The Lantern Rite Festival Returns (Genshin Impact)

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Zhang Lee pleasant surprise meeting you here it's been so long why the pleasure is all mine as is the surprise surely listen to that crisp voice I sense you are older and wiser than the last time we met it seems your travels continue to yield valuable insights thank you zhangler you are too kind I had originally planned to set out after this last round of tea however I had planned to take a walk to chingxa Village and gather some nascent bamboo shoots which are currently in season a villager there once gave me a small sample then they possessed a most excellent flavor okay huh Nathan bamboo shoots why can't you just use normal bamboo shoots instead or what does nascent mean just coming into existence oh so they're like fresh or Raw knows because Zhang Lee prefers the Finer Things in life right okay Mr particular let me guess M the Nissan bamboo shoot has a uniquely tender texture and a delicate delicates that it's normal cousin cannot match no you gotta say that with a deeper voice the nascent bamboo shoot has a uniquely tender texture Lantern right is almost upon us but besides the bamboo shoots there are a few other items I have not yet procured from director whose list may I ask if you have already made arrangements for the days ahead well we were planning to use the opportunity to say hi to some of our friends but before we were able to figure out a schedule we ran into you well then might I invite you to imagine the sheer Delight that is a soup cooked with the freshest nascent bamboo shoots in all the land oh generous cuts of pork belly and crisp fragrant bamboo shoots placed together in the pot and left to simmer slowly for half a day you're doing this on purpose aren't you hands onto your plan you just want to Hoodwink us into fetching your bamboo for you that's why I assure you I would do no such thing I merely wish to inform you of the freshest most succulent and flavorful bamboo shoots one could ever hope to taste [Music] taste buds can't take it anymore very well I shall leave the bamboo shoots to you should you have the Good Fortune to find some please share them with me as well wait I have to find them however there is no need to rush the streets of Liu will be bustling with visitors and filled with all manner of celebrations during the festive period by all means go wherever your interests Lead You Out [Music] nascent bamboo shoot well I got something but it's not a bamboo shoot huh oh yeah yeah what did any water go down the wrong pipe who is this I I think I'm okay now oh thank you so much I see the musical instruments you're from Fontaine aren't you that was scary well at least you're all right oh thanks to your savior here oh a little girl oh yeah yeah greetings everyone my name is a pleasure to make your acquaintance she's finally here after being left in leaker jail for like three years whoa she's so well-mannered my name's pymon and this is the traveler greetings I'm Dvorak a musician from Fontaine so he is from Fontaine just now I was so mesmerized by the waterfall that I slipped and fell into the water if it weren't for Miss yayo's help I shudder to think what might have happened this next time you're exploring an unfamiliar environment try to focus on what's right in front of you don't let your mind wander yes ma'am I understand I'll remember to be more careful next time you hungry as hell oh are you hungry sir I still have some Lotus Flower crisps left to my backpack why don't we split them between the four of us good she even has them for pumpkin she's completely forgotten about the bamboo shoots so tasty if only there were more more having a healthy appetite is a good thing it means pymot's still growing if I've known I was gonna run into you I would have made a second batch yeah she definitely is still growing but not by a lot Notes Traveler this is how you treat your pymon what do you think sir are Levi's snacks to your taste I wonder if they're not sweet enough no no they're perfect when I was traveling through monstad I had a chance to try one of their moon pies it had a meat filling unlike these crisps but apart from that it seems like they follow a similar cooking process both are delicious in their own way as for fontaine's cooking though huh it's been a long time since I've Had A Taste of Home yeah you spend a lot of time on the road huh I do it's part of my job I'm one of the main organizers of the iridescence tour oh the iridescence tour the iridescence tour is one of the biggest music festivals in Fontaine we're looking to expand though our aim is to hold a festival in every nation at least all the main organizers share this goal unfortunately it's a long story so I'll spare you the details but anyway so the main reason I'm traveling all around to that is to promote our music festivals but I have some personal reasons too to explain it in full light have to start with a story from my ancestors uh-huh I don't want to take up too much of your time they said I'll we'll keep it short for the viewers this time love listening to stories nah Story Goes that my ancestor who was also a traveler once slipped and fell into a lake during his travels as he was sinking and gasping for breath he heard a wondrous tune in the air they say it was the most beautiful moving Melody he had ever heard even in that life and death moment the Ethereal music seized his full attention and almost made him forget the fact that he was drowning that's me when I listened to Kendrick Lamar when he finally came too he found that he had already been brought ashore not too far from him stood an unfamiliar woman with an almost Divine Aura once she saw that he was no longer in danger she left without a word my ancestor tried to run after her to give us thanks but although a mere dozen Pace has separated them no matter how quickly he gave Chase he drew no closer and remained a dozen Paces behind in the end all he could do was to Bow and thanks to the woman as he watched her walk away towards the rivers and mountains in the distance before at last he turned around and made his way home once he returned to Fontaine he began to learn an instrument so that he could spread his story far and wide just like the Barts after generations of retelling embellishing and dramatizing people have come to think of that lady as something like a fairy so a woman who could sing really well there's nobody we know right the stories become something of a local Legend at Fontaine it's called the lady overlooking the lake people now say that if you go down to the Lakeside and play an instrument so long as you play a pleasing Melody you will hear a fairy lady who is hiding out of sight playing along with you wow it's a nice Legend well yes as it stands now it's become a touch too romantic and detached from reality but I understand the original story and its historical grounding better than anyone else I wanted to find out the truth of this Tale so I decided to retrace my ancestor steps and search for that lady's modern day descendants so you purposely tried to drown bruh I've spent many years on the road now and I'm nowhere near as fit as I was in my youth huh the wish that I've spent half my life chasing after has now become something of an obsession well I haven't lived half of my life yet but still I don't think you've lived a quarter of it it's like imagine if you saved the center of a Lotus Flower crisp which which part by the way because you wanted to eat it another day but again great analogy by one hi Mom we definitely remember that for the rest of her life that's her trauma there's no need to feel sorry for me I've made some progress over the years for example I've concluded that the story must have taken place in leeuwa I'd always known that monster is the city of song and freedom but more recently I heard that the animal archon returned to monstat for a festival in the fall and learned that he himself is a patron deity of music so I prayed for the animal archon's guidance in the monster Cathedral and as soon as I set foot back outside the front gate I noticed a cluster of leaves being blown in the wind further and further west towards Stonegate a friendly local told me that this meant the wind was guiding me in the direction of leeway so I followed their advice and made my way here hmm are you sure it sounds a bit too much like one of those fake Legends told by those treasure hoarder guys to scam gullible grannies from chinkso Village Max lapis has returned to the world just give me some incense and a little Mora towards the travel fees and I will pass your gift on to the Lord of Geo and ask to keep you and your family safe and well and so on and so on I wouldn't go that far but we have a lot of experience with deciphering Omens and stuff and anyway you only got scammed if you handed over more of right actually to express my gratitude I did spend rather a lot of more on several bottles of Fine Wine bruh the statues of the seven along the way Betsy how about this ladies and gentlemen why don't I bring you all to Eugene Terrace to see Miss gun you gone you I wonder if most people in Fontaine just like him cause this is looking pretty snazzy xinyan hi everyone a fancy meeting you all here what a nice surprise what's up girl when I was last here to advertise a leeway stop for the iridescence tour shinyan was one of the few people willing to give me the time of day yeah she mentioned that feels like I've been chasing this iridescence tour bandwagon halfway around the world but I keep getting stood up what's going on Mr Dvorak uh I'm so sorry Shin yen they've had a string of terrible luck recently and every time we've tried to put on a show something or other has come up to stop our plans from materializing I guess it can't be helped so what brings you to Lehigh Harbor at this time of year anyway thinking of putting on a music festival during the lantern rat celebrations uh I'm actually here on personal business this time oh so no Lantern Rat music festival come on you could probably spare something I mean that's not just up to me hosting a music festival takes a lot of funding and personnel moreover I've never worked with the leeway authorities before even if I were to start putting something together right now I think it'd be too rushed hmm good thing we know literally everyone wait but we're going to meet the Leo aren't we and they're the ones in charge uh-huh that's right Miss Kuching and Miss ninguang can make anything happen you mean what an opportunity well sure it might not work out but it can't hurt to bring it up as a suggestion my friend yunjin is a well-known opera singer Lee with her support and a commissioned song from the Yoon Han Opera Trope we should be able to get something going but what about you shinyan are you just going to sit this one out what do you take me for if we actually of course not iridescence toward Lantern Rock Grand concert a reality you think I'd let anyone else perform the opening act exactly that rock and roll spirit okay I'll give it a shot let's go yes my time's getting cut short I'm gonna head back right away and start working on this mentioned just now is that anyone we know yes it's shangling she has mentioned you two before oh wait this guy's here again what's up Vlad where's your girl I wonder if we'll get a cutscene with them again oh it's Master is it okay if I go and say hi to her what's up oh calm down now dear I'm not about to run off anywhere I'm not a bundle of energy like you I haven't seen you in days master phew oh bless you yow-yo you do say the sweetest things ah look who it is visiting friends during the lantern right are we greetings Madonna hello ma'am I am a musician from Fontaine and an organizer of the iridescence tour I don't suppose you've heard of it an old lady like me wouldn't know much about that sort of thing a music festival you say it sounds terribly exciting if we could add some music elements to the lantern rage and you know all about Lopez figure out how best to approach it do you think it would be a bit too modern or is there any other issue why not at all music pays homage to history and culture and it can also be a bridge between different civilizations true times change and the music enjoyed by the youngsters of today is no doubt very different from the Toons I was accustomed to in my youth nevertheless all fine things in life can be appreciated and so I look forward to it immensely I do believe that my own dear grandmother aside you are the wisest old lady I've ever met oh goodness gracious you're all being suspiciously sweet today yeah yeah whatever have you been feeding them I'm sure you must have plenty to be getting on with yes run along now don't let me hold you up ah new hook on you gone you gone you gone you I got on you I've read all the medicine you've asked me to pick for you oh and here's a pack of sweet flower seeds as well oh also also these dried chinction leaves make a great pot of tea that's very good for you I know you've had a lot to do with at work recently but you shouldn't push yourself too hard if you're not careful you'll end up falling