The Last of Us | 1x3 Long, Long Time - REACTION!

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hi and welcome back to the channel We are continuing the last of us this is season one episode three titled long long time so far so good absolutely love the first of two episodes can't wait to get into this one and I don't think we're gonna do much more talking than that because I'm just really can't wait to dive into it but before we do as per usual please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already like and comment it really helps with the algorithm we also have a patreon page where you can watch uh full length reactions uh just sync up the episode or sing up the video with your own copy of the episode you can watch the whole thing with us and all the support is greatly greatly greatly appreciated do you have anything you want to say before we uh we start this one no no no no no no no just ready for more heartbreak most likely we do have tissues at the ready uh because yeah we might need them but let's dive into it season one episode three long long time here we go and this is the first time we've jumped straight into the intro right yeah yeah I think so so we're not gonna get no okay no more seems like no more showing us what happened before or leading up to it looks good but yeah they were broken right yeah yeah of course when he uh doesn't punch that guy to death yeah I've never been in the woods more bugs than I thought look I've been thinking about what you're sorry I wasn't gonna say I'm sorry nobody made you a test take me you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault message received duly noted what are you looking out for people remember them Frank nice Frank is you know seeing as it's just the two of us I was thinking I should probably no gun oh but she's got the flashlight like um it looks like in the games as well yeah it's hanging there yeah you ever played this one Mortal Kombat just zeroing in on it bad in here just you ah getting funnier that was just about the same joke as last time a hatch yeah maybe don't just use your flashlight for [ __ ] constantly of jumpscare why Ellie [ __ ] yeah oh dear that's what I was afraid of yeah why did okay it's um buried at least or he can't move I'm sure that's what made the sound there it was oh oh dude please don't why you do this why you do this man and take care of herself Ellie picked over my ass what are you doing it's not much ammo out there for this thing makes it mostly useless oh you're just gonna leave it there no a few times sure it shoved into a middle C pay 12 bucks for a sandwich dude you got to go up in the sky someone got into the food supply probably a basic ingredient like flour sugar there were certain brands of food that were sold everywhere all across the country across the world bread cereal pancake mix pancake mix Friday night September 26 2003. on Monday everything was gone that is fast um one weekend yes there's stuff up there you shouldn't see I don't want you to serious Ellie can it hurt me I can't hurt you physically but traumatically oh you know yeah mentally foreign day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room if there wasn't shot these people weren't sick no probably not just I killed them dead people can't be infected oh no don't do this oh no and it's a baby I can't I can't do this yeah with the surveillance stuff and just all the paranoia built for sure not today you knew World Order Jack boot [ __ ] yeah you could hear it from The Voice as well yeah yeah definitely he is staying put whoa dude that's it oh he's one of those end of the world kind of guys like who had everything prepared yeah yeah and there he is he going um rummaging around for food and stuff he's gonna go shopping everybody else is gone so uh it's all for him the generator he's just getting ready yeah he prepared for this right so yeah putting up traps everything growing your own food and chickens and oh not bad not bad at all and yeah he has he had like a selection of wine I saw that um right That's Entertainment for dinner it doesn't get all so it's just been him for four years seriously I hope I'm in DeLorean toy that makes stupid noises why did you take that long to answer I don't know I thought about lying for some reason but but reason didn't come it hurt actually it really suits him with the long hair I think the government yeah yeah how did you get that yeah how we came across some federal at some point yeah if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an Arby's Harvest didn't have free lunch was a restaurant sure sure thank you this is amazing the shower [Music] yeah it's been a while and you probably don't care about cleaning in this sitting whoa is that lion right what the hell is this real food what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] a man who knows to pair rabbit with a Beaujolais I know that don't seem like the type oh okay these are worth currently nothing mm-hmm oh Fur Elise Tales of Hoffman yuck the best of Linda um I can't see [Music] no no sir no thank you sorry not this song not this song well I'm not a professional not this song I think I'm gonna love for a long so who's the girl there's no girl I know that's uh a bit early isn't it like you just met well just live life to the fullest you never know when um have you ever done this before with a girl a long time ago I'm gonna start with the simple things okay okay if I do this I'm gonna stay for a few more days yeah bill has probably denied himself this kind of Happiness his entire life yeah and that's also why him my paranoid and yeah yeah sure bling up a lot of things [Music] okay you live in a psycho bunker where 911 was an inside job and and the government were all Nazis the government are all Nazis yeah now but not then paying attention to things it's how we show love this is my street too just certainly love it the way I want to and I'm fixing