The Last of Us 1x2 REACTION!! "Infected"

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hey guys cruel blonde wave I'm Eric I'm Calvin Aaron and we're back with the Last of Us [Music] we got more introduction we did uh Sarah and Joel We had the whole beginning part of everything and then we flash forward to the terrible parts yep yes we did so now we're in Boston and we're trying to make our way outside from Marlene yeah outside of the quarantine Zone and it's been revealed to us to draw that uh uh someone is immune yeah right which is a big deal it's a bite mark uh now this is gonna go very well into our pole the poll from last week we had is if you're watching the show have you played the games or are you completely new because some of us are like ah interesting but we all know that we only was come and play the game but if there is 40 of our patrons at blindly that say they have not played the games which honestly it's kind of I thought it was a lot higher than it was going to be that is a lot higher than I thought it was going to be yeah I figured everybody who was going to be watching the show like right off was like excited because of their experience with the game yeah I feel like there's three levels where it's like either you've played the game you've either watched or you've talked about people who have played the game or you or you don't know anything right so I don't like Melanie is like she's familiar with what the game is but doesn't really know the story of the game sure it's like her aspect is like I don't really know what's going on just like a zombie stuff it's like there's zombie stuff but I don't know how we got there yeah okay it must be sad because you always want me to watch it be careful what you wish for all right so thontor says I don't have a PlayStation so I've never played the game I did pre-order on PC though which is coming out in March soon I'm really looking forward to that so that's exciting people that don't have PlayStation if you got PC March March it is uh Nemesis says absolutely incredible pilot uh so glad that we may finally be in the era of video game adaptations of great video game adaptations certain things the movie yeah doing the movie the one with the rock yeah that was an adaptation most recent probably being Halo which I watched and enjoyed but admittedly have never played yeah I was like oh this is fun this guy's big and these people are big and they seem to be having fun shooting things and that's you know all right uh adore any Memphis lupine sure you got that right adore any [Music] I don't know how should you say that a door Mini a door can open I don't know adore any Adora nymph Lupine Adora lymph nupan nymph nymph Lupine okay Adora lymph lupine nymph nymph okay like a nymphomaniac or a like a fake creature nymph a door Adora nymph Lupine yes okay that sounds good uh technically no I haven't played any of the games but I've watched several different playthroughs of the first game ah three of them of course include Eric Aaron and Calvin's playthrough cool size blind whatever we play games playing through part two uh right now tonight if you're watching this Monday Monday night he's playing last missed two yeah and Wednesday night not having any access to the game itself it was fun to experience it along with different players and get a slightly different experience with the story every time and now we have a whole new experience all right we're gonna end with uh Andrew who says I've not played the games but this first episode has made me so hyped for this series and uh once again I'm kind of jealous that that's the that's the case you get to have this the extremely high quality television show tell you the story sure but once again we're going to be going into this uh you're gonna be able to watch it if you've never played the game we're not going to go into any spoilers or anything like that like come to our theorizing or uh reviews so stick around anything else no I wish that I could play the game and watch the show for the first time without being spoiled on either one yeah yeah awesome that would be great uh Rick is also not feeling very well we kind of noticed like these kind of like weird like tendrils coming out of his mouth this morning so we're just gonna have him in the back and hopefully nothing like you know you noticed what the tendril's coming out microgreens yes I'm sure we'll be fine right why don't tell me Jakarta this is where we started Ground Zero is she like a scientist or something doctor maybe doctor doctor doctor so is it a discovery or is it a lab made thing or is it like the evolution yeah probably foreign put on all of this [ __ ] so they had their first case in a human and they're bringing someone else into yeah look into it it's a bite uh-huh stuff so who bit who bit them where's that person that's not muscle tissue gonna pull stuff out yeah we're gonna see what it is rip it open pull it out you know look in the mouth and see the little tendrils don't get scared it's gonna bite he has gloves on it'll be fine it's gonna bite through her gloves dude it's dead oh we're going deep this is not spaghetti it's me reaching for her yeah it's like growing slowly again before it gets me that's some problems inside Eric I'll eat it foreign [ __ ] so they stopped that infection 14 workers are missing I mean we know where we go so I mean I know but this is still so fun to watch yeah we lose bomb bomb oh yeah well I get out of here that's so great