The Last of Us | Episode 9 Review (SPOILERS)

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[Music] good soup well Ted it's uh good to have you back for the finale yeah man you know not much of an anime guy I got Elena out of the house for the weekend binge watch Attack on Titan you know I figured give the fans what they want I always see him on Twitter bragging about how good Attack on Titan was big big Reiner guy dude second price we sing in the fall right releasing in the [ __ ] no when no when I no I texted you and said come through to review the finale for The Last of Us why why would it be Attack on Titan what the text I mean I thought I could have sworn you said it was an attack on Titan Aaron's behind me with a golf club isn't he no no no no no please understand [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of nerdsoup I am Bo Oliver joined here today with Aaron the nerd 2 monkey and we are back to review The Last of Us episode nine look for the light the season finale of season one directed by Ali Abbasi and written by Craig Mason and Neil druckman it's all over look at that but I think they're coming back for season two because there was a sequel to the game hooray for everybody who didn't know that good finale uh I was a little disappointed by the run time when it was revealed and it did feel like a shot of adrenaline especially the way that it wrapped up and I was so happy that they stuck to the source material and if you're watching this I imagine you've watched the episode so we're gonna get into spoilers figured we'd give this warning because no stone was left unturned in that hospital unfortunately for the fireflies and doctors so that was just a a brutal moment where a character who has been portrayed in the positive light for the most part shows No Remorse because of his dedication to this young girl that he feels has saved his life but how far are you willing to go to preserve that and I think for a lot of people they didn't see this coming because when I played the game I did not see this coming I mean you can kind of get a sense what he's capable of or how far he's willing to go last episode when that during that interrogation scene when he's just ruthless and here that Carrie is over and yeah like he said just [ __ ] brutal and I'm glad they didn't shy away from that aspect of Joel because I mean when you're playing that part of the game you really are just running through this hospital just murdering people that's exactly how it is yeah you're hiding behind doors you're trying to get the drop on people you're taking everybody out you've got the machine gun you've got the handgun you've got the flamethrower in some instances and I remember playing the game thinking they're building this relationship he's revitalizing his love for life because of Ellie and uh he's gonna have to give her up because she's the key to the Cure and that's going to be really sad and no it's almost as if Joel both in the game in the show takes it takes matters into his own hands to break this cliche in the most brutal way possible I'm not going to let that happen I don't want to experience that type of loss again so I'm gonna kill all these people and I'm just gonna bring her back with me I'm gonna Force us to have this happy ending and that's why it was so traumatizing in the game and also in the show because it wasn't supposed to go down this way as I said he he decides to give himself this happy ending he decides to take the choice out of Ellie's hands and bring them back to Tommy's and it left me feeling empty in the best possible way and I think the show really did nail that down at least for me well yeah it's something that what I appreciated a lot when after the thing with David in the game the interactions between Ellie and Joel specifically Joel the way he talks to her and how open he is with just while you're playing the game and walking through the streets going into the town and trying to get to the hospital it's just you see you could tell a switch is flipped he is able to let his guard down and fully Embrace Ellie and just have fun make jokes and it's it's a totally different Joel but still Joel you know if you know what I'm saying I appreciated the way they did that in this episode too because you see that little switch flip and he is just a different person towards her a more fatherly figure and I like how they able I like how they were able to adapt that and it makes just what the decision he makes later that much more hurtful and as an audience you believe it way more because of how he just views Ellie at this point yeah and for Ellie you know there's so much coldness towards Joel in this episode and it's because of what she had just experienced that was by far the most traumatizing event of the story so far and even though Joel was there to comfort her in the end it's a moment that she experiences for the most part alone she was the one who had to kill David so those scars are hers to bear and it is heartbreaking that Joel is finally fully letting his guard down and as you said acting more like a father asking her to read him jokes and showing her the can of Chef Boyardee but she's just it isn't until they see the giraffes which was such a sweet moment in the game and I think also in the show that she's able to take a breath and resolves to continue on with this journey I hate using this word because I feel like it is overused but I think the game was a bit more subtle and its execution where Joel does Turn the Page and you notice it and it makes