the gamma i'm doing the the jump across the chains trick that you'll probably see a bit tonight um with shop sanity on i'm grinding rupees this is like kind of the quickest way to grab roofies you get 40 every time you go up the chains by jumping a certain way uh that way i can buy a bunch of items uh for my teammates or ice cream so she is feeling a little spicy so i don't want uh youtube in particular because i can't see the chat to miss out on this one so i'm going to answer this question for we'll answer i'll ask it for youtube as well what exactly is bk mode and how does it happen all right so the first ever ooh a bottle um so the first ever multi-world that was done to our knowledge there were eight of us and so obviously when you're doing a randomize you're always trying to find progression however because it's a multi-world and you're relying on the other players to send you that progression sometimes you potentially could have nothing to do you're just sitting there waiting for someone to send you a bomb bag a hook shot a bow whatever that might be so the first time we ever did one rykaru in our group of eight people said well i can't do anything i'm going to burger king and just left unironically left off to go to burger king and achieve whatever gross whopper you might have eaten from there um so we have now from from then on for years now if you're ever at the point where you can't do anything you're just waiting for your progression we call that bk mode burger king mode i want to make sure that's how they actually spelled strength upgrade so we may or may not be in that at some point tonight we'll see what happens how's everyone feeling about their progression in the call right now i got a hot shot early on so that's i i don't have an item yet so uh that's where i'm going no you're supposed to say i got a rock i got a rock i don't even have it i just haven't i just have this coin i feel like i sent you a fairy well yeah that doesn't count as a brush that doesn't by the way shout out oh good oh as soon as i get a bottle i'm going to ice cavern i hope you guys know oh we know we know you're taking it full meat we're rushing ice that has become the new meadow right now i don't know if it's a matter or it's just a meme right now we're very wholesome right now chad is full of kitty mons right now [Music] can i get some poppers in chat oh there's so many it's so many kitties in chat right now let's pick it up shield drop get the good stuff nice nice nice maybe we can get the queen herself on gdq tonight last time she was on gdq she she smacked spike though yeah we we did have a gum shoe sighting when pie was on last oh what an absolute on screen comes you so good we need a calendar which is like the pets of streamers oh dude that would sell so many copies you kidding me oh yeah yeah can't get money you gotta get it did you throw all that on the ground imagine phil's unit of a cat what's that i can't think of what their cat's name is i got three i got three cats so maybe i can get them to pose for a picture together what am i doing i'm jumping around oh that's a scale up there rolling around at this point i was trying to get to like the back of the lan thing and i kept just jumping crate to crate instead of going into the gap between the two crates make me choose between two mod and gum shoes they're both really cute oh they're babies all right so is that a bomb bag or a wallet oh god it's so hard to see that is i think a wallet okay we got a number of wallet lock checks items that could be good there is keys ron's kyrie i forgot about it a good baby gosh if y'all thought you were gonna come on here and get any meaningful commentary on cedar we're talking about cats and dinner all night that's meaningful then it's probably best for you to have it all right well i hate to break to everybody my 30 tokens gives me a double defense so one of us floppy double deed this is my show i mean my 30 has a bomb bag so one of us not getting a bomb hey that's a lot more important than double defense never have serious commentary on my shows ever it's always something like this so that's fine don't forget uh deku tree is open the sea too so that's a lot of checks over there good priority yeah let's just go do it right now and stop i said it because that's what i'm doing i said it i said it you know the funny thing is no we talk about a lot of interesting stuff in multi-world we don't really talk this way where we're playing like just regular stuff it's just kind of something about the multi-world experience just brings out all the random topics and wonderful it's like you're pre-loopy for you because you realize like we're gonna be here a while yeah can you believe yeah and you just kind of creep more and more into insanity as the seed progresses honestly nukes i got your bam big here misspelled bomb bag oh wow okay that's good they're off the position that's good that's good i like it i got two fan scales deep diving yeah andy and kelsey also have a dog see if we could make a whole calendar out of streamers juno do you know why it's a little muppet i don't know how juno sees anything around her i know right constantly the shag in the front garunia's dance is dead dang went out of style water temple is dead oh don't want to go i got the dream forest temple not required [Music] but that being said since this is a five dungeon if forced temple is complete a pole i'll go do it you'll probably end up crawling through there no matter what to be honest i got my own dungeons when we do these five dungeon seats where you complete any five dungeons to get to gannon you kind of end up always doing forest temple love your nukes arc container i send you bombs is this how i get repaid she hates me she knew that was an ice trap [Music] all right let's see here so dorunia is dirt doing a little glitchless jump there to get on top of the windmill it's a lot more precise and it looks sometimes could be very finicky but we got it first try it and this hook shot is a real hook shot for games look at that that's my lawn give that back whoa that's a long shot for me we're hooked shotless over here on this on the sides on the red shirted size what are you doing um so we do have a question here which glitches are and are not allowed in this run like just just kind of a brief overview so overall in like zooter tournaments anything that's considered like a glitch glitch normally isn't allowed unless there's like a glitchless version of it that's more difficult um so you'll see like when one of us goes into the shadow temple we're gonna do like a backflip to clip through some falling spikes um because there's a glitchless version of that that is uh more difficult but um much everything we do is going to be considered glitchless but we have things that um [Music] what am i saying we have uh other tricks that will help us move faster um one that will possibly show up today is like reverse wasteland weaver we go through the right the wasteland in the desert without lens so we just kind of know where the the zones are that you void out um yeah mainly a lot of exploits we'll be using that we'll point out probably as we go through but yeah for the most part we go through and as an adult so that's kind of neat and if we get a bearing choice you get to see a couple neat tricks there so they're not glitches but they're pretty cool i will say yeah kind of the basis for the rule set is kind of was meant to be very inviting to new players because if because randomizer is a super cool thing with zelda ocarina of time and if they made it to where like all glitches were on the table yeah that's like 20 years of ocarina of time glitches and this game i don't know if y'all knew that in the gdq audience it has a lot of glitches you know you going into let's start using srm and ace you don't even need to care about the random at that point okay yeah you gave me a bomb pack right as i was in front of a door in the dampe race i was worried i was gonna make it out but yeah but it'd have been worth it but we're okay we're okay i've only lost a couple seconds because when you get items the timer still goes they got to be a little careful here's the real question chat when is the paper mario portion of this run right why are we at one point just gonna save quit be like oh and ah pay more credits all right this is a fool there we go payback i sent your bombs well now we're even i sent you your long shot nukes this is true there are six total hook shots two for each of us nukes has both of them god that being said i do have both my magics but i found them myself i'm a selfish player well good for you yeah someone sent me my my i bowser you sent me my bow sent me my lights i bought my own boomerang and rudolph's letter but it's funny cause i can't even get over there right now what do you mean you can't get over there i don't have bombs or a scale oh i do have a scale just use the cuckoo but yeah yeah i do have a scale on my river um that i could go rush towards but if you have enough stuff to do i could put it off later but there is a scale there that i do plan on getting at some point next we'll get there when we get there it's all right it's all right all right i should probably start uh collecting some skulls shouldn't i yeah you didn't think about it don't you know she talks about collecting skulls uh the sculptula rewards can also have your items in this game ooh a bug i have three bottles why um but uh sculptural is in this game you know normally you kill 10 you get a little reward 20 kilo reward 30 40 50 and 100. thankfully 100 has never been on in any randomizer ever not to do that but 40 and 50 we also turned off just keeping things a little faster standard you'll do that for multi-worlds you ever just faster seeds you ever just not break the web on gdq oh all right here i can watch it on delay let's see oh yeah that is not a broken web and nukes gets to climb all the way back up so if you like the deku tree you're going to see a lot more of it oh baby the degree tree is chat i'm not looking at you but i want to know what uh what's everyone's favorite dungeon in this video there is a correct answer you will be graded what yeah i'm gonna let you all know we will judge you i like spirit [Music] spirits honestly pretty cool with how they do the jumping fortune adult and child all right yeah too ot master quest was like yeah let's make him do it 12 times anyone's never played master quest uh it's like a uh official nintendo raw mat it's great okay as in it's awful that's beautiful because now i can kill these all right so the real question on my mind who do you think's gonna find greg first oh it's true we have not seen a great yeah it's gonna be amazing do you mean your own greg or someone else's greg that's not good i'd say just any of them any greg [Laughter] i'm sure there's at least one greg in the audience all right so this is gonna be an interesting thing here i'm gonna attempt to do basement one skip so i can go and kill uh queen goma here but i could get sent items during it which kind of stinks because it means i have to start the setup all over again which is one of the more annoying parts of uh multi-worlds is getting sent items while you're trying to complete a setup yeah like i'm about to send you an item right now ah dang it it was for fans oh you froze me sorry that one wasn't meant for you i misfired okay i messed up the setup all on my own so all right anyway so i think chad hasn't had enough time to pick a best dungeon so i'll say the correct answer is forest temple in any context except the speed running context yes yeah it's really bad at speed running but first time through ocarina of time it's the forest temple hands down yeah definitely it's the best ambiance tonight yeah the theming to it's really cool there's a lot of mystery behind it guys want to go watch a youtube essay about it right now it's kind of crazy though how like yeah that's that's definitely one of the best casual ones but after you've done it day after day after day after day after day very boring yeah it's getting over under chat over under 1.5 forest temples done tonight on gdq we know fans is barren it's just almost always you're going to get a hook shot all three of us are going to do for a simple handstand hands down you know what maybe i'll fight against it i think it'll be refused [Music] you know it i got the boomerang i'll come back out here what song did i just get i blanked out uh i got the song of no i got the song of storms yeah some wonderful things can be done there oh yeah uh how many chickens do we have to pick up how many is that that's seven i can't even count that well i can help you out if you need it getting a few extra skulls here just in case because cat is double way of the hero kakariko village that means there's at least two song slash items there i already did found these iron boots i have not found a single way of the hero hint yet in my seed or a barren hit but uh i've completed my first dungeon so that's uh one of the 15 we have to do tonight is now complete all right how are we on pace so one in 30 minutes in one and 15 done we'll be here how does that look if we extrapolate a bit i have not made it over to deku yet so i am sorry um all right let's make our way over like hylia again because of that early kakariko way to hear us oh i should have done ice i i told you rush ice honey that's why it's going so slow oh my god i could go over there i could do it you can't stop me all right so let's see so this is gonna speed up a little bit as soon as spike finds all of our go modes in his ice cavern yeah i really should have rushed that i mean you he here's the thing we all know it's just like knuckling shadow over there or it's like a forest temple access there's no way it's an item right there's no way you just got here tldr on the game mode through the powers of the internet three ocarina of time randomizer seats have been melded together all of our different worlds connect together and uh like i'm i'm gonna be doing child fishing here pretty soon a check in mine could be for me it could be a progressive item or some uh some trash for either of my teammates right here nukes gets a butter knife enjoy it also spike like five minutes ago you said you weren't reading chat and now you are you gotta tell it straight you're switching it up yeah i got no yo namah thank you for the sub the game's done quick i appreciate that yeah namaha is a gamer he plays aquaculture that's what you get for life what for reading chat i know i wasn't reading it at that time i was like i don't know why you read your chat that's my job that's true i guess it is technically cheating because now i'm i know i know where and nukes are but hey you know this is called we're allowed to share each other's locations well i should say this is co-op until we're all in go mode then it's a race it's a race well that's how i play it as you should as you should well but dang it forest is away the hero for me all right there's one so if you guess 1.5 you know that's or above 1.5 it's looking good for you hey i don't have to finish it ah i could go and get there and be like out out i don't even care oh well that'll count as half a forest temple maybe well that bug is gone forever i will say something that you might notice if you watch a lot of zooters um we're gonna probably be more thorough in this because we know we have more items to find amongst all of ourselves um that's why you'll see i think spike said he did chickens already which is kind of a check that we usually put off because it takes a long time do we have free scarecrow song yes um i just did ocarina memory game which is kind of a slower check that some people opt to skip but lucky there that was spike's hammer so is that the full memory game now i forgot to see how many notes that is not the full memory game thank goodness because where you only have to do five notes thank goodness yeah not that memorizing the eighth notes was hard more just balancing the checked a little bit because eight notes is a long yes all right little fishy fish you get over here get it get it have any of us in the call ever gone fishing i've never gone fishing no i have i've even caught a fish before oh wow now i know you're lying there's no one's ever caught it was that big i've even done fly fishing and i made my own fly wow what i was gonna say before fan answered i was like how i mean i don't consider myself an outdoor person too much i just you know we're gaming a lot when do you go outside to the at the great outdoors i should say i was in camping or fishing so i got my first way of the hero it's temple of time that's either the song or the sixth medallion award uh either yeah the reward for our forest medallion or i have to complete six dungeons and get that item so this could be spicy check the pedestal today which is something i infamously don't do because to me it's a waste of time usually but with that way of the hero and knowing that i might need to know what my forest medallion is to get that dungeon complete for that way of the hero love you spike okay who recommended this specific seat who did it who did it that's all news this is all nukes we're rolling deep we'll be fine we're gamers we didn't need anyone to vet this it's fine yeah who bets these days vetting in this economy oh my god can't afford to pay people to do that those could be bad lateral cutscene might be on that's why the ice mayhem uh got passed through because no one looked at it because no one looked at the darn thing they're like huh because i think there's 27 ice traps per world so we're looking at a high 60 70 81 ice traps tonight on screen potentially chad have you been counting that is a good part i can see if you've if you read the flags which i i don't think anyone here did read the flags otherwise i know like there could have been some questions there we should we we should give someone the spoiler along and be like hey how how boned are we how overestimated i could look at it but i i don't want to spoil it either this is this looks good let's just let's just go on all right gets explosives i have to do 30 skulls so as two of us have bomb bags now yeah and the only when we daddy be happy well do not have cheese i have a hammer yeah would you like a flamethrower not getting a bomb now sorry i'm not collecting dirty skulls for that oh god honey work with me here hey honey you want to go to ice caving together we can hold hands [Music] all right i'm almost i'm almost dead here but we had three seconds to spare he's like oh of course of course chad is cute it's full of key mons occasionally gum shoes and keys disease yes chad is in good shape with all these cute animals cute chat call right hand uh chat is pretty cute i said cat is pretty cute but that's also true he is uh begging for dinner probably oh one of those you didn't feed me that like well p.m but she likes to start meowing like an hour and a half beforehand yeah yeah she has to know she does have dry food so it's not like she doesn't have food we're not starving her yeah yeah yeah she just she's she's very sassy as we all know yeah all right let's make our way in i need to be nighttime i want to go check out the