10 Terrible Things the Jedi Order Did

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now friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is Allen the Jedi Order the Star Wars equivalent as Central African warlords think about it they routinely kidnap children train them to kill and then send them off to war and an extremely young age and you know why'd okay maybe not unlike the Central African warlords the Jedi Order actually is funded by taxpayer money makes it worse anyway every month or so we'd like to talk about the Jedi here on generation tech and we offer you guys a more objective and unbiased view of the Jedi Order because let's be honest 90% of the Jedi videos on hollow tube are made by Republic propagandists open your eyes we've all been bombarded since childhood with stories about the many heroic deeds of the Jedi but have you guys heard of all the terrible things the Jedi Order have done no it's mostly because the Jedi Order has burned records of all of their terrible past deeds anything they haven't burned is most likely kept in that secret part of the library in their Jedi Temple it's also rumored that Yoda keeps an extensive list of all the children he's fathered out of wedlock in the last millennium there's a lot of names on that list I mean it's very hard for a woman to resist Yoda's news plus he has that whole force persuasion thing hashtag me too [Music] anyway that's not even the worst thing the Jedi Order has done in its history I know this because I have a list of ten things that are even worse in this video legally speaking the Jedi were given permission to take into custody any force sensitive entity that they ran into in the Republic this was a very big and all-encompassing power that made the Jedi acquisition department extremely powerful and that power for the longest time wasn't all that regulated it wasn't until the ruse under information that the Jedi recruiters had standardized their procedure before that how aggressively they recruited all dependent on the Jedi orders demand during periods of peace Jedi recruiters would oftentimes ask permission from the parents before taking their children but during the many great Sith and Jedi Wars recruiters oftentimes acted swiftly in order to keep forcing some children out of the hands of Sith recruiters now for those of us who only know about the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy you've never really seen the devastation that only a large-scale battle featuring the huge amount of force users can do on this kind of battlefield being a force user doesn't make you special or guarantee that you'll live and during desperate times like the new SIF war the Jedi were dying in the thousands and recruiters were basically conscripted even if they didn't meet the normal guidelines for recruitment this meant they recruited individuals who didn't have high enough Minik Lorien counts it also meant that they recruited mentally unstable individuals or individuals who had dark side tendencies there is also no aides women at the time are there so for sensitive adults were being recruited along with all of their baggage more worryingly during times of crisis and warfare Jedi recruiters fully embrace their right to basically recruit anyone they wanted to this meant if an individual refused to join the Jedi the recruiter could just killed them stating that they fear that that individual would join the dark side if they didn't everyone knows about the time Anakin slaughtered a roomful of chubby younglings but technically he was already a SIF by the time he did that besides Anakin was just following in the footsteps of other Jedi who understood that a cute innocent baby today could turn into a great potential menace in the future four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin a secret group of five masters formed what was known as the Jedi covenant their primary directive was to guard the galaxy from the return of the Sith by any means possible one day the Masters had a shared vision of their own deaths and destruction of the Republic and Jedi Order well each of their visions were different they all had one shared elements an individual wearing a red and mental suit striking them down that day their Padawan also happened to be wearing a similar red environmental suit which made them come to the very rational decision to kill their Padawan and if that was a messed up enough they set up an entire fake knighthood ceremony as it covered to lure the Padawan in now if you strip away all the mystique surrounding the Jedi Order and the Jedi Masters what you have are five individuals who happen to have the same hallucination and are now acting on that hallucination and planning to murder five innocent children if they weren't Jedi they would be committed to an institution or thrown into jail possibly executed depending on the region's capital punishment laws the fact that these five individuals are willing to commit murder based on a very big hallucination really troubles me I have crazy dreams all the time after I eat too much crappy Chinese food after midnight the whole nighttime barn barded by terrifying visions of just the worst things imaginable but unlike the Jedi I realize that these dreams and nightmares aren't real they're just the side effect of bad life choices anyway the Jedi Masters managed the murder for the Padawans but one gets way setting off a chain of events that leads the most of the Covenant getting what