up some of the shops whoa not the stupid ones just the the wine shop and the furniture store whoa whoa whoa we're gonna make friends and we will invite them to visit we don't have friends Frank because there are no friends to be had I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio you've done what you want you what oh that's can you not wait jewelry yeah Joel and testing oh you're a paranoid schizophrenic too I'm not schizophrenic just paranoid yeah you know what let's go inside Tess I want to show you something excited no not inside Frank the talkative ones going inside and then the strong silent types outside so what you were uh prepper or something proper survivalist maybe you are decent people I don't need you or your friend complicating our lives sooner or later there will be Raiders and they'll beat that fence and your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed we'll be fine will you though maybe having allies is not a bad idea yeah in this world I got something to show you not that oh I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a packet of seeds [Music] oh no I'm not strawberries right oh no is that Raiders and whoa and there are many of them oh where's Bill he's already outside yep oh yeah I gotcha get all of them or Joe uh-huh you can't be here alone you're here what okay what happened okay I got something like he developed uh something Ms perhaps and you can just seem like even though he's still good at painting it's just getting harder for him um took most of the night exhausted God damn it I don't want you falling asleep in the chair I won't you will and then your feet get blue I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day you want there wasn't anything to cure this before the world fell apart I've made up my mind I'm not going to give you every day was a wonderful gift from God's speech I have had a lot of bad days but I've had more good days with you than with anyone else just give me one more good day starting now make me some toast you'll wear when I ask we'll get married and you cook a delicious dinner then you will crush all these up put them in my wine I will drink it and I will fall asleep in your arms thank you do you love me yes don't love me the way I want you to [Music] rapid foreign we want them to do it together more this must be so hard yeah why are there already pills in the bottle enough to kill a horse I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose I do not support this I should be furious but from an objective point of view it's incredibly romantic foreign take me to bed [Music] okay haven't been watered in a while what tough bill the eyes are still Frank still on the table lights still on it's been a while to whomever but probably Joel I figured I fell under whomever okay was this looks like a bicycle key it's like before a car or a truck yeah yeah sure please do not come into the bedroom we left the window open so the house wouldn't smell it would probably be a sight I'm guessing you found this Joel because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died but I was wrong because there was one person worth saving that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do and God help any [ __ ] who stand in our way I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep tests are safe never really warned her right it's kept moving yeah trying to keep himself to touch from hmm everything rule one you don't bring up tests ever matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves rule two you don't tell anyone about your condition rule three you do what I say when I say it we clear dude no but there's a wall of them grab some of them at least toilet paper [Music] beats wiping yourself with a magazine yep they have hot water I'm taking a shower and then you're showering seriously [Music] yeah yeah [Music] in the backpack it's your first time in a car it's like a spaceship it looks like a piece of [ __ ] Chevy S10 but it'll get us there see but yeah that's a seat belt this is Linda Ronstadt do you know Linda Ronstadt is you know I don't know oh that had a whole different feeling to it this episode very somber and yeah that's it well done well that was episode three long long time and I've been looking forward to this one uh because just from the promotional material and stuff like that and from interviews I I knew that they were going to show us more of Bill and Frank and and their relationship because um I I get yeah I'm gonna put up a spoiler alert for the game right now if you don't want to know then just uh skip ahead till the spoiler thing is gone but this is very much not like it's very different it's very very very different and yeah I appreciate that because like it still stayed true to who I sort of know who we knew bill was from from from the games but just went way deeper into his character and he was a little bit different and then getting to know Frank whom we didn't get to know at all in the game because once Joel and Ellie showed up Frank was already dead and Bill was actually alive so they got to interact there um so in that sense I'm a little bit sad that we didn't get some of that because that was definitely entertaining and interesting in in the game with Joel and Ellie and and Bill and some of the stuff like between Ellie and Bill um but here they just focused way more on Bill and Frank's relationship and I I believe changed some things there as well yeah and it is to serve a certain purpose I don't want to get into that so you can take off the spoiler tag perhaps like as to why they did it like this yeah not like the games but that's spoilery so I don't want to talk about it yet at least yeah um but it definitely serves a purpose what this story about beloved Frank and how they told it and how it's different as well um because as you said it's very different from the game where he's not a Frank's not there when you get to this place