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I am just absolutely 620 random number scared about the Raiders and who they're gonna come up across I am also worried it just hit me it literally doesn't me Tommy maybe Tommy's like switched sides maybe he's doing his own thing maybe he's like f the world and he's just like joined some other cause or something else but I hope the Brothers still are like gonna be able to be Bros and be on the same team I guess is what I'm trying to say you talking to me oh no is she gonna be like totally gun obsessed are they at like a gas station yeah it's probably smart not to give her a gun because she probably doesn't know how to use it Ellie foreign I wonder how far they've gotten I have questions about the world we have to do this every hour gas breaks down over time this stuff's almost water you go anywhere so where'd you go pretty much nowhere I love Joel so much no wandering you promised you'd listen to him we don't need you [ __ ] up with your gun and your shenanigans this is your fault then doesn't matter how much you push the envelope it'll still be stationary she's learning about buns what did the mermaid where did her math class what did the parade wear to my class What analogy bra I freaking love puns hands up to those who love puns feel free to wait in the truck [Laughter] I want to see a tank you will thanks Choppers all that stuff scattered around now got something Hank Williams got something else you can walk around that thing why are all these Pages stuck together ew ew y'all [Laughter] wow the buffalo this is wild oh my gosh look at all the destruction and everything so old and destroyed I'm telling you the music choices in this show is unreal the tanks wow they're just sitting there deserted oh my gosh look at that just completely destroyed all right that's enough for today pull over anywhere and hope to like have a good night's sleep in the car I guess oh I'm just I'm so scared maybe it's because I've seen like too much Walking Dead like look someone could fall over you and in the tracks that you've made in the grass like who could be out there in the woods I've also probably seen one too many horror movies where I'm just always scared oh some ravioli slow down this is slow that is 20 year old Chef Boyardee ravioli I'm Celiac so I actually haven't had Chef Boyardee ravioli in probably like 15 20 years drought tomorrow all day all night get us to Wyoming by next morning so can we start a fire I'm freezing now why am I going to tell you no because in fact you don't see the smoke no fungus isn't that smart the people will see it people yeah duh hello so what are they gonna do Rob us well they'll have way more in mind kill you okay oh that's just the wind I thought that was one of the infected you just sleep in the truck okay but he said that it's too far out for the infected so I'm just so scared is Joel gonna be able to get any sleep if he has to protect her oh man tending to be asleep what can I ask you a serious question yeah why did the Scarecrow get an award oh you little [ __ ] disturber she can't be serious ever because it was outstanding in his field you dick did you read this no he knew the pun what did the Buffalo say to his son on his first day of school bye son there's no way anyone knows we're here right No One's Gonna find us I that really makes me stressed out No One's Gonna find us people are gonna find you people are gonna find you okay whatever makes you sleep at night ah don't you guys have the like EBG bees I'm so stressed out God he's just like awake he just basically has to stay awake it's Brewing up a little bit of coffee you're gonna have to start pulling your weight Ellie what's that you're lucky yeah so hilarious though she's great okay well thank God they made it through the night because I was kind of having a bit of a meltdown there I was pretty stressed out it smells like French you guys I'm off coffee still and it's the worst but I'm feeling pretty good where am I only did you say your brother was less contact came through a radio tower close to Cody and if he's not there it's our he'll be near a settlement what's his name my dog just came in and totally scared the cheese instead of me why five hours because I think that's what we thought yeah tell me tell me your whole life story hey Jetty such a good boy Tom is what we used to call a joiner dreams of becoming a hero so he enlists in the Army right out of high school oh being in the Army it didn't make them feel much like a hero no 12 years later outbreak happens he convinces me to join a group making their way up to Boston which I did keep an eye on them keep him alive oh so that's how he went out to Boston I don't know for what it was it worth wow and tell me meets Marlene okay talks me to joining the fireflies same mistake he made when he was 18. history repeats itself to save the world could I dream him fireflies all of them delusional Joel no of course Lester I heard he quit the fireflies too so now he's on his own out there and I gotta go get him well I wonder who else he's joined because who else is out there if he doesn't There's Hope For The World why bother going on you gotta try it yeah we haven't seen the world so you don't know keep going for family I'm not family no your cargo I made a promise to test your cargo