The Last Clone Trooper Explained

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our friends welcome back to another episode of generation tank my name is Alan the initial batch of clone troopers numbered in the hundreds of thousands by the rise of the new order millions of clones have been bred to serve the Republic but soon after the Jedi Order fell Kamino went down along with it and the cloning program was discarded most likely is because the clone troopers were just too expensive for a peacetime army as we talked about in one of our last videos at the end of the Clone Wars some clones went AWOL others continued fighting for the Empire that replaced the Republic but who was the last clone the final member of one of the most formidable fighting forces the galaxy had ever seen well that's the story we'll be telling you guys today and it's a really interesting story so when you figure out how he's able to survive so much longer than everyone else CT six one one six otherwise known as kicks was a clone medic assigned to the mighty 500 first now this but his medic background kicks was actually a very aggressive soldier he even had the phrase a good droid as a dead one tattooed onto the side of his head in Arabic now I personally respect people with tattoos on their head it shows us that that individual most likely is a rash individual who oftentimes goes headfirst into situations without thinking now personally I would never get a tattoo on my head but I appreciate the countless hours of laughter and humor pictures of people with tattoos on their heads I've given me anyway we first encounter kicks on the plantiffs toluca mine obi-wan Kenobi and his clone troopers are in pursuit of General Grievous who was just minding his own business running around the galaxy cutting down Jedi the Jedi believe that defeating the cyborg general was key to defeating the separatist alliance while on the planet a group of clone soldiers including kicks aid obi-wan Kenobi in fighting the separatists general kicks along with Captain Rex troopers Jesse and hardcase grab bark speeders and begin searching the nearby area they run into a pair of commando droids who had set up a sniper position and were immediately ambushed Captain Rex is hit in the chest and thrown off a speeder while the rest of the team chased down the two commando droids kicks immediately went to check on retro status all the captain wasn't conscious he was still alive but in a critical condition the blaster bolt had pierced his armor but had missed its heart by two inches realizing that Rex was in terrible shape the clones decided they need to stabilize Rex and find him a place where Russ the captain was in no condition to ride on the back of a sweeter bike they would need to find another mode of transportation luckily there was a nearby homestead that was willing to take in the injured clone kick supplies aback the bandits - wretches wound and stabilizes his condition when Rex wakes up later kicks informs him that he must stay and rest until he's able to travel back Rex listens to kicks his recommendation and transfers command on the mission over to Jessie and the rest of the clones continuing to search for the skate pods leaving Rex waiting behind for an extraction by the jay-ar kicks his group eventually catches up with obi-wan Kenobi's unit and together they attempt to capture General Grievous who once again escapes later on the 500 first is the point with Anakin Skywalker in charge during the Battle of embark then borrowin campaign would be one of the toughest missions for the 500 first during the war the other tough mission would be the time that they invaded the Jedi Temple and murdered a bunch of children and librarians down barns weren't isolated people who had developed very advanced weapons that were different to anything the clones had ever seen the Clone events was immediately stalled by the unburrow militia after the clones came under heavy fire from the hill overlooking their position the GR ended up calling in a y-wing air support mission and succeeded in destroying the enemy forces on the high ground despite this first victory soon things would spiral out of control as Anakin had to leave on other business and was replaced with Jedi general pong Krell the Jedi was not only a [ __ ] but also disrespectful to his men he also was extremely stubborn and downright careless with how he deployed his soldiers immediately after the first battle the 500 first began a 12-hour force march to the next objective even the hardy clones began to feels fatigue set in kicks who was constantly monitoring the men suggested the captain rex the battalion needed to rest before continuing but of course general Krell refused to do so when the reclines finally reached the unbar own capital general Krell decides to throw away Anakin's original sneak attack plans the clones are pretty upset by this but they engage the enemy anyway immediately found themselves overwhelmed by an embark on turrets act as the fire bow first fell back kicks tried his best to stabilize as many wounded clones as possible Crowl receives a new message from the general everyone can know these shortly after he tells the five-o first to take borrow an airbase nearby and once again without any rest the clones march on to their next battle many and the clones including kicks begin objecting to Carl's command in front of Captain Rex the clones despite their genetic conditioning could only take so much the Bible verse has marched straight into battle after battle without proper strategies and canoes suffer heavy casualties during the aftermath of one firefight kick spots several banshees eating the corpses of dead clones kick sort of loses it and begins firing at them Morel continued sinking lower as the casualties started growing higher trusts and their general was at an all-time low in the midst of another battle kicks became more and more desperate to save his fallen brothers to the point where he was needlessly endangering himself Captain Rex steps in and orders kicks through withdrawal he reasoned with the medic then if he got killed no one else would be able to take care of all the other wounded tired and frustrated seeing so many of his clone brothers dying around him kicks tells Rex that he sounds just like the general the fibro first eventually captures them bar on an airbase along with several advanced and barn fighters for some reason general Krell refuses to use these new ships to attack their own barn supply ships in orbit this forces fives Jesse and hardcase to formulate their own plan to steal the barn fighters and sneak into the barn supply ships and destroy it themselves this would directly be against Krell's orders but many of the clones agree to is the right way forward including kicks only Jesse and fives make it back from the successful mission but they are immediately apprehended by crawl through court martials them and sentences them to execution for some reason kicks the medic is assigned to the firing squad but when ordered to fire he