yes and okay so so just to get all of that out of the way immediately so we don't sprinkle it out uh sprinkle it just throughout the discussion again with the game spoiler if you don't want to know it seems like they also had a bit of a different relationship at least towards the end in the games because Frank if I remember correctly I think because there was a rift between them yeah and Frank got fed up with Bill's [ __ ] about being so paranoid all the time and and basically you know wanted to leave him or get away uh but I think he got bit in the process and then he just hung himself because he was like [ __ ] this I didn't remember that he and then he left a note behind um that you could then choose to give to Bill or not because in the note Frank was like basically like [ __ ] you Bill so so that's very different from from what we got here yeah and I I didn't remember that he got bit but I I think I think he did but at least he hung himself yeah that's the part I do one remember yeah yeah so I was kind of waiting for that all the time like yeah what when when is that Rift gonna be like yeah what's gonna happen between them but instead they made it into something else they made um this beautiful story about these two people meeting each other um they got some like also a little bit like hints as to why perhaps you can call it hints or at least like that's how I interpreted it so it's open for interpretation but at least perhaps why uh bill got the way that he like got to be the way that he is or it was and we see this beautiful story about these two people meeting under the horrible circumstances of this world but they actually managed to make this beautiful life together yeah and have a very nice life until well and this is a change right that you you get this sort of story to this Bleak world where you usually die because infected or like because of because yeah because of what the world is right now at this point but but for these two they got to live a life together in their own little Oasis of course there was the whole thing with the Raiders um and and that was yikes uh but other than that it seemed like they lived a pretty peaceful life together and they got to grow old together as well and they were satisfied in the end both of them and then just going out together like that that was extremely beautiful and I'm sure very rare as you said inside of this world um so I'm in that way I yeah I appreciate that they changed it up and gave us something that we didn't get get in the games and something that just shows us that yeah that that can also still happen in this world let someone like Bill who had closed himself off to everything even before the the world went to [ __ ] he was preparing for this it was a survivalist as he said but as you also hinted at probably the re one of the reasons why he was so closed off was because he didn't allow himself to be who he truly was in in that way um and he had never given into that um until he met Frank and then everything changed from there and it was just it was such a weird but nice change change of pace just getting to see those two grow old and and bake her a little bit back and forth and being like an old married couple towards the end but just really truly loving each other and caring for each other with ups and downs and all but but satisfied as I said in in the end and also how you you Frank is already changed a lot but I think that the whole message or at least the whole what are we supposed to see here is like how you can take someone like bill um um who is this closed off and who is completely yeah paranoid and probably didn't have the funniest of lives necessarily who just lived in solitude and which is the possibly very negative man as well and then he met someone that completely changed him and it's this change in him that we're supposed to see how this one person can change you for the better yeah um and that then and yeah relates to Joel yes and we even it was really a mirror mirror but it was a bit of a scene there where Tess and Joel came to meet Bill and Frank and then Tess and Frank they left yeah so it's just Joel and Bill and they were just looking at each other and it was basically like they recognized each other and in that way that was like kind of the same type of person or at least when it comes to sort of being closed off and and a little bit paranoid about things but then yeah Bill knew that Joel you know they're sort of the same as I said and then incorporating that in the letter that he left behind that was that was quite beautiful yeah and this whole message to Joel where it's set like we're basically said just save her because she saved you kind of and he was not able to save her and it's also been said I think it was someone in the comments who said well have you noticed that he's not really even Tess he's he has not let in um because he hasn't let anyone in and we also saw that with him basically not morning test but he just had to get a minute um after he read that where he just had to like collect his thoughts and I think that's the closest thing to any morning for tests that we're ever gonna get about like yeah and then straight after that he told Ellie to not bring out tests ever yeah but some something that that bill also said inside of this episode which I I think was quite quite important it was the whole thing of being afraid because he said to Frank that I was never afraid before I met you of course meaning that he didn't have anyone or anything to be afraid for it was just him living uh as you said probably not a fun life but but still he was he was safe and he was not afraid and he had created this this place for himself but then someone just stumbles into his life and he starts to care and when you care about someone if you love someone then of course you're afraid to lose them because you don't want to want to let that that pain or that grief into