donkey the tompe master and stuff all right grabbing that uh you can see there i used a little when you float down with a chicken there you can see target and um it will let you peek in at what that item is so i knew i didn't have to go all the way up there chad if you look at my screen in the bottom left i just did a setup to break that deco stick twice and what that does is now dequeue stick can last forever it can never be broken until you get an item from someone else and it puts it away yeah yeah yeah we are seeing some gumshoe emotes in channel have you all know spike had an up close and personal with gumshoe oh my gosh that that dog cannot let you sleep alone we both suffered that he ran back and forth between the two of us all night licking us i still can't believe capcom named a character in the ace attorney series after gumshoe the dog it's just i know pie was that big pie was that big of a fan of that series oh good good i was going to say i haven't found out where my adult spawn is so this is my first save and quit as an adult was waiting for the moment so we're going to find out how good or bad this location is let's see that load back into the game and we are in the market which is perfect mark's not bad i basically got a weaker prelude that's good that's good yep perfectly fine love it i don't think the cat has ever disconnected spiker nuke's stream thank goodness she does chew wires though oh she loves you and hawaii she likes to play and chew with wires so she's not completely innocent in terms of technology but she's never disconnected no she did reset one of my something he'd reset a council at one point oh no wait when did she do that was that before that was a long time ago i was streaming and she blocked into it [Music] hey phant doesn't have to buy a shield i already had one so i'm throwing that one on the ground in the temple of time [Music] happy birthday to the green oh no i played the fishing game to win it do you think the the sages would hate me for littering in the temple of time i i'd be pretty upset all right chad we're gonna try for a trick here i don't need to do it because this is only a piece of heart but i'm probably gonna fail it anyways so come over here position right there aim up like about there ish i think and then throw it ah let me give it one more try i don't know where this position is uh the boomerang toss you know ironically that spot for me is a boomerang it could be my own boomerang up there which would be poetic couldn't do the skip i always forget where to put link's ear where do you think you put link's ear fan um his ear yeah what are you trying to do hey there it is okay cool i remember just like the ice trap yes yeah let's go yay i did it i feel responsible for every single ice trap tonight that was pretty good well it is your fault oh yeah huge end the seed but you also didn't read the sea i feel like if you don't read the seed sounds great dude hey well we we trusted nukes until today you ever trusted her what you trusted her ever we're a team you better trust me oh yeah teammates don't why do we trust that i'm going to meme yeah you're right i'm not a part of the system we hope everybody's in the island we hope everybody's enjoying the multi-world tonight on a random number generation you'll see who might be joining us just now we are doing a zooder multi-world so it's uh ocarina time randomizer but through the power of the internet the three seeds on the screen are connected and we are sending each other um each other's items so that we can all complete each individual seed uh the goal for the seed also tonight for those of you who didn't maybe here uh we each have to complete any five dungeons that will give us access to gannon's castle and then we have to slay the pig now phant i just sent you some new threads you got to let me know if that's better than what you got all right next time i am old enough to put those on i will check oh you're a small little chitlin right here my boy right now yeah boy [Music] i'm gonna go get that scale for somebody so giving me an excuse to to go check the shop namaha i appreciate you just calling it the golden rule is that actually the name of that song because i never called it the golden rule do you ever play sun song and enter an area before it actually turns night i've done that a time or two in the past have fun doing it again oh i did you're gonna love it let me try this boomerang trick i'm really bad at it there's an item off in this coffin if you look in your bottom left screen right now it's me if i can give it a shot oh can you get that item with a boomerang you sure can i didn't know that you just jam it right through you could just sit on top of the coffin for a strategy and just jam it in until it uh huh until it works there's also a setup from the door where you can try put oh someone's strength mine congratulations i am strong uh let's see how do you do this player two spike do you need a sling shot there it is heck yeah a slingshot i don't have one yet well i don't have enough money for it well i'm glad we had all that build up for it do you want me to find it for it though i mean i prefer not to but it's one check there's no way i don't know if you have a lost woods maybe way of a hero ever say it's just one check that's asking for now now it's first so when we're looking for fans light arrows later tonight chad i want you to remember this moment i just want you to know you have a strength in one of my shops for 235 rupees i have no wallets um nukes you have a mirror shield in one of my shops for 240 rupees i also have no wallets so you know if we need either of those things that's going to be rough thankfully we can complete any five donji's so yeah what if you need that mirror shield like it's hard arrows yeah chat remember that tonight that's all we're doing chad is we're here just to educate y'all and uh test y'all later to see if you've been paying attention oh we got that little rosie's about to go down uh that's fine that's a two cycle we take two cycles on dead hand you can jump slash him right as he's about to go under it's kind of a weird you just have to kind of feel for the timing for it yeah if you can get him before he goes under but it has to be right before he goes under all right who's this i count as wiggles it's a scale for me i already had two so it was a trap oh ooh nukes gets hovery deals oh my hover boots why am i getting so many items oh no she's like don't put this pressure on me honey push on me please so i had both of nukes booties in my chat don't take that the wrong way the iron boots and the hoverboards of nukes both in my trip wow i know what i said i was this guy was like i can't believe i invited this person on again this person i mean she knew she knew that this was the sexy gomez some of you might be wondering what in the world is a sexy goma oh yeah what is a sexy girl there is a but i still don't know background story for this um so back at the start of the first multi-world tournament um i was in a phase where i was calling every single uh boss a goma and it was based on what kind of boss they were so um the water temple was water goma fire temple was fire goma and of course twin robo was sexy goma um and that became our mascot for our team when we uh made a multi-world team let's see those sexa comas emos in chat [Music] through all three of us you will have the complete sex complete set i'm sexy that's right just don't dwell on it no one's watching six viewers it's way more than that and you're asking them to like remember everything and take notes 2600 my gosh what are y'all doing tonight watching you're watching the sexy gophers fumble their way through another multi-world scene the big fumbles [Music] let's see here i think oh i actually can't get to that check so you know what we're using this little kiki righty over here see what it can do i'm gonna get ourselves a bonus scotchula cause again kakariko was way to hero i don't know something cool could be over here all right let's get out of here let's do some chickens all right i'll try to complete my second dungeon i don't know what you guys are doing listen mine's all in the setup i'll get to dungeons when i get to them i like how the only thing preventing me from doing jobby right now is literally bombs or a snake i actually can complete four dungeons wow good for you wow congratulations to nukes the first person being in go mode yeah how are what is our timer at i actually didn't bother bringing it up oh no that's okay uh we're at uh almost 49 minutes right now we'll probably take a break in about 10 or so dang 49 minutes we are just blazing through this seat again now that being said let's slow it down let's grab some chickens chat chat when you go to a a a chicken restaurant establishment wha what what size do you are you like a three chicken fingers five cause i'm doing the full seven piece combo right now was that like a handful of uh tenders and bonen yeah what what kind of chicken are you talking about there's a big difference between a nugget and a tender and uh it's pretty average do we even have those in the midwest i mean they're everywhere i just had them in whenever i go on vacation i i definitely find one if there's one in the area i have this thing called celiac yeah yeah yes you do [Music] yeah now raising canes it's like they're like that's whatever chicken the sauce is really good i'm man that man that that roll that buttery goodness my god yeah the toast is good chicken's a little bit below average but and then the people really like the sauce anyway back to zunir multi-world yeah i had nothing else to talk about i have to get seven chickens that's i'm gonna be here while i'm in chicken three we can talk about zooner all right i'll see i'll see going for you two so nukes could be four months in goal mode i can use some magic i need like maybe a hammer hammer would be nice i can dude that's that's the ultimate suitor multi-world i want to see you just venmo someone one of your items real quick be like yeah use it and then chuck it back now dude you have to be a risk reward like if you send it over you can never get it back that'd be kind of scary that would be interesting yeah big risk i could use a shield though well i can get you one of the mirror variety if someone sends me two wallets so one question i have about your flags is there any reason why um you all like to leave i see you're on the one of y'all's at least on the math quest right now i'll put it that way and typically i like to start with the mask quest already completed so i can have the bunny hood to run around in so they made a setting where the bunnyhood turns into majora's mask version of the butthole and it's rather cool it's just not the thing that's ever on in tournaments so i think we kind of stick with what is generally the the settings for tournaments so but the bunnyhood yeah the bunnyhood is very cool yeah done buddyhood was when i did the multi-world with you skye all right chickens what do you got oh a quality for me [Music] i guess i should be looking and seeing if any of my shops have a field to buy i haven't looked at that yep so one more and i get a strength upgrade which i may need now speaking of strength upgrades i got a hint that pierre in the fire temple has a strength upgrade not not a great spot is everybody without strength right now i'm zero i have a strength i'm zero strength i'm a weak boy i have all the things you can't even lift the patches all the things i'm so i'm sorry if your items are in my seed because i'm doing a lot i have a lot on my to-do list right now i am don't worry i've already got locked up i'm gonna do fire believe it or not i can do deku that's like kind of the scary thing you can find sometimes in these is one player could get heavy loaded with items and the others not so much and depending on where everyone's items are that could be a little bit of a scary thing because i have many options of where i could go right now with a long shot bombs strength and bow i have epona hovers i have a lot of places i can go um but that's a lot of checks that you know i could potentially put off someone's important items like someone's spike's bomb bag or either of their hook shots or a lot you do that that'll make me really see it i'll try not to i'm putting priority right now on my dungeon since i know i'll have to complete them anyways so yeah you kind of hope that we find the items along the way in the dungeons i will check checks as i walk by them in the overworld but uh not gonna be going to many locations that aren't immediately required yeah and that's the balance so technically when you do zootor multi-world like if you do tournaments the way they've generally done them is it's actually an average finish time of all three of us and when you finish is whenever you kill ganondorf so you have to sometimes balance all right i'm in go mode how many checks am i going to keep doing to still look for items for my partners to get them into go mode so they can also get finished times and how much am i just rushing finishing my scene so we have a question chad is a multi-world harder easier just different i would definitely say different it depends on your settings it depends on the folks you're playing with if you're playing multi-world there's a lot of factors that go into seed so i can't say if this is easier or harder than something it depends on everything it's different i'd say because in the sense like you could finish your seed like as we said i'm getting close to being in go mode in my seed but that doesn't really mean much because i could have other people's items in my seed so i'll rush to uh kill gilga yeah kill gannon um so that i could get a final time for my seed but then i'm still gonna keep playing because i could still have fanta spikes items somewhere else that i haven't checked yet we're like a normal zooter you know once you finish once you kill ganon you're done so wait are you in go mode or are you almost i'm i need like uh you know if i could get like one more item here like a hammer oh and then i need lights and magic but okay i'm pro i say i'm definitely a lot closer to go mode than they are at this point no doubt i will say i have lights i can beat fire and deku right now and i'm literally if you send me us some bomb chews or not bomb shoes but a bomb bag all of a sudden that's four dungeons with lights down for me so i'm actually not in too bad of shape yeah the fact that we had open deku tree i think helps a lot so that's a free dungeon that all of us can complete right off the bat we're only looking for items for any four other dungeons then and bombs for de dongos caverns usually a given container um i found a what container i'm gonna be the first one probably here hopping in a forest temple i think i got the complete set to do that by the way what's up baby do you need a bow no i sent him two both of the others yeah all right i'm gonna go uh nix this from my zora shop never you'll never be getting the biggest quiver i'm sorry but dang it come on come on hey that'd be a big quiver upgrade what if i was low on arrows i'm not but what if i was do you want me to go all the way up to zora's domain as a child and spend 195 rupees i don't have to get you something you could just refill on your own in your own seed [Music] that's why he's not going back to zora's domain exactly that's why i'm heading straight into deku tree to get my second dungeon complete so it's about to go into my day too for number one go ahead go ahead in terms of multi-world stuff as well it depends on the skill level your teammates as well so it took uh when i played with nukes it took us a little longer because ocarina like i'm okay not green i'm average but all of the wonderful players we have here today they're all like really good at this and they do this so you should have said that [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] did fayette not break the web as well no no i fell off uh jumping to the slingshot room even worse oh okay we've had two bad falls in baker's but that's that's only one level down so it's not yeah that's not at least the worst having to climb all the way back up the day could trade i just fell down it as well what now i don't feel so bad about missing the web did you miss the web all right it's a race who's going to complete the deku tree first mirror's fine me oh my goodness i already did that wow all right i am into how are you doing so good news can you tell us your secret uh i wake up get all the items early gamerose [Music] is [Music] in your cup oh goodness so uh are we all ready to take a break soon is everybody in a good spot to take a break no let's go three more hours i think a good spot like uh spike and i are both in deku tree and we're like minutes away from finishing maybe after both of us clear it okay um between phase right now so all right well we'll do that then let me know when you all are good to go remember folks it is always good to take a break i don't care how long your speed run is there's always time to get up and stretch and get water that's good for you yeah big stretch all right phant where you at how far behind am i do i need to start skipping i'm lighting the torch at the top please don't skip checks nah dude we don't need these daggy tree isn't sphere zero or anything please don't orphan my light arrows that's what you get that's what you get you're slowing me down more i'm losing defense i'm gonna go to the shop and buy things to freeze you on purpose so it's gonna come down to b1 skip oh no that's right i have to be one skip you're gonna ground jump i only have one bomb though so i can't mess it up oh yes yes yes i sent that that was me i have successfully broken the web oh but dang it [Music] but hey last time we did this or like two times ago you three-cycled goma so i still got a shot we don't talk about that the best players the best uh in here well some different scenery um i'm throwing these bombs to strategically try to pop all three of these bots well i threw it wrong but if you throw those in the right way you can pop uh three of these boulders in this maze here and i only popped none of them so that was really really showcase of that but the best players that's been me with literally every time like i'm not hitting your flawless execution oh i'm gonna show you something screw it up oh i got bottom of the well is baron and i have song of storms so that's a really great hint i got frozen as i was talking to the third scrub so i need to go chase him down oh my gosh okay he's keep screwing up chet hey that wasn't me screwing up that was you sending me another ice trap probably me i did it yeah i think that was hurtful good job honey god they're conspiring against me in this cooperative run i gotta do this weird glitchless jump you have to understand if spike messes up he's likely on the couch tonight all right sorry spike gomez dead oh okay we got it we got it we got dang it well i got the b1 skip first try that was cool that was the tsundere version it's pretty sick you just line yourself up do a little pause did we all do different we all did different ways to do the the base of one skip tonight that's so cool because