The Last of Us 1x2 "Infected" | The Normies Group Reaction!

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[Music] wait what all do you have right now I got a dirty rag a rubber band two Advil stick a chewing gum and the steel pipe perfect is that a drill and a drill oh how do you have a drill let's go the hey we are the normies and we are here to react to Last of Us episode two the HBO showed up again the game is on Twitch where you can also watch into play the game despite he's gonna play actually later today aren't you yep yeah bet yeah thanks oh God guys I'm so happy to be back already it's it's Runner it's Chris Firefly Johnson it's a marketer this is Mickey actually I want to redo mine it's Chris portabella Johnson I'm gonna be a different mushroom every episode I'm really I'm a champion you guys can't all be mushrooms there's not to be the goddamn mushrooms what I only know the name of like six truffle shiitake portabella Champion lion's mane oh Hen of the Woods or chicken of the woods what is happening I got like six oh oyster oyster yeah yeah what's that what's that there's so many Asian ones our names are guys this show has started off immediately perfect I'm gonna say it I'm excited for episode two how do you guys feel you newbies I I've been enjoying it I've been enjoying that we're getting to watch it with uh twitch you guys should have fomo because you didn't watch it with twitch like if you were subscribed to our twitch they're watching it right now with us I'm gonna wave to them hey y'all man it's like a live studio audience um not been digging it I think the show's glued um I don't like all y'all looking at us while we watch it it makes me feel self-conscious for some reason everything that happens I look over and Mickey and surgery didn't run it you guys like yes that that is test that's so cool you don't exist to me anymore this is Chris I'm stuck on the show I can't even like look at you guys I know it's captivating I like it a lot this is the era of Pedro Pascal he is in everything right he is daddy he's not Mary he has no children he is the internet's daddy every show he's been in has had like an above 80 rating yeah man's build suspense with his face it's kind of weird and then he put his face in a match for a whole entire season still did it with his body language aside from the shows he's been in the best thing I saw him in was uh what was the Nick Cage movie The unbearable oh my God yeah it was really good now also just to mention before we uh get fully into it well I think and we've been fully in this age now but talking about Pedro Pascal right now in this one context he's solidly a movie star and a TV star at the same time and like I literally don't know where he started at I saw a a picture just the other day he was like in some uh procedural cop show in one episode and he looks so young he's like in his 20s well Jimmy Pedro anyway yeah he's in one season and then he's out yeah anyway not a market stuff to support the LG content feel free to follow us over on our uh patreon where you can watch ahead on certain shows and on a show like this you can get the uncut essentially what our twitch Subs are getting right here right now country foreign [Laughter] she locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick I have to pee back there you can find a spot oh God what's the apocalypse I mean yeah there's no right you got a nature oh my God oh hell no he punched a fungi they did we take her back to the QC someone's gonna notice her arm you need to stop talking about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her dork what are you doing he shot off the AC oh she got a whole ass sandwich and they have oh yeah is that chicken yeah why are you so important to Milo is it not obvious then you must have heard that he wants to shoot you didn't hurt me but we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have so answer my question I would never tell you then you search so much as twitches don't yeah can I have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus fine I'll just have a [ __ ] sandwich at them you're gonna conserve itself man all this set design is so good I actually did it how'd they built August to get bombed right they hit most of the big cities like this they had to slow the spread somehow it didn't in most places yeah it still looks better than downtown Indy I'm kidding so the State House is across there it's about a 10 minute walk if you could go straight it's the long way or the we're [ __ ] dead way well I vote long way it's based on that limited information [Laughter] who said the open city was crazy not exactly like that you know people like to tell stories so there are ones who split open heads that stay in the dark like bats oh God oh God it's you it's me yeah look at me and oh man it's pretty moist up here I don't know how to swim seriously God hell you never know you could hit a deep spot we're not checking out [ __ ] you're a weird kid you're a weird kid oh my God you remember when you said you almost died last time you did this you idiot yeah it can't just be [ __ ] around you are walking in people but now you're there open that suitcase I don't know who knows loot or a loop Goblin in any game any apocalypse uh man Bella Ramses killing it it's just so good you know it'd be like that sometimes I hate making sounds worries me apocalypse maybe I could climb up there and open it from the inside uh no well I'm the smallest so it'd be easier for me to get you dying you get