it more heartbreaking because it's not explicitly addressed as it is and I think they keep doing this they did it in episode six where Joel has look at the camera and tell us exactly how he's feeling things that we already know time didn't save me it was you Ellie right yeah that's true right as I said he was dead inside but now he's got this new love for life but I think that the show overall and it's not a huge criticism could have just used a bit more Touch of subtlety and a bit more confidence in their audience that we're taking this journey with you we got it you don't have to hold my hand I'm okay get hit by a truck now I enjoyed this finale very much but like like you said small criticisms here and there I think it could have been a little longer I think they could have drawn out some of the suspense in some of these moments because it kind of just felt like everything happened so quickly and then even the ending in the game I feel like I don't want to say it was anti-climatic but it just takes like it's a little drawn out and it just everything just had like in the game everything like just happens this crazy [ __ ] just goes down and then you're kind of like oh you're in a car with Joel and then they kind of show the flashbacks it's edited the same way which I appreciated but I think you know getting that extra you know five minutes of just walking with Ellie and having those little interactions wraps it up nicer uh I'm not saying it wasn't done well here it just maybe could have used an extra 15 minutes I don't know why on your finale you go for a 45 minute episode and you know the first five six minutes are flashbacks right and I feel like a lot of the tension in this episode was found in that opening flashback with Ellie's mom who was played by Ashley Johnson who voiced Ellie in the game so when you first hear her in that opening scene I thought Ellie what's going on here this is the uh this is the other Ellie but that moment of her just being on the run while also giving Perth to Ellie and she has to fight off the infected and she looks down and there's a baby so right from her very first moments on this world Ellie was a fighter so I did enjoy that when she picks her up and says yeah you know you you tell the world she Ellie didn't let up that was a moment where I felt the most tension and a lot of it came between Anna and Marlene when she's saying this is what you're going to do we've known each other for a long time you get to take my kid save her and I thought that Marlene wasn't going to kill her I thought man you gotta take her out of her [ __ ] misery don't do that that's the worst thing someone would have done on this show but she does go back and the stupid guy didn't even cover Ellie's ears it's like cover her ears he's like huh tell me what to do that'd be me holding a baby because I just don't want to drop it I just can't hear anything you know how do you how do you only got so many hints that is true right but as I said I thought that uh opening you know the the visuals of it too is really pretty and I think that house may have been the house that well that may come back in part two so we will see just seeing Ashley Johnson I thought she gave a great performance she's such a fantastic voice actress and a lot of the times those voice actors they translate really well to live action so it was very meta Ellie gives birth to Ellie but I enjoyed her performance yeah and it was interesting the way they explained that she got bit before she gave birth and that's what essentially made Ellie immune yeah I like that yeah I think that's a fun explanation even though she [ __ ] lied her ass off she's like no I snipped it right before the zombie came in trust me yeah no she's actually a couple weeks old that is interesting because the preschool that would make sense why it's so rare because you would have to literally get bit on your due date yeah and who knows how long like how long that window actually is maybe there's something came out in fact that would have been weird I I thought of that and then I thought I'm so happy that this didn't happen a little baby zombie yeah can't even do anything that's like when uh you know the targaryens give birth to the dragon babies yeah disgusting yeah and obviously that connects a little bit later with Marlene and her decision and her investment in the situation yeah I actually thought that was a good way to emotionally tie in Marlene to Joel and Ellie's story because in the game it she's just trying to find a cure yeah and you can argue and I imagine many people will be having these debates was it the right thing or the wrong thing to do did Joel go from hero to villain in those moments knowing that Marlene was tasked with protecting Ellie and then her having to be the one to make the decision to kill her so that they can try and manufacture a cure it adds a new element of heartbreak to it it's like Dumbledore raising Harry to be slaughtered his entire life she didn't know that but this is what circumstances has brought them to no it's definitely something where you can argue back and forth and there really is no right answer I think Joel did nothing wrong because I also did it when I played with him right I'm glad it Justified that although I also killed the nurses I killed them too yeah he got a little soft I didn't even try I'm like oh I guess I gotta kill these nurses no I came in blasting dude it was literally the Danny DeVito meme where I I was so shaken up by what I just experienced that everyone could get it everyone