asleep in the grass again well this is weird it's like a responsible younger sister talking to their disorganized older sister spymont criticism is quite valid I do have a tendency to neglect matters outside of work and that's something I should improve on oh my apologies I don't believe we've been introduced ah hi honors [Music] it may be a little difficult to make this happen oh oh the iridescence tour is relatively unknown in Leah it's difficult to predict how a brand new show will be received it would be quite risky for us to bet everything on this one music festival therefore we will not replace or cancel any of our pre-existing program however I will submit a proposal requesting to put the iridescence tour special performance as the final Act of this year's festivities so live music will certainly add to the festive atmosphere on the night of the lantern right as for the venue hmm let's reserve a space at the Docks now I just need to take some time to give this proposal some Polish okay so it's still happening it's just gonna be difficult as soon as there's work to do gun you says diligent does ever Master once said that everyone has things that they are good at and things that they are less good at so with that in mind gone you shouldn't feel compelled to become perfect at absolutely everything I'm good at taking care of people so that can be left to me hey yo-yo can you take care of I will inform the chishing of this development immediately please give me a moment to pass on the message yo yo thank you for bringing my herbs I will make sure to take them remember to make tea from them first on you you mustn't just chew them raw uh I I will that lady I just she really thinks of everything it got me wondering could it be that all our failed attempts so far have been down to our failure to properly prepare for different contingencies that's just a gone you diff I don't know what else to tell you the teaching have approved gani's proposal over the next few days I will be working with Mr Dvorak on behalf of the teaching to facilitate the organization of this concert on a more personal note I am an avid supporter of all things new and Innovative as such it is my privilege to work with you on this exciting project never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined this going so smoothly it's like a dream come true time for me to call in the performers to Stage a concert at a high profile event like this is a rare opportunity we'll make sure it's a night to remember our music man's finally getting fired up yeah for a musician music will always be the language they are most fluent in what about your ancestor oh that well that can wait for another time can you what's wrong they told me all about Mr dvorak's situation but I was so engrossed in drafting The Proposal that I forgot all about it oh that's quite all right I I don't even know what the person I'm trying to find looks like so it was always going to be a long shot but don't worry about me gone you your time and energy are needed elsewhere I'm sure you already have planning to deal with between this concert and everything else going on during the lantern right thanks it was just that I had a few initial thoughts when I heard your story for instance I wonder if this lady or ancestor met might have been an adeptus oh what do you think that could be possible actually I am somewhat related to the Adept I myself I am part human and part chilling I know how important your quest to get in touch with your roots must be to you because I've been there myself before trying to find out where I belonged are you telling me all the rumors of the Liu adeptide are real so it's not just artistic license they're real trying to track them down is tough though yes anyway if you're looking to uncover a lost melody or shine light on a forgotten aspect of Leo's cultural history I'm probably not the best person to ask but if it's a person you're looking for then I just might be able to help in that case gonyo shall we divide the work between us yes that was also my thought how's your workload at the moment will you be able to make time she's going to lose a couple days of sleep you know it'll be fine though I can probably get through everything in two days as long as I don't sleep yeah there we go even for someone with illuminated Beast blood in their veins working for such an extended period without a break will take its toll on your health tell him be it but three moons from the start he who returns is not he that departs even I know the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance in in case three days bruh all right I can work with that I was wondering what are your thoughts on music what does it mean to you everything music [Music] truth be told the question of what music means to people is one that I've been pondering for quite some time let's revisit this question after the concert don't worry we'll just pull out some Lil Uzi and then she'll understand lady you hung buy one what is it I am told that a strange melody was heard somewhere along the coast I was wary of investigating further on my own so I was just on my way to report this incident to lady ninguong but I'm worried that if we don't act right away we may miss the window of opportunity to take appropriate action I understand in that case I let us handle this one yeah you're busy enough as it is there's a different things in the city that needs your attention we got this every day we'll definitely be able to handle it will handle it living it all to me again you know I once heard someone from Lee wed describe a person as Swift as lightning and agile As the Wind at the time I thought it was a curious expression and I had a hard time piecing together a mental image of such a person but now having seen Kuching in action I honestly can't think of any other way to describe it it's such a vivid and expressive phrase a testament to the richness of leeway's culture you're too kind Mr Dvorak it was nice to see coaching and gonyo again it's been so long especially since I didn't get to see the Lantern ride Festival last year Byron said the strange tomb is coming from around here right I was just wondering who in the right would come out to a place like this oh so that's you two what's up yaylon attack she was definitely following us you look pretty alive to me you that bad no fair enough come with me I've already Recon the perimeter so we should be safe the door is in pretty good condition Al on Google that someone was last living here this place is completely empty there's nothing valuable left here at all the doors and windows are all fine so there definitely wasn't a break-in bad guys could have sneaked in while the owner was gone but then how do you explain why the door and windows are intact seems you've done a pretty thorough inspection so any theories on what might have happened here hey I'm Mike pymon I got nothing from us on purpose did you why would I make this we're on the same side here okay well it gives up then what about you give up as well might have something to do with the melody honestly wasn't that what we were coming here for anyways let me share a folk story with you a long time ago there used to be a group of bandits in the Leo at Countryside who would sound a horn every time they were about to raid a village but it wasn't a rallying cry to Rouse their fellow men it was a disconcerting tune meant to intimidate the weak and warn them of their impending doom to escape with their lives the villagers would abandon their homes and flee overnight taking only their most valuable belongings with them everything else was left behind the bandits were eventually brought to Justice but the fear and Trauma remained in the villagers Hearts whenever they heard that Melody they would feel like their lives were in danger once again and flee immediately so instead of it being a melody of like helpfulness and saving someone this is more of a melody of danger the culprit of this crime exploited that very fear to get access to this house without having to force their way in the important thing now is to find this copycat criminal uh so if we use Elemental sight we could follow the tracks on any other day that'd probably be a good idea unfortunately it's not gonna work today why not not only did they stay off the muddy road to avoid leaving Footprints it looks like they were also careful not to bring any gadgets with so much as a trace of Elemental energy evidently they were intent on keeping even the most experienced investigators off their Trail unfortunately for them I'm one of the best trackers in the business they're not about to get away with their little scheme on my watch so basically if we want to find the culprit we just need to follow you on yeah just let it do all the work this time the traveler doesn't have to do everything as long as you can keep up these trucks are superficial but they definitely didn't occur naturally something heavy was being dragged this way meaning we're headed in the right direction who are you where did you come from the evidence is conclusive okay confess and we'll go easy on you my patience is running low so why don't you do us both a favor hmm you kidding me you think I'm scared of you perhaps not but you should be oh we're gonna play is Elon hmm let's see step one Dodge and then quietly now tie him up are you not done okay let's tie you up again how about we tie you up a third time quietly now you're feeling a little tight there buddy uh what do you mean by that I Surrender I Surrender please I'll do whatever you say please have mercy you have one chance and I'm warning you don't make me ask twice I swear Lantern writes nearly here and like a lot of people I wanted to buy a few nice things I don't really have any kind of experience with robbing people and whatnot so I uh I don't have the guts to break into somebody's house wow you're really going to complain to us about that what what a thing to complain about no not at all I'm just telling it how it is I racked my brains trying to think of what I could do and eventually I remembered something from back when I was a kid the bandits would blow their horn and my grandma would grab us kids and run I remember the tune so I I figured I'd try it for myself I mean just to see what would happen at first anyway I seriously didn't expect that family to pack up and leave wow so you use the one thing that your family has trauma from against other people come on man that's kind of low it was completely wrong of me I know that now I'll return everything that I took it's all still in perfect condition it would be like it was never gone please give me a chance huh let me make it right give you a chance huh sounds to me like you'd rather strike some kind of a deal than spend Lantern right behind bars yes um yes you know how to bargain I'll give you that it's just a Pity that you didn't confess at the first opportunity once we've returned the goods we'll find the owner of the house and you can apologize to them in person after that I'll escort you to the ministry of civil Affairs you know as a former victim of this kind of crime yourself I doubt anyone understands the fear you inflicted quite as well as you do yeah so why would you do it does your greed matter more to you than your fear more to the point if you can play a tune from memory don't you think you should be capable of making an honest living you mean that's enough hints for you you'll have plenty of time to reflect on all of this yourself there's not much left to wrap up so I'll take it from here guess this is where I'll say goodbye I'm still not sure how you first got your hands on this information so play it safe when you get back don't mention to anyone that you ran into me out here okay you helped a lot with the investigation and arrest anyway so it's perfectly fair for you to get all the credit just take it it works better for me too all right you did not need to whisper in my ear for that but okay thanks thank you when we were chatting with Mr Dvorak music seemed like such a positive thing and most music is right it can help us relax feel all warm and fuzzy recall happy memories or even just think happy thoughts I'ma never imagine that music could be used to commit crimes well it just comes down to the ill will makes sense pyman's musical understanding improves again we're back everything's all sorted that's great news oh please wait here a moment if you would be so kind lady ning Wong instructed me to advise her upon your return there she is my greetings to both of you long time no see a woman herself what's something wrong you could be so formal with this ninguang we've known each other for a long time now you must be super busy with all the preparations for lantern right don't mind us on the contrary I think it is those that I have known long as to whom I should extend the greatest courtesies alas on a different day I would invite both of you inside for some tea and a brief respite from your travels but you're quite right trivial matters aside there's no escaping the fact that we have a grand concert to organize once the performance itself is over we'll then need