i did the the the side jump like yeah the jumping one fan did a ground jump and you did the tsundere one that's pretty sick honestly not like i like the b1 skips or anything so there's three different ways you can learn to skip over basement one the bomb one is definitely the easiest i'm not talking trash on fans he's just the worst player of the three of us wow oh this hostility to oh my break to cool down i mean we could take a break if spike wasn't so slow at finishing the decking tree i just beat a girl stabbed [Music] oh my gosh y'all but that's definitely the easiest one is the one with the bombs but both the ways that nukes and i did it very valid ways um it makes you a more powerful gamer when you have to do it that way yeah so it's good to learn like at least a ground jump way and one of the ways that spike and i did it so that you can do it without bombs as well doing a ground jump with bombs tends to be the fastest setup um and most consistent setup but the other ones work if you have not gotten a bomb bag yet um so you can still go ahead and finish that dungeon when you're in there all right i have just teleported out we can take a break whenever you want all right count us down spike all right let's pause in two two one pause richard's gonna kick your butt in three two one let me get out of the fire paw i'm sorry richard if you can hear me right now this was not my doing okay yeah at least it's obviously richard works so hard here all right folks before we go on break remember that flame fatale is august 15th through the 21st go to flamepatal for more information for the month of july gdp will be donating its portion of twitch subscriber and bit revenue minus taxes to doctors without borders this includes gift subs prime gaming subs channel subs and any bits cheered on the gamestone quick channel we ended the event at 2.9 million dollars raised let's see if we can get to 3 million y'all and with that being said everyone get up stretch hydrate and we'll be right back with random number generation welcome back to random number generation we are doing ocarina of time randomizer multi-world featuring a fant nukes and spike we also have a little special guest there on nukes screen that is kitty mon what a cutie oh my goodness oh kitty bun she's such a baby i just had her dinner she needed some break love [Laughter] there is so much cat there what a bucket of cat in your arms oh my goodness all right keem on his dinner [Laughter] very happy cat right now oh she's thinking [Laughter] just put her over just put her over my game feed they don't need to see it that's fine all right y'all on your countdown let's go and please give richard a better countdown this time all right gamers are we ready gomez gomez are we ready yeah 7 49 12 5 4 3 2 1 [Music] i'm in the middle right now of collecting rupees so i can get um a goron to an egg and make me more powerful uh what are you two what's on your radar right now i'm going to sorry a song oh no phantom are you almost in bouquet mode nah i i am fine i'm not into bk i'm not gonna be in vk but i'm gonna be in chile mode oh that's right you oh my dude okay so sometimes chad you got food ready to go you're rooting for bk mode you're like please let me go eat these other idiots playing um i had a way of the hero ice cavern i am about to go do a kingship to skip into i told you to rush ice listen i've been on a long trail of other stuff i got to do is don't put so much pressure on me oh what i just collected oh my gosh i have a goron tunic you ever save up money for a gourmand tunic and you already forget someone already sent you one hour ago that's see i think that's another thing is sometimes you forget you have items in multi worlds oh maybe that's just amazing if anyone's wondering yeah every time you just randomly freeze that is someone else found it in their corresponding world so you might see them like holding up a bucket of nothing when they get an item and i'll say someone says yeah that's exactly what it said on my screen we should probably explain again what uh exactly is going on here because we might have some new people in chat now that the break is over yeah fan you do yeah sure we're playing multi-world where we all have different seeds so we have our own set of dungeons our own set of items but between the three of us all of our items are shuffled between everybody's games so there's still you know like three light arrows but you're not gonna find your own light arrows in your seat probably they can be in mine and i have to find it so you can beat your seat spike but or i guess you already have yours so nick's beating her scene yeah yeah so we're connected to a server that exchanges info so i'm gonna get an item here if i don't mess this up i'm gonna talk to this goron to demonstrate if you look at the top left of your screen here as i collect this item and it says spike got bomb shoes so i'm sending spike bomb shoes so on my screen i sent them and on spike seed he will get the bomb shoes and see them and that's really good for spike right now because he's been looking for some explosives oh oh yeah those are my first exploding boys of the day very important um and that's how well three of us are trying to beat five dungeons in each of our seeds so 15 dungeons total tonight that will give us the bridge to get to gannon's castle and we all need to beat ganon in each of our games for us to finish tonight i just i just spent some of these i'm sorry honey you'd think that the ice would melt faster in the fire temple that's your recovery oh what am i doing we're doing spinning pot in the middle of my torch run how dare you yes let's get it quick so we're a little over an hour in let's get an idea so again guys the goal is we need to beat five any five dungeons that gets us into ganon's castle and we also need our bow magic and light arrows so we can take out the dastardly ganondorf um so between the three of us how are we each doing how many dungeons have we beaten how many times i'll go first i have two dungeons beaten um so three total with the one you start with and i have the bow and magic so just need those lights and i'll be able to defeat ganon but that is all i can do dungeon wise i cannot beat any more dungeons until i get more items i have two dungeons completed um heading over to forest temple to do that but speaking of items there's a bomb bag here four spike congratulations news you do not have to collect 30 all right i skulls going to anyways i was never going you know spike i just want you to know that was my last bomb that i spent to get that to send you the bombs over so i have nothing wow you're welcome like that was just like oh spike go on without me gosh i should have sent you i should have sent you my bomb shoes i already have oh my god well with that i don't know 30 shoes for fun four dungeons oh you're good okay then why'd you make a big deal out of it like those ones gotta gotta get the drama the dragon that's right yeah so all of a sudden i can be fire deku jabu and dc for dungeons one two three four and i have lights so yeah we're all starting to shape up a bit here we're looking uh spike is more shoes guys my last three checks have been choose for spike bombs for spike twos for spike oh my gosh how many dungeons can you beat with your items right now none none you've beaten two i've eaten two but i can't beat any additional oh oh that's not good i was like oh yeah it's shaping up for all of us yeah so my equipment i have bombs and a bow okay wow this is a very simple build my man mine's going the case i mean i got like other miscellaneous stuff like scales and magic and things but that doesn't like unlock anything well spike is going away the hero ice right now so hopefully there's an item in there but it's fine i'm a ways away from bk mode there's a ton of overworld left yeah that i can go check nukes gets a scale very nice as long as you don't get into bk mode that it always feels bad in these when one of your players uh is in what we call bk mode which is where they have no other checks they can do at that moment until someone else sends them a progressive item spike are you still looking for a hook shot i am still in fact looking for a hook shot and my forest temple is way of the hero so you know that's the thing that's i'm not putting any pressure on y'all but if we can give me a hook shot looking good i also do have a potential i believe a wallet coming up soon that i can snag okay this is good i haven't checked my zora shop yet but otherwise i don't have any other items in shops that would need to be bought if it's my wallet i can go a strength for fan and a mirror shield for news well hopefully it's literally that time mirror shield wouldn't do me much right now but a strength for fans is definitely important that will let him go do no he doesn't have a hook shot doesn't do much right now but don't let that stop you but that is strength is one of the more important items i'd say in a randomizer usually a lot of uh progression but it's all okay i got a number of checks i will uh be doing here you're gonna see me do the hyrule world tour as i go clean up my remaining overworld checks that i can't quite do any additional dungeons yet we're starting here in lake hialeah where there's two items that i can get either with a hook shot or by planting a bean since i have no hookshot i'm gonna go plant a bean here so next time i go adults i can go get two more checks here and i'm just going to continue going through uh hyrule field check and everything maybe uh do the intro to gpg so i got a number of things i can do i am starting forest temple so it's going to be kind of snooze festy on my side uh as we mentioned earlier this is probably the least interesting of all the dungeons you do in rando yeah my little optimizations i always think the coolest part about forest temple is that you really get to see the power of the deku nuts that is which that is very true uh you'll get to see that on the stream powerful that's the definitely the item that whenever you played casually you thought those things were the most useless thing in the universe and they're actually super good for a lot of combat in this game and getting uh enemies killed a lot quicker you'll see coming up here in the stalfos room right away i'm gonna use a deco nut and that will freeze them both uh so i can get a nice free hit right here uh because these guys can be a little annoying with their movement getting that free hit is very very nice nukes gets another bomb bag wow my man's just the powder keg store over there you know what i only had six bombs so that refill is pretty nice right now i'm not using them in the forest temple but well who would use that so i'm gonna be doing something here um a different type of safe scum where i'm sending every item i can and hopefully i don't need whatever's in here but this is a safe scum for time of day because i don't have sun songs so setting time of day is kind of a shore of just waiting around and doing nothing until time goes away so i saved at a good time where i can check these two items reset and that'll allow me to get back into the market just at night time and oh my god another bomb bag i'm actually going to keep that so scratch that i'm not going to reset that's a full refill i'm going to keep um so we're just going to wait and wait it out till morning which i can i can do i got a number of things i guess another interesting thing here over in the forest temple normally we go in through the other side that has the saga time block i don't have that though so we're gonna do a little trick over here to set up so i can uh hook shot the vines up here and kind of go backwards than where you would normally go in a casual playthrough through these courtyards [Music] well they just both explained very cool strats that they're doing i'm walking through uh this area to go talk to sarya she's cool i like her um gives you a song and songs are very powerful songs are only shuffled within their own pool and uh because they're so powerful because they can help you with like just warping around everywhere more quickly they can lock a lot of checks uh yeah it's good stuff so let's see what zarya gives us could be anything uh hey the knock turn of shadow very nice hmm no i'm just going to clear out the bottom of the well let's go get those three it's always either loaded or has nothing in it but yeah they had your hovers the seats they had a little bit they have my hovers on it yeah mine mine had your house oh oh i thought i didn't know you had been in there yet oh okay yeah yeah yeah i left behind the exploding checks so oh so there's already something in there so it's probably probably more things in there because i think how it goes yeah so uh while we have a moment here uh did you all want to talk about your streams and what y'all do yeah i on my stream mostly do this i do a lot of zooter um i'm also right now starting the process of learning uh windwaker rando as well so if you like zelda i do a lot of zelda in my stream and uh specializing in randomizers [Music] what about you pat do you stream yeah just just do this right just no i do i do you need to go buy a computer today so he could stream with us yeah never never streamed before uh no i also do quite a bit of randomizer but um varied up between the games recently i've been doing a lot of link to the past speed running um and linked past rando but you know a whole bunch of like casual play throughs as well and you know i plan on in the future learning a whole bunch of just like random speed games i've been wanting to do for a while because i now finally have time to do it yay so we got linked to the past rando zooter and i'm learning wind waker spike which other zelda randos are you going to learn uh let's learn ironically i've been wanting to learn ooh my mirror shield nice talk um i have been wanting to learn uh just a second i've been wanting to learn oh wait no no i don't want to do this wait do i want to do this yeah sure i'll do this i've been wanting to learn minish cap rando for like two years now um i love your cap that's one of my favorite zeldas probably my favorite 2d zelda period even more than linked to the past and uh yeah it looks like it's a lot of fun i think it's a well-balanced rando there's a lot of factors into what makes a good rando everyone will have like different opinions on that sort of thing you know hey would anybody mind sending me a stick you need one stick i need a stick just one well i'm in the forest temple so probably ain't happening anytime soon on my end but all right we're gonna orphan this check forever and uh we will uh we'll come back here at a later time so i don't have to go back if you're watching this i know you're at least interested in ocarina of time randall there has been this past year or so a lot of other zelda games have been uh creating uh randos or refining them um length of the past has been around for a long time but wind waker is a big up and coming one um minish cap has been growing i know they have oracle games um twilight princess pretty with them this past year has won i think scarborough has one now yeah skyward sword has sereno they're actually a very competitive community basically if you are a zelda game you lend yourself really good randomizers because anything that's just like inherently item-based is pretty cool you're looking around you're finding stuff finding those things unlocks other parts of the world and even if you're not trying to go fast like we do as speedrunners like at the end of the day your business is playing a puzzle game it's a lot a lot of fun um i know i think skye has been posting maybe a link that can get you at least started with ocarina time randomizers there's some good discords to join i don't know what the other communities are but there is a an utter discord for if you want to learn this one specifically that has a lot of help with getting set up and started um and we'd love to see more and more people in the community yeah and i've provided the links to all three runners streams so please be sure to give each and every runner a follow today they are all fantastic can you come back for how wonderful their streams are mine's okay i also know i'm sure the other two are like this too but if you come by my stream and you have any questions about zooters or getting started i know my communities and myself are really happy to help people get started i i really want to see more and more people get involved with us um i'm sure spike and fan feel the same way though too [Laughter] they'll be like nukes why'd you send all these people here i don't want to explain anything if there's one thing i just hate in this world it's having viewers oh my gosh like someone uses someone who's like no someone walks in the street oh wow someone playing band get out of here maybe it's like that reverse psychology is like no one's allowed to watch my stream so uh yeah don't even think of coming over to watch my stream at any point at 4pm pacific monday through friday spike's gonna be really shocked tomorrow when he goes live and for the first time ever no viewers no i'll be like oh oh no what did i do here's another way that nuts are really deco nuts are really good uh these po fights you can make them reappear right away by doing a deco night uh which significantly speeds up that fight but you have to do uh three different times in the forest temple uh so that we don't have to wait for them to reshow themselves thank you to whoever sent me a hook shot you're welcome anytime yay so i can get into my way of the hero forest that's pretty cool i guide the others to a go mode i could never possess uh i definitely would say that of the items anna zooter your your hook shot and your bombs are gonna be probably the most important for checks uh so it's very very good to see those items i have a strength and a magic away from now goalie oh look at this that's better than niche and based on in the lead based on our experiences playing multi worlds what this means is i am actually going to be the one that finishes first yeah this is going to be goofy oh spike got to fish about to go in jabba i'm going to call him lunch because josh is about to get cold he can't get too attached to the food i have all four bottles why do i have all four bottles this ice caver is way in the hero it's coming up i'm sorry if you all heard that i just had like this massive thing of thunder strike like right outside didn't come through on my end at least i wish it did because thunder's awesome yeah that was really scary for me and i didn't want that to oh no no you know this is the second time this is the second time i've gone out of my way for a potential progression item only to freeze not anybody else freeze me oh megaton hammer 100 rupees for player 3. yeah um elevation-wise i am 3 300 feet above sea level so i hear it a lot when thunder happens i can officially beat five dungeons now with that hammer um i do not have lights and i do not have magic so i that is that puts me at least in a very good position right now yeah that's good then nukes once she gets the hints of where the light arrows are that'll help narrow down one of the two