The South Africa Family | Full Episodes | World's Strictest Parents UK

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[Music] call 211 now get out shake 16 year old schoolboy grant Steven this hasn't seen his dad since he was 6 years old regards himself as the head of the house using violence I use mental violence the way I see I am King in the house and mom and my sister our servants horse gives out the house and if they don't do the job when grants not lying in bed he's on the computer grants relationship with mum Karen has completely broken down because he's the man at the house and there isn't another father figure in this house for grant grant just thinks that he doesn't have to do anything this is watching up this been in the kitchen since last night shut up your ass grants relationship of his 15 year old sister Kathy has also hit rock bottom slag careful when Grant was younger he used to look after his sister and now they just can't be in the same room as each other and I stopped at window none k that means a lot in my life in your bed to add to her problems two years ago Karen was diagnosed with lupus an incurable form of arthritis I don't want grant to help me around more he knows sometimes I can't do certain things like lifting heavy sauce pans and peeling potatoes and it's like he's just not interested you know I wish sometimes that the 11 year old grant was back when it used to be nice when he never used to shout and swear at me and when he used to do things tonight who's coming round 17 year old college student Lucy Dodds is driving her parents to destruction hammer and though she told she's got four yeah mum Sarah and dad Michael a sick of Lucy ignoring all their house rules I don't think Lucy respects this enough that's how I think we're more like Lucy's mates than their parents because I'm turning they anything a aims diet class as an adult anything I don't feel like an adult because I feel like they're not letting me grow up sort of thing alright not letting me do exactly what I want and all Lucy wants to do just have a good time drinking with a friend [Music] my mom did say don't drink spirits because she knows we all get [ __ ] locked so we take the spirits are we really out of it you know I mean come here come here what's this what king-sized fake if it's ripped off of it she just tries my patience so much so frustrating you wouldn't accept that behaviour from anyone else Lucy's thoughtless behavior is putting a huge strain on her parents a moping buyer going we've a family that is obviously gonna be a lot stricter than us it will be a life-changing experience for her you know she realized we're not that bad after all in the last and she might just willing me be the girl we want yeah [Music] in a bid to get their home lives back on track both families have agreed to send their children to live with new parents on the other side of the world it's the first time grant and Lucy will have been away from their parents for so long don't Felicia come back more grown up from your fee for the next ten days the two teenagers new home will be here a farm in Craddock deep in the South African wilderness home to the Mormon family discipline is important cause if you don't have discipline you not even be unanimous dad Hannes oversees the family 7,000 acre farm mom Alma looks after the house and they are the proud parents of 17 year old JJ and 15 year old liebe for what we are about to receive a Lord make us truly thankful I mean Hannes is an old-fashioned disciplinarian who believes sparing the rod only spoils the child but they will bear and take it down please me okay thank you dad listen what else about it I would give the mining but a good hiding I'll take my belt and give him hiding on the backsides my parents are very very very very strict you guys did the day away the party rules otherwise it's not gonna work everyone is expected to pull their weight on the farm and the Mormons are proud of their Afrikaans heritage we were all brought up in quite strict houses you were expected to do certain things and if you didn't you got kind traditionally the woman work inside and the men work outside especially on a farm it works like that the Mormons believe a life centered around hard work self-discipline and respect for your elders will have real benefits for the British teenagers if I can contribute just monthly and they can say I got it from that man he taught me not to do this but do that then I'm satisfied after an 11 hour flight Lucy and Grant touched down in South Africa nerves are beginning to kick in the Mormons farm is a three-hour drive into the wilderness an area known as the kuru [Music] [Music] as long as the teenagers just listen to my parents I think everything would be just fine they don't and I think they'll get into a bit of trouble I think for sure for the next ten days grant and Lucy will live exactly like the Mormon children at school around the farm and at home welcome here it's get inside you carry it up the steps are you done drag it up grants will bunk with JJ while Lucy shares Leber's room five minutes on the UK kids done the dining room table it's just sort of the rules and regulations of this house thank you downstairs in five minutes all done listen kid we want you to be for the family for the following eight days no alcohol woodpecker if I find you smoking you'll have to eat that packet I'm telling you now straight I find you drinking are giving enough drink to drink for the rest of your life you understand me clearly on this point no he would not be