The Last of Us Show - They really did that

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okay so let's talk about The Last of Us HBO series as you guys probably know what I did was I saw the first episode and kind of reacted to that first episode and then I'm a man of my word uh I wanted to come back here and talk about the whole series as a collective thing uh so spoiler warning you are warned obviously if you played the game you kind of know what happens but there's a lot to talk about I saw the first episode I really really liked it I thought it was super promising and now that I've watched the whole show I think like any good gamer worth their salt I have a lot of things to [ __ ] about but ultimately I had a good time and there's a net positive to this that I'm Gonna Save for the end but ultimately I think the show succeeds there's more that I wanted from it personally but I think it was a really good time I think as it adapting something adapting a video game story it told that story uh it did Justice to it it changed a couple of things in interesting ways uh it added and expanded upon some things in some interesting ways and as someone very familiar with the source material it kept me engaged it kept me engaged because like I wanted to see it recreated on film or on digital um and also just have some things to make me go oh they did that that's interesting or oh they changed that that's interesting or oh they added this here like I like that Journey especially if what I'm watching as a whole is actually good you know it's different than me like watching the Resident Evil like returned welcome to Raccoon City movie and being like why did they do that why did they do that why did they do that no here I was like oh cool oh interesting um you know I liked every person in every role I think everybody fit the character and kind of became their own version of the character in some really good ways like I can look at those people and go okay that's that person Marlene in particular uh Joel and Ellie but I think the expansions are where like there's a lot of good and a lot of bad and by expansions I mean things that you know were broken down a little bit uh given a little bit more depth I think Sam and Henry and just kind of like the backstory with who was pursuing them and what was going on and then of course Bill's whole story in episode three I think they were great additions but like I also look at it like was it worth it because those characters kind of it comes and goes with bill for me it was really like the last thing what he said at the end of the episode in the letter where it was like do what you can do whatever you can to protect the people so like that would of course influence Joel so there was that gained but you don't get to spend any actual time with that character and they spent that much time on it where that's fine because there was some justification to it but for me specifically with Sam and Henry I think we wasted so much time uh with the people pursuing them that ultimately led to nothing and they just got immediately killed I was like okay I wish we spent a little more time with Joel and Ellie because I think my biggest issue with the show was the pacing and this is hard for me like I thought I was going to be able to watch the show and be you know somewhat open-minded you know somewhat objective but like I can't help it dude I can't help but compare it to the game and ultimately I like the game way better big surprise the gamer likes the game but you know I think that the show just needed more room to breathe I wish the show was a little longer I wish the pace was actually a little bit more drawn out uh because I would have felt more with the characters am I maybe in the minority yeah maybe it seems like people especially people who haven't played the game are loving it and was absolutely sold on the relationship with Joel and Ellie but for me it just felt like it went a little quick but again I think that is my bias I think that is subjective to me because I'm coming off of the game that I've played multiple times and you spend you know 10 however long hours with those characters they're constantly talking and sprinkling in little things in the gameplay while you're just walking around carrying a girl on a pallet or you know carrying a ladder or killing zombies like there's so much dropped in there to develop those characters over time where in the show you know we just got it here and there like good specific moments like played to you you know so like I'm not saying the show is bad for that I'm just trying to put it out there where like it's it's hard when you have good representations of the characters but you also have those characters where you got to spend so much more time with those characters you can't help but prefer the one where you got more out of them you know so like it's not really like a harsh critique or anything like that I'm probably gonna like contradict myself or like I'm I'm talking in circles because I do these all off the cuff I come with some notes some things I want to say but ultimately I just I just rattle so if you like that thank you for being here as always but uh what I did like was specific typically how they handled some of the stuff with Joel and I think some people are going to disagree with me because people well let's just say people have strong feelings about Joel but I thought and it was nice to see Pedro Pascal like really really act I really liked Joel expressing doubt when the doors were closed when it was just him and his brother uh like he could drop the like facade and just actually express some doubt and some reservations about his task with Ellie and actually acknowledging that he's getting old he's getting fuzzy his body is breaking down I thought that was a really cool angle dude like the game acknowledged that Joel was an older guy but to have it like actually have that emotional acknowledgment I thought it was really cool I was loving that also uh the suicide thing so as you probably know in the game there was like a little thing in Pittsburgh when you see the two people who commit suicide and Ellie's asking questions and Joel says something like trust me it ain't it ain't that easy that's really it uh here in the last episode when they revealed that and it's a great follow-up too when he said how'd you get that scar oh someone shot at me and missed I love I I [ __ ] love that they were like oh actually