coming from her because she's from a scientist doctor kind of person you know not a military leader like she's like there's nothing we can do kill everything here in the city every time any plants are moving I'm always like ah get out of there eat it that's it but she's a mutant it's okay exercise eating everything it's my only defense the clicker attacks the music chewing on his nose jeez warning and they tutoring to see what happens to her yep they stayed up all night you hungry you could share some hours thanks Marlene sent me with my own wow and it's all swollen dry puffy it's an old [ __ ] sandwich is or she isn't with the Firefly saved they believe that she is then we get what we want if she so much as twitches right wow looks good it looks so good it looks terrible but yeah in the daylight huh so the State House is across there it's about a 10 minute walk if you could go straight so a long way or short way I mean it's the long way or the [ __ ] dead way well I vote long way it's based on that limited information you have to check it from the hotel first we're not going through Moria are you crazy the long way or we're dead I vote the long way how did you get bit you know the old Malden acouzi the one that's sealed off and boarded up and no one's supposed to go in ever that one so it was just you in there alone yeah you everyone said the Open City was crazy like swarms are infected running around everywhere not exactly like that you know people like to tell stories keeps people safe inside there aren't super infected they'd explode fungus spores on you [ __ ] I hope not or ones with split open heads that stay in the dark like bats that sounds terrifying so she was referring that's things that listen to my Sonar I wonder if we will get four exploding monsters or anything or not because we don't really have spores yeah I don't know probably just something a little more realized playing the piano hello my baby hello my darling all right well I mean maybe I could climb up there work my way around and open it from the inside uh no well I'm the smallest so it'd be easier for me to get through that you die and you get nothing you stay here enjoying like the like traversing that they have because I wasn't sure how they'd handle it compared to like the game of like we had to travel from point A to point B it just feels so real how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school it's a really shitty one well some last about a month or two but there's others been walking around but 20 years hmm all kinds of [ __ ] up yeah but I guess enough people came through looking for the qz who went inside so you can shelter and that's how they get more and more in the city bit by bit year after year it's like it's like when you see bugs they're connected more than you know yeah long fibers like wires some of them stretching over a mile and you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place and you can wake a dozen infected from somewhere else well Museum so cool yeah right like can you guys show me like one shortcut you took to make this amazing TV show it looks so amazing I have a spare hand congratulations grab your knife Joel kind of doesn't right now because of the hairline fracture bright lights I have this feeling of both wanting to go play the game and then just not and watch this yeah does that make sense I'm waiting for a Raptor moment I think more of like from the third movie when it's like sitting there the third movie yeah all right right and they're walking through I know he's like ah they thought it was like a museum thing yeah here's one cooked finally some [ __ ] luck I guess we should have gone this way in the first place cooked no oh [ __ ] that's fresh we are silent not quiet silent whoa no question dude I know that guy was a lot fresher yeah yeah I think he's still warm you're gonna see some old boys in here I mean they said it usually happens within a couple hours so your body would probably still retain what is everyone does everyone turn after they've been attacked or is there a chance like you just don't turn because you're too dead it's like you'll be shot in the head and be dead sure right like the the lady who was attacking at the moment I haven't seen any like I think it's as long as the brainstem is affected by the fungus it can still work sure I haven't seen any like walking dead style half people well because yeah because it's like what no they said they're uh Ellie was like you could still be ripped apart even though you're immune yeah so I'm like is there a chance that you can die too much to wear can't be infected give this a step over it like avoid as much as you can or can you step nest they're gonna find a wet spot aren't they should be wearing vessies what what was the bones Eric this place is pretty good okay there's like the game I was gonna say fairly empty like I recognize that place [Music] well dang oh my gosh don't hit anything oh yeah man look at him Joe oh what are you going this really feels like the fungus is taken over uh uh man that's so good [Music] she can fit again yes so hard to take down [Applause] I'm in an ear [Applause] that's two [ __ ] kidding me same spot I mean if it was gonna happen to one of us did fighter foreign still out okay the golden building I went from a step on something or something right [Music] it's a lot of blood Joe what the [ __ ] is going on I don't know new transport holy [ __ ] who killed them Vedra no one of them got bit the healthy