acceptable for school so we'll have to quickly do something about rise we'll have to cut off a bit I don't care whether you want you want to cut it or not even but yet you guys to credit the high school you hear will be cut according to doesn't really care for the fact that this card account is a sale I have to do it according to school rules so maybe he doesn't like it to like it I'll NK you say when we got tonight I'm when he's getting in one of our hindsight backing Sonny cut my hair as well but still resistance is futile the local barber is also a senior police officer and the personal friend of Hannah's 16 a regulation haircut for a boy in Craddock is short back and sides the masculine our hair doesn't get cut we get kinda what yeah you're here yeah you're always way you really like this now of course it's nice what is my hair have to be a third name to go to school my hair is disgusting hate how beautifully the Mormons are sticklers for presentation and it's not just grants appearance causing concern maker otherwise they would not accept you in the school yeah I can't not go we might make up there tomorrow morning you will not go make up that's just one of the rules my dear Lucy's been allowed to wear makeup since the age of 12 she never leaves her room without it I think NATO strict there's no way I'm going oh well gosh oh then that's Ares grant actually after he got fitted in quite easily at table but Lucy's not happy at this - I can see that so I think title perhaps tie three fireworks [Music] wake up time to see it's 6 a.m. today is the teens first day at school boy jf2 this quick little ones we're gonna be late why just have to pick you back for now Lucy has reluctantly complied with the no makeup policy the moment children go to separate schools for the duration of their stay the UK teens will be attending leavers school I think it's important for the kids to go to school to see our South African schools work the discipline schools and I think it's important that they meet other kids in South Africa not only my two kids chronic high is a state school ten miles away in the nearest town its motto is nothing without hard work and the strict code of conduct is enforced by the head teacher mr. burns ayah do a person who's not used to this type of discipline it might look on me like I believe that you should for every child in this world you should set boundaries and then you must leave them to operate in those boundaries free according to the potential mr. burns aiya her name is Lucy good morning and goes right through to my office I would ask you to to properly tie your ties Thank You Lucy you're here it's far too loose I'll ask when the prefix just to guide you out to tie your hair properly my purpose is academics but we also have a sport inside I don't do school and do you have a medical certificate for the reason not to get a personal reason I didn't do it school for two years in my previous school so oh boy you're now in credit high school no I'm sorry for you I'll rather sit and write lines but I don't do spool you won't be there as often I'll be there but I can't be taken bar you will take part any other questions thank you then you are two ordinary kids in an ordinary school in South Africa enjoy it I think ooh he's not a school he was like an Army's like he's like this are doing everyone's gone back in time professor really here it's a far cry from Lucy's life back home in the UK she left school last year and is now studying for a diploma in graphic design at the local college from schools college I think I've changed like so much in college where it's so different like the teachers ain't teachers they're like your friends sort of thing and they like let you do what you want that's before she left school things stuff yeah yeah you know a little bit of light you need started creeping in below so you know I'm not getting that in the mummy we all just do what we want in college but we get the work done [Music] a Craddock hi the teachers command total respect from their students grants and Lucy's first lesson is Afrikaans for beginners one of the 11 recognized languages in South Africa they need to pay attention as the first test will be at the end of the week the good thing about schools it is right you get the opportunity to look how you want to look a few own sort of look about you I'm not here it's like they say my food is quite intimidating [Music] South Africa is a country obsessed with sport after lessons finish at one o'clock everyone looks forward to competing particularly on the rugby field and that was me playing tennis and I think that was last time I did it it is being done self-confidence it's just like I don't like to people to watch me when I'm playing sport or like working out or exercising PE teacher mr. veidt's isn't used to malingerers I would like you to participate to get the group feeling you know is good no you can see it there's a lot of guys they are small they will not promise you they will not tackle you grant stubbornly insists on sitting it out I do think they'll be repercussions but if it happens it happens and if I don't feel like I want to do it I won't do it by contrast Lucy is relishing the compulsory PE at home Lucy never does any competitive sport either but here it's been unwelcome distraction because you can't start raining all the time on right where the boy is and everything I haven't thought about anything when you're walking around the school and that and in class right it's hard not to think about everyone back at home it's the end of