The Last of Us | 1x2 Infected - REACTION!

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hi and welcome back to the channel We are continuing the last of us this is season one episode two titled infected before we get into it I'm gonna ask you to please please please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already we have a bunch of reactions on here you can check out uh anything from Star Wars to Marvel anime uh Chernobyl we have that as well and something that I failed to mention at the beginning of uh the first reaction we've played The Last of Us Part Two on this channel so you can find those playthroughs as well if you want to know our opinion on that game on that story um and also please comment and like the video it really helps out with the algorithm to give the channel a little boost and then we have a patreon page where you can watch the full length reactions just sync it up with the own copy of the episode and watch the whole thing with us and in that way you also really really really support the channel and any support is greatly appreciated there are links down in the description be low I absolutely love that first episode I thought um yeah really good adaptation so far while adding a bunch of of other things to sort of expand it a little bit when it comes to some of the characters and what happened um and and also just for good measure I don't know if you really got into this at the beginning of the last one but we don't plan on spoiling anything or talking about like oh what's gonna happen in the next episode of this the rest of the season or maybe in season two uh like we're only gonna comment on things that are happening in this episode most likely and if we do get into spoilers we're definitely going to let you know during the discussion and put up a whole spoiler warning thing on there so you can just skip ahead uh so so don't worry if you haven't experienced this amazing story before we do not plan on spoiling it for you but I think that's enough talking are you ready to jump into this one yes uh cat disclaimer I slept like like absolutely awful so um I have a huge crick in my neck it hurts a lot so if I just scream out in pain because I make a sudden move that is painful painful then um yeah now you know why now you know it's not made might not be related to the show what was going on on the screen it could just be yeah hurting okie dokie this is episode 2 infected here we got flashback oh is this Jakarta you called it wow well done professor mycology universitas Indonesia so you know stuff about stuff that's going on we call it mycology is a fun guy yeah yeah expertise here we're gonna see um well but it's a person dead gunshot in the head right so yeah so it should be dead because it's not like a zombie thing where they die and then they like reanimate the corpse that's not what this fungus does oh but it's a yeah it's a bite mark oh foreign it's too [ __ ] late she knows if this thing can survive in humans we're [ __ ] foreign foreign starting each episode with a flashback back to before everything went down and showing us some more things leading up to it expanding the world and the lore even further creepy as all hell hmm but the music is perfect whoa they'd make me count to ten and all in a whole steady but you know you know turn into a [ __ ] monster it's broken maybe a hairline it'll heal fast you broke it on someone's skull you should see the other guy scanner killer well better than us stop talking about this he's got some kind of life in front of her tough Joel and I aren't good people we're doing this for us because apparently you're worth something but we don't know what you're worth if we don't know what we have so answer my question you told me not to tell anybody that I'm telling the first people that we've heard this a million times vaccines miracle cures none of it works ever [ __ ] you man I didn't ask for this you and me both it doesn't matter if she is or she isn't what the fireflies saved they believe that she is then we get what we want can't argue with that logic issue so much as twitches don't have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus fine I'll just throw a [ __ ] sandwich yet yeah looks different in the daylight huh is this where they bombed yeah they hit most of the big cities like this they had to slow the spread somehow worked here but it didn't in most places um it's the long way or the worst [ __ ] dead way well I've a long way it's based on that limited information if you check it from the hotel first I'm with you Ellie long way it is you know the old Malden acouzie the one that's sealed off and boarded up and no one's supposed to go in didn't think there was going to be anything in there and then one just came at me out of nowhere if it was just you in there alone I mean you got some balls on you sister thanks Ted and Ted wow Tess and Ellie kind of bonding so there aren't super infected they just blowed fungus spores on you she said I hope not or ones with split open heads that stay in the dark like bats um see that would sound way more off because it hasn't been tuned in years of the piano yeah wait are we going in there yeah we gotta get to the stairwell on the other side well I I don't know how to swim I don't swim seriously do you think we have pools in jacuzzi no smart ass I mean it's not deeper than this swim right away man you're a weird kid sorry sorry I'm on it you're a weird kid come on it wasn't that bad you try climbing some freaking floors with our knees [Laughter] [ __ ] up oh that's uh it could definitely be a game reference yeah giving someone a boost that's enough where'd you learn to do that the circus smart ass so uh you two like uh pass next question up in Boston yes no more questions about me how long do infected live no I thought you went to school it's a really shitty one well some last about a month or two but there's others been walking around for 20 