ones fought the sick ones everyone lost our luck had to run out sooner or later show me all this [ __ ] we did please say yes Joe please oh [ __ ] foreign [Music] foreign there's other boxes [Music] [Applause] just spark it down there right thank you jeez wow on fire and stuff yeah foreign having the whole episode basically be just traversing to the city I'm just getting a view of like what the city is like we didn't see and we saw a lot of effect at the end but just those two in the middle were like we just done really well scary and hard to deal with yeah the Clickers uh I liked it it's the production we've done so well it's done so well and I'm enjoying like the at least for the last two episodes that we've had the years ago like information that we're getting where it's like this was stuff that scientists or doctors whatever had seen and talked about in the 60s you know they're we see the beginning of the outbreaks in Jakarta uh Jakarta that's what it was and uh 2000 just having that one Professor who's like bomb everything yeah kill everyone yeah right like I don't think that's her normal response to it but she knows what the danger of this thing is and then Emily is going to go home to be with her family which is in the middle of the bombing you know like she knows what needs to be done but she's not looking down and being like all right destroy them she says destroy us that's yeah because I feel like there's a difference where like it's easier to be like bomb them yeah bomb that City that's infected not like bomb our city that's infected kind of thing which is I mean like it's like the first part where it's like no you have to have no hope to deal with this thing like everybody here is dead already and Joel feels that about the world 20 years later he's like when we live in these you know small little spots here yes but there's no hope and it's ridiculous for me to for you to ask it of me to the point where he sees a miracle and can't he can't even process him it's like no it's something that cannot be that I cannot let that hope in my head sure he's like well what if this first bite didn't take the second bite will take you and all that kind of stuff so hope is just like this is infectious and Tess you know sacrifices yourself for it I yes would be down there trying to please spark you know but I I don't know what was going through her head exactly but I can't imagine a world in which I'll just be like all right Kiss Me Zombie yeah I wanna I Wanna Be I want to die fighting or something but I mean she also might not have been fully in control of her motor function sure at the time no I get you seemed like she was having to concentrate on the lighter I wonder if like there's something to you know if this is kind of a hive mind that we had this whole Vine thing that goes for a mile and connects And Hive Minds if by Nature being bitten your I wonder if it's like it may seem more complicit not complicit complacent yeah as you're being taken over I don't know that's what the government's kind of meaning by like what was she able to do in that moment [Music] I find it scarier I think having these like that one guy they shot and it wasn't the sound it was the fact that like the vines under the ground felt he was dead I guess I don't know what happened that it woke up all the other guys and yeah got in their hands and it said it was like an intelligent response yeah it gives more of a hive Mindy feel to things right like the idea of the ant who crawls itself up and explodes and it sends out more to go and infect more it just feels like it's all connected and it's like now we will control more things and yeah just weird it's almost scary have complex functions for just a simple reproduction you know it's like somehow it has figured out that if the organism grows this way and does this then it spreads and that's a desirable function of its existence it's it's just so creepy how like dissociated in and unintelligent it is but how intelligent it can seem yeah you know yeah it's it's not limited to the individual it's it's this whole thing yeah now they use the word oh they're cooked as in these ones are going to give us a problem anymore because they're too dried out is the idea I guess right because that's probably like if you're if you're a mushroom you stay where it's damp and dark yeah otherwise yeah in direct sunlight you'll dry out so they're not drinking water and stuff so after about 20 to 30 days if you're not like if you're not in a moist environment I guess the bodies just dry out and the cordyceps die which would make sense because they said about one to two months it seems most effective die but some have been wandering for 20 years yeah maybe a difference of like they talk about like big ones that explode and spread spores like maybe they're like big wet juicy ones that can like they can survive a long distance period stuff for a longer period of time because they're camels a lot more moisture in them yeah maybe it has to do with that you know I don't know sure the movement of the mushroom Vines like it's obviously you know we can watch a mushroom grow and speed it up and see its movement you know but they're like taking that as inspiration but it's not so like stop motioning you know yeah it's a little bit more fluid as if what would a mushroom grow like just you can just tell there's just so much reference so much research sure got into it and plants are interesting because like like you said about the one