The Best Video Game Adaptation? - The Last Of Us Season 1 Review

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Does this start mid-conversation? Seems a bit odd

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DanTheBib 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2023 🗫︎ replies

I'd say it probably is. At least from everything I've ever seen. I enjoyed it immensely, which is tough to do when it's such a brutal and grim plot.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/malfiehenpox 📅︎︎ Mar 14 2023 🗫︎ replies
need to I need to when I want to two things terrific uh for you of the naughty dog live action adaptations okay has this knocked Uncharted off the number one perch yes it was previously on the number one perch for me yeah number one a naughty dog production congratulations Uncharted but cheers to you for you have been knocked off the perch all it took was nine hours of prestige television and um just the memories of Tom Holland and uh Mark Wahlberg in a chain pizza place in Spain was wiped from my memory is it back in this piece of place there's nothing wrong with being number two though is there well you know uh anyways if people could leave it like that'd be great we're going to be talking about the last of us uh in review form normally this is something we'd say for our podcast the weekly Planet but that's going to be you know this Monday coming that's too far away too far away we're going to talk about Shazam 2 and a bunch of other stuff so why not put it on a YouTube here mate yes uh anyway I guess this is largely the game I wouldn't say beat for beat but it follows a lot of it it did miss some like key elements for me but then there's moments where like Joel is slither a ladder by Ali he never hits anyone with a brick and that's kind of what I was waiting for yeah I think the core of the last of us the game is handing people a ladder when they're in need and that happened at least twice yeah exactly and now that that's that's done it for me I reckon yeah yeah but I feel like perhaps the first couple of episodes sort of felt they were leaning more heavily into being the game like there were moments uh where you know the trio were like how can we get past this there's some rocks some rocks have collapsed on there how can we get are we around this maybe a puzzle involving moving some weights around I don't know but then they sort of moved away from that I feel further in in further episodes maybe they were trying to ease people out right yeah you know I think you're right in terms of like maybe reflecting traversal and gameplay but I think the earlier episodes for me worked more on kind of expanding the universe and seeing things that the game didn't cover for example even the first episode where we get the backstory of Joel's daughter which we don't really get yeah yeah right in the um in the game we both got a couple of things out of the first few episodes James yeah enjoyed it in different ways yeah when I first saw the title card uh and it was like 2003 I just felt this sense of like oh this this world it's a world without hope but then I so I had an inkling about something and I looked it up and it turned out that while the the outbreak happened in like August September of 2003 uh the song Fever for the flavor by hot action that that actually came out in January of 2000. so they got it they had a few few months of it's in the world it's in the world those CD singles are still outside Insanity music stores yeah the remains of Sanity HMV and and I think in present day there's probably a lot of people sitting around campfires that are launchfully strumming fever for the flavor on an acoustic guitar you know just for some fond memories a better times past you know yeah the power of the Hoochie got the fever for the flavor of the coochie you know no I remember I remember my favorite song So a complaint of this that I've seen and on the whole I like this a lot um for me it maybe didn't the last episode didn't quite stack up to the rest of it which which I will talk about because it was slightly shorter I think that might have been part of it yeah I don't not that strictly but I I do understand also the complaint that people have of the the lack of zombies but also at the same time for me it felt like enough and we got a little bit of everything that we got in the game I think because so much of the game is like sneaking through a zombie infested whatever yeah yeah and you don't really need to see that six times yeah along the way and I think you know when you bring it from a video game world to the real world things have to be cut yeah we mentioned this before we went to air here uh Joel didn't kill 300 people in the game he probably killed 40. yeah right right so you know which is a lot that is quite a lot for a normal man I think uh and the same with the you know the the zombie creatures we didn't get that many but what we got I think was you know yeah that in Earth eruption that happens and we've got a big chungus we got a big chungus and all of those we got a we got a we got a little leapy guy yeah Kathleen you know I thought uh it was interesting that they changed the idea of spores you know a big part of the game