Pedro Pascal & Bella Ramsey Get To Know Me | The Last of Us | Max

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2023 🗫︎ replies

Oh I love their chemistry off-cam! LOL at the swish swish 😂

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/elevendigits 📅︎︎ Jan 24 2023 🗫︎ replies

Pedro has such a contagious laugh 😂

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SeanWtheb0x 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2023 🗫︎ replies

I'm just imagining Pedro playing Joel exactly as he has in the show, but just dressed up in his robes from GoT lmao

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HYDN250 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2023 🗫︎ replies
Hello, I am Bella. Hi, I'm Pedro. And we are from... Planet Earth. (LAUGHTER) Right, well, that's debatable. "When did you first meet?" -When did we first meet? -Yes. And what was our first impression of each other? We didn't get to meet until we were on set. -BELLA RAMSEY: Yeah. -Because of COVID restrictions. And you were coming to get your hair chopped off. And you'd been shooting, and we just sort of met -at base camp. -PEDRO PASCAL: That's right. "What, if anything, did you take from set?" -Like props? -Yeah. -Or... trauma? -I don't think-- -(LAUGHS) -I mean, emotionally, I can tell you a lot of things that I took. But physically, I don't think I took any props. -Did you? -You didn't steal anything? No. I want-- I really want a knife. I didn't take anything. Some grey hair. So this is natural now? This is completely natural. -BELLA: You suit it. -It's flourished. "What would you pack in your survival travel bag?" Um... Is there internet? (LAUGHTER) Right, I know exactly what you're packing. (LAUGHS) Well, I would take my-- my journal. "How did you hear you were cast? What was the first thing you did?" I was on set, um... -PEDRO: You were working. -I was working. You work too much. BELLA: I haven't been for six months. Get me a job already. PEDRO: Oh, give me a break. But it was on set, so it was a very surreal thing and I wasn't supposed to tell anybody. "What item from the<i> Game of Thrones</i> world would you bring to<i> The Last of Us?"</i> I really loved my robe. I knew you were gonna say it. -This is why I said clothing. -PEDRO: I'm telling you. I knew you were gonna say your robe. Well, because it looked fucking awesome. (CHUCKLES) Right. I think that would be good in the apocalypse. -(LAUGHTER) -BELLA: So you have room. Swish everywhere, swish my way through it. -"Hey, clicker!" (LAUGHS) -Exactly, distract them. -Flash. -(LAUGHTER) What about you? I liked my armor from season eight. -PEDRO: Yeah. -It'd be heavy though. I could be swishing around and you'd be, like, protecting me, basically. (LAUGHTER) I can just be swishing behind you. (LAUGHTER) "What is your most prized possession?" What is my most prized possession? Do you want to try to look at it? (CHUCKLES) Yeah. This helps to kind of actually visualize the words. Do you have a most prized possession? A tear stick. -A tear stick? What's that? -BELLA: They make you cry. Oh, the stuff that makes you cry. The-- BELLA: Yes. It's like a vapor? It's, um... It's like menthol. It's like menthol in a stick. And I knew this question was gonna come up at some point. And I made a mental note to myself to remember that it's the tear stick, 'cause it really saved my-- changed my life. PEDRO: Why? Because I fought it for so long. I was like, "This cheating if I use this -to cry in a scene." -Oh, I see. This is not allowed. Right, and I fought it for so long. It somehow kind of enhances and helps you-- -It's the best! -...have the real emotion. Yeah, the tears produce the emotion rather than the emotion producing the tears. It's worked so good. It's my most prized possession. Is it too late for me? What? To use the tear stick? -(LAUGHS) Yeah, to start. -You can borrow mine. You need to give me that tear stick. "What's the best attribute you bring to a survival scenario?" Uh, unfounded confidence in abilities that I definitely don't have. PEDRO: What do you mean? -Such as... -Hmm. I have too much confidence that I could take down a person. -You can take down a person. -Right, but if I'm out-- You've done squats with me on your back. True. That's true. Okay, so maybe it's not completely unfounded. She can take you down. As I swish behind her in my mustard-colored Oberyn robe. "What was your first job?" <i> Game of Thrones.</i> Right, that would've been your first real job. Because you could also answer this as, like, "What was--" -Right, like I worked in a bar. -PEDRO: A "job" job, yeah. No, no, that was-- -PEDRO: You worked in a bar? -No, I-- (LAUGHS) At 11 years old. "I was a bar maid." At 11. No, that was my first-- Actually, I got paid like a tiny amount of money for singing in a cathedral choir. There you go. Mine was, I don't know, a coffee-- Like a barista. I've always wanted to be a barista. PEDRO: At a coffee shop in Manhattan. Can you do the... (MIMICS CAPPUCCINO MACHINE) Yeah, back then. This was-- -So you couldn't now? -Twenty years ago. You could. -Over 20 years ago. -Really? More than that. -Thirty years ago! -BELLA: You're old. Woo. "Who is the first person you call when you get good news?" -My sister. -BELLA: Aww. Which sister? -My older sister. -BELLA: Nice. Because my younger sister won't answer the phone. (LAUGHS)
Channel: HBO Max
Views: 4,339,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hbo, hbo max, hbo max movie, hbo max series, hbo youtube, hbo max youtube, hbo max trailer, hbo trailer, hbo video, hbo max originals, the last of us, the last of us hbo, the last of us series, the last of us show, the last of us interview, making of the last of us, tlou, get to know, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, the last of us joel, joel, ellie, the last of us ellie, ellie and joel, get to know me, the last of us q&a
Id: EwHrjZxAT7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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