The Last of Us | 1x5 Endure and Survive - REACTION!

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hi and welcome back to the channel We are continuing the last of us this is season one episode five titled endure and survive before we get into it I want to ask you guys to please please please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already like and comment it all really helps out also please take a look at our patreon page consider becoming a patron of ours you can watch full length reactions sync it up to your own copy of the episode watch the whole thing with us and in that way of course um really really really support the channel but Last of Us four episodes in absolutely loving it in the previous one Joel and Ellie they got to Kansas City and encountered a local militia or at least people who sort of rebelled against fedra and the QC there and and they they took over and now they're being led by Kathleen who seems a little on edge at the moment and she really really really really wants to get her hands on Henry and Sam and speaking of those two characters seems like they just popped up at the very end um when Joe and Ellie they were sleeping well at least that's that's what we think that's what we're led to assume what what we're led to assume is that that is Henry and Sam so now what's gonna happen there uh ultimately Joel and Ellie they're gonna have to get out of Kansas City and keep going because they want to get to Wyoming and to uh to Joel's brother Tommy and but again yeah first they're gonna have to get out of this situation and then also uh there was this little extra detail with uh when I think the character's name is is Perry but being played by Jeffrey Pierce who voiced Tommy in the games was showing Kathleen something where the ground was kind of like broken up or sunken down and then it was pushed up and like there's something underneath there and yeah I have a bad feeling about that [ __ ] um I have a few theories as to what it could be but I'm not going to say it out loud because it might be like spoilery or something um that anywho are you ready to jump into this yes but no I'm a bit tired um or very um uh so if I am completely stoning out or just speak incoherently or more incoherently than usual then it's because I'm very very tired simply that yeah just uh life as new parents still it it'll it'll get you all right episode five endure and survive here we go oh and also you might have noticed already new glasses hey the old ones broke so yeah again live with the kid again yeah life with a little kid it's not like he broke them no it was while playing with him that I accidentally stepped on them that wouldn't have happened if you didn't have a kid sure maybe at some point because I am a little bit clumsy but never mind it's not like you would forget the places because you have already you already did it I already did please don't remind me [Applause] oh that's when they uh oh yes yes hunger yeah liberated the people in Kansas City damn whoa whoa Jesus [Music] hanging them Jesus Jesus [ __ ] but that's usually if there's a violent revolution this is usually what happens yeah wow his death oh did it feel good betraying your neighbors to fedra watching us get thrown in prison watching us hang so that you could get medicine alcohol [ __ ] apples and she is angry how does it make you feel now I get it but she's becoming what you hated kill them no he's with edel's team Edelstein was a collaborator well he was a lot more discreet than you [ __ ] idiots where are they he had a place to hold up in the open City in case things went bad but things have gone great haven't you heard Kansas City is free depends how you look at it we already got a perimeter around the city we can wait him out door-to-door take a lot of men and there are other things he's not my seventh priority Perry is that what he is to you when you're done burn the bodies it's faster whoa that was the pile of bodies we saw when they drove into Kansas City no I think well uh in the previous episode when and Ellie and Joel they were entering Kansas City saw like a steaming pile of cultures oh yeah sure yeah yeah yeah I forgot that [ __ ] me that's brutal yeah luckily we're not fat rat but we're just gonna do just like Federal yeah and I totally get her being angry and She Wants Revenge because she lost her brother whom she of course loved and love will make you do crazy things yeah sometimes horrible things oh it's the doctor we saw whom she shot yeah okay and this is yeah whatever so last time yeah found the the drawings and the empty cans is he scared yeah well he saw a lot there's nothing I can do about that now he's scared because you're scared [Music] I don't know foreign that's a lot of crayons later yeah yeah no we unfortunately know what happens to him being honest even oh [Music] um [Music] oh wait that was uh that's Joel and Ellie yeah foreign potential allies so they followed them that's how they over there there's no ammunition in it you can't really see that so no we didn't hurt you so you don't hurt us right that's right so we're [ __ ] told man that's just the way he sounds he has an [ __ ] voice that's a weird [ __ ] tone man everything is great dude [Laughter] just thank you I