to invite the representatives of the iridescence tour for a discussion on future collaboration opportunities the financing Arrangements alone could well entail many rounds of discussion simply put there will always be work to do oh you're already thinking that far ahead as expected of the late evening Wong well we can discuss more current affairs if you'd prefer I trust you saw this year's Ming Shao Lantern at the Docks when you arrived at the city yeah it looks nice a goose which ductus isn't modeled on this time seagazer I believe you're familiar with the name yeah but I don't remember what they looked like actually Legend holds it he was free-spirited and easy going people described him as a cheerful soul and a loyal friend on this marvelous Lantern right we pray that the fallen heroes may be guided home if the sound of music can flow like the rivers and streams into every corner of the land perhaps The Souls of those who have gone before us will hear the song of a new era I wondered whether the Melodies would be to their liking oh you're gonna love them I'm unsure of it I heard that you'll be going on a search with gonyu to find the descendants of a fairy lady from a Fontaine Legend yep I'm sure this quest to uncover the truth behind an ancient story will turn into a most Charming Tale do share it with me won't you I couldn't bear to miss out absolutely don't worry don't know she's falling asleep again oh have you been sleeping on you [Music] I imagine not greetings traveler and pymon are you okay can you you were nodding off there didn't you sleep well last night uh I'm fine don't worry about me let's discuss the matter at hand since last time I've been thinking a lot about the story pymon told me in essence someone rescued a drowning man and performed some music if that were all there was to it it could have been many people human or adeptus but the tune was allegedly so wonderful that the drowning man forgot about everything else even his own impending death and only came to his senses after being brought to shore oh this is more than just a human perhaps there was an adeptical power at work in that music that he as a mortal could not perceive or perhaps he sensed a power surrounding him but lacked the words to describe it not knowing where it came from either way if this part of the story is true then The Rescuer has to have been an adeptus okay it's about how people from Fontaine think this fairy lady look maybe they gave her hordes accounting person me uh-huh um well I'd get them to the shore and then I probably hide behind a tree and watch them for a while once I was sure that they were going to be okay I'd slip away without a sound so stealthy so basically the type of person who doesn't like taking credit for her Good Deeds no it's not like that I'm just not very good at explaining things and I also find it really awkward accepting other people's gratitude she's just like me she's just like me had a similar attitude that would explain why she just left without saying a word she was probably thinking something like um um one was merely passing by and saw fit to address this egregious disruption to one's graceful zithering at once you may keep your thanks to yourself how does she do that voice so well that was actually a very good impression of cloud retainer pymon um if we set off now we could head to mount outside and ask her about it you'll be able to confirm either way if it's her and I can um what I've been in Leah Harbor for so long now that I'm just not as familiar with the Adept eye anymore if there's anything we want to know about them she's the best person to ask okay sounds great and we're pretty close with Cloud retainer by now so we probably don't even need to bring her food this time right I've prepared a gift for her to Mark the festival just in case however you still have some reservations um Cloud retainer spends most of her days studying mechanisms in her abode she's on her own so much of the time that the moment she has someone to chat with she just she talks a lot huh she's gonna tell us stories about you never mind Dvorak and they've made the contract I can't be having second thoughts about this if Cloud retainer tries to start telling stories about her again this year we should pipe up and change the topic we can try I'm so tired from trying to keep up don't either of you need to take any breaks no you just need to fly better I can't believe it Cloud retainer is not here since she's not here I guess the next step is to check all the other Adept diabodes one by one please go on pie mom our goal here is n't the adeptice that helped dvorak's ancestor right yeah music right now but if she's really as nice as the story suggests she definitely come to help anyone who was drowning right wait a minute so all we have to do is get the traveler to pretend to fall into the water if you're so sure why don't you try it that time on can't swim I would think like a rock just trust fun the water's pretty deep over there quick to the very center [Music] what is going on [Laughter] it's a Lee came oh oh and shed her how do you feel right now demon [Music] demon please don't make time unexplain it okay okay fine we'll explain like she always has to we're looking for Infernus good at being a lifeguard and playing music but but if the Adept I aren't gonna stay home then how are we supposed to find them it wasn't me uh yeah so this is that this is most likely a woman and I am not an adeptice as you both already know traveler and pymon okay Spider-Man's fault no way paima would have suggested this idea she'd known how awkward this was gonna be my bad Zhao glad you're okay you're living already as far as I know the one you seek is no yaksha and one last thing oh are you jealous that it's not you that I'm seeking for your actions here caused others a great deal of worry do not repeat them again in the future my bad how's your training going shenha have you made any plans for lantern right we could spend it together in leeuwa Harbor if you'd like oh I had planned to spend the festival with Master this year [Music] however speaking of cloud retainer when did you see her last earlier this morning she set off for Mount hulau at dawn I noticed she was using an adeptus art of some kind to protect a mechanism that looked like a boiler oh maybe it was a gift for Mountain shaper I did not inquire well that's an old thing that was like from way back then please excuse me for a moment I think I'll leave the gift in her Abode it sounds like Daniel and shenha have gotten a lot closer recently and the opposite for her and Shaw yes during the summer and winter I continue to train with master in the other months of the year I have been learning to adapt to human life in leeway Harbor ganyu arranged accommodations for me in the city and also recommended several work positions for me but when I try to blend in by referring to her as miss gonyu or lady gonyu like the others she says I mustn't address her like that sometimes I'm supposed to copy other people sometimes I'm not it's a little difficult to keep track of everything kind of gets embarrassed when people call her Lady Gaga oh that's not what it is hmm noted he's learning working for master today because you wanted to ask her about the mystery Adept us is that right oh speaking of that have you ever heard any music while out training in the mountains music album real quick okay I'm done I also left her a note so that she knows where to find us we won't miss her again yay that's really helpful thanks we were just talking about this thing called music and based on pymon's description I do believe I hear it every day please follow me oh so she does know what music she just doesn't know the word for it this is the play I enjoy training here to The Sound of Music uh okay what my condolences when you just spoke anyway uh where is this music The Faint sound of bird song The Quiet murmur of the streams these are relaxing sounds are they not the music of which you speak oh that's what she means well I mean technically yes oh oh quite done with the description fault what we're looking of nature but Melody's played on special instruments oh and a Melody is come on pymon sing us a nursery rhyme patronize time on let's get one thing straight hi Mom knows plenty of nursery rhymes but pieman does not sing On Demand without payment why don't you just sing that one Melody shed has heard before it'll probably help her to understand what we're talking about fingers crosses won't attract any Whopper flowers that's a throwback hmm [Music] oh okay there he goes again oh was that from the Opera that yunjin sang that was a melody and Melodies can be called music ah it felt like I was transported back to the past in my mind's eye I could see the Zhao lanterns lighting up the night sky again we're all there raising our glasses and drinking to our hearts content on the Jade chamber as I watched yunjin's performance I felt a warm sensation in my heart and as the drink reached my stomach it went from warm to hot when you hummed that Melody just now feelings from a whole year ago came right back to me as strong as they were on that day huh so that's the power of music so real what about you can you are there any Melodies that have left a deep impression on you um I don't remember if my parents ever sang any lullabies to me oh I know some local folk songs and a few other things come to mind too why don't you sing for us the songs of the sailors down at the Docks the little ditties that the vendors call out in front of their beloved shops the tunes of folk artists performing on the streets all the sounds of leeway Harbor in the past whenever I heard the sound of those Tunes I always felt that they were worlds apart from me Nanny and Leo probably view me as a non-human and they are right in the sense that I never could connect with humans artistic expression and their sentiments so I haven't been able to integrate into their community and be a part of their lives I'm sure if you tried you could I mean it's not that hard at least that's the view I held in the past only more recently did I start to realize that the only barriers are ones that I have erected with my imagination yeah the way those Melodies make me feel isn't all that different from other people after all they're about mundane details of everyday existence life's ups and downs Joys and Sorrows even though we come from different backgrounds and have different stories to tell when it comes down to the most common things that we see and experience around us each day in the city in that sense we're all the same true you cook on you you're really making progress you're the friends in Lilo and Harvard when you think about it like um where are your friends now right yes I am thank you everyone once the days are warmer I would like to host you at my home in the city please invite Kuching as well oh that's nice I've planted many types of flowers I'm sure some of them will be to your taste more girls night out eating flowers anything to do with you both being the Disciples of that illuminated bird I mean we like eating plants too salad exists Who Dares refer to 100 by one's adeptus title but merely as that illuminated bird a cloud retainer what you doing here master our greetings Cloud retainer youth even after being chastised once already one has received your message from Gone you on the matter of the adeptice you seek one suspects to know their identity well shall one lead the way yes please I still have to complete my training for today so I will bid farewell to everyone here hopefully we get to see her again where is her rerun Hoya verse [Music] God you is of course familiar with the name guaijong but have you ever heard of her oh boy Zhang oh are we gonna learn is another name of agentus the god of dust she was extroverted in nature and adored social Gatherings and inventions alike long ago this region was yet a prosperous assembly Guai Zhang often invited her friends to visit her home reserving for us seats around the largest stone table sea gazer would always bring out his latest treasure and place it upon the table ah he could be quite the braggart though usually a mild-mannered fellow when it came to those Collectibles he was so fond of he always loved to show them off once he had brought out the treasure it would predictably become the center of attention neither guaijong nor one was content to let him just steal the spotlight so we would then also present our proudest mechanical creations uh as adeptide we were each gifted in our own ways and naturally proud of our accomplishments and our respective fields of expertise as a result one often quarreled with sea gazer his treasures were not even of his own making he just used his exploration skills to dig them out of the ground how pretty tell could he compare to me when every single one of one's accomplishments were crafted by one's own hand hey it still requires a bit of skill though Cloud retainer you are getting competitive again one digresses regardless every time an argument occurred Guai Zhang would come over to watch us during our mutual lambastics on some occasions she would join in