remaining ones oh yeah and zooters for those of you who don't know when you go up to gannon he will tell you actually where the light arrows are located so if you have not found them yet by the time you reach him it helps at least narrow down where you'll have to go for that that doesn't mean it will make it easy because you might need to find an item to reach that location potentially say for instance if it's in shadow temple i don't have dense fire so i can't go in there right now that item would not be hinted so hopefully it's not a scenario like that a double fool i'm sorry i didn't mean it i didn't mean it all right so the only thing left my kakariko village that is way of the hero are 10 and 20 skulls which i've been uh neglecting to collect many skulls but it's gonna be fine because nothing's ever on school so i'm gonna continue to ignore them for a little bit make skye sweat a bit oh that's really nice because i'm in forest temple right now and uh phantom ganon is definitely one of the fights that i really like to have a big goron sword in yeah cause he's kind of a bully um i'd say phantom again is one of the bosses that's a little less maybe predictable because sometimes the shots there are ways we can make it a little more consistent but sometimes the shots do not go back and hit him they'll just go off yonder coffee on her so if we can if we can uh if we can kill him quicker with a big goron sword very nice yeah big horn sword not quite guarantees but almost guarantees that you'll get up one cycle it's just a jump slash a few crouch steps and uh he goes down but it's not guaranteed sometimes if you're like a your frame off [Music] maybe not exactly a frame but it is occurring at times it only runs at 20 frames per second right man frame is a year you know yes i like to say frame perfect tricks are maybe uh coming in for the first time uh we are doing opera time randomizer multi-world all of our seeds are combined with power the internet we're sending each other items so that we can all uh win the games together and we are trying to each defeat five dungeons apiece now true coming along relatively nicely on two of our ends fans definitely getting the the short end of the stick right now yeah i wouldn't like some sticks to be the way these go though unfortunately it's just one player usually fat for some reason somehow it's always fan does not get a lot of items and it just means that they cannot progress as much of the game it's okay we're getting everybody here left scrambling trying to find that other players items hey i want to be clear this is not a curated experience you are getting like the oh you know let's go generating seed see what happens you're getting the true multi-world experience right here and i think so far is a great representation of what to expect these are honestly if you want a chill fun time with friends once you all have done a handful like i would say do a couple of ocarina of time randomized seeds feel like you just know where all the checks are and everything once you've done that this is an absolute blast just chill you don't have to be competitive with it or anything his spiders don't chill out with that ice trap i just sent you see you can do fun stuff like that pull a little trick pull little tricks and your friends right there and on the virtue of not being mario party we don't hate each other at the end of it all right so i'm once again on a bad day night cycle i need to go over to garuda valley during the daytime or groudos fortress during daytime because those checks are only available during the day so i am going to be so important yeah and it's on ocarina of time i'm not getting it especially since my song great greatest songs is sun song in it and sometimes leave you waiting around unfortunately if you don't have it yeah so instead of friends who you go ahead yeah instead of just waiting around i'm going to go get a secondary check the big po and you know maybe that will be my hook shot that's the main thing you want to do in zelda ocarina of time just like randomize the strategies how to never feel like you're just standing around waiting for something to happen how do you fill that time up yeah maybe it's yeah instead of just waiting for time of day he's going to use that to his advantage go knock out maybe a slower check you wouldn't want to do otherwise yeah you really do not want to be in a position where you're just kind of idly handling them so nukes you need bow magic lights which of those in order to beat the seed lights and magic okay light's a man so you and i are each two items away faint is like 12. probably put on my big goron sword yeah that's pretty good i'm in the fight right now and uh it's not gonna do me much good if i'm not wearing it for those of you who don't know about this fight um when there's the two phantom ganons you know which one it is not only by which one is kind of brighter but you can hear the auditory hue for the one that's real will make a galloping noise uh the other one's silent uh which is really evident when you're wearing headphones probably wasn't evident on your crt as a kid right yeah on the crt with the game's really really dark crc you know with those perfect black levels you know you're gonna it's tough to notice like i didn't even notice until i started playing randomizer that they were even different at all and you know playing on one of those big tvs off in mono at the time period can't really uh tell a hook shot oh vance oh baby let's go nukes with the big pole heck yeah gtg i can go [Music] oh yeah well i said 50 bucks so they topped off my wallet thank you you're welcome all right let's go [Music] i'm gonna go do fire temple first i feel like i saw so i i can do water temple but [Applause] i don't have a zora tunic and i only have i don't have a lot of hearts for like more than just five is all you need it makes me nervous i'm going to do fire temple first so hopefully that gives me a little extra padding on my health for the time and water temple i uh appreciate a comment that was made earlier by y'all talking about an authentic experience because i know there were folks talking a chat about like you know how can folks focus on things if there's three people talking at once i want to provide on the show the most authentic experience possible and i suppose that would include not vetting the seat if we're being funny about it but um you know this is all about communication this is all about communication all about community and just about having a good time in general again we don't need things to be very stiff and polished here so to speak like this i want folks to see the process that goes into that you know yeah and without that communication without that confusion even in spots we don't exactly get that so that's what the show is about is providing as authentic of an experience with randomizers as possible yeah and yeah just to be clear on that yeah this seed has not been vetted at all there is not a person on this planet that knows where our items are you could guess you could guess but nobody knows not even us [Music] that's a joke by the way of course we don't know where our own items are that wouldn't be a good randomizer though i guess there are uh i know i think link to the past does this where they'll do spoiler log races yep it's actually a big big thing in the wind waker randall community as well they have whole tournaments around it and that's its own cause so at first when you're playing randomizer like oh that kind of removes the point but it actually kind of makes it this really fun routing challenge if you get like 15 minutes you look at the spoiler log you know where everything is and you have to determine what do i go out of my way for there's of course the items that you're gonna need in order to be to see but when is it like oh i'm gonna go out of my way maybe to like get another sword and link to the past so i'm stronger that sort of stuff like fan yeah i know you've done a number of links to the past randomizers with uh spoiler log races yeah squirrel log's a riot it's uh it's just so crazy how fast you can do it and then how often is like yeah you're not getting anything because it's so out of the way but you're finishing seeds with like seven hearts and like master sword no other protections because like oh i'm not going to go into a pendant dungeon at the end that's not needed oh right i think that's so interesting [Music] yeah that's not really a thing in the the community has messed around with i don't really think spoiler logs has been ones that people have done much of well maybe we should get that started what do you think chad i've done a spoiler log zeeder before it's fun [Music] got that first try nice little trick right there in order to hit that switch from the floor before bearing aid now marinade's definitely my favorite fight to get to do in oot randomizer done well all the faces it's a real clean marinade fight hopefully he does to show that off it looks really really nice uh again another fight that utilizes daku nuts to get it done very quickly the jellies will instantly die if you use a deco nut on them [Music] oh spike i need to inform you so i finally was able to put on the zora tunic and it is a nice hot pink color so good color i have a hot pink for my default i'm blue now dabba dee dabba die dabba yeah i had to do a little bit of a backup right there and this time the last one but other than that that's definitely i think in just ot the most fun fight to get to work on and optimize had to work around 200 bucks getting sent to me but it was in the first part so like the screwing up was definitely my fault unfortunately it looks like in my fire temple it's uh pushing me deeper fire temple is one of the dungeons in this game that uh you have access to the boss door at any time so if you get a boss key in one of the first few checks you can just go ahead and knock the dungeon out kind of right away uh that being said though again this is a multi-world so it is probably better that i'm gonna be going and checking more checks in here just in case it's uh any a spike or fans important items or even my magic [Music] literally one frame before i transition all right so i think with that all three of us have each beaten two of our dungeons again if you're looking at the clock you might think oh we're on terrible pace oh you've eaten three oh okay we've already done my fourth oh i broke link's neck on the way down all right link will be fine everybody don't freak out don't freak out that's seven of the 15 dungeons then total grab a stick and some nuts while we're here and then with that oh they just want to save quick oh no let me go plant a bee um it should kind of hopefully start speeding up here though um as we rush as we're getting more items i know at least i'm in a position where i'm kind of completing dungeons right now instead of just searching for items uh i think spike's kind of in that position right now too yeah i'm about to go beat yeah go ahead and hopefully fantas now that he has that hook shot doing a little it doesn't let me clear any dungeons but it's one step closer okay what are you missing a strength for foreign yeah that being said i'm still gonna not go into forest until we're closer to go mode oh yeah since it is for me that is true uh i'll just clear this check just so i don't leave it behind cause then we're gonna rush adult go over to ice so i'm a little tempted to not do ice cause could i have sorry as i guess it could have been homeless right now i'm like i don't know that way of a hero though [Music] i know i know i was thinking like do i just like go over to forest first i think the fact that fant is lacking a lot of items right maybe puts a little more importance on ice that's just me um yeah it was more so thinking because like forest is also way to here so i could go there first and then do it because i know that information yeah yeah then yes that makes more sense so there's only so much force i can do [Music] oh i may not be able to get these last two checks and uh gtg i'm down to half a heart thanks to the ice traps and the intentional damage boosts all right i got my boss key in fire temple um i'm gonna potentially keep going here depends on i need a small key to keep going but i would i think it's probably better to check for uh my teammates here to see if i have any other items let me real quick okay so that was the longest child segment in history but i'm gonna i'm gonna go adult i'm gonna go adult i'm going to go beat dc going to go beat go dip into forest i'm going to go do away the hero ice as well there's a lot of stuff and we're going to see whose walt this is if it's my wallet then nukes is about to get a mirror shield and pants about to go about to get a string i don't really need a mirror shield anytime soon it's i don't i don't have i'm just saying you know i don't have silvers and i'm a spike it's a scale yeah i gotta scale fine does that try to do a job if it is no no pressure to definitely put that off because [Music] actually you know the scale is good actually going to give me a way to get to ice faster yeah i'm just looking at all of our collective trackers mine looks so sad all right um i'm going to go do the volvagia fight or fire coma um yeah fire as you can see here i equipped it bomb chews and deco nuts again another value for deco nuts here um hopefully we get we can showcase the one cycle on a fire goma here um in the beginning of a fight uh bolvaja goes into a hole whatever whole bolvagia enters whenever she dives down that is actually has a remaining hitbox in it for whatever reason um so if you do an explosive in a particular spot um it will do damage to the dragon while she's uh in that hole and in the area i guess under the holes i have a fun question from chat they want to know which one of y'all is power wisdom encouraged since there's three of y'all i feel like spike would definitely be power i feel like i have to i feel like i have to be power yeah i think santa's wisdom and nukes courage i like it i like it i get to beat zelda oh of course volvagia comes out of the hole that i'm trying to bomb in i'm gonna let you pop back in because i want to showcase this it's okay i think you have enough time i don't know which game has the volume on but you can hear the the dragon making noises if i get it correctly oh shoot well this is not going well she gave you some rough rng yeah i'm i'm real sad that didn't go well vagia first popped up in the hole that i was bombing and then the other pop-ups were far far away so i just didn't get there in time with the hammer i was trying to finish up bombing and on this topic i know obviously spike can pull off a good ganondorf i think i could pull off a good zelda cosplay dude i think you'd kill it you're the number one princess in my eyes oh okay i remember [Music] [Music] has been atrocious now i got knocked by a rock while hanging on the wall and then ice trapped oh my god on the floor and killed by volvagia oh my god hey you get an attempt to at show on the one cycle and i don't have any more nuts i'll just reset yes i'm so upset dude i'm so we'll try it again hopefully it goes better this time but that was just kind of a series of events here and now i'm dying to ice traps um oh yeah cause they're all gonna get stored that's the thing chad if you save scum all that the game's still gonna send you all that stuff in a big wad afterwards in other news i did uh 20 and 30 skulls and i read hints right after i got to both of those numbers that they were dead so all right so this is the fire goma fight so what you're going to see going to here bomb shoes and nuts to try to do damage to volvagio while she's in the holes uh but there's a hitbox still in those holes [Laughter] and uh if it all goes well we will be able to show off the legendary one cycle oh really yeah tell me more tell me more go ahead and do this just because it's i wasn't fun fun i just beat it on that trick here to the right all right not quite the one cycle but that went a lot more smoothly this time nice two cycle on it it's gonna be a two cycle again hooray still very good yeah so normally you would be doing like a like a four cycle there with the big goron sword nukes could get a three cycle would be without the explosives yeah so yeah that's still even cutting down a whole cycle when she flies in the air like that is is good there we go two cycles so i'll take okay um very nice yeah the amount of times on like my gdq stages and whatnot i'm like oh that stretch didn't work all right i'm gonna take a death so i can just do it again just no one saw that everyone tell me what the inside of your eyelids look like we'll see i can't see them they're dark i guess there's too dark yeah does anyone really know what their eyelids look like all right here's the question do i go deep fire and clear it or do i just keep doing my dungeons was that dungeon number four for you this is dungeon number four i think i go beat my last dungeon and get the head um because then we can do ganon's castle get a time in which if this was a tournament race we'd be wanting to get a time in as soon as possible this is showing off those ground jumps so you can like place a bomb down stab it and then shield it on the ground and then puts link in this state where he for whatever reason does a jump straight up in the air his backflip gets kind of broken and that's what allows him to jump straight up and skip over like chunks of dungeons and whatnot in general link being into dongos cavern is great because you get to do so many strats just by virtue of link is tall in adult form so he just gets to skip like literally half the dungeon is spiky got some chews on you you got some oh i do have cheese on me do you want me to go to the floor and do it you should i mean it's slower but it looks cool but it will do it yeah sure let's do it fan gets money for that idea all right now i've had some weird stuff with my stick lately so we'll see if this works out but yeah this is the bomb shoe strap from the floor all right so and to be clear spike did check the stuff at top this is a time investment to show off my cool strat my patented flip twice now this is a neat way that if you know either the dongle's cavern is barren or maybe you're doing a co-op where you're doing the same seed with a partner and they already went through tadago's cavern and told you there's nothing in there um you can very quickly walk in light up the eyes as spike is doing and just go finish the dungeon really quick yeah that's sad actually yeah fan made so easy yeah i made it so easy even spike can do it yeah i'm about to say i even screwed up one bomb jew all you look for if you go back and look at the bot right there that's a that's a great co-op strat to learn so might go through they'll be like there's nothing up top just go to the end of the dungeon you just get up against the wall you turn to the left you back flip twice you do the dosie dough no no you wait for you put down one bomb chew immediately and then the other one you wait till it lights up twice and put down the other one and the only other thing to remember is don't try to climb up the ladder until both eyes are