years what what now [Music] oh [ __ ] they're just laying there step in a patch of cordyceps in one place and you can wake a dozen infect it from somewhere else now that you know where you are now they come you're not immune from being ripped apart so we're not going that way no short way Museum so they have to go through a place where a lot of infected or possibly it's so well made though like the sets and everything cooked finally some [ __ ] luck I guess we should have gone this way in the first place oh [ __ ] that's not cooked oh that's quite new clicking clicker yeah but those were the ones that you talked about with the split skull yeah oh they are really good at building tension yep whoa so many plant foreign I hate those sounds so much yeah nightmarish how many are there it's a good thing they're blind oh [Music] in the head in the head [ __ ] you dropped your machine gun [Music] oh I heard it's like it's all practical effects yeah scared the bejesus out of the actors great then it's uh someone real oh look at this [Applause] yeah okay yeah you got it oh there it is all right oh whoa you kidding me again I mean if it was going to happen to one of us hey let's get the [ __ ] out of here the hell he got bit again but as you said if it was going to happen to any of them yeah I know it looks scary that was scary but still yeah yikes is it everything you hoped for jury's still out I know some of you hate when I do this but that scene was straight from the game Tess come on Jess holy [ __ ] they are dead it doesn't seem like from vitals right nope it looks like gunshots they've been shot one of them got bit the healthy ones fought the sick ones everyone lost Tess oh okay our luck had to run out sooner or later this foot right it wasn't a twisted ankle or oh no it's oh it made you think it was the angle but no this is real it's just [ __ ] real I I never ask you for anything not to feel the way I felt not too well you shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time this is your chance you get her there and you said everything right all the [ __ ] we did please say yes Joe please oh [ __ ] I know they're there yep the whole [ __ ] sure that they can follow you oh man oh man [ __ ] lighter oh come on foreign was that 50 minutes didn't feel like it no not at all oh holy [ __ ] that was actually worse than it was in the games I don't remember food games okay fair enough a pretty fitting title for this one infected we started all with seeing I guess you could I don't know if it was the first ever to get infected or the first spread but at least that's when they really started to notice and and they got someone on the case who could sort of confirm what it is or tell them what it what what it is and uh no medicine no cure no nothing bombs that's how you fix it and then they we saw that later on or at least what was like a crater from a bomb so that was something they started doing everywhere and started bombing all the major cities just to stop the spread to stop the the infection from spreading um and besides that of course then the whole thing with Ellie now they really got more into that and the fact that yeah this is real she is immune and you can yeah and you can really see it would then uh when then Tess got infected and her bite wound versus Ellie's bite wound because it had it had already spread it was already looking pretty gnarly yeah but with Ellie there's nothing nothing at all and then top of all that we we got to see some Infected a lot more infected and the clickers in particular and just how dangerous it is being out there what can happen if you step on the wrong thing and I like how that works how it's all connected in that way because I don't think that that was really like a gameplay thing it was only like if you made noise inside of an area where you know they were infected then they would hear you but here it's it's like this whole connected yeah this whole network if you step on something or if they notice one place then that will just spread and then every one of them will know where you are so that makes it even more [ __ ] scary man yeah but I'm a little bit confused as to how it works um Tess was just infected yeah so they would notice that she was infected right if they're all interconnected I don't know if they were because the way where we saw you know them get the warning sort of was with these tendrils coming up and touching one of them just like it was like coming out of the ground at the courthouse so I don't know if they they are con like 100 connected all the time but at least like the ones that have been infected then the the rest of the network or like the tendrils know how and when to contact them when something is going on so it's like sending signals when something happens it does but they're not necessarily connected all the time but wouldn't you wouldn't you uh I guess I'm just too confused to make sense of it right now so that's at least what what they told us about it in this episode yeah and we might get to know like some even more details about how This Thing Really Works how it operates because that's something they really are doing with this series is giving us more details and Diving more into things leading up to it and getting these flashbacks flashbacks is wow okay Gollum flashbacks with um doctors and so on talking about it or looking into it and as I said I'm I'm curious if they're going to continue that yeah Trend yeah perhaps um I thought approach um because well what would you say in English like uh it's a habit of work work habit is yeah in Danish we have like a like it's like a work related injury it's a saying yeah yes but it's it's related to something you've done like you've worked with and studied and so on so because of that you're more interested in it yeah I'm not into mycology I don't know much about fungi no in that regard I know about certain fungi um but not too much about the fungi as I know