thing when they pulled out the weird Vines out of the mouth it looked like they were like reaching for her yeah like they're going towards like the resources or whatever yeah when you have like Vines growing a building like it keeps going and it keeps attaching itself and taking it more like just trying to get nutrients and stuff and like how does it know to grab this stuff you know exactly it just finds it it's weird and we have this you know Einstein has the theory of relativity and all that stuff but we're just like well it's not moving there's plants and we walk on walk along but when you have a camera and you fast forward it's like no that shit's not just staying there it moves it breaks buildings all vossen's being torn down is primarily because of plants not even the fungus I think it's mostly because of the bombing that happened though but I mean it the amount you're not vomit anymore yeah but the amount of time it takes for for nature to take over is so quick you know like to the point they're like grass growing in Times Square through the concrete is there just I mean just because of the lockdown yeah oh interesting like just that quickly yeah just the the force of nature that we all take for granted because it's not quick it's always something that I enjoyed in the original Last of Us and I might enjoy more here it's just so photorealistic and it just feels like no that's what would happen you know minus all the fungus zombie stuff but that could happen too maybe climate change that's the scariest part about like you know episode one with Jonathan it's like it's just one tiny tiny little thing changed Humanity would be dead yeah it's a great series I think it's on Discovery but it's uh the premise is what if all humans have suddenly disappeared like how long would it take for nature re like take over cities and civilization stuff like that and it's just so humbling because it's so quick the only thing that sticks around is like rock steel metal all that stuff that's gone just wrong well I'm gonna crack up some q and A's crack open crack them up crack them up on gotta change my vernacular to think about hide mine the fungus it's cracking up the civilization that was interesting the Tess had the line of save who you can save yep I thought it was an interesting I don't know premise for him like it wasn't like save her it was save who you can save sure which I thought was interesting yep yeah it's like for right now she is someone that you can save so he's going to save her and by extension of that like well if he gets her to where she needs to go and maybe all this is true maybe he can save everybody sure I just wonder how far it goes because like you also have like the idea of him wanting to look for Tommy if he finds Tommy can you save Tommy like is there another side of things where it's like what's in your power to do like you can't help Tessa for sure like how far should you go with your stuff like don't like you know she even had like a line in there that I thought kind of like it's like regardless of what me and you is that's done safely you can save you can't save me which if you can say Valley and if you can have that hope that Ellie can do something then that's a and it's in your power then you gotta do it right but Joel's like no ridiculous have you not been here the last 20 years all right let's uh see here so it's random word says do you prefer this ending for tests or the one from the game they're pretty similar the same general idea just a matter of having a more human influence or not right yeah uh I don't I like this one I don't have a preference really personally I think this one's fine yeah they're both really good they're both you know poignant sad but I I think it's like the the spark for Joel it it depends on this show and how they want to do people right like in this world versus like you know like walking dead or the original Last of Us you know usually you have this post-apocalyptic kind of world are the people acting out of people's best nature you know like what's good for everybody are they going to be more piratey and coming in trying to take everyone's resources and stuff sure you know like how much do they care about just people in general versus the infected you know like lots of times I feel like it should be like we should prioritize people versus the infected yeah though like in Walking Dead there's definitely people that don't view that way you know yeah they look out for themselves and what they can take from whoever's alive you know I like the added wrinkle here where it's like you know in the in the game and I hear the infected that's like individual zombies are coming for me but now it kind of feels like no there's like this greater mind almost and your mind is me just you know probably assigning that word to it but there's this Force that all these individuals are an agent of which is sure scarier because it's so unknown it makes these monster ones seem more of a threat because killing one could be more dangerous than trying to just avoid it if you can you know sure which is a great lesson for me because I don't know about you guys but I get stuck in a video game like all right I'm gonna kill everything and then deal with everything later and sometimes lots of us you can do that but it's better if you don't yeah and here it's definitely better if you don't I also you know my own ways of playing games like you were like Hey Joe pick up some of those grenades and my head I'm