is that Ali doesn't need to wear the gas mask and everybody else does obviously because she's already infected but I believe that that was the case because they wanted to keep people's faces totally you're playing for Pedro Pascal who famously what are you gonna say that uh you wouldn't want to cover his face yes that's right it would be ridiculous you'd be wasting your money you know he probably wouldn't even show up on sets some days allegedly and get a stand-in to do it that's fine I think yeah quite frankly but no I didn't mind that obviously going into this I'm like how is this going to play but I think the idea it's not so much a replacement but to evolve them in the show where they're all linked by this kind of fungus hive mind I found really interesting and what I also found really great about these episodes my favorite moments I think were anything that expanded upon the story that we know not necessarily changed it but like a better understanding of like how does this world operate I guess that's what I was going for there earlier like I I liked it you know if it was just sneaking from place to place and shooting I probably would have gotten tired of this yeah pretty quickly by episode three but then they then they mixed it up well absolutely and you mentioned episode three and I know this is a lot of people's favorite episode it's the Frank and Bill episode where look I know there's also talk of like well it's just you know this is just filler and whatever but I didn't feel that at all and I think even showing that Dynamic of that relationship reflects on how two people can find themselves in this like apocalyptic scenario and how at the end of it that can be detrimental to everybody because if one person gives up you know the other person is like well I'm also giving up okay yeah you're right and but I love the idea of like two people making a world in this and kind of making their own world making the best of it and they had their own sort of passions and and Frank had his art and uh but and and then at the end sort of Bill oh sorry Frank has become quite sick and he wants to he wants to end it all and and Bill makes him a beautiful you know last meal and they have the perfect day and what have you and then they they drink the poison cocktail but I think I think Bill should have hidden a gun in Frank's mashed potatoes and then then added a little tripwire Frank goes for the green beans Bang because then Bill gets to do his favorite thing you know yeah he get his art and Bill gets to make a little trap there wasn't a lot of crafting little traps in this is there like one time you know that that tin with Nails in it that you can make in the game yeah yeah nobody pulled up to a workbench at any point you know to make to craft a weapon or maybe that did happen well well Bill did oh that's true yeah you're right he absolutely did he did a lot of that that episode didn't he but I I think uh that idea of like his life was pointless and then his life was given meaning yeah and then when that meaning was taken away from him it became pointless again and I think that's a really kind of that's an interesting relationship that we see in multiple characters throughout this series but also they had a good run they had a great run that's best case scenario one of them said hey we've had a great Innings yeah we've hit it for six for so many years now let me just tuck into these mashed potatoes gotcha oh you got me Bill you got me I love you I also really liked the expansion with the inclusion of Melanie lynskey as Kathleen a character who's not in the game at all and seeing what happens when you know when one of the government zones falls apart and what happens to a person who loses somebody in that scenario who goes completely mad and blind with Rage which is something we're going to be seeing well in this season and also later Seasons no doubt where you just can't let something go and that ultimately is her and a lot of people's undoing in that scenario like she won the the qz was taken over yeah no and I know she lost her brother among that but maybe she lost herself also Mason is what I'm saying oh it's a metaphor so that's the kind of stuff that I really like the addition of you know the two brothers that they run into when they made one of them deaf and just what an interesting scenario like an interesting wrinkle to add to it what I liked about this is there's not really a minute wasted you know the the episodes are as long as they need to be and I think that's a credit I think too well both Neil druckman and Craig Marsden in particular Craig Martin because he of course worked on Chernobyl they just if it needs to be 43 minutes then that's exactly what it's going to be and I think every episode is the right length except for the last one oh but that one is the one that's 43 I know it's something else I think is great go on the elaboration on uh Ali's and Joel's backstory is incredible I think the idea again that we find more about his relationship you know who he like what I was going to say the love that he finds you know after his uh daughter dies and it is a love you know to an extent but there's a mystery Zone and a tall exactly you didn't tell