they deserve the Jedi role in the Republic changed many times throughout history sometimes they took an active role in leading the military during other times they removed themselves from society and focus more on internal Jedi issues during the Mandalorian invasion many younger Jedi decided to join the Republic in the fight against the Mandalorians against the Jedi Council wishes leading these hot-headed Jedi was a man named Robin Robin and all of his followers soon learned that the Jedi Code wasn't really suitable in battlefield and as the war dragged on longer revin and his followers began acting more like soldiers rather than Jedi during one of the most crucial battles of the war on Malachor v reverend decides to use a super weapon known as the mass shadow generator the weapon on least the tremendous gravity field which destroyed the majority of reverence fleet along with the Mandalorians it also rendered the surface of the planet completely sterile it was perhaps one of the worst friendly fire incidents in the history of the galaxy eventually remand turns to the dark side and is caught by the Jedi Order instead of sentencing revin to death for his crimes against the Republic or locking him up in the MA or some other crazy prison the Jedi decided to take things into their own hands and completely side set the Republic judicial system the order realized that revin could give them information about the SIP fleet and teach the Jedi how to defeat them so the Jedi Council decided to join forces and bombard revans mind until his memories completely washed away this is the Star Wars equivalent of strapping someone down to a table and then repeatedly bashing their head with a hammer until their memories are all go rest assured there will be all sorts of permanent debilitating side effects that will follow revving around for the rest of his life not only is this not an ethical way to punish someone it's also dangerous to let a mass murderer to roam around the galaxy with amnesia while he's slowly regaining his memories and what's worse is the Jedi Order doesn't warn anyone that this mass murdering war criminal is just wandering around the galaxy there are many conflicting accounts of how the Sith order was first started but most people drem they agreed that the first set were actually a part of the Jedi Order let you say that in ancient times the Jedi who were called Jedi back then practice both sides of the force and found balance within themselves the ancient Jedi were all about finding balance if an individual drifted too far to the dark side or the light side they would be forced to meditate in a really force rich environment until they could balance themselves out the Jedi of course would eventually lose sight of their wise ancient ways and become obsessed with the light side of the force and start to destroy anything that was touched by the dark side is their inability to compromise with the Jedi who believed in the old ways that drove these Jedi exiles out of the order and as the Jedi Order became more extreme so did the Sith and eventually the two sides became so hostile that they would kill each other on sight which is why the Sith rarely ever returned to the light side of the force not only was it a very difficult internal struggle it but Jedi sauce it they would most likely execute them on sight it was the Jedi's inability to compromise that created their worst enemy and the wars between the Jedi instead caused more death and destruction than anything else like history the Jedi technically were supposed to be a political they were supposed to serve the Republic and not their own political interests but during the height of the Clone Wars the Jedi Council attempted to depose the Supreme Chancellor who they suspected was a Sith Lord Jedi Master Mace Windu almost carried out an extrajudicial execution of the Chancellor before being unhand 'add by Anakin Skywalker if we take a look at this from a very objective point of view the Jedi were completely in the wrong for doing this in a representative democracy there are proper ways to question the executive branch's ability to lead through an impeachment process inside the Senate or judicial branch to investigate the supposed long doings of the accused party by attempting to kill Bob between themselves they completely disregarded the very system they had sworn to protect and in a democracy precedent is everything it just takes one coup to inspire hundreds of more illegal Q's in the future no matter what ones end goal is they must act within the confines of a legal system code 36:13 the first-degree murder mystery judge let me guess why besides what exactly was Palpatine guilty of being a Sith isn't illegal and that the Jedi even have proof that Palpatine was connected to the separatist alliance Jedi were taught to detach themselves from emotions and feelings while that made them more objective it also made them less human after all here on earth the person who detached themselves from all emotions and feelings could technically be labeled as a psychopath when car GaN Jin decides to recur Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Order he does so because he has something to gain from Anakin qui-gon jinn believes that the young boy is the chosen one he recognizes that such a powerful force user could be helpful to the Jedi Order but Anakin was already nine at the time old enough to have developed certain worldviews and certainly old enough to be