was catching bullets yeah at that point well Joel's a better man than I it was a free-for-all man um when he told them turn around I was like oh [ __ ] yeah that didn't execute yeah oh my God it's dark Joel I shot him right in the face and at least I had the respect to do it while they were looking um one doctor picking up the scalpel what are you doing buddy this is Joel Miller man he didn't even that's the thing that was so horrifying about the way he was going about it is there was no second guessing anything he as soon as he saw somebody he pulled the trigger there was no contemplation No Remorse whatsoever that's why it was so horrifying and I've been sort of uh frustrated with the way they've portrayed Joel I feel like they've scaled back some of the nastiness of his personality but now I wonder if maybe this was the better way to do it where he's finally opening up emotionally he's showing his softer side he's dealing with these issues and then he just [ __ ] snaps at the end this is the Joel Miller who's earned this sort of reputation but just the music you know normally in A Moment Like This I like to let the elements speak for itself in the sounds of shells hitting the floor and screams and blood but the score really just swelled up the moment yeah it was so you couldn't escape it this was he was like a slasher villain a monster stalking his prey it was horrifying yeah definitely and they were it was like the first moment of like like seeing jokes like when you play a video game you're literally jolk killed like a thousand people on that Journey um that's what's fun about Uncharted is that you kill like 300 people yeah just all cannon fodder and just snapping jokes so like you view him as like an Untouchable superhero like anyone Joel can't lose anybody and here you get to see like yeah he's just the baddest [ __ ] right now roaming these streets like anyone can get it like you said but yeah like this is the decision he made obviously in that moment and just seeing how much Ellie means to him and I think most parents would it's a tougher decision from us like outside looking in maybe we can say yes or we could say no but I think that's just a special bond that some people really just don't understand so at the end of the day with all the loss that he's had to endure all the people around him that he's failed in his mind to do to have that happen again is not going to be something that he's just going to let transpire he makes the decision for Ellie but also the fireflies made a decision for Ellie as well she loses you know all agency in this moment and she doesn't have the ability to choose sure you can argue that she would have made that decision herself to sacrifice herself for the greater good of humanity but at the end of the day she's not given that choice right yeah that is a good point because the fireflies are assuming that she would have been all right with it and I remember at the time the argument was the world is broken Beyond repair it's done nothing good for Joel why should Joel do anything good for the world why should he save this world when it's only given him heartbreak torment and Trauma so as you said we can argue that for years because it's already been argued for years but I I just think it's fun and it was a bold decision at the time and they didn't shy away from it in their execution here and once again I'm just really excited to get people's reactions to it and to see those debates play out again but for Ellie yeah Bella Ramsay has probably been my favorite part of the show so far and in those final moments that she's sharing with Joel it is heartbreaking because she's expressing that survivor's guilt she's talking about all the people that she's lost and the iciness towards Joel she's so unfortunate as soon as he's starting to embrace her now she's dealing with this she she can't reciprocate in a way that would make our hearts warm because of it's like she knows something is off even when he's telling her what happened she wants to trust him because he's been the person that's that's been there for her throughout these throughout this journey that's been so tough on both of them and she's felt like how is Scholl said so they've built that trust it's almost as if she refuses to believe that Joel would break it so when she asks him at the end you know swear to me and then she gives him the okay I believe you you could tell that there's still something there that there's something off with their relationship yeah he's not a good liar no a guy like that never would be right I could have made him a better story than that yeah he's like no no there's more of you they couldn't do anything and then the Raiders came and people died yeah you know typically when you're out of here though that was you should have seen me it was incredible you on my back at the shotgun I didn't kill anybody though I did a real clean Batman style you know and typical you know when you test somebody you knock them out with medication that's usually out Tesco yeah that's no he's not good at that yeah him opening up about like him trying to commit suicide after what happened with Sarah and things like that really opening even being able to talk about Sarah that that would be something a couple episodes ago that would set him off now he's he trusts Ellie and is comfortable with her enough to discuss Sarah so yeah just the leap seed they've made in that relationship up until this point and yeah like you said Ellie at this point has been through so much and I don't know if it