of this substance yes yeah but it's just um I had to look up a lot of stuff last time um because of this okay I wanted to know more about this yeah um cordyceps is the the kind of fungi but it's like it's a huge like um it's it's a huge would you say species I think it's called a species I'm not so strong with like or it's like a soft branch of species or something no no it's like uh I think it's a specific species because this the problem I have with with it just when they're just calling cordyceps is that they're just meaning basically all sorts of fungi but this is particularly and she the the Mycologist she said it straight out is I don't know how to say but ophel Ohio cordyceps I don't know um but that's the particular uh subspecies of of cordyceps uh whether they're just using the word cordyceps but like there are so many different codiceps and they work in different ways so that's just a minor detail I think they don't want to make it too technical for the people no no no no no but it's such a big difference between how they work and how what they are and how they yeah that's that's my problem it wouldn't be a problem for me if it was like I don't know how to if it was like uh I I can't put it in like a an example on it um but it's obvious that they have up their scientific game for like scientific game yeah for this series like they they changed a lot of things like they changed the Spore thing yeah that's the whole thing that we were curious about in the first episode because we didn't know back then we were watching it whether they were doing sports or not and seemed like they weren't and then the question was okay so so why not spores in the series compared to the game but apparently there is a quite good reason for that and that's because they did more research this time around and if if there were spores then they would be all over the place and everyone would be infected anyway and like we wouldn't have this story if they were gonna go with that so it's not as realistic even though like this is what is happening here in the series with this like everyone all the humans getting infected and this whole post-apocalyptic thing that probably would not happen but it's still rooted in realistic science so therefore they want to make it as realistic as they possibly can when we talk about the specific of your of your Concepts from ants yeah they do release spores into the air so that's definitely where they got the idea because I read that Neil Dragon was watching uh I think it was planet Earth thing or at least like as something like that and learn about this particular fungi and then a fungus and then he was like this is interesting how can I make a monster out of this basically as so of course he had some uh a scientist to consult with this and with with him about this and that's how they came up with the uh and also perhaps that's what made them um use Force instead yeah because that was more realistic in or at least more um reminiscent reminiscent of the original idea of what it came from yeah um but just if you are curious or if anyone is curious It's not at least currently possible for uh opio quadriceps to uh in fact humans because humans are much larger than ants and we also have a very well functioning immune system so it's usually only immunocompromised people that will be bothered by fungal infections um to the degree that where they get like it gets lethal it's just to calm some nerves out there perhaps yeah yeah I'm sure if someone you know watching this series and they were really really nervous about okay wait [ __ ] can this [ __ ] actually happen then yeah hopefully it'd look it up and be like ah okay it's still just a story yeah it's just a story yeah might be rooted in something real but it's not but the whole we can go to like the the origin of this particular from this series it was a flower and something else green yeah it seems like that's where I started spreading from that so some sort of yeah in Indonesia fungus in that spread yeah and we also be learning how they were kind of approaching it and she asked a lot of good questions to Mycologist and just ask like Okay so she bit what three people um but who bit her yeah and then they were like oh we don't know we don't know and then she was like are there other people missing 14 14 and those though those people so definitely she's not necessarily patient zero no she's not patient because because she was bitten and so it seems like a lot of these people working on the factory were infected and yeah from there you just spread of course it's gonna spread like wildfire and that's why she was like this like we can't find them and stop it the only way you can stop it is cauterize the wound in in such a way where you just blow up this entire [ __ ] City and and then as as we already sort of discussed they clearly took that idea and went worldwide with it but it didn't it didn't stop it it worked some places as test set test set that it worked in Boston but it didn't seem like it didn't it didn't work most other places yeah yeah so that's that's how you could still you can still have these pockets of humans surviving because that's where they actually managed to sort of stop the spread in that area um long enough for them to create some sort of like of the survive there somehow yeah and it seems like they're definitely not happy about Flame and it would make sense because yeah not a lot of living beings are fond of particularly fond of being burned no yeah uh yeah so that'll definitely work on them they also had a quite a visceral reaction to sunlight or maybe that wasn't because they didn't like it but just they were just reacting to it as the sun was like passing over that big horde of infected oh she's laying about yeah I don't know because like why would why would it's not they're not [ __ ] vampires so like why would why would they not like sunlight no exactly I think I'm not because