just going like I won't use them I'll keep them all the way into the game and never use them because I'm like that I was like no like there could be a situation I'd need this more but I never run into it because I'm always expecting the next situation I think it's gonna be worse you're always using the minimal amount I am the game with all this [ __ ] that I don't need I do that in so many things Captain Comic says Hey guys so what do you think of the introduction of tendrils which are the show's replacement for spores do you like the new concept or no here is what Neil druckman The Last of Us co-creator said about the spores he also made his live-action director debut with this episode that's awesome uh let's see druckman then went on to address how the infection will spread in the show stating the team did not want to have the cast wearing gas mask like they see at certain points in the game elaborating on this point druckman said this eventually led to the idea of using tendrils instead of spores in the air and then just thinking about how there's a passage that happens from one infected to another and like fungus does it could become a network that is interconnected it became very scary to think about to think that they're working against us in this unified way which is a concept that I really liked that got developed in the show he stated yeah sure I know the the idea of tendrils and and Vines and stuff was in the early uh conceptual parts of the game and they ended up going a different way with the spores but here they kind of like take reclaiming that idea no I think like having zombies and stuff in general like having a zombie that you can kill can be terrifying but the threat of like well if I kill this it can possibly contact more zombies I don't even know I'm here yeah even if you kill it silently like if you stabbed it in the head you know with that ax or whatever like it could still fall and do exactly what it did and it's like that's that's terrible because like for miles away like I don't know how far away it was a 10 minute walk yeah from that one place like I don't know how far away they were sure but that was it wasn't like they just heard the gunshot yeah does that have to be quiet you have to be super stealthy and like even if you mess up once there's a whole Army could find you yeah yeah I think that's the big difference is like the ignorance of what that hive mind is I don't know what it is but I can imagine it's very scary sure if it's not really that what more could it contact or something or like we've just seen the the clicker type of thing and then like the initial infected people sure but like even Ellie was talking about like rumors of other kinds of infected that there could be so like how do they respond with the vines or do they utilize them to search for you or can they see or and these types of stuff like ignorance needs to I mean it builds tension we have no idea what's gonna happen you have the audience that can know stuff one of the reasons zombie stuff kind of like well it was cool when we first started and now we're kind of over zombies everybody knows the rules of zombies and the ignorance is kind of gone you watch episodes of The Walking Dead and a character at one point a character has a spear is being followed by zombies climbs a tree pokes all the zombies fine and we never see anything like that happen ever again and the characters that died from zombies are like well you're a [ __ ] idiot because you know what you can do carry around spear do these type of things yeah but if those zombies also were attached to some type of like hive mind [ __ ] I think wait you don't know if you could do that you don't know if that's safe they might come and start chopping the tree down or creating a ladder out of their bodies I don't know what they're gonna do yeah because human pyramid because a hive mind that can use numbers as resources is far scarier than a dumb zombie so yeah I think that's where shows like this uh that play with your ignorance and then reward you when you do learn some stuff is it's really cool but I like whenever you can keep using that information uh Stevie 2393 says I know we're only two episodes in so far I'm loving the additions changes and story expansions they've made would you agree that video games are much better suited for TV adaptations for TV adaptation I get what you mean like a movie yeah I generally would I think it depends on the game yeah but I mean most games usually take you know several hours yeah to beat and I feel like that bodes better for a TV show but I'd probably say if you have more run time yeah but I probably typically say the same thing about like movies or like uh books in movies yeah right like books can be pages and pages of you know so much information and stuff and sometimes a two-hour movie isn't enough to really get everything across from what you were trying to take from the book and stuff I think the same thing can be said about games now maybe not every game and maybe some games are deeper than others sure you know like there's some games you could beat in 30 minutes sure and like you know the typical Mario Brothers game may not be as super deep as like maybe last of us or something with a more story oriented rather than like level based oriented like coming up with a cool Mario level is typically I feel like how they do it it's not necessarily about like what is the exact story of this level versus the previous level experience