was more of being scared of what's going to happen next if this is the end of their Road or you know just the unknown going forward with this and maybe potentially losing Joel or it not being the same after this event but you see how that's all affected her in these moments right yeah that's why I think I thought it was so smart the way they were setting it up that yeah these two characters aren't going to get a happy ending and I've made this point that Joel says no we are I'm going to force this but I do think maybe when Joel says to Ellie why don't we just go back to Tommy's why don't we just wrap this up call it a day and she goes no everything that we've been through everything we've fought for we have to see this through and I thought in my own head you guys have been through some stuff but you could have went through some more stuff I think there could have been a bit more fight to this season and I think that's why a lot of people are complaining that the season as a whole does feel rushed some people man I see it all the time people who haven't played the games and they're getting like episode five episode six we're the zombies or when the zombies show up they're like oh yeah this is a zombie show and I'm not trying to be this Meathead of it needs to be an action show all the time but that helps build your world it makes you you realize what what the situation is what's so terrifying why someone like Marlene would break a promise to her best friend and kill her daughter for the Cure exactly yeah it reinforces it re-emphasizes the dire situation that they're all in that the world is broken and a lot of people believe it's beyond repair but Marlene's holding out hope but it does feel sometimes that the threat has been lost in a lot of the character development and the emotional development which people would argue that's a good thing but I think it just you made the point a few weeks ago we need to know why they're fighting so desperately and I think that has been a little lost and we got the infected in the opening flashback but for the season as a whole I I was disappointed with the lack of zombies and specifically the lack of clickers because I think if you ask a lot of people hey those clickers are scary they're gonna be like what what's a clicker what do they do it's like oh remember the zombies back in episode two it's like oh episode two that was a long ass time ago and that was a long episode so it does feel a little weird I joke that HBO was trying to uh speedrun it I don't know if they're trying to impress their girlfriend or something your girlfriend gets impressed me give her a speed run well that's the thing she doesn't but you believe that she's impressed it's as if you're taking her to one of your sporting games you know yeah got my girl in the stands yeah I'm killing all these doctors babe because when this episode ended I thought man it's over that was really short 43 minutes yeah it was weird for a finale right and there's definitely more you could have went into like you said I mean in the game there's an extended sequence you fight some bloaters and everything like that and but I think the the main thing he really had to capture was just that break and Joel and I think they did that well yeah it's so hard unless you know what's going on behind the scenes of how they're going to use their budget and their different resources I think that a lot of shows they get swept up and wanting to make things cinematic so it's like when Game of Thrones did the zombie bear we're gonna blow all our budget on that well maybe spread that out and give us more one-on-one or two on two encounters with the white walkers sometimes that's more epic than an army of white walkers or an army of infected in this case so instead of giving us that swarm of zombies the swarm of infected in episode five and I did love episode five with all these different characters and all this commotion and all this chaos sometimes it's more effective to just put one character or two characters in moment like that and I think that it's not even the gameplay but the cutscenes when you look at the game we're at times we're just so much more cinematic short bursts of of action not these big moments but just the way they were framed and the way they were angled when Joel and Ellie get knocked out in this finale by the tear gas that was Goofy as [ __ ] did you just see them walking behind them and they lightly they just LOB a little underhand Pat Mahomes love right in between them and they get knocked out and like that's stupid it's like so tapping somebody on the shoulder and they look the other way a little nitpick and people are gonna say I'm spoiling the fun but overall I thought it was a really strong episode and I'm happy they didn't peel back from the violence they had an opportunity to scale it back a bit but they said no this is the direction we're going you're gonna have to deal with it your sweet baby boy Joel Miller is a murderer yeah I mean he wakes up the first thing he asks about is Ellie and Marlene's like why do you care right that is an interesting point she didn't anticipate that this hardened cold bastard would grow hard I kept thinking Ellie like she just she wasn't frustrated the reason why she was upset because she liked Joel before and he's getting he's getting too emotional for her liking she's like you're annoying now oh God I'll read you some [ __ ] puns just leave me alone she became the parent in this uh relationship liked you better when you were depressed yeah you were