The Last of Us: Season 1 RECAP

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welcome to the man of Recaps this is The Last of Us season one Pedro Pascal is Joel whose normal life with his daughter Sarah is rudely interrupted by the zombie apocalypse things go bad real quick A Zombie's about to get him when they're saved by the Army but the Army's not taking chances they're shooting anyone and Joel's daughter Sarah dies in his arms now 20 years later civilization has fully collapsed Joel's living in the Boston quarantine Zone where life is you know not great he's become a Smuggler to make extra money and right now his goal is to get a car to get out here but Tess Joel's partner short of girlfriend tells him there's a problem the guy they were gonna buy a battery from sold it to someone else now Meet Ellie a precocious teenager with a real foul mouth being held hostage by the fireflies a revolutionary group fighting against Vedra the remains of the military who are technically a military dictatorship they also want a car to get Ellie out of town in fact they're the ones who bought Joel's battery but the deal went bad and the battery wasn't done anyway so it's like hey Joel we'll pay you to get Ellie out of here so Joel tessinelli leave the quarantine Zone and post-apocalyptic Boston is beautiful in its own way except of course it is infested with zombies but they're not your usual Undead zombies this Show's cool because they're made by a fungus the cordyceps that like gets in your brain and takes you over so instead of walking corpses this show has mushroom zombies which are arguably even grosser they run into an advanced version a clicker because the mushrooms have covered their eyes made them blind but they click to find you with echolocation and oh coming at you these things are really hard to kill and we find out what makes Ellie so special is that she was bit but has not turned she's immune somehow and the fireflies are hoping she's the key to a cure but unfortunately at the Firefly Outpost everyone's dead and more bad news Tess was bit so as a horde of zombies are coming for them test stays behind and oh no it's the gross mushroom zombie guess but test with the lighter and the gas boom sacrifices herself so Joel and Ellie get out of there so the new plan is take Ellie to where Joel wanted to go in the first place to find his brother Tommy in Wyoming they stopped to get supplies at Bill and Frank's Place bill was a doomsday prepper type who turned this town into a nice little compound one day Bill met Frank and it's an incredible Standalone episode a beautiful apocalypse love story with a real tear-jerker ending as they died in each other's arms but as for the contribution to the story Joel and Ellie get their truck so Joel and Ellie are on a road trip and at first Joel's a real grumpy pants he's like hey kid you're just cargo but at least youthful enthusiasm ASM starts to melt his icy cold heart she finds a book of bad puns reads them all the time and Joel starts to like this kid but they run into trouble in Kansas City get ambushed by Raiders one's got Joel o and Ellie's got to shoot him so now the whole City's hunting for him but these aren't normal Raiders these are a revolutionary group that just overthrew their really bad Vedra but their Revolution is getting out of hand they're also hunting down this nice guy Henry and his younger brother Sam they team up with Joel and Ellie to sneak out of the city but on the way out they're pinned down by a sniper Joel takes him out but not before he called in reinforcements now everyone's here Henry's going to give himself up to save the kids but wait what's this in any zombie Story the real monsters are the humans but don't forget there's also zombies a huge colony was underground here including this absolutely massive zombie covered in hard mushroom scales a bloater it's an intense scene as our gang runs out of there they're almost caught at the end but saved by how a little kid clicker and tragically the newly Independent Kansas City is overrun and more bad news Sam was bit oh no Ellie tries to save him with her magic blood of course it doesn't work that way and he attacks Henry reacts and shoots his zombie brother but oh he can't handle that and this whole show is real dark sometimes but life moves on and Mando and baby Yoda continue their Journey so now after a few months of traveling together Joel's still in Grumpy pants but he really loves this kid they finally make it to the successful survivors Community where Joel's reunited with his brother Tommy but it's like hey bro I can't stay right now I gotta get this kid with fireflies to save the world and there's a lot of emotion like Joel's worried he can't protect Ellie and Tommy's gonna be a father but for his contribution to the main story Joel and Ellie