she was like family what if you don't find him oh well how do you know I'm persistent you got it pretty early if you want to grab more sleep I'm not even tired I'm so tired Joel is persistent is this how far the car is going to be able to take them not in a tunnel no is there a way around this you can't go through the dark dark ass tunnel I can't I can't at all right now stay put the music is too haunting I'm haunted by images of mushroom heads ah it looks like someone tried to block this off it's like it went up in flames can't you go around that's like so clear what is on the other side I don't know it feels like a bit of a trap okay it's that must have just been like a car accident or something I don't know I'm gonna go on by foot you can't what it's too long to go around screw it you can jog right around this tunnel take the next ramp and we're back on the road minute tops I hope so where the [ __ ] is the highway I can't tell from this I'm all turned around oh no don't start fighting I don't know what I feel like being in this city is not good oh no stop it's not the QC where the [ __ ] is bedroom hey get out no do not just go get the F out of here no you're not oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no they're screwed there's no way out of here oh oh Joel oh Joel this is why you wear seat belts kids get the guns get the guns damn it damn it you can't go into this cities oh no go crawl into it you don't come out until I say okay I'm not gonna hit you oh man go that guy tried to trick him hope there's nothing in the wall oh oh god well like you're shooting at him so what do you expect oh your buddy's dead how are they gonna get that F out of here now the car is toast toast Pizza jeez stay still Ellie she's going to think Joel's dad holy mofo Joel is just a badass these are Survivor holy [ __ ] Ellie's gonna pull out her gun she's gonna save them hey you probably killed like his brother or something oh just bringing out her knife he said to stay in the goddamn hole but I mean Joel ain't getting any younger where did she shoot him oh God now she's killed somebody that's traumatic give us some information oh no where did she shoot him hey trade with you guys we could be friends I didn't know a pride oh no oh God this is so tragic I can't I can't even she saved her life I guess kill him behind the wall no no no no I'm sorry I'm sorry please please we could just talk I'm sorry I'm sorry please please oh Ellie good here do you just punch him Ellie I gotta get in there I can't fit through [Music] all your stuff though is still in the car isn't it I'm okay no you're not I'm good you're traumatized you go up let's get a better look hopefully we spot a clear route out oh that was a badass vehicle oh they're like doing Patrol won't they notice that car though oh they're gonna be in big trouble if they get caught no I told you I was alone what else do you want me to say I don't know the truth definitely freaking Melanie Lansky winsky holy cast you know where Henry is the federal rights do those even really mean anything oh you were wrong okay this has gone too far too far to stop now that you're in the cell when you were safe and protected and ratting on your neighbor's Defender they put a gun to my head there I delivered you but Henry did and we know that he's still in the city oh so are people like in other parts of the city like hiding out where is think I won't do it God she's such a good actress he's not going to tell I'm your doctor oh that's your play he can't kill a doctor you need those people oh no they found him who did this I think it was Outsiders I found a truck loaded could be mercs mercs well if Henry has a radio maybe he found someone out there interesting they're both looking for their brothers will he live what if I had a doctor oh she's going back to the doctor she's gonna kill him this is Henry's work understand and he won't stop until we stop him find who did this and Kill Them All We the People oh oh she's pissed it's crazy how like all the different parts of the like States or in the world would be because like every different sector would be completely different all right so they're literally fussing down all the doors of the city they're not fedrine they're not fireflies yeah that's what I want to know who are they people people looks like they're checking out apartment buildings first what are you gonna do you don't have a car you don't got nothing lost all your stuff it's a really tall building like four blocks away yeah so as soon as we don't hear a truck we move Joel you ain't getting any younger buddy are you all right yeah I mean he just shot someone it's pretty intense he's trying to connect with her kind of the thing is is I didn't hear that guy coming he shouldn't have had to him you know you're glad I did right yeah I'm glad you saved my ass when you're just a kid this is the world they're living in though it's not like you killed them I don't know what it's like first time that you hurt someone like that Joel I mean it was my fault you shouldn't have had to oh and I'm sorry oh it wasn't my first time who have you shot well I mean you killed that infected thing in the ground you didn't have any problems with that guy he's giving her a gun show me your grip yeah at least teacher [ __ ] rights now who taught you that Central