and on others she'd take one of us by the limb and start uttering the most ridiculous nonsense she scolded y'all ah Why argue between yourselves when neither of you could ever hope to beat me other times she would make unsolicited suggestions such as once YouTube you're done arguing let's go to the foot of the mountain and Grill some meat she says skill issue she always sought to make everyone happy and one must say she had quite the gift for it no matter what nonsense she said one never felt bothered or offended it also helped that she never referred to one as that illuminated bird a ladybird she's so petty just as our impassioned arguments would reach the Apex of acrimony marchosius would bring his delectable dishes to the table art associates who would dare snub the stove God at his wondrous creations at the sight of him we would all immediately drop the argument and prepare the table for a night of feasting and drinking back then one was always bothered by how the Cup's Rex lapis brought were always too Square for one's taste can you see yourselves ever enjoying a drink from a square cut yeah actually I kind of agree with that as we hate guaijong would continue to find topics for conversation filling the table with humor and laughter that's the extroverted skill we would drink together from a spot high in the mountains until the moon set and the sun rose and only then would the bank would finally come to an end street Wood Rambler would often remain to admire the flowers with guaijan before returning to her own abode the glazed lilies were far more abundant back then entire fields of them would appear to the eye as a veritable sea of flowers man we definitely came to tavat at a non-prime time streetward Rambler that would be ping you probably know her as Madame ping oh it's Madam ping this is a lovely story and everything but didn't we come here to find that adeptice from Mr dvorak's story no no hold on pymon let her speak or are you saying that it was guajung didn't she um already long has one avoided this place for precisely that reason the sights here are a reminder of a Time long gone and evoke much sorrow one should have guessed that you would disrupt one's poignant moment of mourning with your incessant questioning no matter one will share the whole story with you now in time's gone by people concerning mechanical principles we each had our ideals and neither would yield under the pretext of a social Galaxy partial Rex lapis to judge the quality of our creations declare that guaijan's obscuro vopus mechanism was Superior that was good John oh is that one was too proud to acknowledge is that cloud retainer one's heart one knew that guajiang was indeed the superior talent in the mechanical Arts wait Claude retainer looks really pretty between guaijong and streetward Rambler that begins with a certain Bell while mechanisms were no substitute for human composers they were yet capable of producing simple but fine Melodies but streetward Rambler believed music to be an expression of the Soul wait that's Madame pain that could never hope to be replicated by Machinery endlessly until one ass Red's lapis to intercede he confiscated the bell and designated it for ceremonial use he said no thereafter one would often find them convening in the mountains discussing music mechanics and all the Affairs of the mortal world oh but these good times were not to last war broke out between the gods and soon engulfed the goalie Plains was overpowered by the enemy and fell in battle no the street would Rambler and I arrived at the scene at long last all that remained among the ruins is her lifeless body damn that straight word rambler's request Rex lapis granted her the cleansing Bell for safe keeping to honor our friend's memory one made a few finishing touches to her ballistic device yeah many land [Music] upon what do you gaze the quaily planes no hmm it's everything so does Madame ping know the answer does she know the answer the whole time it's like a lantern that's lit one minute and extinguish the next but are we Adept eyes so different perhaps as dust settles after a storm we too must one day return to the world below one has always been austere and private by nature and has never relished socializing one's dealings with guaijan were born out of discussions on the discipline of mechanics lots of friends and you seem pretty chatty just because one is not ignorant of social graces does not mean one is fond of them and is perfectly capable of partaking in conversation despite being introverted yeah that's Peak introverted behavior in the end one is nothing like streetward Rambler she is dauntless but thoughtful not to mention eloquent and wise moreover her friendship with guaijan was far greater than one's own back when they were Rivals they would often compete against one another in the realm of musical composition that cleansing Bell was one of Guai Zhang's proudest works having the ability to both compose and perform wait it's weird didn't Madame ping say she pestered an old friend for that Bell and she also said something about being a vain Beauty when she was young yeah streetward Rambler a vain Beauty my foot dang call her ugly that Bell has a sad history clearly she refrained from sharing with you the truth of its Origins since the right time had not yet come as soon as Street would Rambler hurt that a certain Zhang Lee wished to borrow the Bell she realized that the man was none other than Rex lapis and that he had made an enormous decision the cleansing Bell is powered by a mechanical art and can be used to great effect as an accompanying instrument after the passing of its creator it was used on numerous occasions during Rites of partying but streetward Rambler did not acquire it from Rex lapis for the purpose of producing further funerary Tunes no each time she rang it it was to play the tune that Guai Jean composed on it the two once clashed over their beliefs about the meaning of music who would have thought that with guajiang's passing and streetward Ramblers Mourning two Tunes composed in Discord would eventually become one harmonious composition Once Upon a Time street Wood Rambler also loved Gatherings liquor and music but after guaijong passed she preferred her own company she could often be found sitting alone at a mountain Summit contemplating and reminiscing with her zither music would go from mournful to soothing to impassioned yeah I guess losing a friend will do that many years passed before she finally composed a Melody to our satisfaction in celebration she played the tune to the clouds incredibly one has only ever heard her Play That Tune once which brings one back to the matter you've been investigating perhaps it was during that performance that the ancestor of your Fontaine friend fell into the water and was saved by streetward Rambler so that's the only other time she's played it happy with the melody why would she only play it once one was also greatly perplexed by this after suppressing one's curiosity for a long while one finally approached her and asked why she would retire the tune after having spent so long on it it's also kind of poetic that she couldn't save the person who created the Bell but she was able to use it to save another person's life in response she said though the strings that played that Melody survive the one who inspired it is gone tell me Cloud retainer when the one attuned to my soul is no longer here who else could hope to understand this tune was quite the Visionary tragically passed before her time her manuscripts still lie unfinished in the realm of clouds blank pages give one cause for contemplation on what might have been yeah had you not decided to search for that mystery adeptice perhaps these stories too would have been lost to the sands of time War sucks as of now you know the truth that the adapter through rescued the drowning man was none other than streetward Rambler do you intend to discuss this with her hmm do you mean ping might find the topic too distressing precisely the passing of our old friend is the heavy topic that both of us are usually careful to avoid if I may be so bold retainer could it be that this is just your own personal opinion I've been in Leo Harbor for quite a long time now and I've witnessed many farewells along the way so I too am well acquainted with the pain of the passing of a loved one but this doesn't bring the city or its people to a standstill they have to keep moving forward though these Immortal mountains have well there's a chest there yes the harbor of Mortals has gained a wise Elder bro when was there a chance oh I need to find this location where is this at no loss can ever be out there but there is always much that can still be gained ping has helped countless people and will guide many others in the years to come and all to whom she extends a helping hand become her friends people she can admire flowers and discuss music with though it is heartbreaking to lose a kindred spirit Life Goes On because there are new friends waiting for you further down the road that's true oh when we get back we can even get her up on stage you youngsters and your imaginations why don't you come with us it's been a long time since you last spoke with ping Harper is always decorated so beautifully during the festival period nah too many people were there ever anything new to discuss one in pink could mean any day of the year I disagree each new day and each new year is different from those that have come before how long will you simply let them pass you by I would say do it for gone you um Incredibles she brought this time we're indeed quite edible she'd be doing this and one will be off if the other old fossils that sneaked away into the city to amuse themselves one shall soon find out once the gwali assembly now the gwaley planes say if we planted flowers there and cared for them carefully enough do you think that one day we'd be able to recreate the Sea of glazed lilies I bet on it allow one to take back one's praise still Flights of Fancy child nah she came back what Cloud retainer you were still listening one observed that you were making no effort to leave and returned to chasten and hasten you okay this time one is departing in Earnest okay all right see now I could grab this I don't know how I've never grabbed this before what do you think cutie I think it's very nice it appears you made haste after all one arrived but moments before you oh bless my soul to what do I owe the honor how nice of you all to come and visit me Miss illuminated bird haven't you said anything yet said what precisely and why should one be tasked with saying it so she's been standing here the longest I Street word um or rather presumably you would prefer to be addressed as ping oh Cloud retainer you are uncommonly polite today one uh given that Lantern right is almost upon us the weather in the city is most Pleasant and a sweet floral fragrance lingers in the air um nah Cloud retainer informed us that the one who played that Melody and rescued the drowning man was none other than yourself ah let me think yes I do believe I recall that encounter but a long time ago that was I'm surprised that you still remember it even more astonishing perhaps is the fact that this story has survived this long at all when mortal lives are so very brief it appears that she has proven herself right once again we like to call her guaijong from the looking retainer's eyes I sense that she has already told you all about her albeit reluctantly on my dad um there is no harm done after all Lantern writes very purpose is to commemorate the heroes who gave their lives for leeway although guaijong did not live to see The Splendid sights of today she was as much a hero as any other bro Once Upon a Time she said to me that humans were a weak form of life that she wished to protect with her wisdom ah but as she interacted more and more with them her opinions on them began to change she marveled at the beautiful complexity of their spirits the sheer Splendor of all they could accomplish through their hard work and intelligence she told us the to underestimate human potential would be to make a grave mistake don't underestimate us or else we'll create nuclear bombs and destroy ourselves with the smallest amount of guidance enormous power can be Unleashed in them and a human who has reached their full potential May well be her equal someone who could have as much to teach in adeptice as to learn from them she always had a way with words you know why she sounds so mad her mechanical accomplishments were judged Superior to one's own was one suspects in large part due to her sheer eloquence speaking of mechanics Cloud retainer do you still remember that potted plant mechanism the one that the two of you gave me as a gift of course Guai Zhang and one both put an immense amount of effort into that gift it would be no overstatement to call it a testament to each of our individual technical genius as guay Zhang once said it takes every blade of grass and every flower to make a Homeland when I see the sight of leeway Harbor before us today I am reminded of this of all of us it was guaijong who was the