nothing it looks like a loading screen you're right nice knife where'd you learn to do that the circus you don't know what a circus is shut up she read books Boston pass no more questions about me yeah Texas the Boston is a long ways oh God oh my God oh oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no no continue bombing guys I don't know that we got bombs left it's like a freaking grip of ants or bees the fungus also grows Underground long fibers like wires some of them stretching over a line they just you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place you're not immune from being ripped apart damn that's a solid advice to us I'm trying to keep you alive so how do I know what one of these tripwires looks like that's dude that's so good we're not going that way what do we do then short way Museum one covered in true with the open door that cheap right why you just gotta let them know right here is it dead that was that ah boiling packing one of these or just sandwiches they come up against and quiet is quiet not a part of it oh let's go congratulations I hope you're aiming inverted shut up we're afraid to take a sip of my coffee I'm going to say it again the set design is just impeccable impeccable cooked I guess we should have gone this way in the first place they don't like they're good that's Crush that's freshy fresh what we tell you about staying behind us not quiet listen to the adults listen to the adults do they have to go through the entire city or are they are they on the answer I think they got to get to the entire city right now we just gotta get through this music they got to go a long ways she said the hospital is out west but once again I love dabs outside [Music] I just can't I can't be here so much stomach hurts wow the plants just ate these people what's happening literally what's happening oh of course well we're not going backwards that's so good oh man breathe breathe breathe I'm forgetting to breathe if they shoot will it attract me I assume that's why they're trying to be quiet just soak this next part dude careful look at where you're going two of them oh my god oh man [ __ ] it's like scrapping with him oh my God that's a rib at least it doesn't matter Point sure you got to make these you gotta make the shot count my dude look at all these bullets count [Applause] this is so well done they got the body movement down exactly the sounds and everything so headshots put some down I would I don't want to say anything dude look at this [Music] oh come on camera work don't do this to me you don't why [Music] [ __ ] amazing foreign oh she put an accident there you go Chris we need a bigger ax [Music] oh breathe yeah they're tough I didn't [ __ ] my pants another one [ __ ] kidding me I mean if it was going to happen to one of us let's get the [ __ ] out of here God question oh man does she get bit a second time in the game okay fine don't answer oh just round your own thanks it's kind of funny that she got bit though yeah I know it looks scary that is scary yeah [ __ ] that [ __ ] right there maybe the first bite can take and I should just take the good news I mean this would be the real test you know the second bite if nothing happens then you got to believe it it's like the first covet you get to then kill you and then you get it again you're like ah ah man you can't deny that for you nice little limp going and I love the less is more approach like they waited so long to introduce us to the you know the zombies I guess did yes we know they're called I didn't know they had said it yet I'm sorry they didn't say it yet it's been said in the office a hundred times but yeah I'm just I'm just glad they like really like able to built it out you know didn't like just come out of the gate with that [Music] can we take like a breather oh that's a lot of [Music] a lot of fresh yeah they went inside okay come on yes why why she wants her battery and [ __ ] oh it's just shitty we are going home my [ __ ] home our luck had to run out sooner [Music] cool big one bad we'll keep her alive and you said everything right stop wasting Blitz apocalypse [Music] um did you guys see this did you play already taking it it's the fibers the ground that they were talking about oh yeah it's a [ __ ] tripwire time's up the snitch wires have been snitched we gotta go no that group oh my oh my oh they know where you are they know where you are now Tess I love you how do you want it all of them maybe a minute [ __ ] your turn ahead and go bro here we go oh my god oh yeah oh my God not every grenade Ellie's picking up a grenade confirmed take some take some with you find a flare damn that was quick I mean that spark should be enough only if it's in the air all right they're gonna ignore her because she's already infected come on maybe not oh God oh my God keep [ __ ] going this is just going by video game chapters this feels like the end of the video game chapter yeah kinda honestly the pacing is like wow it's man this is this is gonna be the best show of the year I'm calling it I was thinking we were gonna get some breaks like just entered I don't know no information they're just going in [ __ ] August Masterpiece as masterful as the game like wow like so wow wow when it said infected I wanted to Guess that Tesla's gonna get infected just because I've literally never seen her in any of the marketing I've seen so much Joel and Ellie and not once even heard Tessa's name and so like I was like oh that'll be cool there's no way in [ __ ] plus