fungus they are carriers like animals and stuff like that but they are not prokaryotes like uh like bacteria for example so they still have a nucleated cell but they're still different that's the difference from animal cells and plant cells as well so it's not a plant actually it's their own thing um and I'm not sure about like if they have mitochondria no it's not in mitochondria um uh chlorophyll uh so that that's the the the the compartments of the cell that make photosynthesis synthesis taking sunlight making it into this okay yeah that's yeah I don't know if they're capable of photosynthesis but if they were it would make sense that they were kind of like lying around when they're not as much sun and when the sun then hits them they're like whoa doing the wave I don't but at least it it had an effect on them here and and we saw it and it's just it's just interesting learning more about it in this episode um but then also seeing just what this city looks like now the landscape um with this growth all over the place it's so freaking well made and then already in this episode saying goodbye to a character like Tess played really really well by anatov um who is also in mind Hunter and and we haven't already finished no but watch mine Honda but at least yeah she did such a good job with the character and if if you don't want to know like the difference between the game and the series here with with her death then I I guess uh spoiler thing on the screen now regarding the game you've been warned that's not exactly how it goes down in the game because I seem to remember that yeah they got to the courthouse and they had been killed the fireflies there but they had been killed by other people other Raiders in the city and and they were coming for them not the infected and she still got bit right there and she still stayed behind but then she just went out with like just in a gunfight between her and them and she just got shot and died and this was more way more of a visceral sacrifice just yeah burning all the infected and you know blowing them up and that way that that wow that's nightmare material right there why did you have to go and do that I thought it was just gonna bite her why would it whoa that was so invasive and so nasty and like like it was just went in for the kiss and then it just went in her mouth and that must have like oh I'm gonna have a hard time like trying to get that image out of my head that was a lot that was like not saying it was exactly as bad or anything like that but I just remember with Game of Thrones another thing another adaptation where people were would read the books which is waiting for the Red Wedding to happen but then when it did happen they still managed away and managed to make it even more visceral in some ways and even more horrible and especially with how it started with the whole stabbing some stabbing a pregnant lady in the belly where he's just like whoa whoa whoa why did you have to go and do that this was already bad so this is another case of she's she's gonna die I was expecting for her to die but did you have to up the ante that way um but I guess that's that's how they they keep you know those of us who played the games or read a book or like he was on our toes with just changing up things slightly yeah and it made sense also to show a little bit because the um the episode is titled the infected yeah so just infected yep yep yeah so it's a it's another way to show how you get infected or at least how it spreads is by uh tendrils and yeah as you say it's uh it was really nasty and but I've completely forgotten like I've said this before I've completely forgotten most of uh the first game and huge chunks of the second game as well because I don't lock my mind does not lock on details like this I just remember like well Tess was not gonna be there be there through the entire thing yeah exactly so so something must have happened to her right and I think so this was it and I I appreciate the change in the way that as you mentioned the episode is titled infected we kept the focus on the whole infection thing and the infected and how it spread and what you need to look out for um so yeah get some some as you said we got introduced to the clickers um these like where it's the fungus has has it has spread so much like it's taken away completely like your the front of your face thereby also the eyes so yeah you're not able to see but they're able to hear yes um that's also from the games um it seems like we I don't think we got it completely confirmed that the big bloaty ones um that's just a myth or it seems like it was just a myth uh the way that you're just laughing about it um but perhaps they've never seen one it kind of would make sense that they would out it was it was mainly the game mechanics I would say that they might be something like it but maybe they're not gonna throw big pouches of spores everywhere like they're doing in the game we don't know um sorry if we spoiled anything there also some of the we also talked about some of the like the game uh references perhaps if we can say it like that Inside the episode where it's like boosting uh it's another one of those mechanics or things yeah you can do uh in the game have a like companion character and they're like hey help me get up there and you'll boost them up there yeah and they'll throw down a ladder or something yeah so yeah keeping some of that stuff in there and then just some some shots and some scenes and some conversations that feel it feels like they're like straight out of the video game yeah and I think it's also a great way to combine these things uh because you obviously can't do combat the same way and so it would not be still yeah so you still have the this same kind of feel you have these action scenes instead of combat and so you still have that Eerie feeling of uh like an adrenaline pumping through your veins and you have to make sure not to