me anatol was in this I told you 10 times Mason you didn't tell me this series was good I would have started on early you never said it all that it was good nobody on the internet said it was good by the way Mason shotgun this whole thing in a day I watched every episode today I I worked nine to five and let me tell you what what a hell of a way to make a living I'll tell you that much but you know he's also a guy where you know if that relationship gets to the point you know where she's infected she's like well you need to go and he's just like well I will there's no like oh no we gotta he's just like okay and he's gone yeah and I just I love that about him you know and we also find later on any other chicks and accuser I'll tell you that much for now until they're all murdered or infected or whatever one of your bloody other bloody Aussies down in the bloody I'll just go to a bloody local bar I don't think that yeah they'll be bartending it probably would be yeah but I also think with Ali's backstory and we see this in you know a little bit of the game expansion and also the comic book which we talked about actually on big we've got a private thing and we do a comic book club and we talked about it that's right interested but you know and getting into and they wait for this to the last episode of why specifically she's immune it's the blade scenario that's right from the movie Blade yes he was that she her mother was attacked who is that's the that's the um original alley The Voice capture and the and the motion capture right absolutely yeah yeah in a way she is the mother of Ellie they both turn up the original Joel and a bunch of other people who are in the games also like pop up here and there uh which is great is it cliff blazinski in it uh I I don't think Cliff blazinski is in it okay all right is John Romero I'm wondering bring them all in on site I think he's probably yeah yeah he's tending bar oh that's terrific yeah I think that you do really run the risk of specifically kind of pointing out why Ali is immune I think you know sometimes when you over explain something especially something scientific you kind of you run into further questions people will punch holes in your uh yeah scientific explanation but this is kind of a Fantastical scenario and it's vague enough where some of it got through and you know it changed a break just a little bit but not enough where she was completely infected and I think you know that's that's as good as an explanation that we really we really need you you just say oh to one in a million whatever yeah because otherwise people would attempt to recreate it absolutely they made a nice Australian bartender just this is for the future of the species yeah you get it you get it with Toronto we're trying to manufacture a cue he is what's going on you're only doing seven dollars an hour plus tips anyway what do you care do you have anything about this being big time Dad content oh my God Mason the biggest idea of big time Dad content more than ever well I think what this so well was gradually developing the relationship between Ellie and Joel like we recently talked about uh the movie 65 sure which is also big time Dad content absolutely but you know we get a dad Father Figure looking after a little girl and look obviously that's a movie about dinosaurs obviously is that 65 million years in the past Etc but I feel like totally that's kind of all over the place we talked about it on our podcast I think the essence of dad um holds true regardless of the time period I completely agree and that movie proved that but also this obviously has the luxury of being you know like a nine episode series but I think it was it was gradual enough where you see the little moments between them you know and one of them kind of gets through to the other one and then they shut down and then the other one gets through them and then they shut down there's kind of this push and pull because they've both been hurt so much and just the idea of opening up to somebody and what that would mean because if you have to care about somebody then that's more dangerous for you that's true and I think what a fashion you can't just leave them in an explode exactly and I think this series does a really good job of showing like how powerful love can be and what the lengths you will go for guns how powerful guns can be also especially you know when there's you don't have many guns so having a gun is pretty cool in this scenario isn't it but that's what all the background characters are saying wow that was pretty cool this is great I think that's uh is that the fonts shot me in the head that was so cool he's just shot that jukebox what's playing now it's playing Bieber for the flavor but I think you know this also speaks to how this whole thing wraps up which again we're going to get into that how it also brings out the worst in people you know where you'll do terrible terrible things to protect somebody or a battery or a battery if you kill people the exact battery get a car going apparently the way they use Petrol in this world it's not right apparently that's not accurate oh petrol operates so you know Big Time complaint for me on that one okay I mean they they