lit or you will soft lock your game indeed i'm heading over to fire or water temple right now um i am going to stop and do some checks on the way though in high reel field again need to get items for mostly fanch at this point but i just need a stick and i could go do um some spirit wild spirits so i was out of sticks after jabu and i was like oh i have child spirit access so i went down to zora's domain and i picked up one stick because i've been in that spot where i can you know i may just have to go do that yeah we're gonna go back into zora's domain to get sticks by the way does anybody have a use for fire arrows right now and by anybody i mean nukes uh no well i don't have a fun i don't have magic though either it's not like a priority yeah i can buy that i can buy that but it's in the bomb shoe shops a little bit annoying to get to but if you ever need fire arrows let me know i'll go get them there's definitely be a much later thing actually no i would never need those unless i was doing fire arrow entry because uh my wasteland is dead and composer's grave i can light with sticks so uh but no magic doesn't really do me much regardless oh light arrows for someone maybe [Music] maybe now we are going to be needle in a hay stacking my uh magic here so i can finish at least there's two of them yes that's true true um yeah i'm gonna be checking more checks than along the way here not as much pressure to get to gannon now have we hit the two hour marks guy we're we're getting close we're at about 1 51 right now i just wanted to see where y'all were with that yeah i mean we do these for four hours a day so it's we'll just do it on the hour mark i imagine okay all right i have beaten my third dungeon and all right i'm going to zora's domain to get some sticks ooh fan gets a rudos letter in my way of the hero kakariko oh okay that's a boomerang away from another dungeon all right all right all right i can i can go do is i can go do is oh you could have done it anyways yeah i think i'll go do ice cavern the nuke special uh here is um a way to do this check so normally you need a gold scale but if you hook shot this box and then immediately take off your irons it counts as touching the bottom with no uh shoes on and allows you to get that check so the nice way for us to get this check without needing gold and that's just a bomb bag for me my biggest one i'll see ya just going back real quick some people asked in chat like why does going towards the latter soft lock your game it's if you are on the ladder when the cut scene starts it somehow screws with it so you just you could potentially go up the ladder if you know how to but yeah to be safe okay it is probably just sorry as an ice cavern i think my ice cavern is storms so that would be a good check i got plenty of non-dungeons to do [Laughter] let's just ride this sucker up i'm gonna go to forest first i don't have strength my last dungeon before going to gannons you are so far along i'm debating going into gannon's though and i don't know i should go to temple of time because so water temple is actually also my forest medallion so upon beating this i'll get the two checks in temple of time or whatever my way of the hero is there um so hopefully that leads to something for uh one of you two only time will tell oh we're gonna be done it's not the song at this point i guess the only song it could be though that would be way of the hero would probably be requiem they pretty much only have warp songs song of time take out this dummy and then use our free scarecrow song powers nukes have you used those irons yet because they were also in my way in the hero category i am in water temple right now okay i was like i think you just said that i was just trying to think through my way to hear a category hey nukes do you want a boomerang um i don't have rudos dead man or it could be fun i just found myself a wallop so i could get spikes from fire arrows all right literally literally yeah do you need fire arrow spike i i have dins so whenever i get magic i guess i'll use those if you want to send them over it's like that i have to farm some ropes though that'll be another thing if you need it we have a three and a half hour limit here yeah this is true we're coming up on that two hour mark yeah everybody welcome back if you uh just got here you know from dinner or lunch or or what have you to mercy kill those high sky bills yeah yeah all right oh a gold scale um up here i'm gonna do another trick so i can get this chest without lowering the water so if it's my boss key that's nice you just hold this up for four flashes drop it that will bomb the wall down there and uh we're gonna hook shot the chest to open it another uh underwater hook shot uh trick here to give a check all right spike you were saying that hammer was in my way of the hero force literally checked all right well that gets me to a strength in fire temple and we're going straight there as soon as i wait this entire night cycle out so i can go inside castletown to go back adult wondering why these crouch stabs do so much damage you think like why do they just it's because for whatever reason back when oot was made they didn't give a damage value to crouch tabs so they just repeat whatever the damage was of your last attack you did i don't know why i went up those and then like that didn't even get fixed until what ocarina of time 3d like didn't majora's mask have the same majora's thing yeah it was on so ot the original japanese 1.0 version of it didn't fix it and then english didn't fix it majora's mask japanese 1.0 didn't fix it it wasn't until english majora's mask that they were finally like why didn't anyone put a number there it's kind of weird [Music] you know there's lots of interesting uh issues with damage values in the zelda series like a link to the past completely different game but there is a boss that is literally immune to the damage of the strongest sword which you can get before beating the boss just because you know they didn't think that anybody would have that sword at this time i didn't know that actually yeah it makes the boss unbeatable yeah well not unbeatable but you can feel that not quite the same extent but i mean in this game you have the fire dancers and the fire temple they don't take damage to the big goron sword so you have to switch to the master sword when fighting them if you have bigger they do take damage but they take half damage than from the master sword oh they i thought they just didn't take me no you got to like hit them twice each cycle as opposed to once it's weird yeah regardless it is an unusual thing that yeah yeah the item that's supposed to do more damage all of a sudden they have uh funny things like the the deku stick at being in the same damage class as the master sword yeah including bonus damage versus ganon yeah that's why if you watched like old ocarina of time any percent runs where they beat gannon as a child with a stick that stick was just as strong as a master sword the difference was it's supposed to break after one usage but you know we found out pretty early on that hey you can bake an unbreakable decking stick how cool is that it turned out all right so now let me go do ice way of the hero glad i went there first got you that hammer to note i've had the boss key for fire temple for a while i'm just waiting to knock that out after i do all these weigh the hero spots cause again the gold time is to try to get all three of us finished in a decent amount of time so there's a certain amount of routing where you're just trying to get your five dungeons done do you also want to set up your teammates um i'd say like honestly even in like solo suiters you're gonna probably put emphasis on dungeons when you're able to do them because those are your ultimate progression um you're you're gonna be required to do them anyway so you kind of hope that you'll just find your checks along the way in there so we are about at the two hour mark are you all in a spot where you're able to take a break yeah i'm about to enter the fire temple to collect somebody's strength so i could pause once i'm inside yeah count down for yourself whenever you all are all right let's see give me a moment when fan gets in there he can count us down yes sounds good in fact i'm going to start counting down 10 9 eight seven six five four three two one and pots that was that was beautiful fan thank you yeah oh that's the way it should be done he loses his time perfectly to when i entered oh yeah he that he puts the sexy into the sexy gomez let me just what can i say that's why i'm the moss all right so before we go to break y'all remember that flynn fatale is august 15th through the 21st go to gamestonequick.com friendfatal for more information for the month of july gtq will be donating its portion of twitch subscriber and bit revenue minus taxes to doctors without borders this includes gift subs prime gaming subs channel subs and any bits cheered on the games done quick channel we ended the event at 2.9 million dollars raised so let's see if we can get to 3 million and with that everyone get up stretch hydrate and we will be right back with random number generation welcome back to random number generation we are doing ocarina of time randomizer multi-world and i am joined by phant nukes and spike are you all ready to go let's keep it on going yeah yeah yeah let's start it back up in seven six five four three two and two spike why well you just think of richard for a second having to do this i think of richard every day and i'm like man that dude is cute i like him i like the cut of his gym i realized something on our break that is a little horrifying what oh whatever um i don't have song a time in the water temple and i thought i'd be able to finish this and uh there's potential that my boss key is behind song of time oh baby it's one check but we're getting down now to the point where i only have i'm getting low wine checks in here what do you need to do to get a song attack i don't know it's a great question i'm hoping it's just like go out to the desert because that's uh what my next course of action will be if i can't beat this but so we may not have someone in five dungeon mode oh just as i say that i got the boss key and we have somebody in five dungeon modes yeah we got someone and that is your fifth right so you're i guess i guess you don't have to go to gannon because he ain't gonna tell you where the no but uh that is you know that does open some checks um also my temple of time is way of the hero so beating this dungeon will give me both checks that could be in the temple of time which is the forest medallion and then our light arrow cut scene so uh get that get lit oh i can go check the treasure chest game after i climb all the way up the fire temple for a strength upgrade even though the boss key is right at the bottom i'm going up but i'm going to kill volvagia first because there's a chance that vodja has a small key and locks further progression into the dungeon um so i'm going to take care of that first we're going to hop back in so i can go get somebody a strength upgrade also if you are just joining us now um we are doing a zooter multi world so this is ocarina time randomizer all three of our games are different but they are connected using the power of the internet um we have each other's items in our seeds so for example i could send fant a bomb bag from my seed um and vice versa so our goal is for all three of us to work together to each beat gannon uh and getting get to gannon requires us to beat five dungeons apiece that's our goal for the night here our progression's pretty good right now i feel like so all right i'm gonna try and do the the one cycle with master sword on uh fire goma here see if i have any luck i hope it goes better than i have exactly nine deku nuts which is what i need in order to land enough bombshell hits so we'll see if i can do it yeah again i can't mess up a single one it's a technique where he shield drops the bomb chew into the hole and then gate throws a deco nut at each of them to explode them at correctly the right time pretty precise he's got to hit all nine of him let's see line up then let's see if he can do it it's whichever hole uh bolvagia goes down into there is a remaining hitbox there uh during the portion of maggio's hopping out of the holes i think we got it we did we did it nine shoes nine heads you've already been able to do that a little bit better than my attempt the little finicky of a trick for sure ah and it's really one of the harder quick kills to learn honestly it is random she swatted me so i was i was frames away from missing it but we got there and sometimes she'll pop out of the hole that she went into and then you just are kind of out of luck at that point yeah which happened to me tonight oh and there's a big gorham sword for me okay i found mine and nukes so that's funny that's my reward for the one cycle to give me a big sword we are all fully buffed three big boys i have finished my fifth dungeon so here's so looking at the trackers on the street very nice five dungeons down on news's side i will be heading over to temple of time to get that way of the hero hopefully it's an item for one of you two or maybe my magic that would be nice so i could actually beat my seed um and be the winner here tonight um yeah hopefully it's not a song for mine i don't think it will be at this point but oh somebody's strength somebody's strength i might shoot the sun oh okay okay that could be good hopefully it's not my own so that one of you two can actually have a strength i will laugh if it's like nukes gold i i don't have silvers yet so okay i'm gonna laugh if it's duke's a silver i would i would laugh if it's my golds too cause these are progressive upgrades bike ah my strength upgrade all right so i can beat five dungeons now hey all right that's uh two of us down and you actually you have your magic so you could beat no i don't have magic i don't know you don't okay we're both actually a fool in my temple of time so it's my song probably gonna be froze me in the lava and i i am not a healthy boy right now it is requiem for me that's interesting does that mean there's an item how does that work with the five dungeons the item out there has to lock at least four dungeons for another player or it's like bow or magic it's probably one of our magics now i'm wondering if i i should just rush out there honestly i'm gonna go child because i can't i don't have silver so i can't do uh spirit temple as an adult but i can go in as a child so instead of going to gannon's castle right now i'm gonna go do that uh hopefully yeah i don't know that i'm thinking that must be my magic then yeah i'm trying to think so fant what set of items would give you go mode right now a boomerang a strength i will list every combination that will give me a potential go mode here and that is a strength and long shot a strength and a boomerang two strengths and mirror shield a strength and dens and obviously lights amongst all those so those are your options yeah so quite a few different options we can go and that's kind of the nice thing about five dungeons oh sorry also boomerang and lights so a boomerang only wait no it's still boomerang string still boomerang strength but usually they involve strength yeah oh hopefully i find something then here for you or my magic or spikes magic so i'm sequence breaking here on fire normally you're supposed to have strength to get past this but i don't i know there's a strength up here it could be mine it's not my logical first strength but it is a strength and i'm gonna get it oh i don't have to do the toilet tonight sounds good i got that hint too nice for those of you who don't know what spike is referring to by the toilet in uh gerudo uh training grounds there is a room that has a bunch of silver rupees and a pool of spinning water which we uh that you do because it spins and it's a it's a crummy crummy check i'll say on gdq okay okay i got dense fire so what that means i need hover so now i'm hovers okay from a uh hovers and strength as an option out now all right let me go beat my fourth dungeon i suppose i could have yeah we'll we'll knock this out and then we'll do and then we'll go finish forest which is still way of the hero we already got phantos hammer five items left in there so you never know you never know now i do have gold scale so if i get a long shot there's a potential i could show off the gold water temple which you just beat water temple without ever getting the iron boots there is only a single check that is hard locked by the boots as long as you have skill you can get around it a variety of other ways as long as the boss key isn't there i can beat the dungeon yeah that ice trap was it was just as i was about to do the jump to bolvage yet oh no boy all right now spike's chance at the the one cycle oh i turned that way too much oh forget the one cycle i can't jump over there a good time tonight and you don't follow all three of us i'm gonna go ahead and plug right now all three of our streams we all do zoors on our stream as well as a variety of other things um right now i am also learning wind waker rando uh fant does some link to the past rando uh spike does kingdom hearts rando who doesn't do rando these days yeah randa was definitely the hot thing but uh you're having a good time all three of us stream uh we'd love to see you there so make sure you hit us all with a follow i know uh sky has been posting our uh twitches and chat all night i'll ask you yeah i'm only 16 away from hitting the big old 5800 has been like six months in the making going from 5758 so you want to help me get to that goal tonight no it could happen also if you subscribe to us you can uh get your set of sexy goma emotes in honor of our team name um each of us have our own uh quote unquote sexy goma emote uh we've is our mascot for the the sexy goma okay and we each have uh emo inspired by her you can complete your set today by the sexiest goal complete you're set now 4.99 each do we have anyone in chat with a complete set i know i saw some earlier tonight show off the full collection you know you get a set bonus when you equip those let them know no you don't that that's a fabrication but it'd be cool wouldn't it that's right chat my fire temple had the water medallion my water temple's got my fire medallion up is down down is up what is going on i just got frozen i'm not wow it's hilarious my child's spirit temple right now and it ain't giving me really much now say we would need did you already check the fairy fountain outside i have that was what i was going to do afterwards i figured coming in the temple would be more valuable than walking back and forth in the desert um oh i'm about to go see something nice in here and i'm not seeing anything yet i'm about to get a strength if it's a strength for me that is plus one dungeon and then i'm like any of five items from being able to get the light air in i feel like i'm in the best position here having magic right all of a sudden because you'll be told where your lights are remember what i said like two hours ago this is the situation where i'm gonna set up a bunch finish