fondest of these Grand and exciting occasions [Music] if she was still with us I'm quite sure she would still be trying to best cloud retainer's finest works at every opportunity leeway Harbor is always filled with the sound of music at the at the time of the year if she were here one is certain that she would seek you out to discuss and debate the virtues of various melodies oh yeah I forgot we came here for that we've been dying and as a performer oh as much as I don't wish to dampen Your Enthusiasm it's been a long time since I played this zither my fingers don't have the dexterity they once did understandable and whenever I Play That Tune it always reminds me of her there was a period of time whenever I started strumming it almost felt like she was back again sitting right there on the stone stall next to me chatting away Sky bracer and sea gazer 2 looking just like they did in the old days no matter how much time goes by the moment that Melody starts playing it transports me right back to that time in my memory so the past still weighs heavily on your heart I would be lying to myself if I claim to have completely moved on but that is not to say that grief doesn't get easier with time despite the sadness I have found many things that bring me joy in life it is simply the nature of the world in which we live that even if one wished to mourn for an eternity it would be an eye impossible feat very true be that as it may I shall leave the lantern right stage to the Youth of today well if you're sure granny what's everyone doing here did something bad happen and now we've spooked yonfe no no everyone's just here to give me their regards for the holiday what's up Yonce that's wonderful I'm glad well in that case happy Lantern ride everyone happy Lantern right yanfei oh I I just remembered that I have some uh word to do a high Pavilion that I need to discuss with yanfei I haven't been able to find a chance until now I will leave Mr Dvorak in your capable hands Cloud retainer ping oh we will be off for now but I feel like that was an excuse does it have to be right now which case is this again hey can you it seems gone you still has much to learn when it comes to the art of deception what a Pity she has learned nothing of one's ability to carry a conversation since it's been so long Cloud retainer why don't you stay I'll make a cup of tea and we can chat a while gladly this was one's intention as well as for that Melody I will play it for you all another time goodness knows I need to practice it first when that time comes wherever her spirit may be among the countless grains of sand and specks of dust between the harbor and the mountains perhaps she will look at the Leo of today and steal a smile when she sees the prosperous land that it has become ping they're you too convening more often in the future that would be quite wonderful but I must say after all this time I've grown quite accustomed to the harbor when we are to meet I shall have to trouble you to make the journey to the city sound just like Shanghai the child is constantly telling one all sorts of stories from the city as if one was partial to them whoever considered moving to the city Cloud retainer there are plenty of people here to talk to I think you would find it quite the antidote to the monotony of solitude and if you looked around I suspect you would find some young minds with an interest in the mechanical Arts some of them even worth training we shall see maybe one day she'll move here that'd be kind of nice to see [Music] so the melody my ancestor heard was an adeptus remembering her late friend that certainly explains why it was such a powerful and poignant tune an interesting first reaction guess that comes with having a musical mind I have to say though it's hard to believe that the fairy from the tale is now an elderly granny Adam ping possesses vast knowledge and great wisdom whatever physical form she may decide to take her mind and wits are as sharp as they come hmm yes I must thank her in person that can wait until after the concert though for now I need to devote all my emotional energy to the performance has a sneaking suspicion that she'll stay in her usual spot but listen to the performances from afar oh boy wait are you serious huh oh no now I'm starting to get nervous did she like any other performance it'll be fine okay all right and nope another rehearsal is in order uh please excuse me everyone oh my before I used to search we've gone you music means thanks we have a lot more to say about that now please share your insights with me well we found out that music can be used for good but also for bad um it can make people happy and moved but it can also be sad and Bittersweet so basically music can evoke any type of emotion a music like a kind of memory written in people's hearts it could put you in touch with feelings from a totally different time and place it sounds like you had an eventful trip don't worry I'm sure gani will fill me in on all the details shortly does that mean everyone working mm-hmm just a few things to wrap up all the groundwork is done as long as everyone enjoys the festival activities all our efforts are worthwhile happy Lantern ride coaching happy Lantern right to you as well my mom Feels Like She's forgetting something why what was it oh it feels like it was a while ago we forgot about Zhang Lee soup anyway uh fancy bamboo shoots yeah the Bamboozled soup anyway even if we don't make it it's not our fault he could have totally picked them by himself uh actually I feel like he would be glad that we took so long because that means that we took our time and went on a journey foreign oh wow look who it is are you here to hang out with everyone's favorite funeral director so you just just casually practicing your rapping skills at the entrance to your funeral parlor in Brad daylight okay wow after everything we've been through you don't see me for a hot minute and you're back to being scared of your own shadow we have all this open space a clear view of the mountains behind in the sea in front not to mention we have several invisible audience members enthusiastically cheering us on it's the perfect spot to rehearse invisible audience members ghosts gotta say it took me a few days to get used to director who's way of talking Xin Yen was pretty spooked too when she first got here just like when she sees a frog but a giant frog with sharp teeth come on knock it off what's wrong I've never seen someone look so confused before well don't worry because director who's here to explain it all there once was a Fontaine musician who went around town on a mission he came door to door for his iridescence tour looking for acts to audition oh okay she rhyming with my words shinyan's quartz and Yoon genus are Mentor we'll take the stage by storm with flames roaring and the whole audience calling for more heck yeah the whole Dance Floor will be yelling Encore Encore oh no pymon's rhyming along um but when you say Flames roaring are you sure this will be safe no don't you worry about that I'm pretty experienced on the stage and I've already informed the Yu Hong of all the pyrotechnics we're planning on using okay don't blow us up have you seen John Glee Oh oh she boxes and set off for the mountain said he wanted to pay a visit to some old friends oh it's a real pity that he couldn't be around for this as well as being a true connoisseur of traditional art forms he's able to appreciate Xin Yan's performances too so that bro went to the mountains to visit the Adept eye bro yeah that's right matter of fact he was the one who first invited me to perform here to tell the truth though I never thought I'd really find myself rehearsing here one day well now you know the Wong Shang Funeral Parlor is a great location all of you are always welcome to come and hang out here especially if you're in the mood to try something new I can speak to that kutao is always full of fun surprises and jump scares no actually shinyan I have some lyric ideas for your part do you want to go through them together sure thing I'm all ears traveler in pymon I believe Sean Lee was heading to mount hulau so make sure you're hiking up the right Hill oh so he was going to Mountain with Arturo when you see zhangli please pass on this message to him it's up to him whether he wants to support us at the performance tonight but I expect him to make time for the upcoming banquet we're planning no excuses or else you're fired okay everyone I think that's a long enough break let's take it from the top shall we miss Yoon is such a strict Mentor these breaks aren't even long enough to have a sip of tea well you were desperate to get involved and this is what it takes if I gave you half the chance you'd be sipping tea till Nightfall hey how about I treat us all to some late night snacks once we're done Hotel what you craving hmm how about some stir-fried filet with a side of crab row tofu oh that sounds so good where are we gonna find crab row tofu so late at night we could always just go pester masterful Chef Sean Ling troll actually no I'm hungry all right so let's knock this out and then go grab some food I can't wait to see their performance I wonder how it's gonna be like them it's illuminated deer and illuminated bird number two bruh you come for Harbor how is my days man his voice is so deep I forgot how deep it was in fact moon cover has been taking many walks on Mount Tien hung in recent times I believe the sights of the city are quite familiar to him here you are we've brought the bamboo shoots you wanted impeccable timing traditionally bamboo shoot soup ought to be slow cooked for many hours on low heat using adeptus Arch to hasten the process is something of a shortcut Cloud retainer kindly lent me her Supreme Cuisine machine a supreme Cuisine machine can you make me some kids cuisine in there I trust that you found the answers you were seeking during your recent Journey yep excellent the past should be remembered but not overly dwelt upon our journey should be seen as a means to take on more from the world around us when the bamboo shoot soup is ready I must insist that you try some for yourself of course to tell you something she said it's up to him whether he wants to support us at the performance tonight but I expect him to make time for the upcoming banquet we're planning no excuses perfect impressions termite Music Festival as for the banquet uh she didn't tell us anything more about that but she invited us to come as well as you can see I have a prior engagement with two Adept eye friends of mine tonight please give director who my best wishes for the performance as for the banquet hmm since the director insists far be it from a mere consultant like myself to refuse absolutely Rex lapis the bamboo shoot soup is ready thank you I will examine it right away hmm the appearance is exquisite I want to see are the aroma rich and intense the craftsmanship of this machine is commendable indeed since you came all this way you should not leave empty-handed please take some soup it tastes most Exquisite while still warm I intend to reminisce with my old friends for a while longer you ought to get back to Leo Harbor there is a performance you do not want to miss but a lot of times as we've seen moon cover Mountain shaper had one known that cloud retainer was in possession of such eminently useful devices one would have sought to borrow one from her long ago since you share my lack of enthusiasm for mechanisms and fine dining it would have become a mere decorative ornament in your Abode not so had one had such a device to make up for one's lack of culinary prowess chenha would not have had to rely on flowers and herbs alone for sustenance in that case shall we rendezvous with Cloud retainer one day soon and request to borrow one more Supreme Cuisine machine a fine idea a fine idea indeed I want to see that it's the performance I'm honored to be here on the iridescence Tour stage all right without further and shin Yan this is her town and this is a little something called [Applause] oh [Music] listen to the guitar jungling everyone's here I'm up here blazing trails to the midnight okay [Music] all right does anyone have any plans tomorrow with another year behind us I think we deserve a celebration of our own my treat interested the tianchuan footing the bill I can't miss out on that bruh [Music] it when his job is normal [Music] oh Zhao doesn't get a chance to relax Michelle Leonards look at all the gel lanterns so pretty [Applause] there's Yaya oh Mr Master lessons oh May the year ahead be a blessed one I believe it shall be foreign [Applause] [Music] turn the likes of which the world has never seen you must take it to leeway Harbor to display its magnificence for all [Music] this is so pretty yeah oh listen there must be better [Music] oh [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I have them all noted down I've long heard that your knowledge encompasses all things old and new Mr Zhang Lee but I never knew that you were well versed in the art of cooking too it is truly an honor to make your acquaintance no need for formalities oh you too feel humbled to be in