guess you don't have much so which means a lot how old is he he's eight cool that was that eight I'm Joel I'm Joel you ate we didn't kill each other let's call this a win-win and Mom well I'm betting y'all came up here to get a view of the city and plan a way out and when the sun's up I'll show you one welcome to killer City kill us for 10 days ago no we always heard Casey ephedra was Monsters Savages making torture to murder people for 20 years what hey you know what happens when you do that to people when they get a chance they do it right back yeah wow but you're not fedra no worse I'm a Trina I'm a collaborator um never killed anyone and punching an unloaded gonna choose the closest I've ever come to being bothered I show the way you clear the way nice pun bug I haven't heard that in a long time oh you can see the way we're bounded by highways they got people posted all around the inside Perimeter if we get close we get caught no question so how do we get across below tunnels we enter the tunnels here travel on the ground and pop up here West side's gonna be residential in the tunnels [ __ ] big uh whatever that was um see what I noise it's empty you can do how do you know that the federal guy that I worked with told me that it's clean okay maybe there's one or two but you handle it what if there's more one of those blind ones that seems like a bat you ran into a clicker two of them and you're still alive you see you can handle it you're saying they're going to help us Escape right right yeah see it's empty the plan is good plan is good we've been down here two seconds we don't know anything God [Laughter] [Music] not her dad oh someone survived down there for a long while with kids what is the uh tables and the ah yeah okay yeah wow but where are they now what happened to them maybe they didn't follow the rules and they all got infected no way I love these I [Music] I like four five six eleven oh she's been collecting and your endure survive [ __ ] yeah man now keep it down we're not out yet oh come on can we just rest here for a while a place where there can actually be kids just for a little while and yeah I definitely remember this place from the games looks exactly like it you know I wasn't uh exactly telling me the truth before you killed someone about me not killing someone didn't do it directly it was a man a great man he's never afraid never selfish and he's always forgiving Sam he uh got sick leukemia anyway um there was one drug that worked and it belonged to fedra hmm if I wanted some I'm just gonna take something big that one great man Kathleen's brother the leader of the resistance movement in Kansas City and he was the leader okay I am the bad guy because I did a bad guy thing it's not as simple as that you get it though he might not be her father but you were someone's you could tell yeah who told you I was here your mom why are you talking to my mom we didn't know where you were this is her old room or something possibly yeah yeah her and her brothers he said because we were together never perfect box we would be safe he was so beautiful he would be horrified by the things I've done and if you've come to tell me that Michael wouldn't want me to hurt Henry that he would want me to forgive I know that too he told me but she is not her brother where is the Justice in that what is the point of that your brother was a great man we all loved him point of killing but he didn't change anything you did no they made it out of there without encountering any infected yes but it's not over yet yeah I know so we crossed the river and then what where are you gonna go I don't know yet well we're going to Wyoming what it's a huge state it can fit two more people um no I don't change his mind trust me this is how it goes away and then I'm like I'm gonna ask you a million more times and he's like yeah [ __ ] yeah oh neighbor yeah and this is also straight out of the game the street and the sniper down at the end of it try to get in the house to the back and then I'll take them out but if you go out there he's gonna kill you it's dark and he has [ __ ] aim nobody's gonna kill me but he's gonna kill us do you trust me stay but it's not gonna hit me it's dark and he's got [ __ ] aim foreign slide it over to me and then stay up here for another hour that's all you have to do please don't do it Joe gave him an out just didn't oh [ __ ] [Music] no [ __ ] run run run run run run come on oh it's the [ __ ] thing that the Run come on Joel come one oh no oh [ __ ] [ __ ] sake yes wow that was [Music] oh my [ __ ] there's so many of them [Music] oh dead end Henry you want to step on out save us some time I'll come out just let the kids go no I know why you did what you did but did you ever stop to think that maybe he was supposed to die he's just a [ __ ] kid before kids die Henry what she was supposed to die it's worth everything well this is what happens when you [ __ ] with fate it's to like to get revenge on you for your brother's death does that Eclipse everything else as well it ends the way it ends hmm okay that just got swallowed up by the oh [ __ ] underground oh my [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [Applause] there are so many of them yeah the way they just burst out of