he was talking about himself he tried to kill himself I really really like the way it was handled specifically with how he talked about it he was very simple and to the point about it he didn't you know get like dramatic about it it was just like yep nope uh-huh I just thought that was a really good sprinkling of depth that fit it it made sense and I actually like I got emotional during that because it was like I did like seeing this character on screen like to me I was like okay that is like a Joel cool and then to add a little more and like oh man like something bad in his another bad thing in his life it was like oh it hit me I was actually surprised because like as much as I love the last of us I don't have like this like immense connection to Joel or anything like that but like in moments like that in the show I like I felt it I think the emotion is good so I'm doing positives and negatives kind of uh one thing I really kind of couldn't again it was something I couldn't take myself away from the game uh is that I wish the show replica so it had Craig Mason's tone right I love him I love his work on uh Chernobyl that show was dope uh but ah something about this show I thought like the tone was really good but it lacked that like real desperation that grit and that might come down to action and not having a lot of action which is fine but I just wish there was a bit more that could really show the desperation and the scuzziness and you know like the grossness you feel while playing through all of The Last of Us the amount of people like you strangle the life out of them or brutalize them with a brick or a bottle I thought the show could have really shown some of that I didn't need balls out action all the time I get that this is they decided to choose focusing on the characters and their relationships first and foremost and that is a win but damn like the the Pittsburgh scene which now doesn't take place in Pittsburgh but like when the car crashes uh and then they're like you know swarmed by the Raiders in that in that store uh Joel like kills like one guy it's well done but like I wish there was just some if a lot of scenes I felt like oh man the action in the game was so much better and I don't even mean like because I was playing but I just mean like the actual directing the framing the feel of the action and the desperation in the game was more effective hey now before we keep going it's important to note this video is sponsored by Factor they also been feeding me um Factor delivers fresh never Frozen dietitian approved meals 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code on Jake 50 for 50 off your first Factor box that's use the codon Jake 50 and big thanks to factor for sponsoring our videos here but again like it does little things here and there that I really like with the fact that like there was that guy begging for his life and then Joel's like all right Ellie get out of here like stuff like that was really good the little sprinklings they do to kind of make up for some things that I think that the game covered does work as much as they don't have Joel like murdering a bunch of dudes all the time the little things they sprinkle throughout like that like the first episode where you kind of lost it and punched the [ __ ] out of that guy just a bit too much you know like that stuff worked and with that action I think came not a lot of clickers and I know the show The Last of Us even the game is focused around the people the drama the whole oh look turns out we were the last of us all along but that's not what they say That's The Walking Dead the humans were the walking dead but yeah you know what I mean like the the fact that they focus on the humans is fine but like I wish there was a bit more clicker stuff because it didn't really feel like too much of a threat at any time except for like a minute and they also did really good work on them they like kind of came up with like a different like thing for them uh the whole like thing coming out of their mouth uh some of them were practical and I thought that was really really cool also again like like that's a negative but like with a positive was I love those flashback scenes setting up the outbreak I wish there was a little more of that like the first episode the second episode they were like bone chilling and that was like Craig Mason like that was like Chernobyl stuff to a T and you could tell like why they were a thing like why he's working on this I also really really like the David episode like everything about that I thought was perfect the way it ended was perfect uh the way it focused really just around David and not her like murdering a whole town full of people I thought was more effective I really just like the the vibe of it all like I I really liked the way everybody in the town like you could tell that they were like downtrodden and just stuck eating human meat whether they knew it or not because everybody looked like [ __ ] everybody looked run down and that was like really effective and cool even handsome Troy Baker looked like [ __ ] and like and he also did a great job him uh Laura Bailey having a little Cameo at the end it's like a blanket if you miss it type of thing which was really cool and also uh Ashley Johnson her bit was pretty cool actually and I will say that I was skeptical of them showing any any more of Ellie's origin but I thought that worked I thought that was kind of fine I actually thought like the whole her fighting off the clicker and like like her and like actually pushing the baby out I actually thought it was kind of cool and kind of like a good symbolism of what Ellie's life would be where like she was literally born out of like this desperate like violent moment and then that would be the rest of her life a series of desperate and violent moments you know that's heavy [ __ ] throughout I like the little nods here and there that they did uh to like first like acknowledge it when okay the last episode when when he boosted her up to get a ladder I was like that was like my MCU Cameo moment when my favorite characters showed up um stuff like that but also little nods to two uh with possibly a glimpse of Dina was kind of interesting uh towards the end of the last episode when they're talking like we'll go anywhere the moon they acknowledged to me I caught that as like acknowledging the whole Space Capsule moment from two which is like yes they would have that stuff like they did