the company of such talented young people there are many things I could learn from you she brought all her friends here oh you flatter us um if it's possible may I trouble you to provide a few words of guidance for my practices in exorcism I can't say I'm an expert in the field but if you don't mind we could start by discussing oh there's so many people here happy happy everyone happy Lantern Riot likewise please take a seat are you having fun I've become musically cultured me too I've seen shinyan perform before but this is the first time I've watched something like this I heard that the audience loved it too and she's been receiving quite a lot of performance invitations lately she's more busy than ever and Yoon Jin's gonna help her yep and they asked us to pass on their season's greetings to everyone the performance was spectacular indeed however it gave xiangling a huge burst of inspiration which in turn gave us a bit of a headache did Chong Ling ask you to try out her dishes too oh boy that my friend is beside the point watching you eat was enough for me oh come to I probably shouldn't have brewed in chongyun with eating my share too oh my God hold on came up with a new recipe it's probably way too spicy for you see one here knows how to encourage people people I'm on oh whiners that really drove it home for me Chong Ling's ideas are truly unconventional her choices in both ingredients and spices are comparable to a Melody dancing on the tongue yeah like using slime my suggestions were nothing more than the icing on the cake [Music] after I've adjusted the recipe based on Mr sung Lee's advice hmm that sounds like it might become a little safer to eat how about I sample the dishes next time like we're missing someone where's hutao who was the one who invited us but she's not here and huh oh yeah gopa's not here at the restaurant oh you know lots of people come over to eat during Lantern right without globa helping out I probably wouldn't have had the time to accept 2000's invitation the director went to collect a guest I guess just asked me to stay here and host you for the time being who could it be Hotel went to fetch someone in person oh that must mean they are super important could it be cutting or oh who could it actually be hold on oh okay she's here today here we're not late to the party right a good thing the Conqueror of demons oh my God and the loose we made it just in time you brought Zhao how did you manage to get Zhao here did you tell him there would be almond tofu oh I see so the important guest is the Conqueror of demons I've been looking forward to meeting you the director didn't mention anything when she invited us what a pleasant surprise gathered here with us tonight are not only young and accomplished individuals but also the protector of Leo's peace adeptus a lattice also how did you get Zhao here convene here with all of you is indeed a great honor uh laughs it's almost Lantern right yet you took all the trouble coming here the director has a way of making it difficult to decline Rex lapis may I ask what troubles you the director asked me to buy sesame oil in preparation for the celebrations then why would you come all the way to wongshuin I had a pleasant chat with Chef Yen Chao and received some spices from him and see here's some matsutake and a portion of ham it's kind of hard for you to hide it huh yeah I know you wanted to see your little son okay what about the sesame oil hmm it's a shame I couldn't find the kind the director was looking for yeah this man just wanted to see Xiao I'm sure you're exaggerating oh sir there he goes again enough with the pleasantries go let our guests take a seat everyone here today is well known in their own field and has probably heard about one another to some extent some of us are even old acquaintances so there's no need to be this formal I heard that the Conqueror of demons and the traveler are pretty close no we're old friends great you two sit together okay director hello [Music] how did she manage the gate it's also the first I've heard of The Traveler in pymon being friends with the Conqueror of demons you know you know how to knowing is a bit overstatement always looked up to him so he's about a fanboy you might not know this pymon but we exorcists have worked in close collaboration with the Conqueror of demons for many generations dispelling evil together both in the open and from the Shadows hard to imagine that thanks to hutau I finally gotten the chance to meet him conqueror of demons I am honored to make your acquaintance likewise it is a great honor indeed to have a chance to meet the legendary conqueror of demons Chung Yoon has brought that name of quite a few times in the past I remember you mentioning wanting him to understand the importance of exorcists [Music] help try my dishes during the masterful chef's cook-off I didn't think we'd have the chance to meet again a happy Lantern right no anecdote however compares to meeting you in person I'm sincho Shang Li and Chang yun's friend the pleasure is all mine well everyone's getting all formal and polite all of a sudden uh Hyman doesn't know what she should say anymore just be Prime on uh [Music] happy Lantern right she tried lemon tried very hard to look for a fancy word okay there's no need to be so opal you're right this was meant to be a nice little get-together between friends after all too much formality kills the atmosphere but I didn't plan this Gathering only for everyone to walk on eggshells oh yeah what's your true intention then a little get-together between friends sipping the finest tea and watching lanterns float into the sky bidding farewell to the past and embracing the present with joy and that is something our consultant would say I think it deserves a standing ovation yeah indeed exceptional acting skills director acting skills that's for me I'm cheered to have fun and we all worked really hard this year whether traveling or guiding cooking helping with the family business exercising evil spirits or conquering demons and of course our consultant who's been helping out at the Parlor every now and then everyone has done some pretty amazing things as the one who brought everyone together it goes without saying that I'm the one most deserving of Praise okay sounds kind of self-important but time on thinks it's pretty amazing that she managed to talk Shao into coming he rarely ever enters leeway Harbor after all I'm curious about how she did it it wasn't as complicated as you think okay gotcha thanks boss lady it's not boss lady just boss and There She Goes what a lively girl conquer of demons adopt a shout Guardian a Wong Shu in Hiro abdihua Marsh I know you're there oh because she knew exactly what to said quiet Disturbed the peace he wouldn't show up if I didn't yell your name would you I you're the 77th director of Wong shung Funeral Parlor is there something you need that does sound like one of hutau's antics did the Conqueror of demons agree to come so that hutau would stop pestering him there might be other reasons it gets pretty boring from here on I talked about the funeral parlor's past relationships with the guardian yakshas you know just to be sociable in the time of the archon war disputes were frequent and disaster overtook the land humans couldn't escape from the torment at the plague nor could they escape death the Adept eye vanquished the demons the milolith fought valiantly and Wang shung Funeral Parlor was responsible for purifying the diseased and sending off the spirits of the Dead that is how the border between life and death was maintained during the war and it effectively prevented further incidents from happening yup that's right one point for the consultant but despite our deeper disconnection it still took me quite a while to actually convince him was he worried about his karma you know him pretty well huh this matter is out of my control so I need to be cautious true but I've kept that in mind too that's why everyone here today is in one way or another acquainted with elemental power oh that's smart oh besides it'll only be for a short while As We Dine together there won't be any lasting consequences but I didn't expect there to be so many people there's no need to worry conqueror of demons we're not feeling anything unusual so far our young Exorcist over here is protected by his pure Yang energy so he's probably the most resilient it's all going to be fine that's not the same and did you just toss your carrots into my bowl hey don't look away huh what siding with Chang Yoon I saw that too your Lucky Clover isn't here today he hates seeing people being picky with their food if he'd seen that he'd definitely make you eat all your carrots I'll take you carers huh quoba would do that is he that uncompromising hmm But now that I think of it shangling told me that guoba used to be the stove God it sounds like you've heard the rumors not used to being around so many people's y'all I'm doing fine not long ago before Lantern right I met an old friend thanks to his help things have been a lot more stable than before an old friend you should know him he's huh brought by the way oh it's ventially uh the prime minister unconsciously complete their thing yes you did wait Zhang Lee and venti meeting yo wait a minute I did not expect this if I'm not mistaken there's someone knocking at the door don't just sit there Zhang Lee go welcome our guest in no such need I'm coming in hi venti you finally let me in hello hello no matter if we've met before or not this moment marks a brand new encounter old friends and new Happy Lantern right I've empty it's the tone deaf board oh he seems to carry a valiant Breeze wherever he goes it looks like we're gonna be friends a boy Fate has brought us together so come on take a seat and be my guest this young lady here is as bright as a fresh bouquet of flowers in the mornings Rising Sun she no doubt is the one with the most Authority here whoa these dishes look amazing is it really okay for me to join in all right I'm digging in he's about to be like you got any wine huh it's genuine hmm gen you he's gonna give away his pen name oh uh yep now that I've taken a closer look you're a fan of Jenny's Works aren't you it's it's safe I met Sancho at a light novel convention oh I wish we'd met sooner I never expected that there'd be another person in this world who could interpret genu's new novel as thoroughly as I could venti you're being too humble wow considering your poetic Talent your fundamentals are way more impressive um could this new guest be Master scene shows the more active than usual as we get closer to Lantern right I was patrolling dihua Marsh a few days ago when I happened to run into this this you've already forgotten I'm a Bard remember and bards go around singing wherever they like oh right and this Bard was performing in dihon Marsh they definitely had to practice was a moving Melody and it made me feel relaxed and at ease I couldn't help but stay and listen oh thank you for your patronage well that's how I was I understand now too I'm Jeong Lee currently working at the Wang Chung Funeral Parlor it's a pleasure to meet you new friend I want them to reminisce about their old times so bad but they can't give away their they can't give away their identities and I'm his boss oh and if there's anything unsatisfactory let me know anytime that's very considerate of you oh no wonder only a boss has Savvy and reliable as you would be able to hire such an impressive consultant not to brag but our consultant truly is impressive his knowledge extends across the stars in the land and there's nothing throughout history that he doesn't know from the sophisticated way he speaks it's hard not to suspect that he could very well be an adeptice in disguise [Music] so you're an adeptice do you think it might be possible sorry I'm only good at conquering demons I'm afraid I don't have much knowledge in that matter he's trying so hard I'm on play along huh he doesn't come to the city very often so it's a pretty normal for him to not know anything yeah I feel like Hotel definitely has an idea really I've actually heard a few things about Mr Zhang Lee before the guests in the tavern talked about this refined and courteous man who instead of having wine at monstat's finest Tavern ordered a cup of hot tea with the most complex name now that you mention it I seem to recall that there indeed is a musician like yourself in monstat I've heard that he's elegant and amiable his Works witty and vibrant it's no overstatement to regard him as the best Bard in monstat now you're making me embarrassed I would say that monstat's poetry is a little run-of-the-mill sometimes there's one I heard a while back that went the old house is renewed welcoming the spring Breeze Awakening old memories the meanings there but the word choices are unimaginative and there's a distinct lack of literary Flair I think so too the composition needs a little jazzing up oh are you gonna bust out some Rhymes you tell if I were to give it a go I'd make it an old melon on a vine a new flower that grows fine oh good one there she goes unique and has a nice ring to it you have great