there [ __ ] me what's the plan Ellie [Music] what the [ __ ] it's [ __ ] floater don't look back run [ __ ] Harry you're willing to sacrifice yourself for okay he did it's a little girl is it okay the kid among those possibly yeah where's Henry and Sam oh there they are shh How many shots are in that rival a lot of ammo up there [Music] in the head Ellie head double tap and in your head or maybe that's good enough that was close holy [ __ ] this is intense why oh she's [ __ ] whoa are you just like they just keep keep on going now they're gonna go for the rest of the city yeah yeah happen when you don't prioritize correctly yeah should have focused on that problem first just like uh Perry tried to point out to her in the last one it's a comic book say endure and survive and during survive that's just redundant yeah it's not great that shit's redundant look I don't know exactly how I'm getting to Wyoming I'm probably walking you know if you want to yeah yeah I think it'd be nice for Sam to have a friend I'll tell them in the morning star I was scared do I not look scared never time [Laughter] oh let's show you inside God oh [ __ ] my blood is medicine what are you I don't know if that's gonna work though it's not that's not how you [ __ ] man well he just straight up showed her foreign she's just trying to give him some false hope or she just desperately helps I don't know I promise hey no he's not oh [ __ ] Henry can you give me the gun what did I do what what did I do community no [ __ ] hell again knew that [ __ ] was coming but it still hurts ah which way is west let's go foreign not to [ __ ] break down when you experience something like that and you just gotta keep going [Music] oh yeah oh that was tough [ __ ] what an episode but that was episode 5 endure and survive wow that was tough to watch in in the end uh but but so intense all the way through as well them going through the tunnels I was learning more about uh what what happened at the beginning of the episode seeing the resistance sort of defeating fedra and following Henry and Sam a little bit and then just yeah what happened at the end again all of it's holy [ __ ] and it's it's one of those things where I'm pretty sure you do remember how that whole at least with Henry and Sam the outcome there yeah the outcome yeah but I actually think I kind of forgot about it for a long while oh yeah and then you reminded me I think not too long ago but still fair amount of time ago yeah okay and then I remembered then it kind of stuck with me yeah and then so you are mentally preparing yourself for what we're going to get here and it's I don't know if this is I don't consider this a game spoiler or anything uh it's just that something they did different they did a lot of things in this episode that was straight out of the game for sure but there still was something different in the end with Sam Actually choosing to show Ellie that he got bit because as far as I remember in the game he still asked her the same question like whether or not there's still it's still you even though if you turn into a monster and he's not deaf in in the game but but yeah he he just asked her that question in the game but didn't show her that he got bit you as as the as the player you just got to see it so like to play a new and then they jump to the next morning and then we got exactly what we got there um again shot for shot and word from her what word for word pretty much but I I do sort of appreciate that little change though because it just showed more of Ellie trying to stay strong and trying to to be there for him and help him and just he asked her to stay awake with him see well obviously fell asleep in the end and just lucky for her that he didn't start attacking her while she was asleep but then like I can't even imagine like Henry in the end like having to shoot your own little brother and then realize what the [ __ ] you just did yeah and be like he's I accused of reason he was my reason to endure and survive and then yeah if you [ __ ] shot himself he did like he did so much for us um yeah he we got the backstory with Sam having uh leukemia yeah [ __ ] and then having to write out the leader of the resistance to um get the medicine he needed yeah from fedra yeah and then the federal got Michael I think it was cool yeah Michael yeah and he was killed by fedra and we also got of some Snippets of that in the conversation between um Kathleen and eaglestein Christine yeah the doctor yeah and he uh well why she she just talked about how Federalists killed people in prisons we also got uh told in that fetra in KC was especially like specifically oh yeah they were a specific kind of evil yes they were just murdering and raping people and torturing and doing all sorts of horrible [ __ ] for the 20 odd years that they were in in control there in Kansas City they did get rid of the infected in in the city or above ground in in the city and then they sort of lured them underground it seemed like or they you know pushed them on the ground and thought that maybe they were completely gone but obviously they weren't they were still down there it's just a matter of you know where exactly and I'm sure you were right about because we saw a little girl infected who