School figures thumb over your thumb okay so you have like a good grip okay it helps you like lock it in I've never shot a gun before so I have no idea but I'd love to be in a show like this so guys get my videos popular so I can get on this show for season two I'd love to train for a show like this with all the stunts and gun stuff and it just it would be a dream coming true you put it in your pack just shoot your damn ass you don't want to shoot your damn ass off that's for sure she needs a gun holster that's for freaking sure so is he gonna get caught up with Melanie lynskey's character probably they're gonna get caught for sure but at least when they test her she will go green they won't know she has been bitten no sign of them you she's ruthless she just killed that doctor she was a pest holy look at her gun holster are they going to the top of the roof what's up there some really interesting Hideout places with their kid up here somebody hiding a child they're out of food Henry won't let Sam starve he's [ __ ] close I can feel it does somebody take her kid what [Music] what is happening what is that [Music] is that the fungus underneath the ground what do we tell the others not yet let's just handle what we have to handle we can deal with this after after seal off the building for now that doesn't look okay Kathleen that does not look okay I don't think that's a sinkhole it's handy to have a little person with you get into all the windows be without me huh yeah exactly I need you yeah walked into that one yeah you did walk into the house go way up come on and I'll take a look at the city and find our way up we're 42 flights 45 nice little hike but are they on top of that sinking concrete slow and steady wins the race hey you know the guy who said he was hurt how did you know it was an ambush seen a lot of things in my day girl I've been on both sides we did what we needed to survive you and test and the people we were with my brother too are you kill innocent people yeah I did kill innocent people and people killed my innocent daughter 33 floors that's good it's gonna happen yeah he's hurting seems like a good place to rest up though give me a minute get up you lazy ass lazy ass 56 years old you little [ __ ] oh nice little beds they made that looks cozy oh nice he's laying down glass so if anyone comes in he can hear why didn't he do that in the woods with like tree branches what what are you doing I don't want someone sneaking up on us while we're sleeping oh hello are you sure you're gonna hear it of course I'll hear it that's the damn point oh good night good night not a bad cozy bed for the night I feel like he really needs some sleep because he's not gonna be able to go on like this without some sleep but he probably has such a hard time sleeping hey tell her a pun when we were talking about hurting people what did you mean it wasn't your first time you better tell him I don't want to talk about it all right I guess he has to respect that because he said no question so it isn't fair your age having to deal with all of this so it gets easier when you get older foreign it would never get easier just a lot when you're I'm gonna ask when you'd hear the glass or not because I've noticed you don't hear Too Well from your right side oh because you're interesting good catch Ellie from shooting so if you want to keep your hair and you stick to that knife did you know diarrhea is hereditary what yeah it runs in your jeans yeah she did say a pun I feel like they're growing closer slowly to the show goddamn stupid you laughed [ __ ] I didn't laugh yes you did I hope someone doesn't come in I'm so scared I feel like joking around with Pedro Pascal would be so fun because he's such a quirky little goofball love them I'm so happy they can have a laugh they need they needed that they really needed that well I hear someone do you hear someone Joe oh where did this guy come from this is a kid freaking kid what excuse me what there was a little child with red painted mask on I hope he's gonna help them episode four in the bag holy crap that just kind of felt like a shorter episode to be able to push the story along to really work on Ellie and Joel's relationship and we're starting to get a little bit more backstory we're starting to meet a few new characters and Melanie lynskey her character Kathleen it's going to be fascinating what's going on in Kansas and this group this child that they just met so I have no idea I have I don't know what's going to happen thank you guys so much for watching along with me on this journey of The Last of Us it is amazing this show is absolutely spectacular and I don't even know how many episodes are in this is it nine ten I don't know I really just want to bend this and it really sucks that I cannot but yeah it's too late I have to go to bed I worked all day and then I'm watching this so it is my bedtime once again I stay up so late but I love it I love it if you like my video please give me a thumbs up and if you haven't yet already please subscribe it really helps my channel and I really appreciate it I love you all and thank you so much and I'll see you guys in the next reaction ciao [Music]
Channel: Hold Down A
Views: 30,148
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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