your life but can't love without having those things and it's it's like the juxtaposition or you know going the back and forth between loving and and love that it will in the end there will be pain and there will be grief but if but if you don't let it in then then you won't experience love in that way um but it's funny how such a person like how such a paranoid person has not been afraid before I just think it's it's kind of funny in that we got like you're so paranoid yeah bill was so paranoid but he wasn't afraid I just so it's not afraid in in that in that sense in the sense that he meant but no no but I think that's like this kind of the irony that is yeah the fun part about it right like oh it's not fun but you know yes ironic part about it um but they were also trying to show yeah yeah and how like Frank saw who he was basically from the get-go as soon as he got into that um into his his home and he was like yeah well he figured it out he figured him out fairly quickly yes yes and I just think it was such an interesting like they were so different yeah exactly it was clear that that Frank was definitely the extroverted person where Bill was definitely not extroverted and and Frank was like I need friends and I need and he also basically said like I need to keep things tidy I need to make things for myself I need to yeah I I need to uh like polish up the the different stores in the yeah the shops yeah and he that's also why I think he did the whole with the his uh running his his finger over the the dust also to show like how different they were because he needed to be he needed there to be like clean and neat and tidy and everything and then Bill didn't really matter oh they didn't really care about that um but it also yeah he he was a it seems like he was a great musician as well so like so there's a lot of these small traits that they have uh that just flesh them as characters and make them so great together I think and yeah yeah Frank quickly saw that that beneath this paranoid tough exterior they actually weren't that different um but but still yeah he just he just really quickly saw who he was um and sorry for some reason having a difficult time talking about um anything right now because the words won't come to me um but no that feeling it was still yeah really really beautiful episodes uh and very touching and very different uh I I really like the change from from the game to this and I have a feeling that people are gonna be looking at this looking back at this episode and as a special one um and it's really going to stand on its own there's something else that this show this story can also give us um but still staying in in the same some of the same themes um and about love and grief and yeah yeah and also the way that he didn't die of natural causes he did well he died from from an overdose because he was sick but just showing that well quite interesting what he said when he's like yeah well even when before the outbreak there was not a cure for this um um I think it could be multiple sclerosis could it also be ALS but at least one of these uh conditions where your body your muscles basically just stop working and a lot of people who have these horrible diseases um they often want to get out on their own terms so I also think it was even though as you said it's like heartbreaking when you have to do this like you mention it during the reaction where it's like it must be so difficult to do this yeah for both of them yeah if we do that was before we knew that bill was going with him it is diff difficult and it is a difficult decision but he has been it was clear that he had been thinking about this for a long while and he just wanted his last day to be a good one sorry um I also think that's pretty nice that they put these normal kind of situations inside a series like this to show that well even in in a setting like this there are still some things that resembles our world still and yeah it's yeah it's it's it's horrible but yeah and I liked it I also said like did they change that so um we didn't see this Rift form yeah between them yes and because then not saying that that anything is necessarily like better or worse when it comes to story like it's just different but but I do definitely see here like this is giving us something that we didn't otherwise get in the story before and and if Bill had survived Frank was just dead as like I don't know what we were supposed to get out of it then um so this is in some ways more powerful and at least from from what they gave us here with the characters in the episode it's seemed more true but it felt more true to to Bill as a character that he would be like no we're gonna go out together because yeah you you are my purpose you are my life exactly and I'm satisfied but I also think it was kind of again ironic how we I also think that's why they included this scene but the scene where they ran um where he said um sorry I'm getting older than you yeah and then we we have the strawberry scene but then right after that we cut to where he's oh almost right it doesn't matter but then we uh go to where we see that it was actually Frank who got sick and got older yeah yeah that was when they did that jump I think that was right when they got attacked by the Raiders and Bill got shot and then you as a viewer probably going like oh [ __ ] bill is about to die and he's laying there and saying those things that you need to do this and this and that and here's the codes or whatever because he was he was expecting for yeah he thought he was going to die and then you do the jump and all of a sudden like someone's in a wheelchair but wait it's not bill it's it's Frank and then Frank is sick and Billy's taking care of him instead um she's getting all of that and getting their life together some really powerful stuff some really powerful stuff and of course it all serves a purpose but um I'm gonna get into that