actually took out Kathleen that they it was a kid most likely from then that underground little place that we saw with all the drawings um and we saw some people or like a drawing that the kids made which looked like two people in uniforms one of them was named ish and that's also from the game that you can read some notes uh I think from ish or at least like talking about the people down there so you get a little extra information but It ultimately just yeah boils down to they they all died so that's that's [ __ ] sad and horrible but I get because I think like one of the big themes or of course the biggest theme of the entire show on the entire story is love and what it can do to you so so here Henry being willing to become a rat become a collaborator to save Sam which was his only purpose um and I think that you know that's such a big part of why he then reacted the way that he did in in the end was because like I have given my everything I have doomed I doomed myself and like to to help my little brother pretty much or like I put her put us in this situation but I had to do it because I needed him to survive [ __ ] now he's dead I have nothing else to live for um so that was the way he reacted to that whereas Kathleen seemed like yeah she had a very very close she was very close to her brother Michael so again yeah siblings and and he was seemingly a really good guy he was yeah um someone people you know they were looking up to him he was the leader of the resistance and you can just imagine that like everybody loved him and especially Kathleen and then when he got captured and killed she lost her [ __ ] everybody lost their [ __ ] and then they really you know went to town on Federal and I think like that that's when they yeah absolutely because it was only had only been 10 days since the uh they um took over took over yeah yeah so I think that was yeah the the Catalyst for for at least the change in in Kathleen that ended up uh because I think with Kathleen she obviously obviously loved her brother a lot but he was like the protector yeah and and he was uh the good yeah and all this this anecdote about how um he would calm her down um yeah when when she was afraid uh she was afraid of thunder yeah um she also said I think it was one of the previous in the previous episode where she said that um but she was scared a lot oh like she was she would never um she would never see herself as like the leader like she she was she she used to be scared all the time and I think well when he died her protector died and it just shifted in her that she got so mad that she found that like strength sounds like a weird word when it's what she ends up doing is horrible and she even said that well I'm not a good person because I've done some horrible [ __ ] and some things that my brother wouldn't think highly of it gave her the the strength to take down uh fedra yeah or at least pushed her in that direction and even like he wanted her to forgive Henry but she couldn't like now she doesn't see the point in that and it's you know obviously because of what happened and she's just so laser focused on getting she calls it justice but it's it's Revenge it's it's pure revenge and that was her number one priority so that's what love pushed her to do her love for her brother made her completely forget about everything else and just focus on I want to get Justice for what happened to my brother no matter the costs just like Sam or sorry Henry he wanted to get this medicine for Sam no matter the costs and it's you know it's this again and again like what are people willing to do in the Name of Love for the people they care about whether you know they died and they want to get Justice or revenge or they want to keep them alive or like what what are they willing to do how far are they willing to take this [ __ ] and they were all willing to take it pretty damn far and like so far that again Kathleen completely ignored what everything else that was going on even though her her trusted you know right-hand man Ferry was like we need to take care of this [ __ ] um There's Something Brewing underground and this is not good and in the end that's what bit them in the ass and that was still like what a [ __ ] secret or bit them all over like that sequence when like slowly the truck just gets swallowed up by by the ground and you like hear the the sounds them like growling and you realize oh [ __ ] Are we about to see some infected hair and then they just burst out of the ground like that was so well made and so horrible and like yeah like the I know these like they're not technically zombies the infected hair but like the zombies for example in The Walking Dead like yeah they can be scary but they're slow as [ __ ] um it's but but here it's just the way they move the way they just again swarmed out of the ground like I've only ever seen something like that and I what what's the movie World War C I think yeah yeah where they're also like extremely fast and just swarming everything and and that's that's what happened here holy [ __ ] that was Nightmare stuff and I know you looked away when it happened but okay so that was it for uh for Jeffrey Pierce his his role in this series as as peric is he got his entire head just ripped