along with the entire firing squad purposely misses before Krell could release his fury on the clones a radio transmission comes in warning the five-o first that the own barns had stolen clone armor and were infiltrating the Republic's lines the five-oh first deploys into a foggy forested area kicks the text a group of soldiers wearing 212 attack battalion armor and quickly informs the unit of the Impostors a terrible firefight ensues and is abruptly stopped at when the fire bursts and 212 both realizes that they were firing at friendlies unfortunately several clones lost their lives in this exchange kicks once again must comfort the dying and try to save as many clones as possible upon learning that Krell had organized this whole friendly fire situation the clones decide to go back to the base and confront him Kix helps free fives and Jesse from their cells and join a group of clones who attempt to arrest Krell eventually Krell is stunned and put into a cell but before he'd be shipped off for a trial one of pearls most loyal clones can't help but shoot the Jedi kicks continues to go on to serve the 500 first wherever they go and after i'm barra the fire we'll first visit the world of Kiros home to a colony of tow Garuda's then kicks front alongside anakin once again during the battle of Ringo vinda on one of the planets massive space stations one clone tuff seems to go into a trance during the battle and shoots Jedi general tiplar in the back of her head after Ezra strain kicks does a quick assessment of tups but is unable to find out what is wrong with the clones brain kicks dust and further checks and brain scans on Tufts and concludes that the soldier might have just broken down from stress in combat fatigue arc trooper fives continues to investigate on tub situation and finds out that the clone had an organic chip in his head this of course was the secret control chip that was placed in all the clones by Palpatine in attempt to keep this knowledge secret Palpatine accuses fives of attempting to murder him and forces the clone to go on the run one night while Kix is at the clone bar 79 s5 spots his friend and follows him into the bathroom there fives explains everything about what he had learned about the control chips that were in all their heads initially kicks is not really sure whether to believe him or not and even tries to convince fives to turn himself in but kicks finally agrees to help arrange a meeting between fives Captain Rex and Anakin as they part away kick swishes fives good luck not knowing that that would be the last time you would ever see his friend alive later on kicks was involved in the battle on axis the separatist have captured a secret algorithm which could predict clone movement and we're slowly advancing on GA our positions across the planets in order to figure out what was happening mace windu brings in the specialist group known as the bad batch Commander Rex and Cody along with kicks and Jessie joined the bad batch and try to figure out what is happening behind enemy lines at first the normal clones and the mutated clones don't get along with each other very well but eventually they win each other's mutual respect and trust after the valve and axis kicks begins thinking about all that things fives told them the night he was killed using his medic background kicks was able to eventually the control chip that was lodged in every clones brain figured out that it was used to controller actions and made them obey a set of directives known as the contingency of the Grand Army of the Republic his investigation however draws the attention account Dooku who rushes to quickly prevent kicks from informing the Jedi they captured the Clone Trooper and then attempt to interrogate him to figure out if he's told anyone else about his revelation kik says eventually inserted into a cryostasis pod and sent for further interrogation to Dooku's homeworld Serena but before the ship could reach the final destination it was ambushed by a republic fleet and heavily damaged given strict orders to not let kicks fall into Republic hands the droid crew make a random hyperspace jump the ship manages to make it to another system before it crashes into the desert planet known as pono my terminal there kicks would lay in that stasis pod untouched for over 50 years unfortunately for Kaminoan clones they were bred with an accelerated growth rate this meant that they aged almost twice as fast as the regular human kicks and most of the clones were around 12 years old when he was placed in stasis by the time he finally emerged out of stasis 50 years later all the clones are 62 years old or over a hundred and twenty-four years old in like real life terms which means that none of them are alive anymore therefore Hicks is the last surviving clone soldier so 50 years later a delphinium pirate and his crew stumbled across the separatist crash pyres along with other crews had heard of a secret treasure left behind by Count Dooku and thought kicks his capsule must have been it through the disappointment all they find inside the capsule is a very confused but very much alive kiks kiks begins yelling hysterically at the parts that he needs to warn Anakin Skywalker about control chips and begins muttering like a crazy person when kicks finally calms down the parents let him know where he is and what had happened to him kicks is shocked to learn about the fall of the Republic the rise and fall of the Empire and the death of all of his fellow clone troopers after finally coming to terms with what happened cake's decides to join the pirate crew therefore the last clone trooper in the galaxy pirate kicks ass story is a sad one he had the rare job of being a clone medic and during the Clone Wars he tried his best to keep his brothers alive and healthy he suffered tremendously during the war and constantly found himself holding his dead comrades in arms and fate then played the cruelest joke on him by keeping him alive longer than any other clone so at the end of it all despite all of his efforts to save as many people as possible he finds himself alone well guys that is the story of the last clone trooper to survive Kix I know it's a really depressing story but let me know in the comment section below what you think also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button so you don't miss out on the rest of our awesome content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 1,338,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last Clone Trooper, CT-6116, Kix, Captain Rex, COmmander Cody, Arc trooper Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Clone Trooper, The clone Wars, Battle of umbara, battle of anaxes, Bad Batch, Clone Medic, Clone trooper lifespan, Clone Aging, 501st, 501st battalion, best clones, deadliest clone, best clone fighter, 212th attack battalion, Order 66, Contigency orders, Palpatine, Tups, Clone wars history, clone trooper explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 09 2018
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