it mirrors Joel's real life uh where he's got his daughter but we never saw the mom so like they were like a family unit but like I was like they're probably gonna [ __ ] Joel up like they're already [ __ ] them up and just like take away the mom figure well without uh saying anything but like using Tess as an example because her story is kind of wrapped up here like everyone's performance like the subtext in everyone's performance is so good like if you if you go back now to where she was like I've twisted my ankle but then you see her like rushing and she's like we gotta get there before nightfall like yeah it's like they're they're dropping the breadcrumbs and it's just the clicker man the clickers got me dog that was some scary [ __ ] it's scary in the game it's scary in real life like I don't know I could so I don't like in real life yeah I don't feel like it's a spoiler but like when you first see this clicker in the video game like the movements and everything try and be quiet it's like they got like I don't even know how to gotta perfectly like the gameplay there's like oh my God there's so much scenes by scenes like them walking through on the bridge that was literally like the video game then behind like the car and behind like the museum like I'm just so impressed by this freaking show I've never been this impressed by anything they're adding like really iconic uh moments and lines from the game like when she was like you can't deny that view like that's but also her uh like one of the things in the game uh you can like interact with certain parts of the environment it's not it's not necessary but it just kind of opens up some dialogue to add some depths so like when she goes to the hotel to like move that thing like Ellie's just like super adventurous you know like she's never been out here so like she's and she's a kid you know so by any other means she should be dead yeah yeah twice I don't know [ __ ] about him but I I dig it it's got uh The Vibes also Pedro Pascal like they've paired you up with another baby Yoda on a dangerous adventure with which is good yeah um 10 minutes it's awesome and I I like that they set up the whole like mushroom grenade thing and there's a tripwire where it's like you step on one they might just snitch all around because there is literally um there is a mushroom like that in real life there's a tree system like that in real life where like they essentially were like these like they remember when they found out that uh mushrooms use the internet that they like all communicate with each other like via and underground like they just can't told us about this a little bit ago like signs of Discovery so I like all that and also like the idea of like how do you kill a mushroom like it I guess it has a nervous system but it's not centralized so like shooting it in the head what it doesn't have a brain shooting it in here it doesn't have their your best bet is to like literally tear it apart until it can't move anymore that's it that's probably still legitimately by all mushroom standards alive it's just immobile yeah which is terrifying like what's more terrifying right now and infected where they come mouth kiss you or like um clicker where there's like I feel like even if they came in with a katana and kept the clicker's head off it'd still be like didn't really slow me down it's not like I could [ __ ] like that's it I can hear a little less like I don't know man that is a good question like Michonne in this world like would she just be shitake in boys all day I'd rather deal with the clicker man I'd be quiet no uh I mean yeah it's it's a good guy that's the that is the scariest part like they they can't see but like you know and you you would think that would make things easier but it's just like they're my place bro but like in the game obviously you know you have to be able to progress through the game so like the noises that you make like your footsteps it doesn't it's not as sensitive as they showed in the game because he's like 20 30 feet away and he's just like quietly changing bullets and you can see the clicker in the background like they've kind of notice it there I mean like hypers anything you do is gonna make yeah some kind of sound and that's what's scary about it and because they live in what is essentially a quiet environment aside from like you could hear the birds and [ __ ] outside yeah and the other clickers aside from that like their background level of noise is probably so low yeah that it's just like you breathing you might be able to get away with but I feel like hearing your clothes wrestle they're probably like is that something like hearing rats and [ __ ] yeah you should find a stream and walk in the street right that is also the beautiful juxtaposition of this story is that this is the you know essentially the end for Humanity but it's like a Revival for the Earth and and that's what you can see in the environment like when they're looking at the bomb City but you see this like flock of birds flying like the Earth is doing just fine did they mention that in the game I think before or was that a different game I'm thinking of I want to mention life comes back I mean that's probably another show we watch actually never mind yeah it's just kind of yeah but this is still really like one to one to the game but any changes that they're making are like very intelligent and it and it it totally works yeah because because a lot of the story is kind of in the set pieces of the gameplay