go well like this is this goes to your uh your point earlier about how if you explain something people will pick holes in the explanation sure Joel says in this in this um show that the petrol degrades yeah but apparently it degrades faster than they said in the in them in the show something something like that yeah and it's completely useless at this point who knows but it's a fictional world where 2003 was invaded by Fungus zombies and whatever so you know you the petrol can maybe the what was I thinking in saying that yeah yeah yeah it's fine I don't care at all now I felt that the final episode as I alluded to and said specifically was like rushed I think if anything like that's one where you really kind of need to take your time on it felt like they went Ali's backstory when she was born which I really liked their last moment together where they're like we can't really say it but we love each other there's a gas grenade Joe wakes up Ellie's in surgery he does a big murder then it's over I feel like there's there's room there's room in there to kind of stretch that out a bit and I don't mean to kind of to make it just like God telling Craig maze in his business I'm not look I know how would I this is better than anything I could ever say or do wow but then I thought right you watched this back to back to back so maybe you didn't feel that way because you got a bunches like thank God this is so fun oh yeah exactly but you got two kind of shotgun Everything at Once that's true so you I imagine a lot of people waited a full week for the finale and we're like 43 minutes not enough but I thought it was I thought it was uh quite well paced and just the you know that uh Joel's kind of turn and his decision yeah it felt like you know he he went in there already knowing what he was going to do yeah it's like he didn't he didn't need the time he was just like I am gonna yeah no it's not even that I think even just more moments with them oh yeah I know I uh and because of those moments I I really like and I don't need like more moments where they they crawl through a pipe and there's a zombie in there whatever that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about I'm talking about more kind of character Moments by the time they get you because you want to be back for next season well that is true they'll be like there's going to be 17 more minutes I'd be really interested to know though for people who haven't played through the game and seeing this scenario play out did you feel that way like I I don't know whether I'm alone in this because we're recording it pretty closely after watching it because I think as as an experience and I haven't played the game in I've completed a couple of times probably in like five or six years I I just love the way that ending is paced but it's different also because you've got to run through a hospital and machine gun people and you've got to physically do it and again that's not the stuff I want I don't need to see Joel machine gunning more people that's again not what I'm talking about but I mind if anybody else feels that way because the the decision Joel for people maybe who who's watching this but and they haven't watched the show I don't know but but Joel needs to make the decision because the the doctors think they can find a cure for this virus yeah if they cut open Ellie's brain and it's gonna kill her and so he's made the decision to save her at possibly the expense of all of humanity and then afterwards she asks in point blank what happened back there and he's like uh they didn't they it didn't work did it on some other people and it didn't work so uh this was this is fine actually and what I thought and I think she knows she knows oh absolutely and there's a really great podcast uh the weekly Planet the weekly Planet it's our podcast but there's an even there's an okay podcast that it has Craig Mason Neil druckman uh it's on the HBO YouTube channel where they break down basically every episode and it also has original Joel and it's also got uh this podcast sounds incredible why are people watching this great question and it's got a original alley as well for the the final episode but you know they kind of break down that final moment and they all kind of have different ideas of of what it means and for me I think it is that she knows and then in him just point blank lying to her like she doesn't know specifically what happened no I think that that's something which will then carry over into season two and you even see that in the game like their relationship when you pick up in The Last of Us Part Two like it's strange yeah and it's also because she's older and she's like I don't need you bothering you're not even my real dad I think there's I don't think there's a scene like that specifically but uh it's better written than that my dad that mushroom guy over there that's right but yeah no you're right because I mean the relationship that we the characters develop over the season is essentially Joel is the only personally trusts yeah and at the end of this she's like huh and then he just straight up lied to me so I guess no I can't trust anybody yeah and I guess that mushroom guy except for the mushroom