the teens first school day news has reached Terrace of grads complete refusal to take part in school sport and he's not impressed it all boils down to respect again that's what's much what made me cross so I've asked you V know she does know me I don't want a bad report from school grant you know you so lazy you sir arrogance it's so in you to do nothing and you've got no respect towards any other person around you it's time you change your mind after you've studied you write me a selfie on it words well why I think I'm the mature man what I think I should wait wait wait don't talkin to you I'm talking to you you're running away from me I'm talking to you you are naturally way I'm talking to you welcome to talk to me we're not running away come back well in case you got you sure that I want from you I want it tomorrow thank you I'm finished with this now that I'd love people running away from a conversation it's just another son of the weakness of the car he wouldn't accept being confronted about things he did wrong because he's spoiled I probably did that had to spoil I didn't know obviously and he was going towards me harness is used to obedience from his children Lieber and JJ do two hours homework every night and the British teens must do the same I think it is important and a sound one for us to get our work done everything but I really don't really want to be sitting there doing this but I really don't wanna have an argument with you cheese puffs carries grant uses his time to write his punishments essay for Honus the theme of manhood produces some unexpected results it's it's like what I really felt basically not like my host life story but like some of me on there cause I said to him was like like humane way not no no I was well we were sitting parent family that I didn't have that male or dad role model so I don't know what is expected and what's not expected I finish thank you the last time gran saw his own father was at the school gates 10 years ago it wasn't like primary school like he was at the bottom the right and he was like he was just there like had bag full of sweets now thinking that everything was gonna be okay I was like I'm always here blur blur blur in like I don't think we were actually tried to contact him and I don't think I really want to contact him Honus starting to see a different side of grant by reading this letter there is an urge for somebody as a role model but saying that I think they might be an urge for some love as well he needs a male guy to take the leading role in this let's call it the missing link in his life where he didn't have a father or a dad or whatever so I think he can learn from me [Music] it's the teens second school day in South Africa yesterday Lucy reluctantly knuckle down to the regime of academic lessons immaculate appearance and no maker but now she's starting to dig her heels in the school but nobody knows it Alma is not so easily fooled I can see that she's got makeup or not as thick is used to put it on but I was thinking if if it will be wrong if I take makeup remover now and take off the makeup in England Lucy normally runs away from confrontation on an isolated farm it's not an option obey me obey me and stencil thank you very much listen to me now listen to me now I understand your makeup I don't but I'm so scared that will you would get into trouble my dear I would rather get into trouble okay then it's great so we get into the car and you take the consequences I can't believe what I just saw it the way she talked to my mother I would never do that in my whole life because it's not right it's just dead down wrong at school it doesn't take long for Lucy's blatant disregard for rules to be brought to the head teachers attention Lucy please stand up straighter than look at me when I address you do you have a problem make up tell me what your problem is you don't want to talk about it I will have no other choice but to punish you when school closes you will set the tension for the afternoon but you still have to change all your hair anyway come on [ __ ] and that's not why I'm doing so now send me give me detention keep extension every time I don't care I want to go home this place is [ __ ] she have to be punished there's no way about it I've been a principal for 22 years so somewhere along the line I've had that sort of attitude but it's been a long time since I had it you've given me a hard time made me cry [ __ ] give them a heart right now and then I won't forget me I know by contrast grant is starting to enjoy being the center of attention I didn't get told off quite a bit like it sent out the class just because I am talkative cuz I like I love to talk to my mom it's my choice to pay which I don't think is this simile a good choice we can only say something like we punch each other you punch for Honus grants behavior is no laughing matter he's keen to find out from grants mum just what has gone wrong good morning Karen your dad's honest woman speaking from credit South Africa are you I'm fine thanks tell me a bit more about ground Karen keys easy a cheeky child so it's very terribly you how do you discipline in Karen yeah listen Karen don't worry about him is fun and I have to send you back a more behaved child all right do you speak again which is in the weekend all right Karen have a nice day he got thank you thank you right spawn to be rude to other people as a way of trying to be a man and I think if you can get on top of him and just let him understand but listen you're only a boy still not a man you still behaving like