clean off by the bloater I think we can safely like they didn't name the thing here but that's what they're called in the games like these really really big infected who's been wandering around probably like since the breakout yeah they're big they're strong um and seemingly unkillable in the game say uh the Sprouts Force yeah they throw spores at you like Spore bombs almost yeah and uh Ellie had a funny little comment about it in one of the episodes where it's uh it was the second episode she was asking about uh like if it was true that those things were out there and and then Tess was like oh God I hope not and it I don't know if it was like an already big person big strong person that's just got infected and turned into a like a bigger stronger thing or you know what I mean is I don't know if it got bigger by the infection so I don't know if it was like um yeah that way because so you think it was maybe just a a very strong person who then yeah became a clicker and that's like just a very strong clicker then yeah because I but maybe it's just I I think way too much into it I think like in the game at least these are called bloaters and they talk about them as like they are the ones who've been alive for the longest so like that's the stage after clicker then you become a bloater but but I don't know because we don't have the spores in the same way here in in this series and they've explained that like why why they don't and I think we've talked about it as well um yeah oh man what a [ __ ] episode I can't even it's been a little while since I've played the game I almost can't even remember like what where they go next um but yeah we'll see next week oh I think I might know yeah I think I might know perhaps um but anywho we'll see in uh in episode six which is uh it's back to it's when when they normal usually air the episodes or or you know it's just only this week where we got it twice a little bit quicker yeah just two episodes in a week um but that was nice because I really feel like these two episodes actually belong together sure like you could you could easily just stick them together into like one really long episode or just yeah movie length yeah but they uh the last one was not that long right no so perhaps that's so yeah and then this one was not as long as some of the first ones but since yeah well you maybe not that long sure yeah I don't know where you were going with that anywho do you have anything else you want to add to it before we get to Danish word of the day well um I think I'm I can't remember the games so but I think this whole Kansas City where we see these people in Kansas City that's new right I know it's Western Pittsburgh uh Pennsylvania in the games but in the game yeah it was it was Pittsburgh yeah um but this is new right so we get this whole backstory to what happened in Kansas City yes we don't really I don't think we the tell you about that necessarily maybe you can like because in the game you'll walk around and you'll find like notes and letters and stuff from from from people and you'll get to know a little bit about like the place where you're in I don't know if something similar I don't remember something similar happened in in Pittsburgh um but I I really like that they showed us and and you know expanded the world in that way and we got to know some of the other people here and why Henry and Sam they were on on the run from the others got to know Kathleen and just yeah obviously they're all dead and gone now um so we're not gonna see them again but at least just for this like two episode Arc I I really like that they added that and it wasn't just seeing everything from Joel and Ellie's perspective but that's that's what they can do with it with the series compared to the game because in the game you just you see everything from the perspective of the character that you're playing or the characters that you're playing whereas here yeah they can jump around a little bit more um so I hope they keep they keep doing that and expanding the world and and the other characters in that way yeah but all right Danish word of the day before we wrap it up thought about it let's go with one of the words in the title uh and it's not can it's difficult to do like it's direct translation and with grammar it can get a little bit iffy um but just to to make it as as easy as possible here to survive in English is our living over living at Oliver to survive to survive so you can see it on the screen now to survive in English is in Danish at all you so survive all you hope that makes sense goody gun drops shall we wrap it up I don't know where that's from I think it's from snatch or something anyway thank you guys so much for watching as always and we will see you very soon bye
Channel: Kat & Sonny
Views: 43,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, Series, HBO, Season 1, Story, Joel, Ellie, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Game, Reaction, Review, Discussion, Episode 5, Endure and Survive, Henry, Sam, Death, Infected, Clicker, Bloater, Kathleen, Perry, FEDRA, Kansas City, Deaf, Sniper, Tunnels, Children, 1x5, Brother
Id: cwWqslL2cHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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