guy yeah and I guess you know she just has to be okay with it but just seeing him doing a big callous murder and just the it was almost like terminator-like it just kind of Switched Off his brain and just go kill this guy kill this guy oh this guy's not dead I'll just shoot him Point Blank and just and it's pretty much beat for beat as it is in the game and then he you know eventually comes up again maybe for you for me I'm just like I'm getting stuck in corners and I'm shooting into the wall and I'm gonna reload my save and you know he makes that decision at the end of the car park you know to shoot Marlene I understand why he did it but that to me is just like Jesus you're really you've probably taken this a bit too far and I guess there is a question and this is interesting because it speaks to like when they were apparently testing the original Last of Us game right this is before it came out yes they should put big yellow x's on all the breakable items [Music] I enjoyed seeing Mortal Kombat 2. I enjoyed look well you know they they often say like if you took you know all the all the you know the things in your life that are distracting your way and you just like walk down to the shops everything you would see would be amazing absolutely I appreciated that that Ellie is seeing that like it's her first time in a car yeah it's a you know it's like you went on a plane yeah you know because I was still delightful she saw a porno magazine she saw a porno magazine that's right and that's a big deal yeah seeing a porno magazine she she saw an elevator why she saw an escalator she did yeah yeah and that's cool too what if she'd seen an elevator wow I think everybody would have been like we don't we've never seen that that's new actually let's all stop and look at this but no I wanted to I guess ask you and ask other people what like was this the right thing to do and I think maybe right is like the wrong way to look at it also you mean what Joel did oh yeah or do you mean make the series The Last of them no uh what Joel did because like and I'm right I guess in terms of understanding his decision right because bearing in mind and people have a variety of opinions on this well it's really the two like he should have sacrificed Ali because it would have been better for Humanity but also how could he have done that because he's essentially you know she's essentially his daughter at that point right and like I know people are gonna there'll be comments like well obviously you should have done the best thing for Humanity and whatever and but I don't think I would have found a third way because it made everyone happy so but I think it's not it's the trolley problem right we're like it's it's a no-win scenario and what's interesting about when they tested this scenario in the game is people who played it who weren't a parent 50 were against Joel 50 were with Joel okay if you were a parent you were 100 with him or understood the actions interesting and that's where I stand on like I have kids but you don't have kids that you know about that's right hell yeah brother what what what do you think in terms of like how do you perceive what he did wow that's a great question I mean I mean you would have done a third thing yeah what I would have done is is The Last of Us one of those games where if you just leave the character alone for long enough to make a decision at like a like a weird out of place thing happens like an anvil falls on his head or something he lies on the ground and starts tapping his foot like Sonic the Hedgehog I bet he does that's right but no do you see what I'm saying I do see what you're saying yeah ah no I don't I don't think I could let those doctors cut her head open yeah because she'd die and it probably wouldn't work honestly yeah well I think what if they did and then they're like oh actually I forgot to sterilize the scalpel so this isn't gonna work it just slipped my mind because I have mushrooms I haven't done this for a while yeah I'm also a horse doctor I'm not a regular person doctor I'm a chef I do work with mushrooms and that's why they got me through it but maybe I might be qualified I think if they're and I don't think there is a right answer but I think the best case scenario is you wake up early and it's a conversation when you take that agency away from her oh that's a good point that's her decision to make and I know she's 14. but she's still a person right and she's still a person in this world where people do grow up quicker you know that's true because that's the scenario and I think if that's a sit down say bad words and everything that's right like that's a sit-down scenario where you know they can talk it through and Say Goodbye maybe that goes better right but also it's interesting because Joel knows that because when Marlene is like you know that she would probably have you know chosen to do this thing she's probably right right but that's not something that he is willing to give up or go back to and let's just sit down and talk about this and you can we'll enjoy this delightful meal of mashed potatoes I also want to talk a little bit about season two okay uh there will be some spoilers for the game if you have not played