a boy worse than a boy I think we might change his mind back at school there are further developments Lucy's found a way to calm down there man boys under there because whatever the swanky don't feel stressed fellow students are appalled by her behavior school's out but as Granton Lieber had home Lucy is kept behind to carry out a detention I'd rather do this every day than try my hair button put makeup on Janice but yeah my way let me show you your choice for their afternoon every day after school the moment children are expected to do two hours of work on the farm you start suing it here's a song that long to forgive the fireplace I don't think that grant ever in his life there's something like hard work never in his life I think the hardest work he's done his sweaty his mother and I just wanna show him being a man me means being physical what he says what makes a man he's doing stupid things is it's just wrong the next hour and a half grant does his best to meet harnesses demands for Honus it evokes memories of his own tough upbringing on the farm my father wasn't that man very very tough he was a hard man hardened you harden his work harden anything indeed now if you grew up like that you'd like your boys a grab like that's wrong and you wish that same thing would gone nobody would tell him to do this who's he would spare them whose very men house no he comes with me I mean you just have to do it wrong tell me we lost two jet one our 312 meters of breakfast I could not remember the last time why is it a total of as much yet in your life yeah probably thanks relations well that my heart he may only have cut seven logs but the grant it's a big achievement I guess it's something that I can get she go through my pain barrier because my love working was 18 my love by halfway through it and I can actually do something to the best of my ability instead of complaining and saying no it's late in the afternoon when Lucy arrives home Alma's developing a soft spot for the girl from Essex rather than punish her further over the makeup she decides that at Lucy explain herself I can't physically do it because I will have a breakdown it's like such a big thing honestly like in England all the girls wear makeup that's a big problem I care about what people might mean I like to look my best and not my worst and yeah we all do but I mean there's certain rules that we have to adhere to I mean there's just no ways that you're going to school with makeup no ways so the fact that everybody judges you looks first in school and stuff but with the geeks are really ugly and stuff like that people don't want to hang around with him and talk to it no that's just there is so it's so much pressure to look good and that's why I'm not confident to just suddenly change it's the halfway point of the teens experience in South Africa today a letter has arrived for grant from home a reminder of why he's come to stay at the moment I've got something being saved with love from your mother my nickname dear fart how are you I hope you're out safely and you are not too tired I really do want you to have a good think about the way you have behaved the way you behave I'm especially the way you talk to people as well well I would be really pleased with is when I'm not feeling well because you know how much pain I'm in move my lupus for you to help me more around the house and from me not to nag you all the time and then getting us into stupid huge roles I really think you need to change I'm going to go now I hope you take some brilliant photos and take some of the family you are staying with too because you never know you would keep in contact after you get home I think you would really it would that would be really cool I would really love to see everything you have seen to so later so those are piggies please love you babe lots of love Karen's words have hit home there's also picture of happier times grant is beginning to get the message I'm a son actually be the one that's like loving I'm not making me angry I'm making her upset [Music] it's the final day of school lucy decides she'd rather clean another classroom than spend the day without makeup [Music] unbeknownst to lucy today is kradic highs weekly inspection parade attention we will have an inspection so everybody just stand where you are [Music] [Music] [Music] once again Lucy is March straight to the head teacher yes because that was wrong yesterday but obviously I was really upset but I'm not gonna term I'm still oh nice wrong in feet but I'm still not gonna tie my hair back or table makeup off and I'm sorry so I'm gonna have to take whatever call it's great to give me you did a terrible thing yesterday by smoking your school clothes right in front of the school that is damage to this school I cannot repay as as sad as this for me right now I've given you an order you refuse that order so then you're not welcome in the school anymore thank you Lucy has underestimated South African discipline her time a Craddock eye has ended in expulsion today is just the worst thing ever if I was confident enough to not wear makeup and to have my hair how they all have it I would go for it and there would not be any problems I doubt but in the end the day I'm not doing that because it don't make me feel nice and that sorry is basically in his final lesson of the week grant has the chance to end his time at the school on a high in the Afrikaans test may Nam s be s date blue excellent I'm gonna have to subtract a half a mark me thank you only lost two marks you have 9 out of 11 for you