taste bendy I was afraid about you let's shake hands oh my god of course of course hmm hey mind learning me a few books when we get back don't well written ones I don't know if it's my own lack of literary knowledge but I couldn't tell the difference between those two I don't think it's your fault speaking of why is its own Bart here I heard that Lila will be hosting a lantern ripe Music Festival this year as a musician myself how could I possibly resist the temptation to come take a look or listen I'm getting to know other musical styles is essential to sparking inspiration don't you think but the music festival wasn't planned beforehand as for the Fontaine friend who hosted the festival I saw him near Stonegate the other day the iridescence tour has finally been held successfully for once so I had to congratulate him yeah he was definitely here listening by the way I was watching as you entered shinya kiosk but no one seemed to notice me yeah he's that he he was definitely here for so long and we we never noticed him did I say that it's because I'm an expert in hiding or that a certain someone deliberately ignored the sound of the Wind [Laughter] whenever Lantern Right comes around Leo Harbor becomes bustling with activity people are all busy watching the lanterns and strolling around the shops and they might just go travel somewhere on a whim it is rather difficult to predict another's whereabouts the festival is in full swing and proceeding smoothly and we're all gathered here with Friends new and old this is no doubt a wonderful occasion worth celebrating to come together with all of you at the beginning of the year one can't help but be filled with joy in A Moment Like This I propose we raise a glass together in my case tea in lieu of wine ah very well said Mr Zhang Lee that was exactly what I wanted to say yeah he's gonna raise up some wine now I'm getting a little self-conscious I didn't cause you too much trouble barging in like that did I we usually drink wine during occasions like this over in monstat but since Mr Zhang Lee insists on drinking tea I'll give a toast with tea too everyone thanks for the treat you're welcome as the host of this Gathering I hope everyone enjoys the food and drinks may this year be better than the last considering that everyone may have other matters to attend to later sticking to tea seems like a good idea true don't want to be drunk on the job uh uh does y'all want to say something what's with the urgency are you done eating wanna head out for a walk sure it's always nice to have a breath of fresh air after a meal helps with digestion um I it's you you're still hungry right uh yeah don't worry we'll be back soon okay then oh it's okay Papa you'll be all right about you and venti uh could he be a partner in your family business that's right you know how my family is a lot of business Secrets can't just be divulged at the dinner table ah just as I thought they tried so hard to not give away his pen name I feel so bad did you talk about anything interesting before we started the meal anything fun I missed out on oh we were talking about cooking Mr zhangli told us that he went on a trip to Chao Yang Village the other day and got a hold of some uncommon ingredients tea seed oil and sesame oil he suggested I try using those in my new dishes oh no wonder he left his post for so long that day those ingredients would be difficult for anyone else to find except you didn't find them I guess I'll need his help next time as well you know you're alone to be honest my mom's worried about seeing the wrong thing Palmas always so worried about being left alone from us I wonder it seems like our new friend is an expert in wine I deserve no such praise I only drink for fun it's nothing compared to your expertise I'm glad we're only having tea today what if I got drunk and said something nonsensical I'd surely become an object of ridicule to someone I've just met no such thing I wouldn't dare disrespect the director's guest they're so polite let's depart are you all right I should be the one asking you that it's hard to describe unfamiliar with Gatherings like this it's not that there were those among the Adept I Who Loved Gatherings and idle Chit Chat sometimes they would call up a few others for a drink even I got dragged along to their Gatherings many times the Adept I all have their Specialties making most of them proud and arrogant everything they say is Straight From the Heart it never gets too complicated but this time I understand it's all Zhang Lee's fault is venti's Fault hmm let's say it's venti's I'm not sure if the if the option changes depending on who you say no no I didn't mean that so you know his true identity I'll get straight to the point then the Animo archon is a free spirit and his temperament is as carefree as the music he plays on the flute it's easy for a god like him to live in harmony with humans and that's something I might never be able to do you do you bro you don't gotta be like anybody else that does sound like something you would say no matter I know my circumstances whenever I think of the ordinary conversations I've had with you it feels strangely novel strange in a good way yes the Parlor director went out of her way with the invitation so it was difficult to turn her down I had made mental preparations before agreeing to come she told me that all the guests today would be acquainted with elemental power and I knew that you would be here but I didn't expect the other guests to be no one would have guessed General capis has always said that we should live in the present and enjoy every pleasant surprise perhaps that's what I should do with what I'm feeling now oh but I think he meant designing clothes for those around him clothes were intricately designed but inconvenient to wear brother bosacious never tried to hide his distaste in front of him Rex lapis did like his designs and even collected quite a few the outfit he wears now was also designed by General capisis himself oh really yeah I never saw him wear this during the war I didn't expect him to start wearing it later oh here you are um I'm not intruding right you're not what is it a hotel saw that everyone's done eating and asked the staff to bring out the desserts oh my God so anxious that you weren't back yet but you scarfed down her dessert without the usual slurping and munching oh my God but not so anxious that she can't eat sounds like she'll be okay I was kind of kind of worried too now I thought you weren't used all made you're worrying too much I'll go disappearing on us why would I anyway let's head back sweet there's another reason why I came looking for you here take these I brought them for you almond tofu oh since the masterful chef's competition you could say that Yen Xiao and I are not only competitors but good friends as well I visit him at Wong shuin sometimes to discuss their cooking I heard him say that the esteemed guests on the roof loves nothing more than a good plate of almond tofu so I learned a thing or two about the dish from him I'll be honest before hutao invited everyone she secretly came looking for me told me about the guests she planned to invite and asked me for some suggestions on what she should order oh so I made a few servings of almond Tofu for you guys in advance take them as a token of gratitude for your support when I told globa that I was making these for you he started eagerly running around the kitchen and helping a lot too oh of course thank you Shang Ling and goba thank you for the trouble there was no need to I'll take them thank you and guoba too welcome that's so cute and feels a little different from the type Yen Xiao Cooks please let me know if there's any improvements I should make okay alrighty we should head back now we can't keep time on waiting pinemont's probably so nervous she's literally eating the table you're finally done Whispering secrets to each other so much for promising pymon you'll be back soon we were pretty quick you're only angry because you have no sense of time wait a minute is that foreshadowing it again you say that to my mind in that case besides having no sense of time hi Mama let you know what having no sense of fullness looks like your dessert is all pymon sorry to keep everyone waiting she's so mad no words we're all just chatting chatting here there's no serious business to take care of whether we're chatting outside or inside it's all the same so I have to be more like hutau pymon it's too busy eating to talk to you she's pouting now and she really doesn't like him when the traveler is away from firebot but even though we're all well acquainted by now I think this festive Gathering deserves something ceremonious oh is this some local custom nope this is something I made up so that good luck will be on our side that's all spontaneity is the best choice to make here um let's use this incense burner on the table it's been lit for so long now that the incense is running out I'll leave refilling and lighting the incense to the most distinguished guest among us all um lighting the incense will signify continuous growth and prosperity in all our endeavors in the new year I see perfect symbolism as expected of Hotel round of applies let's go hotel and speaking of the most distinguished guest here today I'm sure we all agree that it's Mr Zhang Lee yup I'm not very familiar with the details of his past Deeds chatting with him has been a real eye-opener even for a Bard who has traveled all across the world if knowledge were a form of power one could even say that you're a wielder of unlimited strength but when it comes to having a way with words the notable Bard is certainly one Cut Above the Rest I just happen to have a good memory it is such an unexceptional skill yet you made it sound like an unparalleled talent I am truly impressed they're both competing with each other since we all get to nominate someone we're gonna nominee Venti hi Mom why are you so mad I think it's only fair that we let the Parlor director like the incense huh that won't do don't flatter me just because I'm your boss we are looking for the most distinguished guest here as the host I shouldn't be involved in this discussion at all now that we've enjoyed this table full of Delicacies how about we let our one and only Chef here do the honors is this really the way this works I didn't cook any of these dishes it's not a big deal just look at her xiangling the disciple of an adeptice the stove God's best companion the winner of the masterful chef's competition yeah yeah the heir of the famous one mean restaurant good old friend of mine she's hyping her up so much are hit the boys counts largest Commerce killed in Leo Harbor huh don't get me involved in this oh not a bad choice with the Commerce Guild's young Master lighting the incense we're all sure to make a huge sum of Mora in the New Year oh my that's not how it works making a fortune is indeed a fine wish but it's of lesser importance than good health and happiness which means we should choose Chong Yoon the skilled Exorcist who keeps everyone's home safe from evil spirits huh now you're nominating me I can't be the one when we have the Conqueror of demons right here but depth to Xiao has the most seniority among everyone here today we should I refuse I said no only not the most distinguished guest here you're going to say is about to get two votes you should all be able to make the right judgment based on your observations wait don't one person here is well acquainted with everyone else it's gonna be me bruh that's right so with other people see you again I'm not the only well-connected person here though huh who else is there take a look in the mirror huh pinemont's the most distinguished guest yes oh well that was unexpected congratulations Batman I agree pymon's just the one we need without a friend constantly by your side a long journey would become dreadfully Lonesome but once you have someone there to brighten up the atmosphere everything along the way will become Lively and vibrant too ah the traveler has traversed many nations and left behind a great deal of fascinating stories but without pymon they would have become quite monotonous true actually we gotta give credit where credit is due without Palmetto would be a little bit boring pymon plays an indispensable role in making your journey a happy and smooth one eyes Pokemon's not used to being praised like that I don't those are genuine compliments right of course you're the best travel companion ever thank you you may buy my weight for a long time but my one's not mad anymore don't take everything to heart pymon friends tease each other all the time hmm that is indeed true not I trust the Traveler's judgment then pay my it is yay and now the world's most excellent traveler's greatest companion guide and friend pymon will be refilling and lighting the incense for us yay here you go take the match and don't burn yourself but if things go really wrong here's the two for one coupon oh my God clumsily I once had the fill of delicious food and tea It's Time to Say Goodbye no getting late I won't take up any more of your time you're all free to go as