yeah we're not gonna theorize about what's gonna happen or try to think about like what we know is going to happen yeah we're not gonna gonna do that not gonna spoil things for for those of you watching uh usually only talk about the episode we just watched and then maybe compare it to to the game and and how it happened there and what things are like different and there's a lot of different stuff in this one but I'm again really glad that they did it the way that they did and and showing us something different like this um and that's how I if we can we can talk about like adaptations in that regard I think that's how you do like um if you have to deviate from The Source material I think this is how you should do it um that you change things but not because you think this is funny or I like changing it just to change it because let's do something different yeah so what can we add something more something new to the story yeah and without taking away for what was there yeah exactly and you change like even yeah you changed some some major things but you know don't necessarily change it for yeah to to give a different story but you changed it because it serves the story better better or in a different way or yeah and I think that's because one of the things like on newer things change some major things and um in a way that I don't feel like and that's because I know the source material uh quite well so when you change things like that it feels like it's it's just done to trying to make their own without necessarily giving much thought into how can we make this better or how could we make the serve uh the story that we're trying to tell I think it's a pretty like golden standard almost to go for like in this sort of situation where like the adaptation is is so different but yeah so well made and well thought out and yeah yeah but I think what the big difference here is that the changes they're making it doesn't take anything away from the story that we know if you know the story before if you don't know anything at all then like you of course don't have anything to to compare it to but what they're doing is still it has an impact on the story that you might know beforehand already or it might add some depth um even if they change some some things whereas the whole with The Witcher what they did there wasn't adding anything to the story that they were adapting they were just completely changing it and and like of doing something drastically different yeah it almost felt like they were taking like they were not not for me my biggest gripe with The Witcher was that they are taking away all the good things yeah or changing it or not highlighting or you know really uh making it Shine through like the important things at least for me from The Witcher and they changed it completely well here it's it's like it's a bit like makeup right so you use or sometimes mostly you use makeup to kind of highlight the features that you like yes about yourself um um and like these uh changes they are just like they are I feel like they're made to kind of highlight the story yeah well then like highlight the features of the story yeah it supports the strengths and the themes and stuff that that's already there in the story exactly whereas again with the Witcher they they did they did lean on what was there before like oh they didn't enhance any of that really they just did something entirely new so there is a big difference there for sure um and even though which are of course more or they were supposed to adapt the books and not the games in in that case um but they just the games I didn't really do any of it um right yeah uh and here they're just yeah doing a really good job we could probably go on and on and on and we have been talking for a little while now and I hope you guys got something out of it because I feel like I've just been mumbling and having the really difficult time finding the words uh to talk about this but I guess yeah just underline the whole that was beautiful great episode amazing performances I'm glad they did it the way that they did do you have anything else you want to add to it oh we should do the Danish word of the day do we want to do the title again or should we maybe think of yeah What About Love that seems quite fitting love it is uh that's that's a very different word in in Danish uh but yeah so if you're on the screen now and you're probably like how did you pronounce that yeah but a noun so not the verb but a noun if you love someone it's ilske now you're just making it more complicated oh sorry it's it's just like love is both a noun and a verb yeah yeah but the noun in in Danish yeah for love is Kelly Hill and the verb is to love to love some someone and then love to straight up love is Kelly Hill see screen there or in the video into letters yes perhaps just a explanation of the word like uh the g is silent so that's the that's why you don't go care leak head you know exactly and then we have yeah then we have the softy again yeah yeah yes and of course the the A and the E put together which makes an a sound so care Lee Hill see if you can pronounce it all right I think that's gonna do it then we got the Danish word out of the day and all of it all right Danish word out of the day Danish word out of the way what did I say yeah I've I have no idea any longer yeah thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you as soon as possible bye bye
Channel: Kat & Sonny
Views: 58,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, Series, HBO, Season 1, Episode 3, Long Long Time, Bill, Frank, Love, Story, Gay, Queer, Men, Nick Offerman, Murray Bartlett, Joel, Ellie, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Tess, Game, Death, Reaction, Review, Discussion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 46sec (2806 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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