I am doing I am happy that I'm doing well at school but we should do secretive do do as well as me I wish that they could be more lenient with her I have never imagined myself coming to the school to come and collect my child who's been expelled so for me this is a real shock treatment [Music] it's just be opened a timepiece because [Music] you see you know what you just succeeded in making the biggest biggest mistake in your life but getting me into this whole shame of being expelled from school I've never been insulted like this in my life now listen carefully if you were my daughter you can be glad would you don't wanna know what would happen right thank you she just keeps on being stubborn look away from me she wouldn't hand over or put down my makeup she keeps on his tablet that's it I was feeling she's almost like my own child and now she slipped me down and I'm cross with her and I'm really you're really annoyed and really said as punishment for being expelled Alma sets Lucy to work cracking thousands of nuts hoping she'll use the time to reflect on her bad behavior if we give you something to do it's not out of spitefulness it's because we want you to become a better person to learn by it you finish what you have to do I'm not used to Oh piss me off so much I'm really angry the work doesn't end there panis has been remodeling the garden in front of the house for the last few weeks today grant is expected to help I want to take where this holy accept the fishponds do you only but I want all these stands removed you can you don't you might be proud yesterday I want you to make me proud today as well despite his progress grant reverts to his usual whining slave fake job it doesn't take long for grant to give up all the small ones yeah I told you I can pick up the big one but now which is a car pick up a thing like that Hodgins made me to do stuff like this you know grant something you don't know I spoke to you mother don't try to wait come here ground you big enough Brandt I'm not running off to you again come back to me and talk to me threaten my face I spoke to your mother two days ago really your mother told me you were a very good boy till five years ago you turned bad he got more lazy and Waller is here Oh lazy now grant what I expect from you now is those rocks you've dropped in the gate take them slide them towards the fence and open the gate to us that side I understand rot you do that now thank you panis has touched the raw nerve and grind can no longer cope with the guilt of his behavior back home it's like I feel like I've actually come true contributing mom's illness like if I would have helped her more maybe she wouldn't be as ill [Music] [Music] it's the weekend but there's no rest for the moment some guys being Saturday weekend doesn't mean we don't have look while grant and JJ stay on the farm to help haniss Alma wants Lucy to spend the morning doing work of a different kind Alma's nephew is a pupil at a nearby school for the disabled she and her children often help out as the school relies on volunteers to assist the teachers okay Lucy I'd like you to come with me please Lucy is in no mood to cooperate people don't want to see that oh if you want to come with me you come now it's gonna be easier or you can join me in the classroom I taped one of my children to be like that it's been part of my life and my children's life for so long and she doesn't even want to get out the car for now we're never to do something so long before I'm sitting in that car and I'm thinking I want to do it with all my heart I really want to do it I really do but just I don't know I mean it's just I got the guts to go in they were doing Lucy's attitude is in contrast to grant who's doing his best to keep up with JJ I just think you work extremely hard is so hard to catch your standards for you yes why are you so slow talking too much working too little then it to Brad they should work I think I'm this is to trying to see that what might ask me is trivial compared to what he's asking me to do here and making me see this is hard and my warmest is easy after nearly an hour Lucy finally plucks up the courage to help out at the disabled school [Music] a morning spends helping others less fortunate than herself is a real wake-up call for Lucy mom and dad have said to me before what I've got told off right you need to grow up you people quit worse off than you know exactly what right me but I've got an example called example fare so sleepy I will ever forget thanks it just makes me angry that I was able my right like aren't you really glad that you got out of the car this morning are you I'm glad to hear that off we go give it to the poor [Music] yet the squeaking sound you know as the weekend goes by Lucy finally begins to get into the swing of things well at home so easier I could just wish that I could have just done them now without complaining about it and making I wanted I'd feel guilty about asking me in the first place no no mom and dad would definitely appreciate it but obviously I don't really do I don't have time to do that I'm some always out busy with doing something I want to do by five o'clock lucy has cleaned every window in the house I think she did correct with the window she took great pride in having them shiny on both sides and I really thought that was that was a good thing you see me doing that to leave all the time I listen they see I'm really proud of what you did today hey I think you're proud of yourself the way I was reactions are life it is quite praising that's why it's