you please food and desserts were delicious thanks for the treat director yep the tea was amazing too you don't have to go up polite on me just remember to come when I invite you next time hmm let's see it's dark out so I'm going to accompany xiangling sing Cho and changing back home as for the rest of the guests I'll leave them to our consultant yeah I gotta take the kids home I'm headed towards the harbor to meet a friend on the ship there's no need to trouble one such as Mr Zhang Lee I think you know the place I'm talking about come meet me anytime I will it was great getting to know you all let's meet again when the spring Breeze begins to blow bye oh we should write poetry together sometime bye-bye we'll catch you all later then don't forget to return to the Parlor later there's something I need you to do understood see you later bye bye well then Rex lapis just Zhang Lee will do I live as a mortal in Leo Harbor now I am just one among many who Begin work at Sunrise and retire to rest at sundown if we were to consider status and seniority as Zhong Lee I should be respectfully referring to you as a debt to show ah not you too I meant what I said I heard that during the lantern Reich Music Festival you conferred with Street word Rambler and Cloud retainer I take it as you've gained a lot more knowledge about the past yep more lore which is which was actually really cool the same truth will sound different coming from different people as more bear witness to a story feelings and interpretations expand in variety too I once had a pleasant chat about the past and present with a sumeru scholar named Soraya and learned a few things about her research topic from the evidence she found in the conclusion she made her area of research is already very close to the truth but there are multiple sides to humans and gods alike in the Legends recorded by humans some gods were depicted as arrogant and condescending While others were kind and capable but whether to me streetward Rambler Cloud retainer or younger adeptide such as Xiao and gonyu those Adept eye and gods that may seem extraordinary to humans are something more akin to close companions yeah this was as true back then as it is right now oh just how shall may seem unapproachable to most but the traveler has proved otherwise so there's no need to dwell too much on certain things oh Rex La um Zhang Lee what you're saying is it looks like you understood what I meant ah the director asked me to accompany you on your return but I don't think you'll need my protection I'll be taking a walk around and admiring the night scenery ah after that it'll be time for me to go back and meet up with the director goodbye for now bye everyone's gone now is he gonna disappear on us Hyman always feels a little empty inside when a lively celebration ends so like at least you always stay by time on side no no no I'm gonna mix up Hi man the best and most distinguished travel guide will always stay by your side traveler I'm afraid there'll be a lot to ask of you in the future too most distinguished I'm on good that you were aware of that Michelle is there anything else you want to do we could take you on a tour of leeway Harbor no need I've stayed here for much longer than I had expected the city lights are a fine sight but it's time for me to leave oh okay the events of today occurred so abruptly I appreciate your kindness my feelings Mutual man I wish we could see more of these interactions okay I'll see you next time then bye okay now I need to get a move on and wrap my next song listen to you you only just fulfilled one lifetime dream are you really thinking about your next goal already don't try to tell me you ain't the same way I bet you've already thought up a name for your next Opera haven't you you know me too well shinyan the adduct is seeking voyage how does that sound oh my yeah yeah I capture it I've also got just the finishing line for it I'll close with and the celestial Melody echoed through the clouds forevermore we gotta wait one more year for that hello old friends the vegetables are fresh and there are enough Wheats and Grains stocked up I'll pass on the seafood oh it's you we meet again surprised to see me here it's the director's orders xiangling worked all day and night at the restaurant during the festival and didn't get to have any time to enjoy the festivities the director sent me here to help out in the kitchen Ling will have some time to herself when I get to see Zhang lead in an apron but with someone as hard working as you around there seems to be nothing much for me to do it feels good seeing my old friend in the kitchen fetching ingredients and lighting fires perhaps I should borrow Cloud retainer Supreme Cuisine machine to speed things up troll you'd still prefer to make them by hand but of course or bustle Q the Lantern ride celebrations are getting better by the year such wonderful music you could barely see Gigi Dr baiju I've brought the herbs who are they for the singers performing at a music festival is very demanding using these herbs in good time will protect their voices from damage ah oh that's why you were preparing them all night I dared not neglect the yuhung's request her messenger was quite insistent that it should take top priority let me double check again this one is for hey don't tell me you called me over for just a game of chess you have to be more specific Captain Beto is it that you find playing chess and uninteresting activity or that you're unhappy about my lack of novel ideas if you don't specify what you mean how could I know what I should do to please you of course make a single remark and you reply with a full-blown lecture maybe we should deal with all official Affairs publicly in the future it might just make things easier yeah I'd be perfectly happy with that I'm just worried that Captain Beto's business might be negatively affected don't give me that that woman from Yen Chang tea house sometimes comes aboard to ask for information requested the fleet to import some Goods but how could I not know who she's actually working for oh you sure know a lot Captain Beto how about I ask her to come over or maybe we go straight to her tea house with one more person around we'll be able to have some variety in our chess games I hope that that would be less of a bore to you foreign [Music] Village had a great time too watching so Village you mean what am I doing here well just now I did a performance for everyone although I can't play an instrument anywhere near as well as master I can still sing even granny roostin said I did a great job oh she also gave me some candies oh hi it's all about Madame ping Masters told me a lot of stories about the Adept eye there was Sky bracer with the giant deer horns and see gazer who love to collect treasure sometimes Master talks and talks for a long time until her voice starts to sound sad but then she always breaks into a smile again and tells me all of the things each of them loved best about Lele I love everything about leeway oh some of the adapter are gone now but it's okay because I'm gonna help take care of everyone in their stead ah very admirable yeah yeah about Dvorak I'm happy that Mr Dvorak found the fairy lady from his story and I'm also happy that it turned out it was Master all along also I helped out this time too didn't I so that means I was paying homage to my master homage yeah oh also Mr Dvorak got one of his friends to bring me a toy from Fontaine I like it a lot oh at first I didn't know whether I was supposed to accept it or not but then Master said it was okay so I did oh she's so cute granny you play so beautifully do you think you could teach me oh child you simply never stop do you this Festival is a rare chance to rest and relax but here you are pestering me to teach you this that and the other don't worry granny I'm a fast learner and anyway the sooner I start learning the sooner we'll be able to perform a duet together a musical Duo is only as good as its weakest link so you gotta teach me all your secrets okay all right all right you can start by making me some more tea and leaving it to cool on the side sure granny this is such a cool ship facing the Sea Breeze and gazing out at the soaring seagulls ah makes me want to sing out loud how about I stay here and be our ship's resident Bard what are my prospects with your level of artistic finesse I'm sure nothing will go wrong but I'm afraid the sailors aboard are not the most versed in the Arts they probably wouldn't understand the deeper meaning their poetry holds you can't say that for sure poetry is spur of the moment Creations anyone viewing the same sights and experiencing the same atmosphere would surely understand there's a port in monstat too but I rarely get the chance to board any of the ships speaking of ships everything's perfect about this one except except [Music] um could you tell your captain that my height says nothing of my age I'm away past drinking age how often does one get to enjoy a seafood Feast on a ship it'll be a real shame if there isn't anything stronger to enhance the food pretty please there's not much I can do about that no it's not because Captain Beto's not on the ship right now but because there's no room for negotiation on this matter even I have to sit in the no drinking Zone every time so if you're a short male you're not allowed to drink in this ship wow [Music] drunk after just a few sick can hold my liquor really well uh-huh Yen Xiao just came up here with some almond tofu but I haven't finished everything Sean Lin gave me yet huh you should try some too I'm not as experienced in tasting mortal food as you and I couldn't tell the difference yummy thank you there must be many different stories to tell of the hustle and bustle of the mortal world too you can tell me I will listen gladly singtel you have to be honest honest about what juventy really means why are you suddenly asking that huh aren't they book buddies yeah we met a few times at a book convention that's all oh really with that extraordinary demeanor and literary Talent he's definitely not just any Bard if he's someone that could hold his ground in a conversation with a consultant he needs to at least be as talented as me um perhaps you're overthinking this matter Hotel shincho wouldn't lie to us okay I'll tell you the truth huh sincho I'm actually a fan of fenty's poetry he lied even more he's so good at this you all know that I love reading and sometimes come across poetry from monstat among those works I admire the ones penned by venti the most just as hutau said his Artistry is the reflection of his personality remarkable Grace and exceptional literary talent I guess venti didn't tell you the whole truth back at the restaurant because it didn't want to embarrass me in front of everyone he's such a considerate person oh yes right I can confirm that okay was busy with other things he asked me to buy him poetry books in secret I see didn't sound like too much of a big deal you could have told us right away well I'm telling you now aren't I wow oh so that's your story forget it let's drop this topic I feel like who Town knows that that was a lie it's not often that the four of us are all together what should we do next hide and seek Hopscotch or some shopping since there's four of us why don't we borrow a mahjong set magnificent absolutely magnificent you mean the show yes when I heard the music coming from up in the clouds I was so stunned I could barely think or move I felt like it had a special kind of hold over me or maybe it was The adeptal Power Within the Music and The Ensemble at the end was truly Sublime I felt like I would have started to cry if I hadn't been one of the performers on the stage I was about to cry too what are your plans for the future well lady ning Wong the tianchuan of the liuet shishing has invited me to visit her again at Eugene Terrace to discuss a long-term collaboration plan I do hope everything goes well and that we have more opportunities to collaborate in the future oh boy the next time we have another performance you'll have to come I will save the best seat for you oh I hope we get to see that so about the fairy lady I've already given her my thanks in person this is what she said it is only natural to lend a hand when we see someone in distress the wonderful music you brought to leeway is worth far more than gratitude truly I I felt so honored ah but I've also made a decision for myself I will strive to create even more wonderful original music for this era our era let's go I hope we see him in Fontaine also Vlad and Nadia are still together they just talk about how much they like music very cute
Channel: bwaap
Views: 324,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, genshin impact lantern rite, lantern rite, lantern rite festival, genshin lantern rite, bwap, bwapp, bwaap, genshin bwap, genshin bwapp, genshin bwaap, genshin impact bwaap, genshin impact bwapp, genshin impact bwap, genshin impact 3.4
Id: SnnPeYhbUXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 18sec (8178 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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