but I never really feel like oh I've learned so much more about Mario by the time I got to the end of the game sure it's like no you've you've overcome something with Mario but stuff like this you're learning about characters and putting them in situations and then whenever you make adaptations are you putting those characters that you know in the same or new or slightly different situations it's very rewarding because I've spent some I've already invested time there and then Grant also for people that are watching new it's probably not as important a question for someone that's don't really care about the adaptation they're just watching New Media but I would say that the success of these games and these characters comes from long form in which case yeah an HBO show is probably the best thing you could do yeah right because HBO is like hey we got money we know how to make TV in a movie standpoint everything we've seen would have been done in 20 minutes yeah right like yeah you'd have had five ten minutes for the entire opening intro or something yeah probably and in this part here you would have gotten through probably all of the present day stuff in like the next uh 20 minutes or so yeah it would be exciting but it necessarily wouldn't feel like this has attention to it sure that even though I know everything that's going to happen I do because I've played the game I still feel so tense so that should say that's just a Mastery of of expression that you don't really get the time to do in individual episodes like this and television you can't really do it for movies because we got 3x and we gotta keep moving yeah yeah and like sometimes I think you could look at it and be like oh well this show I could have cut off this this I could have maybe convinced it to a movie and not lost too much but then there's other times it's like there's so much stuff I don't know what I would cut out you know yeah no I agree uh and if you're keeping the plot you're cutting out the characters yeah you know yeah so like do you want to have more time to breathe with the characters do you want to rush to the plot a bit more I mean there's a reason that the Uncharted movie didn't really stick around with me but the games really do but I can already tell that this is going to stick around with me sure you know like Uncharted might have done better as a mystery TV show right yeah like maybe like each each episode was kind of covering a different element of the mystery and you kind of like let that breathe a little bit more as your kind of National Treasure mystery diving into these things too sure but it was a little faster maybe you know yeah so yeah I like this so far I'm enjoying it a lot I I wouldn't have wanted to lose like you probably would have ended up cutting in a movie format all the 2003 stuff in the 1968 stuff you know I mean like a lot of those flashbacks to what happened yeah kind of like how the game didn't really cover that you probably would have not seen that stuff sure so I like seeing that and then you're just also more accepting of that type of stuff when you know you're going into a to a 10-week television show as opposed to a two and a half hour movie right two and a half hour movie like it doesn't matter how good it is I'm gonna be like this is going on a little long we don't have time sure I'm now missing potential of all the other stuff I want to see yeah whereas a television show the potential is every episode uh Logan Britton says are you mad that Joel didn't grab any grenades cause I am all right maybe they aren't the most practical but come on Joel they're grenades it's better than having to make nail bombs speaking of which do you think we'll see any crafted items in this show I definitely think we'll see crafted items and stuff in desperation of resources I think that's when you you pull that I guarantee we at least see a Molotov yeah right I think it's easy enough to make yeah I think we at least see that maybe not in the nail bomb maybe I don't know but oh the idea of like smoke bombs and molotovs and stuff I would like a stabbing weapon that I could keep on me I'm always losing ships and stuff make more I know make more Eric and I'm running out of stuff oh you got resources I'm stealth killing everything but again I would do the same thing I mean maybe less so in real life but if I had grenades I might be like we're gonna need these later because this game's gonna ramp up I know that's how games work they don't like have the hard [ __ ] now and then it's easy later so I gotta keep these grenades for later that's what my internal logic is what happens when you find like a big chest of like look at all this [ __ ] they gave me you know like I better use this in the next segment sometimes if they're giving me a bunch of health and [ __ ] I'm like nah man boss battle dang it I better use all the [ __ ] they just gave me I'm more likely to use it if it took me a while to find like it's like a hidden thing not that they're like hey you're gonna need this and this and this for the next boss battle but if I like you know took a while in a game to like find something like oh this was a secret I feel better using this because the game doesn't isn't saying like hey [ __ ] you need this or you're gonna die sure so I I I I'm trying to it doesn't expect the average player to have yeah it's the same way when I'm trying to pick a direction right on this side the game designers have like Water and Light and it's it wants me