it I haven't played it but I don't care about it okay well here we go yeah does everything work out great for everybody yeah every whole world yeah they find a cure it was it was in the potatoes that's great yeah I knew it would have been in the potatoes yeah I know right well you were alluding to it the whole time what I I think is interesting about the Last of Us Part Two And there's been a lot of discourse around it since it came out and I've talked about a little bit is that I like this story I like the idea of it like the idea that Joel basically gets what is coming to him like the daughter of the surgeon finds him and kills him and he deserves that right because he sure he didn't even hesitate yeah that surgeon's like no I don't think I should wake her up Bang Yeah Yeah crazy yeah like that he wasn't even like play the okay stock I'm I'm here with open ears and an open heart and I know people do see him as like the protagonist and the hero of the game but when I remember playing that game and you walk into you know the the theater at the end and you know it's all set up for surgery I didn't immediately start shooting everybody whereas in you know when you see Joel just actually do it there is like no hesitation because when you when you come in as a player for me it's like you assess it you're like what is you switch on your detective version right if you look for hidden traps and any anvils Etc audio logs yeah it doesn't even look for any audio lines they didn't look for a single thing hey it's me the doctor or no just boy really boy life got to make this big decision I don't know yeah really makes this really humanizes me and I've got a wife and I've got 17 kids is that too many kids does that make you more sympathetic or less sympathetic I don't know anyway I've got to go do the surgery beep so seeing kind of Joel kind of I wouldn't even say maybe comeuppance but just repercussions because this is a horrible universe and he and he did a horrible thing but I I like that story and now it pivots to Ali and another new character oh uh because it's smelly smelly secret sister yes and to be in this universe would be nicknamed smelly oh my God you gotta be pretty smelly don't you yeah this show I'll tell you this much what really makes you appreciate the little things like being able to take a hot shower whenever you want you know oh my goodness you're absolutely right yeah but yeah so little outfits let me ask you this James before you get if you lose a jacket you're just like oh is it away side note for you how would you dress in the apocalypse that's a great question is this yeah probably you've got options jeans and boots and a denim jacket I think I'd be one of those guys I'd make a double them yeah that's pretty good that's you know durable I think I'd make the choice to be one of those guys that wears this like a jacket and tie everywhere oh to maintain a little bit of Decor except like the sleeve is ripped okay and you know I'm all scuffed up and what have you you know my glasses one of them's broke yeah lenses are broken you've got a wine glass but it's just like a horrible Homebrew and spit yeah absolutely yeah but yeah so the the game is is split mostly between Ali and Abby who was the one who kills Joel and I I like that Dynamic and it's a character where when I was initially playing it's like why would I want to play half of this game as this other person I don't I don't want to play part of this game as a murderer yeah that's a great question yeah real ethical dilemma yeah but I did find that The Narrative of that was really drawn out and I don't think the gameplay lined up with what was happening because there'd be moments where like and this there is this in the first game but I felt it more in the second game where you kill 100 people to get into a room and then you kill a person in a cutscene that's like what have I done it's like well I killed 100 people to get here so this doesn't really but now the main character that's right he's my detective vision and they were gold I think that can all be kind of streamlined when you can when you basically strip out the gameplay oh yeah yeah I think the narrative there is great okay but the last of us like the first one is I think it's like less than first of us got the first of us it's like less than half the length of the second game right and there's just I think there is there's just too much in that second game okay and I think I would like to see that Whittle down but speaking of the second season season two will be different just as this season was different sometimes it will be different radically and sometimes it won't uh be fairly different at all but it's going to be different it will be its own thing it won't be exactly like the game it will be a show that Neil and I want to make uh but we're making it with Bella so basically there's all of that basically to say that there could be some major changes here and the other thing is they've hinted that it's very possible that it could be multiple seasons and I think look I'm sure HBO would be like yeah if you could split this into more seasons yeah right well you were saying that the the second game is twice as long at least yeah but I