which can't entirely translate to a live action show so any any changes that they're making is like just it's just man this is this is bad this is gonna be best show of the year at least a contender there's no freaking yeah um Jakarta scene oh that was so good I I really like the in episode one The the interview that was really good and this also so I hope they will continue the tradition of having like a look kind of out of context uh openings yeah yeah then just add more to like the lore yeah would you do what the professor suggested like bomb everything because I think that's what they do they did and it didn't help like this like the supply chain Works fast when you're like yeah the scale like they made flowers what she said so it said that um for but helped here but not everywhere yeah so it did help some but like once again it's one of those things where it's like you know we're really about to bomb everybody without a 100 chance sure this is gonna work and I'm like yeah because we're already this [ __ ] yeah yeah so also with the flower company I'm assuming that patient zero there at least not everywhere but at least in Jakarta it was she it was Airborne for her she breathed in like the something from the flower and that's how she bit the other three I mean I don't know how else that's what I'm assuming for right now yeah because like I mean this is not from like I don't keep seeing the game anymore but like that was not because in the game like well well they're already kind of revealed it because like the the they're deviating away from the whole Sports thing because it wouldn't make sense for it that'd be too much suspension to to what's up suspension of disbelief plus we literally just lived through a pandemic where even though it was Airborne like 100 of people didn't get it for me Mickey and I didn't get it we're in a vaccine I'm pretty sure you know I love that you keep bragging about it I think it's like right about not having AIDS well I never got the chickenpox either dude that's very bad for me you're gonna be sterile when you get it right yeah I'm gonna die yeah this was just Iron Man I can't stop gushing where did she get the chicken parm sandwich from so yeah Smugglers yeah like I'm sorry that sounds like phenomenal while they're breaking off their dry little piece of meat every time to do to be like uh food truck Dave's Hot chickens I am so it's it's fun I am interested in uh how it's gonna go because like I'm not saying progression Wise from I wonder how much the story is going to progress each episode because I know how video game progresses and how that takes 30 hours and I'm wondering how this is gonna go so I guess what 30 hours of TV could get you for three seasons if it's ten hour episodes I'll yeah I'll uh I'll say this like this episode progressed Us by like two chapters one two one to two chapters like like the whole going into the whole the hotel the museum how many chapters are there uh so many listen are we gonna 100 this [ __ ] that's what I want to know that's what I'm curious I think so I would I would think so I'm gonna find all the Collectibles we're gonna unlock all the dialogue because because ultimate endings I mean it would be interesting if we don't like that would be super interesting but I would think so I would think so the the with with the pacing that they're taking I I think we can get there I mean uh as controversial I only know that last of us too is controversial because everyone was talking about it I live on the internet uh as controversial as that was I'd be interested in seeing like if they dip into that but I think that if anything is probably where they'll Veer severely off yeah that that could be a potential yeah that could be a potential but I hope they don't but I don't know we'll see I'm excited for more I love the visuals that whole visual involved them like turning together like they're just just thank you so much for the creators this is so creepy and I I don't know why but the the the kisses so like if I had to choose my death I would just click or take me just take me I don't know I would not I've been forcing tiny mushrooms into my throat I'll shoot myself but that's awesome that's also what's it because it because it's not like a violent death it's just like a takeover yeah it's just like a oh my God what's that mushroom girl from my hero yeah this is all her fault she can grow mushrooms inside of your lungs she's essentially the virus she should have been able to defeat everybody let's be fruit I mean honestly you're right all right well now we're gonna go and talk to our twitch peeps for a bit but uh YouTube thank you for hanging out thank you for watching uh we will see you at the next one bye special thanks to our super normies Liam Wallace Jacob D Van Horn Joe mags Rocco kapalakrishnan and keyboard junkie see you next time thank you [Music]
Channel: The Normies
Views: 302,110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, react, reacting, watch, watching, review, reviewing, fandom, fan, series, show, tv, best, top, moment, scene, discussion, discussing, new, hbo, max, pedro, pascal, mandolorian, mandalorian, season 3 trailer, disney plus, disney+, bella, ramsey, ramsay, blindwave, blind wave, reelrejects, reel rejects, nikki, naughtydog, ps4, ps5, playstation, suraj, rana, nick offerman, steven, and, penguinz0, alyska, getjaby, kastaklysm
Id: a6JbwLriMMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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