to go I want to go that way and over here there's nothing saying to go this way right so I'm implying okay well that's the main course and over here is gonna be like a secret and I'm always messing up in my head like should I go try to find the secret first or should I go to the main course thing first because sometimes you do that it's like no here's an area you can't go yet that happens so it's a lot of weirdness when I play games I'm trying to like figure out the meta but television show it just says now for me I'm kind of the opposite way yeah like if it took me a long time to collect it I'm like I'm thinking like well how long will it take me in game sure to replenish my stores yeah I want to wait until like I I have like a surplus yeah and then I can use it slowly as I'm slowly replenishing it yeah no I think that's the intended way to do things probably I know that I'm counterintuitive and that I'm [ __ ] up but think I'm doing the right things I think I'm tricking it's right for programmers that are trying to pick me pick a direction for me you know it's right for you that's all that matters I know well also I just tend to go right anyway because I do that in life for sure all right last one is tip uh dip dip says uh I am so game-minded that every time there is a locked door I'm like quick someone make a shift also check the bags and the trolley they looked untouched did look untouched they did a question how disappointed would you be if Joel never uses a brick or even worse he does use a bottle instead does these are bottles that bad no the bottle bottles suck I mean if I had a bottle and a brick I would probably go for the brick more like in real life in the game it didn't really bother me at all if it's a full bottle of something like it was like a full of this or an empty of this sure like the full one might hurt a good bit it would but I'd still use the bread and it shatters it gets them all wet yeah yeah I would I would use the brick everything but if I had just a full-size brick right here and I had this right here and I said Aaron pick one I'm gonna throw your face which one do you pick he's gonna pick the bottle yeah I guess because it's less damaging yeah the Brick's better oh is it I think so but not in the game not in the game plus aerodynamic I'll duck The Brick no for anybody that's watching um you know this isn't a a story spoiler or anything but if anybody ever picks up a brick or a bottle just know that there's a 60 of people watching are gonna freak out for no reason yeah yeah if I had a bottle in the game and I found a brick I would change I change it I would throw the bottle down and pick up the brick I don't remember gotcha it's been so long yeah I'll probably use brick I know I use bottles too and I'll show you the camera I just throw the bottom item and then run over and ship them sure you know all right that's the last question you guys got anything else for the episode fantastic color grading yep fantastic set design fantastic Direction and good job Neil for his uh for his debut yeah I was gonna say here's the first thing I ever directed and it's this I would be proud pretty good but he's directed A game sure no I get you oh it's it's a little yeah similar yeah he didn't just like trip into like Talent oh my God it's everywhere all right we had a poll for this episode all right guys pull for this week out of the two episodes we've had so far we have had some flashback moments talking about fungus and what would happen and then seeing the like conception of it entering people and starting to spread so uh with all that would you do you hope to see one of those every episode or do you want to maybe have them spread out a bit in only certain episodes we see that um personally I'm enjoying the two things that we've got in court I like to be able to see more of the history of like how it happened to where it came from or what what they did before maybe even seen from 2003 to 20 what 22 or whatever we're in like kind of seeing in between there of like what the response was when it started to spread might be cool too and seemingly good people making bad decisions but they're good decisions too this didn't work yeah people make a good decisions exactly yeah uh as a person has played the game yeah I just want more so I would say 100 do it but I'd be most interesting people that haven't played the game what they think sure yeah if they like it or not well let us know over at blindwave leave a comment we'll talk about it next time and I'll tell you there check out the full length because it's also over there guys thank you very much for watching this episode of The Last of Us if you enjoyed this reaction this discussion all the questions all that jazz you're really gonna enjoy subscribing you know what happens when you hit subscribe we're in your feed more
Channel: Blind Wave
Views: 261,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, season 1, 1x2, reaction, review, react, reacts, discussion, commentary, funny, first, best, worst, awesome, theory, theories, star wars, analysis, break down, easter egg, details, inside the episode, bts, bloopers, actor, interview, trailer, teaser, preview, joel, ellie, pedro pascal joel, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, bella ramsey ellie, the last of us hbo
Id: -ldy5690-Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 24sec (2904 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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