think it's it's drawn out for reasons that maybe I think it don't necessarily necessarily be but also it's got two protagonists that's true or antagonists because they don't they don't like each other also a couple antagonists they're a Tango and cash joke in there probably not isn't there protagonist and no there's a stop on my mom will shoot uh reference in there yeah you're absolutely right yeah no so is season two gonna have significantly less Joel do you think uh I think you know he'll probably make it at least two episodes terrific and then there'll be flashbacks there'll be flashbacks they'll be in the car and you'll be like a lesson that I didn't I forgot to tell you but I'm telling you now you're gonna need this later is go to a workbench and build a little trap thing yeah you know you're gonna love that anyway I guess the most important thing is that this show had they put the giraffe in it when I saw that 43 minutes I'm like have they got time for the giraffe because that was a pretty pivotal moment for me it's in the giraffe and they do it for real they did it for real thrilled they're probably CGI Yankees but no all in all I think just what a great adaptation do you think there was talk of it you know being a movie at different times and whatever and I just don't think you could do this anymore absolutely not yeah not well I mean Uncharted was a movie and that was the one shot it was a movie yeah that was the best movie of uh 2016. that's true what else is Naughty Dog down that could be turned into a a great TV series or a terrible movie the thing they do Ratchet and Clank or or what all the other one maybe yeah banjo or Kazooie it wasn't that it was something else Conker's Bad third day Crash Bandicoot and Jack and Baxter there you go terrific for me you know the zombie survival shows and and movies are a dime a dozen yeah but I think it's the it's the the developing relationship between uh Joel and Ellie I thought the uh Pascal and Ramsay yeah what a Duo absolutely very very a real Tango in cash a real Tango because they weren't friends and then they were friends and they loved each other that's right high five oh bring them on for the tango and cash remake put them together in a movie or something absolutely no yeah yeah uh yeah I'll be curious now what people think like did it did it come together I think as a whole it definitely did but again I just said those kind of minor crops with the last episode but you know it's I'm really interested to see what they do next and how it has changed because often they'll change something if they can make it better or they'll just do it exactly the same that's true and I think it'll be interesting to see like what specifically does that apply to in a game and a story like the second one which I think a lot of people think like isn't as strong as is the first one remains to be saying anyways Mason hello don't we have a podcast and it's got its own YouTube channel yeah yeah it's called the weekly Planet yeah and on it we talk movies and comics and TV shows it comes out every Monday unless you want to hear that early it's actually a big sandwich dot Co which is like a private patreon there's bonus podcasts like we mentioned we've got that comic book club but we talked about that the only Last of Us comic book that they have made as of Sophie we got it there's only one copy in the world that's right a premium fee for it and you have to pay to listen to us talk about it that's right yeah uh we also do movie commentaries and a bunch of other stuff there that's uh exclusive and AD free if you are interested but yeah thank you for listening to this sorry there's not some more pictures Colleen's here was like I can do an edit I swear and I'm like you just don't you don't have to this time just don't just take it just don't do a big Ed at this time put a nice giraffe background and that will be fine wow all right I'm a Mr Sunday movies on Twitter I'm at Wikipedia Brown on Twitter let's go our separate ways some songs that um this Society missed out on whatever because they were released in 2004 Green Day's American Idiot oh that was yeah I could have used it in this I reckon definitely uh Drop It Like It's Hot Snoop Dogg uh senorita by Justin Timberlake probably sorry senorita was 2002. I'm so sorry everybody anyway I grabbed our gem you guys we'll see you in the next video oh Somewhere Only We Know by Kane oh okay that's a blast from the past that's right yeah wow I'd be Keen to hear a little bit of keen I'll just check on Spotify oh your favorite song YouTube's vertigo I bet it plays better in a big Stadium of everybody wooing along I wouldn't go but you know you'd go but you wouldn't stand in the stadium sit in the stadium with your arms yeah foreign foreign
Channel: Mr Sunday Movies
Views: 171,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr sunday movies, caravan of garbage, the weekly planet, the last of us, last of us, the last of us series, the last of us show, the last of us breakdown, the last of us hbo, last of us ending, naughty dog, the last of us 2023, the last of us ending
Id: pu4hlIEgCk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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