HBO's The Last of Us is Subtle Propaganda
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Synthetic Man
Views: 98,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DfK_EBPNsko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 8sec (1988 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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"Subltedeese" is not a term I'd use to describe this show.
It’s annoying because he’s like a roller coaster. He goes on to make a point that actually makes sense and has good evidence, but then he spirals out of control goes full conspiracy mode. Stop.
Synthetic Man aside...
The Last of Us (TV Show) was, to use a Gen Z term, "mid".
- Tess has no agency compared to the original game
- Bill is excised from the plot (instead having an entire episode of the show wasted on his relationship with Frank only for both of them to be dead in the present day) whereas he's vital in the game both for getting Joel and Ellie a car and for showing Joel on a personal level what he could end up like if he doesn't start being nicer to Ellie which to put it bluntly, is the first chink in Joel's cynical armor.
- Spores don't exist which ruins the nature-based survival horror aspect of the original game
- The Infected barely factor into the show despite the first two episodes setting up how the infection works here vs the original game.
- The Fireflies will shred you to pieces in the game if they spot you therefore it should've been impossible for Joel to go full Rambo on them in the season finale.
- Many of the exchanges Joel and Ellie have with each other in the game that helps to build their gradual father-daughter relationship were excised for the TV Show leaving us with a much less believable relationship overall.
And that's just off the top of my head.
Az, Nerdrotic and Sargon usually have similarly reasonable - albeit culture war oriented - takes on whether something has propaganda in it or not, and I would have listened to Organic Boy over here if I hadn't known better.
Were you expecting anything different from him?
*sees who it is* ohhhhhhh boyyyyyyy