destroy the clickers and stuff like that yeah yeah it's greatly made I would say how to still keep it so like it's basically like playing the game but without actually playing so that's even more disturbing for me at least because I feel like if I don't have control in the same way uh I don't have control over a a movie or uh yeah things just gonna happen like you can't do anything about it no I can't I can't um yeah prevent or fight back or anything like that a runaway yeah to me this is the other way around if I have control over it then I can make mistakes oh sure and you know it's not like I can like the character might die and then it's on me here it's just it's gonna happen and it's more immersive that rate definitely because yeah you have to basically you have to do it yourself sure thing that's your thing yeah the controls and everything but at least that's I that's how I feel with that yeah yeah yeah but a really really good episode overall a great follow-up to a very very strong Premiere not as as long the episode but I'm sure we're gonna get longer episodes again and I think that the next one is as long as the first one we'll see where where the story goes from here how they're going to adapt it and like what elements They're Gonna Keep and new ones they're gonna add along the way like I'm really excited about seeing all of that um but do you have anything else you want to add to this one we get a little bit of bonding between the characters unfortunately it was the most of most of the bonding was between Tess and Ellie it seems like Ellie definitely trusted Tess a lot more I definitely understand because tests didn't uh wasn't as Keen to see her dad as Joel was oh it was just like yeah [ __ ] this we go back whatever happens to her yeah but it also seems like he um we know that he's suffering a lot because we saw that in the last one that he just got flash just um when he was speeding up that Federal guy um but so we'd always suffering a lot and we know he's coating off a lot of like feelings and emotions and everything but it also seems like he closed off like have to talk with people like how to converse this small talk and stuff and yeah he just doesn't no Ellie tried to open the conversation a little bit like yeah but a lot of stuff is just off limits and I guess that's what happens when you close yourself off and you close yourself off to people as well those around you you don't really let anyone in I imagine one of the only people he like he's let in over the years has been someone like Tess and even with as we also got a reference to in the previous one that it feels like Tommy betrayed him or at least the fireflies mate Tommy betray Joel in that way because he kind of said that quickly to to uh to Marlene that they turned turned him against him okay it's also why he has like a he's not very fond of fireflies perhaps yes reasons yeah uh Tess we also got confirmed like a lot of like the fireflies that they have had seamless uh situations or similar people or stuff like that where it's like yeah we so close to the Cure now and uh maybe we have it this time around and everything and he's just like yeah yeah I heard them all before yeah maybe not the fireflies all the time but at least like it's been out there before through those 20 years there's been cases where Joel he's heard about or people have been hearing about oh someone might be working on a cure out there there might actually be a way out of this and it always turns out to be a big fat nope it's not gonna happen so you kind of lose hope yes and it's in both tests on him lost hope but test them started believing yeah and especially yeah sorry her dying wish was just like take her save who can be saved yeah faced with her own totality right there she started believing and she was like okay I'm I'm not going to go any further I'm gonna stay here but promise me like before I die please get her there because this thing is real and then we got the sacrifice so another tough one they're gonna keep on breaking our hearts from episode two episodes this the whole thing where you basically dig into a character um we saw the last one with um Sarah we dig into Sarah's character and then we lose her and it's this one following the same thing whereas like we kind of dig in a little bit more to test character and then we lose her yes heartbreak hard [ __ ] breaking yeah but should we uh ended with a Danish word of the day sure we discussed it and since this just is a one word title then now we can just do the title instead and it also makes a lot of sense to like the whole story um so the word is infected in English so the Danish words middle uh because it's something you are and yeah you have been infected yeah to have little smiddle you've been submitted it's middle yeah you see the spelling on the screen infected smiddle and it's funny with this I sound that sounds more like an e sound but Danish Danish yeah if you want to learn some more Danny's then stick around okay so we're going to keep on doing this Danish word of the day at the end of each episode because or each um reaction because we think it's yeah it's kind of funny it's a fun little thing and we started with uh 1899 which we just reacted to and please someone For the Love of All That's holy pick that series up and renew it because it's really good okay then that's going to do it for this reaction and review of The Last of Us season one episode two infected thank you guys so much for watching as always and we will see you very soon bye
Channel: Kat & Sonny
Views: 38,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, Series, Season 1, Episode 2, Infected, HBO, Joel, Ellie, Tess, Clickers, Clicker, Boston, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Anna Torv, Fireflies, Death, Reaction, Review, Discussion, Breakdown
Id: W6xlBTNYoqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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