funnier yeah cause he's just trying too hard now right he's like oh Chef Boyardee he likes Chef Boyardee right read me some jokes entertain me all right guys before we finish this episode I want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor smile brilliant hey look I'm a floating head bad breath can be an annoying problem to deal with especially when in Social settings like out on a date or recording a podcast with your buddies only two percent of the population has enough naturally occurring good bacteria to fight off bad breath and maintain a healthy mouth what people don't realize is that when brushing your teeth or using mouthwash you're killing both the good and bad bacteria in your mouth unfortunately bad bacteria grows back much faster 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taker have fun at Tommy's and I won't come looking for you and even then Joel will probably be like yeah you probably will so I'm gonna [ __ ] shoot you poor Marlene right everything that she's fought for She Could Have Lied also she was like yeah the cordyceps are in her brain so yeah it's not gonna end well she could have been like oh there's surgery yet two hours she'll be fine here you sit in the waiting room watching TV we'll come get you when it's all over oh my God Joel just went terribly wrong we uh part of her brain fell out sorry out of here though and then Joel refuses to take the Cure that one could probably say and it's vague enough yeah when you think about it that way it is uh Joel not killing a friend but at the very least an associate as you said somebody he does have a pass with so at this point he's got tunnel vision it's all about him and Ellie and he is so desperate to get back to Tommy's and to have that normal life where they can have fun they can joke with each other they can watch movies play guitar all right play guitar Paradise is right over the hill he can't take his eyes off of it so for Ellie as you said the choice is taken from her but you get the feeling that this is something that she would have chosen for herself and we never would have known it's interesting that's why I was so I've been so impressed with Bella Ramsay throughout the first season and the performance here is a bit more subtle you're getting everything from her demeanor and how cold she is towards Joel and especially the final moments that they do share when she's asking him to tell her the truth and her face swells up and she doesn't know what to believe but she's going to put her trust in Joel because what other choice does she have in this moment so that's why I said it just feels like something is off between them and something is broken inside of her and that came out through her performance a hundred percent you know whatever at whatever point in the story wherever Ellie needed to be emotionally Bella Ramsay was up for the challenge yeah I mean both of them have just been fantastic all season they really do embody those two characters straight from the games and kind of or also to make them their own in their own regard and at the end of the day the story is about Joel and Ellie and those are the two most important things you need to do right and they did that so right yeah and I think that they benefited from the casting getting those two actors but what hurts the relationship is the story does feel rushed and I think I've seen people say that where you know moments in their relationship could have been further developed and fleshed out to make it feel a bit more natural I think because the actors have such great chemistry that they've been able to get away with it for the most part but it definitely could have helped it does feel a bit when you compare it to the game and I'm just gonna keep doing this it feels a bit more labored and the way the story is told whereas in the game it just goes it's smooth sailing from start to finish which is strange because once again we don't know behind the scenes and the budget and the numbers but it seems like there was a smoother way to plan this out if you're going to spend so much time on adding things to the story maybe you need to go 10 11 12 episodes and shows seem to be really afraid of going Beyond 10 these days because all the prestige shows they it's 10 and under I don't know maybe season two they've talked about because there is a sequel splitting the second game into multiple Seasons I think that would greatly benefit the show yeah the second game has a lot more going for it it is a bit longer so I think you can easily do that yeah and a lot of people pointed out the parallels between Joel holding Sarah in episode one yeah and now Joel holding Ellie so in Joel shot first this time yeah he did I think it does speak to he talked about it in prior episodes when he's talking with Tommy in episode six that he's been unable to save Ellie it's always sadly saving his ass so it's his opportunity to save her in this horrifying and brutal way it's funny to think in his own mind he's like man you're the hero look at all these bad guys you're taking out we're gonna save Ellie she wakes up during everything and like hospitals on fire people are screaming it's like what's going on I'm saving you baby baby girl hold on just Daddy's here we're going home it's literally SpongeBob and Patrick we save the city we saved Ellie but it's tragic because it's finally his moment and I think that the show has always played with this idea of we see it in shows that you're destined to do something right Ellie is the so-called chosen one in this world but