stuff two hours ago well hopefully i didn't say anything bad oh no oh no no no no no here we go it is a strength for newport okay that's good that's good so uh spike did you say you could get my mirror shield is that a thing uh i need yeah thankfully that's only three checks i need a wallet oh okay i didn't i couldn't remember if you got that wallet or not all right yeah if i get a wallet you will have it in 10 seconds at least now i can do uh adult side of spirit here which again that i would be my magic somewhere in here but that uh strength allows me to get a lot more checks here for my way of the hero requiem that i'm following right now and the good news is that is a strength locked strength for me so one of my my first strength cannot be locked behind you know whatever nuke spines that still respond most likely yeah yeah that's like a weird logic thing here in uh multi-worlds is that your items if they unlock something oh i got my own iron i don't know how to explain that it's working this is actually perfect uh there are two more checks and fire temple here and i'm not gonna check either of them because there are two spare keys that you're gonna have after a full clear of the fire temple i just opened up this compass chest at the top and it was the item it has zero keys so i know for a fact both remaining checks at the top of fire temple are small keys oh you don't have to get them that is so nice blast huge blast yes so between the four the three of us we need four items for go mode nukes and either both definitive magics and then any combination of like two things do you have dens yet fan i do have dens okay well that's not as exciting as i thought it might be yeah so now i have some more interesting options uh hovers and long shot now gets me gets me there no strength needed um interesting thing with iron knuckles fights if you stand right at his left foot he cannot hit you um so these are kind of known as like one of the they are like the strongest enemy in this game um but their their weakness their achilles heel is on their left foot and it's even nicer when you're child linked because you are real tiny oh man you got a kokiri sport [Music] yeah if we weren't doing this for a showcase the kokiri sword would have actually locked our ability to get into the deku tree um otherwise yeah you're going to end up doing denky tree in like all of these but just to make sure the sea was gonna be a little shorter we gave ourselves basically a free deku tree to enter into as normally our friend mito will be standing there demanding you to show him your okiri sword but not today do we have a winner in the call yeah i'm a winner hey but no greg's i knew you couldn't do no grades yeah that is true greg yeah i'm not excited we have not seen a greg yet it's okay we're not calling time until we find all three greggs sorry sorry skye i know we i think we forgot to tell you that was the category we're running all greg's we should probably start checking those barren areas then eh i'm just gonna wait a second you do your thing yeah that was a bad time for that item to come in that's right here we are here we are running through force for my fifth dungeon so again what has happened because nukes has beaten five dungeons i'm on my way to beating my fifth dungeon as we can get into ganon's castle which has checked soon so i i became adult right as you do and i pushed the d-pad down to bring out my ocarina and start playing requiem as you do ocarina even though i pushed the button down did not pull out ah first button of requiem is the a button ah one fact child you took an extra trip marty mcfly very nice very nice that's okay i think every suitor player has done that at least five times a month just trying to rush just trying to get that ocarina out there was any other song i was playing it wouldn't have been i guess serenade same problem yeah all the others has been a simple c button yeah yeah yeah booty all right still hunting here in the spirit temple i was an adult i don't know that way of the hero what do you two have on your docket right now so i'm clearing what i can of water to potentially find the boss key after this i'm going to head to ice cavern which is going to give me song of storms it's going to lead into the song of storm's checks and then concluding with bottom of the it sounds well you have a decent line up there what about you spike yeah so i am into the the i'm about to do the vanilla bow chest in the forest temple i just caused fan to be a fools you know that's fun about to get my fifth dungeon up i need you a fool oh my god gosh that was right when i was pools all around fool's on me is that your fifth dungeon forest or do you have other ones you have to go yeah no that's my fifth dungeon so after here i could go all the way up through fire find all six items there um after that i could go to gtg yeah that's what i'm going to be doing here probably unless i find my magic is heading over to gtg that's a very dense area i can fully clear at this point yeah that's probably gonna be my next play looking at it because i have eponas all of it's in logic i can go clear out lake hylia i can go clear out hyrule field i can clear out gtg not cleared out i don't have silvers i don't have any strips wait no i have one string why am i here overall finding my wallet would be fun because i could send phantom a strength upgrade himself although this one i'm definitely rooting that fant doesn't have to be forest temple yep oh yeah that's 15 minutes we won't get back yeah because it is so bad i bet that all of us will have to do it i mean i'm i'm doing it right now how barren was it spike well mine was way of the hero i wasn't bearing at all i had a megaton hammer in it and i said to the fan vance has the baron for his temple oh i was setting you up for a match game reference oh oh man what was it i got fan flights hey oh have lights oh my god fans going to take the lead fancy that's going to finish first after all of this why is this always what happens so that is what the whole way of the hero was then it was to get you out to adult spirit so you could get fancy lights i'm gonna well we're gonna clear as much of this as i can though still uh so we need a a magic first bike and magic for nukes right and then any combination of two items for me of like 12 choices we're definitely getting getting close here first spike and i pretty much will once we get our magic we just go beat the game so that'll be nice and quick unfortunately fan will have to go beat some dungeons after he gets his items some big dungeons um so it won't be as quick for fans so kind of hope that we find fans items first maybe just so he can get those done um rather than us finishing and kind of idling around waiting for fant yeah so between the three of us do we have any outstanding way of the heroes again chat the way the heroes representing uh areas that have things that we supposedly hard need in order to beat the seat so you can use that as info do we have any outstanding between the three of us that's the only way of the hero hence i have is kakariko i did not get a single other one but i do have way of the hero cac i have gotten a few items there obviously but uh i haven't full cleared katarika so it is something i can still do just to make sure it's not hiding behind a different check there [Music] i'm so excited i'm about to fight meg i am almost out of the forest temple for example at least gets to be a lot faster because generally in the vanilla game everyone forgets this who plays random you have to do like two laps through the forest temple because it's go all the way through get the bow then go all the way back through and do all the checks here almost always you're gonna come in with a bow oh my gosh that was such a big health refill you're welcome thanks honey i sent my love i sent him my love that gets me to my second row yo who's winning in hearts i've got 11. wow i have six wow you have nothing i know we don't rub it in i have eight eight man i am i am slay holy buckets who do you think is going to be the first to win given the information we know right now yeah it's actually you can go with any of the three of us and it's pretty viable it's probably new sir eye but i'll fancy over there go anyway at this point yeah we're all kind of in a position where yeah we only you and i only need one item and both of those items have doubles so that does put us at a higher chance i think of finding ours but yeah i would say it's 40 chance me 40 chance you 20 chance paint [Music] fans would be the funniest because he called it like an hour and a half ago there have been many a multi-world tournament seed where bant has been the one way behind in terms of item density what he has where all of a sudden he's the first to finish it kind of depends on how the multi-world lays out all of our items and the entire puzzle that is our three separate zooter seeds oh no oh no what well i have to do the the room to dark link again the long way because i actually backflip twice around we go all right well the only thing i found here was uh advanced light arrows i'm gonna go ahead and reverse wasteland i mentioned this earlier this is a little bit of an exploit is that what you would call this an exploit that we used to uh to get to uh gtg i do have another way to get there with both epona and long shot uh however since i'm already out here it's gonna be faster for me to just go through the wastelands backwards um and we do this just by kind of memorizing visually where the load zone or the d-load zones are the void out you know the things that make you go ah the things that make pie take a hit in his runs oh man have you been watching his five-hit zooter oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that looks like a nightmare i love it one night for distracting him that man can be such a dummy i love it all right i have completed five dungeons i am going out to the desert i am seeing if it gives us any other good stuff oh we can high five there so oh no i have no deco nuts all right darklings gonna be fun remember those nine decking nuts i spent on uh i'm not even aaron forrest this is where i pay for it z target and walk to the right and swing yep let's describe here we go yeah yeah yeah i should ask y'all once uh when's the five hit zooter oh gosh i didn't talk to him about like put six ice straps to the game and do one hit k.o oh no i was gonna go even further with it just to be stupid because it's hilarious you know that stream value that's a heck of a stream value there friend it would be terrifying every single time you open it yeah spike and pie know a thing or two about stream value oh yeah i like enjoying myself i i don't like just does chat want to see you enjoying yourself or they want to see pain and suffering dad gets upset when i suffer actually my community likes me i need your child and pie screen you're just like yeah know yeah someone just said five hit tudor and moment more specifically moment six no is it is it six how are we getting six we just did six yeah seven oh my gosh seven already oh my gosh we're all getting older i know we're right here maybe seven years of that night oh my gosh it's gonna be um if i volunteer for this 82 it's eight years of gdq volunteering so that seems about right man we got so old so fast what happened so here's an interesting thing for fighting this gerudo guard uh if you come over here and hook shot the top of the flame she gets stuck in this torch and you just go ahead and crouch stab the corner and she dies pretty instantly [Music] yeah it's a weird trick yeah it's weird with how the back swing on that works to wear fish where it's actually better to stab the wall than stab her your hips actually come out a little faster spike i know what you really wanted like it's magic are you back magic he's in oh if you guessed spike earlier for who would finish first responsibility is in go mode yes that was steep that was the last check and water temple oh my gosh thank you oh so obviously so with that i can finish my seed i'm gonna keep looking until we're all in go mode like we don't need to get times so if this was a race uh spike would go ahead and get his time right now um because uh again for tournaments with uh multi-world we average everyone's time and that's uh you're kind of your team's finish time then is the average of all of our times so you want to get as many runs done as quickly as possible so you can get those times in uh obviously this is just a showcase tonight so those end times aren't going to be as important visually we're running with all our own like custom set of uh settings rules we're playing with and everything so this is more so a showcase of just multi-world itself how you play with friends in which we're like you don't care you're just playing until you know all three of your teammates or however many there are are good to go because going and killing ganondorf doesn't actually do anything oh oh oh toucan sam no that being said ganon's uh castle could have items in it yes absolutely uh so that might be a spot that both spike and i want to prioritize in the near future i know we're both uh heading out to gtg right now i'm in here i think he's on his way um yeah i'm clearing up my lake highly about to dive in the lab and then i'll be riding a pona out there clear out hyrule field on the way so i like how um my my out of logic strength upgrade i got for nukes led to my light arrows yeah i still don't have my first strength again we don't worry about logic we're we're going we don't need to lie we're going we don't need there you go fan five don't spend it all in one place and maybe wondering why i am called fan five oh have you ever seen the movie the prestige kind of like that yeah yeah yeah his last name is five yeah yeah he's got kind of a weird i don't know family prestige is but i'm going to guess his last name is five oh my god epona where did you hide okay is lost oh sometimes she spawns like not in a place that you can access her yeah i think that might have happened not to get everybody excited but i'm heading into ice cavern here this could be everybody's go mode because it is ice cavern way of the hero ice cavern i did i did it was sorry the song so i could get deforest okay it's important though because it could have been you know it would have been my magic could have been fan strength there never okay there is opponent yeah opponent absolutely spawned somewhere that we could not reach her what what a good horse pono's a great by good horse i mean bad horse right they eat it out they made her bad in twilight princess hd as well she controls like a boulder hey she's just doing her best oh yeah she did great in tp i don't know why the devs just were like hey what's up this'll be fun did they change it for hd they somehow change everyone will tell you yeah she controls way way worse on tphd i haven't done my own tphd upgrade let's go not in ice but um no that's still not going for me that's still not good for me that being said i just need a long shot or hovers or a boomerang or a beer shield another strength or no no that's it yeah could only be four options because what was the item you just found strength upgrade okay so you can beat for us now should i go through my barren forest and hope [Music] probably be priority do you know what your burning cack is yeah it's minuet ow yeah no i'm not gonna touch forest then it's if all the rest of us are in gomo that's like your last ditch you just do that to get a dungeon yeah i think that's the way you play that way more important we find our missing items here at this point are you able to do any other dungeons or i don't think so nope nope yeah so i'm going through ice cavern right now as you do wait spike you don't have a bow yet am i saying that's right no i have a bow okay yeah i i was menuing some stuff right i needed some deco nuts to pop the dude i guess you could have done that with like hook shot or bow i'm just clearing out hyrule field i am basically down to go to the desert with the exception of adult spirit and then i can go do all of fire and then what else i've got in my seat right now and then there's gammons i can do about half of that i'm doing gtg right now uh then i'll do horseback archery out here uh the gruder valley boulders and then i'm gonna go out to gannon's too we're kind of in the same yeah same space right now so i will say one check i have not done is targeting the woods so whenever you want to buy me that slingshot oh shoot i don't hey enjoy spike i just got off my horse what did you send me the mic with the iron boots okay that gets me a few more checks who had your slingshot luke says it in one of her shops i think it's in my goron shop i shouldn't have money when i was there and i wasn't going to uh no it might have been in my bomb oh remember i should have said it's okay it's okay like that's gonna be one of the very last checks i made yeah definitely not a priority right now um i have a lot better density i will check my shops though you know i am near them to get you that because i am carrying around 500 rupees right now oh big bucks big pie bucks over there [Music] yeah it was one of those before it got too much longer i was like i should point that out so the same strat here as you saw from nukes gonna get in the corner here and then basically shoot the top of the plane as she gets close start stabbing the wall and just like that she's dead well she's knocked out i i cannot actually i do not think you kill the guards yeah no she jumps away yeah yeah she's not dead yeah that and of course the brewer on the other hand oh she's dead oh she died she is dead for seven full years but it's okay if you say them also a fun little fact about rando as you can see the little gerudo guard here shares the same tuna color as you about back four between colors let's give a grading of this i don't think that's a random thing either there that's just how it works in the game oh yeah yeah it's not a red it's rando that like there's obviously all these other colors you can have so you can have some like real banging colors out there yeah in other words she is link's biggest fan [Music] coming you're like oh yeah it's like a weird feature of the name how does she know the match you save all the guards she's like hello there i heard you like red just red just like us yep yep i'm saying tonight right now i got a plain red shirt on i got i've got the goron tunic [Music] we should have like went for the thing be like honey get your only red shirt out do you even have a red shirt uh yes i was like i'm actually not sure all right next break all right you know what we gotta do and then both you and me switch to like light green uh spike gets hovers ooh the hovery newsies okay so that gets me all of shadow in fact i now have hoppers so i will just hover across this spike gets a wallet upgrade oh i can buy a strength and a mirror shield that's my mirror for uh so i can clear out my spirit temple that would be good just because of that way of the hero i know we already got fancy lights there but uh yeah it could be other things that's a silvers for me yeah i was about to say so that fit so that is that go mode for you