attached to his mother the thing is qui-gon jinn only needed Anakin and didn't have any use for me as a Jedi with supernatural powers he could have easily walked out Watteau and taking Shmi along with him Jedi routinely act as if they're above the law so why not save a woman from slavery surely the Jedi recognize that slavery is a terror an evil thing plus me was totally down qui gonn she was totally down and it was already too late to separate Anakin from his attachment to his mother because not only was she a mother she was a single mother with an only child and that is a very special connection I had quite ganj in saved her most likely she would have been brutalized by the sandpeople her death would eventually become one of the catalysts for Anakin's turn to the dark side when everyone could now be in Qui Gon Jinn run into darth maul it was the first sit that Jedi had seen in centuries instead of alerting the rest of the order and the Republic the Jedi Council decided to keep it a secret I would argue that it wasn't their decision to make the rest of the Republic has a right to know that's such a great threat as returns in the galaxy besides instead of sending five Jedi Masters to confront Palpatine the Republic could have sent backup to help them out on top of that they could have at least notified the rest of the Jedi which would have made them much more aware of their surroundings maybe if all the Jedi were occluding about the situation they would have noticed something off about Palpatine or maybe that gigantic clone army that just appeared out of nowhere the Jedi had a righteous arrogance about them that made people view them differently plainly speaking they could get away with things that lesser beings would get jailed for or worse during the BAL of Ryloth Anakin Skywalker pretended to surrender to the separatist blockade commander by offering a venator class star to tour with all of its crew as prisoners under a flag of truce Anakin proceeds to ram that ship into the blockade destroying the central separatist flagship and nearly killing the separatist leader in the process had the separatists done something like that to the Grand Army of the Republic they would have been labeled as a war criminal but of course we have a double standard because Anakin is a Jedi you also had other Jedi like obi-wan Kenobi who would used lethal force in a situation where he could have easily disarmed an aggressor then we have other Jedi like Ezra Bridger who was a part of the plan to lure all imperial forces on Lothal into one place so the ruble could blow them up this was a complete massacre not the actions of a peacekeeper but the actions of a criminal or terrorist appearance at the Clone Army from nowhere should have set off alarms but very few Jedi seemed to question the orders of the council and what's worse most Jedi leaders treated the clones under their command as expendable units not individuals with their own personality now I guess that's forgivable for the amber commander who was in force-sensitive but the joy were for sensitive and they could detect that each one of these clones had individual identities yet still the Jedi agreed to lead these slave soldiers into war setting thousands of them to their deaths on risky missions and poorly planned battles well the Jedi make great combatants they didn't necessarily have the skills or experience the command troops in battle then he had Jedi generals like Krell who needed slee sent his men on suicide missions because of its hatred of clones the Jedi more than anyone should know how dangerous it is to sacrifice one's principles and that's exactly what they did when they got involved with that Clone Army and boy did they pay for it now guys I don't hate the Jedi I actually like the faction obi-wan Kenobi is one of my favorite characters in Star Wars but I think it's about time we destroy this illusion that they are perfect vigorous devoted purely to good such generalizations are dangerous we have to realize that most Jedi were actually just ordinary individuals with force powers and not all Jedi were good and not everything they did benefited Society and that kind of almost applies to everything in the stars galaxies and in our own generally I think it's always a good idea to look at people as individuals that way we're never disappointed by our preconceived notions of them and if that's something you guys think that you can agree with won't and you should probably subscribe to this channel and yes I'm talking to you Steve I know you've been watching a few of our videos down and you still haven't subscribed and honestly it's making British Ben sad don't make British Ben sad subscribe well thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you our generation tank
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 656,637
Rating: 4.8095827 out of 5
Keywords: Terrible Jedi, Jedi Order Evil, Jedi are messed up, Why the jedi are the bad guys, Jedi are wrong, The jedi order, order 66, jedi recruitment, Yoda, Anakin skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Qui Gon Jinn, Jedi massacre, Anakin murders Younglings, Jedi youngling, Revan, Old Republic, jedi sith war, Great sith War, clone war, Jedi generals, grand army of the republic, Luke skywalker, SHmi Skywalker, Jedi were wrong, Jedi were criminals, Jedi vs sith, Lothal, Jedi temple
Id: T5_QiFpAVfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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