it doesn't work out that way because if she dies a part of Joel is going to die and he can't live with that so as I said that he's been struggling with his injuries and with his PTSD he's not the man he once was so in order to get back to that place he has to experience something like this it's always the worst you know it's finally Joel and Ellie Embrace each other in episode eight and it's after Ellie had to kill a pedophile it can never come easy easy for these characters so we're getting what we wanted we're seeing Joel in his prime but he's doing horrible things but he is saving the his daughter and even then he's still to go to war with these things no yeah the ones who are infected are just yeah they're still there chilling although maybe they're not because we haven't seen them in quite some time that's why it was funny she's like I lost all these men trying to get here how the hell did you two do it they're like oh we just didn't see anything better at the game than you yeah sorry yeah sorry that you suck we played on easy mode yeah so for Joel to have all that guilt of who he couldn't save come to head in that moment it goes to show that the guilt that he was feeling we know this it wasn't on him because of this world and because of everything that they're dealing with people die that stuff happens but the fact that he puts all the blame on himself it rears its head in such a an ugly way here in the end oh yeah he needs to take his own advice because when Ellie brings up Riley Tess and Sam and Joel's like no that's not on you I mean you got to take your own advice right yeah that's not what's happened in your life wasn't on you either yeah and I think that's what's so tragic about about their relationship because we want them to be friendly with each other and embrace each other but in many ways they mirror each other especially their experiences so for Joel still not being able to accept that those deaths aren't on him and now to be lying to at least something that he's never done it sets a bad example for Ellie because she's a smart kid she's going to be able to pick up on things and I think you even see it there in these moments especially when she turns around in the car that was a moment that hit me in the game too that this kid is broken even though she's being told something that's supposed to make her feel better she just can't bring herself to be happy in these moments so the the parallels of these two characters are a bit frightening I think from the outside looking in so what do we do for Sundays for now on no football no less of us isn't succession coming back yeah two weeks we gotta kill one we gotta kill a weekend better question is what is everybody else gonna do because nobody watches succession those [ __ ] are going to be out of commission until House of the Dragon golf they do golf on Sundays oh you want to like actually go play golf that's funny because you just hit Teddy you got the you got to clean off your Golf Club [ __ ] psychopath but yeah season one of The Last of Us I enjoyed reviewing it and I think that for all my criticisms I can still say confidently it's one of the best video game adaptations of all time and the bar has been set so incredibly low but at the very least this is a good show it's a good HBO production and uh we're gonna get Teddy back here and we'll talk about the finale further in detail and really the season as a whole so I'm also looking forward to that because there is a lot to talk about and I'm excited to jump into the discussion on the internet as long as it stays civil and respectful I think for the most part people are going to have fun debates about Joel's decision here at the end but uh a solid finale even though it was a little short I would have liked to have spent a bit more time especially with the finale you know you kind of just want to get that hour hour 10 minutes those always feel it feels different yeah it's like watching the Super Bowl compared to a regular season game but it was good it definitely packed a punch yeah I agree I think in terms of adaptations like you said not even just adapt is a good show on its own but attention to detail the care they took little things from the game you know really not messing with this overall story too much knowing you have a good thing and sticking with it overall I really enjoyed the show and I think many people have too all right guys that does it for our review of The Last of Us finale episode nine thank you so much for all of you who have watched and commented and engaged with our videos throughout the season and we hope you'll continue to join us down the road when we review other stuff we've got a whole slate of videos and shows coming out that we're getting ready to review and uh yeah for Aaron the nerdsu monkey and Teddy I am Beau Oliver signing off when you get an email from my lawyer don't be surprised wow that was probably our best review yet hey guys Aaron the nerdsuit monkey here with a brief Shameless plug before we end the video do you ever feel like you don't have an adequate amount of nerd soup in your life like you're going to bed hungry and yearning for the nonsensical yet entertaining 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Channel: Nerd Soup
Views: 32,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, The Last of Us Episode 9, The Last of Us Nerd Soup, The Last of Us Finale, The Last of Us Episode 9 Review
Id: -djr9r2DUa0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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