fan nope oh okay not quite but now uh if he gets a mirror she'll be yeah mirror shield adds to the list increases the chance of getting him in a go mode i'd say the only thing i'm worried about is finding nukes of magic which is getting more and more worried about that too i have like 10 million outs not literally 10 million ounce but i got a lot of outs [Music] yeah so what i'm thinking is i'm gonna do a multi-world safe scum here i'm gonna step into gtg i am going to say and then i'm going to knock turn go buy those two things and then save scum back over to gtg that's one again one of the nice things about multi-worlds is once you send the item to the other player uh it is permanently theirs um [Music] you can go ahead and like save scum uh bombs and such that way bomb jews your money uh warped back kind of quickly like spike is doing to where you want to be progression wise [Music] makes it a lot easier in terms of using your save quit get through the seed fast [Music] yeah that's all of my shadow temple i can do now yeah i've got a lot of things i can do all of a sudden all right there's my song of storms so we're gonna be heading to the bottom of the well all right so like i said walk in here it's the lobby i want these two lightning quick checks [Music] [Music] yeah imagine if they could disappear oh that'd be terrible well i mean that's a that's a normal zooner right when you're on your own oh fancy golds that fans golds it will be it will yeah i'm about to send him golds then did you we we both did horseback on truth the exact same time i got 15.60 and that's what i got two you got 15 40. i was looking at this oh all right all right all right oh 470 do i have enough cash 240 and 235 i need five pulling out the big dollars i got a bug in a bottle yo bottle vendor man i hate you like oh yeah you can sell i could at least forget something you can send bugs to that guy thus big big monies all right time to see if i was misspelling this all this time there's here's my gold gauntlets there's goals for fans and there's mirror shield for nukes [Music] all right and now once again i just hit my save quake because they have been sent it through the powers of the internet faint many states away nukes multiple rooms away and now i'm gonna go right back to gtg i'm gonna go back to spirit temple and full clear that just to make sure that way of the hero isn't anything else besides fans lights i'll go ahead and see the sexy goma herself i just want everyone to know they suck bad enemies they like to go yeah and jump football field away from you and you're just like let me stab you come on oh man i'm not gonna do the toilet wait no i know the toilet's dead as we'll say you said earlier that it's dead oh kyle spike you feel i [Music] it was as i was playing soccer time there was it really so it's supposedly 27 per on ice trap mayhem it feels like 80. feels like they just keep coming hey i got my own slingshot in gtg don't worry about it hey i found multiple slingshots for each of you i was like okay i need to send myself one at some point so we have so many items chat were two items from goku we need nukes magic and literally anything for fans [Laughter] where are they it could be anywhere they could go anywhere mirror shield hovers boomerang long shot four different items for four different go modes yeah actually fan now takes the literal two to one odds that he will hit go mode next he has four outs nukes has two outs two extremely specific outs yep i'm gonna go cheat at the treasure chest game then head into the bottom of the well this is making me nervous we followed our way the heroes pretty well though it's now just down i still only had the cac way of the hero hen i found so much stuff i know and it's like you have had stuff but again because it's five dungeon that can be a little weird yeah yeah yeah you know there is an alternate instance them that you can work with with these where uh it'll actually let's tell you about way of the hero and more just like there is a something over here that will help you specifically beat this dungeon it can sometimes have better synergy with five dungeon but it's a lot simpler to also just read these hints for us and the nice thing is that it will almost always point us towards something big big like that hook shot like the bow or the magic the stuff we know we need all right finishing a sixth dungeon here yeah i know i'm about to do shadow for my sixth [Music] that what's gonna be found first an item that will let fat finish the seed or please my magic i say you were the first one to one item away for so long checking this bad boy out oh i saw something red i don't know why i got excited about that or did anything but at least fans got some also new threads to check out oh i already had those though so i'm just gonna throw them down in the grave good thank you thank you i don't have like a great tunic color this seed my goron tunic's like a 6.57 out of 10. my my kokiri tuna came right out of the dumpster it was it was not great yeah my fire tunic is this may be an obscure reference that some people may get it's like back in uh in grade school where you get like all the different colors magic and my gtg sorry keep going all right like because i was about to get hit by the fire from doing rova uh it's like the um the off-brand red construction paper where it's not red it's the clothes it's like orange red and it's kind of a gross color that's the color i got i don't know if anybody remembers that specific type of construction paper but yeah fun yeah all right next that was beach nose yeah i used to teach preschool so that's very fresh in my memory the red orange like who makes this color this looks awful so what am i missing now uh anything four items for fan to be able to finish up i'm in go mode with either long shot hover boost mirror shield or the boomerang i almost wonder if fans should go ahead and do that forest temple so he can get closer to finishing his seed at least yeah i'm kind of tempted to probably after bottom of the well cause spike and i think still have enough to do that hopefully we can find one of your items yeah it might not be a bad idea actually and that way you're not finishing two dungeons there at the end oh i get a bow i already had one but i was still excited was a bow you were looking for i'm going over to shadow next [Music] enjoy your double defense hey yo double defense all right over to gtg we go oh my goodness i'm trying to fight her sorry yeah i'm just i'm just finishing well since i'm already here and then i'll go do forest all right i think we do here is we jump on the ledge so we're already on the platform she's gonna shoot her thing and as soon as she comes down i can immediately start crouch-stabbing so we can quell her kill her even quickly than if i had been in the center platform did you just say kill her even quicklier yes yes okay i just wanted the shirt they wanted to be sure yeah i wanted to clarify you really find out a lot about your friends through this experience because when i was fighting ganon in my first multi-world my friends kept buying all the ice traps for me that just means they love you i was also the only one without double defense and it was not very nice so all three double defenses were in my seed yo the fan was the lover card very nice yo i got the eyes arrow now i'm in true go mode skye who are you playing with who kept freezing you was that glib is that my board glib i swear i mean who else really who else could it have been right am i right when i played my second but i also played with glue the gank liv knew better though that time that's when skye kept freezing me yeah i thought i didn't really think i thought of my my games done quick hot competition game's done quickly here i like it done quickly [Laughter] i'd watch that show everyone would you rather do things quick or quickly right like exactly quickly is obviously just superior i prefer gooder myself game's done gooder [Music] [Laughter] so again with what this multi-world does for you it's good to be in a call with friends when you do this because sometimes these can be so frustrating when you're looking for a needle in a haystack you have to laugh you have to laugh a lot of this often you got to yes but in this situation we're looking for four needles and three haystacks yeah i'm saying a giant taste yeah there's about 250 checks per zeuter seed there's about 750 checks we're looking through here and uh in the case of uh spike's friends spike had to end up playing bumsie nah greg i found greg yeah i told you i find it first like two hours ago the first greg that's the first greg so we're one-third done game's done more better that's honestly that should be what like bonus streams i know gdq did bonus stream stuff this year for sgdq that's what it needs to be called i'll uh put a note in on the hotfix agenda to see what we can do about that listen doesn't that sound just like good marketing which one date i mean this is from the chat here game's done more better game's done more best games done quickly or which we covered games done gooder better i like mo better mo better game dumb better mo quickly quickly remember this is the contents you only see here on twitch.tv or twitch.tv slash nuclear underscore reaction twitch.tv slash like vegeta twitch.d slaps fan punch tv underscore yeah if you're enjoying this uh content tonight this is kind of how our streams go uh we all do zooters on our streams so uh you're enjoying this make sure to hit us all with a follow tonight hey is that it hey we're done now that being said this is a very long go mode for me so if you still want to try and find me an out that isn't forest temple i go through shadows you know what i'm going to clear my whole ganon's castle here before i go beat him up but yeah now i want to ask chad what's the most exciting thing you get to do immediately upon hitting go mode well if your answer was stare at the moon and wait for the sun to come up then you are correct cause that exact is exactly what we're doing here there it is all right we're gonna just watch it there it goes slowly across i'm gonna go a little deeper into my shadow i'll probably go until you beat shadow and then once you beat that once you're running through your forest like okay we'll resign to that you're just doing forest gives more content more content for the people and you two can finish well you're watching you go through forest or all three of us play the game uh what normally is not allowed in a in a tournament setting yo do it do it cheat i love it would you like to do one more break here we're getting close to the top of our third hour here oh uh it's up to you skye i mean at this point we could be done in about how much time did you say fan uh we're probably done 30 minutes ish i'd say yeah do you want to take a break the 30 last night yeah i think so i think so okay sounds good doesn't have to be a super long one but it's still good you know it's worth three hours and happy three hours etc yeah it may go slightly over because shadow and forest are long but if we find the long shot oh i'm gonna be done so fast yeah that's why i'm still looking i'm gonna go through all my shadow this so i will actually say this so we would say we're all like oh it's better rules for multi-role that you do in average time with five dungeon multi-world i actually kind of like just final finish time because then you have this dynamic where we're still looking at the chance of giving fan a not temple final dungeon all right do we want to count down for a break here is that what we're doing yeah i'm pulling the master sword five four three two [Music] you know i'm gonna send this item because i'm right here okay i'll pause oh my gosh you did such a good job last time then you did that i told richard we need to test him chester richard who's restreaming all these poor richard richard's doing his best all right all right i'm always pr i'm always proud of richard richard you're doing great i want you to know that buddy you're great richard all right y'all speaking of which up before we go on the break flynn fatale is august 15th through the 21st go to gamestopquick.comtile for more information for the month of july gdp will be donating its portion of twitch subscriber and bit revenue minus taxes to doctors without borders this includes gift subs prime gaming subs channel subs and any bits cheered on the games done quick channel we ended the event at 2.9 million dollars race let's see if we can get to 3 million and with that everyone get up stretch go hydrate and we'll be right back with random number generation all right folks welcome back to random never generation i am here with fant nukes and spike and this is the final chapter of zuter multi world we are pretty much in goal mode long go mode but let's see if we can hopefully find fantasy shorter go mode are you all ready to go let's do it all right let's see four three two one all right all right i'm playing another turn let's go [Music] let's go let's do this i'm gonna do here so normally you need golden gauntlets to open up the light trial which hides uh how many checks are back there eight that's a lot of items um normally this is not a lot in tournaments but uh because this is gdq showcase we're gonna showcase this easy trick anyone can do this literally walk in and out of the door at spirit trial about 17 or 18 times um and that will deload that giant rock so uh you can just walk into the light trial and get all of those checks lickety-split yeah that's a fun little if you're just doing a chill multi-world with friends black nukes is saying literally anyone can do that you actually want to make sure you don't walk in and out of it too many times otherwise you'll start deloading more of the stuff kind of in that area you can de-load the arrows from your bow it makes it harder to defeat the the old tulas or not yeah those the spiders in there you could delete the the bar for the zl check in there so that you can't actually do that check but uh this will allow us to do a lot more checks here and hopefully one of them could uh help finish his seat a little faster yeah cause again anybody coming in late so we are doing a legend of zelda ocarina of time multi-world between the three of us myself despite being a fan and nuclear reaction and uh the goal of the seat is you have to be able to beat any five dungeons in order to get into ganon's castle and then dugan's castle the only reason we are actually in go mode we all can do that nukes and i are fully in go mode like we are five dungeons completed we can go kill ganon we are looking for a potential faster item for fan to be a faster dungeon than instead going through forest temple because forest is the longest dungeon yeah so i'm just going to be uh checking pretty much everything in shadow because i have to need every key and the boss key in order to progress they can't really skip anything that's unfortunately the two dungeons yeah that fant will have to do here um unless we find another item is going to be aura sample and shadow temple both of which you are pretty linear and you need a lot of keys to get through so you're gonna have to just kind of do the whole thing to get those keys and complete the dungeon hey a little kokiri sword little butter knife and every single item that gets sent to me that isn't something that makes my goon mode faster makes my go mode slower because i'm frozen in place for a sec yeah this is a good point yes but it would all be worth it if one of us were to find fans like long shot yeah long shot would be great um that can deload that's what i was talking about earlier if you go in and out of that door too many times this bar right here can deload you can play zl but it won't spawn the chest then if that deloads but thankfully that didn't happen here but we didn't find anything useful so [Music] now we're coming up on another one of my favorite fights to do in rando because i'm about to fight bongo bongo and i have the ice arrows so get hype everyone um legitimately there are probably 90 of the people in the chat who have never seen well the ice arrows do to bonker bock i haven't actually myself oh you've never done it it's a good time it's a good time it is a good time whoa this stuff is michael jordan he just jumped to the moon now did the stop those come back down i feel like act very bizarre yeah they're very floaty almost yeah the physics are bizarre with how the the boat is bobbing up and down dude stop us this isn't your story get off my boat i'm trying to think here i feel like my seed honestly doesn't have many areas that are dense at this point i don't know if i really want to go search much everything that i have is kind of uh bar and what why right apart oh i remember those decking nuts i spent on velvage yeah i still haven't gotten a single decking nut since then so i'm still at zero i've got like 40. it's kind of impressive how i haven't gotten a single one yeah cause there's some places you might have seen me use deco nuts here that are really really good all right i'm i'm gonna go ahead and beat my uh my friend here my friend yeah maybe you could beat it and then just like go back into the seat if you want to keep looking or something i just don't want to go it's going to be i don't have many warp songs right now the ones i have are requiem which isn't useful anymore nocturne and prelude so like [Music] it doesn't help me go anywhere that's not really uh checked right now [Music] come on i want the assist to skip out on the fourth simple go mode like i want this strategy to work out for us really badly because i'm like oh that's cool we kept playing and we cut an entire awful dungeon out of it y'all have seen four assembled twice now you don't need to see it again i told you my long shot three times your own long shot yeah there we go that would be the item right i don't think that's by far the fastest uh yeah so you two are set you do not need to search for anything else my go mode is not getting any faster all right i'm still going to go shoot bongobongo in the face sees a quick boss key then in the uh water temple well i've already cleared almost all of water my magic was in my gannon's castle in the validation chest that's wonderful dude so you were in gumbo you just didn't realize it yeah oh yeah cause she couldn't oh my god we were talking about oh wow that's really funny it's like i guess i might as well check this they're like oh i already promised chat the ice arrows on bongos or ice arrows on bongo we're gonna drop in here i'm gonna make sure i have my hover boots on i'm gonna empty my bottle um i think this is a pretty well-known thing if you watch suitors but if you don't um we actually use the battle on the ganondorf fight up here it has like a more it just what was it like more of a hip box to hit back his shots gives you more of a a time frame to do it so it just makes the fight a lot easier so instead of hitting back the ping-pong with or sword we're gonna use a bottle so if this is a fight maybe casually you struggle with try using bottle straps it's amazingly a lot easier yeah i can't beat the indoor without a bottle yeah yeah that's required for gobo i have four i needed