made me feel guilty about not how I've been acting a higher than that at least making me want to just go back and show them that I can be better in two days Lucy turns 18 when her parents write to her it's with the hopes he'll finally leave behind the bad habits of childhood we do hope that when you get back you will be able to see things in a more mature way and understand that the way you behave really affects the family ie kisses right in years she's put a lipstick over lips and foundation and chin that's hard reading the excess what I used to be like and I've already changed here and that's what's hard cuz she's probably like she doesn't know I've changed and I want to prove it to her but I have to wait [Music] otherwise they're going to fall over its nearing the end of the teens stay with the moments today Hannes has a reward for grants hard work yesterday they're going hunting me and my father the experience me and my son had the experience and you never you never have yeah never again have a chance to experience something like this in the South African bush hunting is a common pastime panis and grant had deep into the wilderness they're looking for food for the dinner table grants has never held a gun before it's a big responsibility harnesses giving him [Music] oh well done drops sir but he didn't get it but he tried it was not Jordan it yesterday thank you I'm a proud of God for what he did this morning if he stayed the same ground he was we never have done it and I wouldn't allow him to do it in any case it was people to be dangerous the Granton who did arrive we go could not have done that I can tell you that now he would do like chickened out he I don't know he would come up came all the excuses but not doing it the day's hunting is broad grants and Hanna's closer the first time grande feels comfortable enough to really open up about his dad he used to live we are family but the last time I saw him was in primary school which was when I was like six you've got an urge to sort of Rita Musa listen dead although you don't want to see us or whatever I'm your son I've forgiven you you know I couldn't figure yourself that's all why not it's just I've grown up I've grown ups that we like him so much he was nobody to look up to no motto I can tell you now if he walked through that door right now and was wanting to talk to me I would walk out I know not turn back I would not think twice I would just walk I consider you as my son now because I'm looking off to you all there are only four days and I want you to continue and crying with behavior with discipline with respect don't stop continue work on yourself work hard in it I know Hannah she's trying to be a father and I respect him for that and I'm glad he's doing it if you had asked me before this all started if I could respect another father figure I was just laughter him said no but he is I'm so glad I respect him and he respects me if that that little change that little change him doing things can help you in future began it's the teenagers last day in South Africa it's also Lucy's 18th birthday no I'm classes an adult so that's quite good so but I've got a lot live I've got a lot to live up to here was that I don't know so I've got a lot being of my best behavior forever sort of thing [Music] I'll get going later okay take your man's hand take it like a man good day I will thank you I think they've changed lot they saw and realize that loves not only about me but about everybody and everything around I think King Kai would ever be and beside to the back panis but I am he's taught me so much in such a little amount of time I'm really proud of them and I think I'd love to go with them and see what they do when they get to their families I think this whole experience has been a turning point now it's just changed my life I described upon a week ago as an arrogant [ __ ] I think this experience has definitely changed my life and I'll be getting on with my family so much more and in general everything will be a lot happier in life and be so much easier now [Music] I was not mainly the problem but almost the arguments were because of me because of my attitude I'm definitely gonna change I can't think I don't think anything will ever top that's villainous she's been through so much and yeah she's a big voice when I got there and it's all there for you all you've got to do is go and grab it yeah long times I say I was alive oh really really interesting join me to make the cuff thing it's all week I've been in [ __ ] since you've been gone I've been terrible hey mister my joke I am yeah I've learned if I can do chop wood or move rocks like what they ask me to do at the house like those stupid kind of chores obviously I can wash our washing ya ol and sees that you're gonna teach me and like I love you mommy [Music]
Channel: World's Strictest Parents
Views: 2,895,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world's strictest parents, world's strictest parents full episode, world's strictest parents india, world's strictest parents hughes family, worlds strict parents, worlds strict parents full episodes, strictest parents in the world, strict parents, world's strictest parents barbados full episode, world's strictest parents full episodes uk, world's strictest parents uk, world's strictest parents south africa, world's strictest parents the moolman family
Id: G72E4PbhgKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 19sec (3319 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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