walk across the whole country and there's a lot we didn't see like like a lot really with the show I I went into it with one thing and uh essentially I was like okay like this is gonna be a show you know we're gonna probably have like a David scene uh we're gonna see Bill like we're gonna see Cluckers all this stuff's gonna happen but for me what I was looking for was like I hope that it Nails the beginning and the end and I think it nailed the beginning with Sarah it was a little drawn out it was interesting it was really well done it was actually kind of scary I talked about that in the first episode uh but with the last episode I just really hope they nailed that because is I wanted to see that rep replicated on screen but also I I this is gonna sound corny but like I wanted other people to experience that I you probably have as well right like you've shown somebody who doesn't play a video game a video game with a big story moment or something that like left a mark on you whether it's like getting a high score and a thing or a cutscene whatever it is right and I thought the last of us being a big HBO show which is like HBO is a big deal everybody just watches HBO it's Prestige television but parents watch HBO they don't even question whatever a new HBO show is they're on it like HBO is a big deal so I was really really hoping that they would nail the beginning and the end and then new people would be exposed to this cool storytelling [ __ ] the end of The Last of Us is absolutely incredible and I wanted people to feel that weird gut punch and I think they nailed that I really liked the last episode it moved a little quick and I was worried that like it was the shortest episode but I thought the whole Hospital scene was pretty awesome it was emotional it was it was shocking it was just right Joel was cold and it kind of gives that whole context where it's this thing okay like I'm not gonna get into the last of us and like the meaning behind Joel's actions and all that stuff but like it's a conversation and it's very interesting and then the end the last shot with Ellie we got all that and I was so excited for people like just paying attention online or just talking to other people in real life even my wife who didn't play the game like just seeing people experience it my sister like has loved the [ __ ] out of the show like just seeing that and knowing what they're gonna get hit with and and and then talking about it after is just fun it's just satisfying I don't make things but like I appreciate people that make things and they make things for reasons like this and I think the show definitely succeeded for mainstream audiences it seems like people really like it it's a good tale with a bunch of like every episode has like this iconic different moment uh and for me as a gamer like yeah I can't take my feelings away from the game like I've played the game I spent more time with these characters so I can't help but want a little bit more but like I'm happy that it's not a [ __ ] show they didn't ruin it they got the point and I think they entertained a lot of people with a story that I liked and ultimately like wanted more people to see or experience and like it or not like unlike other video game adaptations that were like you know like the crappier ones or the divisive ones like this is just a solid one and I think it's gonna get more people into video games and I think that's a win I mean we've talked about the cyberpunk anime getting people to give cyberpunk a shot but this is on a whole different level where this is gonna have some people interested in the games I mean that's part of the reason why they've remade The Last of Us Part One on PS5 like all nice and new and shiny is because people are going to jump in for the first time how many people watched Game of Thrones and then while waiting for the next season they decided you know what I'm gonna get into the books you know like I think this is like gonna be like one of the big video game equivalents of that for some people they want all that extra time they want to see who bill was in the game like there's so much they can do that they might pick up the game and as just like a corny weird person who just like roots for video games who likes them I don't know it's kind of nice so for as much as for me there was more I wanted from it some things here and there I can point out some pacing things some things that lack I still ultimately like chalk it up as a success like it succeeded in giving The Last of Us feeling to me and now to a bunch more people but that's where I'm at I'm coming off kind of hot from the show I did want to like wait a day and think about it and watch some episodes back uh before talking about it so this is where I'm at right now who knows how I could feel later on but I just wanted to talk about it with you guys uh let's talk in the comments let's relax though uh The Last of Us I always say brings out the worst of us so let's have let's have some interesting conversation about this I think most people are pretty reasonable so like you know whether you like ultimately like the show or ultimately don't like the show I want to hear your pros and cons like what did you appreciate what did you think they could have done better on like I mean it seems like they're definitely 100 making a season two so it's only gonna get crazier so let's talk about this stuff I want to hear from you guys but again if if you just like what I'm doing here I'm just yapping about things I like video games movies things that interest me thanks for sitting around hopefully I can provide you a couple of minutes of uh you know listening to something while you poop or drive I don't know but I'm Jake baldino thank you guys for being here subscribe because video games pizza's on me
Channel: Jake Baldino
Views: 78,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TLOU show, the last of us show review, the last of us season finale, TLOU season finale review, the last of us spoiler review, the last of us HBO, the last of us HBO review, Joel the last of us, Ellie the last of us, TLOU HBO review, the last of us season 1 review, TLOU spoiler talk, TLOU show spoilers, Pedro pascal, Joel, Jake Baldino, TLOU season 2, the last of us season 2, the last of us part 2, the last of us ending, thou ending, the last of us ending explained
Id: myPt9HUVWog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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