all of them recently i had to come in here i had a seed where i didn't have a bottle and i genuinely struggled because i'm so used to bottle strats another thing you'll see here is i'm gonna pull myself up onto the same platform the center one is uh ganondorf normally he hits you right off but if you just stand there still he uh just doesn't and it allows you to hit it back immediately so you don't even have to play ping pong with him he just immediately goes down for the count which is another thing that makes this fight very frustrating is the the ping pong that looks like a bloopy no it's a piece of heart there i'll get it i should have ignored it it is looking like nukes is going to be our first finisher here and then another strat here for ganon we switch i'm gonna switch to the master sword now do a jump slash we're storing the master sword jump slash damage because that's gonna do the most on ganon so even though he's gonna hit away the master sword here we're going to use crouch stabs which you can use either your megaton hammer or your big boron sword if you have either of those at the end and that will store the bigger damage of the master sword and be able to take him down faster with crouch stance not a prelude of light so i had to just walk my way over to ganon's castle i would have had to unfortunately beat water to do that i'm gonna switch back to there now i can just crouch stab him with that again that master sword damage that is stronger on ganon than the big goron sword he's not letting me roll in and out of his leggies i was imagining leggings that you said i was like leggings his leggies all these all the rage man of high rule that's why he took over man you know this desert is great and everything have you seen the work they do on their leggings they're in hyrule i can take that over all right unfortunately you have to do the maze but no i don't have to do the shadows in the days yeah so my final key is in the dense fire room and now we're gonna go on a boat ride everybody likes boat rides right yeah who doesn't like a good boat ride who wants to go on a cruise i don't know one of these days that's a gigi in my seat here oh here we go first time [Music] check with my dog making me the actual winner here oh my god my seat had every wallet in it did it really it stole my seat had so many i got my own wallet so no so my seat had every one all right that's a dot done for me i got hit by salt and [Music] all pepper gg to nukes and now the next one going up to ganon so we're gonna get a run down what the strat that nukes just went over right there for ganondorf this is a great strat when you're getting into zooder because a lot of times you're gonna say oh i don't really know how to do the fast strats or anything don't play tennis with the man no tennis is not worth it you wanna do this strat and you wanna just make sure you're close enough to where ganon won't detect that you are on the same platform with him if you just hang off the side pull yourself up and stand still and you just kind of stay on top of him i don't think spike uses the same strat as me i hook shot the side as you guys saw there so that i can pull myself up um and then you just stand there it is a good idea to take a couple steps forward once he does start the the ping-pong with you um that way if it does happen to hit you you don't go flying off this um okay because nukes just brought up the hook shot strategy right there i didn't go far enough for it i don't want the ice arrows now man i'm adding like 400. i will not defeat him unfortunately yeah that's not what he's looking for that was bonker bongo but anyway still you can still most useless item probably in this game so you'll climb up and then just stand still take a step forward swing your bottle dosey doe now as he comes down and then you just kind of learn a rhythm for when you can stab him you can actually do an infinitely long combo on him like as uh you learned where you stabbing that the one where if you have 50 arrows if you have the biggest quiver you can actually kill him with that i i didn't get it and it doesn't and spike didn't get it but there is a timing to those crouch stabs that if you time it right it's a weird rhythm but you can uh get him kind of stuck in those crouch stabs in one cycle of him um again it's a really weird though rhythm and uh some i know i personally sometimes get it sometimes don't speaking of rhythms nice the one cycle bongo there guys that's enough yeah that's another one where uh we uh do i know fantz says it he does to the tune of super califragilistic iphialodocious it works works every time we're all big disney fans in this room i'm also going to show right here so i have the mega ton hammer i have the big goron sword but ganondorf can literally get hit by anything in phase one you might be wondering what i'm doing i'm literally throwing deco nuts at his tail hey a fairy but a fairy pop yeah it was for nukes man like i'll take a fairy hey that cutscene was long enough for me to post a cat for you for you to see skye but yeah so as i mentioned yeah if you get to gannondorf and you don't have a big goron sword or a megaton hammer to do those crouch stabs you can do what spike's doing and get his tail with ten decon nuts um also options are he can take damage with your arrows you can take damage with a hook shot uh bombs which that's going to be a little more difficult because that would probably be your last resort you probably never would do that you should well you shouldn't you will have a bow when you're there so um as always i feel like when we do these at gdqs someone has to show off the deco nuts because it's just another thing i was like hey did you know bacon nuts are actually useful yeah they wanted to make sure you had enough resources to do whatever all right and with that my pig is down i'm about to slash him in the face i'll be calling out time here in about 15 seconds this is always where if you're racing someone in ocarina of time randomizer you're like no wait he's no whammies no amy's no way looking at the race room seeing if someone's about to click done you're like don't do this to me don't do this to me don't do this to me and then they definitely do it to you and you cry but then you go and time that's mine yeah in a race setting that cutscene is actually twice as long yeah you're so nervous there hoping that your opponent doesn't got done right before you there so it often does in these uh zooner is very very highly competitive you'll see a lot of these races come down to the wire here uh sometimes a couple seconds off like it is really you know really does come down to that at the end a lot of the times i see my boy namaha winking in chat navajo sniped a win from spike at one point at an sgl tournament yeah on the main stage by 10 seconds it was like mike uh was playing on a version that had the more lag the namaha did it and you just saw all of a sudden navajo taking the lead there due to lag the glory of the n64 [Laughter] oh my god yeah literally passing during the cutscene i was flapping my butt off if i if you guys have enjoyed the showcase tonight uh please make sure to drop a follow for myself spike and fant all three of us do play zitter on our channels uh regularly uh we also have little tastes of other randos on our channels as well um if you're interested in these uh so make sure you give us all a follow-up we'd love to see you there um i'd love to also if you're interested in joining zooner getting involved with it um we'd be happy to help you uh get started as well one of the rare times where i can actually use pierre here in water temple oh by the way i did check during the break thank you guys we hit 5800 followers on my channel oh nice i don't know how long it's gonna last so what was get them to the next hundred the next 100 yeah did you find your boss key fat i think it looks i did okay it was vanilla actually it was a vanilla one took the uh took the gamble that was gonna be there instead of pushing the block because that one's faster to get and ot only has 20 fps losing any frames is fatal yeah right it's crazy when you think about like 20 is like the baseline when it lags how many fps is it at that point this is something we didn't talk about earlier the this threat here for more fun um as you get more from the corner here and crouch stab morpha gets stuck and that's uh the way to do the quick kill there yep didn't even put up a fight i tried to get i tried to get the zero cycle where you just come in and hook shot morpher right out the gate i almost had it my positioning was a little bit off so i wasn't able to get it but still got the one cycle the next best thing and now i just have a pick to go uh to go kill yup yup as soon as we finish watching the longest end of dungeon cut scene pair of all time this is just part one [Music] and we come in here we got to do the standard uh link it's in a crystal which always confused me as he does why is it getting in a crystal yeah who's doing this like zelda gets trapped in the same crystal later on though it's just pink what what's going on all right then we have to watch the lakeville well only part of it because it does shortened it in rando and now we can go you don't want to shoot the sun no no need to save those arrows yeah please don't no still no dakunas by the way how did we nev we should have kept playing to find you daku nuts looks like we are going to get that uh that estimate though john jinx said all right you've got like all right don't die to ganondorf like it's okay i got milk i don't need to go to the temple of time to get my boss key right just go straight very good very good want to make sure before i get up there [Music] so i think between the three of us we did get to see every single dungeon beaten tonight i like how it was we were trying so hard and you just did it yourself yeah yeah that's the story of my progression here i found so much stuff that was my own nukes grabbed you the hovers those hovers were massive because that was shadow and water i don't like messing around with the dynalfos so i just do a charged spin attack with yeah big goron sword they evaporate i was like hey what's this cool glowing thing it's kind of like a one of those bug lights except it's for dinalfas same same concept we only found one greg tonight only one greg so far there's still one chest here to open is it the validation greg i'm opening it that would be great oh my god oh just just go down already this isn't your story style folks i'm looking at stats we found five out of six hook shots we found seven out of nine strengths they were all late only one boomerang was found my own in sphere zero congrats on the bomb back spike and just so i don't die up here i'm gonna strengthen my bones with calcium nice yeah there was a point in the seed where we had found one strength and five out of six scales yeah i do see some questions in chat about what five dungeons exactly means and if fan got them um so yeah if you you have to get any five dungeons to six dungeon rewards um so that's he has the two stones and then the four medallions uh which is six rewards or five dungeons beaten um you do start with a free dungeon reward it's random every time um and that's because in the vanilla game you get the light medallion for free it is not associated with defeating any dungeon i understand i'm glad i took that swig of milk there yeah that's one shot yeah oh what am i doing i can i can do the god menu up here because you do like a million menus the final one the second to last menu of the game actually this is the final menu of the game and um just gets everything set up for the two fights yeah because he does the jump slash here with the big goron sword at the start of the ganondorf fight and then that will store the big goron sword jump slash which is eight points of damage and then he can apply that to any crouch down with any item including the megaton hammer or the master sword and i love the master sword on for the next fight i love that line there it's just i'm sorry sexy i can't help the darkness is too powerful oh i messed it up oh did we both screw up the ganondorf yeah oh shoot oh what why did i short hop there why did i short hop there oh the link all right we're just going to climb up i'm not even going to worry about menuing i don't want to menu again because i don't have to mention it by far the best ganondorf i was equipping ice arrows during it it was great [Music] oh my god [Applause] so um spike have you ever lost or any of y'all ever lost by like a single input like a bad menu oh again we talked about everything coming down to the wires there's so many things like that that you know these runs tend to be like at least roughly two and a half hours depending on the settings um so there's plenty of room for that during a run for sure also are there more like beginners races or things like that yes there is actually uh there is starting this uh weekend is going to be the scrubs tournament for simplified settings um a little bit less that you need to know in terms of tricks um and just a less competitive comments that will be coming up shortly i will actually be participating in it because i do like that it's not as competitive but all right here we go phase two the final pig of the night also in general if you're looking to get started into zooters the settings on these are so so so customizable um on the website that i know skye has uh posted in chat uh to make these seeds um there is a default there is like some presets and you can select a beginner setting so that should make it more simpler for you starting off if you i want to give this a try yourself all right there's the master sword so i'm going to get my standard free hit in you can just do a jump slash end coming into phase 3 here just immediately start the phase i'll wait for him to turn around just four more stabs to victory i messed that up there's step two three four and five so pretty clean uh gannon cannondorf we're not gonna talk about that but and you know i just want to say even to the best like me sometimes you just messed up ganondorf right of course of course this is a good estimate though how about that this has to be killed it oh we didn't even bet the seat that's great all right and time coming up here in time we are done gg just like four minutes underestimate well this was a blast yeah yeah so uh anything else here that y'all would like to say as we wrap up maybe one last plug for your channels yeah i know i've said this a lot tonight but if you did enjoy this tonight uh please drop all three of us um a follow on our channels uh we all do zooters regularly on our channels as well as other randomizers uh and we'd love to see you there and also would love to help you get involved with zooner if you're interested in learning this yeah there's all sorts of different levels you can get in at a lot of people ah there is a massive amount of people a couple hundred who do this like hyper competitively uh enter all the different like seasons there's like four or five different zoder tournaments going on right now um but there are over 40 000 people just in the ocarina of time randomizer discord a lot of people are like they they stream it they don't even put a timer up like they're not trying to speed running or anything it's just i want to play through ocarina of time again you get these all all these amazing quality of life things your ocarina and both your boots are always equipped uh lots of cool little customizations you can do with like the music and everything uh and they're just they're completing a puzzle at the end of the day that's it it's a very very fun and fresh way to get to play ocarina of time where every time you do it it gets to be a little different how about you fat well um yeah i hope everybody had a good time you have my follower goals so i don't know what else to say yeah my name is the 6k i guess but yeah in addition to randomize i knew what a plug i've been doing a link to the past major glitches which is all dungeons major glitches which like the link to the past is a super popular game this category only has i think 11 runners so it's not too popular but it is so wild it's so much fun and uh i'm hoping to you know get a really good time and that's not gonna be grinding that a lot lately but um i was i was watching a spike dude the trump donkey country tropical freeze i need to go uh get back into that game get some speed runs of that it's so good uh but yeah that and i have a lot of uh casual play throughs that i'm gonna be doing in the near future so please look forward to that and well that's the kind of content you want to see be sure to drop my channel sometime also also one more thing follow sky bills of course um but um um in the uh dungeons and dragons things with another hotfix show runner adef that airs every other tuesday we did our episode earlier today but you know it's like me a deaf kung fu fruit cup bobby the blacktastic another hotfix showrunner uh dannyv dangers uh dgr really good proud uh and that's like a blast if anybody's into dungeons dragons that's on a death's channel um every other week a week from tuesday will be the next episode a death is another one of our showrunners as well so speaking of announcements well first of all before i go into announcements thanks all the nuke spike and fan for being here tonight fantastic showcase of ocarina of time multiworld it was a blast having you all on thanks for having me thank you very much thanks for having me yeah so um the next random number generation it's typically every other every other tuesday here the next one will be on the uh and i'm looking at my calendar real quick the 24th will be the next rng however i will be back here tomorrow night for mercy kill we're going to be having altabisca on doing mario and luigi's superstar saga against the timer that's gonna be pretty sweet and i believe malta hasn't pv since 2015. so it should be a real treat that's going to be surprised it was that recent oh my gosh so yeah that'll be cool that'll be tomorrow here 7pm eastern time we will also have never before seen tomorrow night i'm actually gonna be playing zelda one randomizer uh consternation settings on never before seen tomorrow so i'm very very very excited to feature those flags that have never been before seen at a gdq as well so and also real quick again that rng on august 24th will be metroid prime 2 randomizer so that's going to be really cool we haven't had that on the show before that should be a good randomizer to showcase very very much looking forward to that yeah i'll even check that out oh sure i've never seen it i'm very excited about that so thank you everybody so much for coming in here i am sky bills for gdq hotfix i'll be back for mercy kill tomorrow i'll be back for random number generation on august 24th take care everybody
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 51,504
Rating: 4.5510206 out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: ynXS-g3cht8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 222min 9sec (13329 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 28 2021
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