gets his horse they go to a college in Colorado where the fireflies had a science lab unfortunately it's abandoned looks like everyone went to Salt Lake City but just now some Raiders show up and Joel's gotta kill this guy so they can escape but unfortunately Joel was injured real bad Joe's like hey girl just leave me but Ellie's not gonna do that she's not gonna lose another person she loves we see her backstory at the federal Academy but her best friend was leaving to join the fireflies they had a magic last night at the abandoned mall where they both admitted they like like each other but then a zombie got in and they both got to bit and it was tragic as Ellie had to kill her zombie friend and then learn she was immune so now Ellie's out hunting when she runs into two guys and they seem nice at first but they're with the group that attacked the house hospital that you'll kill them they come out and forced to finish Joel off luckily Joel's healed up enough he gets the jump on this guy and as he's interrogating them goes into beast mode where's Ellie this guy tells him but Joel kills him anyway the other dude's like yo he was telling the truth Joe's like yeah I believe him and kills this guy too no mercy so Ellie's a prisoner but the leader here David's being nice to her really wants her to join their group it's like hey man why do you care so much about me and it's like oh cause he's a pedophile Ellie's not having that she'd rather die fighting and turns out this guy's leaving a cannibal cult it's like all right Plan B we eat you Ellie gives him pause when she reveals she's infected and while they're considering oh she bust out of there she ends up trapped in the burning Steakhouse and it's a deadly game of hide and seek but finally Ellie gets the jump on him and she makes absolutely certain this guy's all the way dead when Joel catches up to her she's pretty scarred he's like don't worry you're safe now baby girl and as far as he's concerned Ellie's his real daughter as they make the final journey to Salt Lake City they come across something really cool a giraffe just hanging out eating leaves it's a magical post-apocalyptic moment to remind us that life goes on and even in the darkness there's light Joel opens up about how after his daughter's death he tried to kill himself and now he's like wow I guess Time Heals all boom but he's like it wasn't time all these two have saved each other it's so sweet but enough sappiness they're back to bad puns until look they're caught by the Firefly Patrol Joe's like hey what happened where's Ellie and Marlene's like well I got good news and bad news turns out Ellie's mom was infected right when she gave birth and so it seems like the Cure is actually gonna work okay that's great what's the bad news bad news is making the cure from Ellie will kill her for Joel that is absolutely unacceptable but it's like hey I'm sorry there's no other way but the only thing Joel cares about is protecting Ellie so oh he turns on the fireflies breaks free he's gonna do whatever it takes to save Ellie which unfortunately in this case means shooting up a hospital full of arguably good guys trying to save the world and this is not an epic action scene as Joel goes into beast mode to save Ellie's life it's a kind of disturbing scene as Joel has shut off all emotion and ruthlessly murders everyone in the building he's in time to stop the surgery and kills the doctor who gets Sally out of there and it is a conflicted complex moral situation Joel's drive to protect Ellie has been the good thing this whole show but this is maybe not what's best for Ellie and Joel's just doomed to the world out of his own selfish love Marlene tells him that like you're not really saving her the world's still an apocalyptic hellscape but for Joel it's not even a dilemma he's Gonna Save Ellie no matter what and kills Marlene too so as Helly wakes up Joel lies to her tells her the Cure wasn't gonna work anyway then Raiders came and killed all the fireflies so this whole journey was for nothing they make their way back to Tommy's town to live out a reasonably happy normal post-apocalyptic life but at least a smart kid and Joel's story kind of had some holes in it she's like Joel was that really how it went down and Joel is not gonna let Ellie feel guilty for his sins he's like yes it was and Ellie Maybe Kinda knows that he's lying to her but she says okay and that's where the Last of Us season one comes to an end if you liked this recap hit that subscribe button for more of the best Recaps of TV and movies [Music]
Channel: Man of Recaps
Views: 185,417
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Id: arIiRPOky80
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Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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